Assets Maintenance Management - BIM

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Automation in Construction 149 (2023) 104788

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Existing assets maintenance management: Optimizing maintenance

procedures and costs through BIM tools
Antonio Salzano a, *, Claudia Mariaserena Parisi b, *, Giovanna Acampa b, Maurizio Nicolella a
Department of Civil, Architectural and Environmental Engineering, University of Naples Federico II, 80125 Napoli, Italy
Faculty of Engineering and Architecture, Kore University of Enna, 94100 Enna, Italy


Keywords: Control and maintenance strategies are essential to preserve and ensure an adequate level of safety and func­
Asset maintenance tionality of civil or historical assets. In recent years, digital transformation is promoting new operational methods
Facility management for Facility Management (FM) with the use of Building Information Modeling (BIM) systems. The research
Building information modeling
proposes a method supported by BIM tools to improve maintenance processes in terms of efficiency, quality and
Building condition assessment
speed. The method consists of the integration of Building Condition Assessment (BCA) with Building Information
Common data environmental Modeling (BIM) in order to collect, digitize and evaluate the physical and performance conditions of assets to
improve management and maintenance processes. The results show two procedures for data collection and
integration into the BIM model. The first procedure uses mobile devices and Excel spreadsheets as databases
imported into the BIM model through a Visual Programming Language (VPL). The second procedure uses a
system of Common Data Environmental (CDE) that capture data from on-site monitoring sensors and link them to
the BIM model. The case studies concern an existing building of historical and cultural value, the Brunelleschi’s
Cloister, and a viaduct belonging to a road infrastructure.© 2017 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction as a strategy to counteract the deterioration of all buildings and in­

frastructures. The preventive maintenance procedure consists of simple
According to the ISO 15686-1:2011 service life is the “period of time actions, continuous in time, characterized by a low cost that allows a
after installation during which a building or its parts meets or exceeds profitable use of resources on a greater number of assets [3]. In the law
the performance requirements”. All buildings and infrastructures have a context, the Italian public procurement code (Legislative Degree no.50
limited service life because they deteriorate due to natural and anthro­ of 2016) introduces the mandate to develop maintenance plan during
pogenic causes [1]. Therefore, technicians and managers have to deal the execution phase. At the same time, the decree transposes the Euro­
with problems of physical and performance preservation of assets to pean directive (2014/24/EU) on the progressive use of specific elec­
maintain high quality standards. At the same time, when a material tronic methods and tools, such as BIM, by using interoperable platforms.
achieves its estimated service life, it should be replaced. However on the For these reasons, the ISO 19650-3 “Organization and digitization of
Architecture, Engineering, Construction and Operation (AECO) sector, information about buildings and civil engineering works, including
the materials service life almost relies on the economic factors [2]. building information modelling (BIM) — Information management
Existing asset management is an ongoing concern for technicians and using building information modelling — Part 3: Operational phase of the
managers due to the complexity of maintenance operations and assets” clarify the use of information models in the construction sector
increasingly limited economic resources. In this situation, it has become for the management of the assets during the entire life cycle. The ISO
a common standard to carry maintenance works only when actual propose tools such as Project Implementation Model (PIM) and Asset
emergencies occur. This causes inefficiencies in the planning of Facility Information Management (AIM) that are able to distribute information
Management activities, an increase in maintenance costs and a risk of in a correct way according to the phase of the construction process of the
elevate damage and loss of life in the worst cases. work. Therefore, the BIM design model evolves into the constructive
For these reasons, it is important to consider preventive maintenance PIM and consecutively into the operational AIM model throughout the

* Corresponding authors.
E-mail addresses: [email protected] (A. Salzano), [email protected] (C.M. Parisi).
Received 22 July 2022; Received in revised form 30 January 2023; Accepted 7 February 2023
Available online 20 February 2023
0926-5805/© 2023 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
A. Salzano et al. Automation in Construction 149 (2023) 104788

