OLED55B8 OLED65B8 : Read Lásd

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OLED65B8* 1 2 3

12 14 16 20

(M4 X L12)

12 14 16 20

(M5 X L25)

4 5 6

Read Safety and Reference. Magyar Lásd: Biztonsági óvintézkedések.

For the power supply and power consumption, refer A tápellátásra és az áramfogyasztásra vonatkozó
to the label attached to the product. adatok a készülékre ragasztott címkén találhatók.
Bitte lesen Sie Sicherheitshinweise und Referenzen! Przeczytaj
Informationen zur Stromversorgung und zum Stromver- Dokładne informacje o zasilaniu i zużyciu energii są
brauch sind dem Etikett auf dem Gerät zu entnehmen. umieszczone na etykiecie znajdującej się na produkcie.
Français . Česky Přečtěte si část Bezpečnost areference.
Informace o napájení a příkonu naleznete na štítku
. připevněném k výrobku.
Consultare la sezione Sicur riferiment Slovenčina Prečítajte si časť Bezpečnosť a odkazy.
Per l'alimentazione e il consumo di energia, consultare Informácie o zdroji napájania a spotrebe elektrickej
l'etichetta applicata sul prodotto. energie nájdete na štítku pripojenom k zariadeniu.
7 8 9
Leer Română Citiţi Siguranţă şi referinţe.
Para obtener información acerca de la fuente de alimentación Pentru sursa de alimentare şi consumul de energie,
y el consumo de energía, consulte la etiqueta del producto. consultaţi eticheta ataşată pe produs.
Consulte o manual de Segurança e Referência. Български Прочетете Безопасност и справки.
Направете справка с етикета на продукта за
електрозахранването и консумацията на енергия.
Lees Veiligheid en referentie Eesti Lugege jaotist Ohutus ja viited.
Informatie over de stroomvoorziening en het stroomver- Toiteallika ja energiatarbe kohta saate teavet tootele
bruik vindt u op het label op het product. kinnitatud märgiselt.
Ελληνικά Ανάγνωση Ασφάλεια και Αναφορά. Lietuvių k. Perskaitykite Saugumas ir nuorodos
Για πληροφορίες σχετικά με την τροφοδοσία και την Informacijos apie maitinimą ir energijos sąnaudas
κατανάλωση ενέργειας, δείτε την ετικέτα του προϊόντος. rasite etiketėje ant gaminio.
Slovenščina Preberite Varnostne informacije in napotki. Latviešu Izlasiet Drošībai un uzziņai.
Podatke o napajanju in porabi energije si oglejte na Informāciju par elektroenerģijas padevi un patēriņu
nalepki izdelka. skatiet izstrādājumam pievienotajā etiķetē.
Hrvatski Pročitajte Sigurnost i reference. Srpski Pročitajte Bezbednost i informacije.
Informacije o napajanju i potrošnji energije potražite na Da biste saznali informacije u vezi sa napajanjem i
oznaci koja se nalazi na proizvodu. potrošnjom energije, pogledajte oznaku na proizvodu.
Shqip Lexo Sigur . Norsk Les Sikkerhet og referanse.
Për ushqimin me energji dhe . konsumin e energjisë, Hvis du vil ha informasjon om strømforsyning og strømfor-
shih etiketën e ngjitur në produkt. bruk, kan du se på etiketten som er festet på produktet.
Pročitajte Sigurnost i upućivanje. Dansk Læs Sikkerhed og Reference.
Informacije o napajanju električnom energijom i potrošnji električne Du kan få oplysninger om strømforsyning og strømfor-
energije možete pronaći na naljepnici koja se nalazi na proizvodu. brug på mærket, der sidder på produktet.
Македонски Про Suomi Lue Turvatoimet ja viittaukset.
Tietoja virtalähteestä ja virrankulutuksesta on laitteeseen
За напојувањето и потрошувачката на енергија, погледнете kiinnitetyssä tarrassa. : Depending on model / Abhängig vom Modell / Selon le modèle / In base al modello / En función del modelo / Dependendo do modelo / Afhankelijk van
ја етикетата која е прикачена на производот. het model / Ανάλογα με το μοντέλο / Odvisno od modela / Típusfüggő / Zależnie od modelu / Závisí na modelu / V závislosti od modelu / În funcţie de
model / В зависимост от модела / Sõltub mudelist / Priklauso nuo modelio / Atkarībā no modeļa / U zavisnosti od modela / Ovisno o modelu / Në
För strömförsörjning och strömförbrukning, se etiketten varësi të modelit / Ovisno o modelu / Во зависност од моделот / Beroende på modell / Avhengig av modell / Afhængigt af modellen / Mallin mukaan
på produkten.

Satellite IN

Satellite IN

Satellite IN



USB IN 0 1 2 E






1228 776 319 707 46.9 17.7 16.3

OLED65B8SLC 1449 901 319 831 46.9 23.1 21.7
Power requirement AC 100-240 V ~ 50 / 60 Hz


Safety and Reference

Please read this manual carefully before operating your set and
retain it for future reference.

*MFL70379704* www.lg.com
(1802-REV01) Copyright © 2018 LG Electronics Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Warning! Safety Instructions •• Ventilation
-- Install your TV where there is proper ventilation. Do not install in
a confined space such as a bookcase.
-- Do not install the product on a carpet or cushion.
-- Do not block or cover the product with cloth or other materials

while unit is plugged in.

RISK OF ELECTRIC SHOCK •• Take care not to touch the ventilation openings. When watching
DO NOT OPEN the TV for a long period, the ventilation openings may become hot.
CAUTION : TO REDUCE THE RISK OF ELECTRIC SHOCK, DO NOT •• Protect the power cord from physical or mechanical abuse, such as
REMOVE COVER (OR BACK). NO USER-SERVICEABLE PARTS INSIDE. being twisted, kinked, pinched, closed in a door, or walked upon.
REFER TO QUALIFIED SERVICE PERSONNEL. Pay particular attention to plugs, wall outlets, and the point where
the cord exits the device.
This symbol is intended to alert the user to the presence of •• Do not move the TV whilst the Power cord is plugged in.
uninsulated “dangerous voltage” within the product’s •• Do not use a damaged or loosely fitting power cord.
enclosure that may be of sufficient magnitude to constitute a risk •• Be sure do grasp the plug when unplugging the power cord. Do
of electric shock to persons. not pull on the power cord to unplug the TV.
This symbol is intended to alert the user to the presence of •• Do not connect too many devices to the same AC power outlet as
important operating and maintenance (servicing) this could result in fire or electric shock.
instructions in the literature accompanying the appliance. •• Disconnecting the Device from the Main Power
WARNING : TO REDUCE THE RISK OF FIRE AND ELECTRIC SHOCK, DO -- The power plug is the disconnecting device. In case of an
NOT EXPOSE THIS PRODUCT TO RAIN OR MOISTURE. emergency, the power plug must remain readily accessible.
•• Do not let your children climb or cling onto the TV. Otherwise, the
•• TO PREVENT THE SPREAD OF FIRE, KEEP CANDLES OR OTHER ITEMS TV may fall over, which may cause serious injury.
WITH OPEN FLAMES AWAY FROM THIS PRODUCT AT ALL TIMES. •• Outdoor Antenna Grounding (Can differ by country):
•• Do not place the TV and/or remote control in the following -- If an outdoor antenna is installed, follow the precautions below.
environments: An outdoor antenna system should not be located in the vicinity
-- Keep the product away from direct sunlight. of overhead power lines or other electric light or power circuits,
-- An area with high humidity such as a bathroom or where it can come in contact with such power lines or circuits
-- Near any heat source such as stoves and other devices that as death or serious injury can occur.
produce heat. Be sure the antenna system is grounded to provide some
-- Near kitchen counters or humidifiers where they can easily be protection against voltage surges and built-up static charges.
exposed to steam or oil. Section 810 of the National Electrical Code (NEC) in the U.S.A.
-- An area exposed to rain or wind. provides information with respect to proper grounding of the
-- Do not expose to dripping or splashing and do not place objects mast and supporting structure, grounding of the lead-in wire
filled with liquids, such as vases, cups, etc. on or over the to an antenna discharge unit, size of grounding conductors,
apparatus (e.g., on shelves above the unit). location of antenna discharge unit, connection to grounding
-- Near flammable objects such as gasoline or candles, or expose electrodes and requirements for the grounding electrode.
the TV to direct air conditioning. Antenna grounding according to the National Electrical Code,
-- Do not install in excessively dusty places. ANSI/NFPA 70
Otherwise, this may result in fire, electric shock, combustion/
explosion, malfunction or product deformation.

