Eo tb1 U7 p146 Clil
Eo tb1 U7 p146 Clil
Eo tb1 U7 p146 Clil
OK class, for the outdoor sports and activities school trip there
are some special clothes and equipment you need to take. Can 7.4 Extreme Fishing
you listen and make a list please? Outdoor sports and activities
can be dangerous so you must protect yourselves. You must have See page 138 for activities you can do with this video.
a helmet like this one. A helmet is a hard hat and it protects our
head in lots of different sports like mountain biking, canoeing and
climbing – so very important. Right, two more things you must Students can read this swimming pool poster and do
take are goggles, to protect your eyes, and gloves to protect your the accompanying exercises.
hands. You need goggles and gloves for snow sports like skiing http://learnenglishteens.britishcouncil.org/skills/
and snowboarding, so don’t forget those. Next thing on the list is reading-skills-practice/swimming-pool
146 CLIL 7