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Food Hydrocolloids 135 (2023) 108192

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Food Hydrocolloids
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Sargassum inspired, optimized calcium alginate bioplastic composites for

food packaging
Akeem Mohammed a, Andre Gaduan b, Pooran Chaitram a, Anaadi Pooran a, Koon-Yang Lee b, **,
Keeran Ward c, *
Department of Chemical Engineering, University of the West Indies, St. Augustine, Trinidad, WI, USA
Department of Aeronautics and Institute for Molecular Science and Engineering, Imperial College London, South Kensington Campus, SW7 2AZ, London, UK
School of Chemical and Process Engineering (SCAPE), University of Leeds, Leeds, LS2 9JT, UK


Keywords: Plastic pollution, more specifically from food packaging and containers which account for the largest share of
Sargassum natans 36% of current plastic production, is one of the greatest threats to the natural environment and human health.
Composite bioplastics Thus, the development of alternative renewable plastics are needed to complement a circular economy and
Biodegradable films
reduce resource depletion. Seaweeds have been known to possess good film forming properties ideal for bio­
plastic production, and Sargassum natans-an invasive brown seaweed which has been inundating the shores of the
Food packaging
Alginate Caribbean, has been shown to be an excellent candidate. This study presents, for the first time, the development
of a novel optimized biodegradable alginate composite bioplastic as an alternative to traditional plastic pack­
aging. The optimization process was carried out using Response Surface Methodology (RSM) resulting in a
formulation of 6 wt% alginate, 0.263 wt% starch, 0.35 wt% CMC, 0.065 g/g sorbitol and 0.025 g/g PEG 200-
with ultra-high oxygen barrier (OP - 0.2 cm3 μm m− 2 d− 1 kPa− 1), good water vapor barrier (WVP - 2.18 × 10− 12
g m/m2 s Pa) and high tensile modulus (E - 3.93 GPa)- with no migration of additives into a simulated aqueous
food system in 10 days. Furthermore, composite films were found to fully degrade in 14 days and possessed
better OP, higher WVP and comparable material properties to HDPE, PET and PLA. Ultimately, our results
support alginate composite films as a viable alternative for food packaging best fitted for low moisture
environments-encouraging the use of renewable materials for packaging innovation and supporting UNSDGs.

1. Introduction vapor permeation (WVP) rates to adequately protect delicate food goods
and hence extend shelf life. Multilayer food packaging is especially
Plastics, mainly composed of synthetic polymers, have a variety of under pressure since it combines various materials such as polymers,
uses and are integral to everyday life. They contribute to economic paper, aluminum, and organic or inorganic coatings (Kaiser, Schmid, &
growth, but their current production and use patterns are primary Schlummer, 2018; Marrone & Tamarindo, 2018). The components of
drivers of natural resource depletion, waste, and environmental degra­ multi-material multilayer structures are layered to make flexible pack­
dation. Plastics also have very slow decomposition rates and as such, aging (pouches, bags, shrink films, and other pliable products) or rigid
pose several environmental concerns as plastic particles have spread packaging (pouches, bags, shrink films, and other stiff packaging such as
across the world’s oceans contributing largely to contamination in the trays, cups, containers and plastic sheets) (Soares, Ek, Östmark,
food chain (Pilz, Brandt, & Fehringer, 2010, pp. 1–45; Zygmunt, 2007). Gällstedt, & Karlsson, 2022).
Many food products require packaging to ensure their quality, safety, However, these food packaging face many challenges at its end-of-
and security. Polymer-based multilayer packaging materials are life- due to limited sorting and recyclability within existing waste
frequently utilized to combine the properties of various polymers. This management infrastructure. Currently, solutions for recyclable films
technique results in packaging solutions with specific functionality with have been achieved for those based on polyolefins (polyethylene (PE)
high tensile modulus (E), low oxygen permeation (OP) and low water and polypropylene (PP)) but require the restriction of certain polymers

* Corresponding author.
** Corresponding author.
E-mail addresses: [email protected] (K.-Y. Lee), [email protected] (K. Ward).

Received 26 July 2022; Received in revised form 21 September 2022; Accepted 26 September 2022
Available online 30 September 2022
0268-005X/© 2022 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-
A. Mohammed et al. Food Hydrocolloids 135 (2023) 108192

