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What Has Been Shall Be:

The Man-child Returns

David Eells
© 2014 David Eells. All rights reserved. Permission is granted to copy and
quote portions of this book, provided the context is accompanied with the
copyright notice and contact details.
ISBN: 978-1-942008-15-6
First Printing – Large Print Edition – 2015

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Scriptures are taken from the American Standard Version (ASV) because of
its faithfulness to the ancient manuscripts and Bible Numerics, a system
designed by God for proving authenticity.

We have departed from the ASV only in the name Jehovah and Lord Je-
hovah which we replaced with Lord and Lord God, respectively. Neither
represents the original YHWH but Lord is less confusing to many and we
did not want this to distract from the teaching.

Numerics is a system designed into the Bible by God to prove authentic-

ity. The Greeks and Hebrews used their letters for numbers. Therefore, the
whole Bible is also written in numbers which show perfect patterns as long
as the God-inspired original words are not departed from. It mathemati-
cally proves the original text and where it has been added to or taken away
from. The Numeric English New Testament (NENT) is based on the nu-
meric pattern and is quoted from when necessary.

We desire to make this book free on our part because Jesus said, “Freely you
have received, freely give,” but the business of publishing does not lend itself
to that. We can say that any profits made from this book will go toward pro-
moting the message of the Kingdom of God and not to any personal, fleshly
gain. Free copies of the book are made available through the generous dona-
tions of His faithful servants and can be requested at

We dedicate this book to the Saints of God who will

desperately need the wise guidance, truth and latter rain
anointing coming to them from the Lord through this end-
time ministry called the Man-child.


May our Father bless those whom He used to create

this book from transcriptions of David Eells’ teachings:
• Brad Moyers, who then proofread the manuscript.
• Michael Duncan, who then created the book cover.
• Kevin Rea, who formatted and prepared the book for
• Many brothers and sisters who have worked on this
book but do not wish any credit.

Books of the Bible - Abbreviation List

Old Testament
Gen. Genesis Zep. Zephaniah
Exo. Exodus Hag. Haggai
Lev. Leviticus Zec. Zechariah
Num. Numbers Mal. Malachi
Deu. Deuteronomy
Jos. Joshua
Jdg. Judges
Rth. Ruth New Testament
1Sa. 1 Samuel Mat. Matthew
2Sa. 2 Samuel Mar. Mark
1Ki. 1 Kings Luk. Luke
2Ki. 2 Kings Joh. John
1Ch. 1 Chronicles Act. Acts
2Ch. 2 Chronicles Rom. Romans
Ezr. Ezra 1Co. 1 Corinthians
Neh. Nehemiah 2Co. 2 Corinthians
Est. Esther Gal. Galatians
Job. Job Eph. Ephesians
Psa. Psalms Php. Philippians
Pro. Proverbs Col. Colossians
Ecc. Ecclesiastes 1Th. 1 Thessalonians
Son. The Song of Solomon 2Th. 2 Thessalonians
Isa. Isaiah 1Ti. 1 Timothy
Jer. Jeremiah 2Ti. 2 Timothy
Lam. Lamentations Tit. Titus
Eze. Ezekiel Phm. Philemon
Dan. Daniel Heb. Hebrews
Hos. Hosea Jas. James
Joe. Joel 1Pe. 1 Peter
Amo. Amos 2Pe. 2 Peter
Oba. Obadiah 1Jn. 1 John
Jon. Jonah 2Jn. 2 John
Mic. Micah 3Jn. 3 John
Nah. Nahum Jud. Jude
Hab. Habakkuk Rev. Revelation

  1. The 42nd Generation������������������������������������������������������������������8
  2. Spearheading the Man-child Ministry������������������������������������� 31
  3. The Throne of David and the Spirit of Christ���������������������������55
  4. Out of Bondage and Into the Wilderness���������������������������������78
  5. The David Ministry of Our Day����������������������������������������������104
  6. The John the Baptist Ministry Today������������������������������������� 129
  7. Jesus’ Latter Rain Ministry����������������������������������������������������� 155
  8. The Spiritual Fast��������������������������������������������������������������������180
  9. The Light That Shines in Darkness����������������������������������������205


(Ecc.1:9) That which hath been is that which

shall be; and that which hath been done is that
which shall be done: and there is no new thing un-
der the sun. (10) Is there a thing whereof it may be
said, See, this is new? it hath been long ago, in the
ages which were before us.
(Ecc.3:15) That which is hath been long ago;
and that which is to be hath long ago been: and
God seeketh again that which is passed away.
These verses were written by Solomon, the King of Is-
rael, one of the wisest men who ever walked the earth. He
is telling us that history repeats and if we learn to read the
clues given in the Old and New Testaments, we will be able
to understand current events and the way God works in our
lives today.
Our teacher in these pages, David Eells of Unleavened
Bread Ministries, takes us on an excursion through the
Book of Matthew to show us how prophecy is fulfilled first
in the letter and then in the Spirit in these latter days. We
will learn to read Matthew as not only history, but as ex-
tremely accurate prophecy, as God prepares His people for
what lies ahead. It is guaranteed that you cannot find in-
sight and teaching like this anywhere else because the Lord
has hidden these things from the wise and prudent and re-
vealed them unto babes (Matthew 11:25). God chooses the
meek of the world to deliver His message because His pow-
er is made perfect in weakness (2 Corinthians 12:9).

The 42nd Generation

Father, in the Name of Jesus, we’re thanking You so

much, Lord, for all that You have meant to us, all that the
Lord Jesus has done for us, and all that He has sacrificed
to give us. Lord, we know that Your abundant life has al-
ready been provided and that we’re just entering into these
things by faith. Lord, reveal and open our understanding
to know and apprehend those things that You have provid-
ed for us. Thank You, Lord, for showing us the things that
are coming, to encourage us and to help us to know how to
be in agreement with Your plan. And thank You, Lord, for
reaching out to us, drawing us unto Yourself and providing
for us in these coming days. In the Name of our Lord Jesus
Christ, Amen. Praise the Lord!

Seven Chronological Years

The Bible says, That which hath been is that which

shall be; and that which hath been done is that
which shall be done: and there is no new thing
under the sun (Ecc.1:9). We quite often look at the
Scriptures, even in the natural, as something that’s a reve-
lation of the distant future, but we need to study the Gos-
pels to give ourselves a revelation of soon-coming things
that are now almost upon us. Years ago, I shared with you
how everything that has happened in the Gospels and in
the Book of Acts is now coming again upon the earth, ex-
cept the cast of characters has been multiplied many times
over, meaning that they will be corporate bodies of people
The 42nd Generation 9

all over the world walking in the steps of earlier individu-

als. The Lord also spoke to me years ago that the Gospels
represented the first 3½ years of the Tribulation period
and that the Book of Acts represented the second 3½ years
of the Tribulation period.
There’s a doctrine out there which teaches that Jesus
ministered for only one year because they do not see that
the Feasts that Jesus kept did not all happen in the same
year in the Scriptures. But one very good proof is in Bi-
ble Chronology by Ivan Panin. It basically proves the cor-
rect chronology through numeric patterns. Panin’s book is
one of the only chronologies out there that actually uses
Bible dates that can be found by cross-referencing other
Bible dates. The only other book I know of was from Mar-
tin Anstey, who wrote Romance of Bible Chronology back
in 1913. Both authors’ chronology comes only from Bible
dates. There is also a way to verify those dates with Nu-
merics, the numeric pattern. So here’s what I’ve found con-
cerning Jesus’ ministry: Year one of His ministry was in AD
27, year two in AD 28, year three AD 29, and the Cross, res-
urrection, ascension and Pentecost all happened in AD 30.
That is cross-referenced with numeric Bible chronology. I
personally already believed what they’re saying because of
what the Lord told me, but I think there are things we can
point out and see through the Gospels that will show us
that the 3½-year ministry of Jesus is just like the one we’re
about to enter now, only with a new reformation leadership
which the Bible calls the “Man-child.”
10 What Has Been Shall Be: The Man-child Returns

The Father of the Spiritual Man

I’d like to start in Matthew because I think there’s a pic-

ture there of what happens through the rest of the Gospels.
Now, some people think that Matthew 1 is the dullest part
of the whole Gospel because it has all those “begat”s and
“begat”s. I’m not going to recite all of those to you here,
but I would like to point out a few things. First, where it
speaks of The book of the generation of Jesus Christ
(Mat.1:1), according to Numerics, it says simply, “The gen-
eration of Jesus Christ,” or “The genealogy of Jesus Christ.”
Either way, it’s the same word. The interesting thing is
that the word “generation” here is actually the Greek word
genesis, so it can be read as “The genesis of Jesus Christ.”
You know that the Book of Genesis is about the creation of
Adam and the natural creation and yet here we’re starting
another “Genesis” of what the Bible calls “the last Adam” (1
Corinthians 15:45), Jesus Christ. This is not speaking of the
natural creation, but the spiritual creation, the creation of
the “born-again” man, Jesus Christ being the Adam of this
new race of people who are created to be sons of God.
People have really perplexing questions about the ge-
nealogy here in Matthew 1 and one of those perplexing
questions is, “Why does it seem to be the genealogy of Jo-
seph?” For instance, it says, and Jacob begat Joseph
the husband of Mary, of whom was born Jesus,
who is called Christ (Mat.1:16). So we follow the ge-
nealogy from Abraham to Joseph here and that Jesus was
of virgin birth. Mary was with child of the Holy Spirit
(Mat.1:18). In fact, Joseph really had nothing physically
to do with bringing Jesus forth. Joseph was not the father
of His flesh. Mary was actually the mother of His flesh, but
The 42nd Generation 11

the Bible tells us that it is the seed of the woman that was
going to bring forth the Son who would crush the serpent’s
head (Genesis 3:15). God used the DNA from Mary to cre-
ate the body of Jesus, the fleshly part of Jesus. He was the
Son of God and Son of Man. The Son of God came in a body
that He called the Son of Man. Of course, That which is
born of the flesh is flesh; and that which is born
of the Spirit is spirit (Joh.3:6). That means your nat-
ural creation has been born of your fleshly parents, but
your spiritual creation came from God, just like when God
breathed into the first Adam the “breath” (or ruach, which
is the Hebrew word for “spirit”), the “breath of life” (Gene-
sis 2:7). That spiritual man in you came from God, but the
carnal man was passed on by your parents.
So why mention Joseph in this passage? Because we are
really wanting to know of whom Jesus was born. I think
that’s a really interesting question and it goes right to the
root of why this is the genesis of Jesus Christ, the Son of
God. Genesis also means “birth,” “beginning,” “origin” and
so forth. Jesus is the beginning and He is the end (Reve-
lation 1:8). He is the beginning of the new creation man
and He is the end; all things would be summed up in Him
(Ephesians 1:10). Getting to the point here, Joseph did have
something to do with raising Jesus; he had everything to
do with the spiritual man and nothing to do with the carnal
Joseph was ordained of God to represent Him in raising
Jesus in the image of God. You say, “That doesn’t make
sense. He’s the Son of God.” But the Bible says, And Je-
sus advanced in wisdom and stature, and in favor
with God and men (Luk.2:52). Joseph had something
to do with that. He could contribute none of his physical
12 What Has Been Shall Be: The Man-child Returns

self in bringing forth Jesus, but he contributed both words

and actions into Jesus’ life in order to train Him up and
bring Him into the image of God that He was ordained to
be. In Hebrews, it appears to be Jesus speaking when He
says, a body didst thou prepare for me (Heb.10:5).
The Son of God in Heaven came down to inhabit a body that
was brought forth through Mary, but the lineage written is
of Joseph. Actually, it even says that. (Mat.1:16) And Ja-
cob begat Joseph the husband of Mary, of whom
was born Jesus, who is called Christ. It didn’t give
Joseph any credit for the birth of Jesus; Jesus was of virgin
birth. But Joseph had something to do with bringing forth
this genesis, this new generation of man, because what he
was sowing into the life of Jesus were words, actions, an
example and other such things. Even though Jesus was the
only begotten Son of God, meaning “born” Son of God, and
even though He was filled with the Holy Spirit while still in
the womb, He still had to be raised up into the fullness of
that image.

Speaking Life

(Luk.2:52) And Jesus advanced in wisdom and

stature, and in favor with God and men. The seed
that Joseph sowed in Jesus’ life is the most important seed
in bringing forth the spiritual man and not the carnal man.
In the carnal man, it is a physical seed that brings forth the
physical life. But the spiritual man, which lives in all of us
who have been born from above, is born by the seed of the
Word of God that has been sown in us. We’re told, It is the
spirit that giveth life; the flesh profiteth nothing:
the words that I have spoken unto you are spirit,
The 42nd Generation 13

and are life (Joh.6:63). So Jesus was doing the exact

same thing that was done to Him: He was sowing in the
disciples the Spirit and the life of God through the Word of
God that He was speaking. Joseph could have had an or-
dained work from God in bringing forth the spiritual man
here, but he had nothing to do with the physical.
We are also told, That is, it is not the children of
the flesh that are children of God; but the children
of the promise are reckoned for a seed (Rom.9:8).
The “children of the promise” is the promise that was spo-
ken to them that put faith in their heart to receive the gift of
God to be what they were not before. With all of us, that’s
the way salvation is. It’s God working in us to will and to do
of His good pleasure (Ephesians 1:5,11). Mary was not, as
some people say, the “mother” of God. She was the moth-
er of Jesus’ flesh. What was sown in Jesus Christ was sent
from God the Father; the Father sent His only begotten
Son (John 3:16). It had nothing to do with, and was even in
spite of, Mary. She even had to receive salvation, obvious-
ly, and she was filled with the Holy Spirit (Acts 1:14; 2:4).
But she was required and necessary to be the mother of the
flesh that Jesus would come to live and walk in as the Son of
God. And yet, this whole genealogy in Matthew is all about
bringing forth the spiritual man and not the carnal man, or
it would have been Mary’s genealogy written in Matthew.
What we’re seeing here is that the physical is not so im-
portant. Any flesh out there can manifest bearing the fruit
of the Son of God if the seed is sown in it. The Lord God
is showing us by this example that the important thing is
what is spoken into someone’s life. This is how we pass on
our seed in the Kingdom; we pass it on through the Word
of God.
14 What Has Been Shall Be: The Man-child Returns

In the Parable of the Sower (Matthew 13:3-23), Jesus

sowed the seed and the seed was the Word of God, and He
brought forth in people’s hearts the fruit 30-, 60- and 100-
fold. Jesus was what He was, in spite of His human herit-
age. According to Romans 8, He had to overcome His hu-
man heritage. He was one that hath been in all points
tempted like as [we are, yet] without sin (Heb.4:15).
(Rom.1:3) Concerning his Son, who was born of
the seed of David according to the flesh, (4) who
was declared [to be] the Son of God with power,
according to the spirit of holiness … Therefore, That
which is born of the flesh is flesh; and that which
is born of the Spirit is spirit (Joh.3:6). That which
came from Mary was the seed of David because she was in
the lineage of David and God took her DNA to do that. But
that which was born of God out of heaven was the Spirit of
God, according to what Jesus said.

Genealogy of the Spirit

In the Scriptures, it’s very plain that in the spiritual man,

which is the Son of God (or the sons of God, as we are), our
lineage is not according to genealogy at all. Jesus was the
only begotten Son of God, in Whom we all live (Acts 17:28)
and we manifest our sonship through Him. Scripture por-
trays Melchizedek as a theophany, very much in the same
way Jesus is a Theophany or, in other words, “God in flesh.”
Jesus is said to be a high priest for ever after the or-
der of Melchizedek (Heb.6:20). Both Melchizedek and
Jesus were without father, without mother, with-
out genealogy, having neither beginning of days
nor end of life, but made like unto the Son of God
The 42nd Generation 15

(Heb.7:3). It says “without father, without mother” be-

cause we’re talking about the Son of God, not the son of
man. The son of man has an earthly father, earthly mother,
earthly genealogy, but the Son of God does not have any
such thing. The Son of God is eternal. He is the Word which
came down out of heaven (John 1:14), which we eat like the
Israelites ate the manna in the wilderness (Exodus 16:4).
When we read this Word, we absorb it into ourselves. We
spiritually eat that Word of God, which is eternal, and that
recreates in us the Son of God, which has no end. There’s no
genealogy to the Son of God in you. (Col.1:27) … Christ
in you, the hope of glory. There’s no beginning of days
nor end of life because He is eternal. That Word is simply
recreating in you the manifestation of God in you. This is
what the Bible refers to where it says, For the earnest
expectation of the creation waiteth for the reveal-
ing (“manifestation”) of the sons of God (Rom.8:19).
So we see that there is no earthly genealogy, no physical
genealogy, to a son of God. This genealogy in Matthew is a
genealogy of people concluding with Joseph, who had no
physical connection, but was only sowing a seed in the life
of Jesus to raise Him up from a child. And, of course, we’re
also being raised up in the same way.

Counting Unto Christ

(Mat.1:17) So all the generations from Abraham

unto David are fourteen generations; and from
David unto the carrying away to Babylon four-
teen generations; and from the carrying away
to Babylon unto the Christ fourteen generations.
Praise God! It’s very interesting that it’s so neatly divid-
16 What Has Been Shall Be: The Man-child Returns

ed. I remember one time years and years ago, as we read

this in a Bible study in my home, that somebody said, “I’ve
counted these and there aren’t 14 generations there. There
are 14, 14 and then 13.” So we all started counting and we
counted it again and again and we said, “Hey, you’re right!
There’s 14, 14 and then 13.” We had to be careful not to dou-
ble-count between the paragraphs, for instance, in verses
11 and 12, where there is a paragraph break. Jechoniah is
mentioned twice and you could count him twice, so we had
to be careful.
There aren’t 14 generations in the last paragraph, yet
God says here that there were 14 generations! At the time,
the answer came to me that this is not referring to Christ
Himself, but that the “fourteen generations” were speaking
about Jesus’ offspring, meaning the body of Christ. Then it
would be correct. That would make Christ the 41st genera-
tion and it would make the people of God the 42nd gener-
ation, which explanation I still believe today. I received a
word of knowledge at that time and I believe that God was
speaking to me, that in the phrase, “unto the Christ,” the
word “Christ” is actually used of the saints. And, if we’re
“in Christ,” we are part of the 42nd generation, even though
the fullness of that is coming forth in the days that we’re in
right now.

