Extra Activity Worksheets 3rd Level

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Extra Activity Worksheets
 Worksheet  Worksheet

In the jungle 5
The robber’s clothes
Vocabulary cards 1 Vocabulary cards 13
Story script 2 Story script 14
Cross-curricular 3 Cross-curricular 15

Wizard school 6
Haunted house
Vocabulary cards 4 Vocabulary cards 16
Story script 5 Story script 17
Cross-curricular 6 Cross-curricular 18

Activity camp Festivals
Vocabulary cards 7 Halloween 19
Story script 8 Christmas 20
Cross-curricular 9 Easter 21

Lunch with aliens Story frames
Vocabulary cards 10 In the jungle 22
Story script 11 Wizard school 23
Cross-curricular 12 Activity camp 24
Lunch with aliens 25
The robber’s clothes 26
Haunted house 27

1 In the jungle

a giraffe a zebra

an eagle a buffalo

a lizard a crocodile

a panther a f lamingo

a lion a gorilla

plants rocks

grass mud

river leaves

Big Surprise! 3 PHOTOCOPIABLE © Oxford University Press Extra Activity Worksheet 1

1 In the jungle

Narrator Esther Duncan

1 Narrator: Esther is at home with her brother Duncan.

Esther: Come on, Duncan. Come to the jungle with me.
Duncan: OK.

2 Narrator: Duncan is in the jungle with Esther.

Duncan: I’m scared, Esther!
Esther: It’s OK, Duncan. Don’t be scared.

3 Narrator: They see something green.

Duncan: What’s this? Is it a snake?

4 Esther: No, it’s a plant. Don’t be scared.

5 Narrator: They see something brown.

Duncan: What’s this? Is it a lion?

6 Esther: No, it’s a rock. Don’t be scared.

7 Narrator: They see something green and brown.

Duncan: What’s this? Is it a tree?

8 Esther: No, it’s a crocodile. Run!

Big Surprise! 3 PHOTOCOPIABLE © Oxford University Press Extra Activity Worksheet 2

1 In the jungle Cross-curricular

Label. Read and colour. Cut out and stick.

bird flower grass leaves snake spider

The snake is brown

The spider is yellow. The bird is green. It’s
and black. It hides in
It’s in a flower. The in the grass. The grass
the leaves. The leaves
flower is yellow. The is green. The bird is
are brown. The snake
spider is difficult to see. difficult to see.
is difficult to see.

Big Surprise! 3 PHOTOCOPIABLE © Oxford University Press Extra Activity Worksheet 3

2 Wizard school

a dictionary a calculator

a glue stick a rubber

a felt-tip a sharpener

a folder a pencil case

a ruler a notebook

classroom toilet

library dining room

playground garden

Big Surprise! 3 PHOTOCOPIABLE © Oxford University Press Extra Activity Worksheet 4

2 Wizard school

Narrator Wally Harriet Wicked Wizard

1 Narrator: Wally Wizard is at school with Harriet.

Wally: Have you got the spell book, Harriet?
Harriet: No, I haven’t. Where is it?
Wicked Wizard: Ha! I’ve got the spell book.

2 Narrator: Wally and Harriet run after the Wicked Wizard.

Harriet: Oh no! A river!
Wally: It's OK. I've got a magic ruler.

3 Wally: Magic ruler, quick, quick, quick. Magic ruler, do your trick!
Harriet: Wow! Look!

4 Narrator: At the Wicked Wizard’s castle.

Harriet: Secret message for Wally. Oh no! No message!
Wally: It's OK. I've got a magic pen.

5 Wally: Magic pen, quick, quick, quick. Magic pen, do your trick!
Harriet: Wow! Look. Open door 3.

6 Harriet: Door 3 … Door 3 … Door 3! Oh no!

Wally: It's OK. I've got a magic rubber.

7 Wally: Magic rubber, quick, quick, quick. Magic rubber, do your trick!
Harriet: Wow! Look!
Wally: Quick! Open the door!

8 Wicked Wizard: OW!

Wally: Have you got the spell book?
Harriet: Yes, I have. Thank you, Wally.
Wally: No. Thank you, magic pencil case

Big Surprise! 3 PHOTOCOPIABLE © Oxford University Press Extra Activity Worksheet 5

2 Wizard school Cross-curricular

Read, choose and tick ✓. Draw your castle.

