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International Journal of

Management Research and Homepage: http://ijmres.pk/

Emerging Sciences Volume 9 Issue 1 (2019) PP. 71-82


Muhammad Shabir Jan
Department of Economics, Bacha Khan University Charsadda, Pakistan.
Corresponding Email: [email protected]
Dr. Mohammad Daud Ali
Department of Management Sciences, University of Haripur, Pakistan
Muhammad Taimur Khan
Department of Management Sciences, Bacha Khan University Charsadda, Pakistan.
Email:[email protected]

Purpose: Foreign direct investment (FDI) plays a vital role in the economic growth
and development of the developing countries. This study examines the governance
and its impact on foreign direct investment in Pakistan, India and Bangladesh.
Design/Methodology/Approach: This study measure country governance through
voice and accountability , government effectiveness, rule of law, regulatory quality,
political stability and absence of violence and control of corruption controlling for
macroeconomic factors such as gross domestic product, inflation, exchange rate and
rate of interest. Pooled and Panel data analysis is performed. Findings: The empirical
results suggested that that Rule of law has negative impact on FDI whereas
Government effectiveness, Regulatory quality and Gross domestic product have
positive impacts on FDI Moreover, the Hausman test results suggested that random
effect is prevailing in data, While Breush Pagan Lagrange Multiplier test suggested
that pool model analysis is preferred over panel data.Implications: From the results it
is concluded the three countries has poor governance comparatively to the develop
countries. So they need to improve its governance to attract more and more FDI
inflow. If there is good governance in a country so more and more investors will invest
in the country. So the government should adopt such sound policies and should
promote good governance in the country that the foreign investors would come to
KEYWORDS: FDI, Governance, Pakistan, India, Bangladesh

Foreign direct investment (FDI) is to be assumes a significant job in the development and advancement of the
nations especially in the developing nations. Developing countries face lack of capital to investment, and they need
more and more funds to invest into the country to produce new business openings. Besides, FDI also raises per capita,
standard of living, and GDP, of the country. On the other hand profitability of the capital of the developing nations is
high and the speculators expect more and more profit from the developing nations. As a result there exists a mutual
benefit for the host countries and investors to invest and thus Foreign Direct Investment takes place.Azam and Uddin
(2001) expressed that FDI is a significant instrument for the developing countries through which they can gain the
advantages of globalization. Stern (2002) argued that worldwide organizations offers significance to the venture
atmosphere of the nation in this manner sound atmosphere of a nation can receive more FDI inflow towards the
Anjum and Nishat (1998) stateed that political reliability, fairness circumstance (peaceful), mineral assets,
specialized work power and financial arrangements of the administration has pulled in outside speculators. Asiedu
(2002) has concentrated on strategy changes as the determinants of the creating nations for FDI inflows and found
that the level of openness to FDI and corporate expense rates are the determinants of FDI. Zaidi (2004) expressed that
in developing or poor countries saving (which is then equal to investment ) is very low than the desired level. So the
gape between saving and investment can be fill by Foreign Direct InvestmentShapiro and Globerman (2002) argue
that the good governance has a positive impact onthe outflow and inflow of FDI. However, the impact on FDI outflow

