3.2.7 Rankine's Earth Pressure in Cohesive Soils

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Chapter 3 Lateral Earth Pressure Theories

(3.2.7 Rankine’s eP in cohesive soils)

- Er. Subir Rai

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Subir Rai
Chapter 3. Lateral Earth Pressure Theories
3.2 Rankine’s earth pressure theory for active and passive states
3.2.7 Rankine’s Earth pressure in Cohesive Soils (c-ϕ soil) when backfill is
horizontal Introduction
 Rankine’s original theory was for cohesionless soils
 It was extended by Resal (1910) and Bell (1915) for cohesive soils
 The treatment is similar to that for cohesionless soils with one basic differences that
the failure envelope has a cohesion intercept c', whereas that for cohesionless soil is
zero Active Case
 In Mohr circle, point B indicates
the vertical stress and point E
shows the active pressure
σ3 σ1
 The failure envelope is tangential
to the circle
Fig : Mohr Circle in Active case in Cohesive Soil
NCIT/Foundation Engineering/Chapter 3. Lateral Earth Pressure Theories/Er.
Subir Rai
Chapter 3. Lateral Earth Pressure Theories
3.2 Rankine’s earth pressure theory for active and passive states
3.2.7 Rankine’s Earth pressure in Cohesive Soils when backfill is horizontal Active Case
 The relationship between pa and σv can
be obtained as ;
From FCD, sinϕ = =
σ3 σ1
sinϕ = [CD=CE=radius]
ϕ σ1+ σ3
Fig : Mohr Circle in Active case in Cohesive Soil
σ1−σ3 σ1+ σ3
or, = sinϕ + sinϕ ϕ
σ σ σ σ
or, 1 - 3 = 1 sinϕ + 3 sinϕ + ϕ
σ σ
or, 1 (1 – sinϕ) = 3 (1+sinϕ) + ϕ

σ3 σ1
or, (1+sinϕ) = (1 – sinϕ) - ϕ
NCIT/Foundation Engineering/Chapter 3. Lateral Earth Pressure Theories/Er.
Subir Rai
Chapter 3. Lateral Earth Pressure Theories
3.2 Rankine’s earth pressure theory for active and passive states
3.2.7 Rankine’s Earth pressure in Cohesive Soils when backfill is horizontal Active Case
σ σ
or, 3 (1+sinϕ) = 1 (1 – sinϕ) - ϕ
or, σ3 (1+sinϕ) = σ1(1 – sinϕ) – 2 ϕ
1 – sinϕ 2 ϕ
or, σ3 = σ1 – ------(i) σ3 σ1
1+sinϕ 1+sinϕ
or,σ3=σ1 tan2(45°- ϕ 2 C tan(45°− ϕ
As σ3 is equal to the active pressure (pa)
Fig : Mohr Circle in Active case in Cohesive Soil
and σ1 is equal to the vertical stress
σv = γ Z), eqn (i) becomes,
1 – sinϕ
pa = Ka γ Z –2 c where, Ka = = tan2(45°- ϕ
𝐚 1+sinϕ
And it can be shown that = tan(45°− ϕ =
1+sinϕ a

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Subir Rai
Chapter 3. Lateral Earth Pressure Theories
3.2 Rankine’s earth pressure theory for active and passive states
3.2.7 Rankine’s Earth pressure in Cohesive Soils when backfill is horizontal Active Case : OR
σ3 (1+sinϕ) = σ1(1 – sinϕ) – 2 ϕ
σ1(1 – sinϕ) = σ3 (1+sinϕ) + 2 ϕ
1+sinϕ 2 ϕ
σ1 = σ3 +
1−sinϕ 1−sinϕ
σ1 = σ3 tan2(45°+ϕ tan(45°+ϕ
γ Z = pa Nϕ + 2 Nϕ where, Nϕ = tan2(45°+ϕ is called flow value
pa Nϕ = γ Z - 2 Nϕ
γZ 2
pa = -

1 1
pa = Ka γ Z 2 c Ka where, Ka= N 2 = tan2(45°-ϕ
ϕ tan (45°+ϕ/2)

