Feasibility Study

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Nature of Long Term Investment

The investment outlay in any project is expected to bring the desired return or benefits in future
for resource providers. If the financial resources were abundance, it would be possible to accept
several investment proposals which satisfy the norms of approval or acceptability. Since, we are
sure that resources are limited (scarce), a choice has to be made among the various investment
proposals by evaluating their comparative advantage. This would help investors to select the
relatively superior proposals keeping in view the limited available resources. For this purpose,
we have to develop some evaluating techniques for the appraisal of investment proposals of
Tewodros Dagnachew General Export & whole business.

The planed business proposal suggested by the business owner is associated with long term
financing. There is no hard and fast rule to define it, but by common practice and accordance
with the financing policies, practices and regulations of the financial institutions and banks a
period of ten years and above may be treated as long period. The decisions related to long-term
investment is also known as capital budgeting techniques. It is important to properly evaluate the
feasibility of capital budgets because of the following reasons:

1) The long term investment decisions are the vehicles of a company to reach the desired
destiny of the company. An appropriate decision would yield spectacular results whereas a
wrong decision may upset the whole financial plan and endanger the very survival of the
firm. Even firm may be forced into bankruptcy.
2) Long term investment decisions require huge amounts of funds and imply permanent
commitment. Once you invest in the form of fixed assets it is not easy to reverse the
decision unless you incur heavy loss.
3) Long term investment decision has its effect over a long period of time span and inevitably
affects the company’s future cost.
4) Investment decision are among the firm’s most difficult decisions. They are the predictors
of future events which are difficult to predict. It is a complex problem investment. The cash
flow uncertainty is caused by economic, political, social and technological forces.

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6.1 Types of Long Term Investment
The long-term funds are required for the following purposes:

Expansion: A company adds capacity to its existing product lines to expand existing operations.
For example, a manufacturing unit producing one hundred thousand units per year, If it intends
to double the output by two hundred thousands, this will obviously increase the need for funds
for acquiring fixed and current assets.

Diversification: Sometimes the management of a company may decide to add new product line
to the existing product lines.

Replacements: vehicles used in a transportation service may either wear out or may be rendered
obsolete on account of new technology. The business capacity of the enterprise and its
competitive ability may be adversely affected. Extra funds are required for modernization or
renovation of the entire business. The investment obviously is going to be long terms.

Research and Development: There has been an increased realization that the efficiency of
production and the total operations can be improved by application of new and more
sophisticated techniques of production and management. To acquire the technology huge funds
are needed.

To this end, Tewodros Dagnachew General Export & whole sales business is planning to expand
the current capacity through requiring additional working capital from Commercial Bank of
Ethiopia in the form of loan.

6.2 Data Required for Investment Feasibility Decisions

Initial Investment: The total amount of cash required to buy various assets like land, buildings,
plant, machinery, equipment, etc and there installation expenses have to be estimated. In addition
to fixed cost, the cost of maintaining stocks, contingency reserves to cover the cost of supporting
the additional receivables. Benefit of credit from suppliers will have the effect of reducing the
quantum of additional working capital required.

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Subsequent Investment: The cost of maintenance, replacement and updating are to be treated as
outflows during the period in which they are expected to be incurred.

Economic Life of the project:

The economic life of a project is to be distinguished from the life of an individual asset. The
building may have life of fifty years, plant may have ten years, and some equipment may have
five years only. The economic life of the project is determined by the duration of the “earnings
flow” generated by the project.

The economic life may end:

a) The cost of replacement becomes uneconomical in relation to the likely benefits.

b) When the viability is adversely affected due to obsolescence.
c) When maintenance costs exceed the disposable value, and
d) When the development of new technology necessitates new investment
Salvage Values:

Some times the plant assets may have value for the enterprise at the end of the life of the project
or there may be some anticipated sales value of the plant. Such amount is to be treated as an
inflow at the end of the life of the project.

Annual Cash Flows:

The calculation of annual cash flows in investment appraisal plays a key role. The computation
of cash flows is a simple task. The following areas are to be considered.