such as polyamide (PA) and polyethylene terephthalate (PET) (Van from Manugel DMB (donated by FMC Biopolymer). Different concen­
Eygen, Laner, & Fellner, 2018). The fact that increasing the recyclability tration of plasticizers and reinforcement material were added to make
of multilayer films sometimes means lowering packaging efficiency the casting solutions. Casting solutions comprised of varying concen­
poses a challenge. Thus, there is a need for future flexible and rigid trations of carboxymethyl cellulose, CMC (Sigma Aldrich, Mw 700,000),
packaging solutions with emphasis on sustainability and end-of-life potato starch (SDFCL, purity >90%), sorbitol (Sigma Aldrich, purity
options that have a clear benefit to the environment and can >98%) and polyethylene glycol, (PEG200) (Sigma Aldrich). “Calcium
contribute to a circular economy. chloride dihydrate (Sigma Aldrich, purity >99%) was used as the cross-
For these reasons, the development and production of biodegradable linking agent.” Humidity control was done using magnesium nitrate
materials as an alternative to conventional plastics, with controlled hexahydrate, Mg(NO3)2.6H2O (Sigma Aldrich, purity >99%). Disinte­
properties for food applications has been the subject of great research gration study was done using simulated compost comprising of mature
due to their renewability, compostability and biodegradability. A compost (donated by a local supplier, San Fernando Trinidad), sawdust,
further driver for these alternate materials is the establishment of the rabbit food (Sunburst, 13% minimum crude protein), corn starch (Sin­
United Nations’ 17 sustainable development goals (SDG’s). Bioplastics cere’s Food Manufacturing), sugar, corn oil (Wesson) and urea (Nutrien,
allow for the innovation and development of a sustainable option by Granular Agricultural Grade 46-0-0). For comparison purposes, com­
using renewable feedstocks such as cellulose, algae, lignin while offering mercial films such as polyethylene terephthalate, PET (Goodfellow
a wider scope for end of life products and future packaging solutions. Cambridge Limited, 0.05 mm thickness, biaxially oriented), polylactic
Within the past decade, Trinidad and Tobago and by extension, the acid, PLA (Goodfellow Cambridge Limited, 0.05 mm thickness, biaxially
Caribbean and Latin America, has seen massive onslaughts of Sargassum oriented) and high-density polyethylene, HDPE (Goodfellow Cambridge
natans brown seaweed onto its shores. This tremendous influx negatively Limited, 0.01 mm thickness) were used.
impacts the economic, social and environmental aspects of the country
(Johnson, Ko, Franks, Moreno, & Sanchez-Rubio, 2012; Langin, 2018; 2.2. Experimental design
Resiere et al., 2018). However, this Sargassum contains a valuable hy­
drocolloid in the form of sodium alginate with film-forming capabilities. Preliminary work into pure alginate films fabricated from Sargassum
Bioplastics specifically created from macro-algae are easily cultivated in derived alginate have been found to possess high brittleness and poor
natural environments with no pesticides or fertilizers, does not compete workability. These problems need to be remediated in order to fabricate
with food sources, can be harvested all year round, able to grow in a a feasible bioplastic comparable to synthetic and biopolymer alterna­
wide range of environments and reduce CO2 emissions and promote tives. Plasticizers and reinforcement materials are additives that can be
greenhouse gas uptake (Chia, Ying Tang, Khoo, Kay Lup, & Chew, 2020; added into the alginate matrix to alleviate such problems. Preliminary
Zeller, Hunt, Jones, & Sharma, 2013). scoping of composite films were fabricated using a one factor at a time
Nevertheless, bioplastics prepared from alginates are limited since approach. The additives which gave the most synergistic effects with the
they exhibit high stiffness, high brittleness, low deformability and alginate matrix were sorbitol and PEG 200 as plasticizers and starch and
moisture sensitivity when compared to conventional synthetic plastics. CMC as reinforcement materials.
However, these problems can be remediated through the use of com­ To study the effects of the varying concentrations of starch, CMC,
posite technology with other natural polymers, plasticizers and rein­ sorbitol and PEG 200 on E, WVP and OP of the alginate bioplastic, a
forcement materials (Avella et al., 2007). The use of alginate as a Central Composite Design (CCD) was employed. The experimental
bioplastic, coupled with secondary biopolymers (Azeredo, Miranda, domain was also chosen based on preliminary experimental scoping and
Rosa, Nascimento, & de Moura, 2012; Murad, Karim, Bhat, Uthumporn, the CCD at five levels (-α,-1, 0, 1, α) are presented in Table 1. CCD was
& Chew, 2011), different concentrations of plasticizers (Jost, Kobsik, chosen as the RSM design as it enabled the use of additional concen­
Schmid, & Noller, 2014) and different crosslinking treatments (Murad trations called ‘axial points’ to estimate curvature. This design allows for
et al., 2011; Rhim, 2004) have been reported in literature. However, the constant prediction of variance at levels investigated due to their
there is very little research that has been carried out to investigate the equal proximity to the center point (Myers, Montgomery, &
interactive relationships of blended alginate composites on material and Anderson-Cook, 2009).
barrier properties. This relationship among different factors and their The complete design consisted of 30 experimental runs (16 factorial
effects can be investigated and optimized through the use of Design of points, 8 axial points and 6 replicates at the center point) carried out in a
Experiments (DOE). random order as shown in Table 2. To predict the optimal concentrations
Limited optimization studies have been carried out on the fabrication for the bioplastic formulation from the data points, a second-order
of alginate bioplastic films (Lim, Hii, Chee, & Wong, 2018; Wang, Auty, polynomial model was fitted to according to Equation (1):
& Kerry, 2010) and to the best of our knowledge, no mixed
plasticizer-mixed polymer bioplastic film has ever been fabricated from ∑ ∑ ∑∑
k k k
Y = β0 + βi xi + βii xi2 + βij xi xj (1)
alginate derived from S.natans. Thus, this study presents for the first j=i j=i i<j
time, the optimization and development of a novel biodegradable algi­
nate composite derived from Sargassum seaweed for food packaging. Our Where Y is the response function, β0 ,βi ,βii and βij are coefficients for the
novel alginate composite bioplastic showcases enhanced oxygen resis­ intercept, linear, quadratic and interactive terms respectively; xi , x2i and
tance and comparable material properties as conventional synthetic and xi xj represent linear, quadratic and interactive terms of coded inde­
bioplastic alternatives, compatible with low moisture environments.
pendent variables respectively and k represents the number of inde
Furthermore, this study illustrates a circular process, whereby pelagic
Sargassum biomass can be utilized and valorized into high-value pack­
Table 1
aging-while informing and providing innovative modeling approaches
Parameters and coded levels used in the CCD.
to alternative food packaging.
Experimental variables Factor level

2. Materials and methods Un-coded Coded -α − 1 0 1 α

Starch (wt. %) A 0.05 0.2 0.35 0.5 0.65
2.1. Materials CMC (wt. %) B 0.05 0.15 0.25 0.35 0.45
Sorbitol (g/g)* C 0.005 0.025 0.045 0.065 0.085
PEG 200 (g/g)* D 0.005 0.025 0.045 0.065 0.085
A blend of sodium alginate was used which comprised of alginate
extracted Sargassum natans seaweed from local bays in East Trinidad and Note: *(g/g) - Corresponds to gram/gram of alginate used.

A. Mohammed et al. Food Hydrocolloids 135 (2023) 108192

Table 2
Un-coded CCD factors, model responses and raw tensile data.
Independent variables Responses Tensile data
− 12 2 3 − 2 − 1 − 1
Run A B C D WVP ( × 10 g m/m s Pa) OP (cm μm m d kPa ) E (GPa) σ (MPa) ε (%)
1 0.350 0.250 0.045 0.045 2.83 0.10 1.48 33.89 ± 4.58 14.95 ± 7.76
2 0.350 0.450 0.045 0.045 2.34 0.07 2.52 48.4 ± 4.98 8.74 ± 1.46
3 0.200 0.150 0.025 0.065 2.27 0.27 2.49 49.41 ± 5.65 9.61 ± 3.55
4 0.350 0.250 0.005 0.045 2.80 0.60 2.61 50.13 ± 8.65 10.65 ± 4.6
5 0.050 0.250 0.045 0.045 2.03 0.14 2.77 57.03 ± 4.47 8.14 ± 2.13
6 0.650 0.250 0.045 0.045 3.55 0.08 3.08 54.17 ± 6.06 7.07 ± 2.38
7 0.350 0.250 0.045 0.045 2.40 0.11 1.82 54.53 ± 10.34 6.80 ± 3.19
8 0.200 0.150 0.065 0.065 1.84 0.18 3.30 60.08 ± 2.74 6.74 ± 1.93
9 0.500 0.350 0.065 0.025 2.34 0.80 3.38 62.88 ± 4.02 8.55 ± 1.07
10 0.200 0.350 0.025 0.065 1.91 0.17 3.92 63.75 ± 3.59 7.23 ± 2.48
11 0.500 0.350 0.065 0.065 1.94 0.22 3.17 53.36 ± 6.35 7.90 ± 3.16
12 0.500 0.350 0.025 0.025 1.74 0.21 3.98 63.41 ± 7.16 5.87 ± 1.92
13 0.350 0.250 0.045 0.045 2.99 0.10 1.02 23.01 ± 3.04 21.88 ± 3.42
14 0.350 0.250 0.045 0.045 2.90 0.10 1.79 38.58 ± 3.37 17.58 ± 1.99
15 0.200 0.150 0.025 0.025 2.18 0.47 1.41 37.41 ± 8.66 7.90 ± 3.16
16 0.350 0.250 0.045 0.045 2.62 0.10 1.64 35.21 ± 2.26 16.72 ± 2.7
17 0.350 0.050 0.045 0.045 2.62 0.13 1.12 37.98 ± 2.84 16.79 ± 1.03
18 0.200 0.150 0.065 0.025 1.45 0.07 1.98 40.58 ± 5.41 8.94 ± 2.54
19 0.500 0.150 0.025 0.065 2.71 0.03 2.35 52.14 ± 4.38 9.33 ± 2.27
20 0.350 0.250 0.045 0.045 2.50 0.10 1.82 44.39 ± 4.04 14.77 ± 3.61
21 0.350 0.250 0.045 0.005 1.70 0.12 3.89 70.00 ± 3.28 8.19 ± 2.16
22 0.350 0.250 0.085 0.045 1.72 0.06 6.14 91.25 ± 5.89 4.73 ± 0.66
23 0.500 0.150 0.025 0.025 1.65 0.09 3.28 64.4 ± 4.58 8.18 ± 2.06
24 0.200 0.350 0.065 0.065 2.19 0.04 4.76 72.15 ± 4.92 5.93 ± 1.52
25 0.350 0.250 0.045 0.085 3.06 0.95 2.75 49.6 ± 4.17 9.78 ± 3.31
26 0.200 0.350 0.025 0.025 1.64 0.14 3.24 58.21 ± 1.86 10.09 ± 1.65
27 0.500 0.150 0.065 0.065 1.10 0.08 5.17 83.42 ± 2.54 5.15 ± 0.55
28 0.200 0.350 0.065 0.025 2.00 0.89 4.49 75.75 ± 3.79 6.97 ± 0.60
29 0.500 0.150 0.065 0.025 2.76 0.09 2.82 56.48 ± 4.84 12.76 ± 2.75
30 0.500 0.350 0.025 0.065 2.23 0.57 3.03 54.88 ± 3.41 10.30 ± 1.60

