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FWSG(A) SWIFT Wireless Gateway

The SWIFT® (Smart Wireless Integrated Fire Technology) Wireless

System can be applied in many situations that are problematic for
traditional wired devices. In cases where areas of a building are diffi-
cult or impossible to wire, visually sensitive, or have restricted
access, SWIFT wireless sensors provide an efficient, reliable solu-
SWIFT wireless devices communicate via a proprietary wireless
mesh protocol to communicate with NOTIFER® fire alarm systems
by means of a SWIFT wireless gateway. The SWIFT gateway con-
nects to the SLC loop of an N16, NFS2-3030, NFS2-640, NFS-
320(C), (running version 24 firmware or higher) and the NFW-100X,
or NFW-50X panel using FlashScan® protocol. (Canadian applica-
tions require FWSGA with NFS2-3030, NFS2-640 or NFS320C.)
New type IDs for wireless devices are supported that allow the FACP
to display all events such as alarms and trouble indications, as well
as unique trouble conditions required for wireless devices. This
capability eliminates the need for a supplementary annunciator for
wireless event messages.
Wireless devices in a SWIFT network develop “parent-child” com- monitor module is recommended for this function, as modules
munication links with other devices in the mesh, so that a message are not subject to spacing requirements.
originating from a remote device “hops” to the closest parent device, • Each SWIFT gateway system support up to 50 devices: 1 wire-
and then to successive parent devices until the message reaches less gateway and up to 49 SWIFT devices.
gateway. Alternate paths are also identified and supervised by the
SWIFT protocol providing approved Class A wireless communica- • Multiple SWIFT wireless mesh networks can be installed on the
tion. If a device does not have an established communication path same fire alarm control panel, or on multiple panels in the same
with adequate signal strength, an additional device such as a wire- area.
less module may be installed in between so that it will act as a • Up to 4 wireless networks can be installed with overlapping radio
repeater. network coverage.
A SWIFT gateway system supports up to 50 devices: 1 SWIFT gate- • Site Survey feature allows for an evaluation of a site before the
way and up to 49 wireless detectors, modules, pull stations, and A/V installation, including a series of point-to-point communication
bases. The maximum number of gateways on a system is limited by tests and a background scan for radio interference.
the number of available SLC addresses on the FACP, or a maximum • SWIFT wireless devices use a standard “code wheel” mechanism
of 4 gateways within common wireless range. for setting the SLC address.
The SWIFT system has been designed so that it can be installed • SWIFT wireless devices use (4) CR-123A lithium batteries
using only typical hand tools and magnets. However, the SWIFT (Panasonic CR123A or Duracell DL123A) which are UL listed for
Tools PC utility provides many benefits that can enhance the pro- a battery life of 2 years.
cess of performing a site evaluation (Site Survey), installing a sys-
tem (Mesh Configuration), or extracting detailed information from the Compatible Control Panels
system (Diagnostics). The utility runs on a Windows® laptop, and NOTE: Refer to panel documentation for UL/ULC compatibility.
uses a USB radio antenna (W-USB) inserted into a USB slot to com- • N16 INSPIRE™ Series (UL applications)
municate with wireless devices within range of the PC. Once devices
have formed a mesh, SWIFT Tools can provide current information • NFS2-3030
on all devices in the mesh as long as the PC is within range of the • NFS2-640
SWIFT Gateway. • NFS-320/C
The result is a fire system that combines both wired and wireless • NFS-320SYS/C
detection and presents all event information at the panel and/or net- • NFW-100X (UL applications)
work displays, when used.
• NFW-50X (UL applications)
• SWIFT wireless mesh protocol specifically for fire and life safety
SWIFT Tools is a Windows PC-based utility that is used for site eval-
uation, system configuration, and diagnostics. The SWIFT Tools pro-
– Operates in 902-928 MHz frequency. gram is used with the W-USB adapter to communicate with wireless
– Patented cascading-wave mesh operation provides a verifica- devices that are not joined in a network, or with one or more wireless
tion of redundant communication paths that has been approved gateways and all devices that have formed a network with each
for Class A. gateway. A graphic representation of the wireless network provides
– In the event that a communication path is interrupted at any important system data in an effective format, including communica-
point by a change in the radio environment, the SWIFT mesh tion links, signal strength, battery voltage, and more.
system will use the redundant or backup communication path. Tool-less operation is supported, allowing you to perform site evalu-
– In the event that any links cannot be established with sufficient ation and system configuration and installation can be accomplished
signal strength, any SWIFT device can be added to act as a without using SWIFT Tools when necessary. Multi-colored LEDs on
repeater, eliminating the need for wired repeaters. A wireless

