Cobalt2 Manual

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Cobalt Overview

Introduction Cobalt2 is the name of the suite, it consists of four differ-

ent plug-ins:
Thank you for purchasing Cobalt2. To get the most out of • COBALT2 (EQ)
your new plugin suite, make sure that you read this user • COBALT2 COMP
manual carefully. • COBALT2 PRE
Cobalt was an absolute novelty for Acustica, it was totally • COBALT2 DYN EQ
different in every respect to the other Acqua-plugin suites
at the time it was released. Cobalt2 (EQ)
Through Stefano Dall’Ora (SoundDrops), who is an invalu- It is derived from the classic Pultec design with some
able collaborator with Acusticaudio, and was been deep- added custom features, such as the separation of bass
ly involved in the production of this project, the Acustica frequencies, for example, you can choose the Cut fre-
team came in contact with Luca Martegani, also known quency independently from the Boost frequency; then
as Xelius. Luca is the manufacturer of an amazing suite of we have a High band Boost section with an extremely
hand-built audio hardware, characterized by great sound, personal sound, because it’s built only with inductances,
quality, and value. instead of the more customary capacitors. Our emulation
The equalizer and compressor are the elements of his has preserved all these sound features and we are very
suite that impressed us the most, so we decided to base proud of the result.
our new product on them, and we called it Cobalt2.
Cobalt2 Comp
The basic idea behind Cobalt It’s an extremely versatile tube compressor. Thanks to
our Acustica technology, we have been able to faithfully
LUCA: There are so many things in audio that are of fun- reproduce the original device.
damental importance to the basic sound stage; the depth
of the sound spaces, the way transients are handled etc, Cobalt2 Pre
so my approach has been focused on the entire sound, Cobalt Pre includes 5 different tube preamps to add great
not just about the tonal color. warmth.
The original devices are completely tube-based. Tubes They precisely emulate the phase, frequency response
are used in the input stage, then in all of the internal gain and harmonic distortion of their corresponding circuits.
sections, up to the output stage. The best use of these colors can only be decided by the
user on a case per case basis and the engineer’s final
Why this choice? judgment should always depend on his/her own ears and
LUCA: In my own research, after countless listening ses-
sions, I’ve come to the conclusion that the amazing sound Cobalt2 Dynamic Eq
of those vintage devices we used to love comes from the The real novelty of this suite is showcased by the Cobalt
tube circuits. 2 Dyn EQ (dynamic equalizer), the first of it’s kind for us.
Many years of study, research and experiments (started in Just like with audio production, our idea was to create a
the early 90s) finally led me to great results. sort of remix of the COBALT2 EQ and COBALT2 COMP.
The result of this is an incredible Dynamic EQ, the first
Cobalt2 - What’s new? of it’s kind for us based on a sampling characterized by
some new and important features.
We took Cobalt to a whole new level by completely re- These “endorsed” plug-ins are qualitatively unsurpassed
sampling its EQ and preamp sections, for better perfor- projects that, in our opinion, deserve to be among the top
mance and sound quality. Plus, we added two new fea- products in the digital audio market.
tures, for extra versatility.

1 - New M/S control in COBALT2 EQ (Stereo Equalizer).
2 - COBALT2 EQ and the EQ2 of COBALT2 Dynamic EQ
now feature a -10/+10 dB gain excursion (PRESENCE
3 - All preamps have been resampled.
4 - 2 new preamps (MIC3-MIC4) added to the COBALT2
PRE module.
5 - Meters have been optimized
6 - Various graphic improvements

Cobal2 Equalizer

Cobal2 Compressor

Cobal2 Dynamic EQ

Cobal2 Preamp

Product download, installation and authorization

When you purchase a product from our webshop, the Make sure the Aquarius application is always updated to
registration is automatic. Your newly purchased product the latest version available. If you experience any issues
can be downloaded via the Aquarius application, our ded- during your product authorization, uninstall the product,
icated application for macOS and Windows. For more in- and then re-install it using the latest version of Aquarius
formation, please visit our website. applicationfrom Acustica Audio website.

