1 - OB 1 (Maternal Anatomy)

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- Transition of its composition can be seen

ANTERIOR ABDOMINAL WALL the upper third of a midline vertical
abdominal incision.
SKIN, SUBCUTANEOUS LAYER, AND FASCIA - Cephalic: aponeuroses invest the rectus
abdominis bellies on both dorsal and
Anterior abdominal wall ventral surfaces.
- confines abdominal viscera, stretches to - Caudal: all aponeuroses lie ventral or
accommodate the expanding uterus. superficial to the rectus abdominis muscle,
- Provides surgical access to the internal and only the thin transversalis fascia and
reproductive organs. peritoneum lie deep to the rectus.

Langer lines Pyramidalis Muscle

- Lie transversely. - Small, pairs
- Describe the orientation of dermal fibers - Originate from the pubic crest and insert
within the skin. into the linea alba
- Lie atop the rectus abdominis muscle but
• Vertical skin incision – has greater lateral beneath the anterior rectus sheath.
tension and develops wider scars.
• Low transverse incision (i.e., Pfannenstiel) Umbilicus
– follow Langer lines and lead to superior - Covered by peritoneum, transversalis
cosmetic results. fascia, and skin.
- Contains the umbilical ring.
Subcutaneous Layer
o superficial, predominantly fatty
layer. Transversalis Fascia
o Continuous on to the perineum to - Thin fibrous tissue layer between the inner
provide fatty substance to the mon surface of the transversus abdominis
pubis and labia majora. muscle and preperitoneal fat.
o Blend with fat of the ischioanal - Inferior: fasci blends with periosteum of
fossa. the pubic bones
- Scarpa Fascia
o Deeper membranous layer Peritoneum
o Continues inferiorly on the - Single layer of EC and supporting CT
perineum as Colles fascia. • Visceral Peritoneum – densely wraps
around the abdominopelvic viscera.
Anterior Abdominal Wall Muscles • Parietal Peritoneum – lines the inner
- Beneath subcutaneous layer surface of the abdominal walls
- Muscles:
o Midline rectus abdominis - Median umbilical ligament
o Pyramidalis muscles o Single, formed by urachus (fibrous
o External oblique* fetal remnant that extends from the
o Internal oblique* bladder apex to the umbilicus
o Transversus abdominis muscle* o Paired, formed by the obliterated
fetal umbilical arteries
*form the primary fascia of the anterior abdominal - Lateral umbilical ligaments
wall. Fuse in the midline at the linea alba. o Contain the patent inferior
*invest the rectus abdominis muscle as the rectus epigastric vessels.
Rectus Sheath
- Arcuate line - varies above and below a Arises from the femoral artery:
boundary. • Superficial epigastric
• Superficial circumflex iliac
• Superficial external pudendal arteries
o Anterior: Pubic symphysis
*supplies the skin and subcutaneous layers of o Anterolateral: ischiopubic rami &
anterior abdominal wall and mons pubis. ischial tuberosities
o Posterolateral: sacrotuberous
Inferior Epigastric Artery ligaments
- Course lateral to, the posterior to the o Posterior: Coocyx
rectus abdominis muscles.
- Near the umbilicus, these vessels Anterior triangle: Urogenital Triangle
anastomose with the superior epigastric Posterior triangle: Anal Triangle
artery and veins.
- It can be lacerated during a Maylard Vulva
incision (a type of cesarean section) • includes all structures visible externally
from the symphysis pubis to the perineal
Inferior deep epigastric vessels and deep body.
circumflex vessels • receives innervations and vascular
- branches of the external iliac vessels support from the pudendal nerve.
- supply the muscles and fascia. • Structures:
o Mons pubis
Hesselbach Triangle Boundaries: o Labia majora
• Lateral: Inferior epigastric vessels o Labia minora
• Inferior: Inguinal ligament o Clitoris
• Medial: lateral border o Hymen
o Vestibule
Clinical Significance: o Urethral opening
• Direct Inguinal Hernias - Protrude o Greater vestibular gland (Bartholin
through the abdominal wall in Hesselbach gland)
triangle. o Minor vestibular glands
• Indirect Inguinal Hernias - Protrude o Paraurethral glands (Skene’s
through the deep inguinal ring, which lies gland)
lateral to the triangle, and then may exit
out the superficial inguinal ring. Mons Pubis, Labia, and Clitoris

Innervations Mons Pubis

• Intercostal nerves (T7-T11) • Fat-filled cushion overlying the symphysis
• Subcostal nerve (T12) pubis.
