Assignment 1

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Jabatan Pemajuan Profesional dan Pendidikan Lanjutan

Fakulti Pengajian Pendidikan


Laboratory Assignment 1
Data Transformation and Univariate

(DCE 4006)
Analysis and Interpretation of Data


Name: ______________________________________________



Data Transformation and Univariate Analysis

After this laboratory exercise you will know:

1. How to compute composite score
2. How to compute the mean of the composite score
3. How to categorize composite score into two or more categories
4. How to obtain descriptive statistics table
5. How to present descriptive statistics results in APA format
6. How to obtain the frequency table and bar graph label in percentage
7. How to enhance the bar chart

Part I: Data Transformation

File to be used for this assignment is Finallgroup Oct 12.sav

1. Variable name: Age

a. Transform the age of the respondents into 4 age groups of equal interval.

2. Variable name: Psychological Contract Breach & Violation

a. Items pb1r-pb9 measure the extent employee feels that their employer
fulfilled the promise made and their feeling of violation as a result of the
b. Reverse the negative items.
c. Compute the composite score for the above items (9 items). Name the
computed score as PYCBV
d. Categorize the composite score (PYCBV) into three categories with equal
class interval width. Name the categorized variable LPYCBV. (Assign a value
of 1 for the first category, a value of 2 for the second category and value of
3 for the third category and label the value of 1 as low breach/violation, 2
as moderate breach/violation and 3 as high breach/violation).

3. Variable Name: Organizational Justice which comprised of 3 dimensions:

1)Distributive Justice (dj1 – dj5), 2)Procedural Justice (pj1 to pj5) and
3)Interactional Justice (ij1 – ij9).

a. Compute the mean of the composite score for each of the organizational
justice dimensions. Name the computed score as 1)Distributive Justice -
mdj, 2)Procedural Justice - mpj and 3)Interactional Justice – mij.
b. Categorize the mean of composite scores for each of the dimensions into
three categories with equal class interval width. Name the categorized
variable 1)Distributive Justice - lmdj, 2)Procedural Justice - lmpj and
3)Interactional Justice – lmij. (Assign a value of 1 for the first category, a
value of 2 for the second category and value of 3 for the third category and
label the value of 1 as Unfair, 2 as Moderately Fair and 3 as Fair).

Part II: Univariate Analysis

1. Obtain a descriptive statistics for Gender, Age, Age Group (4 categories),

Salary, YOS, YOSgrp. Report (in words) the output of the descriptive table
using conventional table format and using info graphic.

2. Obtain a descriptive statistics for PYCBV and mdj, mpj, mij (your descriptive
statistics should include mean, standard deviation. Report (in words) the
output of the descriptive table using conventional table format and using info

3. Obtain the frequency in percentages for LPYCBV and lmdj, lmpj, lmij
obtained in question 2 and 3. Report the pattern or trend you observe from
the frequency tables using conventional table format and using info graphic.

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