Synopsis (E-Learning - Platform) BCA 6

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E-Learning Platform

Submitted in Fulfilment of the Requirement for the

Degree of
Bachelor’s of Computer Applications
Graphic Era Hill University Bhimtal 2022-2023

Project Guide Submitted By

Mr. Praveen Joshi Babita Lohani
Assistant Professor Ravi Bhatt
School of Computing 6th semester

By: - Babita Lohani And Ravi Bhatt (BCA 6 th Page 1


We Babita Lohani And Ravi Bhatt hereby declare the

work, which is being presented in the project, entitled
“E –Learning Platform” in partial fulfillment of the
requirement in the session 2022-2023, is an authentic
record of our own work carried out under the supervision
of Graphic Era Hill University, Bhimtal college
guide name



By: - Babita Lohani And Ravi Bhatt (BCA 6 th Page 2




Certified that Babita Lohani(Roll No.- 2071505) and Ravi Bhatt

(Roll No.- 2071527 ) have submitted mini project synopsis report on
“E – Learning Platform” for the BCA 6th Semester Project Lab (BCA) in
Graphic Era Hill University, Bhimtal under my supervision. The project
carried out by Students is their own work as best of my knowledge.


Project Guide



School of Computing

By: - Babita Lohani And Ravi Bhatt (BCA 6 th Page 3


Here by we are submitting the project report on “E –Learning

Platform”, as per the scheme of Graphic Era Hill University,

We would like to express our sincere gratitude to Dr.

Sandeep K. Budhani(Head of Department) of Computer
Science and Application, for providing a congenial environment
to work in and carry out our project.

We consider it our cardinal duty to express the deepest sense

of gratitude to Mr. Praveen Joshi Associate. Professor,
Department of Computer Science and Application for the
invaluable guidance extended at every stage and in every
possible way.

By: - Babita Lohani And Ravi Bhatt (BCA 6 th Page 4

E –Learning Platform


E - Learning is an alternative to a traditional classroom learning experience and is often referred to as
“online learning,” “remote learning,” “virtual learning,” “mobile learning,” “digital learning,” or
“distance education.”

E - Learning involves using primarily the internet and one or more other technologies involving
one/two-way transmissions through open broadcast, closed circuit, cable, microwave,
broadband lines, fiber optics, satellite, or wireless communications devices or audio/video

The main objective of the Project on E-Learning Management System is to manage the details of
Course, Student, Faculty, Assignment, Course Type. It manages all the information about Course,
Quiz, Course Type, Course. The project is totally built at administrative end and thus only the
administrator is guaranteed the access. The purpose of the project is to build an application
program to reduce the manual work for managing the Course, Student, Quiz, Faculty. It tracks all
the details about the Faculty, Assignment, Course Type .

Importance of e-learning
• E-learning has been introduced to empower learners to get basic schooling and
enhance skills. Also, they can obtain a degree certificate, without actually
attending school or university or any other institution.
• For tutors, it is a great source of earning, wherein they can teach from anywhere in
their preferred time.
• Applying e-learning to all levels of schooling helped to ensure students grasp
the lessons adequately at a faster pace.
• According to psychology, the audio-visual method of teaching leads to a
disciplined learning environment. There are effective tutor and student
• One of the importance of e-learning in education is that tutors and participants
both can develop advanced learning skills. For example, creating and selling eBooks
is one such advancement.

By: - Babita Lohani And Ravi Bhatt (BCA 6 th Page 5

• E-learning has worked towards bringing learners, tutors, experts, practitioners, and
other interest groups to one place. Thus, there is a good practice of knowledge
sharing followed through different online platforms. This is important in current
times as competition is rising and the world is also growing. Hence, quick
information helps in the better growth of an individual.

