Develop Emergency and Damage Control Plans and

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18. Membuat rencana pengendalian keadaan darurat dan kerusakan

serta menangani situasi darurat.( Develop emergency and damage
control plans and handle emergency situations )

1. *As far as human factor is concerned, which of the following actions should be
considered as an efficient one?
A. All the listed answers
B. To equip them with better communication
C. To train the fire brigade
D. To establish inner rules to perform work of a
special risk

2. *The correct order of actions to be taken in a fire emergency, should be…

A. Evaluation of the situation, rescue
and life-saving, confinement of fire,
extinction, then feed back on the
B. Extinction, confinement of fire, feed
back on the emergency, rescue and
life-saving, then evaluation of the
C. Extinction, evaluation of the situation, confinement of fire, rescue and life-
D. Evaluation of the situation, confinement of fire, rescue and life-saving,


3. *Which of the following detailed explanations should be mentioned in the Training

Manual ?
A. How to recover survival craft and
rescue boats including stowage and
B. How to use navigational equipment
for survival crafts
C. How to use surface to air visual
signals to be used by survivors
D. How to use escape routes and other escape methods

4. *Which one of the given requirements regarding manning and supervision of

survival craft corresponds to the SOLAS regulation?
A. A deck officer or certificated person
shall be placed in charge of each
survival craft to be used
B. Every motorised survival craft shall
have a certificated engineer assigned
C. There shall be at least 5 trained
persons on board, mustering and
assisting untrained persons
D. Every lifeboat required to carry radio telegraph installation shall have a
deck officer capable of operating the equipment assigned

5. *You are on board a cargo ship. The ship is heavily listing to starboard, making
impossible the launching of the survival craft stowed on this side. Lifeboats and
liferafts are equally distributed on each side of the vessel. What should be the total
number of persons that can be accommodated in the remaining survival craft
stowed on the port side ? (*) N is the total number of persons that vessel is
permitted to carry.
A. At least 200 % N (lifeboat capacity: 100 % N; liferaft capacity: 100 % N)
B. At least 150 % N (lifeboat capacity: 100 % N; liferaft capacity: 50 % N) (*)
C. At least 150 % N (lifeboat capacity: 50 % N; liferaft capacity: 100 % N) (*)

D. At least 100 % N (lifeboat capacity: 50 % N; liferaft capacity: 50 % N) (*)

6. During helicopter evacuation of an injured man, what course should the ship steer?
A. As instructed by the helicopter pilot
B. With the wind astern so that the
effect of the wind is reduced as much
as possible
C. Directly into the wind
D. With the wind fine on the bow opposite to the helicopter operating area

7. HEL-H is the abbreviation of a heavy helicopter radius of action for rescue

purposes. What do you think the radius and evacuating capacity of the helicopter
A. 200 nm and capacity for evacuating more then 15 persons.
B. 500 nm and capacity for evacuating
more than 25 persons.
C. 150 nm and capacity for evacuating
more than 12 persons.
D. 100 nm and capacity for evacuating more than 10 persons.

8. In a distress situation and immediately after the distress signal has been sounded,
what is the next action to be taken by the
Chief Officer on duty?
A. Use the intercom to inform crew
and passengers of the reason for the
B. Call the nearest coastal radio station
C. Send distress signals to call for help
D. Use the VHF-radio telephone to ask
ships in the vicinity to stand by


9. In a distress situation, how many times or for how long should the emergency alarm
signal be sounded?
A. Until all crew members and passengers have
reported to their respective muster stations
B. 3 times
C. 3 minutes
D. Until the signal "risk is over" or the order
"abandon ship" is given

10. In what language/languages must the fire control plans or booklets (or copies of
these) be written?
A. In the Flag State official language with
copies in English or French
B. In the Flag State official language
C. In the English language
D. In a national language where company head
office is located

11. Is it necessary to be certified to be a lifeboat-commander?

A. Yes, you must attend to a course
held by certified personnel, and
provide evidence of having
maintained the required standards of
competence every five years.
B. No, the only thing you need is one
hour instruction from a deck officer.
C. No
D. Yes, you must attend a one week course at a approved course center.


12. Poster or signs shall be provided on or in the vicinity of survival craft and their
launching controls. Which one of the following requirements has to be included?
A. Give relevant instructions and
B. Give an overview of location of all
lifesaving appliances
C. Give information on survival craft
D. Give information on survival craft
speed and seaworthiness

13. The analyses of the smoke produced by a fire, may give an interpretation of that
fire. Which are the factors we should take into
A. Opacity, amount and colour
B. Amount and opacity only
C. There is no possible interpretation of a fire
according to the smoke
D. Colour only

14. The muster list must be prepared:

A. At any moment before the ship proceeds to
B. At least 2 hours before the ship proceeds to
C. At least 1 hour before the ship proceeds to
D. At least 2 hours after the ship has proceeded to sea


15. The Muster List shall show the duties assigned to members of the crew. Which of
the following duties shall be included according to present regulations?
A. Manning of fire parties assigned to
deal with fires.
B. Preparation of immersion suits for
C. Special duties assigned with respect
to the use of pyrotechnics
D. Operation of the vessel's propulsion

16. The muster list shall show the duties assigned to the different members of the crew.
Which of the given duties necessarily have to be included in the muster list?
A. Preparation and launching of
survival crafts
B. Clearing escape routes
C. Type of fires that can be
encountered on board
D. Preparation and starting of
emergency generator

17. The training manual shall contain instructions and information in easily understood
terms and illustrated wherever possible. Which of the following objects have to be
explained in detail in the manual according to
present regulations?
A. Donning of lifejackets and immersion suits
B. Donning of fire protection clothing
C. Starting of Main Engine
D. Handling of stowaways


18. The Training Manual shall contain instructions and information on the life-saving
appliances and the best method of survival. The training manual shall contain
detailed explanations of crew duties in relation to emergency situations. Which of
the following tasks or duties shall be included in the manual according to present
A. The use of the ship's line throwing
B. The use of navigational equipment for
survival crafts.
C. The use of surface to air visual signals to be
used by survivors.
D. The use of escape routes and other escape

19. What are the conditions that influence the efforts for organising the fire fighting?
A. Where the fire breaks out, how
many fire teams are available, the
strength of the fire, the ships
mobility, what is burning and
B. Where the fire break out, how many
fire teams are available, what is
burning, distance to the fire station
C. Distance to the fire station and the size of the fire brigade, what is burning,
possibility to get water
D. Where the fire break out, the ships mobility, distance to the fire station and
the size of the fire brigade

20. What is a contingency plan for ships?

A. Plan for safety preparedness
B. Plan for next voyage
C. Loading plan for general cargo
D. Plan for maintenance and repair


21. What is most important for crew members when preparing for emergencies?
A. That people are well trained
B. That people know where to find designated
C. That people know where to muster
D. That people listen to orders given

22. What is the priority for the ship's management team when fire breaks out?
A. The ship's management team must
organise the fire teams and then the
teams have to rescue missing
B. The ship's management team must
fight the fire and then call the fire
C. The ship's management team must
call the nearest fire brigade and police station
D. The ship's management team and the crew must evacuate the ship

23. What manoeuvre should be carried out in case of a fire onboard a ship?
A. Reduce speed and, if possible, keep
the fire zone to the leeward of the
B. Keep the stem up against the wind if
C. Let the ship follow the wind in
order to reduce the oxygen supply
D. Continue on course and speed


24. When a Master takes the leadership in approaching a problem, Must his first action
be a decision that will directly solve the problem?
A. Not necessary, he shall use all available
resources. He should resist the temptation to step
in and do it all by himself
B. Yes, take full controll. Do not delegate to other
officers, to avoid mistake.
C. No, he should observ the situation, and let the other senior officers solve the
D. Yes, with his experience, it is most likely that he has the best solution.

