BSC Hons MGT Top Up Updated 27.04.22 1
BSC Hons MGT Top Up Updated 27.04.22 1
BSC Hons MGT Top Up Updated 27.04.22 1
This programme document details the aims, learning strategies, structure and intended learning
outcomes that students should achieve if they fully engage with the learning provided within the
programme. The document is intended to support and inform prospective students, current students,
academic and support staff, external stakeholders and external examiners.
Code OUbs039
Awarding Body Open University of Mauritius
Disciplinary Division Business and Management
Programme Manager Mrs Vandanah Gooria
Programme Duration Degree Award
Minimum: 1 1/2 years
Maximum: 3 years
Total Credits 90 credits
Credits Per Year Normally 60 credits per academic year
Minimum number of credits per semester is
Maximum number of credits per semester is 40.
MQA NQF Level Level 8
EHEA EQF Level Level 6
External Accreditors Not applicable
Collaborative Partners Not applicable
Programme Approval Date -
Last Revision Programme developed and approved five years back.
Last Update March 2022
General: Candidates must hold a Diploma (NQF Level 6) in Management or any related
field. Learners must submit all relevant documents.
Aims and Management is a rapidly changing field impacted by constant innovation, whereby
Objective of employees, employers or those aspiring to join an organisation need to keep
the abreast of the core management concepts and the digital emerging issues in
Programme: business. Therefore, the BSc (Hons) Management Top up programme enhances
learners’ professional development and self-growth through up-to-date knowledge
acquisition and competences, which can be applied to the work environment.
Studying Business Management not only helps you understand how a business
works overall, but develops your skills of flexibility, problem-solving ability,
commercial awareness and communication, all highly valued by employers.
The programme is offered through open distance learning mode which is appealing
to adult learners as well as employees as learners who are able to commit to their
varied tasks while upgrading their qualification and enhancing their career and
promotion prospects.
Learners taking this degree will acquire knowledge and skills that will:
● Enable their transition to postgraduate studies
● Equip them to enjoy careers in a wide variety of professions including:
Senior Manager, Business Manager, Project Manager/Coordinator,
Marketing Assistant, Marketing Executive, Business Development Manager,
Administrative Officers, Business Data Analyst, Business Consultant, Sales
Consultant and other related jobs.
Intended Learning Outcomes: After completion of the programme, students will be able to:
Knowledge and K1: Identify the key theoretical and practical concepts of business management
Understanding K2: Demonstrate an understanding of the business environment of organisations
K3:Gauge the ability to develop strategies to ensure the business functions
effectively and efficiently
K4: Apply the core principles of business strategies to cope with the increasing
challenges of global business
K5: Analyse how an organisation operates on an international level
K6: Acquire the necessary knowledge and skills of administering projects and goals
of sustainable business environment
K7: Demonstrate an understanding of the key principles of commercial, quality
standards and ethical business practice at work
K8: Gain an advanced problem-solving ability and leadership skill to apply business
K9: Plan, implement, control and deliver a project uccessfully\
K10: Transform the human resources within an organisation
K11: Relate legal principles to business realities within the organisation in the age of
Cognitive Skills C1: Analyse the current business context by applying appropriate theoretical
frameworks and making use of relevant industry examples
C2: Interpret and analyse business risks to conduct enquiries related to specific
business issues of interest
C3: Apply relevant theories of management to specific problems to devise
appropriate strategies
C4: Determine appropriate methods and business valuation
C5: Formulate, implement and evaluate strategies
C6: Monitor and evaluate the quality standards in managing a business.
Practical/ P1: Apply the different principles of business management in solving a range of
Professional complex business problems and taking business decisions
Skills P2: Develop new techniques and processes in managing and improving self-
performance at the workplace
P3: Develop effective leadership and teamwork skills in enhancing collective
organisational performance
P4: Recognise and resolve business issues from an ethical perspective
P5: Acquire and implement risk management skills in business
P6 Apply the key principles and approaches of corporate and good governance in
Transferable T1: Translate both quantitative and qualitative information using a range of
Skills business strategies into sound research reports
T2: Communicate ideas and arguments both in written formats and orally through
formal presentations
T3: Demonstrate effective learning and research skills, including planning and self-
T4: Develop independent thinking and leadership abilities
T5: Set and monitor goals and learning from feedback received
T6: Formulate and present business reports as an advocacy activity.
The programme is run on a blended-learning mode combining face-to-face learning interactions with
e-learning. Using practical and hands-on approaches to learning, participants will be given the
opportunity to develop knowledge in business strategies and be equipped to develop analytical and
critical thinking skills on how to lead a business smoothly and have the ability to cope with the
challenges and complexity of business chores.
