Spelling Bee Word List 2023

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1 harbor A place on the coast where vessels may find shelter. The town has a small natural harbor.
2 hockey A fast contact sport played on an ice rink. She plays hockey in the winter.
3 pepper Hot-tasting powder prepared from dried and ground peppercorns. He puts some pepper on his steak.
4 trendy Something fashionable. Are you a trendy or status seeking person?
5 caring Loving. It may contain information about caring for your pet.
6 exotic Mysteriously different. Go beyond exotic tropical flowers and fruits.
7 wealth An abundance of valuable possessions or money. He used his wealth to bribe officials.
8 assing Allocate. His leader assigned him this mission.
9 assess Evaluate or estimate the nature, ability, or quality of. I am here simply to assess what is in your brain.
10 gadget An ingenious article. A simple gadget can make our lives more efficient!
11 parade A large public procession. The parade stars at 7:00, I can´t wait to see it.
12 amazed To surprise, sudden wonder. I was amazed by the luxury of the party.
13 groove A long, narrow cut or depression. A groove was run along the line intended.
14 needle A very fine slender piece of metal used in sewing. I must take my shots, but I’m scared of needles!
15 belief A state or habit of mind in which trust or confidence is placed in some I bought the table in the belief that it was an antique.
person or thing.
16 differ To change from time to time or from one instance to another. To be of They differ on religious matters.
unlike or opposite opinión.
17 galore In great amounts or numbers. There was food galore at our Thanksgiving meal.
18 former The first of two people, things, or groups previously mentioned. The luxury apartments are in a former Factory.
Of or in a earlier time; before the present time or in the past.
19 lonely Sad because one has no friends or company. She gets lonely now that all the kids have left home.
20 amazed Greatly surprised; astonished. I was absolutely amazed when I heard he'd
been promoted.
21 afraid Feeling fear or anxiety; frightened I am afraid about wild animals.
22 strike A sudden attack, typically a military one. The threat of nuclear strikes the whole nation.
23 author A writer of a book, article, or document. He is the author of several books on the subject.
24 artist A person who creates paintings or drawings as a profession. My dad is an awesome artist and he has created
many paintings.
25 biology The study of living organisms Biology is sometimes quite hard to understand.
26 balloon Abrightly colored rubber sac that is inflated with air. He puffed up the balloon.
27 cartoon A motion picture using animation techniques. Children usually like to see cartoons.
28 chemist An expert in chemistry. A chemist can separate a medicine into its components.
29 diploma A certificate awarded by an educational establishment. She worked hard to earn her music diploma.
30 outdoor Existing, happening, or done outside. He is an outdoor college student.
31 project An individual or collaborative enterprise that is carefully planned. The research project was only a partial success.
32 scooter A light two-wheeled open motor vehicle. Riding a motorcycle is safer than riding a scooter.
33 shampoo A liquid preparation containing soap for the hair. This shampoo helps to get rid of scurf.
34 stadium A sports arena with tiers of seats for spectators. The stadium resounded with cheers.
35 science Study of the structure and behavior of the physical and natural world Science is organized knowledge.
through observation.
36 student Person who is studying at a school or college. Student numbers are expanding rapidly.
37 leopard Large strong feline with black spots. The lion, leopard, and jackal were not eaten.
38 species A group of similar organisms. More than 2,000 species of insects have been
39 unusual Uncommon, rare. It was unusual having nothimg to do.
40 achieve Successfully bring about or reach by effort, skill, or courage. He achieved his ambition to become a journalist
41 reflect Throw back without absorbing it. We want to reflect the diversity of the country.
42 through Moving in one side and out of the other side. She walked through the doorway into the living room.
43 fulfill To bring to realization. She left her career to fulfill her dream.
44 embrace To take in arms. People embrace you; they support all your ideas.
45 firefly Nocturnal beetle with an organ that produces light. I would like to hold a firefly in my hand.
