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Group Assignment On Project Evaluation and Analysis

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Executive Summary
This plan is to set up a cosmetic shop in the name of “ADDIS COSMOTICS ENTERPRISE",
which will be located in Easy View 4 kilo street Addis Ababa. ADDIS has their philosophy
behind the brand where cosmetics were made using the freshest ingredients and no animal testing
in products to customers. So, making various effective products from fresh, organic fruit and
vegetables, the finest essential oils and safe synthetics. As the key customer trend was health and
wellness, ADDIS also organized various movements to promote the topic of healthy lifestyle,
human rights and environmental issues. The key personnel at the cosmetic Enterprise will
include manager, buying inputs and overall supervisory work, operations and production staff,
sales and marketing staff, skin therapy and hairdressing staff, record keeping and accounting,
stock control and direct selling staff. The key objective of the cosmetic shop will be to provide
fresh quality cosmetics to our clients to enable them improve their general skin beauty, to obtain
maximum customer satisfaction through continued quality production, to obtain continuous
production and supply of our products to the customers, to create customer loyalty to our
products such that they become well pronounced in the customer minds.

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Table of Content
Executive Summary ......................................................................................................................... i
1. Company Overview ................................................................................................................. 1
1.1. Project Owner ....................................................................................................................... 1
1.2. Project Location ................................................................................................................... 1
2. Industry Analysis ..................................................................................................................... 1
2.1. Product Description .............................................................................................................. 1
2.2. Market Analysis ................................................................................................................... 1
3. Production and Technology ..................................................................................................... 2
3.1. Building and Infrastructure .................................................................................................. 2
3.2. Machinery, Vehicles and Equipment ................................................................................... 2
3.3. Raw Materials and Utilities .................................................................................................. 2
3.4. Management of the Company .............................................................................................. 3
4. Market Segmentation ............................................................................................................... 3
4.1. Goals and Objectives ............................................................................................................ 3
4.2. Sales Strategy ....................................................................................................................... 4
4.3. Sales Forecast ....................................................................................................................... 4
4.4. Plant Capacity ...................................................................................................................... 4
5. Financial Analysis ................................................................................................................... 5
6. Environmental Impact ............................................................................................................. 6
7. Project Implementation Schedule ............................................................................................ 7
8. Evaluation and Control ............................................................................................................ 7
8.1. Evaluation Plan for Objective 1 ....................................................................................... 7
8.2. Evaluation Plan for Objective 2 ....................................................................................... 7
8.3. Evaluation Plan for Objective 3 and 4 ............................................................................. 8
Reference ........................................................................................................................................ 9

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1. Company Overview
Addis cosmetics enterprise is formed as small business enterprise. The company manly formed
as beauty care protection materials that used to for all. Addis cosmetics enterprises are located
around Arat kilo (4) areas. ADDIS has three core values to do for human rights, animal rights
and the environment. With the aim of delivering the value of being pure and fresh, ADDIS
products are made from freshest ingredients to fighting against animal testing. ADDIS believes
in making a big difference in the world with the choices they make as a brand.
1.1. Project Owner
The project owner of the company is Miss Addis Mulugeta. She is Ethiopian famous models and
promotion artists.
1.2. Project Location
The project location for Addis cosmetics enterprise is around Arat kilo (4).the area is known by
business areas. The area is looked as place of palace and around Arat kilo have many
governmental and private university, colleges, hotels and different enjoying areas.
2. Industry Analysis
The industry analysis manly concern on beauty cosmetics made to for all peoples.
2.1. Product Description
ADDIS COSMOTICS ENTERPRISE will provide different kinds of cosmetic products ranging
from body lotion to hair relaxers with potentials of using local fruits, both rare and common
fruits as key primary ingredients in the production of body oils and lotions. This will be intended
to improve the general skin health as well as boosting the beauty skin of our clients especially
ladies. Among the fruits we will use to extract include grapes, Chew cumber, palm fruits,
avocadoes, lemons, oranges, among others to produce body lotions that moisturize and
smoothens the skin for healthy attractive look of the boy and hair. Our business will also provide
moisturizing creams, body lotions, hair lotions of various types and varieties to our esteemed
customers. In addition to that, this product will be offered to the young, the youth and the old,
who will need to improve their general health and skin beauty.
2.2. Market Analysis
ADDIS COSMOTICS ENTERPRISE plans to communicate through outdoor advertising and
television advertising to generate sales. This will be spearheaded by our marketing team to