My castle is on   a hill       a rock  .

It’s got 4    5    6     towers.

It’s got   a moat. 

  thick walls. 

  beautiful gardens. 

  a bridge. 

My castle

Big Surprise! 3 PHOTOCOPIABLE © Oxford University Press Extra Activity Worksheet 6

3 Activity camp

ski play football

sail surf

dive do karate

ride a bike play volleyball

play tennis skate

a violin a trumpet

a piano a recorder

a guitar drums

Big Surprise! 3 PHOTOCOPIABLE © Oxford University Press Extra Activity Worksheet 7

3 Activity camp

Narrator Charlie Sam Suzy

1 Narrator: Charlie arrives at the activity camp.

Sam: Hello. I’m Sam.
Charlie: Hi, I’m Charlie.
Suzy / Anna: Hi, Charlie.

2 Narrator: The children go to the music centre.

Sam: Can you play the drums, Suzy?
Suzy: Yes, I can. Listen!

3 Suzy: Can you play the trumpet, Charlie?

Charlie: No, I can’t. But I love sport! Come and watch.

4 Narrator: The children go to the sports centre.

Charlie: Look at me! I can play football!
Suzy / Anna: Charlie! Charlie! Charlie the Champ!

5 Charlie: Look at me! I can ski!

Suzy / Anna: Charlie! Charlie! Charlie the Champ!

6 Charlie: Look at me! I can skate!

Suzy / Anna: Charlie! Charlie! Charlie the Champ!
Sam: Watch out, Charlie!

7 Suzy: Oh no! Charlie, can you swim?

Charlie: No, I can’t! Help!
Sam: It’s OK. I can swim.

8 Narrator: And Sam saves Charlie.

Suzy: Oh, Sam. You’re the real champ!

Big Surprise! 3 PHOTOCOPIABLE © Oxford University Press Extra Activity Worksheet 8

3 Activity camp Cross-curricular

Read and match. Make an instrument.

1 This is a wind 2 This is a string 3 This is a percussion

instrument. You instrument. You play instrument. You play
play it with your it with your hands. it with your hands.
mouth. Make it with Make it with Make it with
bottles and a pot and a pot,

water. rubber bands. a balloon

and tape.

Big Surprise! 3 PHOTOCOPIABLE © Oxford University Press Extra Activity Worksheet 9

4 Lunch with aliens

pears biscuits

lemonade eggs

crisps olives

yoghurt sandwiches

chocolate peaches

tomato soup burgers

sausages rice

chips vegetables

Big Surprise! 3 PHOTOCOPIABLE © Oxford University Press Extra Activity Worksheet 10

4 Lunch with aliens

Narrator Linda Mike Alien 1 Alien 2

1 Narrator: It’s lunchtime. Mike is in the park with Linda.

Suddenly aliens arrive!
Linda: Wow! Aliens!
Alien 1: Hello friends.

2 Linda: Hi! Come and have lunch.

Alien 1: Do you like Earth food?
Alien 2: I don’t know. Let’s try it.

3 Alien 1: What's this? Is it a telephone?

Mike: No, it's a banana. Try it.

4 Narrator: The alien takes a bite.

Alien 1: Yuck! I don’t like bananas.

5 Alien 1: What's this? Is it a ball?

Mike: No, it's an egg. Try it.

6 Narrator: The alien takes a bite.

Alien 1: Yuck! I don't like eggs.

7 Alien 1: What's this? Is it a hat?

Linda: No, it's a lunchbox!

8 Narrator: The alien takes a bite.

Alien 1: Yum! I like lunchboxes.

Big Surprise! 3 PHOTOCOPIABLE © Oxford University Press Extra Activity Worksheet 11

4 Lunch with aliens Cross-curricular

Cut. Read and stick.

I can eat food in

bags and boxes.
I like space food!

I can do exercise.
I like riding the
exercise bike.

I can sleep on the

wall. I’m tired!

Big Surprise! 3 PHOTOCOPIABLE © Oxford University Press Extra Activity Worksheet 12

5 The robber’s clothes

a cardigan jeans

a woolly hat tights

shoes trousers

a jumper a skirt

a coat gloves

sunglasses a wetsuit

a swimming a sarong

trunks sandals

Big Surprise! 3 PHOTOCOPIABLE © Oxford University Press Extra Activity Worksheet 13

5 The robber’s clothes

Narrator Policeman Policewoman Shane

1 Narrator: It’s night-time at the museum.

Policeman: Look! It’s Shane the diamond robber!
Policewoman: Quick! Let’s catch him.