46 awkward Causing or feeling embarrassment or inconvenience. You just put me in an awkward position.
47 enzymes Any of numerous complex proteins that are produced by living cells In typical muscle tissue, this enzyme takes up small
and catalyze specific bichemical reactions at body temperaturas. carbon molecules to make sugar.
48 disease A condition of the living animal or plant body or of one of its parts He suffers from a rare genetic disease.
that impairs normal functioning and is typically manifested by
distinguishing signs and symptoms.
49 typical Implies showing all important traits of a type. A typical small town.
50 whistle A shrill clear sound produced by forcing breath out or air. The policeman blew his whistle.
51 blessed Made holy; consecrated. She found the routine of a regular job a blessed relief.
52 anxious Experiencing worry, unease, or nervousness, typically about I saw my sister's anxious face at the window.
an imminent event or something with an uncertain outcome.
53 honored Regarded with great respect An honored guest was invited to the gala.
54 crushed Feeling overwhelmingly disappointed or embarrassed. I was crushed to forget my parto f the presentation.
55 release Allow or enable to escape from confinement; set free. I was releasing all the prisoners from jail the day before
56 exclaim To cry out suddenly or vehemently, as from surprise or emotion. The children exclaimed with excitement when they
knew they were going to have a vacation time.
57 husband A married man considered in relation to his spouse. She and her husband are both retired after working
many years.
58 sculptor A a person who creates sculptures out of material such as wood, clay, The sculptor supervised the placement of his newest
metal, or Stone. sculpture in the garden.
59 partner Either of a pair of people engaged together in the same activity Arrange the children in pairs so that each person has a
60 exercise Activity requiring physical effort to improve health. He should do more exercise to get fit.
61 internet A global computer network. They're offering free internet connection.
62 language The principal method of human communication. She is learning a new language.
63 mushroom Reproductive structure produced by some fungi. I stop to investigate a mushroom.
64 pharmacy Practice of the preparation and dispensing of medicinal drugs. He spent four years studying pharmacy.
65 software The programs and other operating information used by a computer. I'll show you how to load the software.
66 siblings Brothers and sisters. She is yhe youngest of five siblings.
67 diseased Someone sick. Diseased nails are symptoms of other diseases.
68 elevated On high. They are still more elevated than the castle.
69 innocent Not guilty. They hace already killed innocent people.
70 powerful Great prestige or great power. The powerful words made her frown.
71 thinking The process of using one's mind to consider or reason about something. She's thinking of taking a couple of courses.
72 flourish Grow or develop in a healthy or vigorous way. Wild plants flourish on the banks of the lake.
73 thriving Characterized by success or prosperity It is a thriving trading centre and port.
74 brochure A small book containing and information about a product or service. We could advertise them in our brochure.
75 accurate Correct in all details; exact. Accurate information about the illness is
76 murderer A person who commits murder. The murderer will receive the sentence
77 magician A person with magical powers. A magician tried to entertain an audience.
78 resident A person who lives somewhere permanently or on a long-term. It’s nice to be a resident in this neighborhood.
79 heraldry The practice of devising, blazoning, and granting armorial insignia and of The King chose the design from several that were
tracing and recording genealogies. created by the palace´s heraldry experts, the
College of Arms.
80 spotless Free from spots or blemishes: perfectly clean or pure. -A spotless kitchen.
-A spotless reputation.
81 sergeant A military noncomissioned officer which any of the ranks above corporal At the time of the inserruction, Yetman was a
in the army of the marines or above airman first class in the air force. military police sergeant in the New Jersey
National Guard.
82 sherbert A frozen dessert of fruit juice to which milk, egg White, or gelatin is Rainbow sherbert ice crea mis a great finale to a
added before freezing. summer party.
83 thrilled Feeling or showing great excitement and pleasure; very excited. My parents weren’t too thrilled when
they found out
84 cheerful Noticeably happy and optimistic. You're in a cheerful mood this morning.