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manage the marketing movement. The key message associated with our products is high quality
beautifying cosmetics and skin care.
3. Production and Technology
We will also offer the cosmetic products to our esteemed customers while providing consultancy
advise inform of skills for mixing and using the oils for their own benefit and will provide free
consultancy services about lotion use, making and maintenance and caring for the skin especially
mostly by the ladies and young girls who our major customers and advise them on maintaining a
healthy balanced diet which include fruits and vegetables. Position of the business in the heart of
Addis Ababa and the whole of Ethiopia and also being near the high market area makes the
product easily accessible by our customers. An aggressive advertising movement will be
undertaken so that we create much awareness of our product than our competitors through our
highly skilled management team and employees that will be highly in contact with our customers
3.1. Building and Infrastructure
Infrastructure building is activity that support developing and maintaining comprehensive health
care service systems. These activities include but are not limited to needs assessment, data
collection, strategic planning, working with community partners, developing protocols, quality
assurance, and training infrastructure is composed of public and private physical structure such
as road, railways, bridges, tunnels, water, supply, sewers, electrical grids.
3.2. Machinery, Vehicles and Equipment
Vehicle or machinery shall a machine propelled by power other than human power and designed
to travel along the ground by use of wheels, treads, runner or slides and which transports persons
or property and shall include without limitation
3.3. Raw Materials and Utilities
This will be intended to improve the general skin health as well as boosting the beauty skin of
our clients especially ladies. Among the fruits we will use to extract include grapes, Chew
cumber, palm fruits, avocadoes, lemons, oranges, among others to produce body lotions that
moisturize and smoothens the skin for healthy attractive look of the boy and hair. Our business
will also provide moisturizing creams, body lotions, hair lotions of various types and varieties to
our esteemed customers. In addition to that, this product will be offered to the young, the youth
and the old, who will need to improve their general health and skin beauty.

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Distribute to our national and international distribution centers, supermarkets, retail outlets, our
agents all over the countries in East African regions and some customers will buy directly from
our company main outlet in 4 kilo. ADDIS COSMOTICS ENTERPRISE will ensure a close
working relationship with our suppliers and where necessary undertake supplier development
programs that is providing improved varieties of agricultural inputs for example grapes, Chew
cumber, palm fruits, avocadoes and lemons and tools that will ensure constant supply of our core
inputs. The customers will be Other businesses that deal in cosmetics, retail shops, supermarkets
all over the country, in foreign countries in East Africa like Kenya, Rwanda, Tanzania, and
Burundi and other customers will be buying from our company directly and from our mobile
distributors and they will be both the young children, men and mostly women.
3.4. Management of the Company
ADDIS COSMOTICS ENTERPRISE will start up with its experienced members in various
fields that are useful in the business to form competent team of trustworthy staff for efficiency
and effective 10 operations and goal oriented. Provision of favorable working conditions to
maintain a high degree of personal development and satisfaction of both employees and
employers and ensuring that our employees are constantly trained where need arises
4. Market Segmentation
4.1. Goals and Objectives

 To be leading supplier of quality, fresh and health skin beautifying cosmetics

 To increase the brand image and knowledge of the general public to ADDIS
 To retarget the audience, create different possibilities in a new movement for ADDIS.
 To expand to the other markets across East Africa
 To exploit opportunities in the market including the gaps left out by already established

The Enterprise is dedicated to achieving maximum customer satisfaction at the lowest

 To increase the brand image and knowledge of ADDIS within a year.
 To obtain maximum customer satisfaction through continued quality production.

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 To increase the engagement of ADDIS in social Media (Like, Facebook and Instagram
etc.) in one year.
 To obtain continuous production and supply of our products to the customers.
 To create customer loyalty to our products such that they become well pronounced in the
customer minds.
 To improve the sales volume of ADDIS products by 70%.
 To provide high quality products to the clients through use of quality and standard inputs
that is natural inputs.
 To establish a strong and reputable relationship with the stakeholders of the Enterprise.
 To come up with new products in the Cosmetics industry.
4.2. Sales Strategy
This will include the marketing strategy, communication strategy, supplier relationship strategy,
promotion strategy, Human resource management strategy and competitive strategy.
4.3. Sales Forecast
One of the most important aspects of a successful launch is a positive publicity for our cosmetics
products. We will develop awareness operations to promote our product through several streets.
Our management team will fiercely have pursued positive perception through societal
endorsement promoting the benefits of our product by actively seeking local news and media
coverage to help on awareness.
4.4. Plant Capacity
ADDIS COSMOTICS ENTERPRISE will offer reliable cosmetics, lotions, and intended to
improve the general skin health as well as boosting the beauty skin of our clients especially
ladies, skin treatment, cure skin rashes, and ensure all time beauty of our clients.

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5. Financial Analysis
5.1. Project Financing and Break-even Analysis
Type of advertising Details Costs
House renting To create the company she must rent house rent. 300000ETB
The agreement is for 2 years.
For employees She must recruit employees. The company has 2 240,000 ETB
employees. The monthly salary for the two
employees is 10,000.
A sign on the building The sign will say ADDIS COSMOTICS 20,000 ETB
ENTERPRISE showing the product that we offer
such that customers can know that there is a
cosmetics in the building
Personal letters We will send personal letters to our vendors, 20,000 ETB
wholesalers and selected retailers. We will
introduce the letter that ADDIS COSMOTICS
Direct selling We shall sell our product directly to our customers 10,000,000 ETB
and share with them information about our
products and why they should use them.
Radio adverts We shall run radio adverts on Ethiopia Radio in 400,000 ETB
hole country and sager FM in Addis Ababa that
will help in persuading the customers and at the
same time serve to inform them where they can
find our products
delivery We shall deliver our products freely to our 50,000 ETB
wholesalers and retailers selected
Sponsoring public These will be the ones where the target customers 500,000 ETB
shows will be converged in large numbers for example
music shows.