System Requirements

Modern computers are powerful enough to run many pl- Please, consider optimizing your system to work with high
ugins at once. However, our technology requires more CPU loads and low audio latency.
resources than algorithm-based software.

What is a “ZL” Plug-In

Acustica plugins come in two versions: ZL (zero latency) We recommend that you use a ZL instance when track-
and a regular version. While the ZL version does not in- ing. Basically, both plugin instances are identical, but the
troduce any latency to your system, the standard version current Acqua engine can work either with or without an
does. audio buffer. The idea behind a ZL instance is to give you
This buffer varies in size for each plugin and helps reduce the option to run an Acqua Effect with minimal latency,
the CPU and system load of your computer significantly. which is useful for tracking or direct monitoring.

About the hardware

Luca “XELIUS” Martegani
Luca Martegani was born in Italy in 1966. He works as a sound engineer in his own studio and as
He studied piano and chemistry of plastic materials and a free lance engineer in several recording and mastering
macromolecules. studios in Italy.
In 1988 he began to work as a recording studio assistant He also composes different genres of electronic music,
and keyboard programmer. Then he became interested in from electropop to dance, to experimental and contem-
the basics of analog electronics and vacuum tube tech- porary.
nology and began to study these subjects. During the last twenty years he has designed, built and
He designs and builds his own analog synthesizers, as continuously refined the two prototytpes that has been
well as various electronic devices effects, equalizers, hi converted into the COBALT suite of plugins by the Acus-
end preamplifiers, power amplifiers, mic preamplifiers, tica Audio team.
compressors etc...

About the LM 9736 Equalizer

The basic concept behind the LM 9736 was to develop an All the components have been carefully selected, and
“old-school” passive eq around a resistive divider, using MKP capacitors and carbon resistors are liberally em-
resistors, inductors and capacitors. ployed throughout the circuitry.
This eq is built around a pure vacuum tube topology, in- The main scope of this project was to build an eq ca-
cluding the high voltage power supply. pable of processing big sound masses in a transparent
The original hardware is fully handmade, and all the com- way, keeping the soundstage untouched, preserving fast
ponents are wired point to point, except for the filter net- transients and without introducing “sound tails” or excess
works. All audio inductors are handwound. of coloration.