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is only significant for large and developed countries. The world bank study 2012 investigated different factors that
can constitute governance index are voice and accountability (VA), political stability and absence of violence (PS),
control of corruption (CC), government effectiveness (GE), regulatory quality (RQ) and rule of law (RL). According
to the study country governance will be high if the voice and accountability is high and lower in case of low level of
voice and accountability of the country. If a country government is politically stable and there is no or less violence
(terrorism) in a country means good governance in the country. The higher is the country corruption the lower shall
be country governance. Thus all these factors affect the country governance and moreover the governance can directly
affect the foreign investors’ confidence in country and foreign direct investments.
Research question
This study has mainly focused on the governance factors impact on the foreign direct investment based on the
literature review the following question can be framed.
• Does governance indicators has impact on FDI inflow towards the countries?
Limitation of the study
The study has few limitations such as:
This study is based on the panel data retrieved from the World Bank website ranging from 1996 to 2012. So data
availability is the main constrained in this research due to which the study fail to use large set data for analysis. Time
is limited and it is hard to collect data for the more time period and have to rely on the World Bank data.
Fan et al. (2007) explored the impact of governance on the Foreign Direct Investment and found a positive
relationship among the governance and FDI for example if the governance is good Foreign Direct Investment inflow
will high and vice-versa in case of bad governance.Kaufmann et al. (1999) developed indices for good governance
which were updated by the Kaufman et al. (2003) according to their indices which they developed for good governance
that the Good governance has the characteristics of economic freedom, security of the property rights, minimum cost
which meets the specified standard for trade and less restrictions of trade, honest and efficient government servants
and transparent legal system. So to promote the FDI the government should provide an atmosphere to the investors
such as to give them confidence that their investment is safe here and they can earn profit from here.Asiedu and Lien
(2011) found at the context of the vast empirical literature on the determinants of FDI that 12 published studies have
included democracy as explanatory variables.
They found that out of these 12 studies, eight has positive effect of democracy on FDI, three has no significant
effects, and only one published by Li and Risnick (2003) found a significantly negative effect of the democracy on
FDI.In response to Li and Resnick (2003) Soysa and Jakobsen(2006) suggested that if one doubles the sample size
e.g. from 50 to 100 countries and uses logarithm of the multilateral FDI flows (relatively than the level) this finding
is reversed .The democracy and property rights indexes have opposite effects on FDI. Shapiro and Globerman (2002)
argue that the good governance has a positive effect on FDI outflow and FDI inflow, but the FDI outflow affect is
only significant mostly for large and developed countries.It is belief that good governance is important for investment,
economic growth and development it has a positive relationship with to foreign direct investment (FDI), which is
important for economic growth of the developing countries that’s why most of the developing countries have a strong
focus on good governance .There are some empirical papers which show that economic, governance and FDI are
positive correlated, means that if there is good governance the inward FDI will high and if there is bad governance the
situation will be vice versa. However it (correlation) ignores causality effect. To design policies more effectively it is
important to know the casualty effect between FDI and good governance.
Governance indicators
The governance indicators as follows:
Voice and Accountability (VA)
This implies the citizens of the country are allowed to choose governmentfreedom of association, freedom of
thoughts, freedom of expression, and that the media ought to be free so they can express their perspectives. Bird et al
(2006) expressed that to get or to accomplish the administration writ the legislature ought to have backing of the
general population from the number of inhabitants in the nation. At the end of the day he expressed that the financial
as well as the political framework which influences the monetary exercises of the nation. (Satarov and Levin (2000)

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expressed that the main reason of the failure of the Russia government were the failure to secure the private property
rights and pay off of the briberies to the corrupt authorities.
Political stability and absence of violence
Abadie and Gardeazabal (2008) contended that due to terrorism the government diverts the gainful assets to the
security of the nation, it lessens the normal rate of degree of profitability, builds vulnerability, on account of these
reasons and in light of the conceivable portability of the elements the investors moves the cash-flow to different
nations, and consequently decays happens in the interests in the household and in the outside also.
Government Effectiveness (GE)
Government effectiveness means the nature of the civil administration, the development of strategies and its
usage for FDI and trade. Most of the foreign firms leans toward the nation where the arrangements are best. Mehlum
et al (2006) contended that the nations having rich assets can utilize their abundant supply and can accomplish quick
financial development if the organizations of the nation work adequately. Strong administration and solid foundations
are important to get support and consistent monetary development.
Regulatory Quality (RQ)
Regulatory quality, the ability of the legislature to make sound strategies and guidelines that permit promote
private sector development. Of the six governance indicators this is very important indicator to increase both outside
direct speculations (FDI) and exchange. Mody and Wheeler (1992) explored that FDI does very little pulled in to
lower wage nations. Anyway, having some other human capital indicators, for example, training and proficiency rate
a few analysts discovered positive connection among education and instruction and remote direct speculation, that
where instruction and proficiency rate is high the FDI will high there and where it is low.
Rule of Law (Rl)
Rule of law estimates the certainty that the specialists have on the guidelines of the general public particularly
on account of the nature of the agreement authorization, courts and the police. This is significant for both the FDI and
trade. Narayan et al. (2000) and Belton (2005) expressed that the rule of law implies individual security also the
security of property. So the rule of law implies in first occasion the arrangement of security to an individual and the
security of the property or the trustworthiness of the agreement between the economic agents.
Control of corruption
Shleifer and Vishny (1993) contended that corruption like tax can build the expense for the investors and
subsequently it diminishes the overall revenue to the speculators and it has negative impact on FDI. Calerio and
Caetano (2005) find that corruption has a critical negative effect on FDI, yet expressed that the huge effect it has is
just for developing nations. Freckleton et al (2010) researched the connection among FDI and corruption by utilizing
42 developing nation’s information. He utilized board information to assess the connection among corruption and
economic growth and from the observational outcomes he found that lower level of corruptiont can build the FDI
which greatly affects financial development and advancement.
Type of research
As stated earlier that research is of quantitative nature and as the study shall provide descriptive overview of
variables of interest. It’s also explanatory study because it’s also testing the impact of governance factors on FDI.
The population for the study is south asia
For a sample
Sample size for the study is Pakistan, India and Bangladesh were taken.
Sample size.and.data.collection
This study primarily founded on Pakistan, India and Bangladesh and what is the circumstance of governance in
these nations and how it influences FDI. So information will be gathered from 1996 to 2012 from, for example,
governance data will be collected from WGI site while FDI information will be gathered from the World Bank site
for a similar timeframe.Moreover the data is of panel nature. The three mentioned countries (Pakistan, India and