25. Which of the following duties shall be included in the "muster list" as being
assigned to crewmembers in relation to
A. Assembling passengers at muster
B. Ensuring that every passenger is
provided with an immersion suit or a
thermal protective aid
C. Ensuring that extra food and water is
taken to the survival craft
D. Clearing the escape routes

26. Which of the following duties shall be included in the "muster list" as being
assigned to members of the crew ?
A. Preparation and launching of the
survival craft
B. Preparation of manoeuvres intended
to ease launching of the survival
C. Preparation of immersion suits for
the ship's passengers
D. Operation of the vessel's propulsion

27. Which of the following information shall be specified by the muster list?
A. Action to be taken by crew and
B. The specific duties assigned to
passengers that are in charge of a
group of others
C. The abandon ship signal consisting
of two long blasts
D. The muster list has been prepared and approved by the administration
before the ship proceeds to sea

28. Which of the following prevention actions offers the guarantee of an efficient
intervention in an emergency
A. All the listed answers
B. The installation of protective measures
C. Planning of the emergency
D. Training of the crew

29. Which one of the given requirements regarding survival craft muster and
embarkation arrangements corresponds to the present SOLAS regulations?
A. Muster and embarkation stations shall be
readily accessible from accommondation
and work areas.
B. Davit-launched survival craft muster and
embarkation stations shall be arranged to
enable stretchers to be placed in survival
C. Muster and embarkation stations are to be
arranged separately to improve working conditions.
D. Searchlights to be provided at the launching station.


30. Which one of the listed requirements regarding the stowage of a survival craft
corresponds to present SOLAS regulations? Each survival craft shall be stowed:
A. In a secure and sheltered position and
protected from damage by fire or explosion.
B. Wherever space is available.
C. On the starboard side of the ship.
D. In a state of readiness so that two crew-
members can prepare for embarkation and
launching in less than 15 minutes.

31. Which one of the listed requirements regarding the stowage of lifeboats and life-
rafts corresponds to present SOLAS regulations?
A. Lifeboats shall be stowed attached to
launching appliances.
B. Life-rafts shall be stowed close to the stern
of the vessel
C. Life-rafts intended for throw-overboard
launching shall be stowed midships secured
to means for transfer to either side.
D. Davit-launched life-rafts shall be stowed on
starboard side of the ship.

32. Your vessel has been involved in a collision, and at first opportunity a lot of people
from outsides parties are asking questions. What shall you tell them?
A. Do not reply to any questions from
outside parties, except the Solicitor
appointed by your company.
B. You shall only tell them the truth
and nothing but the truth.
C. Do not tell anybody anything,
except representatives from the
main newspapers, radio and TV.
Remember, the people have the
right to know.

D. To make sure that all parties are informed about the facts, show them the
extracts of the log-book.

33. A company must update its Safety Management System and Manual:
A. Whenever regulations change
B. At least once every 6 months
C. At least once every 12 months
D. At least once every 18 months

34. A moderate level of stress provides which useful function in an emergency?

A. To prepare for peak performance that will improve the chances of survival
B. To slow down the heart rate to conserve energy
C. To slow down the thought processes to ensure a thorough assessment of the
D. To immobilize the individual until he has decided upon the best course of

35. Debriefing of an emergency drill:

A. Expands the experience of all personnel
B. Is most effective when held at a safety meeting
C. Focuses attention on the debriefer's feedback
D. Encourages crewmembers to focus on their duties

36. For which emergency resource is it difficult to plan the best use?
A. Passengers
B. Crew
C. Company personnel
D. Emergency equipment

37. In a crisis, which crew behaviours are most reassuring to passengers?

A. Enthusiasm, confidence, decisiveness
B. Enthusiasm, confidence, hospitality
C. Dependability
D. Keeping up with safety knowledge

38. Studies of shipboard emergencies show that many passengers do not read or
remember safety information. As an officer, how can you best compensate for this
A. In an emergency, repeatedly tell passengers what's happening, what's being
done, and what they should do.
B. Prior to departure, provide passengers with a good safety video.
C. Ensure that printed safety information onboard is of the highest quality.
D. Post large, graphic safety signs conspicuously throughout the ship.

39. The Safety Management Manual contains checklists that are:

A. Clear, concise summaries of critical action items in the emergency plan
B. To be used when crewmembers feel especially stressed in emergencies
C. Clear, concise summaries of all action items in the emergency plan
D. Detailed descriptions of action items most easily forgotten in emergencies

40. What can cause crewmembers to abdicate their safety roles?

A. Lack of leadership
B. No lifeboat drills for passengers
C. Inadequate fire-fighting training
D. Inadequate fire-fighting provisions

41. What is the most important factor in the master's ability to make good decisions in
an emergency?
A. Feedback from the crew
B. Input from company personnel
C. Planning of emergency procedures
D. Following safety regulations

42. Which is the most important factor in the safety awareness of the ships crew?
A. The level of emergency-preparedness
B. The safety awareness of the senior officers
C. The shipboard training provided
D. The quality of emergency drills


43. Which of the following is most likely to influence changes to emergency plans and
A. The design and layout of the ship
B. The ISM Code
D. The safety requirements of the USCG

44. Which statement about stress is correct?

A. Individuals in a shipboard emergency experience different levels of stress.
B. An example of stress is a shipboard fire.
C. Stress is an unusual reaction to a threatening situation.
D. Stress interferes with an individual's ability to respond to a threat.