Anointed Offspring of Jesus

2 Corinthians has a good proof that the 42nd generation

is speaking of Jesus’ offspring. (2Co.1:21) Now he that
establisheth us with you in (Greek: “into”) Christ,
and anointed us, is God. Here we have the word
“Christ,” which in Greek is Christos, and we have the verb
The 42nd Generation 17

“anointed,” which in Greek is the verb chrio and means the

same thing. Those who are established “into Christ” are
one body and “anointed,” which is the verb chrio. So when
He says, “unto the Christ” in Matthew, it could very well be
(and I’m totally convinced that it is, from other proof that
we’ll look at), this anointed body; that is, the offspring of
Jesus. Remember, Jesus was the progenitor of this body.
He sowed the seed, which is the Word of God, that went
into the hearts of men.
In the Parable of the Sower in Matthew 13, the word
“seed” is the Greek word sperma. The Sower sowed the
sperma to bring forth fruit 30-, 60- and 100-fold. So “unto
the Christ” could very well be the “anointed” because He
is saying that we are those anointed. The word “anoint-
ed,” or chrio, is the very same word Jesus spoke when He
read from Isaiah. (Luk.4:18) The Spirit of the Lord is
upon me, Because He anointed me … So Jesus is the
Chrio and His body is the Chrio. He left an individual body
in order to come back in a corporate body so He could do to
the whole world what He did in the Middle East. That was
the whole point, a glorious work of God.
Notice that “He establisheth us into Christ.” We are the
anointed because we are in Him. You know, it’s Christ in
you and you in Christ, as He said. (Joh.17:21) … That
they may all be one; even as thou, Father, [art]
in me, and I in thee, that they also may be in us
… This is what everyone wants to call a “mystery,” but the
more of Christ we get in us, the more we are the anoint-
ed. We need to be receiving what He received when He
was anointed; we need to be receiving the power of the
Holy Spirit. He manifestly became the Christ because He
was anointed with the Holy Spirit. And then we also see
18 What Has Been Shall Be: The Man-child Returns

of Christ this additional proof. (Eph.1:10) Unto a dis-

pensation of the fulness of the times, to sum up all
things (There is no numeric pattern to include the word
“things” here.) in Christ the things in the heavens,
and the things upon the earth; in him, [I say,] (11)
in whom also we were made a heritage, having
been foreordained according to the purpose of
him who worketh all things after the counsel of
his will. He wanted to sum up all people in Christ, in the
anointed, in Christos, and we are that “all people.”

Chosen Generation

Galatians 3 tells us that there is just one generation after

Jesus, the 42nd generation. (Gal.3:16) Now to Abra-
ham were the promises spoken, and to his seed.
He saith not, And to seeds, as of many; but as of
one, And to thy seed, which is Christ. There is only
one seed of Christ. If we abide in Him, then we are now
His corporate body on the earth and Paul tells us this a
little further down. (Gal.3:28) There can be neither
Jew nor Greek, there can be neither bond nor free,
there can be no male and female; for ye all are one
[man] in Christ Jesus. (29) And if ye are Christ’s,
then are ye Abraham’s seed (Notice that the “seed” is
singular, just one.), heirs according to promise.
How do we become heirs? We become heirs accord-
ing to the promise that enters our hearts. It works in us
the faith to receive all the benefits of the Kingdom and to
walk as Christ walked. This is an amazing thing that God
is doing. The only way that we can be a part of this gener-
ation, the 42nd generation, is to receive the Word of God,
The 42nd Generation 19

which is the very seed that makes us a member of the body

of Christ. That’s why Joseph is listed there in Matthew 1
because Joseph could pass on to Jesus the wisdom that a
child would not have. (Luk.2:52) And Jesus advanced
in wisdom and stature, and in favor with God and
men. It says, But ye are an elect race (Greek: genos,
“chosen generation”) (1Pe.2:9). We are a chosen gener-
ation. There is just one generation from the time of Jesus
on. We have all received the same seed, the Word of God,
and allow it to bear fruit. We all come into the same body
and we have been chosen to be a part of that body in the
earth to do the works of God.

The Generation That Was to Come

There is more interesting revelation found in Psalms.

(Psa.102:12) But thou, O Lord, wilt abide for ever;
And thy memorial [name] unto all generations.
So all of the generations of God’s people become one gen-
eration, the 42nd generation. (13) Thou wilt arise, and
have mercy upon Zion … When is God going to do this?
We know that it’s in these days He is going to do this. He is
going to bring His children out of bondage in Babylon back
to Zion. (Psa.102:13) Thou wilt arise, and have mer-
cy upon Zion; For it is time to have pity upon her,
Yea, the set time is come. This is the time, our day. This
is when God is going to have pity on Zion, to raise her up
again. He will raise up Zion, whose land has been desolate
because God’s people were taken into Babylonish captivity.
Now they’re going to return by His grace to their Promised
Land. (Psa.102:14) For thy servants take pleasure
in her stones … “Her stones” are a symbol of separation
20 What Has Been Shall Be: The Man-child Returns

from the world. Zion, the Tower of the Flock, separated the
people from the world. It represents holiness; it represents
being on the mountain of God; it represents overcoming
the world and drawing close to His Presence, which is on
top of the mountain.
(Psa.102:14) For thy servants take pleasure in
her stones, And have pity upon her dust. (15) So
the nations shall fear the name of the Lord, And
all the kings of the earth thy glory. Before this is
over, that’s exactly what’s going to happen: the nations
are going to fear the name of the Lord because He is once
again going to show His sovereignty and His judgments in
the earth, just as He did in the time of Moses. Egypt was
a type of the nations. (Psa.102:16) For the Lord hath
built up Zion (which is the Bride, according to Revela-
tion 21:2); He hath appeared in his glory. The Lord
is coming in His people. It is a body made up of Himself,
His Word and His life. (Psa.102:17) He hath regarded
the prayer of the destitute, And hath not despised
their prayer. Does that perhaps indicate that in these
days many are going to draw close to the Lord because of
destitution in the world, tribulation in the world and a wil-
derness experience? That’s what it sounds like to me.
(Psa.102:18) This shall be written for the gener-
ation to come … Notice that it is one generation, the 42nd
generation, in whom Jesus lives. (Col.1:27) … Christ in
you, the hope of glory. It’s not the 41st generation, which
was Jesus, but the 42nd generation, in whom Jesus lives.
(Psa.102:18) This shall be written for the genera-
tion to come; And a people which shall be created
shall praise the Lord. That’s the 42nd generation, one
generation, the generation of the Lord. Remember what
The 42nd Generation 21

was said back in Matthew: it is “the generation of Jesus

Christ.” That’s what the whole genealogy was about; it was
about “the genesis (same word) of Jesus Christ.”
(Psa.102:19) For he hath looked down from
the height of his sanctuary; From heaven did the
Lord behold the earth; (20) To hear the sighing of
the prisoner … This is referring to God’s people being
in bondage. He is coming once again to deliver His peo-
ple out of bondage to the carnal man in Egypt. The Israel-
ite, the spiritual man, was in bondage to the carnal man,
the Egyptian. The Lord was coming down to set them free,
which He is about to do again. All those are types and shad-
ows of what now is going to happen during the Tribula-
tion period. Even the judgments that Moses poured out
are the ones that the Man-child will pour out on Egypt, the
world. (Psa.102:20) To hear the sighing of the pris-
oner; To loose those that are appointed to death;
(21) That men may declare the name of the Lord
in Zion (Zion was the refuge of God’s people.), And his
praise in Jerusalem; (22) When the peoples are
gathered together, and the kingdoms, to serve the
Lord. Praise God!

His Generation

There is another text about the same thing in Isai-

ah. (Isa.53:8) By oppression and judgment he
was taken away; and as for his generation, who
among them (The words “among them” was not in the
original manuscript.) considered that he was cut
off out of the land of the living for the transgres-
sion of my people to whom the stroke was due?
22 What Has Been Shall Be: The Man-child Returns

(Isa.53:9) And they made his grave with the wick-

ed, and with a rich man in his death; although he
had done no violence, neither was any deceit in
his mouth. Praise the Lord! This is the generation of the
Lord, which is the generation or genealogy of Jesus Christ
in Matthew 1.

One Seed

We can see that genealogy in another Psalm, too.

(Psa.22:30) A seed shall serve him; It shall be told
of the Lord unto the [next] generation. However,
the word “next” was not in the original. Also, the word used
there for “told” can be translated as “counted,” so the verse
may be read, “counted unto the Lord unto a generation.”
Some of you may have a footnote that reads, “or, ‘count-
ed unto the Lord for His generations.’” Actually, the word
“generations” is singular. The translators are using their
own reasoning there and I believe that what it correctly
reads is, “It shall be counted unto the Lord for a genera-
tion.” What generation is that? That generation is the 42nd
generation, the one referred to in Matthew, which is what
the Lord came to do. The Lord Jesus came for this gener-
ation of people from His day until ours. The real cream of
the crop is coming in our day. The best wine He has saved
for last (John 2:1:10). He refers to this generation in the
next verse. (Psa.22:31) They shall come and shall
declare his righteousness Unto a people that shall
be born, that He hath done it. He has done it! It is
finished! He has overcome the world (John 16:33). He has
brought forth His children, as we just read in Isaiah 53.
The Bible says, He shall see [his] seed (Isa.53:10) and
The 42nd Generation 23

again, the word “seed” is singular. Jesus gave His life in

order to see this seed and said, Greater [works] than
these shall he (that’s you) do; because I go unto the
Father (Joh.14:12).

This Generation

We read This is the generation of them that seek

after him (Psa.24:6). That’s an awful lot of people, be-
tween the time of Jesus first raising up disciples and our
day. So who is this “generation”? If you go back and read
Psalm 24, you get an idea. (Psa.24:1) The earth is the
Lord’s, and the fulness thereof; The world, and
they that dwell therein. (2) For he hath founded it
upon the seas, And established it upon the floods.
(3) Who shall ascend into the hill of the Lord?
(That is, of course, Mt. Zion.) And who shall stand in
his holy place? (4) He that hath clean hands, and
a pure heart; Who hath not lifted up his soul unto
falsehood, And hath not sworn deceitfully. (5) He
shall receive a blessing from the Lord, And right-
eousness from the God of his salvation. (6) This is
the generation of them that seek after him, That
seek thy face, [even] Jacob. Oh, praise the Lord! This
generation that God has spoken about so often, this chosen
generation, is the 42nd generation of 14 + 14 + 14. And this
42nd generation is made up of the spiritual man, not the
carnal man who is not eternal. The carnal man is not the
offspring of Jesus Christ; he is the offspring of Adam, the
first Adam. The last Adam is the Father of the spiritual,
born-again creation man, the sons of God.
This body each of us has is a temporary thing and all of
24 What Has Been Shall Be: The Man-child Returns

its desires and lusts are temporary; they’re all going to pass
away. We have a new body and a born-again soul that’s
been born again from the Word of God and we have a new
spirit. All this is the 42nd generation, which the whole Gos-
pel is for and about. We’re looking toward the crowning of
this generation in the coming days. It’s an awesome work
that God is about to do!

Whose Seed Are We?

Now we can continue on in Matthew because here’s

another passage that is spiritual and concerns what God
is about to do: (Mat.1:18) Now the birth (The word
“birth” is the same Greek word as in verse 1, meaning the
genesis or “generation.”) of Jesus Christ was on this
wise: When his mother Mary had been betrothed
to Joseph, before they came together she was
found with child of the Holy Spirit. Notice that when
we speak of abortion, we refer to the child as a fetus. It says,
“she was found with child of the Holy Spirit.” It is not a fe-
tus; it is a child. Abortion kills a child and this is a child of
the Holy Spirit. Spiritually-speaking, Mary represents the
people of God in whom the Holy Spirit has sown a seed
that is bringing forth the fruit of Jesus Christ. It was said to
Mary, And blessed [is] she that believed; for there
shall be a fulfilment of the things which have been
spoken to her from the Lord (Luk.1:45). What was
spoken unto her from the Lord was that she was to bring
forth the fruit of Jesus Christ.
Of course, each one of us also has been called to this.
We have been called to be a Mary because Jesus said,
Who is my mother? and who are my brethren?
The 42nd Generation 25

(Mat.12:48). (50) For whosoever shall do the will

of my Father who is in heaven, he is my brother,
and sister, and mother. Everyone who does the Will of
the Father is a part of this corporate body of Mary, which is
bringing forth the fruit of Jesus Christ. He sowed the seed
into the womb of the hearts of men in the Parable of the
Sower told in Matthew 13 and He brought forth the fruit of
Christ 30-, 60- and 100-fold. So we see that this, too, is a
prophecy of things to come, just like the first part of chap-
ter one. We are all called to bring forth the fruit of Jesus
Christ. Everyone who does that is a part of the 42nd gener-
ation. The natural Jesus was the 41st generation and we are
the 42nd generation. This is how God chose to bring forth
His sons, in the only begotten Son of God, one Body.
(Mat.1:19) And Joseph her husband, being
a righteous man, and not willing to make her a
public example, was minded to put her away priv-
ily. (20) But when he thought on these things, be-
hold, an angel of the Lord appeared unto him in a
dream, saying, Joseph, thou son of David, fear not
to take unto thee Mary thy wife: for that which is
conceived in her is of the Holy Spirit. By the way,
the word “conceived” here is the word “begotten” in Greek,
gennao, and is an offshoot of the word genesis, or “born.”
Notice it says that this is not just a fetus, once again, but
that it is “born in her.” It is a child born in her at the time of
conception. The Chinese count a person’s birth years from
the time of conception, not the time of birth, and the Bible
is saying the same thing here. It is not saying that this is a
fetus that is not human; it’s saying that the birth age starts
at the time of conception. “That which is born in her is of
the Holy Spirit.” What the Spirit is bringing forth in us is
26 What Has Been Shall Be: The Man-child Returns

the fruit of Jesus Christ. Glory be to God!

(Mat.1:21) And she shall bring forth a son; and
thou shalt call his name JESUS; for it is he that
shall save his people from their sins. It’s interest-
ing that it says that He is going to save His people from
their sins. How do we prove that we are “His people”? If we
were chosen from the foundation of the world, we’re go-
ing to be a part of this 42nd generation, in that we have re-
ceived the seed of the Kingdom, which is the Word of God,
and brought forth the fruit. Not everybody who is loosely
called a “Christian” can say that. He is only talking about
those who are “in Mary.” (Mat.12:50) For whosoever
shall do the will of my Father who is in heaven,
he is my … mother. The Lord is referring only to those
who do His Will. The others, who are in rebellion and call
themselves “Christians,” are not a part of this whole sce-
nario. It was the same in Jesus’ day when He came unto
his own, and they that were his own received him
not (Joh.1:11). In fact, He said to some of them, Ye are
of [your] father the devil (Mat.8:44). (39) They
answered and said unto him, Our father is Abra-
ham. (41) … We have one Father, [even] God. (42)
Jesus said unto them, If God were your Father, ye
would love me … And the Bible says if we loved Him, we
would keep His commandments (John 14:15). Those who
are “in Mary” do the Will of the Father because they have
true faith and true faith brings forth true ability from God
to walk in His Will. God gives us the gift of working in us to
will and to do of His good pleasure (Ephesians 1:11) when
we have this gift of faith and we exercise it. (Mat.1:21) …
It is he that shall save his people from their sins.
Hallelujah! (22) Now all this is come to pass, that it
The 42nd Generation 27

might be fulfilled which was spoken by the Lord

through the prophet, saying, (23) Behold, the vir-
gin shall be with child, and shall bring forth a son,
And they shall call his name Immanuel; which is,
being interpreted, God with us. This is the whole plan
of God, that He is “with us.”
Notice that He was born unto a virgin. Is it still true to-
day? Of course. The only way that Jesus Christ can be born
in us is if we don’t receive the seed of man, but we receive
the seed of God, which is the Word of God. You know, a
little leaven leaveneth the whole lump (1Co.5:6).
You don’t have to add much to the Word of God to make
it not be the Word of God anymore. You just need to add
a little bit of man’s theology and it’s not the Word of God.
Jesus said, Beware of the leaven of the Pharisees
(Mat.16:6). Why? Because what they were sowing was
the seed of their father, whom Jesus said was the devil.
There’s only one thing that will bring forth Jesus Christ in
His people, which would make them a member of this body
of the 42nd generation, and it’s the Word of God.
I suggest to an awful lot of people out there, who are
wasting a lot of time in religion and not bearing the fruit of
Jesus Christ nor walking in His steps and manifesting His
power and His fruit, that they get back to the Word of God.
If you cannot do anything else, stay home and read the Bi-
ble until you get it into you enough that you can recognize
true and undefiled religion. It is to the Word of God that
we must humble ourselves and that brings us into the 42nd
generation and the body of she who is the virgin. We are
members of Mary’s body who will bring forth the fruit of
Jesus Christ, if we are virgins. The Bible says of the 144,000
group in Revelation 14:4 (which is 144), These are they
28 What Has Been Shall Be: The Man-child Returns

that were not defiled with women; for they are

virgins. These [are] they that follow the Lamb
whithersoever He goeth. These were purchased
from among men [to be] the firstfruits unto God
and unto the Lamb (Rev.14:4). They are virgins be-
cause they refuse to receive the seed of men, which is “the
leaven of the Pharisees.”
And Jesus said, beware of … the leaven of Herod
(Mar.8:15) because a person can also receive the “leav-
en” of worldly governments, which is patriotism to worldly
governments as a form of worship of worldly governments.
We have a new one-world order and it’s the body of Christ.
We have one King over our one-world order and that’s
Christ Himself. He is the head. We are the body and we
do not have our own will; He is our Will. He gives us His
Will; in fact, that’s how the Son sets us free. It’s because He
gives us a will that cannot be thwarted. Jesus’ Will cannot
be thwarted. You cannot be frustrated if you have His Will.
Frustration comes when you have your will and God’s Will
in the same body, at war with one another. Freedom is hav-
ing God work in us to will and to do of His good pleasure
(Ephesians 1:11), so that we can walk after the Lamb of God
whithersoever He goes and not be defiled with “women”
(Revelation 14:4).
“Women” refers to religious sects, which are typed in the
Scriptures as women. Virgins receive only the Word of God
and will bring forth the pure fruit of Jesus Christ, just like
this lineage that we looked at in Matthew. How did Jesus
get to be the Son of David? Because He was of the lineage of
David all the way down through Mary. The body He dwelt
in was the Son of David, but the Son of God came through
the Holy Spirit, Who is the only One Who can sow the na-
The 42nd Generation 29

ture and life of Jesus. A person who is inhabited by the Holy

Spirit can also speak the Word of God, which brings forth
the life of Christ in this body in which we dwell.

