Tut 1 Rev

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A. Linear Programming (LP)

1. Identify the optimal solution and value:

(a) Maximize f = 20x1 + 30 x2 (b) Minimize f = 45x1 + 22.5x2

st. −x1 + x2 ≥ −1 st – x1 + x2 ≥ –5
x1 + x2 ≤ 6 2x1 + x2 ≥ 10
x2 ≤ 5, x2 ≥ 4
x1 ≥ 0 and x2≥ 0 10x1 + 15x2 ≤ 150
x1 ≥ 0 and x2≥ 0
[(1,5), 170; (3–3t, 4+6t), 0≤ t ≤1, 225]

2. Giapetto’s Woodcarving, Inc., manufactures two types of wooden toys: Soldiers and
trains. A Soldier sells for $ 27 and uses $ 10 worth of raw materials. Each Soldier that
is manufactured increases Giapetto’s variable labor and overhead by $ 14. A train
sells for $ 21 and uses $ 9 worth of raw materials. Each train built increase Giapetto’s
variable labor and overhead by $ 10. The manufacturer of wooden soldiers and trains
requires two types of skilled labor: carpentry and finishing. A soldier requires 2 hours
of finishing labor and 1 hour of carpentry labor. A train requires 1 hours of finishing
labor and 1 hour of carpentry labor. Each week, Giapetto can obtain all the needed
raw materials but only 100 Finish hours and 80 carpentry hours. Demand for trains is
unlimited, but at most 40 soldiers are bought each week. Giapetto wants to maximize
weekly profit (revenues-costs). Formulate a mathematical model of Giapetto’s
situation that can be used to maximize Giapetto’s weekly profit.

3. An auto company manufactures cars and trucks. Each vehicle must be processed in
the paint shop and body assembly shop. If the paint shop were only painting trucks,
40 per day could be painted. If the paint shop were only painting cars, 60 cars could
be painted. If the body shop were only producing cars, it could process 50 per day. If
the body shop were only producing trucks, it could process 50 per day. Each truck
contributes $ 300 to profit, and each car contributes $ 200 to profit.
(a) Use graphical method to determine a daily production schedule that will maximize
the company’s profit.
(b) Suppose that auto dealers requires that the Auto Company in the previous example
produce at least 30 trucks and 20 cars. Find the optimal solution to this new LP.
[12000; Infeasible LP]

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4. Refer to the feasible region in question 1(a), write down all the vertices of the feasible
region. Explain how to use the graphical solution to deduce the number of different
basic feasible solutions.

5. Consider the following linear program

Maximize z = 2x1 + 3x2 + x3

Subject to x1 + 2x2 + 2x3 ≤ 3
2x1 + 3x2 + 4x3 ≤ 6
with all variables nonnegative.

(a) Given that s1 and s2 are slack variables for constraint 1 and 2 respectively.

Determine whether
(i) [x1, x2, x3, s1, s2] = [1,0,0,2,4]
(ii) [x1, x2, x3, s1, s2] = [1,0,1,0,0]
is a basic feasible solution to the linear program given above.

(b) Write down the basic feasible solution corresponding to basic variables x1 and x2,
and the corresponding vertex of the feasible region.

(c) Produce a different basic feasible solution to the linear program given above.

6. Consider the following problem.

Maximize z = 2x1 + 2x2 + 3x3
s.t. 2x1 + x2 + 2x3 ≤ 4 (1)
x1 + x2 + x3 ≤ 3 (2)
x1 , x2 , x3 ≥ 0

Let x4 and x5 be the slack variables of constraint (1) & (2). If you are given the
information that the Simplex iteration proceeds as follow to obtain the optimal
solution in two iteration:

- The entering variable is x3 and the leaving variable is x4;

- The entering variable is x2 and the leaving variable is x5;

(a) By using the information provided, find the optimal solution. (DO NOT USE
SIMPLEX ALGORITHME) [ (0, 2, 1), 7]
(b) Develop a three-dimensional drawing of the feasible region for this problem, and
show the path followed by Simplex method.