45. To turn over an inflatable liferaft that is upside down, you should pull on the
A. Canop
B. Manropes
C. Sea painter
D. Righting strap

46. Pollution of the waterways may result from the discharge of __________.
A. Sewage
B. The galley trash can
C. An oily mixture of one part per million
D. All of the above

47. Records of tests and inspections of a cargo vessel's fire extinguishing systems shall
be kept on board __________.
A. For 1 year
B. For 2 years
C. Until the next Coast Guard inspection
D. Until the vessel's Certificate of Inspection expires


48. You have been carrying a liquid with flammable limits of 1% to 7% mixture with
air. If your instructions say that no one shall enter the tank if the vapor
concentration is over 15% of the LEL, what is the maximum allowable percentage
of vapors for men to enter?
A. .15%
B. .85%
C. 1.05%
D. 7.00%

49. You are alone and administering CPR to an adult victim. How many chest
compressions and how many inflations should you administer in each sequence?
A. 5 compressions then 1 inflation
B. 15 compressions then 2 inflations
C. 20 compressions then 3 inflations
D. 30 compressions then 4 inflations

50. The International Regulations for Preventing Collisions at Sea contain the
requirements for __________.
A. Signals that must be sounded when being towed in restricted visibility
B. Minimum hawser lengths when being towed
C. Lights that must be displayed on anchor buoys
D. Mooring procedures for support vessels when transferring cargo

51. What is the definition of transverse metacenter?

A. The distance between the actual center of gravity and the maximum center
of gravity that will still allow a positive stability.
B. The point to which G may rise and still permit the vessel to possess positive
C. The sum of the center of buoyancy and the center of gravity.
D. The transverse shift of the center of buoyancy as a vessel rolls.


52. A patient in shock should NOT be placed in which position?

A. On their side if unconscious
B. Head down and feet up, no injuries to face or head
C. Flat on their back with head and feet at the same level
D. Arms above their head

53. The purpose of inert gas systems aboard tank vessels is to __________.
A. Allow sufficient oxygen in the tank to sustain life
B. Prevent outside air from entering the tank
C. Provide increase in cargo discharge pressure
D. Comply with double hull pollution prevention regulations

54. Your liferaft is to leeward of a fire on the water and riding to its sea anchor. You
should FIRST __________.
A. Boat the sea anchor
B. Paddle away from the fire
C. Splash water over the liferaft to cool it
D. Get out of the raft and swim to safety

55. A yellow signal floating in the air from a small parachute, about 300 feet above the
water, would indicate that a submarine __________.
A. Has fired a torpedo during a drill
B. Is about to rise to periscope depth
C. Is on the bottom in distress
D. Is disabled and unable to surface

56. In reference to accidental oil pollution, the most critical time during bunkering is
when __________.
A. You first start to receive fuel
B. Hoses are being blown down
C. Final topping off is occurring
D. Hoses are being disconnected


57. The atmosphere in a tank is too rich when it is __________.

A. Incapable of supporting combustion because the hydrocarbon vapor conten
B. Makes the atmosphere below the LFL (Lower Flammable Level)
capable of supporting combustion
C. In a noncombustible state which can be relied on to occur naturally on a
regular basis
D. Incapable of supporting combustion because the hydrocarbon vapor content
makes the atmosphere above the UFL (Upper Flammable Limit)

58. When giving mouth-to-mouth rescue breathing to an adult, you should breathe at
the rate of how many breaths per minute?
A. 4
B. 8
C. 12
D. 20

59. The operator of the ship's radiotelephone, if the radiotelephone is carried

voluntarily, must hold at least a __________.
A. Mate's license
B. Restricted radiotelephone operator permit
C. Second-class radio operator's license
D. Seaman's document

60. If the vertical center of gravity (VCG) of a ship rises, the righting arm (GZ) for the
various angles of inclination will __________.
A. Decrease
B. Increase
C. Remain unchanged
D. Be changed by the amount of GG' x cosine of the angle


61. Coast Guard regulations require that all of the following emergencies be covered at
the periodic drills on a fishing vessel EXCEPT __________.
A. Minimizing the affects of unintentional flooding
B. Fire on board
C. Rescuing an individual from the water
D. Emergency towing

62. An inert gas system installed on a tanker is designed to __________.

A. Aid in the stripping and cleaning of cargo tanks
B. Increase the rate of discharge of cargo
C. Force toxic and explosive fumes from a cargo tank to vent to the outside
D. Lower the oxygen levels inside cargo tanks, making explosion nearly

63. Your ship is sinking rapidly. A container containing an inflatable liferaft has
bobbed to the surface upon functioning of the hydrostatic release. Which action
should you take?
A. Cut the painter line so it will not pull the liferaft container down.
B. Swim away from the container so you will not be in danger as it goes down.
C. Take no action because the painter will cause the liferaft to inflate and open
the container.
D. Manually open the container and inflate the liferaft with the hand pump.

64. Which single-letter sound signal may be made only in compliance with the
International Rules of the Road?
A. D
B. F
C. Q
D. U


65. You are on a 30,000 DWT tankship engaged in trade to another country signatory
to MARPOL 73/78. Which statement is TRUE?
A. The Certificate of Inspection is prima facie evidence of compliance with
MARPOL 73/78.
B. The IOPP Certificate is valid for 5 years.
C. An IOPP Certificate is invalid if the ship carries cargoes outside the classes
authorized thereon.
D. AN IOPP Certificate is renewed at each inspection for certification.

66. The galley on your cargo vessel has an area of 2,500 square feet. What would fulfill
the minimum requirements for fire protection?
A. One B-I extinguisher
B. One B-II extinguisher
C. One B-II and one C-II extinguisher
D. One B-V extinguisher

67. The atmosphere in a tank is too lean if it is __________.

A. Incapable of supporting combustion because the hydrocarbon content is
below the LFL (Lower Flammable Limit)
B. Capable of supporting combustion because the hydrocarbon content is above
the UFL (Upper Flammable Limit)
C. Capable of supporting a fire once started
D. Not safe for ballasting

68. The rescuer can best provide an airtight seal during mouth-to-mouth resuscitation
by pinching the victim's nostrils and __________.
A. Cupping a hand around the patient's mouth
B. Keeping the head elevated
C. Applying his mouth tightly over the victim's mouth
D. Holding the jaw down firmly


69. In order to discharge a CO2 portable fire extinguisher, the operator must FIRST
A. Invert the CO2 extinguisher
B. Squeeze the two trigger handles together
C. Remove the locking pin
D. Open the discharge valve

70. Transverse stability calculations require the use of __________.

A. Hog or sag calculations or tables
B. Hydrostatic curves
C. General arrangement plans
D. Cross-sectional views of the vessel

71. All of the following are part of the fire triangle EXCEPT __________.
A. Electricity
B. Fuel
C. Oxygen
D. Heat

72. Every U.S. crude oil tankship with a keel laying date on or after 1/1/75, shall be
equipped with an inert gas system if the tonnage is more than __________.
A. 100,000 DWT (long tons)
B. 100,000 DWT (metric tons)
C. 50,000 DWT (long tons)
D. 50,000 DWT (metric tons)

73. Inflatable liferafts are less maneuverable than lifeboats due to their __________.
A. Shape
B. Shallow draft
C. Large sail area
D. All of the above


74. Which single-letter sound signal(s) may only be made in compliance with the Rules
of the Road?
A. D
B. E
C. S
D. All of the above

75. Which statement is TRUE of a gasoline spill?

A. It is visible for a shorter time than a fuel oil spill.
B. It is not covered by the pollution laws.
C. It does little harm to marine life.
D. It will sink more rapidly than crude oil.