pendent parameters (k = 4). USA) for 2 h at 80 ◦ C adapted from Gao, Pollet, and Avérous (2017a) and
homogenized solutions were left to stand overnight to de-aerate. A
2.3. Alginate bioplastic composite preparation calcium chloride bath was prepared using a 1:1 ratio of wt. % alginate to
calcium chloride. The casting solution was poured onto poly methyl
The casting solutions were prepared using the combinations stipu­ methacrylate (PMMA) plates and a 1 mm film was cast using a casting
lated in Table 2 for all 30 runs. The wt. % of the alginate was kept machine (Elcometer 4340 Automatic Film Applicator, USA). The plate
constant for all experiments and comprised of a blend consisting of 2 wt was immersed into the calcium chloride bath for 1 h after which the film
% alginate extracted from Sargassum natans and 4 wt % Manugel was detached and washed to remove any residual calcium chloride on
(commercial brand) while the additives varied. The detailed extraction the surface. Subsequently, the film was dried at 30 ◦ C for 24 h (Ho et al.,
methodology can be found in the Supplementary Material. Casting 2020; Li, He, Huang, Li, & Chen, 2015) in an oven (Thermo Fisher
solutions were thermo-mixed using a stirrer and hotplate (VWR 371, Scientific 3524, USA). The films were then stored in a desiccator at 0%

Fig. 1. Schematic of the bioplastic formulation to form calcium alginate composite films.

A. Mohammed et al. Food Hydrocolloids 135 (2023) 108192

RH prior to being conditioned for testing. Fabricated and commercial 2.6. Tensile properties
films were conditioned at both 0% and 50 ± 2% relative humidity. Films
conditioned at 50% RH were placed in a sealed chamber containing a The tensile test specimen was prepared by cutting the alginate film
saturated solution of magnesium nitrate hexahydrate, Mg(NO3)2.6H2O using a manual cutting press (ZCP020, Zwick Testing Machines Ltd.,
(O’Brien, 1948), for a minimum of 3 days prior to testing. Fig. 1 shows a Herefordshire, UK) equipped with a cutting die. The tensile dog bone
schematic of the bioplastic formulation to form calcium alginate com­ test specimen had an overall length of 35 mm, a gauge length of 10 mm
posite films. and the narrowest part of the dog bone specimen was 2 mm. Mini­
aturised tensile test was conducted using a micro-tensile tester (Model
2.4. Water vapor permeability (WVP) MT-200, Deben UK Ltd., Woolpit, UK) equipped with a 200 N load cell.
Films were conditioned at 50% RH and placed in a sealed chamber
This was done in accordance with ASTM E95-96 (1995) method. containing a saturated solution of magnesium nitrate hexahydrate, Mg
Desiccant (silica gel) was dried in an oven (Thermo Electron Coopera­ (NO3)2.6H2O (O’Brien, 1948), for a minimum of 3 days prior to testing
tion 6542) for 30 min at 100 ◦ C. A test cup (68–3000 EZ-Cup Vapometer Prior to the test, two dots were marked on the surface of each dog bone
Cup, Thwing-Albert Instrument Company USA) was filled with 3 mm of test specimen in the direction of applied load. The strain of the test
distilled water. A film of diameter 6 mm and thickness 80 μm was specimen was then evaluated by monitoring the movement of these two
attached to the dish, sealed and the initial mass of the dishes was dots using a non-contact optical extensometer (iMetrum Ltd., Bristol,
weighed (Adventurer Pro, USA). The thickness of the films was taken at UK). The tensile tests were conducted at a crosshead displacement speed
10 randomized points and an average found. The cup was placed into the of 1.5 mm min− 1. Average results of 8 test specimens were reported for
desiccator with the dried desiccant and weighed at 30 min intervals for each sample and the strain at break (ε), tensile strength (σ) and tensile
6 h. The water vapor transmission rate was calculated using Equations modulus (E) calculated.
(2)–(4) in duplicate;
( G)
2.7. Statistical analysis
Water Vapor Transmission, WVT = t
The response surface methodology (RSM) software package Design
Where G is the mass change of water in dish (g), t is the time (h), G/t Expert 10.0.3 (Stat-Ease Inc., Minneapolis, MN, USA) was used to pro­
represents the slope of the straight line, (g/h) and A is the test area (cup duce designs to match the response surface models to the experimental
mouth area) of 0.0032 m2. data. The experimental data was analyzed using regression analysis and
WVT WVT analysis of variance (ANOVA). The linear, quadratic, and interaction
Permeance, P = = (3) terms of the model’s regression coefficients, as well as their impacts,
ΔP S(R1 − R2 )
were calculated. The F-test was used to determine the significance (p ≤
Water Vapor Permeability, WVP = P × Avg thickness (4) 0.05, CI 99.5%). The coefficient of determination (R2), adjusted coeffi­
cient of determination (R2adj ), predicted coefficient of determination
Where ΔP is the vapor pressure difference (mmHg), S is the Saturation (R2pre ) and adequate precision ratio”” were all used to validate the pre­
Vapor Pressure at test temp (22 ◦ C) taken as 20.941 mmHg (Liley, cision of the generated model.
Thomson, Friend, Daubert, & Buck, 2008), R1 represents the relative
humidity at the source expressed as a fraction (test chamber for desic­
cant method; in the dish for water method), 100% and R2 represents the 2.8. Model optimization and validation
relative humidity at the vapor sink expressed as a fraction, 0%.
The optimum process conditions were obtained using Derringer’s
2.5. Oxygen permeability (OP) desirability function (Derringer & Suich, 1980). Additional experi­
mental runs at the model derived concentrations were subsequently
The OP was carried out in accordance with ASTM D3985-17 (2017) carried out to validate the predicted optimization solution. Although,
method. A film of 6 cm in diameter and thickness of 80 μm was cut from the design carried out was multi-response in nature, responses were
the dried film. The alginate bioplastic film was loaded into an oxygen evaluated one at time. The accuracy and suitability of the model was
permeation cell (PreSens, Germany) and sealed with vacuum grease. then determined by comparing the experimental and predicted values.
The bottom chamber was first purged with a stream of nitrogen gas
followed by the top compartment. The bottom chamber was then 2.9. FTIR
charged with a stream of pure oxygen gas and the system was closed. An
integrated electrochemical oxygen sensor (PSt 6) determined the FTIR was carried out on the optimum film, disintegrated films and
amount of oxygen transmitted through the film. Experiments were done was used to investigate the migration of low molecular weight plasti­
in triplicate. The oxygen permeability was calculated using Equation cizers from the alginate composite bioplastic film into the food simulant
(5): (distilled water) in the migration study. IR spectra were obtained using a
( 3 ) Perkin Elmer Spectrum 400 FT-IR/FT-NIR spectrometer with a universal
cm μm PO2 × Vcell × l Tstandard
OP 2 = × (5) ATR sampling accessory. The spectra were recorded in the range of
m d bar Pstandard × A × ΔPO2 Tmeasurement
650–4000 cm− 1 with a 4 cm− 1 resolution. The IR-laser wavenumber was
Where PO2 is the increase in oxygen partial pressure in upper test set at 15780.00 cm− 1, OPD velocity of 0.20 cm/s and J-stop size of 8.94
chamber (hPa d− 1), Vcell represents the volume of the upper test chamber mm.
(116 cm3), l is the thickness of the film (μm), Pstandard – Standard pressure
(1013 hPa), A is the permeation area (0.0068 m2), ΔPO2 is the difference 2.10. TGA
in oxygen partial pressure between upper and lower chamber (0.96 bar),
Tstandard is the standard temperature (273 K) and Tmeasurement represents Thermal gravimetric analysis was used to examine the thermal
the measured temperature (296 K). degradation of alginate composite bioplastics that were subjected to the
disintegration study”. (Discovery TGA, TA Instruments, Elstree, UK). In
a N2 environment, samples weighing about 5 mg were heated from
ambient temperature to 700 ◦ C at a rate of 10 ◦ C min− 1 (50 mL min− 1).