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7. Solve the following linear-programming problems by means of the simplex method:

(a) Maximize z = 2x1 + 4x2 + 3x3 (b) Maximize z =4x1 + 3x2 + 6x3
st 3x1 +4x2 + 2x3 ≤ 60 st 3x1 + x2 +3x3 ≤ 30
2x1 + x2 + 2x3 ≤ 40 2x1+2x2 +3x3 ≤ 40
x1 + 3x2 + 2x3 ≤ 80 x1≥ 0, x2≥ 0, x3 ≥ 0
x1 ≥ 0, x2 ≥ 0, x3 ≥ 0

(c) Maximize 4y1 + 5y2 (d) Minimize 2y1 –3y2

s.t. –y1 + y2 ≤ 4 s.t. y1 + y2 ≤ 4
y1 – y2 ≤ 10 y1 – y2 ≤ 6
y1 , y2 ≥ 0 y1 , y2 ≥ 0

(e) Minimize z = 4x1 – 10x2 – 20x3 (f) Maximize 30x1 – 4x2

s.t. 3x1 + 4x2 + 5x3 ≤ 60 s.t. 5x1 – x2 ≤ 30
2x1 + x2 ≤ 20 x1 ≤5
2x1 + 3x3 ≤ 30 x1 ≥ 0, x2 .urs
x1 , x2 , x3 ≥ 0

[(0, 6 2/3, 16 2/3), :z=76 2/3; (0,10,6*2/3), z =70;

unbounded LP; (0,4), −12; (0, 2.5, 10), −225; (5, -5), 170]

8. Suppose we have obtained the tableau as follow for a maximization problem. State
conditions on a1, a2, b, c1, c2 (if applicable) that required to make the following
statements true:

Basic z x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 x6 Solution
z 1 c1 c2 0 0 2 0 10
0 4 a1 1 0 3 0 b
0 −1 −5 0 1 −1 0 2
0 a2 −3 0 0 −4 1 3

(a) The current solution is optimal, and there are alternative optimal solutions
(b) The current basic solution is not a basic feasible solution
(c) The current basic solution is a degenerate basic feasible solution.
(d) The current basic solution is feasible, but the LP is unbounded.
(e) The current basic solution is feasible, but the objective function value can be
improved by replacing x6 as a basic variable with x1.

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9. Convert the following problem to its dual problem:

(a) Minimize: z = 15x1 + 12x2 (b) Maximize: z = 5x1 + 12x2 + 4x3

st x1 + x2 ≥ 1.5 st x1 + 2x2 + x3 ≤ 10
2x1 + 3x2 ≥ 5 2x1 − x2 + 3x3 = 8
x1 , x2 ≥ 0 x1 , x2 , x3 ≥ 0

(c) Maximize: z = 4x1 – x2 + 2x3 (d) Minimize: w = 4y1 + 2y2 – y3

st x1 + x2 ≤5 st y1 + 2y2 ≤ 6
2x1 + x2 ≤7 y1 – y2 + 2y3 = 7
2x2 + x3 ≥ 6 y1, y2 ≥ 0, y3 .urs
x1 + x3 = 4
x1 ≥ 0, x2 , x3 .urs

10. Consider the following linear programming problem:

Max z = 4x1 + x2
s.t. 3x1 + 2x2 ≤ 6
6x1 + 3x2 ≤ 10
x1 , x2 ≥ 0

Suppose that in solving this problem, row 0 of the optimal tableau is found to be
z + 2x2 + s2 = 20/3. Use the Dual theorem to prove that the computations must be

11. Consider the following LP allocation model:

Maximize: 3x1 + 2x2

Subject to: 4x1 + 3x2 ≤ 12 (resource 1)
4x1 + x2 ≤ 8 (resource 2)
4x1 − x2 ≤ 8 (resource 3)
x1 , x2 ≥ 0
with the optimum tableau given by:

Basic z x1 x2 s1 s2 s3 Solution
z 1 0 0 5/8 1/8 0 17/2
x2 0 0 1 1/2 −1/2 0 2
x1 0 1 0 −1/8 3/8 0 3/2
s3 0 0 0 1 −2 1 4

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(a) If there is a chance to increase the availability of resources. Which resource
should be given the priority for an increase in level?