76. The number and type of hand portable fire extinguishers required outside and in the
vicinity of the paint locker exit is __________.
A. One A-I
B. Two A-iis
C. One B-II
D. One C-II

77. The number and type of hand portable fire extinguishers required outside and in the
vicinity of the paint locker exit is __________.
A. One A-I
B. Two A-iis
C. One B-II
D. One C-II

78. What is the generally accepted method of determining whether the atmosphere
within a cargo tank is explosive, too rich, or too lean to support combustion?
A. Use the open flame test on a small sample that has been taken from the tank.
B. Send a gas sample ashore for laboratory analysis.
C. Enter the tank with an oxygen analyzer.
D. Use an explosimeter.


79. When applying chest compressions on an adult victim during CPR, the sternum
should be depressed about __________.
A. 1/2 inch or less
B. 1/2 to 1 inch
C. 1 to 1-1/2 inches
D. 1-1/2 to 2 inches

80. A flame screen __________.

A. Permits the passage of vapor but not of flame
B. Prevents the passage of flammable vapors
C. Prevents inert gas from leaving a tank
D. Permits vapors to exit but not enter a tank

81. Regardless of local requirements/regulations, when in a U.S. port, all oil spills must
be reported to __________.
A. Environmental Protection Agency
B. Minerals Management Service
C. National Response Center (USCG)
D. All of the Above

82. Before using a fixed CO2 system to fight an engine room fire, you must
A. Secure the engine room ventilation
B. Secure the machinery in the engine room
C. Evacuate all engine room personnel
D. All of the above

83. The advantages of using an inert gas system on a tank vessel is that it provides
A. For faster loading
B. Tank atmosphere with low oxygen content
C. Better fuel economy
D. All of the above


84. If an inflatable liferaft is overturned, it may be righted by __________.

A. Filling the stabilizers on one side with water
B. Releasing the CO2 cylinder
C. Pushing up from under one end
D. Standing on the inflating cylinder and pulling on the straps on the underside
of the raft

85. The spread of fire is prevented by __________.

A. Heating surfaces adjacent to the fire
B. Removing combustibles from the endangered area
C. Increasing the oxygen supply
D. All of the above

86. Which statement is TRUE concerning small oil spills?

A. They usually disappear quickly.
B. They usually stay in a small are
C. They may cause serious pollution as the effect tends to be cumulative.
D. A small spill is not dangerous to sea life in the are

87. The required number and type of hand portable fire extinguishers to be carried in
the vicinity of the radio room exit for a tank vessel on an international voyage is
one __________.
A. B-I
C. C-I

88. What is used to test a tank for oxygen content?

A. Combustible gas indicator
B. Vapor indicator
C. Atmosphere analyzer kit
D. None of the above


89. You are administering chest compressions during CPR. Where on the victim's body
should the pressure be applied?
A. Lower half of the sternum
B. Tip of the sternum
C. Top half of the sternum
D. Left chest over the heart

90. You are fighting a fire in the electrical switchboard in the engine room. You should
secure the power, then __________.
A. Use a portable foam extinguisher
B. Use a low-velocity fog adapter with the fire hose
C. Use a portable CO2 extinguisher
D. Determine the cause of the fire

91. What is not usually a concern when loading a single-hulled tanker?

A. Bending moments
B. Initial stability
C. Draft
D. Trim

92. On cargo and miscellaneous vessels what is NOT a required part of the fireman's
A. Self-contained breathing apparatus with a lifeline attached
B. Combustible gas indicator
C. Rigid helmet, boots, and gloves
D. Flame safety lamp

93. Which statement is TRUE concerning inert gas systems on tank vessels?
A. Flue gases from the ship's boilers are used in some systems.
B. Helium is the preferred inert gas.
C. Using the system accelerates the rusting of the tanks.
D. All of the above


94. If an inflatable liferaft inflates upside down, you can right it by __________.
A. Pushing up on one side
B. Standing on the CO2 bottle, holding the bottom straps, and throwing your
weight backwards
C. Getting at least three or four men to push down on the side containing the
CO2 cylinder
D. Doing nothing; it will right itself after the canopy supports inflate

95. On surface type offshore drilling units, each survival craft must be capable of being
launched to the water at the minimum operating draft, under unfavorable conditions
of trim and with the unit listed not less than __________.
A. 6°
B. 12°
C. 20°
D. 25°

96. Most minor spills of oil products are caused by __________.

A. Equipment failure
B. Human error
C. Major casualties
D. Unforeseeable circumstances

97. The required number and type of hand portable fire extinguishers for staterooms on
cargo vessels is __________.
A. One A-I
B. One B-I
C. One C-I
D. None required


98. The minimum concentration of a vapor in air which can form an explosive mixture
is called the __________.
A. Auto-ignition point
B. Flash point
C. Lower explosive limit (LEL)
D. Threshold limit value (TLV)

99. Changing rescuers while carrying out artificial respiration should be done
A. Without losing the rhythm of respiration
B. Only with the help of two other people
C. By not stopping the respiration for more than 5 minutes
D. At ten-minute intervals

100. Where on your vessel shall the recharge for each self-contained breathing
apparatus be carried?
A. Emergency gear locker
B. Bridge or pilothouse area
C. Where they can be readily found
D. The same location as the equipment it reactivates

101. Your vessel rolls slowly and sluggishly. This indicates that the vessel
A. Has off-center weights
B. Is taking on water
C. Has a greater draft forward than aft
D. Has poor stability


102. You are towing a 1000 gross ton gasoline tank barge. The barge is NOT gas free.
Regulations say that the cargo tank hatches, ullage holes, and Butterworth plates on
the barge may remain open without flame screens __________.
A. Without restriction
B. Only while in areas of good weather
C. When under the supervision of a senior crew member on duty
D. Only when the barge is empty

103. The deck water seal of the inert gas system __________.
A. Cools the inert gas and prevents soot from entering the cargo tanks
B. Acts as an emergency system shutdown when the inlet pressures exceed the
safe working pressure in the hazardous zone
C. Prevents the backflow of hydrocarbon gasses into nonhazardous areas
D. Relieves sudden large overpressures in the system

104. You have abandoned ship and are in an inflatable raft that has just inflate You
hear a continuous hissing coming from a fitting in a buoyancy tube. What is the
cause of this?
A. The saltwater is activating the batteries of the marker lights on the canopy.
B. The inflation pump is in automatic operation to keep the tubes fully inflate
C. A deflation plug is partially open allowing the escape of CO2.
D. Excess inflation pressure is bleeding off and should soon stop.

