Burst Builds - Launch Ramp-Up Success

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Burst Builds:

Safe Launch Enabler For

Launch Ramp-Up Success

July 2020
Contents • 2020 STA Priorities
• What is a Burst Build?
• Case For Change – The Need for Burst Builds
• Challenges
• Definitions
• Timing
• Prioritization
• Application
• Funding
• Powertrain Procedure (Reference)
• Other OEMs Use Burst Builds (Reference)
• Wrap-Up
• More Examples
• Q&A 2
What is a Burst Build?
In the context of this training and our use of the term:

A “Burst” is defined as: “a short, sudden, and intense effort.”

Example: “The Captain sailed 474 miles in one 24-hour burst"

• A Burst Build or Run is a continuous, sustained run of a production

stream(s) under conditions as-close-as-possible to production.

• The following run types are typically not burst runs because they are
usually conducted in a discrete, non-continuous fashion, where the
process is constantly interrupted to measure and analyze adjustments:
• Initial Tool Trials
• Engineering Trials
• De-Bugging Runs
Case For Change – The Need for Burst Builds

• Per GT&C, launching suppliers are obligated to deliver a production line(s) that is
ready, exercised and capable according to program timing, including the Ford
assembly plant launch acceleration schedule
• However, on recent launches, we’ve seen several supplier-caused launch ramp-
up losses because they did not have the adequate industrialization & ramp-
up readiness actions to meet their obligation.
• Current standard process of 300 parts @ Phase 0 and 1 day production run @
Phase 3 is not always adequate to ensure ramp up readiness.
• Performing additional Burst Builds during line development and all PPAP
phases leading up to Phase 3 Capacity Verification has proven to be a
successful risk mitigation action
• Several other OEMs have ‘burst runs’ concept prior to PPAP runs.
• Ford Powertrain Plants already use multiple PTR “burst” runs (9 total) by uJ1.
Challenges – In The NOW
Burst Builds are beneficial for all launching NTEIs, BUT, Burst Builds are:

• NOT included in APQP/PPAP - current requirements only include standard run

of parts (e.g., 300) for Phase 0 and 2, a 1 day run of APW for Phase 3 plus
launch build quantities; not always adequate to ensure readiness.
• NOT part of commercial agreements (Not part of Quote / OCE) during
sourcing, APQP / PPAP processes, lack of program funding, etc.

• Teams should look for low cost options to conduct some quantity of burst builds
• For others, prioritize funding to most critical suppliers based on risk
(More on these later)
Definitions – Safe Launch Actions
Element Burst Build / Runs Bank Build (Through Early Ramp-up Start)
Purpose To evaluate supplier’s OEE losses and take actions to improve To compensate for anticipated launch ramp-up losses (ex: due to
OEE, ideally prior to Capacity Verification (Phase-3). supplier’s OEE issues) and support Ford launch ramp-up, without
any stoppages.

PPAP Phase Irrespective of PPAP level, burst run will be used to prove process. Post Quality Verification (Phase-1 PPAP) or PD agreed non-PPAP
Saleable Parts.

Timing Typically before Phase 0 and up until Phase-3. Can start as early Typically between MP1 to MP2.
as at the Tool Vendor, once tool is dialed in.

Application: Should be assessed for all NTEI launches, with special focus on Risk Chronic Commodities, , based on historical performance.
Criteria for Factors: Chronic Commodities, , based on historical performance. New Manufacturing Technology, Green Field Commodities, Late
commodities New Manufacturing Technology, Green Field Commodities, Late Engineering Changes
Engineering Changes Late Facility Readiness etc.
Late Facility Readiness etc.

Typical Quantity 2 to n burst runs of x parts each for OEE tracking. Equivalent to One week of MPW

Cost Factors Possibly part scrap / obsolescence (in case of design changes); Air Additional part storage costs; Inventory Carrying costs.
freight of parts.
Examples F150 - Chassix - Al Knuckle, 6.7L Linamar – Ladder Frame; CX482 P375N Frames (implemented in MY18 launch)
– Martinrea - Floor
Requirements 1. Quantity are over and above the build quantity. The runs to cover all variants and processes.
2. Quality verification similar to Phase-0, need to be verified at end of each run (dimension, weld integrity, color harmony etc.).
3. CAR OEE & JPH Tracking after each Burst Builds and appropriate Reaction Plans (Stockpile)
Timing – Safe Launch Enablers For Launch Ramp-up
Current State

Phase‐0 & Phase‐! Phase-2 Phase-3

300 Parts Additional Streams - 300 Parts 1 day production
(if applicable)

Typical Stock of 1 ~ 2 Days

<TT> <PP> <MP1> <MP2> <OKTB> End of Acceleration

Proposed State

Phase-0 & Phase-!

