(Intensive and Extensive Reading) Lesson Plan

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BasicIntermediate (Adults)  Advanced

Lesson Plan
( Intensive and Extensive Reading )
Materials Lesson Objectives

1- Copies of a demo text of 1- Student will be able to differentiate between

short story called ( Green ( nouns – pronouns – verbs – adjectives and
land ) For Intensive adverbs ) after they read the short story I've been
Reading . mentioned. (Intensive Reading )
2- Use this like of BBC 2- Students feel free to tell about their city's
Weather to read about weather after they check the website of BBC and
today's weather in your city read about their district's weather and give
https://www.bbc.com/weath advices to avoid the bad weather . ( Extensive
er. For Extensive Reading . Reading ) .
3- White board and colored
pens to write notes.
4- Pictures form the short
Warm-up and Objective Discussion (15Min)
- Offer to the students the title of the short story and small introduction about it . after that ,
show them the picture to make them merge with the reading passages .
- the second part of the class , go with them to read a passage online about the weather today .

Instruct and Model (20Min) R W L S

- Tell the students a full introduction about the short story to make their mind refresh to the
reading activity .
- Divide the students to 4 small groups to start to read the full text of the short story .
- Explain to the students the five main parts of speech .
- Apply the part of speech to the text of the short story . (Intensive Reading )
-  Tell the student some advices to avoid the hard weather and let them read about their
weather in their cities and tell about advices to fight the hard weather .

Guided Practice (5Min) R W L S

- Use the pictures from the short story and comment on every picture .
- Use the Jigsaw , to read and analysis the structure of the story ( parts of speech ) .
- also use Cloze passage exercise to make sure that the information are clear to the students .
Independent Practice (5Min) R W L S
- let the students tell about their weather they've read online .
- discuss with them what is the important of knowing about the weather to avoid the hard
weather days .

Assessment & Review (5Min) R W L S

- let the students to refer to the part of speech of the short story like ( nouns – pronouns –
verbs – adjectives and adverbs ) .
- tell them to be ready to make a presentation at the next class to discuss the weather in your
city and How to avoid the hard weather.

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