A. Mohammed et al. Food Hydrocolloids 135 (2023) 108192

2.11. Humidity study

Log10 (E) = 0.21 + 0.02A + 0.08B + 0.06C + 0.01D − 0.06AB + 0.07A2
Fabricated and commercial films were conditioned at both 0% and + 0.11C2 + 0.09D2
50 ± 2% relative humidity to investigate the effects on WVP and OP. (6)
Films conditioned at 50% RH were placed in a sealed chamber con­
The applied transformation on the response surface design was done
taining a saturated solution of magnesium nitrate hexahydrate, Mg
to accommodate for curvature in the response function due to interac­
(NO3)2.6H2O (O’Brien, 1948), for a minimum of 3 days prior to testing.
tion with process variables (Osborne, 2010). E has linear and quadratic
effects linked to the four additives investigated. From Equation (6) and
2.12. Disintegration and migration study the coefficient for each parameter, it was found that the greatest positive
linear effect on the E was CMC (B) and the greatest negative effect was
Determination of the degree of disintegration of the alginate bio­ the interaction between starch and CMC (AB). The experimental data
plastic under simulated composting conditions was performed according was analyzed by ANOVA giving the significance level (p > 0.05) for each
to the BS EN (2015) standard. The migration study was conducted using regression coefficient and results presented in Table 3.
according to the European Regulation for food contact materials A model is considered to be well-fitted to the experimental data if its
EU/10/2011. A detailed analysis of the methodology along with rele­ model p value is significant (p < 0.05) while the lack of fit is insignifi­
vant equations used can be found in the Supplementary Material. cant (p > 0.05) (Hinkelmann & Kempthorne, 2007). The transformed
model obtained possessed a high f-value of 10.28 with a low probability
3. Results and discussion (p < 0.0001) demonstrating the significance of the model. The Lack of
Fit of 1.12 with an accompanying p value of 0.4899 indicated statistical
3.1. Statistical analysis insignificance relative to the pure error (p > 0.05) and subsequent
diagnosis of residuals showed no abnormalities. Therefore, it can be seen
In accordance with the benchmarks designated in Section 2.7 for that the fitted model for E was well accommodated by the second order
statistical significance and model adequacy, empirical relationships polynomial response surface design.
between the responses (WVP, OP and E) and the additives were Furthermore, fit statistics were used to evaluate the goodness of fit of
evaluated. the derived model. The coefficient of determination, R2, was found to be
0.7967. According to Koba, Matsuoka, Osada, and Huang (2007), the R2
3.1.1. WVP and OP value should be at least 0.80 for the adequacy of the applied regression
Based on the results found for WVP, model indicators (p = 0.415) model. It should be noted that a large value of R2 does not necessarily
and all model terms (p > 0.05) were insignificant. Furthermore, there imply that the model is a good one and as such the R2 value obtained
was a significant Lack of Fit (p < 0.05) and all the fit statistics (Adequate from the model was not the only parameter used for evaluation. The
Precision = 3.5617, R-squared = 0.5018, R2adj = 0.0541, R2pre = − 1.6829) difference in the R2 and adjusted R2 can be attributed to the inclusion of
did not meet the desired values for model adequacy. In addition, other non-significant terms in the model (Myers et al., 2009). The difference
transforms (Osborne, 2010), design models (first order, first order with between the R2pred (0.5262) and R2adj (0.7192) was less than 0.2, indi­
interaction, second order and cubic), were attempted to fit WVP data cating that the model and the data are in reasonable agreement
giving unsatisfactory results. Hence, a statistically sound model for WVP (Anderson & Whitcomb, 2016). Furthermore, adequate precision is
could not be derived and therefore not analyzed. The negative predicted determined by the signal-to-noise ratio, with values larger than 4 sug­
R-squared obtained (− 1.6829) gives insight into the model suggesting gesting adequate model discrimination. The model was determined to
that a higher order model may gave a better prediction. have adequate precision of >25, indicating that it is substantial and can
For the OP response, a mean model was suggested for model fitting be utilized. Thus, the developed model for E was statistically sound and
but this only gave a model with an intercept term which statistically can be used for optimization of the bioplastic composite.
could not be used. All other design models and transforms were evalu­
ated and a square root transform for a reduced cubic model-after
backward elimination of insignificant factors (p > 0.05), were found
to give satisfactory model fit statistics (Adequate Precision = 39.8550,
R-squared = 0.9953, R2adj = 0.9865, R2pre = 0.8442). However, the Lack of Table 3
Fit was found to be statistically significant (p < 0.05) and thus, showed Analysis of variance for E
that the model cannot be used to adequately predict the OP response. Source Sum of Degree of Mean F p value
The Lack of Fit was significant as this reduced cubic model was ‘aliased’ squares freedom square value
and cannot accurately fit within the design. CCD does not contain Model 0.85 8 0.11 10.28 <0.0001
enough runs to support a full cubic model and cannot uniquely estimate A 0.01 1 0.01 0.86 0.3631a
the cubic model parameters (Myers et al., 2009). Higher order models B 0.14 1 0.14 13.62 0.0014
such as special cubic and full cubic models would be required to accu­ C 0.09 1 0.09 8.60 0.0079
D 0.00 1 0.003 0.25 0.6210a
rately model the response and this has been reported to occur frequently
AB 0.06 1 0.06 6.16 0.0216
in mixture experiments -where the order of the required model is higher A2 0.15 1 0.15 14.45 0.0010
than that off a second order polynomial (Myers et al., 2009). Ultimately, C2 0.32 1 0.32 31.16 <0.0001
among all responses considered for this study, E was deemed to be the D2 0.20 1 0.20 19.67 0.0002
only statistically key performance indicator that can be utilized to Residual 0.22 21 0.01
Lack of fit 0.17 16 0.01 1.12 0.4899a
navigate the design space. Pure error 0.05 5 0.01
Cor Total 1.07 29
3.1.2. E Adeq. 12.6403
A second order polynomial was effectively fitted to the empirical prec.
R2 0.7967
relationship between E and the independent variables. The equation, in
R2adj 0.7192
terms of coded factors, stipulated for this response via backward elim­
R2pre 0.5262
ination of insignificant factors (p > 0.05) followed by a transformation
was given in Equation (6): a
Note: Not significant (p > 0. 05).

