Class KG
Class KG
Class KG
English Rhymes
1. Rhymes for Toddlers C SomSudhaPrakashan
1. Me and Mine Shabd Samarth New Saraswati House
2. MuskanShabhLekhan SomSudhaPrakashan
Hindi Rhymes
1. Haste Gate SonkaPrakashan
1. Me and Mine Numbers Smart New Saraswati House
1. My Surroundings RURU SomSudha
2. My long book of activity Wonder Kids SomSudha
1. Go Creative B (New) Evergreen
1. 3 in 1 copy – 1
2. English Copy (4 lines) - 1
3. Hindi Copy 1
4. Interleaf
5. Maths medium square copy 1
6. Crayon Box 1
7. Pencils 2
8. Erasers 2
9. Sharpener 2