105. The SS AMERICAN MARINER is loaded with the cargo shown. Use the white
pages of The Stability Data Reference Book to determine the amount of liquid
loading required in the double bottom tanks to meet a one compartment standar ST-
A. 338 tons
B. 309 tons
C. 281 tons
D. 263 tons


106. The most serious effect of trapped air in a diesel engine jacket water cooling
system is that it __________.
A. Accelerates erosion
B. Reduces the effectiveness of chromate additives
C. Can form pockets of high chemical concentrates
D. Accelerates formation of sludge deposits

107. The galley on your cargo vessel has an area of 2,900 square feet. What will fulfill
the requirements for fire protection?
A. One B-I extinguisher
B. One B-II extinguisher
C. One B-II and one C-II extinguisher
D. One B-V extinguisher

108. The explosive range of petroleum vapors mixed with air is __________.
A. 0% to 1%
B. 1% to 10%
C. 10% to 15%
D. 12% to 20%

109. The MOST important element in administering CPR is __________.

A. Having the proper equipment for the process
B. Starting the treatment quickly
C. Administering of oxygen
D. Treating for traumatic shock

110. Fire hose couplings __________.

A. Are made of bronze, brass, or soft alloy metals
B. Should be painted red in order to identify hose lengths
C. Are specially hardened to prevent crushing
D. Should be greased frequently


111. What represents the center of gravity? (D001SA )

B. M
C. B
D. G

112. Each hand portable fire extinguisher must be marked with __________.
A. The name of the vessel on which it is located
B. The date that it was installed
C. The names of the individuals qualified to use it
D. An identification number

113. To disengage a survival craft suspended from the cable above the water, you must
pull the safety pin and __________.
A. Pull the hook release handle
B. Pull the hook release handle and use the ratchet bar
C. Use the ratchet bar and depress the retainer
D. Pull the hook release handle and depress the retainer

114. A liferaft which has inflated bottom-up on the water __________.

A. Should be righted by standing on the carbon dioxide cylinder, holding the
righting straps, and leaning backwards
B. Should be righted by standing on the life line, holding the righting straps,
and leaning backwards
C. Will right itself when the canopy tubes inflate
D. Must be cleared of the buoyant equipment before it will right itself

115. Outlets in gasoline fuel lines are __________.

A. Prohibited
B. Permitted for draining fuel from lines
C. Permitted for drawing fuel samples
D. Permitted for bleeding air from lines


116. If you must abandon a rig in VERY HEAVY SEAS, in a survival craft, when
should you remove the safety pin and pull the hook release?
A. Immediately upon launching
B. One to three feet before first wave contact
C. Upon first wave contact
D. Only when waterborne

117. The required number and type of hand portable fire extinguishers required for a
galley having an area of 3,500 square feet is __________.
A. One B-II
B. One C-II
C. Two B-II's or C-II's
D. Two A-II's or B-II's

118. Normally, the percentage of oxygen in air is __________.

A. 16%
B. 18%
C. 21%
D. 25%

119. Before CPR is started, you should __________.

A. Establish an open airway
B. Treat any bleeding wounds
C. Insure the victim is conscious
D. Make the victim comfortable

120. A squeeze-grip type carbon dioxide portable fire extinguisher has been partially
discharge It should be __________.
A. Labeled empty and recharged as soon as possible
B. Replaced in its proper location if weight loss is no more than 25%
C. Replaced in its proper location regardless of weight
D. Replaced in its proper location if weight loss is no more than 15%


121. What represents the metacentric height? (D001SA )

A. M

122. Which extinguishing agent is most likely to allow reflash as a result of not cooling
the fuel below its ignition temperature?
A. CO2
B. Water stream
C. Water spray
D. Foam

123. You are fighting a class "B" fire with a portable dry chemical extinguisher. The
discharge should be directed __________.
A. To bank off a bulkhead onto the fire
B. At the seat of the fire, starting at the near edge
C. Over the top of the fire
D. At the main body of the fire

124. If more than one raft is manned after the vessel has sunk, you should __________.
A. Go in a different direction in search of land
B. Spread out to increase the possibility of a search aircraft finding you
C. Reduce the number of rafts by getting as many people as possible into as
few rafts as possible
D. Tie the rafts together and try to stay in a single group

125. After using a C02 portable extinguisher, it should be __________.

A. Put back in service if some C02 remains
B. Hydrostatically tested
C. Retagged
D. Recharged


126. To prevent the spread of fire by convection you should __________.

A. Shut off all electrical power
B. Remove combustibles from direct exposure
C. Cool the bulkhead around the fire
D. Close all openings to the area

127. On an inspection of your tankship you notice that there are no portable fire
extinguishers in the pumproom. To comply with regulations, you __________.
A. Need not be concerned since no portable extinguishers are required in the
B. Should arrange to have a B-II extinguisher placed in the vicinity of the exit
C. Should arrange to have a B-II extinguisher placed in the lower pumproom
D. May substitute sand for the required extinguishers

128. Which type of portable lighting may be used to enter a compartment on a tank
barge which is NOT gas-free?
A. A three-cell flashlight
B. An explosion-proof, self-contained, battery-fed lamp
C. A spark resistant and flame retardant lamp
D. None of the above

129. You are attempting to administer CPR to a victim. When you blow into his mouth
it is apparent that no air is getting into the lungs. What should you do?
A. Blow harder to force the air past the tongue.
B. Raise the victim's head higher than his feet.
C. Press on the victim's lungs so that air pressure will blow out any obstruction.
D. Re-tip the head and try again.


130. To determine what navigation lights and day-shapes must be displayed on mobile
offshore drilling units under tow, you should check the __________.
A. American Bureau of Shipping classification rules
B. International Regulations for Preventing Collisions at Sea
C. Safety of Life at Sea Convention
D. Minerals Management Service rules

131. Refer to the illustration below. Which represents the righting arm? (D001SA )
D. Angle MGZ

132. Except in rare cases, it is impossible to extinguish a shipboard fire by

A. Removing the fuel
B. Interrupting the chain reaction
C. Removing the oxygen
D. Removing the heat

133. The liquid mud tanks on your vessel measure 24'L by 16'B by 8' The vessel's
displacement in fresh water is 864 tons and the specific gravity of the mud is 1.47.
What is the reduction in GM due to 2 of these tanks being slack?
A. .32 foot
B. .80 foot
C. .96 foot
D. 1.12 feet


134. If, for any reason, it is necessary to abandon ship while far out at sea, it is
important that the crew members should __________.
A. Separate from each other as this will increase the chances of being rescued
B. Get away from the area because sharks will be attracted to the vessel
C. Immediately head for the nearest land
D. Remain together in the area because rescuers will start searching at the
vessel's last known position

135. If you desired to communicate with another station that your navigation lights
were not functioning, you would send __________.
B. PD1
D. LN1

136. A spark arrestor __________.

A. Keeps sparks from falling into an open tank
B. Secures covers on ullage openings
C. Prevents sparks from getting out of an engine's exhaust system
D. Grounds static electricity

137. A B-III foam extinguisher contains __________.

A. 2-1/2 gallons of foam
B. 8 gallons of foam
C. 10 gallons of foam
D. 12 gallons of foam

138. The only portable electrical equipment permitted in a compartment which is not
gas free is a lamp that is __________.
A. Battery fed
B. Self-contained
C. Approved explosion proof
D. All of the above