• Iliohypogastric nerve (L1) • Also called as “Mons veneris”
o perforates the external oblique • An area of subcutaneous fat anterior to
aponeurosis near the lateral rectus pubis symphysis forming a rounded
border. median eminence.
o provide sensation to the skin over • After puberty, skin is covered by curly hair
the suprapubic area. that forms the triangular ESCUTHCHEON.
• Ilioinguinal nerve (L1) o whose base aligns with the upper
o in its course medially, travels margin of the symphysis pubis.
through the inguinal canal and • In men and some hirsute women, the
exits through the superficial escutcheon extends farther onto the
inguinal ring, which forms by anterior abdominal wall toward the
splitting of external abdominal umbilicus.
oblique aponeurosis fibers.
o supplies the skin of the mons Labia Majora
pubis, upper labia majora, and • Are continuous directly with the mons
medial upper thigh. pubis superiorly.
• Usually are 7-8 cm long, 2-3 cm wide, and
PERINEUM 1-1.5 cm thick.
- diamond shaped area has boundaries that
mirror those of the bony pelvic outlet
• The round ligaments terminate at the • On their inner surface, the lateral portion is
upper borders covered by this same epithelium up to a
• Covered with hairs demarcating line, termed HART LINE.
• Abundant apocrine, eccrine, and • Medial to this Hart Line, each labium is
sebaceous glands covered by squamous epithelium that is
• Beneath the skin, a dense connective nonkeratinized (as opposed to the outer
tissue layer; nearly void of muscular surface)
elements but is rich in elastic fibers and
fat. Clitoris
• This fat mass provides bulk to the labia • principal female erogenous organ.
majora and is supplied with rich venous • Located beneath the prepuce, above the
plexus. frenulum and urethra, and projects
• During pregnancy, this vasculature (in downward and inward toward the vaginal
labia majora) may develop varicosities, opening.
especially in multiparas, from increased • Rarely exceeds 2 cm in length.
venous pressure created by the enlarging • Composed of:
uterus. 1. Glans
• They appear as engorges tortuous veins 2. a corpus or body
or as small grapelike clusters, but they are 3. two crura
typically asymptomatic and require no
treatment. GLANS
- Usually less than 0.5 cm in diameter
Labia Minora - Lined/covered by stratified squamous
• Are thin tissue folds that lie medial to the epithelium.
labia majora - Nerve bundles are prominent and
• Dimensions vary greatly among correspond to the paired dorsal nerves of
individuals, with lengths from 2-10 cm and the clitoris.
widths from 1-5 cm. BODY
• Extend superiorly, where each divides into - Contains 2 corpus cavernosa.
2 lamellae. - extending from the clitoral body, each
1. FRENULUM OF THE CLITORIS corpus cavernosum diverges laterally to
o formed by the fusion of the lower form a long, narrow crus.
lamellae. CRURA
2. PREPUCE OF THE CLITORIS - Each crus lies along the inferior surface of
o formed by the merging of the upper its respective ischiopubic ramus and deep
lamellae. to the ischiocavernosus muscle
• Extend inferiorly to approach the midline BLOOD SUPPLY
as low ridges of tissues that join to form - branches of the INTERNAL PUDENDAL
• Lack hair follicles, eccrine glands, and o supplies the clitoris.
apocrine glands but sebaceous glands are - Deep Artery of the Clitoris
numerous. o supplies the clitoral body.
• Are composed of connective tissue with - Dorsal Artery of the Clitoris
numerous vessels, elastic fibers, and very o supplies the glans and prepuce.
few smooth muscle fibers.
• They are supplied with many nerve
- an almond-shaped area that is enclosed
endings and extremely sensitive.
o Hart line laterally
o External surface of the hymen
• Thinly keratinized stratified squamous
epithelium covers the outer surface of
o Clitoral frenulum anteriorly
each labium.
o Fourchette posteriorly
- The vestibule is perforated by 6 openings:
1. Urethra
2. vagina - composed mainly of elastic and
3. 2 Bartholin gland ducts collagenous connective tissue.
4. 2 ducts of the largest paraurethral - lined by a non-keratinizing stratified
glands (Skene glands) squamous epithelium.
• Intact hymen
Vestibular Fossa o The aperture ranges in diameter
- The posterior portion of the vestibule from pinpoint to one, that admits
between the fourchette and the vaginal one or even two fingertips
opening o May be torn at several sites.
- It is usually observed only in nulliparas. ▪ During the first sexual
intercourse. (first coitus)
Bartholin glands ▪ When in women who uses
- Gland Vestibular Glands tampon during men's
- Measure 0.5-1 cm in diameter. menstruation
- Each lies inferior to the vestibular bulb and ▪ Other forms of penetration
deep to the inferior end of the or injuries can cause
bulbospongiosus muscle. laceration of the hymen.