The input circuitry is designed around a Lundahl input trans- As an operating example, a combination of a 3 KHz cut with
former driving the gain potentiometer, which is coupled to a 20 KHz boost is able to produce a large, smooth dip in
the grid of a cathode follower. the mid-high zone. Because of the reciprocal interactions be-
The cathode follower is an ideal solution to drive the following tween the passive networks, please don’t be surprised if you
filter network with a low output impedance. It is conceived have to boost and cut relatively many dBs, in order to obtain
around a 6C5 GT tube that can be exchanged for a less com- only a gentle 3 dB dip.
mon 6L5 G if a smoother hi top is needed. Then the signal flows past the passive filters into the gain
The filter network is basically a variation upon the classic stage. Actually I’ve spent many years experimenting around
Pultec style topology, with the added bonus of independ- this stage, finally choosing a hybrid SRRP/mu-follower stage
ent frequency selections of Low Cut and Boost sections. based on a couple of asymmetrically loaded 6SN7 GT tri-
The Presence cell can reach almost 12 dB of gain, and its odes. This stage is coupled with the output transformer
center frequency can be varied in 11 steps, from a warm and through a large film capacitor. In my experience, this is the
smooth 680 Hz bell up to a sharper 7,5 KHz one. A continu- best way to balance quality, dynamics and musicality; now
ous Q control allows to narrow or widen the bell shape (see I can confidently say that this arrangement provides exactly
the curves). the sound I’ve always looked for!
The High Boost cell is the real gem of this unit. Designed In my designs I’ve always almost obsessively wanted to min-
around a custom multi-tapped inductor, with a very low para- imize the noise from the AC supply leaking into the signal
sitic capacitance and the lowest possible DC resistance, the path: not a trivial task to undertake when dealing with vacu-
cell is able to develop about 9 dB of pure musical brightness, um tube circuits.
from a very transparent “air” top around 20 KHz to a coher- Thus I’ve opted for an external box containing the power
ent smooth mid-high boost starting from just below 1 KHz. supply transformers. Heaters and services have their own
As with several shelving curves that change their shape de- separate transformers, as well. Grounding is entirely star
pending on the boost amount, it has been very difficult to point wired, and there’s no ground buss. Moreover star
estabilish a constant relationship between gain steps and point wiring is used with the internal supplies, too, instead
frequency. of the more common power supply rail arrangement. RF de-
Each frequency step refers to a knee point located 3dB be- coupling is placed as close as possible to each single cath-
low the shelf line at maximum boost. The lower the boost, the ode connection. The 5mm-thick aluminum chassis is earth
lower is the starting point of the curve frequency-wise. (see grounded and all the internal shields are chassis grounded.
curves).The Hi Cut is made from another very well sounding The 0V audio ground is RF grounded in ground-lift position,
network, and it’s able to effortlessly solve excessive bright- and fully chassis grounded without lift. Audio signals are car-
ness or harshness problems in its shelving mode. ried by OFC shielded cables. Audiograde relays act as single
Each cut control has a final CUT position, in which the shelf cell bypasses. A total bypass allows us to use tube stages
is transformed into a 6dB/oct HPF and LPF, respectively for and audio transformers as a “warming” chain stage, bypass-
gentle low and high cut. ing the whole filter network.

About the compressor LM 9804

This project started as a reproduction “exercise” of a classic An accurate matching of tubes and trimming of their respec-
Altec Lansing style feedback compressor. The whole circuit tive bias is mandatory to minimize a “thump” artifact at the
was then re-designed for experimental purposes, first around beginning of the compression. I’ve introduced a further nega-
a 12AT7 tube as a gain control element, then a 12AU7 and tive feedback loop in the circuit, to accomplish a more stable
finally the classic 6BZ7. The output stage was designed operation and a lower ratio compression.
around a parallel push-pull of two 6SN7 GTs driving a cus- Stereo Link is obtained by simply putting in common the con-
tom built output transformer. The vacuum tube signal recti- trol voltages of the two channels; in this case both threshold
fier is a classic 6AL5 circuit which drives a passive attack/ controls are active and interactive.
release network. The timing capacitor is charged/discharged The original hardware is fully handbuilt and it is wired point-
in an unusual way because of its particular placement in the to-point.
circuit. As with the LM 9736, the power supply has a power This compressor shines in tracking sessions because of its
transformer external box with a multicore cable/connector to elegant behaviour, expecially on sustained sounds such as
the main chassis. Two large “industrial” VU meters support vocals, guitars, bass, pads and strings.
the elegance of the smooth and slow character of this com- On drums and fast electronic loops it exhibits an audible com-
pressor. Its kind of dynamic behaviour might be defined as pression which can be very useful in some music styles, rang-
quasi-RMS. Peaks and transients pass through it practically ing from a pumping style compression to a brutal squashing.
untouched, until the attack knob is set at its fastest setting. As a hardware device, the LM 9804 is capable of max. 18/20
Then the LM 9804 exhibits a few very different personalities dB of gain reduction; this range has been considerably ex-
depending on the timbre, the amplitude and time distance tended in its plug-in software version, and the same is true for
between transients (ie. a single shot or a burst). A notable the threshold range. The attack shape control (SHMOD) is an-
amount of distortion (consisting of both odd and even har- other added bonus and it’s a really quick and practical way to
monics) appears as the rectifier starts to work. The threshold adapt the attack curve to the specific nature of any transient.
control sets this point.