Learning and Teaching Methods:
Learners will be provided with opportunities to engage in a diverse range of learning environments so
as to maximise their learning. For this programme, students will interact with their tutor and their
fellow students mostly through the e-platform.
- Online activities: for every unit covered in each module, learners will be given opportunities
to complete interactive learning activities including discussion forums, MCQ questions,
quizzes, field trips, webinars and problem-solving activities. Learners will be encouraged to
work independently but also to engage in collaborative work.
- Independent study: Independent study forms an essential part in the development of your
knowledge and understanding. We will guide you, via the e-platform, on the reading and
reflection of primary and secondary texts. Learners should use this independent study time to
link knowledge with e-class and face-to-face activities and develop their own understanding
and critical perspective on the topics they are studying.
The face-to-face sessions are an opportunity to untangle complex concepts and provide students with
an opportunity to apply the knowledge acquired in the preceding weeks. During the face-to-face
session, learners can be expected to:
- Engage in managerial problem-solving activities
- Engage with reading material to engage in class discussions
- Review core/complex concepts through applied work.
Research Supervision:
In the final part, students will undertake a dissertation, supervised by one of our tutors with expertise
in the area of the dissertation topic. Students will have the opportunity to meet with the supervisor to
explore the topic, receive guidance on the research and receive feedback on the work as it
Overall Workload:
Your overall workload as a student consists of independent learning, e-learning activities and, if you
choose to, face-to-face sessions. The following gives you an indication of how much time you will
need to spend on the different components of your programme at each level. Each ECTS credit taken
equates to 25 hours of study time.
Typically, for each year of your degree you will spend 0-10% of your time in face-to-face sessions, 30-
40% of your time engaging with e-learning activities and 60% of your time in independent study time.
A typical study week for a student will involve some optional face-to-face sessions, required
engagement in online discussion forum, the completion of online activities and independent study
time to review attached readings, textbooks and relevant sections of the module document. Students
should expect to devote 8 to 12 hours of study time per week per module.
Assessment Methods
A range of formative and summative assessment exercises are designed to enable you to demonstrate
and apply your knowledge and understanding.
Most modules will consist of a Tutor Marked Assessment component and an examination. TMAs
• Tests
• Essays
• Written projects
• Practical projects
• Exercises and problem sets
• Webinars
• Team projects
In addition to TMAs, this programme includes final examination for all modules except the Final year
dissertation module.
Academic Feedback
Throughout the course of your studies, tutors will provide informal feedback on your online activities
and class contributions. Feedback may be individual or provided to the class as a whole.
Each summative assessment will be accompanied by detailed marking criteria and marking scheme
detailing the expectation of the assessment at each grade classification level. Feedback on assessment
will be provided along the marking criteria. Marking criteria will be made available to the learner at
the same time as the assessment details.
The University Policy on Assessment Feedback and Guidance on Provisional Marks can be found in
General Rules and Regulations.
Late Submission, Extension and Re-sit Policy
The University Policy on Late Submission, Extension and Re-sits can be found in the General Rules and
Special Circumstances
The University Policy on Special circumstances can be found in the General Rules and Regulations.
Continuous assessment and Exam Regulations
The University Regulations on Continuous Assessment and Examination can be found in the General
Rules and Regulations.
As a safeguard to the quality and standard of Open University’s qualifications and awards, the
University takes any incidence of academic misconduct seriously and will investigate any reported
Academic Misconduct refers to any activity where a student, through unpermitted means, seeks to
gain an advantage in the completion of an assessment. Any unpermitted action will be
considered as
academic misconduct when occurring during a formal examination, a TMA, or any other form of
assessment considered by the Board of Examiners and undertaken in pursuit of a University
qualification or award.
Plagiarism (using, intentionally or unintentionally another person’s work and presenting it as one’s
own) will be systematically checked through an automated plagiarism detection software: Turnitin.
For a list of all academic misconduct see section 23.3 of the University Regulations.
Any suspected cases of academic misconduct will be reported and investigated. Academic
misconduct offences may lead to suspension or expulsion from the University.
The University Regulations on Academic Misconduct can be found in the General Rules and
C= Core i.e. modules which must be taken to be eligible for the award
Level 1 - Year 2 Semester 2
Level 2 - Year 3 Semester 1
Level 3 - Year 3 Semester 2
Level 1 – Level 6 (NQ-MQA) – Short Cycle Intermediate (QF-EHEA)
Taken in the first year
Code Module Title Type Semester Credits
Level 1
Level 6)
OUbs039111 HRM C S1 6
OUbs039112 Marketing Strategy C S1 6
OUbs039113 Business Research Methods C S1 6
OUbs039114 Operation and Logistics Management II C S1 6
OUbs039115 Investment and Risk Management C S1 6
Credit Total 30
Level 2 and 3 – Levels 7/8 (NQ-MQA) – 1st Cycle Honours (QF-EHEA)
Level 3
OUbs039311 Project Management C S3 6
OUbs039312 Business Strategy and Change C S3 6
OUbs039313 Corporate Governance and Ethics C S3 6
OUbs039211 Dissertation C S2 & S3 15
Credit Total 60
Total programme 90
Grading System:
Assessments are graded in percentage and correspond to a letter grade and a grade point.