139. Annex V to MARPOL 73/78 contains requirements pertaining to the discharge

into the marine environment of __________.
A. Oil
B. Garbage
C. Noxious liquid substances
D. None of the above

140. When a vessel has positive stability, the distance between the line of force through
B and the line of force through G is called the __________.
A. Metacentric height
B. Righting arm
C. Righting moment
D. Metacentric radius

141. On a vessel of 10,000 tons displacement, compute the reduction in metacentric

height due to free surface in a hold having free water on the tank top. The hold is 40
feet long and 50 feet wide. The reduction in metacentric height is __________.
A. Feet
B. 1.2 feet
C. 1.3 feet
D. 1.5 feet

142. You are underway when a fire breaks out in the forward part of your vessel. If
possible, you should __________.
A. Put the vessel's stern into the wind
B. Abandon ship to windward
C. Call for assistance
D. Keep going at half speed


143. You have just abandoned ship and boarded a raft. After the raft is completely
inflated you hear a whistling noise coming from a safety valve. You should
A. Not become alarmed unless it continues for a long period of time
B. Plug the safety valve
C. Unscrew the deflation plugs
D. Remove the safety valve and replace it with a soft patch

144. In the International Code of Signals, the code signal meaning "I require immediate
assistance" is __________.

145. The International Regulations for Preventing Collisions at Sea contain the
requirements for __________.
A. Lights that must be displayed on anchor buoys
B. The display of load line markings
C. Minimum horsepower for tugs involved in rig moves
D. Lighting of mobile offshore drilling units being towed

146. A B-II fire extinguisher has a minimum capacity of __________.

A. 3 gallons of foam
B. 20 pounds of CO2
C. 10 pounds of dry chemical
D. All of the above

147. What best describes for how long a gas-free test is good?
A. For as long as is indicated on the gas-free certificate
B. For the instant that it is made
C. Until valves in line with the tank or compartment are reopened
D. Until changes in temperature or pressure affect the vapor content in the

148. Antiseptics are used principally to __________.

A. Speed healing
B. Prevent infection
C. Reduce inflammation
D. Increase blood circulation

149. Your vessel has a displacement of 10,000 tons. It is 350 feet long and has a beam
of 55 feet. You have timed it's full rolling period to be 15.0 seconds. What is your
vessel's approximate GM?
A. 1.18 feet
B. 1.83 feet
C. 2.60 feet
D. 3.36 feet

150. A vertical shift of weight to a position above the vessel's center of gravity will
A. Increase reserve buoyancy
B. Decrease the righting moments
C. Decrease KG
D. Increase KM

151. In the event of a fire, the doors to a stair tower must be closed to prevent the
spread of fire by __________.
A. Convection
B. Conduction
C. Radiation
D. Ventilation

152. Your small vessel is broken down and rolling in heavy seas. You can reduce the
possibility of capsizing by __________.
A. Rigging a sea anchor
B. Constantly shifting the rudder
C. Moving all personnel forward and low
D. Moving all personnel aft

153. You hear air escaping from the liferaft just after it has inflate You should
A. Quickly hunt for the hole before the raft deflates
B. Check the sea anchor line attachment for a tear if the seas are rough
C. Check the painter line attachment for a tear caused by the initial opening
D. Not panic since the safety valves allow excess pressure to escape

154. If you are in urgent need of a helicopter, which signal code should you send?
C. BT1

155. Which is TRUE concerning immersion suits and their use?

A. Only a light layer of clothing may be worn underneath.
B. They provide sufficient flotation to do away with the necessity of wearing a
life jacket.
C. They should be tight fitting.
D. A puncture in the suit will not appreciably reduce its value.

156. What is classified as a B-II fire extinguisher?

A. A 2-1/2 gallon soda acid and water
B. A 1-1/4 gallon foam
C. A 2-1/2 gallon foam
D. A 20 pound dry chemical

157. Combustible gas indicators operate by drawing an air sample into the instrument
A. Over an electrically heated platinum filament
B. Where it is mixed with nitrogen
C. Where it is ignited by a sparking device
D. Where its specific gravity is measured


158. A tourniquet should be used to control bleeding ONLY __________.

A. With puncture wounds
B. When all other means have failed
C. When the victim is unconscious
D. To prevent bleeding from minor wounds

159. What would be considered a vessel under the International Rules of the Road?
A. A jack-up rig under tow
B. A semisubmersible drilling rig under tow
C. A semisubmersible drilling rig drifting after breaking a tow line
D. All of the above

160. The point to which your vessel's center of gravity (G) may rise and still permit the
vessel to have positive stability is called the __________.
A. Metacentric point
B. Metacenter
C. Metacentric radius
D. Tipping center

161. Your vessel has a displacement of 24,500 tons. It is 529 feet long and has a beam
of 71 feet. You have timed your full charge rolling period to be 25.0 seconds. What
is your vessel's approximate GM?
A. 1.25 feet
B. 1.56 feet
C. 1.98 feet
D. 2.43 feet

162. A negative metacentric height __________.

A. Will always cause a vessel to capsize
B. Should always be immediately corrected
C. Always results from off-center weights
D. All of the above are correct


163. If you are forced to abandon ship in a lifeboat, you should __________.
A. Remain in the immediate vicinity
B. Head for the nearest land
C. Head for the closest sea-lanes
D. Vote on what to do, so all hands will have a part in the decision

164. Addition of weight to a vessel will ALWAYS __________.

A. Reduce reserve buoyancy
B. Increase righting moments
C. Increase GM
D. All of the above

165. Which portable fire extinguisher is classified as a type B-III extinguisher?

A. 12 gallon soda acid
B. 20 gallon foam
C. 30 pound carbon dioxide
D. 20 pound dry chemical

166. Before welding in a tank that has carried petroleum products, the tank must be
certified by __________.
A. The Coast Guard
B. The American Bureau of Shipping
C. The shipyard fire department
D. A certified marine chemist

167. A seaman has a small, gaping laceration of the arm that is not bleeding
excessively. What can be done as an alternative to suturing to close the wound?
A. Wrap a tight bandage around the woun
B. Apply a compression bandage.
C. Use temporary stitches of sail twine.
D. Apply butterfly strips, then a sterile dressing.


168. A life float on a fishing vessel must be equipped with __________.

A. A righting line
B. Red hand flares
C. Pendants
D. Drinking water

169. When making a turn (course change) on most merchant ships, the vessel will heel
outwards if __________.
A. The vessel has very little draft
B. G is above the center of lateral resistance
C. G is below the center of lateral resistance
D. The vessel is deeply laden

170. A vessel is floating at a mean draft of 16 feet. At this draft, the displacement is
8,000 tons. The length of the vessel is 475 ft., beam is 55 ft., TPI is 45. Calculate
KM. (See P-value, K-value table in the blue pages of the Stability Data Reference
A. 18.8 feet
B. 20.9 feet
C. 22.7 feet
D. 32.0 feet

171. The most serious effect of air trapped in a diesel engine jacket water cooling
system is that it __________.
A. Causes colloid suspension in the cooling water
B. Reduces the capability of the lubrication system
C. Can form pockets which block the flow of coolant through the system
D. Leads to the scuffing of cylinder walls


172. You have abandoned ship and are in charge of a liferaft. How much water per day
should you permit each occupant to drink after the first 24 hours?
A. 1 can
B. 1 pint
C. 1 quart
D. 1 gallon

173. What is the International Code signal for a decimal point between figures using
flashing light?

174. Which statement concerning an accidental oil spill in the navigable waters of the
U.S. is FALSE?
A. The person in charge must report the spill to the Coast Guar
B. Failure to report the spill may result in a fine.
C. The company can be fined for the spill.
D. The Corps of Engineers is responsible for the clean up of the spill.