life of the project, enriching itself with information and data useful to CEN is compulsorily adopted by the Italian Standards (UNI).
the Facility Manager in his operating activities and asset maintenance. Real estate dealers and owners using these standards obtain
The paper shows two procedures for managing data in a BIM envi­ numerous advantages in terms of risk reduction and optimization of
ronment for all types of assets in order to optimize maintenance pro­ maintenance costs.
cesses and costs. One process is applied to cultural heritage assets, while The ISO 19650 procedures are applicable to construction assets of all
the second one is applied to road infrastructure. sizes and of all levels of complexity. It is necessary to highlight that ISO
19650 is closely linked to ISO 9001 dedicated to the quality manage­
1.1. Facility Management and BIM ment of processes and organization of companies, to ISO 55000 which
characterizes asset management systems and to ISO 21500 dedicated to
According to the ISO 41011:2017 Facility Management (FM) is the Project Management (Project Management).
“organizational function which integrates people, place and process within It is possible to define that the construction sector finally has its
the built environment with the purpose of improving the quality of life of standard for the quality management of building processes and this
people and the productivity of the core business” [4]. While, the IFMA quality system can be implemented through the Building Information
(International Facility Management Association) defines it as “the design, Modeling and the interoperable platforms connected to it.
implementation and control process through which the facilities (the buildings If requested by the asset managers and applied by the private com­
and services necessary to support and facilitate the company’s activity) are panies operating in the sector, these procedures can support the digital
identified, specified, found and supplied in order to provide and maintain transformation process of the new and existing real estate assets.
those levels of service able to meet business needs, creating a quality work The task of defining the information requirements and the resulting
environment with a cost as low as possible”. It is a complex discipline in information models is among the most important of the various princi­
which knowledge of information is the basis for management activities. ples and concepts developed in the ISO 19650 [15].
In the literature, maintenance management is known as the opera­ This section describes the main documents supporting digitization
tions and maintenance (O&M) phase and represents the activity that processes of works, which are useful for both managers and economic
generates the highest expenditure during the life cycle (about 60% of operators:
total costs [5]). However, managing maintenance activities is quite
complex therefore BIM-FM integration could be useful to improve the • OIR (Organizational Information Requirements) is a strategic docu­
performance of a building and manage operations more efficiently by ment that al-lows to define the information requirements, on a large
reducing O&M costs [6]. scale, necessary for the managers of groups of construction proper­
According to ISO 29481-1:2016 BIM is a shared, digital representa­ ties who need to standardize, unify and centralize the control and
tion of the physical and functional characteristics of any existing object maintenance of their assets. For example, this document must be
that facilitates the design, construction and management processes [7]. prepared by managers, in order to define the information necessary
In Facility Management, BIM includes a unified information base, to manage their assets, and dis-tributed within their internal orga­
consisting of a Big Data database, which provides a building owner’s nization, especially if this organization is located in different
manual, useful support for analysis, support for emergency response, regional or local departments.
safety management and scenario planning [8,9]. • AIR (Asset Information Requirements) is a document that defines the
In this regard, the idea that BIM integrated with FM is an operation specific in-formation requirements of the asset subject to interven­
directed towards sustainability is spreading, to the point of coining the tion. In this document, it is necessary to define all the data, useful to
term Sustainable Facility Management [10]. However, it is often the characterize the information models, which are strictly related to the
case that the technology does not keep up with the requirements. In fact, nature of the property or to heterogeneous groups of assets.
BIM software authoring is not always prepared to contain all the infor­ • PIR (Project Information Requirements) is a document that defines the
mation characterising O&M activities, which is why it is necessary to information necessary to respond to the requests presented in the
introduce new software to complement the former in order to manage OIR, but on the scale of the individual project. Therefore, this
maintenance information. document starts from the information requirements de-fined in the
FM requires strong interaction and sharing of the information OIR and specifically describes them for the single project. For this
collected. In recent years, the tools that have supported FM have been reason, it is a document that defines the relationship between the
Computerized Maintenance Management System (CMMS) and Com­ manager and the organization designated for the asset management
puter Aided Facility Management (CAFM). However, both of them have service.
limited visualization capabilities, as the traditional use of paper or 2D • EIR (Exchange Information Requirements) defines the information re­
digital plans limits the facility manager to identify the exact location of quirements of the single project and should be defined every time a
maintenance and the history of changes [11,12]. In this regard, the BIM contract is awarded.
model could be a useful tool to interact with the FM as a source for data
entry, providing material/spatial data, reports or technical analysis, or According to the phase of the building process, in a digitization
as an interface to a repository, providing data acquisition, monitoring, process a transfer of information takes place between the manager and
processing and transformation [13,14]. the person in charge of developing the service. This transfer of infor­
mation can also take place through information models developed by
1.1.1. Regulatory Framework – UNI EN ISO 19650 1 - 2 - 3 other parties, therefore, it is necessary defining an EIR.
The International Organization for Standardization (ISO) has been Other definitions introduced by the ISO 19650 concern:
working for years with the aim of implementing a digital transformation
in the construction sector. The ISO 19650 “Organization of information • Asset Information Model (AIM) deals with the information model
about construction works – Information management using building concerning the state of the property. The nature of the information
information modelling” defines all the principles and concepts for the presented in the AIM (maintenance costs, installation and mainte­
management of information during the entire life cycle of the buildings nance dates, etc.) provides support for the strategic and maintenance
[15]. management of the property during its entire life cycle.
The ISO 19650, characterized by two parts, was developed in • Project Information Model (PIM) is the information model generated
collaboration with the European standardization body CEN (Comité during the order and therefore contributes to the compliance with
Européen de Normalisation or European Committee for Standardiza­ the AIM. This information model is characterized by all the
tion). For this reason, an ISO standard developed and implemented by

A. Salzano et al. Automation in Construction 149 (2023) 104788

Table 1 The research proposes a method to support the decision-making for

State of the art about BCA. facility managers in maintenance activities through Building Condition
No. Authors BCA definitions Assessment (BCA) processes integrated with Building Information
Modeling (BIM) systems to support Facility Management. The main goal
1 Yacob et al. 2016 Reflects the physical state and performance of the
[29] building from defects and failures is to develop a maintenance management strategy, giving technicians
2 Re Cecconi et al. BCA is a field of study that aims to improve knowledge the necessary support to identify maintenance intervention priorities in
2017 [30] about an asset. It provides stakeholders in the a practical, simple and automated way in order to optimize maintenance
construction industry with Key Performance Indicators procedures and costs.
(KPIs) that can help them make the best decisions
when acquiring, managing, maintaining and repairing
For this purpose, the BCA process needs the following tools:
a building. All through an implementation in a BIM
environment. • Asset Hierarchy System
3 Zuraidi et al. 2018 The purpose of the assessment is to evaluate the state • Asset decay valuation method
[31] of the physical elements and services of the building
• BIM model with Revit software (Autodesk)
and to assess the requirements of the maintenance
4 Anuar et al. 2019 Building Condition Assessment (BCA) is an effective The method shows two possible procedures for data collection:
[32] tool to determine the physical state or condition of
buildings. We present a comparative study of building • Dynamo: mobile devices collect data in Excel spreadsheets that act as
condition assessment methods used in Asian countries.
The following methods were compared: a Malaysian
a database connected BIM model through a visual programming
method for assessing the condition of buildings, an language (VPL).
Indian, Hong Kong and Singapore method of assessing • Common Data Environmental (CDE): data collection with UsBIM
the condition of buildings, and methods of assessing Facility
the condition of buildings.
5 Rahman 2020 [33] The building condition assessment is a real-time
assessment that provides information on building The research highlights the importance of BIM in Facility Manage­
defects and problems. The methodology of this ment for existing buildings and road infrastructures allowing the per­
research uses the JKR standard building condition manent update of information in a single BIM model. The research
assessment form of each defect in the civil, electrical shows a great potential of the method to support facility managers in
and mechanical system of the building.
managing building maintenance activities and optimizing costs.
6 Matos et al. 2021 Building Condition Assessment (BCA) should be the
[25] basis for management and maintenance decisions in The method proposed in this paper is applied to two case studies. The
the built environment towards sustainable first case study concerns a historical cultural building, the Cloister del
construction. They propose to assess building Brunelleschi, in the monumental complex of Santa Croce, Florence (FI).
performance and prioritise maintenance actions using
The second case study is applied to a road viaduct. The research was
key performance indicators using Building
Information Modeling (BIM) as a support tool for BCA developed to respond to the needs of engineers expressing the need for a
and maintenance management. decision support system using new technologies to optimize the man­
7 Faquih and Zayed Building condition assessments are carried out in order agement of maintenance procedures and costs. The first case study was
2021 [34] to identify defects and assess the health of the building. completed during a doctoral thesis [16] and also contributed to the
They propose a defect-based condition assessment
research of an EU-funded project (WARMEST) [17].
model for existing concrete buildings, considering
both the physical and environmental conditions of the
building. 2. Background