- A duct extends medially from each gland, o The edges of the torn tissue soon
measures 1.5-2 cm long, and opens distal re-epithelialize.
to the hymeneal ring-one at 5 and 7
o’clock position on the vestibule. • Pregnant women
- Following trauma or infection, either duct o the hymeneal epithelium is thick
may swell and obstruct to form a cyst or, if and rich in glycogen.
infected, will have purulent discharges. • Hymeneal or Myrtiform caruncles
o Changes produced in the hymen
Minor Vestibular Glands by childbirth, or other injuries that
- Shallow glands lined by simple mucin- are usually readily recognizable.
secreting epithelium and open along Hart
line. Vagina
- Length: Anteriorly- 6-8 cm; Posteriorly: 7-
Paraurethral Glands 10 cm
- a collective arborization of glands whose • Cul de sac or Pouch of Douglas
numerous small ducts open predominantly o rectouterine pouch that separates
along the entire inferior aspect of the the upper part of the vagina from
urethra. the rectum
- The two largest are called SKENE o the upper end of the vaginal wall
GLANDS, and their ducts typically lie is subdivided by the cervix into four
distally and near the urethral meatus. four:
- Clinically, inflammation and duct ▪ Anterior fornix
obstruction of any of the paraurethral ▪ Posterior fornix
glands can lead to urethral diverticulum ▪ 2 Lateral Fornices
formation. o Internal pelvic organs usually can
be palpated through these fornices
Urethral Meatus o The posterior fornix is a surgical
- in the midline of the vestibule landmark and you can directly
- 1-1.5 cm below the pubic arch access the cul de sac.
- A short distance above the vaginal
opening. Vaginal Epithelium
- Epithelium is lined by non-keratinizing
VAGINA AND HYMEN stratified squamous epithelium, and
underlying, it is a lamina propria.
Hymen - Has no glands, but it is lubricated by a
- a membrane of varying thickness that transudate that originates from vaginal sub
surrounds the vaginal opening, more or epithelial capillary plexus and crosses the
less completely. permeable epithelium.
- In pregnancy there is increased • Bounded deeply by the perineal
vascularity, notably increased vaginal membrane and superficially by the Colles
secretions fascia.
• Closed compartment: Expanding infection
Vaginal inclusion cyst or hematoma within it may bulge yet
- Common vaginal cyst remains contained.
- Contain keratin debris from fragments of • Superficial pouch of the anterior triangle
stratified epithelium embedded beneath contains:
the vaginal surface during trauma and 1. Bartholin glands
related to childbirth. 2. Vestibular bulbs
3. Clitoral body and crura
Vascular Supply 4. Branches of the pudendal vessels and
- Proximal portion nerve
o Cervical branch of the uterine 5. Ischiocavernous perineal muscles
artery 6. Bulbospongiosus perineal muscles
o Vaginal artery 7. Superficial transverse perineal
- Posterior vaginal wall muscles
o Middle rectal artery
- Distal walls • Ischiocavernosus muscles
o Internal pudendal artery o Bilateral muscle fibers
o Help maintain clitoral erection.
Lymphatics • Bulbocavernosus muscle
• Lower 3rd: Inguinal Lymph Nodes o More medial
• Middle 3rd: Internal Iliac nodes o Constrict the vaginal lumen and aid
• Upper 3rd: External, Internal & Common in the release of secretions form
Iliac nodes the Bartholin glands for lubrication.
o Contribute in clitoral erection.
Perineal Body • Vestibular bulb/ Bulb of vestibules
• Central tendon of the perineum o Correspond to the corpora
• Fibromuscular pyramidal mass found in spongiosa of the penis.
the midline at the junction between the o Almond-shaped, aggregations of
anterior and posterior triangles veins
• Dimensions: 2 cm tall & wide; 1.5 cm thick o Dimensions: 3-4 cm long; 1-2 cm
• Functions: wide; 0.5-1 cm thick
o serves as junction for several o Maybe lacerated or ruptured during
structures. childbirth causing vulvar
o provides significant perineal hematoma.
o Incised in 2nd-4th perineal degree Deep Space of the Anterior triangle
laceration ( during delivery, during - Lies deep to the perineal membrane and
episiotomy, you can cause incision extends into the pelvis.
either 2nd or 4th degree laceration - Contains:
to the perineal body. 1. Portions of urethra (distal 2/3 of the
urethra are fused with the anterior
Anterior Triangle of Perineum vaginal wall)
• Boundaries: 2. Vagina
o Superiorly: Pubic rami 3. Certain portions of internal pudendal
o Laterally: ischial tuberosities artery branches
o Posteriorly: Superficial transverse 4. Compressor urethrae
perineal muscles 5. Urethrovaginal sphincter muscles
• It is divided into superficial and deep
spaces by the perineal membrane. Pelvic Diaphragm
- Broad muscular sling that provides
Superficial Space of the Anterior Triangle substantial support to the pelvic viscera
and facilitates equal distribution of o Distal continuation of the rectal
intraabdominal pressure circular smooth muscle layer
- Vaginal birth increase risk of damage to o Contributes to the bulk of anal
the pelvic diaphragm: patients may canal resting pressure for fecal
become prone to Pelvic organ prolapse continence and relaxes prior to
(POP) and urinary incontinence defecation.