175. Which item is NOT required to be marked with the vessel's name?
A. Hand-portable fire extinguisher
B. Life preserver
C. Immersion suit
D. Lifeboat oar

176. The officer responsible for the sanitary condition of the engineering department is
the __________.
A. Master
B. Chief Mate
C. Chief Engineer
D. First Assistant


177. A person reports to you with a fishhook in his thum To remove it you should
A. Pull it out with pliers
B. Cut the skin from around the hook
C. Push the barb through, cut it off, then remove the hook
D. Have a surgeon remove it

178. When fighting a fire in an enclosed space, the hose team should crouch as low as
possible to __________.
A. Protect themselves from smoke
B. Obtain the best available air
C. Allow the heat and steam to pass overhead
D. All of the above

179. Which statement is TRUE of a stiff vessel?

A. She will have a large metacentric height.
B. Her period of roll will be large due to her large metacentric height.
C. She will have an unusually high center of gravity.
D. She will pitch heavily.

180. Which emergency is required to be covered at the required periodic drills on a

fishing vessel?
A. Recovering an individual from the water
B. Steering casualty
C. Emergency towing
D. Loss of propulsion power

181. You are in the Baltic Sea which is a special area listed in ANNEX V of
MARPOL. How many miles from land must you be to discharge ground rags, glass,
and bottles into the sea?
A. 3
B. 12
C. 25
D. Must be retained aboard

182. You have abandoned ship in tropical waters. Which procedure(s) should be used
during a prolonged period in a raft?
A. Wet clothes during the day to decrease perspiration.
B. Get plenty of rest.
C. Keep the entrance curtains open.
D. All of the above

183. The unit of duration of a dash in Morse Code is __________.

A. One and one-half times the length of a dot
B. Twice the length of a dot
C. Three times the length of a dot
D. Four times the length of a dot

184. Which statement concerning an accidental oil spill in the navigable waters of the
U.S. is TRUE?
A. The Corps of Engineers is responsible for the clean up of the spill.
B. The Department of Interior is responsible for the clean up of the spill.
C. A warning broadcast must be made by radiotelephone.
D. The person in charge must report the spill to the Coast Guar

185. Your vessel is on a voyage of three months duration. The number of sanitary
inspections required is __________.
A. One
B. Three
C. Six
D. Twelve

186. First aid treatment for small cuts and open wounds is to __________.
A. Lay the patient down and cover the wound when the bleeding stops
B. Stop the bleeding, clean, medicate, and cover the wound
C. Apply an ice pack to the wound and cover it when the bleeding stops
D. Apply a hot towel to purge the wound, then medicate and cover it


187. A signal indicating zone time is preceded with the letter __________.
A. L
B. N
C. T
D. Z

188. A vessel would be referred to as "tender" when the weight of the cargo is
A. Evenly distributed vertically and the double bottoms are full
B. Concentrated low and the double bottoms are empty
C. Concentrated low and the double bottoms are full
D. Concentrated high and the double bottoms are empty

189. You are on a supply run to an offshore drilling rig. On board is the cargo liste
What is the height above the main deck of the center of gravity of the cargo? ST-
A. 1.50 feet
B. 1.96 feet
C. 2.21 feet
D. 2.78 feet

190. What is the function of the bypass valve on the self-contained breathing
A. The valve opens in excessive heat to release the oxygen in the bottle and
prevent the bottle from exploding.
B. In the event of a malfunction in the equipment, the valve can be operated
manually to give the wearer air.
C. When pressure in the apparatus exceeds 7 psi above atmospheric pressure,
the valve opens to release pressure.
D. The valve reduces the high pressure in the bottle to about 3 psi above
atmospheric pressure.


191. If you reach shore in a liferaft, the first thing to do is __________.

A. Drag the raft ashore and lash it down for a shelter
B. Find some wood for a fire
C. Get the provisions out of the raft
D. Set the raft back out to sea so someone may spot it

192. The standard rate of signaling by flashing light is __________.

A. Twenty letters per minute
B. Thirty letters per minute
C. Forty letters per minute
D. Fifty letters per minute

193. When oil is accidentally discharged into the water, what should you do after
reporting the discharge?
A. Contain the oil and remove as much of it as possible from the water.
B. Throw chemical agents on the water to disperse the oil.
C. Throw sand on the water to sink the oil.
D. Obtain your permit from the Corps of Engineers

194. The Coast Guard determines how many passengers are permitted on a "T-Boat"
by applying the __________.
A. "Length of Rail" criteria, allowing 30 inches of rail space along the vessel's
sides and transom for each passenger
B. "Deck Area" criteria that permits one passenger for every 10 square feet of
deck space available for passenger use
C. "Fixed Seating" criteria that allocates 18 inches of space for each passenger
to rest his/her buttocks upon
D. Any or a combination of the above criteria


195. On a tankship, sanitary inspections of the crew's quarters are the responsibility of
the __________.
A. Master and Second Mate
B. Master and Chief Engineer
C. Master and union delegate
D. Master and Chief Mate

196. A person has suffered a laceration of the arm. Severe bleeding has been controlled
by using a sterile dressing and direct pressure. What should you do next?
A. Apply a tourniquet to prevent the bleeding from restarting.
B. Apply a pressure bandage over the dressing.
C. Remove any small foreign matter and apply antiseptic
D. Administer fluids to assist the body in replacing the lost bloo

197. A vessel is tender if cargo weight is __________.

A. Concentrated high and the double bottoms empty
B. Concentrated low and the double bottoms empty
C. Evenly distributed vertically with the double bottoms full
D. Concentrated and with the double bottoms full

198. A vessel is tender if cargo weight is __________.

A. Concentrated high and the double bottoms empty
B. Concentrated low and the double bottoms empty
C. Evenly distributed vertically with the double bottoms full
D. Concentrated and with the double bottoms full

199. You are on a supply run to an offshore drilling rig. On board is the cargo liste
What is the height above the main deck of the center of gravity of the cargo? ST-
A. 2.15 feet
B. 1.83 feet
C. 1.64 feet
D. 1.19 feet

200. The function of the bypass valve on the self-contained breathing apparatus is to
A. Control the pressure of the oxygen as it enters the body
B. Allow the wearer to manually give himself oxygen
C. Release excess heat which would otherwise cause the bottle to explode
D. Allow exhaled gases to pass outside the bottle