PPAP PPAP Bank Build

Stock of ~ 1 week of MPW

Burst Runs

<TT> <PP> <MP1> <MP2> <OKTB> End of Acceleration

Burst Runs & Bank Builds (Through Early Ramp-up Starts)

Recommended As Part of Safe-Launch Actions.
Timing – Safe Launch Enablers For Launch Ramp-up

Capacity Planning Development Trials & Run@rate – Every Prod Stream Phase 3

Burst Runs

Burst Runs

Burst Runs
Supplier Supplier
Tool Home Line Ford Ford
Internal Lead
Events Trial Trial Run@rate Run@rate Phase 3
Events Events Events Event Event
Mini Trials

OEE / JPH Check Point Review ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓

OEE / JPH Progression

Data Analysis Data Analysis Data Analysis Data Analysis Data Analysis Data Analysis

• OEE Assumption • No of Parts produced • Constrained

• Shared Loading % • Duration of Runs Process Data Initial Phase 3
• Capital • Dimensional & appearance data • Consistency Verification
• Equipment Up (1/3/5 day
• Process Flow • Cycle time Times Validation)
• Cycle Time • Scrap • JPH Final Phase 3
• Operating Pattern • Constraint Process • FTT Verification
Escalation • Maintenance • Initial Capability • Tier 2 Readiness (after 30/60
• Etc Etc • Shared loading constraints • Stable Process days)
• Manpower Training data / effectiveness

• Since Burst Builds are not part of APQP/PPAP process nor

commercial funding, each PMT needs to prioritize launching NTEIs by
risk level in order to pursue funding.
• Launch Lessons Learned from prior programs show that critical
commodities impact suppliers’ ability to ramp up.
• Factors include: new technologies, significant design churn,
greenfield/brownfield sites, and new manufacturing lines/value
streams. Program specific risk factors (e.g., late kick-off) can also
identify a need for burst builds
• ILVS/Broadcast suppliers also have unique risk factors, especially
when involving bailed components

Prioritization - Causal Factors For Launch Ramp-up Losses

Initial Setup
Tooling speed losses
change over Quality
Losses Losses
Idling / Minor Process
stops capability
Equipment Resupply Prove-out Appearance
Performance Efficiency

Capability Improvement

Fitment Iteration Loops

Breakdowns Blocked & &
Starved PIST Dimension Manual

Skill Learning-Curve
Equipment Availability

Other Minor Improvement Versatility

Color Harmony &

Stops Late

Iteration Loops

Less Prove out


Quality Rate
p Skill Capital

Ex: Frames Seats Castings Steering Systems Lamps, IP Wiring Program specific
Not to scale; bar heights directionally represent issue contribution

Prioritization - Guidelines for Identification of Commodities
Chronic Commodities Program Specific

Commodity Parts


Body Exterior Hot Stampings

Pre-determinable Trends Delay Elements
IP / Micropit
List of
Any 3 Factors * Any 2 Factors * Commodities
Body Interior Door Trims 1. Tunable Parts 1. Late Engineering Changes
2. Brownfield sites 2. Less Prove out time on
for Safe
Seat Structures 3. Global Shared Allocation account of PCF, AAR, PV, late Launch
4. DT2 Bailment tooling etc.
Frames / Sub-frames
5. Labour intensive process 3. Late Mix Ratio change
Steering system
6. Multiple Change overs 4. PPAP Milestone Misses
7. Capital Re-use 5. Projected PPAP delays:
(Phase-1 at or beyond MP1)
Cylinder Block & Head Castings
Powertrain Critical Uncertainties
Axles Any 1 Factor *
1.Greenfield Sites
Electrical Wiring – Main, Engine 2.New Manufacturing Tech
New Tech EV / AV commodities

Use Chronic Commodities List & Program Specific Criteria as guidelines to

select the list of commodities for safe-launch.
SECRET * Selection of Program specific factors will be based on minimum number of threshold factors 8
Application – Plan

