Forecasting Trend Time Series

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Forecasting Trend Time Series

Incorporating Steps and Trends

Trend Fitting
Where the time series has a trend, a trend fitting and
extrapolation approach may be used for prediction

Trend fitting is a method where the time series is linked

to some function of a time index

Yt = f (time)

A linear trend equation is typically assumed although

it depends on the trend observed

Prediction is based on extrapolation by substitution of

the appropriate value for the time index
Trend Fitting (cont)
Assuming a linear trend the equation is

Yt = a + b * t
where t = a time index and a and b are constants

The values of a and b typically estimated by

regression of the time series (Y) against time index (t)

EXCEL has numerous alternative ways of

estimating the above equation and/or trend
fitting/extrapolation including the regression routine
Holts Exponential Smoothing
The two general methods already studied (MA, SES) are useful
when the time series is predominantly horizontal but will not
be good predictors when the time series has other
systematic components

If the time series has a trend then MA and SES will be

poor predictors

A simple extension of the SES model (Holt’s Model) which

incorporates a trend component can be used for better

Like SES, Holts Exponential Smoothing (HES) uses a

smoothing algorithm to remove random influences from the
time series revealing the underlying systematic components.
HES Equations
HES is characterised by three equations;

1. Lt = aYt + (1 - a) (Lt-1 + Tt-1)

2. Tt = b (Lt - Lt-1) + (1 - b)(Tt-1)

3. Ft+m = Lt + mTt

The first equation is for level, the second for trend and the
third is the forecasting equation for “m” periods into
the future
HES Equations (cont)

Lt= Smoothed level at period (t)

Yt= Actual time series value at period t

a = Smoothing constant for level

Tt= Trend estimate at period t

b= Smoothing constant for the trend

(0 <= b <= 1)

m = Number of periods ahead to be forecast

Ft+m = Holt’s forecast value for period t + m

HES (cont.)
The values of a, b are arbitrarily determined

Typically between 0 and 1 inclusive although some programs

(eg MINITAB) ignore this restriction

Try different a, b to determine the “optimum” combination (as

assessed by error criteria (MSE, MAE, MAPE)

SOLVER in EXCEL can also be used to find the optimum by

minimising a chosen error criterion

Initialisation of the model requires initial estimates for Lt and Tt.

Lt is usually the initial time series value (Y1)
Tt is usually the average of the increase/decrease in the first few
periods (use either zero or (Y2-Y1) or ((Y3-Y1)/2) )

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