Several studies have addressed the issue of maintenance. Many re­

digitization processes and by all the information necessary to
searchers have used multicriteria analysis techniques to support man­
develop an optimal facility management of the asset.
agers in their decision-making choices according to different criteria and
alternatives [16,18–22]. Other authors, instead, have deliberately
1.2. Research goal simplified the procedures of designers and technicians, using the well-
known Building information Modeling systems for the assessment of
Digitization of buildings and infrastructure are essential for moni­ the building conditions to investigate the state of preservation and
toring the decay state. For this reason, it is necessary to increase the facilitate decision-making choices for maintenance [23–25].
knowledge about the building assets to support sustainable maintenance BIM models are transforming the way facilities are conceived,
and conservation strategies through the development of easy-to-use designed, constructed and managed. But current use of BIM focuses on
resource management tools. preplanning, design, construction and project delivery rather than
Maintenance of existing buildings is a complex decision-making maintenance and operation management [26].
problem due to limited economic resource. Therefore, technicians
need to have standard methods and procedures. 2.1. Building Condition Assessment
The FM design requires a great retrieving data work, and the present
study brings a new proposal through the use of Visual Programming Building Condition Assessment (BCA) is an effective tool for decision
Language (VPL) and Common Data Environmental (CDE) to improve the support in maintenance procedures. It is part of the asset management
FM/BIM activity. Furthermore, an “ad hoc” platform for data manage­ system defined in ISO 55000:2014 [27] and as such should be conducted
ment based on the CDE has been developed, capable of managing in­ in combination with other important activities, such as inspections and
formation models in the open format ifc (industry foudation classes). maintenance operations. Inspections, however, often cause excessive
This last aspect is among the main contributions that the research costs if they are not organised efficiently and have to be planned
intends to introduce in the current state of the art. The proposed pro­ considering the object of the inspection [8]. On the other hand, main­
cedure working on open ifc formats could be used on a large scale thanks tenance operations, both in terms of schedule and cost, have to be
to the rapid diffusion of the BIM methodology in the AEC sector. planned after the building assessment in order to be as effective as
The development of Dynamo script in the study brings innovative possible [28].
perspective in BIM as it allow to manage data within BIM models in an The BCA is a process that aims to collect as much information as
adequate way depending of the objective required in FM. possible about the physical and performance status of a building. Its

A. Salzano et al. Automation in Construction 149 (2023) 104788

Fig. 1. Database Master Structure.

understanding of the criticalities and behaviours that a building may

Table 2
have, facilitating decision-making in maintenance activities [2]. The
International Classification System.
BCA is useful to rank priorities for intervention and the number of re­
Classification system Country pairs and costs require. In asset management and supporting the
OmniClass (North America) decision-making system of managers, it is very important to save time
MasterFormat (United State e Canada) and costs and to improve the knowledge of the whole building and its
UniFormat II (USA e Canada)
physical components.
UniClass NBS (UK)
European CEEC building classification (Europe) The BCA is an important process not only to support decision making
Canadian CIQS classification (Canada) but also to achieve the quality standards of the maintenance service. In-
CoClass (Sweden) fact, a low level of performance of the building or works in general can
CCS (Denmark) have a negative impact on the organization and lead to an increase in
TALO 2000 (Finland)
UNI 8290 (Italy)
operational costs.
In the literature we find many scientific studies defining the assess­
ment of building conditions.Table 1 shows a list of scientific articles that
can be found in the Scopus, ScienceDirect and Google Scholar platforms
Table 3
by entering the keyword “Building Condition Assessment” (Table 1).
Evaluation method in literature.
BCA process is divided into four phases (Fig. 1):
Evaluation method Authors

Dutch standard [29,35] • Asset Hierarchy consists of a Breakdown Structure into its elemen­
Distress method and Direct-condition rating survey [36] tary components. In the literature there are different classification
JKR 21602–0004-13 [37]
systems that in general allow each object represented to be coded
National Health Facilities Audit [38]
BREEAM and LEED [39] through a decimal numerical system that associates each pair of
Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) [6,40–42] numbers with its specific characteristic (Table 2).
• Evaluation methods can be qualitative or quantitative. In the liter­
ature there are several studies on building condition assessment
Table 4 techniques (Table 3):
Key Performance Indicators in literature.
Categories Indicators The UNI EN 15341 standard defines the Key Performance Indicators
(KPIs) of the Maintenance Function and provides guidelines for defining
Economic FCI (Facility Condition Index) [44,45]
MEI (Maintenance Efficiency Indicator) [46]
a set of suitable indicators to assess and improve the effectiveness, ef­
Technical BPI (Building Performance Indicator) [47] ficiency and sustainability in the maintenance of existing physical assets
BEI (Building Efficiency Index) [48] whether industrial, infrastructure, civil buildings or transport systems,
A (Degradation Index) [49] etc. in the context of external and internal influencing factors. Therefore,
Functional Document index [2]
KPIs could be a valuable tool to monitor the condition of the building
User satisfaction Iins (Dissatisfaction index) [50,51]
over time, even better if controls are planned periodically through the
life cycle of the asset [2]. According to Dejaco et al. (2017) and Marmo
proper planning is important to help engineers have a better et al. (2019) [6], KPIs are the best way to measure building performance