A. Mohammed et al. Food Hydrocolloids 135 (2023) 108192

3.2. Influence of additives on E kept constant (at − 1, 0 and 1 respectively in terms of coded factors).
Two linear coefficients (B and C), three quadratic coefficients (A2, B2
The influence of the different additives at varying concentrations on and C2), and only 1 interactive coefficient (AB) were significant. The
E can be seen through the use of 2-D contour plots presented in linear coefficients of A and D were statistically insignificant, and it can
Fig. 2A–C. The plots illustrate the effect of the concentration of starch be seen that these linear effects had no effect on E of the films individ­
(A) and CMC (B) while sorbitol (C) and PEG-200 (D) concentrations are ually. CMC (B) exhibited a strong positive effect on E followed closely by
sorbitol (C). CMC and sorbitol as linear positive effects on E indicates
that the bioplastic film was stiffer and less flexible. This was seen in run
22 where the highest axial point (α) of sorbitol (0.085 g/g) was used
which resulted in the highest σ of 91.25 MPa and lowest εof 4.73%
amongst all the runs tested. This is a classic response for CMC as a
reinforcement material but not for sorbitol as it behaves as a stiffening
However, starch (A) combined with CMC (B) was found to demon­
strate the strongest and only antagonistic effect on E of the alginate
bioplastic. The combination of these two reinforcement materials
characteristically should improve the stiffness owing to a strong inter­
molecular interaction between the hydroxyl groups of the CMC and
starch- with the carboxyl groups of the alginate forming a strong crys­
talline polymer network accompanying increased hydrogen bonding
(Han & Wang, 2017; Lan, He, & Liu, 2018; Rahman, Dafader, & Banu,
2017). However, this was not the case observed in this model. This
uncharacteristic response can be ascribed to the high amounts of rein­
forcement material used exceeding compatibility limits. This resulted in
agglomeration within the alginate matrix due to improper dispersion
and non-homogeneity. From Fig. 2A it can also be seen that the model
stipulates that low starch and high CMC will give the highest Eand
highest stiffness, thus indicating that this would be the best synergistic
interaction of the reinforcement material. This further justifies the
antagonistic effect seen in Equation (6), attributed to the fact that CMC
has a strong affinity for alginate (Putri, Setiawan, & Anggraini, 2018).
Furthermore, the crosslinking density and hydrogen bonding of this
interaction is poor, leading to a less compact structure and decreased
stiffness. Similar effects have been seen in CMC-corn starch films, where
high concentrations of both starch and CMC give unfavorable material
properties (Rachtanapun, 2009; Tongdeesoontorn, Mauer, Wongruong,
Sriburi, & Rachtanapun, 2011; Wahyuningtyas & Dinata, 2018).
From Fig. 2, it can be shown that E was at its highest when the
concentration of starch was low (0.2 wt%) but all other concentrations
were high (0.35 wt% CMC, 0.065 g/g sorbitol and 0.065 g/g PEG 200).
As the concentration of the plasticizers decrease to the midpoint (0.045
g/g sorbitol and 0.045 g/g PEG 200), E decreases (Fig. 2B), with further
reduction to the lowest point resulting in an increase in the E (Fig. 2C).
At the highest concentration of the plasticizers (0.065 g/g sorbitol and
0.065 g/g PEG 200), ‘anti-plasticization’ phenomena occurred where
the bioplastic has become stiffer and less susceptible to deformation.
This was evident from run 27 where the strain at break was 5.15% and
the σ was 83.42 MPa- which was among the lowest strain at break values
and highest tensile strength value. Anti-plasticization can occur at high
plasticizer concentrations leading to enhanced E due to a decrease in
plasticization (Anderson et al., 1995; Cais, Nozomi, Kawai, & Miyake,
1992). Incorporation of plasticizers increase the free volume and cause
molecular mobility within the polymer matrix, which leads to the
reorganization of the alginate structure from a flexible to a more ordered
crystalline network-resulting in lower deformation (Guerrero, 1989;
Lourdin, Bizot, & Colonna, 1997). There are 6 hydroxyl groups present
in sorbitol and 2n in PEG-200 (Antoniou, Liu, Majeed, Qazi, & Zhong,
2014). As plasticizer concentration increased, stronger hydrogen
bonding persists between plasticizer-plasticizer interactions over
alginate-plasticizer and alginate-alginate units- preventing the motion of
polymer chain under stress (reduced elongation). Similar results for this
Fig. 2. 2D distribution of E as a function of additive concentration. CMC and
anti-plasticization effect at high concentrations have been reported for
starch concentration are the additives shown with the other additives at A)
highest, B) midpoint and C) lowest concentration. Colors simulate E responses sorbitol (Gaudin, Lourdin, Forssell, & Colona, 2000; Suppakul, Cha­
from blue (lowest) to red (highest). Ranges are A) 2.37–4.68, B) 1.29–2.54 and lernsook, Ratisuthawat, Prapasitthi, & Munchukangwan, 2013) and PEG
C) 1.71–3.37. (For interpretation of the references to colour in this figure plasticized polymer films (Saberi, Chockchaisawasdee, Golding, Scar­
legend, the reader is referred to the Web version of this article.) lett, & Stathopoulos, 2017).

A. Mohammed et al. Food Hydrocolloids 135 (2023) 108192

At midpoint concentrations for CD (0.045 g/g sorbitol and 0.045 g/g

PEG 200), the observed decrease in the E indicated a relaxed bioplastic
model with increased susceptibility to deformation (Fig. 2B). The plas­
ticizing effects were more noticeable at this combination of the polyols.
The addition of the plasticizers resulted in a more ductile bioplastic,
where the polyols align between alginate molecules and interferes with
the intra-molecular forces-leading to the formation of alginate-
plasticizer interactions to the detriment of alginate-alginate in­
teractions. This characteristic response can be ascribed to the fact that
plasticizers diminish strong intermolecular forces along the polymer
matrix and unfastens the structure of the polymer (Sanyang, Sapaun,
Jawaid, Ishak, & Sahari, 2015). This is in accordance with other studies
using similar polyols (Avella et al., 2007; Gao, Pollet, & Avérous, 2017b;
Jost et al., 2014). In comparison to Fig. 2A, it can be shown that the
fracture mechanism changes from swift brittle to elastoplastic as the
amount of plasticizer increases-resulting in increased elasticity.
At the lowest point of CD (Fig. 2C), the observed increase in E sug­
gests higher stiffness and lower deformation. This anti-plasticization
phenomena also occurs at low plasticizer concentration, below the
threshold where films become stiffer and less flexible (Seow, Cheah, &
Chang, 1999). At this low concentration, sorbitol and PEG are not able to
position themselves effectively between polymer segments, resulting in
insufficient hydrogen bonds within the alginate chains. Authors have
reported similar anti-plasticization effects at low concentrations for
sorbitol (Aguirre, Borneo, & León, 2013; Chamarthy & Pinal, 2008) and
PEG plasticized polymer films (Saberi et al., 2017). Thus, the concen­
trations of additives proposed in our model can provide benchmarks for
obtaining a novel mixed polymer-mixed plasticizer alginate bioplastic.