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SWIFT devices provide feedback for interactions. At any point, only a non-compact ceiling-mount System Sensor® L-series notifica-
one instance of SWIFT Tools can run on a laptop or PC. tion device (ordered separately).
SWIFT Tools has the following utilities: • WAV-RL, WAV-WL: SWIFT Wireless Addressable A/V bases,
wall use. Requires (8) CR-123A batteries (included). Requires a
• Site Survey non-compact wall-mount System Sensor® L-series notification
• Create Mesh Network device (ordered separately).
• Diagnostics • W-SYNC: Wireless sync module. Requires (4) CR-123A batteries
SWIFT Tools works in a wireless environment with the FWSG and (included).
devices within a range of approximately 20 feet. SWIFT Tools is • SMB500-WH: Optional surface-mount backbox.
designed for systems running Microsoft® Windows®. • B210W: Detector base used for wireless detectors. Includes a
MINIMUM SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS built-in magnet so that wireless devices can establish installed
and tampered states.
Operating System: Windows 7 and Windows 8 (32 bit and 64 bit).
• SWIFT Tools: Programming and diagnostic utility. Free download
Hard Drive: 20 GB hard drive space with minimum 1GB free space from www.notifier.com. For installation on a (typically laptop) PC
on hard disk. running an approved version of Windows (See Minimum System
RAM: Minimum 512MB RAM. Requirements for SWIFT Tools). Requires the W-USB radio/
antenna dongle for communication with SWIFT Wireless devices.
Processor speed: 1GHz minimum (2.4 GHz recommended) Pro-
cessor, 512K Cache. NOTE: SWIFT Tools is intended for use with NOTIFIER branded
products and can also be used with Fire•Lite® branded wireless prod-
ucts. It will not work with other brands.
Components and Ordering Information
NOTE: Order “A” models for ULC applications. • W-USB: Wireless USB radio/antenna dongle that plugs into the
USB port of a PC running SWIFT Tools. The W-USB provides a
• FWSG: FlashScan Wireless SWIFT Gateway - 1 SWIFT Gateway communication link with SWIFT Wireless devices that are within
is required for each wireless mesh, and supports up to 49 SWIFT approximately 20 feet and have not formed a mesh. Alternately,
detectors or modules. Connects to the SLC loop of a compatible when the devices have formed a mesh, bringing the PC/W-USB
panel using FlashScan protocol. Power may be supplied by the within range (20 ft.) of the gateway for that mesh will allow SWIFT
SLC circuit or via an optional 24VDC input. Tools to acquire information on all devices in that mesh, including
NOTE: Use of the 24VDC input may be more convenient for service point-to-point signal strength for all links.
as it allows for powering down a gateway without shutting down an
• W-BATCART: Wireless battery cartridge, 10-pack. For use with
SLC loop.
wireless pullstations and A/V bases.
• FWD-200P: FlashScan intelligent, wireless photo detector.
Requires one B210W base for installation. Requires (4) CR-123A
batteries (included). UL applications.
• FWD-200ACCLIMATE: FlashScan intelligent wireless
Acclimate® heat and photo detector using combined heat and
smoke sensor information and the ability to automatically adjust
sensitivity based on ambient changes in the environment.
Requires one B210W base for installation. Requires (4) CR-123A
batteries (included). UL applications
• FWH-200ROR135(A): FlashScan intelligent wireless rate of rise
(135°) heat detector. Requires one B210W base for installation.
Requires (4) CR-123A batteries (included). Order FWH-
200ROR135A for ULC applications.
• FWH-200FIX135(A): FlashScan intelligent wireless fixed-tem-
perature (135°) heat detector. Requires one B210W base for
installation. Requires (4) CR-123A batteries (included). Order
FWH-200FIX135A for ULC applications.
• FW-MM(A): FlashScan wireless monitor module. Used to monitor
devices with mechanical contact actuation. Includes a special
cover with a built-in tamper magnet. Recommended for installa-
tion in a SMB500-WH box (ordered separately) rather than a
metal backbox for best performance. Ships with 4 Panasonic®
CR123A or 4 Duracell® DL123A batteries. (See data sheet for
more information). Order FW-MMA for ULC applications.
• FW-RM(A): Wireless relay module for use with the FWSG(A)
wireless gateway. Includes a special cover with a built-in tamper
magnet. Recommended for installation in an SMB500-WH box
(ordered separately) rather than a metal backbox for best perfor-
mance. Ships with 4 Panasonic CR123A or 4 Duracell DL123A
batteries. Order FW-RMA for ULC applications.
• NBG-12WL(A): Wireless addressable pull station. Requires (4)
CR-123A batteries (included). Order NBG-12WLA for ULC appli-
• NBG-12WLSP: Wireless addressable pull station. Spanish text.
Requires (4) CR-123A batteries (included).
• WAV-CRL, WAV-CWL: SWIFT Wireless Addressable A/V bases,
ceiling use. Requires (8) CR-123A batteries (included). Requires