About the software

The Cobalt2 suite consists of four different plug-ins:

Cobalt2 LM 9736 Equalizer

This EQ isn’t another simple clone. It is adds to our list of so that you can choose the cut frequency independently
amazing endorsed plug-ins. from the boost frequency.
The original device is unique and innovative; currently it is Then we have a High Band boost section with an extreme-
not even mass produced. ly personal sound, since it’s built only with inductances,
instead of the more customary capacitors. It is mostly
Cobalt2 is a dual-channel, five-band equalizer. It is com- unusual to find such a purely inductive circuit in a high
pletely tube-based: vacuum tubes are used in the input frequency cell: as you will hear, this Eq is able to impart
stage, then in all of the internal gain sections, up to the a unique sonic signature with a characteristic personality.
output stage. Then we have a very classic “Presence” band, with sever-
It has been designed as an evolution of a classic Pultec al frequency steps, from medium to medium high, and a
Equalizer, and it is the result of many years of of study, continuous bandwidth control.
research and experiments started in the early 90’s. Finally there’s a High Cut band, a shelf with a very mod-
erate slope that in the extreme position becomes a 6 dB/
Cobalt2 Eq is characterized by a series of custom fea- octave Low-Pass filter.
tures: first we have two distinct low band cells,

Equalizer Channel A

Equalizer Channel B

Selecting Bands

There are five bands for processing available on the Cobalt Equalizer; To activate a specific band, press the activation band
button ( ), and make certain that the BYPASS led isn’t
• LO CUT illuminated, or you will not hear the changes that you are
making to the EQ.
• LO BOOST These buttons switch the 5 filter bands on (button lights
up and bypass led lights off) or off (button light off and
• HI BOOST bypass led lights up).

• PRESENCE LO CUT and LO BOOST bands depend on each other, so

if you press the activation button of the first band auto-
• HI CUT matically you also activate second band.

Control Section
Cobalt2 includes a control section characterized by the
following parameters:

Press this button to power up the unit.

Press this button to activate a PREAMP stage offering
typical vacuum tube + transformer harmonic distortion.

This led warns about possible internal peak clipping.

This sets the input level from -24dB to +24dB

This gain control sets the OUTPUT LEVEL of the Left chan-
nel of the plug-in. Its range goes from -24dB to +24dB.

This gain control sets the OUTPUT LEVEL of the Right
channel of the plug-in. Its range goes from -24dB to +24dB.

This switch links the controls of left and right channels.

Eq Section

Cobalt2 is a dual-channel tube Equalizer. The amplitude setting ranges from -10 dB up to +10 dB.
-Each channel provides five frequency bands. Each band - the LO and HI BOOST sections are shelf filters;
can be independently activated or excluded. The global - the LO and HI CUT sections are shelf filters, as well;
frequency range stretches from 30 Hz to 22 KHz. in their final CUT position they both become respectively
6dB/oct. HP and LP filters;
- the PRESENCE section is a bell band, whose bandwith
can be adjusted by the “Q” knob.



Frequency: this knob selects the frequency of the cell in 8

steps, from 30 Hz to 250 Hz.

Gain: this knob sets the gain of the band in 12 steps from
-0.5 dB to -10 dB.

This shelf filter is characterized by a very moderate slope;

in the final 13th position (CUT) it becomes a 6dB/octave
HP filter.


Frequency: this knob selects the frequency of the cell in 7

steps, from 30 Hz to 200 Hz.

Gain: this knob sets the gain of this shelf band in 12 steps,
from +0.5 dB to +10 dB.


Frequency: this knob selects the frequency of the cell in 9

steps, from 2 KHz to 20 KHz.

Gain: this stepped knob sets the gain of the band in 12

steps from 0.5 dB to 10 dB.


Frequency: this knob selects the frequency of the cell in

11 steps, from 0.68 KHz to 7.5 KHz.