3.3. Optimization and validation of model results

Derringer’s desirability function analysis was used to find the opti­

mum combination of concentrations of additives that targeted an E of
3.7 GPa, based on the data obtained and predicted by the model. This
target value was achieved by comparing the E (GPa) of synthetic poly­ Fig. 3. FTIR spectra of optimum alginate film and additives.
mers PET (2.8–4.1) (Auras, Harte, & Selke, 2004), HDPE (0.8–1.2)
(Amjadi & Shah, 2020) and biopolymer PLA (3.5–4.26) (Dizon, Espera, process of film formation-with water as the solvent hydrating the com­
Chen, & Advincula, 2018; Van de Velde & Kiekens, 2002). The con­ posite structure. The water present also had an impact on the stretching
centrations of additives for the optimized bioplastic composite were: and deepening of the OH band. Furthermore, the polyols (PEG and
0.263 wt% starch, 0.35 wt% CMC, 0.065 g/g sorbitol and 0.025 g/g PEG sorbitol) in the composite are well known for increasing the intensity of
200. The alginate bioplastic composite using these concentrations gave a the O–H band in alginate films- owing to the high number of hydroxyl
desirability of 1, where 1 represents maximum tensile properties linked groups present (Gao et al., 2017a; Wang, Zhang, Hu, Yang, & Du, 2007).
to the target value (Derringer and Suich, 1980). An experimental E of In addition, the spectra of the film showed peaks at around 1600
3.93 ± 0.45 GPa (n = 5) was found after fabricating the optimized cm− 1 and 1423 cm− 1 attributable to the asymmetric and symmetric
bioplastic, which was quite similar to the expected model value with an vibrations of the COO− groups respectively (Daemi and Barikani, 2012).
experimental deviation of 6%. Furthermore, a Student’s t-test (p = 0.05) Blending of carboxylate containing groups within CMC at (1589 cm− 1
was carried out and the difference between the model prediction and the and 1412 cm− 1), Manugel (1589 cm− 1 and 1401 cm− 1) and S.natans
experimental values was considered to be statistically insignificant. As a alginate (1599 cm− 1 and 1401 cm− 1) resulted in increased absorption in
result, the model based on CCD and Derringer’s desirability function was the COO- band. This indicates vibrations of the C–O and C = O were
successful in predicting the optimal concentration for a bioplastic heightened owing to disruption of intermolecular hydrogen bonds
composite with tensile capabilities similar to PET and PLA. within the polymer matrix.
Additionally, shifts at 1345 cm− 1 recorded for the alginate film, was
3.4. FTIR of the optimized alginate film attributed to the C–O stretch in ester bonds produced between the hy­
droxyl groups in starch, sorbitol and PEG-200 and the carboxylic acids
The FTIR spectra obtained in Fig. 3 indicated intermolecular in­ present in CMC and alginate -resulting in a stable structure and good
teractions between the additives in the composite films by shifting of the compatibility among additives. Furthermore, shifts at 993 cm− 1 in the
different functional groups. Firstly, a very broad absorption band in the composite were attributed to the C–O stretching vibration of the pyr­
alginate film at 3600-3000 cm− 1 is evident- owing to the stretching anosyl ring (Daemi and Barikani, 2012). Thus, the FTIR spectra provides
frequency of the O–H group (Daemi & Barikani, 2012). The O–H band good evidence that the alginate, plasticizers and reinforcement material
was shifted in the alginate powders (Manugel and S.natans) when all exhibit good molecular affinity and synergy through the establishment
additives were blended into the alginate film. This shift indicates of intermolecular interactions.
intermolecular/intramolecular interactions attributable to the forma­
tion of hydrogen bonds between carbonyl and hydroxyl groups (Tong,
Xiao, & Lim, 2008). It can be seen that the prominent hydroxyl groups
were due to starch, PEG 200 and sorbitol. These additives have good
synergy and are well integrated within the polymer matrix during the

A. Mohammed et al. Food Hydrocolloids 135 (2023) 108192

3.5. Comparison of optimized composite to commercial plastics supply chains targeted at low humidity environments.

3.5.1. E 3.5.3. OP
From Fig. 4A, it can be seen that E of the alginate bioplastic com­ From Fig. 4D, it can be seen that the most expedient property of the
posite was comparable to PLA. The E was 60% higher than HDPE and alginate composite is the OP. The value of the OP at 0% and 50 relative
30% lower than of PET. Hence, the alginate composite exhibits similar E humidity was significantly lower (3–4 orders of magnitude) than that of
as PLA and found to be stiffer than HDPE and less deformable than PET. the commercial synthetic and natural polymers. Further to this, it can be
Fig. 4B presents the representative stress-strain curves of the alginate seen from Table S4, that the OP for our alginate composite was amongst
bioplastic, commercial PET, PLA and HDPE samples under uniaxial the lowest reported in literature. Thus, it can be elucidated that the
tension. After the initial elastic response, the alginate bioplastic and alginate matrix was efficiently cross-linked and uniformly dispersed ,
commercial PLA samples yielded before failure as evidenced by a sudden resulting in increased tortuosity and lower oxygen diffusion. In addition,
load decrease to zero after peak stress was attained. The HDPE and PET resultant interactions and interfacial adhesions between the alginate
samples, however exceeded the limits of the machine after passing the and the reinforcement materials leads to strong hydrogen bonds,
elastic response and did not yield. This high E for the alginate compared restricting the mobility of the polymer chains and lowering the available
to HPDE was at the expense of the strain. The strain at break for the free volume for oxygen molecules to diffuse. This further reduces the
alginate film stands at 6.81%, PLA at 43.2% and both HDPE and PET are residence time of the oxygen molecules permeating through the alginate
>60%. These results can guide the application of our alginate bioplastic composite films.
composite as a food packaging material, where high stiffness is desirable Wang et al. (2018) presents a barrier classification of films based on
such as with rigid packaging (pouches, trays, cups, containers, and OP and WVP ranging in grades from poor, low, medium, to high and
plastic sheets) and cannot be used for applications that require plastic very high. Our results illustrate, for the alginate composite, high barrier
deformations at higher stress levels. Lastly, from Table S2, it was found to water vapor (0.46–4.62 10− 12 g m/m2 s Pa) and a very high barrier to
that the E of the alginate bioplastic was amongst the highest for reported oxygen (<0.4 cm3 μm m− 2 d− 1 kPa− 1). This classification is the first of its
alginate sources. kind for alginate materials and suggests that our alginate bioplastic has
excellent potential for active packaging for the protection of perishable
3.5.2. WVP goods susceptible to oxygen degradation.
The WVP of the alginate composite was found to be much higher
(2–3 orders of magnitude) than the synthetic plastics as shown in 3.5.4. Effect of humidity on WVP and OP
Fig. 4C. This is not an uncommon characteristic, as it is well documented The effects of relative humidity on the WVP of the films tested are
in literature that good barriers to oxygen generally possess molecular presented in Fig. 4C and D. There was an observed increase in the WVP
structures with hydrogen-bonding forces and polar-polar interactions- and OP for the alginate film with an increase in relative humidity, which
resulting in high hydrophilicity and low water vapor barriers (Lagaron, has also been reported for alginate films (Olivas & Barbosa-Cánovas,
Catalá, & Gavara, 2004; Lee, 1980). Hence, the hydrophilic nature of the 2008) and other hydrophilic polysaccharides such as chitosan (Ren, Yan,
composite owing to the presence of hydrophilic functional groups (hy­ Zhou, Tong, & Su, 2017), celluloses (Bedane, Ej, Farmahini-Farahani, &
droxyl, carbonyl and carboxyl) from starch, alginate, CMC, sorbitol and Xiao, 2015), starch (Bajpai, Navin, & Ruchi, 2011; Chinma, Ariahu, &
PEG-200 in the polymer matrix accounts for these observations. How­ Alakali, 2015) and potato peel waste (Othman, Edwal, Risyon, Kadir, &
ever, it should be noted (from Table S3) that the WVP of our alginate A.Talib, 2017). It is well documented in literature that as the relative
composite was amongst the lowest reported for an alginate film. Thus, humidity increases, the barrier to water vapor and gases of films worsens
from our results, alginate composites can be utilized in food packaging (Gontard, Guilbert, & Cuq, 1993; McHugh & Krochta, 1994).

