Electrical Symbols

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Electrical Symbols & Electronic Symbols

Electrical symbols and electronic circuit symbols are used for drawing schematic diagram.
The symbols represent electrical and electronic components.

Table of Electrical Symbols

Symbol Component name Meaning

Wire Symbols

Electrical Wire Conductor of electrical current

Connected Wires Connected crossing

Not Connected Wires Wires are not connected

Switch Symbols and Relay Symbols

SPST Toggle Switch Disconnects current when open

SPDT Toggle Switch Selects between two connections

Pushbutton Switch (N.O) Momentary switch - normally open

Pushbutton Switch (N.C) Momentary switch - normally closed

DIP switch is used for onboard

DIP Switch

SPST Relay
Relay open / close connection by an
SPDT Relay

Close connection by jumper insertion

on pins.

Solder Bridge Solder to close connection

Ground Symbols
Used for zero potential reference and
Earth Ground
electrical shock protection.

Chassis Ground Connected to the chassis of the circuit

Digital / Common Ground

Resistor Symbols

Resistor (IEEE)
Resistor reduces the current flow.
Resistor (IEC)

Potentiometer (IEEE)
Adjustable resistor - has 3 terminals.
Potentiometer (IEC)

Variable Resistor / Rheostat

Adjustable resistor - has 2 terminals.
Variable Resistor / Rheostat

Trimmer Resistor Preset resistor

Thermal resistor - change resistance

when temperature changes

Photoresistor / Light Photo-resistor - change resistance

dependent resistor (LDR) with light intensity change

Capacitor Symbols

Capacitor is used to store electric
charge. It acts as short circuit with AC
and open circuit with DC.

Polarized Capacitor Electrolytic capacitor

Polarized Capacitor Electrolytic capacitor

Variable Capacitor Adjustable capacitance

Inductor / Coil Symbols

Coil / solenoid that generates
magnetic field

Iron Core Inductor Includes iron

Variable Inductor

Power Supply Symbols

Voltage Source Generates constant voltage

Current Source Generates constant current.

AC Voltage Source AC voltage source

Electrical voltage is generated by

mechanical rotation of the generator

Battery Cell Generates constant voltage

Battery Generates constant voltage

Generates voltage as a function of

Controlled Voltage Source voltage or current of other circuit
Generates current as a function of
Controlled Current Source voltage or current of other circuit
Meter Symbols
Measures voltage. Has very high
resistance. Connected in parallel.
Measures electric current. Has near
zero resistance. Connected serially.

Ohmmeter Measures resistance

Wattmeter Measures electric power

Lamp / Light Bulb Symbols

Lamp / light bulb

Generates light when current flows

Lamp / light bulb

Lamp / light bulb

Diode / LED Symbols

Diode allows current flow in one
direction only (left to right).

Allows current flow in one direction,

but also can flow in the reverse
Zener Diode
direction when above breakdown

Schottky diode is a diode with low

Schottky Diode
voltage drop

Varactor / Varicap Diode Variable capacitance diode

Tunnel Diode

LED emits light when current flows

Light Emitting Diode (LED)

Photodiode allows current flow when

exposed to light

Transistor Symbols
Allows current flow when high
NPN Bipolar Transistor
potential at base (middle)
Allows current flow when low potential
PNP Bipolar Transistor
at base (middle)

Made from 2 bipolar transistors. Has

Darlington Transistor
total gain of the product of each gain.

JFET-N Transistor N-channel field effect transistor

JFET-P Transistor P-channel field effect transistor

NMOS Transistor N-channel MOSFET transistor

PMOS Transistor P-channel MOSFET transistor

Misc. Symbols

Motor Electric motor

Change AC voltage from high to low

or low to high.

Electric bell Rings when activated

Buzzer Produce buzzing sound

The fuse disconnects when current
above threshold. Used to protect
circuit from high currents.


Contains several wires. Usually for

data / address.


Optocoupler isolates onnection to

Optocoupler / Opto-isolator
other board
Converts electrical signal to sound

Converts sound waves to electrical


Operational Amplifier Amplify input signal

Operates with hysteresis to reduce

Schmitt Trigger

Analog-to-digital converter Converts analog signal to digital

(ADC) numbers

Digital-to-Analog converter Converts digital numbers to analog

(DAC) signal

Used to generate precise frequency

Crystal Oscillator
clock signal

Antenna Symbols

Antenna / aerial
Transmits & receives radio waves
Antenna / aerial

Dipole Antenna Two wires simple antenna

Logic Gates Symbols

NOT Gate (Inverter) Outputs 1 when input is 0

AND Gate Outputs 1 when both inputs are 1.

Outputs 0 when both inputs are 1.


OR Gate Outputs 1 when any input is 1.

Outputs 0 when any input is 1. (NOT +

NOR Gate
Outputs 1 when inputs are different.
XOR Gate
(Exclusive OR)

D Flip-Flop Stores one bit of data

Multiplexer / Mux 2 to 1
Connects the output to  selected input
Multiplexer / Mux 4 to 1

Connects selected output to the input

Demultiplexer / Demux 1 to 4

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