•• Grounding (Except for devices which are not grounded.) •• Handle the adapter carefully to avoid dropping or striking it. An
-- TV with a three-prong grounded AC plug must be connected to impact could damage the adapter.
a three-prong grounded AC outlet. Ensure that you connect the •• To reduce the risk of fire or electrical shock, do not touch the TV
earth ground wire to prevent possible electric shock. with wet hands. If the power cord prongs are wet or covered with
•• Never touch this apparatus or antenna during a lightning storm. dust, dry the power plug completely or wipe dust off.

You may be electrocuted. •• Batteries
•• Make sure the power cord is connected securely to the TV and wall -- Store the accessories (battery, etc.) in a safe location out of the
socket if not secured damage to the Plug and socket may occur reach of children.
and in extreme cases a fire may break out. -- Do not short circuit, disassemble, or allow the batteries to
•• Do not insert metallic or inflammable objects into the product. If a overheat. Do not dispose of batteries in a fire. Batteries should
foreign object is dropped into the product, unplug the power cord not be exposed to excessive heat.
and contact the customer service. •• Moving
•• Do not touch the end of the power cord while it is plugged in. You -- When moving, make sure the product is turned off, unplugged,
may be electrocuted. and all cables have been removed. It may take 2 or more people
•• If any of the following occur, unplug the product to carry larger TVs. Do not press or put stress on the front panel
immediately and contact your local customer service. of the TV. Otherwise, this may result in product damage, fire
-- The product has been damaged. hazard or injury.
-- If water or another substance enters the product (like an AC •• Keep the packing anti-moisture material or vinyl packing out of
adapter, power cord, or TV). the reach of children.
-- If you smell smoke or other odors coming from the TV •• Do not allow an impact shock, any objects to fall into the product,
-- When lightning storms or when unused for long periods of time. and do not drop anything onto the screen.
Even the TV is turned off by remote control or button, AC power •• Do not press strongly upon the panel with a hand or a sharp
source is connected to the unit if not unplugged in. object such as a nail, pencil, or pen, or make a scratch on it. It may
•• Do not use high voltage electrical equipment near the TV (e.g., a cause damage to screen.
bug zapper). This may result in product malfunction. •• Cleaning
•• Do not attempt to modify this product in any way without written -- When cleaning, unplug the power cord and wipe gently with a
authorization from LG Electronics. Accidental fire or electric shock soft/dry cloth. Do not spray water or other liquids directly on the
can occur. Contact your local customer service for service or repair. TV. Do not clean your TV with chemicals including glass cleaner,
Unauthorized modification could void the user’s authority to any type of air freshener, insecticide, lubricants, wax (car,
operate this product. industrial), abrasive, thinner, benzene, alcohol etc., which can
•• Use only an authorized attachments / accessories approved by damage the product and/or its panel. Otherwise, this may result
LG Electronics. Otherwise, this may result in fire, electric shock, in electric shock or product damage.
malfunction, or product damage.
•• Never disassemble the AC adapter or power cord. This may result in
fire or electric shock.

Preparing Separate Purchase
•• If the TV is turned on for the first time after it was shipped from the Separate purchase items can be changed or modified for quality
factory, initialization of the TV may take a few minutes. improvement without any notification. Contact your dealer to buy these
•• Image shown may differ from your TV.

items. These devices only work with certain models.

•• Your TV’s OSD (On Screen Display) may differ slightly from that The model name or design may be changed depending on the upgrade
shown in this manual. of product functions, manufacturer’s circumstances or policies.
•• The available menus and options may differ from the input source
or product model that you are using.
•• New features may be added to this TV in the future.
Magic Remote Control
•• The device must be easily accessed to a location outlet near the (Depending on model)
access. Some devices are not made by turning on / off button,
turning off the device and unplugging the power cord. AN-MR18BA
•• The items supplied with your product may vary depending on the Check whether your TV model supports Bluetooth in the Wireless
model. Module Specification to verify whether it can be used with the Magic
•• Product specifications or contents of this manual may be changed Remote.
without prior notice due to upgrade of product functions.
•• For an optimal connection, HDMI cables and USB devices should
have bezels less than 10 mm thick and 18 mm width. Use an
extension cable that supports if the USB cable or USB
memory stick does not fit into your TV’s USB port.
B *A ≦ 10 mm
*B ≦ 18 mm

•• Use a certified cable with the HDMI logo attached.

•• If you do not use a certified HDMI cable, the screen may not display
or a connection error may occur. (Recommended HDMI Cable Types)
-- High-Speed HDMI®/TM cable (3 m or less)
-- High-Speed HDMI®/TM cable with Ethernet (3 m or less)

Wall Mounting Bracket Lifting and moving the TV
(Depending on model)
Please note the following advice to prevent the TV from being scratched
Make sure to use screws and wall mount bracket that meet the VESA
or damaged and for safe transportation regardless of its type and size.
standard. Standard dimensions for the wall mount kits are described in

the following table. •• It is recommended to move the TV in the box or packing material
that the TV originally came in.
•• Before moving or lifting the TV, disconnect the power cord and all
A cables.
•• When holding the TV, the screen should face away from you to
avoid damage.

Model OLED55/65C8* OLED77C8*
VESA (A x B) (mm) 300 x 200 400 x 200 •• Hold the side and bottom of the TV frame firmly. Make sure not
Standard screw M6 M6 to hold the transparent part, speaker, or speaker grill area. (Not
Number of screws 4 4 applicable for OLED55/65E8*)
Wall mount bracket OLW480B OLW480B

•  Remove the bracket itself and the protective film inside it

when installing the wall mount. (Only OLED55/65E8*)

•• When transporting a large TV, there should be at least 2 people.
•• When transporting the TV by hand, hold the TV as shown in the
Mounting on the Table
following illustration.
1 Lift and tilt the TV into its upright position on a table. 
•• Leave a 10 cm (minimum) space from the wall for proper


10 cm
(Only OLED55/65E8*) 10 cm 10 cm
•• Hold the side of the TV with one hand, and hold the bottom of the 10 cm
rear cover with the other. (Hold the rear cover when placing the TV
on the floor. Holding the bottom glass may result in injury.) (Only 10 cm
•• When transporting the TV, do not expose the TV to jolts or excessive
(Depending on model)
•• When transporting the TV, keep the TV upright, never turn the TV
2 Connect the power cord to a wall outlet.
on its side or tilt towards the left or right.
•• Do not apply excessive pressure to cause flexing / bending of frame
chassis as it may damage screen.
•• When handling the TV, be careful not to damage the protruding
•  Avoid touching the screen at all times, as this may result
in damage to the screen.
•  Do not move the TV by holding the cable holders, as the
cable holders may break, and injuries and damage to the
TV may occur.
•  When attaching the stand to the TV set, place the screen
facing down on a cushioned table or flat surface to •  If you install the TV on a stand instead of mounting it on a
protect the screen from scratches. wall, make sure that the removed brackets are reattached
at the bottom of the TV. (Only OLED55/65E8*)