The Spiritual Revolution

I think that all of this genealogy was physical, but it also

was a parable. Most parables were physical and Jesus spoke
parables about planting corn, etc. They were physically
true, but they had a spiritual revelation. A spiritual revela-
tion is that the Gospels, the sharing of the Good News, was
to bring forth the genealogy of Jesus Christ in His 42nd gen-
eration, and they would be born to a body spiritually called
“Mary” because “He that doeth the Will of My Father is My
mother.” Praise be to God!
People in the Bible received dreams and many in this
time are having dreams, visions and revelations. In Mat-
thew 1 and 2, there are five dreams that gave direction,
warning, protection, prophecy and instruction. They were
given to Mary, Joseph, the wise men and to the fruit, Jesus.
Right now, the same thing is happening because we are at
the same corresponding point in history. There is a period
of time right here, which starts with the anointing of Je-
sus for His 3½-year ministry. What we’re studying right
now is the introduction to that beginning of the ministry
of Jesus, which started when He was 30 years old. These
dreams and revelations are happening right now because
they happened in the Scriptures.
We’re leading up to the time of the anointing of the
Man-child, Jesus, the One Who, according to Hosea 6:1-3,
is coming as the latter rain on “the morning” of “the third
day,” which is where we are right now, and He is coming in
30 What Has Been Shall Be: The Man-child Returns

His people! He’s coming in His first-fruits to begin the pro-

cess of manifesting the sons of God in these latter days. It’s
an awesome revelation that the Lord has hidden in this lit-
eral revelation of the life of Christ. (Ecc.1:9) That which
hath been is that which shall be; and that which
hath been done is that which shall be done: and
there is no new thing under the sun. The Gospels are
giving us a revelation of the time just before the beginning
of the 3½-year Tribulation.

Spearheading the Man-child Ministry

The Lord showed me many years ago that history re-

peats (Ecclesiastes 1:9) and the events in the Gospels and
Book of Acts will be repeated in our day, except the cast of
characters will be multiplied many times over, with cor-
porate bodies replacing the individuals of Jesus’ day. As
time goes on, there is a geometric effect from people pass-
ing on to people and everybody walks in the steps of some-
one. Those someones are the people about whom we read
in the Gospels. The corporate bodies of people in our day
have walked in the steps of those New Testament individ-
uals, whether it be Jesus or whether it be Judas. Nations
have become empires in our day from the same geometric
effect. We saw in the last chapter that the lineage of Jesus
Christ, for some strange reason, was given as the lineage of
Joseph, even though we know that Joseph had no physical
connection, no genetic connection, to Jesus Christ. But he
did have a spiritual connection, which was the most im-
portant one in the New Testament. Joseph had a gift from
God to impart words, actions and examples for the child
Jesus to imitate as He was growing up. (Luk.2:52) And
Jesus advanced in wisdom and stature, and in fa-
vor with God and men. Of course, He was filled with
the Holy Spirit (Matthew 3:16; Mark 1:10; Luke 3:22; John

Revelation of the Man-child

I’d like to point out a few more things, continuing from

32 What Has Been Shall Be: The Man-child Returns

the last chapter, in Matthew 1. We read, And Jacob be-

gat Joseph the husband of Mary, of whom was
born Jesus, who is called Christ (Mat.1:16). The
lineage given is the family tree of Joseph, but the interest-
ing thing is that “Jacob begat Joseph.” That sounds very
familiar. This is referring to Joseph the husband of Mary,
but we know that in the Old Testament Jacob also begat
Joseph (Genesis 30:22-24). Who was Jacob? He was Israel
(Genesis 32:28) and he is now a corporate body of people.
And it’s very interesting that Israel brought forth Joseph,
who was a Man-child of the Old Testament.
Jesus’ earthly father, Joseph, was two things to Jesus:
He was a “head” to Jesus, the head of his family, the father
Jesus was to submit to while He grew up in that earthly
body as a young child. But there was something else about
Joseph. He represents the spiritual fathers of these days
who are being used to raise up the Man-child. Again, it has
nothing to do with bloodline; it has everything to do with
the Word spoken and taught and the emphasis on walking
the holy life, etc. Joseph was also someone who received
from God the revelation of the coming Man-child. He got
that revelation from God when it was sent to him through
an angel. (Mat.1:18) Now the birth of Jesus Christ
was on this wise: When his mother Mary had been
betrothed to Joseph, before they came together
she was found with child of the Holy Spirit. (19)
And Joseph her husband, being a righteous man,
and not willing to make her a public example, was
minded to put her away privily. (20) But when he
thought on these things, behold, an angel of the
Lord appeared unto him in a dream, saying, Jo-
seph, thou son of David, fear not to take unto thee
Spearheading the Man-child Ministry 33

Mary thy wife: for that which is conceived in her

is of the Holy Spirit. (21) And she shall bring forth
a son; and thou shalt call his name JESUS; for it
is he that shall save his people from their sins. Jo-
seph of the New Testament got this revelation of the com-
ing Man-child and the Joseph of the Old Testament was a
part of the Man-child. In fact, you might even say he was
the head of the Man-child. The Joseph here in the New
Testament is also the head of the Man-child. In a way, he
is the head of Jesus, but he is also a spearhead of the Man-
child. (Mat.1:22) Now all this is come to pass, that
it might be fulfilled which was spoken by the Lord
through the prophet, saying, (23) Behold, the vir-
gin shall be with child, and shall bring forth a son,
And they shall call his name Immanuel; which is,
being interpreted, God with us. Jesus was “God with
them” in the Gospels and the Book of Acts, and He is “God
with us” today as well because He left an individual body
in order to come back in a corporate body, that He might
be “God with us” and in us. He was also the reformer of the
Church in His day and today we desperately need the same

The Bride to Come

The prophet Joel spoke about two times in history when

there would be a great reformation. Those are in the “for-
mer rain” and the “latter rain” (Joel 2:23), in which God
would restore all things that had been stolen from His
people (Joel 2:25). Frankly, over the last 2000 years, by
fake teachers, fake leaders and the devil himself, God’s
people have been robbed and plundered. So God is com-
34 What Has Been Shall Be: The Man-child Returns

ing once again in a reformer ministry called the Man-child

of Revelation 12. (Mat.1:24) And Joseph arose from
his sleep, and did as the angel of the Lord com-
manded him, and took unto him his wife; (25)
and knew her not till she had brought forth a son:
and he called his name JESUS. Jesus warned us of
what was going to happen when the events of Revelation
12 come to pass. He said that He would be again like a lit-
tle baby born to a woman and that the “woman” was those
disciples, His Church (John 16:21). Today the “woman” is
His Church again. (Rev.12:1) And a great sign was
seen in heaven: a woman arrayed with the sun,
and the moon under her feet, and upon her head
a crown of twelve stars. Of course, the Church doesn’t
look much like this but there is a body in the Church that
we call the Bride. All through the Old Testament, the Bride
was not the Church but was chosen from out of the Church.
There were also the virgins, the friends of the Bridegroom
and other attendees of the ceremony, and those who were
invited to the ceremony, besides the Bride. She is not the
whole Church, as you’ll understand if you read the Book of
Esther, Psalm 45 or the Song of Solomon.
The point is that this “woman” to whom He’s referring is
those who are manifesting the fruit of Christ, just like Mary
represents in our Matthew text study. She was a virgin and
a bride in the midst of a larger church. Joseph was the head
of the Man-child, who was being raised up in the midst of
the virgin bride, who was also in the midst of the larger
church, and she will bring forth the Man-child. That’s sim-
ilar to King David’s position in the midst of Jerusalem,
which the Book of Revelation tells us is the Bride (Reve-
lation 21:9-10), but Jerusalem was not all of Israel. It was
Spearheading the Man-child Ministry 35

just the part of Israel that was the leadership. So there’s a

hierarchy consisting of the Man-child, the Bride and the
people of God. Here we see the woman “arrayed with the
sun,” having been clothed with the Lord Jesus Christ and
the moon under her feet.
In other words, her authority is over the moon and the
moon represents a reflection of the light of the Son. The
12 stars around her head, I believe, is the doctrine of the
12 Apostles in her mind, the renewed Mind of Christ.
(Rev.12:2) And she was with child; and she crieth
out, travailing in birth, and in pain to be deliv-
ered. (3) And there was seen another sign in heav-
en: and behold, a great red dragon, having seven
heads and ten horns, and upon his heads seven di-
adems. (4) And his tail draweth the third part of
the stars of heaven, and did cast them to the earth:
and the dragon standeth before the woman that is
about to be delivered, that when she is delivered
he may devour her child. (5) And she was deliv-
ered of a son, a man child, who is to rule all the na-
tions with a rod of iron: and her child was caught
up unto God, and unto his throne. (6) And the
woman fled into the wilderness, where she hath
a place prepared of God, that there they (the Man-
child) may nourish her a thousand two hundred
and threescore days. This is the revelation that we’re
looking at as the type and sign. The letter always comes
first; the Spirit comes afterwards. There is more than one
fulfillment of prophecy. In Jesus was the letter-fulfillment
of prophecy. The Bible tells us in Isaiah 7 that His birth to
the virgin Mary was a sign, or an owth, which means “a
sign of something to come,” which is what we read about
36 What Has Been Shall Be: The Man-child Returns

in Revelation 12 and in our end-time, the corporate body

fulfillment of what we are reading about in this text.

Tribulation Child

I’d like to point out something else to you, so that you

understand that this is an end-time revelation. Jesus came
in the body of the Son of David, as we have seen. That was
because He was the offspring of David, naturally speaking.
So God used the DNA of Mary to bring forth the Son of Da-
vid and the Son of God dwelt in the Son of Man, the Son of
God being the spiritual man and the Son of Man being the
human part of Jesus. But the Son of David is once again
coming in our day. First, I’d like to prove that to you and
then I want to share a revelation with you.
(Jer.30:4) And these are the words that the
Lord spake concerning Israel and concerning
Judah. (5) For thus saith the Lord: We have heard
a voice of trembling, of fear, and not of peace. (6)
Ask ye now, and see whether a man doth travail
with child: wherefore do I see every man with
his hands on his loins (The Man-child Jesus is being
birthed in a company of men today in order to do this.), as
a woman in travail (This is the woman Church in tra-
vail with the Man-child.), and all faces are turned into
paleness? (Jer.30:7) Alas! for that day is great, so
that none is like it: it is even the time of Jacob’s
trouble; but he shall be saved out of it. Most of you
recognize “the time of Jacob’s trouble” as an end-time rev-
elation of Jacob entering into trouble in our day – Jacob
being Israel and also representing, spiritually, the Church.
We remember Jacob’s trouble, when he was in travail com-
Spearheading the Man-child Ministry 37

ing into the Promised Land and was being threatened by

his brother Esau, who had already said that he would kill
him (Genesis 27:41), and who was leading a beast army out
to meet him (Genesis 32:6). And we remember how God
preserved Jacob through that time of trouble, showing him
favor and deliverance.
That’s what is about to happen with the whole Church,
folks. (Jer.30:7) … It is even the time of Jacob’s
trouble; but he shall be saved out of it. (8) And it
shall come to pass in that day, saith the Lord of
hosts, that I will break his yoke from off thy neck
(meaning the Beast), and will burst thy bonds; and
strangers shall no more make him their bondman
(The words “no more” tell us that its fulfillment is obvi-
ously very close to the end-time.); (Jer.30:9) but they
shall serve the Lord their God, and David their
king, whom I will raise up unto them. This was a
long time after David, so He’s not talking about David,
physically. This was about 440 years after David had died,
so it’s not referring to a past but to a future “David.” Nor
is it talking about Jesus, Who was also a fulfillment of this
as the Son of David; this is talking about David in the end-
time, the “time of Jacob’s trouble.” (Jer.30:10) There-
fore fear thou not, O Jacob my servant, saith the
Lord; neither be dismayed, O Israel: for, lo, I will
save thee from afar, and thy seed from the land of
their captivity … (20) Their children also shall be
as aforetime, and their congregation shall be es-
tablished before me (As it was before, the Lord is once
again raising up the Israel of God, as it is called in the New
Testament. That is the Church; it’s those who are circum-
cised in heart, not in flesh.); and I will punish all that
38 What Has Been Shall Be: The Man-child Returns

oppress them. (Jer.30:21) And their prince shall

be of themselves, and their ruler shall proceed
from the midst of them (The Man-child is birthed out of
the midst of the Bride.); and I will cause him to draw
near, and he shall approach unto me: for who is
he that hath had boldness to approach unto me?
saith the Lord. In other words, the Man-child is in the
position of authority in the Church and over the enemies
of the Church, like David was. David not only fought the
battles of the Lord against the enemies of the Church, but
he was the leadership of the Church. He was the leadership
in the Bride, the Man-child in the midst of the Bride.
So we see that Mary had a Son. That Son was raised up
to be her Head. He led her into the wilderness, where He
multiplied the fishes and the loaves, and so it will be in the
end times also, as we just read in Revelation 12. The Bride
brought forth the Man-child, but the Man-child led her
through the wilderness as a corporate body. (Jer.30:22)
And ye shall be my people, and I will be your God.
(23) Behold, the tempest of the Lord, [even his]
wrath, is gone forth, a sweeping tempest (Yes, and
a great storm is about to be raised upon the earth. You will
want to have true leadership and the true anointing of the
Holy Spirit, even the Latter Rain of the Holy Spirit.): it shall
burst upon the head of the wicked. (Jer.30:24)
The fierce anger of the Lord shall not return, until
he have executed, and till he have performed the
intents of his heart: in the latter days ye shall un-
derstand it. This is an understanding that is given unto
us for the latter days. (Jer.31:1) At that time, saith the
Lord, will I be the God of all the families of Israel,
and they shall be my people. That’s all the families,
Spearheading the Man-child Ministry 39

from the Old Testament to the New Testament.

Who is Israel in the New Testament? In the New Tes-
tament, if you are not born again, you are not Israel. You
have been broken off the olive tree. The Church was graft-
ed into the olive tree which, as God said in Romans 11:26,
was all Israel. That God will be the God of all the families
of Israel can only be fulfilled in the end times. (Jer.31:2)
Thus saith the Lord, The people that were left of
the sword found favor in the wilderness; even Is-
rael, when I went to cause him to rest. That’s what
God has planned for in the wilderness, to cause His people
to enter into His rest, trusting in His promises.
In the New Testament, this rest is called sabbatismos.
(Heb.4:9) There remaineth therefore a sabbath
(Greek: sabbatismos) rest for the people of God. “There
remaineth therefore a sabbatismos for the people of God.”
That word means “a continual rest,” not one day a week.
The only thing that remains in the New Testament of the
Sabbath rest is that continual rest. Of course, the apostles
went into the synagogues on the Sabbath as evangelists to
teach the Jews what Jesus had brought in the New Tes-
tament. The New Testament Sabbath rest is every day of
the week, all the time, because you believe the promises of
God. You cease from your works; you enter into His rest.
This is what the Man-child is going to bring: the revelation
of the true Gospel and the true Sabbath rest of God to God’s


I said all that to say this: I want to share with you a rev-
elation that was given to us. Now you don’t base anything
40 What Has Been Shall Be: The Man-child Returns

on modern-day revelations, dreams, visions or prophecies;

you base everything on what the Scripture says. But these
things do come to confirm what is written in the Word and
sometimes to explain so that you are able to reach out and
put together verses to explain what is happening. There’s
a revelation on our website called Spearheading the Man-
child Ministry. I’m going to share part of it with you here
because I feel that it’s very important concerning what
we’ve discovered about a type in the Bible. You might call
it a snapshot in the midst of a panoramic view, a snapshot
of Joseph being the head of the Man-child as someone who
spearheaded the Man-child’s ministry by raising-up Jesus
and bringing Him into this position as an earthly guide to
His humanity. Jesus also had the Father and the Holy Spir-
it, Who were guiding Him to receive wonderful revelations
of Who He really was in this earth and Whom He manifest-
ed. He was growing both as the Son of God and the Son of
The Man-child that we know is coming upon the scene
now is also both son of man and son of God. The members
of the Man-child have a body and therefore must be sub-
missive to parents and authority, but they also each have
a spiritual man who is taught of the Lord. We noticed that
between the time of the conception of Jesus and His minis-
try in Matthew 1 and 2, there were many dreams that came
forth. Do you think that’s a sign for our day that the same
thing is going to happen? I guarantee it. As a matter of fact,
the dream and the prophecy I am sharing with you now is
a fulfillment of that. It’s saying that the same thing is going
to happen in our day between the time of the conception
of the Man-child and when He starts His earthly ministry.
There were five dreams in Matthew 1 and 2 that were to
Spearheading the Man-child Ministry 41

fulfill guidance and protection and wisdom and provision

to the Lord. We know that God is building the Man-child
ministry to spread His truths to multitudes of babies about
to come looking for answers when this nation is brought
into severe chastening.
I share this revelation for your edification and prepa-
ration, not to give any credit to myself. The Lord did not
choose the wise and the noble and the mighty (1 Corinthi-
ans 2:26) because He wanted His power to be made per-
fect in weakness (2 Corinthians 12:9). I have always told
people that’s the reason I’m qualified, not because I’m a
great speaker (I’m not) or very intelligent (I’m not), or that
I went to Bible school (I didn’t) or anything, but only be-
cause God chose the foolish things of the world,
that he might put to shame them that are wise;
and God chose the weak things of the world, that
he might put to shame the things that are strong
(1Co.2:27). Some of these things appear to be glorifying
me, but I tell you that what God is doing here is using me
as a type and shadow of a larger body of people. He’s us-
ing me because my name is David, because I believe in the
Man-child ministry and because I have faith that I will, by
the grace of God, have a part in this ministry. There’s noth-
ing to brag about; it’s not us, it is Christ in us (Colossians
1:27). The Jesus about Whom Matthew speaks is coming
again. (Hos.6:2) After two days will he revive us:
on the third day he will raise us up, and we shall
live before him. (3) And let us know, let us follow
on to know the Lord: his going forth is sure as the
morning; and he will come unto us as the rain,
as the latter rain that watereth the earth. Jesus is
coming on the morning of the third day, as the latter rain
42 What Has Been Shall Be: The Man-child Returns

anointing that comes, first of all, upon the Man-child, so

that Jesus would live in this Man-child and do His works
to be a reformer to the Church. The Lord is coming to shep-
herd His flock. Most people don’t know that. The following
is a prophecy that was given to me by a prophet named
Philip, who shared this vision with me. My comments are
in parentheses.