(b) The range of feasibility is defined as the range over which the right hand side
quantities can change without affecting the optimal solution. Find the range of
feasibility of resource 1 & 3.

(c) In each of the following cases, indicate whether the given solution remains
optimal. If yes, identify the new optimal value.

(i) The profit coefficients change from [3 2] to [4 3].

(ii) The profit coefficients change from [3 2] to [5 4].
(iii) The RHS of the constraints change from [12 8 8]T to [15 10 5 ]T.
(iv) The RHS of the constraints change from [12 8 8]T to [8 10 10 ]T.
[ (a) 1 (b) 8 to 24, 4 to ∞ (c) 12, 16, 10 5/8, infeasible]

12. Consider the following problem.

Maximize z = 3 x1 + x2 + 4 x3
Subject to :
6x1 + 3x2 + 5x3 ≤ 25
3x1 + 4x2 + 5x3 ≤ 20
xi ≥ 0, i =1,2,3.
The corresponding final set of equations yielding the optimal solution is

z + 2x2 + 1/5 x4 + 3/5 x5 = 17

x1 – 1/3 x2 + 1/3 x4 − 1/3 x5 = 5/3
x2 + x3 – 1/5 x4 + 2/5 x5 = 3

Find the new optimal solution if a new variable xnew has been introduced into the
model as follow:

(i) Maximize z = 3 x1 + x2 + 4 x3 + 2xnew

Subject to :
6x1 + 3x2 + 5x3 + 3xnew ≤ 25
3x1 + 4x2 + 5x3 + 2xnew ≤ 20
xi ≥ 0, i =1,2,3, xnew ≥ 0.
(ii) Maximize z = 3 x1 + x2 + 4 x3 + 2 1/2xnew
Subject to :
6x1 + 3x2 + 5x3 + 4xnew ≤ 25
3x1 + 4x2 + 5x3 + 3xnew ≤ 20
xi ≥ 0, i =1,2,3, xnew ≥ 0.
[(i) 0, 0, 2, 5 (ii) 5/3, 0, 3, 0]

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13. Consider the following problem:

Max. z = 3x1 + x2 + 4x3

6x1 + 3x2 + 5x3 ≤ 25
3x1 + 4x2 + 5x3 ≤ 20
xi ≥ 0, i = 1, 2, 3.

The corresponding final set of equations yielding the optimal solution is

z + 2x2 + 1/5x4 + 3/5x5 = 17

x1 − 1/3x2 + 1/3x4 − 1/3x5 = 5/3
x2 + x3 − 1/5x4 + 2/5x5 = 5

Identify the optimal solution for the dual problem from the final set of equations.
[ (1/5,3/5),z=17]

You are known to conduct sensitivity analysis by independently investigating each of

the following changes in the original model. For each change, test for feasibility and
for optimality (do not reoptimize)

(a) Change the coefficient of x2 in the objective function to c2 = 4

(b) Change the coefficient of x3 in the objective function to c3 = 3
(c) Change the coefficient of x2 in constraint 2 to a22 = 1
(d) Change the coefficient of x1 in constraint 1 to a11 = 10

[not optimal but feasible, optimal & feasible, optimal & feasible, optimal & feasible]

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B. Dynamic Programming (DP)

14. JC lives in New York City, but he plans to drive to Los Angeles to seek fame and
fortune. JC’c funds are limited , so he has decided to spend each night on his trip at a
friend’s house. JC has a friend in Columbus, Nashville, Louisville, Kansas City,
Omaha, Dallas, San Antonio, and Denver. JC knows that after one day’s drive he can
reach Columbus, Nashville or Louisville. After two days of driving, he can reach
Kansas City, Omaha or Dallas. After three days of driving, he can reach San Antonio,
or Denver. Finally, after four days of driving, he can reach Los Angeles. To minimize
the number of miles traveled, where should JC spend each night of the trip? The
actual mileages between cities are given below. [shortest path:2870 miles]