- Composed of LEVATOR ANI MUSCLES o Blood supply:
and the COCCYGEUS MUSCLES ▪ Superior rectal artery
- Levator ani muscles: Pubococcygeus, ▪ Middle rectal artery
Puborectalis, Iliococcygeus ▪ Inferior rectal artery
- External anal sphincter (EAS)
Posterior Triangle of Perineum o Striated muscle ring
• Contains: o Anteriorly attaches to the perineal
o Ischioanal fossae body.
o Anal Canal o Posteriorly connects to the coccyx
o Branches of pudendal nerve; via the anococcygeal ligament.
internal pudendal vessels o Maintains a constant resting
o Anal Sphincter complex (Internal contraction to aid continence,
anal sphincter, External anal provides additional squeeze
sphincter, Puborectalis muscle) pressure when continence is
threatened, yet relaxes for
Ischioanal fossae defecation.
- Also known as the ischiorectal fossae o Blood supply:
- Two fat-filled wedge-shaped spaces found ▪ Inferior rectal artery (branch
on either side of the anal canal and of the internal pudendal
composed of bulk of posterior triangle. artery).
- Functions:
o Provides support to the Pudendal Nerve
surrounding organs. - This is formed from the anterior rami of
o Allows rectal distention during S2-S4 spinal nerves.
defecation. - It courses between the piriformis and
o Vaginal stretching during delivery. coccygeus muscles and exits through the
- Injury to the vessels: lead to hematoma greater sciatic at a location posterior to the
formation. sacrospinous ligament and just medial to
the ischial spines.
Anal Canal - In doing the Pudendal nerve block, you
- Distal continuation of the rectum have to locate the ischial Spines.
- Begins at the level of the levator ani - Relatively fixed as it courses behind the
attachment to the rectum and ends at the sacrospinous ligament and within the
anal skin. pudendal canal.
- 4-5 cm long - It may be at risk of stretch injury during
- Epithelial lining: downward displacement of the pelvic floor
o Mucosa – composed of columnar during childbirth.
epithelium in the uppermost - 3 terminal branches:
portion. o Dorsal Nerve of the Clitoris –
o Dentate of Pectinate line – the clitoral glans
simple stratified squamous o Perineal nerve
epithelium begins and continues to ▪ Posterior labial branch –
the anal verge labial skin
▪ Muscular branches –
Anal Sphincter Complex anterior perianal triangle
- 2 sphincters surround the anal canal to muscles
provide fecal continence. o Inferior Rectal Branch
- Internal Anal Sphincter (LAS) ▪ external anal sphincter,
anal mucosa, perianal skin
o If torn deeply during labor or
Internal Generative Organ delivery, the cervix may heal in
Uterus such a manner that it appears
- Nonpregnant uterus – is found between irregular nodular, or stellate.
the pelvic cavity between the bladder
anteriorly and the rectum posteriorly. - Ectocervix
- A pear-shaped internal organ o The portion of the cervix exterior to
- Parts: the external os
o Body or Corpus: upper triangular o Lined predominantly by
portion nonkeratinized stratified squamous
o Cervix: lower, cylindrical portion epithelium.
which projects into the vagina. - Endocervical Canal
o Isthmus: the union site between o Covered by a single layer of
the mucin-secreting columnar
o corpus and the cervix which forms epithelium, which creates deep
the lower uterine segment during cleft-like infoldings or “glands.”
pregnancy. - Eversion
o Fundus: convex upper uterine o Physiological process
segment between the points of o Common during pregnancy
fallopian tube insertion. o The endocervical epithelial moves
o Uterine Cornu: out and onto the ectocervix.
▪ Superolateral margin of the - During pregnancy: the upper
uterus where the fallopian myometrium undergoes hypertrophy to
tube emerges. accommodate the growing fetus.
