Thomas Schoenberger All His Videos-Transcript
Thomas Schoenberger All His Videos-Transcript
Thomas Schoenberger All His Videos-Transcript
good morning everybody so Titus frost has declared the corona cost I think that's a
hilarious name and we got six point six million more casualties on the unemployment
line yeah it's actually a lot bigger it's around 47 million we're looking at 32%
unemployment at this point and people are blaming Trump for a pandemic it's pretty
funny that doesn't make a whole bunch of sense he's going to win a a reelection
that's a given yeah it doesn't matter how high unemployment gets no one's gonna
kick Biden unless they're you know on on the socialist Bolshevik team right the DNC
is evil it's that simple they're evil they're corrupt they've misled America they
want government to control every aspect of our lives so that's that now as far as
other things well it's interesting to see how the court systems are gonna behave I
think everything is going to go telephonically except for criminal trials I think
all the simple stuff that's backed up is gonna take a while so if you take a look
at Los Angeles I think their court systems are closed until further notice I know
it was gonna be around April 23rd but it looks like they're gonna extend that out
so we're gonna get backlogged and at some point the pent up demand that people have
to work to literally provide for the families is gonna take over and that's where
those who are telling us to stay at home and you know all the other garbage they're
gonna look real bad this first wave is about to dissipate it hasn't done its
marching through places like Baltimore and Philly alright Philadelphia City of
Brotherly Love I think that one's gonna get smacked especially hard two weeks ago I
told you London was gonna be on the chopping block and lo and behold they really
are right now things are out of control right there so more to follow but we'll
so I'm headed back to Cali I'm gonna talk to a buddy of mine who is in city
government in Santa Rosa and I'm talking to him about a little guy named Esteban
who's been a thorn in my side so they're fully aware of all the Esteban's been
doing it's good to make a in-person meeting with my friend who I've known since
1991 actually 92 and we're gonna see what can be done I think a letter fully
explaining Esteban's online activities that goes to the Orlando VA might be a
really good idea because this guy is doing a little tick-tock on me and that kind
of doesn't work I've already spoken to Sonoma government and of course in Santa
Rosa there's all sorts of things that I can do so Esteban let's see how tough you
are go for it man
Wow the AVL that the ones who are placing YouTube shutting down so many generals
they're looking for a federal bailout and wait to hear the amount they want 60
billion dollars for themselves 60 billion in emergency stimulus funding and some of
the lists of the nonprofit's that they're trying to push is the the ague Daath
Israel of America Pettis I the woman Zionist Organization of America and the union
of Orthodox Jewish congregations of America this is just incredible they already
have 92 million in net assets all right they're wealthy and they're not being
they're not being harmed by this whatsoever and someone writes all informed the ADL
that their bailout is the bottom of Marianas Trench the deepest part of the ocean
in a more just world all ADL employees will be taxed at a rate of 16 percent
deported as undesirable a Venus Dropkick data from the airplane without food and we
located inside Israel at terminal velocity this so up says this sounds kosher to me
this is a hate group as someone says they are a hate group so that's what I see
someone says the DL is not only the most satanic organization in there good to be
asked in so there's a lot of feedback Americans are not happy with us tired of this
and we're tired of being accused of being anti-semitic that's the worst if you go
ahead and you cut down macaron the leader of France no one calls you an anti you
know no one calls you a francophone right if you cut down the Prime Minister of
England nothing if you cut down our own POTUS here in America that's your right but
if you cut down net-net who you're an anti-semite it's pretty much of a jaded very
hypocritical stance and by the way guys I got a hate speech strike or warning at
least because of what I said about it now now this is America this is not Israel we
have rights to you know weigh in and that includes foreign leaders we are
No mask
2020-07-05 03:21:59 UTC
hey everybody it's me talking about mass it's funny to see all the variations of
mass out there some people are starting to resemble birds pointy little mess other
ones uh look like either patients or physicians now what might be interesting is if
we had a fritz haber around you guys know about him pretty interesting guy fritz
haber was a a chemist german chemist and very interesting uh human being here let
me find him um he's the one who created chlorine gas um they were using phosgene
gas before which is even more deadly but you know he had certain philosophies which
was uh to use less deadly gas which would be just as effective and to have it
dispersed better so um during world war one this guy had the blood of tens of
thousands on his hands in fact in one battle uh the second battle of yeeps in
belgium is flemish territory that was the first time that the germans used a mass
gas warfare and within a month he had killed 60 seven thousand people i think uh
interesting guy too because he had developed something that right now feeds three
billion people today and that is the combination of nitrogen and um hydrogen and
essentially he combined them to create artificial fertilizer which today feeds half
the world that's you know 50 of the world food base so who was this guy well he was
born into a jewish family well-educated impressed his teachers worked with the
foremost chemist of his era and converted to being a lutheran because it served him
better and it's interesting to see the dichotomy of someone who is sustenance of
half of the world and yet this guy also was responsible for um so much death he was
considered uh the father of chemical warfare so interesting guy today for this
haber oh by the way the reason why i mentioned masks is because he was responsible
for a very superior gas mask for the german troops he once said that during peace
scientists belong to the world but during war scientists belong to their own
countries so pretty fascinating guy fritzaber you might want to look into him by
the way he was a suicide and years before so was his wife and i think he had a son
who committed suicide and a daughter who committed suicide so they definitely
hey guys so have you ever dated someone and it's over and that person won't let go
now for me I didn't let go once in my life and that was a long time ago it was a
decade ago and you know I learned that was a mistake because it really isn't love
when you get down to it it isn't love you know love us letting someone go and give
you autonomy so what I am going through right now is I've got this woman that I
dated briefly Beth Blackburn were also business partners in shadowbox and she
simply won't let things go and I can see why she had repeated fall outs with people
in the WikiLeaks Kennedy she had business with Trish the dish if you remember from
George Webb and Jason Goodman had a huge falling-out with her and I think it had to
do with George Webb and the gusoff or two files how did they get that I don't know
that's her deal she huge fallout with Suzy Dawson and with Elizabeth bajas and with
Trevor Fitzgibbon and with Jimmy's llama and just the list goes on that the
weeklies community is fractured though with this woman when we were partners in
this we ended up doing a little work for Steve piss it was free work it was grown
us we were charging we wanted to get our name out there in the community pretty
stupid in retrospect but her assignment was looking into Jason Goodman she
discovered brick top productions and for a bunch of other things she's not trying
to distance herself from the truth I've been pretty forthright with everything and
I've been talking to journalists and to steve-o trauma to jimmies llama and others
and you know whatever emails if I have I give them out because they are a testament
to the histories of what would I and what I see with her is she won't stop fixating
on me Beth you need to move on you've got a couple kids you've got a husband you
know you're wealthy why not just live your life and move on and quit with the you
know obsession her recent thing was some burner woman made a comment about
journalists and even their kids being in danger and of course with Beth you know
she's the bride of everyone in the corporate of a funeral so she thought it was an
attack by this person that I was in control of Corrine something it had nothing to
do with me um this is what she does you know she wants to find someone who really
has attacked her and has threatened her and her kids look no further than many
Shabbos that's the truth um otherwise she's coming off like this you know fixated
ex-girlfriend it's crazy and so what's happened is when she made a false allegation
the other day when I responded to her I included Steve Otero image of camera I
trust these guys heinous not just us she's attacked him that was noticed by hoax
Wars she's a trickster and it's too bad because I think she's a good researcher in
some areas and I don't think she's a wicked human being I think she needs to move
on so that's why I'm making this video which is Beth quit mentioning me quit
contacting me just
so my friends i'll make it short but as promised last week i sent off a package to
a lady named tish james she's the new york attorney general and i had her pay
special attention to a 1500 payment that went to a guy called meatball and that
that 1500 dollar payment may have been to harass a defendant in a definition suit
and that does not mean that the plaintiff's attorney had anything to do with it in
fact he probably didn't even know but there was going to be see some legal
ramifications i think coming down the pike for a certain guy named meatball and for
the woman who sent the money now she sent money to other youtubers um usually
cheerleading a political point uh that's legal to do it's not legal to send money
to a a known defamer on the internet and attack a defendant even if the defendant
is not likable and i'm not talking about myself um this is another case all i can
tell you is uh that i got word back today that they're taking a closer look so um
that could mean it can take two weeks attorney generals can act like fbi and take
two years but they're starting to look into carson city right now and uh i'm very
2020-04-20 23:24:12 UTC
I apologize for my voice in advance hi everybody hope you doing well one of my
favorite philosophers was a guy named Seneca through the looking to him are you
witty he said notice that as to the that melissa tethers via which is the road from
earth to heaven is a difficult one I guess we all suffer all of us in some way and
in some fashion some of us seems enough except for at all some of us seem to have
white legs we never break a bone never gets sick never suffer poverty which I'm
sure pisses people off I know I've broken a lot of bones and I've been rich and
I've been poor there times when my life becomes a tether of clocks from just to
church bills see my father clocks the pocket watches the clock inside my head and
everything light or dark transforms any sound even Simon Says I'm a bee I'm working
on a piece of music and I can shut my eyes like I just did right now and you can
hear the brush of a snare drum and when I hear a dog barking like you do now I get
here trouble play your boots or a car muffler I'm thinking bass you know I don't
like to talk about major I just like to release it and not for the critics what
critics when I'm dead my music will fill your cathedrals your funeral parlors and
it's going to be a soundtrack to many a wedding natural and a celebration that
doesn't matter to me it never did as a music student I spoke out against my
teachers I told them they were engaging in doctrinal strangulation creative
strangulation shoving journey and Clemente down my throat telling me if I wanted to
be something I better stick to what sells so that's the end goal for composers is
it that's the problem most composers have been made to seek family that's what
they're told to do better get signed but he get you music all over the place better
leave a name for yourself why we are just vessels and as a vessels our duty is to
deliver to carry a message get it they say a certain amount of ego was good but not
too much I know too much I even think the smaller the better guy came up to me
today he heard me on my cell phone he says brah the first thought wouldn't men
start referring to each other by female support of platforms I'm not a bra I'm not
a bro I'm gonna brought up Thomas that's number one I'm Teresa's hey dude you know
your Jesus he he lost it the anti said what do you mean he said father why have
forsaken me and I see really okay so I shot back at him I guess the crucifixion was
painless huh they said what he's a kind of I said did you suffer the stings of the
whips they said well yeah I said how do you know he said because it's written about
that he cried out they said you're correct three of the four Gospels may see this
and did Jesus um feel pain when he was pushed around and punched the guy says yeah
definitely I said what about when the crucifixion nails were going into three
points that body he said unless an excruciating so I said okay so you're gonna tell
me that a guy makes a statement when blood is draining from us buddy when he
probably has a subdural hematoma and you're gonna go ahead and hold him to that
really okay and he did a 180 he actually said you're absolutely right I never
thought of it that way good people should think they really should so I'm doing
less of these right now I guess my voice is shot got some stuff going on but I just
wanted to reach out and say thank you to my small subscriber base for they've
always him
so I'm showing this it's gambling bug his real name is Jesse Davis he's south been
in a very troubled individual so as you can see he's reaching out to me and he's
attacking women he's developing a background Intel on females why well they cover
this for a second the reason why is that his wife was friends with one of the
females all right and it'll tell everybody in the world that I'm making things up
in my head when the reality is this guy's a fraud in the trickster so you guys all
remember the story where he accused me of being dr. Sean Berger and yet could offer
no proof he gave some sort of a piece of paper that doesn't have an official stamp
on it when I said hey let's go call the hospital up all the lifestream with you he
refused so he's a trickster it's a guy who I have looked into and he owes money to
creditors and the reason why his wife was having a meltdown on October 25th is that
they were both doing court the next week as defendants because of his crimes
because he was the one who was ducking creditors and giving the address of a gay
bar as his home address so this guy wants you to believe him and what I'm not
kidding around okay here's the proof right we're trying to keep people's identities
out of yours I don't want to talk to anybody accidentally here it is and he says
she slept some last night and she's going to take a break from the PC for a while
yeah that's the issue all right and so this is after Jesse's son caught the police
on his wife and then he says you DJ defend ago seemed to be the three she really
looks up to her mind and I thank you all for helping with this that is exactly what
was really happening but is that what we get from Jesse no seems like just a
completely different story including my wife and myself is just crazy I just did
that's why I gave the proof to begin with and when we take it a step further Jesse
Davis anybody who wants to contact me and get primary evidence can afford these
emails anywhere okay let's talk about joined the weather okay give me a break you
know what I've done I've written over 28 new pieces of music and here's what you've
done you've done how many videos on me huh how many accusing anybody who who sticks
up for me of being me right this is our session I mean come on you've got a
there seems to be a lot of confusion concerning isaac cappy and people that i have
accused of complicity and i do believe it was a murder i believe it was set up and
i have my reasons for it first off i don't know how many people saw the phoenix
enigma video with the woman who's claiming to be and she may indeed not be isaac's
mother at least biologically but i'm not going to get into that let's just go
through a simple chronology and you get to where i'm coming from isaac cappy came
out in late july of pointing fingers at seth green and other people in hollywood
that he had worked with and had been close with and he accused them of pedophilic
acts predatory x seth and his wife claire he claimed he personally went down to
their dungeon and that seth may or may not have been joking when he said that's
where we keep the children now it is a fact that pedophilia has been a industry
standard since the very beginning of hollywood and that is going back well over a
century there were reports of pedophilia going on at the nestor film company 1908
they were of course famous producers the cast and cats were team right it happened
before that before it was hollywood it was new york the biograph and other film
companies they decided that they wanted better weather so they can film longer and
it turned out to be a lucrative thing to do but getting back to isaac cappy and his
accusations this is a guy who spent well over a decade as a thespian as an actor
someone who trod the boards he socialized in hollywood made friends with a lot of
people by all accounts he was well liked nobody described him as crazy or drug
addled when he came out and he started to call out what uh he said he couldn't keep
in anymore there was a big reaction and surprisingly no reaction from tom hanks
none from seth green but this guy gabe hoffman comes out and he's going crazy he's
attacking isaac daley full force it's you know it's um it's the the hat fills in
the mccoy strains at any rate um it's well documented a couple days before isaac
died he does a periscope he looks very distressed you can take a look at his face
look at the jawline the mandible that's usually a a good area to focus on when
you're analyzing the face there are people who are better at this than me look at
the zygomatic arch look at how the eyes act they were not dilated he was not high
on something he was distressed and he was told blink twice if you're not suicidal
he blinked twice so here we have a guy who um looks very much like he's under heavy
duress and the question from the detractors is well how come he was seen running
around uh later on his own free will so let me hypothesize for a second he's
grabbed he's told you better come up with a file or you don't have too many days to
live we're going to cut you to pieces and so that's why he's running around um like
he is and where does he go he goes two hours from his mother's house he says he's
going to see his mother and suddenly he commits suicide off of a very uh unsuicidal
bridge you know doesn't sound right to me my hypothesis is he was lured out of that
room and he was waiting for someone to pick him up and get him the fuck out of
there and what he saw when he looked into that suv or truck or whatever it was is
the same person who had threatened him a couple days beforehand and then when he
looked across the bridge he saw two or three guys and didn't know who they were but
he figured i'm cornered so what do you do when you're cornered you look for any
escape and if that means leaping over an overpass and figuring okay i'll survive
this um i can hobble away i can get help a sheriff will see it so on and so forth i
really think happened now for my life i learned on the 14th of may just like
everybody else wow the day before isaac cappy died he died a little bit before 8
o'clock am and how i heard it is a certain meatball five foot three meatball
pathological liar we all know who we're talking about every time you tell us a lie
another hair falls from his head that guy accused me in hoax two people he was
upset with at the time so that's on may 14th he starts to put this out there
publicly on may 15th i get a disjointed phone call from a man named peter priest an
australian who's currently attempting to refashion and repurpose his life as a
political candidate everything about this guy is uh pretty slimy yes a certain
amount of intelligence but he doesn't have good common sense so he's calling me up
telling me how he's going to crucify me he's going to have me whipped i will have
pieces of flesh hanging from my back and then he's going to drive nails into my
hands and into my feet and then he's going to mock me so he then said and you
convinced isaac he was judas i did no such thing it's only one person i called
judas and that was meatball and there was a very good reason for it in fact i dare
anybody to find any fight i ever had with isaac um i don't think you can find it i
don't think that you can find isaac having huge blowouts with anybody except for
one person gabe hoffman a man who had the motive and the means and the know-how to
put isaac to his death and i don't even know if uh isaac was intended to die that
day could have been that they were going to scare him again try to get a hold of
certain financial files maybe like uh the offshore fund too for life sciences that
scipidor has it's kind of interesting it's been dormant for a while and you know
gabe hasn't made any contributions for hmm i think 29 months 30 months you know
since 2017 that's very odd so how is he making his money and how do you go from
sorting a stock publicly sorting it at 252. and the stocks trading at 1500 right
now how do you get yourself on a national financial program and hold your head high
and say oh well it's only money it's not how hedge fund guys work i've got some
friends who are in the business and they masterfully hedge you're looking at
usually two three four five six percent because they're safe and they want a return
that makes sense so i've got some good friends one of them actually knows gabe but
we're going to keep that quiet at least until court so the bottom line is here it
is meatball accuses me first then you've got aloha priest then you've got the
madness of the internet where i'm being accused by a bunch of people and guess who
joins in on may 27th gabe hoffman now gabe was an enemy of isaac abbey but he
starts out his twitter missive by saying friends and fans of isaac abbey should
focus their attention on thomas isaac's handler okay he had made that accusation in
september of 2018 or october or november or december he made it after he knew isaac
died and by the way on may 14th a couple weeks before he started his attack on me
he was downright vicious after learning about isaac's death there was a hatred it's
a pathos going on in that man's soul so i believe that he is in cahoots with brett
tremble and with shark belly kelly we know is the fact that brett tremble gave a
computer to kelly now they can downplay and say oh that old thing is worth nothing
it means nothing i suspect that um meatball was recompensed by gabe hoffman and
that will be proven we're going to go very very deep into a scipitor and if things
go right i've talked to a very important man who is not in the finance world but
has ties to elon musk and says a nice betting of a scipida capital might be a good
thing for everybody to see where every penny is accounted for it's interesting i
guess was a little uh little dodgy she ended up blowing up her husband she's
serving life in prison gabe has some interesting friends that we're looking into
right now and it is my right as an american who was accused by gabe allen hoffman
to give a spirited defense so i got some paypal which i really appreciate thank you
very much to the people who you know some of them are nice donations all of them
are nice donations even the even the fives and the tens it's all going to go
towards exposing something that's monstrous and something that should be exposed so
it's not like i'm going to go ahead and grab your money and get a filet mignon or
something it's going towards the hiring of legal experts and it's and expose that
needs to be exposed
okay so i've started to listen to george webb i guess he did a a hypothesis in the
youtube forum someone listen 50 000 volunteers so it's much more massive and you
know not not to con add conspiracy to this but the lombardy area uh going all the
way back to the birth of pawn brokering right i mean the lombardy banking with the
the medicis the medicis and so forth i mean sometimes you wonder is this the white
guelphs versus the red welts is this the you know the uh ancient you know 1400 you
know battle being fought in italy but anyway just talk a little bit about lombardi
banking for a second if you'd like well it's just um you know i've always been
curious about financial markets and banking and something like things like that so
i it was just something i discovered um a while ago that the original banking
system was was pawn brokering they called it lombardi banking just based on the you
know the medici family obviously being uh you know the the bankers of the the
vatican um that is incorrect history um first off uh lombardi is over three hours
away from ferengi sarenji is where the banking system was actually set up by the
templars a lot earlier too um you did have an early um banker and it's medici
that's what you say so there was a man named giovanni di uh bichi di medici and he
was um you know the family lived a long time for those days he lived to be 60 and
he was the founder of the medicis he was the uh father of casimo diminishing in
costume dominici you'll know from history um he was um around well his reign was
from 1434 i think he ruled um 30 years and he actually died on august 1st 1464
august 1st of course being prevalent in my narrative because it's the day that
defango took money from uh tanya but at any rate he was called edekio and that's
the elder and you see the ponte vecchio very famous street street of gold um and uh
that is a very famous street where they sell gold uh in ferenzi he was the guy who
funded uh the duomo bruno skelly just an architectural masterpiece and it he had
nothing to do with the father of banking um they declared him primus into paris
which is the first among equal so um ultimately that means an autocrat but he was
the guy who built up huge wealth very very smart with his money i knew what he was
doing and he was the um grandfather of a very very famous one lorenzo lorenzo the
magnificent now he's the guy we know from history as the guy who blew his
grandfather's wad so uh he was the one where everything fell apart lorenzo was
funding all sorts of artists uh da vinci michelangelo so on and so forth donatello
and of course you remember donatello from uh you know a very famous book called the
bonfire of the vanities in which uh ser ava nolo who was a priest um was taking
down the medicis uh and the medites and uh literally ordered the artist to take
their art and throw it into a giant bonfire and there's a very poetic image of
donatella one of the great artists of the renaissance uh taking two of his
masterpiece paintings and resigning them to the flame so uh you know basically
kosumo um inherited not only huge wealth from his father giovanni but also uh
inherited a network of bankers um within the family and so there were connections
to rome and there were connections to um as we talked about lombardi um so on
geneva so and so forth so uh what you would have is these days we call them branch
managers back in those days they would call them uh um despactario generali um and
they would be handling the church finances so he literally opened up offices all
over the world at least europe london pisa avignon uh bruges milan lubeck so on and
so forth so he had this grandson who loved art and literally spent a whole bunch of
money too much money on art but that is what gave um florence its famous history it
would have gone down as bankers with some good investment in architecture but it
was lorenzo who broke the mold now he was born on new year's day in 1449 he died on
april 8th 1492. that was you know right as the new world was being uh discovered
but yes as i said he was a financer of michelangelo and botticelli and you know a
wonderful wonderful he survived an assassination attempt there's something called
the posi conspiracy which was in 1478 and that took his um his brother's life
giuliano and i remember there was a horrible scene where there was an attempted
murder and a church really fascinating to um study the the medicines and to see all
the duplicities in the family pretty amazing so you should definitely um look into
them and just take a look at in particular spent his money on he was a pretty
amazing guy and you want to look especially into easter easter sunday um april 26
1478 and you want to look into the conspirators who literally tried to take over
power that'd be a giarlamo um let's see francisco uh deposi he was the guy who was
ahead of it and um some others too i i can't remember their names but uh you know
lorenzo escaped and he escaped because there was a poet named uh polizziano who had
uh defended him and so lorenzo put the conspiracy down he rallied uh the citizens
of fellaini and they went ahead and crushed these guys so really really fascinating
story um you know the birth of the renaissance the renaissance renaissance was
bloody and so you definitely want to look on that you see incredible art a
collection of geniuses
so coming from California watch updates very closely and there's a lot of people in
California around 40 million people so I as far as endemic only six counties ever
saw more than a hundred people in the hospital and you know the biggest County
elegantly it has 25,000 bits and they were never for more than 10% of those pets
filled with coronavirus patients right now the unemployment is at 28% and that is
based upon a viral outbreak that affected point zero zero zero zero one percent of
the state this is just crazy you can say goodbye to a lot of freelance work because
it's the small businesses hire the freelancers I think that the entertainment
business is gonna be just fine but the rest of the state is seriously seriously
messed up this is crazy just crazy
so looks like uh napa valley made the new york times and of course they're talking
about this gigantic fighter it's huge it includes napa sonoma counties the towns in
between hillsborough greenerville calistoga so on and so forth and yeah it's um
driving away the
Wikileaks and qanon supporters being looked at very hard
2020-06-03 16:51:35 UTC
so there's a lot going on right now Julian Assange was too sick to be extradited
that's what his lawyers are arguing meanwhile you can see both Trump and Joe Biden
you know with Pompeo under Trump and Joe Biden you know people associated with
WikiLeaks er I now under suspicion you know i I've got a lot of sympathy for
Julianne personally as far as WikiLeaks I think is compromised but what's happening
with the courts is that they're starting to come down on WikiLeaks supporters you
know you're not going to find a lot of sympathy in front of judges because they are
looking at queue and on and at WikiLeaks as disruptors anarchists so on and so
forth so it smacks up woman fell points out Joe Biden has not been Pro Julian at
all now with Trump we kind of thought that he was but the administration is
definitely looking to extradite him on seventeen espionage charges and they will
probably stick they will probably stick unfortunately same thing is going on with
cueing on okay if you take a look at this this is a guy it was Matthew Wright and
he drove an armored vehicle full of explosives onto a bridge near Hoover Dam no you
didn't like you know any of the explosives get out of his hands yes Matthew right
and he was looking at eight years in prison the commissioner rejected it so once
again here are the judges of the land and they're looking at both queuing on and
WikiLeaks is saying the people who were associated with this are not going to be
viewed favorably by the courts so that's
so I am gonna be walking away from these people because I think it's an entire
waste of time but here we've got sherry Vaughn she's using Samhain she has a
picture that's not hers and she's speaking to straight magnet who's a Diane
Nordstrom these people are liars and so she says Dave you know he has kept up with
defending who enough to know he can trap to feign go into a lawsuit to use
defenders evidence on the TS cyberstalking getting later by the way TS should turn
himself in now that dave has finally figured out who the center of the circle is
say staff y'all much lo sure he lives in Carson City she's been two fingers
landlord but she's also I believe very tied into some nefarious things so I didn't
know her on the 22nd of November 2018 and what you can see is that she has attacked
me relentlessly there we are happy Thanksgiving two-finger those Jethro DJ kinky
Intel dollar lurks or taffy husky that's list addict so here you have direct
evidence for everybody to see Thomas number gray in case a few music and his 10
year history of being on rip huff whatever so this is her she's part of the defend
go operation and she's not trying to play Dave so here it is she's talking to Dave
oh my god Dave force dad again why okay so she's accusing Dave under another sock
puppet of stalking her father so she plays a lot of games a lot of kings and here
it is the stop needs to get real honest there's another one there and get rid of
these and you know we could just keep on going and she's wicked more I've got so
much funner here sherry and she's cutting down Dave again and here's Billy Martin I
saw part of it so I studied these things and I've got all sorts of evidence all
sorts of evidence of her tied into Marcos as well there it is with Marcos and of
course sherry right there so they're all tied in together it's what I've been
saying for a while Dave you can choose to listen or you can choose to let them
trick you which it
Smoking Gun evidence That Manny Chavez was paying Arthro to attack me.
2020-02-16 20:01:51 UTC
so Arturo Tafoya Romo goes by chess ir3 3:01 on twitter and basically he did catch
Shabbos in a lie I'm gonna show you what he says he says exactly he claimed that
the money was changing me giving me was to not go after him he kept that listen to
what he says on the play you know school play I mean it's weird because like let's
just put it this way I was paying him money to not talk shit about me and that
stopped happening because it started talking shit about me that's a complete lie
let me prove all right here we go this is the disc or drop one of them between
Arturo Tafoya Romo aka Lestat a que chefs are three three zero one and do fango aka
elusive man whose real name is Manuel Chavez so on 527 this is prior to the SAS
involvement with a crypto you know the resistance I owe that Anthony had been
working on there it is 528 dude you Gor got like hash money yesterday and he
actually paid it and then that shows a transfer of funds and then here's mammal
Shabbos yo yo I need you to lay off Thomas for a week I have things working I mean
release on Twitter keep dropping videos and stuff but try not to get into the new
drama with an open secret in Mag ago I think if we lay off and let them fight we
can see where this is going better we should talk on voice oh there didn't want to
leave a trail and then here it is on 5:30 on a second thought fire all cannons now
that's what you call it directive so it shows that there was a money transfer and
that Nawal Chavez was directing Arturo to attack me there you go
So Chavez was the one Who asked The Daily Beast For the story
2020-02-19 03:49:28 UTC
this is getting to be incredible so it appears that Manuel Chavez set up the will
simmer daily beast then he writes he had one job and so this is really getting
interesting thanks Gina I'm for finding this out and I wrote to an old settlement
is the editor fees wills probably not gonna like me for that but what we found out
and what Gina I thought he gets the credit yes he found out that there has been a
lot of interaction with will simmer and Wyatt Earp says will did you purposely
lining cover-up Blackburn's identity by falsely claiming she was an employee Thomas
just floored me already no exchanges I'll be in touch with the auditor as well was
too late we've already done that and so here's a head look Debbie wasserman-schultz
pretty interesting alright there's Beth it's a public picture so I don't want to
show it and there's Chavez with a massage shirt so there's a lot going on right
there's funny things well he is he's I responded someone said the article this is
why it again the article is clearly an attempted attacking and discrediting you
threatening us in a disparaging tone me making false claims about your character
and career and misrepresents you and I wonder how foolish their attacks well
looking years to come and so what I said is to the editor and all ii should not
care about my feelings or even the discouragement however he should care about
accurate reporting and should be concerned about an apparent deliberate attempt
chops few skate which was and that is what happened so there's a lot of a lot of a
lot of things going on right now and there's a lot of people that are wrong mention
in this article and his funny is normally reached The Daily Beast at all but I'm
just looking at all the there's one sacred well summer hates any pro-trump or pro-q
limit but what he really hates is an easiness right winger from what I hear maybe
is a left-wing nationalist after all but he's not a Nazi Islamic use I mean yeah I
don't think he's a Nazi either but I think he's got again for she were her for
bloomer and for Hoffman I got that vibe I talked to him a number of times he's
after mega to beat didn't so it's pretty funny just to see that [Music] he's got a
laugh well summer has been a broad tool for years seems he blatantly deliberately
lied about Beth black first of all a while they've already seen the same thing that
doesn't devalue I was actually saying this is not worked out well hasn't worked out
well for either will or [Music] you know or for Beth and here's Steve Oh trim as a
fan of lift the veil spay them stuffing it's hilarious to hear him described as a
right-wing amplifier he called Hugh out as a PSYOP before I did he hates Trump and
his socially liberal above fiscally conservative okay so there's this it's really
it's just amazing on these things work you know usually these um these articles
have a one or two day news cycle and you know there's also people who were talking
about being stalked and that includes me dear mr. summer I have office making stock
buy a mini Shabbos and gave often this is a Q Hoffman has a crazy ex-military guy
named Steven to go after me video as a mental case with ties to the CIA yeah I
would agree with that statement so Gabe Hoffman here's another one from SB or SD
sprout deep Hoffman attacked me so Stefano gave him Hoffman is underwriting a
finger or stalking attacks to fake it was hooked up with Maggie coalition mister
summer keep
so I want to do more of a drill down once again with Steve's article just because I
think it's the most important article he's written a while not that he hasn't done
great work before this is just kind of a when people compose symphonies there's
something called the recapitulation which is the reintroduction of theme one and
sometimes the theme too and with much greater depth so this is what Steve has done
here and he's talking about the people who believed to phango and [Music] believed
magic oh and a bunch of other things so there's what he writes he says you think
they're the greatest Patriot of all time graders of cue whistleblowers maggot read
the core part of the Trump campaign and then it turns out you've been had it was
all for a LARP they were tricksters out for lousy you were tricked into being one
of the herd of lol cows maybe even believed in them so much you sent them a
donation super chat subscription or about a t-shirt or coffee mug you don't just
felt betrayed by the trickster the damage is much greater you feel the very things
that made you like the movement enough to engage were themselves a betrayal this is
gaslighting and its most brutal with no regard to the Munsell mental health
consequences for the victims or even the perpetrators sure the larks for the Viper
made you script themselves once they came out but they can always adopt a new
persona switch to the other side politically repent with the Mia culpa and perhaps
a 12-step program then reinvent themselves or go on that Defago channel for a round
of high fives it goes on to say defending who said JB's faking the discord logs
cost him his friendship with Jack the sobic and I quote Defago if the logs were
faked that means that JB and Doug Stewart lied to me and Glen so here's Tiffany go
accusing Doug Stewart of lies Glen Herman formerly of magna co s of three weeks ago
dismisses Pacific as a larper and cable news he says he knows jack on a personal
basis and that Pacific was best friends with Roger stone and they are not the kind
of people to be trifled with they are up to various kinds of trickster tricks in
2016 and I know Defago was - so here we are with Glen Herrmann early in accusation
define go so and if you want to know about magic oh you know they I guess were
called out by the 4chan cue and if you dig a little deep well you'll find that the
magico is Adam Gingrich knew praying medic you'll find other connections between
the a chan yuen-han version and Maggie ko so there's something very nefarious going
on and people are now trying to slide away into the shadows and as lawsuits are
being filed and counter lawsuits being filed once again and I'm going to tell you
that it's gonna be about discovery who was clean and it was dirty right who was
falsely being blamed I think back to Isaac a P and in the last couple months you
could see he was exhausted from constantly being falsely accused of scams or being
crazy or being on drugs all of it not true and I think about a number of other
people who have been scapegoated and in a organized chaotic fashion this is
organized chaos so in answer just ease article where he gives high fives - Jared
that's John I want to say how many alphabets are involved you know I deep does it
go we know the sobic we know he was a Navy Intel the piss whisperer I go I'm not a
fan of a Sawbuck I'm not a fan of any of these people screw em all seriously it's
just um it's it's really sick when people are actively grifting and yet they're
accusing you of grifting just amazing so as I said topango is destroyed I don't
know if that means much to him because in my opinion he's a sociopath but he's
destroyed his credibility is gone and you could see it in the members his
destruction is only the next level I think where it goes is that people are gonna
be prosecuted and in particular people who were backing to fango financially I
think those people are definitely being watched and some of those people are very
wealthy so I think this whole mess needs to be looked at by honest investigators
and I know what I'm doing I'm preparing for a documentary you know we're gonna make
some people famous that
okay guys so if you've been watching my channel you would have realized that I
wasn't kidding around so apparently there are leaked documents from the US military
that they're preparing for a much worse global pandemic in the next thirty days so
it's what I've been saying I'm gonna give you some more I'm just gonna tell you
what went on there are at least two top-level people from the CDC who conspired
with a certain Senator in New York to soft-pedal the corona virus to President
Trump meanwhile this senator hunted the table publicly and demanded more money for
the CDC it was done purposely so they knew what they were doing they were setting
Trump up to look like he's incompetent to handle a pandemic and it was pretty
sneaky Senator Schumer wasn't it so you heard this here first and this story will
come out Trump should get the State Department on this right away over
hi everybody so I just want to speak from my heart myself I make some mistakes as
I'm speaking well you know it's not scripted there's been a series of predatory
behaviors that not only myself but several of us have been subjected to since May
19th 2019 a month of chaos into many of our lives and a month that delivered death
to Isaac a feast or so since May 14th 2019 had been subject to unrelenting attacks
on my character there's been diabolical malfeasance and it's not like it was
something that I'm used to I'm a musician I've been a composer as long as I could
touch the keys of a piano I wrote my first symphony at 6 years of age 7 years of
age as I traveled in the back of a Citroen across Germany in France and Italy in
the Netherlands I could reply up to 8 9 hours of music in my head Mozart Beethoven
Schubert Middleton Rock Corelli scarlatti the list goes on to be publicly accused
of not even writing music that's got to be the first in annals of music history
they didn't stop there the malcontents also ascribed murders and suicides to me
murders and suicides I had nothing to do with take for instance Isaac Cappy I never
had a fight with Isaac Cappy I've been very transparent with everything it wasn't
in Arizona on May 13th when he died nor was I in Arkansas on July 18th when Sam
Fullerton opened fired on a cop and then killed himself I do believe that Sam
Thornton had a wellness check done on him through Arturo Tafoya and I think it was
purposeful I didn't know sound well but Sam did tell me that Arturo was absolutely
furious that Sam was a fan of Sofia music and it's not like Arturo who goes by the
name Lestat hasn't publicly displayed absolute hysteria over anybody becoming my
friend or appreciating my art he's a fixated personality he's fixated on wanting to
own cicada 3301 he was fixated and disgruntled when the cue people fired him he was
fixated when unit e4j kicked him out Arturo has a hard time keeping a job so and oh
by the way I can clearly show connection with both the deaths of Sam Horton and
Isaac ap2 Arturo Tafoya and too many Shabbos to Arturo chased Isaac around on the
Internet he was absolutely furious after queuing on fired Arturo that he blamed me
he thought that I had made Isaac a be famous and Isaac happy was a fan of Q so
Arturo hooked up with a very shifty spook who goes by the name Esteban Trujillo
decotis eres and Esteban has been tacky and also attacking anybody who supports me
or allows me to tell my side of the story he's been vicious with Stevo trim who's
evidence-based researcher and a very good one the height of irony is to see the
esteban who gave up his anglicized named steven for the Hispanic Esteban is
intimately linked to a self-admitted pedophile Satanist and heroin addict Arturo
Tafoya who goes by the name Lestat and who runs a youtube channel named a
conspiracy distillery so it's my belief that Esteban Arturo and Manuel had plans to
try to hijack the cicada 3301 puzzle why well they were plotting to see financial
gain Arturo went as far as Steve me my music especially a song I composed in 2014
which was 36 months before I ever met Arturo and before I met Arturo he was
trolling Sofia music-making sycophantic comments telling me how much he loved my
music so I felt played Arturo has recently taken over what was the able danger
YouTube channel which was founded by field McConnell there's now incarcerated and
Sir David Hawkins who is now attacking steve-o from to see the connections now that
tunnel had 68 thousand subscribers when it was wink wink given to us that it's lost
ten thousand subscribers and son it's fifty eight thousand one hundred it takes a
lot to unsubscribe from ciao so I think people are sick of his duplicity Xin his
lies now many Chavez is also experienced a lot of attrition he's lost some of his
closest allies ghost crab Jan on and others majestic angel and he's had to resort
to buying subscribers and then falsely claiming that I'm doing the same for Sofia
music so a lot of games being played you've got a guy named powerful primes who
goes by the name is e kiyul who was just in a fight with Jane on because Jay and I
was telling the truth and as he couldn't stand it they don't want truth they're not
interested in truth they're interested in taking me down so I've got a choice I
either sink or swim either fight or I crawl into a mud hut and die well I'm gonna
fight and I strongly believe that Isaac Cappy was murdered and that I was set up as
a pre-selected patsy a scapegoat so to me the evidence is clear just look at
Isaac's the last periscope he's basically predicting his own death he blinks twice
to show that he's doing things against his will it's plainly a visceral Telegraph
of a man under threat and so once again between May 14th and June 1st of this year
I was vilified by strangers strangers I had never heard of Gabe Hoffman who the
hell does he have a high priest I didn't know who he was but Manuel Chavez knew who
both these men were on May 28th 2019 means lost at interacting with Gabe and
there's lots of interactions with Maggie Coe and Gabe all those connective tissues
tie to defang go endless data and it's a good thing that I'm not the only one
documenting I'm probably the most on social media and that was a paraphrase from
Steve ultram unfortunately for the enemy they picked the exact wrong guy to mess
with because of my compositional skills I'm able to identify connections better
than most of humanity as a composer I construct melodies from puzzles floating in
the ether I set you create melodies that sell you recapitulate that's how you
develop composers are these act wrong people to mess with because we can identify
connective tissue where no one else sees it and I also believe that steve-o trim
and Wyatt Earp and lady Steph and Mindy and ghost crab and s Murray and others
share the same capabilities and that somehow we've been drawn together for a
greater purpose I also put Alessandra from louder than love in the same category
his research has been fabulous and what's interesting is that the same malcontents
accuse everybody I just mentioned of being me or being a mindless minion of me
that's not true and there's a deeper meaning to all these events it's what I
believe I've seen biblical connotations when Isaac Abbie first came out I referred
to him as a John the Baptist of social media because he was coming out as a clarion
call stating that there's there's evil in these hills and he died after being
convinced by somebody that he was Judas I certainly never did that however I did
mean one person is Judas and that's many shabbos across the city Nevada the man
currently teamed up with Gabe Othman the stranger who started to attack me on his
fifty thousand person social media platform so why are they behaving like this if
it's a suicide you don't need to cover up a suicide only a murder these events have
deeper meaning and in time everybody's gonna see it
now I don't mean to be this stark landscape guy like a Bruegel painting but I've
been trying to warn everybody since early January and now it's here new cases in
Switzerland cases in France there's probably a lot in Paris all these congested
cities are gonna get whacked hard and let me tell you the hospitality business
alone the impact is going to be horrific that includes travel that includes
corporate retreats and weddings and Expos and here's China yeah we're going to be
importing things from China well what do we get from China cars iron steel clothes
plastics toys furniture and then foodstuffs and not just a tea remember the
expression all the tea in China we're kidding rice or getting soy beans we're
getting the Walmart food if you take away the China import dynamic from Walmart
it'll be an empty store literally most of those clothes are from China and the
problem that we had was we embraced globalism and we didn't think of the unintended
consequences of pandemic this is what Paul and I were talking about last night
which is not many people saw it coming and I think him and I were probably the two
earliest responders on YouTube and even with YouTube you know they've been
complicit with silence in despair so it's Twitter and this is gonna get worse the
hospitality business alone accounts for up to 15% of employment globally and that's
the airlines as travel on tourism that's in corporate retreats that's resorts and
golf you know it's not just for the rich this is L multinationals both empower and
lose their employees this is much bigger than people get and Paul expressed a lot
of frustration saying well some people might listen but no one's doing anything
they're not gonna do anything until people start dying in their arms and when
someone you know a family member or a friend dies then you go through a grieving
process and then maybe you'll activate so there's no way to avoid this it's here I
got laughed and mocked at people like this Jesse Davis idiot saying I'm a
catastrophic thinker well he was wrong I was right and I'll continue to be right
because I'm pretty good at this so stay tuned I'm not looking for cliques I'm not
looking for likes my stalker is no longer matter it's much more important things
for me to focus on and for you to focus on - so I'll give you updates as I become
aware of them
Monkey see
2020-03-01 22:07:56 UTC
so there are some people that feel that perhaps i crossed a line by showing a
monkey savants neighborhood and i can understand how some people would feel that uh
however she was promoting both defango and gabe gabe was on defending a show
telling people that he was going to have kroll and associates hunt me down
meanwhile manuel chavez put out a one bitcoin bounty for my capture on august 1st
so for this person to be promoting it interacting with chronic ops it was docks in
my location uh monkey savant doesn't have a limb to hang on excuse the bun so i did
delete the video soon after i created it but i wanted to send monkey savant a
message which i know a lot more about monkeys ivan than just the address but i
wanted to show monkey savant what it's like when your privacy is eviscerated now if
i would have really crossed a line i would have sent that information to people
that a banana to pick with her but i didn't i uploaded the video to get and maybe
this is a shot across the bow that she shouldn't cross me will make my privacy
evaporate have no
okay the lone cicada did some sort of uh simple song and he says as well as a gift
does those whom got fucked by lestat aka arturo uh much love and enjoy um you were
all liars false prophets for profit so as he says this what we actually have is a
very different story well i can tie arturo tafoya to red um there's little shot
using my ex-wife's i told reagan she was dead wrong about things [Music] um and it
looks like lestat is fighting with um with bobby so here we go jet instructs beth
bobby the stat and more to attack me here's the proof jeff says you want free pass
for what you are involved in you want to arrest those who are affected why don't
you fucking harass thomas why are you calling out people who have been affected you
and your fucking crew did this stand up for what's right for fucking once fuck your
larps money you want help don't fucking abuse people who have been affected very
interesting so this is jet okay [Music] and here's cheshire saying to bobby so
you're saying that when you and jethro went after her i guess that's beth you're
using the computer that was gifted to you by her for being a good person that's a
lie all right i sent a 17-inch macbook to lestat beth paid for the shipping and
then you used that same computer to make memes out of her and me and put us next to
thomas well yes bob you're such a good person so here it is beth is financing the
operation she um and bobby have a fallout beth is secretly supporting lestat and
bobby to attack me it's really sick it's just really sad um really sad just
unbelievably sad you just have to look at this and just say really really now
here's where i get into it the channel was um the able danger channel was um in the
hands of bobby first through mafugal and some guy named david channel has 68 000
subs and as i said previous before this all came out it was jet in lasat you know
my partner michael was also attacked it really is and all you have to do is go into
this stuff and you'll see what i've been saying so let's take a closer look at this
one and someone says who gave fox that meme meaning a picture of me so as fox said
basically he had the picture and played with it and so she's been hiding her role
all along bobby sarah walsh says you know something beth shut up and then uh
someone says i went through the winner too if you this is probably bobby again if
you can only see yourself in all this kick rocks because i've tried to be nice and
helpful and i don't need to be blamed for things i didn't even do hell you don't
even know how it affects a man to be labeled a peta and so she says you tax my
email you put stuff out that's wrong and then he says then you know something uh
put the real shit out and so here's bobby in cahoots with beth along with lestat
it's what i've been saying all along it's all coming true it's all being shown is
true um and then bobby saying you're not even in contact with her are you that he's
talking to cheshire saying beth is no longer in contact and then and i didn't
realize this meme but uh to a private group of five people which one of you all
leaks lola not gonna win buddy or pal you can't even talk clearly learn english so
we know that there are five people we know that bobby was stat jet and beth were
two of them or four of them that's pretty crazy so it looks like i'm blocked out of
one of these answers let's see who it is okay we'll log out and so you're an
ungrateful bastard the vice and that helps you and he says no i'm not we good man
you're the one bringing the bullshit you were uninformed already apologize whoops
so here we are we've got four people in a private group uh there's a fifth one that
we're not going to name but we all know who it is so looks like they are at war and
um right now bobby is tying a sat into game 23. this is really getting crazy so it
looks like beth is uh is not gonna like all the stuff going into the lawsuit but
and here's bobby giving a uh middle finger salute blocked bobby is really crazy
bobby's spanning his new little now we get into sam kind of reminds me of the fact
of sam's fam uh you running without info to be first with no permission remember
that i do i mean i had the man on my stream whoa this is crazy this is um talking
about sam um fullerton who murdered a deputy sheriff and then was shot down and
then a man protecting a woman would not utilize her as a weapon nor draw attention
to her she's been terrorized by all for too long okay so that's a bunch of crap
that's um beth playing the suicide game uh which is crap she's financing attacks
against me against michael while engaging in trademark fraud i'm sure blackburn's
not gonna be too happy with this that's really crazy what's going on and bobby
reach out to me that's what i say to all with you too and look at this why don't
you shut up bobby why don't you tell me how you got the computer you're using
you're an ungrateful slob that bites the end that feeds you you know what it's my
computer cheshire and guess how it came into bobby's hands beth beth probably uh
got a new computer for let's start this is just incredible to me so they're
accusing each other of lying to each other and then here it is ella while you
idolize thomas dude nobody gets uh sacred primes bobby is saying to cheshire you're
not 3301 you do not deserve the name you are trash you're a liar you're a deceiver
you're a predator and you know this in your soul you're controlled a mere puppet on
a string dancing to the sound of losing your soul who's controlling lestat i think
we know so thank you very much bobby because this stuff is going to go into a
counter claim what about the fact that you utilize women or promise in the world
and send them to your enemies with sob stories utilizing them in what about the
black hat hacker tools you released in python server and able dangerous wow huh
taking an order from specific people what about the time you told me that based of
my oddities i need to focus my intent on the evil inside me and send me to a nokia
and stuff we're literally begging for scraps from your masters this is really
getting crazy and then here it is tied to you bobby says remember the time when i
put you in your place in my group because you said let no cue stuff in but you
yourself were promoting it what about the time you sold ideas from h we wonder who
h is or from prospects wow well you had me scouting cute folks for you oh my god so
bobby was trying to procure cue people to the chat it's exactly what i was saying
which is the stat was it's great to see this fight truth comes and she's going to
try to clean this up but it's not going to work everything's out and here look b
says i myself don't know phil mcconnell never talked to the man i spoke to another
person about him so i think dave will be very interested it's really getting bad
how about you
and now we get to the nitty-gritty if you don't work you don't eat and these people
on Wall Street well they're watching their credit market start to implode remember
Boeing is down another 15 almost 16 percent today this thing was at 300 on March
2nd it's down to 104 we're gonna see more systemic collapse in the days ahead so my
solution is you go ahead and you get the elderly and they can shelter in place and
the younger people can work if 70 percent of us are gonna get it anyway get it over
with it's not right that we're in a weakened state and we're broke and hopeless by
the time it comes around that's not smart you cannot let the engine fail then the
car won't run right and it's not gonna take just a Fed it's gonna take the Treasury
it's gonna take a bunch of very wealthy Americans to step up personally I think
anybody who has a net worth of over 200 million dollars should donate 50 percent
above that that would make a huge difference even though they worked for it this is
a time of crisis what you may see is pockets of starvation which you may see as
anarchy in the streets where our police can be overwhelmed and ultimately our
military you don't want that to you so how about it you know the rich you guys have
been bailed out again and again and again while the poor got the shaft this time
it's not wealth distribution everybody is a nation well
so if you take a look at what your forefathers went through and four mothers we're
gonna get through this in fact it's um it's kind of sad to see how quickly we all
realized we're not free we're not um however we can aspire to be and i think the
freedom is going to be between our ears you know it's funny uh my old man was born
during uh the presidency of calvin coolidge and 1923. uh i think for the first six
years of his life everything was great and then along comes 1929 stock market crash
and then this slow slide i think it was uh maybe 15 unemployment at the end of 1929
and it kept on getting worse every year by 1933 it was 24.9 and right now in
california i'm hearing 20 21 and then again 28 and so the 28 figure comes from not
only um the state unemployment figures um not the u3s but the u6 uh not the
headline number but also all the people who are not being counted you know there's
been um a consulting industry that is um everywhere all over america and they're
pretty much destroyed at this point we're walking around with uh mass which you
know the good point is it screws up all their facial recognition uh surveillance so
there is you know there's a silver lining with every rainbow or every uh cloud so
uh and there will be good stuff with with what we're going through right now it's
hard and it's going to get um a hundred times grittier right now we're just seeing
the shock of of the future we're not actually living the future it's coming and
that includes really um scary things and to me it's having a kid who's um you know
20 and i don't want him to go through suffering i would much rather have him uh
live in a land of plenty that's not going to happen but even more so he's 20 he's
tough he's smart uh he's educated what i'm concerned about is the women and the
children especially the women with kids who are first time homeless and not because
of incarceration or mental illness or alcoholism or drug addiction just because of
these circumstances right now it's almost impossible to uh to rent places for the
average person um right now you've got a lot of women who are single mothers with
kids and if they're thrown into pre-existing homeless populations the women and the
children are going to be abused and nobody's talking about it so you know i've been
having business discussions with friends uh how we could create tents that have
running water toilets showers they're protected they could be aesthetically
pleasing and that we segregate the women and the children uh and give them guards
right they have to be protected if they're out there in the elements let's see have
you you know have any of you guys been to um tent city sacramento or downtown los
angeles i've got typhoid there you're seeing um rapes and assaults um we don't want
that for the most vulnerable of our nation that's why i get pissed off about um our
senators and our congressmen having these secret little committees deciding to give
a whole bunch of money to israel and to uh egypt and to other places there
shouldn't be a damn penny and so what i get is blowback i'm told i'm an anti-semite
because i want to put the women and the children of our nation first so that's what
we should all be getting pissed off about right you know everybody um complains
that we're being anti-semite about jeffrey epstein you do not hear afro-americans
saying the same thing when it comes to the bill cosby situation you don't hear the
wasps um saying the same thing about kevin spacey you know the bottom line is it is
not anti-semitic to investigate jeffrey epstein's ties to the moussade it's not
it's actually practical for us as a nation unless of course we want to continue to
be a nation where our politicians are honey potted and compromised and that we're
giving the lowest moral compass freaks the keys to power because that's what's
happening we're hiring people who have a veneer of shine but deep down aside
they're morally bankrupt these are corrupt career politicians and they're scum and
when you start to look at not just the um the sexual predator stuff but the
pedophile stuff is coming out you know i hope that adam housley is right adam
halsey says there's going to be some big people falling but one of the people he
mentions is uh john mccain another one is uh mcmaster so we'll see about that maybe
what they're doing right now is picking the people who are expendable while the
real power hides and i think that's probably the case so is there the threat that
america is going to get so pissed off that we revolt uh yeah there is not um a
revolution against each other i think it's beyond that i think you're gonna you're
gonna see them try they would much rather have us fight each other than for us to
focus on them but i don't think that we can have um any kind of military victory if
we decided to storm dc i think that's delusion i think the way forward individual
and collective renaissances and as far as privacy well if we're going to have a war
that's the war we should fight for which is so you want to destroy because kindness
could be absolutely brutality for the oppressors that's what they don't want us
so I really do you think we need to audit the Fed and maybe just get rid of it you
know what do they do well they're supposed to regulate the banks you set low
interest rates if you ask how they arrived at their conclusion as they say none of
your business and who are the people running the Fadden well they've been shadowy
you know and the Fed wasn't supposed to be what it looks like now the Fed if you
look at the original mandate you know the Carter glass vision of 1913 it was a
banker's Bank which provided liquidity by loaning against solid assets nowhere in
the original Fed charter was any mention of buying government debt or the dual
mandate and unfortunately Wilson who was a bad resident decided to involve the
country in an unnecessary war World War one he ordered the quote/unquote
independent Federal Reserve to buy war bonds and that's how a lot of this Spanish
Influenza spread they kept on having the base loaned the money to individuals
that's slightly less than the coupon rate to buy the war bonds also and Wilson went
to war without justification so he could impose socialism in the u.s. same thing
that Obama has been doing the same thing more of these creeps have been doing you
know Wilson thought that once the people saw how wonderful socialism was they
begged to keep it it was a disaster and after the war people wanted to be rid of it
but the mandate of the Fed to buy government debt stayed you have to understand
after the Great Depression you know that 12 years later 13 years later we had
government systems that exists this day you know if you want the government to own
you then let the bankers cause pandemics not that they're causing this one but they
are certainly trying to save themselves and tell everybody the old ways the right
way and it's not it's not the Fed has compromised us the fact that we cannot
critique so-called friendly governments that are attached ours that's compromised
us too we need to be able to speak out we need to take the holy of the Holies like
the Fed and be able to speak out against it like Israel not the people the
government we're allowed to say what we want doesn't mean that we're bloodthirsty
anti-semites who are gonna be calling for internment camps and mass executions it's
bullshit that's the game they they play which is you know don't you ever talk badly
about Israel meanwhile they talk about Italy let us all the time have you heard
Netanyahu he has no respect for America he considers it a lamb to be sheared it
considers us most you can find the youtubes you know and meanwhile you got people
like Chuck Schumer trying to install Noahide laws which is if you cut down Denmark
that's fine to cut down Big C Stein that's fine if you cut down Israel go to jail
so what's about mine and trust me you know I'm not a Jew hater all my friends Jews
they feel the same way I am an American I put America first now Israel so what's
that it's crazy right now because things are coming down the pike faster furious
and uh what comes next yeah what comes this winter it's gonna be crazy you know
crazy crazy crazy a whole lot of death therefore smart there's ways to survive it
pretty sure I will I think I got the antibodies pretty sure I've had it and I'm
recovering so okay
okay so this is getting really bad this is a the chem car hospital and and here
just listen to this he's saying that 20 have gone down and then we're doing okay
what office that's at the end of it what office means goodbye of course so what
they're talking about is definitely two doctors who are discussing this and one of
them is basically saying the hospital itself is like a petri dish a point of
infection that and so it looks like one of them we're saying at least two have
caught it from our Hospital and this is where they're doing clinical evaluations of
the corner virus so what that means is that people are coming in to be tested and
they're literally infecting the hospital this is what I'm talking about they come
in there this thing can live on surfaces for a fortnight we're up to 75,000 that
they have admitted folks this is bad this is bad okay so this means it is gone into
Iran and he's just gonna go ahead Syria Jordan so on and so on it is hit in the
Middle East curiously there's no cases in Israel which is real strange because you
see it lots of other areas there so who knows maybe you know maybe there's a reason
for that it doesn't mean it's a bio weapon that was engineered by Israel or
anything but it's very interesting this is crazy and it's only gonna get bigger
there's probably well over 75,000 there's probably close to a million at
so pretty soon i'm headed to montreal i'm excited really good food nice people so
boom de voyage they say in french it's good to travel today boom so um or you can
do it like the montreal is a little tiny variance uh between uh areas in montreal
too so um with with the french you'll see one end of the city has uh much more
nasally and then in the southern part of uh montreal it's uh it's more canokian as
they call it so at any rate these days folks the way to do a real investigation can
be by documentary and there's a group of people who figured out that one guy had
committed a murder and this is a documentary called don't fuck with cats it's on
netflix very well done uh you know this small group of people maybe 20 people were
onto this guy he fled to europe they couldn't get the attention of the authorities
and finally they made enough noise and it happened and it took a while i think it
took two years so very much like uh the cappy case where you've got something
really interesting uh the so-called lead investigator corey daniel uh interesting
guy um corey went ahead and said it was suicide for a long time uh so did isaac
cappy's nemesis gabe hoffman who was probably at least in my mind the chief suspect
for cappy's demise so um and he pointed at me as we all know i've told my story a
lot um but i want to get into other things right now i'd like to ask corey uh
publicly uh i've been told that you were paid by gabe we know that you had a five-
month relationship with gabe that included uh lots of talks um you acquiesced to
his demands and now we see that um you were threatened with attorneys by uh gabe
and there's no follow-through gabe's not suing you and even more suspicious gabe's
not suing denise matthau who called gave a filthy jew what was that 10 days ago so
for gabe to do nothing that is just going to raise more eyebrows that's why i'm
telling you it's not going to happen if he um had sued corey or denise then i would
have been thinking well maybe this guy got a bum rap but the fact that he's not
doing it shows it's calculated and targeted harassment and this guy is complicit
just like brit trimble is and just like kelly uh jeannini and her gang so i've
learned a whole bunch uh over the past year and two months and all i can tell you
is the documentary that's gonna come out is gonna make this case famous if it's a
hit if it can garner enough attention and viewer interest um it's interesting
because you've got epstein a hedge fund manager from palm beach um who is
threatening people into silence it's crazy it's like harvey weinstein he was doing
the same thing he was a sexual predator um and basically going to actresses and
saying you're prostitutes anyway so you're going to do what i say take off your
clothes right it's interesting with prostitution because uh in ancient times it was
considered a sacred art you would see the cults of uh hathor and you would see
rituals with candles and sacred oils we see it in the modern day and the same goes
for pedophilia i've mentioned several books i've read um among them mary renault
the persian boy where it talks about 50 of the children sexually abused it was
common i mean really common and i don't think it's that uncommon today we're
finding out about it and we should be outraged we should also be outraged that the
media our american media refuses to say israel when talking about epstein island
they refused to look at netanyahu who for over two decades has been actively and
aggressively spying on the state department white house senators congressman this
guy bugged the white house in 98 and then attempted to extort bill clinton into
releasing a israeli spy he had 30 hours of monica lewinsky audio so this guy's a
monster and for trump why did you let jared kushner into the white house it's a
bonehead move mr president i really do think that that was are you currently being
bugged yeah i would say absolutely uh isn't it now who your friend no he is not are
you doing right but the united states uh by having such a close relationship with
israel and not calling them out for what they've done it's crazy it is you should
be outraged the entire nation should be outraged by epstein ireland but the media
keeps on telling us to focus on the underage victims rather that the politicians
who have obviously been extorted now that is a differential between 150 200 victims
uh and the 340 million uh americans in this country so this needs to come out and
it's obvious you're gonna win uh i don't think biden has a chance but you never
know and if biden does uh start to take the lead then do you know you can look at
the clinton machine and israel the combo of you know dnc clinton machine and israel
are what can decide an election the reason why hillary lost partially wikileaks um
partially because she was such a disdainful character and partially because israel
threw their support behind trump and the final moments and that included uh getting
sheldon adelson to kick down a bunch of money and there were others there's a um
the mercer family in new york and you know a bunch of these orcas that uh finally
said okay he's gonna be our guy so what we've had to suffer with is um trump
constantly brown-nosing israel it's disgusting it really is they should be called
out for what they're doing to us and as an american uh i'm absolutely offended that
uh the journalists will not mention epstein's connections to mossad uh gizlein
maxwell's connections to mossad it's repulsive you guys should be angry you know
you guys really should be angry that's why when i'm sitting there getting attacked
by gabe hoffman who is a virulent pro-jewish supporter and obviously hates
christians uh why is he getting away with what he's doing with me now he's losing
right now that the battle is far from over there's going to be dust ups why aren't
people pissed off at gabe there are people who are supporting gabe when he
continues to silence isaac happy researchers and belittle christians he's always
pointing at the the christian and muslim pedophiles never the jewish pedophiles
unless they've already been doubted so it's amazing and we know there's a
connection between gabe hoffman and jeffrey epstein and i'm going to keep on poking
at that hole because i think it gets bigger and bigger and bigger i think that's
where cappy was going to look at his two biggest things the mossad media matrix
that that info map and his fight with gabe hoffman could
birch by day at 30
well hey everybody its Thomas and a special message for Dave all right it's great
to discourse biblical history with you so yeah Lady Justice you're correct justysia
yes what they call her and she was the one when the scales and the blindfold and
occasionally that blindfold needs to be changed they can get soiled now back in the
Roman days she was usually paired with potentia who held a mirror and a snake so
going back to the island of Malta and thank you very much for the reference with a
with acts 28 if you get into that Paul does survive the sea and he lands on Malta
and he's given brushwood for a fire he's treated well and as he's grabbing some of
the wood to put into the fire a snake comes out and it actually hangs on his hands
doesn't say that it bites them and when the Islander saw that they were in
disbelief and what they said is this man must be a murderer because Lucia has spare
him now they weren't incorrect because there are some evidence to suggest that that
Paul was like a crazy IRS agent who did kill Christians before he was converted and
of course he was Saul of Tarsus and Jesus met him on the road to Damascus and he
was blinded for roughly three days and was brought back and was converted but he
was not a nice guy at the beginning at least so you can look at parallel gods I
think the Greek goddess is for juice Isha and or she said and prudential that would
be Daiki and the-- Mia I believe so at any rate what's more interesting to me is
that afterwards he's sent to Rome under guard why well the Romans were actually
okay with him it was the Jews who couldn't stand Paul and who basically sold him
out as you probably know so they'll be more to this but I appreciate these
discussions and I want to predict something for you Dave right now we have a
pandemic that is in its first wave by a second way which I expect by the beginning
of winter of 2020 you're gonna be needed like you've never been needed in your life
I think all the training that you've done I think you have an opportunity to be a
real hero so I know right now that you got a handle the adjacent stuff and go for
it man you know I actually hope you win I really do but all the other crap is not
going to matter because I think you're gonna be pretty busy with your know-how
actually saving American lives those heroes that you reference in the World War two
movies I think this is your golden opportunity to become one of those and I
so I guess we're all indoor plants now the world was just given that joke king of
course they put barbed wire around us a long time ago then they've modified don't
think people understand how draconian it's going to get very soon these food banks
are gonna get thin and you're gonna see a lot of crime you see a lot of military
too and I fear a lot more quarantine so I'm hoping that they is going to relax
these lockdowns I think they will but come October November that's where things are
going to be scary because it's gonna be a second wave so hanging everybody it's
The stock markets are going to crash even further this next week
2020-03-09 06:22:41 UTC
futures are lobster red so this is going to be crash week for the stock markets of
course we've already had it but what you're going to see is systemic failure
they're gonna have to bring it at the circuit breakers and what's happening is
there's a lot more bad news on the way so people will get angry and they don't like
worry you don't look here they justifiability don't wake panic panics not gonna
work but there is a silver lining to this the money changers are going to go
through the pain that the people have been going through for centuries how sick are
we of wealthy bankers have deprived the common man of dignity these are the people
that have controlled the banking systems in the stock market and the Fed we've all
been screaming for the Fed to be audited and somehow it never happens so you taking
a look at the ESPY but what it's not showing is it Dow futures are down twelve
hundred points which supplies a horrible open unless there's a recovery so a group
called the plunge Protection Team connected to the Fed is going to make heroic
efforts to save this thing and it's not going to work the stock market's going to
plunge everybody but if you're savvy you wait till mid May and you'll see a rapid
recovery into summer because that's when the first wave was gonna be over but then
we've got to prepare for a much worse wave the death tolls right now are light it's
not even 5,000 at this point although one can make an argument that it could be two
hundred thousand and one it's funny that the lefties are getting very upset that
people are calling it the one virus but they have no problem talking about the
Spanish flu for hate it's funny so at any rate just letting you guys know and as I
said before this is the first wave so it should be done pretty much mid-may and
what's talking about this I think this is the only channel it's talking about the
waves it's pretty funny there was only myself and maybe dr. Paul Cottrell who were
talking about the comparable at least our radiant wise to a Spanish flu we've been
on the money that was when idiots like Jesse Davis here was telling me that we were
being catastrophic and you know engaging in fear porn he ended up being a complete
idiot as most of these people are Bob
September 3, 2020
2020-09-04 04:07:54 UTC
so just like clockwork and i told you guys back in january and february september
and october were going to be horrible months for the stock market today you had a
drop of 800 tomorrow you'll have a further drop at least in the morning the fed
that mysterious unvetted little machine that nobody really even knows who works
there it's hidden from the public the fed might decide to pump a whole bunch of
money into the market which is the reason why we're at 28 000 on the dow right now
because the fed has backstopped corporate bonds and the problem is two things that
you hear they're kicking the can down the road and at some point there will be a
multi-trillion dollar derivative exposure and when that happens this is going to be
a implosion that will cause collapse it's going to happen and you can sit there and
blame trump it's not trump's fault it isn't i don't like muchon but i don't like a
lot of politicians and the bottom line is they've been kicking the can down the
road for way too long and one day they have to pay the people evil characters in
political history you think of one look at bobby kennedy he's hailed as a super
liberal who was gunned down in the prime of his youth well his brother gave him the
position of attorney general when he was just 35. he didn't have the background he
didn't make the right moves and what he ended up doing was pissing off another evil
guy lbj lyndon baines johnson then maine johnson's career was long and sordid he
ended up buying votes when he was in college to become a college president this was
a scuzz bag and the kennedys actually used to make fun of him they'd um you know
they call them poke uh slowpoke and little lamb that was um for lady bird johnson
that was the first lady at the time um but johnson got his revenge which is after
kennedy's wink-wink assassination johnson put into law a law that outlaws nepotism
in politics the funny thing is is that johnson's ghost is still haunted by jfk
johnson wanted to be remembered as a master negotiator which he was um you have to
give him credit for civil rights but he was a downright evil man and a predator to
boot so maybe the problem we have as a nation is that we feel a need to believe the
lies of the politician and to allow them to take that pedestal and pose there's
going to be more crash in the market coming up and there will be some sort of
assassination attempt i don't know where i don't think it's trump
good afternoon everybody and thanks in no small part to the support that you've
shown me and the salubrious advice that i've gotten from friends and family i have
what i considered another victory today in court that's that so i'm not going to
mention names but it was a good day it took a lot of and a lot of study too all i
can tell you that in the 50 states that we have they're making 12 new laws a day
and you need to keep up specifically with whatever case law you're involved with
and to do that you need um a certain work ethic um a relentlessness now somehow the
word relentless uh has been given bad connotations well you need relentlessness to
as if you're adrift on an aimless sea but we're not really drifting we're merging
with god's currents headed towards something of significance something good we just
can't see it because we've got the sea disturbing our vision the ancient romans you
should say animal to a modern italian would be sick to school if you want your
italian seville vote objective an easier one in french would be um pastifaul shemin
which is foul meaning fake they would say positive to me which is don't follow a
fake path so i feel very very good about where i'm going um it's been exhausting
i'm not going to you know it's been really tough um but i'm a man and so if you
would see me every day get up and complain about how unfair the world is you would
know that my progeny would be the same way that would be a lesson to my son to get
up in the morning and whine about how unfair the world is you know you can waste
your time being busy there's a lot of people who um we've seen that a hundred times
but there's a huge difference between being busy and being productive doesn't
matter how busy one is one success can only come from a relentless measure of
productivity i've written four new pieces today um and they all came out
surprisingly fast it's about 45 minutes worth of music and this time i didn't dream
of it it just came out so um it's beautiful it's really good it's the best i'm
telling you i am the worst person in the world in uh so many areas but as a
looks like I got a rant email and this person is saying you can't just mix up
pandemics and comets oh yeah sure I Keanu goes on to say what do you know about the
16th century in Europe you're bringing the mindset of the Salem witch trials back
to the modern age good one I like that and then basically challenges me to prove my
point well okay where you want to start at the beginning the sixteenth century all
right it's a comet in 1500 that was followed by an excessively severe winter in
1501 and then there was a real hot summer and then there was drought by 1502 and by
1502 there was a plague that was killing 500 people daily in Brussels they
abandoned the city the streets were overgrown with grass okay and there was a
devastating plague in China in 15-4 you know I think also in 1504 there was a
plague in Ireland and there you go commerce right let's do more you know as a
comment in 1505 and another one in 1506 where there was also an eruption at mizzou
seus that's the one that blew up on August 24th 79 AD as well you know killed
everybody in Pompeii and Herculaneum and all that so 1505 and 1506 you have this
severe winter you've got these pestilences that break out there was a something
called a spotted fever that erupted all over Europe and they had the plagues raging
in Lisbon Portugal and in London in London I think they had the sweating disease
for 15 or 6 in 1508 you had this great earthquake that smacked Italy and Germany
and in 1509 there was another one that even demolished part of the walls of
Constantinople and killed 12 13 thousand people and then the plague almost wiped
out the entire city in 1510 there was an eruption of Hekla and you had an outbreak
of influenza all over Europe they used to call this cocoa through our cocoa loose
in France because that means a camp so they covered their heads and in 1511 there
was another comment and another one in 1512 and another one in 1513 you had three
in a row between 1511 1513 and in 1511 you had a plague in Verona and in 1513 you
had fever and dysentery hit all over Europe in 1514 you had this weird plague that
hit cats and also hit cattle in England in 1515 you had this distemper that went on
in a Holland that if you weren't cured in a couple hours you were dead I'm trying
to think there's there's just so many let's move ahead 1521 there was a comet and
there was a plague that happened that wiped out a hundred thousand people and by
1520 to the next year the plague was hitting Ireland you had these pests show
fevers in 1524 and 1525 in 1527 you had another comment and I think between 1520
715 33 you had a comet every single year so six years in succession and what do you
have well 5027 you had a horrible horrible famine and you had this weird hailstorm
in Italy that was remarkable by 1528 there was spotted fever that was all over the
place 15:29 the sweating disease it had London was pretty famous there twice it now
went into Amsterdam and Leiden and den hog in 1530 you had the eruption of Etna
which was a volcano and you had a huge earthquake in Lisbon 15:31 a tire up titta
ghin and you had sweating plagues in Germany and again in 15:33 volcano somewhere
in South America forgot but in 1534 there's the plague once again 15:38 another
comet appears and in 1539 1541 as well and so you had this dysentery that was
killing people everywhere in a moist summer and there was acute fever all over the
place there was also a violent earthquake near Naples and there's also the plague
hit Constantinople these are all connected because what's happening is that the
comet brings things the eruptions with volcanoes and earthquakes release pathogens
and if you've got people who are having a bad diet and bad immune systems these
things happen so you know 15 forty-two plague in lesea Geneva ever dong and Basel
and 1543 got another plague in London and then Etna erupted again in 1545 and here
you go you got plagues again and Geneva all over Europe so these are all connected
in that plague I think killed the Duke of Orleans Charles it was living in
Abbeville in an analyst Terry and by 1547 you had more plague devastating you know
Ireland and Germany 15:48 got to London these things travel slowly but when they
did it was pretty bad so you know you had also in 1547 was very weird you had a ton
of rain all through Tuscany it hit Siena it had Florence there were floods there
were locusts that came out of the works so that plague moved to London by 1548 you
know 1550 a comet that happened in March and once again in eruption of the volcano
at night and I think another one in Lipari you had a rainy summer and you know by
1551 floods everywhere and once again sweating sickness they're all connected these
comets when they show up
okay so I got another email it was said he seemed to know a lot about Greek
mathematicians who's your favorite okay Archimedes of Syracuse that was pretty easy
and then why do you think there was such a collection of super smart people so you
wonder about that and I would say it's a combination of chaos and seafood the
Greeks were literal people and the fatty acids are very good for the brain they
also had that Mediterranean diet so the seas were cleaner in those days and of
course when you eat more fish you develop greater brains as Sat plus you know they
were sailors so there was all sorts of cross-cultural ISM but there's another
reason people think nowadays that ancient Greece was this nice peaceful place
except for Sparta and of course they'd have wars with the Persians but there were
wars within the because they didn't have self-appointed authorities specialist
right they lacked hierarchy and so there was incredible disorganization and during
the ecclesia which is the people's gathering you would see people address the
crowds but you'd also see all sorts of fights and shouting and arguing was what
punctuated their society this is what gave rise to the concept of the Athenian
tragedy which is probably the most important you you have that dynamic which is you
can have freedom you can have autonomy self-regulation but there's a price for that
freedom which is you can be disillusioned you don't have the certainties or the
doctrines or the messiah's and there's a lack of what they called a cetology which
is actually there's no bias and that's good but there's chaos and chaos can be
terrifying but it could be magnificent as well and there's dark chaos and there's
good chaos dark chaos is purposeful destructive chaos which I don't believe in but
then there is a different type of cast the cast that comes when for instance I'm
composing music I will have melodies dual each other until they're conducting a
walls or tango so that's that it's interesting too that they had so many gods in
ancient Greece they had gods for everything for running water for still water you
had to wait until the Ionians and they were the first ones to abandon the gods is
excellent explanations for
Program your own mind
2020-03-17 01:08:19 UTC
I now let me give you an example of how stupid California's become this is a Costco
keeps on going keeps on going everybody's stay in an orderly line come easy yes I
don't okay look at this is that really what we want to become hmm we're better than
this are we we're
the reason why i'm making a number of videos today is uh basically showing just a
little bit of um what i need to do to defend myself this is denise matthau of
corpus christi i she's been reported right now i believe that she's ratcheting up
uh violent speech she's accusing people of terrorism and the problem is you know
she's uh in my opinion deeply disturbed uh she's uh she's a psychotic and i think
uh her attacks on people her lies on people accusing people of outrageous things
that they haven't done that's one thing if you start to look though uh she's
filming in her kitchen she's talking about guns she's got knives in her kitchen
she's talking about violence all the time this is an accident waiting to happen so
health and human services has been alerted um you know the police she's had um
problems with the local police and corpus christi she's accused them of corruption
among other things and they're aware of her however she's engaging right now in uh
hate crimes uh false accusations accusations of terrorism you know pretty heady
stuff so one can argue that you'll only get a relief if you uh go the civil route
you know take this person to court but it's a matter of accomplishment you know is
she competent mentally too and i argue that we don't know she could be an operator
which is what i have suspected for a while i think she's definitely a dnc plant to
make conservatives look crazy uh then on the other hand it's so outrageous you
wonder why no one locally has taken action times are changing so when you see
someone making violent threats on the internet this is what she does that's what
denise mantha does and when you see her obsessed about explosions and you know
explo when there's chemical explosions that are naturally caused or caused by human
mistake literally has enough smarts to go get uh you know gasoline and go ahead and
pour it somewhere because she's so defeating her uh imaginary adversaries you know
um if you don't think that old people are capable of violence um look at the stats
if you don't think that old women are they definitely can be and with her
everything to me is pointing towards this woman is going to commit some sort of it
will be seeped in dementia uh or she won't commit a violent act and she's an
operator um but i think an investigation into her is warranted at this point i had
diane nordstrom uh repeatedly attacking me wasn't much i can do except sewer she
doesn't have any money um however what she ended up doing is breaking hippolaws and
that allowed people in the health profession to uh start a formal investigation
into diane nordstrom which is ongoing and i believe that diane is probably aware of
it at this point so with truth convoy i think um she's toxic if she went ahead and
yelled and called everybody in the world an asshole that's one thing but when you
go ahead and you accuse someone of uh imaginary crimes that's dangerous it's very
very dangerous and her her gang she's connected to certain people and i'm not going
to mention their names but i can tell you that i can show a direct chain of
evidence to prove it so she's now on the radar for mental health um in corpus
christi and i was able to have a conversation with someone who is looking at some
streamer bowls that i've made which show matau uh making obviously false
accusations but accusations that are um founded in some very violent chaotic
fantasies this is the type of woman we don't know if she has a gun or not this is
the type of woman who would um perceive that there are enemies in a local
supermarket and shoot it up that's what we're looking at here so um i think a lot
of the people that have been targets of denise understand that and they're getting
it and i don't think she was reported um for a water stain i think she was reported
by um this um i'm miss harmon uh because miss harmon is uh being attacked uh and
accused falsely i know what it feels like i'm sure dave acton knows what it feels
like too you know this uh this you know aleppo made a lot of fun of her um but it's
a pretty serious situation right now if you have a person it doesn't matter what
age constantly talking about violence and about explosions and about terrorism and
guns start to look at the crazies who have done spree killings this is the pattern
that they engage in which is they vent and they rant and you can see um the sick
obsession in their eyes i mean take a look at her she just looks like a
disorganized mind she looks like a psychopath so i'm doing something about it just
wanted you guys to know you know i don't talk to talk i walk the
Where I'm at
2020-03-12 03:04:01 UTC
hi everybody so I'm just listening to crypto beefs excellent stream and you know
I'm learning both crypto and Dave Acton have legal experience that I don't what I
just found out is that Marcus Conti has said under oath or in a declaration that
Dave Acton and I are business partners and that that is perjury that Marcus can go
to jail for that so I'm gonna tell you guys I didn't know who Dave was in 2017
number one number two I've never met the men number three we've never spoken on the
phone number four he is not my business partner so this is actually great to see
this thing yeah absolutely well here's what I will tell you I'm happy to turn over
I've actually turned over a bunch of documents to Steve ultram and I give Steve
permission to get those to Dave I know that dave has to work through a third party
I can't be directly in touch with me which is fine but I've got that I'm actually
happy to send over the Marcus Conte emails where he basically tells me to fornicate
with my dead mother I also have emails where he was stocking my son so that can be
valuable to mr. Acton going forward so that's where I'm at and yeah you know what
the more I learn about this case the more I see how justified Dave is and wanting
to take these scums down and that's how I feel too you know people say why you hung
up on defang go and Marcus and these people because they're parasites they're
criminals they need to be punished they've committed crimes with impunity so yeah
you know here's what's gonna happen Dave's gonna file and I'll tell you what I'm
gonna do I'm gonna say hey here's a welcome mat would you like you know double
cappuccino double a cappuccino see you know I'm gonna open it up once it's filed
and I'm telling you guys I'm telling everybody right now once it's filed dave has
full access and I'm telling you that I have no problem with that because I want
these scumbags
well it looks like aleppo's group is uncovering a fraud there's someone who's a
fake diane nordstrom and she seems to be too scared to go into aleppo's discord so
if you are the real diane nordstrom what do you have to fear if you're being honest
go into leppo's discord come on i dare
when someone gets very angry they said they go into a rage and they use the same
type of expressions in meteorology all right Shakespeare used the tempest I once
knew a girl and her life was punctuated by rain she had raindrops in her eyes and
rainy misschien or soul and everything about her reminding me of a forest after a
real quick violent summer squall and I died guy friends you know we we've got a
device physical fights we were younger that's what we did we were warriors and of
course hopefully you grow up and you leave that impulsiveness behind it's really
pathetic when you see someone in their 50s or 60s who were defined by anger and
arrogance now the fire in Stormers are still kicking it around forties and fifties
and sixties there are the guys who start the bar fights they're not the guys to
start world wars then once you start world wars or not believers and impulsiveness
now for me personally I'm a composer yeah lately I've been dealing with the
electric storms and I'm using this experience to reach into the ether for brands
you know musical experience because I mean these episodes I can I can hear you
things by reaching into the ether it's surprising it's rare when people do at least
when they are awake when you're asleep that's
singular arturo pendejo romo you're the hen and you got played by the fox don't
trust foxes how do you say that in spanish well you can tell me no confidence right
something like that my spanish is rusty i can say it perfectly in latin german
french danish norwegian italian but the bottom line is yeah the reason why esteban
knows that some of the dms that um fox and you shared got into the hands of defango
and that was probably through a hack i know that michael and i had them for a while
because yeah she was whispering to me she's telling me everything and here's where