85 solitary Done or existing alone. In the distance was a solitary woman.
86 unsocial Causing annoyance and disapproval in others; antisocial. The unsocial behavior of young teenagers.
87 stressed Experiencing mental or emotional strain or tension. I feel less stressed since I've
been working just part time.
88 mustache A strip of hair left to grow above the upper lip. I cut my mustache yesterday at the barbershop.
89 charming Very pleasant or attractive. Oh my! This castle is so charming.
90 checkers Derives from the checkerboard which the game is played on. I don't know how to use the checkers of my
91 botanist An expert in or student of the scientific study of plants. A botanist announced he would bred a new and
beautiful variety of flowers.

92 modestly As to avoid impropriety or indecency. Women are expected to dress modestly

93 waterfall A cascade of water falling from a height. The scene of the waterfall is a perfect delight to the eye.
94 expensive Something cost a lot of money. I found Boston is an expensive place to live.
95 dangerous Not safe. It would be dangerous to move now.
96 glamorous Person having beauty or charm. Party makeup should be glamorous, elegant and flawless.
97 beautiful Very attractive or pleasing to look. It’s such a beautiful day.
98 voiceless Mute; speechless. How could he have remained voiceless in the face of her cruelty?
99 rehearsed Practice for later public performance. (Past) We rehearsed the play.
100 regarding With respect to; concerning. Your recent letter regarding the above proposal.
101 forbidden Prohibited. It is forbidden to take pictures here.
102 endearing Inspiring love or affection. I find your laughter endearing.
103 eagerness The state of wanting to do or to have something very The professor´s love for the topic, and her eagerness to share it
much, especially something interesting or enjoyable. with others.
104 razorback A mongrel hog with a thin body and long legs and a ridged Quick, Dad, there´s a big razorback up there.
back; a wild or semi-wild descendant of improved breeds;
found chiefly in th southeastern United States.
105 worthless Not important or not useful: She was criticizede so much by her employers that she began to
feel worthless.
106 spearmint A strong flavouring with a fresh taste, or the plant from Flavours include peppermint, spearmint, bamboo, medical herbs,
which this flavouring comes. apples, pears, peaches, loquats, ginkgo.
107 delighted Feeling or showing great pleasure. We'd be delighted to come to dinner on Friday.
108 emotional Relating to a person's emotions. I felt quite emotional during the wedding ceremony.
109 overjoyed Extremely happy. I'm overjoyed that you're coming to visit me.
110 isolated Having minimal contact or little in common with others. He lived a very isolated existence.
111 concerned Worried, troubled, or anxious. Concerned parents have complained about
the dangerous playground.
112 depressed A state of general unhappiness or despondency. She became deeply depressed when her husband died.
113 secretary A person employed in an office to assist with She was working as a secretary in a big company.
correspondence, make appointments, and administration
114 apartment A set of rooms for living in, specially on one floor of a I’ll give you the keys to my apartment.
115 caribbean Belonging to or relating to Caribbean island and countries, I like Caribbean food
or their people.
116 classroom A room in a school or collage where groups of students There was so much noise in the classroom.
are taught.
117 biohazard Something as a disease or a chemical, that may harm Use a biohazard suit for this area.
people, animals, or the environment.
118 september The ninth month of the year, after August and before My mother’s birthday is in September.
119 checklist A list of things that you need to think about, or that you I have a checklist of things that I need to do today.
need to remember to do.
120 chopstick One of a pair of narrow sticks that are used for East Asian I use chopstick to eat sushi.
121 dizziness A temporary feeling that your sense of balance is not The sight of blood may cause dizziness in some people.
good and that you may fall down.
122 enjoyable Making you feel happy. The kids had an enjoyable time at the movies.
123 exclusive Limited to only one person or group of people. This room is for the exclusive use of guests.
124 flammable Something that is flammable burns easily. This solvent is highly flammable.
