Scie 4

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Name: ____________________________________ Date: __________________

Teacher: __________________________________ Section: _______________

1. It is a small particle of rock that contains decayed tiny organisms and plants.
A. clay C. sand
B. loam D. soil
2. The kind of soil that is sticky when wet and has the finest texture.
A. clay C. humus
B. loam D. sand
3. It is a mixture of sand and clay.
A. clay C. humus
B. loam D. sand
4. It is a dark color organic material which is made up of decaying plants and animals found in the uppermost layer of the
A. clay C. humus
B. loam D. sand
5. The particles of this soil are coarse and loose.
A. clay C. loam
B. humus D. sand

6. Which property of soil could students determine by rubbing a sample between their fingers?
A. texture of the soil B. the color of the soil
C. the soil’s ability to support life D. the processes to form the soil
7. Many plants can grow well in loam soil. Why is that so?
A. it is very rarely found in a garden
B. it consists of small particles of weathered rock.
C. it is slightly packed together with each other with very little or no airspace
D. it has the ability to retain moisture and nutrients, hence, it is more suitable for farming.
8. Most of the water on Earth is .
A. fresh water C. salt water
B. lake water D. wet water

9. Most of the freshwater on Earth is used for ___________.

A. agricultural C. taking a bath
B. drinking D. water balloons

10. About 68% of this water is used as freshwater on earth.

A. groundwater B. springwater C. oxygen-rich water D. surface water

11. These 2 sources of freshwater are used for d rinking water.

A. icebergs and rivers
B. groundwater and oceans
C. rivers and groundwater
D. oceans and icebergs
12. A good way of conserving water is to .
A. leave the shower running while soaping.
B. leave the tap running while brushing teeth.
C. use a hose to wash the car.
D. use less water when doing laundry.
13. Which is NOT a way that the human body uses water?
A. For transport C. To keep us upright
B. For chemical reaction D. To bring nutrients to cell
14. Why is water important in our daily lives?
A. It is fresh and salty.
B. It is a universal solvent.
C. It is used in many ways.
D. It is made up of hydrogen and oxide.
15. We can operationally define water cycle as .
A. as the continuous circulation of water between land, bodies of water, and in the atmosphere.
B. an exchange of water coming from the ocean-going the land areas.
C. the formation of clouds and becomes water.
D. the three forms of water when melted.
16. Which of the following shows the complete Water Cycle process?
A. condensation – evaporation – collection – precipitation
B. precipitation – collection – precipitation - condensation
C. condensation – evaporation – precipitation – collection
D. precipitation – condensation – evaporation - collection
17. Which of the following stages of the water cycle where water becomes a gas?
A. Runoff B. Condensation C. Evaporation D. Precipitation

18. Which of the following may possibly happen when clouds become heavy and can no longer the moisture in the

Water will undergo sublimation
Water will undergo condensation
Water will undergo evaporation
Water will undergo precipitation
19. How do clouds form from water vapor?
A. Evaporation then precipitation
B. Precipitation then condensation
C. Condensation then precipitation
D. Evaporation then run off

20. A cold, closed bottle of water is left in the sun. Water forms on one of the outside of the bottle. Which process describes this
A. Evaporation B. Water vapor C. precipitation D. condensation

21. Which of the following happens when clouds become heavy and reach their saturation point?
A. They will undergo condensation
B. They will undergo evaporation
C. They will undergo precipitation
D. They will undergo sublimation
22. Which of the following is used to measure wind speed?
A. anemometer B. thermometer C. barometer D. wind vane

23. Which instrument tells the direction of the wind?

A. anemometer B. thermometer C. barometer D. wind vane
24. Which of these is used to measure air temperature?
A. anemometer B. thermometer C. barometer D. wind vane
25. Which Science instruments is used to measure the amount of rainfall?
A. anemometer B. thermometer C. barometer D. wind vane

26. In what scale do we measure the actual temperature?

A. Celcius B. Fahrenheit C. degree D. A and B

27. When the sky is cloudy, the air is cooler. Why?

A. The clouds are heavy.
B. The temperature is high.
C. The temperature is normal.
D. The clouds block the heat of the sun.
28. What does temperature tell us?
A. It tells the direction of the wind.
B. It tells how hot or cold the air is.
C. It tells the speed of the wind.
D. It tells the sky condition.

29. Which of the following activities will you do during stormy weather?
A. I will fly a kite.
B. I will join the field trip to Baguio City.
C. I will play with my classmates at the park.
D. I will stay at home and listen for the weather report.

30. What is a safety measure during a typhoon?

A. play outside
B. stay outside and watch the lightning.
C. stay indoors and watch the weather news.
D. if there is no shelter, remain standing outside.

31. When is storm signal no.4 raised in a certain place?

A. There is massive damage in affected communities.
B. The impact of winds may cause twigs and branches of small tress to be broken.
C. When there is a very strong wind with a speed of more than 185 kph
D. A and C are correct
32. Which of the following is a reason why accidents happen in the sea?
A. The sun is shining brightly.
B. The captain of the ship is ignorant.
C. Seafarers ignore the weather forecast.
D. The ship’s crew did not join the group.

33. Typhoon signal no.1 is raised over the place where you live. Classes are not suspended. However, the place where you live gets
flooded easily when it rains. Would you go to school? Why or why not?
A. I will not go to school but just play in the rain.
B. I will not go to school but just go with my friends.
C. I will go to school because my teacher might be angry.
D. I will not go to school because I might be caught in the flood.
34. What signal is raised when the winds bring light to moderate damages to the communities affected?
A. signal no.1 C. signal no.3
B. signal no.2 D. signal no.4
35. At what time of the day the shadow is longest?
A. 12:00 noon
B. 8:00 in the morning
C. 6:00 in the morning
D. 2:00 in the afternoon
36. When the sun appears higher in the sky, the shadow gets .
A. bigger C. longest
B. longer D. shorter

37. At what time of the day the shadow gets shorter?

A. at noon C. in the evening
B. at midday D. in the morning

38. How does the sun’s heat and light affect the environment?
A. It causes the changes in temperature.
B. It helps the plants in making their food.
C. It sustains the life of animals, plants and humans.
D. All of the above
39. Which gives us enough heat and light in order to live?
A. electricity C. hydro power plant
B. generator D. sun

40. Is water cycle possible without the sun’s heat? Why?

A. Yes, because condensation process continuous.
B. No, because precipitation process is delayed.
C. No, because evaporation process is lacking.
D. Yes, because electricity process is delayed.

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