Theories of Poverty
Theories of Poverty
Theories of Poverty
ISSN No:-2456-2165
Theories of Poverty
Edwin Sakah Nsah
Abstract:- A lot of poverty writers explained that the theoretic and experimental study on the causes of
conceptualization and dimension of poverty influence the insufficiency and also how deficiency can be controlled. The
ground rules of poverty policies and programs. This causes of deficiency or insufficiency are many but they are
piece analyses the academic and empirical study on the going to be grouped under three main concepts in this
causes of poverty and also how poverty can be article: (individual influence, cultural influence and
controlled. The causes of poverty are many but these structural influence). Sustainable Livelihood Approach
causes have been grouped under three main headings; (SLA) is used in the study to provide an understanding of
individual influence, cultural influence and structural best practices in addressing poverty. The source of
influence. Constructing a good knowledge on any of information for this study is secondary data. Facts derived
these opposing concepts shape the way in which poverty from unpublished or published works of others have been
can be handled. Sustainable livelihood approach has acknowledged in the text and a list of references are
been used in this article to share the concern that the provided.
economic well-being of the poorest of the poor ought to
be understood from their perspective. The approach II. UNDERSTANDING POVERTY
encourages a bottom-top methodology as it stresses that
the poor should be at the core when developing any Poverty is the ancient and the strongest ailment that
poverty reduction strategies for them. The source of data brings an overwhelming disease in the world. Poverty
for this study is literature review (published books and affects development and political stability, disrupts nations,
regions and individuals and remains a noticeable problem in
other journal articles).
the whole world [2] It has many structures, and varies from
The paper may add more understanding into the region to region [3].
ways in which poverty can be studied or handled. The
paper strongly proposes that if poverty is caused by In the early days, Gross National Product (GNP) was
used to measure poverty. With this approach, poverty was
individual influence, the best way to deal with poverty
should be to boost the emotional state of the poor measured based on the amount of income necessary to keep
through “self-help” strategies. This can be done by an individual alive [4]. According to this approach, the
eliminating other forms of help given to the poverty dimension was based on the income level required
underprivileged in the form of family allowance. Family to purchase the essential volume of lowest nutritional intake
allowance encourages laziness. If poverty is caused by for sustaining life and calorie counts. Meaning poverty was
cultural influence, cultures should be replaced by a the absence of appropriate wages or revenues in form of
means that inspires creative work, assets, and collective cash to buy or obtain the most elementary requirements such
responsibility. Lastly, if deficiency is caused by as food, shelter and clothing. According to the World Bank
structural influence, there should be improvement in the (2015) poverty line is 1.9 dollars per day. This means that if
schooling system. Government should create more jobs, one is living on less than 1.9 dollars per day, one is
underprivileged and will fall under the category of absolute
and support the growth of micro, small, and medium
businesses. This will bridge the inequality gap especially poverty [5]. Absolute poverty can be defined as a state where
when a Sustainable livelihood approach is applied. a household lacks an income or financial means to get the
basic goods and services necessary to live. E.G food, shelter,
I. INTRODUCTION drinking water education etc. The above views do not
consider the differences in regions, class and beliefs in
Some poverty writers explained that the societies in which households live [6]. For example, an
conceptualization and measurement of poverty influence the individual can have an income which can buy elementary
basic poverty strategies [1]. Sameti, Esfahani, & Haghighi, needs, but that individual can still possibly be
(2012) categorised the causes of poverty into three classes, underprivileged in comparison to one’s region. This type of
individual, neighbourhood, and structural causes. Bradshaw poverty is known as relative poverty [7]
(2006) on the other hand agreed with these authors that
poverty can be assembled under three groups as mentioned According to Nsah (2013:10) relative Poverty can be
by above authors but he also added other two causes of described as the standard of living compared to economic
poverty, geographical disparities and cyclical standards of living within the same surroundings. With
interdependencies as the causes of poverty. Davis & relative poverty, households are seen as underprivileged if
Sanchez-Martinez (2015) argues that poverty can be they live below normal standards of living in a community
categorized under Classical, Neoclassical, Keynesian and . This means that a family or a person can have some
Marxist causes. Literature review suggests that much money but they will be considered poor because the income
research has been done on the theories of poverty but there is still not enough to afford anything above the basics. In
are no studies to assess theories of poverty and Sustainable other words, ‘’relative poverty’’ is the powerlessness to
Livelihood Approach. Against an examination of the acquire what a person needs for a decent life [9]
theories of poverty, this article critically reviewed the
Roodt, 2001
The above conceptual framework emphasizes a people sanctuaries and examines the relationship amongst the
centred approach. The framework helps in understanding actors, organizations and processes in the wider world. The
how underprivileged can pull on capabilities and framework is built around five important groups of means of
possessions to improve living plans made up of a series of support system, namely, livelihood strategies, livelihood
undertakings. The framework outlines diverse forms of assets, vulnerability context, transforming and processes
possessions and privileges which the underprivileged have structure, and livelihood outcome.
control over. The framework studies the diverse features in
small and broader settings that affect individual living