The Phoenix Vision

I have prayed for three days now for the holy Father’s
will in this matter of sharing the vision that I received dur-
ing a meeting with David as the speaker in Phoenix. (I’ve
often thought about why Phoenix was chosen for this vi-
sion. Well, the Phoenix bird as a legend, which I think was
a very spiritual thing, aside from its pagan background,
is a type of resurrection life. The Phoenix, after its life cy-
cle, flies to Heliopolis, which means “city of the sun,” or
to me, “city of the Son,” and creates a nest. Sitting on the
nest, it bursts into flames and burns up, leaving nothing
but ashes and an egg, which hatches a new bird out of the
ashes as a type of resurrection life. So Phoenix is the place
of resurrection life and it was no accident that the proph-
ecy that he sent forth occurred in Phoenix.)
I am permitted to share the following: As I prayed with
David at the start of the meeting (I led everyone in a prayer
before the teaching and Philip was among the people there),
I saw the room change into a stadium filled with people
and David was at the podium shouting through a micro-
phone that was in the shape of a shofar. He wore a silver
yarmulke that glowed as he spoke and from above came a
white-golden light pouring down from the sky as a beam
Spearheading the Man-child Ministry 43

of glory, growing brighter with each outpouring. From Da-

vid’s clothing came the same glory, lights pouring through
the tzit-tzit on his garment, flowing like fingers through the
people. The lights touched the forehead and were grabbed
by the right hand of people who became pregnant and be-
gan shouting as they were covered in glory. This is the vi-
sion that I had at the meeting. The holy Father says that
David would know its meaning, if not now, very soon.
Months after that meeting, Philip contacted me again and
he had received this:
The Holy Father is forming this ministry into His
image to spearhead the Man-child ministry birthing and
delivery to the world. Amen! He has given this to me in a
mighty vision that ran in succession for three nights, along
with some other things that I can’t say just yet.

Interpreting the Dream

What he’s describing here is the corporate body of the

spearhead of the Man-child Ministry. It’s not just referring
to me. He just used me because my name is David. It’s not
to glorify me; it’s to tell you what is about to happen here,
that God is raising up a spearhead like He did Joseph in
bringing the Man-child ministry to fruition. The full inter-
pretation is given on our website. I had already received a
previous prophecy that I would be teaching in stadiums. I
thought that this might be spiritual because of the rows of
people and the way a stadium is built. The Word is passed
on from person-to-person as each tier speaks to greater and
greater circles of people in a geometric progression, like a
stadium is built. In other words, you speak from the middle
and it goes out and reaches the first circle, then the next
44 What Has Been Shall Be: The Man-child Returns

circle in ever-increasing numbers and, actually, this is the

way our ministry has been. I speak to a certain circle of peo-
ple and they go and speak to a certain circle of people, and
I hear back from their children, their relatives, etc. So it’s
just radiating out. Praise God! I’ve been contacted by many
who have told us that they are using our broadcasts or MP3
audios for their home Bible study groups. Also, multitudes
are copying our materials and passing them out, so it just
enters a larger and larger circle. This has been happening
for some time now, but not to the degree that it’s about to
happen. It will soon happen in a much greater way, as the
Lord has shown us.
That my microphone resembled a shofar is significant
because a shofar turns inaudible breath, which is the same
Hebrew word for “spirit,” into the audible voice of the Spir-
it or the Word, which warns God’s people and destroys the
enemy, as in Gideon’s battle. We are all called to this min-
istry of being a vessel through whom the pure word of the
Spirit will flow. The people being touched on the forehead
by the light from Heaven are those who humbly receive the
Word and so receive the renewed mind of Christ. These are
grabbing the light with the right hand, which represents
those who act on the Word and so have the renewed works
of Christ. Obviously, the left hand represents the works of
the flesh and the mark of the beast in the forehead repre-
sents having the mind of the Beast, which are the oppo-
site of those. So these became pregnant with the seed of
Christ through the Word, which is what recreates in us the
life of Christ. Jesus was the sower who sowed the seed and
the seed that He sowed was the Word of God. It went into
hearts and brought forth fruit 30-, 60- and 100-fold. Jesus
told us, For whosoever shall do the will of my Fa-
Spearheading the Man-child Ministry 45

ther who is in heaven, he is my brother, and sister,

and mother (Mat.12:50). When this seed bears fruit in
the womb of the heart and mind, and is eventually birthed
to the world, they will be seen as the image of Christ.
What about the tzitzit? We’re told, But unto you that
fear my name shall the sun of righteousness arise
with healing in its wings (The “wings” are the same as
the tzitzit, the fringe on our garment.); and ye shall go
forth, and gambol as calves of the stall (Mal.4:2).
(3) And ye shall tread down the wicked; for they
shall be ashes under the soles of your feet in the
day that I make, saith the Lord of hosts. The Man-
child Ministry is coming to bring not only judgment upon
the wicked but resurrection life to the saved people of God.
(Mal.4:4) Remember ye the law of Moses my serv-
ant, which I commanded unto him in Horeb for
all Israel, even statutes and ordinances. (5) Be-
hold, I will send you Elijah the prophet before the
great and terrible day of the Lord come. Notice, this
speaks of Moses and Elijah, which is what the Man-child
brings into fruition. The Man-child raises up the corporate
body of the Two Witnesses.
The disciples were Jesus’ witnesses and they went forth
two-by-two. They’re a type of the corporate body of Two
Witnesses, as Moses and Elijah symbolize. Before the Day
of the Lord, the Man-child is going to raise up the Two Wit-
nesses. (Mal.4:6) And he shall turn the heart of the
fathers to the children, and the heart of the chil-
dren to their fathers; lest I come and smite the
earth with a curse. The Jews believed that the “sun of
righteousness” would be the Messiah, Who would have the
power to heal whoever touched the tzitzit, or fringes, of His
46 What Has Been Shall Be: The Man-child Returns

garment. They did not know that this would be repeated in

the end-time through Christ in the Man-child company. A
light from Heaven poured through the tzitzit of Jesus’ tal-
lit (prayer shawl) to heal the sick, just as it will spiritually
through the end-time Man-child. Praise God!
The fulfillment of the Phoenix vision is the spearhead-
ing of the Man-child ministry. If we’re talking about the
physical Man-child Jesus, He was born in a physical body
of the virgin Mary. But I believe that the Man-child is go-
ing to be born over a period of time because we’re talking
about a very large body of people that is being born out of
the virgin Church. It could happen over a period of time,
with the spearhead being born first. Just like Joseph was a
type of the Man-child who was born to Israel, Jesus was a
type of the end-time Man-child who was born to the virgin
Mary of Israel.

Another Confirmation

What follows is a revelation that I’d like to share with

you concerning the Man-child’s “head” coming forth first to
bring the Word to the world. In these days, I’m convinced
that there’s a Joseph, or a spearhead, of the Man-child that’s
coming forth first to bring the revelation of the Man-child
to the Man-child Company, and this whole body, including
the head, will have this end-time ministry. That’s what I
have been trying to explain to you through Matthew 1 and I
hope that we’re being somewhat successful. This revelation
was given through Leisa Miller in the May of 2007. I will
interpret (in parentheses) as we go along.
I dreamed that a lot of people and I were on top of a
mountain. (I believe that the mountain represents the
Spearheading the Man-child Ministry 47

Kingdom of God, His people, His Church, worldwide.) I

could see that some of us were looking at a small but active
version of the mountain. Looking at this smaller version,
I could see the whole shape of the mountain. (Why see a
large mountain and then a smaller version of it? They were
seeing a local microcosm, meaning in Greek, “small world.”
In other words, we locally see the Church, but there is a
Church that’s worldwide. She was only seeing in her expe-
rience a small part, a small representation or scaled-down
version of the Kingdom of God worldwide, the portion of
the body of Christ that she was familiar with as part of the
worldwide body. Leisa is part of UBM, which will have a
part in this movement.)
There was an image in the mountain. The whole of the
mountain had the shape of a woman who was pregnant. I
could see that she was birthing her child. The mountain
would shake and we could feel it. On the smaller version,
we could see rocks give way to form the new development of
the child being born. It was very detailed. (She saw the mi-
crocosm as the woman Church in her fellowship experience
began to bring forth the first-fruits Man-child company at
the same time as it happened worldwide.) The head and
shoulders were out but the water had only begun to break.
(This is the head of the Man-child body being born. Could
this have been happening for some time? I believe so. It’s
not going to be finished until it is finished, but it could have
been happening for some time. The head or spearhead of
the Man-child ministry will be born first in the microcosm
seen by Leisa, as well as in other microcosms.)
Suddenly there was a very hard shaking. (Who knows
what this could be. But we have had this revelation given
to us many times before, that when the Man-child begins
48 What Has Been Shall Be: The Man-child Returns

His ministry, something catastrophic is going to happen in

the world.) We could see on the little version water begin to
flow out. (In the beginning of the coming time of judgment,
the head will bring forth the water of the Word. We noticed
that Joseph’s words were the only seed that brought forth
Jesus, the Son of God, the spiritual man, the true Man-child.
It had nothing to do with any physical seed because he was
not Jesus’ physical father, but he did have something to do
with that spiritual seed, which the Bible tells us is the Word
of God. So Joseph raised Him up as a father would.) The
detail of the child became more distinct and we could hear
the water rushing all around us, until it carried us away
from the spot where we were standing. (Could this be akin
to bringing the Church into the wilderness? It could be.)
But each of us could still see one another and somehow
we could also see that the whole world was flooding with
this water. (Why? Because all she saw was the microcosm.
The same thing was happening simultaneously all over the
world. The head being born was breaking the water and the
water was going forth.)
(What the Man-child lives on in the womb is the wa-
ter, the Word of God. We have to be born of water and of
Spirit, don’t we? As a matter of fact, the Bible tells us that
where Jesus was born was in Bethlehem. (Mat.2:5) And
they said unto him, In Bethlehem of Judaea: for
thus it is written through the prophet, (6) And
thou, Bethlehem, land of Judah, Art in no wise
least among the princes of Judah, For out of thee
shall come forth a governor, Who shall be shep-
herd of my people Israel. And “Bethlehem” means
“House of bread,” or “House of food.” Jesus is born in, and
is a product of, the Word of God. He is, as John said, the
Spearheading the Man-child Ministry 49

Word made flesh (John 1:14), and “Moses” means “drawn

from the waters.” Moses was the man-child in his day. He
was a product of the waters of the washing of the Word of
God. So the head comes first and it teaches the body. With
the breaking-forth of the head of the first-fruits in the mi-
crocosm, a great flood of the Word will go forth over the
whole earth. This Word is being prepared by books, radio,
television, Internet, etc. The Lord will use every available
method to get this Word out.)
(This move of the Spirit will also carry disciples with
the message all over the world. Notice that when the wa-
ter broke, it carried them all away, just as it was in Jesus’
day when He was the Man-child. He sent disciples with
the same Word, the same anointing, the same mantle
that He had, and they went all over the world. They were
called “Christians” because they walked in the power and
the anointing of Jesus Christ. This is about to happen once
again in our day. A great reformer movement is going to go
forth, but not necessarily a popular one. It will be popular
with the people who love God and know Him, but it won’t
be popular with the status quo or the Pharisees and Saddu-
cees, as we will see shortly.)
We were under the water, but we could breathe. (Abid-
ing in the Word is natural for those who live by the Spirit,
which in Hebrew is also the word “breath.”) We saw oth-
ers caught in this water who could not breathe and were
dying. (The Word brings death to the carnal man and to
his spirit, or breath.) But the water was so abundant that I
could not tell which way was up unless I was near an object
on the ground that could identify direction. (Beholding the
reward of the wicked, as in Psalm 91:8, and the corruption
of the earth lets us know what is under our feet and what is
50 What Has Been Shall Be: The Man-child Returns

the way to Heaven. The earthly will swallow the flood going
forth from the dragon’s mouth, as in Revelation 12:15, and
the heavenly will swallow the flood that goes forth from the
Man-child, as Revelation 12:14 says.)
Some of us found ourselves inside of a large building un-
der the water. It seemed to be a large farm building where
tools and farm equipment and seed were kept. (For we
are God’s fellow-workers: ye are God’s husband-
ry (Greek: “tilled land”), God’s building (1Co.3:9). It’s
interesting that this farm and building were under the wa-
ter. It’s a part of God’s work, God’s building. You are God’s
husbandry, His tilled land. (1Co.3:10) According to the
grace of God which was given unto me, as a wise
masterbuilder I laid a foundation; and another
buildeth thereon. But let each man take heed how
he buildeth thereon. (11) For other foundation can
no man lay than that which is laid, which is Jesus
Christ. Jesus in the Man-child is about to again lay the
foundation of God’s building and once again plant the seed
of the Word over the world. It’s a very spiritual revelation
that Leisa had there.)
We knew that there were people who were now above
the water and were angry at us and wanted to kill us. (The
righteous lived beneath the waters. They were baptized in
the Word of God which had put to death their flesh. They
could no longer die because the spiritual man received life
and sustenance from the water of the Word of God. It is
a product of the Word of God. But to the carnal man the
Word of God is death, so for those to whom the water is
death, they will hate the righteous even more because of
the increase of truth and fruit in them. Abiding in the water
of the Word is a place of protection to them.)
Spearheading the Man-child Ministry 51

Amen! I believe that both of these revelations have to

do with what we’re looking at here in the Book of Matthew.

Reformation Not Well-Received

Let’s return to where we left off. (Mat.2:1) Now when

Jesus was born in Bethlehem of Judaea in the days
of Herod the king, behold, Wise-men from the east
came to Jerusalem, saying, (2) Where is he that is
born King of the Jews? for we saw his star in the
east, and are come to worship him. (3) And when
Herod the king heard it, he was troubled, and all
Jerusalem with him. Remember those from Leisa’s vi-
sion who were above the water, not dwelling in the water,
not baptized in the water of the Word of God? They are
troubled. We can see why Herod might be troubled, but
“all Jerusalem with him”? You know, religious folks are
enjoying their life in the world, their leaders are enjoying
their life in the world and they really don’t want the Mes-
siah to come and upset their apple cart. If you don’t be-
lieve that, just read the Bible. What kind of a reception did
Jesus get? The overwhelming majority of people were an-
ti-Christ. Their leaders were anti-Christ. They had already
set up their stage of playing church through their religion
and really didn’t need Jesus to come along and upset them.
They were already set in their ways and wanted no refor-
mation whatsoever. Jesus was a reformer. That’s what He
came for, so we can understand why “all Jerusalem” was
troubled. (Mat.2:4) And gathering together all the
chief priests and scribes of the people, he inquired
of them where the Christ should be born. (5) And
they said unto him, In Bethlehem of Judaea: for
52 What Has Been Shall Be: The Man-child Returns

thus it is written through the prophet … Why would

they tell Herod, whom they knew was anti-Christ, where
Jesus would be born? It seems as if they were on the side of
the Beast here and throughout the New Testament we see
The leadership of the natural people of God, the status
quo, was always on the side of the Beast, all the way through
the Scriptures. Herod, representing the Beast kingdom, had
ambitions to be the king and did not want any competition
from this new upstart King coming on the scene. However,
Jesus’ Kingdom was not of this world (Joh.18:36). He
came to be the King over the spiritual, born-again man and
to lead God’s people to the ways of righteousness and res-
toration. But Herod and the priests did not want anything
to change and so it will be in our day. We have a wonder-
ful reformation ministry coming that will spread over the
whole world, bringing the true Word of God and the true
Gospel to the whole world, yet it will be fiercely resisted by
these people and they will attempt to quash it. We’ll cover
that in the next chapter.