A. Salzano et al. Automation in Construction 149 (2023) 104788

Fig. 2. Maintenance Workflow Management.

by allowing accessible and useful information about buildings and their measurements of a component, careful analysis is required to
parts (Table 4). translate these measurements into a qualitative and/or quantitative
condition value.
• Field Inspections aim to gather as much information as possible
about the object of study. Obviously, the assessment method condi­
2.2. BIM for Building Condition Assessment
tions the choices of data collection tools. However, inspections often
cause excessive costs if they are not organised efficiently and must be
Maintenance management of buildings and infrastructures is one of
planned taking into account the characteristics of the asset [8]. Data
the greatest challenges of Facility Management and its key to success is
collection, storage and processing determines geometric character­
accurate knowledge of the building’s condition. [56]. However, a limi­
istics and current physical state, defects or pathologies, etc. [52–54].
tation of traditional building condition assessment techniques is the
Some researchers have used data collection systems on specially
outdated procedure of data collection, recording and reporting of in­
designed digital devices to digitize information directly in situ
formation stored on paper and rarely linked to the as-built model. This
without the need to re-process it later [55].
causes the potential loss of information and therefore the overrun of
• Condition analysis phase is the application of the chosen evaluation
performance and costs. So, it is important considering the potential of
method to study the condition of the artefact. As the data provided by
integrating the BCA process with Building Information Modeling (BIM).
the inspection process is collected in the form of damage
BIM solves the problem of collecting and managing data about the

A. Salzano et al. Automation in Construction 149 (2023) 104788

Fig. 3. Tools for maintenance management through BIM model.

current condition of the work under investigation by implementing it

Table 5
directly within a single digital model. Thus, the as-built model will not
Proposed breakdown into classes of technical elements.
only be a three-dimensional model, but will also contain semantic (non-
Levels Parameter Groups of parameters geometric) information that can be updated throughout the life cycle of
LEVEL 1 Technological Unit Class ID the building. The updated database of the BIM model will facilitate the
LEVEL 2 Technological Unit work of managers in the maintaining [57].
LEVEL 3 Maintenable element The difficulties in implementing an asset management process in a
LEVEL 4 ID_Element
LEVEL 5 Material
BIM environment are mainly due [58]:
Position • To the identification the necessary and sufficient information for
LEVEL 6 Type of decay (UNI 11182) Decay Assassment management and maintenance operations;
• To the management of this information on platforms that are inter­
Conservation state
LEVEL 7 Type of control Maintenance Plan operable with those proper to FM;
Description of control • Reducing the effort to update the model.
Frequency of control
Type of Maintenance In the recent literature, there are several studies about integration of
Description of Maintenance
Frequency of Maintenance
BCA in a BIM environment [59–61]. These are mostly studies that target
Inspection cost (€/h) university campuses [30].
Maintenance cost (€/mq) Some researchers have had to expand their competences in the IT
LEVEL 8 Inspection sheets Schedule link sector, developing web platforms or plug-ins in .net language to add
Intervention sheets
further functionalities to existing BIM Software Authoring [6,25,44,54].
Price analysis sheets
This scenario is also occurring in the context of studies concerning the
management of transport infrastructures throughout their life cycle
[62,63]. In the literature it is possible to find that the BIM process,
Table 6 applied to infrastructures, has not yet reached adequate levels of
Level decay index.
maturity for design management and therefore, for the maintenance
id = 0 Level 0 No decay phase, we are still at an experimental level [64,65].
0%< id ≤ 15% Level 1 Good condition
15%< id ≤ 30% Level 2 Light decay 3. Materials and methods
30%< id ≤ 45% Level 3 Moderate decay
3.1. Tools and procedures
id > 45% Level 4 Generalized decay

The research is based on national and international guidelines

A. Salzano et al. Automation in Construction 149 (2023) 104788

Fig. 4. Database Master Structure.

[66–70] and literature related to the implementation of BCA and FM in presupposes the use of following tools:
the BIM environment [6,41,44] and identifies tools and procedures to
support a method that integrates BCA processes in the BIM environment. • S1 - The building is broken down into its elementary parts by
Fig. 2 shows a Maintenance Workflow Management that summarises adopting the UNI 8290 standard and adapting it to the individual
the research method and the tools that were used for its application. items of the technical elements.
The maintenance management process involves several actors: • S2 - The degradation assessment consists of calculating the level
degradation index for each technical element so that the most
• The FM team consists of the managers (public or private) of the degraded elements can be promptly identified;
building who define the needs of the building and keep track of the • S3 - Technicians collect data in situ with mobile devices on Excel
budget available for maintenance activities. They are responsible for spreadsheets connected to a master database also on Excel.
the technical-economic-organizational decisions on maintenance • S4 - The building is created through the use of Revit Software
management during the building’s life cycle, and thus implement the • S5 - The information contained in the master database is linked to the
methods, criteria and processes by which these activities are to be BIM model through Script in Dynamo (Fig. 3)
carried out based on the suggestions of technical experts.
• The BIM team is a working group of experts in BIM methodologies.
They are responsible for the collection of data for the as-built BIM 3.1.1. UNI 8290: Italian Building Classification
model of the building. For the particular objective of optimizing This classification is based on the following criteria: the breakdown
maintenance costs, this team defines the tools and requirements that has three levels and gives rise to three sets called:
the BIM model must possess (FM&BCA requirements, input and
output information to and from the BIM model, data interchange • Classes of technological units (first level);
modes, and level of detail (LOD). Data interchange takes place • Technological units (second level);
through the connection between a Database in Microsoft Excel • Classes of technical elements (third level)
(acting as an external database) and Scripts in Dynamo to facilitate
and speed up the processes of updating data to and from the BIM The terms which make up the various sets are called headings. For
model. The team will check and update the BIM model each time the operational purposes, the breakdown is extended to further levels
building maintenance plan is implemented or updated. (fourth level and higher). Each level is characterized by a numerical
• The technical team consists of technicians who will design and code that identifies the requirements and/or systems of requirements
implement the maintenance plan, checking its effective operation that are attributed to that specific technical element. The purpose of
and updating the data if necessary. The technicians implementing coding is to uniquely identify the components of the building and to
the maintenance plan carry out periodic checks on the technical enable the recording of all information available or generated over time,
components of the building to assess their state of preservation. In­ whether during maintenance or inspection. The proposed breakdown by
formation is recorded during the field inspection phase using elec­ classes of technical elements is as follows (Table 5):
tronic tools (tablets or smartphones) that support Microsoft Excel
systems. 3.1.2. Level degradation index
The degradation level of each technical element can be assessed
The maintenance management process described in Fig. 2 according to a numerical ‘degradation level’ indicator expressed as (Eq.