•  Do not apply foreign substances (oils, lubricants, etc.) to

the screw parts when assembling the product. (Doing so
may damage the product.)
•  If you install the TV on a stand, you need to take actions
to prevent the product from overturning. Otherwise, the
product may fall over, which may cause injury.
•  Do not use any unapproved items to ensure the safety
and product life span.
•  Any damage or injuries caused by using unapproved
items are not covered by the warranty.
•  Make sure that the screws are inserted correctly and
fastened securely. (If they are not fastened securely
enough, the TV may tilt forward after being installed.)
Do not use too much force and over tighten the screws;
otherwise screw may be damaged and not tighten

Securing TV to the Wall Mounting to the Wall
Attach an optional wall mount bracket at the rear of the TV carefully
and install the wall mount bracket on a solid wall perpendicular to

the floor. When you attach the TV to other building materials, please
contact qualified personnel. LG recommends that wall mounting be
performed by a qualified professional installer. We recommend the use
of LG’s wall mount bracket. LG’s wall mount bracket is easy to move with
cables connected. When you do not use LG’s wall mount bracket, please
use a wall mount bracket where the device is adequately secured to the
(Depending on model) wall with enough space to allow connectivity to external devices. It is
advised to connect all the cables before installing fixed wall mounts.
1 Insert and tighten the eye-bolts, or TV brackets and bolts on the back
of the TV.
•• If there are bolts inserted at the eye-bolts position, remove the
bolts first. 10 cm
2 Mount the wall brackets with the bolts to the wall. Match the
location of the wall bracket and the eye-bolts on the rear of the TV. 10 cm 10 cm
10 cm
3 Connect the eye-bolts and wall brackets tightly with a sturdy rope.
Make sure to keep the rope horizontal with the flat surface.
10 cm
•• Use a platform or cabinet that is strong and large enough to
support the TV securely.
•• Brackets, bolts and ropes are not provided. You can obtain
additional accessories from your local dealer. (Depending on model)

•  Remove the stand before installing the TV on a wall

mount by performing the stand attachment in reverse.
•  For more information of screws and wall mount bracket,
refer to the Separate purchase.
•  If you intend to mount the product to a wall, attach VESA
standard mounting interface (optional parts) to the back
of the product. When you install the set to use the wall
mounting bracket (optional parts), fix it carefully so as
not to drop.
•  When mounting a TV on the wall, make sure not to install
the TV by hanging the power and signal cables on the
back of the TV.
•  Do not install this product on a wall if it could be exposed
to oil or oil mist. This may damage the product and cause
it to fall.

Connections Other connections
Connect your TV to external devices. For the best picture and audio
Connect various external devices to the TV and switch input modes to quality, connect the external device and the TV with the HDMI cable.
select an external device. For more information of external device’s Some separate cable is not provided.
connection, refer to the manual provided with each device.

Antenna/Cable •• Supported HDMI Audio format :
Connect the TV to a wall antenna socket with an RF cable (75 Ω). (Depending on model)
•• Use a signal splitter to use more than 2 TVs. DTS (44.1 kHz, 48 kHz, 88.2 kHz, 96 kHz),
•• If the image quality is poor, install a signal amplifier properly to DTS HD (44.1 kHz, 48 kHz, 88.2 kHz, 96 kHz, 176.4 kHz, 192 kHz),
improve the image quality. True HD (48 kHz),
•• If the image quality is poor with an antenna connected, try to Dolby Digital / Dolby Digital Plus (32 kHz, 44.1 kHz, 48 kHz),
realign the antenna in the correct direction. PCM (32 kHz, 44.1 kHz, 48 kHz, 96 kHz, 192 kHz)
•• An antenna cable and converter are not supplied.
•• For a location that is not supported with ULTRA HD broadcasting, (Only UHD models)
this TV cannot receive ULTRA HD broadcasts directly. (Depending •• → → ( ) → Picture → Additional Settings
on model) →
-- On : Support 4K @ 50/60 Hz (4:4:4, 4:2:2, 4:2:0)
-- Off : Support 4K @ 50/60 Hz 8 bit (4:2:0)
Satellite dish If the device connected to Input Port also supports ULTRA HD Deep
Connect the TV to a satellite dish to a satellite socket with a satellite RF Colour, your picture may be clearer. However, if the device doesn’t
cable (75 Ω). (Depending on model) support it, it may not work properly. In that case, change the TV’s
setting to off.
CI module USB
View the encrypted (pay) services in digital TV mode. (Depending on Some USB Hubs may not work. If a USB device connected using a USB
model) Hub is not detected, connect it to the USB port on the TV directly.
•• Check if the CI module is inserted into the PCMCIA card slot in the
right direction. If the module is not inserted properly, this can
cause damage to the TV and the PCMCIA card slot.
•• If the TV does not display any video and audio when CI+ CAM is
connected, please contact to the Terrestrial/Cable/Satellite Service

External Devices Using Button
Available external devices are: Blu-ray player, HD receivers, DVD players,
VCRs, audio systems, USB storage devices, PC, gaming devices, and You can simply operate the TV functions, using the button.
other external devices.

•• The external device connection may differ from the model.
•• Connect external devices to the TV regardless of the order of the
TV port.
•• If you record a TV program on a Blu-ray/DVD recorder or VCR, make
sure to connect the TV signal input cable to the TV through a DVD
recorder or VCR. For more information of recording, refer to the
manual provided with the connected device.
•• Refer to the external equipment’s manual for operating
•• If you connect a gaming device to the TV, use the cable supplied
with the gaming device.
•• In PC mode, there may be noise associated with the resolution,
vertical pattern, contrast or brightness. If noise is present, change
the PC output to another resolution, change the refresh rate to Basic functions
another rate or adjust the brightness and contrast on the PICTURE
menu until the picture is clear. Power On (Press)
•• In PC mode, some resolution settings may not work properly Power Off 1 (Press and hold)
depending on the graphics card.
•• If ULTRA HD content is played on your PC, video or audio may
become disrupted intermittently depending on your PC’s Volume Control
performance. (Depending on model)
•• When connecting via a wired LAN, it is recommended to use a CAT
7 cable. (Only when port is provided.) Programmes Control

1 All running apps will close, and any recording in progress will stop.
Remote RS-232C setup (Depending on country)

To obtain the RS-232C external control setup information, please visit Adjusting the menu
www.lg.com. Download and read the manual. (Depending on model) When the TV is turned on, press the button one time. You can adjust
the Menu items using the button.
•  Do not drop the product or let it fall over when
connecting external devices. Otherwise, this may result in Turns the power off.
injury or damage to the product. Accesses the settings menu.
•  When connecting external devices such as video game
Clears on-screen displays and returns to TV viewing.
consoles, make sure the connecting cables are long
enough. Otherwise, the product may fall over, which may Changes the input source.
cause injury or damage the product.

Using Magic Remote * To use the button, press and hold for more than 3 seconds.

Control (POWER) Turns the TV on or off.

You can turn your set-top box on or off by adding the set-
top box to the universal remote control for your TV.
(Depending on model)

Number buttons Enters numbers.