Develop a Plan That Exercises All Production Streams

Application – Expectations

Capacity Planning Development Trials & Run@rate – Every Prod Stream Phase 3

Burst Runs

Burst Runs

Burst Runs
Supplier Supplier
Tool Home Line Ford Ford
Internal Lead
Trial Trial Run@rate Run@rate Phase 3
Events Events Events Event Event
Mini Trials

✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓

OEE / JPH Progression

1. Quality and Capacity Data:
Data Analysis Data Analysis Data Analysis Data Analysis Data Analysis Data Analysis
• No of Parts produced during bursts run
• OEE Assumption • Duration of Runs • Constrained
• Shared Loading %• Dimensional & appearance data Process Data Initial Phase 3
• Capital • Consistency Verification
• Cycle time • Equipment Up (1/3/5 day
• Process Flow • Scrap Times Validation)
• Cycle Time • Constraint Process • JPH Final Phase 3
• Operating Pattern• Initial Capability • FTT Verification
Escalation • Maintenance • Shared loading constraints • Tier 2 Readiness (after 30/60
• Etc Etc • Stable Process days)

2. Manpower Training Data / Effectiveness / Learnings 14
Application - Data Sheet Example
Sample form to track key enablers for Phased PPAP success:
– Fill out data for any events to support Phase 0 and 3, specifically
trials/burst builds
– Track data for each event and analyze improvements and risks

Application – Data Collection

Recurring Data Collection to Further ID Issues and Refine

The Process In Between Phased PPAP Runs
Application – Using Lean Tools

Using Lean Tools During Burst Builds Identifies Areas to Improve

Application – Skill Learning

Along with OEE/Ppk, Focus on Process Flow and Skill Learning

Application – Challenges for ILVS/Broadcast Suppliers
• Ford has a process to fund and request components to perform VTTO
• VOPGONA 207 VOME VTTO Estimating, Ordering and Build
• LQOS 214 – Vendor Tool Tryout and Manufacturing Part Builds

• No process established to have in the quotation VTTO parts to support buy off @ Assembly Integrator
• Some suppliers allocated funding for trial parts, others did not

• CX430 Suspension/Powerpack Integrator Example:

• PMT had to assist in getting the funding to acquire parts – 30 powerpack sets and 20 suspension sets
• All components were requested through GPIRS system, including bailed components
• Needed Weekly follow up for status of components
• Had to escalate to Executive Champion in order to obtain engines from CHEP plant

Add to VOME Process Upfront Request of Parts to Perform VTTO for ILVS/Broadcast Suppliers

Application – Example of ILVS/Broadcast Suppliers
CX430 TT Draft Build plan
Build Shift Event 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26
8502 audit
CX430 Build
Burst Burst Burst
CX430 Rabbits Burst Burst Burst
CX430 TT Runs for Runs for Runs for
1st Shift TCB2 Runs for Runs for Runs for
Build Power Power Power
TVU Susp Susp Susp
event pack pack pack
Bailment Modules Modules Modules
Modules Modules Modules
Material Buy off
2nd Shift CX430 Build

EXAMPLE – Suspension and Powertrain Modules:

• 3 weeks of Burst Runs Scheduled before TT build event

• 30 sets of power pack and 20 sets of suspension will be used
• Scope is to start achieving a continuous Flow of 43 JPH,
review Manufacturing Conditions, Ergonomics, Tooling, etc.
• Will be used the Manufacturing Workstation Readiness that is
tied to FORD VO Standard so we can make the Match vs the
ones from Supplier

Manufacturing Workstation Readiness Status Was Reported in LR Meeting

Funding – Burst Builds

Now: Special budget approval for current programs which are in-flight model.

Near: For programs having <PSC> from 2021 onwards; J1 from 2024
onwards, include as part of program budget freeze during Checkpoint-B for
PSC and approval by PA.

Far: Include as part of Supplier Request for Quote (RfQ) for recommended

Funding Proposal – Near Terms
Stage – 1 @ PSC Stage – 2 @ FEC


Gap for Top

Hat Approval

Historical Program
Chronic Commodities Delay Elements * Specific
Criteria Pre-determinable Trends
Critical Uncertainties

Burst Builds (Ford Funded) + Early Burst Builds (Ford Funded) + Exit Criteria for bank Builds
Now / Near Ramp-up / Bank Builds (Ford Funded) Bank Builds (Ford Funded) * End of Acceleration + 90 days

Plan for Bank Builds for Chronic Commodities Plan for Burst Builds (if needed) and Bank Build
meeting Program specific Criteria and secure budget for commodities meeting Delay Elements
Actions as part of <PSC> (Target Range) Criteria, identified and approved at FEC.