Additional Sales revenue: This is going to be the function of sales any wrong calculation in this
regard will bear impact on the investment opportunity. Care has to be taken to forecast accurately
and the additional revenue generated by the investment should be taken into account. The
investment must also result into the reduction of operating cost either by modernization or
replacement models where the savings benefit or cash flows will increase. In simple terms
annual cash flow is equivalent to net profit after tax plus depreciation. Algebrically,

ACF = Sales – (Operating expenses + Non-operating expense + Tax) + Depreciation

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Project Feasibility Appraisal Methods

There are two important methods of evaluating the feasibility of investment proposals

Traditional methods

A. Pay back period

B. Accounting rate of return
Discounted cash flow method

A. Net present value

B. Profitability Index method / Benefit cost Ratio
A. Pay Back Period:

This is one of the widely used methods for evaluating the investment proposals. Under this
method the focus is on the recovery of original investment at the earliest possible. It
determines the number of years to recoup the original cash out flow, disregarding the salvage
value and interest. This method do not take into account the cash inflows that are received
after the pay back period. There are two methods in use to calculate the pay back period

1) Where annual cash flows are not consistent vary form year to year

P=E+ C

where, P stands for pay back period.

E stands for number of years immediately preceding the year of final recovery.

B stands for the balance amount still to be recovered.

C stand for cash flow during the year of final recovery.

2) Where the annual cash flow are uniform

Uniform cash flows:

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Where the annual cash flows are uniform

Original Investment
PB = Annual cash flows

Shorter is the payback period better is the product

Based on Appendex Tewodros Dagnachew General Export & whole sales business’s pay back
period is computed as follows

Year 1----- Br 6,957,282.68

Year 2----- 34,112,181.40

Year3------- 48,420,633.47

PB= 2.64 years

From this we can deduce that Tewodros Dagnavhew Export & Whole sale business can recap its
initial investment within 3 years of operation.

B. Accounting Rate of Return

This method is based on the financial accounting practices of the company working out the
annual profits. Here, instead of taking the annual cash flows, we take the annual profits into
account. The net annual profits are calculated after deducting depreciation and taxes. The
average of annual profits thus derived is worked out on the basis of the period

Average annual profits after taxes

ARR = Average investment over the life of project

Average investment = Net working capital + Salvage value +

2 (Initial cost of plant – salvage value)

Net working capital = current assets – current liabilities

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Total of annual profits
Average profits = Number of years

The ARR is compared to the predetermined rate. The project will be accepted if the actual ARR
is higher than the desired ARR. Otherwise it will be rejected.
Based on Appendix Tewodros Dagnachew General Export & whole sales business’s Accounting
Rate of Return is Computed as follows;

ARR= Average annual Profit/Average Investment

= 160,011,648.04 / 70,702,402.54


Discounted cash flow techniques:

This concept is based on the time value of money. The flow of income is spread over a few
years. The real value of Birr in your hand today is better than value of birr you earn after a year.
The future income, therefore, has to be discounted in order to be associated with the current out
flow of funds in the investment. Two methods of appraisal of investment project are based on
this concept. These are net present value and internal rate of return method.

A. Net Present Value

Net present value may be defined as the total of present value of the cash proceeds from the
proposed project in each year minus the total of present values of cash outflows in the
CFt Sn+Wn
∑ (1+ K )t
(1+ K )n
where; NPV = Net present value
CFt = Cash inflows at different periods
Wn = Working capital adjustments
Co = Cash outflow in the beginning
K = Cost of capital
Sn = Salvage value at the end
The decision rule here is to accept a project if the NPV is positive and reject if it is negative
I) NPV > Zero accept
II) NPV = Zero accept
III) NPV < Zero reject

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Based on Appendix Tewodros Dagnachew General Export & whole sales business’s Net Present
Value is Computed as follows

NPV= (CFy1)/1.1 + CFy2/1.21 + CFy3/1.33+CFy4/1.463 + CFy5/1.61- Io

=34,112,181.4/1.1+48,420,633.47/1.21+66,932,283.96/1.33+ 90,757,558.45 /1.463+

121,296,240.40/1.61- 112,501,451.63

= 258,727,673.33 -112,501,451.63

= 146,226,221.70

Since the NPV of the project Tewodros Dagnachew General Export & whole sales business is
positive , it should be accepted

B. Profitability Index Method / Benefit Cost Ratio B/C Ratio

Profitability index method is the relationship between the present values of net cash inflows
and the present value of cash outflows. It can be worked out either in unitary or in percentage
terms. The formula is

Present value of cash inflows

Profitability Index = Pr esent value of cash outflows
PI > 0 Accept
PI = 0 indifference
PI < 0 reject
Higher the profitability index more is the project preferred.
From the above example we can calculate the profitability index of Tewodros Dagnachew
General Export & whole sales business is Computed as follows

Profitability Index = NPV/Io


=2.3 times

Since the profitability index of Tewodros Dagnachew General Export & whole sales business is
greater than zero, the project is feasible to be implemented.

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