The descriptions in this manual are based on the buttons on the remote * You can access apps or Live TV using the number
control. Please read this manual carefully and use the TV correctly. buttons corresponding to the features.
When the message “Magic Remote battery is low. Please change the Accesses the saved programmes list.
battery.” is displayed, replace the battery. (Screen Remote) Displays the Screen Remote.
To replace batteries, open the battery cover, replace batteries (1.5 V AA) -- Accesses the Universal Control Menu.
matching the and ends to the label inside the compartment, * Audio descriptions function will be enabled.
and close the battery cover. Be sure to point the magic remote toward
Adjusts the volume level.
the remote control sensor on the TV. To remove the batteries, perform
the installation actions in reverse. (MUTE) Mutes all sounds.
* (MUTE) Accesses the Accessibility menu.
Scrolls through the saved programmes.
* (Voice recognition)
Network connection is required to use the voice recognition function.
Once the voice display bar is activated on the TV screen, press and hold
the button and speak your command out loud.
(HOME) Accesses the Home menu.
* (HOME) Shows the previous history.
(Q. Settings) Accesses the Quick Settings.
* (Q. Settings) Displays the All Settings menu.
Displays the set-top box Home menu.
-- When you are not watching via a set-top box: the display changes
to the set-top box screen.
Wheel (OK) Press the center of the Wheel button to select a
menu. You can change programmes by using the wheel button.
(up/down/left/right) Press the up, down, left or right
button to scroll the menu. If you press buttons while the
pointer is in use, the pointer will disappear from the screen and Magic
Remote will operate like a general remote control. To display the
pointer on the screen again, shake Magic Remote to the left and right.

1 2 1

(Some buttons and services may not be provided depending on models

or regions.)

Returns to the previous level. •  It is recommended that an Access Point (AP) be located
* Clears on-screen displays and returns to last input viewing. more than 0.2 m away from the TV. If the AP is installed
Shows programme guide. closer than 0.2 m, the Magic remote control may not
1 2 Streaming Service buttons Connects to the Video Streaming perform as expected due to frequency interference.
Service. •  Do not mix new batteries with old batteries. This may

(INPUT) Changes the input source. cause the batteries to overheat and leak.
•  Failure to match the correct polarities of the battery
* (INPUT) Displays a list of all the external inputs.
may cause the battery to burst or leak, resulting in fire,
, , , These access special functions in some menus.
personal injury, or ambient pollution.
* (Red Button) Runs the record function. •  This apparatus uses batteries. In your community there
Teletext buttons ( , ) These buttons are used for teletext. might be regulations that require you to dispose of these
By zooming in on the selected area, you can view it in batteries properly due to environmental considerations.
full screen. Please contact your local authorities for disposal or
* You can zoom in on the area where the remote control is recycling information.
pointed. •  Batteries inside or inside the product shall not be
exposed to excessive heat such as sunshine, fire or the
Registering Magic Remote Control like.

How to register the Magic Remote Control

To use the Magic Remote, first pair it with your TV.
1 Put batteries into the Magic Remote and turn the TV on.
2 Point the Magic Remote at your TV and press the Wheel (OK) on
the remote control.
* If the TV fails to register the Magic Remote, try again after turning
the TV off and back on.

How to deregister the Magic Remote

Press the and (HOME) buttons at the same time, for five
seconds, to unpair the Magic Remote with your TV.
* Pressing and holding the button will let you cancel and re-
register Magic Remote at once.

Troubleshooting Generated Sound
•• “Cracking” noise: A cracking noise that occurs when watching or
Cannot control the TV with the remote control. turning off the TV is generated by plastic thermal contraction due
to temperature and humidity. This noise is common for products
•• Check the remote control sensor on the product and try again. where thermal deformation is required.

•• Check if there is any obstacle between the product and the remote •• Electrical circuit humming/panel buzzing: A low level noise is
control. generated from a high-speed switching circuit, which supplies a
•• Check if the batteries are still working and properly installed ( large amount of current to operate a product. It varies depending
to , to ). on the product.
No image display and no sound is produced. This generated sound does not affect the performance and
•• Check if the product is turned on. reliability of the product.
•• Check if the power cord is connected to a wall outlet.
•• Check if there is a problem in the wall outlet by connecting other
The TV turns off suddenly. •  Make sure to wring any excess water or cleaner from
•• Check the power control settings. The power supply may be the cloth.
interrupted. •  Do not spray water or cleaner directly onto the TV screen.
•• Check if the auto-off function is activated on the settings related •  Make sure to spray just enough of water or cleaner onto a
time. dry cloth to wipe the screen.
•• If there is no signal while the TV is on, the TV will turn off
automatically after 15 minutes of inactivity.
When connecting to the PC (HDMI), no signal is detected.
•• Turn the TV off/on using the remote control.
•• Reconnect the HDMI cable.
•• Restart the PC with the TV on.

Abnormal Display
•• If the product feels cold to the touch, there may be a small “flicker”
when it is turned on. This is normal, there is nothing wrong with
•• This panel is an advanced product that contains millions of pixels.
You may see tiny black dots and/or brightly coloured dots (white,
red, blue or green) at a size of 1 ppm on the panel. This does not
indicate a malfunction and does not affect the performance and
reliability of the product.
This phenomenon also occurs in third-party products and is not
subject to exchange or refund.
•• You may find different brightness and colour of the panel
depending on your viewing position(left/right/top/down).
This phenomenon occurs due to the characteristic of the panel.
It is not related with the product performance, and it is not

Broadcasting Specifications
Digital TV Analogue TV

Television system
VHF III : 174 ~ 230 MHz
Channel coverage UHF IV : 470 ~ 606 MHz 46 ~ 862 MHz
(Band) 950 ~ 2,150 MHz 46 ~ 890 MHz UHF V : 606 ~ 862 MHz
S Band II : 230 ~ 300 MHz
S Band III : 300 ~ 470 MHz
Maximum number of
6,000 3,000
storable programmes
External antenna
75 Ω
CI Module (W x H x D) 100.0 mm x 55.0 mm x 5.0 mm

1 Depending on country

Wireless module (LGSBWAC72) Specifications

Wireless LAN (IEEE 802.11a/b/g/n/ac)
Frequency Range Output Power (Max.)

2,400 to 2,483.5 MHz 14 dBm

5,150 to 5,725 MHz 16.5 dBm
5,725 to 5,850 MHz (Not for EU) 11.5 dBm

Frequency Range Output Power (Max.)
2,400 to 2,483.5 MHz 8.5 dBm
As band channels can vary per country, the user cannot change or adjust the operating frequency. This product is configured for the regional
frequency table.
For consideration of the user, this device should be installed and operated with a minimum distance of 20 cm between the device and the body.
* “IEEE 802.11ac” is not available in all countries.

Environment condition
Operating Temperature 0 °C to 40 °C
Operating Humidity Less than 80 %
Storage Temperature -20 °C to 60 °C
Storage Humidity Less than 85 %

Open Source Software
Notice Information
To obtain the source code under GPL, LGPL, MPL, and other open source

licenses, that is contained in this product, please visit http://opensource.

In addition to the source code, all referred license terms, warranty
disclaimers and copyright notices are available for download.
LG Electronics will also provide open source code to you on CD-ROM
for a charge covering the cost of performing such distribution (such
as the cost of media, shipping, and handling) upon email request to
[email protected].
This offer is valid for a period of three years after our last shipment of
this product. This offer is valid to anyone in receipt of this information.

Supported licenses may differ by model.