you pissed her off you pissed her off when you did the terrace renfo interview and
you doxed her and she called me up she was very upset and she told me that she
reached out to you and she demanded that you uh you know make terrace take her name
off stuff and terrace did she was angry and then there were more doxings that went
on repeatedly so she called being a fury and she basically said he's white
knighting me while he's doxxing me and so she turned against you and she played a
perfect game you were fooled you are a fool you're complete full the reason why
defango is now saying he's gonna sue fox is he got a hold of some of these dms you
know she sent them to you know michael and i but um i think she sent them to a
couple other people and defango had a spy and that's why um he's so pissed off
because she also sent dms between defango and her and so yeah fox played you guys
too it's pretty funny actually you know it's pretty it's pretty funny too and you
know you should just um leave her alone but you and davang should both leave her
alone um and by the way some of these dms oh wow you're trying to put the make on
her she thought that was pretty creepy and by the way she threatened to talk to
anna christina which i think i'm going to take some of these because i think she
needs to see him but yeah you got played we're all laughing at you arturo we are
you with the wrong people really stupid just incredibly stupid and you were dumb
enough to think that she's been given us the information for a while i told you i
had a ton on you and you're going to see that i wasn't bluffing i think the next
thing that she should do is basically say oh no i didn't do any of that i think
that'll be good that'll be part of the school play but yeah um there's a lot of dms
that she's you know handed over lots of them not just from you but you were the
biggest fool she played you like a fiddle arturo pandeyo romo
Designer virus update! As I predicted, Spain is having a major Breakout
2020-03-13 17:28:19 UTC
we've got some breaking news and the Spanish Prime Minister Pedro Sanchez has
declared a state of alert as coronaviruses surged countries in lockdown essentially
you've got 2,000 infected just in Madrid alone so you have to take a look at the
video I did earlier predicting this and that was five six days ago isn't it weird
that Italy and now Spain two historical enemies of the Jews have by ten times the
worst cases this is uh my scenario that Netanyahu has weaponized this and he's
aiming towards the ancient enemies of the Jews not that Spain was in its entirety
the ancient enemy the Jews were there since biblical times it's mentioned again and
again but there was a lot of bad feeling they felt that a lot of commerce was being
done dishonestly and then when the Moors came in they were invaders the Jews
actually helped them and were given positions of power so by the 14th century you
had these massacres I think I remember 1366 and 1391 where there were forced
conversions and they called the ones who converted from Judaism to Katherine ISM
Catholicism converse those that was a name and then you had Ferdinand and Isabella
with the Edict of expulsion that would have been 1492 so right around the time of
Columbus coming to America so at one point there was you know half a million or
more inches in Spain and they were you know there were little empires there
Valencia and Castile and all that but by 1492 they either had to convert or get out
and so there's been a lot of animosity against Spain by you know certain hardcore
Zionists and now who being one of them he's spoken about it he's expressed anger at
Spain as he has against Rome and you take a look at Italy right now I am going to
predict that Portugal is next and you're gonna see it big time and you're gonna see
more virulent strains in Italy and in Spain and in Portugal that you're gonna see
in other areas so am i blaming mossad no I'm saying that Benjamin that now was
indicted on November 21st and he said I'm not going down without taking everybody
else and I am going to settle
2020-08-28 23:54:46 UTC
so i got a really interesting email uh to sofia music about uh this alt station and
it's a mother who says my son does turn 13 he's obsessed with war he wants to go
into the military what do you suggest that's a tough one depends how he wants to
serve there are honorable soldiers there are uh honorable reasons for war but
they're rare for the most part what you look at in the middle east is uh it's about
oil and it's about the sale of arms you see the same thing in other areas as far as
my own experience when i was your son's age actually let's take it back a little
bit further vietnam you know we had vietnam in our living room we used to wear the
dog tags we were definitely um you know anti-vietnam war um too but it was your
son's age um they had the young kippur war which was um it was also called the
october war and um it changed a lot of things um there have been previous wars
there was the war for the creation of the state of uh israel that was in 1948 ben
gurion was pretty much the leader of that there was um a six day war in i think
1967 and with both of those wars israel won militarily um the young kippur war
started out with anwar sadat who was the egyptian president and he crossed the suez
canal what he wanted was land that was stolen by israel um in the sinai and so um
it's what i've been saying before which is war is about it was an interesting war
because ultimately israel won it but the better uh the belt the the better uh
armaments belong to the arabs believe it or not so um the the young kapoor war um
had an idf that was being armed um with the potpourri of various weapons some were
french some were british there were some where there were us there were swiss and
um the problem they had was that the weapons that israel acquired were manufactured
by different nations for different needs and different battle plans um and so they
may have had good training but all of these weapons had to be modified to be uh
compatible with the idf uh military industrial complex so um they had atom bombs at
that time but they were what we call um generation gravity bombs um you know or
they had tactical nuclear weapons designed to stop um a soviet soviet um mechanized
invasion they would call it which would which should be tank warfare essentially so
um they really didn't have a lot they did have our word that we would bring in um
more equipment and if we needed to we'd be bringing in armies we bring in uh the
82nd we bring in the uh 101st divisions and that would have led to world war iii
because the soviets would have done the same thing um and so um it's um it was
about control of the golden heights and all i can tell you is the bigger question
is who provided nuclear weapons to israel and that's the difficult one the brits
but mostly the u.s you've heard arnon milshan he's the founder of new regency films
they've made some huge films like the revenant he was a moussa spy who was sneaking
in israeli triggers in the 80s kennedy was fooled by ben gurion in late 1963 when
he was told that danimore which was their main nuclear plant was peaceful in
purpose and the exact opposite um was was true um so you know the uh the arabs had
um you know well especially the egyptians and the syrians as well they had um ak-
47s they had collision cops they had um what are called uh guri avnon um uh machine
guns they had um really good soviet tanks and they had a bunch of stuff they had
long uh artillery cannons they had air-to-air missiles um they had mig-21 jet
fighters uh they had mortars they had anti-tank missiles they had uh you know um
what are called uh uh noves uh which are naval offensive fast boats um and so this
is what the um arabs had and what the israeli army had is um you know old fn
belgium rifles they had short-range uzis or uzis you know which were not effective
on the battlefield they had american-made hand grenades they were using remodified
t-34s which is a type of uh soviet tank that people might remember from world war
ii and um they had you know leftovers from the vietnam war so um the arabs actually
had the better uh military equipment um that's what i can tell you the the french i
gave mirages these were jet fighters and they were really bad so were the migs the
mig-21s you know over a hundred israeli pilots died in that war and this was not a
long war started around uh ramadan started around young kippur and um it didn't
last a long time because uh america and the soviets would have gotten into it so um
you know there were a lot of deaths nothing like um what we saw during the great
world war but i think um i think the idf you know but they held the sinai and they
kept syria from the golan heights um however with the idf um they played dirty they
did um asymmetrical warfare that included the murder of civilians right and left
there's a story of one famous jewish general who became the prime minister or
president and he executed um 25 syrians they were women and children that were
hiding away in a cave and the execution orders were like this kill them all because
they are mothers of terrorists or wives of terrorists and these were unarmed people
um that doesn't fly with me whatsoever so um i wish all the fighting would um would
stop i think it's um i think it's all wrong and i think once again it's about um
you know unprotected uh real estate so uh you're asking me what war i remember when
i was 13 that's what i remember but i was so very interested in um in the world and
the world at war um and i've studied these wars pretty closely you know it's it's
um [Music] it's just the way that it is i remember there was uh one battle called
the battle of the sinai and uh there were a thousand tanks on both sides and i
think 40 percent of each of the tanks were destroyed and that's in one single day
so that was mid-october 1973. i don't like war i don't think we're ever going to
get rid of war but i think mostly that wars are fought not only for geopolitical
reasons but for the sale of armaments i think that's really where it's at and uh
you know i'm um i'm a peace lover so that's that do i think the idf is the best
covert people in the world no i don't i actually think that all the alphabets have
had huge problems but i'd probably put the british as number one they are um
[Music] phenomenal spies um i would put the french intel much lower i put the idf
uh at the same level as our cia which is it's you know it's it's riddled with um
real bad leadership as far as um idf soldiers rank and file or this or cia or fbi
who are just trying to do their job i think that they're furious as they should be
because of what happened on the seventh floor with comey and peter stork and andrew
mccabe and i think the same thing with the fbi going ahead and taking the steel
dossier and standing by it in front of the fisa courts i think we have a big
problem right now with the alphabets in that they have enough dirt on our
politicians uh to extort and bribe and control but nothing's being done about
nothing where are the prosecutions so um am i into war no but if there is a war
against corruption a war on corrupt alphabet
oh whoops i lied i forgot to tell you one more thing guys there's a rumor going
around and i think it came from someone named andrew that um there's a guy named
elise or alex or uh alice uh who's gonna be in florida for the next couple of weeks
to have a confrontation with uh this um certain hedge fund manager i guess he was
uh investigating um [Music] gay dolphins um hedge funds and financial dealings and
gay dolphin went ahead and doxed him and did some other underhanded things so um
that's that and um i think that's something that um probably um probably the gay
dolphin might want to talk to as a local fbi and let them know that it has to do
with his hedge fund and uh maybe they can take a nice close look at that too so if
there's someone who is going to pay gay dolphin a visit for um for gay's uh
behaviors um oh well it's the way the world works you know as far as me i uh i
don't break law um i also don't get bent out of shape you don't see me screaming
into a mic um i thought that was isaac cappy's mistake what i do is i get the right
people uh to investigate and so that's that so the rumor is um someone's out there
uh or headed to florida uh to go have a showdown with uh with um mr uh gay dolphin
and that a lot of this has to do with uh shady financial dealings um that you know
this guy uh claims that uh gay dolphin is hiding things probably hiding it from you
know sec finra whatever so you know the good news is when there's an fbi
investigation and they start looking at things uh they will go into the financial
uh aspects of the case and you see this gay dolphin guy is pretty rich so if he's
got nothing to hide i think he should definitely um you know uh contact the police
that is if he's not already hiding under his bed i would assume that um his um
adversary is a lot taller than he is i think uh gay dolphin uh stands somewhere
between five foot two and five foot three uh he may talk like um you know a normal
sized guy but he's uh he's not a little guy little bully it's always the little
bullies right they call it the napoleon complex it really really isn't napoleon was
close to five eight that was that's what the british did to cut him down the
british were experts at uh defamatory propaganda it's exactly what they did with
hitler they talked about his undescended testicle there's no evidence that that you
know you see it these days now with israel for instance you saw the ammonia nitrate
explosion in berut that was horrible that has wiped out a lot of their uh grain and
there is talk that um there could have been by a drone with a small bomb or some
other incendiary device um and israel was behind it now for me you know i don't
know enough of the situation i know there's been lots of acrimony between lebanon
and israel for a long time and um i find it heartening pulling themselves up and
feeding the homeless there's a lot of homeless you know 300 000 people 100 000
babies you know it's bad um but they're sitting there as a people and saying let's
do what we have to do now there's been protests against the government there has
been some resignations i think um you know it's probably a good thing to see some
resignations but you wonder who replaces them you know is it going to be like saudi
arabia solomon guy who owns jared trump or jared kushner you know we don't want
that some you know i certainly don't want that i've been to peru it's um it's
gorgeous it's actually wonderful it's um mediterranean and climate and the people
there are very friendly um sure they've had all sorts of strife and you know civil
war and all that um i was in the city when uh israeli bombers bombed the south city
and um you know dust was flying that was crazy but i've also had some of the most
incredible food and seeing warm hospitality the lebanese people love americans they
actually do they want to emulate our culture it's the same thing with the iranians
iranians they love american culture they do you know the problem has been our
government and what our government does the problem hasn't been the american people
people the world round [Music] they love americans they can find fault with us
because for the most part we're not even bilingual and we're not very good at
history but we're fun you know we're fun and we're inventive and we're hard-working
and uh you know we have a certain uh joy to be about life so uh that's my last
video for today
don't look everybody yippee Israeli scientists say that in a couple of weeks
they're gonna have a corona virus vaccine do you feel safe enough to put that into
your veins you know how much Benjamin Netanyahu loves America don't you you know he
was probably personally involved with Jeffrey Epstein and the Awan brothers and a
bunch of other psyops on the American people so are you gonna go ahead and put this
thing into your videos hmm this about is blatantly obvious as Corey Feldman's
little fraud last night Geraldo Rivera and Al
There's some really bad news up ahead coronavirus please listen to the whole video
2020-03-17 00:58:37 UTC
hi everybody and I wanted to thank you all for the kind comments so yeah I've got
the exact symptoms of coronavirus seems to mimic influenza A & B however it's a
beta corona virus so it's new and we have built up in unities yeah but since I
pretty much lived like a hermit I don't need to self quarantine I've already been
doing that for a year so I'm going to give you some figures that are going to scare
you but I want you to take them and dwell on them closely because it's reality now
imagine a plague that kills around 3300 people every day imagine a plague that
kills a million in a quarter of us every year and literally mess us up and contorts
another 20 to 50 million of us not too good so what you still go out if you knew it
was lurking every time you cross the street or took a drive well the figures I just
gave you rekka figures of how many people were killed or injured in car crashes
every year so this coronavirus there's no need to fear there isn't someone is 80
years old and is gonna be taking me well that's the way it goes if this doesn't get
them so I'm trying to say as far as calling a virus I'm alive and I'm going to make
a full recovery so we're 98% of you and I'm a guy who's been a smoker with ADD
pneumonia long-term pneumonia so if I can survive this thing so can you now the
real fear is in government overreach and in what seems to be a choreographed
coordinated effort by media to push you into a place of fear if I was one of the
survivors of a plague of London 1665 or the Black Death 1347 to 1352 I'd be
laughing at everybody saying the spectre of a bad cold has caused you voluntarily
within a two-month period to hand over your veins and your civil rights it's not
the America I know it's not the America you so if you're talking head on TV is
trying to scare you go ahead engage or turn off right it may kill a hundred million
of us it may but it's gonna be mostly old and we're gonna build antibodies and you
got to die with little self quarantine place whether it's a home or an apartment or
a cabin it doesn't matter that's not what we're about
Silent Knight
2020-07-10 23:55:48 UTC
I know I told you guys I wouldn't make any more videos but I've got some where do I
begin I could go ahead and get scientific and we can discuss a certain Florida
resident a parasitical hypocritical piece of detritus with the initials gh we can
go ahead and we can analyze him but you know he's not on our couch we can take a
look at the paraneoplastic syndromes of his nervous system is over reactions to
everything and once again we don't have him hooked up to an EEG or a cat scan or
MRI we can only judge him by his reactions and as hypersensitivity to researchers
looking into the death of Isaac happy so let's take a look first Zach Quaid Zach's
been around investigating since he was a teenager he's now 26 or 27 he got
interested in the Kurt Cobain wink-wink suicide and he linked it to Courtney Love
he was one of the first responders who did so literally there are probably 50% of
Nirvana and Kurt Cobain fans right now who believed the Courtney Love was complicit
and Zach as I said was one of the pioneers of these of this theory when he was a
teenager get that so the guy's got chops I like Zach a lot Zach will be the first
to tell you that he spent some months in a mental institution because he felt
suicidal as a teenager he was in high school it was not a mental disturbance it was
an emotional disturbance because his perceptions are spot-on and who in their 20s
or even in their teens has not been pissed off when they discover Santa Claus is
not real politicians lie there's a bunch of that keeps crooks in office right
that's how we all go I've been around for six decades and I remember my teens and
20s and so do all are you all right so here we are we've got a middle-age hedge
fund manager with the initials G H where the net worth over over a hundred million
dollars he's got many rooms in his mansion seriously he's got a house worth over 20
million dollars he can do anything he wants and what does he choose to do he
chooses to stock and target and attack people online his first public victim was
Isaac a P he then attacked vegan Mike he attacked all the queue followers he's
attacked me he sued me trying to attach t vote Roman Titus frosted the list will go
on and on Wyatt Earp you know there's probably a hundred enemies on his list but
what really bothers me is that he's picking on Zach now Zach has free speech just
like we have our First Amendment here in America Zach's out of Toronto Zach's
investigative scrutiny led him to believe that Gabe Hoffman is complicit and the
death of Isaac Cappy they are Gabe I said your name it's not deformation it's not
you could try all you want that is what a lot of people think so what happens today
Gabe picks up the phone from Florida and he calls Toronto authorities on Zach first
the firemen show up and Zach shows them hi here's Gabe Hoffman calling my mother
here's Gabe repeatedly subscribing to my channel here's Gabe using his 50,000
person platform to call me mentally ill publicly that's what he did this act he
said Oh Zack is mentally ill and then he said that's exactly what he did to Isaac a
P Gabe went ahead and said Isaac Gabby is mentally ill Isaac a P is on drugs the
same playbook it's the exact same playbook that Gabe Hoffman did on a young man
named Evan in 2015 and there was an out-of-court settlement what Gabe Hoffman did
is called this young man's father this young man was a victim of pedophilia Dave
called his father and said Evans on drugs Evans this Evans that so what we have is
the same playbook that played out today but it it's not over yet all right after
the firemen leave four cops show up his ex door and Zack because he's gotten really
good vice from about 20 people who were looking out and concerned for Zack showed
the police an email from Corey Daniel where Corey in writing said Gabe said after
the Kovach thing is over he's going to make an example of you Zack so right there
was what they call a proxy threat and Canadian criminal justice and the cops were
looking around her Wow he then showed where Gabe had subscribed to him multiple
times he then showed were Gammage said he's mentally ill the question was raised
well if this guy who was worth all this money is first declaring game mentally ill
and then saying he's going to make an example that shows he doesn't think he's
mentally ill or that's showing highly suspicious behavior and then the cops look at
Zack and they say keep doing what you're doing Zack has already made a police
report on the apartment Zack has already reported this and it's not a matter of
Gabe winning or losing it's a matter of he just made a tremendous blunder right now
and his behaviors are raising eyebrows just like when he publicly stated that he
won his lawsuit to give us a Lee Alexander he lost he lost it was quashed and there
was a jurisdiction ruling in favor of a Lee Alexander so Gabe has all the money in
the world he can go sue everybody but when he's starting to pick on a vulnerable
person who's in his 20s we all should be pissed we should all say who is this
asshole at a Palm Beach that is constantly attacking victims constantly attacking
pedophilia victims you know he's suing me because I called him a gatekeeper which I
believe that's my opinion it's my First Amendment right he's what he's done to Zack
is reprehensible you don't take someone who has had an emotionally rocky road and
purposely try to swat them so I hope people contact Zack ask him to explain the
situation I hope people write about it in blogs I think that this is a story that
needs to go very public because Gabe Hoffman right now is saying hi I'm the great
producer of an open secret I'm the hedge fund manager you know occipital capital
the name of CIPA door means bird of prey and that is exactly what he's doing he's
like a vulture so make your voices heard
so maybe you guys won't believe me now Ezreal is gonna be tracking everybody's
phones they've developed so much of the technology so this is what he's doing it's
crazy meanwhile the Palestinians have it horribly they're getting decimated by this
virus now how many Israelis have died you know I'd be shocked 100 under 15 none not
one there's five critical cases and interesting enough only one of them is Jewish
the rest are Palestinian Israeli citizens so this is getting more and more clear
what has really gone on net now who has his biology boys and now it seems the world
that they're the first ones to come up with vaccinations and then of course that
vaccinations may be forced upon us in the States so my theory is starting to look
like maybe it has some legs weaponize is a virus that seems to only attack his
current enemies and the ancient enemies of the Hebrews so you see decimation in
Italy and in Spain it's now hitting the areas in France where there were pogroms
Portugal was next as a Switzerland you've got to look at it and at least entertain
that my theory and it's usually the first one who comes out with an antidote to a
poison this is the one that created the
the closer i look at cali giannini aka shark belly kelly the more i believe that
she was instrumental in both the psyopian of isaac cappy and the cover-up you see
how she supports gabe hoffman you see how she's tied at the hip with brett tremble
and by the way with corey corey daniel who was the lead guy at least for the family
he's pretty much blown out of the water by this point but uh you look at kelly and
she was sending money to vegan mikey and when he refused to go along with her
script um she turned on him and where was she getting the money she was claiming
that she was uh poverty-stricken herself and now she claims she lives in a gated
community so who's funding that big pig of a of a larp you know she's a she's a
disgusting human being so is brett by the way but the problem with these guys is
that they're inept at what they do they really are inept with what they do with uh
kelly i can just look at her and i can say you're trying to replace vegan me mikey
as uh isaac cappy's best friend and his you know kelly met him once at a garage
sale that was probably set up um it was not by accident and the second meeting was
when she picked him up at the airport on december 13th um 2018 and uh he didn't
even know she was going to be there and he didn't look happy so if you look at
shark belly kelly she's basically chased away all of isaac cappy's real friends
from the phantom lamb and the phantom line itself was created uh to help support
reagan mikey so they turned on him i see the hidden hand of gabe hoffman all
through this i really do i see that he financed it i see that brett tremble plays
all sorts of head games claiming that he's uh a real enemy now of gabe offline i
think it's i also think that the um esteban gabe fight is fake too so there's a lot
of games being played and people think that they can run me into silence by suing
me or chasing me down or saying horrible things about me it's not going to work
it's not going gonna work so um you guys don't even know what i bring is an army
what i bring is an army of people who want the truth who see that there's been
enough enough lies enough games and enough weirdness now even with corey doing an
about-face and saying well yeah isaac was murdered that could be part of a psyop i
don't see gabe often suing him didn't happen all he did was uh claim that he was
going to and somehow mysteriously it never happened truth convoy calls gabe hoffman
a filthy jew nothing happens cape hoffman only acts when the subject desires a
cappy steve oltrum's been doing some nice work on isaac cappy i'm glad he's back
into the um investigative part of things because i think he's a tremendously gifted
uh investigator and so i think a wide earpiece too and you know once again if you
go look at uh brett tremble he's faking another fight with a game you know i
remember brett trimble was busted red-handed um by reagan for um putting out false
evidence why would anybody want to do that when it was a suicide
Never forget!
2020-06-07 20:35:28 UTC
so once more with Denise she did delete the video but on the other hand she
basically declared that Gabe Hoffman was a criminal and part of what she had said
with a deleted video is and six eyes and she says it six eyes don't care what that
filthy Jew thinks who'd she call a filthy Jew that would be Gabe Othman and then
Hoffman gets it because mr. Hoffman doesn't listen to shik sighs all right so
that's that second thing is was the world was a network I was involved in it with
Beth early on we were both sending a little bit of money to us that he was gonna
build it but he was too flaky he would disappear for a week at a time Wow I didn't
know it was drugs at that time but I do know you know he's got a pretty big problem
with the horse heroin you know it's funny um I've read Edgar Rice Burroughs but
I've never tried heroin you know he makes it sound sexy and left the most beautiful
physical feeling in the world and I've heard that from friends of mine that I know
who did have a problem with it you know I don't know it's I'm too much of a
security cap to try that I never tried any intravenous drugs never tried
methamphetamine you know I did try um some of the natural ones I tried peyote tried
mescaline tried yohimbe fried mushrooms to our debt Torah I definitely experimented
with that wood screw of the ground but when it comes to these chemicals and that
means big farmer to you know the only one that I seem to be able to sleep on it's
ambien but you can't get too close to that because either wears off or you end up
sleep driving you know we're sleep composing so you know my drug is for Asus is
coffee and as I reduce my smoking to three cigarettes a day right now I'm pretty
much just gonna resign myself to coffee I've got a nice expression make it run the
way so that's that and me I don't drink I'd probably be more fun if I did that well
actually I'll have a bottle of wine in a year or two usually if it's a first growth
you Camus Camus Vineyards is some of the greatest wine in Napa Valley growth to gr
o th really did wines older bullies are very good the George Diller tour which was
named after an earlier winemaker you know I used to know Andre chalice up used to
be his neighbor and he was making wine for a bull you than yours back in the 30s
and delicious wine so I spent a New Year's Eve with him and we got a con yak from
the 19th century we had a fabulous 1948 Engelmann cab which was just amazing we
have three bottles of bull you was just seven of us and just fantastic we also have
a chateau lafite-rothschild 61 and that was marvelous - so I know a little bit
about wine I'm just not much of a drinker I suppose I would be if I could have
first growth wines every day that would
we gotta take this in there's Diana servicewomen she's retreating Steven Trujillo D
Gutierrez ts claims he's going to sue Gabe while he hides from legal process
servers there's no need he could just answer the door ts makes no sense fingers
appointed it in because of damning evidence VI has it I made certain of it he can
hide but not much longer yep okay so this guy is stupid as they come this is a guy
he was telling everybody that I was Wyatt Earp and then he said he got Wyatt Earp's
account taken down off of Twitter he was wrong the guy who sees a psychiatrist once
a week because of PTSD rages which is a guy whose enormous leaf at probably 350
pounds and he fat shamed others and who is he retweeted evidence revision which is
Bridget coffee and she says his video is lies from one hand to the other and she's
of course talking to Daniel Dowd and we have proof of none of what he claims occurs
he sure is excited and nervous concocting his false narrative how interesting all
right present you know at the very beginning of the public learning about Isaac
Kathy's death you were there with both feet in both hands now we have felon
plagiaristic hurt on a summer's day in north from with her bullshit and what is she
accusing me up no oh she's upset that I'm saying hey Daniel I'll make you a deal
and which I'm serious about so and there's truth john-boy let's see what she's
saying you know this is the real truth Tom away from YouTube well fakey fake you
too toothcomb voice so she's just pretty funny check all the sacred what you know
what are you talking about their truth convoy let's see what's going on with your
YouTube channel oh this is kind of sexy so this is the worst [Music] just like the
plague that's from 2014 I'm sick in the plague right so I am good these guys can't
handle it that's why you gotta have 48 as one eye here's the interesting thing if
you go here to these what happened to
so this is what I go through folks this is Stephen Drew you do Gutierrez he says my
early birthday present to Thomas no murder I'll leave all trifecta there seems to
be an epic amount of butthurt of my last four years so it's now unplayable on
YouTube due to technical issues and that's a lie because he says immediately after
this video was published Thomas no murder filed a privacy strike against it with
YouTube so this guy is pretty obsessed I know what to tell you but I can tell you
that he had joined forces with defend go and was stabbed and they ended up having
nothing to do with him I don't want nothing to do with him this guy is a vengeful
stalker as I said before he's on heavy drugs I think methadone he's probably taking
psych drugs as well he's under psychiatric care once a week to deal with us in your
management issues this is a ticking time bomb even says tick tock right there so I
have to keep on reporting him and it's gonna get it I'm
okay so I keep on getting these interesting emails this one says hi someone named
sugar shine is sending false messages to Dave because of Dianne Nordstrom so I
don't know sugar sign and I can't vouch for any authenticity people have asked me
if Dave and I have shared emails yeah we have he actually referred me to Britney
Custer on August 1st so I sent a copy of the email to see votre but yeah as far as
they endorsed rum if she's trying to stir bullshit through sugar sign well Diana's
wicked she's criminally insane in my opinion and just because you know Dave and I
have shared some emails doesn't mean that we're working together just wanted to put
that out there okay guys so onward and upward talk to you
the organizational goal three months here this that way I'm not to testify go
interviewing rage on us and now ray is a guy who made up a bunch of lies and you
might know some of his friends guy named topiary another guy named led a tea flow
guy named Ryan Ackroyd guy named Sabu who actually turned evidence and then you got
Ray and Ray was a member of LulzSec it's the guy who didn't didn't get caught so
dangerous stuff you're um you're doing right now AV unit that's raised uh wall sec
named FBI is still looking for him Manny you know you're just getting deeper and
deeper bad move Reyes a professional liar
so it's funny to see leave Veltman trying to brown-nose clowny Mount Shasta and
here we are with Diane Nordstrom Dave hasn't kept up with defang go Defago referred
to businesses lawyer in the past he supposedly immediately picked up the phone
saying hello civil months ago and the purpose was to intimidate you interrupt your
you're not making any sense nutbag not diagnosed room myself and others honestly
believed it was thomas disguising his voice you think everybody is me Diane you
know you were the one seating bad information to sugar shine we know what the real
deal is you're feeding there bad information that she can give to David now that
gave us unlock just Twitter you're whispering in his ear all right so I'm gonna ask
her clone you know justice um question is this too vigorous lawyer he was
apparently this is what I heard directly from Tanya gave Tanya said that that the
law firm put one week's worth of work into two fingers lawsuit against Jason
Goodman and that Defago got scared about discovery and backed off from the lawsuit
so in other words a defender didn't want his emails and his communications under a
microscope so that's that I'm actually glad that you opened up your eye your
Twitter account so you can see everything you know if you want you know the
researcher the good research run that forget Lee
The origins of Q
2020-05-25 21:17:31 UTC
hey guys so I want to make a correction because mind just corrected me so what
microchip and JB what came out from JB is that they were not the founders of Q that
they faked the whole thing and that you know they brought two finger into the up
and two finger was not a founder of q either so that now as a mystery which is who
who was posting on fortune right around Halloween 2017 and so we don't know and who
knows it could be you know ezra cone could be someone else you know it could be
eight five eight actually could be the person known as Q so you can see why it was
really confusing to me because I was being like he used to being Q and of course I
wasn't I don't have those particular skill sets and the third reason is we now know
that it was the goldwater it was that publication tied to H n that we're doing the
well frankly the Israeli first ops and that was that you can go ahead and take a
close look at Courtney jobs and you can see that she's Pro Zionism and that's the
thing that Title I were discussing way back what I didn't know is that JB was also
with the Goldwater so very interesting stuff still needs to be done by a
professional youtuber like a like a Titus who can just put all the parts together
and do a show up on the top of his head it's not my style you know I'm kind of a
hey everybody Eureka okay so that's that hope everybody's having a really good day
weekend I'm gonna go out and hang out
well it's like old times again i've got the paranoid schizophrenic donna emerald
sheila falsely accusing me of being a858 and the other gaggle of psychopaths with
command hallucinations and their own delusions are running with the psyop it's
pretty cute for the record for the millionth time i've never been a 858 i've never
used that email once it's a completely different human being and the bottom line is
it's a fraud now who promotes it well a guy who sees a psychiatrist once a week for
his ptsd rages stephen trujillo d gutierrez and diane k nut bag nordstrom from
jamestown new york and kelly giannini aka shark billy kelly from long beach
california um others uh jesse davis from south bend oregon so these are people who
have it in for me they are infected with um a demonic virus i believe and of course
the main offender arturo tafoya romo of encinatus mexico now arturo has quite a
curious history the reason why he was raised by his grandparents is that his mother
was a prostitute who was popped one too many times by the mexican police and ended
up being a government informant so she would essentially uh rat out the men who
came to visit her and there were a lot of men um arturo in turn became a heroin
addict and when he was popped he was given a choice by the mexican government route
out your dealers or you go to prison and if you read out your dealers will put you
into a detox center so he took that deal and he snitched and he whined to me about
how bad the detox center was uh which is probably true because he's a little guy
and he's probably picked on by um the other people i'm sure it was very much like a
jail and he may have experienced some bad things pretty sure he did um but that
doesn't um it doesn't stop other people who have been through travails and
catastrophic adversities from being honest arturo is a liar and there's there's
proof that he was paid to attack me by defango he was the idiot who you know made
the discord drops where it was there you know for everybody to see so right now
he's playing with fire because he's been subpoenaed by steven biss in regards to
arturo's repeated attacks on trevor fitzgibbon and he doesn't understand that it's
not just a subpoena of his twitter dms they're also going to nail chavez and by the
way everybody it is true chavez's step dad was a pedophile who did commit suicide
the guy's name was crazy chuck williams i know a lot about chavez i know a lot
about his family i'm not going to go further than that because unlike him i'm not
going to dox his niece but that's what we're dealing with everybody we're dealing
with a maniacal and psychopathic group of people these people once again are
infected with a demonic virus
okay so this will be my last video on sugars on server sign is denied that she's in
touch with defend ago and so I'm gonna take her at her word and that's that you
know it's not much I can do as I said before I didn't say it was authenticated its
what I hear and I really do so you know look I'll even read off something this
person also wrote I see that you're making friends with sugar signing chuckles
they're shaking the tree to see what monkeys fall out or bluntly put poking sugar
shine with your birch bowl she's come out aggressively swinging at you she has
Donna emerald was being an interviewer to which is peculiar since Diane and Donna
do not get along at all but they both have Jesse Davis's their best buds and then
they have a he mentions Tammy who has a sweet little crush on Dave because he's
also Hoosier and wears a manly moustache so this person says I believe that Dave
actin is the smartest of them all yes cat ladies dancing to his tune and what does
he always pull his punches so okay it's quite possible and probably even probable
that sugar shine just ask people whispering it in her ear and she's not going to
Dave you know I need to give her the benefit of the doubt so that's that I hear a
lot of things and it's important for me because I have been falsely accused of
being behind the death of Isaac Kathy so it's important for me to be objective but
at the same time twins and so Dave went ahead and did a blog mid-shin sound fortune
and Arkansas and July 18th and had nothing to do with that and I just find it
really interesting that both Gabe Hoffman and esteban Trujillo were you know
pushing the same agendas so that's all insane sugar sign peace I'm trying to get to
the truth please don't take offense at no time did I directly accuse you of it I
just said this is out here so that's
you gotta love this a little bit more on the drama llama and she says I'll post
more than one he knows showing Beth and Thomas doing research on Goodman but it's
Sunday so I'm gonna make this a relatively chill short thread it seems pretty clear
who already has considered his research team and so who or his witnesses okay so
she's so funny she has me blocks I'll have to log out and then I don't know what
star RDS is asking Beth to Fingal and white rabbit for at the fan go big time and
she says this gets so much worse Defago was not only on the paid research team he
clearly promoted RDS in his case fire his YouTube channel then there's some money
this wife Tanya Tanya allegedly donated cough cough to defend his patron on patreon
so she's actually right about this he was they only got to get paid you know we
sure didn't Beth and I didn't so that's that but it's pretty funny she's now saying
that I wasn't paid which I appreciate so that is true I wasn't no where's Beth and
I guess Defago made a lot more money than we thought thirty five hundred dollars in
research fees okay to think oh I'm sorry but you got a spitting llama on
so once again with a novel coronavirus you know how it started out they had 33
confirmed cases and 133 there's now 60,000 that they're admitting that's 60 percent
of what is needed for it to be officially called a pandemic so I'm going to show
you guys a map right now you got a cruise ship with 219 confirmed cases South Korea
has 28 Nepal India has 3 of a destiny Grove Thailand actually right now is 33
confirmed cases that's gonna blow up it's gonna go crazy I think Tyrone is gonna be
an epicenter for it big time I think Singapore is going to be absolutely an
epicenter and these cruise ships they're toast so this is a map as of February 13th
it's gonna get crazy really crazy I would just stay away from the big cities New
York London
Stephen, you delete your shit I'll delete mine. That's the deal. I'm not budging
2020-03-11 16:18:04 UTC
this is a little message for Steven hey Steven you started trash-talking me before
I even mentioned you all right you brought the fight to me so you want to back off
fine I'll back off to you delete your shit after I see it's done I'll delete mine
and that means your blog too okay that's the deal someone comes with
and he's talking about how a 858 is me and that it coincided with pymobi um pretty
funny no a858 was from i think 2008 so just listen to them this voice is hypnotic
it just kind of lulls you into a streamer not enough um oh look there's marcus
crunky so and we look at things in a different way here i want to see the crowd
reaction okay so right now we're talking about uh basically what is going on in the
truth wow he's casting the spell channels that talk about news politics psyop of
chill roaming around in youtube it's pretty obvious
here we've got Jesse Davis this is a guy who is a desperate stalker looks very much
like a criminal let's take a look at that he doesn't look to be in good health at
all year now what does he have a security badge on him trying to pretend like he's
a cop he's not a cop in fact the cops don't like him Jesse's a coward that's what
he really is he's a jesper stalker his wife basically found love with other men I
know at least two I think there was a guy named Patrick or Robert P you know and so
what he does is gives his wife had a breakdown he goes ahead he says time to work
on revealing some more the crazy emails leading up to prevent his breakdown so the
first thing he did is he talks a woman I'm not gonna give her a name because I want
to protect her she never did a thing to him she was friends with his wife and he
couldn't handle that so what happened is basically because this idiot couldn't even
look after her and her mental health the son had to call and get help for pavana
and of course this guy thanked me after he called me saying please talk to these
guys your dad was a psychiatrist right his story has changed five times steve-o
trum basically destroyed this guy you know it was revealed what he was really about
which is a psychopathic fraudster who avoids creditors who uses the address of a
gay bar that his friend owes owns to you know run up lots of you know lots of
charges and credit cards he never pays so I am directly accusing him of being a
dishonest criminal Jesse Davis of South
It's time to behave like tribal elders, not like cowardly babies
2020-03-15 18:47:42 UTC
i want to give you guys some perspective on life and this pandemic of fear most of
the people who have died from coronavirus are men who are 55 years of age or older
now you've got to keep in mind that well um there's around 7 500 people that die so
that's just an america and um you want to talk about the world uh there's probably
150 000 people that die every day so and most of those are age related by the way
so you know you have what's called a crude mortality rate um and then you've got
deaths from you know violence and car accidents and suicides and all that so what
is happening right now the overreach and the fear well you know i'm going to
suggest something pretty radical which is i'm almost 60 and i'm willing to
sacrifice uh my life for future generations so should the other guys if it's our
time it's our time what is not fair is to see millions and millions of people
around the globe who are surviving paycheck to paycheck and this is impacting kids
this can cause massive starvation in other countries so uh you know we got a man up
how's that for you know being direct man up guys you know it's unfortunate because
most of the uh multi-millionaires in the world and the billionaires are over the
age of 65. the zuckerbergs are the anomaly you have to look at bill gates warren
buffett so on and so forth so why don't we as the tribal elders start to show some
responsibility warehouses and the hoarding mentalities and all this all that's
going to do is it's going to bring suffering to the women and the children there's
got to be a better way thanks
just a quick little update there's been a character called clean tut she ashley's
is the icon of clean Nefertiti she's a woman in her mid 60's who lost a kid there
was a very angry person and she was arrested for basically longing through her
teeth it's perjury and it's serious because it concerns a police officer so this
woman has been ranting about how evil cops are suggesting the cops should be
executed as I said she's in her mid 60's lost a kid and now has a criminal record
2020-01-31 19:51:18 UTC
well I got some good advice from a lady who I don't know but he reached out to me
and gave me advice on Donna emerald and she said you know Donna's using your legal
name you can use hers Sheila Cavanaugh and here's some information she confirmed
something about a man named Ian and her brother Samuel so here's the deal Donna I
never did anything to you I was never a eight five eight you made blog posts and
videos pushing that false narrative which was fuel for the gang stalkers so what
I'm gonna do is I'm gonna go a name a county you are in your previous employment
your artistic circle your legal name and I'm gonna report this to the magistrate
and then I'm gonna go record the call and put it up online that is if you don't
cease and desist right away I don't want you mentioning me anymore I've got huge
dirt on you and yeah some of it came from things from a eight five eight who
incidentally has never been me so you carried on an affair with some guy or so you
say and it's not me I never had any interest in you ever you're not my type and it
doesn't matter how good or how medium and artist you are actually think you're
pretty good portrait artists I do but you know you show up you troll my Sofia music
channel you tell me that I didn't write the music it's crazy you're no better than
Diane norstrom your bosom buddy so this is what's gonna happen and I'm letting you
know that it will get around here community and they will know about your antics
online it will get to the authorities in your community so you have used my name
you have lied about me you have given kindling to my gang stalkers and at this
point right now doc seeing the doctors is the way to go and for people who have a
problem with that well if someone goes and breaks into your home and rapes your
daughter do you want that person's identity no and I think it's a good idea if
someone goes ahead and puts lies about you on the internet saying you're a fugitive
do you
okay got another nice one this one said thanks for explaining that DNC denise's DNC
everything should be in the name you have a way of creating these monikers for
people like Trump does you have invented pitot vampire not bad ignore strum and now
DNC Denise very nice keep it up then an exclamation point in a little thumbs up so
yeah this is exactly what she is her mission is to go ahead and appear to be this
more than slightly crazy Trumpster from texas and they allow her a little bit of
likes it either I don't know how bigger paycheck is but she's a lot to throw in
some personal enemies that's the way it works they want it to be organic so and
these things happen all the time there are people who were you know being put out
there as crazy conservatives all right so that's an old game by the Democrats and
look the Republicans have their tricks too you know above - you're supposed to look
at Denice and you're supposed to either say what a whack job or wow I'm with her
she's really under assault and you know both narratives are false what Denise is
doing is she's intimately linked with Manuel Chavez aka defender okay elusive man
and that's what you guys need to know which is every time you look at Denise you
think about Manuel Chavez and you think about the DNC and you think that Manuel was
with the FA he was you know an active worker for obama and that's what it was and
he was from arizona which is the land of political tricks as we know at least as
much as California's so with many Shabbos I'm gonna reiterate once again I was in a
hotel suite with Manny Shabbos and may you know I'm sorry March 2018 and he looked
at me dead in the eye and he told me how evil Trump was and how Obama was
essentially a God now Manny Chavez threatened I couldn't exact weight it was a
young 26 year old man from Canada and Zach engaged him he wanted to see what memo
Chavez's game was and Manny shabbos told Zach in a private email that that Ken
Paxton the Attorney General of Texas personally instructed memo service to leave
Texas because I was a bad person that doesn't make any sense and whatsoever we met
Ken Paxton at a lunch where dad wanted us to pitch our services to his wife who was
running for political office we didn't get the job it was a one-hour lunch and it
didn't amount to anything many Shabbos has taken that in being the fantasy is he's
created a whole narrative about that as if he's back channel to Ken Paxton now
either it's true which indicates he's working actively with Ed Bukowski or its ally
part of his 1 million lies which he tell us all the time so you can decide I went
ahead and posted those those screenshots because Esteban who was screenshots on
YouTube tried to make it out to appear something that it wasn't as far as Zach he
can't stand to vengo he can't stand Gabe he can't stand I ended up back north from
that's that and now he's being mentioned by DNC Denise do you see Denise went ahead
and basically said Zach was a malleable guy who would Don the Kevlar because I tell
him to and that's a bunch of horseshit so DNC Denise is being exposed as an acolyte
of manuel Spitak Asst Chavez of
so Jeffrey Epstein par more Ghislaine Maxwell the daughter of spook Robert Maxwell
it's been arrested and here's what's so weird is happening right over July 4th
weekend and this is kind of what uh Cathy talked about although I think he expected
it for 2019 so let me tell you my thoughts on this if they go ahead and they kill
her you know the FBI is complicit with all this you have to remember that it's uh
hey they're they're arresting her to start to redeem their broken reputation and
she will survive and things will actually go forward and the people who believe
that a government can honestly prosecute themselves will be moving forward and
there will be big-time arrests or we're being given a shell game and my feeling is
this it's a dangerous inflection point right now for the government because if they
kill her it's gonna open up even more questions and intensify the focus of scrutiny
and all that so it would be a dangerous thing to take her out however they could
probably make a sweetheart deal with her she gives up a bunch of names we know from
big fish that Epstein had multiple manifests to the Lolita Express that was his
Gulfstream or maybe it was a 727 I'm not quite sure at any rate big things are
happening here at least a lot of people are gonna talk and you have to remember
that these things take time that you have a government that has a history of
silencing people like ghyslain that it's also possible they'll fake her death and
she will end up in Israel or Israel is gonna take her down we know pretty you know
pretty much that epstein island was an Israeli operation we do know that and that's
why it's so critical that we do have an honest investigation going forward I think
that will probably be from citizen sloughs because you can't trust the truth
community you can't trust mainstream media you can't trust government you can't
trust the alphabets so that's where it's at but it is rather precocious of Isaac a
b/2a signaled July 4th as a date which would be the start of real freedom happening
you know not the guy in the covert mask who has freedom over his mouth that's
pretty funny so we're gonna see but I'm sure listen tune in to Titus they'll
probably be covering this Titus frost has been just this absolutely amazing Jeffrey
Epstein researcher he's you know right now on Titus frost of 1984 because YouTube
is messing with him he's also got D live so definitely check that out but just
wanted to get give you guys the news
I wanted to think crypto beast for his very nice comments and like I suspected he
had already put together the Maxwell publishing Empire ties to what Cappy called
them loose odd media matrix and as we know with Yan or will give his name Robert
Maxwell no I guess we could call him I you know young hooks right that was his name
he was instrumental in the creation of Israel it's that deep so people are talking
about Ghislaine Maxwell and they're looking at the indictments coming in and
they're saying wow look at the FBI this is big it's not big it's enticing if they
were going to get serious they would have included charges that stated this woman
sexually abused children and were charging her with it they didn't they said she
did it but they're not charging her with it why well it means that they're not
gonna flip her it means that you know you hold out your your wrist and you know
you're gonna get a little tiny slap so this is a very demoralizing day actually if
you think it through and even though everybody's cheering and going yeah yeah yeah
it's it's once again lock her up right it's a failure where they're government they
don't want a self purge they don't and it's really unfortunate this is beyond
beyond Trump this is our whole government uh and it's sad and if you look through
human history I children have been trafficked women have been trafficked and even
more than the victims of you know and and Lolita Express it's the nation that is
doing the extortion and the bribes it's the nation that will compromise a senator
and then say we want you to get your people to buy this technology we want
government contracts over here there they're running us from Tel Aviv I'm telling
you straight up and that's not an anti-semitic statements statement of fact Epstein
Island was a honeypot for politicians and celebrities so think it through right
there's very bad news it really is and you know I I communicate sometimes with a
lady named Whitney who's a really also really good investigator and she used to
work for mint press she'd left there kind of because she felt that they wouldn't
continue to support her groundbreaking work so she's also really good epstein
investigator she's up there with Steve and with Titus and you should check her out
- she just did a SoundCloud and she's talking about how you know from the earliest
times wexner had these Mossad people around him that he was basically running a
Mossad empire within the United States so Epstein was creepy you've got this filthy
dirty hedge fund guy at a Palm Beach who is threatening people to silence them you
know --mess pervert this bad guy so there's something to be said for standing up to
that kind of thing you know Virginia right for people who said hell no I'm not
going to put up with your intimidation and I'm going to be brave so that's that I
hope there's more victims of Epstein's who come out and what I would very much hope
is that we find out the politicians who are on the island I mean maybe big fish can
get ahold of those manifests and we start to publicly interrogate these politicians
how did you sell us out sir hey Sumer or you know anybody who may have been on the
island bill right and Friends a bill and we know so I think if I could give you
guys advice you know go check out steve-o trim Titus Fross Whitney Webb check out
big fish you've got some stellar seller investigators that aren't going to bluff
you they're not going to wave the truth flag and tell you how honest they are and
you know all the other crap right the truth movement that came out of 2015-2016
which included Tsarevich and all that that was in my opinion and absolute operation
and do I believe that the mossad media matrix exists yes I'm not quite sure the
name mu sod fix so well but I would say that there is a Israeli network that is out
there to actively compromise our politicians and not only ours also those in
Britain and all you have to do is take a look at Robert Maxwell's life and how he
smuggled airplane parts into Israel so the Israeli Air Force could have air
superiority over in the Arabs and in particular at that point Egypt so that's how
they did the I think the 67 war and the yom kippur war is all pretty much air
superiority and where do they get their nuclear triggers or nano sham who's now a
huge Hollywood producer worth billions you might know him from a lot of his movies
the revenant for instance well there's a lot of them I can't even name all of them
so you do have to look at Hollywood and you have to look at Isaac Cappy and say you
know you were in this industry you've come from this area and quite frankly so did
I I've lived in Hollywood for a long time and I can tell you it is a sick place I
was a teenager you know going to clubs to pick up the girls but I saw lots of older
men with what we're probably underage girls back in those days that was a 70s I'm
an old guy now so it definitely has existed for a long time as I said it goes back
to the beginning years of Hollywood you can look at Louis be mayor you can look at
Charlie Chaplin they dressed it up in euphemisms they called it the caste cats
routine when in reality it was you know farm girls from Iowa coming out with their
quote-unquote stage mothers and the stage mothers were pimping out their daughters
so it's pretty sick and it needs to be mentioned it needs to be called out and even
more importantly the politicians who were compromised who are allowing this to
continue that needs to be called out and vetted out we need to find everybody's
name that was on these manifests and you need to start grabbing these people and
saying what did you see when did you see it it was there right everything clays is
over you know you gotta have one or two Kevin Spacey bla bla bla and then you know
two or three of his victims end up dying mysteriously it's going on right before
our eyes folks and then you get the Isaac a pea investigation led by Corey Daniel
it was a suicide it was a suicide it was a suicide and then finally you know year
and two months later it was not a suicide something sketchy happened on that bridge
okay Corey you know what then you should certainly be investigating the person
trying to silence you and that person is a Nabi so thanks for a lot of me to rant
as you guys always do and I'm gonna take Steve's of ice and consider growing this
channel I don't know if Bob it's what I wanted to I'm a composer you know I didn't
I didn't ask for this with Gabe Hoffman I didn't ask for this with this these other
people I was you know I was trying to do music and puzzles didn't want to get
involved in this this crazy pedophile crap but you know you guys put me there Gabe
it's what you wanted you know that I would just shrink like a violet well
so here's my deal I can be the nicest guy in the world but if attacked I'm gonna
use my natural-born intelligence and I'm gonna figure out how to vanquish you so it
is now these are turbulent times in California were on lockdown and you know
they're now talking about not arresting people for crimes they'll go ahead and
they'll issue a warrant that will be activated later for instance if you're let's
say driving up from San Francisco to let's say Marin County and you go ahead and
you try to fool a dealership right and you try to put some false in front of them
and you're able to take a car and get away with it but then marooned task force
attracts you down and arrest you for for auto theft right big time charge these
days they'll let you go bilis arrest you at a later date so you know criminals are
criminals and if you associate with criminals you have that taint it's the way that
is these days criminals roam free so that's all I have to say what I will say is
this you know people better start picking on me because I know a lot more than they
think that I do a lot more and these people will be blindsided by what's coming
down the pike dad I
so i had some more private communications with uh people a lot of them don't want
to leave comments because as everybody notices anybody who shows any solidarity
with me or a propensity to listen to my side of the story they get attacked by this
mob so someone wrote to me you've got to check out sergeant stephen trujillo de
gutierrez's facebook he's going by esteban right now and uh you know the email said
uh this guy has dedicated his facebook to you he's obsessive and it's true he is a
fixated um mentally ill vet i think the mental illness um began well before any
military service so this guy was in special ops he was a dea advisor under
operation snow cap which was a cover for the cia to import cocaine into our country
so he's been a dirty operator um and he he's obsessed he's obsessed with cicada
3301 he has been since july of 2018 he is a self-professed magician who studies uh
john d this this man believes in summoning demons so you've got a guy who worked
for the government he was a government contractor who summons demons so right now
he seems to be obsessed with me rather like diane nordstrom and manuel chavez and
arturo tafoyo romo so there's some sort of energy that's going on here and it's
directed at me and there are reasons for that i don't want to give stephen trujillo
too much oxygen right now because he's failed in his mission and you know what the
military word for failure is it's failure it's that simple he's failed and there's
no way that he can reclaim victory it's not going to happen stephen trujillo is
long in the tooth he's at the end of his game he's got a bad ticker he's got
arrhythmia he's in an area of the world where the coronavirus is starting to rage
and it's going to rage a lot more it's going to rage worse than trujillo's uh
quote-unquote ptsd rages and i don't think that you can attribute those to his um
military experiences i think that he admitted that they had begun in childhood so
this is a guy who was mentally ill to begin with who went into the military service
that's um my opinion based upon studying his works does he write well he can put
together sentences and paragraphs but the content um belies his inner insecurities
he fat shames people even though he's morbidly obese um everything about his
content is about winning it's not about compassion it's about a a terminal
arrogance that's the only way i could describe it so um i'm sorry trujillo but you
lost and you didn't lose to me you lost because you chose fellow malignant
narcissists and they did you in so go spend your retirement seeing your
psychiatrist once a week and learning how to deal with an anger that you've had for
There will be tens of thousands dead in New York City within weeks
2020-03-24 23:10:28 UTC
so New York City is getting whacked New York State is getting whacked actually it's
close to 29,000 cases right now and just think about the homeless people in fact
New York City that's the largest amount of homeless you know 78,000 almost seventy
nine thousand LA actually probably has the same amount but they hide those figures
to LA you know California always please you know fussy math so any rate it's really
bad and they've got what 3,000 hospital beds for a city with what 9 million people
so there are some new rules it's criminal offense if you fly from New York to
forward and you don't self isolate for 14 days and by the way it's gonna it forward
a heart the rich arias West Palm Beach that's where it's gonna hit real hard why do
I say that I say that because the money guys all have homes in West Palm you know
the Wall Street guys we know who we're talking about so there's a lot of that going
on they make a ton of money ripping off people then they buy big mansions so it's
gonna get crazier in New York and we've got 6% of the police force testing positive
for kovat 19 so extrapolate those numbers that's probably gonna go up to 25%
therefore you've got a diminished police force and even with the streets empty you
have businesses right now going into collapse if New York City becomes the world's
largest leper colony which seems to be the way it's going you're gonna see chaos
next especially with the reduced police force the criminals are gonna come out so I
think the Chuck Schumer should show how brave he is by walking the streets dealing
with the criminals head-on it's time for him to be a superhero shake some hands so
that he's not a scared of of the coronavirus I'd like to see him hug some people
who have been diagnosed come on Chuck this is your
so today is the one-year anniversary of Isaac Abby's mysterious death I have had a
number of people reach out to me to say are you gonna make a video and I really
didn't know which way I was going with it because I didn't know Isaac that well
during his lifetime we spoke maybe a dozen times I liked him we always got along
and yes I was one of the two people who helped to facilitate a interview with
Nathan Stockman and Isaac caffee that became somewhat at least locally famous in
the truth community Isaac was only 42 only 42 you know most of us on the planet
lived to be roughly 25 thousand days old he had what 42 times 365 he had fifteen
thousand three hundred thirty days plus plus right maybe fifteen thousand four
hundred days I'm not sure what his birthday was as I said I didn't know him well
but I've said it from the beginning that I found him to be a talented musician I
was smart he was humorous and he had an innocence about him and he did make a
conscious decision to become a martyr he made it very clear that he was under
attack from the moment he started to call out the actors and the producers and the
directors that he believed were part of a greater cabal of pedophilia and he's he's
not wrong I lived in Hollywood for decades and I can tell you that from the
beginning there's been ties to government you know Hollywood has had direct
relations with the Department of Defense's Chaplin was making films um the CIA has
been involved in at least 60 film and television shows this is 47 the year it was
created the NSA has been involved Hollywood has been spooked up since the very
beginning so why do I bring this up because even though I didn't know Isaac welter
in his lifetime uh-huh I was one of two people maybe three that was directly blamed
for his death and it seems to be very much tied to mob / alphabets I've already
mentioned the person in Florida who I think is behind the whole thing and I've
mentioned that I find it very odd that there's been no official investigation when
there should be now a lot of us feel like Isaac really didn't get a fair shake in
death if he's listed as a suicide he's not a suicide it was actually a murder and
that is an insult to his memory and an insult to the very thing that he felt was
the most important thing in his life at the time and up until his death you know he
didn't have a wife he didn't have kids this was his bailiwick this was his charge
this is what he felt was his mission and in the wake of Kevin Spacey and all the
wicked stuff that's coming out not Hollywood well Isaac is actually he's done well
in death even with all this mystery the people he was pointing to his gatekeepers
are now under major suspicion and they're being looked at all over the place it's
funny because the very people who claimed to champion the rights of pedophilia
victims and to be shining a light on their plight these are the people who are most
likely gatekeepers just like there's a woman and I'll tell you her name deli shark
Bella Kelly she really tried to usurp I sea cappy's real friends by attacking them
so she could take the position of Isaac Happy's best friend in death which is a
crock of shit she met Isaac twice the second time as she met him he didn't even
want to see her just picked him up at the airport on December 13th 2018 and he was
not a happy camper you can tell by the body language anyway going back to where I'm
going with this whole thing um I only became involved with the Isaac Jaffee murder
and that's what I'm gonna call it because I was set up as a patsy so it was self-
interest you know being an innocent guy I made some noise and I went up against my
attackers and you know that's how I am but it's interesting I learned something
else Isaac has left a legacy and we were looking at Hollywood with new eyes right
now and he will go down in history he is right now famous what do you initially
starting his acting career boy it's what they all do they want Fame they want
attention is usually insecurity masked by narcissism but Isaac was a good dude and
he chose something very noble and very brave to expose and he paid for it with his
life so there's my eulogy for mr. Cappy he's a good guy and the best way we can pay
homage to him is to concentrate on the people he mentioned concentrate on his
enemies get private investigators involved try to find movie of the week production
and that might be hard it's going to be very uh very dangerous for people to make a
movie about Isaac but I think it will be done and there are independent filmmakers
who they take this on I think it'd be worthy I think you'd be very worthy so Isaac
happy thank you for
hi everybody so this might seem very counterintuitive but it's a good thing the
more Americans get coronavirus at least prior to winter that's what you want this
is the mild wave the mildest wave and that's what you want you don't want to get it
when it's more virulent and that's what's probably coming even now the World Health
Organization finally gets it and they're saying it's gonna get a lot worse this is
not close to over so what might be happening is what happened in 1918 which is we
lost 675 thousand people Europe lost 50 or 60 million so that's crazy and maybe
because there was more clusters here more cases here and we built up antibodies so
you have to look at the reoccurrence factor in infection and it looks like as low
it might be lower than 14% which means that if you get this thing you're not going
to get it again and that's why you want the mild wave you know which is this one
here the second wave is almost always the worst when it comes to these types of
avian influenzas and that is what the 1918 pandemic was it literally came from
above it actually infected the birds first you can look into that and you'll be
surprised and shocked I had to do a lot of research to find out what I do already
know about it I'm having the most perfect expense oh it's so wonderful you know
life is good music Express of creativity and as far as America if we're in the lead
as far as cases then we will be in the lead as far as surviving this thing so and I
don't have a good feeling about Europe I think it's going to be pretty bad and
because the indie of today and the Africa of today's a far different cry than it
was essentially ago a lot more international travel a lot more international
business I fear for those nations in Pakistan and you know all of Asia so just keep
that in mind guys you know this is the mild wave and it actually may be something
that we should look forward to which is as many Americans as possible catching this
mild version this mild wave that will shore up our survivability rates at least
I got a lot of nice feedback from my three-hour interview with the hoax Wars last
night and he's a great guy just really wonderful video artist and uh quite a
philosopher and he thinks outside the box I've been following a hoax since the very
beginning and it was great talking to him I think we had a real good time and we
talked about so many subjects and they got me thinking about the pandemic right now
I actually think that if you can catch the first wave that's the ways you want to
catch they're trying to curb the spread right now I don't think the spread is a bad
thing I think that the more Americans to catch this thing now they're gonna build
up the antibodies just survive the second wave so if it's only filled 125,000
people now I would say it's maybe 20% 25% of the population and with hope if it's
gonna get 75% of us anyway you know continues to infect through the summer so you
build up the antibodies and then come October in November you're gonna see a lot
less death that's how it goes which is uh which is an interesting way to look at
things but it makes a lot of sense and I'm not hearing it anywhere and as usual I'm
a voice crying in the wilderness but going back to Oaks what we end up doing is we
have these great chats and new ideas arise so he is really just you know just an
amazing mind brilliant mind he's very well educated and very modest about it and
he's no longer on YouTube it was pretty famous on YouTube um very popular very you
know comedic genius and now he's on D life so I hope everybody can sub the hoax and
listen to his show
okay so another quick video um someone pointed out a sugar shine mirror video um
i'm not gonna name who did but uh that person said look sugar shine is delivering
uh defango's poison into dave's ear and here's where i'm at what i said in my last
video is you know we don't know if it's true i don't know you sugar shine i do know
that you said you're friends with diane nordstrom and she's certainly tied to
chavez and she's certainly a horrific human being um a very very bad human being so
i don't know if you're whispering in dave's ear and delivering messages from
defango i wouldn't put that past defango uh and maybe you don't know so i'm not
going to judge you i am going to say that manuel chavez is as crooked as hell and
i've got direct evidence that he was setting up dave and i to have a war and so it
would make a lot of sense that he would use you as a mule and you can get angry and
you can say i know who i am and um i'm too smart for that um but you know what i'm
probably as smart as you maybe you're a little smarter than me he took advantage of
me he's a trickster and even though he fumbles through uh an obvious deficit of
education uh he's a snake in the grass sugar sign and so if you are delivering
messages to dave that are actually defending or running an op on dave keep in mind
that defango said horrible things about dave repeatedly and i have evidence that
defango was giving directives to lestat marcus conte all seeing you and others and
you have admitted publicly that you're friends with diane nordstrom she's another
snake so i don't know i would prefer to think that if you're doing this you're
doing this because uh you're fooled as well so i'm not going to get confrontational
with you and i'm not even going to listen to your video i'm just telling you what
i've heard and um that's that so i'm not an enemy of dave i'm not your enemy either
as far as diane nordstrom she's a revengeful stalker look at her twitter she's
dedicated every hour to me she's mentally ill she believes that why it herpes me
and estes approaches me and other you know she's taxi votes from again and again um
so i'm just putting it on the table okay sugar shine peace okay dave acting peace
okay diane nordstrom stay the fuck away
so right now of all the governments bigots are turned on and the money is going out
of telling you where you're gonna get ripped next just take a look at the big banks
the other ones had a million things and they're ripping off the people again
they're doing what they do believe in the Fed the Fed will always have miracle
weapons and you can never beat the fact don't fight the fact that's the old saying
right and let's talk about some of these banks well after Lehman Brothers Bank of
America which has six thousand boxes six thousand restores thanks they really came
close to going belly-up there were runs at the bank in those days September 2008 up
until March 9th when you started to see quantitative easing QE one two three four
so what's going on right now the guys is monies coming out the government and these
big banks well let me give you an example JP Morgan Jamie Dimon went in for surgery
he's the CEO late March and then on April 7th ruse Chris you know that Steakhouse
really expensive and actually a wonderful restaurant well they got a twenty million
dollar bailout where all the little guys didn't so ruse Chris which you know it's
pretty much ninety to a hundred and thirty a plate and if you have wine with you
dare they charge a nice corkage fee you all have a personal sommelier and it's it's
a ritzy place to meet at any rate those guys got a nice friends at them alone from
or through JPMorgan and there you go that's government money and that needs to look
at okay that's not good and there's a lot of this stuff going on so we're gonna
look back at this time and we're gonna say the robber barons
Huge quake Hits California felt from Arizona border to Los Angeles yet they say
it's only 5.7
2020-06-04 03:05:44 UTC
well I missed it by one day looks like there was an earthquake that was so large it
was felt in Fresno Riverside County Los Angeles Vegas a Silver Lake is outside of
LA it's where they used to okay seeing a bit and San Fernando Valley of course so
this is big this is a large quake felton Loma Linda Felton Pasadena yucca valley so
that's literally half of the state so that's sad and as you can see it's closer to
LA right there then San Francisco of course it's right near the Nevada border or
the Arizona border story and Nevada border actually so we've got that and you're
gonna start to see Yellowstone cook up too and then later this summer we've got a
bunch of them a lot of earthquakes Alaska and Mexico and Chile and others you're
gonna see some European earthquakes too that you haven't seen in a long long time
and not Italy although Italy will have one but other areas where historically there
haven't been earthquakes in a century so yeah 24 hours off but it came so more
okay so love truth asked me um how and why i suspect that shark belly kelly and
brett tremble were involved uh and in cahoots the entire time and by the entire
time what we're talking about is uh the period that um isaac cappy came out july of
2018 until his death on may 13 2019 well it looks like they were friends from the
get-go i wonder about this because kelly has had a criminal career she married a
career criminal who died in prison it was given a 12-year sentence and then that
was shortened because he played snitch and then he went out and did a violent armed
robbery and they threw the book at what these uh emails show and i've got video
clips i've got a lot more than i'm letting on uh they show that she was directing
and controlling a 26 year old young man from canada to wiretap to record me without
my consent without my knowledge and the point was she was going to publish them so
i'm already dealing with um nevada police in a similar case and they're taking it
very similar or very seriously and the fact that i'm able to tie these things
together both from a chronological point of view and from a behavioral point of
view it has given me credibility with the police they take a look at it and the
evidence is there so you know what police want is they want to be able to refer a
case to the d.a that the d.a feels they will have a successful conclusion it's what
it comes out to that's why you know roughly 45 of the cases are thrown out because
the d.a doesn't think they can clearly win them and that can affect the bond they
receive from the state they want a high conviction rate so they get money so it's a
money game but the bottom line is here you've got shark billy kelly who has been
telling everybody she's best friends with isaac and here she is um telling a young
man to wiretap me and not to tell me and to continue to do it 20 times so each time
um is a criminal offense in california at least it's an all-party consent state so
these are misdemeanors they're punishable by six months of jail she's got 20 of
them um i don't think the judge will give her over a year or two but i think she's
going to be prosecuted from the phone phone calls i had today and the evidence that
i've submitted it's pretty clear so you kill you can't go with supposition or
speculation or suspicion these days when you go to the police you better have your
ducks in a row or they're not going to take you seriously if you go ahead and you
say i think my next door neighbor is a serial killer and you can't come up with a
bloody knife or with a picture of him in the act of murder you're not going to get
anywhere but you know the great thing with the internet is that it's an evidence
lever and i've got clear evidence right now so they're taking me seriously it's not
going to be good for kelly but she has been defended rigorously rigorously from any
attack by brett tremble they're obviously very close keep in mind that brett
tremble was a cid he worked for the army as a criminal investigative officer and
they can be notoriously uh crooked as could be they're the guys who are covering
for the army guys who rape women who rape civilians and so um you know their their
job is to defend errant and criminal people who are serving in the armed forces so
you know this has nothing to do with brett um trimble it has everything to do with
shark billy kelly's actions um as far as a young man in toronto he is in no legal
trouble but he will be compelled as a witness to come up with the truth and if he
lies uh he will have perjury charges against them that won't look good so the truth
will come out so i hope that answers your questions and um you know there's some
good comments here from various people charlie bridgeburner is now recognizing um
how elaborate um [Music] operations have been and how many people um are involved
lotus lisa says this is exactly what i was thinking based on a video i watched of
shark billy kelly going over his bank statement of when ik last donated money to
vegan mikey 419 2018. uh you know it could have been 419 2019. and bt video uh
stating matter of factly there is no dms very sketchy i agree a lot more to this
story but i think i'm going to let the authorities handle it i'm just submitting
information and they have been wonderful so what they'll end up doing is doing
their investigation then they're going to track down shark billy kelly she will be
arrested she has the opportunity to post bail and she will go through a trial it
will ultimately be up to the d.a whether they want to take the case i think they
will because she has a criminal history and my evidence is so strong it's a slam
dunk so that is that i'll try to answer more questions if i can i'm trying to
pretty much stick to history and philosophy and arcane events that have happened
throughout our chronologies uh that are fascinating to me so um i'm trying to keep
this a human interest uh channel but uh of course when there are attacks as
everybody knows i'll defend myself a person who is attacked and who cannot defend
themselves it's like a tortoise without a shell they won't be able to defend their
families the children their wives it's important that you defend yourself and uh
you know i've got a friend of mine who has a problem with that he thinks that i'm
doing the wrong thing and he's not in my shoes and so i put him in his place and i
told him you're wrong um i'm not going to go ahead with um with your philosophy i
don't believe in it and i love the guy i think he's a great guy he's been a
wonderful help he's being accused of things that he's not guilty of right now so
he's starting to get a taste of what um i go through every day so the new one i
guess is um am i having affairs with um various women and it wouldn't matter if i
was having affairs with ten um this is my personal life you know that's that so um
that's all i'm gonna say about it all i can say is um as far as they're making
accusations about uh these are mothers they're responsible have i met them
personally no i haven't but it's just more grist for the mill which is let's make
up some more stories about thomas schumberger you know all they're doing is
increasing uh my prominence as a composer bringing more people to sofia music um
allowing me to wax poetic um you know i'm sometimes a verbose man uh but i'm pretty
clear about uh where i stand and uh what i do in life and so i don't think uh
credibility is being impinged upon at all if anything by exposing these operations
and their tentacles uh people are saying hey thomas schoenberger is making a pretty
good case and the more they research they're saying wow you're right on the money
so um not saying that this channel itself is going to grow to 10 or 20 000 person
subscriber base i don't expect that i i think it'll be kept small but um hopefully
interesting i want you guys to be interested i don't want poor people you know
so the markets are a sea of red we were talking about bowing before the market
opened down another 25 percent today and that's one of the staples of Wall Street
so does that mean it's the end of America if a stock market implodes no it means
that the investor class will be badly badly hurt and it means the people who make a
living taking your money they're toast they are and that means the airlines will
probably be at 20% capacity for a long time they're going to get a fifty billion
dollar payoff but the market is being halted in various times you see if it goes
down 7% on the SP they halt it for 15 minutes the same thing at 13% but if it goes
down 20% then they halted for the rest of the day so we're seeing historic things
there they keep on saying oh this is as bad as 2008 or in 1987 no it's like a slow
mo that it's gonna eclipse 1929 so with that being said once again the savior is
gonna be if Trump decides the shore up the middle class the lower middle class
small businesses and the poor it's not going to be the 1% this time 1% has to take
it down they're done if we're going to you know save everybody you know then they
have to be the sacrificial lambs right now and they've had it good for a long time
so why not why not they were always the ones who have been saved they were saved by
FDR they were saved by Obama it's time for complete global reset so in other news
with the coronavirus it's spiking up like crazy in Italy almost 3,000 days so
they're going to definitely eclipse if only 3,000 died and one it could be far
higher so I'm watching the financial shows today and the Dow is down you know 2,200
right now if it keeps up at this
Exposing gangstalkers
2020-03-07 01:37:52 UTC
so i've got a question for everybody especially the parents who listen to me if
someone violated your child would you petition the lord with prayer or would you do
everything that you needed to do to not only protect that child your own flesh and
blood but other and would you feel vengeance in your which is pretty normal what if
someone attacked your parents or the fact that we need to protect our tribes for
our very survival is why we're still this survival of the fitter not the fittest
but the fitter that's why we're here because our grandparents were tough and their
parents were tough and our ancestors were tough and that's why we're alive because
we are the winner's circle so the reason why i have put effort into a little man
like manuel is that fleas can cause a plague this person used nefarious proxies to
try to destroy me while stealing my creations it's the same thing with arturo
tafoya i put out internet rumors that i didn't play piano i couldn't compose music
meanwhile both of these jackals were attempting to steal from me while defaming me
while destroying me and others in the group well if someone breaks into your home
and they have a stocking over their head you've got a right to a mask them you've
got a right to show who they are even publicly so i've had someone named celeste
who has attacked me 24 7 since may and she is a compadre of kelly genie and her
real name is katie s married to michael comes from iowa i'm not going to go further
than that you know why everybody because she's got three kids young kids and no
matter how indecent she has been to me kelly has told everybody that i'm a real bad
person that i have um a criminal record right and celeste has gone ahead and said
she's investigating me because she's a a doj federal investigator i know that's
bullshit because i have a jacket on her as far as kelly she plays a lot of games
she was married to a criminal who was given 12 years in prison for a violent
kidnapping he only served two because he was a snitch and he was out for only a
couple years when he recommitted crimes violent ones and they threw the book at him
i think he was given five years as far as kelly's saying you know that she's not a
criminal she was married to a criminal and you know even more than that everybody
she's got a criminal record now i can go through everything but let's just stick
with this one she was arrested for forcible entry and the victim michael lopez well
there's more on him coming up soon but i got the full story on kelly and as you
guys know got the full story on monkey savant and many others so as far as people
mess with a bull you get the horns
and you guys think you've seen in our key because it shows up on your msn wait till
August September and so on this is a dress rehearsal for what's coming the economic
pain will be overwhelming these political fights that we have on social media and
are going to matter because there are bigger things coming much bigger things life
is not going to be individually visual it's going to be collectively visible and
it's not going to be confined to Wall Street or Main there are things coming from
below and I'm not talking about demons we're in for a really rough ride everybody
and what am I gonna do I've got eleven more pieces of music in my cycle you seek
that no human ear has heard and my goal
here's a new italian word for you imitation it means imitation and supposedly
that's the sincerest form of flattery and after watching a couple minutes of denise
matau's video i don't know whether to be shocked or insulted or both now i don't
know what history book she's been studying but she's not a very good student she
just told the world that john f kennedy was the kennedy that introduced the uh
entire globe to um the catholic banking community and that she said you know prior
to that it was the protestants and and the jews always the jews with denise it's
not true first off it was joseph p kennedy john f kennedy's father and he knew the
crash was coming on that friday october 13 1929 he shorted the market made a lot of
money he had a lot of banking friends he was quite a duplicitous character not a
moral character whatsoever you know i used to live in hollywood at one point and uh
he had bought a place called malaga which was read on gower and uh de long pray and
he had bought that for one of his mistresses a lady named gloria swanson who at one
point was the queen bee in hollywood you know back in the old days so at any rate
with denise she goes ahead and she says um that somehow jfk um was a banking scion
and uh brought the whole catholic banking uh empire into uh governmental circles
that's bullshit uh that's crap she doesn't know what she's talking about number one
and number two she does make um one point but we're going to get to that in a
second she says well the catholics who came over here were well educated that's not
always true too you had the lowest rung of the irish come over here and a lot of
them uh you couldn't read or write these were people who were subjected to
biological warfare by the uh english uh during the great potato famine of 1849 it
was certainly the english who did it problem was that the irish didn't have enough
varietals of potatoes unlike a place like peru which survived the blight just fine
and had 18 different varieties of potatoes but let's get back to denise's argument
that some of the kennedys brought in you know the the the banking dynamic to the
white house and they were the first christians to do so the germans were lutherans
and we had many many people crossed through ellis island who were germans who were
slavs who were scandinavians so on and so forth she seems to think that everybody
was catholic in in particular french catholic so there's a little bit of uh self-
indulgence going on with her uh excuse me the mandatory cough it's it's part of my
branding mechanism however she did say one thing and she said things went to hell
when kennedy was assassinated and that's where we were infiltrated and on that
point she's right but it's a point that i made how many months ago five six months
ago i had a nice little talk to you guys about lbj and how lg lbj probably had
prior knowledge of jfk about to be whacked the reason why lbj was whacked was that
israel was and the israelis didn't like it so they got together with other enemies
of kennedy and he had many he had many including our cia and uh they had him
murdered why was uh the cia mad at um at kennedy and why were you know institutes
uh furious at kennedy because he was supposed to go along with the start of world
war iii which would have been bombing uh the russian embargo um headed to cuba
that's what it was going to be and there were people within the interior of the cia
who were responsible for sneaking out nuclear technology from america to israel and
that includes albert bud whelan chief technology officer for the cia so what you
had with the cia is complicity in 1963 while israel lied to us lied to kennedy and
that was under the leadership of ben gurion and it's not the first time as i said
um you know there's something called the lavon affair which was named after um
pinoff who was the defense minister in 1954 in israel and they were going to blow
up a bunch of places including movie theaters where americans were and they planned
to blame it on egypt they wanted to topple general nasser who was second in command
at the point nasser became the president of egypt and so uh in the end it benefited
israel because it um tightened and grew the relationship between france and israel
and that's another story for another time but you can look into the lavon affair
lavon of 1954 and you can see how israel used 11 egyptian jews and they were to
target soft targets soft terrorism and kill western people including american
soldiers and blame it on egypt you know they had um targets already set in cairo
and alexandria and literally they would have been very happy if we went ahead and
killed a whole bunch of egyptians so do you see that duplicitous nature under ben
gurion the founder of the israeli state and for this to continue with netanyahu in
the 90s um infiltrating the white house through eavesdropping through spy
technology and it continues today with the honey potting of the epstein island
there's a theme here folks which is why are we constantly every um every senator
with a question with the exception of maybe rand paul and of course ron paul every
senator and every congressman bowing down before israel because they have us over a
barrel they've gone ahead and they've uh they've you know collected um dirty
control files on all of our politicians so you wonder why we bow down they can do
no wrong it doesn't matter what happens with israel if they're caught in something
their name isn't mentioned it's mentioned as a foreign nation and it's bullshit the
american people deserve better but going back to matthau's argument she does say
that with lbj the shit started to go downhill and she's right but she stole that
concept from my musings five and a half months ago where um i believe that lbj had
prior knowledge of the assassination of uh kennedy and he was told you know we can
take you out too you know if you'd like to go ahead and be sworn in and taken out
in a couple weeks we can arrange that for you and ladybird uh that's his wife was
his wife and i think that lbj made a deal with the devil that's why the uss liberty
bombing by israel that's a naval surveillance ship by israel that was covered up
american people weren't shown continues to this day things were swept under the
carpet when we were able to determine that netanyahu's people had surveilled
successfully the u.s white house phone system they had 30 hours of william
jefferson clinton and him talking about monica lewinsky or talking to monica
lewinsky so they they not only had the phone systems tapped they had the white
house wired and now we've got jared kushner in there good buddy of uh net now and
we have netanyahu under a cloud of corruption he's been able to use uh the
coronavirus to extend his time in power he's busy running all sorts of crazy
operations against iran in a place called natas which is where iran is developing
their nuclear program so people say iran is bad no you know what you go to iran 90
of the people love america they want to emulate america they want a nice car and a
girlfriend so there's all sorts of shit that has been thrown at the american people
that is the propaganda indoctrination lies and do you notice how our politicians
bow down to israel some of them much more obviously marco rubio john mccain when he
was alive lindsey graham so on and so forth you know this nation needs to be called
out for a lot of things and the most recent thing is epstein island so you've got a
certain diminutive floridian who goes ahead and tells the world in an audiophile
jeff gepstein had nothing to do with the mossad bullshit jeffrey epstein had high
ranking connections with the fbi jeffrey epstein's life needs to be looked at in
relation to the alphabets in relation to who did he serve he was running scams back
in the 80s with a guy named hoffenberg under uh tower financial they did the exact
same shit that um justly's father did robert maxwell you know which was rating
companies rating the pension funds rating the assets of companies that they were
controlling and where'd that money go well i don't think it went completely into
their pocket i think they were given um lascivious and wealthy uh lifestyles you
know they had the yachts and the mansions and of course they engaged in lots of
perverted acts with young girls but i think that epstein was not a bit player if
you take chess he would be a bishop he wouldn't be king or a queen um although
there were queens barney frank that's a queen within the game of chess but i think
they serve the actual chess masters and all you see is their hands reaching down to
move a piece so there's a lot that the american people have not been told there's a
lot within the relationship of israel that if we had a strong and brave president
he wouldn't bow down and genuflect to this nation we need to look at this it's been
going on for a long time the lavon affair named after the minister of defense of
israel at the time a man named lavon that went all the way up to ben gurion ben
gurion of course being the founder and the first president of israel what was the
lavon affair well they were going to go ahead and bomb a whole bunch of buildings
and cinemas and post office post offices soft targets soft terrorism and they were
going to kill a bunch of americans and blame it on egypt why so we would withdraw
our support for the leader of egypt at the time a man named nasser who became more
powerful by the way when the plot was uncovered but there was no resolution with
the luna with the lavon affair lavonne was just one of the fall guys it went up
higher it went all the way to the very top of the israeli government which they had
approved the killing of innocent americans and the blaming of innocent egyptians
let that sink in i have a lot of history to tell you guys if i'm still around i
know a lot i've studied a lot go look
up the lavon affair lavonne
Grateful to
2020-06-04 01:40:29 UTC
once again I've got to refer people to SD and y dot news Dave Acton site I was
married to an attorney she was wonderful I also have friends who were attorneys
that I grew up with and went to school with so at any rate I've shown them s T and
y dot News's website and what mister actors put in there and they basically are
really impressed with him his legal skills so you know he gets five stars from all
three people that I talked to all of them seasoned legal professionals lawyers so
I'm pretty impressed and he goes into abuse of process you know I was served three
days consetta consecutively it wasn't all on the same day but it was within 72
hours and so wanted to make a public thank you once again and you know really
humbled you know a lot of people when they find out that they're wrong about
something they don't say anything they're too proud to apologize for me you know
all I can say
hi everybody it's thomas with instead of a black screen kind of a kind of a red hue
so um there's a lot of people who were mentioning a man named michael fisher and
they're attempting to trash him um i'm going to tell you something about michael
michael is uh the real deal michael's not larping i know as a fact that michael and
