EIM Level 2 Test 3

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English in Mind Module 3 Test A

Units 9-12
Class Date
Level 2
1 Grammar
A Complete the text. Use the words in the box.
’m going to had been too a enough was the No one taught will

I (0) was educated at (1) girls’ school where (2) teachers were
all women and they were very strict. We always had (3) much homework
and not (4) fun. (5) liked our French teacher because she gave us
tests every week, but now I remember her as a good teacher.
I’ve (6) teaching English for 15 years and during that time I’ve (7)
thousands of students from all over the world. I’ve sometimes (8) difficult
students, but in general they’ve been great. I’ve always tried to be a patient and
humorous teacher and I hope my students remember me in that way.
I (9) stop teaching soon because I want to live in the country, but I
(10) never forget the fun I’ve had.

Complete the sentences. Circle the correct answers, a, b or c.
0 must know the answer!
a Somewhere b Something c Someone

1 Lots of houses destroyed in yesterday’s tornado.

A were B was C are

2 You smoke in here.

a haven’t to b mustn’t c must

3 I think our teachers give us homework.

a not enough b too much c too many

4 Could I have apple please?

a an b the c a MODULE 3 TEST A
5 Jack come to our party if he doesn’t want to.
a mustn’t b must c doesn’t have to

6 I can’t decide which pizza to order. I like .

a none of them b all of them c some of them

7 five exercises. Can I go now?

a I’ve done b I’ve been doing c I was doing
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8 I like music of the 1980s.

a a b an c the

9 Sorry we’re late. How long for us?

a have you waited b have you been waiting c are you waiting

10 I’m sorry there ice cream for everyone.

a isn’t enough b ’s too many c ’s too much 5

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C The underlined words are incorrect. Write the correct sentences.
0 You don’t have to forget your mother’s birthday again.
You mustn’t forget your mother’s birthday again.
1 Ouch! I’ve been cutting my finger.

2 I think there’s the letter for you.

3 I need no one to help. I can’t do it myself.

4 She will have a baby in May.

5 The winning goal were scored by David Beckham.

6 There are too much boy bands around. They look good but they can’t sing.

7 I mustn’t get up early. But I usually do.

8 I’ve looked nowhere for my pen, but I can’t find it.

9 Someone’s at the door … it is going to be Pedro.

10 Millions of trees have cut down last year.


D Circle the correct sentence, a or b.

0 a: I haven’t understood a single word. MODULE 3 TEST A
b: I haven’t been understanding a single word.
1 a: How long have you known Maria?
b: How long have you been knowing Maria?
2 a: I’ve read for three hours. My eyes are tired.
b: I’ve been reading for three hours. My eyes are tired.
3 a: How many kilometres have you driven this week?
b: How many kilometres have you been driving this week?
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4 a: We’ve never had a winter holiday.

b: We’ve never been having a winter holiday.
5 a: Mark has learned English for three years.
b: Mark has been learning English for three years. 5

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2 Vocabulary
A Choose the best words to complete the sentences. Circle the correct answers, a, b or c.
0 A lot of people in Britain live in houses.
a terraced b terrace c terraces

1 is a huge wave.
a A volcano b An avalanche c A tsunami

2 My boyfriend always gets angry with me because I can never his birthday.
a forget b remind c remember

3 I love music.
a classical b classic c the classic

4 I think music is better than recorded music.

a living b live c alive

5 Be quiet! I’m trying to these numbers.

a forget b memorise c remind

6 A has only one floor.

a semi-detached house b cottage c bungalow

7 Most of my friends live on the local estate.

a housing b house c houses

8 Please me to give Barbara her CDs.

a remind b remember c say

9 The measured 6.5 on the Richter scale.

a avalanche b earthquake c volcano

10 I’ve always wanted to play the guitar.

a electrical b electronic c electric 5

B Music and instruments. Put the letters in the correct order.
0 zajz jazz
1 tuncory
2 onoxeshap
3 abdorsyke
4 egagre
5 ertpumt
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6 lokf
7 traincel
8 letuf
9 lcslascia
10 srumd 5

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C Label the pictures.
1 2 3 4

5 6 7 8

9 10


D Complete the sentences. Use the words in the box.

remind remember forget memory memorable memorise

0 I find it really easy to memorise vocabulary lists.

1 I must to buy some milk on the way home.
2 I’ve got a terrible . I’m sorry, what was your name again?
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3 Don’t to wait for me after our English lesson.