End-Time Fulfillment

Throughout history, it has been that when God raised up

a Man-child or a reformer or a prophet, they were fiercely
resisted and hated by the religious leaders and people who
wanted to live in the flesh. A person is comfortable living
in the flesh and does not want the spirit man to be the rul-
er and the leader and the guide in their life. So they will
fight against it, as they have throughout history. Nothing
is going to change. (Ecc.1:9) That which hath been
is that which shall be; and that which hath been
Spearheading the Man-child Ministry 53

done is that which shall be done: and there is no

new thing under the sun. The Lord is continuing to
repeat history.
What we’re reading in the Book of Matthew is all going
to be fulfilled on a much larger scale, meaning the cast of
characters has been multiplied. Herod represents a much
bigger body of people in authority over God’s people, a
worldly body of people that is a Beast kingdom over God’s
people. Jesus also represents a much larger body of people,
the Man-child ministry. The Pharisees and the Sadducees
– the Sanhedrin, if you will – represents today a larger cor-
porate body called the False Prophet. The Sanhedrin was
the False Prophet in Jesus’ day; they were the ones who cru-
cified the Christ, the ones who sided with the Beast against
God’s people, the ones who sided with the Beast against
the disciples of Christ; and they were the ones who sided
with the Beast against the Two Witnesses, etc. So history is
about to repeat on a much larger scale, as it has throughout
the Bible, and we’re fortunate enough to read Matthew as
not only history, but a very accurate prophecy.
As a matter of fact, all of the Gospels and the Book of
Acts, even though they recount history, are speaking a
prophecy because the Bible says, “That which hath been is
that which shall be.” Anything that happens today has al-
ready happened earlier, but on a smaller scale. Praise be to
God! He is opening our eyes here to understand this and to
have much prophecy opened to us in these latter days. I’ve
shared with you how the Gospels, which were Jesus’ 3½-
year ministry, represent the first 3½ years of the Tribula-
tion and how the Book of Acts represents the second 3½
years and the 40 years between Jesus’ ministry and the 70
A.D. destruction of the Harlot by the Beast. 40 is the num-
54 What Has Been Shall Be: The Man-child Returns

ber of tribulation, as can be seen in type when Moses took

the children of Israel through 40 years in the wilderness.

The Throne of David and the Spirit of Christ

Some body on the Throne

Taking up where we left off, we read, And thou Bethle-

hem, land of Judah, Art in no wise least among the
princes of Judah: For out of thee shall come forth
a governor, Who shall be shepherd of my people
Israel (Mat.2:6). We know that Jesus is always going to
be the Shepherd; He’s always going to be the King David
over Israel. God is never going to change that, but there
are some things that He might change, as we’ll see. In the
previous chapter, we learned that the Lord said, A body
didst thou prepare for me (Heb.10:5). The Lord, Son
of God, came in a body that was prepared for Him through
Mary, a body of the Son of Man. We know that God’s plan
was for Jesus to leave an individual body and return in a
corporate body so that He could minister all over the world.
Today we are going to see the first-fruits of those who have
fully entered into this by the grace of God. In other words,
the first-fruits will be a body like the body of His temple
that He spoke about when He said, Destroy this temple,
and in three days I will raise it up (Joh.2:19). (21)
But he spake of the temple of his body. And we’ve
discovered that’s referring to His corporate body.
We know that the Lord comes in every one of us. For
instance, He says, Try your own selves, whether ye
are in the faith; prove your own selves. Or know
ye not as to your own selves, that Jesus Christ is
in you? unless indeed ye be reprobate (2Co.13:5).
56 What Has Been Shall Be: The Man-child Returns

(Col.1:27) … Christ in you, the hope of glory. Jesus

Christ is in you! All through the Old Testament, Jesus was
coming in vessels of honor through whom He ministered.
For example, it says this: (1Pe.1:10) Concerning which
salvation the prophets sought and searched dili-
gently, who prophesied of the grace that [should
come] unto you: (11) searching what [time] or
what manner of time the Spirit of Christ which
was in them did point unto, when it testified be-
forehand the sufferings of Christ, and the glories
that should follow them. The Spirit of Christ was in
great men of the Old Testament and that’s what made them
great men. He is the Shepherd; He is the Ruler; He is the
King David and always will be, but He’s going to repeat
history because That which hath been is that which
shall be (Ecc.1:9).
I’m reminded of a very famous text that speaks of Who
Jesus is: (Isa.9:6) For unto us a child is born, unto
us a son is given; and the government shall be
upon his shoulder: and his name shall be called
Wonderful, Counsellor, Mighty God, Everlast-
ing Father (or “Father of eternity,” literally), Prince of
Peace. (7) Of the increase of his government and
of peace there shall be no end, upon the throne
of David, and upon his kingdom, to establish it,
and to uphold it with justice and with righteous-
ness from henceforth even for ever. The zeal of
the Lord of hosts will perform this. God called Je-
sus to repeat history Himself. He was a King David in His
day, Who was given, once again, the reins of government,
which is in total agreement with what the Bible says about
Him. (Luk.1:31) And behold, thou shalt conceive in
The Throne of David and the Spirit of Christ 57

thy womb, and bring forth a son, and shalt call

his name JESUS. (32) He shall be great, and shall
be called the Son of the Most High: and the Lord
God shall give unto him the throne of his father
David: (33) and he shall reign over the house of
Jacob for ever; and of his kingdom there shall be
no end. So He would receive the throne of David forever,
just as the Bible speaks about when it states, David shall
never want (“lack”) a man to sit upon the throne of
the house of Israel (Jer.33:17).

Branching Out

For example, the Bible says this: (Jer.33:14) Behold,

the days come, saith the Lord, that I will perform
that good word which I have spoken concerning
the house of Israel and concerning the house of
Judah. (15) In those days, and at that time, will I
cause a Branch of righteousness to grow up unto
David (and, of course, this was a long time after David);
and he shall execute justice and righteousness in
the land. (16) In those days shall Judah be saved,
and Jerusalem shall dwell safely; and this is [the
name] whereby she shall be called … That’s a very
strange text, but if nobody had changed what word was
actually there in the Hebrew, that’s what they would have
had to translate; the word is “she.” It’s strange because in
Chapter 23 the word is “he,” but here it is “she.” Some peo-
ple think, “Well, he made a mistake and they replaced it
with ‘he.’” That’s what they do, but then they didn’t trans-
late what was really there.
You know, “she” is used quite often in the Bible when re-
58 What Has Been Shall Be: The Man-child Returns

ferring to a corporate body of people and that’s what this is.

This is a corporate body, which God calls the “branch,” that
is raised up as the seed of David. We know that Jesus Christ
is our David on His throne all the way up through eternity,
but as we saw earlier, the Spirit of Christ comes into many
men and we have seen many from the beginning of Scrip-
ture to the end who are types of the Man-child. The Spirit
of Christ comes into them and uses them, like a body of the
son of David. (Jer.33:16) In those days shall Judah
be saved, and Jerusalem shall dwell safely; and
this is [the name] whereby she shall be called: the
Lord our righteousness. Notice that this is a corpo-
rate body of people, “our righteousness.” (Jer.33:17) For
thus saith the Lord: David shall never want a man
to sit upon the throne of the house of Israel. Now we
know that Jesus the Son of God has been given the author-
ity of David’s throne for eternity, but the question is, what
is the “man” that He abides in who does this work? This is
what the branch is; it’s a corporate body of men in whom
the Spirit of Christ rules and reigns. (Jer.33:18) Neither
shall the priests the Levites want a man before
me to offer burnt-offerings, and to burn meal-of-
ferings, and to do sacrifice continually. (19) And
the word of the Lord came unto Jeremiah, saying,
(20) Thus saith the Lord: If ye can break my cove-
nant of the day, and my covenant of the night, so
that there shall not be day and night in their sea-
son; (21) then may also my covenant be broken
with David my servant, that he shall not have a
son to reign upon his throne; and with the Levites
the priests, my ministers. In other words, this is from
the time of David all the way up until the time of Christ
The Throne of David and the Spirit of Christ 59

and until our time; so it appears that He never broke His

covenant with David. There was always a David upon the
throne. Isn’t that amazing?
I would suspect that you could not recognize this cor-
porate body according to the flesh. (Luk.17:20) … The
kingdom of God cometh not with observation.
We’re talking about a spiritual Israel, a spiritual Jeru-
salem and a spiritual David. Many people recognize, of
course, that Jesus was the Son of David and that He was
born of the seed of David according to the flesh
(Rom.1:3), but He was declared [to be] the Son of
God with power, according to the spirit (4). What
body could the Lord be choosing in our day to fulfill this
covenant of a man in whom Jesus Christ lives to occupy
the throne? Well, it’s the body of the Man-child (Revelation
12:5), which we’ve spoken of. (Jer.33:22) As the host
of heaven cannot be numbered, neither the sand
of the sea measured; so will I multiply the seed
of David my servant, and the Levites that minis-
ter unto me. I am sure you could look at that in a certain
way, meaning multiplied throughout history, but I suspect
it also means (and the Lord likes to hide things like that)
that in these days there will be a great number of Davids
and that this, “the Lord our righteousness,” is a very large
group of people. (Jer.33:25) Thus saith the Lord: If
my covenant of day and night [stand] not (Is it still
in effect? I would say so.), if I have not appointed the
ordinances of heaven and earth; (26) then will
I also cast away the seed of Jacob, and of David
my servant, so that I will not take of his seed to be
rulers over the seed of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob
(The seed of David is to be rulers over the seed of Abraham,
60 What Has Been Shall Be: The Man-child Returns

Isaac and Jacob.): for I will cause their captivity to

return, and will have mercy on them. In these days,
we know that even with the natural seed of Abraham, Isaac
and Jacob, a remnant of them is once again going to turn to
the Lord God of Israel.

Where Is the Throne?

We read in the last chapter’s study that in Revelation 12,

the son of David, this Man-child is caught up to the throne of
God. And here we see the Bible says, Blessed be the Lord
thy God, who delighted in thee, to set thee on his
throne, to be king for the Lord thy God (2Ch.9:8).
Many people see the Man-child caught up to the throne of
God in heaven, but the Lord God is calling David’s throne
on Earth His throne. This is the throne of God. In fact, it
says here, At that time they shall call Jerusalem the
throne of the Lord (Jer.3:17). And Jeremiah is talking
about the New Jerusalem on Earth. There is still a throne
of David. You cannot find it in natural Israel, but you can
find it in spiritual Israel because we know that Jesus Christ
is the Son of David, the eternal Lord of His Kingdom. And
He’s also coming in a body, A body didst thou prepare
for me (Heb.10:5).
You may say, “That was referring to the body of the in-
dividual Jesus.” That’s true, but everything repeats and it
always repeats on a larger scale. We have the Word of God
for that, which cannot be broken (Joh.10:35). So we
have to believe that it’s going to be the same thing once
again. The Lord told me many years ago, “Everything that
has happened in the Gospels and in the Book of Acts will
happen again, except the cast of characters will be multi-
The Throne of David and the Spirit of Christ 61

plied many times over.” The Lord thy God, who de-
lighted in thee, to set thee on his throne, to be king
for the Lord thy God (2Ch.9:8) is true of Jesus. It’s
true of the body of Jesus and we’ve already spoken of the
manifestation of the body of Christ, that we all claim to be
by faith, and rightly so. But we’ve discovered that there is
also a manifestation of the body of Christ, that is, those in
whom Christ lives. If Christ lives in you, then you mani-
festly are the body of Christ. We know that we grow into
that wonderful position 30-, 60- and 100-fold, according to
Jesus Himself, so God is fulfilling it in that way.

Halfway Through the Tribulation

I’d like to share something else with you because I shared

with you that Jesus was coming to fulfill a type in the Gos-
pels and then in the Book of Acts. Remember that the Lord
told me that the Gospels were a type of the first 3½ years
of the Tribulation period and the Book of Acts was a type
of the second 3½ years. Now we know that other types of
the end-time Man-child show different similarities. For in-
stance, Joseph did bring God’s people through the seven
years of famine, which is a type of the seven-year Tribu-
lation. We also know that Moses took God’s people geo-
graphically halfway through the wilderness and we know
that Revelation chapters 12 and 17 speak of the first and
second 3½ years, respectively, and call the “wilderness” the
“Tribulation.” Moses went halfway through the wilderness
and then was glorified. When I say halfway, I’m not talk-
ing about time-wise, but in geographical distance. Some
people, myself included, believe that the Lord brought His
people across what we now call the Gulf of Suez, high up
62 What Has Been Shall Be: The Man-child Returns

near where Succoth was, where the Gulf narrowed down

quite a bit. Then He carried them across the Sinai Peninsu-
la, where they crossed the Gulf of Aqaba, which they called
the “Red Sea.”
Apostle Paul said, Mount Sinai in Arabia (Gal.4:25),
not in Sinai. Arabia is east of the Gulf of Aqaba. I had heard
years ago that the explorer Ron Wyatt had come across the
pillar that the Israelites had erected in order to identify the
place where the children of Israel crossed the Red Sea and
it was on the eastern shore of Aqaba. They also discovered
out there the mountain that Exodus 19 speaks of being
burnt and charred on the top because God’s presence came
down on it, which was Mt. Sinai, and found it as a place
called Jabal al-Lawz, which means “the Mount of the Law.”
That’s interesting because that’s where Moses received the
Law. If you look, which I have, on several maps, you can see
where the Israelites left Egypt and crossed the Gulf of Suez.
And if you follow that on down to Jabal al-Lawz and then
follow that point and return back up to where they crossed
into the Promised Land, you find that it is like an isosce-
les triangle (where the two legs are approximately even). I
thought the Lord was pointing out to me at that time that
Moses went halfway through the wilderness (meaning 3½
years) and at that point he was glorified. Like Moses, Jesus
went 3½ years through His ministry before He was glo-
rified. I believe that Mount Sinai is Jabal al-Lawz in Ara-
bia. There are many signs that seem to confirm that, even
though the Saudi Arabians have fenced the mount off. They
do not want Christians going in there.
By the way, at the foot of Jabal al-Lawz is the altar that
the golden calf was set on. Of course, the golden calf isn’t
there anymore, but the altar is. There are quite a few oth-
The Throne of David and the Spirit of Christ 63

er artifacts there, including a number of hieroglyphics de-

picting the golden calf scratched into the rocks in the area
of the altar. These finds make it very plain that this is the
correct spot and I believe Ron Wyatt even took pictures
of chariot wheels submerged in the Gulf of Aqaba, which
further makes the case that it was the real Red Sea, not
the Gulf of Suez. It would have taken the Israelites three
months to travel from Egypt to Jabal al-Lawz. It took them
a lot longer to get to the Promised Land because they were
disobedient by worshipping the golden calf, but it was geo-
graphically halfway. I believe the Lord was showing me the
two 3½-year periods of the wilderness Tribulation.

Face-To-Face Behind the Veil

At any rate, we have a pretty good confirmation right

here: (Exo.34:29) And it came to pass, when Moses
came down from mount Sinai with the two tables
of the testimony in Moses’ hand … The two tables of
the Testimony are the same thing as the Tables of Witness,
the Two Witnesses. The Man-child is going to give to God’s
people the Two Witnesses, upon whose heart the Word of
God is written, not upon tables of stone. There’s a fulfill-
ment here of that. (Exo.34:29) And it came to pass,
when Moses came down from mount Sinai with
the two tables of the testimony in Moses’ hand,
when he came down from the mount, that Moses
knew not that the skin of his face shone by reason
of his speaking with him. In other words, Moses had
come face-to-face with God. We know that, we all, with
unveiled face beholding as in a mirror the glory
of the Lord, are transformed into the same image
64 What Has Been Shall Be: The Man-child Returns

from glory to glory (2Co.3:18). This is the type and

the shadow here of God’s people, at least the first-fruits,
coming into the Image of God. It even says, The first of
the first-fruits of thy ground thou shalt bring unto
the house of the Lord thy God (Exo.34:26). There is
a type of the first-fruits here and it is Moses. It would have
been Jesus in His time, but here it’s Moses.
So after Moses came face-to-face with God, Moses man-
ifested His glory. I believe what’s being said here is that
this is a glorified soul, not a glorified body. The Man-child
goes through three stages of perfection. I believe that when
Jesus started His ministry, He was perfected in Spirit by
the Holy Spirit because He was anointed with the Holy
Spirit. And when He was crucified, that’s a parable about
our being crucified, too, in a crucifixion of self 3½ years
into the Tribulation. When a parable is first shown (and
the Bible does say that Jesus was a sign (Isaiah 7:14), or in
Hebrew, an uwth of something to come), it’s literal, and
the next time it’s spiritual. So we see that the first-fruits,
who are only spiritually the Man-child and not physically,
as Jesus was, are the spiritual fulfillment of this parable.
In the midst of the Tribulation period, the Man-child is go-
ing to be glorified in soul because self has been crucified.
At the end of the Tribulation period, he will be glorified in
body. The progression is first spirit, then soul in the mid-
dle and then body. These are the three stages of perfec-
tion that God is bringing Himself to in His people. In fact,
When he shall come to be glorified in his saints,
and to be marvelled at in all them that believed
(because our testimony unto you was believed) in
that day (2Th.1:10). And also, But we are bound to
give thanks to God always for you, brethren be-
The Throne of David and the Spirit of Christ 65

loved of the Lord, for that God chose you from the
beginning unto salvation in sanctification of the
Spirit and belief of the truth (2Th.2:13).
Let’s continue on in Exodus. (Exo.34:30) And when
Aaron and all the children of Israel saw Moses,
behold, the skin of his face shone; and they were
afraid to come nigh him. (31) And Moses called
unto them; and Aaron and all the rulers of the con-
gregation returned unto him: and Moses spake to
them. They must have run on down the road because they
had to turn around and return to him. (Exo.34:32) And
afterward all the children of Israel came nigh:
and he gave them in commandment all that the
Lord had spoken with him in mount Sinai. (33)
And when Moses had done speaking with them, he
put a veil on his face. (34) But when Moses went
in before the Lord to speak with him, he took the
veil off (because he wanted to see the Lord clearly, face-
to-face), until he came out; and he came out, and
spake unto the children of Israel that which he
was commanded. In other words, Moses was in com-
munication with God face-to-face, but with the children of
Israel behind a veil.
This will also be so with the ministry of the Man-child.
Jesus said, The Son can do nothing of himself, but
what he seeth the Father doing: for what things
soever he doeth, these the Son also doeth in like
manner (Joh.5:19). Jesus was in close fellowship with
the Father; He walked in the Spirit; He saw the Father and
He saw the people. Yet Jesus walked also behind a veil, as
the Scripture clearly shows us, and we’ll see that shortly.
(Exo.34:35) And the children of Israel saw the face
66 What Has Been Shall Be: The Man-child Returns

of Moses, that the skin of Moses’ face shone; and

Moses put the veil upon his face again, until he
went in to speak with him. We’re told the same thing
about the first-fruits. (Heb.10:19) Having therefore,
brethren, boldness to enter into the Holy Place
by the blood of Jesus, (20) by the way which He
dedicated for us, a new and living way, through
the veil, that is to say, His flesh. So we enter into the
presence of God through the veil, which is to say, through
His flesh. Jesus’ flesh was a veil. The people did not see the
real Jesus. They didn’t see the glorified man underneath
that veil of flesh; they saw the veil. However, when the Lord
went into the presence of God, He was in Spirit where there
was no veil, speaking with the Father. This is the same thing
we see here with Moses. Moses was, of course, a type of Je-
sus and a type of the Man-child. We’re getting a description
here of the kind of ministry that the Man-child is going to
have and it’s just like Jesus’ ministry. Seeing God face-to-
face makes us capable of manifesting God before His peo-
ple. (2Co.3:18) But we all, with unveiled face be-
holding as in a mirror the glory of the Lord, are
transformed into the same image from glory to
glory, even as from the Lord the Spirit. From be-
hind that body of flesh that was called a veil, there was a
glorified soul, ready to walk through the other half of the
Now we know that Moses went all the way through the
wilderness, but that’s only part of the picture. If we look at
other, different types of the Man-child, they’ll show oth-
er parts of the whole picture. For example, we can also
see Jesus in Acts where it says, And when they were
come over against Mysia, they assayed to go into
The Throne of David and the Spirit of Christ 67