To pass a module, students need an overall of 40% weighted average of their combined continuous
assessment (TMA) and examination.
University general marking criteria for undergraduate exams and undergraduate dissertations can be
found in the Undergraduate Handbook.
CPA will determine the classification of your degree. Your CPA is the weighted average of your overall mark
in each module; the weight being the number of credits attached to each module and your average module
mark being the weighted average of the continuous assessment and final exam.
Module Score % (weighted Credit Unit Module score = Credit
average continuous x score
assessment and
BAXX1 64 4 64*4=256
BAXX2 71 3 71*3=213
BAXX3 44 4 44*4=176
BAXX4 59 3 59*3=177
BAXX5 82 4 82*4=328
BAXX6 62 8 62*8=496
Total 26 1646
CPA = 1646/26=63.31
Progression If a student fails to achieve 60 credits at the end of a year level, the Board of
Examiners will make a decision with regard to the student’s progression. At its
discretion, the Board of Examiners may:
- Allow a student to carry forward up to 15 credits in the following year level
in order to retake these units in attendance
- Require the student to repeat the year
- No exit point since this is a Top Up programme.
Classification of For the award of the Honours degree, all modules of the programme must be
Awards completed.
The Certificate of Higher Education and the Diploma of Higher Education are awarded
as possible exit points in the programme as indicated in the table below:
- Programme Manager
- Help Desk
- Counselling
- Admin support, IT support
- Personal Tutor system or equivalent
- Pastoral care programme
Open University values student feedback and students will be given opportunities to have their say on
their learning experience in the following ways:
The University will respond to student feedback through the following channels:
● Response and action taken following the module evaluation survey will be posted on the e-
● Action from minutes will be monitored by the chair of the relevant committees.
● Annual programme monitoring process will take into account student feedback.
● Programme review process (every five years).
Curriculum Map of Programme Modules against Intended Learning Outcomes
Knowledge and Skills and
Module Unit and Code Understanding Cognitive Skills Practical Skills Personal
Module Title Assessment Method
Level 1 NQ-MQA Level 6
Human Resource TMA 40%:
Management (HRM) Online activities - Discussion forum participation (20% of
Essay 1,500 words (80% of TMA)
Final Examination 60%
Marketing Strategy TMA 50%:
Online activities – Discussion forum participation (10% of
Group Presentation of a case study (20% of TMA)
Essay 2,500 words (20% of TMA)
Final Examination 50%
Business Research Methods TMA 40%:
Online activities (20% of TMA)
Research proposal 2,000 words (80% of TMA)
Final Examination 60%
Operation and Logistics TMA 40%:
Management II Online activities (20% of TMA)
Working questions/activities (80% of TMA)
Final Examination 60%
Investment and Risk TMA 40%:
Management Online activities (20% of TMA)
Working questions/activities (80% of TMA)
Final Examination 60%
Module Title Assessment Method
Level 2 NQ-MQA Levels 7/8
Dissertation 15,000-word dissertation
Financial and Regulations Law TMA 40%:
2 Online activities – Discussion forum participation (each
will weigh 10% of TMA)
Essay 2,500 words (80% of TMA)
Final Examination 60%
Advanced Quality TMA 40%:
Management Online activities (20% of TMA)
Essay 2,500 words (80% of TMA)
Final Examination 60%
International Business TMA 40%:
Management Online test (20% of TMA)
Essay 2,500 words (80% of TMA)
Final Examination 60%
Environmental and TMA 40%:
Sustainability Management 2 Online activities – Discussion forum participation (each
will weigh 10% of TMA)
Essay 2,500 words (80% of TMA)
Final Examination 60%
Module Title Assessment Method
Level 3 NQ-MQA
Levels 7/8
Dissertation 15,000-word dissertation
Project TMA 40%:
Management Online activities - Discussion forum participation (20% of TMA)
Applied Essay 2,500 words (80% of TMA)
Final Examination 60%
Business Strategy TMA 40%:
and Change Online activities - Discussion forum participation (20% of TMA)
Applied Essay 2,500 words (80% of TMA)
Final Examination 60%
Corporate TMA 40%:
Governance and Online activities - Discussion forum participation (10% of TMA)
Ethics Working questions/activities (90% of TMA)
Final Examination 60%