Target Range Estimated for Safe Launch Budget by <PSC> & Approval by <PA>
Challenge for Top Hat Commodities to Plan for Budget at <PSC>
* Supplier caused delays to be funded by supplier.
Process / Approval Flow

Step-1 Step-1 Step-2

Supplier Identification of Budgetting for Safe- Identification & Execute Safe
Program Governance
Communication Safe-Launch Launch Budget approval for Launch Plans
Commodities Commodities delay factors

Launch STA filters Verify Compliance to burst

recommended commodity list and early builds. Track OEE
based on Program Specific Safe-launch enabler budget improvement & action plan.
Factors and suggested approval as part of <PA> Review Closed-loop Reaction
Launch Critical Commodities Plan, to ensure OEE
List. milestone metrics are met.

Finalize budget for (1) Stockpiling For Program Specific delay Review Safe-Launch status
As part of RfQ, buyers to
quantity (2) Racks & trolleys to factors, identification of safe- w ith leadership as part of
have agreement w ith
store parts (3) Obsolescence launch factors and budget TDD / Championship
suppliers not to replace cost projection. Agreement for approvals for (1) Burst runs Process. Continue launch
Safe-launch for supplier’s bank build as per MP&L stockpile and based on reaction plan monitoring and record
industrialization prove-out Process. (2) for bank builds.. lessons learnts.

Proposed Approval Flow:

Step-1 @ PSC: Launch STA → STA Director (Site & Core) → Purchasing VP PR → CPEApproval
Step-2 @ FEC: Launch STA → Director Forum (STA & PD) → NMP Director Forum → CPEApproval
Funding Proposal – Far Term
Stage – 1 @ PSC Stage – 2 @ FEC


Gap for Top

Hat Approval

Historical Program
Chronic Commodities Delay Elements * Specific
Criteria Pre-determinable Trends
Critical Uncertainties

Burst Builds (Ford Funded) + Burst Builds (Ford Funded) + Exit Criteria for bank Builds
Now / Near Bank Builds (Ford Funded) Bank Builds (Ford Funded) * End of Acceleration + 90 days

Plan for Bank Builds for Chronic Commodities Plan for Burst Builds (if needed) and Bank Build
meeting Program specific Criteria and secure budget for commodities meeting Delay Elements
Actions as part of <PSC> (Target Range) Criteria, identified and approved at FEC.

Burst Builds + Early Ramp-up / Bank Burst Builds (Ford Funded) + Exit Criteria for bank Builds
Far End of Acceleration + 90 days
Builds (Supplier Managed) Bank Builds (Ford Funded)

Burst Builds & Bank Builds To Be Managed by Supplier in Far Term

* Supplier caused delays to be funded by supplier.
Powertrain – Production Trial Run (PTRs)
LQOS 826

Intend of Powertrain Plant PTRs Is To Stress-Test The System – Multiple Runs.

Planned As Part of Initial Program Cost Studies At uPA.
OEM Practices on Burst Builds
Ford GM VW Chrysler Toyota
Terminology Nil Practice Run@Rates or Nil Supplier Readiness Internal Low volume
“Burst Builds” Evaluation (SRE) Run Production Trials (LVPT)

Reference Phased PPAP 3.0 GP-9 Supplier Guide for AQP/PSO 7.5 Manual SQAM Version 2016-
Product Dev (ver 4 / PSQPSO200. SPTT – Version 2018

Expectation Supplier meet phase-0 Practice Run at Rates Supplier SOP with TEA + SRE consist of at least Practice In-house LVPT
CT within expected range should be done prior to Grade-1 parts. one trial run to evaluate runs
of planned CT of equip. the actual Run at Rate readiness for PSO

Timing Ph-0 based on long lead Prior to Build @ Rate Available 4.5 months Prior to PSO (Process Prior to LVPT trial
to attain Ph-1. prior to SOP Sign Off visit)