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15. An independent trucker has 8 m3 of available space on a truck scheduled to depart for
New York City. A distributor with large quantities of three different appliances, all
destined for New York City, has offered the trucker the following fees to transport as
many items as the truck can accommodate:

Appliance Fee, Volume,

$ / item m3/item
I 11 1
II 32 3
III 58 5
How many items of each appliance should the trucker accept to maximize shipping
fees without exceeding the truck’s available capacity? [3,0,1]

16. Suppose that a 10-lb knapsack is to be filled with items listed in table 27-1. To
maximize total benefit, how should the knapsack be filled?
[Max:25, one type 1 & two type 2]
Table 27.1
Weight Benefit
Item 1 4 lb 11
Item 2 3 lb 7
Item 3 5 lb 12

17. A vending machine company currently operates a 2-year-old machine at a certain

location. The following table gives estimates of upkeep, replacement cost, and
income (all in dollars) for any machine at this location, as functions of the age of the

Age, u
0 1 2 3 4 5
Income, I(u) 10 000 9 500 9 200 8 500 7 300 6 100
Maintenance, M(u) 100 400 800 2000 2800 3300
Replacement, R(u) … 3 500 4 200 4 900 5 800 5 900

As a matter of policy, no machine is ever kept past its sixth anniversary and
replacement are only with new machines. Determine a replacement policy that will
maximize the total profit from this one location over the next 4 years.

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18. A small construction company currently has a 1-year-old dump truck. Estimates of its
upkeep, replacement cost, and the revenues it can be expected to generate, together
with similar data for new trucks that may be purchased in the future, are given in the
table below; all amounts are in units of $1000. Trucks are never kept more than 3
years, and replacement are only with new models. Determine a maximum-profit
replacement policy for this company over the next 5 years.

Age Revenue Upkeep Replacement

Current Model 1 20 8 18
2 17 11 25
3 … … 35
New Model 0 21 1 …
1 20 8 19
2 17 11 26
3 … … 36
Next Year’s Model 0 21 1 …
1 17 7 18
2 15 12 26
3 … … 36
Model Two Year 0 22 2 …
Hence 1 19 8 19
2 17 12 24
3 … … 37
Model Three Years 0 24 3 …
Hence 1 18 4 12
2 15 11 27
3 … … 37
Model Four Years 0 25 3 …
Hence 1 19 5 13
2 14 10 27
3 … … 38

19. Ali lives in City 1. He owns insurance agencies in City 2, 3 and 4. Each month, he
visits each of his insurance agencies. The distance between each of his agencies in
km is shown as follow:
City 1 2 3 4
1 - 525 650 303
2 525 - 535 621
3 650 535 - 415
4 303 621 415 -

What order of visiting his agencies will minimize the total distance traveled?
[1-2-3-4-1, 1-4-3-2-1]

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20. Solve the following by using DP.

Maximize z = 3x1 + 5x2

s.t.: x1 ≤ 4
2x2 ≤ 12
3x1 + 2x2 ≤ 18
xi ≥ 0, i = 1,2.

C. Nonlinear Programming (Lagrange Multipliers)

21. Solve the following:

(a) Min f = 2x2 + y2 – xy – 8x – 3y

s.t.: 3x + y = 10
[69/28, 73/28]

(b) Min z = 3x1 – x2 – 3x3

x12 + 2 x32 = 1
x1 + x 2 − x3 = 0
[–2/√6, 3/√6 , 1/√6]

22. A soft drink company has divided Bloomington into two territories. If x1 dollars are
spent on promotion in territory 1, then 6x11/ 2 cases of soft drink can be sold there, and
if x2 dollars are spent on promotion in territory 2,then 4x12/ 2 cases of soft drink can be
sold there. Each case of soft drink sold in territory 1 sells for $10 and incurs $5 in
shipping and production cost. Each case of soft drink sold in territory 2 sells for $9
and incurs $4 in shipping and production cost. A total of $100 is available for
promotion. How can the soft drink Company maximize profits?
[400/13, 900/13]

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