Yash File-1

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Panipat Institute of Engineering & Technology

Samalkha, Panipat

Computer Science & Engineering Department

Practical File: Internet Technology & Management Lab

Code: PC-CS-210AL

Submitted to: ......

...... Name: Yash
Mr.Navneet Roll no.: 2820020

Assistant Professor ....... Class: B.Tech 4th Semester  ‍

(Department of CSE) … Section: A1

1. To prepare the Your Bio Data using MS Word.
2. To prepare the list of marks obtained by students in
different subjects and show with the help of chart/graph
the average, min and max marks in each subject.
3. Prepare a presentation explaining the
facilities/infrastructure available in your college/institute.
4. Design W
eb pages containing information of the deptt.
5. Create a new document that takes the format of a business
letter. Combine <P> and <BR> tags to properly
separate the different parts of the documents. Such
as the address, greeting, content and signature.
What works best for each?
6. Create a document that uses multiple <BR> and <P>
tags, and put returns between <PRE> tags to add
blank lines to your document see if your browser
senders them differently.
7. Create a document using the <PRE>tags to work as an
invoice or bill of sale, complete with aligned dollar
values and a total.
Remember not to use the Tab key, and avoid using
emphasis tags like <B> or <EM> within your list.
8. Create a seven-item ordered list using Roman numerals.
After the fifth item, increase the next list value by 5.
9. Beginning with an ordered list, create a list that nests both
an unordered list and a definition list.
10. Use the ALIGN attribute of an <IMG> tags to align
another image to the top of the first image.. play with this
feature, aligning images to TOP, MIDDLE and BOTTOM.
11. Create a ‘table of contents’ style page (using regular
and section links) and loads a different document for
chapter or section of the document.
12. Instilling internet & external modems, NIC and assign IP
13. Study of E-mail System.
14. Create your own mail-id in yahoo.
15. Add names in your Address book compose and
search element.
VPO Laharada sonipat, haryana

Aim: A determined individual to succeed in field of technology.

Academic Qualification:
qualification Institution Place Board/university Year of CGPA
B. Tech CSE Panipat Samalkha Kurukshetra 2024 n/a
institute of University
engineering &
12th Gateway Sonipat CBSE 2019
10th Gateway Sonipat CBSE 2017

Technical skills:
Programming langauge C,C++,Python
Web technolgies HTML,CSS ,JS
Database MySQL,Mongodb
Software Ms office, Word, Excel ,Powerpoint
OS Windows Family, Linux

 virtual assistant in python
 shopping cart website
 social media app
 real time chat app

Subject knowledge: Data structures and Algorithm,object-orientedprogramming, data analysis

Strength:problem solving,Team leadership,Teamwork, project management, concentration, time management
Hobbies: interest in football, table tennis, travelling

Personal details
DOB: - 25/04/2002
Father’s Name:
Mother’s Name:
Marital status: Single

Declaration: I hereby state that all the information provided above is accurate.
Place: sign:
Date: name: YASH
Practical – 2
Problem Statement: To prepare the list of marks obtained by students in
different subjects andshow with the help of chart/graph the average, min and
max marks in each subject.

S. No. Name Physics Chemistry Mathematics

1 Uday 69 97 95

2 Ankush 77 47 75

3 Kartikey 88 92 83

4 Hiten 94 64 93

5 Tushar 74 68 88

6 Sudipta 75 76 82

7 Jashin 66 73 85

8 Yuganshu 85 91 66

9 Pankil 52 92 84

10 Sanjeet 87 82 74

11 Minimum 52 64 66

12 Maximum 94 97 95

13 Average 74.9 81.6 82.6

Practical – 3
Problem Statement: Prepare a presentation explaining the facilities/infrastructure
available in your college/institute.
Practical – 5
Problem Statement: Create a new document that takes the format of a business
letter. Combine <P> and <BR> tags to properly separate the different parts of the
documents. Such as the address, greeting, content and signature. What works best
for each?