▪ Origin of round and utero-
ovarian ligaments. Ligaments
- Nulligravid uterus • Round Ligament
o 6-8 cm long o Corresponds embryologically to
o Weighs 60 grams. the male gubernaculum testis.
o Fundus and cervix are o It originates somewhat below and
approximately equal in length. anterior to the origin of the
- Multigravida Uterus fallopian tubes.
o 9-10 cm long o Terminate in the upper portion of
o Weighs more than nulligravid. the labia majora.
o Cervix is only a little more than a o Sampson artery, a branch of the
third of the total length. uterine artery, runs within this
Cervix o Initial incision into the parietal
- Fusiform lower portion of the uterus. peritoneum to gain access to the
- Divided into Internal and external cervical. retroperitoneal spaces.
- Portio supravaginalis • Broad Ligament
o the part of the cervix which is near o Two wing-like structures that
the body of the uterus. extend from the lateral uterine
- Portio vaginalis margins to the pelvic sidewalls.
o which is the part of the cervix o With vertical sectioning to this
which protrudes into the vagina ligament proximate to the uterus, a
Striated muscle ring. triangular shape can be seen, and
- Before childbirth the uterine vessels and ureter are
o the external cervical os is small, found at its base.
regular, and has an oval opening. o Each of the broad ligaments
- After labor and vaginal childbirth: consists of a fold of peritoneum
o The orifice is converted into a termed the anterior and posterior
transverse slit anterior and leaves.
posterior cervical lips.
▪ Mesosalpinx: peritoneum - This proximity is of surgical significance,
than overlies the fallopian as the ureter may be injured or ligated
tube. during hysterectomy when the uterine
▪ Mesoteres: around the vessels are clamped and ligated.
round ligament - Once the uterine artery has reached the
▪ Mesovarium: over the supravaginal portion of the cervix, it
utero-ovarian ligament. divides:
o Peritoneum that extends beneath o Smaller cervicovaginal artery
the fimbriated end of the fallopian supplies blood to the lower cervix
tube toward the pelvic wall forms and upper vagina.
the infundibulopelvic ligament or o Main uterine artery branch runs
suspensory ligament of the ovary. abruptly upward and travels
• Cardinal Ligament cephalad along the lateral margin
o Transverse cervical ligament or of the uterus.
Mackenrodt ligament o Along its path, this main artery
o Thick base of the broad ligament provides a branch of considerable
o Medially, it is united firmly to the size to the upper cervix and then
uterus and upper vagina. numerous. other medial branches
o As such, during cesarean serially penetrate the body of the
hysterectomy, sturdy clamps and uterus to form the arcuate arteries.
suture are required for its o each branch arches across the
transection and ligation. organ by coursing within the
• Uterosacral Ligament myometrium just beneath the
o Originates with a posterolateral serosal surface.
attachment to the supravaginal o Arcuate vessels from each side
portion of the cervix and inserts anastomose at the uterine midline.
into the fascia over the sacrum. o Radial artery branches originate at
o Form the lateral boundaries of the right angles from the arcuate
pouch of Douglas. arteries and travel inward through
o These ligaments are composed of the myometrium, enter the
connective tissue, small bundles of endometrium/decidua, and branch
vessels and nerves, and some there to become either basal
smooth muscle. arteries or coiled spiral arteries.
• Parametrium: o The spiral arteries supply the
o Used to describe the connective functionalis layer.
tissue adjacent and lateral to the o Also called the straight arteries, the
uterus within the broad ligament. basal arteries extend only into the
• Paracervical tissues: basalis layer.
o Those adjacent to the cervix. - As the uterine artery courses cephalad, it
• Paracolpium: gives rise to Sampson artery of the round
o Tissue lateral to the vaginal walls. ligament.
- Just before the main uterine artery vessel
Uterine Artery reaches the fallopian rube, it divides into
- During pregnancy, there is marked three terminal branches:
hypertrophy of the uterine vasculature, o Ovarian branch of the uterine
which is supplied principally from the artery forms an anastomosis with
uterine and ovarian arteries. the terminal branch of the ovarian
- A main branch of the internal iliac artery artery
(previously hypogastric artery). o Tubal branch makes its way
- Enters the base of the broad ligament and through the mesosalpinx and
makes its way to the lateral side of the supplies part of the fallopian tube
uterus. o Fundal branch penetrates the
- Approximately 2 cm lateral to the cervix, it uppermost uterus.
crosses over the ureter.