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Bangladesh) constitutes the cross sectional units while the number of years (17 years) constitutes the time series units.
Total number of observations in this Panel set of data is 51 (nxt=3x17).
The following statistical techniques will be used for statistical analysis.
Panel regression
Because of the panel nature of data, panel regression has been opted for analysis. FDI has been taken as dependent
variable whereas ROL, PA, GE, RQ, VA, CC, ER, IR. GDP and inf were taken as independent variables. Being panel
nature of data, best model is selected through Hausman test, Wald test or test for differing groups intercepts and
Bresuh. Pagan Lagrange Multiplier test. Hypotheses for the tests are as:
𝐻1 :tRandomteffecttmodeltistnottbettertthantthetFixedteffecttmodeltortGLStestimatestaretnottconsistent
𝐻1 :tPooledtOLStistnottbettertthantthetFixedteffecttmodeltortGroupsthavetnotcommontinterpt.

𝐻1 :tPooledtOLStistnottbettertthantthetRandomteffecttmodel
𝐻1 :tThetdatatistHeteroscedastic
ctiontaretadoptedtfromtthetstudytoftthet(Kaufmann.tKraaytandtMastruzzit 2007a).
𝐹𝐷𝐼𝑖𝑡 = 𝛼 + 𝛽1 𝑉𝐴𝑖𝑡 + 𝛽2 𝑃𝑉𝑖𝑡 + 𝛽3 𝐺𝐸𝑖𝑡 + 𝛽4 𝑅𝑄𝑖𝑡 + 𝛽5 𝑅𝐿𝑖𝑡 + 𝛽6 𝐶𝐶𝑖𝑡 + 𝑍𝑖𝑡 + 𝜀𝑖𝑡 ….1
3.11.1 tVoicetandtAccountabilityt(Va)

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3.11.2 PoliticaltStabilitytandtAbsencetoftViolence/Terrorismt(Pv)
3.11.3 tGovernmenttEffectivenesst(Ge)
pproachestusage.t(Kaufmann,t Kraay,tandtMastruzzit(2007a).
3.11.4 RegulatorytQualityt(Rq)
3.11.5 RuletoftLawt(Rl)
3.11.6 tControltoftCorruptiont(Cc)
3.12.1 tExchangetratet(Er)
3.12.2 InteresttRatet(InsttRate)
3.12.3 GrosstDomestictProductt(Gdp)t
3.12.4 Inflationt(Inf)

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Table 1:tDescriptivetStatistics
Variables Obs Mean Std.tDev Min Max
VA 51 -0.3208 0.57506 -1.32 0.45
PA 51 -1.3765 0.56449 -2.81 -0.45
GE 51 -0.441 0.2972 -0.86 0.11
RQ 51 -0.628 0.26789 -1.1 -0.16
Rol 51 -0.5337 0.48219 -1.02 0.29
CC 51 -0.7875 0.33701 -1.49 -0.28
INSTR 51 4.18226 3.42959 -5.6 9.39848
ER 51 69.5148 26.2334 35.43 116.03
GDP 51 5.43711 2.12702 1.01 10.5464
Inf 51 7.47345 3.80297 2.00717 20.29
FDI 51 1.1621 0.87843 0.03327 3.90442