125 hatchback A car that has an extra door at the back that can be lifted My car is a hatchback.
up to allow things to be put in.
126 hypnotize To put someone in a state of hypnosis. She agree to be hypnotize.
127 jellyfish A sea creature with a soft, oval, almost, transparent body. My favorite sea animal is the jellyfish.
128 important Necessary or great valu. I think his career is more important to him than I am.
129 playground Place where children go to play. The game at the playground was fun.
130 junior high School period from 13-15 years old. Even junior high students can give well-prepared speeches.
131 high school School period from 15-18 years old. All of the parents had finished high school.
132 protective To defend someone. He´s really protective of his family.
133 psychology The scientific study of the human mind and its functions. She had an undergraduate degree in psychology.
134 vocabulary The body of words used in a particular language. The vocabulary of law.
135 developing Growing and becoming more mature, advanced, or elaborate. This is a rapidly developing field
136 successful Accomplishing an aim or purpose. The focus should be on a successful outcome.
137 happyology The study of happiness. Parodies therefore frequently use a "Church of
138 lighthouse A tower that displays a bright light for the guidance of ships. Visit the lighthouse to see all the fisherman´s houses.
139 benevolent Well-meaning and kindly. You are the most benevolent employer.
140 pharmacist Professionally qualified to prepare and dispense medicinal I saw your sister by the pharmacist.
141 abhorrence A feeling of extreme repugnance or aversión; utter loathing; She has an abhorrence of change.
142 seamstress A woman whose job is sewing and making clothes. His wife supplemented their income by working as a
143 widespread Spread over or open, or occupying a wide space. The storm caused widespread damage.
144 abridgment The act of making a book, play, or piece of writing shorter by Drastic abridgment makes this story even more difficult to
removing some details or information. understand.
145 passionate Showing or caused by strong feelings or a strong belief. Joe is passionate about baseball.
146 speechless Unable to speak, especially as the temporary result of shock or The news left us speechless.
some strong emotion.
147 cavalryman A soldier in an army who fights in a tank or a horse. The cavalryman is so tired because is fighting all day.
148 scholarship Academic study or achievement. The intellectual dishonesty has nothing to do with lack of
149 scientist A person who has expert knowledge of one or more of the A research scientist is doing an excellent job by
natural or physical sciences. investigating more about nature.
150 The reason or resasons one has for acting or behaving in a Escape can be a strong motivation for travel.
motivation particular way.
151 friendship The emotions or conduct of friends; the state of being friends. Their friendship goes back to when they were at school .
152 everything All things; all the things of a group or class. He taught me everything I know.
153 appreciate To be grateful or thankful for. They appreciated his thoughtfulness.
154 strawberry A small juicy red fruit that has small Brown sedes on its I thought we´d have strawberries and cream for dessert.
surface, or the plant with White flowers on which this fruit
155 vacationer A person on vacation away from home. Vacationers have been enjoying brilliant blue skies.
156 conference A formal meeting for discussion. The annual conference of the Shakespeare society is son.
157 commercial Related to making money by buying and selling things. The comercial future of the company looks very promising.
158 preschooler Child who studies from 4-5years old. Your preschooler can do a simple addition.
159 interesting Something that generates interest. She had an interesting perspective.
160 adventurous Willing to take risks. It will be an adventurous outdoor excursión.
161 contentment A state of happiness and satisfaction. He found contentment in living a simple life.
162 forgiveness The action or process of forgiving or being forgiven. Once again she asked for forgiveness.
163 aerodynamic Relating to aerodynamics. Frames should be lightwight and aerodynamic.
164 anachronism Someone or something placed in the wrong period in history, For a historical drama, the movie was filled with
or something that belongs to the past rather than the present. anachronisms.
165 selfishness Having or showing concern only for yourself and not for the Selfishness is the opposite of altruism.
needs or feelings of other people.