Gain: this stepped knob sets the gain of the band in 12

steps from -10 dB to 10 dB.

Q: this knob sets the width of the band at the selected

frequency, from wide (up) to narrow (down).


Frequency: this knob selects the frequency of the cell in 8

steps, from 3 KHz to 22 KHz.

Gain: this knob sets the gain of the band in 12 steps from
-0.5 dB to -10 dB.

This shelf filter is characterized by a very moderate slope;

in the final 13th position (CUT) it becomes a 6dB/octave
HP filter.

Cobalt2 LM 9804 Compressor
Cobalt2 Comp is a stereo/dual channel vacuum tube com- The idea behind this project was to improve upon a clas-
pressor (actually two independent but stereo-linkable com- sic vacuum tube compressor design, believed by many
pressors). It adds to our list of amazing endorsed plug-ins. experts to be one of the best sounding dynamic proces-
It’s a truly faithful emulation of the LM9804 compressor sors ever built.
built by Luca Martegani. The Cobalt2 Comp is able to impart a unique sonic signa-
ture with a characteristic personality.

Control Section

The Cobalt2 Comp includes a control section character- STEREO-LINK

ized by the following parameters: This knob allows to determine the stereophonic behaviour
of the two compressors.
BYPASS-OPERATE Starting from the left (OFF position) the control signal is
This button allows to activate/bypass both compressors stereo and the compressors operate independently, with-
(L-R); it toggles between the active (OPERATE, lamp ON) out any interaction between them. Turning the knob to the
and bypassed (BYPASS , lamp OFF) state; right forces the compressors to progressively mix their
control signals, until they react exactly in the same way to
ON/OFF PRE any input signal (FULL position).
Press this button to activate the emulated tube PREAMP
of the plug-in. EXTERNAL SIDECHAIN
This button engages the external side-chain** of the com-
INPUT TRIM pressor.
A one-knob internal gain structure control linking the input In audio production, sidechaining refers to the use of the
and output gain stages with an inverse law. This control dynamic content of one track to control the processing of
sets the input level from -25dB to +25dB, and it is used to an effect inserted on another track.
adjust the plugin’s internal level. Sidechaining applications are numerous, but their discus-
Note: when the preamp stage is bypassed (OFF), the ‘In- sion is beyond the scope of this manual. Many references
put Trim’ mode has no effect. It is possible to increase the can be easily found on the Web.
harmonic saturation with this Input trim knob.
OUTPUT GAIN It engages the INSANE mode of the compressor.
This sets the output gain compensation, in order to match This mode has been implemented to increase the accu-
the level of the compressed signal with the original. Its racy and speed of the compressor. The price you pay for
range goes from 0 dB to +25dB. this high quality mode is a slightly heavier load for the
This switch links the controls of left and right channels.

This measures the gain reduction applied by compressor.
The meter indicates ‘dB in the absence of an input signal
or any gain reduction. If the signal exceeds the compres-
sion threshold or limit level, the amount of gain reduction
is shown.

Sets the compressor’s attack time, ranging from 20 mS Sets the threshold of the compressor, ranging from -60
(fast) to 50 mS (slow); dB to 0 dB;

Sets the compressor’s release time, ranging from 0.1 S This control determines the mix proportion between the
(fast) to 1 S (slow); original (dry) and ‘effected’ (wet) signals. The DRY/WET
control is a very powerful and simple-to-use feature that
SHMODE isn’t included in the original devices. This function is logi-
Controls the shape of the compressor’s attack curve. It cally placed in the control section, because it significantly
allows you tof ine-tune the attack behaviour, in order to changes the operational mode of the module, allowing
adapt it to any audio source, ranging from 0 to 4. parallel or sidechain compression.