201. You are at sea in an inflatable liferaft. In high latitudes, the greatest danger is
A. Asphyxiation due to keeping the canopy closed
B. Hypothermia caused by cold temperature
C. Collapse of the raft due to cold temperatures
D. Starvation

202. Which statement is FALSE regarding Halon as a fire extinguishing agent?

A. It is more effective than CO2.
B. It leaves no residue.
C. It is noncorrosive.
D. It is always non-toxi

203. On cargo vessels, which fire extinguisher is considered semi-portable?

D. All of the above

204. One method of controlling rats on vessels is by rat-proofing. Rat-proofing is

accomplished by __________.
A. Installing rat guards on the mooring lines when in port
B. Keeping foods protected and avoiding the accumulation of garbage
C. Eliminating possible living spaces for rats when the ship is constructed
D. Trapping and/or poisoning the rats


205. In all but the most severe cases, bleeding from a wound should be controlled by
A. Applying direct pressure to the wound
B. Submerging the wound in lukewarm water
C. Cooling the wound with ice
D. Applying a tourniquet

206. The signal T 0735 means __________.

A. The Greenwich mean time is 0735
B. The zone time is 0735
C. The latitude is 7° 35'
D. The longitude is 7° 35'

207. In order to minimize the effects of a tender vessel, when carrying a cargo of
lumber, you should __________.
A. Maximize your deck load
B. Distribute lumber so that those stowing most compactly per unit of weight
are in the upper holds
C. Place the heaviest woods in the lower holds
D. Keep the vessel's frame spaces free from lumber

208. You are underway when a fire breaks out in the forward part of your vessel. If
possible you should __________.
A. Call for assistance
B. Abandon ship to windward
C. Put the vessel's stern into the wind
D. Keep going at half speed

209. While adrift in an inflatable liferaft in hot, tropical weather __________.

A. The canopy should be deflated so that it will not block cooling breezes
B. The pressure valve may be periodically opened to prevent excessive air
C. Deflating the floor panels may help to cool personnel
D. The entrance curtains should never be opened

210. If you sent out a signal on 12 March 1980, the date would be indicated by
A. D120380
B. D801203
C. D031280
D. D800312

211. According to 46 CFR Subchapter T, a stability test may be dispensed with if the
A. Coast Guard has the approved stability test results of a sister vessel
B. Projected cost is unreasonable
C. Coast Guard does not have a qualified inspector available
D. Vessel is of a proven design

212. On tank vessels, fully charged fire extinguishers are considered semi-portable
when they have a gross weight of more than __________.
A. 55 pounds
B. 75 pounds
C. 95 pounds
D. 125 pounds

213. Before taking drinking water on board in the U.S. or its possessions, the
responsible person from the vessel should determine that the source __________.
A. Is used by a city
B. Has been treated with chlorine
C. Is approved by the Public Health Service
D. Is not from surface water

214. Bleeding from a vein may be ordinarily controlled by __________.

A. Applying direct pressure to the wound
B. Heavy application of a disinfectant
C. Pouring ice water directly onto the wound
D. Pinching the wound closed


215. A vessel is floating at a mean draft of 14 feet. At this draft, the displacement is
6780 tons. The length of the vessel is 450 feet, beam is 50 feet, and TPI is 45.5.
What is the KM? (See the P-K table in the blue pages of the Stability Data
Reference Book)
A. 28 feet
B. 26 feet
C. 22 feet
D. 12 feet

216. Which is TRUE of a "stiff" vessel?

A. It has a small GM.
B. It pitches heavily.
C. It has an unusually high center of gravity.
D. Its period of roll is short.

217. Which abbreviation refers to the horizontal distance between perpendiculars taken
at the forward-most and the after-most points on a small passenger vessel's
waterline at her deepest operating draft?

218. Which statement is TRUE concerning an inflatable liferaft?

A. The floor may be inflated for insulation from cold water.
B. Crew members can jump into the raft without damaging it.
C. The raft may be boarded before it is fully inflate
D. All of the above


219. When signaling by flashing light, the signal "C" should be used to indicate a(n)
A. Affirmative statement
B. Question
C. Change from affirmative to negative
D. Request for the identity signal of the receiving stations

220. Which substance is NOT considered to be "Oil" under the pollution prevention
A. Petroleum and fuel oil
B. Sludge
C. Oil mixed with dredge spoil
D. Oil refuse and oil mixed with wastes

221. Fire hose stations shall be marked in red letters and figures such as Fire Station
No. "1", "2", "3", et The height of the letters and figures must be at least
A. 1/2 inch
B. 1 inch
C. 1-1/2 inches
D. 2 inches

222. What represents poor sanitary procedures?

A. Keep and use a separate filling hose for potable (drinking) water.
B. Locate potable (drinking) water tanks as low as possible in the bilge.
C. Eliminate enclosed spaces in which trash, food particles, dirt may gather.
D. After washing dishes with soap and warm water, sterilize them in water of at
least 170°F (76.7°C).

223. The preferred method of controlling external bleeding is by __________.

A. Direct pressure on the wound
B. Elevating the wounded area
C. Pressure on a pressure point
D. A tourniquet above the wound

224. The purpose of the inclining experiment is to __________.

A. Determine the location of the metacenter
B. Determine the lightweight center of gravity location
C. Verify the hydrostatic data
D. Verify data in the vessel's operating manual

225. Which technique could be used to give a more comfortable roll to a stiff vessel?
A. Concentrate weights on upper decks
B. Add weight near the centerline of the lower hold
C. Move weights lower in the ship
D. Ballast the peak tanks

226. Where will you find the requirements for the lights that must be displayed on a
mobile offshore drilling unit that is being towed?
A. Notice to Mariners
C. Coast Pilot
D. Light List

227. When two fire hose teams are attacking a fire they should __________.
A. Use different fire hose pressures
B. Use fire hoses of different sizes
C. Not attack the fire from opposite sides
D. Not wear protective clothing

228. Which signal given by flashing light changes a statement into a question?
A. C
C. N


229. As soon as the officer in charge of the vessel has taken steps to stop the discharge
of oil or oily mixture into a U.S. harbor, what must he do FIRST?
A. Rig a boom for recovery.
B. Call the Coast Guar
C. Alert the fire department.
D. Inform the Environmental Protection Agency.

230. The term "gross tonnage" refers to __________.

A. The weight of the vessel measured in long tons
B. The weight of a vessel with all tanks full
C. The weight of a grossly overloaded vessel
D. The vessel's approximate volume including all enclosed spaces less certain
exempt spaces

231. Normally, potable water systems are connected directly to the __________.
A. Fire-main system
B. Feed-water system
C. Freshwater sanitary system
D. Domestic water tank

232. A person suffering from possible broken bones and internal injuries should
A. Be assisted in walking around
B. Be examined then walked to a bunk
C. Not be moved but made comfortable until medical assistance arrives
D. Not be allowed to lie down where injured but moved to a chair or bunk


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