<!DOCTYPE html>
<title> Business Letter </title>

<h1>Business Letter</h1>

<h3>Company Letter</h3>

<p>Ms. Margaret Campion<br>

Director, Corporate Services<br>
Riviera Industries Inc.<br>
245 Dearborn Park Road<br>
Chicago, Il 60610 </p>

<p>Date: 3rd April 2022</p>

<p>Dear Ms. Campion, <br>

It was a pleasure meeting you briefly at last week's Board of Trade event.<br>
It's amazing how small the world does seem sometimes, considering that we both<br>
earned our undergraduate degrees at University of Kansas, even overlapping for one year!<br>
I suppose we were destined to eventually meet face-to-face.</p>

<p>As I was mentioning to you, Final Edition Publications is a specialty publisher<br>

that focuses on corporate publications including annual reports, corporate profiles<br>
and corporate histories. We have been in business for over 15 years and during that<br>
time have grown from a two-person start-up, to a serious corporate publisher with<br>
over 100 employees. We have been contracted by over a dozenFortune 500 companies<br>
to produce both annual and special occasion publications on their behalf.</p>

<p> Please feel free to call me at 745-2398 so that we can discuss this further.<br>
If I don't hear from you by the end of next week.<br>
I will follow up with you and see if we can set up a meeting at your convenience. </p>

<p>Yours truly,<br>
[Manager | Corporate Programs]</p>
Problem Statement: Create a document that uses multiple <BR> and <P> tags,
and put returns between <PRE> tags to add blank lines to your document see if
your browser senders them differently.


<!DOCTYPE html>
<title> Business Letter </title>
<h1><center>Business Letter</h1>
<h3><center>Company Letter</h3><br>
April 03, 2022

Ms. Margaret Campion

Director, Corporate Services
Riviera Industries Inc.
245 Dearborn Park Road
Chicago, Il 60610

Dear Ms. Campion:

<p>It was a pleasure meeting you briefly at last week's Board of Trade event.
It's amazing how small the world does seem sometimes, considering that we both
earned our undergraduate degrees at U. of Kansas, even overlapping for one year!
I suppose we were destined to eventually meet face-to-face.

As I was mentioning to you, Final Edition Publications is a specialty publisher

that focuses on corporate publications including annual reports, corporate profiles
and corporate histories. We have been in business for over 15 years and during that
time have grown from a two-person start-up, to a serious corporate publisher with
over 100 employees. We have been contracted by over a dozen Fortune 500 companies
to produce both annual and special occasion publications on their behalf.

Please feel free to call me at 745-2398 so that we can discuss this further.
If I don't hear from you by the end of next week
I will follow up with you and see if we can set up a meeting at your convenience.</p>
Yours truly,
Manager, Corporate Programs</pre>
Practical – 7

Problem Statement: Create a seven-item ordered list using Roman

numerals. After the fifth item, increase the next list value by 5.


<!DOCTYPE html>
<title> Ordered List </title>

<ol type = "I">

<li> Red </li>
<li> Green </li>
<li> Blue </li>
<li> Yellow </li>
<li> Orange </li>
<ol type = "I", start = 10>
<li> Magenta </li>
<li> Purple </li>

Practical – 8

Problem Statement: Beginning with an ordered list, create a list that

nests both an unordered list and a definition list.

<!Doctype html>
<title>ordered list </title>
<body bgcolor="#ADD8E6">
<font size ="5">
Experiment - 9: Beginning with an ordered list, create a <br>list that nests both an
unordered list and a definition list.
<li><h2>CSE 4th Semester Subjects</li>
<li>Subject Name</li>
<dd>Discrete Mathematics</dd>
<dd>Internet Technology and Management</dd>
<dd>Design and Analysis of Algorithms</dd>
<dd>Operating System</dd>


<li><h2>CSE 4th Semester Subjects</h2></li>

<li>Teacher Name</li>
<dd>Ms. Tammana Sethi</dd>
<dd>Mr. Amit Batra</dd>
<dd>Mr. Sumit Rana </dd>
<dd>Ms. Stuti </dd>



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