Description • Ford Phased PPAP • Practice build follow • Hard tool for VFF, 9 • Supplier document • Supplier 1A/ Goushi
requirements start with final production months prior SOP. SRE output and requirements check
Phase-0 run (300 intended conditions. • C-sample to supplier ensures CT & FTC prior to LVPT.
parts). • Follow run@rate data SOP (3.5 months) and (90% min). • Tier II HVPT
• No definition on any collection and report VW SOP (8 months) • Based on pre-PSO confirmation 2 weeks
requirement of burst out during official for industrialization, reviews, Chrysler will prior.
builds, prior or after run@rate verification ramp-up. plan for PSO audit for • Trial run duration min
Phase-0. by GM. • QA monitors series Production 1 hr to 2 hr production
production 4 months Demonstration Run depends on
before SOP, with 2- (PDR), which will be commodity.
Day Production one 300 parts or 2 hours
month before SOP run.

Other OEMs Require Practice Runs Before

Phase 0 – Equivalent Event
Wrap-Up – Burst Builds

• Burst Builds help to improve a supplier‘s industrialization & ramp-up

• Ford Powertrain Plants, plus other OEMs already use burst build
• Burst Builds are valuable for any launching NTEI. However, in the Near
• Current APQP/PPAP and Commercial Agreement processes don’t
include the cost and resources required.
• So, Prioritization of the most critical suppliers is usually required
based on risk factors in order to focus on appropriate funding.
• For the Near and Far, Funding will be part of program funding and then in
the Supplier RfQ Process (Supplier Risk Assessment).

Safe Launch Recommendations - Body Exterior
Suggested Launch Ramp-up Enablers
Burst runs Early Build / Stock-Pile
Commodit (number of runs & quantity) (Quantity of parts & program APW)
Sl Part / Component Timing: Rationale
y Code
Typically betw een the phase prior to <TT> or Phase-0 Timing:
until <MP1> or Phase-3, ideally prior to each build Typically betw een MP1 to MP2
phases TT, PP & MP1.