Modules of E-Learning Platform:

• Course Management Module: Used for managing the Course details.
• Course Type Module : Used for managing the details of Course Type
• Quiz Module : Used for managing the details of Quiz
• Student Management Module: Used for managing the information and
details of the Student.
• Assignment Module : Used for managing the Assignment informations
• Login Module: Used for managing the login details
• Users Module : Used for managing the users of the system


E-learning technical requirements

Our e-learning modules run in a web browser and should work across most platforms. However, we have had
to test against a standard office environment and can only guarantee that they will work on the following
technical specifications


Tools/Platform, Hardware and Software Requirement


By: - Babita Lohani And Ravi Bhatt (BCA 6 th Page 6

Software Requirements:

Name of component Specification

Operating System Windows 98, Windows XP, Windows7,
Language PHP, HTML, JavaScript
Database MySQL Server
Browser Any of Mozilla, Opera, Chrome etc
Web Server Apache 2
Software Development Kit PHP 5.5 or above
Scripting Language Enable JavaScript

Hardware Requirements:
Name of component Specification
Processor Pentium III 630MHz
RAM 128 MB
Hard disk 20 GB
Monitor 15” color monitor

Characteristics of Back-end:-
Queries against the shared resources. (MySql)
Management (Application and data)& Server-side Scripting. (PHP)
Transaction and processing
API Integration &Communication and computation

Characteristics of Front-end:-
Fully supports Object linking and Embedding (OLE).
User Interface Design
HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.
Cross-Browser Compatibility & Responsiveness.

By: - Babita Lohani And Ravi Bhatt (BCA 6 th Page 7

Scope of the Solution:-
The E-learning technologies aim to enhance the target of learning outcome in the Education thorough the
effective uses
of the e-learning technology tools and empower the innovative learning. In the current era E-learning in
the computer
science playing an effective role to develop the students technical, design and
development skills.

The Scope of E-Learning in the Computer Science & Technologies

• An ability to review a design.

• An ability to communicate ideas using technically.

• An ability to choose appropriate materials.

• An ability to show use of strong shapes to strengthen the model.

• An ability to use tools and equipment correctly, safely and competently.

The primary actors of the system are administrator, teacher and student.

(a) Use case: Administrator

By: - Babita Lohani And Ravi Bhatt (BCA 6 th Page 8

(b) Use case: Student

(c) Use case: Teacher

By: - Babita Lohani And Ravi Bhatt (BCA 6 th Page 9

Future Scope & Further Enhancement:-

Future Scope of the Project:

In a nutshell, it can be summarized that the future scope of the project circles
around maintaining information regarding:

We can add printer in future.

We can give more advance software for E-Learning Management System
including more facilities.
We will host the platform on online servers to make it accessible worldwide
Integrate multiple load balancers to distribute the loads of the system
Create the master and slave database structure to reduce the overload of the
database queries
Implement the backup mechanism for taking backup of codebase and database
on regular basis on different servers

The above mentioned points are the enhancements which can be done to
increase the applicability and usage of this project. Here we can maintain the
records of Course and Student. Also, as it can be seen that now-a-days the
players are versatile, i.e. so there is a scope for introducing a method to maintain
the E-Learning Management System. Enhancements can be done to maintain all
the Course, Student, Faculty, Assignment, Course Type.

We have left all the options open so that if there is any other future
requirement in the system by the user for the enhancement of the system then it
is possible to implement them.In the last we would like to thanks all the persons
involved in the development of the system directly or indirectly. We hope that the
project will serve its purpose for which it is develop there by underlining success
of process.

List of limitations which is available in the E-Learning

Management System:

• Excel export has not been developed for Course, Student due to some criticality.

• The transactions are executed in off-line mode, hence on-line data for Faculty,
Assignment capture and modification is not possible.
Off-line reports of Course, Course Type, Faculty cannot be generated due to batch mode execution.

By: - Babita Lohani And Ravi Bhatt (BCA 6 th Page 10

Overview of the Project :-

By: - Babita Lohani And Ravi Bhatt (BCA 6 th Page 11

By: - Babita Lohani And Ravi Bhatt (BCA 6 th Page 12
E- learning is beneficial to the students, tutors and the institution offering these courses. I would
therefore recommend that online learning be implemented on all learning institutions and
research on how to improve this learning process should be carried out.

E-learning is not just a change of technology.It is part of a redefinition of how we as a species

transmit knowledge, skills, and values to younger generations of workers and students.

An e-learning environment is becoming essential for schools around the world attempting
to meet the learning needs of their students. A school’s culture and shared vision is vital to an
organization’s successful implementation of e-learning. With the support of teachers, staff,
students, parents, administrators, and the community an e-learning culture will be developed
and nurtured.


• Google for problem solving

• Head First Java 2nd Edition


By: - Babita Lohani And Ravi Bhatt (BCA 6 th Page 13


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