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Subir Rai
Chapter 3. Lateral Earth Pressure Theories
3.2 Rankine’s earth pressure theory for active and passive states
3.2.7 Rankine’s Earth pressure in Cohesive Soils when backfill is horizontal Active Case :
 In the equation, pa = Ka γ Z 2 c Ka
when Z=0, the active pressure is given by,
pa = 2 c K a
 The negative sign shows that the pressure
is negative, i.e. it tries to cause a pull on the
 This tensile stress decreases with an
increase in depth , and it becomes zero at depth Zc, given by,
0 = Ka γ Zc 2 c Ka
2 Ka
Zc =
Ka γ
Zc =
γ Ka
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Subir Rai
Chapter 3. Lateral Earth Pressure Theories
3.2 Rankine’s earth pressure theory for active and passive states
3.2.7 Rankine’s Earth pressure in Cohesive Soils when backfill is horizontal Active Case :

Zc =
γ Ka
 The depth Zc is known as the depth of

tensile crack

 The tensile stress eventually causes a

crack to form along the soil-wall interface

 The pressure at the depth H is given by,

pa = Ka γ H 2 c Ka

NCIT/Foundation Engineering/Chapter 3. Lateral Earth Pressure Theories/Er.

Subir Rai
Chapter 3. Lateral Earth Pressure Theories
3.2 Rankine’s earth pressure theory for active and passive states
3.2.7 Rankine’s Earth pressure in Cohesive Soils when backfill is horizontal Active Case :

NCIT/Foundation Engineering/Chapter 3. Lateral Earth Pressure Theories/Er.

Subir Rai
Chapter 3. Lateral Earth Pressure Theories
3.2 Rankine’s earth pressure theory for active and passive states
3.2.7 Rankine’s Earth pressure in Cohesive Soils when backfill is horizontal Active Case :
 Pressure Distribution
 Figure shows the pressure distribution
against the retaining wall
 The total pressure on the retaining wall
of height H is obtained by integration of

Pa= Ka γ Z –2 c a) dz Fig : Pressure distribution against

γ 𝑯𝟐 the retaining wall
Pa= Ka -2 c a H This is applicable before formation of crack
After the occurrence of the tensile crack, the force on the wall is caused only by the
pressure from Z=Zc to Z=H, i.e. tensile stresses are neglected,
Pa= (H-Zc) (Ka γ H –2 c 𝒂)

NCIT/Foundation Engineering/Chapter 3. Lateral Earth Pressure Theories/Er.

Subir Rai
Chapter 3. Lateral Earth Pressure Theories
3.2 Rankine’s earth pressure theory for active and passive states
3.2.7 Rankine’s Earth pressure in Cohesive Soils when backfill is horizontal Active Case :
 Pressure Distribution
Pa= (H-Zc) (Ka γ H –2 c 𝑎)

Substituting the value of Zc,

Pa= (H- ) (Ka γ H –2 c 𝑎)
γ Ka

Pa= Ka γ H2- Ka -H c Ka +2 c2 / γ) Fig : Pressure distribution against

the retaining wall
Pa= Ka γ H2- Ka +2 c2 / γ) which acts at a height of (H-Zc)
For soft clay (pure clay), ϕ = 0, Nϕ =1, [Ka=1/Nϕ]
P a= γ H2- 𝟐𝑯 𝑪 +2 c2 / γ)
[Note : For soils below the water table, the submerged unit weight γ' and the corresponding value
of ϕ' and c' should be used]
NCIT/Foundation Engineering/Chapter 3. Lateral Earth Pressure Theories/Er.
Subir Rai
Chapter 3. Lateral Earth Pressure Theories
3.2 Rankine’s earth pressure theory for active and passive states
3.2.7 Rankine’s Earth pressure in Cohesive Soils when backfill is horizontal Active Case :
 Critical Height of unsupported vertical cut
 Figure shows the pressure is negative in the
top region
 It (pressure) becomes zero at a depth Zc
 If the wall has a height of 2 Zc, the total earth
pressure is zero
Fig : Pressure distribution against
 This height is known as the Critical height Hc the retaining wall
Hc=2 Zc -
 If the height of an unsupported vertical cut is smaller than Hc,
it should be able to stand Hc
 In the vertical cut, lateral pressure is everywhere zero,
Whereas in the retaining wall it varies from –2 c √ 𝑎 to
+2 c 𝑲𝒂
+2 c √ 𝑎
NCIT/Foundation Engineering/Chapter 3. Lateral Earth Pressure Theories/Er.
Subir Rai
Chapter 3. Lateral Earth Pressure Theories
3.2 Rankine’s earth pressure theory for active and passive states
3.2.7 Rankine’s Earth pressure in Cohesive Soils when backfill is horizontal Active Case :
 Critical Height of unsupported vertical cut
 In the vertical cut, lateral pressure is everywhere
zero, Whereas in the retaining wall it varies from
–2 c √ 𝑎 to +2 c √ 𝑎
We know, Zc =
γ Ka
Fig : Pressure distribution against
& putting this value of Zc on Hc=2 Zc , we get,
the retaining wall
2 -
Hc = 2 x
γ Ka
4𝑪 4𝑪 Hc
Hc = & for ϕ=0, Ka=1 so Hc = γ c
γ Ka
which is the relation of critical height of unsupported vertical
+2 c 𝑲𝒂
NCIT/Foundation Engineering/Chapter 3. Lateral Earth Pressure Theories/Er.
Subir Rai
Chapter 3. Lateral Earth Pressure Theories
3.2 Rankine’s earth pressure theory for active and passive states
3.2.7 Rankine’s Earth pressure in Cohesive Soils when backfill is horizontal Passive Case :
 An expression for the passive
pressure in cohesive soil can be
determined by the Mohr circle
drawn as in figure such that point
B represents σv and point E as pp
In ,
CD (σ1− σ3)/ σ3 σ1
inϕ = CF =
c cotϕ (σ1+ σ3)/

