Routing Algorithms

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Types of Routing Algorithms

Adaptive Routing Algorithms

• The three popular types of adaptive routing algorithms are −

• Centralized algorithm − It finds the least-cost path between source
and destination nodes by using global knowledge about the network.
So, it is also known as global routing algorithm.
• Isolated algorithm − This algorithm procures the routing information
by using local information instead of gathering information from
other nodes.
• Distributed algorithm − This is a decentralized algorithm that
computes the least-cost path between source and destination
iteratively in a distributed manner.
Non – Adaptive Routing Algorithms

• The two types of non – adaptive routing algorithms are −

• Flooding − In flooding, when a data packet arrives at a router, it is
sent to all the outgoing links except the one it has arrived on.
Flooding may be uncontrolled, controlled or selective flooding.
• Random walks − This is a probabilistic algorithm where a data packet
is sent by the router to any one of its neighbours randomly.
Shortest Path Routing

• In this algorithm, to select a route, the algorithm discovers the

shortest path between two nodes. It can use multiple hops, the
geographical area in kilometres or labelling of arcs for measuring path
• The labelling of arcs can be done with mean queuing, transmission
delay for a standard test packet on an hourly basis, or computed as a
function of bandwidth, average distance traffic, communication cost,
mean queue length, measured delay average distance traffic,
communication cost, mean queue length, measured delay or some
other factors.
• In a computer network, flooding occurs when a router uses a
nonadaptive routing algorithm to send an incoming packet to every
outgoing link except the node on which the packet arrived.
• Flooding is a way to distribute routing protocols updates quickly to
every node in a large network.
• For example, let us consider the network in the figure, having six
routers that are connected through transmission lines.

transmission lines.
Using flooding technique −
•An incoming packet to A, will be sent to B, C and D.
•B will send the packet to C and E.
•C will send the packet to B, D and F.
•D will send the packet to C and F.
•E will send the packet to F.
•F will send the packet to C and E.
• Types of Flooding
• Flooding may be of three types −
• Uncontrolled flooding − Here, each router unconditionally transmits
the incoming data packets to all its neighbours.
• Controlled flooding − They use some methods to control the
transmission of packets to the neighbouring nodes. The two popular
algorithms for controlled flooding are Sequence Number Controlled
Flooding (SNCF) and Reverse Path Forwarding (RPF).
• Selective flooding − Here, the routers don't transmit the incoming
packets only along those paths which are heading towards
approximately in the right direction, instead of every available paths.
Advantages of Flooding

• It is very simple to setup and implement, since a router may know

only its neighbours.
• It is extremely robust. Even in case of malfunctioning of a large
number routers, the packets find a way to reach the destination.
• All nodes which are directly or indirectly connected are visited. So,
there are no chances for any node to be left out. This is a main
criteria in case of broadcast messages.
• The shortest path is always chosen by flooding.
Limitations of Flooding

• Flooding tends to create an infinite number of duplicate data packets,

unless some measures are adopted to damp packet generation.
• It is wasteful if a single destination needs the packet, since it delivers
the data packet to all nodes irrespective of the destination.
• The network may be clogged with unwanted and duplicate data
packets. This may hamper delivery of other data packets.
Distance Vector Routing –

• It is a dynamic routing algorithm in which each router computes a distance

between itself and each possible destination i.e. its immediate neighbors.
• The router shares its knowledge about the whole network to its neighbors
and accordingly updates the table based on its neighbors.
• The sharing of information with the neighbors takes place at regular
• It makes use of Bellman-Ford Algorithm for making routing tables.
• Problems – Count to infinity problem which can be solved by splitting
– Good news spread fast and bad news spread slowly.
– Persistent looping problem i.e. loop will be there forever.
Link State Routing –
• It is a dynamic routing algorithm in which each router shares
knowledge of its neighbors with every other router in the network.
• A router sends its information about its neighbors only to all the
routers through flooding.
• Information sharing takes place only whenever there is a change.
• It makes use of Dijkstra’s Algorithm for making routing tables.
• Problems – Heavy traffic due to flooding of packets.
– Flooding can result in infinite looping which can be solved by using
the Time to live (TTL) field.

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