1/ OEE challenges on moulding /metallizing /assy to accommodate multiple

2 to 3 stages of burst runs (100 parts/run) @
Lamps- Head 3 to 6 days of MPW stocks of Final Assembly at latest 2/ Operator efficiency challenges
1 L156 assembly, Metallization & Moulding processes
lamps/ Tail lamps MPW mix to be maintained 3/ Modifications due to car fitment issues/ TCB evaluations
including of all variants. 4/ To address Launch quality issues on fit/function/aesthetics w ithout affecting
FORD assembly production
5/Sub- supplier OEE readiness
1/ Burst runs- Quality prove-out for painted components to meet the
DFT,Appearance & dimensional consistency.
Painting: 5 stage of burst run covering all process
combinations w ith Min 5 runs using all fixtures ( All 2/ Staggered Burst Runs are to be performed to address the manual processes
colors) 3to 6 days of MPW stocks for painted fascia & all like Grille assembly. JPH Consistency & ramp-up to meet ILVS requirements,
child parts.
2 Front Fascia N021 FCPA Score , Operator Skill improvement, Bottle neck station,quality
expectations (craftsmanship) & to focus and monitor the effectiveness of
4 hrs of FORD Max JPH - FG stock to be maintained. Assembly process
Assembly: 2-3 burst runs (50 parts/ run) to be done in
online conveyor at assembly process.
3/ Stock pile of FASCIA & child parts are required to ensure smooth ramp-up at
JIT plant.
1/ Burst runs- Quality prove-out for painted components to meet the
DFT,Appearance & dimensional consistency.
Painting: 5 stage of burst run covering all process
combinations w ith Min 5 runs using all fixtures(All 2/ Staggered Burst Runs are to be performed to address the complex processes
colors) 3to 6 days of MPW stocks for painted fascia & all like ultra sonic w elding of appliques in rear Fascia. Also, JPH Consistency &
child parts.
3 Rear Fascia B650 ramp-up to meet ILVS requirements, FCPA Score , Operator Skill improvement,
Bottle neck station,quality expectations (craftsmanship) are other focus
4 hrs of FORD Max JPH - FG stock to be maintained. elements.
Assembly: 2-3 burst runs (50 parts/ run) to be done in
online conveyor at assembly process.
3/ Stock pile of FASCIA & child parts are required to ensure smooth ramp-up at
JIT plant.
1/ Burst runs are required to identify OEE challenges.
2 stages of burst runs (100 part/ run) - HLSA 3 to 6 days of MPW stocks to be maintained for 2/ Stock pile is required to support ECN during launch phase that requries a
4 Hot Stamping S580 (Assembly) Assembly tooling modification.
SECRET 2 ~ 3 burst runs (100 ~200 parts)for Stamping panels 7 to 10 days MPW stocks for Stamping panels 3/ Stock pile of child parts are required for supporting FG production ram1p8-up &
providing time for qulaity loops in child part dies.
Safe Launch Recommendations - Body Interiors
Suggested Launch Ramp-up Enablers
Burst runs Early Build / Stock-Pile
Part / Commodit (number of runs & quantity) (Quantity of parts & program APW)
Sl Component y Code Rationale
Timing: Typically betw een Prior to <TT> or Phase-0 until
<MP1> or Phase-3, ideally prior to each build phases TT, PP Timing: Typically betw een MP1 to MP2
& MP!.
1/Burst runs/ Stock pile - To support the complex process /
a) 3 stages of burst runs (50 to 60 nos/run or 2 ~ 3 hrs variants- Ultrasonic w elding/ Inmould Graining
production w hichever is higher) - Inclusive of all colours, lamination(IMGL) & prove -out.
3 to 6 days of MPW stock to be maintained (IP assy + WIP +
Variants (Inlcude Day/Night shifts), alternatively develop a 2/ Most of the Ips are ILVS supplies- Hence to improve the
child parts)
glidepath to demonstrate contracted JPH is fully achieved by OEE & to support FORD requirmeent, w e need multiple burst
MP1 1 day stock - FG (sequencing)
P200/P21 runs.
1 IP/Micropit Import component (30 days)
0 3/ Quality loops involved in AAR approvals- Requires multiple
Note: Colour Prove-Out is excluded from the Burst Run Sub Supplier part 5 days (3 days @ supplier, 2 days @ Tier1) runs.
- Plan to cover variants, colour inline w ith agreed mix-ratio for
Planning 4/ Stock pile required to ensure the Sub-tiers supplies are
ramp up
5/ To establish saleability criteria from appearance and FTN
perspective by PP exit
1/Staggered Burst Runs are to be performed to address the
manual processes like stitching & trim assembly ,
4 Stages of Burst runs (Trims) quantity & build plan to be cushion/backrest hardness issues. JPH Consistency, FCPA
Seat structures - 10 days stock.
aligned w ith Seat JIT Burst run planning and feedback loop Score , Operator Skill improvement, Bottle neck station,quality
Trims - 3 days stock
agreed to revise the subsequent burst run based on Seat JIT expectations (craftsmanship, S&R requirements)identifications
Seats / Foam - 1 w eek stock
feedback (Covering Fabric, Leather, VInyl & additional are key factors to focus and to monitor the effectiveness of
2 Seat S250 Bailment Parts - 3 days (Local), 30 days (Import)
variants) Assembly process.
Structure Seat JIT - 1 shift stockpile ( 4 hrs @ JIT & 4 hour @ plant)
2/Stock pile required to ensure the multiple child part supply
Other components (Incl DT-2): 3 days of MPW (depend on
2~3 stages of Burst runs (2 ~4 hrs/ run or 100 ~ 150 nos/run chain complexities, variant complexities & the initial OEE
supply chain lead time & location)
covering variants & shifts - Seat @ JIT) losses .
3/ To establish saleability criteria from appearance and FTN
perspective by PP exit .

1/Burst runs are required to stabilise the complex process

a) 3 stages of burst runs (50 to 60 nos/run or 2 ~ 3 hrs 3 to 6 days of MPW stock to be maintained (IP assy + WIP +
involving quality loops like the heat staking process,w elding
production w hichever is higher) - Inclusive of all colours, child parts)
etc. to ensure a smooth ramp-up during Vehicle Launch.
Variants (Inlcude Day/Night shifts), alternatively develop a 1 day stock - FG (sequencing)
3 Door Trims T660 2/To support achieving targeted OEE w ith various Part
glidepath to demonstrate contracted JPH is fully achieved by Import component (30 days)
MP1 Sub Supplier Trading part 5 days (3 days @ supplier, 2 days
3/ To establish saleability criteria from appearance and FTN
@ Tier1)
perspective by PP exit .
Note: Colour Prove-Out is excluded from the Burst Run - Plan to cover variants, colour inline w ith agreed mix-ratio for
SE RET Planning ramp up 19
Safe Launch Recommendations - Chassis
Suggested Launch Ramp-up Enablers

Burst runs Early Build / Stock-Pile

(number of runs & quantity) (Quantity of parts & program APW)
SL Part / Component Commodity Code Rationale
Typically betw een the phase prior to <TT> or Phase-0 Timing:
until <MP1> or Phase-3, ideally prior to each build Typically betw een MP1 to MP2
phases TT, PP & MP1.

