How To Speak Effectively S1

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Get comfortable Think positive

It is key to be Qualify yourself. Approve
comfortable in your own your message and
shoes. empower yourself.

Learn Enjoy
Use mistakes to your Your heart has to be in
advantage. the right place.

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Session 1 05 May 2022
GMT+2 (Zim/SA) 1900 to 2000
BST (UK) 1800 to 1900

1 The Power of the Introduction

2 Reading the Room

3 Shielding

4 The Script
The Power of the Introduction

5 minutes face to face 6 seconds online

• Because of decreasing attention spans, the first interaction

with your audience is very important.
• This could be the HR manager meeting you in the corridor,
you standing up in a meeting to speak, arriving at the pulpit
or podium or just contributing your idea amongst peers.
• The way you start will have a strong bearing on how
attentive your audience is.
• So how should I start?
The Power of the Introduction

• Many a time, people focus on the POINT. This could be your

topic of discussion, your preaching point, your idea, your
• However, your PRESENCE is more important than your
POINT at first interaction. You therefore have to introduce
your PRESENCE, before you deliver your POINT.
• Your PRESENCE then grabs attention and allows your POINT
to be received.
The Power of the Introduction

The Psychology
Self approval is the key to a powerful start. Its not in what you say, it’s in what
you communicate. This is the point where the receiver/audience ‘judges’ you
without even knowing it.

The Nod
Introduce yourself with both your words and your body.
Hi, My name is Gary, with a nod.
This sends a sub conscious message of approval and builds a firm foundation.


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Reading the Room
What do you see on the screen?
Reading the Room
• Your ability to analyse, is as important as your ability to speak.
• Face- Eager/skeptic
• Time Long/Short,
• Background Ethnicity/Profession/Like and Dislikes, body language
• Influencers- The who’s who.
• Ranks
• Culture
• You see all this through facial expressions, dressing, prior
knowledge backed with present reality, sitting arrangement etc.
• Practise this in live situations, work, movie (movies are
scripted but can provide good training ground).
This is one of the most important
tools you need on this journey. You
need to protect yourself.

Especially after reading the room.

What is a shield?

A shield is defensive armour held in battle for protection.

It is very important to protect yourself.

• It is important to understand the healthy balance

between reading the room and shielding.
• When reading the room, the goal is to customise your
message to maximise its effectiveness.
• Shielding on the other hand, is protecting your mind from
• Many people lose confidence when they start to think
1. The people I am talking to have many qualifications;
2. Speak English better than me.
3. Have a ‘better’ background than me.
4. Have so much knowledge on the topic I am
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So how do I shield

• The key is to relate with your audience, not to be like

your audience.
• Constantly speak to yourself to get comfortable with
your originality and voice. This can include speed
determination. (see next page)
• This is how you protect yourself.
Factors to consider
• Speed determination
a. I just want to thank you – fast
b. I just want to thank you - slow
• Voice Projection
a. Breath well (to calm down), sit/stand well. Know your
voice levels through practice.

There we go, now say something!

The Script
To be dealt with in greater detail in future classes

• One of the greatest pitfalls in speaking is

sticking to a planned script when everything
has changed.
• Always practice and plan but don’t follow a
• You write the script as you speak.

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