Ovarian Artery Lymphatics
- This artery is a direct branch of the aorta - Endometrium:
and enters ligament through the o abundantly supplied with lymphatic
infundibulopelvic ligament. vessels that are confined largely to
- As it runs along the hilum, it also sends the basalis layer.
several branches through the mesosalpinx o The lymphatics of the underlying
myometrium are increased in
to supply the fallopian tubes.
number toward the serosal surface
- Its main stem traverses the entire length of and form an abundant lymphatic
the broad ligament and makes its way to plexus just beneath it.
the uterine cornu. - Cervix:
- It forms anastomosis with the ovarian o Internal iliac nodes
branch of the uterine artery. o Situated near the bifurcation of the
- Prevents uterine ischemia if ligation of the common iliac vessels.
uterine or internal iliac artery is performed - Uterine corpus: 2 group of nodes
to control postpartum hemorrhage. o Internal iliac nodes
o Paraaortic lymph nodes
- Uterine veins accompany their respective Innervation
arteries. As such, the arcuate veins unite • Pelvic visceral innervation is
to form the uterine vein, which empties predominantly autonomic.
into the internal iliac vein and then the - Sympathetic
common iliac vein. o Begins with the superior
- Some of the blood from the upper uterus, hypogastric plexus/presacral
the ovary, and the upper part of the broad nerve.
ligament is collected by several veins. o Beginning below the aortic
Within the broad ligament, these veins bifurcation and extending
form the large pampiniform plexus that downward retroperitoneally, this
terminates in the ovarian vein. plexus is formed by sympathetic
- Right ovarian vein → drains into inferior fibers arising from spinal levels
vena cava T10 through L2.
- Left ovarian vein → drain into left renal o At the level of the sacral
vein. promontory, this superior
hypogastric plexus divides into a
Pelvis right and a left hypogastric nerve,
• Blood supply to the pelvis is predominantly which run downward along the
provided by branches of the internal iliac pelvis sidewalls.
• These branches are organized into - Parasympathetic
anterior and posterior divisions, and o Arise from S2-S4
subsequent branches are highly variable o Their axons exit as part of the
between individuals. anterior rami of the spinal nerves
• The anterior division provides blood for those levels. These combine on
supply to the pelvic organs and perineum each side to form the pelvic
and includes the inferior gluteal, internal splanchnic nerves, also termed
pudendal, middle rectal, vaginal, uterine, nervi erigentes.
and obturator arteries, as well as the
o Blending of the two hypogastric
umbilical artery and its continuation as the
superior vesical artery. nerves (sympathetic) and the two
• The posterior division branches extend to pelvic splanchnic nerves
the buttock and thigh and include the (parasympathetic) gives rise to the
superior gluteal, lateral sacral, and inferior hypogastric plexus, also
iliolumbar arteries. For this reason, during termed the pelvic plexus.
internal iliac artery ligation, many advocate o This retroperitoneal plaque of
ligation distal to the posterior division to nerves lies at the 54 and 55 level
avoid compromised blood low to the areas From here, fibers of this plexus
supplied by this division. accompany internal iliac artery
branches to their respective pelvic plexus that accompanies the
viscera. Thus, the inferior ovarian vessels and originates in
hypogastric plexus divides into the renal plexus. Others are
three plexuses. he vesical plexus derived from the plexus that
innervates the bladder, and the surrounds the ovarian branch of
middle rectal plexus travels to the the uterine artery.
rectum. o Parasympathetic input is from the
o The uterovaginal plexus, also vagus nerve.
termed Frankenhauser plexus, o Sensory afferents follow the
reaches the proximal fallopian ovarian artery and enter at T10
tubes, uterus, and upper vagina. spinal cord level.
o Extensions of the inferior • Uteroovarian ligament:
hypogastric plexus also reach the o Originates from the lateral and
perineum along the vagina and upper posterior portion of the
urethra to innervate the clitoris and uterus, just beneath the tubal
vestibular bulbs. insertion level, and extends to the
o Of these, the uterovaginal plexus is uterine pole of the ovary.
composed of variably sized o 3 to 4 mm in diameter.
ganglia, but particularly of a large o Made up of muscle and connective
ganglionic plate that is situated on tissue and is covered by
either side of the cervix, proximate peritoneum – the mesovarium.
to the uterosacral and cardinal o Blood supply reaches the ovary
ligaments. through this double-layered
o For the uterus, most of its afferent mesovarium to enter the ovarian
sensory fibers ascend through the hilum.
inferior hypogastric plexus and • Composed of:
enter the spinal cord via T10 o Cortex:
through T12 and L] spinal nerves. ▪ Young women:
▪ These transmit the painful • Cortex is smooth,
stimuli of contractions to dull white surface –
the central nervous system. tunica albuginea
o For the cervix and upper part of the • Surface – single
birth canal, sensory nerves pass layer of cuboidal
through the pelvic splanchnic epithelium –
nerves to the second, third, and Germinal Epithelium
fourth sacral nerves. of Waldeyer
o Those from the lower portion of the ▪ This epithelium is
birth canal pass primarily through supported by a connective
the pudendal nerve. Anesthetic tissue condensation, the
blocks used during delivery target tunica albuginea.
these levels of innervation. ▪ Beneath this, the ovarian
cortex contains oocytes
Ovaries and developing follicles.