Fig. 4. Overview of material and barrier properties for alginate composite bioplastic and commercial plastic films: A, Tensile Modulus (E). B, stress-strain curves. C,
WVP at 0 and 50% RH. D, OP at 0 and 50% RH.

A. Mohammed et al. Food Hydrocolloids 135 (2023) 108192

Water is a natural plasticizer and thus, films at 50% RH would 2021) in a simulated composting process. However, this increase in
possess a high availability of water with higher free hydroxyl groups crystallinity was not responsible for the lower thermal stability of the
resulting in moisture sorption, a reduction in the intermolecular bonds degraded samples, but rather attributed to a decrease in the molecular
and increase in the free volume between molecules (Vieira, da Silva, dos weight of the degraded samples and the preferential degradation of the
Santos, & Beppu, 2011). This free volume accommodates additional amorphous regions of the alginate composite.
sites for more oxygen molecules to permeate through the alginate matrix There was a rapid rate of disintegration during the first 5 days where
(Wang et al., 2018). Furthermore, it was seen that changes in the relative 64.7% of the initial weight of samples was lost, indicating depolymer­
humidity of commercial PET, HDPE and PLA had no significant effect on ization and fragmentation in the biodegradation process as shown in
the OP characteristics, rendering the values similar at all levels of RH. Fig. 5B. During degradation, exoenzymes from aerobic microorganisms
This finding was verified by Wang et al. (2018) who observed similar break down the complex polymers (starch, cellulose and alginate)
effects for the same synthetic and natural polymers. Due to these find­ resulting in oligomers, dimers and monomers which are used for energy
ings, the alginate composite packaging would be best suited for low and food (Gu, 2003). The weight loss in the later days (9-14) can be
humidity atmospheres. accounted for through the metabolization of the film fragments by mi­
croorganisms, indicating mineralization and biomass formation.
3.6. Disintegration study In addition to the high rate of degradation, substantial changes were
seen in the appearance of the samples. The alginate films were broken
This study investigated the degree of disintegration of composite down into small pieces owing to the degradation process and fragmen­
alginate films under simulated composting conditions. Fig. 5A illustrates tation of the composite film into lower molecular mass. The film after
the films being degraded over time and it can be seen that the alginate degradation exhibited irregular non-homogenous surfaces with cracks,
composite visually degraded after 14 days under the simulated condi­ channels and high porosity-intensified as the degradation elapsed,
tions. During the first week, increased deformation and opacity was attributed to microbial activity and hydrolysis. Our results exhibited
detected-illustrating that hydrolytic degradation process had started. here follow similar reports on the degradation of PLA using the same
The increased opacity was attributed to changes in the refractive index, standard (BS EN (2015), which was reported to reach 100% of disinte­
linked to water absorption and the formation of low molecular weight gration after 17 days (Bitinis et al., 2013).
compounds through hydrolytic breakdown (Fukushima, Tabuani,
Abbate, Arena, & Ferreri, 2010). Furthermore, the increased opacity was 3.6.1. FTIR of degraded samples
as a result of increased crystallinity during degradation. It should be The FTIR presented in Fig. 5C suggested that there were changes in
noted that the degradation experiments were carried out at 58 ◦ C, which the chemical structures of the films after degradation. The absorption
improve chain mobility (Iglesias-Montes et al., 2021) causing the algi­ band at 2919 cm− 1 attributed to the symmetric and asymmetric
nate matrix to crystallize and crack. stretching vibration of C–H bonds in the aliphatic chains, and the peak at
This increase in crystallinity and lower thermal stability during 993 cm− 1 ascribed to the stretching vibration of the C–O–C bond (Gao
degradation has been reported by other authors in the analysis of PCL et al., 2017b) were all found to have peak shifts in the degraded samples.
(Jenkins & Harrison, 2008) and PLA/PHB blends (Iglesias-Montes et al., After 7 days, the C–O–C stretching vibration at 993 cm− 1 shifted to 1015

Fig. 5. A, photographs of alginate bioplastic films under disintegration after 14 days. B, percentage disintegration of films after 14 days. C, FTIR spectrum of films
after 7 days of disintegration. D, thermogravimetry (TG) curves of films after 7 days.

A. Mohammed et al. Food Hydrocolloids 135 (2023) 108192

cm− 1-attributed to the breakdown of the polymers and depletion of the

oligomer molecules caused by microorganisms, leaving behind highly
reactive carboxylate end groups. The C–H bond at 2919 cm− 1 shifted to
2937 cm− 1 after 7 days of degradation, ascribed by CH deformation. A
further significant observation was seen at around 1600 cm− 1, which
represents the asymmetric stretching vibration of the –COO- group
(containing the C–– O) bond.
This peak shifted to the right as disintegration progressed, to around
1564 cm− 1 after day 7, which can be explained by the formation of
carboxylate ions by aerobic microorganisms and the digestion of starch,
cellulose, and alginate on the film’s surface. This phenomenon was also
reported at around 1600-1603 cm− 1 for the disintegration of PLA films
(Arrieta, López, Rayón, & Jiménez, 2014; Fortunati et al., 2012) and
starch films (Zain, Ab Wahab, & Ismail, 2018). Further to this, the peak
at 3600-3000 cm− 1 assigned to the stretching vibrations of O–H bond
was found to be broader with stronger intensities after the degradation
process. Thus, these results indicate weakened interactions between the
polymers and plasticizers in the alginate film matrix, promoting suc­
cessful disintegration.