Bithynia; and the Spirit of Jesus suffered them not

(Act.16:7). So Jesus was a type of the second 3½ years of
the Man-child during the Tribulation. We know that be-
cause the second part of the Tribulation started at the end
of Jesus’ ministry when He was crucified and it ended with
the destruction of Jerusalem in 70 AD, which was the de-
struction of the Harlot by the Beast. We see that the second
3½ years starts at the end of the first 3½ years and extends
to the point of destruction of the Harlot by the Beast. The
Book of Acts represents the 40 years between Jesus’ minis-
try and the destruction of Jerusalem in 70 AD. Forty is the
number of tribulation.
We’re seeing here a perfect parallel between Moses and
Jesus. Some have thought that Jesus did not have a minis-
try after His 3½ years, but He did have a ministry of guid-
ing His people for 3½ years, just like Moses went the other
half of the distance through the wilderness to the Prom-
ised Land. Moses brought the people all the way and, in
type, Jesus did that, too. His glorification in the second 3½
years represents what Moses was when “his face shone.”
What we’re really referring to in the end times is a glori-
fied soul underneath a body, with the body being the veil
that permitted men to look upon that which is glorified and
have fellowship without being frightened. We would call
it bearing fruit “100-fold.” You know, when the Lord sows
the seed of the Word in our hearts, it’s to bring forth Him-
self in us, 30-, 60- and 100-fold (Matthew 13). That’s not
referring to the body; that’s referring to the fruit of Christ
in the soul, or in the heart, and that is what we are here for.
What makes the first-fruits the first-fruits is that they have
come into this glorified soul and they have come into the
crucifixion of self, which is the type that Jesus showed us.
68 What Has Been Shall Be: The Man-child Returns

Worshipping the Beast

If we look at the timing of Exodus 34, we find that it

falls in the middle of the Tribulation period. How do we
know that? Well, for instance, at Chapter 32, we see that
what happened there was that they made the image of
the beast and worshipped it. That’s a pretty clear sign of
its being the middle of the Tribulation period. What came
along with worshiping the image of the Beast, according to
Revelation 14, was the mark of the Beast. So we see them
there in Chapter 32 bowing down to this image of the beast
and we see God’s rebuke of them, and we see the Tables of
the Testimony were cast down and broken. (Exo.32:19)
And it came to pass, as soon as he came nigh unto
the camp, that he saw the calf and the dancing:
and Moses’ anger waxed hot, and he cast the ta-
bles out of his hands, and brake them beneath the
mount. We know the two Tables of the Testimony repre-
sent the Two Witnesses corporate body because “witness”
and “testimony” is the same word. So Moses the Man-child,
as a type of Jesus Christ, brings the two witnesses with the
Word of God written upon their heart to the people of God,
which is what Jesus did with His disciples when He sent
them out two-by-two. They were a corporate body of two
witnesses to go to God’s people and bring the Law, that was
written upon their hearts, to them. It’s an exact type and
shadow of what we see here.
However, it says here, he saw the calf and the danc-
ing (in other words, the people were worshiping the image
of the beast): and Moses’ anger waxed hot, and he
cast the tables out of his hands, and brake them
beneath the mount (Exo.32:19). So not only did Je-
The Throne of David and the Spirit of Christ 69

sus bring the Two Witnesses, but the people in their sins
“broke” them. I believe that the Apostle John was the only
one who died a natural death of old age. The rest of the
apostles were all killed. The apostates “broke” their Two
Witnesses. We see what God says about this situation a few
verses later: (Exo.32:26) Then Moses stood in the
gate of the camp, and said, Whoso is on the Lord’s
side, [let him come] unto me. And all the sons
of Levi gathered themselves together unto him.
These are the only people who did not worship the image
of the beast from among the camp of God’s people. We’re
told that God has chosen us to be a kingdom of priests.
(Exo.19:5) Now therefore, if ye will obey my voice
indeed, and keep my covenant, then ye shall be
mine own possession from among all peoples: for
all the earth is mine: (6) and ye shall be unto me
a kingdom of priests, and a holy nation … In other
words, all of God’s people were called to be priests because
we all offer sacrifices unto God and we especially offer up
this body as a living sacrifice unto the Lord. On the altar of
the fiery trial, the old flesh is burned up, which is what our
sacrificial life is supposed to be.
The people who did sacrifice, the Levites, did not join
in with the rest in worshiping the image of the beast. The
true Levites, the tribe that followed God, they were God’s
inheritance. It was the first-born from among all of Israel
who were His inheritance and then God changed that to be
the Levites. Those priests were His inheritance, He said,
and God was their inheritance. Those Levites were the ones
who were on the Lord’s side. (Exo.32:27) And he said
unto them, Thus saith the Lord, the God of Israel,
Put ye every man his sword upon his thigh, and go
70 What Has Been Shall Be: The Man-child Returns

to and fro from gate to gate throughout the camp,

and slay every man his brother, and every man
his companion, and every man his neighbor. Well,
as you know, those who worship the image of the Beast are
slain because they no longer belong to the body of Christ;
they belong to the Beast. The mark of the Beast is the sign
of his ownership and those on whom the mark is belong to
him. They are dead; they’re no longer living.
The Levites will have the authority to bring great judg-
ment on the earth and, again, we’re talking about the mid-
dle of the Tribulation period because we’re referring to the
mark and image of the Beast being manifested. This was
the time that Moses was glorified; this was the time when
the Two Witnesses were beginning to be killed. (Rev.11:8)
And their dead bodies [lie] in the street of the great
city (that’s Babylon, not Jerusalem), which spiritually
is called Sodom and Egypt, where also their Lord
was crucified. (9) And from among the peoples
and tribes and tongues and nations do [men] look
upon their dead bodies three days and a half, and
suffer not their dead bodies to be laid in a tomb.
“Three days and a half” is half of the seven “days” of the
70th week of Daniel 9, which makes it 3½ years that the
Two Witnesses will be killed. From the time of the middle
of the Tribulation to the end of the Tribulation, they are
being killed. When they finish their testimony, this great
group of witnesses (prophets) will be allowed by God to
be killed and then they’re resurrected in the last trump of
Revelation 11:15. But in response it is Moses, it is the Man-
child, who sends the Levites forth to slay the members of
the body of the Beast. (Exo.32:28) And the sons of Levi
did according to the word of Moses: and there fell
The Throne of David and the Spirit of Christ 71

of the people that day about three thousand men.

(29) And Moses said, Consecrate yourselves to-
day to the Lord, yea, every man against his son,
and against his brother; that he may bestow upon
you a blessing this day. (30) And it came to pass
on the morrow, that Moses said unto the people,
Ye have sinned a great sin: and now I will go up
unto the Lord; peradventure I shall make atone-
ment for your sin. (31) And Moses returned unto
the Lord, and said, Oh, this people have sinned a
great sin, and have made them gods of gold. (32)
Yet now, if thou wilt forgive their sin—; and if not,
blot me, I pray thee, out of thy book which thou
hast written.
Moses wanted to take the place of the people, which
is also what Jesus did, but how many of you know that
Jesus’ sacrifice will not apply to everybody in the end?
(Heb.10:26) For if we sin wilfully after that we
have received the knowledge of the truth, there
remaineth no more a sacrifice for sins, (27) but
a certain fearful expectation of judgment, and a
fierceness of fire which shall devour the adversar-
ies. People who live a life of willful sin and indulgence in
the world will die. As the Bible says, If ye live after the
flesh, ye must die (Rom.8:13). Walking after the flesh
is to take the mark of the Beast because the mind of the
flesh and the works of the flesh is to take the mark. Those
people who are walking in sin willfully and do so up until
death will have no sacrifice. (Exo.32:33) And the Lord
said unto Moses, Whosoever hath sinned against
me, him will I blot out of my book. In other words,
God would not take the sacrifice of Moses for those people
72 What Has Been Shall Be: The Man-child Returns

who worshipped the image of the Beast and took the mark.
In fact, in Revelation 14:9-11, He says that there is no sacri-
fice for them. This is a way of separating those people who
are Christian in name only from those who are Levites, the
kingdom of priests that God said would come. “Whosoever
hath sinned against me, him will I blot out of my book.”
That sounds like reprobation to me. (Exo.32:34) And
now go, lead the people unto [the place] of which
I have spoken unto thee: behold, mine angel shall
go before thee; nevertheless in the day when I vis-
it, I will visit their sin upon them. (35) And the
Lord smote the people, because they made the calf,
which Aaron made. This is clearly referring to the time
of the middle of the Tribulation period, when Moses in type
as the Man-child is glorified, at least in soul underneath
that body of flesh, in order to carry them all the way to the
Promised Land, which in one parable we would call the
“Kingdom of Heaven.” At the end of the seven years, that’s
exactly where God’s people go. Just like Noah, they’ll be in
the Ark; it lifts off and they’re in the Kingdom of Heaven.
I think it would make a very good study to do an In-
ternet search for “Jabal al-Lawz” and learn about some of
the things that have been discovered about this particular
mountain. Again, it’s not located in the middle of the wil-
derness by time; it’s only the middle of the wilderness by
geography, by distance. But that’s where the altar of the
golden calf was and that’s where the fire burned the top of
the mountain and where Moses was given the Law to give
to the people. It’s very interesting. Actually, the first time
Moses was on the mountain was way back in Exodus 19 and
this is the second time he’s on the mountain because this
had to fulfill the type. So we have Joseph going, as a type of
The Throne of David and the Spirit of Christ 73

the Man-child, seven years, and we have Moses, as a type of

the Man-child, going through the first and the second half
of the Tribulation, which were both called “the wilderness.”
Now we have Jesus also going through the two halves, in
the Gospels and the Book of Acts, as well.

First-fruits in the Promised Land of Rest

As we said earlier, the Spirit of Jesus was surely in those

disciples. Jesus said, It is the spirit that giveth life;
the flesh profiteth nothing: the words that I have
spoken unto you are spirit, and are life (Joh.6:63).
His words went into those disciples and recreated Himself
in them. The spirit in them was the Spirit of Christ. He had
taken on a new body, but it was still the Spirit of Christ.
When the first-fruits show up, I believe very shortly, in our
day, this is what we’re going to find. They are the body of
the Son of David which sits upon God’s throne. It’s not a
throne somewhere up there in the sky, but it’s the throne
here on the earth that spiritually is the leadership of God’s
people. The throne is the place of leadership. I had quoted
Jeremiah earlier, but only a part of it. It says, At that time
they shall call Jerusalem the throne of the Lord;
and all the nations shall be gathered unto it (So
you know it’s not natural Jerusalem because the Gentiles
are coming to it.), to the name of the Lord, to Jeru-
salem: neither shall they walk any more after the
stubbornness of their evil heart (Jer.3:17). This is
the end time, obviously, because this has not been true at
any time in history. It has to be the “latter days” because,
truly, when these people come to the throne, God has per-
fected them and matured them and made them ready for
74 What Has Been Shall Be: The Man-child Returns

the Kingdom of Heaven.

(Jer.3: 18) In those days the house of Judah
shall walk with the house of Israel, and they shall
come together out of the land of the north (which
was captivity) to the land that I gave for an inher-
itance unto your fathers. Our early church fathers
were given all of the land for an inheritance, but for 2000
years we have not entered into it. It was the same with Isra-
el. In the beginning, God gave them the whole land, which
represented the Land of Promise, but I don’t think they
ever set foot on any more than about a third of it to actu-
ally take possession of it. Well, in these last days, we are
going to take possession of all of the land that was given
to our fathers; we’re going to take possession of all of the
Land of Promise, representing all of the promises of God
that we’re going to walk in. We are going to enter into the
land of rest. (Heb.4:3) For we who have believed do
enter into that rest … We’re actually going to keep the
real Sabbath, not the shadow, and it is to walk in all of the
Land of Promise that the Lord gave unto us. Once again,
God’s people will be walking as the early disciples walked.
They’ll be walking in the power of God, in the anointing of
God and in the knowledge of the truth, only this time it will
be the latter rain.

The Anointing and Ministry of Jesus

When he began to walk with God, Moses was the one

who had the former rain (or the latter rain, in type) because
God took of the anointing that was upon Moses and put it
upon the 70 elders. If you remember, that’s the same thing
that happened to Jesus. Jesus was the One Who came with
The Throne of David and the Spirit of Christ 75

the former rain and He was the only One Who had it, but
the people whom He raised up as disciples were later giv-
en this anointing. When Jesus first sent His disciples out
during the first 3½ years, they didn’t have that anointing.
What they had was authority given by the Lord. He said,
“You go and do this,” and they went out and healed the
sick and cast out devils and raised the dead (Matthew 10).
Jesus was their authority. But then He said that God was
also going to send “another Comforter” (John 14:16) and,
of course, that was the Holy Spirit Who came in the middle
of the Tribulation, on Pentecost, in the middle of the seven
years and at the end of the 3½ years of Jesus’ ministry. The
disciples received the former rain and went out with that
anointing to do the works of Jesus.
Jesus said the Spirit of God shall take of mine, and
shall declare [it] unto you (Joh.16:14). One of the
jobs of the Holy Spirit is to recreate in us, through the
anointing (because “Christ” means “anointed”), the life and
ministry of Jesus Christ. It is impossible to do that without
the anointing, which breaks the yoke (Isaiah 10:27). It is
Not by might, nor by power (meaning man’s might
and power), but by my Spirit, saith the Lord of hosts
(Zec.4:6). The Lord is about to make this possible. The
anointing that was upon Moses, the Lord later took and put
upon those 70 elders. Jesus also had 70 whom He sent out
and the anointing came upon them. I like especially what
it says a little further down in the text. (Jer.3:19) But I
said, How I will put thee among the children, and
give thee a pleasant land, a goodly heritage of
the hosts of the nations! and I said, Ye shall call
me My Father, and shall not turn away from fol-
lowing me. He had already said, “Neither shall they walk
76 What Has Been Shall Be: The Man-child Returns

any more after the stubbornness of their evil heart.” Wow!

This is awesome! I dare say, most of the people of God do
not know Him as Father. They know Him as “God,” a very
distant name. But know Him as Father? This is the rela-
tionship the Lord is going to establish by bringing us into
the manifestation of the sons of God (Romans 8:19). Jesus
was the Son of God and always called Him “Father.” Get
out your concordance and look it up. He did not call Him
all the names that the Jewish Christians or the Judaized
Christians wanted to call Him. Jesus called Him “Father”
and this is what He says we will call Him. This is what we’ll
know Him as – as “Father,” like Jesus knew Him. He used
the term over and over, all the way through the Gospels.

New Jerusalem

These people are going to be coming back out of the

land of the north (as we see from Jeremiah 3:14 on down),
out of bondage, back to Zion. Zion is the place where King
David ruled and Zion is the place where Jesus ruled, not in
the flesh, but in the Spirit. Jesus was ruling in a new city of
Jerusalem and the Apostle Paul told the disciples that they
are come unto mount Zion, and unto the city of the
living God, the heavenly Jerusalem (Heb.12:22)
while they were on the earth, by the way. So, once again,
God is restoring the Kingdom. As Jesus came to restore the
Kingdom, the Man-child is coming to restore, to rebuild
spiritual, heavenly Jerusalem on this earth and to sit as the
body in whom the King Jesus Christ lives. God has said,
David shall never want (“lack”) a man to sit upon
the throne of the house of Israel (Jer.33:17). Inside
that “man” is going to be the King of kings and He is going
The Throne of David and the Spirit of Christ 77

to get all the credit. The King of kings is coming inside the
body of the Son of David. Glory be to God! Isn’t it neat the
way God has put this parable together over and over, so we
would understand sooner or later?
Father, in the Name of Jesus, we thank You so much,
Lord, for helping us to see these wondrous things and we
enjoy seeing the New Testament in our time, Lord, the
Gospel time period. You are going to repeat this again. Oh,
what a wondrous time we are coming to! A time of great
glory, a time when the Lord Himself is coming to fellow-
ship with us and live in our midst, like He lived in the midst
of the Tabernacle in the wilderness, Lord. He came in the
midst of His people. Jesus is Immanuel, “God with us,”
and we thank You, Lord. We want so much for You to live
in our midst. Those people who bowed to the golden calf,
You were angered with and said You would no longer go in
the midst of those people because they were a stiff-necked
people. Lord, we know that’s true of those who worship the
image of the Beast, but it’s not true of Your true people,
who are Your true Levites, Your chosen ministers. Lord,
we praise You and we thank You for the privilege of having
You walking in our midst. We ask You, Lord, to finish the
promise that You gave us, the promise that You gave to the
fathers. Cause us to walk on all of the land that You gave
to them, Lord, which our forefathers lost out on during
the Dark Ages all the way up until the time we are in now.
Thank You for being our Father and our Savior, in Jesus’
name. Amen.

