Avts CBL

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AVTS vision is to promote leadership and promote the advancing unified Veterinary
Technology students that meet the need of society.

The Mission of AVTS is to lead the CVM Vet Tech Students by advocating skills and
knowledge and advance science in Veterinary practice to improve animal health and welfare.

We, the students of College of Veterinary Medicine, under the Association of Veterinary
Technology Students or AVTS, in order to promote a better understanding and interest of the
veterinary technology profession, aid the advancement of Veterinary Medicine, and assist in
providing community awareness of any animal-related issues, do hereby promulgate this
Constitution and By-Laws.

Section 1.
This Constitution shall be known as the “Constitution and By-Laws of the Association of
Veterinary Technology Students” of the Students of College of Veterinary Medicine, University
of Southern Mindanao, Kabacan, Cotabato.

Section 2.
This Constitutional shall lead the students of College of Veterinary Medicine in
University of Southern Mindanao by advocating its member in the advancement of science and
practice of Veterinary Technology.

Section 3. The official acronym of the Association of Veterinary Technology Students is AVTS.

Section 1.
Defend and promote the general welfare of the college studentry and of the Filipino people.
Section 2.
Serve as an active forum for the students’ ideas and sentiments.
Section 3.
Erase racism and discrimination there by promoting sense of oneness among the students
being part and parel of the LSG.
Section 4.
Uphold the ideas of the university geared towards ensuring a well-rounded,
intellectual, social, cultural, moral, spiritual, and physical development of every student.
Section 5.
Develop social awareness and instill national consciousness.
Section 6.
Unite the various sectors of the society in the pursuit of common interests, particularly in
the establishment of a just and humane society.
Section 7.
Develop a sense of service and responsibility among the students for the welfare of the
Section 8.
Develop responsible studentry who will put educational opportunity to optimal use and
look after the unity and welfare of the society.
Section 9.

Seek and engender educational reforms through nationalistic, humanistic and scientific
means, for full development of the humane potential to responsibility.
Section 10.
The Association of Veterinary Technology Students aims to inform and educate the
students about the different aspects of Veterinary Technology, including Animal welfare and
Animal Rights.
Section 11.
Promote interest in the science of veterinary technology and a better understanding and
interest of the veterinary technology profession with like-minded students and the community.
Section 12.
Encourage service and community awareness by and assisting veterinary medicine in
providing basic training to the farmers and to those who deals with livestock production

Section 13.
To provide a professional support network for veterinary technicians and veterinary
technician students
Section 14.
To advocate a commitment to life-long learning through continuing education
Section 15.
To inform members of regulatory proposals that may either strengthen or weaken our
Section 16.
To promote public awareness of the role of the veterinary technician on the veterinary
health care team

Section 1.
The right to elect the officers who shall formulate its policies for the Association of
Veterinary Technology Students.
Section 2.
The right to physical, spiritual, psycho-emotional, cultural and educational development
of its members.
Section 3.

The right to be elected to any office of Association of Veterinary Technology Students,
provided that he/she satisfies the qualifications.
Section 4.
The right to be informed of the present and upcoming activities of the organization and
also with its financial standing.
Section 5.
The right to express their views and sentiments on matters concerning the organization.

Article IV:
Section 1: Eligibility

Membership shall be open to all enrolled BS Veterinary Technology students of College

of Veterinary Medicine and shall not be restricted on the basis of religion, race, beliefs,
disability, sexual orientation or any other protected category.

Section 1:
The 0fficers must be a full time student of College of Veterinary Medicine, carrying at
least 1 credit. Officer should be subjected to the rules of the organization and shall not act in
conflict with actions taken by the organization.
Section 2. The Officers

The officers shall be a President, Internal and External Vice-President, Secretary and
Assistant Secretary, Treasurer, Auditor, Public Information Officer and Representative in each
Year Level.

Section 3: Duties of the President

The duties of the President shall be, but not limited to:
a. Call and preside the meetings
b. Vote only in case of a tie
c. Represent the organization

d. Appoint committee chairpersons subject to the approval of the Executive Committee
e. Call any special meetings of organization members and/or officers that he/she deems
necessary, with at least a 24-hour notice posted.
f. Serve as an ex-officio member of all committees except the nominating committee
g. Perform such other duties as ordinarily pertain to this office

Section 4: Duties of the Internal Vice-President

The duties of the Internal Vice-President shall be, but not limited to:
a. Preside in the absence of the President
b. Serve as chairperson of the Programs inside the campus

Section 5: Duties of the External Vice-President

The duties of the External Vice-President shall be, but not limited to:
a. Shall serve as negotiator in all “out of the campus activities”.
b. Coordinate all community function of the organization.

Section 6: Duties of the Executive Secretary

The duties of the Executive Secretary shall be, but not limited to:
a. Record the minutes and attendance of all the meetings
b. Keep a file of the organization’s records
c. Maintain a current roster of membership
d. Issue notices of meetings and conduct the general correspondence of the

Section 7: Duties of the Assistant Secretary

The duties of the Assistant Secretary shall be, but not limited to:
a. Carry-out the duties of secretary in the absence of secretary.
b. Help the Executive Secretary with the paper works that needed for the organization.