isaac were close um isaac personally mentioned michael to me uh told me how
straight up the guy was um and i think seeing that um you know i was being
scapegoated um for isaac happy's murder i think i want to reach out to michael and
go ahead and give him my files i've noticed he has particularly not monetized
anything to do with cabbie and as i said from cappy's own lips he called michael a
dear friend so i personally heard it um there are a lot of people trashing him
because he is uncovering things um that steve oatroom and i have been talking about
for a while um and titus by the way and wyatt so um i'm reaching out to michael and
michael t-s-t-g-e-r-13 very much like to be in touch with you uh i'd like
to hand over a bunch of stuff to you including um emails between cappy and i and
myself um and god speed with your journey you know he spoke well to you um i know
you've got us back and i think what you're doing um is honorable that's all
everybody go check out michael fisher on youtube please take a look at his videos
they're important i think michael is going to be uh pivotal in cracking open this
abominable fraud that we've been sold so um that's that i hope you're in touch soon
I've got a very strange update maybe a number of them four days ago I reached a
critical point a diverse state of health and suddenly I am well even beyond well
you can hear it my voice it's not just to return to health but more last night we
left at midnight and went for a walk and I walked for miles I wasn't even winded
and my hair there's no gray none it's been getting darker steadily but it's now
like it was in high school and my mind I'm I can parent at the distance and it
seems sharper and more alert than ever at 73 words I count on the phone I can fill
regenerative ability of the brain and body I'm walking with Lions in the night I
can't explain what's going on because you need to be inside me but I'm transforming
everything into math and music I'm counting everything and assigning that endlessly
120 to worse 692 122 times 692 is 80 4444 424 BC was when Sir she's a second was
murdered he only ruled for about a month and a half sauces here plate that was born
born aborning and be reborn first born free born I born in born miss born natural
born it goes on you can see how I can just leap to these things right stillborn
unborn well born cell torn right that would be plasma membrane it'd be dealing with
nucleated animal cells and the cytoplasm plays an active in a central role in the
receiving the rejuvenation of the things it's called membrane fuse fusion response
that belief you know that's all torn Bellhorn we talk about the horns of the
sixteenth century and then in the 17th century they really went through an
evolution and there were modifications to the end of the bell and of horns and they
were larger and more flair thinking of Mozart's opposed 2008 and then you've got
the French horn caught each ass so at any rate you see I can leap from subject to
subject and my mind is right there my hair looks like it's coming from a 21 year
old I'm back with my voice I was wheezing and sounding like an old man just days
ago that's gone I could now go very deep like Robert Merrill in any rate I don't
know if it's a response to what I just endured I don't know if it's a response to
the negative psychic energy that has been directed towards me from Esteban and Gabe
Hoffman and nutbag Nordstrom and these obsessive characters like Jesse Davis me be
one man having so much focused hate towards them it elicits a autoimmune response
and a psychic and psychosomatic response I certainly could be it you know if you're
twenty so hard to knock me down then nature and God is my friend and it is God you
see that's what I believe we're being pushed to look at science as a God and we're
being pushed to reject Jesus which is just wrong you can feel it in my bones so
there are so many things possible with faith faith is what guides me it really does
you can take all the science in the world and it cannot explain the things I've
personally experienced in life they can't in personally triumphed of triumph
through faith asset and people will say well who knows if Jesus was even real and
it's just a story if you believe that's true and you also believe in the power of
collective thought then if two billion people believe in Jesus Christ then what
sort of power does that give to the idea of Christ consciousness a lot you see what
Jesus did is he turned everything around who killed him well it was Jewish
leadership it's not an anti-semitic thing to say but they were the ones it seen for
his blood but what he did is he and what was Roma fealty to the state into a more
love and that is what he was teaching now it doesn't mean if you become a Christian
that you're supposed to be turning the other cheek to everything in the world that
is one of the most misinterpreted passages in the Bible Jesus was talking about
insults turning the other cheek means you were slapped on one side it doesn't mean
that you allow yourself to be sacrificed and allow your family to be sacrificed you
certainly need to man up if you're a guy I don't believe in allowing people to step
over you I don't think that God gave us muscles for nothing you know that's that if
you are protecting your family and your friends you use what you have to defend
them but when it comes to insults in ego that's a different thing I get insulted
every day and I choose my bed also very wisely so that's not really what I'm here
to talk about today I'm here to celebrate my good health and I'm here to talk a
little bit about what's going on with Isaac Abbey he is almost when you're dead and
it's been a real interesting ride for many of us and I take a look at their things
like this let me just show you this is him 17 days after Isaac died 16 afterward
learned about him and he emphasizes the word real real evidence for Isaac happy
suicide the first question is gave why would you want to enforce the idea of
suicide so strongly and he says many witnesses you didn't know that fact by May
30th a lot of us didn't wasn't broad daylight what does that have to do with
anything police report and local news so the local news that relies on trickiness
at all times this is something that gave buys in to far more relevant and
determinative how so not at all you've come up with an errant conclusion Gabe Ellen
Hoffman and then a he starts again then your theories which you call evidence and
so WH T says and correctly sadly the actual evidence chests that journey ended in
his murder and why because Isaac said so Isaac said he was not suicidal everybody
heard a dog barking in his last periscope Isaac didn't have a dog and WH T was
smart says police report has not been released yet and it wasn't by May 31st and
then he says only statements from Arizona DPS spokesman by our reporters who were
not at the scene critical point witnesses to those witnesses have names we now know
they were not teenagers and we know that they were the sons of someone who was
connected to local government there were no local news crews at the scene which I
was told directly by trooper Cameron Lee with the Arizona DPS so there you have a
witness statement directly from police officer was Sheriff and so here's Gabe
Huffman and he says you have not bothered to ordered a copy of the police of work
nor has any of the YouTube channel a Thermidor lazy conspiracy theorists so he's
using the term that was invented by the CIA in the early 60s conspiracy theorists
he deems them ignorant or lazy and the real tell here is that Gabe Hoffman within
two weeks of Isaac happy's death physically ordered the police report on it and
then he's asked have you seen the report and he does not answer so we're getting up
to the one-year anniversary of Isaac Abby's death you know that my initial interest
was that Gabe Hoffman accused me before I knew who he was before I knew his history
before I knew that combative history he had with Isaac a P they had numerous fights
Isaac Abby pointed out that if something happens to him look no further than gave
off him so it doesn't appear to me that there's ever been a real investigation into
Kathy's death I think it would be a golden opportunity for a private investigator X
law enforcement you know the problem with having real law enforcement to Sohus they
won't they won't because they're not getting paid for it and there's no reward at
the end of the day if Arizona was to truly investigate this death the first thing
that would be prominent it would be why the hell didn't you guys do this right
after he died so the only people that could initially pull this thing off would be
federal law enforcement and that would be probably from someone higher up who's
listening can we speak and listening to others who were demanding and have been
demanding an investigation so we don't know if that's going to happen but we hope
that he does I know that I did talk to law enforcement and they were taking a
cursory investigation into this but I also know that anybody who knows his stuff
those investigations could take two or three years they're done in silence they're
done covertly and a lot of times they're dropped because of politics or someone
retiring or someone saying we're going through tough economic times so that's
what's going down which is we're facing entire cities with the prospect of going
bankrupt because of the depression being brought on by the coronavirus and it
stands still and so that's that it's gonna be a citizen crowdsource investigation
and it needs to continue I've seen some interest drop off fortunately I'd love to
see it continue I think it needs to focus on Gabe off and Kelly Giannini a couple
of other players Brett trendabl and I think a lot of people agree with me we'd like
to see it happen and I'm telling you that if someone was really to do a full-blown
investigation with the idea of profiting from it it's very easy to do you could
write a book I think there'd be enough interest I think it's that big a mystery and
I think anybody who's in the motion picture industry I think this would be an
absolutely perfect documentary I think it's got all the ingredients that would
fascinate and tell a compelling
so i want to discuss this uh character named arturo tafioski romo is his last name
but tafoya is what he uses arturo tafoya and he's out of ensenadas um this is a guy
who at first came to me and was uh strangely worshipful of my music uh and then in
october of i guess it was 2017 uh he reached out to me and you know the guy the guy
he played he was a poor artist and you know um trying to ingratiate himself you
know he had some talent as a as a seemed to be a little clingy with me at the
bequest of my then girlfriend uh i went down a psalm in may of 2018 it was very
sick i had pneumonia and my voice sounded worse than it does now so when i met with
arturo and this is a guy who goes by cheshire 3301 it's a very weird experience um
he was very guarded but he kept on asking me a bunch of questions he would shut the
door he had a contentious relationship with his aunt who he lived with the place
was slobbing me i mean especially arturo's room filthy and then he had pictures of
judas everywhere this guy was obsessed with uh lift the veil and he was taking
drugs when i was there kept on going out and scoring ecstasy that was his deal and
you know the bottom line is he was whacked half out of his mind half the time he
also brought in i think at least three really fat women um to sleep with him and so
you know which is his deal right you know it's just the way that he goes um but the
weird thing is that he admitted put being a pedophile and then um now he's involved
in disinformation it's crazy he tries to mention me and claims that i'm fbi and on
i'm not that was a guy who i think was on 4chan and um he was a security analyst
for the fbi we know that um with arturo why is he so fascinated with this this is
some dude down in mexico who is carrying a chip on his shoulder because i cut him
off after um he kept on lying he's a dishonest guy and he's also a guy who was
connected with when they rejected uh his art he went crazy he went crazy on a guy
named war drummer he went crazy on a bunch of people so definitely i think mental
illness with arturo um he's not even reasonably intelligent you know he doesn't put
two two together properly um but what you see is this relentless attempt to
convince people and he keeps um he keeps on getting caught in lies so really not
very convincing however he does have a benefit which is if you are suffering from
insomnia all you have to do is watch one of arturo's live streams and that will put
you into the deepest
Banjara without a tea I bet you that means prepare for the worst in Italian so
there's more bad news which is the corona virus outbreak is growing like crazy
15,000 new reported cases as of last night and they have used a faulty testing that
does not reveal false negatives and people have been travelling everywhere it's in
the states right now it's all over Europe and you need to look at the Spanish flu
pandemic of 1918 to get some answers so as far as my background I've been studying
epidemiology and pest choices since 1975 since I was a kid my brother went into
immunology were both fascinated by the field now he is in a lab he neutralized
society human log-home DNA specific to certain proteins for me I study the macro
picture which is how these specialists have rabies and metastasized and how mankind
has suffered so the Spanish flu pandemic of 1918 to roughly 1920 was the deadliest
infectious disease event in known history killed 50 million people worldwide and
there was a population of 1.5 billion at the time 1/3 of mankind was infected and
many of the dead were in their late 20s plan of life so this pandemic occurred
before we really understood what caused influenza it was before the age of
molecular virology so viruses were first detected right as a stock market crashed
late 29 1930 and we understood by day 1935 or so that the 1918 pandemic was caused
by the influenza a virus of the h1n1 subtype an avian flu and I believe
wholeheartedly that this pandemic started in ETOPS France and that you can look at
earlier outbreaks from that area in the 16th century so it got bad as I was saying
before it dropped or a mark felony rate in in America by ten years that's crazy no
I if you want to put your faith and trust in the media and in the World Health
Organization you're a fool if you're gonna go believe authorities in China you're a
fool what do you do well right now you've got a virus that can metastasize and I'm
pretty sure it's gonna clean our clock I think what happens now is it you'll see it
grow and then by June you'll see a fade and then there's going to be a second wave
which is going to be extremely serious so do you run down to your right aid and buy
a surgical mass well you better get goggles and earplugs as well because it can hit
the eyes it can enter through the ear or they can rest on the cilia of the year for
nine days if you go to a doctor and you get tested you might get a false negative
and you're a carrier bringing it to your family in the end you're gonna see pets
but down you're gonna see the infection everywhere everywhere so how do you prepare
well it will take three months for them to develop an antibody for this for a
vaccination to be given to those infected that will take a year so what I can tell
you is probably good idea to avoid travel on an airplane or cruise ship probably
good idea to be wary of anybody who's uh coughing or is ill but even that isn't
enough because you're gonna have a symptomatic cases you're gonna have cases where
someone will be given a clean bill of health from their doctor and in fact the
doctor is wrong because the tests are faulty so I'm trying to sort this out I'm not
a person who can come up with a solution at least alone all I can do is point to
our prior histories and say history is right I mean if you want disaster
preparedness for something like this I don't think the doctors know I don't think
so things got very bloody in Chicago last night a lot of batons that are their
holsters and I just talked to my buddy Richard who is there and is reporting you
know up to 12 helicopters in the sky massive police presence and I learned
something that is not being reported on the news which is the police told Richard
that these these protesters are using drones to act as lookouts for police presence
so what they do is a lot of them are mobile and what they'll do is smash and grab
after they have their drones confirm that there's no police within five minutes
away so it's very very sophisticated what's going on and you know here's the fear
when you've got organized chaos and this is most certainly Soros and the DNC has
been very silent on because they're involved and as I said before these are cities
that are involved with this stuff looking for federal dollars because they're gonna
go bankrupt with this depression when you see this you also have to understand that
there are terrorist cells within America that will also take advantage of the chaos
and that's what's happening so this will grow it's going to get bigger enough
smaller and then there will be incidences where you see four or five and six people
killed because things got that out of control what the media will do is they'll try
to get that to remove Trump from office or to try to keep them from winning the
election so what's really happening right now is it America itself is under assault
and there's an organization with if you look at op death eaters this is the
anonymous account that came out and without any any evidence to support it made all
sorts of claims and some of the claims were that Trump is a pedophile and so on and
so forth and this to me looks like a CIA operation you know we have multiple CIA
operations going on it expended Claudio go look up operation Claudio expanded
Mockingbird which the CIA has been embedded with the press since the 50s what we're
seeing is potentially I'm saying potentially a complete collapse of America we've
got the ingredients there so I'm telling you guys that it may look like a civil war
and it may start to feel like a civil war for a couple months and maybe a year but
what we're really looking at ultimately as a French Revolution which is the people
are gonna grab the bastards behind all this and drag them to be publicly executed I
really think this is where it's going and the people behind this are very wealthy
they control a lot of things these are international bankers they're ruthless they
have multiple properties of multiple lands they corrupt the local governments
through bribes and extortion that's what we're looking at so it's crazy I told you
guys about these times of totally they were coming I created a YouTube channel
basically spelling it out and you know people thought I was an alarmist I thought
you know I was purposely being dramatic now you guys know I wasn't and if you think
I'm kidding about where we're going next just watch it's gonna get real crazy they
want Trump to declare martial law so he will lose the election they want to bring
in someone last-minute who will say hi I'm your new Jack Kennedy or your FDR or
whatnot and the problem is it's not going to work the American people no longer
trust politicians period and the American people even though Trump has made a lot
of mistakes they're probably gonna back him pretty pretty thoroughly to because he
will he's basically our only chance at this point and no I'm not happy with his
with a lot of things with him but I don't hate him and I think he's a lot better
off than anything the DNC will put forward DNC wants us to pray to government they
want to expand the government's role in her life to the point where they were
regulating everything they can lock you up without any trial you know the stupidity
of the bushes were the Patriot Act you know we got to get rid of this Patriot Act
we've got to start returning not to normalcy but to a new normalcy where we refuse
to vote in predators we no longer are naive as a nation this is getting very very
serious if it gets twice as bad as it is right now you're gonna see things you just
won't believe you simply won't believe so right now we have a huge economic crisis
coming and once again not so riots are all happening in democratically led cities
and it's what I was telling you guys before which is they were gonna be hell's and
making videos and explaining what it was going to look like and now it's coming to
pass lots more head folks thanks for
Visible enemy
2020-04-21 14:26:55 UTC
so I couldn't resist it seems that Hollywood is more tone-deaf than ever this is a
tweet from MD Lassner wanna be checked there he's the executive producer of The
Ellen DeGeneres Show I said where I can't stand by the way don't my kill him anyway
he says the enemy's visible and he's orange and then a very clever guy named Barth
says steadily brave an aspiring trademark I applaud your bravery and courageous
heroism to have the courage and integrity to share your inspiring story trademark
launch man bad Hollywood good listened to virtues of signaling entertainers TM
Emily Jenner DeGeneres is a nice woman yeah so people want to spend all their days
bashing whether it's prepaid I might join the pandemic post pandemic and three wars
are in the war whatever they hate the guy and it's not so helpful when we do have a
malady across the land by the way I wanted to thank everybody for their well wishes
that was really sweet you guys were throwing me your get well recipes you were
throwing me your Alchemy's when it comes down to it everything is alchemy and I
knew that I was a surfer you know my my team's I go down to Zuma and Malibu beach
and I would take in the choreography of the waves they were inspirational for me
and then I became part of the wave by surfing now I kept in mind that a great white
was never more than a hundred yards from me and I did see some we're all just down
there just like you ozzie friends of mine you see them too but I take it the
patterns and then I become part of the pattern same thing with music so when I hit
a sequence of notes and call it my composition I'm just plucking from the ether
it's really was that I'm noticing patterns and in my brain and in my heart and
plucking them from thin air these are the patterns that a lot of composers if you
say to me old age all I need to think of rigidity and great complexions and rainy
skies maybe bleach bones but let me give you an update in case you hear my heart my
lungs are good at least that's what I'm told by medical professionals I've got
electrical storms going on in my brain and so in some ways it's frightening but I'm
trying to get to a good place with it which is to as a composer listen to what's
going on and give it life put it in swaddling clothes I'll teach you to crawl and
teach you to walk and teach you to run and hopefully I had a grandfather I never
met and he was carried away by pneumonia in the year of the great crash 1929 I
think my mom must have been successful now this grandfather was a doctor but
pneumonia took him and at least he got to survive the 20s the 20s were certainly a
time where people put frivolity above all and why not 60% the previous decade
destroyed by pandemics and Wars you have to remember that the pandemic of 1918 and
1919 they killed people in their mid in late 20s so if the rewards for such bravery
and enduring both World War one and then Spanish influenza if those rewards would
be found in dance halls and speakeasies then that was a good thing it's a beautiful
thing the nightclubs in the 20s were absolutely wild you guys remember talking that
song called burning down the house that was actually an old expression used by the
jazz cats in Chicago in the 1920s where literally they would just smoke that house
they played all night and they were amazing they were and they did a little bit
burn down a house that's also an expression but it's an there's reasons why I think
that sound weaponry they can go both ways by the ways guys is something that
military engages in words musicians engage in the beauty of center now think of I
don't know how much Old Testament you've read I read about the Battle of Jericho
it's an incident from the book of Joshua it was when the Israelites decided they
wanted cannon which is more modern-day as well as and so if you look at Joshua 6
127 he talks about the walls of Jericho collapsing after the Israelites marched
around the city once a day for six days and the seventh day they did it again and
then blew their chauffeurs show fourth trumpet she usually had of a ram's horn so
that happened right around April 20th April 21st April 22nd unfortunate VC 1400 BC
so no one's talking about right now and there really is no substantiation that it
even happened there's been evacuations that tell us certain that's the name of the
Jericho now this year ago it was one of the first season in the world and I can
imagine if it did happen an army march around a city six seven days the mud
flapping and and finally they all shout and then blow their horns and maybe those
silos at Jericho that were meant not only house soldiers during our time of defense
but maybe grain you know the harvest spring harvest maybe those things expanded
because there were seeds in them and a combination of moisture his seeds and
movement that could have done some damage those walls could collapse not that I
believe that particular story is I really don't just making a new hypothesis and
thanks for
Steven BISS
2020-05-27 01:48:08 UTC
well I really should check this email this is from a earlier YouTube channel so and
just going through a bunch of I guess every bunch people asked me a bunch of things
so here's one of them which is um you know what are your feelings and thoughts
aren't Steve this it does he represent you so no he doesn't represent me but I got
nothing bad to say about Steve you know he was always professional I think I've
talked to him once in three years but you know I've got nothing bad to say about
him so if people are looking for dirt or for me to bash on people here's what I can
tell you about Steve completely professional every time I talked to him on the
phone was never a mean person to me I got the feeling that he was very cautious and
how he handles his lawyer in when I think that's a good thing so and this person
also said did you in fact introduce Edie Bukowski to Steve well yeah I did so
that's that and they said that you get a commission off of uh I said no I didn't I
referred a boot aski to see because I believe didn't actually still believe she's a
good lawyer so that's that a lot of people say a lot of about them I see a lot of
garbage but I see a lot of garbage about me too and see a lot of garbage about a
lot of people and nobody knows the people they're trashing so there's a lot of that
that goes on in the Internet and you just have to take everything with a grain of
what a kind lady could you imagine running into this sleepwalking so we're going to
get into a variety of things uh i'm four minutes and 29 uh seconds into tooth
convoys um rant on the swigerts she makes a big mistake she claims that um
wordpress itself uh shut down dave acton uh no gabe hoffman did and two people were
coming to me telling me that he was bragging about it so that's why dave's stuff
was shut down meantime the a858 fraud continues schoenberger continues to be
promoted and the text in the aaa 5a emails to me a lot of the time are clearly his
speech pattern it's actually not it's an irishman a sleepyhead all right it's not
me it never has been me and that was already proven shivotrim and others proved it
all right so in the meantime um other things as i was saying netanyahu has turned
on president trump here's one of your indicators here bill crystal who is a never
trumpster who immediately turned uh pro-trump after netanyahu met with uh with
trump well this guy here is is the worst type of uh israeli firsters and here he is
um mocking trump there are others who are mocking trump too but what you need to
look at closely is it is absolutely 100 percent israel saying we want biden and
that's what's going down adam perkamento yeah here we go paul joseph watson who's
been tied to i don't know who rosie is maybe that's the rosie uh but it's going
down and look i can't stand jared i think that's the achilles heel for uh trump i
don't know why he would do it uh he's tied directly to netanyahu who is evil 100
and so um yeah there's a problem here now i don't believe the poll numbers um but i
do believe that jared kushner is the worst possible news i don't know why uh trump
didn't see through this i don't know why trump didn't distance himself from uh
netanyahu right from the beginning a huge mistake by trump huge mistake to allow
jared even in the white house made netanyahu very happy look at that they have
spent the night in the same room netanyahu and this guy he's evil so if you guys
want trump to be and that is how they can take down um trump they can't take him
down for anything else the economy is starting at least for the moment to come back
but trump gave way too much power jared kushner trump needs to yank him out of
there and look into him investigate him he got triple p loans his businesses did so
it's not good he's absolutely evil he works for netanyahu i think he's guilty of
I will be on the Michael Decon Program with Janon tonight 6.30 PST
2020-03-14 14:19:52 UTC
just a quick update tonight at around 6:30 Pacific Standard Time I'm going to be on
the Michael deacons show with Jan on and I think Jan on will be discussing how do
phango did not create a queue and I'll be discussing things as they come up so
should be an interesting show gonna go ahead and put my theory out there myself it
doesn't cost me to be even more of a target Michael Deacon has a good show he's
bringing on some pretty good guests and looking forward to to working with him
Bongiorno like Auto virus is shaping up to be the virus from hell it's over a
thousand victims did reporting and I think it's far higher so Brian Wilson made
some very good points he talks about how its extrapolate you know it's really
exponential rate combined with such negative factors as after 24 days of incubation
and by the way this stuff can live live on services for over a week and while
spreading and having no symptoms the 87% of infection rate is transmitted by air
you know their lives and you can get it through the eyes they're talking about the
four assertions of hiv-1 viruses including gp120 and gag so what you've got is
something that can spread super pneumonia something the will hit the lower
respiratory tract and that's where you die I'm talking Brian's talking about how it
causes it organ failures encephalitis septic shock a severe onset set in the
respiratory inflation which could cause a fixie ation and I'm saying it seems to
kill more men than women but then he makes an explosive point that 97% of all USA
antibiotics come from China 90% of all generic drugs come from China now India is
also supplier so is Pakistan but they get 80% of their ingredients from China so
we've got something you right now and I think it's gonna get a lot worse as I keep
on saying this is the Lightwave the seventh way of the larger life is usually the
second one and I think that we're gonna see a repeat of the pattern of 1918 so if
you figure that in affected 33 percent of the world's population about 500,000
people back in 1918 well extrapolate that we're talking about an infection rate of
2.5 billion right now and if it killed 50 million out of the 500,000 over 500
million that's 10% so figure out what 10 percent of 2.5 billion is is 215 million
people that's crazy that's 5 times what was killed in World War 2 and war one and
probably would account for all of the combined Wars of human history now once again
the 1918 pandemic killed more people in a year than the Black Death killed in four
years so hang
okay Jackie you need to change the name of your blog to tracking the Cougar Moroz
you see Steven Trujillo this is 59 and I believe what you're in your mid sixties at
any rate you seem to be pretty upset and there's an irony in this which is you feel
that you are within your rights to investigate and write about other people's lives
and put out disinformation and misinformation and fallacies and yet when the mirror
is turned and it focuses on you you get blustery and you bloviate and you Fester so
yeah I am looking into you actually I'm not I have friends who do that kind of
thing and there's gonna be no harm to you you know that's that's not how I operate
however when I do find out the right things I think they should be published and I
think that's within my right you've done it with me and I can do it back to you and
you don't notice me getting upset I'm pretty calm so that's all I can say you know
I don't understand why you're in a rage right now but you are I guess you're not
used to people defending themselves or if you are you're used to people becoming
spasmodic and full of rage see I'm I'm a calm person I'm a calm warrior when it
comes to doing battle with men as far as you as a woman you know you were bloggers
and you put out fake information and so I'm gonna look into you and I'm gonna put
out honest information it's that easy so if you don't like it well my doors open we
can always discuss it you know we can discuss it I think you're carrying water for
define go I think that you're involved in government ops I think there's been a
long-term marriage between the government and the alphabets and the media one only
has to look up Mockingbird in that'll give you some insight as far as Estevan I
think you have a profound blindness this is a guy who has engaged in all sorts of
garbage and you shut your eyes to it you really do so that differentiates you
between a bias blogger and a journalist you know and for some reason you really
upset that that I'm a defender of Steve and Steve's a defender of mine you know
Steve didn't come to me and say I'll carry your water he gave me some hard-hitting
questions when he first interviewed me and those questions were answered and they
were answered honestly so that's that I see people beating up on him all day long
very unfairly by the way this is a successful man he's a good man he's been
extremely extremely honest I've never seen any games with him whatsoever I've had
to tell him some surprising stuff that at first he doubted it until he personally
investigated and he's he's a better investigator than I am I'll tell you that all I
can tell you is that he's come to the same conclusion that others have which if you
deduce it properly there is a 24/7 campaign of slander against me and I have a
right to explore who's behind it I have a right to defend hypotheses that include
the the killer or killers of Isaac a P purposely set forth forth this thing emotion
as a distraction I was a pre-selected Patsy as I said before so if you really want
to find out who killed Isaac happy find out the people who were desperately
so Denise Mattel spends 54 minutes and 42 seconds flapping her jaws trying to
convince people that she's not DNC and she's an innocent victim of all this stuff
but here's prom problem is the things were proven otherwise and Jalen did his
research and he says the big takeaway is the last line DeFranco and tooth convoy
faked course he gate it's a scam and they used the scam to hurt people especially
TS Donna and a a 5/8 then the slide was used by defang go to claim he started cue
when that clicks you will realize what you need to do so the line is it says it's
kind of small for I'm just gonna read it it says Denise Matthau and her troll Oh
Defago creative core seagate that of me it is their scam their fraud Denise had a
field day out of it for months this placed a lot of pressure and stress on mine and
Donna emeralds friendship this is from a a five-eighth I have not Donna was
entangling Thomas rumberger and claiming that I was buying Birmingham they're
claiming that I'm also Thomas covered her so this is from a 85 eight and what it
appears is that this was a purposeful scam by my wife's avez and by denise matau
and this came out a couple of days ago it says diff angle and truth convoy made it
all up was that an esteban or lying also this is why defend go freaked out when I
got the a a 5/8 emails and has been attacking me ever since his whole LARP got
exposed so there you go it's free serious stuff Stevo trenway's in it says yeah it
was a scam set up by Manuel Stuyvesant Ginny's motto and that is why she reached
out to gave Huffman so it's pretty big stuff going on and Denise is gonna go ahead
and tell you look at this person she's gonna go ahead and tell you that she's the
honest one and meanwhile she's probably making avoided all of me you know she was
stitching something there so so go ahead and sew also blamed gave Acton and make
horrible threats this woman is 100% tied to Manuel Chavez it's pretty serious shit
she is a deceitful liar with medium intelligence I wouldn't call her high
intelligence I think now while Chavez is a little smarter than her but doesn't have
the school he cannot print those words he's a street smart I guess you'd call it so
that's that any time that you look at Denise I want you guys to think dnce Denise
that's her name dnc Denise just like Manuel Chavez is now known as
good morning everybody so we're gonna start to explore the french connection to the
corona virus and the Wuhan province if I use the term BSL it stands for biosafety
lab and there's different gradients of them bsl-4 would be studying the most
serious emerging cinetic viruses and they're gonna look at things in the past you
know this lab that were discussing was finished at the end of 2014 and the first
project they did was to study the bsl-3 pathogen that costs the crimean-congo the
fever is hemorrhagic fever which was tick-borne and an affected livestock cattle
for the most part around the world and of course they could jump on people it's his
own image so they also studied SARS and there were French scientists working there
giving instruction 60% of the Wuhan lab had their training at a VSO lab in Lille
Paris I mean sorry friends and they did study in Paris as well they say they were
conducting Studies on low risk viruses potestas not true take a look at ours SARS
escaped high level containment faculties of Beijing three times I believe I've
heard that from molecular biologists so they can they can talk all they want about
biosafety and biosecurity it ain't happening so they were testing dirt from this
particular Park in northeastern Paris and this is where I believe it came from
these faculties are inherently dual use they will inject monkeys with pathogen
without realizing that monkeys are smart they can scratch they can bite they can
run and they it's hard to get a accreditation but once you do the sky's the limit
so we got a problem here which is they're looking at old plagues and they're
playing around with old plagues and look at the result now now they're going to
tell you that it came from a fish market because our livestock market because
that's just simple poor vendors and they don't want to lose millions of millions of
millions in funding the lab that we're talking about cost I think 300 million
dollars so they're studying the world's most dangerous pathogens and the goal was
to put 7 biosafety level 4 labs across China within another five years and I think
that's out the window so on top of a biological dimension to ongoing to political
tensions you know Chinese microbiologists are being told by the government shut up
or you're gonna vote so technically this pandemic that now threatens all of us came
from the dirt of France older and that's what they've been doing it with one
they've been studying European pandemics so now you know and if you feel like if
they felt me so I can continue my studies and research
Isaac Kappy and the and credible research Steve Outtrin performed
2020-03-02 05:24:08 UTC
I'm very impressed with steve-o trim and I'm gonna join him in a support and walk
away from the AIESEC Cappy investigation now of course he's by far a much better
investigator than me but here's here's why he makes so much sense it's simply not
worth it it is the responsibility of the Arizona authorities to look into this
matter I think a lot of us have raised enough questions that if there is justice
that's going to happen well we've done everything as citizens Steve's done
everything as a researcher and others have to that the balls in the court of those
who were supposed to arrest those who are supposed to prosecute crimes and those
for supposed to pass sentence so the police the district attorneys and the judges
alright so that's that I'm not gonna mentioning Isaac happy anymore we've done our
part and once again I am in
Jacquelyn Weaver CIA asset
2020-02-08 01:11:22 UTC
okay so this is kind of a breaking story about Jacqueline Weaver who has a blog
called tracking the leopard Moroz I've got this from a pretty credible source
although it's unconverted I want to make this clear jacqueline Weaver is tied to
the CIA she has had a family of publishers that have a long relationship with the
Central Intelligence Agency and were instrumental in Mockingbird so I've got a
looking to that but that's tracking the leopard Moroz which we know has covered the
Robert David steel Jason Goodman legal matter and as we know Robert David Steele
was tied to defang go was a CIA case officer in the marine so I'm getting this from
a credible source who has been in the intelligence community and he's basically
pointing at Jacquelyn Weaver and saying she has agendas that are chosen by the CIA
so pretty interesting stuff we don't know anything about this woman other than
she's a senior citizen she can write well in some ways but you know she's not a
very good researcher I'll tell you that so pretty crazy pretty crazy stuff
Why it doesn't make sense to think Isaac Kappy went into a federal witness
protection program
2020-06-28 21:42:20 UTC
okay so aside from all the fun and games we have here we do talk about Isaac Cappy
and somebody did say you know why don't people think that Isaac went into the FBI's
federal witness protection program and number one it could be I don't really see it
I think there are so many dangling aspects of his life I think if the FBI was gonna
fake a death they would do it in a much more cleaner feels like it was a hit and it
actually was not supposed to go down the way it was it was supposed to be and they
were gonna kidnap him this is the killer or killers and that he you know was aware
and he bolted you know there's some pretty strong evidence that Isaac Eppie was the
body on the highway and pretty strong evidence that he you know leaped to his death
you don't commit suicide on a 20-foot bridge you want to make damn sure that you're
gonna be dead you just don't do it it's like trying to commit suicide with a a perp
with a butter knife right a Isaac was smarter than that he would have chosen a more
direct and effective means of termination so I see how this is starting to look
which is you've got the the the two young men on one end of the bridge you see
Isaac being potentially lured out of his room early in the morning and told to meet
someone on the bridge who was gonna share it him out of there and that he probably
recognize these people as the ones who had physically intimidated him just days
before and he was boxed in that's why he left that makes perfect sense and look
don't give me credit for this thing this is a something that Zach Quaid has come up
with through asking a bunch of questions so he's trying to get Cory to do an
interview for tomorrow night and I think it's a good idea that it happens I've been
told that you know that some people wanted to call in I don't think that's a good
idea I think that as a contortionist talk and talk about these points Zach is a
really good researcher he is probably the preeminent researcher on Kurt Cobain's
death the guy he blows me away actually he's under 30 years old and he's got these
chops and you guys will see when Cory and his ex start talking about Kurt Cobain
and Courtney Love and the stuff that zach has and Zach knows and the pictures I've
seen you know that you don't see anywhere else so he's really got to know this for
research and I like Zach a lot so I hope that Cory says yes because I think Cory
knows a lot about the Cappy case and could probably answer a lot of Zach's
questions I think it'd be a really engaging interview and it would probably be a
distraction to have people calling
so hi everybody i'm having a good day so far um i want to talk to you about a
couple things um too you know we've discussed um gang sucking a lot on this channel
and i want to tell you that a speech that doesn't get booze is is a hot ass flower
that sometimes having gone through confrontations you're actually doing a favor to
your progeny and your descendants uh because if you uh are not a fight uh her then
you're a flight er the more people tell you how bad a person you are or how
misguided you are the greater you learn your own convictions and your own
boundaries and where you stand so you know i started out my life being very
involved in martial arts as people know um i was a student and at one point a
teacher and uh my teacher was tiger chain so um you know i can um i can tell you
guys a story which is what we're gonna do today story time so at one point uh this
was in the 60s um i was taking taekwondo and i was there with my best friends who
were twins um and in walks uh this blonde guy and we all knew who it was it was
steve mcqueen and he said okay i need a couple of you rascals as crash chest
dummies essentially so uh i became the first volunteer and he ended up basically
using the palm of his hand and doing a light thrust at my solar plexus and i flew
10 feet back and i was happy as hell you know we were on mats and you know i i was
amazed um at what he could do so mcqueen um was definitely uh the real deal uh he
was a person respected by dojos all over the world um knew his stuff this is
nothing like uh steven seagal or some of the modern ones uh and the thing about
mcqueen is um he actually gave a couple lessons to us um where he talked about how
uh natural animals use um aikido used the thrust of your opponent's motion to your
advantage and um it was really fascinating it was something that you normally
wouldn't hear in western western discussion on martial arts it was much more of a
uh eastern centric theme something that you might hear um you know in in china or
japan or whatnot so that was that and you know it was um it was a period of time
where a couple years before cage fighting um there really wasn't the term mixed
martial arts it was considered hybrid um but there were disciplines like taekwondo
that um had you know a certain structure too and when you got your black belt you
have to register with the police that's um you know and i believe that's still the
rule too so there are constraints um when you have um you know certain degrees i
think it's black i i don't think brown belts or any of that um have to register so
it's a very interesting story but what the reason why um i started to get so
intentionally into this was uh because my dad was you know physically violent as
were a lot of fathers in those days you know you young guys for the most time
matter you have it easy you know people in my generation um to be honest and uh you
know anybody who's um you know 50 or up knows exactly what i'm talking about which
um you know you you were allowed to be corporally punished in school you could have
your hand slapped very hard with a ruler teachers were allowed to hit you you know
it seems barbaric right now which it is barbaric um you know i've never laid a hand
on my son ever because of the beatings i took when i was a kid so you know i told
my son you know all i have to do is i give you a look and he said you're right dad
and you know to this day i've never laid a hand on him now of course it wouldn't be
safe for me to lay hand on the v6 too and he's uh you know he's rock solid uh so
you know but when he was a little guy um i remember that he got into a fight with
one of his cousins uh an older cousin who i think was three years old or gave him
black eye my son came to me and he wouldn't shed a tear and he said i can handle it
and he said what are you gonna do and he said i'm gonna wait for the right time he
was six years old all right six years old and i just laughed i thought it was the
funniest thing and i told him look fighting's not a good thing you know he's your
cousin treat him with love talk to him ask him why he's acting this way so what my
son ended up doing is waiting for the right moment which was three or four months
later and punching him in the side of the face uh you know blindsided him uh and
then looked at him and said uh that's for what you did before so you have to admire
his creativity these days you know he's very competitive but um competitive
academically uh he's also a hell of a wrestler so um and he started doing that when
he was 5'4 so he was you know at one point the littlest kid in the class and uh you
know is now a strapping young man that i'm very proud of if you can stand on your
own two feet and handle people manoa meno uh no matter who it is that is part of
the definition of being a man and you hear the opposite message which is a real man
isn't um violent no a real man shouldn't be needlessly violent however if you're
attacked and you cannot defend yourself it also means you can't defend your family
or your children so you know there's a rumor out there that i've had a lot of
physical fights um the rumor is true i did i did a lot of fighting especially when
i was young um but you know by the time i was in my late 20s early 30s the fighting
became rhetorical physical confrontations were were rare i wasn't hanging out in
those environments that would foster such behavior there was an incident at a gas
station where a woman was being assaulted and i handled that physically i do it
again if i see a woman being beaten i'm going to confront that man if i see a kid
being punched uh you know as in abusive um i will get involved too um dislike um
probably every man who listens to this uh youtube channel um everyone you know and
i find the same thing with uh a lot of my friends they say the same thing the
definition of a man is not non-violence it's control the ability to control their
emotions but also the ability to defend their backyard and their front yard by the
way and their white picket fence and their lawn and their windows and their roof
and what else needs to be done but most importantly to defend their loved ones so
that's that a lot of talk about um about non-violence no matter what um i don't buy
that i don't believe in that i think that there is a time and place for violence
and that time and place is to stop dark behavior if you do not confront dark and
evil behavior it will continue to metastasize
The pope has Coronavirus and soon, we will know the authorities were lying
2020-02-27 21:53:24 UTC
just a very quick update the Dow Jones dropped roughly 1200 points today that's
four and a half percent so it's it's an indicator that whatever these health
organizations are reporting is not being believed and what you notice about the
financial markets is they are a place of honesty they will register where investors
think things are going so it's been a catastrophic week and I think we've got a lot
more ahead there are people are trying to politicize this they're coming down on
the Trump blaming him for this and when you point out that it's world financial
markets they don't want to hear it they want to keep a political and a hit wouldn't
matter if we had a Democratic president in office a pandemics or pandemics they're
not political they're they're you know part you know not to say I told you so but I
told you I sell a month ago which is we're in for a Widowmaker and it's gonna get a
lot more serious the people that are reporting that things are improving in China
it's just not factual they were given you know the Disneyland tour of a certain
city it was all set up to shock and awe in a good way and to give Western doctors
the feeling that Chinese doctors have a handle on this and it's just not true
talking about Disneyland it should be closing Disneyland's in Florida and in
Anaheim California that is not gonna be good the Pope right now is sweating and who
knows it could be viral pneumonia he's got sniffling - but the sweat is what
worries me if you see congestion that's not necessarily the corona virus if it's
nasal congestion this is more of a lower respiratory tract and if you look at the
16th century and the sweating sickness that occurred in Europe I can guarantee you
with a certain amount of certainty that these were corona virus outbreaks that
happen in these pandemics of the past were tremendous they were horrible now with
the advent of advances in the biological sciences biology which you know really had
us Apoc in the 1930s things did get better but it doesn't mean that you're going to
knock everything out and you know something's gonna come along and get us so a it
is when my old man was 87 and he had been diagnosed with cancer of kidney colon
cancer prostate cancer all at once he said look you know what I've I've steeled
myself to this and at my age you know something's gonna get you and so on a macro
scale that can be applied to the human race so that's that you know head down game
face on guys
now someone else Rose so you've pretty much proclaimed that the truth equipment
just not only over but it was never a real to begin with so let me discuss this and
I can do it under two minutes the CIA and other intelligence communities were
already way ahead of us when they came to the so-called truth community the
anticipated it happen they had their actors already ready to take the stage people
who are looking for truth made a mistake they listened to the tongues of others
rather than understanding that the perception of truth comes from our eyes and our
the reason why I prefer books over visual medium is that the printed word prompts
you to ponder it urges you to go in two different directions to take different
paths and the problem we have right now with the media is it it's there to
hypnotize it's there to make you stare I wrote a song and I was trying to put that
message out there which is you may have a circus and the tightrope walker he
performs perfectly but then the attention is taken of him and you've got lion is
jumping through rings of fire and immediately after that you've got circus clowns
and all sorts of death-defying acts the ringmaster does what he's doing which is to
give you enough visual overdrive to the point where you just take it in you don't
consider it you don't ponder it it's spectacle and that's why I don't watch the
news they'll try to scare you with door number one pretty soon they realize that
you're not scared anymore you're bored so they open up door number two of course
door number three remains closed that's you know the side door when I up Steen's
properties right and talking about Epstein once again because it really bothers me
there's something going on with Palm Beach and I think the American people would
like to know what is before Hynde or number three - I've got a hedge fund manager
who's been after me it's no secret don't know how we made money it's a mystery I
spoken to some top short sellers I mean serious players the kind to do regular
appearances on the financial networks and they don't know where did he make his
money by getting back to this idea of a spectacle there was a simpler time when I
was growing up where you would have news at five o'clock at six o'clock back in
those days color TVs were rare there was three or four stations and then that then
the TV would be off and you would discuss the events you would talk about how it
made you feel and there's none of that what we're living in right now is the
soundtrack to you know news alert breaking news everything's breaking and we have
become broken from all this breaking so don't trust any any sort of constant media
because there's no pause there's no silence it's not natural it isn't and pretty
soon you are not just Pavlov's dog you become part of a canine nation and a canine
in a world where they know just what to do they know just when to trot out the next
excruciating ly harmful event Jim Morrison used the term wilderness of pain and you
wonder why a lot of people get depressed well if you watch the news there's an old
adage if it bleeds it leads and all we see right now is breakdown of order and if
we get bored of that then we get a breakdown of health with the coronavirus and
when we don't have enough of that well throwing some hatred towards Trump or talk
about a third world nation that no one cared about before and talked about their
genocide all insanity so there are masters who are very much in control of this
theater they know the lighting them into higher they know the post-production guys
to higher they know just how to deliver something to make you stare not to make you
think not to make you contemplate to make you stare and to make you angry at the
other side right the three most dangerous words to governments worldwide is love
thy neighbor I truly are if we are not causing friction with each other we pose
grave danger to them they need to govern through the process of oppression so I got
someone who wrote to me and said you sound like you're reading off a script yet it
sounds way too natural well I don't read up scripts I don't I'm one of those idiots
who is stupid enough to air my thoughts as they come into my head and I've been
thinking a lot about the open-mouthed dazzled expression that we have on our faces
as they throw catastrophe after catastrophe you know when did it start personally I
think the destruction of the record have started under LBJ I think he made a deal
they have JFK killed and I think it only got worse I think there were lots of
accidents that taught the media you know the slo-mo OJ chase now that was something
to behold I think people have always been fascinated with violence and protest but
with better technologies better camera equipment drones aircraft they're able to
deliver more realism more horror more of Civilizations discontents so that's my
missive for today and this is why I retreat from this world and I make music
because when I'm composing I'm not hearing car accidents I'm hearing bird singing
I'm not hearing plane crashes I'm hearing the humming of nature I'm not hearing the
screams of bleeding victims I'm hearing the frequency of the
so it's pretty funny to me that the bible-thumper Jacki Weaver you know real name
is unknown but we're gonna find it out Jacki Weaver of tracking the leopard
murrow's seems to be fixated on me now she goes ahead and she uses a Luke 817 which
is you know all things hidden shall be revealed essentially and yet we don't know
what this woman looks like we know she's a senior citizen probably around 70 we
know that she's had some problems with her family either from someone that her
family has nothing to do with her I heard from another person who says that they
know her and that she suffers from constant incontinence and that has made her life
a living hell so she's got some sort of backdoor leaky problem I don't want to get
into it the third thing is that she carries grudges and that if the same person
told me if you go back a couple of years to three years you'll see Jackie doing the
same gang stalking crap as she does and not a very smart legal mind she's gone
ahead and shown a deposition between myself and a lady but she shows no trial dates
in other words the matter was dropped the more than mid CI so it's Jackie if you
want humor feel free to check out her blog tracking the leper of murrow's she wants
to remind everybody she's a Christian that's highly doubtful now she wants to
remind everybody how superior she is I'd say probably your last name could be
Rubenstein or 11:00 or something I don't think he's Chucky Weaver that sounds like
a Danielle Steel novel so yeah its first Jackie's inked on dance it's not my
problem it's not my
you have to laugh so this is this rage or handsome person who according to a friend
of mine is connected to the CIA and what they have in there is Thomas's sucks so
let's read through some of these 55 true for you no that's not me Wyatt Earp it's
not me it says multiple user Thomas Mindy St Sproat no that's the lady named she's
actually commented here s Murray's not me paradise Pete is not me Boone is not me
warder for truth it's not me Steph 11 is another thing 7 H is not me see a straight
or is not me the groundhog is not me Samson is not me pop activist is not me waxing
lyrical Jesus God always wins is Robert the deplorable wife ghostly seat was
something I used a long time ago having used that a long time for the 17 is not me
Stevo trim is actually a person burner stop me is this website maligned inspired is
another person charity Swift is not me toots isn't all of Jared he's never lied of
a goose over and he goes our different people these are not my socks before they
had records I mean it's just funny louder than love as a guy he goes to Rica total
disclosure isn't Altaf better than loudly never you know he never said otherwise so
well the earth they also put it's rather you know and then he's wrong about Defago
he's got Christina Julia - and JJ this is hilarious I should print this
so this is china this is uh hubby which is um one province and look at this it's
crazy this body's there this is real bad so you're seeing a much higher mortality
rate i believe look at so this is the second largest economy in the world and
they're falling to pieces as cliff eye says well it's good for the pollution levels
but you know this is going to be beyond belief for most people i'll show bill gates
is saying there could be 10 million deaths and i think he's a joker i think he's
happy i you know i don't like bill gates i think we better prepare for at least 10
times that and probably 250 million deaths if it hits one third of the population
and it's got a 10 to 11 mortality rate we're looking at 250 million people which is
going to have a huge impact that is um you know most of america right it's like 70
of the american population so it's gonna
Teenage FBI
2020-05-27 16:13:29 UTC
okay so a little bit more here I have to dan you know in today's FBI is calling out
sherry you know the former den mother for Devane ago and now ill skill and I gotta
admit he's he's got like it says he at work so just watching everything and it
looks defend girls coming and begging me to take him back I don't know what that
means you know I'm coming and I bring an army so there's only one road to
redemption for Manuel Chavez and I'm gonna make it public he's going to name the
people who have been financing his his operations and I'd like to know if he had
any financial dealings with anybody from Maggie Co and anybody from Florida so many
if you want if you want a truce I'm gonna need some information from you from the
dangerous people that you have been taking money from you go ahead and you help me
and my army and we can talk about truce because nothing is going to
okay this is crazy everything I predicted Switzerland right now leapin in Italy
devastated and look at that Spain it now has close to eight thousand infections and
France which is you know Strasbourg is the epicenter there this is the exact pogrom
route that I was predicting so there you have it okay this is from the BBC and I
called this three weeks ago guys three weeks ago all right this is biological
warfare by Netanyahu it's settling historic scores you need to listen to me we need
to start putting out that this is the BB virus the IBI virus please get it out
there it's not the China virus this is the Israeli
so here's my suggestion that we have an Isaac Cappy fest and that means Co
livestreams with Phoenix enigma Steve ultram Titus frost I think that would be
pretty amazing and we talk about things I think it'd be very amazing and I think
that we do need to concentrate on just the weirdness the players and everything I'm
happy to be completely open with everything that watching Corey's livestream I
think what I'm going to do I'm not going to expose voicemails they're between me
and him and he has had a sufficiently strong response to Gabe Hoffman that I feel
that I can keep those voicemail those conversation recordings private because he's
coming out swinging so I write Corey I know I I've been a little pissed off at you
and you've been a little pissed off at me and that's fine I don't feel like I drew
first blood with you I felt that you attacked me and owe me an apology however I do
think that you're showing some sincerity a lot of sincerity by what you're saying
about gave often and I think that serves to lessen his specter he's taken Zach
who's a good guy and try to terrorize him into suicide and it's not like zach is
duped it's not like zach is under my control he's not zach has been investigating
Kurt Cobain's murder for eight years he's been an investigator years before I ever
met him and the two trackers the Kelly's and Bret's tried to put out a myth that I
was directing everything that that Zach Quaid was putting out there it's a bunch of
bullshit Zach has had lots of interactions with Steve autre and with other people
with Wyatt Earp and others independent of me he's a very brainy fellow very smart
fellow so I think that we should have a Cappy quest and get down to the situation
in the last days of his life and a will get Cory in there we'll get Steven there
I'm in there maybe Titus will want to be part of it get wide in there and we talk I
think it'd be a really good idea I know there have been some suspicions back and
forth with everybody but let's talk about it right and hey if Gabe wants to join
why not he'll be he'll be questioned a lot of questions if he wants to clear his
name he'll show up the date and time will be
so I want to talk a little bit about Isaac Abbie you know Kelly Giannini who has
been rumored to have been involved in setting up Isaac for his murder and that's
what it was it was a murder she once again tried to be the the Alpha pretending to
everybody that her and Isaac were best of friends when in actuality and they only
met twice and Isaac according to five sources that I know and people who knew Isaac
well well Isaac felt that she was an infiltrator and I'm pretty sure he was right
I'm sure that he felt the same thing about Bret Trimble know is sick he he I didn't
know I said well but it's a bravery to do what he did and who knows what his
initial intentions were maybe it was because he felt he hadn't gone further in his
career maybe he was just at a point of frustration but I know that he had all sorts
of horrible things said about him during his lifetime but he seemed to be a loving
guy so he's cooled me I think I talked to him six seven times maybe eight times
never met him but I did like him and I thought he was a decent musician and I
thought he was a smart guy I didn't get into the periscope culture I didn't follow
Isaac you know I can't say I was a fan or a groupie as far as Kelly I think she is
pretending to be number one groupie and in actuality she was part of the team that
basically murdered him so with that being said it's really good to see that she's
not getting any traction she's posting things on Twitter putting it out there that
she's you know the Queen mama of the Isaac appy cult and it's not fine so that's a
beautiful thing it's nice to see that as far as Jacki Weaver I also want to be very
very clear I'm simply looking into her and there's nothing around without if she
can go ahead and blog about me before I even knew she was and blog negative things
you know it goes back to what I was saying which is if you don't know someone and
you start to put negative things on the internet then you should expect that it can
be done to you and anybody that your dog seen has a perfect right to talk see right
back the worst thing of Jackie is that she just didn't take any time to do any real
investigation she went ahead and she took the word of Lestat Arturo Tafoya the
congenital liar when he said Thomas doesn't bleep you know I do play piano and I
play piano well very well you know but that's the kind of stuff that they were
doing and if you start to look at all the players that appeared right after Isaac
died I mean literally within 24 hours you had to finger they're basically blaming
me and hoax Wars and also stamping his foot saying it's a suicide he had the same
thing with priests li priest the Aussie who hung out with Isaac for a little bit
but these coordinated efforts included Bobby Sarah Wald Bobby's a pedophile from
Michigan he is attempting to flash his phallus to kids as young as 14 14 year old
boy got freaked out after Bobby made that overture and now you've got my Stata
you've got to finger you've got Bobby you've got Kelly Giannini Jacki Weaver who
knows who she serves but when she came he says I come from a publishing family you
know all I hear is I come from a Mockingbird family so I don't know you're working
for Jackie but you're not very effective you know I you should maybe move on to
other subject matter the list goes on there's some people I'm not going to name but
here's what I can tell you there are circle people that really knew Isaac well and
he considered them friends and they'll have nothing to deal with Kelly they moved
away from the family as the one at one year anniversary of Isaac's murder comes to
pass there are people who know that there was an investigation and that any
investigation there was to put take place was uh was maneuvered into a dead zone so
honestly there's been no investigation into Isaac's death and that just amazes me
what I do know is that some smart writer or film maker is gonna say there's a huge
opportunity to do something on the last year of Isaac's life which includes
profiles on his enemies profiles on the persecution he suffered it wasn't just
people saying nasty things or tweeting mean things to him they mess with his
personal life they messed with his paypal they have that they hacked him I still
think that Isaac aya was killed because he was about to reveal some financial
savings from his biggest distractor and I'm not gonna name that detractor but um
that's my gut feeling so if people say hey Thomas you barely knew Isaac I will say
you're right never even met him however I will say
okay some really crazy stuff is going on too it looks like there are um allegations
of a pedoring cover-up going on uh in both broward county florida and in arizona
there are tie-ins right now to isaac cappy's death and the cover-up
actually has some pretty good stuff going on you want to check those guys out um
dave's doing a good job on that you also want to kind of search through um social
media and uh you know talking about florida we've got this gabe hoffman uh
debunking the lie that jeffrey epstein was connected to mossad quote unquote with
very simple i think it's become abundantly clear that uh that jeffrey epstein was
connected to mossad and you've got to ask yourself why gabe hoffman would uh do
that um it doesn't make any sense unless he's a gatekeeper then it makes a lot of
sense um that seems to be the case it really does i hate to say it but uh that's
the conclusion that myself and others are coming to at this point which is um why
would he chase after me doesn't make any sense does it you know and why did he um
accept to my tiny little um channel today that's pretty weird isn't it you know
what's the deal with that why would he want to do that you know i just don't get it
um doesn't make any sense i'm nothing gay you know you you know worth lots of money
used to manage what was it uh close to 300 million dollars i guess it's down to
less than 100 or around there because uh he shorted um tesla not a very wise move
um like pretty much the worst move that hedge fund managers made in a long time so
i wonder why you subscribed to my little channel my coronavirus channel here's the
proof there you go okay gabe you have a 50 000 person uh social media platform with
an open secret so why would you be so interested in me talking about epidemiology
or about gang stalking is it because your name is mentioned and you're just you
know you've got 13 subscribers you have one video and that video attacks uh zach
kuwait a person who's been diagnosed with depression and ptsd so there's a lot of
questions that are that are going on in my head today and the first is are you a
gatekeeper because things seem to be breaking wide open in florida and people are
scrambling and as far as arizona why was isaac there well evidently he was uh there
to investigate pedophilia that's what 24 hours before his death he made it very
clear he was not suicidal you gabe went ahead and declared it was a suicide the day
that we all learned about isaac's death and it's not just you defango and lestat
were right there with you and we know now because the discord drops we don't know
this is fact we know that you probably paid to fangirl who paid lestat now we know
a little bit later you told was that you had some work for them you were working on
a cryptocurrency resistance io remember that anthony and how anthony paid you five
thousand dollars to fango and you gave a stat 2 000 and drip fed it right 50 bucks
a week paid them like a poor working mexican we know all about that we really do
the score drops have revealed so much you know here's one from 613. what's that
dude i have e freddy on hangouts he wants to tackle to you and make peace so we can
focus on thomas want to join all right that's just one i've got lots of these
coordinated attacks is that what you did with dave you know here's elusive man yo
yo i just woke up thanks for that i need your help and any trolls that want to make
money so there you are defango attempting to procure paid stalkers maybe that
should get on getting stalkers you know maybe that should get on dave's um dave
stuff right this is all coming out you can't stop it you know you can't and let's
chat you better take some remedial reading classes to learn how to spell here's you
on 5 28. dude you got the cash money yesterday then here it is yo yo this is from
defending oh i need you to lay off thomas for a week i have things working i mean
at least on twitter keep dropping videos and stuff but try not to get into the new
drama with an open secret and magiko uh uh-oh i think if we let them uh fight we
can see where this is going better we should talk on voice oh yeah definitely don't
leave a trail and then on second thought fire all cannons that's direction and
control defango that's you paying him money and you directing the staff as to what
to do so you better bone up on
September 7, 2020
2020-09-07 21:13:13 UTC
so let's get a little bit deeper into the concept of betrayal you guys know me you
know that i'm into direct confrontation i don't care how tough the person is or how
rich the person is or how many armies the person has under their control i'm stupid
that way perhaps but i lack fear i don't know what to say but maybe because i've
been shot and stabbed i've been in third world countries i've been in in war zones
the whole nine yards i've seen it all i've seen people die um there have been
attempts on my life so on and so forth so getting back to this case uh there are
some people who are very upset that i emerged to be victorious against uh gabe's
attorney uh dennis klein it's pretty interesting to see that gh has not filed a
suit against um denise matthau now that is interesting because nietzsche has
nothing to do with isaac cappy and of course gabe blames me for making isaac famous
which we must remind ourselves that he had a film career before i ever met him and
that he was the one who came out on social media looking for attention to his cause
he went to comic-con and you know he was using social media platforms like there
were no tomorrow and then there was gabe who was bragging about how he got him
kicked off of twitter and all of that but what the judge's ruling has allowed is
he's allowed jurisdiction for the time being and that allows me discovery so i'm
going to tell you that my discovery list is going to include adam gungewich uh adam
and glenn are now enemies and uh i know all about the little list of uh people that
were made up and um i want to see if there was money exchanged it allows me to go
into the financial dealings pretty deeply if i can find connections to trolls on
the internet and if there were transactions whether they were made with
cryptocurrency or with fiat currency it doesn't matter it really doesn't matter
let's say i stumble into uh a payment of 5000 lino which is a chinese crypto and
that happens to go between uh maga coalition and an individual we'll call uh le
petite meatball that is usable in this case and so there's going to be a lot coming
out and as i said um when you're playing chess you can go ahead and you can talk
broadly of how you will achieve victory uh you don't give out your micro moves
that's the way it is so um i've beaten chess masters all my life all my life i
beaten people who you would know of in chess so i'm not declaring victory right now
what i am telling you is that secrets set a certain floridian in the hedge fund
business does not want out there they're going to be out there and they're going to
be made public and so that's that once again i'm not going to put my paypal address
up there you can find it in some earlier uh emails but donations are gladly
accepted it's a fair amount of work it's expensive work i have um you know which um
in business we call opportunity costs which means that if my hours are taken away
from some other um money um raising labor um then there's opportunity costs and
it's not just me other people too so um your donations are gratefully accepted i am
trying to uncover evil it's very weird i didn't know isaac very well but we
obviously share the same cause which is to root out evil to expose it and to shame
it or incarcerate it i think that's pretty much the mandate
hi everybody so I've been pretty busy with things projects and I have got hours
worth of new compositions I'm putting together a 12 song cycle rather like what
Mendelssohn did with the songs without words but you guys don't want to hear about
that when we talk about what's going on in the world and we're still receiving all
sorts of mixed messages and Meritage science and math that was just not adding up
we're used to getting lied to by mainstream media and the truth media but it's just
throwing out of figures and not extrapolating properly that drives me crazy they
say they're predicting about a hundred and thirty thousand people dead by August
which sounds about right at the clip that we're going and that is in America we're
not talking about the quarter million that they say died from Corona globally but
here in the States they're also saying that the corona virus is only infected ten
percent of the population and I don't see any of the scientists addressing just how
dire an uptick in virulence would be if it comes around this winter there goes you
know your case fatality race through the roof remember that in 1918 the influenza
killed under half a million in the first six months but between October 1918 and
October 1919 it took away fifty maybe sixty million lives you know in that one year
killed more than the Black Death which was a four year pandemic in the 15th century
so I'm sorry 14th century so it's pretty crazy it is and I pulled back a lot on my
social media I'm not watching too many other crazy videos you know the cat ladies
ain't I've never understood why women love cats cats are independent they don't
listen they don't come in when you call they like to stay out all night they you
know and when they are home they like to be left alone to sleep you know in other
words every quality that women hate and men they love in a cab it's pretty
interesting so at any rate I'm keeping away from all the crazies online and
spending my time with these projects that have come up as far as advice on the
coronavirus well be wary of any VAX obviously and be particularly wary of this this
coming winter you know with the Spanish Influenza that was also an h1n1 there's an
avian flu that actually infected the birds before infected the people when it did
affect the people they called it a three week flu which is roughly the time period
that corner of iris s to three weeks against you say 12 if you're you know 85 after
that the bottom line is it was a secondary bacterial agents that it caused all the
death in 1918 1919 I think we could be looking at that down the line especially if
our nation is only 10 percent infected and they keep on bragging about the
asymptomatic well that's probably true you get a fair amount that are asymptomatic
now but is that a holding pattern is that something that remains asymptomatic we
don't know those answers we also don't know how high the reinfection rates are
there's some evidence right now that the Chinese study that claimed a 14% of
infection rate was based on bad signs so we don't know I think we will have
immunity by 2021 these are two and three year pandemics they don't last forever
it's not like some of the bubonic plague sit literally hung around Europe for 4050
years this is different this is a novel coronavirus we've had coronaviruses around
for a long time been studying them since the sixties I think we're gonna get
through this one and I think the much greater Dean danger is uh allowing every gear
to be stuck in this machine we call Society so I'm glad things are opening up I
okay so the corona virus is getting worse that's one game in two seconds ago I says
corona virus causes respiratory distress as part of its symptoms quickly leading to
critical condition as an incubation period of up to 14 days usually about 10
allowing people to easily spread the disease as an affected person remains
asymptomatic a virus is highly highly virulent it's an infected in 25% of people so
the infective rate is what you have to look at and 25% is Spanish flu and if we're
gonna get into epidemiology there's something known as the VAP which is a virulence
associated protein in this case it's the ORF 10 and the Juan genome and that seems
to be the culprit for suppressing transcription of antibody proteins so basically
it's maximizing the rate of viral replication while keeping the carrier's
asymptomatic and that's why we're seeing the tests that are giving false negatives
and these are immunoglobin tests and they're looking for antibody proteins so not
to get too complicated but what I'm trying to say is you get tested for the virus
and it doesn't show up you're in that incubation period right now it's doubling
every five days right now you've got a government this communist in nature and
they're suppressing the truth it's gonna get a lot worse folks it's gonna get a lot
worse and it's going everywhere and so this one's gonna be bad it's gonna be
millions and millions and millions when it first came in out there's a lot of talk
of it being a Bioware biowarfare and that there were you know defense games coming
from whoaaaaa in 2019 I'm not so convinced there are anomalies with the genome
which is true but this is not unusual to see mutations that are going to greater
afford the opportunistic environment for for these viruses they're smart they adapt
they change that's what we're dealing with right now so once again if you want to
start to dig deep look into the virulence associated protein and that's that so
what can we do well we can wait essentially what's gonna happen this thing is gonna
clean our clock everybody so this thing is doubling every five
so i wanted to say a little something about uh isaac cappy's death i want you all
to remember that on the 14th we all learned that morning may 14th isaac cappy had
died and the meatball this balding hairy chronic narcissism was the first one to
point fingers so he's now pointing fingers at michael fisher for exactly what he
has done this guy's a hypocritical bastard and by the way there's some good stuff
coming down the pike because it appears that this individual has taken a large
amount of money from someone to defame a defendant in a lawsuit filed in virginia
and i think i um don't need to reference anything further so there's now a criminal
investigation into this uh dominions little uh troll um the person who keeps on
mentioning my name so lots is going down a lot of uh a lot of troubles coming his
way um he's overstepped his bounds he'll tell everybody in the world that he's
transparent that's not true he is hiding things right and left i've got a treasure
trove of emails right now on the way to uh court for that case and uh there are
some other things in the works too and i'm not the only one he pissed off some um
pretty hardcore people so um i doubt that this short hairy disgusting human being
is not sleeping well because karma's
Looks like Gabe Hoffman shut Denise up. I bet Denise doesn't say a word about Gabe
ever again
2020-06-07 01:59:27 UTC
okay so uh dave acton did a very good uh update number one i want to make it clear
to everybody he's not giving me legal advice he's doing scholarly research and
these are things that are public so he has an absolute right to come to conclusions
he got threatened by gabe today but let's go back to this one uh this is denise
matthau um of corpus christi and she's claiming that um gabe hoffman knew of the
plans of mr schwerker to blow up port niches she calls herself a and she says the
sixers don't care what that filthy jew thinks she's referring to gabe hoffman often
gets it because mr huffman doesn't listen to sixes which i think means her so boom
the bottom line yes um she says that's what they call all women who were willing to
speak like someone who's not jewish she goes on to say that the jewish community
are the enemy of american women and american men now i don't believe that i think
that's crazy talk i think that there are people within the israeli government that
would stop at nothing to get information so they could extort us i think that's
true i think epstein island was definitely tied to mossad but this is um taking it
to a real bad place with denise you can't sit there and castigate an entire people
because that's when bad things happen instead of concentrating on uh bankers who
have done the real evil she would probably advocate sending um people of uh jewish
origin to internment camps and concentration camps and then having them you know
catch typhus and die what was it two three four million that died during world war
ii it's a lot you know and she says but in this case involves all of america's
which uh all-american which is not jewish and then she goes on and she says in an
email to aa5a that she's going to hunt you down and kill you and this is the email
everybody can see she claims that i sent her a letter as a858 and i didn't so just
imagine being me i'm being accused of being people that i'm not um being sued
unfairly you got this crazy lady in corpus christi who has a long relationship with
a certain person that i won't name their name but he's diminutive and she calls him
as i said they keep digging themselves deeper and deeper and deeper as far as mr
hoffman i have no idea what sort of hygiene protocols he engages in um i'm sure you
would have to find a significant other who can attest that they're filthy or you
know friends who are close to him i've seen no evidence that he's filthy i do see
evidence that denise is a raging anti-semite and i think that from what i
understand gabe hoffman threatened her and basically said one more time you've got
one more chance and um i think that's if my instincts are right about denise um
she's gonna go running with her tail between her legs and she'll never say anything
about gabe hoffman again
Screw Who
2020-04-15 13:28:36 UTC
good morning everybody so you guys know me by now I call him like I see him here's
a guy named Richard Horton and he says president Trump's decision to defund who is
simply this a crime against humanity really every scientist every health worker
every citizen must resist in rebelling against this appalling behavior of global
solidarity I don't know what he's talking about with global solidarity it doesn't
make sense within the framework of the that's very graph but in any rate here's
where we're at they are beating up on drunk now look I've had problems with the way
that Trump is uh versus treated Israel I think that they've been wait you going to
net now I think that now is a criminal you know that I think he's involved with the
ship and I'm pro-palestinian does it mean that I'm Pro Abbas I think Abbas is a
criminal himself but I really don't like what is what's been doing to Palestinians
for a long time I don't so let me tell you the truth guys Trump is right about who
on this second of January I started to make videos on the coronavirus wasn't
convinced it was real on the second I think I got convinced by January 5th and
here's what they were doing on the 14th well let's go back to the 12th where there
was evidence that started to show human to human transmission but that's not what
they were putting out there they're talking about preliminary investigations by the
Chinese authorities now they were just listening to whatever trying to wanted to
say and you know that by February first we knew that was human to human
transmission so what do they do well here's the stuff in the 14th then of course
there's Chinese New Year and in five million people flee will improv to 420 right
there we reiterate our call to all countries not to impose restrictions that
unnecessarily interfere with international travel and trade such restrictions can
have the effect of increasing fear and stigma with little public health benefit so
there you are it's a 4th of February and they knew and yet they put this out there
they allowed diseased missiles in the shape of humans to fly everywhere so yeah
shit they have the funding cut
so WikiLeaks just got a subpoena pretty crazy and at Bukowski has been accused of
as Dave puts a carefree foot dragging this is from SD and y dot news so things are
heating up I'm watching this you know I never anything to do with WikiLeaks you
know kind of supported a songs but kind of felt like a while ago a couple years ago
that maybe they were comped WikiLeaks and I just seemed like it was this circle of
people who just went back and forth saying the same things all the time and turned
into a cottage industry at any rate it's really interesting what's going on so it's
interesting for me because I didn't have anything to do with the Seth rich what I
did have is a beaut ASCII falsely accusing me of things I didn't do so I want all
that to come out so as he's resisting discovery which is you know failure to
produce things you need to do things in a timely manner or the judge can go ahead
and come down on you hard I'm just looking to see what that evidence is I want to
see who he told to attack me that's right ed Utah ski I know to thank him I want to
see if you were talking to Blackburn too because both of them said and one of them
publicly said Oh Thomas son Berger tried to extort three hundred thousand dollars
via email no ad why would you do that because it's pretty dumb it's pretty easy to
prove I didn't do that and what it does is it destroys your credibility big time so
you might have a lot of money and you might be Sheldon Adelson's golden boy and I'm
just a poor broke musician but I've got the truth on my side I hope you understand
okay this is gonna be a short video I just want to show you what we deal with with
this joker Esteban he says I do not know Doug Stewart nor anybody that mega
coalition Chavez money do not fight about rage I do not stock I report stalking so
there you are there's your key base and what do we see right there Glenn Herman the
leader of Magha Coalition said you're a liar you've also got illusive man on there
so there we just you know we've got you in line after line and here's where you
take Marcus water you call them that fast journalism okay you're tuned is you know
you do collaborate I wish you both would keep your guns on our shirt on target and
there you are danger zone all right that's giving them so repeated lattes it's what
you do it's just really embarrassing for you it really is I do not collaborate I do
not talk no I you don't know anybody from magic oh listen let me tell you what's
really going on this Devon you've got a problem you've got an issue and you're
taking whatever travail you've experienced in your life and you're taking it out of
me I don't know you I think that you're definitely hooked up with this issac Kathy
cover up I'd really good because you've interviewed both the stat and Defago in the
month of May the same May that defang go was paying people to attack me so how can
I think otherwise seriously and here's look at this your obsequious when it comes
to defend go I think that the lesson is clear anyone hustling with you will get
torn up as edifying as this virtual Colosseum is I wish you would both keep your
guns on our shared target then you go ahead and call me a dumbass right you know
you get upset about your picture being showing when you've gone ahead and you fat
shamed people so I'm gonna tell you how it's gonna go you try to get me arrested
you're going to get arrested I've already made it very clear to authorities what
your game is and they know thanks Esteban hasta
so I'm gonna conclude with my theory right now and it's based upon studying plagues
for a long time I've been at it since the 70s let me bring it on my theory in mid-
september 2019 President Trump is a prize of the political situation in Israel
Benjamin that now is not doing well major media reports that that now is flailing
in the elections so you Trump who has always gravitated towards the circle of
winners distances himself from BB and BB has always considered America to be a
nation whose military and media is to be manipulated and who has a long history of
sending us fake Intel in order to provoke us into yet another Mideast war well Bibi
goes on a raise down feeling abandoned by Trump and Bibi knows what's coming next a
criminal indictment shattered like a sea in the probability of a jail term on
November 21st 2019 that realization comes true as that knows publicly indicted on
criminal charges including bribery in influence peddling and planting stories in
the media so Israeli Federal Police have concluding years worth of investigation
and they get him on case 1000 case 4000 and that's um influence-peddling claim with
the media planting false stories he's got contacts with the media internationally
it's not just Israel but globally and he's working hand-in-hand with our CIA to
expand the Mockingbird program to infiltrate alt media and the truth community Mike
Serna vets and others so with the probability of being looked at as a shameful
figure in his loss history and then gets into action on December 1st 2019 the first
corona patient is identified and suddenly 240 hours after bebés indictment so by
January 7th there's a couple stories on coronaviruses not big by February 1st it
starts to be a regular feature in some newspapers some but by Valentine's Day
there's full-blown panic and you see Trump say no it's no big deal and then within
a couple weeks he's changed his tune and he was taking his information from the CDC
who were saying hey it's nothing is nothing and the who who said it was nothing but
how do you know they when it comes so the result of all this is a net now who ends
up retaining power and the court procedures against him were delayed he has a
history of that folks he avoided earlier criminal charges by simply changing the
laws now where do I stand I do believe a lot of people dying each other I believe
that was part of the plan to scare the world I believe that there's something
malevolent with the virus but I believe a much milder strain has been at least on
the population that I'm fully recovered for days if that flus worse than this and I
think there's something even more evil with the vaccinations and you have to
remember Israel was the one trying to come up or claiming that they were coming up
with a vaccination for coronavirus a year ago my conclusion is this is a kosher New
World Order power grab and attempted to on mankind
God is with us
2020-08-21 01:17:30 UTC
a friend of mine just sent me this and he said how can you speak off the top of
your head and sound as if it's scripted uh nothing is scripted here um i've had all
sorts of communications recently emails texts phone calls and everything's been
positive as far as speaking i am creative so i am i compose a lot of music i write
a lot of words i do a lot of thinking i do a lot of historical research i don't
just rely on my own creativity but i'm a rather creative fellow on my own however
if i see a peer using something that i find interesting i will ask permission first
and then mutate it into my own vocabulary there's seven billion people on the
planet and a fair amount of them are boring okay but they are also honest and they
work hard and their suffering feels just as bad as a suffering of the creative or
the wealthy for that matter but what separates the creator from the non-creative if
you look at it from the hunter gatherer situation the creation of art and music in
itself is a form of biological debauchery normally we should spend our hours
hunting and cooking and seeking shelter as far as uh women i've had friends of mine
who said you know you've always been a ladies man and yeah you know i had a period
of uh obesity there which um happens you know i've lost close to 30 pounds with uh
with this accident and so i am instead of being um mesomorphic i am now um
ectomorphic and within eight pounds of my high school weight so um i've never had a
problem attracting a woman um i became a good looking young man but more than that
i listened i understand that gentle words and a very slow compassionate kiss on the
back of a neck and a slow massage on the inner thigh is enough to fire the female
imagination they don't want to be groped they don't want you grabbing their sexual
organs they want to be seduced heart body and soul and that even includes their
hair brushing their hair telling them that they're beautiful from toenail to
follicle way most men go around practicing the art of seduction it's like um it's
like thrusting your phallus into quicksand it's a slow painful road to impudence
sorry to be crude there but the most important part of attracting the opposite sex
is to recognize that they are every bit as equal and intelligent as men are as i
said i've lost about 30 pounds lately and a lot of it has to do with the accident
i'm also working out as i can and um as i said i'm very close to my high school
weight but i've also been around for six decades and so instant physical
attractiveness may still be there but it's within the age group i don't turn heads
with 21 year olds but there's more to it with attraction you know my mother was
married to my father for over half a day half half a century but the man that she
fell in love with uh in the final eight years of her life was actually her true
love you know i believe personally um in a method that mesmer used to talk about
anton mesmer it was the hypnotists and um you know basically an alchemist from the
late 18th century and mesmer talked about animal attraction he talked about how
there is a substance called ether throughout time and space and this substance
exists on its own it's not bound by our rules it's not bound by um the space-time
continuum as einstein would have explained it now mesmer didn't come up with this
philosophy others did um you know it said that aristotle did it said that seneca
had something to do with it archimedes you know other ancients my greatest gift in
attracting women and by the way don't get me wrong i don't consider myself a romeo
or an ethereal but i do consider that my compositional skills musically have
attracted the ladies since i was a child i'm a taking man i have a girlfriend and
i'm faithful to her but i didn't win her heart through being cruel a certain uh
dwarf like creature who runs a youtube channel likes to use the c word when
describing women you'll never hear that word for me i have way too much respect for
the opposite sex don't get me wrong i've broken hearts i've also had my heart
broken but love is a greater force than evil and it's more manly to be creative
than destructive that's my diatribe for today and once again thank you for the the
donations you know literally after i sent out a thank you i got another one um you
know i promise you something you're going to see miraculous results because god is
with me and i
Why does Gabe want to stop Cory Daniel from doing an interview with Zack Quaid
2020-07-01 20:52:10 UTC
so I just did a nice walk clears the brain so it's very interesting what's going on
today and it seems like it's breaking things wide open and that's a good thing the
bottom line is the vegan Mikey has become friends with Zach and that's a good thing
they relate and they're close and that's that and the bottom line is Zach wanted to
do an interview with Korey and all of a sudden Gabe forbids Korey to do an
interview in any way shape or form on any platform and that's really to take away
you know blame Tomas that's gotten old right I was a professional in my email to
Zach because he wanted a Collin aspect to the show and I said yeah if you want to
get taken seriously in the research community don't do that to set a one-on-one
with Korey and I've got the email that I sent to Zach that I'm happy to make public
and I received a copy of an email back from Cory didn't make me very happy however
it's not fatal you know Cory could come to me today and send me a text and say
Thomas don't like those videos can you take him down I certainly would like him to
take the video of me being served by games process server because I felt that was a
violation of my privacy so here's the thing Cory and I can have differences with
days but I think that we can resolve them as men without having to run to lawyers
and say I'm gonna see you if you don't do this and it makes a bigger question which
is why would Gabe be telling people he's going to make an example out of someone
that he's already said is mentally ill and by that I'm referring to Zach that's a
pretty weird piece of behavior but if you think about things Hoffman told everybody
that Isaac was mentally at all and was a drug addict and was a scam artist he said
the same thing about vegan Mikey so he says things about me and the big picture is
it doesn't matter how thick a wallet Gabe Hoffman has why is he trying to prevent
Corian Zach from talking hmm so that's that Cory you're free to reach out to me if
you wish or not that's your call but I think this is pretty important stuff I've
already captured your your live stream the parts where you spoke about Gabe and I
will be using that in my court case with Gabe so all I can say is I'm pretty
pleased right now you know if mr. Hoffman wants to stop this foolishness he can do
it through his lawyers otherwise all I can say is the result today was phenomenal
and it's not like I planned this
okay guys I wanted you to see this this is skill Matic which is actually deaf Ingo
and he's saying there's more audio from that epic Treach call on China this
channels China de3 sheriff of YouTube there's new-age Messiah such a liar and evil
as so let me tell you the real story the epic Trek all had to deal with China de
Lestat and FK and Freddy trying to set Treach up to take me down and when he
wouldn't do it they manipulated his phone calls here's the evidence and here it is
and just say you know everything's coming out so I got Terris friend throat
directly in touch with Steve ultram and it's going down what this says is the
deconstruction and dismantling of the Manuel Chavez gang stockings crew so by
exposing their and by making it clear he can go ahead and livestream till the cows
come home but the truth is relatively easy to prove and that's what we're doing
right here so I have a feeling Steve's gonna write about this because it's once
more it's evidence and you need to keep in mind too that when this setup was
happening it fit perfectly with Manuel Chavez looking for trolls to attack me
offering money this is in the discord Rob City talks about it and lets out offering
that's K and Freddy I'm saying he's available let's do it so smoking gun as far as
China - I think his relationship with FK and Freddie is over but I think this is
all coming out
Wow it's looking like we cover he's right around the corner. Everybody jump!