A. Salzano et al. Automation in Construction 149 (2023) 104788

Fig. 5. Shared parameters.

1): 3.1.3. BIM model with Revit software (Autodesk) and Dynamo script
Revit is a software for the design and management during the con­
id = Kd Kc (1) struction phase of any type of infrastructure. It is a software that, in a
single and specific multidisciplinary BIM platform, allows to implement
and design all phases of the life cycle of a building or infrastructure.
• Ad/At ratio of the area of degradation to the total area of the tech­ In addition to the 3D and 2D architectural representation, BIM
nical element; models contain all the information that the software is able to provide
• Kd is the factor that takes into account the type of degradation. Its automatically (calculation of surfaces, volumes, product quantities, etc.)
value varies from 1 to 4 (slight, medium, serious and very serious) plus alpha-numeric information that can be entered manually or auto­
depending on the damage it may cause to the material in terms of loss matically through the use of the Dynamo programming language that
of historical and cultural value and risks to humans. connects external databases (e.g. Excel or Access spreadsheets) with the
• Kc is the weight factor that takes into account the importance of Revit BIM model.
degradation in the sense of the complexity of restoration/mainte­ Dynamo reads and writes data to and from the Revit database via the
nance operations and related costs. Its value is the ratio between the Revit API. The data could be anything, parameter values, family ge­
costs of ordinary maintenance (cleaning operations), material ometry and family placement. Basically, Dynamo manipulates the Revit
consolidation costs (material recovery) and the costs of complete database in ways that the UI (user interface) could not.
material replacement (restoration of missing or no longer recover­ Any Revit user could learn Dynamo (since it uses visual program­
able assets). ming it is very easy to learn) and could access the Revit API and perform
simple tasks that previously could only be done by writing an add-on or
Similar approach was used in [6–59]. The level decay index will writing a macro with the .net language for Revit.
establish the state of conservation of each technical element according Specifically with regard to Facility Management activities, the model
to its value in percentage terms as shown in Table 6: will be able to contain information relating to scheduled maintenance
and cost management. To this end, the software returns information

A. Salzano et al. Automation in Construction 149 (2023) 104788

Fig. 6. Dynamo script: importing data from Master Database to BIM Model in Revit.

Fig. 7. Brunelleschi’s Cloister BIM model and rendering.

regarding the maintenance operations carried out over time and any The BIM model can be created with the “CAD to BIM” technique from
feedback regarding the need to update the maintenance plan. This has existing plans or with the “SCAN to BIM” technique from point clouds
made it possible to organize a maintenance plan that involves carrying created from photographs and videos taken during inspections.
out several operations for each element, then assigning priorities and The information for each technical element was imported into the
scheduling the frequency (maintenance schedule). With the organiza­ BIM model through the use of the Dynamo programming language (VPL)
tion of this information, it is possible to make an estimate of the annual which links the BIM model with the inspection sheets.
expenses, divided by maintainable elements, which take into account During the inspection phase, technicians fill in inspection sheets
the architectural maintenance costs. through devices mobile devices supporting Excel software. Each

A. Salzano et al. Automation in Construction 149 (2023) 104788

Fig. 8. Inspection report ID_Element “ Column”.

inspection report is linked to the Master Database. described in the paragraph 6.3.
The Database Master is used to link the collected data to the BIM This collaborative environment enables us to organize a Common
model. It consists of a table (Fig. 4) where the columns contain the same Data Environment, in accordance with the standards (e.g. UNI 11337
parameters created in the BIM model (shared parameters Fig. 5). and ISO 19650) and allows us to share information between different
Fig. 6 show the script created in order to import data from Excel participants in the management process.
datasheets into BIM model. In this platform it is possible to define workflows for process control
with advanced task management functions (usBIM.workflow), it is also
3.1.4. BIM model and UsBIM Facility collaborative platform for the possible to revise or validate the information associated with the
Information Management models.
An alternative solution to the dynamo is the use of an information Furthermore, the platform is characterized by advanced functions for
management platform based on the Common Data Environment. Once BIM Data Management and integration of significant data (in each entity
the BIM model has been developed, it is possible to export the IFC file of the BIM model and through the use of synthetic dashboards), as well
with the relevant information for asset management. After setting up the as a specific editor for creating data acquisition web-forms, which can be
IFC file correctly, it is imported into the common data environment associated with BIM objects ( Other functions (in particular
platform to manage the operational information. the “link” function) enable the integrated management of the model
In this project, the Acca Software UsBIM.platform was used with data, allowing the association and storage of some of the documentary
some integrations developed “ad hoc” for research. The customization of information collected during the various sub-processes that constitute
the platform concerns graphic aspects of the “dashboard”, the insertion the management phase (inspection, structural safety assessments, in­
of degradation data according to the defect schedule and for the addition terventions, etc.), as well as the analysis of significant information and
of data deriving from sensors and cameras on site. These aspects are their georeferencing. Thus, as mentioned above, usBIM.platform was

A. Salzano et al. Automation in Construction 149 (2023) 104788

Fig. 9. Database Master completed.