Out of Bondage and Into the Wilderness

Dear Father, we thank You so much for being our Sav-

ior. Thank You for guiding us with Your Word. Thank You
for encouraging us and for showing us wonders and reve-
lations concerning the times to come, Lord. We want to be
in agreement with You. You said, “How shall two walk to-
gether, except they be agreed?” We thank You for revealing
to us Your Word so that we can cooperate with You in the
principles that You abide by and we thank You for drawing
us, giving us wisdom and opening our understanding. We
thank You for giving us eyes to see and ears to hear that
this may be possible. Thank You so much, Lord. Amen.
We’ve been studying out of Matthew some things that
show us the truth, That which hath been is that which
shall be (Ecc.1:9). We have been looking at the principles
of what we know to be not only literally true, but a parable
of things to come; and we’ve been reading down through
Matthew 2, where we discovered that the Messiah appears
as a type and shadow of the coming Man-child Ministry, in
whom He will live as the first-fruits. The Messiah showed
up and Herod and all of the people in Jerusalem were trou-
bled concerning this, which is amazing, unless you under-
stand that people who are walking in the flesh and enjoying
this world really do not want to be disturbed by a Messiah,
or by a coming Kingdom, and they don’t want their sins
to be revealed. Obviously, God’s people have no business
being troubled about the coming of the Lord. It should be a
joyous thing and it is for all disciples of Jesus Christ.
Out of Bondage and Into the Wilderness 79

Biding Time in the Wilderness

We left off here in the previous chapter. (Mat.2:7) Then

Herod privily called the Wise-men, and learned
of them exactly what time the star appeared. (8)
And he sent them to Bethlehem, and said, Go and
search out exactly concerning the young child;
and when ye have found [him,] bring me word,
that I also may come and worship him. (9) And
they, having heard the king, went their way; and
lo, the star, which they saw in the east, went before
them, till it came and stood over where the young
child was. Notice that He wasn’t a baby anymore; at this
point Jesus was a “young child.” (Mat.2:10) And when
they saw the star, they rejoiced with exceeding
great joy. (11) And they came into the house (He
was not in the cave. He was in a house at this time.) and
saw the young child with Mary his mother; and
they fell down and worshipped him; and open-
ing their treasures they offered unto him gifts,
gold and frankincense and myrrh. (12) And be-
ing warned [of God] in a dream that they should
not return to Herod, they departed into their own
country another way. (13) Now when they were
departed, behold, an angel of the Lord appeareth
to Joseph in a dream, saying, Arise and take the
young child and his mother, and flee into Egypt,
and be thou there until I tell thee: for Herod will
seek the young child to destroy him. Sounds very
much like what we know from the Scriptures in Revelation
12, where the dragon was awaiting the birth of the Man-
child to devour him, but the Man-child escaped and was
80 What Has Been Shall Be: The Man-child Returns

caught up to the throne. In the same circumstance here,

we see that Jesus is about to escape the clutches of Herod.
(Mat.2:14) And he arose and took the young child
and his mother by night, and departed into Egypt;
(15) and was there until the death of Herod: that
it might be fulfilled which was spoken by the Lord
through the prophet, saying, Out of Egypt did I
call my son. The Lord has called His Son, and all of His
sons, actually, to come out of Egypt, and if we don’t come
out of Egypt, we cannot be useful in bringing other people
out of Egypt.
Herod was seeking to destroy the Messiah. The Bible
says that Joseph took the young child and His mother and
departed into Egypt. Going into Egypt from where they
were in Bethlehem would have entailed them going into
the wilderness and God said that they were to stay there
until the death of Herod. And then what? Then He called
His Son out of Egypt. To do what? To come through the
wilderness and go to the Promised Land. This fits very well
with all of the histories of the Man-child back through the
Bible. Moses went into his personal wilderness when flee-
ing from Pharaoh, only to return after the death of Phar-
aoh and become a leader of God’s people. Now we see the
same thing of Jesus going into His own personal wilder-
ness in fleeing from Herod until the death of Herod. Then,
when Jesus came out from His wilderness, He started His
ministry very quickly. We’re not speaking physically, but
you’ll see as we continue this study that there is a seeming
jump in time and suddenly the child grew up. The Man-
child ministry is the same. Many people have had visions
and dreams of what occurred here, that the Man-child was
born and immediately started walking, talking and acting
Out of Bondage and Into the Wilderness 81

in the Kingdom. He grew up very quickly, as we will see.

The narrative jumps from the time He was a young child all
the way until the time when His ministry started and that’s
about to be fulfilled. But notice that all the Man-child types
went into their own personal wilderness until the death of
the king who ruled over God’s people and then they came
out of the wilderness and started their ministries.

Full-Grown Babies

Now Herod wanted to make sure he killed this Messi-

ah; he did not want any competition from any other kings.
(Mat.2:16) Then Herod, when he saw that he was
mocked of the Wise-men, was exceeding wroth,
and sent forth, and slew all the male children that
were in Bethlehem, and in all the borders thereof,
from two years old and under, according to the
time which he had exactly learned of the Wise-
men. As we have learned, the word “Bethlehem” means
“house of bread” or “house of food.” Notice that Herod slew
all the male children who were in Bethlehem. That’s very
interesting because Herod was seeking to destroy the Man-
child by killing all the people who were in the “house of
food.” I know that some people think that this murder of all
the children applies only to something like abortion, but I
think it’s the other way around. Abortion is just a physical
sign of what is really happening in the Spirit.
Herod represents the Beast and Pharaoh represented
the Beast kingdom. The beasts attempt, like the Dragon at-
tempts, to destroy the promised seed. How is that fulfilled
in the earth today? How does the Beast destroy people
in the first place? Well, the Beast represents all mankind
82 What Has Been Shall Be: The Man-child Returns

which walks in the flesh because it is at enmity with God.

If a person walks after the flesh, the Bible says he must die
(Romans 8:13). If you walk after the flesh, the Beast has de-
stroyed you. The Beast is making a war on the people who
are receiving the Word of life, the “house of bread.”
In these days, God is revealing His promise to raise up
His first-fruits in His image. Obviously, there are a lot of
people who understand, who know, who want to be a part
of this and are seeking to be full of the food of God so they
can grow into maturity. The fact that God uses a child does
not mean that He is not seeking after maturity. To be ma-
ture in the Kingdom is quite the opposite to the way it is
in the world. (1Co.14:20) Brethren, be not children
in mind: yet in malice be ye babes, but in mind
be men. So, according to the ways of the world, we are
children, but in mind and soul we are mature. Jesus said,
Except ye turn, and become as little children, ye
shall in no wise enter into the kingdom of heaven
(Mat.18:3). We have to be a child in trusting our Father,
in being submissive to Him, and that is what maturity is.
The Man-child, though, as a corporate body, is very small,
so you could see him as a child in that way. We’re seeing
that Jesus was what the Bible says in Isaiah 7:14. He was “a
sign,” an uwth, a sign of something to come; and the Lord
has shown us that, as history repeats, it repeats on a larger
and larger scale, with larger and larger groups of people.
The Man-child Jesus represents an end-time Man-child of
quite a number of people, but it’s still a relatively small
corporate body. Let me say, there are more people called
to this first-fruits ministry than are attaining to it. One of
the reasons is that some of them are being put to death
by the flesh, the Beast. They’re being taken out and I’ve
Out of Bondage and Into the Wilderness 83

seen myself that people who desired to be in the first-fruits

were tricked by their flesh into succumbing to the lusts of
the world and so were removed from taking part in this
first-fruits ministry. They are slain by the Beast; they are
carried away from the “food” to Babylon; they are carried
into bondage. I’ve seen people who started out with Christ
but who were taken out by the world. They were taken into
bondage in Babylon, bondage to the Beast, and that’s what
Herod wanted to do – he wanted to capture the Christ-

Second Born-Again Son

This fits with what follows here: (Mat.2:17) Then

was fulfilled that which was spoken through Jer-
emiah the prophet, saying, (18) A voice was heard
in Ramah, Weeping and great mourning, Rachel
weeping for her children; And she would not be
comforted, because they are not. Actually, this text
quoted from Jeremiah 31:15 fits with what I just described,
which is that going into bondage to the Beast is death. The
Bible says, for if ye live after the flesh, ye must die
(Rom.8:13). Being in bondage to the flesh, to Babylon, to
Pharaoh, is death. That’s when the old man is ruling over
the spiritual man, like it was in Egypt. So who is Rachel?
And what does she represent here? Rachel was the second
bride of Jacob, the second, favored bride of Jacob, who
was Israel, the father of the 12 patriarchs. Can you think
of another father of 12 patriarchs? Of course, that would
be Jesus. In this case, Jacob, or Israel, represents Jesus,
the father of the 12 patriarchs. The second, favored bride
represents the Church, and not only that, Rachel bore Jo-
84 What Has Been Shall Be: The Man-child Returns

seph and Benjamin. Joseph represents the Man-child, as

you know. He was the one who was taken to Egypt and was
basically “crucified,” sent to prison (Genesis 39), where he
preached to the butler and the baker about who was going
up and who was going down (Genesis 40), and came out of
prison to be the king over everything, second only to Phar-
aoh (Genesis 41:40). Jesus did the same thing as a type.
So Rachel was the one who brought forth the Man-child,
but some of these people were being slain; people who
lived in the same “house of bread” as Jesus did were being
slain. Rachel was also the mother of Benjamin, who is the
last fruit of the Church. You see, there is another fruit after
Joseph, who is the first-fruits. The Bible says, But many
shall be last [that are] first; and first [that are]
last (Mat.19:30). We know that natural Israel is coming
back into the Kingdom, but they are coming in last. When
the brothers of Joseph came to meet him in Egypt, Benja-
min was the last-fruits of Rachel, and I believe that this is
referring to the fruits of natural Israel that are coming into
the Kingdom at the end. Let’s pay attention to Joseph here.
What does Rachel and the death of her children represent,
and how can we avoid it? Let’s look at the original text in
Jeremiah that’s quoted in Matthew: (Jer.31:15) Thus
saith the Lord: A voice is heard in Ramah, lam-
entation, and bitter weeping, Rachel weeping for
her children; she refuseth to be comforted for her
children, because they are not. They have in some way
died and the rest of the text will reveal to us in what way
they’ve died. In the text, Jeremiah speaks of Ephraim and
he refers to the children of Rachel, but how is Ephraim of
the children of Rachel? Well, Ephraim was the second-born
son of Joseph, and the first-born was Manasseh. When Is-
Out of Bondage and Into the Wilderness 85

rael came to bless Joseph’s sons, who followed in Joseph’s

steps, Israel took his right hand and put it on Ephraim’s
head, then he took his left hand and put it on Manasseh’s
head and he began to bless them (Genesis 48:14).
The right hand is always placed on the son of the dou-
ble-blessing, so Joseph was displeased when he saw his fa-
ther doing this and he began to move his father’s hands,
but Israel refused, and said, I know [it,] my son, I
know [it;] he also shall become a people, and he
also shall be great: howbeit his younger brother
shall be greater than he, and his seed shall become
a multitude of nations (Gen.48:19). It says “the full-
ness of nations” in the original text, so Ephraim represent-
ed the fullness of nations. Not only did Rachel represent
the Church, in that she was the second and favored bride of
Israel, who represents Jesus, the father of the 12 patriarchs,
but also her son was the second-born son who received the
first-born’s blessings. You remember that Jesus came to
first give that blessing to the first-born son, Israel, and they
refused it, so He turned to the Church, which was made up
of both Jews and Gentiles, to receive this blessing. But, by
and large, the first son did not receive the double-blessing.
Instead, the right hand was upon the second son. Joseph’s
second son (or his born-again son) is God’s first-born.
How is that? Because Israel was not born-again. They
should have entered into that blessing and they did not.
They were not born-again, but the Church was and is born-
again. So Joseph’s second son was God’s first-born. How
do I know that? (Jer.31:9) They shall come with
weeping; and with supplications will I lead them:
I will cause them to walk by rivers of waters, in a
straight way wherein they shall not stumble; for
86 What Has Been Shall Be: The Man-child Returns

I am a father to Israel, and Ephraim is my first-

born. Why wasn’t Manasseh, who represented Israel, the
first-born? Because he was the first-born son of Joseph,
who represented Jesus. Everything that happened to Jo-
seph happened to Jesus. So, once again, the doctrine that
the Church has about the relationship of the Church to nat-
ural Israel is totally wrong. God has from the beginning
planned to have a born-again people and the “letter peo-
ple” were a type and shadow of the born-again people. If
you don’t understand that, you’re going to go around wor-
shipping Israel, which failed. And, frankly, if the Church
doesn’t have any better sense, they will walk in the steps of
those people and fail as well.

Dead Men Walking

Now we can continue and find out what it was for Rachel
to lose her children. How did they die? What did it repre-
sent? (Jer.31:16) Thus saith the Lord: Refrain thy
voice from weeping, and thine eyes from tears;
for thy work shall be rewarded, saith the Lord;
and they shall come again from the land of the en-
emy. Wow! What is it for them to be dead? It’s the same
thing we were talking about; it means they were in bondage
to the Beast, they were walking after the flesh and so they
were dead in the eyes of God. I’ll prove it just a little further
down. “They shall come again from the land of the ene-
my.” In other words, they were taken into captivity, serving
the old man, like Israel was doing in Egypt or in Assyria
when they were taken captive. They were no longer living
in their Promised Land. (Jer.31:17) And there is hope
for thy latter end, saith the Lord (Israel must come
Out of Bondage and Into the Wilderness 87

out of captivity in the latter end and so will the Church.);

and [thy] children shall come again to their own
border. The Lord calls it “living” when we come back to
live in the Promised Land, or live on the promises of God,
or live in right relationship to the Presence of God, which
was in Zion. That’s what He calls “living.” To be in bond-
age, walking after the flesh in the world, in bondage to your
flesh, that’s what being “dead” is, according to the Lord.
(1Ti.5:6) She that giveth herself to pleasure is dead
while she liveth. God calls that “death” – spiritual death.
For us to come out of this bondage is what God’s plan is.
Why did God raise up the Man-child? To bring His peo-
ple from death into resurrection life. (Jer.31:18) I have
surely heard Ephraim bemoaning himself [thus,]
(Notice, we’re seeing Rachel’s children here as Ephraim
and he represents the “fullness of nations,” the Church,
the second-born son.) Thou hast chastised me, and
I was chastised, as a calf unaccustomed [to the
yoke:] (You know how a calf is if it’s unaccustomed to the
yoke – they buck and snort, trying to get loose, wanting
to do their own thing.) turn thou me, and I shall be
turned; for thou art the Lord my God. This is grace,
folks. Ask the Lord to turn you, to grant you repentance.
It’s His gift to give. (Jer.31:19) Surely after that I was
turned, I repented (That shows grace, doesn’t it? If God
turns you, you will be turned. Repentance means “turn and
go the other way.”); and after that I was instructed,
I smote upon my thigh: I was ashamed, yea, even
confounded, because I did bear the reproach of
my youth. (Jer.31:20) Is Ephraim my dear son? is
he a darling child? for as often as I speak against
him, I do earnestly remember him still: therefore
88 What Has Been Shall Be: The Man-child Returns

my heart yearneth for him; I will surely have

mercy upon him, saith the Lord. The Lord has a heart
to deliver His people out of bondage. Ephraim went into
bondage before their enemies. They were taken captive by
the Beast. They were reckoned as the dead by Rachel. So,
how can we see this? The whole text of Jeremiah chapters
30 and 31 speak of this. The whole story is there of God de-
livering His people out of bondage. Why did Jesus come?
He came to deliver His people out of Babylonish, or beast-
ly, bondage, so that they could serve God. You cannot serve
God while you are serving the Egyptian, while you’re in
bondage to the old man.

Man-child to the Rescue

God started the story in Jeremiah the same way He did

in Matthew. If we look at the previous chapter in Jeremi-
ah, we find He talks about the woman in travail with the
Man-child. (Jer.30:6) Ask ye now, and see whether
a man doth travail with child: wherefore do I see
every man with his hands on his loins, as a wom-
an in travail, and all faces are turned into pale-
ness? Why? Because this is where the whole sequence of
events is going to begin. (Jer.30:7) Alas! for that day
is great, so that none is like it: it is even the time
of Jacob’s trouble; but he shall be saved out of it.
So we’re told that it’s during the time of “Jacob’s trouble,”
the Tribulation. Not only that, but He goes on to say of His
people that during this time, strangers shall no more
make him their bondman (Jer.30:8). In other words,
they are going to come out of bondage for the last time.
God says they will never again be in bondage. When? The
Out of Bondage and Into the Wilderness 89

end time. Then He says, but they shall serve the Lord
their God, and David their king, whom I will raise
up unto them (Jer.30:9). There is the end-time David
that’s being raised up because Jesus came to sit upon Da-
vid’s throne (Luke 1:32). (Jer.30:10) Therefore fear
thou not, O Jacob my servant, saith the Lord; nei-
ther be dismayed, O Israel: for, lo, I will save thee
from afar, and thy seed from the land of their cap-
tivity; and Jacob shall return, and shall be quiet
and at ease, and none shall make him afraid. That
is being “saved,” not being in bondage to your flesh any-
more, not being in bondage to the Beast anymore, not serv-
ing the world anymore. That is what the Lord has prom-
ised for us. So you’re either saved or you’re dead. The Bible
calls it being “dead in your sins,” “dead in your trespasses.”
Rachel was weeping because her children had been taken
away into bondage and were no longer free to serve God.
(Jer.30:21) And their prince shall be of them-
selves (We read that in Matthew 2; then it was Jesus com-
ing and it’s also the Man-child coming in the end time.),
and their ruler shall proceed from the midst of
them; and I will cause him to draw near, and he
shall approach unto me: for who is he that hath
had boldness to approach unto me? saith the
Lord. (22) And ye shall be my people, and I will
be your God. The Lord is going to draw these first-fruits
unto Himself and that will be the beginning because their
job is like Moses’ job, which is to bring the people out of
Egypt. Moses went through his own wilderness, as we have
seen, and then his job was to go back and bring the peo-
ple through the same wilderness to meet the Lord in the
Mountain of God. (Jer.30:24) The fierce anger of the
90 What Has Been Shall Be: The Man-child Returns

Lord shall not return, until he have executed, and

till he have performed the intents of his heart: in
the latter days ye shall understand it. So this is a
latter-day revelation. God’s judgment is going to be part
of what brings God’s people out of bondage and into their
Promised Land, which is the place of safety.

