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CN 105


The Macronutrients: Carbohydrates, fats, and Proteins

Marcus Jerard C. Ramos BSN II-C

Carbohydrate, protein, and fat are essential for health maintenance, growth,
reproduction, immunity, and healing. Deficits or excesses of any of these nutrients may
compromise these processes, resulting in poor health outcomes, which vary depending
on the macronutrient in question and the life stage of the affected person. As retrieved
Did it comes across your mind how powerful they are at it serves to refuel, facilitate
bodily process, and as it heals the wounds and builds tissues in our body.
As future Nurse how the Drawback of these Macronutrients strikes you?
DIRECTION: To answer; the students must copy the text in a word format then submit it as
file upload through the canvass. Thank you

Drawback of Fats How to correct these drawbacks

Trans fats raise your bad (LDL) cholesterol Most drawback from fats come from
levels and lower your good (HDL) consuming transfat. Trans fats are a form
cholesterol levels. of unsaturated fat associated with a
number of negative health effects. In order
Eating trans fats increases your risk of to counter this, an individual must avoid or
developing heart disease regulate consuming foods like Commercially
Also associated with a higher risk of Baked pastries, cookies, doughnuts, pizza,
developing type 2 diabetes. cake. Fried foods. And foods with margarine or
Eating too much trans fat can cause you to butter. Instead An individual must seek
gain weight. obtaining essential fats from Food like nuts, or
Build up of Bad cholesterol from fats can fatty fish like salmon, mackerel and trout
which are known to be sources of
also cause stroke.
Monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats
which is good for our body.
Drawback of Carbohydrates How to correct these drawbacks
Refined carbs have been stripped of almost all With Carbohydrates the simplest way to
fiber, vitamins and minerals. For this reason, handle its drawbacks is to simply regulate its
they can be considered as “empty” calories. intake. Most people especially in Asian
Refined carbs are also digested quickly, and countries have been used to very high carb
have a high glycemic index. This means that diets, this is the main reason why diabetes is a
they lead to rapid spikes in blood sugar and very common occurrence in Asian countries.
insulin levels after meals. People can also avoid these drawback by
Eating foods high on the glycemic index has switching to whole grain diets as their main
been linked to overeating and can lead to source of carbohydrates, Whole grain has
obesity. been proven to be one of the most nutritious
Over consumption of carbohydrates can also sources of carbohydrates unlike refined Carbs
lead to Diabetes Mellitus. like white bread, pasta, rice and sodas. Whole
Foods containing sugars or starch may be grain still has most of its natural dietary fibers,
easily broken down by a-amylase and bacteria and vitamins making it very healthy. While
in the mouth and can produce acid which refined carbs are mostly simple sugars and
increases the risk of dental caries. refined grains which has already lost most of
its natural dietary fibers and vitamins making it
very unhealthy when taken in large quantities.

Drawback of Proteins How to correct these drawbacks

Eating large amounts of protein can lead to Proteins are known to be a very healthy
bad breath, especially if you restrict your and standard source of nutrients for
carbohydrate intake. humans. For eons our species have relied
Eating too much dairy or processed food, on protein heavy diets but when protein is
coupled with a lack of fiber, can cause taken in unregulated amounts it can also
diarrhea. This is especially true if you’re
cause health issues. These can be
lactose-intolerant or consume protein sources
such as fried meat, fish, and poultry. avoided by balancing our diet, making sure
While no major studies link high protein intake that alongside consuming proteins, we
to kidney damage in healthy individuals, also must take other sources of nutrients
excess protein can cause damage in people like carbohydrates, which will help regulate
with pre-existing kidney disease. the natural sodium concentration from
Studies have shown that certain high-protein meat.
diets that are particularly high in red meat-
based protein are linked to an increased risk of
various health issues, including cancer. Eating
more red and/or processed meat is associated
with colorectal, breast, and prostate cancer.
High-protein diets may induce short term
weight loss. Excess protein consumed is
usually stored as fat, while the surplus of
amino acids is excreted. This can lead to
weight gain over time, especially if you
consume too many calories while trying to
increase your protein intake.

With this activity I have gained to realize a lot of things about our food
consumption. I have come to realize that all macronutrients even though it is needed by
our body can cause severe health disadvantages if not taken in regulation. Fats can
increase cholesterol which can then clog arteries to our heart and cause deadly cardiac
diseases. Carbohydrates can cause obesity and diabetes when taken in large
quantities. Protein can cause dehydration and even kidney disease because of its high
sodium concentration when not taken with any other macronutrient to balance it.
With these thoughts in mind I am fairly confident that I can teach my future clients a
thing or two about regulating their intake of macronutrients and making sure that they
balance out their diets. We should always remember that too much of anything is bad.


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