2020-06-16 16:25:57 UTC
so hey Thomas you were wrong the stock markets up no I'm not it's up right now
because a Fed infusion and they're giving gives us dangle they're telling us that
Kovac can be cured three mile the real fixture well where do you want to go
globally you look at Dijon there's gun battles right now in the streets you've got
factions the Chechen gangs with all their leftover collisions the cops you know
automatic levers sub automatic weapons and they're fighting the north african gangs
and the police are distant you know it's almost like areas in paris the fleshies
subha and the clean core there are areas where the police just don't go in so these
stressful geopolitical centers are only going to grow it's this summer of protests
so right now you see hey stock markets back up why because the Fed decided to buy
corporate bonds they're bonding anything they can to keep the market propped up so
the retail investor will say Wow am i lucky I got in right at the bottom and then
they're gonna drop the bottom from them it's kind of telling you guys you know
everybody is elated in thinking that we're on the road to recovery we're not and
August is gonna prove that clearly without without
6 designs
2020-02-16 22:24:39 UTC
Biblical inconsistencies in the Old Testament
2020-08-11 15:46:13 UTC
you know it's amazing how if you're polite and decent to people you usually get a
good response i saw uh denise mata do you see denise uh attacking uh this uh talk
radio clovis clovis has actually been very nice to me i've seen denise and others
attack vinnie he's been nice to me so is brenda so has other people within that
group the one that i see that is constantly attacking and constantly imposing her
will is denise matthau and it's crazy you know i did an interview with a guy named
paul catrell who is a phd and right now he's being trashed by a lot of people
because he's not a medical doctor you can get your phds in all sorts of things
philosophy and music and whatnot but i find that he has been a nice guy i don't
know him well i did one interview with him on uh the michael deacon show but he's
being attacked right now because uh because so there's a lot of uh a lot of pillow
fights going on right now i think that at some point whether you believe that the
pandemic is real or you don't what we all know is real is that we're right now in a
depression right now we've got 30 unemployment and that's crazy at the height of
the depression in 1933 uh we had 24 it got better by 1936 it was only down to 16
but it was still a hard slog so you know the bottom line is we've got things that i
feel a lot of people are not ready for i feel that you know we have had a
generation of people hunched over computers soft underbellies don't know how to
take care of themselves i'm happy because um i think i'm gonna be okay even this
old guy because i boxed and did a lot of fighting when i was younger i learned how
to take care of myself you know um i'm not a very very small diminutive person so
the little guys are gonna be eaten alive um and i play piano which means i'd go
find a bar and go you know spin off some blues songs and i'll be okay um as far as
my kid i think he's gonna be okay too he was quite a wrestler and uh over six feet
tall like me and uh smart uh innovative and i think a lot of us are gonna be okay i
think the ones that shrivel up and die the ones that decide oh no you know what do
i do clutch my pearls right those are the ones that are going to be the first
victims it is going to take some tough people to get through this but we're tough
right at least the people listen to me are pretty tough and i recognize that thanks
ok so I got another question a Heike s I don't want to post things publicly because
I didn't want to be in the crossfire of your King Stoppers they tend to attack
anybody who associates with you so tell me how did you learn so much about Greek
myth and who was one of your favorites or to your favorites well there's lots of
them there's Archimedes a circus which is really good and then follies of Miletus
is really incredibly early guy you know porn around 6:25 there we go BC and born in
a place which is now modern-day Turkey so you know take a look at that face intense
that he was more than just a mathematician is probably he's considered the first
true mathematician by the way and he was using geometry that he had learned from
his travels to Egypt and Babylonia and instead of using mythology which was common
in the 7th century BC he was actually using facts very very brilliant guy is also a
philosopher - why is his name Tallis well foul tjl refers to moisture or rain in
ancient Phoenicians so they would say that a hidden which would be the we breathe
was sure that was an expression of the Phoenicians a long time ago so let's talk a
little bit about him so what made him so unusual was his travels um early on he's
in his late 20s he goes to Egypt he goes to Babylon and this guy is obsessed with
geometry and with astronomy so he's literally learning and this is 300 years before
Ptolemaic Egypt this is before Alexander went into Egypt so what he did is he
basically wasn't known other than to I believe the Egyptians and that's you know
logical math and then he came up with what's called the thoughtless theorem which
notes that there's three points in a circle a B and C and the diameter would be the
line between points a and C now he must have learned that from the Egyptian
architects that wouldn't make a whole bunch of sense and even though babylon
possess great knowledge at that time as well it was the egyptians in particular and
when he was there he was literally divining the the height of the pyramids
brilliant he was this a staggering genius absolute genius he could also calculate
the distance of ships from shore he predicted a Eclipse I think it was a May 28th
546 BC I'm not quite sure for this guy and that early early time to come up with
what he did and to not literally rely on mythologies he was quite possibly the
first European researcher in the real sense of the world word so just an amazing
guy and literally deductive mathematics has helped shape the world so and by the
way he must have a pretty good diet lived to be almost 80 and you know it was a
hero of da Vinci and he formerly the first five theorems of geometry so just a
good morning everybody so the Dow is down over nine other points again 880 but
that's probably gonna end up at least down 500 points it's not more it's right now
in correction territory and has a lot further to fall and European markets are in
shambles as are the Asian markets the Hang Seng so our friend Brian who leaves such
a sight for comments Brian Wilson not the beach boy as stated that if this virus
was commandeered to be weaponized that would be funded by France which is exactly
what I believe - so out of France comes evil that I think this is worthy of an
investigation I think you should read Brian Wilson's comments because he's a very
very wise so we're not going to make this but if you start to look throughout
history then you think of the privations and the brutalities that humans have
endured well you can certainly look at these pestilences and say this is
catastrophic you can look at wars - if you were in Hungary in 1241 well you'd have
a twenty to forty percent chance of being murdered the Hungarians had a army of
60,000 that they had to protect the people from the modules and the Mongols
attacked hungry with three armies one of them attacked through Poland and that was
to withhold possible polish auxiliaries and of course they defeated the army of
duke henry ii there was a southern army did attack through transylvania and
defeated the boyhood which was a military commander and then completely crushed in
translating for me and then there was another army that attacked directly through
the meki pass which is a mountain pass is actually beautiful I've hiked it I so
right around the Ides of March 1240 when I think it was March 14th or 12th and 13th
that's when they the Mongols literally went into churches grabbing men and women
rapes massive killings then they would retreat leaving the place deserted but they
would watch it and the people who escaped and we're hiding in the nearby forests
they came up hungry and there the Mongols were waiting and they hunted them down so
when it got into summer in the harvest time the Mongols realized that their food
was raining out and so they used a new there was a man named Berg arias who wrote
about this and he said after catching some of them hiding in the woods he let them
go too and them that anyone who submitted them would be given freedom to return
home and the people bought that hook line sinker because they were starving and so
the people came back you know once again the Mongols you know soaked their swords
in their blood so I've read a lot about this and the sheer viscera of the Mongols
is shocking it's like the Assyrians who were just horrible they would do you know
total annihilation just like the tanners did in Turkey and just like actually the
Israelites did and in Canada they even killed the children they killed the pets
they burned the fields so nature is red in tooth and claw as Tennyson said and what
the coronavirus let's see but I was watching dr. Bruce on our guard last night and
it looks like he was given some sort of PR tour by it so easy to come into a major
city of 15 million in one and he ended up having a press conference saying if I had
coronavirus I would want to be treated in China he had been given a tour of one
hospital where the Chinese had definitely showing all their modern equipment he
didn't look at the makeshift hospitals that are leaking and he didn't make a point
that doctors and hospitals can be points of infection they can literally be where
you catch this thing so rather than going to a hospital I I wouldn't and probably
wouldn't see a doctor I think the remedies that we're going to find are going to be
ancient I think that's how we're gonna deal with it okay
okay this is my mood court this is from SD my news which I actually enjoy the blog
but Utah ski was an effort someone I would consider a sidekick and it's also death
Blackburn and myself that Corinna shadowbox strategies it was never a poor man's
black I can't he crack me up I can't even heckle you man okay do tusky was the
first client and yeah he did by six concert tickets for Chavez he went with
majestic angel I'm not gonna give her name because she's now anti he defend go and
then you know as far as Michael Gottlieb's law firm you know I only dealt with the
stuff you know he's very interested in Manuel Chavez and very interested in Ed
Bukowski obviously so that's how he asked me a lot about mat couch but I didn't
have anything to say about mat you know Matt never did me you guys gonna all check
out the site I don't care if he takes a whack at me or two it's Dan malarious it's
a great site as I guess it looks like leave Altman is having a hard time it looks
like he's been tied to queue so people are saying right now but he was tied in with
James browser and microchip so you wonder why Lee was engaging in so much
projection and gasoline yes the truth is all coming out right now
so take a look at this headline and then let's talk about it 32 percent
unemployment it's 47 million Americans and that is much worse much worse the great
depression great depression you know we had a smaller population we had around 124
million people at that time but you know we had 24 percent unemployment and now
we're looking at 32 percent that is going to be crazy folks so you know I'd read
somewhere that 7 million Americans died of malnutrition during a Great Depression I
cannot find a primary source so I'm not going to go with that one if I can't find
it and to me it doesn't exist I'm evidence-based but what I can tell you is one out
of three Americans failed World War two physical speakers of the symptoms of famine
as a result of the depression and you saw a wave of violence back in those days
that was really the rise of the mob from random street violence you know they've
started around you know 1900 with a black hand but by the 30s they started to
really get barrowful and you know even by the mid 20s or a fall they basically took
over Chicago I think 90% of the cops were on the take so we could see those type of
times coming down the pike I say it's probable there's gonna be hard hard times for
everybody and I don't think there's any way to avoid it I think one thing that can
make it better is to let the dam banks fail right to let the resources into small
businesses not these monsters forget it Jeff Bezos you've made enough money at the
Amazon fails so be it and the same for the rest of you billionaires you know it's a
the idea of a multinational is scary right now the idea of these international
bankers running things that's also scary so I think that those times need to end
and I think that we need to put our faith in each other so it's interesting because
if Trump is smart a simulus package will be what Obama promised whatever came
through you know shovel-ready jobs remember all that so Steve ultram writes Trump
said he is going to spend 2 million a stimulus package on building America's
infrastructure back and there's more than a million bridges and tunnels in need of
repair across the country that could be equivalent of Hitler building the autobahns
legacy for centuries lots of jobs makes a good point he makes very very good point
and now of course people are gonna say ooh Hitler bad bad bad you know that is also
not reflective of real history Hitler did do some good things he had the regular
worker who was you know making these arts and crafts things he said go make him and
we'll find a buyer for you and literally while the rest of the world was going
through horrible stuff Germany's economy actually started to recover now the
problem with Hitler of course is that he was a bully and he kept on testing the
waters first thing he did was go into the Sudan plan and you know the British and
French forces were not in a mood for a fight they've been through bad economic
times and they didn't want world war two and then the second thing is he took part
of Czechoslovakia at the part that was over 50% German and no one said anything and
so then he went for all of Czechoslovakia and of course he knew they would make
petitions and they would make speeches bemoaning Hitler's aggression but it's it
was when they crossed Napoleon that well never Neville Chamberlain and basically
had resign and you know he didn't do anything for 7 months before he resigned and
then finally Churchill took over in May and that's right where Hitler had you know
done is blitzkrieg you know straight over Scandinavia and and and Holland and
finally went into France and in May of 1940 he did his little jig of Glee and then
he AMS four million troops at the at the British supporter and here's what they
went through they went through being this is the British people dive-bombed
literally I think in the first attack forty thousand Brits died brave people I mean
extremely brave people then they had to endure the Christmas blitz is uh the v1
Rockets later the v2 v1 Rock has killed another five thousand and v2 killed another
ten thousand so you know if you want to know more about World War two I suggest
that you go check out Dave Acton and tell him to quit with the LARPing and become a
world war two professor I guess I think that he can probably teach you a couple
so some interesting news is coming out from JB James Brower who along with
microchip I guess were right there at the beginning of the Q non-movement and what
the news shows is above to fango and Lestat uno goes by chess are three three zero
one were involved in lying to people pretending that they were part of this thing
it looks like JB is definitely spilling the beans on it now the interesting thing
with Arturo Tafoya who goes by chess IR three three zero one is that he tries to
put a mask on his involvement and it was a financial partnership he had with Manny
Chavez aka to fango they teamed up they created bullying situations they reached
out to Beth Blackburn to get her involved in this stuff yeah so there was
definitely some pretty shady stuff connected with cueing on with with these names
you know it's it's now coming to light that topango was repeatedly congenitally
lying about things and there was those discord chats with Arturo Tafoya akh are
three three zero one saying I'll go along with it I've got your back we also two
people guy named Ziggler and he was tied to a gun in praying medic you know I don't
know much about these guys cuz I really wasn't following those those movements but
evidently there was three or four cues multiple cues is some of them with good
intent you know some of them wanting to root out corruption within our government
but you've got disinformation actors like Arturo who will say anything he's a liar
this is why he gets one or two retweets you know he's tied in with people like
Raymond Johansen it was you know Norwegian UNAM you know pretty weak character
quite frankly he's tied in with these people and what they do is just sin foe and
JB basically put it out disinfo that wasn't put out just to distract but it was to
make money and you know we know as a fact that the fango made money up and down he
took donations based upon lies he should really give back that money he should
apologize to his followers is you know the we all knew I mean he was being called
out again and again and our tour was being called out for his lies you know and
what happens with these these reptiles is when you call them out they end up
attacking you and disjoin more bullshit on two things you know this arturo it can't
trust anything that comes out of his mouth and it's funny because you've got guys
like steve-o trim and titus frost and i keep on mentioning these guys because
they're great guy and they'll call you out if they catch some light they'll say hey
here you go right and they've done they've caught Lestat and topango both in lies
and you know both Lestat and defending go who are born of the same poisonous tree
will shoot back with you know what's the what's the pearl of ridiculous ridiculous
so they throw ridiculous out there and you know meanwhile our country is going
through major shed all right there's there's gonna be a permanent underclass we got
a depression they go through we've got serious serious times and what we have is
these joking grifters one of them a Mexican national who has obscene interest in
Michael Flynn it seems to be like a psycho sexual attraction that Arturo Tafoya has
for Michael Flynn for General Michael Flynn and there's pretty clear to the world
at this point that Flynn got a raw deal he was set up by a highly corrupt seventh
floor of the FBI so you know there is a crisis of faith going on in our nation it's
a crisis that has impacted how we see law enforcement how we look at investigations
it's a crisis that screams at us that no man should be above the law and that's the
problem so you know sometimes like these it you'll blink your eyes and there'll be
a revolution you know I wouldn't be surprised to see some sort of revolution
sometime before 2025 right now it's um the there have been all sorts of revelations
about the whole Bernie Sanders thing and he has turned into quite the fraud you
know quite the fraud the progressive movement in Congress is about the suppression
of civil liberties and the Republicans are not much better you know we have a wild
card to play and that's Trump he may have warts and all but he's so much better a
choice than anything the Democrats are gonna throw us you know can control say dumb
things yeah he certainly can however he can also huh he can also hit back and he
can also devastate and what we need is we need devastation to hit the corrupt areas
of our government the one thing I'm going to call Trump on repeatedly is why the
fuck aren't you in tithing James Comey and Susan Rice and Andrew McCabe and and you
know Peters work and and and all these people and Hillary I mean literally we need
to prosecute the criminality it can't be whitewashed and we need to get rid of the
concept of things are too big to fail they are not they're not you know we're
asking for justice right now in six months as the economics guys darken we will be
yelling for justice in a year when things are really starting to look much darker
with you know clear twenty five percent twenty seven percent unemployment we're
going to be screaming for justice so for this government it's not a matter of we
vote with our feet this government better fear the people because what's coming
down the pike as a collective rage mark my words the government should
okay so I called it again there were a zoonotic aspects to this disease there's a
dog and there's cats the smart ones are now starting to see what's really going on
and this is what's going to happen to our pet population and that also includes zoo
animals and petting zoos and farms and livestock but we've got all sorts of thought
the zoonotic transmissions that happen including ringworm and toxoplasmosis with
chasity humans and all that and zoonosis is the spread of diseases from animals to
humans and by the way we are animals you know we're almost a pians but we're
animals and so imagine this thing taking over the world and a transmission vector
will be your pets and then imagine what it's going to be like for further wild
animals they can also spread this thing and the birds once again the birds so it's
getting pretty serious and this can I continue to get more serious so I posted
something a couple minutes ago I this is my post my tweet and it basically shows
that this right here was a 14th century version of a hazmat suit so if you take a
look at it closer olá factory right there they probably had clothes or cinnamon
right in this area it looks like the ears or someone covered of course the eyes are
too and you can catch coronavirus you can certainly catch it through the eyes so we
got a killer is it going to be an extinction-level event no but will it kill maybe
250 people 20 50 million people they serve I can't so my first started to do these
videos people like that stalker Jesse Davis came in and mocked me and said you
don't know what you're talking about well I do and imma prove him right every step
of the way every step and this channel is a video diary so keep listening because
2020-07-10 01:19:41 UTC
happy July everybody I'm releasing the second of 12 pieces within a couple days on
my Sofia music channel I'm also going to be hard ghosting a social media was
supposed to create a platform for artistic expression and political expression and
human interaction and a platform for invention and sensation and revelation it's
failed and this promise so I've decided that my response will be in musical form I
don't like using words you see this words are also used by thieving animals and
crooked politicians and monsters I rather use the same language that Beethoven used
I think back to other classical composers who have done a series of works Mozart of
1788 composed the last three of us 39:40 the G minor symphony and 41 to Jupiter
Bogner did the Ring cycle nib alumina during this new Berlin the ring of elbrick
that was a cycle of four germanic music dramas that he composed over twenty six
year period and the pieces were based on the myth of the lamb the Norse Sagas and a
vogner would all often call it a you know I think it was glutenin face teased or
villains festival spiel you know a staged [Music] I'm doing it's different I am
going to be composing twelve pieces and then I'm gonna probably compose critically
which is no one's gonna hear anything else for me whatever I do compose will not be
under my name ever again and the reason why I picked twelve well you might say Oh
zodiac or apostles you know or whatever the mathematicians will say well that
number twelve is made up of two numbers one and two one is a prime number and you
know signifies the beginning and singular nature of the universe blah blah blah
twelve been around for a long time 5,000 BC they were aware of his significance
twelve is a number that's divisible by 2 & 3 & 4 & 6 and by itself and
1 so that's why the earliest astronomers use 12 you know the divided year by the
average time it takes the earth to make a complete revolution around the Sun within
12 months and that's how we have astronomy in astrology you start to look at your
Bible and take a look at the Book of Revelations and 12 is all over the place
there's 12 gates twelve angels I in ancient Greece you have 12 major gods living in
Olympus and you know even beyond that sphere you have to look at our life there's a
dozen eggs there's 12 rips on every humans 12 inches compromises a foot there were
12 wins and there porticoes seen in divisions of Qumran which is a library and
you've got to look at online and you know there's joseph of arimathea if you
remember him from the story of jesus he brought to Brittany a cup of the Holy Grail
and he had what 12 nights right what inner Keeley's do well he had to go through 12
labors you know I need to slay the Nemean lion he had to kill the Hydra hey what
did he do he had to capture the cernium stag he cased a man thean boar then he had
to clean up the Augean stables which how he did it on his own I guess they were
pretty dirty you know he had to kill the pterodactyls the simple Ian Birds he had
to claim ownership of the mirrors of the ahmadies you know he had to take the
cretan Bowl and put it in his pin if you remember Crete that was a Island it still
is an island that at one point saw a 700-foot tidal wave imagine that right the
people had pretty much escaped before that but you know that was a hell of an
earthquake what else did Hercules have to do he had to grab the girdle of Hippolyta
right and the Amazon lady he had capture gurney ins cattle he had fetched the
golden apples of her cities and then he had capture Servius from the gates of
Tardos service being the three-headed dog fascinated with him as a child I used to
read a lot of bullfinch when I was young so 12 has a big meaning in my life and I
figured a cycle of 12 before I go away and I will be back under another name but my
music will speak for itself so thanks for
so we've been talking a lot about plagues pandemics and pestilence going back to
1918 you know I keep on warning people it's the second wave you gotta watch out for
and in 1918 that was no exception they actually had three waves first one they
declared it was over and we got whacked hard the reason why they believe that the
plague started in Kansas was we were sending troops overseas to fight in World War
one and the disembarkment port was a place called blessed France which is a
brittany so very furthest western border france and they think that well this is
where the infection was to come from they don't realize that these port cities
carry birds they were mining into the cliffs to guess some of the materials needed
for armaments and for the building of sophisticated bombs explosives at least it
was sophisticated by the standards of the early 20th century remember was 1918 this
is pretty much the first real time that we had planes used in warfare technically
that would have been 1915 when I think it was my person General Pershing he went
after a bunch of via so at any rate the reason why they call it through season is
that these viruses occur and reoccur they're constantly mutating and that's what
happened in 1918 that was a virus that at first was mild and then became much
bigger and the reason why I kind of got you know hidden for a while is it we were
dealing with a Daryl and he's just measles outbreak around that time so people
think he came from Kansas Haskell County and came to Brittany and friend us then I
disagree completely I think that you only have 50 deaths out of many thousands at
that army base and that does not seem like it had the power that the display glader
took so I think I don't think you that was even the first wave I really don't you
know more and more and more if you start to look at it these things move really
quickly that's why I don't think the black death was it can be blamed on your
senior pestis I think that the high lethality and the rapid transmission of
periodic resurgence is or the black death have all the characteristics of the virus
you know so in the history books is considered a pestilence and speaking of
pestilence he's talked about many for a second it looks like the subpoena for
Senator Fairbanks who was originally a burner and then became a Trumpster it looks
like Bobby's sixth inning to lehre Logan Larry Logan is the wife of Joe Burke out
and there is an old friend of Trevor so you have noticed again and again I don't
speak badly about Trevor because he hasn't attacked me that's how I feel so
I received the nicest letter and had to read it to the rest of you
2020-08-21 00:40:47 UTC
wow it's turning into an even better day it's got an envelope um it's a man i'm not
going to mention first uh letter of his name is oh and he says um i was principal
bassoonist with three major orchestras he goes on that he worked with under
bernstein worked with a number of luminaries big time uh guy i do know who he is he
said i'm sending a small check to you and will continue to support your efforts if
i could give you a little insight people are very interested in your composing
process you will truly go down as one of the greats you have that gift of creating
melodies that stick in people's heads that's the same thing that kofi mozart
beethoven haydn and then he has um brock mononof who i don't really agree with but
he put him in there um uh as it is the rarest gift it is a once in a generational
gift and that is a lot better off than uh engaging in internet fights your time is
invaluable and not forever use your gifts mr schoenberger signed this person and i
guess he's um you know 77 he's on a fixed income i think i'm going to return his
check and tell him that his uh are more valuable um than his money but i'm really
touched and this is uh this is a world-class um level instruments list okay
the rumor out there is that we're about an hour away from full martial law now I
don't know if it's true but supposedly at midnight tonight LA and California is
gonna go into martial law which means no crowds everything is monitored people are
sheltering in place and in the summer if it's still going on they'll be sweltering
in place so no random shopping no loitering I'm wondering what's gonna happen to
the homeless no courts Process Servers dist National the occasional derelict out
for a
you see this little 38 up here that means that 41 people are looking at this is
there's also certain guests who are currently viewing this so let's take gets props
what's that you get props for dropping this so what's that wrote that Thomas
injected the idea of me getting paid by defend go and two-finger pushed the same
narrative question work also instead of debunking whatever I'm showing just to
confirm it you never paid me Anthony did you just helped turn aetherium to money so
it looks like there were transactions that Anthony have as resistance going was
pain Defago was making the arrangements and then defang go was taking aetherium and
turning it into money now there's lots of other things that are going on here it
looks like they're having a rage down and it looks like there's lots of play going
on here a lot of play so Defago at one point said you know don't put out my address
and then in ballina who I'm gonna get a hold of I'll let him know what's going on -
so the stat is asking what text you want it's pretty serious stuff and so you see
this weird if an NGO says don't give away my address fucker lol so the reason why
that would happen is that defend go PayPal lestat and when you PayPal someone you
get the address of the person and here's lost out on the 13th thanking him for more
payments he's pretty crazy stuff what's going on here it shows collusion and once
again there's FK and Freddie right there and most that says on the 13th of June
dude I have fucking Freddie on hangouts he wants to talk to you and make peace so
we could focus on Thomas want to join this is just destroyed Freddie its destroyed
him it says collusion he's probably getting paid for it so it just keeps on coming
and here's 612 yo yo I just woke up thanks for that I need your help and any trolls
that want to make some money so this is when I was under full-fledged attack big
time so let's see what this link does this is up what looks like a homeless alone
oh wow Defago calm that's
so I'm gonna go in a little bit more about this Stephon trio decotis Eris now I
have friends who are Rangers one of my friends is Jared fair good guy combat
veteran he was in Bravo Bingbing Bravo 13 and saw action you know literally saw
some real tough stuff now he conducts himself honorably at all times he's a
straight shooter he's not sneaky he calls it like he sees it and I like Jared in
fact I love the guy he's uh he's my buddy it has been for a while I know other
people who were former military people men and women and there's a core sense of
responsibility and duty however with the military there as agent 19 once said they
were made up of human beings and as human beings we were faulty well they made a
big mistake when they took on Steven Trujillo D Gutierrez this guy he's got the
morals of a pit viper I mean just a real scummy guy he was involved in operation
snow job I call it snow cap which in the 80s they were ferreting cocaine into the
United States from Peru and of course he's constantly out there telling everybody
how great he is how elite he is and meanwhile if he was at elite why does he weigh
330 to 340 pounds why did both of his ex-wives complain about him you know I've got
a good relationship with both my ex-wives I haven't married twice he's on his third
marriage and he probably went to Thailand because he could dominate her and he can
have a little fun with who knows you know Bangkok is the pedophile capital of the
world and Esteban has been involved in some pretty shady shit so he made a promise
well I'm not a promise he said you keep my name out of your mouth and I'll leave
you alone he broke that promise so now it's gonna be a lot more Steven Trujillo to
Gutierrez I'll make sure it gets into the Google rankings so every time he Google's
his name he's gonna see what he really is which is an out-of-control scumbag that
could not handle his own temper who was a bratty little boy who before the age of
ten was probably beaten on his mother we know he always had a problem with
authority well you know what why are you trying to be an authority to me you're not
Steven you've committed crimes already bro actually I'm not gonna call you bro I'm
gonna call you mealworm that's what your name is Esteban Trillo D mealworm because
that's what you are you're just a fat gorging parasite nobody likes you nobody
everybody's been laughing at you you win and you said I'm the cicada historian so
you burn everybody's bridge and you still think that you could hold that mantle
because you could put together a couple trends to the verbs you're writing is not
good at all you sound self-obsessed the reason why you need to go to a psychiatrist
every week is that you can't handle what society you that's what's what are you
going on you're a sick demented guy with a bad ticker your heart is bad you've got
a lot more wrong with you mentally than you care to admit a lot more so I think a
perfect person for you cheat on with your wife would be Diane nutbag Nordstrom I
think you guys are fellow psychotics you can share a cocoon as long as there's
enough food for you I just can't even imagine what your diet is right now you know
you eaten some bat huh if you had any bat wings lately come on and tell us a
mealworm - he'll be fat lazy
Theo's about of Isaac's feelings about Gabe or you can look at all the rest of
destructed lots of people compiled that isn't gone when they tried to delete it all
about our sentiments about him and his scheming and his bullshit okay so my only
points was making this was you're also aligned with topango right and Dibango Wow
you claimed you were going to do this investigative you know comprehensive deal
about me and everything else and we had a conversation and I allowed I allowed you
to speak to me which is a fucking privilege you some comprehensive investigatory
you know detailing of all the events and where'd that go that was fucking nowhere
and I'm welcoming you also to at any time come at me and fucking ask me any
questions to be fucking dot because you know you don't have shit and the Alliance's
that these people are making you just need to fucking pay attention and I'm talking
to these people in the band that used to be called my friends okay they used to be
called my family okay I'm talking to you guys you need to understand you've been
manipulated you've been lied to if there are any good people left in that movement
okay you chose the wrong person to lead your alright so essentially what he's
basically doing is he's calling out Gabe Osmond and Brett Trimble and Kelly
Giannini as the people behind the death of Isaac caffee you're going they're going
to go at each other that's what's gonna happen so I've been sitting here saying the
same fucking thing that I've said since the fucking beginning and I'll continue to
say the same fucking thing they've said since the beginning and if anybody has any
questions I'm always welcome and I welcome to anybody on my you know little
platform or their platforms that they you know profiteer off of mine to people and
spreading gossip and you should have heard him earlier he's basically comment to
finger a liar was saying that he's part of the whole scam which he should be
because he's very tight into gay Baughman and he's had Brett there too so more to
follow I'll get a link to this Perry thanks for
so the heat is on right now Gabe Hoffman has addressed estaban as hey dummy my DM
is open Davis as in Jesse Davis guy's been stalking me could have made a request
Davis commented on NRT the service video so he's well aware of it so Davis must not
have anything to serve him right now and yeah I think right now that Gabe Hoffman
is warning Jesse Davis because he must have somehow found out what my plan of
action with Jesse is and I'll tell you guys right now I've got all the evidence
that I need that Jesse Davis has attacked me repeatedly and that he's part of a
conspiracy so what's really going on as a Gabe is starting to get a clue and he
says well I don't care perhaps he should act more intensely and take down your
daxing tweet before the address he reports you and your account suspended he's also
coming down on Esteban and so why is Gabe so nervous about this well a little bit
of Rico and he's starting to get it right now if I can prove a conspiracy and that
Gabe is the ringleader of that then that doesn't go there you go at 1:33 a.m. June
2nd 2020
Star Witness
2020-03-13 14:35:00 UTC
guten morgen has fiied ssing character moroccan that means it's a very cold day
it's a new time and it's dawn of the suspense so you asked some questions and you
asked about exhibit two so yes it does come from me as far as being a star witness
with a Joel Ritz thing well I reached out to that attorney Massey whatever his name
is he never got back to me I've got the email to prove it happy to forward that to
steve-o to him he can get it to you as far as Exhibit 2 well let's play multiple
choice you know I recorded that September 19th 2017 meeting when IDI looked at
Dafeng go and me and Blackburn and Trevor and said I want you guys to go to Omaha
want you to outfit a van with a stingray you know what a stingray is of course you
know FBI surveillance equipment now I refused and I was recording everything
including my refusal the only one in shadow box who said yes was Manuel Chavez as
you say defendant have access to that thumb drive or phone now we're playing
multiple choice so it could also mean a video perhaps where mr. Bukowski is asking
us to go stalk someone else someone that I alerted and warned see where I'm going
the other day if you see I'm gonna get a set man and I'm on a mission you can
understand that I've made it very plain that I've never met you we've never spoken
on the phone any interactions that we've had have been in a leppas old chat room or
maybe a couple of emails with no content to speak of nothing that uh that good men
could use so I've been pretty clear and I've been pretty clear that I voluntarily
deposed with Aaron Rich's attorneys and let me tell you my motive it's pure but
it's also selfish you see Manuel Savas has talked me attacked me lied about me
tried to destroy my life and publicly stated that I had attempted to extort ed
Bukowski for $300,000 via email so my intended goal is to prove that that is a lie
because that is the linchpin that once removed the whole house of cards falls down
as I've been saying to you repeatedly if you get a hold of Manuel Chavez's private
communications it's all over now Chavez went ahead and told the world that he had
handed over all the emails to Jason Goodman steve-o Trung investigated and found on
that wasn't true I also repeatedly told everybody Chavez has hidden emails Texas
and communications on different platforms he's used cig he is all sorts of
encryption and the guy is dirtier than you would even believe as I said he answers
to Florida so maybe I'm just blowing smoke but maybe I'm not and I don't think I
would publicly say that I'm responsible for exhibit to go ask
so I listened to a gave acting video and he does make some good points he calls it
a soft demolition I think it's a lot worse that what he's saying I don't like words
like recession to describe a depression as far as uh his soft demolition accusation
that I don't have anything to contribute I think he'll be proven wrong I think I
have a lot to contribute and that means not running around and pointing fingers at
everybody hates actually my duty I feel to tell people what's coming down the pike
and to try to sort out this puzzle because life is a puzzle and we're not told the
truth by Washington no governments to other people the truth if they did
unnavigable worry they want specifically they want you to worry about what they
want you to worry about so that's that as far as we've all been yeah knock
2020-02-11 18:32:43 UTC
hi everybody so this is what I got early in the morning when I was complaining once
again about both Chavez and dopey Dave and so they refused my request so I went
ahead and I said you're criminals yourself started to talk about what I was gonna
do and lo and behold hello we have escalated reassessed their claim in light of the
additional context you provided about your privacy claim we have removed the
material in question for a privacy violation pursuant to our community guidelines
makes it may take some time to get rid of the thumbnail and whatnot but that's that
so they came through and this is not good for Chavez and his main channel nor is it
good for dopey Dave so that's that I'm helping other people who have been
victimized by dopey Dave do the same thing I think getting that channel off the air
is a good one and I think that getting to fango shut down is also a very good
okay guys so the stock market was down 800 and changed yesterday it's up a hundred
and change right now so what they're doing it's the suckers rally what they want to
do is the big orcas want to push the stock market up even though it's declining
what thirteen percent says February they want to push it up so they can get mom and
pop six back to stay in the market right to invest more to keep their 401 k's in
there meanwhile you're gonna start to see all sorts of money come out of the stock
market from the big guys is they know what's coming and so it's all a game it's all
rigged and what you'll see is rallies and then the take away it'll go down 800 up
eight hunters down 1100 up 1100 and it will be lower lows and lower highs so you
know if you're watching CNBC it's like watching a live casino now just so you know
there's more breaking news and this time la right la has new cases in a particular
it's got you know public health emergency has been declared in LA County there's
six new cases of coroner virus and Long Beach and Pasadena are they are gonna
declare an emergency - as you know the rest of Southern California is we're
expecting it and it is going to be spreading to cargo so this is right around the
corner it's going to get very serious last place I would want to live in all of
California is Long Beach
September 9, 2020
2020-09-10 05:53:57 UTC
this is a little video for your skill because ill skill is asking the right
questions so i'm going to give the right answers um this is the train with will
summer and uh as you can tell it's long it's definitely from him you can do it um
and here's where i call him out will you didn't do a thorough enough job fact
checking with your last article beth blackburn was the founder of shadowbox as i
was uh you have her as an anonymous employee um shadowbox never attacked anybody
online there was only one person we call him meatball and he may have done that for
money all right i also say i was not involved with q which is also true um and
there's probably lots more i think if i go to will summer here i'll find lots of
conversations shouldn't be too hard because he was asking me a lot of questions
lots of questions so here's william uh all this and here's me saying the whole
piece is a hit piece of me i get it you have a job to do i will be 40 now exchanges
to a third priority that's what i'm doing now is that okay it's important to get
some eyes on this okay will right so that's that and you see how he kept on talking
a lot about ed butowsky um asking me a lot of questions all right here's one that
says you and he had a fallen out according to him he failed to perform website work
he had already been paid by ed's rabbi is that accurate actually um the rabbi was
paid back in full and that would be rabbi andrew paley and i wasn't in charge of
the um of building the site i'm going to show here it is um rabbi pele andrew paley
says thomas i'm so sorry to learn you're not feeling better all right pneumonia i
have today is a good one i have to tell you how concerned i am that no sooner do i
wire you twenty five hundred dollars and hand over login and password info to manny
that he disappears it is apparently no longer working for you or for me i need to
know exactly what is going on and what happened before i can feel comfortable
moving forward this man got paid back in full another person who we took a 7 500
deposit from we gave back money in full so as far as shadow box the clients who
received uh no service and there were two of them they were reimbursed in full so
we did it ethically um we never got money back from meatball uh he took money and
he disappeared and so that's that um we've got a lot more i'm telling you a skill
you want the full story i've been very very um quiet about things uh but there's a
lot that i have to show and it's going to change everybody's mind on what really
went on and i'm happy uh i've got as i say a treasure trove of emails i've got
somewhere around 11 000 emails and some of them are going to put people in
The resource center in Jamestown New York is being reported 2 State authorities
2020-03-05 15:04:13 UTC
hi everybody so this is the Resource Center in Jamestown New York they provide
primary care or they take care of uh developmentally disabled they care for elderly
patients and Diane Nordstrom a violent sociopathic stalker works there and has
access to these patients so let me get into it a little bit she's got access to
them this woman came to me as a fan of my music and has turned into this fixated
vengeful stalker I think she had a crush on me of course I wasn't interested she
sounds like she's a drunk definitely hardcore gin voice and she's made me her life
obsession so let's get into it she's talking to Mike Kim that's were from Mike
Campbell and Sue sue these are people that I suspect are tied to the Isaac capi
cover-up Diane says Thomas uses his sock sacred geometry to back up his lies that's
not true sacred geometry lives 3,000 miles away in Chicago and he's turned into a
friend he was friends with Isaac Cappy before any of this garbage and by the way
he's got ties to the feds he knows some yep people he was also essentially a coder
for games for a long long time so here's Diane and then here's Mike kind of hinting
that these are all my accounts you see it's an operation so he's got a picture of
me here or she does she's obsessed right and then Stephanie sprout says is this a
fantasy for you Diane and she responds you're the one posing as woman women and
then Sousou weighs in either that or females jerkiness Willington on the Twitter's
all day a night and then stephanie says looks look who decided to unblock me and
talk shit in front of me still spreading lies I see you and I an can keep talking
about your feminist fantasies Jeon is talking about stuff I know exactly who you
are these people are lying liars who lie just blocked them and she responds you're
right Thank You Shannon and then the second one says we love you Stephanie so Jan
on is actually spoken to to st sprout she's actually been on leppas discord but
Diane won't stop he says to Simon or she says why do you persist in pretending
stuff is real after you out of yourself yeah give me a break no actually you out of
yourself you're a stalker Diana and Simon Templar says Bonjour Mademoiselle Oakland
fan I'm not pretending I know who Steph is we talked on the phone and email I
believe that and she keeps on pushing then Zack who's going through the multiple
attacks by these people says remember when you tried to set us up as a danger tried
to get a welfare check on us for nothing at all I do wonder what happened to him
and then Diane says look asshole I saw a disturbing video you made pretending to
cut your own throat well why don't you report to fango who did that on December
16th 2018 how about that oh I guess it doesn't apply to anybody else and then she's
also said that I'm Brian Wilson Mike trim she gets into my business we almost had
to deal with Sony until it people were emailing and calling Sony that's what
happened and then includes China to three staff Defago and others that's tortious
interference now here's Diane who after Sam Fullerton killed a cop and then was
gunned down killed an innocent cop I assessed Sam just a cop killer who got what he
deserved that's my quote I said it and I stand by it and she knows zach is Bilson
then she says MIT when asked Thomas why he signed an agreement worth millions
without founder Ian Murdoch's agreement of knowledge you don't know anything that
you suicide 19 days later on December 20th so she's literally trying to get into my
business and these are public here's a new-age Messiah who is now we know as a
background in military Intel right jeh Johnson now here's where she says he still
has a six-six-six phone number when we were friends I was never friends with you
I've never been friends with you you've been a freak who stalked me saw you've done
you just won't leave this one is crazy I mean literally crazy she's even gone back
to looking at my old CDs from 2000 and there's a picture of my father's dog as long
dead and she says I never had a vengeful nature someone loses my trust they were
dead to me I walk away I'll never trust them again I did that with you you agreed
four days later you're threatening to sue me I didn't agree with anything I don't
know you I don't know you you're a nut that's what you are you're an obsessed
creepy nuts so we reported her to her work because she's got access to the elderly
and it wasn't just me it was a number of people they did nothing that's the
Resource Center so Emily was strange she comes in and she weighs in because she's a
medical practitioner she's you know she was a RN I believe and what happens with
with this it's crazy she goes ahead and starts to say leave ton of us alone right
and here's where she bust I in I'll show you this Diane is making a statement
saying I don't even have a TV at home and of course Emily buster you know so and of
course she accuses me of ripping off a song from a guy named who is it Patrick's
talk Scott or something but I don't even know who this guy is so literally this is
what happens all day long and Emily says look at your timeline is all delusion in
Thomas and this this woman is crazy she's saying that I'm Emily and Emily comes
back she's reported her she report Emily because she had 25 years in the medical
profession she reported Diane to her employers lady named Rhonda and Human
Resources and so now she's getting into it emily is no one to mess with she says
Diane norstrom is a cyber stalker with a vengeance here she basically admits to
having a welfare check called in on someone she intended harm to be done to she
know's bad things can happen during these welfare checks and this is what's
happened this is what's gone on Diane is part of this gang in it you know she's got
a little sugar I don't know who that is oh it's super shining mmm interesting okay
so this one was crazy this woman is absolutely crazy and she's dangerous and she
has access to the elderly so it's um the Resource Center located in Jamestown and
New York and a number of people are reporting that company to state authorities and
a number of people with medical profession background so Diane your employer's will
not do anything about you now it's going to be taken to the state and there's going
to be a number of people who are witnesses and who have also been it's crazy and
this Susu person is part of it too she says that she's a professional larper on a
profile but she also claims to be a lawyer you know so this is what I go through
every single
Little bit more on the Mossad media Matrix and Gheslaine Maxwell
2020-07-02 20:52:29 UTC
i wanted to show you guys something so as far as uh wikipedia they already have um
gislane maxwell's arrest uh they moved quickly this is in robert maxwell's um
biography which um i don't know if you guys are aware but you know robert maxwell
wasn't who he said he was uh you know very colorful uh life one of the world's rich
people and died mysteriously so robert maxwell was um a lot of things he was born
in what's the ukraine now and he was uh born of orthodox jewish family uh his uh
name when he was born was a young hymen benjamin hosh so very jewish name he
changed it to ian robert maxwell mc right um and mp you know member of parliament
so what ends up happening with this guy is he's born into a poor family and then
war breaks out and so he joins uh the czech army in exile and he serves um with
distinction he gets tied in to a lot of british contacts and some u.s contacts um
[Music] like bernie cornwell who had ios securities at time which was basically
selling uh pensions to returning u.s uh troops um bernie cornfeld was uh working in
germany uh post-war and made a bundle with robert he also saw the um the potential
and used uh his contacts as an mp uh to build up his businesses he bought up the
british printing corporation and i was right i looked at it it was the mirror group
of newspapers so he was living in a place called uh headington hill hall which is
in oxford and that's considered you know kind of like nice um france and kind of
like um martha's vineyard you have your yachts and you have your high floating uh
lifestyle so here is this huge powerful guy and in 1948 you have the arab israeli
war which led to the birth of israel it was robert maxwell who was smuggling in
airplane parts from britain that gave air superiority to israel and allowed israel
to win that war so this is a guy who um literally has a newspaper empire built um
from scratch he's a fraudster but he's also an absolute hero to um to israel and
meanwhile he's working as a double or triple agent absolute mossad connections
absolute um big big time i mean this is a guy who is um hanging out with the top
israeli politicians that you know uh prime minister yitzhak shamir went to
maxwell's funeral when when metro died um november 4th 1991. um i think israeli uh
president uh chaim herzog um also stated that maxwell was serving the six current
and former heads of israeli intelligence so this is a guy who was right there at
the birth of israel this is a guy who would have known everybody in israeli
politics he would have been very very tight with mi5 and mi6 he is one of the
world's richest men and he was an absolute scumbag because he was you know raiding
pension funds um doing horrible shit um you know he was tied into um goldman sachs
you know this is a monster and when he died that was all hidden until um the extent
of his um fraudulent activities um came due after people were chasing debts you
know everybody who had loaned them money which is lots of corporations and personal
people um you know this guy left hundreds of millions in debts and what was he
doing he was supporting uh the state of israel from the very beginning right you
know good friend of ben gurion that's what we're talking about and so this guy was
the center of the moussad media matrix that's what's really going on and for it
isaac cappy he created his own uh info map and we now have to question what he
meant he put gabe hoffman right in the center of that i didn't he did why did isaac
happy do that are there publishing connections that gabe hoffman has um we haven't
explored that you know no one um has even started to really figure out um the
connection no one's ever said okay robert maxwell um you know and hopefully i'm the
first nothing that matters um but basically um what isaac said is that the mossad
media matrix you know controls hollywood and media assets that they use to spread
the narrative to keep the new world order um plan hidden and um that is where he
was going and that is what he said q was going to free and he put gabe hoffman
right in the center of that one we can definitely as i've shown you we can
definitely tie gabe hoffman with les wexner through a political pack les wexner was
uh the fund baby the uh the the man who made jeffrey epstein rich and so these
things that cappy came up with they could be tentative they could be profoundly
accurate we don't know there has to be a lot more exploration but what i'm saying
to you is this took me 10 minutes of just looking at this and saying hmm you know
publishing empire robert maxwell mossad bini and matrix uh israeli connections with
uh maxwell throughout his entire life um you know why gabe hoffman why would he be
in the center of the mossad media matrix and why are the other people uh on at
least some of them connected to companies or outfits for which is michael cernovich
who is an attorney um and it seems to be the uh let's see well at least one of the
um proteges of alan dershowitz alan durscherwicz was epstein's attorney alan
dershowitz we now know was on epstein island do you start to see how it can make
some sense if you look at it and i think this is what isaac was doing which is he
must have learned something about gabe hoffman something big to put him in the
middle of this thing and what i see going on is the lead investigator you know
citizen investigator for the isaac happy death was basically just threatened by
gabe and had a working arrangement with him prior to that it's pretty huge
confirmation that something is up and why would corey um repeat and parrot the line
that isaac cappy killed himself for such a long time why would corey contact me
within 72 hours after uh isaac died and want an interview it seems to me like i was
once again a pre-selected target pre-selected uh scapegoat and that there were
plans made prior to isaac dying to finger me um it's crazy but it makes a lot of
sense so once again what corey is publicly blaming me for is he's stating that i
put into zach quay's head that the hostage video quote unquote where there's a dog
barking and isaac um looks terrified and there's a voice telling the dog to shut up
uh and isaac blinks twice if someone asks him if he's under duress um and zach
quaid felt that he identified that voice and i think that he's blaming me for and
there's going to be proof coming out that it wasn't me and proof coming out that
this was zach on his own who identified that voice or feels that he believes who
that voice is was not me to begin with so now i start to question whether corey was
part of a psyop from the very beginning you know he's very smart guy he can speak
well he's obviously intelligent he has in a clarity of intelligence i don't
begrudge him this but i'm also starting to think why aren't you asking the hard
questions corey if you're a for real investigator you start looking into gabe
hoffman especially after how he tried to just dominate you out of talking with zach
that's pretty weird right and i'm gonna tell you what i suspect i think it's all a
ruse i've seen the fake fights that gabe does and i think it's uh it's meant as a
distraction i think that um gabe doesn't fear a bad reputation if he did that he
wouldn't be blocking people right and left and he wouldn't be continually um going
out there and saying hey look at this person look at this person i think that there
could be some real truth that there's a lot more to game than we know of and that
gabe might have uh long deep ties to a spider web of moussade media contacts what
we're looking at here is huge guys i'm telling you the um people like steve otrum
and titus frost are going to get it immediately i think big fish is also going to
get it immediately something's up and i think that quite frankly as far as gabe i'm
looking into him really really hard right now i am not only because he sued me and
tried to silence me but he tried to frame me before i knew who he was so there is
an operation right now that needs to be uprooted and i pretty much have destroyed
it by exposing this cabal and basically doing simple things so they would eat each
other so they would self cannibalize which is why they're all fighting right now
because you know most of them were way too arrogant in their assumption of their
own natural intelligences you know the ego always gets in the way you got to keep
it humble right you can definitely tout your strengths right my strength is in
composing um one of the best around period i already know that well that's all i
have to say there's more coming up
so I took advantage of SDN Y org s TM gave actin smooth court because he said
he's gonna correct things if they're deemed to be true and it looks like he did
Manny's moot court that became the second highest traffic day for st in y dot org
so I went ahead and weighed in on their because unlike Chavez I think that that
gave Acton is looking for the truth I wanted to also say that I got a third strike
on dopey Dave and I'm hoping that that channel should be shut down momentarily
within a day or two so that's good you know but as far as the Chavez you know it's
interesting and with Edie Podolski as it's pronounced now you know it's funny Edie
went ahead and told Manny and probably Beth too that I tried to extort $300,000
from Edie in an email so that's something that I voluntarily gave to the air in
which attorneys and by the way literally forced myself on the air in rich attorneys
and they were happy to depose me but that was voluntary because there's been a
bunch of shit said about me and the best way to come out with the truth is through
the court system we all know that's transparency city so at any rate I had made a
horrible blunder by making this statement which was then publicized so if he can't
so evidence of that then there's trouble down the pike so all you have to say any
rate the reporters have been calling me lately some pretty big ones and I think
this story is only gonna blow up rather like
10 minutes
2020-04-22 14:56:50 UTC
not to sound like a braggart but I was also probably among the first YouTube
channels to correctly point out that these ventilators that Governor Cuomo was
begging for we're actually instruments of death let me try to explain to you guys
what's going on people are saying Cova 19 they should actually be saying covert
pneumonia we all know what pneumonia is it's an infection in the lungs and the air
sacs fill up with fluid or pus and causes discomfort in the chest pain with
breathing and other breathing problems what happens with Kovac is that patients
don't initially feel a shortness of breath but their oxygen levels are following
normal oxygen saturation for humans at sea level let's say is around 95 to 100%
with kovat pneumonia you see oxygen saturations plummet they so what you have is a
lot of other symptoms that developed fever and cough and fatigue and then they
become short of breath so when you're bringing ventilators into the situation
you're basically killing state that patients who require emergency intubation are
already in shock and if the reason why they're getting intubation is because of
acute hypoxia you know a inability for oxygen to be delivered through the red blood
cells well I didn't you're gonna kill him right off the bat because when someone's
sick enough to go into the hospital because they suspect of it they've already got
real low oxygen saturation levels when they walk into hospital in triage sees them
they're already almost almost gone and we're looking at these horrible x-rays of
pneumonia and you guys have to listen to me okay because what happens with covet
pneumonia it is yet the lungs are still working they're not too heavy with fluid
but then they compensate for the low oxygen bite breathing faster and deeper and it
becomes what doctors call silent hypoxia and there's a psychological response that
happens there's more inflammation than ammonia vs and then oxygen levels drop off
essentially what's happening is it sick people are injuring their own lungs by
breathing harder and harder and that's 20% of kovat ammonia patients and it's gonna
kill a lot smaller one the second way you've got to understand what's really going
on in the cock-and-bull story that you heard about the ventilators well one in a
balcony is that they were begging for them until the politicians were being told by
in the medical community hey these ventilators are killing they're killing people
Kovach 19 uses the longest to kill and a lot of people are not going to the
hospital for good reason their petri dishes they are the places where people die
and a lot of people are going to the hospital until the pneumonia is already so far
advanced they can't breathe they can't walk they need intravenous and arterial
lines and IV pumps and IV medications and sometimes even a trachea tube and that's
why it's so labor intensive for the nurses they need you know football leagues of
our ends and lVN's and they can go to each patient and turn them on their side and
then on their back all in an effort to improve lung function so you'll see these
devices called pulse oximeters on some of the news reports and they monitor oxygen
saturation of Boston and they're actually very very effective machines we also have
elevated heart rates which are reason whiteboards Johnson the Bruce Prime Minister
is live is it they detected the hypoxia with him early on so when it comes to next
winter we're going to see death on a scale that we haven't seen before unless
you're a world war two that or unless you lived in China during March the tongue
it's gonna get bad folks and one thing I could suggest is Joe Biden would be
disaster for our country people can fault Trump on things but I think in actuality
he's he's done a pretty pretty good job for having none no medical background no
military background no crisis background he closed our borders when the New York
Times and Washington Post were screaming and I'm saying you know what are you doing
you're gonna cause diplomatic relations to fail they do not trust China but I also
don't the Israeli government I say don't trust a whole bunch of other governments I
don't trust government guarantee yeah but I think at this point we need to be
isolationist you know I think our best friends really are I really do think it's
the Australians I think American else really has a deep bond the people do we
understand each other we can be outlaws and we can also be jokesters and I love the
I love my Australian friends I really do they're just wonderful I love my British
friends too and my German and Austrian friends and I've got some a lot of Virani in
friendship and they don't like their own government but I think it's pretty stupid
if we go to war with Iran I think that Israel should quit coming to us saying fight
our Wars shed the blood and the blood of your young men so we don't have to do ours
I think it's time that we redefine our relationship with Israel I don't think
that's anti-semitic I think that's realistic especially in the light of the Awan
brothers ever seen Ireland used to be six months ago you couldn't even mention that
on social media you had the AVL policing everything but this pandemic has changed
things and we're starting to speak out about the things that really matter and I
for one believe that epstein Island was a honeypot that was gravely injurious to
our nation and this honey pot was being directed by Benjamin at now who who has
just used the pandemic to retain power and to avoid criminal prosecution thanks
well I told you guys that Defago is a pretty hot water right now so all you need to
do is check out Steve electrum's Twitter handle and you're gonna see Dave Acton's
article on SD my org where he mentions that Matt couch is being fined twenty five
hundred dollars a day unless he gives up a source Matt wrote an email to the fellow
and he clearly said don't share this with anybody so I don't think that that's
really the person they're going after I think it's defago I think the gist a finger
publicized it so therefore my feeling this that defenders gonna be named as a
defendant in the rich Bukowski suit as you know it could have been a Martian or a
larper or whoever someone could have said anything to Matt he was actually smarter
to say don't share this with anybody and it was to Fang goes lack of discretion and
a need for publicity that is now getting him in hot water so he's the one that made
Box of Shadows
2020-05-27 02:47:00 UTC
so guys there comes a point where your privacy is so eviscerated and there are so
many obvious paid hector's attacking you that when things get into a court
situation whether you're a plaintiff or defendant things come out and you know if
someone is let's say suing you for slander all you need to prove is that you were
slandered first it's pretty much who drew first blood and then things can get
really interesting a lot of people perceive that if you have a lot of money you've
got a war chest and you can go on forever it's not the way it is all you need to do
is be able to prove a pattern or behavior it's called a Texas litigation and there
are people who do have money who engage in these behaviors and they get shut down
when a pattern of behavior is proven to a judge and that's where that's where you
you sue them back and you mean under the wall here's a psyche look I look on social
media and I take a look at this at the Blackburn that's all I'm gonna call it the
Blackburn lawsuit and you know to assume that her and I did not have a romance is
ludicrous I've located and talked to ten witnesses today so that's not gonna be
good for her when she's on the stand and quite frankly people say well why didn't
you guys constantly and I'm not gonna get into the particulars of the case but she
made it very clear to me that her husband had frequented prostitutes and therefore
I could not trust that she was clean and I asked for a test you know and that will
be when when I have to bring him on the stand that will be made apparent so and for
all I know she's lying about that I'm just not going to get into all the
particulars but I can tell you it's um if people will put anything into a lawsuit
you know the old the old thing that you can indict a ham sandwich is true people
use the court processes all the time they abuse them but you know the problem is if
you're gonna throw lies and put it into a legal form and you might even be lying to
your lawyer it's gonna come out it is you know in fact even cross-examining do
phango will make it clear that there was indeed a relationship and I can tell you
straight up that if this woman is put on the stand and she has to raise her right
arm on a Bible and tell the truth and she is caught mine um it will not go well so
I'm not going to get into any more of the particulars except to say that it's
pretty interesting that she's accusing all these people of doing wrong and she's as
pure as the driven snow not
so I want everybody to take a look at this there's someone called hard candy who is
not me and here's two phango who has threatened many people including death but
what he's saying is still lying about Beth to Fang go and run a whisper campaign to
harass and defend people okay Thomas you're completely going down he's saying that
to someone who is not me and there's Wyatt Earp so we have him dead two sights
Manuel Chavez making threats on social media to someone that is not me but making a
threat to me so is Blackburn working with him well it would appear so even though
she's been threatened by him let's see what she says I think she'll probably say
nothing if she's working with him but I'm just making a video diary of all this I
want everybody to see what I go through and we know that many Chavez of Carson City
Nevada also works with Esteban Trujillo former Special Ops who has threatened to
have me thrown in jail along with Diane norstrom these people have stalked me
is getting crazier this is from agencia I was then this is somehow 1:32 the person
of a positive of coronavirus in it it's a via persistent dedicate intensify okay so
what they're saying is 132 people have tested positive for corner virus in Italy 30
26 in intensive care and this is pronounced by the civilian engineer Angela budding
so it's serious this would be Lima tenza they would say attempts climate and this
is a larger outbreak here than in Hong Kong which blows to shreds the theory that
it is an Asian occurrence and there's a lot of people who come from Libya who go to
Italy so that's probably where it's come which been well which means that it's in
the Middle East this is huge guys you are not understanding it if you're under
estimating it that's what I can say you have an infection they can live on surfaces
for two weeks you have an infection that does not show up in tests you have an
infection that has carriers that are asymptomatic you have an infection that can
jump from animals to humans and back to animals again and again which means that it
can reinfect I tell you the immune system is not done it's killing doctors in their
40s it appears to be not so serious and people under 30 but that doesn't mean
that's gonna stay that way cuz it didn't you take so we've got a real trouble here
it's in Europe it's in America he's in 27 nations right now and I guess the only
place that it really hasn't shown up is uh Israel which is interesting they have
one case and that came from a guy on a cruise ship and it has some spread we can
tell so maybe as Raley's might have some sort of natural immunity this is pretty
quick little message to Dave hey Dave are you threatening me are you threatening me
we're dealing with Celeste she crossed the line but I want to know are you
threatening me
so it's always nice to get these little missive some people already uh read off the
sixes designs which is pretty funny and it's not right now here's another one you
seem obsessed with the coronavirus don't you know it's the government hoax how do
you know it's not all CGI coming up check that you're an idiot it's getting worse
and if you recall when everybody thought this was gonna blow over I was the one who
sounded the alarm here's another one how come you're carrying water for Dave Acton
it sounds like you're scared of him or something no actually I'm not scared of him
I think he's right all right it's pretty simple you know I've called him out when I
thought he was wrong and I I think he's been dead on my money yeah you know the guy
gets accused of murders he doesn't commit I know the feeling right and so he's
actually better than me a lot better than me at going directly to the right
methodology to say hey you know what let me prove your worship so as far as Dave no
I don't work with them that was a DeFranco rumor I think I am absolutely correct
that defago is the root of a lot of this mess but no I think that dave has a
perfect right to sue both Marcus Conte and Manuel Chavez and the crazy cat lady
from Corpus Christi with the cats or were the cockroaches so it's not a matter of
being on anybody's team I'm not on red team or blue team on my own team I'm
teaching but I think he's absolutely right you know go get him Dave that's what I
say and he's finding out stuff too you know it's funny he's he's got a reputation
as a brilliant investigator just like Steve Oh trim and now I got to tell you
Dave's come up with some really interesting stuff with the Linux seven he's piecing
together this whole thing here's what I'm gonna predict I think he's going to
uncover a rat's nest and I think that it's going to happen through the discovery
process and I think you're gonna see ties to a lot of people who are pushing for
clicks and views because it means patreon and PayPal money so I think he's gonna
uncover riku RICO statute level abuses so yeah my money's on Dave I'll admit it
doesn't meet he's nice to me probably hates me but as I said repeatedly I think
he's got a good heart
buongiorno come on stay boy Ola su casa - now that's a joke I just said a pox upon
your house which leads me to my chat today you know the CDC in other health
reporting agencies are not in the business of giving us facts they're in the
business of maintaining public calm global public calm what the government doesn't
want to tell you is what scares them which is birds so let me get to my argument
right now it's not the time for panic with a corona virus in China alone there's
1.4 billion people and this thing has reportedly killed less than 200 so panic is
premature and if you are a student of history you've got to look at other there was