• During childbearing years: o Medulla:
o 2.5 to 5 cm in length ▪ Composed of loose
o 1.5 to 3 cm in breadth connective tissue,
o 0.6 to 1.5 cm in thickness. numerous arteries and
• They usually lie in the upper part of the veins, and a small amount
pelvic cavity and rest in a slight of smooth muscle fibers.
depression on the lateral wall of the pelvis
– ovarian fossa of Waldeyer. Fallopian Tubes
• The ovaries are supplied with both • Also called oviducts.
sympathetic and parasympathetic nerves. • These serpentine tubes extend 8 to 14 cm
o The sympathetic nerves are from the uterine cornu.
derived primarily from the ovarian
• They are anatomically classified along o Tubal peristalsis created by cilia
their length as an: and muscular layer contraction is
o Interstitial portion: believed to be an important factor
o Most proximal in ovum transport.
o Embodied within the uterine • The tubes are supplied richly with elastic
muscular wall tissue, blood vessels, and lymphatics.
o Isthmus: • Their sympathetic innervation is extensive,
▪ Narrow, 2-3 mm in contrast to their parasympathetic
o Ampulla: innervation. This nerve supply derives
▪ 5-8 mm diameter and partly from the ovarian plexus and partly
widest portion from the uterovaginal plexus. Sensory
o Infundibulum: afferent fibers ascend to T10 spinal cord
▪ Funnel-shaped fimbriated levels.
distal extremity of the tube
▪ Opens into the abdominal Musculoskeletal Pelvic Anatomy
cavity. Pelvic Bone
o These latter three extrauterine • 4 bones
portions are covered by the o Sacrum
mesosalpinx at the superior margin o Coccyx
of the broad ligament. o 2 innominate bones
• In cross section, the extrauterine fallopian • Innominate bone:
tube contains a mesosalpinx, myosalpinx, o Fusion of 3 bones:
and endosalpinx. ▪ Ilium, ischium, and pubis
• Mesosalpinx: o Joined to the sacrum at the
o Outer layer sacroiliac synchondroses and to
o a single-cell mesothelial layer one another at the symphysis
functioning as visceral peritoneum. pubis.
• Myosalpinx:
o Smooth muscle is arranged in an True Pelvis
inner circular and an outer • Portion important in childbearing
longitudinal layer. • Borders:
o The tubal musculature undergoes o Superior: linea terminalis
rhythmic contractions constantly, o Inferior margin: pelvic outlet
the rate of which varies with o Posterior: anterior surface of the
cyclical ovarian hormonal changes. sacrum
• Endosalpinx or Tubal Mucosa: o Lateral: inner surface of the ischial
o Single layer of columnar epithelium bones and the sacrosciatic notches
composed of ciliated, secretory, and ligaments.
and intercalary cells resting on a o In front it is bounded by:
sparse lamina propria. ▪ Pubic bones
o Clinically, its close proximity to the ▪ Ascending superior rami of
underlying myosalpinx contributes the ischial bones
to easy invasion by ectopic ▪ Obturator foramina
trophoblast. ▪ The sidewalls of the true
o The tubal mucosa is arranged in pelvis of an adult woman
longitudinal folds that become converge.
progressively more complex • Ischial spines:
toward the fimbria. In the ampulla, o Extending from the middle of the
the lumen is occupied almost posterior margin of each ischium.
completely by the arborescent o Shortest diameter of the true
mucosa. pelvis.
o The current produced by the tubal o Landmarks in assessing the level
cilia is such that the direction of to which the presenting part of the
flow is toward the uterine cavity. fetus has descended into the true
o Aid pudendal nerve block to hasten second-stage labor. This may
placement. increase the interspinous diameter and the
• Sacrum: pelvic outlet diameter.
o Forms the posterior wall of the true
pelvis. Planes and Diameters of the Pelvis
o Promontory – upper anterior • The pelvis is described as having four
margin imaginary planes:
o Felt during bimanual pelvic o Superior strait: the plane of the
examination in women with a small pelvic inlet.
pelvis. o Inferior strait: the plane of the
o Landmark for clinical pelvimetry → pelvic outlet
assess if the pelvic bone the o Least pelvic dimensions: the plane
pregnant woman is adequate for of the midpelvis
labor. o No obstetrical significance: the
o A straight line drawn from the plane of greatest pelvic dimension
promontory to the tip of the sacrum • Pelvic Inlet:
usually measures 10 cm, whereas o Also called the superior strait, is
the distance along the concavity the superior plane of the true
averages 12 cm. pelvis.
o Boundaries:
False Pelvis ▪ Posterior: promontory and
• Lies above the linea terminalis alae of the sacrum
• Boundaries: ▪ Lateral: linea terminalis
o Posterior boundary – lumbar ▪ Anterior: horizontal pubic
vertebra rami and the symphysis
o Lateral – iliac fossa pubis
o Anterior – lower portion of the o During labor, fetal head
anterior abdominal wall. engagement is defined by the fetal
head’s biparietal diameter passing
Pelvic Joints through this plane.
