Form 3 (See Rule 3 (A), 13) Learner Licence
Form 3 (See Rule 3 (A), 13) Learner Licence
Form 3 (See Rule 3 (A), 13) Learner Licence
LEARNER LICENCE provisions of rule 3 of the Central Motor Vehicles Rules 1989, a
LL No. : MH48 /0019594/2023 DOI: 20-03-2023 motor vehicle of the following description
Name : ABHIJEET AJAY CHAVAN ...........................................................
Father's Name AJAY CHAVAN This Licence is valid from20/03/202 to 19/09/202
Address : D/304 STAR SAPPHIER Y K NAGAR NX *The holder of the licence3 has passed the medical
3 test under
NEAR EXPERT SCHOOL BOLINJ VIRAR rule 5 and from the preliminary test referred to in rule 11(1) of
WEST Vasai,Palghar,MH,401303 the CMV Rules ,1989.
*The holder of the licence has exempted from the medical test
Temp. Add : D/304 STAR SAPPHIER Y K NAGAR NX under rule 6 and from the Preliminary test under rule11(2)of
WEST Vasai,Palghar,MH,401303
the Central Motor Vehicle Rules,1989