used to record and associate documentation with the structure of indi­ basis of existing plans provided by the Opera di Santa Croce technicians
vidual elements, specifically: reports (relating to inspections, structural and photographs taken during the inspections.
or geotechnical assessments, etc.), photos (relating to the overall con­ By importing the data from the Master Database into the Revit BIM
dition of the asset or that of an individual structural component), model it is possible to query each technical element individually or to
manuals, documents, and other items. create abacuses that group together in a single table the information that
has been collected during the inspections and imported into the BIM
4. Results model through the script in Dynamo (Fig. 10).
Thanks to the import of data within the BIM model, it is possible to
4.1. Brunelleschi’s Cloister have an immediate view of the level of degradation Id of each technical
element through a Revit view set according to filters with a color
Brunelleschi’s Cloister is in Santa Croce Monumental Complex in (Fig. 11) scale. The range of Id values varies from white to red according
Florence. Its name comes from its architect Filippo Brunelleschi. It was to the conditions in Table 6. (See Fig. 12.)
built at the request of Tommaso Spinelli. It was the centre of community Figs. 16 show the main types of degradation in the columns, arches
life with the friars’ cells, the library, the rooms for manual work. Today and decorative coats of arms of the cloister respectively. Thanks to the
it is occupied by the National Library. The cloister is 31 m wide and 38 m data collection and the creation of the Master Database, it was possible
high. The lower part is formed by round arches and cross vaults, resting to group together the main conservation issues of the most degraded
on columns of pietra serena. The upper part consists of stone columns on technical elements.
which rests the single-pitch roof in wood and terracotta.
The BIM model was created on the basis of the technical datasheets
4.3. Second case history: Infrastructure asset
collected in the technical offices of Santa Croce and the point cloud
elaborated by American researchers as part of a study called “Florence as
The purpose of this case study is to define, in a concrete way, a
it was”. The software used to create BIM model was Revit by Autodesk
coherent process, to be adopted with the available technology, in order
(Fig. 7).
to be able to monitor the state of a bridge and to manage its maintenance
more efficiently and in an automatic manner.
4.2. Procedures applied to the Cloister Such a procedure can be applied to newly built bridges, in order to
delay the onset of deterioration for as long as possible, and to existing
The data collection of the Brunelleschi Cloister started in 2018 structures, by identifying the timing and the methods of carrying out
within the WARMEST project and continued until 2020.1 During the maintenance operations.
field inspection, control sheets Fig. 8 (were compiled for each of the It is necessary to analyze and to break down the entire process in
technical elements making up the building, for a total of 515 sheets, all detail as follows:
of which were entered in the Master Database (dimensions 23 columns
× 515 rows) (Fig. 9). • Identification, Collection and Integration of Data;
The BIM model was built using the “CAD to BIM” technique on the • The digitization of data and the definition of elements and goals;
• Management and Monitoring of the Model on the Platform;
• Planning and execution of maintenance.
Some slowdowns were caused by the overcoming health crisis that made
inaccessible all public places where studies could be carried out (offices, ar­ All the phases of the proposed process for the control and monitoring
chives, libraries, superintendences, etc.). of the infrastructures will be described in the following paragraphs.

A. Salzano et al. Automation in Construction 149 (2023) 104788

Fig. 10. Technical schedule imported from Database Master into Revit Software.

From a structural standpoint, the static scheme used is a continuous

girder bridge, made of reinforced concrete. The deck is supported by
main beams arranged longitudinally which, in turn, are supported by
abutments and piers (Fig. 13).
The viaduct is composed of the following main elements (Table 7):
In the first instance, all available paper data have been collected.
Administrative, testing and descriptive documentation has been
collected. The design drawings (Fig. 14) and the “as built” documents
used for the construction of the viaduct have been analyzed .
Inspections were carried out on the viaduct in order to find all the
information necessary for BIM modeling.
The following information has been found during the inspection:

• Complete dimensional configuration of the viaduct;

• State of conservation of the viaduct.

The inspections showed the types of damage present, the damaged

surface, the damaged elements and the presence or absence of anti-
Fig. 11. Digital visualization of the degradation level “Id” of Brunelle­ seismic devices. Photos have been attached to all the information pro­
schi’s Cloister.
vided for completeness. Furthermore, a drone with a high-resolution
camera has been used to reach blind spots of the Viaduct, that were
4.3.1. Identification, collection and integration of data normally inaccessible, so as to return of all the necessary information
The case study examines a viaduct located on a high-speed road. The (Fig. 15).
infrastructure, built in the 1960s, is a bridge classifiable as a viaduct After the data collection, carried out during the inspections, it is
whose length is approximately 40 m. necessary to be able to divide the structure into elementary parts in

A. Salzano et al. Automation in Construction 149 (2023) 104788

Fig. 12. (a) Column decay; (b) Coat of arms decay; (c) Arch decay.

Fig. 13. Existing paper documentation.

order to associate an identification code (ID) to each element. it is according to the belonging of the single element. The ID is defined in the
important to define a specific I.D. in order to monitor and maintain the following way: (Table 8):
elements during the entire life cycle. The coding is represented by an
identification alphanumeric string for each category and subcategory

A. Salzano et al. Automation in Construction 149 (2023) 104788

Table 7 • I.D. W.B.S.;