20 mS Attack curve 30 mS Attack curve

50 mS Attack curve


0,1 S Release curve 0,15 S Release curve

0,2 S Release curve 0,3 S Release curve

0,5 S Release curve 1 S Release curve

Cobalt2 Dynamic Equalizer

The Co­balt2 Dyn EQ (dynamic equalizer) was the first of The result of this is an incredible Dynamic EQ, the first
its kind for Acustica Audio. It’s a really useful and versatile of it’s kind for us based on a sampling characterized by
tool, for many audio engineers it can be a great problem some new and important features. In our opinion this “en-
solver and we believe it is a flagship product of ours. dorsed” Acqua plug-in included in the Cobalt2 suite is
Thanks to contribution of Giancarlo and Stefano Dall’Ora qualitatively unsurpassed, and deserves to be among the
(SoundDrops), who is an invaluable collaborator with top products in the digital audio market.
Acusticaudio, and has been deeply involved in the pro-
duction of this project, we created a new qualitatively un- COBALT2 DYN EQ is equipped by 4 sections:
surpassed plug-in. - EQ1
Just like with audio production, our idea was to create a - EQ 2 (sidechain EQ) ->Upgraded!
sort of remix of the COBALT2 EQ and COBALT2 COMP. - COMPRESSOR



The main idea behind Compressors (Dynamic processor) What are the main features/controls inside COBALT2
is the dynamic manipulation of the overall level of the au- DYN EQ not present in the standalone versions?
dio material. • First at all, thanks to the contribution of Stefano we add-
Equalizers change the spectral character of the audio sig- ed a negative dynamic gain of the PRESENCE band (only
nal, statically. for EQ1 module) not present in COBALT2 (EQ) so we can
Multiband processors, such our COBALT2 DYN EQ, can guarantee a complete range of values.
do both. They can be used like a filter that isn’t limited to • We added 2 Attack times to the compressor section.
being set to a specific gain level, but it is able to change • In this plugin there are 3 different ratios available from
its gain settings dynamically using a control signal. low to high compression to guarantee different and specif-
In the audio market there are usually complex tools that ic amounts of attenuation to be applied to the signal:
can be potentially destructive if not used properly. So we - Mantis (can be considered moderate compression ratio,
decided to create a complete, powerful Dynamic EQ with- it is sampled by Stefano’s pwm compressor)
out compromise but easy to use for engineers in mixing, - Violet (the medium compression ratio of our VIOLET
sound-design and also for mastering. compressor included in the N4 CPCL library)
Dynamic EQ represents a new generation of tools pro- - Cobalt (The original ratio of Luca’s hardware).
viding a marriage between dynamics processing and EQ.


EQ2 3


+ 3

EQ1 - Main Equalizer

EQ2 - Sidechain Equalizer

• EXT (external sidechain) • Range knob:

This button enables the external sidechain. The range knob lets you easily adjust the Range param-
Each compressor may use an external signal, instead of eter for a band by setting the desired level so it limits the
the main input, to control the amount of dynamic equali- maximum amount of applied gain change. Moreover, the
zation or audio compression. Range knob chooses between downward compression or
The different routing configurations allow you to choose expansion.
between the internal (channels n.1 & 2), or the external Range control is therefore strictly dependent on the
side chain input (channels n.3 & 4). Threshold parameter.
We use the term “internal sidechain” to specify that the The latter sets the threshold level for compression and
compressor is fed internally (meaning it has internal rout- when the signal exceed the Range setting value the
ing) when the input signal is at the same time the control Dynamic EQ is triggered.
signal. In other words as audio exceeds the threshold, boosts
The “external sidechain” derives the control signal from and cuts are reduced, thus compressing the dynamic
another source (entering the plugin, but not necessarily range of the affected frequencies the output gain is usa-
the compressor, as it can be equalized before the dy- ble like an expander.
namic section). This control signal then goes through the
sidechain channel and sets the amount of the gain reduc-
This behavior (of the external sidechain) differs depending
on the format and host used. Please read the manual of
your DAW to verify if it sup­ports this feature.

