Tos Fisrt Quarterly Exam..10

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Assessment Matrix FIRST QUARTER

S.Y. 2022-2023

SUBJECT: SCIENCE 10                             TEACHER: RICA B. MAPALO                                             School: UBOJAN INTEGRATED SCHOOL

How will I assess? Multiple Choice

What will I assess?
How will I score? One point each

Item Numbers
No. of Time of Test
MOST ESSENTIAL LEARNING COMPETENCIES days Emphasis Remembering Understanding Applying Analyzing Evaluating Creating Items
taught (%)

60% 30% 10%

1. Describe and relate the distribution of active volcanoes,

earthquake epicenters, and major mountain belts to Plate 15 50 2,4,7 6 1,5,8,3,35
Tectonic Theory. S10ES – Ia-j-36.1

2. Describe the different types of plate boundaries. S10ES –

5 12.5 9,10,11 31,32,33,34

3. Explain the different processes that occur along the plate 12, 14, 15,
10 25 13,21,23,24 22
boundaries. S10ES – Ia-j-36.3 16, 17

describe the internal structure of the Earth. S10ES –Iaj-


4. Describe the possible causes of plate movement. S10ES

5 12.5 19 18
– Ia-j-36.5
5. Enumerate the lines of evidence that support plate
5 12.5 20
movement. S9ES –Iaj-36.6

12 10 1 11 0 4
TOTAL 40 100% 40
24 12 4

Total Points 22 points 8 points 2 points 40 points

Total Number of Competencies Covered 5 out of 5 = 100.00%

Prepared by: Noted:

     RICA B. MAPALO                                      RAMILO C. LAMOSTE

                      Science Teacher                                 Teacher-In-Charge

Assessment Matrix SECOND QUARTER

S.Y. 2022-2023

SUBJECT: SCIENCE 10                             TEACHER: RICA B. MAPALO                                             School: UBOJAN INTEGRATED SCHOOL

How will I assess? Multiple Choice
What will I assess?
How will I score? One point each

Item Numbers
No. of Time of Test
Rememberin Analyzin
Understanding Applying
Evaluating Creating Items
taught (%)

60% 30% 10%

Compare the relative wavelengths of different forms of

10 20 9,12,19 23,26,29,30 2,7 11
electromagnetic waves S10FE-IIab-47 39-40

Cite examples of practical applications of the different

regions of EM waves, such as the use of radio waves in 10 20 17,18 27,28,11 5
telecommunications S10FE-IIcd-48

Explain the effects of EM radiation on living things and the

10 20 2
environment S10FE-IIef-49 37-38

Predict the qualitative characteristics (orientation, type, and

magnification) of images formed by plane and curved 2 4 15,20 10,21,22,24, 16 13
mirrors and lenses S10FE-IIg50

apply ray diagramming techniques in describing the

characteristics and positions of images formed by lenses 3 6

identify ways in which the properties of mirrors and lenses

determine their use in optical instruments (e.g., cameras and 5 10 1,3 25 14 4
binoculars) S10FE-IIh52

demonstrate the generation of electricity by movement of a

5 10
magnet through a coil. S10FE-IIi53
Explain the operation of a simple electric motor and
5 10 5,13 6 4,8 5
generator S10FE-IIj54

12 12 6 6 0 4
TOTAL 50 100% 40
22 12 4

Total Points 22 points 8 points 2 points 40 points

Total Number of Competencies Covered 7 out of 7 = 100.00%

Prepared by: Noted:

     RICA B. MAPALO                                      RAMILO C. LAMOSTE

                      Science Teacher                                 Teacher-In-Charge

Assessment Matrix THIRD QUARTER

S.Y. 2022-2023

SUBJECT: SCIENCE 10                             TEACHER: RICA B. MAPALO                                             School: UBOJAN INTEGRATED SCHOOL

How will I assess? Multiple Choice

What will I assess?
How will I score? One point each


days Emphasis Test
taught (%) Understanding Applying Analyzing Creating Items
Rememberin Evaluating

60% 30% 10%

Describe the parts of the reproductive system and their

5 10 7,8,10
functions. S10LTIIIa-33 30

Explain the role of hormones involved in the female 10 13,14,15,17,1

5 4,5 32
and male reproductive systems. S10LTIIIb-34 8

Describe the feedback mechanisms involved in 4

regulating processes in the female reproductive system 2 9 33
(e.g., menstrual cycle) S10LTIIIc-35

Describe how the nervous system coordinates and 6

regulates these feedback mechanisms to maintain 3 1,2,3,11
homeostasis. S10LTIIIc-36

Explain how protein is made using information from 10

5 19 20,21,22,23
DNA. S10LTIIId-37 28

Explain how mutations may cause changes in the 10

5 24, 25
structure and function of a protein. S10LTIIIe-38 26,27

Explain how fossil records, comparative anatomy, and 10

genetic information provide evidence for evolution. 5 29

Explain the occurrence of evolution. S10LTIIIg-40 5 10 37 38,39,40 36

Explain how species diversity increases the probability 10

of adaptation and survival of organisms in changing 5 12
environments. S10LTIIIh-41

Explain the relationship between population growth 10

5 31
and carrying capacity. S10LTIIIi-42
Suggest ways to minimize human impact on the 10
5 34,35
environment. S10LTIIIj-43

14 8 6 6 2 2
TOTAL 50 100% 40
22 12 4

Total Points 22 points 8 points 2 points 40 points

Total Number of Competencies Covered 7 out of 7 = 100.00%

Prepared by: Noted:

     RICA B. MAPALO                                      RAMILO C. LAMOSTE

                      Science Teacher                                 Teacher-In-Charge

Assessment Matrix FOUTH QUARTER

S.Y. 2022-2023

SUBJECT: SCIENCE 10                             TEACHER: RICA B. MAPALO                                             School: UBOJAN INTEGRATED SCHOOL

How will I assess? Multiple Choice

What will I assess?
How will I score? One point each


days Emphasis Test
taught (%) Understanding Applying Analyzing Creating Items
Rememberin Evaluating

60% 30% 10%

Investigate the relationship between: 1.1 volume and pressure at

constant temperature of a gas; 1.2 volume and temperature at
10 20
constant pressure of a gas; 1.3 explains these relationships using
the kinetic molecular theory. S10MTIVa-b-21

Recognize the major categories of biomolecules such as 20

carbohydrates, lipids, proteins, and nucleic acids. S10MTIVc-d-22

Apply the principles of conservation of mass to chemical 30

reactions. S10MTIVe-g-23

. explain how the factors affecting rates of chemical reactions are 30

applied in food preservation and materials production, control of 15
fire, pollution, and corrosion. S10MTIVh-j-24

14 8 6 6 2 2
TOTAL 50 100% 40
22 12 4

Total Points 22 points 8 points 2 points 40 points

Total Number of Competencies Covered 7 out of 7 = 100.00%

Prepared by: Noted:

     RICA B. MAPALO                                      RAMILO C. LAMOSTE

                      Science Teacher                                 Teacher-In-Charge

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