Important Information for Information on Functions
Supporting Image Quality in
Preventing Image Retention
Relation to Temporary Image
OLED is a self-emissive technology, which brings many significant Retention

benefits to image quality and performance. As with any self-emitting
•  OLED TV offers a function called Pixel Refresher, which helps to
display, it is possible for users of OLED TVs to experience temporary
prevent temporary image retention. This function can be operated
image retention under certain conditions, such as when displaying a
automatically or manually.
static image on the screen for a long time. Even so, this phenomenon is
•  The auto feature will activate when the TV power is turned off, but
rare under ordinary viewing conditions and is not a malfunction. Below
only after the TV has been turned on for a cumulated total of four
sets forth helpful information you may refer to for using your OLED TV.
(4) hours or more, which need not be consecutive. Pixel Refresher
will automatically run for several minutes after the screen is
Examples of Images that may Cause turned off. (Please note that failure to supply the AC power or
Image Retention disconnecting the power cord from the outlet will disable the auto
•  Still images or fixed images containing certain information •  To manually activate Pixel Refresher, you will have to select
that are displayed uninterrupted on the screen, such as channel Picture → OLED Panel Settings → Pixel Refresher in
numbers, station logos, program titles, news or movie subtitles, the settings. Once manually activated, the function will run for
and headlines. approximately one (1) hour. During this time, a horizontal line may
•  Fixed menu or icons for video game consoles or broadcasting appear on the screen; however, this is not a malfunction.
set-top boxes. •  If Pixel Refresher has not been manually activated for a certain
•  Black bars shown on the left, right, top, or bottom of the screen, period of time, a pop-up window advising to activate this function
such as in images with a 4:3 or 21:9 ratio. will appear on the screen. Please follow the instructions set forth in
the pop-up window.
•  In addition to Pixel Refresher, there are other functions available
Recommended Measures for for protecting the screen from image retention. For example, a
Preventing Image Retention function that automatically reduces the screen brightness level, in
part or in whole, will be activated when a static image is displayed
•  Avoid watching a video displaying an image as listed above for
uninterrupted on the screen. Once the static image disappears, the
extended periods of time.
brightness level will automatically return to the previous level. This
•  Adjust your TV settings as below when turning on a video
function is an intended function, and not a malfunction.
exhibiting an image as listed above for extended periods of time.
-- Picture → Picture Mode Settings → Picture Mode →
-- Picture → Picture Mode Settings → OLED LIGHT →
Adjust to lower value
-- Picture → OLED Panel Settings → Logo Luminance
Adjustment → High
•  Turn off the menu bar of an external device, such as a set-top
box, to prevent long-term display of the menu bar of such device.
(Please refer to the manual of the applicable external device for
•  Adjust the settings as below when watching a video constantly
showing black bars on the left, right, top or bottom, in order to
remove the black bars.
-- Picture → Aspect Ratio Settings → Aspect Ratio →
Vertical Zoom or All-Direction Zoom


Please read this manual carefully before operating the set and retain it for
future reference.



• This feature is not available for all models.

Code Code
Function Note Function Note
(Hexa) (Hexa)
00 CH +, PR + R/C Button 53 List R/C Button
01 CH -, PR - R/C Button 5B Exit R/C Button
02 Volume + R/C Button 60 PIP(AD) R/C Button
03 Volume - R/C Button 61 Blue R/C Button
06 > (Arrow Key / Right Key) R/C Button 63 Yellow R/C Button
07 < (Arrow Key / Left Key) R/C Button 71 Green R/C Button
08 Power R/C Button 72 Red R/C Button
09 Mute R/C Button 79 Ratio / Aspect Ratio R/C Button
0B Input R/C Button 91 AD (Audio Description) R/C Button
0E SLEEP R/C Button 7A User Guide R/C Button
0F TV, TV/RAD R/C Button 7C Smart / Home R/C Button
10 - 19 * Number Key 0 - 9 R/C Button 7E SIMPLINK R/C Button
1A Q.View / Flashback R/C Button 8E ►► (Forward) R/C Button
1E FAV (Favorite Channel) R/C Button 8F ◄◄ (Rewind) R/C Button
20 Text (Teletext) R/C Button AA Info R/C Button
21 T. Opt (Teletext Option) R/C Button AB Program Guide R/C Button
28 Return (BACK) R/C Button B0 ► (Play) R/C Button
30 AV (Audio / Video) Mode R/C Button B1 ꕗ (Stop / File List) R/C Button
ꕘ (Freeze / Slow Play /
39 Caption/Subtitle R/C Button BA R/C Button
40 Λ (Arrow Key / Cursor Up) R/C Button BB Soccer R/C Button
V (Arrow Key / Cursor
41 R/C Button BD ꔄ (REC) R/C Button
42 My Apps R/C Button DC 3D R/C Button
43 Menu / Settings R/C Button 99 AutoConfig R/C Button
44 OK / Enter R/C Button 9F App / * R/C Button
45 Q.Menu R/C Button 9B TV/PC R/C Button
4C List, - (ATSC Only) R/C Button

* Key code 4C (0x4C) is available on ATSC/ISDB models which use major/minor channel.
(For South Korea, Japan, North America, Latin America except Colombia models)


• Image shown may differ from your TV.

Connect the USB to Serial converter/RS-232C input jack to an external control device (such as a computer
or an A/V control system) to control the product’s functions externally.

Note: The type of control port on the TV can be different between model series.

* Please be advised that not all models support this type of connectivity.
* Cable is not provided.

USB to Serial converter with USB Cable

USB Type

(PC) (TV)

• LGTV supports PL2303 chip-based (Vendor ID : 0x0557, Product ID :IN0x2008) USB to serial converter
which is not made nor provided by LG. (CONTROL & SERVICE)

• It can be purchased from computer stores that carry accessories for IT support professionals.(TV)
RS-232C With RS232C Cable

DE9 (D-Sub 9pin) Type
• You need to purchase the RS-232C (DE9, D-Sub 3 9pin female-to-female type) to RS-232C cable required

for the connection between the PC and the TV, which is specified in the manual.
(PC) (TV)
2 RS-232C IN

(PC) (TV)

The connection interface may differ from your TV. 1 (TV)

3 RS-232C IN
(PC) (TV)


(PC) (TV)
RS-232C IN
RS-232C IN

RS-232C IN
(PC) (TV)

(PC) (TV)
Phone jack Type

RS-232C IN
• You need to purchase the phone-jack to RS-232 cable required for &the connection between the PC and


the TV, which is specified in the manual. RS-232C IN
* For other models, connect to the USB port.
* The connection interface may differ from your TV.


(PC) 1


(PC) (TV)


- or

(PC) 3
1 (TV)
RS-232C IN
(PC) 2
RS-232C IN

Customer Computer RS-232C configurations

3-Wire Configurations(Not standard)
1 5 PC TV
RS-232C IN
2 2 TXD
RS-232C IN
3 1 RXD

6 9 OR
RS-232C RXD 3 2 TXD
(Serial port)
D-Sub 9 Phone

Set ID
For Set ID number, see "Real Data Mapping" on p.6

1. Press SETTINGS to access the main menus.

2. Press the Navigation buttons to scroll to (*General → About this TV or OPTION) and press OK.
3. Press the Navigation buttons to scroll to SET ID and press OK.
4. Scroll left or right to select a set ID number and select CLOSE. The adjustment range is 1-99.
5. When you are finished, press EXIT.
* (Depending on model)

Communication Parameters

• Baud rate : 9600 bps (UART) • Stop bit : 1 bit
• Data length : 8 bits • Communication code : ASCII code
• Parity : None • Use a crossed (reverse) cable.