a lot more to fear in the past for instance the so-called Spanish influenza of 1919
that infected half a billion around the world and killed over 50 million and you
can go back to the nineteenth century with the cholera and typhoid smallpox
outbreaks or the sleeping sickness is of the 16th century in England and to me the
black death has been repeatedly promoted as a germ negative bacteria infective
event meaning that rats with infected fleas snuck aboard ships and that's how the
plague had Genoa and Venice and so on and so forth I think it's utter bullshit and
I'll tell you why I think that if this was true the doctors of the time would have
had costumes that look like great rats rather than birds I think they knew it was
birds and if you take a look at earlier plagues like the Justinian plague of 541 ad
which lasted till around 750 ad because it was reoccurring well that frightened the
Justinian government because it affected their building and war programs and their
tax base understand that with Justinian he was fighting the Vandals and the Goths
he was building the hag's Sophia in Constantinople which is now Istanbul and by the
way that's a magnificent building I spend a lot of time there but if you take a
look at the pork cities what do you have you have collections of birds that's where
they congregate and what they don't want to tell you these government's whether
they're ancient governments or medieval governments or modern-day governments they
don't want to tell you there's a delivery system here that we can't stop Birds so
it's the same reason why they initially called the San Francisco earthquake of
April 18th 1906 the great fire because you could code up the buildings and you know
create better delivery systems for putting at the fighters fire retardant some
water or whatnot what they didn't want to tell you is an earthquake is an act of
God and we're still powerless to stop that these days so going back to the Spanish
Influenza they told us it has started in an army barracks in Kansas when newer and
better research points at a place in France a port city called etabs and that makes
a lot of sense because they were using the chalk of the cliffs in that area in 1917
for munitions and so something that was originally of the sea and was deep in those
cliffs some sort of pathogen was brought forth and if you take a look at those very
cliffs in 1596 you had an outbreak of plague that devastated that city and that
city was a port city and ships from that city went to Seville and Genoa and Venice
and you had a contamination route so once again it's the birds and if you doubt me
if there's any epidemiologists who are out there listening all you would need to do
is go into the eaves of the gothic buildings in Europe the churches and whatnot
from 14th century and go dig into the avian detritus the pigeon shit of the eaves
and you can go down there and you will end up finding remnants of these viruses now
I keep on pointing to your sin iya pestis which is a germ negative bacteria because
they want us to believe that it's rats and that they have superior eradication
programs for rodentia it's a game it's a game the government can create pandemics
and they can kill a lot of people but they also know that there are things they
cannot control and throughout history governments have been harmed by epidemics and
pandemics because it affects their building programs in their war programs and
their tax base thank
the Italians say lose a toy yoki which means use your eyes you need to know what's
in front of you in order to see clearly what's all around you so this large file or
a number of files that a woman named Gloria Alexander is talking about there's
things that are embedded deep inside I have a good propensity for figuring out
puzzles and phrasing puzzles so I noticed some things that seem like they would
lead down the rabbit hole and would produce nuggets of information yes so I worked
on it and I found some stuff and I'm not going to show you everything that I found
but I'm gonna prove to you I'm not messing around here so there's just some of the
file we have well summer yeah we got sticky we've got felony Fuentes we have
Roosevelt media we have Lestat with that New York City guns we've got ginger
McQueen we've got zero skills that is that's Tiffany go we've got Jack Pacific
we've got John wick which is having Gingrich so that's about all I'm going to show
you and what I've got to say to you guys is there's information being given to
certain white hats and I think that they considered me a white hat because I've
been honest and this is showing a network that will push some of these people in
prison I kid you not so I'm delving through it right now and I have it in third
parties as well so
a while back i told people there would be a rash of questionable deaths and this is
before kovade it's before uh the mob hit the attempted mob hit on the judge who is
involved uh with the deutsche bank and it's starting to happen right and left
you're going to see a lot more of it you see um the powers of b do not want us
focusing on jeffrey epstein they want to bury the story it keeps on growing it's
just like gabe hoffman he's uh trying to attempt to um collect a cyber uh lynch mob
you know he uh filed something on the 717 of all days and um he put uh carrie wolf
in there otherwise known as the all-seeing you and it's funny because i've got a
right to question these witnesses carrie wolf was one of the repeat attackers on me
and you know i've got a control file on her with a lot of lot in there um you know
some of the um battles that she's waged i can show that she's admitted that she's a
paid troll you see this is what's going on with gabe i suspect that he's paying
money i think that he has a gang that's my opinion and i believe that they are
engaged in acts it could be deemed criminal now there are people who have um called
me out and said well you connected jeffrey epstein to gabe hoffman and that's
slander no i didn't what i did is i said les wexner um and gabe hoffman can
definitely be uh linked and they can be linked through the 2015 pack called rise to
right that was packed to elect jeb bush and gabe donated six figures as did uh
wexner so i'm sure there were a number of fundraising events and i'm sure the
florida boys had a good time um didn't work you know i don't think that there will
ever be another bush in the white house what a corrupt uh horrific family i think
george bush jr uh is probably the most innocent out of everybody i think his father
was a monster he sues a 26 year old in canada for a million dollars knowing that
that kid is destitute [Music] what sort of man does this and then of course there's
a very public acrimony that went on between isaac cappy and gabe hoffman and while
he's complaining that somebody i don't know not me he was complaining on twitter a
while ago that somebody had attacked him that he had never heard of he's engaged in
the same behaviors you know this guy brought the fight to me so i'm making
everything public and that's how it's working you know gabe um hates to lose but in
reality um he is a loser that's my opinion i think he's a little creepy man ali
alexander has reported that gabe abuses people and then milo uh gianapolis i'm not
sure if or janepos said that he abused staff and um [Music] and housekeepers so
these are two men that interacted physically with gabe spent time with him and they
have turned on him there's a woman named cassandra fairbanks i think i've had one
interaction with her in my life i don't know much about her but she's called gabe
out there's a number of them so he'll take to the youtube airwaves and he will
express compassion for his victim and it's all damning them with faint praise and
what he's really doing is psychologically toying with people and so
hi everybody so we're gonna talk a little bit more about the corona virus and the
problem was going on right now most of these tests are what they called nucleic
acid center tests and they take a swab to determine if the virus is present and the
nucleic acid contains the genetic information of the virus they need to get that
over to a lab where they do a biochemical reaction or they do gene sequencing and
in a couple hours you have your results the problem is it's 2 or 3 steps which can
cause all sorts of efficacy problems and you're only looking at an accuracy rate of
around 30 to 50 percent so there are other ways to identify it there are cat-scans
the problem with that is that they'll only reveal symptoms in the lungs and because
different viruses can produce similar looking symptoms you're not going to get it
right that's why you had misdiagnosis in 1918 and 1919 where people would have the
the influenza but they'd be diagnosed with meningitis for instance and as usual all
China is going to rush to create these tests and you know it's you can create a
nucleic acid tests but once again 30 to 50 percent accuracy rate that's not good
enough so what I'm trying to tell everybody is that we can't stop this we're too
late we are so it's going to take its course and hopefully there'll be some you
know some miracle that comes but right now I think the cats out of the bag and even
if they make a million kids a day if there were only half right or less that's not
gonna be good that isn't so you can go ahead and you can check with China's
Ministry of Science and Technology you didn't check with Johns Hopkins you can
check with you know Harvard you can check with the cutting-edge entities being
developed in labs here it's just not gonna do anything it's too late right these
tests were created to identify false positives not false negatives and some people
as I said before they believe that you know warming weather will lessen the effects
no that's only gonna stagger the time between wave one and wave two so that's what
we're looking at prepare it's gonna
Luke 8_17
2020-02-16 11:17:39 UTC
If you want to point fingers, Point figures at the World Health Organization
2020-04-09 17:11:51 UTC
I'm just going to have you guys read the World Health Organization's initial
January 12th no clear evidence of human-to-human transmission January 17th does not
recommend any specific health measures for travelers January 23rd there is now more
evidence that Cove edge spreads from human to human transmission January 27th still
not recommending any shutdowns they were playing in this world or Thoth
organization that's you know the the gold standard for health reporting
Lying Leppo
2020-07-12 01:02:56 UTC
so a lot of people may be wondering what's going on and why many are speaking out
against LeBeau and Stef see first off I don't know ill skill I know they're in a
war of some sort as far as Jan Cromer you know when I first started to talk to him
I liked him jib camera like them uh I thought he had a good sense of humor there
were a lot of curious things about him that didn't make sense but I like the fact
that he was a musician I didn't like the cowbell but I didn't find him to be
unintelligent it's unfortunate right now because I think that someone has turned
him into a comedic eunuch I think at one point he was struggling to develop or so
and I think that he had some success there were people who liked him I liked him
but the weird thing about Cromer was that when you attempted to have a conversation
with him that had to do with an interaction to resolve a conflict he disappear on
people he ended up taking large you know many thousands of dollars from my friend
Karen and never once said thank you I appreciate it there was a period of time
where Leppa was just about to be thrown out on the street and I remember I was
first on my interacted with there and on a personal level and others and Jib others
and we did what we could to I know Jim helped about I know that Karen help them out
enormous Lee and I know that instead of showing kindness appreciation den comer
attacked it's really strange and I'll be very upfront with my own history with Dan
I have someone who's making a Wix website and every communication I've ever had
with Dan Cromer he's going to be on there I'm going to provide a link and people
can decide for themselves Dan Cromer publicly posted on Twitter that I had nothing
to do with his show with his creation and that is a lie it's a lie you're gonna see
it through the communications then basically forfeited his rights to privacy by
publicly to fame Amy so we're once again gonna go down the road and see who'll is
the liar and who is not as far as Stephanie see I'll be very upfront with you
there's been one monetary exchange of fifty dollars at a point and that was her
donating to me she has been a fierce protector of Jan comer from the beginning I
found Steph at one point to be kind and delightful and caring I don't understand
what's going on with her right now I do not believe that hoax wars at any point
said let me recruit you for TS team I don't think she's being honest and I am
challenging her to provide the evidence right why don't we put everything on the
table Steph if you're not lying I know what you've done is you've treated my friend
Rebecca horribly we've been very underhanded we're not very cool at all and
suddenly you're you know because the Lepus show failed on its own you know you've
gone to a proxy I'm not going to name the proxy but it is interesting seeing how
how far you've gone your obsequious to the point of diabetes with mr. Hoffman and
nobody none of you my detractors care to look at the truth why don't you take a
look at what keep often posted on the day that we learned that Isaac happy died and
for this man to engage in hyper hypocritical behavior on the day that we found out
that Isaac died Gabe Hoffman continued a pattern of derision and attacks that had
gone back as far as September of 2018 so there is a hoax being perpetuated upon the
people and these are lies very easy to probe prove she's me or some Canadian yeah
I've been talking to Zach a lot as far as mr. Hoffman's injunction that's another
attempt to silence people who are researching the Isaac Cappy death I don't put
myself in that category I'm not a nice happy researcher my response is having a
person with a high net worth attacked me out of the blue in concert with others so
that's that and I believe that gable Hoffman believes that justice can be bought
that if you have enough money you can get a judge to do anything so is that the
America we want to live in do we want some guy like Dave Hoffman saying oh I've got
compassion for mr. Schoenberger and he's pathetic I have compassion for Isaac for
Zach McQuaid therefore I'm going to go ahead and it calls Zach's mother oh well
Cory Daniel is lying about but you know what I'm not happy with Cory dinner right
now but I do think and I do believe Cory when he says that Cape Hoffman said he was
gonna make an example of Zach wait the reason why Gabe wants to deny that right now
they say he knows I'm gonna use it in my case and it's not gonna look good so Gabe
is not an unintelligent man he's not a genius certainly but he's he's not a stupid
man North North death Norris Cromer these are reasonably intelligent but they're
engaged right now in a conspiracy that can be easily proven through forensic
evidence and all for them I'm not going to name the fourth they really suck at
I wasn't talking about a little trigger talking about a lot this guy's crazy
Esteban Trujillo I mean he's just going crazy on me today wow he got four likes
five likes okay big guy you haven't done very well now have you
you guys have got to go check out titus frost 1984 word his new video Titus has
this compelling talent to mix humor with real hard facts and you know he drives he
drives certain scumbags crazy we guess he's so on target they hate that about him
and what he talks about in the first 18 minutes of the new video he did 19 hours
ago is that there are 18,000 18,000 18 K Syrian children who have had their organs
harvested and there's no public outcry you don't see anybody marching saying Syrian
children matter and as Titus puts it and he's right he says because it doesn't fit
their political narratives and you start to wonder we got a situation where wars
are being fought for people's organs not for subjugating them or killing them but
further organs they go in there and they say it's a profit center you know they can
count the number of kidneys right that's what we're looking at and you know as
titus says like this is one thing Trump did stop another good point the Titus makes
this talks about what what the UN really is which is creepy creepy people and that
the lipitor is one the UN to replace the cops that's what's really going on which
is when you hear defund the police which are not hearing is a globalist agenda
which is being kept very quiet so they will go ahead and what they did is they saw
the influenza stuff that we've been talking about for a while they well you know
what you know maybe it's been delivered by a virus right that whole phase thing I
talk about and yeah the influenza has been spiking every year for a while it's you
know it's not gonna wipe us out if it goes full bore pandemic even if the world
loses 200 million people that's a blink of an eye believe it or not we've got
billions and billions of billions it's like the McDonald's sign billion served so
my mind is that they have taken this simple wenzer thing and they've said we can
run with this we can go ahead into a con job on the people and have them washing
their hands like they were Howard Hughes meanwhile you kill the old people off
guess they're the ones that I've influenced at right the 1918-1919 pandemic was
scary because it was killing people in their 20s and 30s and a lot of it was being
moved around the world as troops returned home from World War one so we I do expect
a second wave but I do think that they're not telling you the truth about what it
is never true they're trying to scare the hell out of everybody while politicizing
how bad it is in the United States you know in a snapshot I can tell you that the
1918 pandemic killed Europeans at a ratio of fifty to one for Americans you know we
had 675,000 which is you know a bigger number then what would happen today you
would have to save five x on that one yes we have a much bigger population but
seriously I think it's a whole bunch of hype and I think you guys will love Titus's
D-Day part 1
2020-08-12 17:59:16 UTC
we've got a lot to discuss today so this is an article from right around veterans
day 2016. um and it's from a uh an attorney an entertainment attorney a good one uh
jonathan handel is uh well-known and um uh he's worked for the hollywood reporter
he's uh you know been a contributing editor in a number of places and he talks
about a young man named evan hensey who was a victim and he was uh one of the
subjects of the uh teen sex abuse documentary in open secret as he puts it and he
talks about what gabe hoffman did which is um gabe offman uh followed an
arbitration against the film's director uh and then threatened to sue a sex abuse
victim depicted in the film this is a 22 year old man evan hensey um in addition
hoffman called henze's father and claimed to have heard a rumor that hensey was
doing drugs which it basically blew up in gabe's face so i've got some news to
report um let's go through it zach mcquaid who um is in his 20s just like evan was
uh who has been uh through all sorts of horrible shit in life right left home at 14
um you know has been victimized well gabe hired an attorney called gary m kaplan of
mason kaplan and they're attempting zach to sign this this court orders that the
plaintiff is at liberty to publish his judgment on the internet and it is at
liberty to publish provide or deliver to third persons as he deems fit and
necessary so as to protect his reputation and to draw to the attention of the
public the effect of this judgment they are trying to get zach right now to sign
something that they could submit to the court that would allow zach to be further
stocked zach is defined as a vulnerable person under canadian law so right now this
is going to the right people um [Music] this is an outrage this is an absolute
outrage it's also a repeat a repeat of what happened with evan hensey all right now
second thing i want to discuss is um steve ultrum hit it out of the park again he's
like a babe ruth when it comes to um focusing on the truth community he did um the
train wreck of the tanya now i'm going to preface what i'm about to say by saying
that i've never had an unprofessional interaction with steve biss uh i don't think
he uh knows what his wife is doing but what his wife is doing is uh pretty
dangerous yet it appears right now that she sent um the person i call meatball 1
500 on august 1st 2017 now that was uh when the company shadowbox which was myself
meatball trevor fitzgibbon and um beth blackburn uh we had formed it we hadn't um
formally incorporated that happened in october but none of us knew that tonya had
uh sent money uh to [Music] meatball and if you start to put all the pieces
together you'll see that meatball was actually attacking jason goodman right after
that money was received now he was in a war with him and george webb prior to that
starting around mid-june 2017 but it wasn't really intense it got very intense and
it got to the point where there was an expose on jason goodman so look i'm not a
fan of jason i don't think what he did uh destivotroom was right at all however i
am a fan of justice and if um if goodman has a brain cell in his head um he's going
to put two and two together and he's going to take a look at how the judge has
stayed the trial for 60 days and all he has to do is make the connection between
the 1500 payment to an online defamer a person who criminally doxes people meatball
and the payment from uh the plaintiff's attorney's wife i'm pretty sure that um
steve biss didn't know what was going on uh but i think that tonya knew exactly
what she was doing um she's been caught in a whole bunch of things with this
article threats to children and i think that both her and meatball are in legal
trouble i know as a fact that um a number of uh copies of this article along with
the receipts are on the way to the judge uh so he can and it's pretty sad i mean
some of the stuff that she wrote i don't know where uh where things are at she's
very bright but she's you know she's also quite a bullshitter and um talks a lot
about spook land and how they neutralize people which they do and here's where she
talks about her her husband's client trevor you have to see it for yourself so you
go to burners dot me that's where you want to go you also want to go directly to
steve otrum there's his address on twitter you've got to read the article because
here's what he's doing he started out with hunches he started out with seeing
connections that um you know even myself as a target i didn't see and he's got this
nose for detective work it's pretty amazing um he has been able to essentially
prove a conspiracy right now and it's a conspiracy that is a very dangerous one um
there have been all sorts of things tied to this there's been death and mayhem the
willful destruction of reputations gaslighting you know uh gang stalking someone
and calling uh you know calling the victim a gang stalker repeatedly again and
again um there's ties to the person we call gay dolphin where i just showed you a
current example of what this guy did in 2015 to a man named evan hensey and that
was settled out of court so right now um there's more than one person who's
bringing this whole matter um to uh the right people in canada and showing the
history showing the antics of gay dolphin even showing a video that meatball made
that he later deleted where he calls out gay dolphin exactly for this uh thing so
it's going to get pretty serious um i think and i think that more importantly as
far as the rds [Music] goodman case i'm going to be the first one to tell you i
think goodman's won i think goodman [Music] has been able to prove conspiratorial
um actions i think that rds cannot show damages [Music] i've never had a bad
interaction with rds myself i haven't talked to him since what 2017. [Music] you
know i don't i don't know the man well talked to him on the phone a couple i think
that the judge is probably going to go to him and say you tell me what you know
about meatball right now and you tell me what you know about tonya right now i
think those two are going to be under very intense review potentially criminal
review by the judge the judge probably has 10 to 12 lurks at their disposal and for
this um you know when you see a court say 30 days they're going to do a relatively
quick investigation when they say 60 days it means that they're seeing something
seriously wrong and it is all connected to meatballs emails he made a blunderous by
including evidence that he was paid on august 1st 2017 by tanya biss i mean that's
you don't think jason goodman is gonna run with that ball then you're crazy you
don't think he's going to be you know putting a nice uh little package together for
the judge and i'll tell you it raises eyebrows it certainly does take a look at
steve oatrom's article he pulls it a lot more than that he proves that the citizens
zone show is a show that is meant to defame and what they do is they go ahead and
they pretend that they're victims while they're defaming they admit it on air it's
all part of this article i urge you to read it and to listen to the evidence and to
review the receipts thank you
it's funny how this gabe hoffman operates i was making a video on the fact that the
new york post online who died saying koved got him even though uh you know he was a
holocaust victim and by holocaust i mean the holocaust of world war ii not the
armenian one so um he says my attorney told the attorney repping thomas schenberger
that he accepts service of their lawsuit for me equals how professionals handle
legal affairs that's your opinion gave asked yes attorney two sub-servers of my
defamation lawsuit filed against him in 2019. t.s attorney said he was an
authorized clown face that's pretty interesting um i had more than one attorney um
and here's the guy it's jesse davis um and so it's pretty interesting you've got
jessie weighing in uh it's pretty funny how you feel uh consider a crazy draft
lawsuit full of bizarre lies and demanded two million not to file all on good time
got more than one attorney [Music] so you seem triggered gabe [Music] you say
thomas schoenberger smears a recently deceased holocaust survivor in a youtube
video accusing him with no evidence of building bombs and planning this person who
was 96 what i was questioning which is my right is why the new york post would put
this online front and center and then he goes non-secretor gabe does on us he says
it was on the front page of boston yeah it was online gabe and then he was 96 yeah
so my parents did great things nice little bit of information uh thanks for sharing
[Applause] you know here it is moore slander um actually libel slanderer's spoken
word libel has written word thomas schumer lies again the story about a recently
deceased holocaust survivor he smeared doesn't appear on the fridge from patient
new york post ts deflects the man's age and actions of his parents if if their
racist smears today i didn't smear him i was making comment on the positioning of
stories with the new york post eliezer lulek grenfell survived nazi death march to
live another 75 years okay so here it is and then he puts down shelby has no info
on mr grenfell's prior occupation only the story's brief um lying grinder may have
worked in accounting as a defense contractor yeah you already know that his
comptroller he arrived in israel on october 21st 1956 he had a car accident on
november 11th he was actually at fault he was drunk um and then he went to work for
uh a defense contractor who created bombs that were planted in the sand that did
kill people by the way they did kill people just the way it is so that's not uh
smearing someone to say that they were a defense contractor and i didn't say
planning terror attacks where'd you read that you're making things up so here's a
guy he looks like he's got pretty good genes you know he's 96 he's probably around
92 or 93 there but doesn't look a day over 85. good genes have some men but of
course gay plays it up today is yom hashoah holocaust remembrance day the new york
post ran a story today about a holocaust survivor he just died from govid thomas
schoenberger gets angered by the story um i wasn't angered for the fifth time gabe
you're not gonna play me that way what you like to do is trigger people so they
overreact and then you can point fingers at them or try to file deformation suits
against them if you recall you attacked me in may i'm not gonna say much about that
all i'm gonna say is that you and i will have a square off in court and you're not
going to like the result you're not going to like a parade of skeletons coming out
as I was telling you guys a couple days ago I it's now in France let me translate
six new cases of the coroner virus are confirmed in Burgundy this evening five
people sent to the hospital okay his name in the areas Teesha on you know it's a
beautiful area to see oh we got some more but surprisingly francis speared this
person saying it's not spared i cut way down to make a point that's a French
expression so you know so same oh yeah well if through you won't be able to wash
your hands so a that typical French humor but is here and what this one person was
saying is it's not in Paris it's in Paris and by the way guys fifty-five percent of
the French work for the government so this is gonna get crazy governments are
2020-05-26 04:45:52 UTC
so it's definitely been a spring time that is shocked and dismayed a lot of people
and there's been more polarization the extremities are showing and the veneer is
cracking but for those who are advocating revolution well I personally believe
they're foolish I think that anybody trying to conjure up even the idea of a
revolution doesn't understand that there's overwhelming power that will be used
against them it's dumb stupid it's not like the American Revolution where roughly
9% of the population inspired another 14% and that 24% was able to ignite the torch
and these guys knew what they were doing it was a selective they understood that
the British had a weakness called distance and the ocean so or the oceans actually
do to be exact so at any rate I don't think a revolution is the answer I do think
that interior Renaissance is because when you're in the process of creation then
these things are not going to bother you as much you know this is all theater it's
all theater and it's meant to distract and upset you they don't want you happy and
creative they want you watching their theater and so going ahead and saying you
know what I'm going to confront you and I'm going to attack you because you have
wronged me that's foolish a much better way is to simply take what's between your
ears and tune it to a place of happiness and come a little bit of an expert and I
kept being hated and yet you don't hear it take away the laughter of my voice I'm
aware these are diminutive bullies who lack something meaningful in their life and
so you know they want to take down a creator and I'm just one one there's there's a
long history of that there and I think what's most important is as we see the
exposure of global government corruption and we learn they don't love us there to
tax us use this poisonous experiment on us imprison us you know and make money off
of us as we die slower than than ever you know and they want that this is all the
work of Big Pharma and insurance and and you know governments that literally look
to us as livestock so what was hidden before is now coming to light but what is
hidden from your mind now this may be a new way of thinking you know after I
separated from my wife I had a girlfriend and we took a lot of vacations together
and we were along the Amalfi Coast and it was just a windswept day and a fabulous
dinner and a great Barolo a red wine superior red wine of Italy and you know we'd
this animated went to sleep and then she woke me up 3:45 and wanted to talk some
more and other things and you know I had mentioned technology to her and she had
questions and so spur of the moment I say get dressed and I said go come on so I
went for a walk and we were overlooking a cliff I said can you tell me what species
of plant is over here what's the name of these trees what's up you know what about
this one this one this one she couldn't so I said let's wait 20 minutes it was dawn
and by then she could make out the shape of the trees one was a Juniper you know
one was a fine so on and so forth I said darkness itself night is steganography for
daylight and if you start to think in those terms or everything has a lightness or
darkness everything has a shape or is shapeless you start to enter into a realm
that might be called a realm of sacred geometry but it opens up portals and within
all of us is the ability to create hurt or create madness or create misery or
create contentment it's all inside of us so for the government that has a silent
leash and they really would like to move that leash up to the foramen magnum and
the cerebellum that's kind of what they did with their little MKULTRA programs we
can anti MK out for them by literally listening to your inner muse and following
your interviews and all of a sudden you'll find that a government that wants to
tether your
Denise of Truth Convoy accuses Gabe Hoffman of being a filthy Jewish predator
2020-06-12 02:37:46 UTC
you know that part in batman where the joker says where do they get a load of me
well i can certainly apply that to denise matthau of corpus christi texas who
started out falsely accusing myself and um drone dave of causing explosions along
port that's just pretty interesting so um then she started on an apologetic tour of
gabe hoffman but deep down inside she couldn't contain that demonic entity that we
all know lovingly is truth convoy so this time she went further she called gabe
often a filthy jewish predator or filthy jew predator so we're gonna see if gabe is
good for his word he claimed that if he uh did not reach the demands that dennis
klein put forth in a written letter that denise has admitted receiving and that
gabe hoffman made public well we'll see if gabe's going to sue now that should be
interesting enough i still don't think he's going to do it i think he's a lot of
talk i think his uh his uh lawsuits are frivolous and he doesn't understand that um
come monday i'll have a response and within a week or two after that um i'll have
something of my own to show him at any rate right now denise had uh under 50 people
watching her video but it's going to be metastasized we know it's going to be
loaded and uploaded and clipped and snipped and it's going to go everywhere i think
hoax wars is going to have a field day with it i think other people will too but um
you know it's interesting i just hope that um denise was able to you know put down
blondie before she made that video and uh she made sure the uh the himmler children
were resting comfortably because i have a feeling this is gonna be kind of like
Good news everybody biological Research Institute in Israel has been working on a
vaccine for 11 mo
2020-03-14 13:06:13 UTC
so now we learned that the Israeli Research Center which is rumored to be a Mossad
front a new net now it was very involved with well they were developing a vaccine
for this a year ago that's funny I thought it kind of appeared gently in October of
last year and then the first patient was diagnosed on December 1st confusing times
folks I'm
Hate tweeting TS
2020-07-02 12:37:08 UTC
good morning everybody so you know I actually thought that I should start a new
segment for this little tiny alt channel called hate tweeting Thomas yes I seem to
get so much of it on Twitter in fact there's one here that says haha he is wrong
said c19 desk go down sharp June and then largest in fact yesterday okay so I'm
going to decode this which is they're basically saying that I said that coronavirus
fatalities would go down starting June I actually said late me and this person is
bragging saying there were more cases detected yesterday around the clubbed and at
any other time but not death okay that's why I keep on saying knock-knock wake up
the infections follow the same seasonality that flu symptoms follow which is why
they can shout and scream and say look at this more people are infected and at the
end of the day the bad stuff always comes during the winter so I think I'm
absolutely right and I think yeah the deaths did go way down in late May just like
I said so you know stupid this person is stupid they're trying to say that that
case infections are the same thing is uh this you know case fatalities and they're
not they're not and that's why you see these liberal idiots on CNN and NBC
screaming and yelling because they want things as dire as possible they want
financial shutdowns they want to paralyze the nation and I hope they don't get
their way with it again because the last round was horrific it's real bad it's got
lasting effects even though you don't see that in stock market right now you will
there's another tweet analysis which basically says ha ha ha I know stock market
crash I made it very very clear that the stock market was in the crash back in
March right when it did and I'm telling you again she's gonna hit even harder for
September or more likely October no people might think that's counterintuitive
because we're gonna get a clear sign of who's gonna be our next POTUS and I'm
absolutely sure it's gonna be Trump for another term however there might be a lot
of uncertainty and there may be a feeling that um you know the DNC has played so
many horrible games that um there could be a chance that Biden would be our
president that could actually paralyze the mood of the stock market because it's
uncertainty so I said and by the way the stock markers fake all right what would be
really bad for the market but really good for America is if Trump stood up and said
we're gonna audit the Fed and we're gonna start to take the duplicity z' of other
nations a lot more seriously you know right now we're cobbled up to rattle that's
what we have you know our two closest buddies UK and a small nation in Israel are
constantly spying on us constantly trying to paralyze us you know it's the way it
is especially the one in the Middle East and oh well Saudi Arabia right our good
buzzin buddy so you know that the people in power actually have to bow down to the
real people in power who tend to be you know invisible and rootless and they're not
necessarily tied to any geographical footprint they're international if you get
what I mean so that's that
Mark Twain once said history may not always repeat but it often rhymes so I'm
struck by a comment that encrypter beasts made on one of my videos and he was
referencing me dirty bomb hawks of June 2017 which took place at the port of
Charleston South Carolina the home state of perpetual bachelor Lindsey Graham so
being an amateur historian I can look back at ptolemy period Egypt and they had
their plagues you take a look at the Byzantine Empire for instance where an emperor
by the name of Justinian had to deal with the plague that probably wiped out 30% of
the population of the Byzantine Empire which was a vast empire it was literally
something that assumably came from infected sailors on grain ships bringing their
goods from Egypt so these ports would normally bring life-sustaining foods supplies
fabrics etc and between 541 and 542 you had perhaps a 30 to 35 percent die-off of a
vast population it changed everything and it said that the actual plague lasted 8
or 9 years and eventually dissipated if you take a look at the Black Death I have
linked the creation of gunpowder in China to the fact that they use bat guano and
of course this was brought into Europe through the Silk Route and the traditional
story is that the Ottomans were fighting the Genoese and Kaffee and catapulted
infected corpses into fortified walls and of course that's where the general we
said it take off and where do they go they went to the port cities and that's where
the Black Death grew no I don't always agree with that concept I've been to these
archeological digs and monthly and nice called Spitalfields which is in London just
short for hospital fields which is where they buried their dead so I believe that
the initial black death was a hemorrhagic phenomenon that was an avian flu you know
rather a bullet like there's scant evidence that these sailors had boobles pus-
filled boils that earmark bubonic plague and there were a number of different types
of pathogens we know that there was also a pneumonic plague that was very quick the
reason why I don't think that the black death was merely bubonic plague was the
clarity of the contagion it was moving seven miles a day doesn't seem like the
bubonic plague which tends to be very slow-moving rather like a glacier and very
long-lived this thing took four years and probably wiped out 40% of Europe so what
trying to say to you is that these ports are delivery systems that can bring in
life-sustaining goods they can feed the people but they can also infect and wipe
out the people and I think this is what we're seeing right now with the
coronaviruses as a potential because of the various mutations to turn into
something far more deadly and where will it enter into America's bloodstream there
the ports Natchez Boston New York Long Beach
hi everybody so as I've been saying since January and early February late April and
into May will be when we'll see a rapid recovery with things I'm not saying that
New York will be there in fact what we'll see in the coming days is New Orleans get
it really hard and Florida get it really hard there's reasons for that that I'll
get into later but just watch it happen and just remember guys this is the first
wave so it's the easiest wave the one that we have to look forward to is going to
be in winter and that's the one that we should be very aware of I think it's going
to be just crazy where does it go from here not quite sure but this is the first
wave so hang in and where does it go we need to prepare for October and
so let's continue our discussions on the influenza pandemic of 1918 it was known as
a Spanish flu in Spain it was known as I liked Aviva and Molly a lot though Italian
the Eagle so this influenza was the worst thing to ever hit mankind now of course
we're told that the black death from 1347 to 1352 is the worst it's not true it may
have accounted for a bigger percentage of that kind but more people died of
influenza in a single year than it in the four years of the Black Death so I wanted
to talk to you guys about carriers and how this thing can be spread I believe that
the second wave is going to have a profound verus with a high mortality rate and it
can be spread through dander and lice and pets and hospitals and this is why
they're having trouble stopping it now and it will continue to mutate and adapt so
the 1918 pandemic left scars on the face of the world this one looks as bad we're
gonna see how brace throughout North America and you reckon sardine Asia will see
it in Africa at Brazil and India and what we're gonna see is two competing sides
we're gonna see the fear porn stars and we'll take advantage of it and then we're
gonna see governments who are going to eye you they're gonna try to suppress the
neighbors why well we don't matter to governments only our productivity guess and
what really matters is money the petrodollar so you're seeing this evil just spread
it everywhere across the world except for Israel which is it to see I don't start
you know so it got so bad in 1918 that you had mass graves funerals were you had
conditions that were not so far removed from what we witnessed during the Black
Death you know you would see the same thing in London in 1665 where they would
board up the healthy and the sick that's what you saw with this cruise ship which
you know they don't know how to everybody to get infected you know and that ship is
gonna be completely infected and there's gonna be deaths and there's gonna be
lawsuits that's what's coming so what you're going to see with governments is
they're going to tell you is feed containing or we have a cure and then you're
going to the other side which is people who don't have our best interests at heart
talk about how it's gonna kill anybody it won't even in the worst these plagues it
could kill a third to 40% of us which is not a good prospect but when I think the
greater fear right now is that we're gonna see financial markets crash so if you've
got stock get the hell out you make one of investing some crypto so but it is going
to be bad really bad you're gonna see 10 million die even with all I can tell you
is I've been warning people and I was wanting people several weeks back when
everybody was saying that's this is only the first wave the second wave is what we
have to pay attention to and that will happen as the weather turns cold next year
or this year this will be September and that's where you're gonna see crazy days
crazy things you know in October of 1918 the virus killed close to a quarter
million people in America alone and then the next month the animals to stay and
that spread the epidemic all over the place and this was in an era where there
wasn't a regular air travel that didn't happen right now because of our modern
methods of transportation we're in a much more vulnerable position so hang on it's
going to get
okay guys so let's go through a victim's lists of people who were prominent
captains of industry celebrities bank cartel well talking about banker tellers one
of the Dead is Antonio Vieira Montero and he was the chairman of the Portuguese
unit of [Music] Santander bank big bank a major bank in Portugal and if you guys
remember I was talking about Portugal and Spain and Italy so we also have Sophie
Trudeau that's Justin Trudeau's wife that's the Prime Minister of Canada we all
know about Tom Hanks and his wife Rita Wilson but there's also the British health
minister Nadine Doris and then there's Juventus right Danielle or gaining I believe
it isn't late yeah Blaise Matuidi then you have all sorts of players from the
Sampdoria Football Club then you got the politicians which is you have um Nicola
Zen got a tea which is the leader of the ruling Democratic Party in Italy you've
got I forgot the guy's name he's the CEO of British Telecom Philip Jenson our
Jennison you got Mikkel or kita who's the head coach of Arsenal and you wonder
what's gonna happen with Manchester next right you got a Chelsea guy Calum Hudson a
goy right you have the cultural Minister of France Frank Rees till then you've got
Christiana Jacob who's the president of the French Republic party you get a bunch
of French and peas that are infected you've got the Australian a interior minister
Peter Dutton you've got the leader of Spain's right-wing party DynaVox Santiago
Abascal and then you've got the regional affairs minister in Spain Caroline and
arias you've got Miami's mayor France sex sewers who has come into some controversy
there's people say and anti-semite who knows you've got the Italian Deputy Minister
of Education and I ask how me and she's part of the Democratic Party you've got the
Italian MP for the Democratic Party I think it's uh Siana Gravano you've got be
going a Gunkel mess who's the wife of Prime Minister kind of what is his name I
think is I think it's such as you've got the Italian Deputy Minister of Health pair
Paolo Soleri you've got others all over the place right you got Karl von Habsburg
he's in it he's Habsburg he's the Archduke of Austria it's part of the royal line
he's a royal prince of hungary bohemia and Garissa so you start looking at all
these people and start to put in the net nothing and I'm just telling you this is a
biological operation straight off the bat it's biological comes from that now
2020-04-22 06:03:41 UTC
so says mr. Hoffman seems to be obsessed with me I'm starting to take a look at his
Twitter and on April 20th yesterday he says today's sponge in oil prices will
further savage the Texas economy sounds like he's taking clean that you know he's
disparaged Texas before it's not the first time and he says if you don't think
Trump is in trouble in Texas you're ignoring reality and 2016 Trump only got 52.2%
in Texas okay you don't understand the rules of incumbents usually our precedents
to two terms and they do better in the second election because they were a known
quantity and quality and that's what we have going on which one where he's got a
high approval ratings and Texas they like him and I think Texas are very smart they
understand that we're dealing with the pandemic and that there are all sorts of
technical consequences that happen but Gabe wouldn't understand that you see Kate
only cares about scaring people all but yes he only cares about shorting things and
destroying things that's what he likes to do he's a short seller so he likes to bet
on the glass half-empty that's what he's done with the Elon Musk and he's
denigrated Elon personally you know attacked him his family his looks so on and so
forth in his cave gave some insecure guy who really has some problems with the
world tends to operate on the semen of eight that just came to me that's pretty you
know that's pretty wild but you know I call him like I see em Esteban's and his
defenders and there was that guy Diane not bad ignore him you know those were his
posse least that's the way I see it it's my opinion only of course but you see Gabe
would he attempted to there was take the most vulnerable people the people who
don't have a lot of money the people who tend to be going through stresses any
attempts to trigger them into an overreaction besotted with ice a copy tried to
joke with my friend Zack I saw him do it to Leo right that was the guy who ran an
all-american cartel and that was because Julio basically said look Gabe's got a
micropenis I'm putting it why would Kate care why would he care about watching my
videos why would his his friend Esteban through the OT Gutierrez who lives in the
pedophile capital of the world Bangkok Thailand why would this guy talk about
obsessively going through thirteen of my videos a lot of my videos are my random
thoughts and recollections and my philosophies I'm an armchair philosopher a
composer I'm a historian all amateur of course because I don't give it in about Pro
already don't I don't care about expertise or celebrity I care about being organic
and I'm pretty sure my music will be rather famous in a century after I'm gone and
I'm pretty sure I'm not gonna be around to witness it so what does it matter it's
just like Gabe what legacy are you gonna leave that you were betting on companies
experience discord and disharmony is that it are you leaving any legacy of beauty
no you're not I can't respect that the people in my circle they tend to leave
things that are beautiful feeling and
that means sugar shine is a trickster so careful careful she's carrying the water
of nut bag nordstrom so you need to vet everything she's saying this will be a 45
second video and i'm sure she'll give me a five minute rant in return she's
generous in that way isn't she
well well my friends were propaganda hit the million number and this weekend and
everybody's saying oh my god pandemic and there's a lot of question if it's a a bio
weapon which is starting to look like it because you see the intensity in certain
areas and you don't see it others doesn't seem organic at all it seems like it's
purposeful and once again it's the BB virus as far as I'm concerned so there's a
lot of history and I think I've gone through some of it remember I was talking
about cava okay cough it is in the Ukraine he's failed Ostia I think it's called
now and this is where in a 14th century the Tartars you know the Mongols started to
catapult diseased bodies over the walls and that is where you had the Genoese
defending other city and they got you know obliterated and supposedly they came on
ships to back to Genoa and that's where the plague started in Europe but it's
happened a lot more in there there's an event that I'm familiar with at a place
called Fort Pitt which was in the Ohio Ohio River Valley and that's where the
British troops deliberately spread smallpox among the native Indian population by
presenting them gifts that worked blankets and linens that is private prior and you
know previously been used by smallpox victims in fact the British tried to do the
same thing with infected British soldiers during the American Revolutionary War
what they did is when someone was diagnosed as having smallpox they would basically
say desert and go to the enemy's camp there get sick in them so that's a little-
known but you can find it if you dig very hard you'll also see the same thing in
the revolution or with the American Civil War you know 1862 64 and you also see a
little earlier than that James Polk I think English President Polk who was giving
away infected blankets to the native Indian population you saw and I'm 78 no 79
where there was a military testing facility in Russia the former Soviet Union and
they had been developing things they had anthrax and you know botulinum toxins and
a flow toxins and all that and it doesn't matter if there was a biological weapons
convention you know signed by everybody in 1972 that didn't stop the research so
what you look for as far as efficacy with a biological warfare agent is
accessibility to the agent you gotta rely on your scientists to handle and us
produce them and deliver them in the proper size for dissemination as aerosol and
you also have to have a vaccine all ready to go and all of those dynamics meet
Netanyahu's biological research facilities now there was place Dallas not Dallas
but Dallas Oregon where remember the Rogers right rajma cheese they were other guys
who were trying to poison the local salad bars because they wanted to win the
election right so what our biological warfare agents they're microorganisms like
viruses and fungi and bacteria and protozoa and toxins and they bring diseases to
man-animal in plants and these agents can cause large-scale mortality morbidity can
incapacitate masses villages towns nations in the shortest amount of time possible
that's viruses are only capable of replication within a living cell and they're
pretty much pathogenic to man animals and plants they consist of proteins and
nucleic acids you know DNA and RNA and when you take a look at the coronavirus
model it's clear that it shows the RNA right in the middle and these things can
multiply and spread faster than bacteria bacteria are single-cell Pro periodic
organisms and they have a definitive cell wall as opposed to fungi which are
unicellular or multicellular eukaryotic organisms and they don't have any
chlorophyll so there are fungal species that are going to cause diseases and
planets and some of them in humans as well Candida right and then you have toxins
which are secondary metabolites and they're produced by algae and bacteria and
fungi and plants and fishes you know there there there they can be deadly - you can
have them with very low concentrations and they can definitely affect the
functioning of cells and then you get things like anthrax which is probably the
most deadly and that's caused by the bacterium bacillus Faculty of non motile or
non motile spore forming the bacterium and so it's taken from the greek word col
because that's what it does to the skin and I've always wondered if you had some of
the natural anthrax outbreaks intermingled with some of these plays that they said
were bubonic and you see that you see people get that who were farmers who were in
close contact with animals and so that bacterium is horrible it penetrates the body
by a open source and it can affect humans you know aerosol eclis or through
ingestion it so we'll get more into this I'm just trying to teach people what we're
looking at there's different types of biological
okay so just to give you guys some evidence here's Satan not who to do a lot for
Lewinsky tape for Johnny Pollard Jonathan Pollard that was he Israeli spy so they
tapped White House phones and then the black male Clinton with the recordings of
the intern look at the scumbag and here's Johnny Pollard who spied on America for
for Israel did horrible things so here's Satan know right Bibi Benjamin trying to
block my our president so why is he be nobody back you know why would he be giving
speeches to our Congress and our senator isn't getting thunderous ovations again
and again so there's a book that's out Clinton Inc yeah dishes rebuilding of a
political machine it's been around for a while this is Daniel helper I think it
came you know it's just amazing put this down so you know this is an infestation
just like the pandemic you know covert 19 now of course the covert is getting
weaker and probably what we need is a conga line or a group hug or a we are the
world moment everybody hold hands looking common sense dictate then when the
mortality rate of a pandemic is at a weak inflection point that's the time to get
as many people as you can to self in fact this is a vaccine you know the pandemic
will be over by the time the vaccine comes around tell you that pandemics can last
hundreds of years but this one it looks like the normal two to three year one and
getting back to BB you know he's like the king rat I stated back in January that I
think that now who had turned on Trump that he had felt abandoned as of September
2019 and that's why we're seeing what we're seeing with all Biden Bush and
everything going on there's been Trump haters but now you've got the never Trump
who are usually Israeli firsters and they're jumping on the bandwagon after having
been silent for a couple so as net now whose trial progresses he's going to be even
more mortified and angry that Trump is pulled away from Jared Kushner and you want
me to tell you what I think I think Yorkers are probably engaged in espionage and
there's multiple reports Insider reports that are stating that Trump is not happy
with Jared and I can tell you that between Kushner and the way that Trump is dealt
wouldn't it now who which is to be warm and friendly for three years well that's
where a number of people was supported from likely feel that that is Trump's
Achilles heel his blind spot the White House should have been much more guarded
about allowing Jared Kushner in and when you see Benjamin Netanyahu right before
Trump got into office he came here and gave a speech to our politicals I think he
spoke in Congress and he got thundering and standing ovations from our leaders and
my immediate thought is how many pit vipers have been on Epstein Island and how
many of you serve Israel before America and how connected is forwarded to this
operation it's a viable question if you look closely at Marco Rubio he's a brown-
noser for Israel and just like Jeb Bush he's also from Florida and where did
Jeffrey Epstein live Florida and where's moose Osmos heavy influence Florida and
the media has put the Maxwell Epstein drama on page six rather than the front page
where it used to be they never mentioned Israel while talking about this Lane
thanks well that's something everybody are we such a weak people that were not
allowed to look closely at the Epstein Israeli connection let's we be branded with
a scarlet letter the letter a4 anti-semitic it's crazy and you can apply this to
anybody that Kron has been in the news lately this is a leader of France if I'm the
president of France and my so-called staunchest Ally repeatedly gets caught with
his hand in my pocket and he's hacking my computer he's stealing my wife and
sexually abusing my daughters as the leader of France and the patriarch of my
family I'm doing a double to service by embracing this monster I'm imperiling those
closest to me and I'm not serving my country as I should what it should be is
quarantine iing the scheming filthy excuse for a friend our country is now infested
politically from our media from our judges from our politicians it's worse that
when I take a look at a fake Christian like Jacki Weaver Jacqueline we were of
tracking to let burrows and I see now that she's fixated on me hopefully you know
hoping that I'm gonna lose it I think hey how much is Gabe hater right so I fell I
think he's paid Korey Daniel and I've heard that from two different sources now so
here's a guy who goes crazy about Isaac caffee because Isaac Cappy is talking about
a Jewish pedophilia situation in Hollywood that is not anti-semitic I'm allowed to
say as we all are Wow is there a Jewish pedophile problem in Hollywood it's not
like Harvey Weinstein didn't exist he does and there's a fair amount of others who
are Jewish and they're pedophiles and it needs to be talked about just like the
same thing with the Catholics when the pedophilia of priests was covered up for
decades even longer maybe essentially right that's what's happened with Hollywood
is you have these scandals that are quickly covered up by the media that they
control so as Americans happy 4th to you guys and I think what we need to do is
start to rise up and confront this situation and quit being shamed into
I feel like I'm walking in a cauldron and the car seats are hibachi so someone
asked me earlier today they said where did you first get the idea to start
composing music and I was trying to explain that it came to me it wasn't something
that I plotted or planned it was not anything other than incidental and we're
really took off is that we used to summer in Europe and whether I was in a little
town Italy or I was somewhere near Heidelberg or you know thence etc you would
awaken to appeals of cathedral bells and they were so beautiful and they would
blend in with a sound of swallows and other birds and it came to me so early that
all I was doing was interpreting what my ears actually heard and running them
through this great thing between my ears and that's how I started to compose and
with that building up a powerful three hours worth of music that are based on those
bells from so many decades ago and from the ringing of bells that the villagers
would have heard during Gothic times in Europe during the 12th and 13th centuries
you would have woken up at the age of five to the same bells that you would have
woken up on your last day it's a permeation of frequency think about that what
other sounds do we know like that sounds of the wind sounds of birds and for us
modern Homo sapiens the sounds of automobiles the trains and sirens and but those
sounds don't matter to me what
We need the Isaac Kappy investigation to heat up. Thank you Dave Acton
2020-03-18 17:15:31 UTC
I guess I need to make some more day videos yeah it's a great site sdn y dot org
and what he's saying this hey Jason Goodman and Marcus Conte why don't you push the
FBI to investigate the eyes of Cappy death and you know focus on Thomas uh murder I
love that man I think it's a really good idea actually because I've been the fall
guy here the past SIA scapegoat and so I think getting an official investigation
which never happened with Isaac I think that's a really good move because I think
we all know where it's gonna go maybe West Palm Beach Carson City you know places
where casinos are closing and viruses are showing up so yeah Dave I wanted to thank
you I think it's a really good idea please keep on that trail you've got Kelly
Jeannie you've got one of her tweets and your thing and I suspect that she's very
involved in setting up Isaac and covering up his
so it's very interesting I'm taking a trip to Europe six days which is going to be
absolutely wild because it messes with your circadian a cycle when you're younger
there's no effect but you know over 40 it's not like we sleep much at any rate it
looks like lemmo is trying to strike my channel I don't think he liked my uh my
video which you know this is my alt channel my other one I've got tens of thousands
of subscribers but I use that for music for this one I use this to express my
responses to the events so I thought you guys should know that for the third time
the authorities were called on Zach Quaid early this morning they came in and he
was very smart what he said is you know maybe it's a good idea for all of us to
cross our T's and dot our eyes once you go ahead and and that's exactly what
happened and they let him go you know he saw psychiatrists and explained everything
showed him the evidence trail and the Toronto police had to be committed because
they said okay that sounds good and you know if everything works out come back to
us which means that they're gonna be making a referral to US authorities on this
floridian who seems to have a habit of attacking young men into 20s so I'm gonna
keep on speaking up it's my free speech right Hoffman is going on public attacking
me and but it's different now you see he used to only attack Isaac Abbie and he
would attack Michael Whelan but now what he's doing is he's having to elongate his
time on air and talk about how he's being attacked by five or six different people
so I on his most recent appearance on YouTube and I'm not going to name the channel
he goes ahead and he calls Corey Daniel of Hoffman claimed I never said I was gonna
go up to Canada and make an example of Zach after the corona virus pandemic is
through you know I've had issues with Corey but I believe that he's absolutely
being truthful about this I think Gabe Hoffman communicated with him both an email
and in phone calls and I'm pretty sure that if I have any insight into human nature
Corey Daniel is actually starting to see things for what they really are he was
snowed you see I can look back at Corey from May of 2019 I can look him in the eye
and I can say you know what that a problem with you but I've never liked you Corey
not once and not any interview someone else did so the good news is Zach's out he
sent me an e-mail today saying that he was in touch with Corey but that he was
going to keep the content between him and Corey and that's good that's how it
should be you know privacy and communications I don't get that what I get is people
like Hoffman and his cronies going ahead and talking about my business prospects my
reputation my possessions Aleppo talking about my my Mercedes so if lepa was going
to go ahead and violate my privacy then what I'll do is I'll take every single
communication I ever had with the guy and I'll make a website and it'll be there
for the world to see and they can decide who's telling the truth lapa made a very
public tweet stating that I had nothing to do with helping his show early on and
that's a lie dan Cromer knows it so as I said before I believe that his yearning
his desire was to be Johnny Carson here's Johnny and he ended up as Ed McMahon so
it's got to be embarrassing to him to sit there and have to be a beta male when he
had something that was going on he actually had people who liked him and he ended
up abusing them you know I'm pleased to see Karen herself i authenticate what I was
saying which is you know Lupo was happy to take thousands of dollars from her and
then to mock her and to treat her respite and to treat her with disrespect when the
reason why she either gifted or loaned him money was because she wanted to help him
in a very tenuous situation period of time were you know leper was indicating he
was about to be thrown out of his place and be homeless and so I'm also very
disappointed in Stef see you know I really liked her I don't understand why she's
doing what she's doing that's even more mysterious to me because leper always had a
little bit of an edge and you know was always a little bit of an asshole which is
pretty common with comedians so I come from Los Angeles and I've had friends who
were comedians and there were always complex but Stef's he you know I felt that she
was genuine intelligent empathetic I'm disappointed in her she hasn't come to me to
say all right Thomas let's go talk things out what she does is she will protect
Cromer no matter what his behavior is and it's unfortunate that she hasn't come to
me and said all right let's have a phone call let's have a chat you don't see that
from these people what you see is demonization and you see them operating as team
so they put out this narrative of the TS gang there is no TS gang what there is is
a group of people who have been attacked and here's the funny thing here is the
irony of it at one point leper himself was attacked viciously by Marcus Conte and
we rose to his defense it's some very disappointing to see people very into
questionable unethical behavior I'd like to publicly call out staff C and say
where's your evidence that hoax Wars ever said I'm trying to recruit you into team
TS that's not hoax Wars style it's a pretty straight shooter and why would Gabe
Hoffman who expresses compassion for the people that he's attacking why would you
want to go ahead and violate Oakes's privacy he's bragging about it on this scummy
little channel that he repeatedly shows up on hoax has a right to privacy we all do
however when you're vitami violated when your privacy is violated deliberately then
you have every right every right to expose the person doing the violating you know
that's why we had a flag a long time ago that said don't tread on me choose your
enemies wisely and my they've under underestimated me they've underestimated the
loyalty of my friends you know I've got a lot of love coming in my direction I'm
very grateful for it in some ways it was unexpected but I don't take it for granted
for one second so thanks again and another ten
so my friends we've experienced the pestilence waves and now latin for actions not
words the fires begin some large
so let's keep on going with the lies okay um gabe hoffman has a platform of 50 000
people um you know he's also enormously wealthy and so um i want you guys to
remember this guy attacked me first he attempted to blame me for the suicide of
isaac happy we don't know if it was suicide we don't know if it was murder there
was never really an investigation so what he says is schumberger outrageously
continued his relentless campaign of defamation stalking and harassment against
hoffman no hoffman is suing me accused me of having something to do with isaac
cappy's death i didn't know who the guy was he's gone ahead and he's paid service
providers not only to film me invading my privacy and then posting my personal
address he's done it to a mother of three he sent it to others this guy's an
asshole okay yeah you heard me say it yeah okay and here he is with the bullshit
anti-symmetric hatred against hoffman no you know um i've got a lot of jewish
friends actually um and a lot of them don't like hoffman it knows uh to hoffman
okay and so uh along with i i'm gonna have to put the phone down because there's
people that i don't want to um i don't want their names out there um but isaac
happy himself came out and said gabe hoffman was tied to the underworld isaac cappy
uh said this uh in the weeks before his death um gabe hoffman said horrible things
about isaac cappy repeatedly um engaged in a relentless campaign of stalking and
defamation of isaac cappy he did the same thing to evan hensey which we just spoke
about so what he's trying to do is gaslight repeatedly lie so what he does okay
remember this is the guy that filmed uh me getting served which was uploaded on to
26 other uh video platforms 26 all right so my privacy was invaded my home address
was given out not aware i was be filmed nor did i give consent okay and yes i wrote
it's thomas by the way the other my other account got news um schoenberger in
writing my other account was nuked appears to be indicating that schoenberger's
prior main twitter account come out swinging was permanently suspended by twitter
no that is an assumption uh and a stupid one by dennis klein okay that's the
attorney who continually writes deflammatory and inflammatory things about people
especially me so i have to laugh you know and one of the many accounts operated or
accessed by schoenberger you know washing water boil was an account that gave off
and took down i then created another account gabe hoffman runs around trying to
take down accounts he brags about them if you read steve otrum's article which i am
going to submit it shows how um [Music] gabe bragged about taking 800 a month away
income from someone who didn't have a lot of money all right and then when um yeah
he does say gay dolphin i didn't you know i didn't do this and by the way um
schumper claimed knowledge of an individual named elise no i heard someone and it
was alice or out elise now they made the assumption it's this alessandro guy okay
um and they lie again they say is an online co-conspirator an associate of
schoenberger um who has emailed multiple death threats so he gave up and no let me
tell you something alessandra and i are not friends we're not friends we don't
speak alessandro um blew up it uh myself and another person a while ago for reasons
we still don't understand so this uh supplemental is once again riddled with
provable um misdirections so um [Music] it's it it's it's not going to matter it
really is it's not going to matter because it comes down to jurisdiction you know
gabe's attorneys are just not very good this is why they uh you know this is why
they haven't done um he mentions diane nordstrom in here um dan nordstrom has
attacked me um it's just amazing so okay dennis klein if you don't understand the
law and i'm not a lawyer you are you need to look at jurisdiction and quashing i'm
going to make it really simple for you because that's where the judge is going to
how scary is that it's like a mongrel dog yes she's looking like she's gonna
licking you but she's actually about the bite ship and maybe she said a couple
drinks does she drinks a little mommy drinks because you cry alright so Dean see
Denise tied into the finger or less here which yes say today that is paying people
to kill people the Sam fortune killing well it was Sam pollution was the killer the
victim was that detective not detective deputy Stevens in Arkansas that summer that
was a YouTube SWAT you know these people did did a welfare check SWAT on him just
like Brenda Becker did to me except that this fellow Chen guy was had been groomed
and very clearly he was being groomed by Thomas Schoenberger and other members of
this particular YouTube gang okay once again the lies and I'm just you know frankly
amazed at how emboldened these people are this is someone accusing me of grooming
someone to murder a police officer it's not true YouTube has allowed it let's give
this to my lawyer I want to make a couple of things clear there's also things on
YouTube saying Oh Thomas Schlumberger is a felon and he can't travel out of the
country are you kidding me do you understand something that the bullshit charge
they put up with me was reduced to a misdemeanor upon completion and I'm preparing
lawsuits up there too so I don't take kindly to my reputation being excoriated
every single day with lies with lies what I was doing up in Napa was investigating
corruption and I got blowback I know a lot of you guys understand that as far as
this one here she's working for Chavez and she has for a while and she's an
insidious reprehensible liar so you get that with Celeste and sousou and it's
amazing I have since 2010 been to Europe perhaps 14 times I do business Sarah I've
got projects there and you know someone thought I was in Vienna I was in Muchin
it's about two and a half hours away by train so there's lots of misdirection it's
purposeful and it's a reason there's a reason for it and it has everything to do
with people trying
when I was seven years old I remember I could beat anybody at chess didn't matter
if they were a teenager or fifty years old I remember being profoundly bored at
school because the teachers were so slow I could understand the language of the
birds I recognized their melodies liked it but anything they sang into an orchestra
in my head I could play a piano and work on a melody with my fingers and hear
another melody in one part of my brain and be composing a third melody in another
part of my brain it was a trifurcation the only way to describe it I put this
ability to task so I could figure out the mysteries of the world that is Who I am
as far as this pandemic and please pay attention I'm noticing different levels of
lethality in different geopolitical areas and I want everybody to pay attention to
a tagline now being used on social media platforms it's a dangerous tagline and
it's a trick it's being pushed by a tiny nation in the Middle East who claims to be
our staunchest ally but is in reality a trickster a backstabber someone who claims
to be a friend and even uses the president of sang-hwa in order to gain a grip on
the exposed throat of our nation it's a very sneaky adversary who's working to put
the United States and probably the UK at war this is a little nation that would
commit biological outrages in areas throughout the nation where influential voices
would beat the wardroom it's a nation that has influence on the mainstream media
and both CNN and Fox will be pushing the same message think about the build-up to
the Iraqi war which started on the spring equinox 17 years ago to the day today is
the spring equinox and suddenly we're seeing a radical spike in infections and in
death and right on cue the mainstream media is starting to push an anti China
agenda this leads me to believe that there are going to be death spikes in the UK
and in Australia and in other former coalition partners remember that phrase now
one should take a look at the financial short seller Bill Ackman who's a
billionaire as his father as Larry Ackman do you know about that family I think it
would be great for Titus frost to do it deep dive on bill and his daddy Larry and
Larry's relationship to Larry Silverstein the owner of the twin towers when were
destroyed in 9/11 right after he took insurance out of them I think we should look
into the Israeli first years who were short sellers on the American stock and
justice I think it brilliant researcher like Steve ultram probably already knows
about the relationship between the Ackman's and the cushion her family Jared and
his brother and daddy take a look at that relationship I think the astute mr.
