Room On The Broom

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The story is about a witch who gains companions (a dog, bird, frog) who each help her in exchange for a ride on her broom. However, their combined weight eventually causes the broom to break, leaving them in danger from a dragon, until a monster scares the dragon away.

Each animal finds an item the witch has lost and politely returns it, then asks to join her group in exchange for a ride on the broom. She agrees each time.

The combined weight of the witch, dog, bird, frog, and cat eventually causes the broom to snap in two, sending them all tumbling into a bog.

Room on the Broom

"Down!"cried the witch, and

they flew to the ground. They
searched for the hat

but no hat could be found.

Then out of the bushes

on thundering paws
There bounded a dog
with the hat in his jaws.
He dropped it politely,
then eagerly said
(As the witch pulled the hat
firmly down on her head),
"I am a dog, as keen as can be.
ls there room on the broom
for a dog like me?"

"Yes!" cried the witch,

and the dog clambered on.
The witch tapped the broomstick and
whoosh!they were gone.
l Then out from a tree, w ith an ear-
splitting shriek, there Happed a green
with the bow in her beak.
She dropped it politely
and bent her head low,

"Down!" cried the witch,

and they flew to the ground.
They searched for the bow
but no bow could be found.
Then said (as the witch
tied her plait in a bow),
"I am a bird,
as green as can be.
Is there room on the broom
for a bird like me?"

"Yes!" cried the witch,

so the bird fluttered on.

The witch tapped the broomstick and

whoosh! they were gone.
Over the reeds and the
rivers they flew.
The bird shrieked with glee
and the stormy wind blew.
They shot through the sky
to the hack of beyond.
The witch clutched her bow
but let go of her wand.

"Down!" cried the witch, and they flew

to the ground. They searched for the

wand but no wand could be found.

Then al l of a sudden from ou1 0f a
pond Leapt a dripping wet frog
- with a dripping wet wand. He
dropped it politely,
then said with a croak
(As the witch dried the wand
on a fol d of her cloak),
"I am a frog, as cl ean as can be. Is
there room on the broom
for a frog l ike me?"
"Yes!" said the witch, so the frog

bounded on.

The witch tapped the broomstick and

whoosh! they were gone.
Over the moors and the
mountains they flew.
The frog jumped for joy and
Down fell the cat and the dog
and the frog.
Down they went tumbling
into a bog.

The witch's half-broomstick

flew into a cloud,
And the witch heard a roar that was scary
and loud ...
"I am a dragon, as mean as can be,
And I'm planning to have WITCH
AND CHIPS for my tea!"
"No!" cried the witch,
flying higher and higher.
The dragon flew after her,
breathing out fire.
"Help!" cried the witch,
flying down to the ground.
She looked all around
but no help could be found.

The dragon drew nearer and,

licking his lips,
Said, "Maybe this once
I'll have witch without chips"
But just as he planned to begin
on his feast,
From out of a ditch
rose a horrible beast.
It was tall, dark and sticky,
and feathered and furred.
It had four frightful heads,
it had wings like a bird.
And its terrible voice,
when it started to speak,
Was a yowl and a growl
and a croak and a shriek.
It dripped and it squelched
as it strode from the ditch,
And it said to the dragon,
"Buzz off! -
The drago n drew back and
he started to shake.
"I'm sorry!" he spluttered.
"I made a mistake. It's nice to have met you,
but now I must fly."
And he spread out his wings
and was off through the sky.

Then down flew the bird

and down jumped the frog.
Down climbed the cat,
and "Phew!" said the dog.
And, "Thank you, oh, thank you!"
the grateful witch cried.
"Without you I'd be
in that dragon's inside."
Then she filled u p her
cau ldron and said with a
"Find something, everyone,
throw something in!" So
the frog fou nd a lily,

the cat found a cone,

The bird found a twig

and the dog found a hone.

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