Command reference list

(Depending on model)

(Hexadecimal) (Hexadecimal)
01. Power* k a 00 to 01 15. Balance k t 00 to 64
16. Color
02. Aspect
k c (p.7) (Colour) x u 00 to 64
17. ISM
03. Screen
k d (p.7) Method (Only j p (p.8)
Plasma TV)
04. Volume
k e 00 to 01 18. Equalizer j v (p.8)
05. Volume 19. Energy
k f 00 to 64 j q 00 to 05
Control Saving
20. Tune
06. Contrast k g 00 to 64 m a (p.9)
21. Channel m b 00 to 01
k h 00 to 64 (Programme)
08. Color/
k i 00 to 64 22. Key m c Key Codes
23. Control m g 00 to 64
09. Tint k j 00 to 64
Control Panel
10. 24. Input x b (p.11)
k k 00 to 32
Sharpness select (Main)
11. OSD 25. 3D (Only x t (p.11)
k l 00 to 01
Select 3D models)
12. Remote 26. Extended x v (p.11)
Control Lock k m 00 to 01 3D (Only 3D
Mode models)
27. Auto j u (p.12)
13. Treble k r 00 to 64 Configure

14. Bass k s 00 to 64

* Note: During playing or recording media, all commands except Power (ka) and Key (mc) are not
executed and treated as NG.
With RS232C cable, TV can communicate "ka command" in power-on or power-off status. but with
USB-to-Serial converter cable, the command works only if TV is on.

Transmission / Receiving Protocol


[Command1][Command2][ ][Set ID][ ][Data][Cr]

[Command 1] : First command to control the TV. (j, k, m or x)

[Command 2] : Second command to control the TV.
[Set ID] : You can adjust the [Set ID] to choose desired monitor ID number in option menu.
Adjustment range in TV is 1 to 99. If [Set ID] value is selected to ‘0’, every connected set
can be controlled.
* [Set ID] is indicated as decimal (1 to 99) on menu and as Hexadecimal (0x00 to 0x63) on
transmission/receiving protocol.
[DATA] : To transmit command data (hexadecimal). Transmit ‘FF’ data to read status of command.
[Cr] : Carriage Return - ASCII code ‘0x0D’
[ ] : Space – ASCII code ‘0x20’

OK Acknowledgement
[Command2][ ][Set ID][ ][OK][Data][x]

* The set transmits ACK (acknowledgement) based on this format when receiving normal data. At this time,
if the data is data read mode, it indicates present status data. If the data is data write mode, it returns the
data of the PC computer.

Error Acknowledgement
[Command2][ ][Set ID][ ][NG][Data][x]

* The set transmits ACK (acknowledgement) based on this format when receiving abnormal data from
non-viable functions or communication errors.

Data 00: Illegal Code

Real data mapping (Hexadecimal b Decimal)

* When you enter the [data] in hexadecimal, refer to following conversion table.
* Channel Tune (ma) Command uses two-byte hexadecimal value([data]) to select channel number.
00 : Step 0 32 : Step 50 (Set ID 50) FE : Step 254
01 : Step 1 (Set ID 1) 33 : Step 51 (Set ID 51) FF : Step 255
... ... ...
0A : Step 10 (Set ID 10) 63 : Step 99 (Set ID 99) 01 00 : Step 256
... ... ...
0F : Step 15 (Set ID 15) C7 : Step 199 27 0E : Step 9998
10 : Step 16 (Set ID 16) C8 : Step 200 27 0F : Step 9999
... ... ...

* Commands may work differently depending on model and signal.

01. Power (Command: k a) Ack [d][ ][Set ID][ ][OK/NG][Data][x]
►► To control Power *On or Off of the set.
* In case of video mute on only, TV will display On
Transmission[k][a][ ][Set ID][ ][Data][Cr]
Screen Display(OSD). But, in case of Screen mute
on, TV will not display OSD.
Data 00 : Power Off 01 : *Power On

Ack [a][ ][Set ID][ ][OK/NG][Data][x]

04. Volume Mute (Command: k e)
►► To Show TV is Power On or *Off ►► To control volume mute on/off.
Transmission [k][a][ ][Set ID][ ][FF][Cr] You can also adjust mute using the MUTE button
on remote control.
Ack [a][ ][Set ID][ ][OK][Data][x]
Transmission [k][e][ ][Set ID][ ][Data][Cr]
* Similarly, if other functions transmit ‘FF’ data
Data 00 : Volume mute on (Volume off)
based on this format, Acknowledgement feedback
01 : Volume mute off (Volume on)
presents status about each function.
Ack [e][ ][Set ID][ ][OK/NG][Data][x]

02. Aspect Ratio (Command: k c)

(Main Picture Size) 05. Volume Control (Command: k f)
►► To adjust the screen format. (Main picture format)
►► To adjust volume.
You can also adjust the screen format using the
You can also adjust volume with the volume
Aspect Ratio in the Q.MENU. or PICTURE menu.
buttons on remote control.
Transmission [k][c][ ][Set ID][ ][Data][Cr] Transmission [k][f][ ][Set ID][ ][Data][Cr]

Data 01 : Normal screen 07 : 14:9 Data Min : 00 to Max : 64

(4:3) (Europe, Colombia, Mid-East, Ack [f][ ][Set ID][ ][OK/NG][Data][x]
02 : Wide screen Asia except South Korea and
(16:9) Japan)
04 : Zoom 09 : * Just Scan
05 : Zoom 2 0B : Full Wide 06. Contrast (Command: k g)
(Latin America (Europe, Colombia, Mid- ►► To adjust screen contrast.
except Colombia East, Asia except South You can also adjust contrast in the PICTURE
Only) Korea and Japan) menu.
06 : Set by Program/ 10 to 1F : C
 inema Zoom 1
Transmission [k][g][ ][Set ID][ ][Data][Cr]
Original to 16
Data Min : 00 to Max : 64
Ack [c][ ][Set ID][ ][OK/NG][Data][x]
Ack [g][ ][Set ID][ ][OK/NG][Data][x]
* Using the PC input, you select either 16:9 or 4:3
screen aspect ratio.
* In DTV/HDMI/Component mode (high-definition), 07. Brightness (Command: k h)
Just Scan is available. ►► To adjust screen brightness.
* Full wide mode may work differently based on You can also adjust brightness in the PICTURE
model and is supported for DTV fully, and ATV, menu.
AV partially. Transmission [k][h][ ][Set ID][ ][Data][Cr]

Data Min : 00 to Max : 64

03. Screen Mute (Command: k d) Ack [h][ ][Set ID][ ][OK/NG][Data][x]
►► To select screen mute on/off.
Transmission [k][d][ ][Set ID][ ][Data][Cr]
Data 00 : Screen mute off (Picture on) 08. Color/Colour (Command: k i)
Video mute off ►► To adjust the screen Color(Colour).
01 : Screen mute on (Picture off) You can also adjust colour in the PICTURE menu.
10 : Video mute on
Transmission [k][i][ ][Set ID][ ][Data][Cr]

Data Min : 00 to Max : 64 * (Depending on model)


Ack [i][ ][Set ID][ ][OK/NG][Data][x]


14. Bass (Command: k s)

09. Tint (Command: k j) ►► To adjust Bass.
►► To adjust the screen tint. You can also adjust in the AUDIO menu.
You can also adjust tint in the PICTURE menu.
Transmission [k][j][ ][Set ID][ ][Data][Cr] Transmission [k][s][ ][Set ID][ ][Data][Cr]
Data Min : 00 to Max : 64
Data Red : 0
 0 to Green : 64
Ack [s][ ][Set ID][ ][OK/NG][Data][x]
Ack [j][ ][Set ID][ ][OK/NG][Data][x]
* (Depending on model)

15. Balance (Command: k t)

10. Sharpness (Command: k k)
►► To adjust balance.
►► To adjust the screen sharpness. You can also adjust balance in the AUDIO menu.
You can also adjust sharpness in the PICTURE
menu. Transmission [k][t][ ][Set ID][ ][Data][Cr]