Miller will start to make the connections of which I'm referencing and he'll be
amazed and appalled that is if he doesn't already know it and these are sharp guys
I think they already know it Operation Iraqi Freedom was purposely launched on the
spring equinox of 2003 and I'm going to get into the reasons later but it's the
same reason why military campaigns and wars have been launched for thousands of
years on the equinoxes and on the solstices in the coming days I'll explain as best
I can about the solstices and the equinoxes and how they directly tie into the
history of human warfare in a bloody and
How did I know that Spain would be hit so hard a week ago
2020-03-09 14:51:31 UTC
if you guys remember I told you that Spain and Portugal would be the next in line
and it looks like I'm exactly ready I'm gonna tell you why this is happening at
some point but not yet how do I seem to know in the future this is not any psychic
ability I figured out who's
hi everybody so every day i think we need to remind the phrase conspiracy theory
was invented by the cia not that there hasn't been conspiracies throughout history
you know my earliest memory is uh of kennedy's assassination and we know there were
other people that were involved in that one certainly we're raised to um remember
john wilkes booth breaking his uh leg as he yelled separate well death to tyrants
from the stage of four theater i've been to that theater very small very intimate
uh and the president was well received he was not booed [Music] you know the the
the killers who wanted them dead hated him um different scenario from let's say um
let's pick an assassination that you guys would know um caesar okay so with a
caesar um here's how this played out and i'm doing this from memory so forgive me
if i uh if i make mistakes but um caesar uh and his wife woke up on the ides of
march uh that would be the 15th of march 44 bce and caesar's wife had had a
horrible premonition of his assassination which is very odd because lincoln had a
horrible premonition of his assassination weeks before his death but this happened
on the morning of and so caesar of course had his duties to take care of and so one
of them involved addressing senators at that point there were roughly 200 senators
uh and there were issues of the empire to discuss and so the first thing that
happened was a a guy named brutus and not the one that that you know um a different
brutus um attempted to get him to attend a certain meeting uh which he refused to
do and uh brutus went back to his co-conspirators and there were a number of them
uh too and this brutus um you know his his name was decimus brutus just so we can
be clear but i'm going to call on brutus because that's how he would be addressed
in those days decimus goes back to the one that you know cassius there's another
major player called kaska a casca and history never talks much about him um and
goes back and uh they are plotting what to do they're they're um kind of frozen hit
um caesar enters uh the assembly hall there's 200 senators there and um a man named
tilius uh simber approaches caesar and says caesar will you forgive uh my brother
officially for fighting with the pompeons that's pompeii that's where vesuzius is
that's a place that blew up on august 24 79 a.d and tilius says this in a very
disrespectful way to caesar and caesar says no i will not um and that's where aft
he ripped the toga from caesar's shoulder and then everybody froze and then tilius
um you know it called out to his brother this guy named um uh to tie it to yes i
believe it is or titidius um uh who went into action and um pulled out a knife
that's when um went ahead and uh threw his whole body into a knife thrust at caesar
but caesar caught it so they actually started to um clash and that's when a man
named leonaeus came in there stabbed him uh cassius was also part of it and of
those 200 senators fully 60 were involved so you had a scene of absolute
pandemonium caesar had received five broom wounds um brutus of course is the famous
one a2 brew day and that's actually not what caesar said he said uh you two my
child and what brutus did and this is not um brutus decimus this is the brutus that
we know from history what caesar actually said is you two my child because he had
helped to raise brutus and he couldn't believe it so you know caesar bled out and
while he was bleeding out there were those who were trying to help him and there
were those who were trying to help the conspirators so imagine what that looks like
and you know history doesn't talk about this you have to look for it you have to
research it these are scenes that are um that must have been incredibly shocking at
the time but they're forgotten by history all we think about is uh caesar got
stabbed to death and some guy named brutus said um there and uh you know and caesar
was shocked right that's uh how vapid our history is um we don't get into the bone
marrow uh of history and the point that i'm trying to make is there have been a lot
of leaders that have died horribly there's a lot of responsibility that comes with
power and um with money as well if you're a money human being you've got a
responsibility i believe uh to help the poor to help those who are not as fortunate
as you are the worst type of bully is someone who uh takes their wealth and they
persecute the poor would you agree with me that that's a pretty um low brow way to
spend one's time it's pretty amazing you know it reminds me of a guy who uh what he
likes to do is publicly shame and he does it by calling people drug crazed insane
um running a scam that kind of thing and you know this man we're not going to
mention his name i don't think women we need to anymore this man and i don't know
whether it's because he's short of stature in certain areas of his body or whether
he's just a malevolent type guy this is a guy who preys on the indigent he will not
take on people who he knows will economically survive the rigors and expenses of
legal proceedings uh it's unfortunate i think where i come in guys is to point it
out [Music] is to say okay i'll give you a little history lesson maybe you guys
will like it maybe not uh but we got a problem here and what we do is um we've got
a problem where the very wealthy are preying on the very poor and that is a problem
in the old testament there's a saying that always rubbed me as false vengeance is
mine saith the lord and the people repeating this overused piece of falsity were
the rabbis what they were really saying is we're the interpreter of the lord and we
will dispense justice not you but if you look at it very closely it's wrong
vengeance should not be the domain of a celestial god vengeance belongs very much
nestled in the bosom of the human race let me explain to you something if your wife
gets raped your kid gets killed and you go out there and you take out whoever did
it that's a good thing because you can't depend upon authorities who are supposed
to enforce the law and don't look at our world right now absolute impunity you have
police who have developed a culture that they can get away with uh being abusive
and their unions are basically mob organizations now i personally believe most cops
are good but i think it's um it was a pretty bad precedence a hundred years ago
when they covered up bad apples and they would simply transfer abusive cops to
other precincts i think that's wrong you know i think it's wrong to uh to let
people uh off easy because of the color of their skin no matter what color let's
get back into the vengeance factor if you have been wronged and you go to the
authorities they say nothing we can do you go to judges sorry we're powerless
didn't what are you supposed to do pray to god for vengeance you know how many
people have prayed for retribution and they have died without any retribution being
served when jesus spoke about that's not what i was talking about he was talking
about shame he was saying if someone slaps you in the face someone embarrasses you
turn the other cheek let them slap the other talked about charity too that um if
one person took a cloak give him another he must be real cold i can buy into that
but when it comes to vengeance i believe it is very much a personal thing and i
think that any one of you out there if you had a child harmed especially look at
this look at this pedophile culture what is wrong with taking someone who would
rape a five-year-old girl taking that person and castrating them without benefit of
anesthetic i see nothing wrong with that but then again you know some people say
i'm a hardcore guy so as far as myself well you know it's been many many months of
being attacked vilified harmed destruction of reputation active and aggressive
measures to ruin my prospects financially destroy my ability to support my child
and so i've been very careful i've compiled um be forensic and who did what and now
last week instead of taking out a restraining order against someone i come once
convinced the judge to take out a stalking injunction which has been issued and
will be served i convinced two investigators in this person's hometown in nevada to
look very deeply into him and they are looking into him the things he sent the
things he said there's a certain person in uh florida who thinks he's getting away
with everything because and i have a microscope on his achilles heel so there's
going to be a lot coming down and people are going to say how the hell did thomas
pull this off and all i can say is let me quote a beatles song with a little help
I had a very interesting interview with dr. Paul Cottrell last night on the Michael
deacons show and Michael was a gracious host I think he's going to be a big time
influencer on YouTube he's an old hand at radio he knows what he's doing but more
than that he's starting to worry zero in on topical subjects so it's the post truth
community YouTube that we're all going to experience and of course a lot of people
are going to deal I've because YouTube has all sorts of problems I predict that
we're gonna see much more strident protocols as the coronavirus starts to really
radiate the trolls that we experience right now you wonder if they're gonna have
time for it or they're going to increase their activities because the world is
going to get a little bit more miserable in some ways it's also going to draw us
together that was the point the Paul was making another study which I thought was a
good one which is the bio Patriot Act is attempting to encroach upon our biological
civil liberties so as a person who has had both his civil rights and his individual
rights violated I can relate this is about intrusion and you're going to see that
privacy is sacred it's what I've been saying since 2012 even before I've been a
huge advocate for privacy and so now I became the patron saint of being doxed so I
enjoyed the interview and I would encourage others to go listen to Michael Deacon
he's great it's the same thing I was saying with a crypto beast it just does
fascinating livestreams seemed steve-o from his mind work is uh there's a thing of
wonder the man is a genius and with Michael once again a gracious host and someone
who I think definitely has drawn a bead on what's going on in the world it's going
to be a collapsing world that's what we're gonna experience and right now I've even
heard from friends who are seeing runs on items with Amazon and there's going to be
you know a supply chain blockage there been talking a lot with my friendship camera
who has some excellent insights into what's coming next and Jan on too as well so
that was that it was interesting for me to see shark Billy Kelly and Jessie Davis
being so obsessed that they had to come to a show that had nothing to do with them
but these type of people these predators they're gonna go away because I don't
think they've got the skill sets to survive what's coming down the pike I really
don't I think that we have such fundamental change and we have become so dependent
on the instant universe you know snap your fingers you know push a button things
arrive at your door it's not going to be like that anymore it's gonna get tougher
and grittier and harsher and I do think things are gonna work out I think we're
gonna get back to where we should have been this globalization you know it looks
pretty until there's a pandemic and then you realize it you know along with your
imported coffees and your your toys from the third world you are importing
so let's talk Isaac happy a little bit more let's include Corey Daniel so yeah the
researchers are going crazy right now on this Steve ultram said what are the
chances that the main investigator in advising Kathy's death is now dating the
woman who claims to have last seen Kathy alive and that both of them are claiming
that they're witches sorcerers so that's really crazy Steve also pointed out that
the Cory's Twitter was created on May 12th 2019 the day before Isaac died and that
chords first tweet had to do with well with the Masons creating a hoax about the
moon-landing it's pretty interesting because Steve's done a lot of study into this
the oldest Mason Lodge in Arizona Corey showed up to do a show with well so-called
THC I think it was a gun in Karl well I'm not sure I'll look into that and that
that was the YouTube channel that Tracy Twyman associated with her stocking so out
of everybody I think I put steve-o Treme's ahead ten times the research of Corey is
I'll say that but he knows everything and we're putting this stuff together and is
starting to look like liquori was doing was a UPS was a rabbit hole ops and right
now what are the chances that Isaac Happy's mortal enemy Gabe Hoffman would be
using Cory Daniel Isaac Happy's main researcher as a delivery mechanism it just
boggles the mind this is huge so I don't think you guys need to look at Tom Hanks
or Seth Green as people who are actively involved in the death of Isaac they took
the fam lamb and turned it from a support program for vegan Mikey they turned it
against vegan Mikey and and this was a premeditated murder that's the only
conclusion I can come to and I was a premeditated Patsy so it's pretty incredible
what's going on I'd like to know a lot more about who Cory Daniel is as he had any
military experience he seems to be very close to a Brett Trimble former military
Intel who set up the key base for Isaac Cappy there's going to be a lot of
questions asked and I'm hoping and praying that Steve takes us on because nobody
doesn't doesn't like him no one does the Cappy research like him seriously I don't
even think that uh Corey was the lead researcher I actually think it was Steve I
think Corey was doing a PSYOP was part of us I hope so I hope that I hope that
Steve can write about this update you know I just think it's it's phenomenal and
hopefully zach has also gotten all of Corey's emails to Steve as
okay so I got a DM saying what do you mean Rick oh they misspelled it no I mean
Rico alright Rico is the federal racketeering influenced and Corrupt Organizations
law which has passed at the end of the 60s I think they put it into law in 1970 and
it allows the government to prosecute the entire mob including the top players not
this you know the Hitman and the Capo's and all that so recall of the prior to this
you would have to prosecute mobsters individually and because the top guys always
had Chinese walls their hands were clean take a look at Meyer Lansky for instance
so Rico was originally named at the Italian mafia but it's been ramped up
prosecutors have been using it for all sorts of things you know gain to gain
cartels and politicians and homeland yours so there's 35 offenses that that are
actionable legally and these are predicate offenses which can include kidnapping
and murder and arson and bribery and a bunch of other stuff you get enhanced
sentences there's also civil Rico and that's where the real power is anybody and
that includes me or someone else can bring a civil suit if they've been injured by
a Rico violation and if they win they get treble damages that means triple so
you've got to show criminal activity and literally it can be a broad net it could
be mail or wire fraud and if you if you bring it a fraud basis the courts can we'll
look at it real hard and then you have to show a pattern of criminal activity it's
not like a one-off you can't have one crime you have to show a pattern of at least
two crimes and you have to show basically what applies to me same victims same
methods same participants and or continuous actually was a donor for three months
was a gun over a year he got four years to make your claim but the bottom line is
it's a nice law and I think it applies directly to this court drop that lestat
exposed which shows something financed and what was financed was an attack on my
life and to attempt to blame me for the death of Isaac Cappy and and also sim
Fullerton so I'm talking to several attorneys and the beauty the beauty of Rico is
he a broad discovery and you can go ahead and subpoena the fuck out of people and
you can subpoena Google for emails and you just subpoena Verizon for the phone
Texas so it's a big strong
hi guys so I've been pretty busy with my projects I'm working on two very big ones
at any rate regarding Esteban you know I accused him of working with Blackwater
which I still think he did he's saying that he worked with Triple Canopy so Triple
Canopy is a private security company they provide all sorts of integrated security
mission support and I guess who risk management services to corporate to nonprofit
and to government and they did go into hot zones so they have been around for a
while and after Eric Prince renamed Blackwater XE services that was in 2009 prince
sold the company and the new owners called it academi and it merged with Triple
Canopy which was a rival for him they're now called con Stella's holdings I believe
but yeah he was working in that environment Esteban Maas and he's a creepy dad did
a criminal so recently I've been accused of taking on the persona of Sicily using
sister 2.1 as a Twitter handle that's not true I never have not once ever posted is
sousou this is this you know more bullshit coming my way which I could handle above
- these guys are destroyed they're not going anywhere I've submitted a huge file on
Esteban to the right people so if he tries to push his luck he's going to end up
going down
so it's great I think hoaxes and I are gonna do another interview a lot of positive
responses he got a ton of it and so did I also got a weird email which someone is
basically saying that Denis Matthau is definitely DN C definitely playing in hop on
everybody and I don't know much about her I know she I think she had a boyfriend
named Brian Birmingham who dumped her you know I I could get my facts wrong with
that but that's what I remember and one thing I surprised at is the reaction of the
Veltman to to Denise and maybe there's something going on with those guys you know
there's a bit of an age difference you know I think he's 50 and Denise is 80 no I'm
sorry she's 66 so it's not too bad you know that would be like me dating a woman in
her mid forties so if it is going on if there really is a Veltman natal summer
romance then that's good folks because there's a lot of power in love and when
people choose to have romance rather than war and that's a good thing I'm gonna
wish Lee well and I think that as far as Denise you know she's got someone which he
power it's all in that little trembling incisor of hers you know lone survivor
tooth so you know I think if she's able to have a whirlwind romance with the always
sophisticated leave Elton I think that's a great thing so I'm gonna applaud what
they're doing I'm gonna wish him well and I suggest Sally that he take her on a
romantic cruise of the ports of Texas candlelight tour and include a surveillance
drone you know there's a lot of fun that can come out of this Lee I think Denise
Lee needs love you know it's nice it you guys share the same Bolshevik philosophies
the same cultural Marxism so I think
okay guys so i'm going to offer a reward for information on schematic uh location
and name uh and so on and so forth so uh i'm not going to talk about how much of a
reward it is but i want information on this person so uh that's that it has to do
with impending litigation probably against her uh i just want to see that my
suspicions are um correct and i'm pretty sure they are so if anybody wants to
contact me about ill skill and give me pertinent information i want ill skills
location and
you know I've got to congratulate myself once again the director of the CDC Robert
Redfield has now come out and he said that we need to prepare for a second wave
that will commence this winter a second wave of illness of pestilence of
coronavirus so what I've been saying cisgender worry guys I made the comparison to
Spanish influenza pandemic of 1918 to 1920 it looks like I was right on the money I
was also the one telling you early on that there would not be political rallies
that Bernie Sanders was not gonna make it and then he dropped out I made a lot of
predictions that have been dead on gonna make some more writing him so I'm gonna
predict that Gabe Allen and Hoffman currently live in West Palm Beach will become
one of these Hollywood babble-on entities that will be forever associated with the
dam Isaac Jaffee that Gabe would like his legacy to being that of a hedge fund guy
and a producer of an upper secret that's what he wants but that's not the way face
gonna play he will be forever linked to the death of Isaac appy whether or not
justice is finally served no he doesn't want to answer questions about Isaac all he
wants to do is demonize him and say I see Kathie was crazy I said cabbie was a scam
artist and a drug addict but he doesn't answer the hard questions which a lot of us
have and instead of running away from the grocer's he attempts to silence the
researchers he attempts to silence the people asking the questions he tried to do
it with me evidently he succeeded you silence seeing this guy Alessandro used to go
by louder than love he certainly has some silenced Stevo from or wider / as frost
or a lot of us because we as Americans are not gonna put up with someone who was a
sniveling wealthy bully these are the type of people that we as a nation are almost
hardwired to call out insecure bullies the pick on women and it's not just gape
you've got the same phenomenon with a mani Shabbos same thing with Stephen Trujillo
D Jersey eros and the good thing is is that they are now very much associated with
Diane nutbag at Nordstrom who will latch onto them like a Humboldt squid by the way
on both squids very dangerous they're just a human eating machine they've been
known to drag men off ships it's true very very dangerous although I would describe
deep off and more as a vampire squid I think he's a a person who um gifts are fun
trying to harm Elon Musk all day long doesn't matter what he says he'll make up
stuff and it's because he's shorter Tesla so Elon is probably pretty close to the
original Nikola Tesla as far as creativity I know he long is not blemish-free but I
think he's certainly a genius and constantly poking and prodding and hitting below
the belt unless gave this I think he's got the morals of a pit viper so these are
just my opinions I have a lot to share them he says stuff about me on social media
and I think the reason why he doesn't said he's frustrated it's my personal belief
that he had a Isaac Abby burger and that he hired a bunch of actors to cover his
trail I could be wrong but it doesn't leave explaining everything doesn't explain
to me why a stranger and this is D Vela nothing was and made of 2019 white a
stranger were attacking me and started pointing fingers at me singing Thomas
numbers were psychologically messed with I said Kathy and that has been proven not
to be true there's no evidence out there that Kathy and I even had a fight I didn't
know him well I never met him never man that was even though we were talking in the
same state I was a couple hundred miles away from me I never met him however I can
tell you that if you won't look at a cantankerous relationship looks no further
than Gabe Ellen Hoffman and
welcome back to a special presentation of us the law returns so it looks like Kelly
Giannini and Jethro have now ganged up on defang go Kelly Jeanne says you know what
Tiffany go Jett is pretty amazing and very well-versed as to the backstory on all
the key lore parts in this mess so I'm very surprised you were foolish enough to
let her get away she is quite the adversary and here she is with her stupid
exclamation points and then danger zone writes about Jethro double jet was quite
the larper she was a crazy person that constantly acted like a rapid rabid moron
who constantly needed to be told to stop putting her nose in places that didn't
belong I kicked you off my channel long ago and never look back you can have her
goober and of course Chet comes back with a very very witty response leave Kelly
alone so here it is we don't know if it's real or fake I actually think it is real
and I think that if I know defang go well he's gonna do a deep dive on Kelly
Giannini he's gonna find out about her criminal husband and then he's gonna go for
the whole Isaac happy thing he's gonna see that she was obviously covering up
things and yes it's a murder so I actually am gonna be interested to see where this
one goes and I also hope that defang go out Jets real name that would be you know a
just a very quick update it looks like joel and mary rich are uh once again they
won their appeal after the case was dismissed and uh kicked down to a lower court
um it looks uh like mammal chavez is going to be uh hostilely uh dragged onto the
witness stand that's what i'm hearing from credible sources so it's gonna be
interesting and i think um at that point you know they've got a pretty good
attorney he's pretty sharp and i think what he's going to do is subpoena um google
and protonmail
December 17, 2019
2019-12-18 01:25:52 UTC
it's interesting the Victorian fixation with death now the girl here has a clearer
of issus then essentially what are the mother and the father and because she's dead
it's a lividity issue alright so let me put this down it's interesting because I
and so there's something called cotard's syndrome the people who suffer from I
believe that they're dead or they believe that they've lost an arm or a leg or
blood or organs so it's kind of interesting being dead is when no one loves you and
supposedly around sixty percent of the population of the UK believes that no one
really loves them so that tends to happen a lot but bacteria loves us in 2012
scientists found close to 1500 new species of bacteria living in the belly button
now belly buttons are singular like fingerprints and they had one volunteer whose
belly button had bacteria that had only previously been found in the soil from
Japan even though he never went to Japan so that's sad and for me I've never liked
birthdays because I've never had a good birthday now it can be argued that in a
world with so many billions roughly a hundred and fifty-three thousand people will
die on your birthday that's true that's not something to celebrate and I remember
that started probably before my 21st birthday too so you know I've had some good
birthdays but you know at 20 years of age you've got two thousand eight hundred and
sixty weeks before you die and you figure that some of those weeks are gonna be
birthday weeks and some people get so into it they celebrate birthday weeks kind of
interesting all right well you guys have
My vision from 2013 is coming to pass. The fear is far more dangerous than the
2020-03-15 16:33:40 UTC
I wanted to thank you everybody for staying tuned the tribulation has begun in the
1890s there was a nursery rhyme that was later used by children during the pandemic
of 1918 it goes like this there was a little girl and she had a little bird and she
called it by the pretty name of Enza but one day it flew away but it didn't go to
stay for when she raised the window had dreams I was trying to give warnings and
the warning right now is what I gave back around Christmas in 2013 we as a nation
are starting to resemble our food resources cows sheep pigs led to slaughter only
able to squeal or bleat the answer to depression darkening our skies is to become a
sword yes it's a bronze aged instrument but think swords are meant to divide not to
isolate our handlers are using collective isolation techniques on us we must learn
to be strong alone so we can be strong together become a sword do not seek a
sheep's piece for it will be the same fate your children share be willing to use
that sword born of fire and striking of hammers to cut the courts of friends family
brother sister but this is the only way to truly be family to get back to what we
began as individuals my channel is a sonic sword not an olive branch for the olive
branches they offer strangle us in the most subtle ways who is more important than
the sinners a congressman the citizens and if we were to bring this country back
from a nation of sick patients and prisoners being treated by sick doctors and over
ordered by shallow finance seers well then become like a
so these are very tumultuous times and I just spent an hour and 45 minutes
listening to Steve Oklahoma's excellent stream I learned a lot and you know it's
funny I did not realize that Dave Acton had been through a powa situation which is
a tough one if people can go through hell with that and you know that's serving
your country plus plus plus so I hope is victorious with his losses and here's the
thing as far as conspiracy goes if people are inspired by defend go to start
talking smack about me or Dave or anybody else that's not necessarily legally
actionable however if Mel Chavez is paying money or recommencing them in any way
then it's a different story then it is legally actionable and for instance if it's
an FBI investigation they create what's called a spoke and wheel where they're like
a covered wagon they're connecting all the conspiratorial elements so you know I
take a look at what goes on on social media against me every day I see that I am
that bad Nordstrom is now saying let's call the San Francisco district attorney on
Thomas Michael Levine and Richard luck because there's somehow assuming that Ian
Murdoch wanted a financial piece of a puzzle and there's no evidence of that
there's a you know nothing Ian was my friend till he died so that's how she can be
an incredibly cruel person and who was Diane nutbag Nordstrom I don't know she's
being paid I think she's you know mean enough and cruel enough to do it for free
now what shava is that's a different story he won't do anything for free he wants
money for everything so he started to attack me in May of 2018 he pulled out all
the stops because she wanted something that I had he was joined by Archer tough
willya a little bit later Arturo put out rumors that I didn't play music put rumors
out there were false that said that my mother had me arrested he completely misled
people just like the fangore did they they lie Defago went and he told everybody
hey you know I put out all the evidence all the evidence all the emails and we find
out that he didn't so he definitely lies and he's lied about a lot of things he
created Q no he didn't so when him and Ed got close and this is during the scant
amount of time and shadow boxes around you know I was odd man out because I
wouldn't do things that had wanted me to do and when Ed finally got frustrated with
me and he said I want you to anonymously accuse a Dallas attorney of rape I told
him go to hell and I'm not breaking law it's exactly what I told him in Dallas
September what was it 18 20 18 and I've stuck to my story of 2017 I'm sorry I stuck
to the same story repeatedly and I have an attack probably by a hundred people
seriously um Marcus Conte twits convoy must out defend Oh Susu Dianne nutbag
norstrom you know and someone or so forth and it now looks very much like a
coordinated operation and it looks like the same coordinate operation was against
Dave and you see lots of trickery going on you see people like Sheree Vaughn say
Dave why you attack - finger everybody's talking - finger that's not true what I
will say is I voluntarily deposed with Aaron rich and I'm gonna just put it out
there Stewart blah run who was the attorney then Edgar toski wanted me to falsely
accuse I reached out to him within a month after it asked me to do that and it
first ooh didn't want to talk to me but eventually came around and he started
asking me questions and we developed trust and when I showed him what had had done
he was shocked so it came back to me later and he said are you interested in
talking to Aaron Rich's attorneys I said hell yeah let's get the story out I
thought it was important I've also reached out to other attorneys and I voluntarily
give him statements because the truth needs to get out there now one part of me is
same okay I'm doing it for good reasons the other part of me is saying I have a
selfish reason and tonight I'm going to tell you what that reason is after I
refused at Bukowski in doing his dirty work which is what he had Defago doing he
started to attack me he went ahead and told defang go and probably blackburn that i
had emailed and attempted to extort him from $300,000 for $300,000 he said that I
emailed an extortion threat to many three hundred thousand dollars so if that
happened there has to be evidence there has to be I know there is not because I
know it ever happened so that's part of the reason why I'm doing what I'm doing
this is a man who is a snake and in my opinion yeah he's playing all sides and he's
you know he's got some hardcore contacts some of them in Florida some of them in
Vegas some of them probably mobbed up but that's not gonna stop me from putting out
what needs to be put out and yeah I'm not his worst enemy but I am gonna tell the
truth about what I experienced as far as Defago yeah I am his worst enemy I'll
admit it he thought he could crush me with lies and now he is going to be destroyed
i'm just going to make a very quick video and it's supporting steve otram nothing
unusual there i like him i think he's a great guy i think he's honest i think he's
wise i think he's fair so jackie weaver i don't know what you're doing there with
uh leopard moroes but first thing that you would have seen if you were actually
paying attention is that it was esteban who was the aggressor from the very
beginning um and he was tied into lestat and tofingo if you can't see that then why
should anybody read your blog you know you start out hobbled you really do at least
reason wise um of course you can declare that you don't need to be fair because
life isn't fair and it's a blog therefore you don't have to engage in any sort of
professional journalistic balance but the bottom line is you're spinning things out
of control because of your personal dislikes and it just seems cheaper than who you
ought to be you're not a a dumb person by any stretch of the imagination i would
have expected kindness not this intolerance and um continually promoting the people
who are the ones who struck out first and other people and that is not only defango
that's also esteban as gabe pretty soon you'll be championing uh ella high priest
and then maybe after that vlad the impaler genghis khan adolf hitler oh and on the
other side benjamin and nahu hitler but of course we're anti-semites if we have
anything of a critique towards anybody who's ever had any jewish blood in them
right we we can't cut down the jews right jackie no matter what it doesn't matter
what they do it doesn't matter if they're serial killers or if they're engaged in
stealing government secrets or extorting or bribing or politicians they are not to
be criticized is that correct jackie is that what it really is go ahead and cut
down uh son of sam he was jewish don't cut down son of sam jewish you're being an
anti-semite you know and he must have good reason to shoot stacy moscowitz and all
the other victims right it's a hot summer hey blame it on the weather don't blame a
jew ever you know and don't you dare show any contention towards zionism because
that's actually anti-semitism you see you are not to question anything about jewish
people no matter what it's okay to cut down christians muslims shintos hindis
baha'is mormons but you go to hell if you have anything to do with cutting down
someone who happens to be jewish
one final video for the evening I've never sent Marcus Conte any money nor what I I
find him to be a disgusting criminal I think he should be thrown in prison
personally and as far as Carrie Wolfe all seen you I haven't sent her money months
and months and months and I made it very clear on Twitter that there are notes that
went along with a paypal and I was showing her support because she was sick and
when he was tight so I made all that public anybody who's trying to allege that I
have supported either Carrie wolf or that criminal freaky felon Marcus Conte to
troll that's a lie it's interesting because then while Chavez was Escott the
financing trolling and I just wonder if he's got other people working for him too
that's a valid question you know just Manuel Chavez have someone else who just
attacked me he has seen there was influencing control you know man he's only a
little five foot three guy but as I said last night on the tightest frost LARP
Awards fleas ultimately cost the Black Death that wiped out half of the
September 4, 2020
2020-09-05 04:04:52 UTC
hi everybody so you guys know that i had an affair with a woman named beth um i
promised everybody i would never have which is the start of it but also um there's
more to it she had two small girls they're still small they're still you know i
think six and seven believe it or not the the naysayers uh don't believe it but she
made the move on me she um we spent time together uh in new york and dallas and
other places we spent nights together however we did not consummate the
relationship because i told her um you need to get separated from your husband she
accused her husband of being abusive to her daughters and so i always wondered why
are you putting up with this and a lot of my friends who are female say women get
caught up in relationships um that are almost impossible to escape from so the news
now is that she has had um an affair with a scumbag a faker don named ray johansen
who started to attack me on the internet and attacked trevor on the internet at the
same time and this guy is a low life he's uh wanna be anonymous he's norwegian uh
doesn't have very good verbal skills he's not a highly intelligent guy is one of
these guys who wants to be part of the spook chaos world and so things that come
out of his mouth a lot of times don't make sense so if she had an affair with this
guy man i'm embarrassed because he is a low life like you wouldn't believe uh the
important thing at this point right now is uh that it's out there there's a very
nice lady who's uh an activist who um you know her her name is bailey uh you know
like the liquor and uh of course uh he was cheating on her with uh beth and so uh
number one scumbag number two this immeasurably helps my lawsuit with beth
blackburn because i'm going to get down to the bottom of it with uh with ray i've
already got people scoping him out evidently whatever a non-community is around
they feel horrified they think that she's an asset for the cia or another alphabet
that's not out of the question i'm not saying that's my view however that has come
up when it comes to beth more than a hundred times and her seemingly obsession with
uh with wikileaks and julian assange i know as a fact through a friend of julian's
he doesn't even like her he doesn't she's um basically destroyed her reputation
among wikileaks she doesn't have any relationships with a lot of the people that uh
she used to know um susie dawson and others you know and even down to trevor so um
beth i don't know what she's doing but maybe she should spend her time raising her
kids and not being around um the type of activists that ray johansen is who um has
claimed to be violent uh the woman his girlfriend bailey came out and accused him
of physical abuse so there you go sweet innocent beth is not so sweet and innocent
and it's something i couldn't say anything about because if i went ahead and i said
hey um this is what she is there be people saying do you have any evidence of a
pattern or behavior guess what guys we've got evidence of a bad under behavior so
it's one thing for her to tell me my husband's been abusive i'm getting a divorce
and then she didn't follow through with it uh you know i don't love her anymore i
don't trust her she even used rachel hansen to write a medium article that attacked
myself steve biss um and of course trevor fitzgibbon so court's gonna be the best
thing in the world because all the shit's coming out and um everything that she's
done she thinks she looks innocent she's got no idea what this is going to look
like especially to a jury who looks at anons as terrorists um they're gonna say
what the hell is his mother doing ignoring her kids all day to be on twitter
so I'm getting wind of Gabe Hoffman's tactics he's falsely accusing Zach of being a
cue person he's probably making the same accusation against me where I have
repeatedly stated I'm not Q I don't follow Q I'm not Q a non-person whatsoever game
is indicating to others that he is fearful that a vigilante mob will descend upon
West Palm Beach to tar and feather him who knows that's just fantastical thinking
you know that's crazy he sounds insane as far as his fight with Alessandra
Alessandro went ahead and said he felt badly for being riled up by Gabe and
responding inappropriately that shows contrition as far as me I've I've never
indicated I was gonna go hunt Gabe Hoffman he certainly has done the opposite to me
he's told people he's hiring crawl to come put me down he attacked me first he
attacked me before I knew who he was he told the world on a fifty thousand person
social media platform that they should look at me while investigating Isaac Kathy's
death this is not going away Gabe and your tactics are not going to work on me
whatsoever and at the appropriate time he will be sued right now I'm checking to
see if a lady who did sue him had her husband car bombed by the mob over and
so as the virus gets introduced your own antibodies beats it to get infected
elevations have good diets Japanese Chinese may be little less so but you know it's
a high fish diet and you know they live longer however if you've got a pre-existing
our condition and you're living in Asia you have to be particularly careful and
even with their good diets you're still seeing a pretty healthy mortality rate
higher than SARS higher than MERS and the problem is that you don't build up an
immunity which means that you can get reinfected so this is not good news none of
this is good news for us and my prediction is right now it's already a pandemic
they're saying it's roughly 70,000 in fact it I think it's ten times out 15 times
add you've got a second biggest economy in the world and it's an economy that
engages in suppression effects they literally have a an Orwellian media an
Orwellian government and it's clear that they're killing people it's clear they're
burning bodies they're building subpar hospitals which is because they have to
throw these things up like army triage center you know they've got to put them up
in a week and they're leaking and I don't think the warming weather is gonna help I
don't think any of that stuff's gonna I think we've got a real serious pandemic
here and by the time it hits the states what could you see well you can see water
supplies affected you can see livestock having to be put down you know when they
call these chickens when they have these uh avian diseases they kill millions of
them so you could see soaring food prices crashing stock markets in martial law
that's what they have right now and in China that got massive martial law to the
point where they're throwing people who don't wear the masks into prison and then
you've got the vaccine okay the vaccine itself is something they've rushed into and
I'm hearing reports that even that is real bad for you that that will have a
deleterious effect on heart tissue so if you've got a bad ticker and you're in Asia
last place on earth you want to be when it comes to America we've got a much worse
style we have an obesity problem an obesity epidemic that might run it into a
corona virus pandemic so I'm not thinking that times are gonna be good I think that
this is a private communication between kelly harris genie of long beach california
and a gentleman shark starts at the conversation by saying hey vinnie i was
wondering if you'd be so kind to and he says what would that be and she says find
out if thomas still has a black benz on the down low deal you won't be involved and
i will take it to the grave it's super important i would owe you big time knowing
this will either reveal some fuckery or prove that he has been unduly attacked so
50 50 it will turn out well for him now that's a lie she's trying to fool him and
she says no response you can just and he says i don't know where and why you're
saying that black stuff but it's not true she says what do you mean he owned a
black mercedes-benz i'm not sure if he sold it during to due to being harder for
cash that's all i would ask if you keep this between us and the fence post honey
don't play that i will always give you the same respect if you are cool with him
and don't want to be involved i just shoot straight so this is now being revealed
publicly there's no way that this person kelly jeannie has any good intentions
towards me she's working for someone and that someone wants to be dead so kelly
harris cheney you don't fool anybody and this is going to be going to law on many
different areas and i just made it public too so i am accusing you of setting up is
a copy from her kelly i'm accusing you of right now so you can go ahead and give
that information to the right people
so there's no doubt that this pandemic is being politicized it's pretty funny to
see the Democrats taking full advantage of this trying to make it out as if it's
simply Trump's blunder without realizing that there's multiple nations that were
caught off guard so give it a little bit of my family history back in 2009 and 2010
when the swine flu crisis was going on the media was silent now my uncle was the
former president of the American Heart Association he was an older guy at that
point I think he was 92 he died at 94 and I had a conversation with him where he
told me look you've got over a quarter million people hospitalized with this stuff
it might have been at the end of 2010 when he told me this and he told me there's
over 15,000 dead and I asked him why isn't that making headlines and he just looked
at me very wisely and said politics so that's a little story from my family that
was the month that my father died December of 2010 so it's coming back to me now so
yeah they're going to politicize things and they're going to try to scare you the
difference with swine flu this is a lot more potentially lethal at least for the
elderly and as I keep on hammering home we've got a hundred and sixty-seven million
elderly on this planet there's going to be a lot more death and now health
officials are saying maybe up to a million Americans can die I think it's gonna be
a lot higher but if it is a million Americans that exceeds what the Spanish
influenza of 1918 and 1919 was that killed six hundred and seventy five thousand
Americans while in Europe and other areas fifty million died food for
now we're going to get a little bit into uh now if you go back to one of these um
alternative social media platforms gab a.i you'll find that uh doug was lying uh
this is where he met uh meatball but he was lying about the cue thing he lied about
it jb came out and told the truth doug was busted lying so now he wants to weigh
into my legal affairs without knowing what the fuck he's talking about so brain's
definitely at half-mast you know doug has some intelligence but not a great deal um
i wouldn't put him up there um with an ivy league 21 year old um number one all
right you want to talk about torches interference and you want to talk about
deformation do you know how many clients gabe has do you know what his client list
consists of one it's been a dormant hedge fund managed uh account for a long time
so you're an idiot that's what i can say you're an absolute idiot for me to have
engaged in deformation i would have had to been written up in the financial times
or the international times i would have had to talk to professionals and explain
that i think that gabe is dishonest and corrupt and a bad person to do business
with you've got none of that what i do say is that two weeks after isaac cappy died
a stranger named gabe allen hoffman originally from new jersey he now lives in palm
beach started to attack me and started to tell people go look at him closely
because it may be that he psychologically tortured isaac into suicide now that's
what the judge is going to look at it's called first blood and by the way doug you
know forget your legal career because you don't understand the difference between
defamation false light the different types of deformation um what the actual law um
is founded on you don't understand law you don't have a clue and it's crazy uh
someone told me you had some law background i've got a little bit uh not like steve
otram you're too busy putting him down when he's right on the money so there's two
ways for me to go i can go anti-slap that's the easy way or i can go hardcore and
get some discovery and find things like you wouldn't believe like the conversations
that you and adam gingrich and glenn herrmann had together where you compiled a
list of people you called grifters that um you were going to attack now how did i
get the list i've got my ways i do i tend to surprise people with what i come up
with right and um i think you were even surprised at a pro se nothing like me right
a little pianist went ahead and took down one of the big lawyers in florida and
i'll do it again and again and again gabe has now added his hedge fund manager on
top of it because he doesn't want people looking into his finances it's the bottom
line that is my opinion and i'm you know i've got a judge who believes in first
amendment rights now it's not right for me to say gabe came to belmont uh arizona
and forced isaac cappy off that brett was there and cory were there and there were
people on the other side of the bridge and isaac felt he had no choice but to try
to escape any way he could even if that implied that he would be injured it didn't
look like a fatal fall it's 20 uh feet and four inch four inches 3.9 inches uh with
the overpass and so normally that would not kill a person so doug when you want to
start playing lawyer i'd actually give it up when you want to start cutting down
steve otrum who's been a straight shooter and a very honest guy and has a lot more
law experience than you would i mean you do have uh you do have that background of
fighting felonies don't you we can bring that up in my next video if you'd like be
happy to go for it with you you know i've got no problem with that doug you want a
one-on-one with me
For the first time in 40 years, the Democrats did something right
2020-05-12 22:00:35 UTC
so you guys know how I am I'm not a Democrat they actually did something smart they
are talking about a three trillion aid bill with cash that goes towards student
loans and about 10k per person it's really weird because it happened right after I
did the video stating it would be smart to do attend trillion-dollar I think you
know right now it's a matter of bribing them but I think that if the Republicans
are stupid they're gonna take their time and not rush into this and that will be
very bad move I think they need to come up with something and even if they come up
with another 1,200 you got to put up some fires I know people are really sick of
worry and they're worrying really really hard so we're gonna look at 32 percent
unemployment and I think that Mitch McConnell is just as evil as Nancy Pelosi but I
think that we need to put out some emergency money that is taxpayer money right
everybody's so worried about the deficit look at some point we're gonna kick the
can down the road and then we're gonna break her foot because the camel way more
than you man anyways collectively so the bottom line is if they're given 10 K to
survive the summer I think that's smart psychologically it's gonna put out a lot of
fires and it's gonna allow people instead of spending energy worrying about things
they'll spend energy on smart things which is how we're gonna rebuild however we're
gonna deal with this depression so on and so forth so this is a time and one of the
few times in American history where the government does need to give money directly
to the people that's not an endorsement of socialism that's a matter of fact
because people have kids they need to eat people need to eat they need to survive
and have shelter the stuff that's coming down the pike then you better be tough as
nails where you're
well well well it appears that i have gotten under the dr jacqueline weaver the
creator of tracking bros uh she puts it tracking the leopard moroes but the actual
wordpress address is tracking uh morose so she seems to have fixated on me claiming
that i have many sock puppets she mentions a couple which are not mine and she goes
on to mention the discredited will summer um who has upwards of a thousand mistakes
in his last article and she quotes ed butowsky when i first spoke to this guy he
said i have these bots britasca said schoenberger i don't even know what a bot is
by the way quote unquote if anybody believes that ed butas he does not understand
what a bot is then well let's just put um naievity above their first name in
highlights and perhaps put spotlights on them so jackie come on who are you kidding
you you tend to just bullshit that's the problem i have then you talk about how
schoenberger and chavez managed to sell themselves as capable henchmen henchmen for
clearing putasi's name all right the first person to meet bhutowski was beth after
trevor and then he came to fango and then i came days later putasi confirmed that
he hired shadowbox claiming that he wanted its help in the face of an onslaught of
online attacks and threats after his role in fox's rich story was revealed you
don't go on to what his role was um you say that butaski put schoenberger and
chavez up in a dallas area hotel tailing telling the daily beast she spent roughly
5 000 renting in rooms for over a month well actually it was two months and it was
his offer and then you jackie weaver you're the person who's supposed to be vetting
online conspiracies it looks like you're spreading them and um you see i'm just
going through all this so you've got fox is a victim here and then you go into
revealing tanya's publishing tanya's private emails that's tanya biss um and then
you say the tanya mentions emmanuel chavez and those who have been attacking my
friend thomas quote unquote the man who introduced steve to nunes etc now i did not
introduce steve to nunes that was a misstatement and i'm making it public i've
never met or interacted with nunes whatsoever the man who introduced steve bist to
nunes was ed butowsky so are you a journalist a blogger a liar a spreader of
disinformation i mean this is why i'm so underwhelmed by you jackie you've got to
come into the english language obviously you had education somewhere you know and
so you go into this and uh the problem is as you spread lies the anger that you
have towards me is seething through and the reason is is that you've got some deep
deep insecurity um here we go the fact that thomas schumacher who claims he was
just a composer was working for the law office of steven espis is in fact deserving
of deeper scrutiny excuse me you know what i didn't get paid by stephen biss i was
asked by rds along with fox along with trevor and along with defango if we would do
some cursory work that would not be underwritten that we would not be paid for
seems to finger did get paid um that's that i don't think fox was paid i'm unaware
of music for dogs schoenberger claims he is a more productive composer than mozart
are you aware that mozart left to be 35 i guess that escaped your research jackie
all right so i've had decades on the guy and yes i have he this crucial number if
you go by that listing is a little a bit over what 6 26 i think i've got lots more
songs and so then you go to business wire you go down um to an article for uh 15
years old and yes animals relate to music animals create music go outside one of
these days get away from your compact computer your commodore 64 or whatever the
hell you're using and if you open up your door and then she says the pot belly pig
and the jackal joined the pack now pop belly pig and jackal and then she says after
dealing with several credible witnesses including diane nordstrom and jesse davis
jackie i'm sorry but i can hear a funeral march for your reputation if you believe
that jesse davis and diane nordstrom are credible witnesses well there are a number
of bridges in brooklyn i'd like to sell you and maybe a couple dm's in michigan
this is pitiful it really is i really expected more out of you um you're wondering
why your readership is down it's amazing to me and yeah so is diane so is esteban
says jesse the people who were in the know who have actually lifted their fingers
to find out who these people are they know so you can go ahead and pretend to be um
holy at the very end you quote galatians 6 7 be not deceived god is not mocked for
whoever a man soweth that shall he also reap that doesn't impress me and quote the
bible it doesn't make you holy jackie by your actions you're showing that
okay everybody so let me tell you exactly what's going on Zach Quaid went to Cory
and asked for an interview Gabe Hoffman intervened threatened Cory and then Cory
sent a message a text to Zach which at the exact language of Gabe and so we
determined that and it is it's good because Cory just said screw this shit and he's
right now exposing it so this is a horrific day for Gabe Hoffman horrific because
Cory is what we call an influencer and he was the lead researcher for Isaac happy
and once more you know I've been pissed off at him but he's his own man the end of
the day Gabe couldn't dominate him just like Zach is his own man Gabe couldn't
dominate him just like steve-o Trump is his own man Gabe couldn't dominate it just
like Titus frost is his own man gay couldn't dominate him do you see the trend here
folks you've got a demonic little control freak that don't wonder
well I get to do one more short video and address one more subject as far as
screenshots these fuckheads they like to lie so as far as ever going to Nathan
stalled me to lift the bell and tried to engage them in a money-making scheme
that's not true Nathan and I were in a fight I think we're fine now we were judges
in tennis cross stream but no in no time did I ever try to make money off Isaac
happy period you know I think I would have had a lot more communication with him if
that was the case so that never happened it was a interview I didn't ask anything
for it and I've got the records from it I've also got a witness Brian duality a man
so there was never any discussions that we were in discussions together with Isaac
so I've got those screenshots so I just wanted to put that to rest and hope
everybody has a Merry Christmas so I'm gonna take some time to be with family and
Mixed messages
2020-03-12 18:55:24 UTC
so there are a lot of mixed messages you know the u.s. is a little bit clearer than
the UK the UK government came out and said avoid large public gatherings especially
in enclosed spaces and then went on to say schools are gonna be open as usual
Johnny so that's that there is a danger for people who are over 65 who work in
healthcare and that means that they're around the elderly who will be susceptible
there's also the argument asymptomatic carriers that the young will be delivering
death to the old so let's see I still think that by the end of April we're gonna
get that reprieve and then this thing's going to take a
so robert sarawald aka the lone cigar has been running around trying to sound holy
but what he writes about me is he says moment the fake holy man falls holiday jolly
you aren't a warrior you're a fat lazy coward only bitch bitches block people in
good conversation you should fear what is coming you should care your soul depends
on it too narcissistic to understand a warning so here is this guy and he's making
a threat as of uh may 9th i can tie him to maggiko and other things and you know
quite frankly this guy was um wanting to show his phallus to a 14 year old and he's
angry that uh that has come out he's angry that people like jared allen who's a um
an honorable ranger uh called him out and so uh this guy comes at me and he wants
to talk again he won't let it go this guy has made how many videos on me you know
who was his partner lustat right and who was his uh his dear friend sam fullerton
right so sam fullerton is a guy who uh had a welfare check well actually it was his
girlfriend cops came sam pulled out his weapons and murdered a cop in cold blood
and he himself was killed so uh sam was someone that uh that bobby introduced me to
he was also a musician um i didn't get to know samwell not like bobby bobby knew
him very well had a vigil after i forgot what he said but it was not uh sam went
ahead and killed someone and then was killed himself it was something like uh sam
passed during a welfare check so you know bobby you want to get into it with me uh
i'll tell you what all right uh we can do a live stream not on your channel and not
on any of these other idiots uh channels um we can pick someone like uh chip camera
remember him that's the guy that you blocked and then you were um throwing barbs at
him knowing that he couldn't uh respond and that is exactly what you were accusing
me of doing so sure i'll take you on we can get into it you know the bottom line is
this um i'm not going to trust you i'm not you've failed the trust test way too
many times uh you're trickster now look it doesn't matter to me that you were in
prison for many years it doesn't um you know i don't i don't think the the word ex-
convict means anything anymore or the word felon because the lawmakers themselves
are guilty as hell of breaking uh laws so if the people who pass the laws are not
pure then their words for those who do break the law don't mean anything and the
words for those who don't break the law also are meaningless seriously so um i'm
happy to take you on one on one but it won't be on a truth channel it'll be on
something like a jib camera right someone who is uh not part of the pipeline so
it is a minimum social balance in China, for example, who is drunk sitting hands
are they also revived and surinam slot machines did not watch a couple and what is
seeking elsewhere 23.6 me now i'm sixty geldof who advocates further these rough
men but also observed but they got me to the criminals ivac 600 christine senat
hitachi storage sight if our little boy is what families
so let's start to talk about where we're headed fear is a pathogen I've been
talking about this on this apphia music channel for seven years been trying to warn
people of these of innocent for the most part I was mocked he's told I was a
catastrophic thinker except for those who had faith and now in the space of a few
short weeks everybody's world was torn asunder in some ways this is an attempted
coup d'etat by people trying to impose a new world order so let's talk about a
prophecy when I was posted on March 14th 2019 that predicted all of this and then
you can decide what's real it's just a cicada prophecy it starts out not from Spain
but from agent France [Music] for that as the moon is thus led by its angel famine
fire blood plague all evils devil [Music] this is the park this builds some this
was the actual area where the dirt was excavated and where the virus her corona was
taken once again in the park took his name from the Bleak Hill which occupied the
site which because of the chemical composition of the soil was almost bare of
vegetation so it's got a very sinister reputation it talks about the yeah Beth de
Montfort Cohen this is where they hung bodies it was also a refuge dump in a place
for cutting up horse carcasses and a depository for sewage it's also a place where
they had a plague hospital so you need to look closer everybody now thus the moon
is led by angel well the moon's angel is Gabriel and it's month is month ruled
January so there you have it famine what happens when there's panic buying and the
supply chain is disrupted fire what happens when our grid starts to go down Blood
Plague all evils doubled it's coming true you have to understand this was done in
March of 2019 the ready player one who will unexpectedly meet his final year in
shame regret a year of pain doubt betrayal a Judas without a tree so this indicates
one year until things start to break down and what is the Judas the Judas is the
false economy that we had we haven't had healthy ideas we haven't had healthy
companies we're hunched over our computers all day fighting with each other what
about nature what about going out into nature and turning off our TVs turning away
from our media and living our life that to me sounds like a good they're telling
you to quarantine you there's a lot more coming down the pike
Message to OG
2020-07-15 02:34:08 UTC
hi everybody I'm back and this is a message - oh gee you know I think I'm gonna be
peaceful with you I've observed what's going on and I think you're getting a bird's
eye view of what's what's the real situation and I don't think we need to mention
names but I actually think you're on the right and I think that you you saw the
face of a real bastard who's caused a lot of chaos and through a lot of people down
pretty toxic rabbit holes so what I'm going to do is actually go back to an earlier
video and delete it and I'm going to wish you peace and that's that okay
Coronavirus in Tehran
2020-02-21 21:12:56 UTC
I've got some really interesting news going on right now so month of unprecedented
nigga time I speak Farsi and so I'm listening to reports coming out of Iran and
they have had absolutely no contact with the Chinese none and those cases breaking
that all over so I believe that the coronavirus started out naturally it was
natural in origin but that does not mean it can't be hijacked and weaponized and I
think that's what's happening so what Middle Eastern country would have the
capacity to do biological warfare and to do it slightly there's not too many your
candidates are Israel and Jordan and that's it so it's going down folks [Applause]
hello everybody so I wanted to update you there's new coronavirus cases in Los
Angeles and in New York you can't trust official channels you cannot trust the
government on any level the CDC has proven that they really don't know what they're
doing they were not ahead of the curve and even as cases were coming out they soft
little bit so that's that and as I was saying before it is going to be certain
areas port cities in in America it will be Corpus Christi it'll be Long Beach you
know it's gonna be Boston in New York and and whatnot so New Yorkers they think
that they're safe they're not not at all any big city with a population of over a
million is gonna be a giant petri dish so a it is and that includes Europe includes
Amsterdam and the cities that I've already named I'm gonna make a prediction that
Portugal is gonna get hit particularly hard in Spain as well just like Italy and
I'm not gonna tell you why now I'm just gonna make the prediction and in a month
you can say Thomas you're an idiot or Thomas how did you know that so and I'll
explain my reasoning in a month if we're around so that's that and the reason why
Long Beach is gonna get hit really hard is there has been a ton of stuff shift from
who Bay province to Long Beach and so you've got probably thousands of people
walking around especially dock workers who have been going to the same supermarkets
as uh as the housewives and the white-collar workers of Long Beach and that's going
to get hit particularly hard you're gonna see the elderly start to drop like flies
around there and you're gonna see the same thing with Corpus Christi you know same
thing with the big harbors that are essentially gateways for for Asian shipping so
China is already devastated it's down for the count you can see the same thing with
Japan and what happens is because you have a nation of workaholics in Japan and
you've got pretty much the same thing in China which is the government forces you
to be industrious there are people that are going to be forced back in the
workplace that are carrying yours so here you're gonna see self-isolation you're
gonna see one two two week closures of public schools the prison population is
going to be absolutely devastated but not only the prisoners the corrections
officers you're gonna see it crushes officers quitting on mas so that's at any look
some of you might think well this creepy psychopath Kelley Giannini and that crazy
Denise Matthau that's why I'm saying that no it's not it would be pretty silly I'm
doing this because these are huge ports I think Corpus Christi you know the next
chest port is number two and so it would make sense that you've got a series of
viruses that can live you know they're saying two weeks I think it's a lot longer
and they can live on surfaces for a long time and then you've got these these giant
shipping vessels that have to fill up the Walmarts and the Dollar General Stores
and everything else that we see in LA so it's going to be pretty serious and the
whole idea of dining culture going at the window it's also going to affect
everybody so that's that I'm actually you know Newport Beach right now it's pretty
mellow people don't seem to be concerned but that's Los Angeles for you okay I'll
talk to
well I've got to have it to Isuzu she really delivered the mortal bro - esteban
trujillo - gutierrez pretty funny wonder how esteban is gonna react he's not doing
too well you know he had all the confidence in the world if he was gonna go ahead
and do a Sakina book and do a book on cue and he teamed up with Arturo Romo dr. or
Tafoya Romo and with Manuel Chavez aye he's obviously a beta compared the man well
because he bends over for to think oh we know we looks like he's roughly 370 pounds
he could be 371 by now and talk about a fall from grace this guy starts on his 20s
as an Airborne Ranger he gets superb military training he goes to a turkey shoot
called Grenada and 83 and then he gets into the really dicey crap becomes a DEA
advisor for operation of snow plot or snow job snow plow you know which was a CIA
operation to run cocaine into the u.s. you know what a joke right and it gets even
worse he goes as a defense contractor wink wink mercenary think Blackwater air
Prince in Iraq so he's probably in the Green Zone going out on patrols and you know
raping people that's the kind of dirty crap they did they were dirty let's face it
they weren't a normal black rock it's bad I got a lot of buddies in mind you were
vets who were there for Operation Iraqi Freedom and they didn't like what they saw
so the bottom on it is Steven Trujillo D Gutierrez let's read the review Susu rates
you were probably the most pathetic and childish person on social media all you do
every day is swing from thomas some burgers nutsack you couldn't punch your way out
of a wet paper bag but hey you can block me but you will still be right here being
a sad sack of so i'm immortalizing this one it's um
good morning everybody so let's talk about experts and our experts usually don't
count who's giving them the title of expert I'll tell you a story two decades ago
New Year's Eve 2000 Here I am with a 7 month old kid and a wife and for the prior
four days I've been suffering excruciating pain couldn't eat running a fever
finally got to be so bad I went to the hospital and I went to queen of the Valley
Hospital and I go to triage they immediately get a doctor to go run blood tests etc
and dr. Mark Miller comes back and he says I'd like to talk to you and your wife so
he takes us into the room Wolfie of course 7 months old we take him to and he says
I've got some bad news you've got Stage four leukemia so I look at them and I'm
thinking I've got a son how am I gonna provide for him if I'm dead and you know my
wife is breaking down so I just looked at him I said doc how long and he said weeks
so I said okay go back to my hospital room and I've been demanding antibiotics I
had a sense about things and with this guy this doctor I had a sense he was wrong I
don't know why but I did so you know I'm dying I do have septicemia at that point
in things a family so the priest comes by and I impulsively grabbed him by his
collar and drew him near I'm a big guy um excuse me father I need fucking
antibiotics and pain medicine now and just look to Germany he looked like he had
seen the devil at any rate when I took the situation into my own hands things
started to happen they decided to come talk to me instead of ignoring me and
treating me like a patient I didn't know what he's doing and I explained to them
through gritting my teeth in my pain I said I know my own body you need to get me
antibiotics you need to get me pain medicine so they set me up with an IV drip I
explained to them if I'm dying what's the matter I won't be around to see you so
everything suddenly got better within 24 hours I had fully recovered now I was down
40 pounds you know it's been quite a stretch I think I was in there for almost two
weeks and that leads me to today's sermon nobody knows what the hell's going on
with this pandemic thing if they look at you as experts to say this is what's going
on be skeptical we've got this doctor who came out with a YouTube video saying this
has all the elements of high out altitude sickness know this guy was trained in
Israel right I think you've got this inertial does a video for CBS and she says
they're not giving us mass I'm exposed to infected people that turned out to be
horseshit but still Bernie Sanders ran with it and you know we've got millions and
millions and millions of clicks of views so right now what I believe is that
authorities are aware this is a return of the Spanish influenza they created a test
for kovat that is not effective and they're throwing all sorts of mortalities that
have co-morbidities attached to them you know and there have been cases of people
with stage 4 leukemia who you know their death is attributed to Kovac 19 why
because if we acclimate to the idea of five times more Americans or 40 times more
Americans dying of a pandemic then who died in 9/11 and they can prepare us for the
winter and in the winter I think whether it's organic or whether it's bio warfare
on the people of the world used to say that they won't replicate what happened in
1918 a much larger audience and much larger population and if a third of the world
was infected in 1918 you know that there was an 11 to 12 percent case mortality
rate no that's 70 to 100 million people if it happens today then you have those
same percentages it's 200 to 250 million so my sermon today is do not trust the
Portugal is next
2020-03-09 17:26:47 UTC
so as I said before this is the week of the crash now why is it happening because
we're starting to see the beginnings of collapse there's runs on all sorts of
things household goods pretty soon food especially canned goods and you're gonna
see a lot more coming down the pike folks a lot more the good news is you've seen
things like Goldman Sachs down 11% some money guys to put us in this position the
great casino a stock market the money changers they're the ones who got us fat and
lazy poisoned our food big pharma basically turned doctors into pill pushers so
that's where your anger should be your love should be with the people because we
have to get through this but those fat cats who take your money lose your money
they are to be a scorned no not the independently wealthy guys have made their
money they're not to be hated they did it the right way they didn't steal it they
provided inventions that made things better I'm talking about the the people who
sit there and count their shekels and mock the poor so Portugal's going to be next
as I said last week Spain was going to get it it's happening
we're going to talk a little bit more about coronavirus in italy right now so in
the space of 350 years there were over a hundred epidemics of plague that swept the
world and by the world i mean asia and europe and russia i'm not even counting the
the plagues that hit um the indigenous populations here and these plagues killed um
well over a hundred million uh well over a hundred million maybe 150 million and a
third of them in europe and they came in different varieties you would have uh an
ebola type flu you would have bubonic pneumonic septicemic so here's my prediction
and i'm going to tell it right now venice is going to be hit hard why because it's
a petri dish they've had 22 outbreaks plagued between 1361 and 1528. there was a
particularly bad one in 1576 that killed 50 000 venice that was a third of the
population um there was another one in 1680 that killed just as many um in the
space of less than a year and a half uh 80 000 people died and we spoke before
about this particular bloody november november 9th 1680 you had 595 people die so
this is where um we spoke about the doj right you go to st mark square and this is
the dogest palace but this particular dojo was nicole cantorini and he made a vow
um that he would build a church to the madonna of good health if the virgin mary
would free venice from the plague and that he would create a special day november
21st as the day of mary's presentation in the temple um kontarini ended up dying of
the plague but his successor jose francisco elizo kept the vow and why because
these guys had seen plague after plague after plague so what we're gonna see is um
more of this say this canceled the venice festival and that there's a certain
female vampire that's celebrated there so this is now canceled and i predict that
within six weeks you're going to see a huge uptick in venice and it's going to
impact their tourism gravely thanks for
hey so I checked out sdn wide org and yeah I stand by my statement in fact I didn't
know Steve this very well at that point and he's always been polite you know I
can't say he's ever been unprofessional with me whatsoever but yeah I did ask
advocacy personally if he could help trevor out and that was you know in the
halcyon days of shadowbox the short-lived company but yeah I stand by it and I
think I testified to that under oath and my depose which was was at June 27th of
2019 so absolutely in fact let me add a little bit more deaf and oh and I were over
at Petoskey sauce with Trevor and I think it was a second home it wasn't even his
regular place but Trevor brought his laptop and even showed him he had nothing in
his bank account and he left with us pretty dissatisfied because it wouldn't help
him financially so that's all truth and here's the thing when you put out things
publicly or under deposition where you're under oath and you can go to jail
presumably for perjury you better keep it scrupulously honest and that's what I've
done for a long time when I told everybody that Chavez had been paying people to
attack me that includes the entity known as Ches hire three three zero one on
Twitter and that's the one that gave showed that is Arturo Tafoya Romo of Enceladus
Mexico is a Mexican national he seems to be curiously involved in our political
landscape that's pretty weird I've never seen someone from Mexico so interested in
general Flynn and a Michael Aquino he must love a man in a uniform so that's that
when I stand and you know I've testified under oath with everything and I actually
sought them out I think that Aaron birch got a raw deal personally I think the
family suffered I don't care what their politics are and I'm not a Democrat and
here's what's really interesting is there's an account called answer correctly it's
app answer correctly and they're basically trying to pose me as a Democrat maybe
because they're upset about me doubting Denise as DNC Denise and it's very
interesting here let me
this is Jack the sobic now he was naval Intel before he started as a journalist
career he's well known as eyeness and here's what he has to say about da van socata
is something no don't the de facto stuff there's so much disinformation there just
the guy's a joke the guy's a joke the guys completely a joke alright
Luke 8_17
2020-05-27 15:02:11 UTC
I want to drill a little bit more into Stevo trims amazing a new article so what
happens when you have these chaos workers is that they want to sow discord they
want things confusing they have leveled a bunch of false accusations against me
even down to suing me thinking that the truth isn't gonna get out the stupidest
thing in the world is to drag someone into court when you've got liabilities so you
take a look at these you see of superimposed names over Isaac capys what he called
the Mossad median matrix and these are by the way post so is Jack Pacific who was
working for one American news at the same time that epic task he was a client of
ours so you can see bloomer in there running for political office you can see Sir
Novick she's you know got that close connection to Alan Dershowitz of course
represented Jeffrey Epstein I'm not going to name the other person in here really
really put it all together did a great job he showed all the connective tissue and
you guys know that I made a video five six months ago where I called to figure out
I said remember how chip camera abandon you and exposed you remember out Jana and
did the same thing there's another shoe that's gonna fall and there's another
insider who is going to be exposing you so how did I predict that was it psychic
ability no I had heard that JB was having some fights with Doug Stewart in that he
was not feeling good about his role with the cueing on LARP now it doesn't mean he
went on it's fake when it means is that JB and microchip got together and pretended
that they had created it and so the evidence right here there was the real JB and
here is the nightmare that this represents for and for anybody financing him and by
that well maybe maybe some people trying to hide the trail right now the nightmare
is that defend go took money from multiple people this could be construed as open
fraud and something that is actionable criminally and then we go into the land of
Rico which means that the people who have financed Defago it can certainly be
criminally liable so this is what's going on and there's a certain person from
Florida that defending you at one point called out and there's a video that we
captured that will be made public through the court system along with the discovery
is going to happen with two phango that I've been talking about for months much
much I've told you guys what was gonna go down since November now they keep on
nuking my YouTube channels because like I use a Cappy there's a certain tour de
force is trying to stop all the researchers and trying to silence people who ask
questions about Isaac Abby's death so why would anybody be upset with people
investigating a be actors death why they should not care at all they're upset
because there are things that are hidden she'll be revealed that's what I was
telling you guys I can March Luke 817 it's going down and as Steve ultram says that
the LARPers are escalating and he predicted it he he certainly did it he basically
said as we head towards the 2020 election these things are gonna escalate and also
the great point that Steve makes is that this was an organized disinformation
campaign so of course blaming me I'm saying he's Q was a way to get people to
attack me another belligerent saying everybody should focus on Thomas in regard to
Isaac Abby's death that was another false narrative issued by a powerful person who
appears to be trying
so I actually have to hand it to Dave he's doing some pretty good work on the Linux
seven and everything he's uncovering I've got a feeling he's going to start to
concentrate on the scandal and berkshire county massachusetts that involved Denise
Samantha's brother he may have sexually molested another male so it's interesting
to see Denise make a video entitled to Swagger brothers are suing me for reporting
their blackmail to any state police bring it on exclamation point and then laughing
emojis so she's obviously mocking this whole thing just like she mocked me when I
sent her an email saying you're about to be sued and she acted like he was immune
to these things so a lot is coming out on Denise and Dave has made that connection
between Denise and Manny Chavez so as I've been saying for a while both of these
guys Denise and Manny are pretending to be Trump stirrers or conservatives they're
not it's why I call her deans he Denise his first Chavez he just made a real huge
blunder he told her which is attorney said he had turned over everything and now
we've shown new things so they're aware and I'm gonna make a prediction I predict
that he's going to be hostile a subpoenaed and his office is going to be forced to
testify and they're gonna go for a subpoena of his Google and protonmail it's what
I've been saying for a long time repeatedly constantly without any change and what
I've said so it's pretty crazy to see this and to see this psychopathic arrogance
all I can call it I'll give you a quick shot you
March 6, 2020
2020-03-06 15:22:25 UTC
good morning so many you don't have any idea what it's like to be a composer and
see the public damnation from my detractors who spout that I don't play music I
don't play piano but the crafts that I've honed over my lifetime there's a
falsehood the reason why I bring it up is let the people who were uh during these
lies are reading off scripts as a musician I can tell when someone is reading music
or when God's Spirit flows I can tell when people are reading scripts in following
directors and it comes down to the nature of faith many have put their faith in
government like it was a church many put their faith in the doctors and the lawyers
and the money changers and they were rewarded with being bled that was the reward
for their devotion to what is false the doctors can't seem to stop this sickness
the young will be scared but will their parents or grandparents listen up in the
coming days you'll be mocked if you speak out in the coming days true Christians
will be persecuted like the days of old and as our institutions start to collapse
teachers and truth tellers will be hunted down the silenced the monsters who
constructed this house almost everything you thought you knew has been a carefully
constructed lie a simulation designed to keep you opposed to your fellow man
designed to keep us fighting amongst ourselves so we wouldn't pay attention to our
pockets being picked and our spirit being stifled there's much to come and I'm only
one man very very little following in more enemies and friends it appears but I'll
try to tell you what I know and comfort you when there's reason to be comforted and
warn you when there's reason to be warned I know doesn't matter how many times I
prove myself there will be people who will label me a fraud or an evil person I'm
not I'm just one man fighting in a tidal
Listen to the ones asking questions, not the ones giving answers
2020-05-24 15:44:52 UTC
okay so I think at this point I can take a victory lap back in January I have let
everybody know that I thought coronavirus was only the shell of the worm that we
need to concentrate on and it looks like evidence is coming through in India that
confirms that it's these secondary bacterial pathogens that are causing the
fatalities in other words there's no strong chance that it really isn't kovat 19
but it's a derivation of the same flu that killed 75 million human beings in 1918
and 1919 trying to tell you guys for a while which is there was a massive confusion
back in 1918 they called it a soldier's fever in three weeks fever in the first six
months you know it killed under half a million but in the next 12 months that
killed 50 million you know that killed 675 thousand Americans and you got to keep
in mind that roughly six hundred and twenty thousand died in our Civil War 1861 to
1865 so um what we're dealing with is not just confusion at the very top which you
have to start to question the experts you have to start looking at big is bad that
simple but also the response to what's going on is to hide things from everybody
and once again it's because was Spanish flu of 1918 they came on a delivery system
that was avian it came from the birds so that's what I think is really going on and
there's lots of other unintended consequences you go ahead and you put like an
entire globe on lockdown for six weeks you know you start to think about 50 million
Americans working 40 hours a week times 40 children but millions millions of
millions of labor hours just you know vanished and then what does six weeks of
sudden unemployment and domestic internment do to a person well on the surface you
would think well you're gonna catch up on your sleep and you know get some rest and
it's it's a good thing and there's a little bit of help from the government
stimulus check right no it's caused a pandemic of insomnia no I don't have a lot of
listeners to this channel but most of us are already something X but how many of
you are now hearing from friends and family members that their sleep patterns are
whacked you know this is uncharted waters and you do not want to be listening to
the people who are providing the answers because they fucked up I want to be
listening to the people asking the
hey everybody i predicted that uh dave acton would be coming up with pretty
important information at least from um a journalistic point of view and he
certainly has a lot of people said stay away from him he hates you why would you
want to promote someone like that i'm aware that he's got some current turbulence
with sugar shine um but the guy is um a first-rate legal mind and he was able to uh
put out um some informational things that actually have helped me so um am i a fan
of dave acting yeah i am when he was being a bully to me would i have met him face
to face yep i may have lost that fight he's six five i'm barely six one however it
doesn't stop my respect for him for his knowledge his insight and his greater
[Music] legal knowledge which is not saying much because i'm a complete dunce when
it comes to that stuff i just want to say you should listen to his latest video and
don't confuse cap with the c-a-t brilliant for lack of a better word so that's why
i don't publicly attack dave um i like his work
it's amazing people in Europe are going crazy about this just reading through these
this is an Italian first people seen from the walking dead millions dead and China
air speed speaks of the dead this is scenarios here we go with the zombie thing as
a coronavirus goes global what should we expect I said ok in Rome okay crazy French
oh that's a good one those who demand the closing of our borders are the same ones
who believe that the closing of the neck line prevents rape just as inefficient or
just as ineffective yeah that's pretty and they're probably true so a lot of this
code on the vias that it's a vita okay so it's growing it's going like crazy and
you're seeing panic buying everywhere so these right here are what can carry the
coronavirus which means borders aren't gonna mean much are they all right and then
this person is all habibi says the spreader coronavirus Adina Ron is alarming
another implication of how worthless human lives are to the regime no it has
nothing to do with it what are you talking about you know and by the way I was
reporting the 22 had died you know days ago when no one else knew and that's in
qualms it's not taking 50 it's gonna get much much bigger guys much bigger here we
are we're talking about now the end result of this is that we're not going to be
able to stop it we're not at least four months three months to develop an effective
scene and a year to get it to everybody meanwhile you don't know who's infected
who's not so well the CDC and who are telling you that they're trying to keep panic
at a minimum they're doing a disservice World Health Organization came out today
and said the infection rate is much lower outside of who Bay you know a set of wool
on Provence and that's just a bullshit argument doesn't take into effect the
migration the false negatives the asymptomatic patients the fact that the tests are
essentially worthless it's a crapshoot thirty to fifty percent accuracy so if you
guys are smart you'll get out of the stock market now big s it's at 28 and they can
go to ten and go even lower that's what it did with the Lehman Brothers you had
doubt ten thousand at one point you had Las Vegas Sands at one dollar a share he
saw Bank of America almost fold at six thousand boxes six thousand outlets this is
going to be worse in my opinion and for those people are saying let's have hope and
it'll be okay that scientists will fix it the doctors will fix it get a clue
governments are not reporting true figures don't be naive coronavirus scientist
avalanche the contact with live animals or their dead flesh may be a source of the
deadly virus it could be that you're pushing a little vegan thing just like people
are saying close the borders with Iran and that is coming from Israel so you have
to be very careful this is being politicized right now and this is the second
biggest point drop ever it's bad the doll will be down over 800 points today I
think it already
so I see ill skill is lying claiming that LCL went directly to me and said what
lies am i telling about you to point him out and I'll immediately apologize if
they're wrong no ill skill your lies are not flying you've blocked me for a long
time while you incessantly talk about me so I'm gathering information on you and
two can play at that game you know people who do this kind of conduct hateful
predatory conduct you know the people that you target have a right to defend
themselves and I'm not the only one who's defending myself Titus Frost's done a
wonderful job doing that Stevo trim has done a wonderful job doing that and others
you know mess with the bull you get the horns it's the way it is so ill skill let
me tell you something that's gonna happen monkey Sivan was one of the most hidden
people on the Internet I was able to run down her exact address I'm gonna do the
same with you I'm gonna find things out about you that you do not want me finding
out because I have the contacts and the resources to do that so the sirens are
coming ill skill
so somebody mentioned the name doug stewart to me today and said he had done some
sort of analysis on the recent court hearing on april 28th between dennis klein who
represents kate offman and a man named prosai otherwise known as thomas
schoenberger and yes i did emerge victorious they denied the injunction for
immediate relief as far as deformation that has not been proven and it's hard to be
defamed when you're attacked first that's number one and defamation law is very
complicated it goes into truth and fault and it is normally up to the plaintiff to
prove that something is false so gabe hoffman is going to have to open up his books
he's going to have to show every payment that he made three months prior to isaac
happy three months after isaac gappy and that includes any payments he may have
made to priests or to meatball or dealing with anybody else and trust me there will
be a forensic account working with an investigator and um this is not gonna be a
good time for gabe so he walked into it you know i told him before i told all you
guys i was a chess master you know um i was very good at chess i see moves before
they happen and i told you this so the lack of uh jurisdiction may look on the
surface like uh it doesn't look good for me but in reality it actually allows me to
crack open gabe hoffman's financial world we're going to know his client list we're
going to know how he's done what his hedge fund performance is we're going to know
who he's writing checks to we will know um his maids and his valets and his butlers
and whoever else he has his his life is now going to be an open book so he chose to
go forward wanted to be the bully um now he gets something that uh and um and steve
jobs probably knew pretty well and you know maybe uh tesla too eureka
okay guys so I'm gonna take a break from from doing these videos it's likely I've
got coronavirus and so the thing to do is to show you guys for example and I'm not
gonna get a vaccination and gonna take three days off if you don't hear from me
then the virus won but if you do hear from me then you can start to prepare to look
to see in the eye and we're gonna conquer okay for most people it'll only be a bad
cold so you don't have anything to fear except a government that would try to force
you to put something into your bloodstream
proof is in the pudding as they say i always demand strong evidence and so do you
guys so i'm going to show you strong evidence that animal chavez has engaged in
nefarious psychological projection if not outright transference it's called
freudian projection because freud came up with the concept that projection was a
defense mechanism this was um right around the time james garfield was assassinated
what 1881. um psychological projection is what people do when they're unable to
cope with their own negative feelings or emotions and so they end up assigning
those feelings or emotions to other people i can give you some examples okay uh
like the cheating husband who accuses his wife of infidelity or the lady who
shoplifts and becomes paranoid that someone's gonna grab her purse this is exactly
what manuel chavez does and he covers up his own crimes by accusing other people of
the very crimes he's guilty of so i'm going to show you this short little video and
i want you to watch it very closely of course chavez in his own now comical style
mispronounces judas iscariot he calls him judas iskit pretty funny now keep in mind
that chavez is assigning to isaac cappy what he feels aside uh rage a turmoil and
we have to be prepared to consider that chavez was involved at the very least in
the cover-up of isaac cappy's murder take a look at this man's eyes he is fuming
he's furious i want to make a couple quick notes i spoke to isaac only twice
between october 12 2018 and april 29th or 30th 2019. i never discussed the sony
deal with isaac and if you listen to chavez and see the rage in his eyes you're
going to witness for yourself what the real truth is chavez tried to financially
extort me and when i caught him in the act he became furious violently furious his
immediate response was to try to destroy me to defame me to accuse me of crimes he
may be guilty of to gather an army of ghouls to attempt to wreck my life to put out
a bitcoin bounty to send hoffman after me to send gabe after me chavez even wrecked
the sony deal him and lestat and china to three i've got evidence chavez told
people i was responsible for isaac's murder even while talking out of both sides of
his mouth he was also saying oh it was a suicide so he was obviously pumping gabe's
narrative so i'm pretty convinced that he um convinced gaben glenn to buy his
narrative and i think all these people are in really big trouble so without further
ado let's hear chavez and he's caught in a lie just check this out and then
somebody used to call me judas iscara all the time and the fact that i'm seeing
poor cathy say that in his fucking death letter i know what happened here i know
isaac cappy probably just found out that that dude that was fucking lying to him
about everything the guy that was lying to him about the sony deal and the movie
deal and stringing him along that guy i'm pretty sure that that guy's the one that
really drove this motherfucker to this and then somebody used to call me judas
iscara all the time jesus iscara but you can see how upset he is and the fact that
i'm seeing poor cathy say that in his fuck you just see him look up he's
remembering a script letter i know we don't know if that death letter is even real