• Symphysis pubis: o 4 diameters of the pelvic inlet are
o Anteriorly joins the pelvic bones. usually described:
o Consists of fibrocartilage and the ▪ Anteroposterior
superior and inferior pubic ▪ Transverse
ligaments. ▪ 2 oblique diameters
o The latter ligament is frequently
designated the arcuate ligament of 1. Anteroposterior diameter:
the pubis. • Termed the true conjugate, extends from
• Sacroiliac joints: the uppermost margin of the symphysis
o Join the innominate bones and pubis to the sacral promontory.
sacrum posteriorly. • Described by specific landmarks.
• The pelvic joints in general have a limited o Obstetrical conjugate/true
degree of mobility. conjugate:
• However, during pregnancy, these joints • Shortest distance between the sacral
relax remarkably at term. promontory and the symphysis pubis.
• Upward gliding of the sacroiliac joint, • 10 cm or more
which is greatest in the dorsal lithotomy • Not clinically assessed.
position, may increase the diameter of the • Estimated indirectly by subtracting 1.5 to 2
outlet by 1.5 to 2.0 cm for delivery. cm from the diagonal conjugate. To
• Sacroiliac joint mobility also likely aids the measure the diagonal conjugate, a hand
McRoberts maneuver to release an with the palm oriented laterally extends its
obstructed shoulder in cases of shoulder index finger to the promontory.
dystocia. • The distance from the fingertip to the point
• These changes may also contribute to the at which the lowest margin of the
success of the modified squatting position
symphysis strikes the same finger's base - The apex of the posterior triangle is the tip
is the diagonal conjugate. of the sacrum, and the lateral boundaries
- Diagonal conjugate: are the sacrotuberous ligaments and the
o Determined by measuring the ischial tuberosities.
distance from the lowest margin of - The anterior triangle is formed by the
the symphysis to the sacral descending inferior rami of the pubic
promontory. bones. These rami unite at an angle of 90
o Done during internal examination. to 100 degrees to form a rounded arch
under which the fetal head must pass.
2. Transverse diameter: - Unless there is significant pelvic bony
• Constructed at right angles to the disease, the pelvic outlet seldom obstructs
obstetrical conjugate. vaginal delivery.
• Represents the greatest distance between
the linea terminalis on either side of the Pelvic Shapes
pelvis • The Caldwell-Moloy anatomical
• It usually intersects the obstetrical classification of the pelvis is based on
conjugate at a point approximately 5 cm in shape, and its concepts aid an
from of the promontory and measures understanding of labor mechanisms.
approximately 13 cm. • Specifically, the greatest transverse
diameter of the inlet and its division into
3. 2 Oblique diameters: anterior and posterior segments are used
• Extends from one sacroiliac to classify the pelvis as gynecoid,
synchondrosis to the contralateral iliopubic anthropoid, android, or platypelloid.
eminence. • The posterior segment determines the
• Each eminence is a minor elevation that type of pelvis, whereas the anterior
marks the union site of the ilium and segment determines the tendency.
pubis. • These are both determined because many
• These oblique diameters average less pelves are nor pure but are mixed types.
than 13 cm. For example, a gynecoid pelvis with an
android tendency means that the posterior
Midpelvis and Pelvic Outlet pelvis is gynecoid and the anterior pelvis
Midpelvis is android shaped.
- Measured at the level of the ischial spines. • From viewing the four basic types, the
- Also called the midplane or plane of least configuration of the gynecoid pelvis would
pelvic dimensions. intuitively seem suited for delivery of most
- During labor, the degree of fetal head fetuses.
descent into the true pelvis may be • Caldwell reported that the gynecoid pelvis
described by station, and the midpelvis was found in almost half of women.
and ischial spines serve to mark zero in
fetal station.
- The interspinous diameter is 10 cm or
slightly greater and is usually the smallest
pelvic diameter. In cases of obstructed
labor, is particularly important.
- The anteroposterior diameter through the
level of the ischial spines normally
measures at least 11.5 cm.

Pelvic Outlet:
- Consists of 2 approximately triangular
areas whose boundaries mirror those of
the perineal triangle.
- They have a common base, which is a line
drawn between the 2 ischial tuberosities.

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