Transmission [k][k][ ][Set ID][ ][Data][Cr] Data Min : 00 to Max : 64

Data Min : 00 to Max : 32 Ack [t][ ][Set ID][ ][OK/NG][Data][x]

Ack [k][ ][Set ID][ ][OK/NG][Data][x]

16. Color(Colour) Temperature (Command: x u)

►► To adjust colour temperature. You can also adjust
11. OSD Select (Command: k l)
Color(Colour) Temperature in the PICTURE menu.
►► To select OSD (On Screen Display) on/off when
controlling remotely. Transmission [x][u][ ][Set ID][ ][Data][Cr]

Transmission [k][l][ ][Set ID][ ][Data][Cr] Data Min : 00 to Max : 64

Ack [u][ ][Set ID][ ][OK/NG][Data][x]
Data 00 : OSD off 01 : OSD on

Ack [l][ ][Set ID][ ][OK/NG][Data][x]

17. ISM Method (Command: j p) (Only Plasma TV)
►► To control the ISM method. You can also adjust
12. Remote control lock mode (Command: k m) ISM Method in OPTION menu.
►► To lock the front panel controls on the monitor and Transmission [j][p][ ][Set ID][ ][Data][Cr]
remote control.
Data Min : 02: Orbiter
Transmission [k][m][ ][Set ID][ ][Data][Cr] 08: Normal
20: Color(Colour) Wash
Data 00 : Lock off 01 : Lock on
Ack [p][ ][Set ID][ ][OK/NG][Data][x]
Ack [m][ ][Set ID][ ][OK/NG][Data][x]

* If you are not using the remote control, use this

mode. 18. Equalizer (Command : j v)
When main power is off & on (plug-off and plug-in, ►► Adjust EQ of the set.
after 20 - 30 seconds), external control lock is Transmission [j][v][ ][Set ID][ ][Data][Cr]
* In the standby mode (DC off by off timer or ‘ka’,
‘mc’ command), and if key lock is on, TV will not 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
turn on by power on key of IR & Local Key.

13. Treble (Command: k r) Frequency Data

►► To adjust treble.
You can also adjust in the AUDIO menu. 7 6 5 Frequency 4 3 2 1 0 Step
0 0 0 1st Band 0 0 0 0 0 0(decimal)
Transmission [k][r][ ][Set ID][ ][Data][Cr]
0 0 1 2nd Band 0 0 0 0 1 1(decimal)
Data Min : 00 to Max : 64
0 1 0 3rd Band ... ... ... ... ... ...
Ack [r][ ][Set ID][ ][OK/NG][Data][x]
0 1 1 4th Band 1 0 0 1 1 19(decimal)

1 0 0 5th Band 1 0 1 0 0 20(decimal)

Set ID = All = 00

Data 00 & 01 = Channel Data is 10 = 00 0a
Acknowledgement [v][ ][Set ID][ ][OK/NG][Data][x]

Data 02 = Analog Antenna TV = 00
* It depends on model, and can adjust when sound Result = ma 00 00 0a 00
mode is EQ adjustable value.
2. Tune to the digital antenna (DVB-T) Channel 01.
Set ID = All = 00
19. Energy Saving (Command: j q)
Data 00 & 01 = Channel Data is 1 = 00 01
►► To reduce the power consumption of the TV. You Data 02 = Digital Antenna TV = 10
can also adjust Energy Saving in PICTURE menu. Result = ma 00 00 01 10
Transmission [j][q][ ][Set ID][ ][Data][Cr]
3. Tune to the satellite (DVB-S) Channel 1000.
Data Set ID = All = 00
00 : Off Data 00 & 01 = Channel Data is 1000 = 03 E8
01 : Minimum Data 02 = Digital Satellite TV = 40
02 : Medium Result = ma 00 03 E8 40
03 : Maximum
04 : Auto (For LCD TV / LED TV) / Ack [a][ ][Set ID][ ][OK][Data 00][Data 01]
Intelligent sensor (For PDP TV) [Data 02][x][a][ ][Set ID][ ][NG][Data 00][x]
05 : Screen off
• For South Korea, North/Latin America except
* (Depending on model)
Colombia Model
Ack [q][ ][Set ID][ ][OK/NG][Data][x] ►► To tune channel to following physical/major/minor
Transmission [m][a][ ][0][ ][Data00][ ][Data01]
20. Tune Command (Command: m a) [ ][Data02][ ][Data03][ ][Data04][ ][Data05][Cr]
* This command may work differently depending on Digital channels have a Physical, Major, and Minor
model and signal. channel number. The Physical number is the actual
• For Europe, Mid-East, Colombia, Asia except digital channel number, the Major is the number that
South Korea and Japan Model the channel should be mapped to, and the Minor is
►► Select channel to following physical number. the sub-channel. Since the ATSC tuner automatically
maps the channel from the Major / Minor number,
Transmission [m][a][ ][Set ID][ ][Data 00][ ] the Physical number is not required when sending a
[Data 01][ ][Data 02][Cr] command in Digital.
* Analog Antenna/Cable
* Analog Antenna/Cable
Data 00 : Physical Channel Number
[Data 00][Data 01] Channel Data
- Antenna (ATV) : 02~45 (Decimal: 2 ~ 69)
Data 00 : High byte channel data
- Cable (CATV) : 01, 0E~7D (Decimal : 1, 14~125)
Data 01 : Low byte channel data
- 00 00 ~ 00 C7 (Decimal : 0 ~ 199)
[Data 01 ~ 04]: Major/Minor Channel Number
Data 01 & 02: xx (Don't care)
Data 02 : Input Source (Analog)
Data 03 & 04: xx (Don't care)
- 00 : Antenna TV (ATV)
Data 05: Input Source (Analog)
- 80 : Cable TV (CATV)
- 00 : Antenna TV (ATV)
* Digital Antenna/Cable/Satellite - 01 : Cable TV (CATV)
* Digital Antenna/Cable
[Data 00][Data 01]: Channel Data
Data 00 : High Channel data
Data 00 : xx (Don't care)
Data 01 : Low Channel data
- 00 00 ~ 27 0F (Decimal: 0 ~ 9999)
[Data 01][Data 02]: Major Channel Number
Data 01 : High byte Channel Data
Data 02 : Input Source (Digital)
Data 02 : Low byte Channel Data
- 10 : Antenna TV (DTV)
- 00 01 ~ 27 0F (Decimal: 1 ~ 9999)
- 20 : Antenna Radio (Radio)
[Data 03][Data 04]: Minor Channel Number
- 40 : Satellite TV (SDTV)
Data 03 : High byte Channel Data
- 50 : Satellite Radio (S-Radio)
Data 04 : Low byte Channel Data
- 90 : Cable TV (CADTV)
- a0 : Cable Radio (CA-Radio)
Data 05 : Input Source (Digital)
- 02 : Antenna TV (DTV) – Use Physical Channel
* Tune Command Examples: Number
1. Tune to the Analog antenna (PAL) Channel 10. - 06 : Cable TV (CADTV) – Use Physical Channel