Control section

Measures the input and output levels of the plugin

IN (EQ1):
EQ1 (main inputs 1-2 channels)

IN (EQ2):
EQ2 is in internal sidechain mode (1-2 channels),

EXT button :
EQ2 feed the control signal from another source-> exter-
nal side chain input (channel 3 & 4).

COMP button:
COMP input is the signal processed by EQ1,

COMP control signal is the signal processed by EQ2 ( in

tivated/de-activated using EXT button)

The input trim also influences the compressed signal

Dyn EQ:
the signal is dynamically processed using the EQ and
COMP settings starting from a direct (flat) input signal,


They measure (L-R) the reduction level applied by the
compressor. The meter indicates ‘0’ in the absence of any
input signal or any gain reduction. If the signal exceeds
the compression threshold or limit level, the amount of
gain reduction is shown.

They measure the input and output levels of the plugin.

A one-knob internal gain structure control linking the input
and output gain stages with an inverse law. This control
sets the input level from -25dB to +25dB, and it is used to
adjust the plugin’s internal level. Note: when the preamp
stage is bypassed (OFF), the ‘Input Trim’ mode has no
effect. It is possible to increase the harmonic saturation
with this Input trim knob.


Cobalt2 Dyn Eq is equipped with the same controls as RATIO

COBALT2 and COBALT2 COMP but as explained in the this control allows you to choose from 3 different ratios.
previous chapter we added other controls, listed below.
IN Sets the compressor’s attack time, ranging from 0.5 mS
these buttons allows you to activate each specific module (fast) to 50 mS (slow).
of the plugin( EQ1, EQ2, COMP3).
DYNAMIC EQ This button enables the external sidechain of the plug-in.
it enables the Dynamic Eq.

this button activates the preamp of the plug-in (the same
preamplifier circuit emulation of the COBALT2 (EQ) stan-
dalone version.

How to use it

This is not a restrictive explanation on how to use our vating the IN button of EQ2 and pushing the EXT button).
Dynamic Eq, it’s simply our approach and we suggest you The input trim also influences the compressed signal.
to follow this way to get the best sound out of your track.
Below is a short description in 3 steps: 3) PRESS THE DYN EQ BUTTON

1) EQUALIZE YOUR TRACK When you are satisfied of your sound, press DYN EQ but-
ton located in the Control section.
Cobalt2 dyn eq is equipped by 2 Eqs, EQ1 mono tube
equalizer and EQ2 mono tube equalizer( usable ONLY in What does it do?
internal or external sidechain mode). Starting from a flat signal (processed by the preamps if
EXT button enables external sidechain ( channels 3-4) of you activated it in the previous step) when you compress
EQ2 the signal to the maximum and exceed the RANGE con-
EQ 1 OUTPUT is an output gain and can be considered as trol value you obtain the maximum of the equalization
a master volume control used in the third step. curve. As previously explained “RANGE” lets you easily
adjust the Range parameter by setting the desired level
2) COMPRESS YOUR TRACK AND EVENTUALLY USE so it limits the maximum amount of applied gain change
THE SIDECHAIN Threshold sets the threshold level for compression and
when the signal exceeds the Range value the Dynamic
Compress your track using the dynamic processor mod- EQ is triggered.
ule of Dyn Eq in internal sidechain mode (activating the IN
button of EQ2 module) or external sidechain mode (acti