3.6.2. TGA of degraded samples

The TG curves presented in Fig. 5D show the alginate composite mass
retained after disintegration over 7 days. From the TG curves, it can be
seen that the alginate bioplastic composite has a 3-step decomposition Fig. 6. FTIR spectra of alginate composite immersed in food simulant.
process. The first stage can be ascribed to the loss of retained residual
water entrapped within the alginate composite, the second stage be­ crosslinking effect in plasticizer migration has been reported using
tween 220 and 330 ◦ C associated with the thermal degradation of the crosslinked PVC films (Ambrogi, Brostow, Carfagna, Pannico, & Persico,
polymeric chains in the composite, and the third stage above 330 ◦ C 2012; Lakshmi & Jayakrishnan, 1998). Therefore, our alginate bio­
attributed to carbon burning. The second stage degradation temperature plastics meets the EU standard (EU 10/2011) for overall migration,
is similar to literature where the decomposition temperature of calcium specifically for any long term storage at room temperature or below,
alginate composites was found to be in the range of 208–256 ◦ C (Németh including heating up to 70 ◦ C for up to 2 h, or heating up to 100 ◦ C for up
et al., 2018; Sarkar, Sahoo, Das, Prusty, & Swain, 2017; Zhao et al., to 15 min. Thus, this migration study can guide the production of novel
2018). safe composite alginate bioplastics for active packaging applications.
Further to this, the film at day 0 produced the highest mass residue at Ultimately, our study presents the foundation of optimized alginate
37.9% while the film at day 7 possessed the lowest mass residues at films for packaging applications and informs on future models, utilizing
21.4%. It was also seen that as composting proceeded, the thermal additional responses to improve the experimental design; such as glass
decomposition temperature for the alginate composite samples were transition temperature (Tg) and contact angle to investigate critical
shifted to lower temperatures. For example, the temperature for the chemical indicators such as crystallinity, hydrophilicity and flexibility.
maximum degradation rate for the alginate sample at day 0 shifted from
330 to 298 ◦ C. Thus, the thermal stability of the films decreased 4. Conclusions
significantly while thermal decomposition accelerated as disintegration
occurred. The work presented in this study illustrates the potential of a novel
alginate composite bioplastic derived from waste Sargassum natans. The
3.7. Migration study alginate composite was optimized through the use of an RSM design
using DoE-giving an optimum film formulation of 6 wt% alginate, 0.263
Chemical compounds in the form of plasticizers (PEG-200 and sor­ wt% starch, 0.35 wt% CMC, 0.065 g/g sorbitol and 0.025 g/g PEG 200.
bitol) and reinforcement material (starch and CMC) were added to the The composite films possess ultra-low OP (0.2 cm3 μm m− 2 d− 1 kPa− 1),
alginate matrix to improve functionality. However, these chemicals can good WVP (2.18 × 10− 12 g m/m2 s Pa) and high E of 3.93 GPa.
interact with package components and can migrate-jeopardizing quality Furthermore, alginate composite films were characterized and
assurance and safety (Bhunia, Sablani, Tang, & Rasco, 2013). Thus, a compared to commercial HDPE, PET and PLA and were found to have
migration study was carried out to evaluate these interactions. Fig. 6 better OP, higher WVP and comparable material properties. Our results
illustrates the FTIR spectra of composite alginate films immersed in also illustrate that the alginate composite degrades in simulated
distilled water over 10 days. The control was taken as distilled water compost after 14 days and the additives within the composite material
with no alginate sample present. Results illustrate no observed changes do not migrate -thus making it safe for use as a food packaging alter­
in the FTIR spectra for all samples tested from day 2 to day 10, sug­ native in low moisture environments.
gesting that there was no plasticizer or reinforcement material migration
occurring. This can be attributed to the strong cross-linked polymeric CRediT authorship contribution statement
alginate matrix which effectively encapsulates the plasticizers and
reinforcement material. The ionic crosslinking phenomena between Akeem Mohammed: Methodology, Investigation, Visualization,
Ca2+ and diaxially linked guluronic residues in the alginate forms a very Writing – original draft, Writing – review & editing, 2. Andre Gaduan:
compact structure with ionic bridges referred to as the ‘egg-box’ model Methodology, Investigation, Data curation, Investigation, Writing –
(Khalil et al., 2017). original draft. Pooran Chaitram: Data curation, Investigation. Anaadi
The cross-linking process is referred to as a type of surface modifi­ Pooran: Data curation, Investigation. Koon-Yang Lee: Methodology,
cation, resulting in improved water and chemical resistance (Azeredo & Investigation, Visualization, Validation, Writing – review & editing.
Waldron, 2016). This modified surface layer essentially acts as a barrier Keeran Ward: Methodology, Investigation, Visualization, Supervision,
to migration (Wei, Linde, & Hedenqvist, 2019). Similar results for this Project administration, Validation, Formal analysis, Funding

A. Mohammed et al. Food Hydrocolloids 135 (2023) 108192

acquisition, Writing – review & editing. Cais, R. E., Nozomi, M., Kawai, M., & Miyake, A. (1992). Antiplasticization and abrasion
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Chia, W. Y., Ying Tang, D. Y., Khoo, K. S., Kay Lup, A. N., & Chew, K. W. (2020). Nature’s
The authors declare that they have no known competing financial fight against plastic pollution: Algae for plastic biodegradation and bioplastics
interests or personal relationships that could have appeared to influence production. Environmental Science and Ecotechnology, 4, Article 100065.
the work reported in this paper. Chinma, C. E., Ariahu, C. C., & Alakali, J. S. (2015). Effect of temperature and relative
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Dizon, J. R. C., Espera, A. H., Chen, Q., & Advincula, R. C. (2018). Mechanical
characterization of 3D-printed polymers. Additive Manufacturing, 20, 44–67.
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Fortunati, E., Armentano, I., Iannoni, A., Barbale, M., Zaccheo, S., Scavone, M., et al.
Impact Fund Innovation Proof of Concept Grant-26607. The authors (2012). New multifunctional poly(lactide acid) composites: Mechanical,
would like to thank Trishana Ramgoolie, Idris Mohammed, Jodi Porter antibacterial, and degradation properties. Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 124(1),
and Maria Jimenez-Solomon for their contributions in developing the 87–98.
Fukushima, K., Tabuani, D., Abbate, C., Arena, M., & Ferreri, L. (2010). Effect of sepiolite
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on the biodegradation of poly(lactic acid) and polycaprolactone. Polymer Degradation
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Appendix A. Supplementary data Gao, C., Pollet, E., & Avérous, L. (2017a). Innovative plasticized alginate obtained by
thermo-mechanical mixing: Effect of different biobased polyols systems.
Carbohydrate Polymers, 157, 669–676.
Supplementary data to this article can be found online at https://doi. Gao, C., Pollet, E., & Avérous, L. (2017b). Properties of glycerol-plasticized alginate films
org/10.1016/j.foodhyd.2022.108192. obtained by thermo-mechanical mixing. Food Hydrocolloids, 63, 414–420.
Gaudin, S., Lourdin, D., Forssell, P., & Colona, P. (2000). Antiplasticisation and oxygen
permeability of starch-sorbitol films. Carbohydrate Polymers, 43, 33–37.
References Gontard, N., Guilbert, S., & Cuq, J.-L. (1993). Water and glycerol as plasticizers affect
mechanical and water vapor barrier properties of an edible wheat gluten film.
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