Number Data 05 = Digital Antenna TV = 02


- 22 : Antenna TV (DTV) – Don’t Use Physical Total = ma 00 00 00 11 00 01 02


Channel Number
- 26 : Cable TV (CADTV) - Don’t Use Physical
2. Tune to the BS (ISDB-BS) channel 30.
Channel Number
Set ID = All = 00
- 46 : Cable TV (CADTV) – Use Major Channel
Data 00 = Don’t know Physical = 00
Number Only (One Part Channel)
Data 01 & 02 = Major is 30 = 00 1E
Two bytes are available for each major and minor
Data 03 & 04 = Don’t Care = 00 00
channel data, but usually the low byte is used alone
Data 05 = Digital BS TV = 07
(high byte is 0).
Total = ma 00 00 00 1E 00 00 07
* Tune Command Examples: * This feature is varied based on the model.
1. Tune to the Analog cable (NTSC) channel 35.
Ack [a][ ][Set ID][ ][OK][Data 00][Data 01]
Set ID = All = 00
Data 00 = Channel Data is 35 = 23 [Data 02][Data 03][Data 04][Data 05]
Data 01 & 02 = No Major = 00 00 [x][a][ ][Set ID][ ][NG][Data 00][x]
Data 03 & 04 = No Minor = 00 00
Data 05 = Analog Cable TV = 01
Total = ma 00 23 00 00 00 00 01
2. Tune to the digital antenna (ATSC) channel 30-3.
21. Channel(Programme) Add/Del(Skip)
Set ID = All = 00 (Command: m b)
Data 00 = Don’t know Physical = 00 ►► To skip current channel(programme) for next time.
Data 01 & 02 = Major is 30 = 00 1E Transmission [m][b][ ][Set ID][ ][Data][Cr]
Data 03 & 04 = Minor is 3 = 00 03
Data 05 = Digital Antenna TV = 22 Data 00 : Del(ATSC,ISDB)/Skip(DVB) 01 : Add
Total = ma 00 00 00 1E 00 03 22
Ack [b][ ][Set ID][ ][OK/NG][Data][x]
Ack [a][ ][Set ID][ ][OK][Data 00][Data 01]
[Data 02][Data 03][Data 04][Data 05] * Set the saved channel status to del(ATSC, ISDB)/
skip(DVB) or add.
[x][a][ ][Set ID][ ][NG][Data 00][x]
• For Japan Model
►► To tune channel to following physical/major/minor 22. Key (Command: m c)
number. ►► To send IR remote key code.
Transmission [m][a][ ][0][ ][Data00][ ][Data01] Transmission [m][c][ ][Set ID][ ][Data][Cr]
[ ][Data02][ ][Data03][ ][Data04][ ][Data05][Cr]

* Digital Antenna/Satellite Data Key code - p.2.

Data 00: xx (Don't care) Ack [c][ ][Set ID][ ][OK/NG][Data][x]
[Data 01][Data 02]: Major Channel Number 23. Control Backlight (Command: m g)
Data 01: High byte Channel Data • For LCD TV / LED TV
Data 02: Low byte Channel Data ►► To control the backlight.
- 00 01 ~ 27 0F (Decimal: 1 ~ 9999)
Transmission [m][g][ ][Set ID][ ][Data][Cr]
[Data 03][Data 04]: Minor/Branch Channel Number
Data Min : 00 to Max : 64
(Don’t care in Satellite)
Data 03: High byte Channel Data Ack [g][ ][Set ID][ ][OK/NG][Data][x]
Data 04: Low byte Channel Data
Control Panel Light (Command: m g)
Data 05 : Input Source (Digital/Satellite for Japan)
- 02 : Antenna TV (DTV) • For Plasma TV
- 07 : BS (Broadcasting Satellite) ►► To control the panel light.
- 08 : CS1 (Communication Satellite 1) Transmission [m][g][ ][Set ID][ ][Data][Cr]
- 09 : CS2 (Communication Satellite 2)
Data Min : 00 to Max : 64
* Tune Command Examples:
1 Tune to the digital antenna (ISDB-T) channel 17-1. Ack [g][ ][Set ID][ ][OK/NG][Data][x]
Set ID = All = 00
Data 00 = Don’t know Physical = 00
Data 01 & 02 = Major is 17 = 00 11
Data 03 & 04 = Minor/Branch is 1 = 00 01

24. Input select (Command: x b) 00 O O O

(Main Picture Input)
01 X X X

►► To select input source for main picture.
02 X X X
Transmission [x][b][ ][Set ID][ ][Data][Cr]
03 X O O
00 : DTV 01 : CADTV X : don’t care
02 : Satellite DTV 10 : ATV
ISDB-BS (Japan) Ack [t][ ][Set ID][ ][OK][Data00][Data01][Data02]
03 : ISDB-CS1 (Japan) [Data03][x]
04 : ISDB-CS2 (Japan) [t][ ][Set ID][ ][NG][Data00][x]
11 : CATV
20 : AV or AV1 21 : AV2
40 : Component1 41 : Component2 26. Extended 3D(Command: x v) (only 3D models)
60 : RGB (Depending on model)
►► To change 3D option for TV.
90 : HDMI1 91 : HDMI2
92 : HDMI3 93 : HDMI4 Transmission [x][v][ ][Set ID][ ][Data 00][ ]
[Data 01][Cr]
Ack [b][ ][Set ID][ ][OK/NG][Data][x]
[Data 00] 3D option
* This function depends on model and signal. 00 : 3D Picture Correction
01 : 3D Depth (3D Mode is Manual Only)
02 : 3D Viewpoint
25. 3D(Command: x t) (only 3D models) 06 : 3D Color Correction
(Depending on model) 07 : 3D Sound Zooming
►► To change 3D mode for TV. 08 : Normal Image View
09 : 3D Mode (Genre)
Transmission [x][t][ ][Set ID][ ][Data 00][ ][Data 01]
[ ][Data 02][ ][Data 03][Cr] [Data 01] It has own range for each 3D option
* (Depending on model) determined by [Data 00].
Data Structure 1) When [Data 00] is 00
[Data 00] 00 : 3D On 00 : Right to Left
01 : 3D Off 01 : Left to Right
02 : 3D to 2D
03 : 2D to 3D 2) When [Data 00] is 01, 02
[Data 01] 00 : Top and Bottom Data Min: 0 - Max: 14 (*transmit by Hexadecimal
01 : Side by Side code)
02 : Check Board Data value range(0 - 20) converts Viewpoint range
03 : Frame Sequential (-10 - +10) automatically (Depending on model)
04 : Column interleaving * This option works when 3D Mode (Genre) is manual
05 : Row interleaving only.
[Data 02] 00 : Right to Left
01 : Left to Right 3) When [Data 00] is 06, 07
[Data 03] 3D Effect(3D Depth): Min : 00 - Max : 14 00 : Off
(*transmit by Hexadecimal code) 01 : On
* [Data 02], [Data 03] functions depend on model
and signal. 4) When [Data 00] is 08
00 : Revert to 3D video from 3D-to-2D
* If [Data 00] is 00 (3D On), [Data 03] has no converted 2D video
meaning. 01 : Change 3D video to 2D video, except
* If [Data 00] is 01 (3D off) or 02 (3D to 2D), [Data 2D-to-3D video
01], [Data 02] and [Data 03] have no meaning. * If conversion condition doesn’t meet, command is
* If [Data 00] is 03 (2D to 3D), [Data 01] and treated as NG.
[Data 02] have no meaning.
5) When [Data 00] is 09
* If [Data 00] is 00 (3D On) or 03 (2D to 3D), [Data
03] works when 3D Mode (Genre) is manual only. 00 : Standard 01 : Sport
* All 3D pattern options ([Data 01]) may not be 02 : Cinema 03 : Extreme
available according to broadcasting/video signal. 04 : Manual 05 : Auto

Ack [v][ ][Set ID][ ][OK][Data00][Data01][x]

[Data 00] [Data 01] [Data 02] [Data 03]
[v][ ][Set ID][ ][NG][Data00][x]

27. Auto Configure (Command: j u)


(Depending on model)

►► To adjust picture position and minimize image

shaking automatically. It works only in RGB (PC)
Transmission [j][u][ ][Set ID][ ][Data][Cr]
Data 01 : Run Auto Configure

Ack [u][ ][Set ID][ ][OK/NG][Data][x]

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