0.5 mS Attack curve 3 mS Attack curve

20 mS Attack curve 30 mS Attack curve

50 mS Attack curve


0,1 S Release curve

0,15 S Release curve 0,2 S Release curve

0,3 S Release curve 0,5 S Release curve

1 S Release curve RATIO GRAPH

Cobalt2 LXM96 Preamp

COBALT2 PRE is another plug-in included in the COBALT This careful selection of preamps aim to provide you with
2 suite. It emulates five great vacuum tube preamps. an array of flexible options in order to build a virtual con-
The phase and frequency response and the harmonic dis- sole emulation.
tortion of the original devices are perfectly reproduced. The best use of these sound coloring processors can only
COBALT2 PRE includes 4 preamplifiers derived directly be decided by the user on a case per case basis, and the
from the devices built by Luca Martegani (the LM9736 eq engineer’s final judgment should always depend on his/
the LM9804 compressor), and three additional vacuum her own ears and imagination.
tube microphone preamps, again built by Luca, one of These amazing preamps are able to add great warmth to
which is a stereo version made by combining two of the your music.
mono preamps. Without a doubt, this plugin offers several great choices,
As it often happens while working on Acustica projects, and it delivers a special quality that enhances any perfor-
during Cobalt’s development we unexpectedly stumbled mance calling for that distinctive vacuum tube sound.
upon two great vacuum tube preamplifiers designed and
built by Luca, so we decided to sample and include them
in this fantastic project.



Pressing this button to bypass the unit.
The first of two EX- The second EXTRA
TRA preamps added preamp of this suite,
to this second ver- is another tube based
sion of Cobalt. It is microphone preamp
a tube based micro- useful for gentle col-
phone preamp able ouring or more ob-
to add rich-sounding vious distortion, de-
harmonics that make pending how hard
the signal warmer you push the Input
without it becoming Gain control.


Press this button to Press this button to Press this button to Press this button Press this button to
activate the MIC1 activate the MIC2 activate the MIC ST to activate the EQ activate the COMP
This tube preamp This tube preamp A stereo preamp ob- Characterized by a This tube preamp
emulation is char- also included in Lu- tained by combin- relatively high har- emulation is perfect
acterized by a pro- ca’s original device. ing MIC1 and MIC2 monic distortion, this for adding warmth to
nounced time do- it was added to give preamps. preamp includes the your audio track.
main distortion. you another choice This incredibly flex- colour of the original This preamp includes
It’s the perfect choice in your equipement. ible emulation can equalizer modelled in the colour of the
for imparting an It faithfully emulates add warmth and the Cobalt2 (EQ). original compressor
analog feel to vocal the original tube be- depth to sound in a modelled in the Co-
tracks. havior and sound of variety of applica- balt2 COMP.
the original circuit. tions.

It sets the input level from -24dB to +24dB (from 0 to 10), Gain control sets the OUTPUT LEVEL of the channel of
and is used to control the signal level inside the Eq, the the plug-in. You have a -24dB/+24dB.
output level is than automatically compensated by the
same amount of gain.
At first execution of the plug-in, set the input to ensure
that you feed an appropriate level from the first stage of
your signal path to the final one.
We recommend that you calibrate your input levels to:
-18dBFS = 0dBu.
We suggest not to overload the input trim knob of your
music. This way you will avoid any unwanted distortion
or unpredictable behavior due to excessive input levels.

Luca Martegani
The hardware creator

LM 9736
The two-channels equalizer

LM 9804
The compressor

The internal circuit of the equalizer

The internal tubes of the equalizer

Cobalt Dynamic Equalizer

Remixed from the two hardware units

Cobalt preamps, equalizer and compressor

Help-desk and technical support service

If you need help from us, please go directly to the sup-

port section on our official website. Before opening a new
help-desk case, consider checking the solutions on our
knowledge base in the website support area. Normally,
most of your questions have already been answered and
are available online to anyone.

Copyrights and Credits

All names, product names, logos and brands displayed on The information contained on our website may not be
this document are the property of their respective owners. downloaded, modified, distributed, uploaded, or other-
The content included in this manual such as graphics, wise used without the express written consent of Acusti-
icons, images, is the exclusive property of Acusticaudio caudio S.r.l. Acustica Audio is a trademark of Acusticau-
s.r.l. Or its content suppliers, and is protected by interna- dio s.r.l.
tional copyright laws.


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