2 Narrator: Shane is in the museum.

Shane: Aha! I’ve got the blue diamond!

3 Policewoman: Oh no! Where’s the diamond?

Policeman: Look, it’s Shane! He’s wearing a black hat.

4 Policewoman: Is he wearing gloves?

Policeman: Yes. Look! He’s wearing black gloves.

5 Policeman: Look! It’s Shane’s footprint.

Policewoman: He’s wearing big shoes!

6 Policeman: Shh! Listen! What’s that noise?

7 Policewoman: It’s Shane …

Policeman: … with a mobile phone!

8 Policewoman: He’s wearing handcuffs now!

Policeman: And I’ve got the blue diamond.
Shane: Oh no!

Big Surprise! 3 PHOTOCOPIABLE © Oxford University Press Extra Activity Worksheet 14

5 The robber’s clothes Cross-curricular

Read, circle and write. Draw your picture.

My picture is called

It’s got 2 / 3 / 4 people.

Look at the man / boy. He’s wearing and

Look at the woman / girl. She’s wearing and

Big Surprise! 3 PHOTOCOPIABLE © Oxford University Press Extra Activity Worksheet 15

6 Haunted house

a bed a wardrobe

a cupboard a bath

a sofa an armchair

a fridge a cooker

a shower a TV

in on

under a computer

a radio a CD player

Big Surprise! 3 PHOTOCOPIABLE © Oxford University Press Extra Activity Worksheet 16

6 Haunted house

Narrator Ghost Danny Heather

1 Narrator: Heather is in the bedroom, with her brother Danny.

Ghost: Whoo! Whoo!
Danny: What’s that noise? Oh no! There’s a ghost in the house!
Heather: No there isn’t, Danny.

2 Narrator: They go to Danny’s bedroom.

Heather: Look! There isn’t a ghost under the bed.

3 Narrator: They go to the bathroom.

Heather: Look! There isn’t a ghost in the bath.

4 Ghost: Whoo! Whoo!

Danny: What’s that noise? There’s a ghost in the house!
Heather: No there isn’t, Danny!

5 Narrator: They go to the living room.

Heather: Look! There isn’t a ghost on the sofa.

6 Heather: It’s OK. Look! There’s a ghost story on TV.

7 Narrator: They go back to Danny’s bedroom.

Heather: Go to sleep, Danny. There isn’t a ghost in the house ...

8 Ghost: Oh yes there is! Ha ha ha ha!

Big Surprise! 3 PHOTOCOPIABLE © Oxford University Press Extra Activity Worksheet 17

6 Haunted house Cross-curricular

Make a ger. Write about it.

1 2

3 4

Big Surprise! 3 PHOTOCOPIABLE © Oxford University Press Extra Activity Worksheet 18

Halloween Festival

Make a Halloween mobile.

Big Surprise! 3 PHOTOCOPIABLE © Oxford University Press Extra Activity Worksheet 19

Christmas Festival

Make a Christmas card.

Big Surprise! 3 PHOTOCOPIABLE © Oxford University Press Extra Activity Worksheet 20

Easter Festival

Make egg decorations.

Big Surprise! 3 PHOTOCOPIABLE © Oxford University Press Extra Activity Worksheet 21

1 In the jungle Story frames


Big Surprise! 3 PHOTOCOPIABLE © Oxford University Press Extra Activity Worksheet 22

2 Wizard school Story frames


Big Surprise! 3 PHOTOCOPIABLE © Oxford University Press Extra Activity Worksheet 23

3 Activity camp Story frames


Big Surprise! 3 PHOTOCOPIABLE © Oxford University Press Extra Activity Worksheet 24

4 Lunch with aliens Story frames


Big Surprise! 3 PHOTOCOPIABLE © Oxford University Press Extra Activity Worksheet 25

5 The robber’s clothes Story frames


Big Surprise! 3 PHOTOCOPIABLE © Oxford University Press Extra Activity Worksheet 26

6 Haunted house Story frames


Big Surprise! 3 PHOTOCOPIABLE © Oxford University Press Extra Activity Worksheet 27

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