(σ1− σ3) (σ1+ σ3)

= inϕ + c cotϕ x inϕ Fig : Mohr Circle in Passive case in Cohesive Soil
(σ1− σ3 =(σ1+ σ3 inϕ + 2 c cos ϕ
σ1− σ1 inϕ = σ3+σ3 inϕ + 2 c cos ϕ
σ1(1− inϕ) = σ3(1+ inϕ) + 2 c cos ϕ
NCIT/Foundation Engineering/Chapter 3. Lateral Earth Pressure Theories/Er.
Subir Rai
Chapter 3. Lateral Earth Pressure Theories
3.2 Rankine’s earth pressure theory for active and passive states
3.2.7 Rankine’s Earth pressure in Cohesive Soils when backfill is horizontal Passive Case :
σ1(1− inϕ) = σ3(1+ inϕ) + 2 c cos ϕ
(1+ inϕ) 2 c cos ϕ
σ1 = σ3 +
(1− inϕ) (1− inϕ)
pp = σv 2 ϕ/2) 2c ϕ/2) σ3 σ1

pp = γ Z 𝐩 2c 𝐩 at depth Z
Where, Kp = coefficient of passive Fig : Mohr Circle in Passive case in Cohesive Soil
(1+ inϕ)
earth pressure given by Kp = ϕ/2)= (1− inϕ)

The failure plane makes an angle of ϕ/2 with the vertical plane (major principal
plane) and makes ϕ/2 angle with horizontal plane (minor principal plane

NCIT/Foundation Engineering/Chapter 3. Lateral Earth Pressure Theories/Er.

Subir Rai
Chapter 3. Lateral Earth Pressure Theories
3.2 Rankine’s earth pressure theory for active and passive states
3.2.7 Rankine’s Earth pressure in Cohesive Soils when backfill is horizontal Passive Case :
 Pressure distribution
 From eqn, pp = γ Z p 2c 𝑝
when Z=0, pp = 2 c 𝒑
when Z=H, pp = γ H 𝒑 2c 𝒑
 The pressure unlike active case, is
positive throughout the depth
 The total pressure on the retaining wall Fig : pressure distribution of passive case
of height H is given by, In cohesive soil

Pp= H (Kp γ H)+2 c 𝑝 H

Pp= Kp γ H2 +2 c H 𝒑

NCIT/Foundation Engineering/Chapter 3. Lateral Earth Pressure Theories/Er.

Subir Rai
Chapter 3. Lateral Earth Pressure Theories
3.2 Rankine’s earth pressure theory for active and passive states
3.2.7 Rankine’s Earth pressure in Cohesive Soils when backfill is horizontal
 Numerical Example :
 Determine the stresses at
the top and bottom of the cut ϕ = 12°
shown in figure, also determine the 4m C =20 KN/m2
maximum depth of potential crack and γ = 18 KN/m3

the maximum depth of unsupported

Solution : we know, pa = Ka γ Z −2 c a
1−sinϕ 1−sin12°
Ka = = =0.656
1+sinϕ 1+sin12°
pa = 0.656x18 Z −2x20
pa = 11.81 Z −3
At top Z=0, pa = 11.81 x 0 −3 = - 32.40 KN/m2
At bottom Z=4, pa = 11.81 x 4 −3 = 14.84 KN/m2
NCIT/Foundation Engineering/Chapter 3. Lateral Earth Pressure Theories/Er.
Subir Rai
Chapter 3. Lateral Earth Pressure Theories
3.2 Rankine’s earth pressure theory for active and passive states
3.2.7 Rankine’s Earth pressure in Cohesive Soils when backfill is horizontal
 Numerical Example :
 Depth of potential crack is,
2 2 2.74 m
 Zc = = = 2.74 m ϕ = 12°
γ Ka 18 0.656
4m C =20 KN/m2

 Maximum depth of unsupported γ = 18 KN/m3

1.26 m
excavation is,
4 4
 Hc = = = 5.84 m
γ Ka 18 0.656

NCIT/Foundation Engineering/Chapter 3. Lateral Earth Pressure Theories/Er.