The Remnant of Israel Returns

Jeremiah 31 tells us this story of Ephraim coming out

of bondage and we saw that was because God raised up the
Man-child to lead them out of bondage. We see here the
same sequence of events. The prince will be raised up from
the midst of the people. (Jer.31:1) At that time, saith
the Lord, will I be the God of all the families of Is-
rael … “All Israel,” as we know from Romans 11, includes
everybody who is abiding in the olive tree. Natural Israel,
who rejected Jesus, was broken off of the olive tree and the
Church was grafted into the olive tree through faith in Jesus
Christ. Those true disciples who followed Jesus in the Gos-
pels, who were natural Jews which came into the Kingdom,
remained in their olive tree. But it says, “all the families
of Israel,” referring to all Jews, Gentiles and all those who
through faith in Jesus Christ are members of the olive tree,
which in Romans 11:26 is called “all Israel.” (Jer.31:1) At
that time, saith the Lord, will I be the God of all the
families of Israel, and they shall be my people. This
includes the remnant of natural Jews that is to come back
in, which I am calling “Benjamin,” who was the last fruit
of Rachel. (Jer.31:2) Thus saith the Lord, The peo-
ple that were left of the sword found favor in the
wilderness … There was a sword that came upon Egypt,
Out of Bondage and Into the Wilderness 91

representing the world, to motivate God’s people to be will-

ing to leave the fleshpots of Egypt, to come out from among
them and be separate and to worship God in the wilder-
ness. Egypt had to suffer the plagues, while God’s people
in Goshen were separated from Egypt and delivered from
those judgments. Then He moved them out of Egypt and
into the wilderness, where God could once again deal with
them and teach them faith. (Jer.31:2) Thus saith the
Lord, The people that were left of the sword found
favor in the wilderness; even Israel, when I went
to cause him to rest. God’s plan was to bring Israel into
His rest. (Jer.31:3) The Lord appeared of old unto
me, [saying,] Yea, I have loved thee with an ever-
lasting love: therefore with lovingkindness have I
drawn thee. (4) Again will I build thee, and thou
shalt be built, O virgin of Israel … You might think
that He’s referring to the Bride here when He says the “vir-
gin of Israel,” like the virgin Mary, who brought forth the
Man-child and also went into the wilderness to be instruct-
ed of the Man-child. In Revelation 12, the Man-child was
birthed and then he was caught up to the throne of David,
which is God’s throne on Earth, where He rules over Israel,
according to the Scripture. And from that place of author-
ity He led the woman, who brought forth the Man-child,
through the wilderness.
(Jer.31:4) Again will I build thee, and thou
shalt be built, O virgin of Israel: again shalt thou
be adorned with thy tabrets, and shalt go forth in
the dances of them that make merry. When God’s
people are led out of bondage, it’s going to be a time of re-
joicing. (Jer.31:5) Again shalt thou plant vineyards
upon the mountains of Samaria; the planters shall
92 What Has Been Shall Be: The Man-child Returns

plant, and shall enjoy [the fruit thereof]. There is

going to be freedom for people who have escaped the bond-
age of the Beast in the days to come. That’s what Moses
came to do, that’s what Jesus came to do and that’s what the
Man-child is coming to do: escape the bondage of the Beast
and help the Church do the same. Not everyone is going
to escape that bondage. (Luk.21:36) But watch ye at
every season, making supplication, that ye may
prevail to escape all these things that shall come
to pass, and to stand before the son of man. (6)
For there shall be a day, that the watchmen upon
the hills of Ephraim shall cry, Arise ye, and let us
go up to Zion unto the Lord our God. In other words,
the second son is coming out of bondage. (Luk.21:7) For
thus saith the Lord, Sing with gladness for Jacob,
and shout for the chief of the nations: publish ye,
praise ye, and say, O Lord, save thy people, the
remnant of Israel. I would say that’s a good thing to cry
today because here we are again. The Beast is about to bring
God’s people into bondage and the overwhelming majority
of God’s people have been in bondage all along. The bond-
age that we’re talking about is more severe persecution,
death and destruction. (Luk.21:8) Behold, I will bring
them from the north country … The “north country” is
the place of bondage. That’s where Babylon brought them
into captivity, that’s where Assyria brought them into cap-
tivity and that’s where the Medes and the Persians ruled
over them. It represents the beast in the north. (Luk.21:8)
Behold, I will bring them from the north country,
and gather them from the uttermost parts of the
earth … This is because now God’s people are in bond-
age to the beast all over the world. Now we are not talking
Out of Bondage and Into the Wilderness 93

about only little Israel, who is God’s people, but worldwide

spiritual Israel, who is circumcised in heart and not just in
flesh. They’re in bondage to the nations in which they live
and God is calling them out of those nations to be a part of
“all Israel,” one holy nation.
(Luk.21:8) Behold, I will bring them from the
north country, and gather them from the utter-
most parts of the earth, [and] with them the blind
and the lame (Yes, God’s people who are in bondage are
quite often blind and lame, and God is calling them to be
able to see and to be able to walk straight before the Lord.),
the woman with child and her that travaileth with
child together (In other words, those who have already
borne fruit and those who will bear the fruit of Christ.):
a great company shall they return hither. They’re
going to come back to their “borders,” inside the borders
of their Promised Land. The borders could represent the
outline of the way you live and, obviously, you want to
stay within the boundaries of God’s Word, so to speak.
(Luk.21:9) They shall come with weeping; and
with supplications will I lead them: I will cause
them to walk by rivers of waters … Amen! Rivers
of living water, which Jesus spoke about. (Joh.7:38) He
that believeth on me, as the scripture hath said,
from within him shall flow rivers of living water.
(39) But this spake he of the Spirit, which they
that believed on him were to receive … Out of your
innermost being shall flow rivers of living water. Jesus
Himself brought to His people rivers of living water. That’s
where their life came from – the Word that came out of
His mouth. (Joh.6:63) It is the spirit that giveth life;
the flesh profiteth nothing: the words that I have
94 What Has Been Shall Be: The Man-child Returns

spoken unto you are spirit, and are life. (Jer.31:9)

They shall come with weeping; and with supplica-
tions will I lead them: I will cause them to walk by
rivers of waters, in a straight way wherein they
shall not stumble; for I am a father to Israel, and
Ephraim is my first-born. (10) Hear the word of
the Lord, O ye nations, and declare it in the isles
afar off … (We are one of those “isles afar off” here in
America.); and say, He that scattered Israel will
gather him, and keep him, as shepherd doth his
flock. In other words, the Lord, Who sent His people into
bondage in Egypt or in bondage to the nations, is going to
draw them out now. This is a time of rejoicing. People are
so fearful of the Tribulation, but they don’t understand that
the Tribulation is the judgment that’s coming upon Egypt
so that God’s Israelites can come out and go into the wil-
derness to serve God. This is a good time.
(Jer.31:11) For the Lord hath ransomed Jacob,
and redeemed him from the hand of him that was
stronger than he. Which is which? It’s the Beast enti-
ty “that was stronger than he.” We are not talking about a
man when we say “the Beast.” We’re referring to the whole
body of the Beast. You’re either a part of the Body of Christ
or you’re a part of the body of anti-Christ. The anti-Christ
is the Beast kingdom. (Jer.31:12) And they shall come
and sing in the height of Zion … God is drawing His
people to come into His very Presence on His holy hill.
God told Moses, Certainly I will be with thee; and
this shall be the token unto thee, that I have sent
thee: when thou hast brought forth the people out
of Egypt, ye shall serve God upon this mountain
(Exo.3:12). (Jer.31:12) And they shall come and
Out of Bondage and Into the Wilderness 95

sing in the height of Zion, and shall flow unto the

goodness of the Lord, to the grain, and to the new
wine, and to the oil, and to the young of the flock
and of the herd: and their soul shall be as a wa-
tered garden (Praise the Lord! This is talking about the
Tribulation and God is going to raise up His people to bear
fruit and they’re going to be blessed.); and they shall
not sorrow any more at all. (Jer.31:13) Then shall
the virgin rejoice in the dance, and the young men
and the old together; for I will turn their mourn-
ing into joy, and will comfort them, and make
them rejoice from their sorrow. (14) And I will sa-
tiate the soul of the priests with fatness, and my
people shall be satisfied with my goodness, saith
the Lord.

Sanctified Mountain

Then it goes into the text that we studied earlier, where

Rachel was weeping for her children and God was comfort-
ing her by telling her not to worry, as they would return to
their borders. They are coming back. Yes, they have been
taken into bondage and are serving the flesh and are dead
to the spiritual world, dead to the Kingdom of God, but
He’s going to change all of that. That’s what God is say-
ing. (Jer.31:21) Set thee up waymarks, make thee
guide-posts; set thy heart toward the highway,
(This refers to the highway of holiness that Isaiah 35:8 said
leads to Zion.), even the way by which thou wentest:
turn again, O virgin of Israel, turn again to these
thy cities. (Jer.31:22) How long wilt thou go hith-
er and thither, O thou backsliding daughter? In
96 What Has Been Shall Be: The Man-child Returns

other words, while they’re out there wandering around in

the world, this is where they are supposed to dwell. These
promises are the ones they are supposed to live upon. for
the Lord hath created a new thing in the earth: A
woman shall encompass a man. God is bringing the
virgin into the wilderness to be led by the Davidic Man-
child. The woman encompassing a man is the Bride en-
compassing the Man-child. Zion was the Bride, according
to Revelation. God told John, Come hither, I will show
thee the bride (Rev.21:9). And He showed him the New
Jerusalem coming down, being born from above (Revela-
tion 21:10). The Man-child David ruled in the midst of Zion,
but he also ruled in the midst of the rest of the Church out-
side of Zion. So there is the larger Church, then there is the
Bride and there is the Man-child. This is the new thing that
God is going to do: “A woman shall encompass a man.” It’s
not a new thing as far as history is concerned; it’s a new
thing as far as we are concerned, in our lifetime, because
this is an end-time prophecy.
(Jer.31:23) Thus saith the Lord of hosts, the God
of Israel, Yet again shall they use this speech in
the land of Judah and in the cities thereof, when
I shall bring again their captivity … It’s an old Eng-
lish way to say it because it sounds like just the opposite
in our modern ears. If you would translate that today,
you would say, “I will bring them again from the land of
their captivity.” It’s a good thing to come out of captivity
and into the Kingdom of God. There are only two places
you can dwell in this world: you are either in Babylon or
you are in Zion. We are coming out of Babylon, which is
this world. All of the nations of the world were at Babel.
They all came from Babel and they’re all part of Babylon,
Out of Bondage and Into the Wilderness 97

but Zion is separate. Zion is that holy place that we’re all
going to. God enjoins them to find this highway to Zion.
(Jer.31:23) Thus saith the Lord of hosts, the God
of Israel, Yet again shall they use this speech in
the land of Judah and in the cities thereof, when
I shall bring again their captivity: The Lord bless
thee, O habitation of righteousness, O mountain
of holiness. Zion represents the place of holiness, the
place of separation from the world. That’s what “holiness”
or “sanctification” means. It’s the same word and it means
giving up your sins in obedience to following the Lord. If
you’re obeying the Lord, you’re walking in servitude to the
Lord and you have matured in that obedience to the Lord.
That is what Zion is.
(Jer.31:24) And Judah and all the cities there-
of shall dwell therein together, the husbandmen,
and they that go about with flocks. (25) For I have
satiated the weary soul, and every sorrowful soul
have I replenished. (26) Upon this I awaked, and
beheld; and my sleep was sweet unto me. (27) Be-
hold, the days come, saith the Lord, that I will
sow the house of Israel and the house of Judah
with the seed of man, and with the seed of beast.
(28) And it shall come to pass that, like as I have
watched over them to pluck up and to break down
and to overthrow and to destroy and to afflict, so
will I watch over them to build and to plant, saith
the Lord. While in Babylon, they were living under the
curse. Zion is where the curse is done away. So, spiritually
speaking, you cannot physically go to Zion because obvi-
ously there is no physical Zion. We are not physical Israel-
ites; we are spiritual Israelites and we can spiritually go to
98 What Has Been Shall Be: The Man-child Returns

Zion. It is the place of holiness, the place of God’s presence

and the place of His temple. When we come into the pres-
ence of God, that is that place of holiness. Those who were
slain by the Beast, by Herod, by Pharaoh, by Nebuchadn-
ezzar, by whatever Beast conquered them, they’re going to
return to their Promised Land. And living in the Promised
Land represents resurrection life, the resurrection of God.

Led By a Child

This same story is found in Isaiah. (Isa.11:1) And there

shall come forth a shoot out of the stock of Jesse,
and a branch out of his roots shall bear fruit. This
is the Branch that in Jeremiah chapters 23 and 33 speak of
an end-time David ministry that God is going to raise up.
We’ve spoken of this already. This Branch represents the
Man-child ministry in the end time, the one in whom Jesus
lives, because Christ in you is the hope of glory (Colossians
1:27). I knew a brother years ago who had a dream and he
called me about it. His name was Tubby and he said, “David,
I had this dream and I was talking to you, and in the dream
I said, ‘David, you remind me of someone I read about in
the Bible.’ You quoted those verses from Isaiah 11:1-5 and
you said, ‘Yeah, I know that person.’ Then you quoted these
verses.” What he was saying is that these are going to be
an end-time people who are going to come into this im-
age, walking in the Spirit of God as the Branch. (Isa.11:2)
And the Spirit of the Lord shall rest upon him, the
spirit of wisdom and understanding, the spirit of
counsel and might, the spirit of knowledge and of
the fear of the Lord. (3) And his delight shall be in
the fear of the Lord; and he shall not judge after
Out of Bondage and Into the Wilderness 99

the sight of his eyes, neither decide after the hear-

ing of his ears (In other words, this is a people who are
walking in the Spirit and not walking in the flesh, nor ruled
by the fleshly senses. They have their senses exercised to
discern good from evil, as in Hebrews 5:14.); (Isa.11:4)
but with righteousness shall he judge the poor,
and decide with equity for the meek of the earth;
and he shall smite the earth with the rod of his
mouth; and with the breath of his lips shall he slay
the wicked. (5) And righteousness shall be the gir-
dle of his waist, and faithfulness the girdle of his
loins. (6) And the wolf shall dwell with the lamb,
and the leopard shall lie down with the kid; and
the calf and the young lion and the fatling togeth-
er; and a little child shall lead them. A little child,
the Man-child, is going to lead them.
Why these beasts? Well, if you remember Noah’s Ark
and the people who were saved in the Ark, the beasts were
also saved in the Ark and they represented the Gentiles.
When Peter saw the sheet come down out of Heaven with
all the unclean beasts on it, God told him, Rise, Peter;
kill and eat (Act.11:7). And Peter said, Not so, Lord:
for nothing common or unclean hath ever entered
into my mouth (8). But the Lord answered, What God
hath cleansed, make not thou common (9). This
was when Cornelius had sent his servants to Peter to get
him to come and preach to them the Gospel (Acts 10:1-8)
and Peter got the revelation of, “Oh, God has cleansed the
Gentiles (Acts 10:46,47),” who became the Church. These
were people who were members of the body of the Beast –
different beasts around the world, as a matter of fact. They
had come out of this beast and out of that beast. They were
100 What Has Been Shall Be: The Man-child Returns

members of those bodies, but now they had come into the
Kingdom and they were at peace with one another. There
is nothing that can bring the world together in peace except
God’s Kingdom. So here you see that God is going to raise
up the Man-child. He’s going to draw His people out of all
nations, out of all beast kingdoms. By the way, they were all
called beast kingdoms by Daniel, just as they are in Reve-
lation 7. God was going to draw His people out of bondage
and out of all these beast kingdoms to come and dwell in
their land, which He called the land of rest, the land of milk
and honey, the land of blessings, provision and everything.
Is a little child really going to lead all these beasts to be at
peace and go back to the Promised Land? Yes, that’s what
He’s talking about.
(Isa.11:7) And the cow and the bear shall feed;
their young ones shall lie down together; and the
lion shall eat straw like the ox. In the end of 2007,
I saw a vision of this happening. In the vision, the Lord
was giving me a piece of property and there were all these
beasts that were fleeing onto this property from the judg-
ments that were happening outside the boundaries of this
property. I saw it. They were all in total peace with one
another, all these creatures that normally bite and devour
one another, like the nations do. They were at peace and
God’s Kingdom was there; His peace was there. The Lord
was giving me a house and giving me money to prepare and
provide for these beasts that were coming to this refuge.
(Isa.11:8) And the sucking child shall play on the
hole of the asp, and the weaned child shall put his
hand on the adder’s den. In complete safety! (9) They
shall not hurt nor destroy in all my holy moun-
tain … So where are these beasts? They are at God’s holy

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