4 The Wimbledon Final last year was a match.
5 Why do I always have to you to tidy your room?! 5

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3 Everyday English
A Complete the dialogues with an appropriate expression from the box.
get rid of mates got a point sort of What’s up with

1 A: you?
B: Nothing, I’m just feeling a bit sad, that’s all.

2 A: Do you want to go to the cinema later?

B: Yeah, , although I’d quite like to watch a video at home.
3 A: You’re being very strange! Do you want to me?
B: Don’t be silly! Of course I don’t.

4 A: I don’t understand why Mum doesn’t want me to go on the holiday.

B: Well, I think she’s . You are too young to go away alone.

5 A: I don’t know those guys. Are they Mark’s ?

B: I think so, but they don’t seem very friendly. 5

B Put the words into the correct order to make sentences.

1 so / why / is / I / Julia / late / wonder

2 already / we’re / on / late / come

3 rid / does / girlfriend / Fred / to / want / his / of / get / ?

4 about / we / there’s / never / can / now / mind / nothing / do / it

5 new / Bob’s / I / like / mates / don’t

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4 Reading
A Read the text below.

Gifted children
Throughout history there have been child prodigies (very gifted children) – think of famous
composers, musicians, inventors and academics. But can these children have a normal childhood
playing with their friends and doing the things that children do, or should they be treated
In 2002, teenage siblings Iskander Yusof (15) and his sister Noraisha (19) were awarded degrees
in Mathematics at Warwick University in England. Neither of them went to school before
university. Instead, they were taught at home by their father, who is a mathematician, and their
mother, a chemistry researcher. Iskander, who started his university course at the age of twelve,
was given a first class honours degree.
The two teenagers shared a house near the university campus while they were studying. When
they were asked if they felt sad about not going to school and having a ‘normal’ childhood, neither
of them felt that they had missed out.
There is another prodigy in the family – their older sister, Sufiah. She went to Oxford University
in 1997 at the age of thirteen. Her story was reported in the newspapers because she disappeared
for a short time when she was fifteen. She said that she felt her parents put too much pressure
on her. But the family’s youngest daughter, Zuleihka, is following her older siblings by taking her
‘A’ levels at the age of eight instead of the usual eighteen.

B Write the questions.

In 2002.

At Warwick University.

No, they didn’t. They were taught at home. MODULE 3 TEST A
Near the university campus.

She was thirteen. 10
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5 Listening
A You are going to listen to five people talking about their homes. Listen and
write down which speaker (A, B, C, D or E) talks about the following:
1 bungalow Speaker
2 cottage Speaker
3 detached house Speaker
4 block of flats Speaker
5 caravan Speaker

B Now listen again and mark the statements T (true) or F (false).

6 Speaker A has large windows.
7 Speaker B likes moving around.
8 Speaker C lives in the centre of town.
9 Speaker D enjoys sitting in the garden in summer.
10 Speaker E has noisy neighbours. 10

UNITS 9–12

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6 Speaking
A Two students answer your questions
● Greet students A and B and ask them how they are.
● Ask each student two or three questions about their taste in music. For example, Do you like
listening to music? What kind of music do you enjoy most? Who’s your favourite singer?
● Ask each student to tell you what they are listening to now. For example, Which bands/singers
are you listening to at the moment? Who’s big in the charts?

B Two students talk to each other

● Give student A a copy of card 1A and give student B a copy of card 1B. Explain that student A is
a sales assistant in a record shop and student B is a customer looking for a present for a family
member. The customer doesn’t know much about music! Student A should make recommendations
and give reasons for their choices.
● Give student A a copy of card 2A and give student B a copy of card 2B. Explain that student B
is making a list of CDs that they want for their birthday. Student A is going to buy one of them
and should ask questions to find out what makes the CDs special.

1A Sales assistant 1B Customer

Suggest the music you think a You want to buy a CD for your
teenage boy would like. Give brother. Ask for advice.
reasons for your choices.

2A 2B
Ask student B what is special It’s your birthday soon and you
about the music they have are making a list of CDs you’d
chosen. like to have. Answer student A’s
questions and explain why the
CDs are special.

UNITS 9–12

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7 Writing
Your teacher has asked you to write a composition about someone you admire. This person can be
someone you know personally or someone famous.

You should include the following points:

● name
● reasons why you admire him/her
● personality/personal characteristics
● achievements

Start your composition:

The person I most admire is because

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