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Physical Specifications
Height: 1.875” (4.5 cm)
Diameter: 7.875” (20 cm)

Operating Specifications
Operating Temperature Range: 32°F to 120°F (0°C to 49°C)
Operating Humidity Range: 10% to 93% non-condensing

Electrical Specifications
External Supply Electrical Ratings: 18V - 30VDC
SLC Electrical Ratings: 15V - 30VDC
Maximum ambient noise level: -85 dBM
Minimum signal strength level for trouble report: -55 dBM
Maximum RF power output: +17 dbM
Radio Frequency: 902-928 Hhz (lower ISM band)
– Maximum current (when powered by 24VDC): 40 mA
– Maximum current (when powered by SLC): 24 mA

Agency Listings and Approvals

The file number(s) below reference the specific listings for the
FWSG(A). In some cases, certain modules or applications may not
be listed by certain approval agencies, or listing may be in process.
Consult the factory for latest listing status.
• UL Listed: S635
• ULC Listed: S635
• CSFM: 7300-0028:0272
• NYC Fire Dept: COA #6180
• FM Approved
• IC ID: 12252A-WFSGW
Each device complies with part 15 of the FCC rules meaning opera-
tion is subject to the following two conditions: 1) The device may not
cause harmful interference and 2) The device must accept any inter-
ference received including interference that may cause undesired

Standards and Codes

The SWIFT Wireless System complies with the following standards
and with NFPA 72 Fire Alarm system requirements.
• UL 864
• UL 268
• ULC S524 (when used with Canadian models)

This document is not intended to be used for installation purposes.

We try to keep our product information up-to-date and accurate.
We cannot cover all specific applications or anticipate all requirements.
All specifications are subject to change without notice.
Acclimate® Plus, Fire•Lite®, FlashScan®, NOTIFIER®, ONYX®, System
Sensor®, and SWIFT® are registered trademarks of Honeywell International
NOTIFIER Inc. Microsoft® and Windows® are registered trademarks of Microsoft Cor-
12 Clintonville Road poration. Duracell® is a registered trademark of Duracell U.S. Operations
Inc. Panasonic® is a registered trademark of Panasonic Corporation.
Northford, CT 06472
©2021 by Honeywell International Inc. All rights reserved. Unauthorized
use of this document is strictly prohibited.
www.notifier.com Country of Origin: Mexico

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