Viaduct element breakdown. • Material;
Element type • State of art;
• Previous maintenance interventions;
Street superstructure • Defectiveness statement;
Road pavement • Diagnosis statement (if necessary);
Safety and signage • Multimedia material.
Safety barriers
Road markings
In the data digitization phase it is important to define the type of
Deck sensors to be used. After a careful study of the viaduct, sensors were
Transverse beams chosen being able to predict or to ascertain the origin of a deterioration
Reinforced slab
Longitudinal beams
Support beams
Pier Cap Table 8
Pile connection beams Breakdown of the viaduct.
ID Element type Coding
Wall fill
Expansion joint SV01 Superstructure
Pile SS01 Street superstructure
Shoulder elevation structure PV01 Road pavement V01.SV01.SS01.PV01
Foundations SCS01 Safety and signage
Shallow foundation BS01 Safety barriers V01.SV01.SCS01.BS01
Foundation plinth SO01 Road markings V01.SV01.SCS01.SO01
ST01 Substructure
IP01 Deck
4.3.2. Data digitization and definition of elements and goals TT01 Transverse beams V01.ST01.IP01.TT01
After the breakdown of the complex elements and the collection of SA01 Reinforced slab V01.ST01.IP01.SA01
TL01 Longitudinal beams V01.ST01.IP01.TL01
all the data of the viaduct, the “BIM Modeling and Digitization” has been TR01 Support beams V01.ST01.IP01.TR01
performed. PL01 Pier Cap
The chosen BIM authoring software is Revit by Autodesk. The pro­ TC01 Pile connection beams V01.ST01.PL01.TC01
cess started with the creation of the BIM objects of each element and AG01 Joints
RM01 Wall fill V01.ST01.AG01.RM01
then proceeded to the composition of the entire viaduct. All the pa­
GD01 Expansion joint V01.ST01.AG01.GD01
rameters and data previously collected were associated with each BIM PIL01 Pile
object (Fig. 16): SEP Shoulder elevation structure V01.ST01.SP01.SES01
FD01 Foundations

Fig. 14. Extract of the design document found.

Fig. 15. Photographs taken with the Drone.

A. Salzano et al. Automation in Construction 149 (2023) 104788

Fig. 16. (a) Render of the viaduct performed with software Revit (b) Properties associated with the software Revit.

Fig. 17. Positioning of the cameras in the model.

• Thermal sensors for measuring temperature and humidity;

• Drainage channel - Flow reader to check the proper functioning of
the drainage channel;
• High resolution cameras for visual monitoring of degradation.

Once the sensors and cameras were chosen, they were inserted into
the BIM model in specific points as reported in the example below
Fig. 17.
Once the modeling of the viaduct has been finalized, the BIM model
has been exported in IFC format. The .ifc file can be read by a Common
Data Environment (CDE) platform which displays all the information
that has been previously implemented in the model. Therefore, it is
necessary to properly set the export options in the Revit tool, so as to
correctly show all the properties within the Platform (Fig. 18).

4.3.3. Management and monitoring of the model on the platform

Once the IFC file has been set up correctly, it is imported into the data
Fig. 18. Txt file used for properties export.
sharing platform, namely the CDE. The platform chosen in this research
is ACCA Software’s USBIM Platform.
phenomenon: This application allows the import of an ifc file and the display and
management of all the elements and parameters connected to the BIM
• Plinth - Biaxial inclinometer positioned on the extrados of the plinth; model via a browser application, in a complete and immediate way.
• Pile - Displacement transducers to measure relative vertical It provides the possibility of hosting multiple users who can simul­
displacements; taneously operate on different parts of the project and facilitating
• Pier Cap - Displacement transducers to measure relative vertical communication between different operators via a built-in messaging
displacements; service inside the platform (Fig. 19).
• Transverse Beam - Displacement transducers to measure the relative In this way it is possible to view and manage all the information
vertical displacements corresponding to the beam axis; topographic associated with each element of the BIM model.
targets for the survey of the arrow; From this stage onwards, the platform “UsBIM” was developed “ad
• Longitudinal beam - Displacement transducers to measure the rela­ hoc” for research purposes to associate the defect statement with each
tive vertical displacements and in correspondence of the beam axis, element. This application has been developed to update and monitor the
topographic targets for the survey of the arrow; conditions of each parameter and therefore of the viaduct in real time.
• Deck - Geophone to evaluate vibrations and at the centerline of each An important customization is the creation of a schedule for each
span, topographic sights for the survey of the deck arrow;

A. Salzano et al. Automation in Construction 149 (2023) 104788

Fig. 19. Visualization of the model in UsBim Browser.

Fig. 20. Example of a defect schedule for a pile.

element the defect statement proposed in the “Guidelines for the clas­ following meaning:
sification and management of risk, the evaluation of safety and the
monitoring of existing bridges” [71]. These defect schedules are • K1 = 0,2, the analyzed defect is present, but affects only a minimal
different for each type of structural element (piers, beams, support el­ part of the area;
ements, etc.) and for the various construction materials (reinforced • K1 = 0,5, the defect affects a percentage of the area between 30 and
concrete, steel, etc.). 70;
A G value between 1 and 5 is attributed to each defect. This value • K1 = 1,0, the defect affects the entire area.
represents the intensity of the defect as a function of: (a) possibility of
danger and reduction of the bearing capacity; (b) the risk of triggering . The Relative Defeet(Dr) is calculated using the coefficients dis­
other defects and the high economic cost for the repair. The following cussed above, given by (Eq. 2), and represents the condition of the single
image shows a typical evaluation form Fig. 20: structural element. It takes into account that the same damage can
Once the form has been completed, a final number is obtained which weigh differently depending on the involved structural element:
represents the state of the single element of the overall structure. The ∑
condition of the element will be worse if the number is higher. This value Dr = (G*K1*K2) (2)
is given by the sum of the weights “G” determined by the damages of the Where the sum is extended to all the damages of the single structural
individual elements, multiplied by the coefficients “K1” and “K2”. The element.
extension coefficient can assume values of 0.2–0.5–1.0, which have the The “Absolute Defect (Da)” defines the overall deterioration of the

A. Salzano et al. Automation in Construction 149 (2023) 104788

Fig. 21. C.a. Pile defect card created with UsBIM data.