Section 8: Duties of the Treasurer

The duties of the Treasurer shall be, but not limited to:
a. Receive all funds and process Request for Payment, Deposit Slip, and Officer Signature
b. Shall make a budget plan for each semester, wherein it should be itemized to maintain
transparency with the organization and with its subordinate
c. Keep an itemized account of all receipts and expenditures and make reports as directed

d. Submit to the organization a detailed financial report after every activity the organization
undertakes which affects the financial standing of the organization
e. Submit to the organization a semestral financial report

Section 9: Duties of the Auditor

The duties of the Auditor shall be, but not limited to:
a. Recording, reviewing, interpreting accounts of the organization and effectiveness of all
b. Shall show transparency in terms of the money used in the activities of the organization.

Section 10: Duties of the Public Information Officer:

The duties of the Public Information Officer: shall be, but not limited to:
a. In charge of organization announcements, speeches and social media post.
b. Provide information to the members of organization and university community
according to the standard of its position.

Section 11: Duties of the Representative each Year Level

The duties of the Representative each Year Level: shall be, but not limited to:
a. To disseminate information from the organization to its subordinates.
b. Shall act as liaison between their year level and the organization.
Section 1.
All officers must be of good moral standing.
Section 2.
a) In the position of the President, the candidate should be in 3rd year or 4th year in the
CVM-Department of Veterinary Technology.
b) Bona fide BS in Veterinary Technolohy student who are enrolled in the College of
Veterinary Medicine with a residence and a member of the association of at least one (1)
year can be a candidate for other positions.
Section 3.
Candidates for the positions in the organization must not be leaving or graduating
earlier than the second semester of their term.
Section 4.

Only active members shall be nominated.
Section 5.
Candidates for the Governance may be a full-time or working student.

Section 1: Election
The officers should elect by votation of the members of the organization through written,
oral, or electronic ballot at the last meeting in the end of the semester. Officers will be elected
base on the majority of the vote cast for that office.
Section 2: Term of office
The officers shall serve for one year and their term of office shall begin at the beginning
of the semester and ends at the 2nd Semester.

Section 1.
Any elected officer may be removed from office at any time for any of the following:
a. Willful violation of the provision of the Constitution and by-laws;
b. Conduct unbecoming of a member thereby jeopardizing the association;
c. Conviction of any crime;
d. Lack of interest in the affairs of the association;
e. Misuse of the organization funds;
f. Four unexcused absences of any of the meetings of the organization, two excused
absences are considered as one unexcused absence.
Section 2.
Impeachment proceedings shall be instituted against any officer upon petition of at least
¼ of the members of the council. An affirmative vote of a majority of the members of the council
shall result in the officer’s removal from office.
Section 3.
Concurrence of the association members who elected the officers concerned is not
necessary anymore.

Section 4.

If an officer is absent for a particular meeting, he/she shall give his/her reason of being
absent on the following meeting. The majority of the officers present in the meeting which he/she
was absent will decide on whether on his/her absence is considered excused or not.

Section 1: Meetings
Regular meetings shall be held monthly during the regular school year. The officers may
take action to determine the time, date, and location for a regular meeting of the officers and
members and additional regular meetings without other notice than such action.

Section 2: Special Meeting

Special meetings may be called by the President with the approval of the Executive
Committee. Any special meeting of the officers must be given at least five (5) days prior to the date
of the meeting and must include the time, date, and location of the meeting.

Section 3: Quorum
A quorum at any duly called meeting of the Officers shall consist of a 3 of the officers,
provided that if less than a quorum is present, a majority of the officers present may adjourn the
meeting to another time without further notice.

Section 4: Parliamentary Authority

Robert’s Rules of Orders, shall govern this club in all cases to which they are applicable
and in which they are not inconsistent with these bylaws.

Section 1: Selection
There shall be a faculty/staff advisor who shall be selected each year by the membership.
Section 2: Duties
The responsibilities of the faculty advisor to be:
a. Shall support the organization and assist various area as needed
b. Encourage to assist in seeking out event and opportunities that the organization may
participate in and bring them to the attention of the organization officers.
c. Maintain an awareness of the activities and programs sponsored by the organization.

d. Meet on a regular basis with the officers of the organization to discuss upcoming
meetings, long range plans, goals, and problems of the organization.
e. Attend regular meetings, executive board meetings as often as schedule allows.
f. Assist in the orientation of new officers.
g. Explain and clarify campus policy and procedures that apply to the organization.
h. Maintain contact with the organization officers.
i. Provide direction in the area of parliamentary procedure, meeting facilitation, group-
building, goal setting, and program planning.
j. Assist the organization’s treasurer in monitoring expenditures, fundraising activities, and
corporate sponsorship to maintain an accurate and up to-date account ledger.
k. Inform organization members of those factors that constitute unacceptable behavior on
the part of the organization members, and the possible consequence of said behaviors.

Section 1.
This is a non-profit, non-stock, non-commercial and non-political association.
Section 2.
The Organization officers shall hold the exclusive right to interpret the provisions of the
Constitution and by-laws.

Section 1.
This Constitution may be amended at any regular general meeting by a majority of those
present; provided, notice was given before the meeting. All proposed amendments shall be
submitted not later than 3 weeks before the general meeting.
Section 2.
This Constitution shall take effect upon its ratification by a simple majority of the votes
cast by the AVMS officers.

AVTS 2022-2023------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Stephene Ruevie I. Pico


Precious Amor A. Beso, MSAS



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