Table 2: Heteroscedasticity
TesttRun P-value
BreushtPaganttesttortCook-Weisbergttest 0.0001

Variables Coefficients Std.errort(Robust) Z-stats P-value
Constant 0.8290493 1.42825 0.58 0.562
VA 0.1796755 0.604104 0.3 0.766
PA -0.5376257 0.297895 -1.8 0.071
GE 2.225058 1.057623 2.1 0.035
RQ 2.150194 1.22594 1.75 0.079
Rol -2.092784 0.68614 -3.05 0.002
CC -0.2820711 0.576058 -0.49 0.624
InR -0.0004403 0.055317 -0.01 0.994
ER -0.0055946 0.013833 -0.4 0.686

GDP 0.109352 0.052535 2.08 0.037

Inf 0.0587914 0.040797 1.44 0.15
R-square 0.5529tOrt55.29%
Prob-Chitsquarettest 0

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Test P-value
Hausman test 0.9196
Testtfortdifferingtgrouptintercepts P-valuet(0.118343)


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Table 6:tResultstfortcomparisontoftPooledtOLStandtRandomteffecttmodel
BreushtPagantLagrangetMultiplierttest P-valuet(1.0000)
oledtOLStwastselectedtastthet besttmodeltfortthetstudy.tResultstoftthetPooledtOLStaretastunder:
Table 7:tRegressiontresultstfortPooledtOLSt(Robust)

Variables Coefficients Std.terror T-Stats P-Value

Constant 0.8290493 1.04291 0.79 0.431
VA 0.1796755 0.48617 0.37 0.714
PA -0.537626 0.37158 -1.45 0.156
GE 2.225058 0.767 2.9 0.006
RQ 2.150194 1.00428 2.14 0.038
Rol -2.092784 0.69546 -3.01 0.005
CC -0.282071 0.47827 -0.59 0.559
InR -0.00044 0.03653 -0.01 0.99
ER -0.005595 0.01047 -0.53 0.596
GDP 0.109352 0.04714 2.32 0.026
Inf 0.0587914 0.04051 1.45 0.155
R-square 0.5529tOrt55.29%
Prob-Fttest 0


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Table 8: Comparison of the Governance situation of the countries (Pakistan, India and Bangladesh)
Governance index Bangladesh India Pakistan
Inequality-adjusted Human
developmnt index (2012) global ranking 202 146 136 146
Corruption (2014) ranking of 175 136 94 127
GE (Percentile rank) 22.9 47.37 23.44
ROL( Percentile rank) 19.43 52.61 18.96
PS( Percentile rank) 9 11.85 0.95
VA( Percentile rank) 34.12 58.29 23.7
Multidimentional index 2013 (global ranking of
114) 88 85 82

The above table 8 shows the governance index of Pakistan, India and Bangladesh. In the table the Inequality –
adjusted Human Development Index shows that Pakistan ranked 146, India 136 and Bangladesh ranked 146. Moreover
the corruption perception index (2014) indicates that Pakistan ranked 127, India 94 and Bangladesh ranked 136
amongst 175 countries. The government effectiveness (percentile rank) indicates Pakistan ranks 23.44, India ranks
47.37 while Bangladesh ranks 22.49. Similarly the Rule of law (percentile rank) indicates that Pakistan ranks 18.96,
India ranks 52.61 while Bangladesh ranks 19.43. Due to uncertain political atmosphere in Pakistan ranked (percentile)
is 0.95 while it is much better in India ranks 11.85 and Bangladesh ranks 9 percentile amongst the 175 countries.
Voice and accountability Pakistan ranks (percentile) 23.70 indicates the lowest percentile between the countries (India
and Bangladesh). India ranks 58.29 which is much better between the countries while Bangladesh ranks 34.12
percentile amongst the 175 countries. Moreover the Multi dimensional poverty index (2013) indicates that Pakistan
ranks 82, India 85 and Bangladesh ranks at 88 amongst the 114 countries.
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