Fig. 22. Display of the defect sheet in the general information.

structure and is calculated using the previous formula by multiplying, of the degradation or the conditions following unexpected events
within the sum, the number of individual structural elements (Eq.3). (Fig. 23).
∑ The goal of monitoring with sensors is to continuously update the
Da = (G*K1*K2*N) (3) indices of degradation connected to the elements. As a result, it is also
These defect schedules have been created in the UsBIM data platform possible to manage alert conditions by instantly reporting the infra­
(CDE) (Fig. 21). The parameters compiled in the sheets are directly structure element subject to crisis. This situation therefore requires an
associated with each single element of the viaduct and are displayed on-site inspections to collect more precise data.
using the UsBIM browser (Fig. 22): In this phase another aim of the research is analyzed, which concerns
In this way the facility technician can draw up the defect sheet on the development of an automatic intervention system. To achieve this
site, using tablets or smartphone, and transfer the data directly to the goal it is necessary to set acceptability threshold limits for the parame­
model and then to the operation center. ters monitored by the sensors.
The choice of threshold values to be associated within the platform
4.3.4. Planning and execution of interventions depends on the selected key performance indicator (KPIs) and on the
The monitoring phase of the viaduct over time begins after inserting type of maintenance that needs to be carried out. Key performance in­
the defect sheets for each element in the BIM model. The monitoring of dicators are specific time dependent quantifiable and allow for evalua­
the viaduct is developed using the UsBim Platform application: UsBim I. tion the performance of the system with respect to objectives, whether
O.T.. technical, environmental or financial [72,73]. The KPIs selected for the
The UsBIM I.O.T. has already been created for building applications. present case study derive from a careful analysis of the Level 1 Bridge
However, in this research project, the application has been specifically Inspection Form. The following KPIs have been derived for the present
customized for an infrastructure project and the monitoring system has case study:
been implemented “ad hoc”. In this way, the monitoring of all the sensor
instruments previously foreseen is possible. An important customization a) Single dangerous damage: in this case we intend to monitor the
is that the connection to the telecare circuit allows real-time monitoring single damage which has a G value of 5. This damage could affect the
behavior of the entire system. When the values of K exceed 0.6, the

A. Salzano et al. Automation in Construction 149 (2023) 104788

Fig. 23. Display of the model and sensors on UsBim I.O.T.

Fig. 24. Opening of the ticket due to detachment of concrete cover.

defect affects a percentage of the area between 50 and 70, the Limits can be set as below:
threshold limit is exceeded
b) Single structural element damage: in this case we intend to monitor • Preventive maintenance, providing for lower limits of development
the damage of the single structural element. When the values of Dr. of degradation and therefore interventions closer in time which
reaches high values the defects can affect the behavior of the entire prevent higher cost interventions;
system and the threshold limit is exceeded • Reactive maintenance, foreseeing higher limits for the development
c) Structure damage: in this case we intend to monitor the damage to of degradation and therefore interventions that are delayed over
the entire structural system. When the values of Da reaches high time but a more incisive intervention is required on an element, thus
values the entire structural system needs maintenance. restoring its efficiency.

The type of KPI to be used and the numerical threshold values to be When the threshold limit of an element is exceeded, the platform
set depend on the type of maintenance that the manager intends to carry highlights the element on the screen with a reference color (orange or
out. red). Subsequently, an alert is sent automatically (if the exceeding of the

A. Salzano et al. Automation in Construction 149 (2023) 104788

Fig. 25. Checklist for maintenance.

threshold limit is recorded through sensors or schedules) or manually (if performed, the ticket is closed and the color of the element that has been
the exceeding of the threshold limit is recorded by cameras), notifying subject of the intervention is restored.
the need to pay attention to the element that does not satisfy the In this way, the viaduct model will always be kept updated on the
acceptability threshold. platform and its real time conditions will always be known.
The same platform has been developed “ad hoc” to manage all the
phases following the activation of the alert (UsBIM Facility). Once the 5. Discussion and conclusions
alert is activated, a ticket is automatically opened in order to plan,
organize and carry out targeted maintenance for the damaged element. The digitization of buildings of infrastructure seems to have become
An example of sending alerts and opening the ticket is shown below increasingly essential for their care and reuse. For this reason, it is
(Fig. 24): necessary to increase the knowledge about the building assets to support
In this case, the degradation that has been detected is the “detach­ sustainable maintenance and conservation strategies through the
ment of concrete cover” correlated with the degradation “oxidation of development of easy-to-use resource management tools. This allows to
longitudinal reinforcement”. The phases scheduled by the ticket are: support the decision-making process towards a conservation strategy
accessible by all stakeholders.
• Timing, immediate or on the first available working day, of the ur­ Maintenance of existing works can be interpreted as a complex
gent maintenance intervention; decision-making problem especially due to the limited availability of
• The organization, which includes notification to the specialized team economic resources. Therefore, in decision-making processes, it be­
and the organization of the necessary resources in terms of equip­ comes important to have a method that follows standard procedures that
ment and materials; support technicians and managers.
• The execution of the maintenance, which consists in the step-by-step This research aims to standardize procedures in order to optimize the
guide of the intervention thanks to the use of a checklist to be carried management and minimize the maintenance costs of existing works.
out on site for the execution of the intervention with subsequent final The method is based on Building Condition Assessment (BCA) tech­
report that contemplates a verification and subsequent closure of the niques integrated with Building Information Modeling (BIM)
ticket and the alert. methodologies.
The result of the research consists in the application of a mainte­
A notification will be sent on the device of specialized workers with nance management procedure through the BIM modeling of two existing
the date and specifications of the intervention to be carried out. assets of different types in order to demonstrate the standardization of
Once the team has moved to the intervention site, a checklist of the proposed process. In particular, the first case study concerns the BIM
operations to be carried out to resolve the alert, to complete the ticket model of the Brunelleschi’s Cloister which monitors and tracks the
and to re-establish the conditions of acceptability of the element will be deterioration of the historical building, collecting and classifying
sent (Fig. 25). various data that coexist in a model of cultural assets.
Thanks to the updates sent by the workers through their own devices, The model data is managed directly by a specially created Revit-
all the operations foreseen in the checklist can be monitored in real time Dynamo system that directly connects a Master database in Excel
on the centralized model. After a check by means of cameras has been spreadsheets and the BIM model in Revit to create a “digital dossier” of

A. Salzano et al. Automation in Construction 149 (2023) 104788

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