Subir Rai
Chapter 3. Lateral Earth Pressure Theories
3.2 Rankine’s earth pressure theory for active and passive states
3.2.7 Rankine’s Earth pressure in Cohesive Soils when backfill is horizontal
 Numerical Example : A -5.77
 A 5 m high retaining wall is
shown in figure. Determine the B ϕ = 30°

Rankine’s active pressure on the C =5 KN/m2

wall (a) Before formation of crack γ = 17.5 KN/m3

(b) After the formation of the crack

Solution : C 23.38
1−sinϕ 1−sin30°
Ka = = =0.333
1+sinϕ 1+sin30°
pa = Ka γ Z −2 c a= 0.333x17.5 Z −2x5
pa = 5.83 Z −5.77
At top Z=0, pa = 5.83 x 0 −5.77 = - 5.77 KN/m2

NCIT/Foundation Engineering/Chapter 3. Lateral Earth Pressure Theories/Er.

Subir Rai
Chapter 3. Lateral Earth Pressure Theories
3.2 Rankine’s earth pressure theory for active and passive states
3.2.7 Rankine’s Earth pressure in Cohesive Soils when backfill is horizontal
 Numerical Example : A -5.77
When pa =0,
B ϕ = 30° 0.99 m
0 = 5.83 Z −5.77
C =5 KN/m2
Z= 0.99 m or 5m
γ = 17.5 KN/m3
4.01 m
2 2
Zc = = = 0.99 m
γ Ka . 0.333 C

At bottom Z=5, pa = 5.83 x 5 − = 23.38 KN/m2

H- Zc = 5-0.99=4.01
(a) Before formation of crack,
Negative pressure, P1= x 5.77 x 0.99 = 2.86 KN/m
Positive pressure, P2= x 23.38 x 4.01 = 46.88 KN/m

NCIT/Foundation Engineering/Chapter 3. Lateral Earth Pressure Theories/Er.

Subir Rai
Chapter 3. Lateral Earth Pressure Theories
3.2 Rankine’s earth pressure theory for active and passive states
3.2.7 Rankine’s Earth pressure in Cohesive Soils when backfill is horizontal
 Numerical Example :
(a) Before formation of crack,
0.99 m
Net Pa = 46.88- 2.86 = 44.02 KN/m b
γ 𝑯𝟐
Or by using relation, a Ka 𝟐
-2 c a H 4.01 m
17.5x 𝟓𝟐
𝐚 0.333x -2 x5 x5 = 44.02 KN/m
𝟐 c 23.38 d
Line of action of Pa is determined as under , by taking moments about C,
= = 1.12 m above base
(b) After formation of crack,
After the formation of crack, the negative pressure is eliminated so the pressure distribution
is given by the area bcd,
1 .
Pa= x 23.38 x 4.01 = 46.88 KN/m and acts at a height of = 1.34 m above base

NCIT/Foundation Engineering/Chapter 3. Lateral Earth Pressure Theories/Er.

Subir Rai
Chapter 3. Lateral Earth Pressure Theories
3.2 Rankine’s earth pressure theory for active and passive states
3.2.7 Rankine’s Earth pressure in Cohesive Soils when backfill is horizontal
 Numerical Example :
(b) After formation of crack,
0.99 m
After the formation of crack, the negative pressure is b
eliminated so the pressure distribution is given by the area bcd,
4.01 m
Pa= x 23.38 x 4.01 = 46.88 KN/m
. c 23.38 d
and acts at a height of = 1.34 m above base
Or Alternatively using,

Pa= Ka γ H2- Ka +2 c2 / γ

Pa = 0.333x 17.5x52- 0.333 +2x52 / 17.5) =72.84-28.85+2.86=46.85 KN/m

& acts at a height of (H-Zc) = (5-0.99)= 1.34 m above base

NCIT/Foundation Engineering/Chapter 3. Lateral Earth Pressure Theories/Er.

Subir Rai

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