that's the instagram letter and there's a fair amount of controversy about it here
i know isaac cappy probably just found out that that dude that was look at him he's
talking about his own feelings that is psychological projection caught in the act
and he lies about everything the guy that was lying to him about the sony deal he
tried to extort me with a sony deal he told me he was going to publicly destroy me
previously in april of 2018 he told me if i don't hand over 50 of my part of the
sony deal he was going to dox me and he was going to make me hate it he stringing
him along i didn't string you along we were working on a deal a year before we ever
met you chavez first you grifted that's what you did you grifted about cicada3301
you took donations you were pumped about it you wanted fame you wanted money that
guy i'm pretty sure that that guy's the one really so right after cappy dies you're
assigning blame to me you're lying to your followers how involved were you
I'm gonna Lee Jackson and I'm not but these people and during this time of crisis
that provided a strength so it's time to say thank you I see a number of deaths
every day and the constant threat of being infected and taken back home to my
family is terrifying but the one thing that gives me strength to get to my job
every day is watching Ellen I was going to do the compassion to end it all but by
noon from mastership I just got to break up a fight in Aisle three and every day
people call me a dog but having Stan are matured reassure me from her sprawling
rural property really makes it all worthwhile my landlord refused to uh you know
give me a decrease in rent so I know this right but you know this is plight than
the another who he is you know I knew it [Music] not true
okay so it couldn't be more clear this is Brett Trimble and he goes by the world
was watching and he writes I believe that by the time Gabe is done with Thomas
it'll become even more clear that Thomas is the one this capital letters who had a
hand in Kathy's demise I had become more convinced of it each day marked these
words Thomas is one who finally pushed Isaac over the edge alright so first off
that is defamation you said mark these words carefully Thomas is the one that's a
declarative statement and Bret everything's pointing to you as being the fixer for
Gabe and then scavo's obsessed the deck brothers RTS now while Brad as the inside
scoop deck brothers were the brothers who allegedly found isaac on the bridge and
tried to stop him from jumping I don't buy that story at all not one bit ty Ross
says well okay I have not seen evidence to back up any claims the cap NTS were even
inaudible with one another do you have any like you know countless videos of Cathy
talking about - yes oh oh wait no you don't say so yeah who's talking about Gabe
often revealing and then he poked rim says apparently there is such a video which
Kelly Brett and Carrie the scarebear all remember seen but by a bad stroke of luck
they can't produce a video or even anyone outside their little team that saw it and
here's lady set sakelik who was a dear friend of Isaac's and she's an archivist she
says I archived most videos got around to nurse safe almost finished going through
all of them till now no mention of TS on any of those he does mention some alarming
things and broadcasts from March April and May and I know what those alarming these
are had to do with Gabe often many of these certain videos are now wiped from the
yeah yeah and then Steve says let's make sure all the videos are restored times but
archived better org ts sends me all those messages with Isaac Cathy they're all
positive this has been confirmed by real friends of Isaac and then Wyatt Earp says
about the time game is done quote unquote Thank You Bret more evidence of this of
these crooks smear campaign against the America's finest composer I don't know
about that but how wrong you are and how much evidence we have to prove who had
their hands in Isaac's death Gabe will not get away with acrimony in the innocent
man so and then he says yeah Brett news crew have had nine months now to share the
seven were they waiting for babe by the sounds to it so let's see yeah that's me
Mike is Mike Campbell and it's really getting pretty serious videos we know who is
involved in this guys involved Kelly Harris Giannini's involved brick trembles
involved and gave Austin's evolved and if any was among so watch as
Has the horror of the coronavirus epidemic is revealed what can we expect
2020-02-25 20:20:20 UTC
okay so let me give you a little update you have people like this guy saying don't
panic with a coronavirus and right now the CDC is finally saying it's it's
happening this person sure we all read says the corona virus outbreak is entering a
new stage containment has proven extremely difficult and the vaccines too far away
to help a silver acceptance of risk is vital to avoid panic and that is absolutely
right the pest a a cone Oi that means the plague is with us the plague is here and
it's gonna hit the u.s. it's hit in Italy the predict is gonna hit Venice hard it's
going to start to hit the port cities you're gonna see Genoa in Venice and Lisbon
and the areas where birds collect so you need to look back in history to draw a
bead and unbelievably this has been my area of study since 1977 I became obsessed
with the Black Death and felt that the history books were wrong which they often
are but here's the CDC in his immunization chief Nancy missive an warning the
disruption to everyday life may be severe from the corner virus in the US where the
hell were you last month you know where the hell were you you haven't warned us and
you haven't taken the proper steps she had been taken a while ago I have a little
nothing channel you know look at these monsters but I was talking about this over a
month ago right and so they're gonna get into a bunch of bullshit snake oil
salesmen ways to handle this and the bottom line is they do not understand the
makeup and Goodwyn boy who's in the know says there's probably 45 million infected
along with him around 200,000 deaths this is big time and I think he's right I
think China has been hiding it and we're gonna get whacked so what can you guys do
be aware study panic isn't the answer the Dow is down another 560 points right now
let's see what it's like right now I'll tell you that's down 530 anymore let's get
you down yeah 582 yeah and usually you should look at the S&P but it's going
down you know only the smart ones have been listening so stay tuned to this channel
I don't sell anything I'm simply trying to be informational and get things out and
trying to tell you that I've studied this thing for most of my life and I
What is Hollywood
2020-02-24 17:02:48 UTC
so Harvey Weinstein has been convicted of a couple counts don't get too excited as
a class C felony however he will be dead within the year and maybe there will be a
hash tag that says Harvey Weinstein did kill himself all of that's not gonna be
true either after News Channel Hollywood what it works it's all about mind control
tactics TMZ is a front CAA his CIA you've got in the Hollywood thicket military
Intel NSA CIA Mossad mi6 and others because that's where perceptions are molded
what they want us to think and feel and believe so it's not just they embed all
sorts of subliminal messages in movies and in commercials and in TV shows TV used
to be called the babysitter but they realized they could
well Denise up the ante she has a new video called kpop and threatens to sue me if
I don't comply with his criminal demand so by inference there gave us a criminal
GSS called him a filthy Jew prior so she you know once again she falsely claims and
I'm I'm cute I'm not so it looks like she did delete the video though where she
calls gave a filthy Jew but it's all over the place at this point everybody's
downloaded it and you know are weighing in and now she goes ahead and says that his
demands are criminal so it's pretty funny it's pretty funny what can I say looks
like Denise has no fear of Gabe I think that she understands that he's for the most
part all talk he's not gonna sue her and she knows it so she
good morning everybody so crash week is over in the stock market and it's been a
historically well I'd end up higher today by over a thousand points maybe even over
1500 it's not gonna be the panacea there's a lot more coming down the pike and as I
said this is actually a beautiful thing to lose faith and doctors and put them into
healers to lose faith in politicians and put it back into God we're going into a
[Applause] so i want you to take a look at this in spain and in france and in italy
and in iran and so i'm going to get into why okay this once again goes into my
theory um in france there were pilgrims uh that were violent there was one in
particular on valentine's day 1349 where they burnt maybe 250 300 jews that were
part of the [Music] black death persecutions poisoning the wells they basically
were claiming that the jews had superior um biological and chemical knowledge which
i think they probably did because uh they had taken that from the arabias
especially when the moors came into spain um they actually supported the wars who
were the invaders but you know it was pretty unfair so this is the place where
anthony bourdain supposedly committed suicide that's straussberg and it happened in
certain areas all over uh europe happened in basel which is in switzerland it
happened in it's it happened in too too long these are areas that are all getting
smacked really hard right now so that just leads me to believe that this is some
sort of historical payback done through netanyahu and his uh his military guys you
know he's got biological warfare guys who um you know i've been developing things
like this right we know as a fact they've developed an ethic bomb uh a biological
agent that would not impact jews so now does that make me an anti-semite no not at
all i've got a lot of jewish friends i'm talking about this one man that now as a
monster right so you have to understand history and start to look into where there
were pogroms um in france and in spain and for that matter germany and you're going
to start to see what i believe is historical scores being settled i really do
believe this um if i'm right you're gonna see um portugal in the news you're gonna
see switzerland getting a bunch of them you know you're going to see areas in
alsace which is you know france you just have to look at um where there was
medieval uh anti-semitism and um you're gonna you're gonna see it
A r d s
2020-04-22 00:48:08 UTC
okay guys so i was one of the first people on the internet to start questioning
ventilators and it appears that i'm correct wow you know i felt like trump in the
early days so much winning unfortunately he makes money i don't i'm just trying to
help and with that in mind let's talk about args stands for acute respiratory
distress syndrome it's a condition that causes fluid to build up your lungs so uh
oxygen can't get to your organs it's basically starving out your organs the fluid
leaks from small blood vessels and it collects in these tiny ear sacks in your
lungs and so your lungs can't fill with enough air because of this your blood can't
pick up the oxygen it needs to carry to the rest of your body and you turn blue
something called cyanosis it can not to work and even to shut down so along with
that stenosis i believe that is um a serious serious thing it's called uh diffusion
epoxia and the standard protocol for treating ours is to use oxygen plus pressure
because the body can't breathe for itself the problem with covert 19 is that the
pressure of the ventilation does more damage than good so the patient needs oxygen
but not pressure the pressure destroys the weakened cells so what we have here is
once again uh what looks like a simulation of the spanish flu you've got the virus
coming in weakening cells then you've got the bacterial damage afterwards so i
think the trick would be to reduce the pressure you still need to use 100 oxygen um
a homopathic cure would be if you're feeling this way to lay on your belly because
gravity helps take pressure off the key is to lower the pressure to take the stress
off the lungs they shouldn't be working so hard so that's that and i think that's
why you can see a high amount of death associated with these ventilators and even
with this malaria medicine that may not be the key i may not i think you should
look into uh ours and you should start talking to physicians that you know and say
hey this crazy guy named thomas on the internet thinks that um a lot of the stuff
they're saying is covered 19 is actually args what do you think doc
so the stock market has had a very nice rally from 18,000 I mean quite a rally
pretty incredible huh looks good looks like everything's recovering doesn't it well
I told you the week it was gonna crash and I crashed I told you a week before it
happened so now I'm gonna give you some bad news and I hope you enjoy it actually I
hope you enjoy it I'm just trying to give you guys the truth and by the way I'm not
invested in the stock market at all it's gonna go down hard and shortly hard
alright what they're doing right now these are casino operators that's what they
are so when a casinos losing money they take their slot machines and they have them
make a whole bunch of noise and they they pay off some jackpots and that's how they
attract the crowd and so what they're really doing is making absolutely sure that a
whole bunch of 401k money is not going to come out that people will have faith in
the stock market and therefore faith in the criminals running it and in the
meantime as I said earlier the Orcas the big guys are getting out they're going to
cash because there's no way that we're gonna get out of this thing in six to nine
months and the market looks ahead six to nine months so when you see it going up
like this it's fraud it's manipulation it's quatrain so just be aware guys you know
if you guys are in the stock market you know sell a little bit here and wait for
crash I think that we need to get Dow a 15,000 I think that's what we're
and this is Jim Jim's nervous look at this posture he's not smiling this voice is
really high the hit these people are evil people are evil if you look really
closely at their faces they're evil they are here this looks like a damn Satanist
everybody so you listen there's this is one of the most recent ones that he did I
told you it wasn't gonna be a because we're gonna have to listen to those suckers
and actually more concentrate on mr. the fangled Manuel Chavez because he's uh he
wants you to think or he wants us to think that he and Thomas are fighting and that
I'm associated with some of them or an and so on a merit prove you how this
confusion and how this all of this is to distract you to minimize and discredit
what I'm saying and who I'm exposing okay so first and foremost I'm not associated
with minimal job as he's not my friend we're not play-acting what we do see is a
clear association here and a financial one between you and defago your your your
column dude you got the cash and here it is two fingers directing you to fire all
cannons alright and here it is you're delivering a birthday present to you in Iraq
as you did to me plus to have six 129 we're gonna bust his ass inside out we're
gonna need to hype it up his birthday all right they've got six six nineteen no you
went ahead and did a campaign with him called hog belly you went ahead and promoted
an open secret here you are bro here you're looking for this and what this is is a
video that you did for two fing go which I'll show you right now let's get to the
bottom of it oh it's unlisted it's not yet and there it is you got the Deaf Ango
logo right so not only are you promoting them you're taking money and then you're
telling your audience mmm that somehow him and I are creating confusion and so here
you are calling them dude and here you write a six thirteen twenty nineteen dude I
have fucking Freddie on hangouts he wants to talk to you and make peace so we can
focus on Thomas want to join how do you in and he says sure one sec bro KK you're
in hangouts with them have I been in hangouts with them no I haven't and then you
rape bro awesome man thanks a lot feel so proud and then this is what's all about
bro and thanks for the money will help a lot so here's the thing you had an
opportunity to redeem yourself through honesty and you squandered it Arturo you
squandered it you've lied to your audience you've done the same thing that Manuel
Chavez does you claim to hate him and to hate what he does you claim to hate his
moral ambiguity but here you are promoting Gabe Hoffman and magico taking money
from Defago offering to enlist the services of FK and Freddie his real name is
Alfred Isaacson it doesn't sit well with a lot of people and even though we tried
to give you props today you've fallen off your horse you really have I had hope
that you were gonna play it straight but to go ahead and float a lie and the lie
mean then mom all Chavez and I are not fighting we're we're actually not fighting
I'm gonna put him in prison that's works out and right now which he dropped I want
to thank you because it gives me the opportunity to and the reason being is that
under the RICO statute if you can prove conspiracy which is pretty easy to prove
here then that is mandatory prison time so I'm gonna tell you what I'm doing okay
I'm in touch with three major journalists right now and they're watching I'm
sending them information and I'm telling them draw your own conclusions vet the
information from multiple sources the same thing I told Steve ultram before because
you can't just go to a journalist and say here's my version print it they have to
vet it and that's why I'm pretty happy that things have been vetted right now I you
have admitted to getting paid to attack me you've admitted to enlisting the
services of others and guess what I've got the Freddy videos that he deleted I
downloaded them that's called Provident thinking Arturo so I don't think you know
much about that you've kind of blended your way through everything but it's serious
just wanted to let you know
wow so mr uh gay dolphin we'll call him that just added a uh supplemental uh
through his attorney dennis klein regarding my support of adam green and no more
news who i believe delivers very good content it seems that gay dolphin doesn't
want anybody um discussing their political views he would like any anti-zionism
thought eradicated he probably would want those who are anti-zionists to be packed
in cattle cars and sent to concentration camps that's the way this guy thinks so
i'm looking at the hilarity of his um filings they're just junk complete junk this
idiot attacked me and the judge will know it so at any rate um dealing with that
right now and laughing i will get this to uh adam green so hopefully he can report
on it adam's got quite the subscriber base a very popular guy you know he's
standing up for the people and speaking truth and gabe doesn't want that truth out
there gay dolphin uh wants to silence people especially when it comes to cappy so
it's pretty interesting that he's uh content before there's even been uh
preliminary this attorney is obviously as thick as he is i guess that's why they
keep on losing to ali alexander pretty funny
so I want to show you a little bit more this is my friend Jared who is a ranger
combat veteran by the way and I say don't you see where Esteban was trying to
challenge you I make you show your credentials as a ranger he is such a desperate
beached whale and Tre responds as if I would ever self talks for that slob I have
no reason to ever prove myself to a guy like that I think he eventually blocked me
he's super needy and a crazy ex-girlfriend kind of way and I couldn't give him the
attention he wants and yeah that's why we call him dummy which is well actually we
didn't give him that that name that's uh let's keep often dummy and so with Jared
he is a brilliant guy he's really smart you know we've done word games and you know
he's got a puzzle mind I you know for instance we could take his name Jared it
means to descend well actually forget that let's take dummy all right so that would
be degenerate unhinged mouthy manipulative yak or you can do it backwards that
would be your mother most of bellacourt deliver okay so those would be 43 times 45
which would be 1935 so in 1935 April 8th was the creation of Social Security and
the WPA program under Roosevelt unemployment was around 17% it had actually bought
him during Hoover and it only really you know ramped up or we really climbed out of
the hole with the ramp up to World War two but you know in 1935 I think we had
[Music] for we went from four billion to thirty billion in debt we had four billion
before the depression then it was around 30 billion in 1935 there would have been C
well let's talk April 8th okay so we can go into birthdays that would be punched
evil it would be also Buddha it would be Mary Pickford a good old Toronto girl she
actually died in 1979 but she was America's Sweetheart that's what they called her
and she was the epitome of everything pure she married chuckles Fairbanks I've been
to Pickfair in Beverly Hills which was at home and of course she was a the biggest
star in the world or in Charlie Chaplin around 1915 16 17 18 you also have Buster
Keaton in that area it also Fatty Arbuckle but he basically went to hell all right
all these scandals started to come up so that's the kind of connective stuff that
we do Jared is one of those minds I've got a group of friends and that's what we do
we ping back and forth between math and history there's a lot of fun so at any rate
Gabe went from calling Esteban a decorated veteran - hey dummy kind of just some
familiarity it's pretty interesting and there was a response which Esteban deleted
but then Gabe says well I don't care perhaps you should act more intelligently and
take down you're talking to me before the addressee reports you and has your
account suspended so actually gave right and the reason why I deleted my last video
is that I may have misspoken when I was talking about cocaine use and and other
things that was in no way directed towards Gabe I keep things very honest and I
don't see any any indication of drug user drinking with with Gabe I actually have a
feeling he's like me he's probably a coffee guy okay now stat and
so this is exactly what I was warning about this gentleman here mr. redfield is the
head of the CDC the Center for Disease Control and as I've been postulating for a
while I think that though mm powers-that-be know that this is a derivation of the
influenza that killed 70 million souls 1918-1919 and so I was predicting this what
a month and a half ago the CDC director warns second wave of coronavirus is likely
to be worse now once again and quick little cliff note first six months of the
Spanish influenza spread but did not kill a whole bunch I think maybe three to four
hundred thousand people for six months that came back that subsequent winter and
within one year killed more people than died during the Black Death we're talking
maybe 50 or 60 million in a year and that was a second wave there was another maybe
2025 million for the third wave and so I think these guys have known this and I
think that your government including mr. Redfield here and including the World
Health Organization these guys knew what was it does not discount that now who has
done strategic biowarfare on the Iranian parliament and certain areas in Italy and
Spain and Germany and the u.s. I don't discount that either but the bigger picture
is this the second wave of Spanish influenza from nineteen teen killed tens and
tens of millions it infected one-third of the world the population at the time was
1.5 billion and of the infected 11% died so if you extrapolate those numbers today
we're talking 200 to 250 million people quarter billion people could die and that
means that you will most certainly know someone either in your nuclear family or
your immediate extended family cousins uncles whatnot that will be a victim so what
do we do we get busy Biden's an idiot don't vote for them you got to keep with
Trump because Trump does have a history of getting things done and I know a lot of
people hate them I'm aware of that but he definitely is the only candidate for
POTUS at this time certainly not the Biden Obama that would just be horrible what
we need to do is we need to ramp up we need to open America again in May whether
it's the first week or second week we've got to get it done and then we've got to
prepare for an apocalyptic winter we've already had an apocalyptic spring it's been
something that no one expected we're all getting the rest home experience well
before we're elderly so my feeling is we got to prepare and it has to be like
beavers preparing for a flood it has to be diligent and focused and directed and we
need to prepare I don't even have the words at this point all I know is that I have
been warning people that this is going to be a wave of death that normally would be
associated with a global war this time it's gonna hit home and there probably will
be war associated with this when things fall apart hmm you know our lives are
changed right now our lives have changed right now we've got 30% unemployment we've
never seen that before at least you know in in a 20th the 21st century I know we
get pockets of unemployment in places like Philadelphia they get it twenty seven
percent one time no one's seen 30 percent this is uncharted waters and this
pandemic and the fact that we can run around the world and infect so easily it's
big now CNN and the ghouls and the Democratic Party would absolutely love to use
this pandemic to take away Trump's presidency I don't think this is gonna happen I
think that they have blown us so badly pushing first Hillary you know Biden I think
Obama was just a horrible crap crazy Trumpster I'm not I read issues with his
relationship with net now you know all presidential candidates and presidents
should be subject to you know to critique guys this is big this is big as my
calculations are all right it's not gonna be as bad for America but Europe you're
not gonna recognize it after
did he give you a little update the first thing is the one case that Israel has
well that was a woman on a cruise ship and she was cured they said and guess what
she's got coronavirus again now let's talk about how it's going to infect the
American communities sorry here we're not telling this but here the system is a
where a briefing wrapped up just a few minutes ago one that's right this is a very
very serious situation in Santa Clara County right now and you could tell that from
the somber faces of the medical officials who are out here today announcing Santa
Clara counties third case of the novel coronavirus now that case involves an
elderly woman with chronicle chronic health condition she sought medical attention
and her doctor Reid recognized some of her symptoms and decided to call the health
department the tests were done on that woman and they came back Wednesday night
that she was positive for the novel coronavirus now this case is different from the
previous cases that we have had in the county because this woman had not recently
traveled overseas she was not in contact with any close family members who all who
had traveled overseas so she got it somehow through the community now the County
Health Officer says that this is a turning point and the community now must prepare
for the possibility of widespread community transmission okay so translation for
everybody who can't read through the red tape it's already here they're preparing
us Santa Clara County includes Google Apple all those wonderful tech companies that
have made the world such a glorious place so it's about an hour south of San
Francisco and that means it's also in San Frisco let's not fool ourselves and as
far as weather will you know LA was hot today who can tell you that I don't know
how hot it was in San Jose but I assume it was pretty nice weather you know they
are temperate down there it's it's not as freezing as well pass aromas or Napa can
be sometimes in early winter you know it's it's March right now so spring is right
around the corner at any rate that what I am saying to you is that warm weather is
not going to make a difference this thing is just going to get out there like crazy
and as you saw the stock market went down again today I think it's been the worst
week for a long long time and those who are trying to blame Trump or idiots those
who you know even if Obama was in office it wouldn't be his fault either you know
this is a pathogen that I believe was caused by the extraction of all viruses from
soil that was taken from France because France had a you know had a couple doctors
down there in the pathology lab developing this stuff you know and there's lots of
joint china french adventures in science i have to do is look it up on the internet
so you know china has partnered with a lot of the EU countries they've partnered
with our country in the science bills so that's that it's it's a lot more prevalent
with european because we have to worry as a competitor you know a giant giant
economy that is less likely for us to partner with china or with russia because
we're big and there could be all sorts of a scientific technological and corporate
espionage so france has a pretty long track record of working with everybody they
work with iran they work with israel they work with china they work with russia of
them so on and so forth and that's because there are imperial days are over okay
back to well i'm going out to dinner
Buon Giorno everybody so I didn't sleep much last night I've had a lot of questions
going on in my mind and I've been concentrating on hysteria through the human and
animal kingdom humans have a propensity for hysteria both individually and
collectively look at the War of the Worlds Orson Welles broadcast from 1938 and
then look at Howard Hughes with his germophobia like lemmings to a cliff there have
been times in history where fear appears to be a pathogen with the capability of
metastasizing the frightful philosophy and I was contemplating last night if all
simians and for that matter insects implants filthier do they feel fear just
something like a tree or a planet have a fight or flight dynamic he responds
dynamic to stimuli well you know that horses do and so they're doggies and I'm sure
diversity to the so I started to really drill down on the math because I like math
and I wanted to look at the confirmed fatalities tied to the Cullen virus in Spain
and Italy for that matter and here's what I found the overall country death rate in
both countries doesn't go up even though the corona virus mortalities do I'm
looking in New York City and I'm seeing the same thing roughly 150 people die every
year in New York City in around 410 statewide in Italy there's a half a million
deaths per year in Spain just like in Japan in Italy there's an aging population
Spain has around 425 thousand deaths verse versus three hundred seventy thousand
newborns so that's the population makeup of an aging population there's usually
more new points and tests so I'm looking over to Italy and I'm wondering why would
the government want to do that see the most often again not the cost of one Sadako
this is you know are we being fooled I would me to it and that's my question which
is if there's some sort of global power grab right now it'd be very easy to spook
the general public simply by shifting the death tables I'm hearing reports far and
wide that patients who have had a death attributed to coronavirus are pointing at
patients who have comorbidities as a patient with stage four leukemia who died and
was listed as a corner virus death there's a lot of examples out there if you look
hard enough and that's my question is coronavirus being used as an umbrella disease
in order to frighten the public [Music] into allowing global governments access to
their blood streams it's a question that I posed to everybody early on and this
doesn't get you off the hook at all as rose on the forefront of developing said
vaccine I feel something unholy is going on we've known about as Inez so seek world
domination and I've made it clear that I'm only Stockman talking about a small
group of people I'm not talking about Jewish people at large there are Christians
and Muslims and even Buddhist suwon total world domination it happens I have an
unshakable belief that there are hardcore Zionists Elemis that wants to rule the
world and they've got the money and influency to it so I was right about that no
he's kept his power I've been right about the ozone etic jumping going on right now
there's a cat and in Brussels I believe who has now tested positive for the corona
virus so how hard would it be for net nose agents to in fact some areas hard some
areas soft to create variants of a strain they've been working on corner virus for
the last year six months seven was prior to this pandemic so there's hard questions
I'm asking and that's a good thing I believe because with questions
can you be a true Christian without believing in the Old Testament yes can you find
Spirit of God in the sky and the trees and in the wind and in the do I believe
vengeance is mine saith the Lord no I think that was a marketing plan I think they
put that in there because they wanted to interpret what God said so they could
apply the rules and set down the law and put you into a cage or it's so unviolated
even they have forfeited their own right to privacy if we allow such things to
occur then we create an environment where attackers who hide behind the cloak of
darkness can violate and even kill our families our children our wives this is why
we have a huge pedophilia problem because of too much secrecy because these respect
is a two-way street you violate my privacy especially if you do it anonymously then
I will find out who you are then you will no longer be anonymous I believe
everybody should operate on this principle it actually ensures privacy otherwise we
live in the world where robbers wear stockings over their faces they can invade our
home do what they're going to do and get away with it it's important to have a
protected environment that's our duty to our families exposing gang stalkers is not
a bad thing and let me answer the gentlemen who reference a supposed earth
mentioned by cicada 3301 I assume you're referring to lehre premise and nowhere
does it say that privacy is an oath it's a natural right and you lose that right
when you intrude upon the privacy of
you know the more that i look into denise matthau i get the feeling that she's a
paid actor tied to the dnc but also tied to israeli interests she had written
something a while ago that i had made public these were email exchanges from a
while ago when she hustled me for a paypal donation i gave it to her 50 bucks
wanted to hear what she had to say and she started to talk about how her brother
had um raped other boys and got caught up in a very big scandal and then she talked
about someone in our family who was tied to the mousad and to pedophilia now there
was no mention just to be straightforward of epstein during the conversation but
she said that she had been close to certain networks um that were pedophile
networks that were actually jewish pedophile networks uh when she was younger she
admitted to me that she had been a bolshevik herself that she had written for a
socialist magazine and then she had done work for a business tied to hillary
clinton so this is why i call her dnc denise she's not a conservative that's fake
she's most certainly hired by bolshevik um interests so i think that what she said
uh with gabe hoffman um she's very supportive of him and then suddenly she has a
fake fight with him and there's lots of fake fights we gave off and i think he uses
them as uh traps so with denise she'll go ahead and say oh he's a filthy jew but
she's told to say that or given a free pass to say that with no repercussions
doesn't everybody find that strange you know ali alexander uh i believe that he
accused gabe often to be a pedophile and he's in court he's you know being sued
there's um zach quaid jack quaid goes ahead and made a very clear argument which is
if someone walks into a mall and says it blows it up you can assume that's a muslim
terrorist if um commits sex acts on minors and then threatens the miners and says
if you say anything i'm going to kill you that's a christian terrorist a catholic
terrorist to be exact and if gabe hoffman goes ahead and attacks people on the web
and urges others to attack he's a jewish terrorist why because he puts his judaism
up first and he he identifies as that so when zach called gabe a jewish terrorist
he was being exact he was specific it's not anti-semitism that's simply being
accurate i will actually accuse gabe of being a jewish terrorist because i've been
the victim of his crazy attacks there's nothing wrong with that and i'm not going
to be i'll i'll laugh as someone calls me an antisemite gabe hoffman is a jewish
terrorist it's what he is
My emails to Zack make it clear the interview with Corey was going to be legit
2020-07-02 00:56:34 UTC
ok so I have my email correspondence with Zach right here and I say so far is the
question I just want to ask Cory why he changed his mind about Isaac happy being a
suicide - Isaac Abby being a murder so I have all my correspondence right here I'm
just going to put it out there so everybody sees sorry for the computer I'm having
issues but you can tell my response is you know I haven't talked to Zach in a long
time and so he's been talking to Mike he's been doing his own research so what it
is but I figured I'd show it to you guys all right I'm really sorry about what's
going on figure out this bug by which I and it should be easy to fix at some point
but there you go you could screenshot that come up again see my responses you can
see there's no all right so what you're doing Cory is you're perpetuating a mist
which is Zach doesn't have a ring and Zach doesn't make his own decisions puppeting
from me and that's what you're getting from shark belly Kelly and from Brett
Trimble and you're not seeing the big picture I'm telling you straight up as a
researcher you haven't seen the connections between Bret Trimble and Gabe often you
haven't seen that Brett went ahead and said hey I'm never gonna work with Gabe even
though we have these connections we've got the same attorneys firms I'm gonna do a
periscope on him and then he never did there's a lot more but you didn't look hard
enough you took the easy route out which is to go ahead and kind of blame me and
say well it's almost atomic Schoenberger which is you know Zach Quaid and vegan
Mikey our friends they've been friends for a while they've been talking about
things zach is a researcher and his you know his own right okay and what I want to
show you guys is this I said how many pulses I don't think anyone wants to hear
more about personal battles all right like Gabe etc they want to know what led to
Corey I led Cory to conclude Isaac died of murder so there it is in writing for
everybody to see so that begs the question that you should be asking is a
researcher Cory which is now we know that it was Gabe's paranoia that led to
threats of lawsuits against you you need to ask the hard questions which is do you
really think that it's because he's paranoid of being bad mouth or you think there
could be something more so if you believe that then you got to do closer looks
rather than just believe what shark belly Kelly and Brett tell you to believe
because you're not your own man if you're just believing what they tell you and
we've had a couple conversations I've been very clear and look man be straight with
your audience you didn't email me back I emailed you and it wasn't about severing
the relationship I just said I'm coming out with stuff that's what I'm doing I'm
coming out with stuff because no one seems to get what is what it's like for me
okay nobody seems to understand that I was attacked by Gabe Hoffman at the end of
May and I didn't know who the guy whatsoever so that's that you know I get attacked
and then I get blamed and I'm told oh it must be your fault that you're attacked
because it's uh it's your conspiracy theories no it's not how about you Cory not
give softball interviews so Ella High Priest how about you Cory stop making deals
with Gabe Hoffman do you understand that that you brought this to your door not me
hey you're the one making gentlemen's agreements and and your own words you've
talked to - Gabe multiple times so you know as a researcher did she show the proper
amount of distance just being straightforward man okay I'm more than happy to have
a conversation with you I didn't get your reply email I got no reply so if you'd
like to reply to me we can talk it out happy to do it you know I just don't want
any from anybody and the bottom line is I'm not gonna take false accusations from
anybody and people are gonna know the truth people are gonna understand what's
really going on and the bottom line is Gabe Hoffman just tried to Punk you Gabe
Hoffman just went ahead and said i dictate who you talk to or not Cory you belong
to me did I do that no you posted be being served for a civil lawsuit that Gabe's
going to lose that was a violation of my privacy and I didn't think it was your
finest moment to be honest but I haven't put out the voice records I have on you
and I'm gonna tell you right now I'm not going to I've decided that I promised you
I wouldn't well actually and we promised about the Texas but I'm not gonna do the
voice records I am gonna keep them into file I've got I know how you feel about
certain people but I'm not going to make in public because there is an opportunity
for you to change course gay broke your gentlemen's agreement I haven't
let me tell you how big this can get this is a graph of just one cluster that if
left unchecked they can't stop it then we're talking about 210 000 active
infections by uh march 10th and 370 000 by march 15th so what you see is a doubling
by every um six days and that's just gonna continue so what will that do well it's
gonna impact every aspect of our lives courthouses whether there's civil or
criminal trials motions etc to mirrors courthouses are going to have interrupted
calendars and they're probably going to need to resort to telephonic appearances
only which will hurt security and bailiffs and all of that churches other places of
worship will be you know potential petri dishes and we may have telephonic
congregations but you know there's there's no uh uh choir practice uh there's no uh
church retreats people are not congregating together and then you get into the
hospitality industry which is 17 or 18 million americans they're out of work
restaurants worldwide will have to change their models to and just think of travel
and leisure uh you know the tourism industry includes 20 million americans
concierges event planners executive chefs hotel staff housekeepers servers porters
all of that you start to look at the major chinese south carolina and italian
cities the path lies empty devoid of cars and people imagine what happens when
world capitals start to repeat this pattern london paris jerusalem rome right it's
just going to get bigger and bigger and bigger and it doesn't discount the small
cities either and what about all the shippers a dry shipping group you know there's
um 1.5 million in the maritime industry and then you got the cruise ships too so
that's where it's at now a lot of people may um be coming down on trump i think he
was late to the party i think that's right but here's where he's gonna win the
election they're gonna try to politicize this thing but trump has the real life
experience as a builder he's dealt with deadlines he's made things happen and even
though some people can rightfully come down at him for using foreign labor and all
that that's immaterial at this point what we need to do is fix a massive project
called the american society and he is by nature a builder and a fixer so i think
he's the right guy for the job you can't imagine bernie you know you know when he
raises his fist it's like a guy who's demanding uh that a soup go back because the
deli served him cold um and biden he's a crook let's face it so i know uh a lot of
people absolutely love trump they worship him a lot of people absolutely hate him
um i just think he's the right guy for the job right now because you know he's been
in new york getting things done and he knows how to push people into action so i
think that's important that does not make me give him a free pass for [Music] not
handling this well before but then again he could have had bad information and that
means he needs to clean house there's a um little story that came out that you've
got multiple people who attended an aipac conference and they have tested positive
for coronavirus that was in new york so aipac needs to be called out these guys
knew the crisis and still held the meeting and pompeo and pence were at the meeting
so i think that everybody at that meeting needs to be quarantined don't you
seriously these guys are running around in major metropolitan cities you know aipac
is uh they're the power hitters they're the um israeli um american back they should
be listed as a as a foreign entity i felt that for a long time but now i think
these people who went there need to be checked out and quarantined i really do and
that's not being anti-semitic so i don't want to hear any from gabe often i'm
telling you that there were people who tested positive and that goes for any any
congregation of people where you have positive testing what happened in won
province is you had chinese new year and then you had five million chinese
dissipate across the globe after they heard about the crisis so those are all
potential carriers we
so you've got to laugh at this i guess it's uh andy challenge in human resources
claims that over 600 jobs in the u.s um have been claimed because of who the hell
are these people talk about fuzzy math this is legally blind math so you start to
look at the comments and how about six to 60 million and then if you take a look at
what they said before march 17th they have a new study showing 7.4 million workers
um and it's a lot higher than that you know actually pretty disappointed that i saw
trump wearing a mask and um it's everywhere it is due to the overreaction of things
um you know if it was winter it might be a different story and they should quit
calling it cobit 19. they should call it influenza with a viral sheathing so know
you wonder why everybody's confused all they do is uh throw different numbers
around throw different treatments they've got testing that doesn't work um they'll
blame trump for whatever goes on in italy or in algeria or in india it's uh stupid
you know um and no i'm not one of these blind trumpsters but he's a lot better
choice than anything we've got going on we all feel like there's something up the
sleeve of the dnc because biden is um well if i want to be diplomatic i'll say
forgetful so but there are people who are pushing an agenda right now and the
agenda is to shut down businesses and probably um put in some pretty heavy
institutional shorts on the market so that's my feeling which is they're gearing up
they're allowing the largest institutional investors to um you know get out of
their positions and go ahead and take short positions and this is what they do guys
you know it's usually september or october take a look at 1929 take a look at 2008
with lumi brothers and usually there's um a pre-quake that happens in march 2008 it
was bear stearns um when that failed rocked the market but it started to recover uh
normally you have summer doldrums um which we're not really seeing we're seeing the
market go parabolically up which leads me to believe that we're going to have a
crash in q3 so that is that or sunrise we're not quite sure it looks like sunset
the way the uh the light is casting down so um that is that and um oh one more
thing too you know i make public comments about people who comment on my uh channel
so there's a guy named uh kirk 071 i believe his name is and he goes ahead and he
publicly claims told the world that isaac happy was insane and on drugs um he's got
me mixed up with hoffman a uh a newbie to attacking me he's uh said some before
which i've caught him and documented so hurt you're wrong you know what provide
your evidence so what i'm saying to anybody who lies about me is go ahead you know
what show your evidence let's go because that's the world that we're in where
trolls can go ahead and they can make up crap and uh they don't provide any
evidence that's um what's happened recently in a courtroom and um you know i've got
my plans to um to go ahead and deal with that and once again i'm not going to lay
out what my chess moves are i think i've lost two chess games in my life i probably
played well over ten thousand games been at it since i was six so you can lose
battles as long as you win
so we have another 4.4 uh million americans who filed for unemployment last week um
coronavirus layoffs whatever you want to call them uh it moves our unemployment up
to 16 it's actually a lot higher um this is only the people who have um filed
claims there's um there's uh a huge swath of uh small business owners who aren't
filing um and consultants and you know people who have uh little businesses to
augment their uh their incomes or their savings so we are going to surpass uh the
data points reached during the great depression and to me you know we might want to
think about this thing differently we didn't bring this upon ourselves and they're
trying to blame trump um for it it's not trump's fault we're humans and uh we have
endured pestilences uh since the dawn of agriculture um and probably before it
happens it happens with uh animal populations cows and pigs and birds but this is
an opportunity for us as a nation to get rid of the parasites that have played this
for a long time you know we we have a chance to change the game the first thing i
would do is audit the fed fed has way too much control in our lives it's a private
organization um they've compromised everything they've compromised our system and
they can go ahead and print more money and that will be um just more of a debt
burden and at some point they'll kick that can down the road uh until the
derivatives bubble which is in the trillions bursts and then we'll have decades of
horror for mankind or we can basically say okay you know what we voted trump into
uh be the bull in the china shop at the fed shut it down if you need to stop all
aid to other nations we're giving um billions to israel and to egypt stop that you
know we shouldn't have almost veterans on the streets here what are we doing um
giving aid to anybody got to take care of ourselves first and then the second thing
is this um who are our friends it seems pretty strange to me that the people that
claim to be our staunchest allies have spied on us and created honeypots where they
used our sacrificial lambs right so and going to gabe hoffman you know gabe takes
um a short position on everything elon musk does elon musk is um you know
definitely an american citizen uh he's got his blemishes as i say but he's you know
one of the most innovative people on the planet now it's gabe's right to do that it
is however not gabe's right to persecute and attack american christians which is
exactly what he's doing and meanwhile he uses his platform to tell everybody that
jeffrey epstein was not tied to mossad so i think gabe needs to be looked at pretty
strongly does he represent is he working for another team is aipac shouldn't apac
be listed as a foreign agent and look i'm not going to just pick on israel and i'm
only talking about the government not the people i met lots of israelis and they're
actually pretty fun you know and they've got a good sense of humor um unless
they're trying to sell you something in a mall you know dead sea mud they can be
brutal but um you see i don't have a problem with jews i have a problem with
governments that do things um and that is not only the israeli government i look at
um the british government i love the british people they're great i've got some
fantastic british friends but that government not you know never got over losing
the revolution and as you can tell by a lot of uh a lot of reporters coming from
some of the old channels um the british have been at least the british government
has been dirty zell in their dealings with america so i'm becoming an isolationist
because um that's nation distancing rather than social and it just seems to make a
lot of sense i think right now america's best friends in the world happen to be the
aussies love the australian people i think they're wonderful i think we have more
in common with them um than anybody honestly they were the pariah as the uh the
revolutionists and the people who refused to zig when they were told to zig they
zagged so i love my aussie friends and i do think this is an opportunity for trump
because he's going to be reelected biden is uh trump will be re-elected but he's
got the right formula at least formulaic conditions to do some radical stuff and i
think he's he would be very wise to declare that he's auditing the fed and that
such a draconian pandemic i take a look at um msn morning joe's companion that evil
one who had the bad grandfather she's a witch these are people who are um [Music]
who were pushing bolshevik uh style totalitarianism on us and that's the problem we
have um two parties which is you get a choice of nationalism or you get a choice of
being a bolshevik now i'll choose nationalism every time although i would rather
not have either choice but if it comes down to who you're going to act well if the
american public decides joe he's going to finish obama's job which was to take away
all of our personal freedoms and our guns and our right to free speech so that's
really where it's at guys now i do believe there's going to be a second wave with
this pandemic and i think that's the big one we have to watch for but that's
another reason for trump to say look we're going to prepare and we got to prepare
big time and that's you know we better save our small businesses they're a lot more
important than our fed i think that our fed is corrupt i'd like to see it destroyed
and i'm the first to tell you that i'd like to see some of these alphabets
The pandemic will hurt restaurants and theaters, theme parks and carnivals
2020-02-28 13:21:34 UTC
good morning everybody so the live stream is steve-o trim did last night is
definitely picking up a lot of eyeballs and he focused on Jacki Weaver but he also
focused on something else which is defending Zack McQuaid 26 year old young man was
vulnerable and I'm gonna tell you that beautiful things started to happen there's
been lots of interactions between Steve Zack Steve knows that Zack is not an
automaton of mine and there are other people in this chat room and we're all
supporting Zack and he is having great reactions he feels loved this is a young man
who has been through dire circumstances in his life but he's a beautiful soul and
he's responding to the support that is getting so I'm really really pleased with
that you know I've often felt that the attacks on me which now extend to attacks on
Steve attacks on my friend go scrapped attacks on others that I won't even mention
it's as if there are hidden hands and you know pitchforks and torches from the
shadows so it's not just a mob mentality when you saw the Frankenstein movie from
1931 that was seemingly organic this is not this is something else this is a
tradecraft that's the only way I can put it which is there are unseen forces that
are pushing for us to be in pitch to opposition with each other and those forces
are within the United States but they are not friends of the American people they
are so we know the government's use polarity cactus to divide us I think this is an
extension of that and as far as Q I think there's been two or even three Q's as
Steve pointed out probably started out as a PSYOP but then a bifurcated and in one
bifurcation I believe that was namely Israeli interests probably military Israeli
military along with Brits and our CIA who were pushing to weaponize thirty million
evangelicals to cheerlead us into a war with Iran and Trump to his credit avoided
death so it looked like things were getting very heated there for a while but he
did have away it and I was sworn I think that if visceral wants to fight wink-wink
Isis or its neighbors then it doesn't on its own they bet wealth they've got a huge
military they've got you know the draft essentially you have to do a year in with
uh with you know IDF I I believe that's the world's so why did we want to continue
to fight their Wars that has to change now getting back to the coronavirus the
reason why you're seeing such visceral crashes in the stock market is that traders
are realizing that this virus can repeatedly reinfect until it destroys your immune
system and most of the victims are going to be elderly let's face it but there's a
lot of people and it's going to change social behaviors if the sixty eight percent
of America's GDP is consumer products and consumerism well that's gonna clean our
clock that is the equivalent to the worst type of general strike you can imagine so
will that hurt Trump not at all it's gonna hurt the people who are advocating open
borders it's going to hurt the people who have broadened our government I think
small government's the way to go I think that we were seeing something that we
haven't seen 102 years and it's not even the 100 200 300 million that could die you
know that's not gonna make a grave impact on the world there's too many people
already and in a hundred years they'll be all new people the impact is going to be
on our consumer behaviour and I think that's why the stock market is crashing and
here's my wish I don't wish this virus to spread I'm not gleeful of it I don't have
a shot in 40 but what I do hope is that these bankers who have been human piranhas
on the people I do hope that they fail I do hope that we get kinder and gentler
moneychangers thanks for
Chavez calls out Blackburn thank you Arturo for the video
2020-02-19 01:10:37 UTC
so here's to fing go and he's gonna set out an accusation at will summer which he
actually has a point because he's mad because well summer did not use beth
introduced as an employee which is utter bullshit so here we are Topanga who has
had relationships with Jack Pacific and I ARPA and is an admitted government
informant pass relationships with Gabe Hoffman and Maggie coalition and Sergeant
Stephen Trujillo who's been linked to the CIA so she paid Trevor why the fuck are
you trying to protect this girl you stupid piece of shit this is the person that is
the main person that should be looked at in this whole situation because she was
the one that was funding the whole thing she was funny Trevor before I even showed
up she was funny Thomas before I even showed up this is where they were getting
their money you say oh she doesn't want to be named and she doesn't want to be in
there no no no no she doesn't get to have that because she tried ruining people's
fucking live do you not remember that she was the mone she was the money you can't
say that the person funding the whole fucking operation was an employee when her
name was on the bank account her name was on the fucking C Corp and everything else
are you fucking kidding me no way fuck that fuck that so for once I agree with
Topanga actually was an escort letters County but yeah that was highly summer and
there is now talk that will summer is a mockingbirds asset which means that this is
a person with ties to CIA in media and mockingbirds been around for a long time CIA
you know they've got black budgets you know 40 50 60 billion who knows how big and
they've been doing this for a long time and they've been doing this for a long time
you know in the 50s they used to brag about having all the East Coast media wrapped
up which they did absolutely I think it was a Pele was talking about that and I can
tell you right now that it wouldn't surprise me if we'll summer is CIA and the
reason why he's coming out against the Israeli extreme right-wing people like Mike
Stern of itch and Gabe Hoffman and Oh God who are the others Laura Loomer you know
as IO gain is that there's a war going on right now and there might be a war going
on between certain factions within the alphabets and there might be a war going on
between the cultural Marxist sinus on the left and the radical national Zionists on
the right but you know what this is America what are we doing here right shouldn't
we be Americans for Americans and forget this cultural bullshit you know and no I'm
not advocating pogroms against Jews or anything but I'm basically saying come on
we're not supposed to be there for Israel we're supposed to be there for America
we're not supposed to allow the extorting or bribing of our politicians so there
are watershed moments coming up you're gonna see that I speak truth
Be angry
2020-03-07 02:37:02 UTC
good evening i'm going to make this quick because i have to go out in a bit the
american people should be angry because we've been sold a bill of goods i had a
father who was a naval officer he saw action and he came back and he got a gi bill
which was a good thing it allowed him to go to medical school and he became a
psychiatrist made a fair amount of money had a pretty white life never broke a bone
and he believed that government is here to take care of us in our old age he
believed that regulators kept the stock market honest he believed that lawmakers
never break the laws they create now he did lose some faith with lbj and he hated
nixon and i would argue that lbj was a lot dirtier than nixon so i was telling you
that the stock market would either have a big friday slide or it would be rescued
by some miraculous hidden hands so right on schedule in the last hour trading all
three indices of the american stock market rallied the dow rallied about 500 points
climbing rapidly from a 800 point drop to a 250 point loss and the salesmen on cnbc
were cheering it on we testified with confidence that despite the coronavirus panic
savvy investors could see that we were going to be okay in the end but that's not
really the truth what really happened is that large investors sold a ton of stocks
in the morning that punished the market down close to 900 points and then towards
the close of business day the plunge protection team got the work that's a secret
group that is connected to the fed and when the market takes particularly painful
dives they throw a bunch of money into it because nobody wants to spook the retail
investor the savvy retail investor you the sucker these con artists are the ones
who have been regularly ripping off american investors for billions and billions
they do it all the time they keep you blind as they pick your pocket it's casino
theater three-card monty on major networks that's what it is and you get fooled
every time they know it so what happened is the big real smart investors and real
powerful investors were able to get a bunch of money out of the market while you're
left holding the bag we're gonna have a crash folks it's coming and it's time for
us to wake up and be angry we've got a cdc that's lying to us we've got senators
and congressmen politicizing a pandemic that threatens to kill millions and
millions of us and they're the ones who can legally do inside trades we've got a
nation that would appear to be the nightmare the founding fathers warned us about
warren buffett famously said that when the tide goes out you see who's got their
clothes on and in my opinion this tide is going to make deserts out of oceans so
it's time to be angry
so I'd like that once again address the Corey Daniel Gabe Hoffman Zach Quaid vegan
my key situation with the Isaac cabbie saga that continues to grow to the state so
Corey general told everybody that he had a email conversation with me where he sent
me something that severed all ties that is a lie I never received an email from him
eyes that one didn't get a response so Corey when you're accusing Gabe of not being
an honorable man which I agree with you you know I think you need to come out and
state the truth when it comes to me which is you didn't even want me back he is
sever ties that's a lie you lied man straight up I told you a long time ago I said
when you and I spoke and I've got it recorded I said if you're clean with me it's
all good we'll have a great relationship but if you get dirty with me I'm gonna
find out and that's where we're at which is Cory I'm suspicious that you and Gabe
are in cahoots you have already admitted in the first 20 minutes of your video that
you had an arrangement with Gabe you have spoken to him multiple times on the phone
sometimes for extended amounts of time and now you want all of us to believe that
you naturally have this inclination towards calling Zach's mother which is exactly
what Gabe did and that you are pushing the talking point of 10-year prison for a
hate crime when Canadian law would not substantiate that would not prosecute game
or I'm sorry Zack because zach has not committed Ryan period he called gave a
Jewish Terrace and you know what Gabe is Jewish he's very proud of it and he does
engage in online terrorism he did it to me I didn't know who gave off and was and
here it is two weeks after Isaac Cappy dies and this guy is acting like a crazy man
he's falsely accusing me of being Isaac cabbies handler he's directing friends and
fans of Isaac Abbey to go check out Thomas no murder keep in mind this is a guy who
made multiple videos raging at Isaac Abbey they raged at each other and it blows my
mind to see you Corey like this you have changed I'll say it straight up you know
you at one point said you were a D occultist and now you're telling them buddy
you're a sorcerer right you're a couple with the lady who claims to have been the
last person to see Cappy alive both you and her also claim that you were victims of
voice to skull technology so a lot of things are not making sense to me you go on
to say something happened on that bridge and it was definitely not suicide okay
well for a long time you were mirroring Gabe Hoffman's narrative of it was
absolutely a suicide he was driven to suicide so something doesn't feel right here
and I'm wondering if maybe you and Gabe cooked this whole thing up the reason being
is it that's what I suspect he's had fake fights with other people and I'm gonna
put my money down and say he's not gonna sue you this is my prediction that you
will not be sued just like truth convoy will not be sued for calling gave a filthy
- you know there's a game being played here and in my opinion it's a distraction
game I don't have all the facts but the way that you present things is not very
genuine as far as Zacks theories on Issac Cappy his theory is that something
happened on that bridge and it wasn't a suicide which is exactly what your new
theory is which is exactly what I've been telling people for a long time and Steve
out from and others so I think we're all getting to the point that something
happened on that bridge and that begs the next question which is who was Isaac
appease mortal enemy it was Gabe often so as a researcher you flunked I'm gonna
tell you straight up that if you are making gentleman's agreements with a guy who
should be looked at closely who's telling people look at me closely when he doesn't
know who I am and he's never met me and I never had a fight with Isaac Jaffee then
you know Corey this is some sort of famelon game I defended you and it was
discovered that you were about to make some money on some sort of Isaac happy store
and when you told me hey it was not a for profit thing and that was Kelly and you
know I didn't have a lot to do with it I took your word I wanted to believe you I
really wanted to believe you own a lot of things but when you point fingers of me
and it's the you know let's put horns on Thomas right you have not been an
independent researcher at least history Ford one in my opinion when Kelly attacks
me in September of 29 or 2019 the months after Isaac is gone and she had not said a
word until then that felt very inorganic when Brett Trimble former military Intel
is asking a bunch of questions about me and I find out through Regan that not only
is Brett attempting to push false narratives on people but he's also telling people
he's going to go for a gate and he never does so a bunch of fake fights a bunch of
pretend theater and in my opinion is such a thrashing campaign Corey so even you at
this point need to be looked at as a potential suspect unless you're willing to
come into the arena and talk things out and explain yourself all right you can go
ahead and point to me to say well Thomas is whispering his ex years and these
insane theories are wild but you know what that doesn't fly with your other words
ie something happened on the bridge and it wasn't an accident so you know baffle
them with that's what you're doing and I'm happy to go ahead to head with you head
to head with you and have this conversation because you know what's gonna happen I
will clean your clock Corey I will biggest the facts are in my favor the facts
being you need to explain why Gabe often attacked me when I didn't know him I
didn't even know what he did you need to explain yourself why were you down there
when Kathy died and I'm sure that could be very much accidental it could be you
know I'm going to give you the benefit of the doubt but I still think that we need
to look into it I hope that's okay I hope that you're happy looking into my
whereabouts on May 13th because I'm game I'm down with that I know where I stand
and I'm going to tell you right now I think that you and Gabe are playing some
games here and they gave is not going to sue you and a story the game will not sue
you just lucky you won't sue truth convoy and that's just gonna prove to the world
they took Steve ultram less than an hour to come up with something explosive today
if you read the date right here it's May 13th 2019 and it's ours little read ours
before Isaac is killed and what is Ella hi doing he's calling Isaac happy Judas the
thing that he was blaming me for there's a lot more coming out there's someone who
basically says I'm gonna provide you proof that Gabe Hoffman was behind Isaac
Abbey's murder you don't need to look at Hanks or Seth Green you need to look at
Gabe and that it had to do with the information that Isaac had he has a huge file
on him that he gave to someone else not me actually he gave it to several people
but it proves enough to send Gabe to prison for a long time or to have the mob get
really pissed off and say we don't need you anymore you know kind of a Bugsy Seigel
type deal so this is the first of a number of truth bombs that are coming out that
implicate a lie priest gave often shark belly Kelly aka Shelley her silly
okay so people are out and about I'd say probably half of them have mastered here
and will seem to be this one seriously so I got a question from someone and they
said well were there riots and wrong the other word and also how did Rome burn when
it was a city made out of marble and concrete and I think he's referencing 664 ad
which is euro you know you see a lot on Twitter about how Trump is fiddling ball
America burners has taken from Nero actually you're not happened in 64 maybe we can
get into it a little bit you want but in answer to the question you're talking
first century Rome and you had not just temples but you got what we're called
yesterday yesterday is Latin ancient Latin for apartments essentially so you would
have the elites living on the bottom because that would be mostly concrete and
marble and then up higher they would use would believe it or not and so the walls
were usually made out of brick faced concrete and then they would cut costs by
going what's called half-timbered and the higher one went which could be up to 100
feet tall the shoddier the construction was and the more wood was used so you know
even if the department was built entirely of concrete its doors and window frames
were wooden and in the upper stories he had wood floors so the attic apartments
were where it was very dangerous to live because things could collapse but you had
thousands of these insulate these apartments in Rome and even after the fire narrow
enacted you know a legislation that mandated wider roads and fireproof buildings
but it was pretty much ignored now the same thing happened the Napoleon were after
all the carnage of the revolution he wanted a wider roads and that did happen and
that's how France looks today air leaks Paris so that's that and if you have any
more questions let me know but I think I
okay so Luke 817 the truth is being revealed this is from Arturo Romo aka Lestat it
was going by chess ir three three zero one right now this is memo Chavez's former
business partner for the last 11 months he basically dropped a bombshell he said
the two phango has been hired by Ed Bukowski pretty big and that part of the
takedown was defending go accusing jesselyn Radack of being the DNC leaguer not
quite sure what that means but it's pretty big-time what's going on he's he's
alleging that they're working very close together he's pretty wild so a lot of
things are coming out really crazy stuff so evidently what he's saying and he would
know he's talking about Maggie Coe right now there are other money he trades
omegaco suspiciousness fact he misspelled suspicious I saw how involved Gabe was
with them that was the final red flag so this is the guy who was intimate with
defang go for a while everything's coming out and then here it is this is with
Esteban you can read through this this is a DM and Esteban says you fuck with me
you will get hurt you want to escalate go ahead we should be collaborating to take
down TS Wow so whispering to this woman that you love that I'm trying to take you
out to be through zr1 was unforgivable she will never love you Arturo straight up
she whispers to TS fool oh man you can't make this shit up so the main takeaway for
me is not the Beth the main takeaway is that Defago is on the payroll of a beauty
according to Arturo Romo who was Manuel Chavez's closest associate and crony for
the last Cedar Wow Shabbos you got some
well well well isn't this interesting this is a plate doctors mask from he says a
sixteenth century is wrong is actually seventeenth century but it's from the
deutschen metazine Distortion the German Museum of medical history and English
style so this is basically the hazmat uniform of their time and what you would
notice with the eyes it would have clear glass here the nose of course is extended
out and they would have all sorts of herbs and spices to ward off what they called
a foul wind and a asthma they would call it so they would eventually have color if
you looked into later models it would be kind of like this which is multicolored
people got creative as the death surge winded down so once again history repeats
now they would actually have a cloak under here and they had something called a
focused off which is a poker staff and that would be to move the bodies that they
were dead pretty sick stuff this was not from the bubonic plague of 1347 to 1352
this was a later plague and this probably would have been London and through
Bavaria so London used to get it very heavily also Italy especially the coastal
towns so in a lot of ways we were dealing with avian centric flus which is why this
entity as a mask looks like a bird same thing with bubonic plague you read in your
history books oh it was a germ negative plague and they're wrong there were
elements of that but it started out with a bird just like the Spanish flu of 1918
the birds got sick first in 1916 so how do I know that it was avian flu back in
1347 by the clarity of the plague it moved seven miles a day no way in hell that's
bubonic bubonic tends to be a creeper they say it goes very very slow so where
would there be problems with this outfit well it's leather however any kind of
creasing tiny creasing is where the dermis could get in and I'm saying germs if it
was purely viral I think that we would have probably been okay but history doesn't
repeat but it often
You Ain't Seen Nothing Yet. Coronavirus going to kill tens of Millions
2020-03-06 01:25:11 UTC
i want you guys to listen to this for a second but even those numbers are nothing
compared to what could happen in the months ahead today cbs news's jim axelrod
spoke with one of this country's top experts from harvard on viruses who has a
startling prediction the number that i think is grabbing a lot of people is this
estimate 40 to 70 percent of the world's adult population could be infected yes
accurate that is it's a projection so we will find out if it's accurate as things
go on it is a best estimate that i've been able to make based on a combination of
the mathematical models that we use to track and predict epidemics so in terms of
addressing the numbers that may get people panicked what can you tell us well again
the the 40 to 70 percent is a number in fact a proportion of the population adult
population infected okay so i'm gonna cut to the chase i'll leave a link for you
guys um essentially he's talking about tens and tens of millions dead and i agree
with that um in fact if you start to think about um the elderly in the world well
we got 47 million in the united states alone you've got 617 million worldwide so
that's the elderly and they're dropping like flies so we could have a pandemic like
we've never seen before in human history and luckily the kids seem to be okay but
iran lost some political leaders today one major one is spreading like crazy in
south korea they've done you know 10 000 tests we've done a couple hundred uh it's
coming folks and listen when i talk about how it's going to change everything i'm
talking about human gathering whether it's concerts or churches or restaurants or
supermarkets everything is going to change we all have to be hermits it's gonna
change everything no one's shaking hands no one hugging or kissing this changes
everything so the stock markets are going to crash and when people realize that we
can't even take in any imports from any country that's going to change everything
so this is so important i think i'm going to start to really concentrate on this
i'm going to leave a paypal link because i'm putting hours and hours every day and
i'm trying to figure out what can stop this thing what sort of homeopathic remedies
and i'll be sharing uh those as i do my research but you know i'm a pretty uh
diligent researcher and i've called this thing from the beginning um i think i'm
one of the few people on social media that has correctly called it so if anybody
thinks that i am going to take joy in this schadenfreude i don't i think it's
horrible and i think that um the elders of the world have a lot to teach i'm
approaching that i'm not quite there yet but uh you know i'm putting a lot of time
into this thing and trying to warn people take it seriously this is not fear porn
this is serious it's damn serious
so it's time for all of us to there's an evil you can call it satan or paul lucifer
the devil the same evil in the 1600s murdered the british royals in the 18th
century they murdered the 1914 they murdered austrian archduke ferdinand and
started world war one in 1917 they assembled their satanic horde the bolsheviks and
infiltrated and hijacked russia murdering the tsar and his family in cold blood he
stuck a bay in that through lazarus favors chest they stole all the russian gold
and silver in our treasures right before world war ii they murdered the austrian
and german royals then they got rid of the chinese royals
so there is an upside to sickness and that is recovery and I'm pleased to say that
my immune system is still very much intact recovering rapidly yeah that's what
happens that's a good thing I want to talk to you guys about several things we're
now at the 23rd of April and we're nearing the one-year anniversary of Isaac
cappy's death so for me I've always viewed history is the do I thought Jay having
two phases or more there's a subcutaneous history that is usually hidden from the
people because they want a narrative history put forth and those narrative
histories are usually written by the government funded historians and they're
funded through the universities I'm not telling you guys anything you guys don't
know already at least the intern ones but I had a person who I'm not going to give
his name he's been very involved in in trying to unravel the Isaac a Pew mystery
and he pointed out once again he said it looks like this was a paid off to try to
finger you and look at Gabe Hoffman and he might be the big gatekeeper for
Hollywood and that's why this happened and I told this person there's a very good
investigator I said I think you're wrong and he said why and I said because in July
and he was getting excoriated all over the place that he used were basically
ignoring him it was only when Isaac Kathie pointed directly at Gabe Othman and he
said I have a file on Gabe Hoffman that is I think the landmark moment when a
series of events happened that that Isaac's death and so there's been one person
not ten one person has been trying to silence the researchers and Isaac appease
death trying to intimidate through suing or hiring trolls my opinion why would that
person seems pretty strange and so does Gabe often and continues to attack me I'm
gonna simply ask questions as a researcher which was did I Sacopee have a file I
gave off me did it have to do with his financial dealings with a sip or with an
open secret you know he he's not an upfront dying if you ask him questions he
avoids him and if he gets aggressive so I think we should all ask Gabe look you
know you obviously hated Isaac Jaffee would you be willing to answer some questions
in front of everybody now an innocent guy would say sure absolutely and let's see
if he's innocent right hop out of gate I'll tell you what and you don't get to go
to defang go or one of your acolytes I'd like to get together a panel of five
people to ask you about an hour's worth of questions and we could pick a moderator
to do it someone you don't know so I don't know there's someone that we both agree
would be good if your person gave he had nothing to do with Isaac Happy's death um
then you'll have no problem with it there here's why it's suspicious you're
attacking the researchers Isaac had made mention more than once of things he'd
uncovered a governor named Jeffrey Epstein you have gone out of your way to tell
the world that ties it all seems really sketchy and so if you're an innocent person
Gabe Alan Hoffman then agreed to be questioned agreed to be questioned and it could
be moderated by someone like Titus Ross mr. de L or steve-o true or if you're not
not comfortable with him you find someone else but literally you start to answer
the questions I think that would be fair if you've nothing died then go ahead and
respond to this video I have a sneaking suspicion all you're gonna do is attack
because you don't want questions asked of you
so let's talk about math and the pandemic they're saying globally we've got nine
thousand nine hundred and thirty seven thousand six hundred and eighteen cases and
we're looking at about half a million deaths in the United States we're looking at
two and a half million cases 125,000 died the CDC two weeks ago told us that 2.4
million Americans were infected they're now telling us it's about 60 million so
anybody spotting some here huh what's really happening is that this is the first
wave it's not a bad wave you know you can look at the figures and say how can you
say that half a million have died globally we got 7 billion people on the planet
half a million have died give me a break and most of them old and now they're
saying but wait the virus is showing up in young and in middle-aged yeah but most
of the deaths are for people over 65 and then again over 85 so what you have here
is a first wave and what we're doing is overreacting and once again the economy is
going to crash so it's right you don't sit there and put mom and pop out of work
because then everybody stars right then America starves right now we are headed
towards 30 to 35% unemployment especially if someone like Biden gets in right how
bad it is you know Trump is an idiot in some areas he's brilliant in other areas
but he's got the right the right take on this right now which is what is far more
deadly to the American people it's a shutdown of the economy and not to see
American people to the global economy right now we're mess we were a messed up it
hasn't hit us yet because we're gonna get stimulus check - and we got to check what
a couple of months ago so people have some savings they're getting out of the stock
market they're getting liquidity as much as possible so you're not going to see the
effects until August you can see the fear start to hit which is starting to hit now
and even that is not where we need to go because it's um there's a big question
that no one is talking about which is can you be reinfected and will there be a
more virulent strain in the winter that's where our fear needs to be not in this
crap here not in everybody running around wearing mass you know let it permeate
through humanity and most of us will survive so that's what's that it's crazy and
you know what I've had the same message since January I've been telling people
here's what's going down guys and thankfully most of you guys listen you know it's
not like I'm gonna know it all but this is not rocket science it isn't it's um
pretty simple if you have even a remedial background you've only taken you know
freshman college biology all you have to do is you know put a little time in and
you're gonna start to see through people like Patrice Harris former president and
the American Medical Association you're starting to see how it is getting uber
politicized they're saying now well it's blacks and Hispanics who were you know
most at risk that translates to high we're gonna bring on a depression to get your
vote we'll do anything to get your vote we don't care about you except during
election year then we do and it really shows just how sick and defiled our
political system is so I just stand amazed at all this it's just amazing to me
we're a nation that is willfully blind repeatedly we don't think for ourselves and
want others to think for us we're used to taking commands and orders you know the
smartest military guys that I know are the guys who think for themselves like my
buddy Jared you know he went to all the courses it's a combat veteran but he's also
very much of a solo guy he doesn't need to be with the unit he doesn't need to have
a CEO telling them what to do when he's thick in battle he knows he understands you
know it's why I never became a professional soldier I always believed my own wits
too and you know I've been in some hard areas I've been in third over countries
I've been in conflict arenas and one can argue that South Central LA in the 80s was
like that you know cover me I'm going for milk the Bloods and the Crips right but
the reason why I'm bringing this up is that we are going to be facing 30 to 35% of
unemployment and America is gonna fill at the conflict zone it's gonna be bad and
you better prepare for that too you better prepare you you should get rid of your
luxury habits now if you've got kids to raise you've got grandparents to support
you know we have a reset that we're going to be experiencing and it is going to be
a given that we're gonna see more shutdowns and weaker Commerce more supply chain
disruptions there are some huge trades going on in the stock market to show that
these orcas these huge investment companies and firms are kicking out of the market
they propped it up with the help of the Fed you know Trump wants to be a hero to
the American people then you know what why don't you go ahead and audit the Fed we
need to do it why don't we start exploring our relationships with foreign nations
and if it is found out that we're being extorted and bribed and honeypotted by
frenemy nations we need to cut them off in order to survive instead of coming
together we're gonna need to become isolationist a lot of ways I personally think
our best friend and the world are the Aussies I really do I think that Australia
does have more in common with Americans than any other nation and I would say after
that you've got the
Real Valor
2020-06-21 22:42:53 UTC
so let's get into what type of person Steven Trujillo T Gutierrez is he is immoral
he's got the morals of the pit viper this is the kind of guy that if you were
hanging out with your girlfriend and there was enemy fire he's the kind of guy who
would let you get killed and he would rape your girlfriend and if there was a child
there he probably raped that too this is a disgusting Pig of a human being and I do
not give a fuck about what sort of medals the US government gives out all right you
have to remember how many times the CIA has been sued and how many atrocities has
happened among all militaries in the world so here's what Jacki Weaver finally got
she got some comeuppance Esteban went ahead and slapped her down that was pretty
funny you know here she is sitting there waving her American flag and talking about
what a hero who he is without knowing anything about his military service Grenada
was a turkey shoot seriously we're talking in the United States of America versus
what 90,000 people at that time right - turkey shoot and for Jacki Weaver not to be
skilled enough a observer of someone at or someone's to not see through Esteban's
bullshit I'm sorry Jackie but you know what I've called you a bitch that's as worse
as has gotten but an untalented bitch I think that would make a lot more sense sure
you can write beautifully and you can you know play badminton with adjectives and
verbs that doesn't make your content worthy it certainly doesn't I'd rather take my
my poetry from the street because once again you will put a dirndl on a story you
will put a wreath of flowers in the hair you will put all the makeup on it they'll
do rhinoplasty on whatever story that you're doing but you know what it's the
content lady right you don't seem to get it and by the way Esteban you're even
worse your little brown-nosing techniques with Weaver didn't work they did it first
you know she's what 70 years old you know she loves compliments you tell her she's
pretty and she'll be on cloud nine for a week and then there's a little Gabe
Hoffman little Goethe right little Gabe well basically he's pushing a website
called Thomas uh burger felon and saying well I have no contact to it I have got no
connections bullshit your little motherfucker let me tell you estaban made it up
just like he made up showing burgers cow which is not very creative that is a take-
off of Devon Nunez cow they're in litigation right now so you'll find that way your
skin is rough and tough but yours is scaly all three of you are reptiles you are
notice I don't include David there you know why because dave is the only one out of
all four of you that literally was a prisoner war had to go through shit continues
to do the right thing is fighting the good fight is having all sorts of harassment
hurled against him right and he doesn't fuck around he goes straight to court so as
Dave is probably learning I've made my first move against these monsters and
they're gonna learn what I'm about tell you that I have a long long fuse a
beautiful fuse and it takes a while to trigger me I'm not Isaac he gave had it easy
with Isaac and with uh it was the guy Alessandro out of Costa Rica and others who
would get really upset and they would go ahead and do something that they were
later regretted for me I take things very slowly I analyze them I figure out first
what the motive is for them and then I figure out what their strategies and tactics
are so you lose little guy and as far as the weaving blogger sorry but you know
what you were slapped down by both Esteban and Gabe and your best move is to brown-
nose is to bow down before them and even though they insulted you you should be
apologizing you should because that's your way right that is your way you've
already proven that you believed Esteban to be your intellectual superior and
you're better superior because you know he served a little time in Grenada country
of ninety thousand and he must have seen some horrific action there you know what
I've seen people with their heads blown off right in front of me all right I've
been in situations you don't even know about Jackie I just don't brag about them I
don't put them in the book form I don't sit there and use valor like it's something
that can be used commonly every single day got more class than that wherever I've
been it's not anybody's
all right so I heard from a third party I'm getting threats from Dave and he's
going to go after my friends he's going after agent 19 who I don't know I respect
his work but that's at going after monta graph he's probably gonna throw it jail on
in there and others and you know it's just crazy all right I you know you docks in
my location so my composure friend and his wife and their daughter well they're
part of the report Dave so that's that you know I don't know why you're doing this
I'm just flabbergasted I think you need to calm down you know you've got people
calling you fugitive and a bunch of other out there I don't do that I think I've
been fair with you I'm gonna continue to be fair with you but you really should
calm down all right you've been the one doing the attacking for no reason and the
real reason why you got upset with the Titus frost LARP show was because you saw me
there and I was a judge and look you know what it probably would have been a good
idea if you spoke out if you would have said hey I want to be the judge I would
have said sure go for it you're quicker wit you're funnier do better impressions
you know hands down right I'm a musician so all the all the bloviating coming out
of you you know it's giving people the impression you're working with topango and
with magic oh you showed a lot of deference to Glenn so that's pretty unusual
people noticed as far as me I'm not even watching your anymore that's that and if
you want to go after my friends or people in my life that
okay I want you guys to see this this is Bret Trimble Bret Trimble who was a charge
of cabbies key base and who is one of the prime suspects in his murder and what he
says is I believe that by the time Gabe is done with Thomas it will become even
more clear that Thomas is the one who had a hand in Cathy's demise I've become more
convinced of it each day marked these words carefully Thomas is the one who finally
pushed Isaac over the edge and then here he is right after that he's contacting
Virginia I believe it's a guy who was a victim of Jeffrey Epstein so let me try to
put this together for you there's no way that this guy would be pushing something
out there to shirk Billy Kelly and then Mike Campbell that's hey it's me Mike
unless he's guilty as shit it's very easy for me to to prove Who I am and to prove
that I had nothing to do with it and wasn't in Arizona never psychologically
tortured him yeah he's definitely tied in with shark Billy Steve's tearing him to
pieces says why so spirit us Pete so Brett may be playing matador and by that I
mean he's the guy goes out there and draws attention by the red fabric that
attracts the bull you know so it's really going down now Brett was CID and it's
just really going down I'm loving this because the truth is coming out and then
here's Steve I'm CID not CIA you know theories are truthful post cheesy stalk to
you gif you know this guy is either really triggering because we're getting close
to exposing these guys and that means not just not just Brett but Gabe the Kelly
Cheney so this is a murder investigation being conducted by citizens and the
alphabets are watching it's crazy and now he finds it funny I have a feeling Steve
will be writing
so people are moving away from further less confrontation life has suddenly become
profoundly serious and we need to be able to ensure the survival of our loved ones
and our family and our friends doesn't matter if you think coronaviruses oaks or
not we're seeing supply chains that are shriveling up and this can devastate our
nation it doesn't matter if five million died or five hundred thousand or ten
million if another 320 million are left in a ravaged condition so I'm not gonna
comment on the lawsuit between two phango on Beth oh I know I'm listed in it and
I'm pretty sure they're gonna think twice about keeping me and this lawsuit Defago
made the threats and that's what's most serious and so I figure this is between
nany and Beth and I plan to put my focus on much bigger issues I suggested Dave act
and do the same it says if the Roaring Twenties have come to a screeching halt and
nobody wants to hear about larks anymore they want to hear about what's going to
get us through this painful and destructive world and that's gonna be my
What was the average mortality rate of composers in the 19th century and earlier
2020-08-30 03:33:52 UTC
so i got a question here about um mortality and great composers and it all depends
upon how you look at things um frank schubert was born uh january 31st uh 1797. he
died november 19th 1828 that would make him 63 years old uh you had robert schuman
who died at 46. you've got mozart was born january 27 1756 died december 5th 1791
he didn't hit 36. now he had a lot of tours he did with his sister and mother and
father early on and there were outbreaks of smallpox um he actually went to an area
now uh known in czechoslovakia as bjorn to recover so you see that everywhere but
you can look at you know purcell henry purcell lived 40 years on this planet what
you think of in terms of mortality um felix mendelsohn was 38. he was born february
3rd 1809 died november 4th or 5th i forgot 1847. um as far uh you know chopin
there's another one he'd have to be 39 years old uh gershwin gershwin um lived to
be 39 as well and what happened with gershwin is he was complaining of migraine
headaches his friends thought he was kidding because he was known as a practical
joker but it turned out that he had a bone turmeric and behind the bone tumor was a
fatal cyst so these things do happen you look at brahms he lived to be 63 you look
at bach he lived to be an old man beethoven was 56 when he died it really is all
over the place and the um the adage is that musicians die from overwork that
because our brains are always filled with music uh that we can't turn the machine
off it's like we're um you know plugged into the matrix and there's a safety guard
that won't let us unplug there may be some truth to that i don't know but uh those
are the answers to the questions what i find interesting is that you will see
composers gain in strength compositionally um with the exception of mendelssohn you
take a look at um early mozart from the age of seven until uh maybe 19. his first
great work was symphony number 25 in g minor it's my opinion and he didn't move out
of his own home until he was 25 he moved from salzburg to vienna because of his
father's oppressive uh manner of treating him and um they had a strange
relationship ever since but you know the bottom line is um by all accounts uh
leopold was a highly talented uh violinist probably wrote a lot of mozart's early
music because mozart probably couldn't notate it and um [Music] he wrote uh leopold
mozart mozart's father wrote a tricis on violin technique which is the bach family
is very different because several of bach's children became famous composers in
their own right and in particular johann christenbach who did a duet jam with
mozart when mozart was i think six that's a pretty interesting situation so i
studied classical music most of us are solitary creatures who tend to have one
female muse that is their inspiration and it's the reason why we write music but
the muse can also have elements of non-humanness um and can be like an angel um
that brings us melodies in our sleep too i know i get uh my greatest melodic gifts
from when i'm sleeping they call it lucid dreaming i don't think it is i think i'm
putting things together um in my brain and i think that our brains are computers
and as we're put into sleep mode uh certain programs kick in that include esoteric