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6. Environmental Impact
The environmental impact for this company is many times beauty materials are used by
young peoples. Among themes many females used beauty materials. They depend theirs
lives on beauty cosmetics so that many of young females are far from natural beauty and
they are very dependent on artificial cosmetics.
 Have Well-trained Staff and Services.
 Ability to make cosmetic products from local available fruits
 Implementing interactive and sensory marketing via both offline and online.
 High level of customer care that we shall portray
 We shall operate on a daily basis 24 hours to meet our customer needs which will ensure
constant supply.
 Socially Responsible and Sustainable Brand.
 Operating from the cleanest environment
 Offering free training and consultancy services to our customers.
 Adopted a global “No Advertising Policy”.
 Limited nature inputs like fruits and vegetables to our business.
 Low capital inputs to start up with in establishing the plant and expanding the business
operations to other regions.
 Short expiration dates of the products.
 Do not have enough record keeping mechanism.
 High cost of retailing.
 Inadequate experience in the market due to few months of operation than our competitors
 Few workers in company which delays production
 ADDIS COSMOTICS ENTERPRISE is growing and new cosmetics dealers are setting
up which will increase the market base.
 Development of Advanced Technology
 Increasing passion for organic and fresh production among the public.
 Popular trend of sensory and interactive experiences.

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 Financial boost from banks for service expansion and facility improvement.
 Competition with other organic brands.
 Constant changes in customer demands which impact on our level of satisfaction to our
customers and changing economic environment.
7. Project Implementation Schedule
We intend to invest heavily in advertisement of our products through the use of signposts, face
book, use of radios such as; Sager FM, Ethiopia radio, which have a wider coverage. We also
intend to use a highly skilled marketing manager to market our products; for example; in Addis
Ababa town universities, offices and other local areas around. We intend to also visit personally
our general stores and major wholesalers of our products and use other few methods of
The objectives of promotion are:
 To create awareness of our products to our customers
 To persuade the customers to prefer our products to those of our competitors
 Communicate to the potential customers about where our products can be found.
 Create a good initial image of our products in the society and our potential customers.
8. Evaluation and Control
8.1. Evaluation Plan for Objective 1
Objective 1: To increase the brand image and knowledge of ADDIS within a year
 Increase the users of ADDIS by 40% in one-year
 Increase ADDIS’s level of brand image as a CSR brand by 70% in one year
 Increase the level of knowledge of ADDIS among the public in one year
Evaluation Method: Post movement questionnaires
To conduct the post movement questionnaires in late April to late May to evaluate our reach, key
performance indicators and performance of our movement. We will mainly conduct an online
survey, sending an email to our users and participants. It will investigate their level of cognition,
brand awareness, attitudes towards ADDIS. The feedback received from the questionnaires will
insert in excel to further evaluate the success of movement performance.
8.2. Evaluation Plan for Objective 2
Objective 2: To increase the engagement of ADDIS Facebook and Instagram in one year

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 From around 1.5K Facebook likes to 3.5K likes and 10.1K Instagram followers to 20K
 Increase the average number of likes of the movement related posts to as least 150 in
Facebook page and 300 in Instagram
 Drive at least 100 monthly clicks to the official movement website from search engines
and social media platforms
Evaluation Method 2: Daily Media Scanning and Monitoring
To assess the comprehensive performance of ADDIS’s online platforms during launching this
campaign, we will evaluate Facebook Analytics and Instagram Analytics every month to analyze
the statistics and results such as the number of likes, followers, shares, and comments generated
from ADDIS’s official Facebook page. In addition, to that target audience think about our brand
image and performance of our movement and each activity.
8.3. Evaluation Plan for Objective 3 and 4
 To increase the participation rate of the ADDIS crusade by 80%.
 To enhance the sales volume of ADDIS.
Evaluation Method: Generating a QR code & Participation Monitoring System
Each participant had the ticket with QR code and let us scans the QR code. It helps ADDIS to
further calculate the participation rate of our activity. This QR code generated will be functioned
as a ticket or permission; it also will be directly linked to our participation monitoring system. It
will be convenient for us to examine the numbers of participants each day. Besides, we can
calculate our sales volume from retail shops and online shops per month, and generate the
monthly report for the sales volume of ADDIS.

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1. SAMPLE PROJRCT PLAN | briana kampurira - Academia.edu

2. PROJECT ANALYSIS - Search (bing.com)

3. What is PROJECT ANALYSIS? Introduction, Importance, Scope and Function


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