-To optimize w elding process w ith iterations to meet the

GD&T tolerance limits (to fix w eld distortions by w eld jig /
clamping adjustments as w ell as stamping feedback loop).
-To ensure w eld cut & etch requirements are met by
Assembly: 3 to 4 runs w itth 50 parts each. Production volume equivalent of 3 to 6
1 Frames / Sub-frames F5KN / F520 process optimization.
ED Coating: 1 to 2 runs w ith 30 parts each. days of MPW.
-To minimize w eld rew ork and improve on FTT by w eld
-To optimize on ED coating process jig on paint coverage.
-To meet OEE target losses during ramp-up phase.

Assembly: 2 to 3 assembly build runs w ith 50 parts -Manual assembly process OEE improvement to meet
each. efficiency (OEE).
Production volume equivalent of 3 to 6
2 Steering Systems S665 / S661 Where ever possible have disassembly and rebuild. -Identify and improve on FTT losses, especially on EoL
days of MPW.
Machining & Heat treatment: 2 to 3 runs w ith 50 parts functional testing..
each. -Machining & Heat treat process OEE losses optimization.

Safe Launch Recommendations - Powertrain
Suggested Launch Ramp-up Enablers

Burst runs Early Build / Stock-Pile

Commodity (number of runs & quantity) (Quantity of parts & program APW)
Sl Part / Component Code Rationale
Typically between the phase prior to <TT> or Phase- Timing:
0 until <MP1> or Phase-3, ideally prior to each build Typically between MP1 to MP2
phases TT, PP & MP1.

After conclusion of metal virtual simulations for - Burst runs required to support the complex
process optimization: process / variants and fine tuning in die casting
1 Cylinder Blocks C365 - 6 to10 Burst runs (100 parts / run). Out of 100 parts - 5 days of MPW stock to be maintainedin tooling.
10 must be machined according to final design when additional to entire process flow filled - OEE challenge in the entire process flow
part is supplied rough or pre cubed. - Follow NMLCC guidelines.

After conclusion of metal virtual simulations for

-Burst runs required to support the complex
process optimization:
process / variants and fine tuning in die casting
2 Cylinder Heads C365 - 6 to10 Burst runs (100 parts / run). Out of 100 parts - 5 days of MPW stock to be maintainedin
10 must be machined according to final design when additional to entire process flow filled
part is supplied rough or pre cubed. -OEE challenge in the entire process flow

- To meet OEE target losses during ramp-up

- 3 to 6 days of MPW stocks tobe - Optimize Gear & pinion lapping processto
3 Axles A421 - 2 to 3 Burst runs (50 to 60 parts / run)
maintained calibrate for NVH acceptance.

Safe Launch Recommendations - Electrical

Suggested Launch Ramp-up Enablers

Burst runs Early Build / Stock-Pile

Sl Part / Component Commodity Code (number of runs & quantity) (Quantity of parts & program APW) Rationale

Typically between the phase prior to <TT> or Phase-0 Timing:
until <MP1> or Phase-3, ideally prior to each build Typically between MP1 to MP2
phases TT, PP & MP1.

- Manual intense operation on

Wiring – Engine 2-3 shifts + with quality data + must meet the the ramp 5 day in warehouse stock per CMMS data
1 W651 assembly layout and EoL
Compartment up amounts seen in the future orders not APW!
connections require learning,
improve dexterity to achieve
required OEE prior to launch ramp-

- Track process wise cycle time in

various learning builds and take
2-3 shifts + with quality data + must meet the the ramp 5 day in warehouse stock per CMMS data appropriate corrective actions
2 Wiring – Main / Body W651 including line-balancing, until target
up amounts seen in the future orders not APW!
cycle times are achieved.

- Part number and multi-circuit

complexity, especially in lines with
multi-board changeovers


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