166 windsurfing Is a sport in which you move along the surface of the sea or a Everything from sailing and scuba diving to kayaking and
lake on a long narrow board with a sail on it. windsurfing.
167 blasphemous Showing lack of respect to Godo or to a religión. Some people believe such art is blasphemous.
168 responsible Having an obligation to do something, as part of one's job or The Engineer is responsible for having the machine up
role and running.
169 housekeeper A person employed to manage a household. My housekeeper will be retired in a short time, she is very
170 econometric Relating to the testing of the performance of economies and Econometric models of household behavior yield highly
economic theories using mathematical methods. reliable results.
171 calendarize To structure in terms of dates; to put onto a timescale. I´ll calendarize the meeting.
172 snowboarding The sport or pastime of sliding downhill on a snowboard. Snowboarding is now an Olympic sport.
173 thunderstorm A storm with thunder and lightning. She got caught in a thunderstorm.
174 bachelorette An unmarried woman. Jamie Chung celebrates her bachelorette party.
175 unsteadiness The fact of not being completely in control of your movements so The unsteadiness of her voice.
that you might fall. The fact of shaking and lacking control.
176 presumptuous Failing to observe the limits of what is permmited or appropriate. I hope I won´t be considered presumptuous if I
offer some advice.
177 brinkmanship The activity, especially in politics, of trying to get what you want by The talks have collapsed and both sides have
saying that if you do not get it, you will do something dangerous. resorted to brinkmanship.
178 enthusiastic Having or showing intense and eager enjoyment, interest, or You don't seem very
approval. enthusiastic about the party.

179 apprehensive Anxious or fearful that something bad or unpleasant will happen. I'm very apprehensive about tomorrow's meeting.
180 communicator A person who communicates especially one skilled at conveying A true leader needs to be a good communicator.
information, ideas, or policy to the public.
181 enthusiastic Having or showing intense and eager enjoyment, interest, or The promoter was enthusiastic about the concert
approval. venue.
182 difficulties A situation that is difficult or dangerous. They went for a swim but got into difficulties.
183 accomplishing Achieve or complete successfully. The planes accomplished their misión.
184 brokenhearted Overwhelmed by grief or disappointment. The woman they left behind is brokenhearted.
185 deterioration The process of becoming progressively worse. The deterioration for all fruits are getting worse every day.
186 psychoanalyze Examine or treat a person or their behaviour using Don’t try to psychoanalize her, just listen to her.
187 extemporizing Compose or perform something such as music or a She was extemporizing touching melodies.
speech without preparation; improvise.
188 maximizations The action or process of making something as large or The desire for profit maximization.
great as posible.
189 contextualize Place or study in context. The excellent introduction summarizes and contextualizes
Bowen's career.
190 hyperglycemic An excess of glucose in the bloodstream. Hyperglycemia is associated with diabetes mellitus.
191 overcivilized Excessively civilized. We live in an overcivilized continent.
192 alphabetizing Arrange in alphabetical order. The listings are arranged by state and alphabetized by city.

193 characterized Describe the distinctive nature or features of. She characterized the period as the decade of revolution.
194 commercialize Manage or exploit (an organization, activity, etc.) in a The museum has been commercialized.
way designed to make a profit.
195 exteriorizing Make exterior; give exterior form to. What the Greeks did do was exteriorize their intellectual life.
196 hydroperoxide Any compound containing the hydroperoxyl group. This reaction starts from a solution of hydroperoxide.
197 unequivocally In a way that leaves no doubt. The message should be unequivocally clear.
198 handkerchiefs A square of cotton or other finely woven material He wore a red handkerchief on his face, covering his mouth and
intended for wiping one's nose. nose.

199 victimization The action of singling someone out for cruel or unjust Her plots frequently portray the victimization of women.
200 accessibility The quality of being easy to approach, reach, enter, Whay is most inmediatly noticeable about the music is its
speak with, use or understand. accessibility.

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