programs that are not understood in this day and age um you know so that's that i
um i'm starting to build a new crypto into my music which will take a long time uh
to figure out because i'm incorporating depth and sound uh frequency vibration um
you know you strike a c you can do it um in in a dodgy attic way adagio meaning
slow in italian you can do it presto which is very quick and to the point but there
are unlimited alphabets within music that have not been uh explored properly by uh
crypto musicians probably the most advanced one would be um elgar but the other
ones you know people look at me and say oh look at the crab that's the fugue that
uh is an arnold pa you can play it backwards or forwards and um that's not you know
very complicated and as far as bach and others you know they would inscribe their
own names into the coronation page that isn't very hard to do i'm talking about
something that um has never been done um that when i've tried to explain it to
people including scientists um some of them got it some of them uh didn't but they
would literally need to build new apps to be able to decipher even part of this so
you know all of your little programs aren't going to work um what is going to work
is um a computer invention called the inner ear and that is what um what most what
beethoven relied on while um tone deaf while completely deaf his last symphony
number nine that was written when he was deaf so obviously deafness is not really
deafness you have external hearing and you have internal hearing and so my crypto
is based partially upon inner hearing but that has nothing to do with the mortality
rate of composers now does it so we'll get back into that there um were diseases
that were ravaging europe at the same time the mozart's were traveling and mozart
at some point got rheumatic fever but killed him at 35 he had a recurring rheumatic
fever and don't think it didn't exist then and doesn't exist now um right the same
thing in 1964 in los angeles there was an outbreak of rheumatic fever it was
rumored that i had it um my temperature went up to 106 which is fatality level
pretty scary time and in my generation we had to deal with some smallpox but for
the most part mumps and measles and um chickenpox which you rarely see these days
it can um you know that can be very painful because it can come back as um various
other things later in life just like meningitis can um for me i'm happy to state i
was in generally very good health um as a youth and um the recent accident that
i've had the problem with this one is that um i took a brain impact and i took a
shoulder impact and both were um you know badly hurt so uh is there a memory loss
yeah is there um at times um searching for the right word to fit into a sentence
absolutely um do i have memory loss is long term or short term i don't know you go
through a litany of machines you go through mris and eegs and cat scans and all
that and they can't necessarily capture an electrical storm if i'm having a seizure
it has to be there usually during a sleep study or something um but they're
ephemeral and they are like phantoms um all i can tell you is it is having an
effect on my music and you'll hear with the next piece which i think i've already
composed in my head so i'll i can write it down in a couple days and or tomorrow
and um put it up and it's different i think because um i did take this um slip and
fall and it's rearranged some of the wire arena of the brain the logical sensible
part works very well i know that my trolls who seek to make me look in a false
light at all times will take advantage and try to weaponize this but um i'm
speaking to the people who i care about and who care about me and there's a lot of
you guys that i love i really do i have a lot of love in my heart for you and i
need to say that more um you guys have been really good to me you've helped support
me it's been um an expensive process to be sued by a guy with a net worth of 100
million dollars they play every trick in the book luckily because of your donations
and because of the efforts of friends um you know we've been getting through so um
there are lawsuits flying all over and all i can tell you is you will find me to be
at all times a truth teller you will find me at all times to be falsely accused
that's um happens every single day it's accused today of being a wyatt earp and
then i had some lady named jessalyn braddock who is tied very closely to um a lady
i won't mention because i'm in a lawsuit with her and um they claimed i was e the
friend i'm not e the friend uh the lady who posed the question is actually
technically the founder of q if we want to get into it and um you know um [Music]
that's the way it goes but there will be a lawsuit her husband will be um uh
deposed along with their firstborn and um things are going to come out that are
going to shake the wikileaks world and the q world and the cicada world so the
crypto world is are going to be literally spinning in its grave thanks
hi everybody happy Sunday so due to another incident I've got to take to the waves
again I want to give you an overview of things some of you were familiar with me
because I'm a composer and that's really where I'd like to be I didn't want all
this nonsense in my life I didn't seek it out back in 2008 it started to create
puzzles I embedded my music with puzzles I would go to people who are much more
skilled at coding than me to help build out the puzzles that I was grading in my
mind I was more of an architect I let others do the finished carpentry and the
drywall on the fluorine and the reason why I started to create puzzles is I figured
that if you give people something for free where they don't have to spend any
effort and they'll never prescribe any value to it I wanted to give people an
experimental journey and I wanted them to take that journey with me as fellow
pilgrims for the most part I it tends to resonate and leave lots less frustration
so I've written a series of pieces the second piece is complete I'll put it up soon
and it's embedded but on a macro picture as we look at the tumult that we see in
the media and we look at the cover up of Epstein Island and we look at dis Lane
Maxwell and we wonder yeah are we gonna have a real black book up here or are we
gonna have some alphabet intervention we're now aware that the truth limit was
prime orally poisoned it was corrupt from its infancy and these people who trick us
because they don't want us seeing truth well they presented us with actors and
we're very adept at popular speech with the CIA call neuro linguistic programming
they're actually ravenous wolves dressed up as wolf sheep and they were monitoring
us as we collectively express our outrage you know a lot of us thought wow but
freedom ring a reality it was a trap they were monitoring our buying habits our
political views who among us were angry who among us could be perceived as a threat
it was all about tracking and surveilling and monitoring sex our what is it flowers
for algernon with that book flowers for algernon a 4.0 one nation under
surveillance so you get into it a little bit got a very nice nice note from Becky
and I wanted to thank her for having an open mind it's the best thing we can do to
trust our guts and to recognize that the true kingdom is within now God gives us
two good eyes and the ability to perceive what those rods he comes drink but it's
always a battle those who seek to oppress and dominate will attempt to deceive our
very perceptions Hollywood itself is not what it looked like no it looks like it's
not what it appears it's not meant to entertain it's meant to influence how you
perceive reality both externally and internally it's there to further an agenda
they want their hearts and they want your mind but they also want to control your
responses when you stumble upon the truth so you'll turn away from the truth so you
look at the truth and you'll say that's false so getting back to the incident I was
referring to this morning Gabe Hoffman once again called the police son Zack wait
Zack was very smart he said you know get me to the hospital put me in front of a
psychiatrist and then he's gonna go for an injunction I guess Gabe that shows some
foresight pretty smart so here's Gabe supposedly running this big successful hedge
fund which was actually lost a bunch of money supposedly he's a big shot in his
mansion with his uh you know production credits for the documentary you know for
secret and what does he do he spends every waking minute attacking this morning was
Zack yesterday he was attacking me and by the way feigning compassion saying I
really feel sorry for him you know that's part of his tactic who else did he attack
Corey Daniel Ryan Dawson Oakes Wars go on and on and on and on he's attacking
everybody and he's probably paying for his proxy because they're right there up
secretly saying okay escape oh this is horrible cape these crazy monsters they're
all crazy and gaves the only normal one so because kpop is a very wealthy man high
net-worth that means that he must be right correct I guess that's the society we
live in where are the wealthy ever wrong the truth of the matter is that we have
every reason to look at game with the utmost suspicion and as I've stated
repeatedly Gabe officially and publicly attacked me viciously on May 27th 2019 I
didn't know who it was I didn't know what his agenda was I didn't know why he would
attack me he'd been viciously attacking Isaac Cathy for months and months and
months and then cabbie died under mysterious circumstances now I've had my issues
with Corey Daniel or Phoenix enigma but last night Gabe went ahead and said Corey's
line that Gabe claimed he's innocent that he never said he was going to make an
example out of Zach well I believe Corey I think that Gabe did do this because Gate
has other behaviors that are aggressively hostile towards Gabe's very existence
Gabe Hoffman picked up the phone and probably had his crawling associates boys
locate his ex mother he then he called facts mother claims act was on drugs and
Zach was crazy and running scams it's exactly what he did with Evan Evan was a
victim that was profiled and gave offerings 19 or 20 15 documentary and open secret
it's the same modus operandi he used with Isaac Appy I've got a list of police's
names people gave as attack publicly ambitiously and it certainly demonstrates a
pattern this the pitbull school of gabe what he does is he attacks someone into
triggering and then he presents himself as the soul of reason and any person sufis
victim and i'm gonna show you guys at the end of this video what Gabe did on May
14th 2019 the day that we all learned that Isaac died the certain human traditions
the normal people abide by when someone dies if an enemy dies you keep your mouth
shut you don't speak ill of the Dead Gabe Hoffman was attacking Isaac Gaby even
after death even before funeral arrangements were made any reasonable person would
conclude this is a highly right after I said I'd gave had an agenda get a narrative
he kept on pushing Isaac was a suicide Isaac was a suicide this is prior to me
investigation and he's still doing it even his current is this week and he points
to the news coverage what he says is look all the newspaper said it was a suicide
it must be a suicide so what he's doing is pointing to media which has
traditionally lied to us and saying there's your evidence and by the way a lot of
the media use the expression for himself off the bridge Isaac capi was pointing to
Gabe Hoffman as the center of something called the Mossad media matrix which would
be the manipulation of media to present a narrative so things are getting curiouser
and curiouser as far as Gabe you swing me you guys all on that right so I'm not
gonna broadcast or Telegraph my chest moves but I'm going to use the trial to
expose Gabe Hoffman like he's never been exposed before this is gonna include his
communications his finances his clientele and if he thinks he could spoil eat any
of his communications well I've got friends in law enforcement friends in military
and I've already beat him to the punch Gabe Ellen Hoffman thinks he's some sort of
prizefighter he attacks Christians and then accuses them of anti-semitism I believe
that he's underwriting a troll army and he's welcome to hire an army of attorneys
and investigators and use his net wealth in that way but I'm gonna put it out there
that his behaviors are wrong and they're suspicious and as I have continually
pointed out people respond to logic into facts so then I go ahead and find the may
14th tweet so actually there's a couple of this is one from the day that we all
learned Isaac died in an open secret says Isaac app he was showing signs of mental
illness obvious signs of drug abuse paranoia back in October which we didn't link
to this video back then capi yelled for 40 minutes while on hold for the FBI
hotline this is what he's writing after Isaac died it's crazy there's more May 14th
for ice of caffee meltdown September 30th then eat specially it says cocaine use
he's emotionally unstable despite his deranged accusations called under Gabe
Hoffman lower than a pedophile there's more nobody bark louder than Isaac Abbi
you're getting the idea right so what is he doing - exactly the exact same MO that
he did and I was a copy the exact same MO that he did on Evan you can't do that
with me because I'm older I know to keep my calm and simply proceed forensically I
just wanted all you guys to know what's really going on thank you for listening and
once again Becky I really appreciate your note and Karen and I really appreciate
yours and I really appreciate all the people responding right now I know it's
pretty dangerous for me what I'm doing but truth is really important I don't wake
up to the sound of birds I wake up to the sound of these these monsters saying
crucify him crucify him and he's a bad guy and you know Thomas is evil and and all
of that so I have to put things out there and every time that I do I invite you to
vet it I will show you evidence I defy anybody to call me a liar on these things do
your own research trust
June 1, 2020
2020-06-01 13:26:37 UTC
it's very interesting my friend jib camera made a really great point which is for
20 years we've had the Patriot Act and now the powers that be are allowing domestic
terrorism to run rampant and it really is true you know the Patriot Act was a
horrible thing we gave up a lot of our rights we became one nation under
surveillance and that is a problem because we should have a right to privacy a
human right and just like we should have a constitutional right to bear arms and
this explains it right now you know these these uh these rioters are going into
into residential neighborhoods they're planning to and have targeted white people
on the other hand you know in black population and people in general um should
demand that a corrupt or abusive cops be treated just like all of us that they
should go to jail rather than just be fired you know I took a look at that
videotape and I think that cop was horribly abusive I think he has a pretty sketchy
record and the problem is is that if you allow the police to get away with murder
unless they're caught on tape that's not good so there are issues to address on
both sides but the bigger thing is this is that these protests breaking out in you
know what is it 50 cities or more they're not organic this is purple revolution
stuff you know once again people are commenting about the bricks there have been
people who have embedded with the rioters who most certainly are connected to the
alphabets and they may get to call everybody in the protest crowd a terrorist and
that's not right either it's those who destroy property it's those who were
torching cop cars and burning stores and all that and looting you know they need to
be dealt with swiftly and severely that's what I think so we're just gonna say oh
here we go conservative Thomas well guess what I am the way it is and the bottom
line is this can get really out of control the problem also is that a lot of what's
happening right now is an attempt to take the White House and an attempt to
overthrow Trump because Biden didn't have the personality and the media pushing the
anti-trump message and the never Trump stirs have felt so they're willing to burn
the inners of our nation in order to reclaim power and influence and that's pretty
messed up so it's not necessarily a revolution that we're experiencing but it's
close to it and the only way is gonna be when we are able to vet and clean out our
alphabets we really need to do it and you know come hell or high water we've got a
bunch of politicians who are being extorted and bribed by foreign nations you know
it's it's not a matter of draining the swamp we need to do a lot more we need to
torch it so he really do instead of seeing our city's torch we need to do the hard
thing which is to basically say look you bastards if you don't investigate and get
on epstein Island on that investigation and wherever it takes us right the high-end
mighty have to fall they have to fall because no man is above the law and so if if
our Justice Department cannot administer justice and there's a big problem there
you know I don't understand why there are not indictments for James Comey and Peter
stork and the others that's just crazy it's probably a lot of FBI field guys who
feel the same way they feel that their reputation has been tainted collectively
because the actions of a few men and people are writing about this I think it was
Adam Housley it was talking about how there are divisions within the FBI there's
infighting going on as far as the CIA come on you know Kennedy wanted to get rid of
it and I think it's definitely time they've been involved in so much criminal
mischief and they're not supposed to be working on American soil and they have for
since the disco era or before that's crazy you know that's just crazy so the
problem is is that we don't ask the hard questions what we do is we keep on buying
their little pedestal game which is you know the new politician comes up and says
hey guys I'm the clean one I'll clean up the dirty ones and we buy it we buy the
myth you know when we quit swallowing their propaganda when we demand that the
bankers go to Chris then we're gonna affect change otherwise we're toothless and
they will go ahead and continue to show theater our way and we'll see the further
decay and decline
hi everybody its Thomas so there's a lot of updates and I wanted to go through some
of them with you so the big discord drop that Arturo taffy Oski put out there a
couple days ago basically criminally implicates Manuel Chavez as someone who is not
only directing attacks on people especially me I think I was his main target but
also it shows him actively seeking to recruit paid operatives so there's a
conspiratorial factor here when the FBI or other federal law enforcement look at a
case and they're trying to prove conspiracy they put together what they call a
spoke in wheel and think of it as the old you know wagon wheels from the Old West
so you've got spokes and you've got wheels essentially what was that did is he put
mammal Shabbos into legal jeopardy like you wouldn't believe so that disc or drop
can for instance go to here enriches attorneys and they will look at this and they
can say great we're gonna go full board discovery we're gonna subpoena Manuel
Chavez as emails and as Texas and they've got the power to do that so Manny's in
big big trouble they can possibly subpoena memo Savas for the Aaron rich case and
any emails that he shared with edu Tao ski are gonna come out to light so there's a
lot of talking about how Mello Sava is still working for Eddie I've been pretty
transparent with everybody you know I had nothing to do with its plan to you know
surveil Aaron Rich's bank accounts and Joel and Mary Rich's home in Omaha Nebraska
so that's pretty serious when I was asked if I would to pose with them I
voluntarily said yes so that was probably a Provident move on my part and I had
nothing negative to say about Mack couch or for that matter actually Trevor
Fitzgibbon nothing there's uh there's no evidence in my mind that Trevor ever hired
Manuel to do any dirty work however there's clear indications that Manuel Chavez
was being financed and probably by Maggie CO and Gabe Hoffman to attack me and that
raises all sorts of specters why would Gabe Hoffman want me blamed fries at Kathy's
death so that's gonna get hot the next thing is mr. aunt Anthony the Armenian
person resistance io creator Hashimoto Bay Anthony let me tell you what your future
is going to be your investors are going to be contacted and they're going to be
given a link to the discord along with some other information and people need to
ask did you hire Manuel Chavez to create some sort of crypto puzzle for your launch
we know that you've raised you know multi-millions for your resistors coin we know
that you've met with you know the Bitcoin guys and others and there's a lot of a
lot of questions about what you were doing with this criminal gang Anthony so
you're in Sweden I know that but you've also been out there doing round 1 and round
2 razes you've probably got some ball or capital going on as well I know how the
game works and it looks like you've got people or doing pump-and-dump on your stock
right now so lots of interesting things ahead for all of us and I'm actually
pleased because I took a risk by putting stuff out there but it was the right thing
to do if you notice there's other updates to it looks like death and it's been
named in the lawsuit with Trevor and Radek and so I'm clear of that one too it's
very interesting that some people are saying that I'm working with Steven Biss and
I'm not I've had one conversation with him in what is it a year and a half or two
years they have nothing to do with any of this crap so that's a lie number one
number two I did do some work for Tonya yet but I've been very transparent about
that so I've been transparent with everything guys I've been transparent about what
Manuel Sava is dead I told you guys he was a criminal I told you guys back in May
that he was launching a campaign of visceral and destruction against me and that I
suspected it was financed so since May since me let that sink in okay you could
take a look at my destroyed Twitter so you can look at a threat app or whatever the
hell is called and I called it okay and it wasn't hard to call it because when
you're taking knife wounds in the back it's it's pretty clear what type of knife it
is by the wound so you know bottle mine is this I'm gonna make a prediction Manuel
Chavez is going to be charged under the RICO statute and it's gonna get serious
gonna make another prediction I believe that Glenn Herman and Gabe Hoffman will
also be churched I believe that other acolytes and tributary attackers are going to
be charged and that includes dye and Orem and Jesse Davis and sherry Vaughn and
others now if they're not charged then they're gonna be investigated and they're
gonna have to figure out if they want to testify against man most of us as far as
Lestat I've got a challenge for you why don't you release all of it all right
instead of pouting you started to go down a good track and then you did a stream
where you basically said woe is me and you know you were pulling a martyr muscle so
why don't you get back on the horse Lestat and don't suck its neck okay once you
get back on the horse and why don't you drop the rest of the communications that we
know you have and that includes private communications with Diane Nordstrom with
Alfred Isaacson with a g'wan Kenobi with Esteban Trujillo dee Gutierrez get it out
there man okay you want to be a hero what's that you want to save conspiracy de
celery then confess your sins understand the alchemy of redemption put it out there
and something can be destroyed that needs to be destroyed this is toxic it's been
Sugar Shack
2020-02-25 17:26:21 UTC
okay sugar shine let's get real karate cuz that's how I like to deal my cards Dave
had mentioned be versed repeatedly Dave made videos where he got his information
from the able danger channel which at that time was run by Jethro and Lestat and we
know at that time that Defago was pain Lestat and others so there's a discord drop
that I've shown repeatedly and you just need to look at this you know I wasn't
mentioning David all didn't know who was seriously but I've shown the discord drop
tying the time again and it shows that in May there was money exchanged and Lestat
was pumping bullshit alright so as far as Dave I like him you know if he doesn't
like me that's fine but if he mentions me I'll mention him that's the way it goes
it's our First Amendment rights okay do I think he has a good heart I really did
would I be happy to leave him alone yeah if he goes in and stops mentioning me then
I won't feel compelled to defend my name or what's left of it so that's words that
elicit sunshine as far as your buddy Dianne Nordstrom she's an idiot she's a liar
she wouldn't had and told people I spent 88 days in jail and there's a warrant out
for my arrest a bunch of bullshit I haven't spent 88 days I haven't spent 80 days
and spent 60 ever spent 40 you know it's just crazy I went ahead and exposed
corruption in a small town and they went ahead and hit back so that's how it goes
but you know what I'm more than happy to discuss this with you you know you can
reach out to me and we can have a civil discourse on it or not you know but I saw
your responses and purposely go after people aggressively I tend to be someone who
responds kind of like Trump what Trump says you know he does counter-offensives and
that's what I do so you know even down to this will summer article did you know
that Defago ordered the article that Defago has admitted to being a DMC operative
that Defago has admitted to being a government informant you should catch up on
steve-o Truman he's got the drill down on all this stuff so that's what I have to
say all right it's it's biblical in this nature you know that's what's going on you
know it's um you know it's the way that it is you know I'm trying to dispel Vice
you know for the lord hath not given us the spirit of fear but
okay so once again I want to give a little bit more analysis on Cory Daniels how
can I put a speech via culpa rant rant we'll stick with that one the other day and
I think he's leaping as a researcher he goes ahead and he believes that uh I'm the
one who was whispering in Zach's ear about the hostage video this is a video and I
think it's a thing it was a periscope I'm not quite sure another Cathy expert but a
periscope where there's a dog that barks and a voice in the background that says
shut up and Zach felt did he recognize that voice well that came from Zach not for
me I never came to any of those conclusions I don't even really know everything
about that periscope because I as I said before a million times I didn't watch
Cappy periscopes when he was alive I was not part of that community vegan mic he
was at the tail end of it I guess the obsessed groupie shark's belly Kelly was you
know vegan Mikey does periscopes where the his enemies come in and watch him and
vegan Mikey was the best friend of Isaac Abby we know that so vegan Mikey's
periscopes have a lot of interest to Cappy researchers and so far from what I can
tell when I was approached by Corey must have been three four days after Cappy died
and Cory seemed like a very nice guy smart guy with it we got along well what he
made clear to me was what a bad actor big and Mikey who was and I've had some
interactions with vegan Mikey where I felt that he's genuine actually I think he's
been genuine with me and a lot more genuine than Cory here's the thing Cory if
you're going to be a researcher you need to maintain a professional distance if
you're going to investigate a murderer which you said was a suicide until recently
then what are you doing making gentleman's agreements with someone like Hoffman oh
then threatens and tries to dominate you shouldn't your first question be why is
this guy trying to exercise control and if your only conclusion is that Hoffman
fears a bad reputation then you quarry on are a very adept researcher because if
you can't take a look at Hoffman in his entirety and say wait a minute why would
this guy try to finger Shawn Berger who we didn't know two weeks after cabbies
murder why would this guy insist upon telling everybody it was a suicide just like
he defamed Cappy to the point where Cappy lost it on often you know went crazy on
him so if you have one guy who's trying to silence another guy during the last year
of the guy's life and then the guy dies and the circumstances are bizarre as we all
know and the same guy who was ranting about Cappy comes out and says ah Geoffrey
referencing wasn't was odd right well do I know if Gabe often is Mossad I don't I
don't know what his connections are but I do believe that he has Israeli
connections they could be with ADL they could be with Israeli military they could
be much more likely financial private connections and probably with less Wexner so
I'm gonna tell you what raises my eyebrows about Gabe Hoffman and the links to
Jeffrey Epstein once again gave often Jeffrey Epstein in the last month's of
cappy's life he became obsessed with Jeffrey Epstein and felt that something huge
was going to come out and he said you know he was going to be responsible for this
happening and it will be a liberating moment for the victims of child pedophilia he
mentioned July 4th as a date you're interesting that Epstein was arrested as
cryptokeys points out on July 4th of last year very interesting that they picked
July 4th weekend and maybe it's accidental two arrests just laying Maxwell whose
father was a notorious spy for Israel I believe he was a newspaper magnate so when
you start talking about
you know some of us go over to the truth convoy channel to laugh because denise has
such a skewered version of reality her recent attack is on my friend well she calls
her crinano it's karen oh and the reason why the name cran is because one of the i
believe grandchildren of karen couldn't pronounce the name must have been a three-
year-old or a long time ago i discovered that denise was working for the dnc and
that her operation is to come off like a crazy old kooky lady who would be
representative of conservatives so it's pretty funny she's living in texas right
now corpus christi but the bostonian accent slips through and if you look into her
past you'll see that she was an ardent marxist during her high school years and at
one point worked for a company that hillary clinton was doing business with so
she'll pretend sometimes that she's a trumpster other times that she loves ted cruz
you know it's pretty obvious as far as chrono i count her as a friend i think she's
wonderful i think she's a very honest human being she's the one that lent a fair
amount of money to a comedian who didn't even thank her i'm not going to name the
comedian's name because so far as i can tell he's kept my name out of things and uh
also karen's name out of things however i really do think that truth convoy is not
only a bad liar and an obvious liar but someone who is you know clearly not very
good at a job to dnc denise you remember that i gave her that nickname and it
sticks and as far as crano she's the real deal she doesn't lie for anybody she is a
supporter of trump but she's the first one to call him out on things um pretty
straight straightforward lady i really like her i like her style and um it's just
very duplicitous of truth gone boy to put her name in the title and yet does not
talk to her um when it comes to the content of the video pretty snaky
so let me address the true pandemic it's called worry worry is an emotion that can
shorten your life it can open up a portal that allows disease to wreak havoc with
your body and with your mind global governments in global media around the world
are taking advantage of the propensity for people to worry you can tell because the
media is bringing a goose-stepped message it's choreographed there hasn't been that
much death I guess well know what's real pretty soon in a week will be it over
capacity with hospitals in either we start seeing authorities quote-unquote are
saying there's probably millions of cases already and that seventy percent of us
are gonna get this coronavirus right now you can hear it I'm sick as a dog but you
know what I'm doing I'm making music and I'm working it's what I've always done
whether I'm healthy or sick it's what I always will do I'm not gonna retire until
death takes me I've got a really good cure for coronavirus turn off your TVs turn
off your media lose your faith and doctors and government and corporations put your
faith in God and yourself the authorities have already been proven wrong who the
CDC various doctors I told you mid-january to not worry told you we'd get through
this and by the way the same entities in mid-january were saying it'll never escape
China won't ever get to America or Australia or Europe this is a virus has been bio
weapons so America will get very light cases well that knows enemies will get
serious ones and it's already happening Spain Italy pretty soon they're gonna tell
you about a miraculous vaccination from Israel this itching to take a boat ride up
your bloodstream you need to get your news from the people forget the truth jiminy
it was infiltrated with bad actors since this epoch use your two good ears and your
two good eyes to see what's in front of you and use your interior sense to know
what is inside stop following leaders listen to yourself program your
so I've got a friend of mine named Brian and his father has been diagnosed with two
cancers actually a curable ones bladder and prostate most old men get prostate but
he's not allowed to see him and it's depressing so it reminds me of what I went
through when my dad was dying he was in a skilled nursing home my brother had
picked it I didn't care for it I'm not going to mention the name but they weren't
very good there was not a full-time doctor on staff and at one point he had a
stroke and they told us it was a cold and of course both my mother and I knew
better and then there was another person who went on a died quickly very quickly
and he had what was called a truffle monas bacteria from the ventilator and that's
what you get with a lot of these you get the various monus as the Pseudomonas you
get the stenotrophomonas as you have the best sillas what happens is both in the
disposable ventilation systems and in the reusable ones there's not a lot of care
going in with how antiseptic is their environment during transfer so anytime that
you have these conventional reused ventilation systems that's what they call them
in hospitals or you've got the disposable clothes that's later suction systems
there's a strong possibility of bacterial infection and contamination and I believe
we have a very tenacious set of viruses here and what you're seeing right now is
people fading and dying quick after being on these ventilators nobody's talking
about it nobody so you have to look let's say for the disposable ones they have
these limbs expiratory and in spirit Ori limbs and that is where viruses can seep
in this is where if you have a nurse practitioner or an RN or an LVN even being
close to those and let's say he or she is you know asymptomatic you have no given a
enhanced delivery system to a patient who's going to expire soon because these
ventilators if it's not good it isn't good they're supposed to be drawing poison
out and giving you fresh oxygen it's the opposite of what I think is going on um
and with the reusable system they have this heated humidifier which is supposed to
kill the virus it's not going down so why isn't anybody talking about this
seriously it's great to see Tucker Carlson now calling out Bill Ackman it was a
week after I called Backman out this is a guy who made 2.6 billion dollars surety
in the market after going on CNBC and saying oh my god it's you know falling apart
hell is coming there's gonna be four point four percent of the Chinese population
dying now that could very well be true but he went on a financial market after he
had made his shorts and he made two point six billion dollars so why isn't
everybody demanding that Bill Ackman's family be notified of what scumbag he is
that bill ackman be brought to justice by DOJ and you know I tried to tell
everybody and you can take a look at Ackman and his close ties to oh let's say
jared koons brother and these families in New York these families that all they
care about his money and power and they get away with
I told you the stock market was fake and to watch Texas
2020-06-11 23:13:59 UTC
okay so what did i tell you guys i told you guys that the stock market going
through the roof was fake i told you guys to look very closely at texas both things
have occurred there's been a spike in coronavirus in texas like crazy and once
again the reason why the stock market was going up was that the fed was covertly
infusing it attempting to fool the retail sheep into thinking that we were going to
have a v-shaped recovery it's false now as far as coved you really don't need to
worry at least not until the weather gets bad we're not going to have a summer
outbreak they had what maybe under 5 000 cases in texas it's a big place but they
used that as an excuse to share the retail sheep so you know maybe after um all my
2020-08-24 02:01:56 UTC
good evening everybody so somebody asked me when did i first become uh interested
in puzzles and encryption and i can say when i first took notice of how human
beings interacted vocally so you know obviously in the first months of your life
but as you get older and you know this because you were all children you started to
pay attention to how certain animals reacted under certain circumstances you got to
know your dog or your cat you had expressions that were shared of mutual love we've
also all noticed how our animals dogs cats horses have a moment demonstrated where
there's an almost demonic outburst of energy and these are weird and crazy you know
your dog went crazy for half a minute and went running around the room for no
reason right um i think there are areas of the brain that may cause them not to
realize why they have this encryption is everywhere it's everywhere i believe
encryption goes back to the hunter-gatherer years not everybody believes me but i
believe that we um had to conceal things you know rich hunting grounds from
neighboring hostile tribes and if you start thinking about encryption in its
entirety every year it improves every year encryption and and management using
these technologies um in my mind for 40 50 60 70 000 years and if you want examples
of encryption in our own environment walk down a city street new york or chicago or
los angeles and if you see a woman with lipstick um well that woman is wearing the
lipstick to simulate uh a visual demonstration of estrus it's part of the
attractive game this is how billions are made you can go ask les wexler victoria's
secret or maybelline or whoever one you want you want to ask but ultimately getting
back to cryptography to me it's an umbrella that is included in any method where
someone attempts to hide or conceal a message what i'm working on right now is i'm
developing a new method of communication and the way that i'm treating it
algorithms are play things they're carnival rides i'm talking about something about
much larger um and it's a new way to go now where did i get my information what was
i looking at what was i thinking about um i studied it for a long time an unknown
artist in the egyptian town of minute spelled m-e-n-e-t minute khufu that's k-h-u-
f-o so this um [Music] unknown artist drew a series of figures on the tomb of a
nobleman uh named kunhotep ii this was roughly 2000 bc um in around 1900 bc the
same scribe drew his master's life on this tomb and he drew hieroglyphics where he
incorporated a number of really getting usual you know symbols um to obscure the
meaning of the inscriptions he did more than that you have to look at the spaces
and you're going to see even more this is the stuff that um the egyptologists uh
missed these are the things that i had an argument with with awash over um and he
was wrong but at any rate um what i've done is i've taken and used you have to you
have to look at um how people did what people did the egyptians they were for the
most part a builder of empires they didn't um spend all the time protecting their
uh land there were periods of peace they had to defend themselves against the sea
peoples who are unknown people probably a collection of people but um you know they
also had to defend themselves at one point from greece of course um and by the way
talking about greece um take a look at what they call it the skitaly which is a
cylinder of parchment and it was usually hidden within clothing too and that cipher
is what they call uh transpositional and um it's kind of like a slot machine you
can have a cypher system that changes the order of the characters rather than
changing the characters um on their own um this is a simple cipher to to figure out
but we can start talking about cyprus if you like because i can go on forever um
i'm not an expert but
so I've gotta laugh at all this I really do will summer did it kind of flimsy
article on beauty and of course he mentioned me as a notorious youtuber which is
kind of funny because I'm not that would be sharp as we also kind of screwed up he
he mentioned beth blackburn as an employee of shadow box when she was actually the
founder but you know i like will he was he does not like gay buff and or laura
Loomer for that matter or jack pacific who you know the ultra Zionist quote-unquote
but he certainly does not like gay buffman it's pretty funny or war or lunar so or
Mike Serna bitch I think so you know there's some good points too will but it's
funny to see Arturo taffy Oska taffy Oska is his new name sounds like medicine from
South America ayahuasca it that feels good i it's funny to see him try to take
advantage of this with this woman della Matic or Stillmatic whatever she's calling
herself it's just hilarious you look at this stuff and when someone has lost
traction in the YouTube community like that there's no recovery that's what's
happened torture room and part of it is he didn't build his empire from the scratch
he was given conspiracy distillery and he didn't earn it so um left to his own
devices that thing was destroyed or did it take from June to December roughly six
months it's not a very long Empire but in anyway that's that and more later I'm
gonna see what happens with uh with these other report I'm talking to will was kind
of sneaky you know but his hatred of Loomer and
okay guys so let me go through a couple of things they're saying we've got fourteen
point seven percent unemployment and now they're saying it's actually twenty all
right people don't get their math very well do they all right the workforce is
about 165 million and so the new unemployment claims are 30 million you're looking
at the very least 5 million who didn't even show up for that that puts this is 21
percent and then you've got to figure out that 30 percent of the economic iceberg
is underground which means that contractors are not really included so we're going
to be looking at about 30 percent unemployment at the height of the depression of
1929 to 1941 it took 2 years we got to 15 percent another year after that I think
we got to what was it twenty four point seven roughly 25 percent so here's where
the situation is going to surprise everybody you would think that Trump would be
losing support radically know what's happening is it the blue cities are the ones
that are gonna fill the brunt of this the Baltimore's the Detroit's mr. cago is the
New York's and even the LA LA will do better because we've got the film industry
but for the most part it sees cities where I the Democrats have basically ruled for
a long long time I mean he'll in LA they even have a supermajority so I think
things are changing and people are saying who were the people you know wanting to
lock down our economy until August or even longer that would be the Democrats and
why because the Democratic leaders wanted a shutdown economy so there would be
massive frustration and Trump would not be reelected he's pulling up in their face
right now what they didn't anticipate is when you get punched there's a moment of
confusion and numbness and that's what we're feeling right now we haven't even
begun to fill the pain of what's coming down the pike and it's gonna be big there's
gonna be food shortages there's gonna be riots and protests it's gonna be random
crime opportunistic crime you know back in the 30s the bank robbers got famous the
Dillinger's and Machine Gun Kelly and all that even the bad ones Bonnie and Clyde
they were horrible they were killers but they became famous it was the whole idea
of an outlaw so you know in times like this governments can get to tell Italian
it's not good and the law is subject to corruption I'm gonna give you another
insight too these are two to three year pandemics that we go through and what
happened with the last one started you know the forensic me it started in 1917 and
it petered out by the end of 1920 well we had a decade of frivolity and wild
abandon the roaring 20s right and that was partially a psychological reaction to
having withered through war and through a pestilence and combined they took over a
hundred million human lives so I think we may see something like that in the future
which could be very interesting we may not because the pandemic had a nine-year
separation from the depression so you had a pandemic then you good times any other
depression this one here you've got the pandemic and the depression and once again
people are going to blame the DNC guess they're the ones they were thinking bad
headlines are going to take down Trump and their model was not consistent with
common sense because you can look at Italy in Spain and other places and say look
this is a pathogenic event not a political event as far as responding to it I think
that I think that what we really need to respond to is the toxic disruption of our
supply chain because that has killed jobs listen folks you know what probably 40%
of the jobs lost they're not coming back
as we all know shadowbox was a very short-lived company and the reason being is
that there was a lot of mistrust among the participants of the company and it
really came down to man will Chavez this guy's a reptile he's a snake well actually
he's in between a snake in a rat so pretty nefarious character and I want to tell
you guys about a little incident that happened it concerns Jason Goodman I was with
Defago in Texas and Ed Bukowski had set us up with a hotel suite of course topango
got there before me and took the master suite what she's prone to do so at one
point he had gone out probably at a gas station burrito or something came back in
and he was gesturing to me to be quiet and on the phone was Jason Goodman and Jason
was lit basically saying yeah man we'll shop as you're a criminal and among other
things Jason was right actually but Chavez was laughing quietly silently and then
responding to Jason in a serious way but mocking him and making a penis and when he
got off the phone with Jason that's when he told me that he had been in New York
and late November I guess it was and that would have been late November 2017 and
that he had literally gone to Jason Goodman his condo and was laughing about it
thought it was funny and I guess he did a stream I really didn't watch much two-
finger I still don't I can't handle it frankly anybody who's stupid enough to watch
that crap as more patients and more stupidity of me so this is a guy who went to
Jason Goodman's apartment while in New York he's on business and he takes time from
business to go physically stalked this guy now he had done the same thing to make
them stolen in August of 2017 when it came to visit me in Paso Robles California
and he came up he asked me for a weapon he said you know do you have a club or a
baseball bat I said why and I didn't know the guy I had only met two thingö once
prior and he said I'm going over to Nathan's and I'm going to go handle business he
literally had planned to beat Nathan with a baseball bat and I talked him down by
explaining that's a pretty stupid idea but he was frothing at the mouth literally
and my feeling is what was wrong with this guy and here's what was so strange is
that 20 minutes later he was completely normal but prior to that it looked like he
had got into some sort of state mental state so topanga's got some mental issues
and some emotional issues but the fact that he later came to my place in late May
of 2018 is the third strike and I think once the prosecution of Manuel Chavez
begins and it will happen then there's going to be three people who will testify to
the fact that man will serve as physically stalked three different people I also
screenshots of him threaten you to do it to other people so with shop as as I said
the noose is starting to close and he knows it he understands it and he might try
all the little Brava Darrow videos in the
Exposing Jackie Weaver and her CIA tainted 'Leopard Meroz' blog.
2020-05-09 05:34:52 UTC
so just a very quick little missive to everybody does it surprise you that as our
economy is crashing and there's this mysterious pandemic which is split the nation
because half of it fills really fake to be honest and the other half seems to be
politicized this is surprise you guys that you see people who are still married to
these personal attacks and you know local hoodlum ik activities many people like
Jackie Weaver Jackie's a blogger she's got a little bit of a legal background and
she knows how to turn a fancy phrase you know I would assume that English was her
major and in her world she's there with Wordsworth and Keith's and Coleridge but
what she puts out its garbage I'm gonna leave a link to tracking the leopard
mislead which is an article by Steve o trem that basically exposes Jackie and I
think she's in all probability and operative getting paid maybe from you know Palm
Beach area of Florida that has not escaped me everything about her obsessiveness
with the Seth rich and Jason given and you know all of it it just seems strange and
then which talks about me she'll make up things out of whole cloth she seems to
protect the deliberately not catching it I'm pretty sure so DMC operator just like
that crazy jimmy's lama who will do her own blog and it says if you dipped the LEGO
pieces in a psychotropic in LSD I mean she's really all over the map too you don't
find too many good reporters and once again the problem with the truth community is
it was comped co-opted from the very beginning and I think that there was a certain
anticipation by CIA and probably by seventh for FBI that they needed to get ahead
of this curve so for the most part they have now gone the extra mile which is to
take a Mockingbird and to embed it into our lives and Mockingbird is CIA program
from the 50s to embed themselves into the major news reporters print TVs all on
yours so they've been doing this for a while and you know the CIA wasn't even
mentioned in films until 1959 I believe it was North by Northwest it's the only the
first time in their lives but all you have to do is take a look at CNN and watch it
for an hour and you'll see someone named Jeremy bash there Jeremy bash was chief
counsel for the CIA he was married to Dana Bash Dana Bash was a reporter of CNN I'm
not sure she still is I don't watch a lot of CNN but you know the bottom line is
this you got the big players who are the national news then you got these bit
players like Jimmy's Lana what's her real name you know as far as Jackie well they
know a bit about her there may be some people reaching out to her family saying why
they have session and can you weigh in on any issues she may have had
psychologically in her past so I think once your violation of privacy is proven to
be through animus you know that once you find that the people violating your
privacy are doing it for [Music] malfeasance reasons then you are allowed to find
out as much about who this person is and if you need to contact other family
members are theirs to say what's the deal well you can do it you can't do it if
your privacy is not being eviscerated but once you're a target and once your
privacy is being thrown to the Wolves deliberately then by all means
so let me put everything in context and the first thing I'm going to tell you is a
second Isaac happy researcher has contacted me and pointing fingers at Gabe often
and this has right at the same time that Zach Quaid is being threatened by Phoenix
enigma quarry generals at the same time and through Gabe Othman so something's up
and I think I have a little channel so a couple people will see this but I'm gonna
be doing a couple interviews and explaining to people what's happened here which is
you know does that came to me and said you don't want to do this interviewer okay
great keep it clean I actually have our copies of the emails I sent them and you
know told him hey it'll be a good thing you guys can ask some questions he wanted
to have call in as I said that would be ambush journalism you don't want to do that
and to get the strange response from Cory which zach is circulating right now among
the Isaac happy community so I think a number of people have them including media
Mikey and others and it's pretty weird understand that you've got Corey who was
covering the Isaac happy story ostensibly as freelance journalist and he created a
extensive mind map right and he told me straight up that Gabe was threatening him
I've got to voicemail so I recorded him the reason being is that I was getting
threatened at the same time and he's a little security so you know Corey and I had
a lot of discussion on gate and some of what Corey said we will make a very angry
but the bottom line is if this was really a research effort by Cory and Isaac
appease death then why would he have the reaction that he's having now doesn't make
any sense unless he's comped or he's been on gave payroll and this second Cappy
researcher who's an older person and has definitely been instrumental and coming up
with original material and who knows Cory quite well this is a member of the truth
community an incredible member this person has stated that Cory received money from
Gabe so this is a disturbing development and I don't know what to do what I think
the best thing to do is to put everything on the table which is Cory you showed
Gabe delivery service to me at the same time you're delivering messages and threats
to a vulnerable Canadian which if something happens to him they come after you just
to make it really clear it doesn't matter if you're a proxy of Gabe's they'll come
out after both you guys they will you don't make threats to someone who was not
being threatening to you especially when you know that person is vulnerable and
I've got the screenshots from game saying he's mentally ill and Gabe talked to his
ex mother you know this is the same behavior that got Gabe in the trouble in 2015
so that's when he called a young man's father and falsely claimed that the young
man was a drug addict so these are all things that I will be bringing up in my case
with Gabe but it's also very suspicious behavior this is an excellent guy why would
he care about a little guy like Zack why would he have such close communications
with Cory that Cory is now sending messages for Gabe as a proxy that to me is mind
blowing and I think every Cathy researcher should be on this story right now I
really do some people point at Tom Hanks or there's other celebrities and I don't
think it's looking like that at all what it looks like is that there was an
elaborate theatrical production put into place directly after Isaac was murdered
and that the one director the one puppet master is none other than game Pavan the
man Isaac capi pointed out and said this guy is a bad guy and something happens to
me it would be gay
while between Stevo trims latest blog which is just amazing and then of course gave
acting with his this phenomenal amazing research there's some big things coming out
which if you look at Italy and the little boot well one can consider Florida as
America's Achilles heel so I'm looking at Steve's newest blog he references SD NY
News which is becoming hot guys hey I'm recording yeah yeah I'm which one what are
you three or four okay thanks okay so the bottom line is I've talked a little bit
about people like Jack Parsons founder of JPL he was a jet propulsion guy rocket
engineer and propulsion researcher and he had close ties to elamite cult figures
and there are all sorts of connective tissue between Aleister Crowley Jack Parsons
ron Hubbard Scientology right now we're looking at Florida and the only thing I can
say is as we dig deeper and deeper and deeper and I say we it's actually these guys
because for me among I'm on the receiving end of attacks from this Epstein Hoffman
gang so you know doesn't allow me a lot of time for research but it appears as if
they've stumbled upon something absolutely huge there are other people who are also
uncovering things like chip camera and Jay Amman and it's amazing right now so the
four people that I've mentioned they're really the true sense of the word Patriots
not this phoney crap that goes on everywhere we're you know the Kuna and are they
Patriot all right bottom line is these are doing massive work I know reading
Steve's blog I know that he's uncovering these this discordant spiderweb of chaos
and confusion and that's what happens to me all the time I think I was the pre-
selected Patsy for a murder and I think that it's blowing up in their face so my
detractors were celebrating the fact that I got served right do they think that's a
victory it's not a victory it isn't it simply means it is going into a linear legal
framework and as Westie and why did this impeccable researcher by the way a lot of
people looked at what SD and white org did and hey people are impressed I took what
mr. Acton did to two attorneys and they were frankly blown away they were shocked
and thought it was really first-rate so that's that and yes I apologize for
anything I've ever said about mr. Acton he is uh he's quite the white hat so Steve
so is Jehan so his chip they're really good people so as tight as Frost it was you
know continually come out with such amazing things so but it appears that there is
a lot of fear in Florida as the Epstein scandal starts to get recovered by citizen
researchers citizen bloggers citizen journalists because even the Miami Herald has
stopped moving forward maybe they were threatened who knows but I think this is uh
quite frankly the biggest story that we've seen in a long time literally bigger
than the riots right now because this shows that there are mob centric psyops still
being cast into the eyes of the American people and that there's official sanction
because there's military Intel combined with alphabets combined with mob and not
necessarily Italian mob anymore or South American mob but you know the mob work of
a tiny little nation that has no problem compromising bribing and extorting
politicians so I take a look at this and I think it goes deep deep deep into our
subcutaneous body and I'm talking about other people who don't advanced unless they
do were say the right thing is Marco Rubio for instance Tom cotton who everybody
looks at and says wow he's a vet he's a really a straight shooter well guess what
he doesn't put America first start to really look at his career he doesn't and
we're at a point right now with America where people are starting to wake up and as
things are about to crash hard and they are we need to look at our loyalties to
nations that would spy on us in an effort to control us we have to look at that
it's not just that tiny nation in the Middle East we're not supposed to talk about
but England for instance the American people love the English we do we love them I
there's a lot of commonality there the German people love the English there's a lot
of commonality there too however when it comes to intelligence do you see the
Germans spine at the level that the Brits are on America do you see the French well
Finch does you know there are a lot of spies there you see the Danes spying on
America at the level that that tiny nation would be no so we have chosen the
frenemies and maybe because the CIA is a frenemy of the American people that's
ultimately what JFK concluded and that was because with the Cuban Missile Crisis
the CIA and the military wanted us to Little League bomb the convoy the Russian
convoy on their way to Cuba that would have started World War 3 there's no question
about it thank God there was back-channel me and that's not to say that JFK was a
perfect president but he did have some great moments in his life pt-109 and of
course the way that he handled this the Cuban Missile Crisis of 62 was masterful
quite frankly however that incident left him with a permanent suspicion of the CIA
which was well-founded being as a year later he was dead so the American people
were getting to the point where they no longer even buy the whole black pill red
pill because you know the people promoting hey we're gonna red pill yeah well
they're just throwing another side up at you what's really going down is you got to
get beyond the pills and you got to get to the IV and we've got an IV in our arm
that has left us hypnotized in a deleterious way in a malevolent way and for
America to be free we need to be able to criticize whatever nation is spine
extorting and bribing us and we can't be cowered by accusations of anti-semitism
right that's why I say Jewish supremacist supremacist because it's a better and
more accurate way to point out what's going on rather than to say you know I'm an
anti zoning as big as you know technically if you're a Zionist this simply means
that you want Israel to have its own land which it does have that right I'm not
talking about destroying Israel I'm talking about the la cude party and other
parties ben-gurion was lying to JFK couple months before he was whacked and he was
saying oh you know Dannemora is uh it's a peaceful nuclear plant that's not true we
know that wasn't true they were building they were weaponizing it and so you know
you've got to look at the people who say they're our staunchest allies and say
really if that's true then why if you lied to us why have you pushed to have our
young soldiers put into the theater war as you provoke your neighbors it's really
what's going down all right and recently you wanted to provoke us into a war with
Iran you know look there were only 1,100 miles away from you why don't you go fight
them rather than shed our nation's use blood so that's really where I'm at and if
you know I get accused of being an anti-semite all the time and it's kind of funny
because I've got tons of Jewish friends and we're all coming to the same conclusion
it is an anti-semitic thing to run around accusing Americans of this that it that
actually hurts the Jewish people you know people I gave Hoffman going overboard you
know he's some scene anti-semites in his sleep and the bottom line is that is not a
healthy thing for the rest of the Jewish population of America because there's
going to be blowback I'm telling you right now there is with Hitler he had a right
to be upset but he didn't have a right to go ahead and you know murder however many
of us I don't believe the six million figure but lots and lots of people who did
nothing did nothing they were shopkeepers they were just trying to get along why
didn't he concentrate on the bankers who were causing all this crap you know the
hidden bankers these international bankers that are causing the crap today you know
it's the same game so it's always that you know the poor pedestrian that takes it
in the source all right enough of that I hope you guys check out burners dot me and
st NY dot news great stuff coming up pretty blown away I'm
so hmm this pretty much proves that Kelly Jean ami is definitely in on the scam she
goes ahead and promotes Manuel Chavez again and Manuel Chavez's lying he's saying
he really did think he was talking directly to Kuno except for his idea of Kunar
and was actually just Thomas Shamburger Thomas said to Isaac Cappy betrayed him and
started calling him Judas all the time that's not true so that never happened this
serious shit coming down the pike guys just so you know this is a lie by Manuel
Chavez he's
well good on cory i know cory's blasting me right now on phoenix and amber but he's
also throwing gabe under the bus and that's the more important thing i don't matter
what matters is that we all rise up to confront gabe and his litigious nature so
just as i told you guys i reported to you that gabe hoffman was threatening he
threatened cory it looks like with a lawsuit so um he did indeed write that email
uh that corey sent however corey uh to his credit has come out publicly and said
this is what's going on so i'll tell you what corey i still want to talk to you i
think we should all uh and i don't mean gabe but i mean all of us talk this shit
out i think it's important and we can do it with a live stream i got pissed off
because of what the content uh that zach showed me it felt um pretty bad and it it
caused a lot of suspicions as you know but i've been clear about that and um you
know i give credit when credit is due if you're um if you're throwing gabe under
the bus and you're making sure that his intimidation tactics
hi everybody so i'm getting some more uh emails some hate mail which is fine uh
some dm twitters and uh one that went to my sophia music account that's very
interesting which says thomas uh do you think yourself as a religious scholar no i
don't um can you talk a little bit more about um how these times could relate to i
guess there's um parallels um i guess we start with revelations revelations was
fourth book of uh the canonical bibles there's four of them um and this was a book
written by someone named john the divine around 110 a.d could have been a little
bit earlier in an island called patmos that's in greece i've been there and he
wrote in revelations which is a collection of prophecies um and rather dire
prophecies he wrote a prophetic statement there will be wars and rumors of wars now
technically put a war is a series of aggressive incidents between opposing parties
battles are defined usually in terms of singularity there were three battles there
were five battles so and so forth however with wars um consider them uh ultimately
a potpourri of battles and political and geographical goals and of course the all-
important sale and deployment of there were other types of wars wars that are
constructed themselves of rumors whisper wars we've all been victims of them people
do whisper campaigns all the time they do it to separate to humiliate to discredit
people i know you guys know that i've had it worse um these rumor wars have a type
of dna that uh is programmed to misdirect in a lot of ways um this can once again
come into the umbrella of cryptography want your enemy knowing what your next move
is going to be jesus spoke in parables subversive parables now think of the word
subversive it comes from the latin sub meaning from below and virtually meaning to
turn so from below to turn which means that the snake at your feet is moving to the
right when you think he's moving to the left and don't think it's just jesus that
was subversive it was his whole family look at mother mary she announced the birth
of jesus by saying he brought down rulers from their thrones and raised up the
humble he has filled the hungry with good things and sent the richer away 1 5 2 5 3
or 2 5 i'm not sure i used to have the bible memorize i'm old i can't keep up at
any rate let's get back to this so if you take a look at both jesus and his
disciples they were all executed as criminals john the baptist was begetted jesus
was not hanging out only with the poor or only with the rich he hung out with
people who were considered sinners for the most part people that were socially
marginalized but he also knew people like john avera there's rumors there mary
magdalene getting back to being marginalized being separated that actually allows
you to be a better decoder of what's hidden because you're not part of a herd pack
you can see past the force and the trees you're not caught turning to the left
seeing a neighbor's face turning to the right seeing another neighbor's face you do
learn true wisdom by being marginalized and what did jesus teach he taught people
to look out for each other to love each other and that somehow represented the
greatest threat to the establishment now it'll try to bring both the subject of
wealth to poverty and cryptography together right now john the baptist think of him
as being on the same football team as jesus john the baptist wasn't killed because
he was hanging out with 30 or 40 hippies in the wilderness he was killed because he
challenged the authorities and urged everyone to give away half their possessions
jesus spoke in parables so only certain listeners would understand cryptography
encrypted language the early christians used cryptographic symbols to announce uh
where they had been on what their destination was and it wasn't just you know ioxie
the so this person who wrote this email and i'm going to pull it up right now uh
used said um for standing up to the bullies and for your music but in many ways
you've become a social pariah and here's my response thank you very it's really how
i feel you know i i look at the people who um have challenged um the exist the
status quo take a look at jesus once again he challenged every identifiable
identifiable law of the ruling fashion of the land at the time and it wasn't just
the pharaohs it's also the teachers of the law it was the priests you know be the
equivalent of someone um fire hosing all of wall street uh and the senate in
congress as well and throw the queen in for good measure so if you want to think
about john the baptist and jesus as a team they were a cryptographic tag team out
for economic justice and spiritual justice you need to look at the bible in new
ways folks it's right there in front of you and nobody talks about this no one they
only talk about the actual words it's what is in between those words
okay so my Scottish friend Hellfire says and he's a very very smart man so out of
curiosity have you considered the angle that China might have created grew nineteen
to silence the Hong Kong protests I mean the virus of purity it all just stopped
okay well actually it hasn't stopped accurate reporting has not happened since the
epoch of the virus now once again the corona virus has been around since the 1960s
when they discovered it and this is the novel or the new corona virus covered 19
it's still impacting people and what's happening is you've had the second biggest
economy in the world plunge and they're looking at the prospect of not being able
to drive ship their goods to the world so there's no way they would be so clumsy as
to create something they couldn't contain the Chinese are known for their accuracy
and espionage and their accuracy in putting down rebellions it's a police state the
largest one in the world over a billion people so there has been clumsiness in
communist Russia before just like there's been clumsiness with our CIA and it's a
lot to do with murki Dini you know you see the Mossad the Israelis put it out there
is never an accident always perfect America's greatest ally all that crap and
they've made monstrous mistakes one of them being Epstein Island as far as China
Chinese cert in our schools we've got lots of spies here there's lots of British
spies and Israeli spies and you know this it's a spook world at this point back in
the 60s the KGB at one point had 300,000 people attached to it and that doesn't
mean paid employees that means employees and assets and I would say right now that
the ISEE community is maybe thirty million at this point there are people who are
paid to disseminate information they don't even know that they're you know overtly
or covertly working for the instruments of alphabets that got out of control I
think it was an accident that began there and was weaponized that's the way it
looks right now I believe that Israel snuck this virus I into Iran I believe that
other other nations including our own are taking advantage of it you've got
something that can collapse economies worldwide it's very possible that an enemy of
America or a frenemy of America basically made sure it got real fast furious in
China knowing that a that an economy is gigantic as China's would take others as it
fell kind of like the collapse of a building on 9/11 that took down another
building you guys know what Towers I'm talking about so it's possible that it
started out as a localized outbreak and it was then metastasized into a pandemic by
nefarious forces okay Michael I hope that answers your question thank you my
there's a lot of feedback coming in from my coverage of the Mousavi D matrix and of
Ghislaine Maxwell and the inability of the press to mention Israel it's funny also
I have some comments regarding me putting up by horrific Vistage in front of ready
but they they said hey you look tough you look younger than I thought you look
thinner a lot thinner and you look like you know tears over huh I got a lot of that
you know that's never been a problem when I was in mixed martial arts cage fighting
Taekwondo boxing the whole nine yards I use my face to to my advantage with my eyes
to like I pretty much have piercing eyes I'll tell you that so going back to the
Mossad media matrix as we know Mike Cerner which was prominently demonstrated in
that in that map that Isaac drew get gape often smack in the middle and now you've
got sort of issues talking repeatedly about anti-semitism all the time rather like
someone else we know and so I saw something that Oakes Wars liked and this is it
it's at least Ranahan saying if Cerner which is concerned about anti-semitism I'm
sure I'll call out is Jeff DC for funding Richard Spencer right Mike you organize
deplorable with Jeff mist Shilov itches criticism on Jeff regarding bunker W Smith
posts as well so that's what we go through a lot which is just deceit after deceit
after the scene this morning I had a breakfast with a pastor who I had met and he
went ahead and told me look if you're not a fundamentalist if you don't buy
everything in the Bible then you're not a true Christian I said really how do you
figure I said because I don't so we got into it and I tried to make him explain
well I asked him questions first and he couldn't answer him so we went and we got
into the actual gospel we got into council Nicaea but in particular I wanted to get
back into the era where you know Mark Matthew Luke and John were written mark being
the first one he started out writing his gospel right around 70 of the Common Era
covered 70 AD and that was right in the middle of a war when Rome and Judea were at
war they called it the Roman Jewish war and that lasted from 66 to 72 it ended with
the famous story of Masada and the Jews sacrificing themselves rather than be held
captive by the Romans so if you take a look at Mark EC earliest if you look at
Matthew and Luke they're written maybe ten years later between 10 to 20 years
actually 80 to 90 AD and then of course John that's more 9280 so clearly because
they weren't around for either the birth or the crucifixion ah it's highly
improbable that any of the Gospel writers were themselves eyewitnesses to any
events in Jesus's life or even in the decade following Jesus's life as I said you
know they weren't present at his birth and they weren't there for the they weren't
there to take notes when Jesus was telling the various parables contained in the
first three Gospels they weren't there for the long speech that was presented in
the fourth gospel the Gospels were based on stories handed down for some two to
three generations and they contain all the problems of accuracy and validity
associated with such stories in a court of law most of what is contained in the
Gospels would today be classified as air say and he started to question me about
well names some problems in it I said where do you want me to begin he said start
with mark so I said okay Mark's description at land descending into the Sea of
Galilee and his story of Jesus walking seventy rather than 40 miles from tyre to
the Sea of Galilee following this serpentine route that goes through place called
sight on it's in the region to the Decapolis basically all that shows he didn't
know the top typography he didn't know Palestinian geography and then look again at
mark these ten eleven thirteen where he shows a profound ignorance of Jewish
customs when he talks about the parable of the woman who divorces her husband
that's not a behavior that happened among the it's just like Luke 159 61 I believe
where Luke is saying that John the Baptist his mother was told by God that his name
must be John because the mother was going to name the child Zechariah after her
husband who was still alive so you don't see kids being named after their living
father's during this period of Palestinian Jewish history so you can't find a
single case in the Old Testament of a son being named for a living father it's not
even done today by pious Jews you know and then you have Joseph Mary bringing Jesus
to the temple following his birth because he had to go through purification that
doesn't make sense since either all you have to do is turn to Leviticus um yes I'm
trying to think I think it's 12:1 4 or 12 and 5 where they deal with that were the
Lord says to Moses say to the people of Israel if a woman gives birth no if a woman
conceives and bears a male child as at the time of her administration they always
said she'd be unclean like her administration and then on the eighth day they did
circumcision and then she has to continue for 33 days in you know without taking a
shower and she can't touch anything sacred she can't come into a a temple until
that purification process is complete she bears a female child then she would be
considered unclean for two weeks and she would continue to not take a shower for 66
days so these are Jewish law um look at Leviticus I wish you could I don't have
time to find out right now but I think it's 12 1:5 the Gospels lack the elements
usually found in eyewitness accounts they don't have the details and information
one would expect from first-hand descriptions and to their credit the Gospel
writers don't put themselves ah as any you know eyewitnesses to the contemporary
events so that's that the infancy stuff never makes sense and by the way guys
pretty much 50% of what Matthew writes is basically mimicking mark and a fair
amount of what Luke writes depend upon Merc so when someone says take the Bible
exactly as is written what I say is the spirit of Jesus look into Jesus as the Son
of God that's what makes you a Christian not the belief in the Bible but the belief
in him as the Son of God
so happy July everybody I usually hate this month just being honest I want to talk
a little bit about Isaac Abbey and one of the lead researchers getting Corey Jen no
no it's very interesting I'm gonna be on the hoax force to talk a lot about Corey
and Phoenix enigma and Isaac a P and some pretty interesting developments so right
after Isaac died I had a certain meatball accusing me of being complicit with
Isaac's suicide or murder hoax force was also accused and in the last interview
that we did he talked about it I said it's unbelievable so right after that this
character named Corey Daniel contacted me and said he was an investigator and had
lots of questions about Isaac Cappy so we did it in interview I thought we did a
very good one I found Corey to be smart and bright and I trusted him which may have
been a mistake because there's some new things coming out that I'm gonna discuss
and I'm gonna be showing some screenshots and I would be more than happy to get
Corey into a debate with me you see Corey um when you showed the process serving by
gave off men on your channel you violated my privacy and from the things that I saw
with Zach Quaid it appears that you're trying to scare the hell out of them on
behalf of Gabe Hoffman even though Gabe Hoffman was the greatest enemy of capi so
there's a lot to discuss here and I think you are beholding to your followers to
stand up to man up and to have this conversation with me and blokes because there's
a lot of people they like your show and your theatrics and you know your
presentations now you could be all over the map you come up with you know a new
theory every week regarding Isaac and nobody has a firm grasp on the situation
nobody does so perhaps you'd be open to having a debate with me where you violated
my privacy I'm gonna violate a little bit of yours I'm gonna show some screenshots
I will show your true feelings about people like Gabe and others and I think it's
important because we want to get the real Phoenix enigma right it can't be saying
something publicly and something privately that's two-faced wouldn't you say so I
think it's really good if I kept all of our communications out there you know I
have nothing to hide I think it's a good idea to be to be open to put sunshine on
the process so if your game - it sounds good otherwise we're gonna proceed without
you and I am gonna put up a lot of your communications just so you know things that
you might have talked about I think it needs to be done in the interest of getting
justice for Isaac Jaffee thanks so much and we'll give you a day when this happens
hey everybody and thank you for listening so if you guys recall I told you we would
have a pandemic then there would be rioting and lavine in fact uh take a look at my
April first video I was off by a month I expected it to come sooner but it's still
happening and it's gonna grow he's gonna attest ice there are lots of winners and
losers in these riots and if you'll notice they're happening in democratic cities
and these cities are facing bankruptcy because of the economic shutdown which has
eviscerated small business by 50% more Americans are not working than working and
that hasn't happened since World War two we're gonna need roughly ten trillion
dollars to get out of this hole and we're gonna need a second stimulus check
directly to the people although both Democrats and Mitch McConnell are sitting on
their asses because they've got millions and millions and millions of dollars in
the bank and they're not going to fill the pain of Americans not that they care you
know what they care about is how we're doing during election seasons and what we do
in the voting booth other than that they don't care for us all you know governments
don't like people they like the production of what people do you know it's about
tax revenues so at any rate going back to this thing you're gonna see more more
cities and you'll notice that the protesters are not encroaching upon a Capitol
Hill and they go for the White House but they don't do Congress however that's
gonna change because things are out of control and just like the revolutionaries
who brought forth the French Revolution they were actually well look at Robespierre
he met the guillotine and he have sent a lot of people to the guillotine so I think
at some point you're gonna see something like pulao seize property burning or
direct assaults on public sessions I think it's coming I think that things are out
of control like I've been saying you know just look at all the crazy legal crap I
mean even what I'm going through you know they try to silence me and that's that
and you know bottom line is there are so many genies out of the same bottle right
now it's gonna be very hard to put them back in so yeah I think we're gonna have a
Kent State on our hands shortly where there will be four or five or six dead
because the police were forced to use the lethal force which is unlike Kent State
but when you have entire urban neighborhoods on Fighter and looting you know
there's gonna be consequences so I don't understand it you know there's one thing
to protest and there's one thing to willfully destroy the property of small
business people it's crazy now of course there are bigger businesses that have
suffered and some of those names are like autozone and Target and that's owned by
George Soros so he ends up getting a nice insurance check so you start to look at
these things these protests are not organic they were planned they were planned and
it could have been this victim of police brutality and I do think he was a victim
but they figure there's you know a hundred flashpoints a month and there'll be more
of them what's gonna happen is rioting to circumvent urban decay so these are riots
so these states can get money from the feds and I really do believe that I believe
that we have Bolshevik terrorists in the United States and if you take a look at
your Russian history these were godless bloodthirsty monsters they forced famine in
the Ukraine they killed tens of millions it's called the hole and doesn't get a lot
of mileage people are never really talking about it they should it's pretty
important bottom line is this you're gonna see more cities more destruction and
you're gonna see the police helped by the National Guard so we're going to go into
periods of martial law and that is going to be part of the deep state the deep
nation whatever you want to call it it's the alphabets who have been running psyops
on the world and right now they're solidly behind this they are so sad you know I
really don't want anybody to get hurt but they're going to and there's gonna be
death that's gonna get serious thanks
Happiness is within
2020-05-26 05:05:13 UTC
so let me use a little bit more we've been talking about coronavirus for a while
and since January I've suspected that that the virus is simply a delivery system
and that we're really dealing with a derivation of the Spanish influenza that
devastated us in 1918 and 1919 no in reality it had hit before it had started in
1916 and then in 1917 you had influenza rates go higher but when it got to a
pivotal point where they couldn't be ignored by the press they gave it the name of
Spanish influenza because Spain was neutral during the time and information flow by
a press was easier so at any rate I don't think Spain minded at that point but what
I'm trying to say to you is we should consider the possibility that we can track
this thing through 2017 2018 2019 looking at the influenza rates and seeing if this
is what we're really dealing with that's why when I talked about second wave it's
very much like 1918 you had two years of pandemic two and a half years before it
got gigantic and you know probably killed 75 million and there was a lot of
misdiagnosis there and while misreporting and you know it was it was a it was a
mess so these things normally are one thing that it's teaching all of us is to
question experts no matter where their degrees are from you know what is expertise
a lot of these people these epidemiologists they got their education 20 thirty
years ago they're set in their ways and they're mandated by governments to deliver
an on panic message all right so what we're supposed to do is we're supposed to
fight with each other and then die slowly so the insurance companies in Big Pharma
can profit off our demise that's really what's going on once again it doesn't have
to be that way you know going back to Europe because I've I've been to Europe maybe
60 times starting with you know as a very young child and traveled everywhere I
remember at one point I stayed in a castle in Austria Castle hunting lodge very
interesting and I was talking with the owner and the place was hundreds and
hundreds of years old I think it was 16th century but in anyway I never talked with
him and he had a problem with a rodent a rat and no matter what he did he couldn't
capture it and he wasn't successful even when he called pest control this was a
very sneaky very smart rat and no this thing I knew his gig and as they say so I
helped him with it what he hadn't thought about is getting the the rat drunk what
she did and you know the rat had too much confidence which is why he went down and
that's what happens with humans to which they tend to go down when they have too
much confidence it's always good to be measured that's how I I live my life I'm I'm
moderate person I believe in reason my music might go to extreme blazes but for me
I like things to be reasonable I like things to make sense and I see a lot of
craziness right now online and I'm telling you whoever is running in the DNC these
people are nuts they want as much hatred out there on these social media platforms
and Trump even with his warts he ends up looking good because he attacks on him are
so visceral so you know we've always liked an underdog and even though he's a
sitting president is also under constant attack you know vicious attack and these
people are trying to throw Joe Biden at us right now and it's just creepy not to
say that the Republicans don't have a fair amount of creeps do they do our
politicians have been elected by us foolishly we have not asked the hard questions
we haven't questioned their loyalties we don't demand a complete investigation into
Homeland Security what happened in 9/11 it's like you know they they push
distractions on us and they expect us to have short attention spans short enough to
to have us forget calamity after calamity that keeps on happening just like this
thing right now they're going to have us forget about this because we are too
attention deprived or attention overwhelmed it really is where it's at so I can
tell you right now that Trump's gonna get reelected I can also tell you that my
feeling is if we are going to delve into the political realm that we better push
him as since it will be his second round we better push him to yet the alphabets
investigated and to have citizens involved in those investigations because who's
watching the Watchers seriously right think about it you want to you want to
corrupt FBI investigating itself what you want is that sound reasonable sure as
hell doesn't so we got a problem right now and the experts really aren't experts
therefore we can't depend upon expertise and we got a problem with governments that
refuse to prosecute themselves so it's demanding honesty from government the way
that we go well we should but don't expect miracles it's what I'm saying these
these people that talk about revolution you know what would happen if even a
hundred thousand citizens got together to revolt against the government there'd be
a hundred and fifty to two hundred thousand dead that's with collateral damage you
know they would shut that thing down I don't care how big it is I don't think it's
possible for another american revolution however if you truly want to wrestle power
away from these oppressors well a renaissance a personal renaissance is the way it
is you know they can tax you for your work that's fine they can put speed rules
down for your vehicle but if you go ahead and you allow them to play the theater to
you 24/7 you're addicted to that news channel and i don't care what it is CNN fox
NBC they're all they really are get away from the theater you know he's stop
worrying about Trump or Biden you know worry about what you can create inside is
that's gonna make you a much happier human being and if you want to make money and
hone that craft because people need creativity our lives are made miserable if we
cannot chase our muses and that's what's going on right now my friend mind calls
Twitter the demon portal I think she's very right and she's great lady by the way
she was recently attacked by that Diane troll but she's wonderful so at any rate
you can waste all your time fighting with these idiots online you can get involved
with being you know hysterical about presidential elections or you can get the hell
away from all this crap and start waking up in the morning and saying you know what
life is wonderful it's a blessing I'm gonna spend my hours Jay sees something
beautiful you'd be happier he really will be I pulled away from my social media and
I don't give a damn about clicks refuse I'm having a good
It's showtime
2020-05-26 14:42:40 UTC
hi guys so this is my last video for a while and I'm gonna leave you with good news
last year after being falsely and repeatedly accused of being somehow complicit in
the death of Isaac Cappy I was approached by people in the documentary field who
have a solid reputation and a history of success in that field and they were
interested in doing a story on why I was being a scapegoated and I had lots of
discussions with them and felt that the more interesting story is if so much about
me but who killed Cappy there's enough interest in capys final moments right now
and enough people notice that the local authorities didn't really do an
investigation and there appears to be a concerted and choreographed effort to
silence the researchers so it's not going to be the starry-eyed crusader vision and
Isaac happy out of exposing the Vetta files it's not going to be that it's going to
be why this man's death is so mysterious and why people felt the need to push false
narratives what's being covered up and if you notice what's happened with the
documentary field and TV and film it's moved much more towards to crime and much
more towards a random source reaching out to the public having the public involved
in their discoveries and so it's already started to happen on Twitter and YouTube
since May 14th the day that we all learned that Isaac Abbey had died the day before
that so I think I've said enough I am NOT going to be naming the production company
or the agency but I can tell you that the structure is there the deal is there and
now it's a matter of going to shop and I'm going to tell you right now having grown
up in Los Angeles this is going to be a pretty easy deal to seal my inclusion in it
I'm very grateful for because I will be recommenced but even more than that I think
it's a worthy work I think that we all need to see who the hidden hand behind
Isaac's death is and I think it'll be fascinating what's uncovered these guys are
pros I think they're going to be hiring forensic investigators people who have
skill sets that I certainly don't have I'm a composer and I'm a composer and a
philosopher and a amateur historian so I know my bailiwick however we when you get
into these these deep dive documentaries they can go places no one imagines take a
look at the tiger gang or don't fuck with cats you know take a look at some of the
regular Forensic Files people are fascinated by mysteries like this and to uncover
it and to uncover it collectively is going to be a fascinating journey I think it's
going to be compelling for most of us are some of us going to hate it yeah you
can't make an omelet without
okay here we go so look Dave I just think that if you're gonna describe what's
going on as melodrama then it has no place in your blog wouldn't you say that he
made a good point with Diane or maybe I should make a video verandah burning RV
this lady accused lady Stef of being me it's pretty funny so I just look at all
this stuff and you know it doesn't look like truth is that important to anybody
when it comes to my friend being threatened and then having her kids threatened and
this is not the only friend that this has happened to well I'm not gonna put up
with and it's weird because it's not guys who were doing this is women and in one
case it's another mother so you just really have to ask why a mother of three would
want to Doc's a mother of five and put her in harm's way or this Celeste person who
it's just a very toxic individual why that person would engage him making active
threats to children he's pretty sick so that's what I don't like and that person by
the way Celeste right now we're working on tracking her down and then we're going
to report her to authorities on mas so this is going to be taken care of including
her imitating that she's a federal agent with the DOJ or she originally put at the
BOJ so I think is gonna come to a head as I said there are some things are going to
go through civil court and there are other things that are going to go into
criminal justice system so and I gave two-finger my word on that and he's gonna
start to start to see
this is interesting this is Khurana cops who tried to collect a Bitcoin bounty on
my head and he's claiming hey I can find his hotel room so once again Harry is
publicly and what he does is he's using Tonya corn nas name now evidently they're
connected this is Steve basis' wife so it's pretty concerning that he's making
threats areas you know dropping files and there's dangers oh wow and here it is
danger zone that's uh most of yeah yeah this is something that time you do have so
um she didn't tend to think so as is she sure it's getting pretty serious but you
know that's answers correctly is also answer correctly it's also part of this so
there's something going on guys and the good news is that all these guys are
so let's talk a little bit more about Isaac Cappy Isaac did point fingers at Tom
Hanks and others and he didn't have any fights with Tom Hanks though whoo we did
have a fight with repeatedly was this guy Gabe Hoffman who I've made it very clear
in a number of videos that Gabe Hoffman attacked me out of the blue I didn't know
who the guy was and he attacked me with an agenda a very strange behavior with this
man he will brag about being an award-winning producer well so is Harvey Weinstein
and he'll brag about his hedge fund well so did Jeffrey Epstein so there's a lot
going on with Gabe Hoffman right now and the behavior that sticks up all right for
everybody to see as how he wants to shut down the researchers and you'd like to
point a finger at me so I've been told that he's got criminal underground
connections Isaac has said the same thing about him too so we've been warned
Isaac's ended up dead maybe that's where I go to but I'm speaking out and nothing's
gonna stop me from speaking out on things that I feel are morally right and are
truthful so the truth of the matter with Gabe on Huffman is if he attacked me
without even knowing who I was and I think his anger was that I had referred Isaac
capi to lift the veil and by the way Gabe has also threatened Nathan Stoldt men
he's sued a guy named Julio at a Colorado he's sued and traumatized a young man out
of Canada the list goes on and so the important thing with judges is to establish a
pattern of behavior so Gabe Hoffman is not going to like what's coming down the
pike because enough people have seen him try to silence researchers into the death
of Isaac Cappy and anybody with a brain cell knows that he died under very
mysterious circumstances and that the day we all learned that he died May 14th
there was Gabe Hoffman attacking him as he attacked him in life calling him a drug
addict and a scammer and delusional so why would what Isaac appiy had to say be of
so much importance to Gabriel Allen often doesn't make any sense no does it why
would he attack me because someone who I'm not gonna mention put it in his head
that I would make a very good scapegoat so now lawsuits are going back and forth
and that means discovery is gonna happen and when that happens judges are gonna
know and when that happens interested professional law enforcement is gonna take a
look at this matter because it should have been looked at a long time ago so
they're gonna look very very closely at everybody I hope and they're gonna have to
ask the question why has Gabriel Ellen Hoffman been obscenely obsessed with
silencing the researchers
now we're gonna talk a little bit about why coronavirus is so effective and luck
they're acquittee and the Trump hats with that the red here oh and by the way you
have the envelope protein these little guys sticking up or the spike proteins got
the membrane protein and in here would be the RNA so I should just cover this and
talk to you alright so there's a lot of misinformation about there was a strain
that was isolated from a patient who had an upper respiratory tract cold and the
new group of viruses were named corona váradi which has to do with the crown I just
showed you it looks like a crown around a Sun you can't see the RNA but that would
be at the center of it now the corona viruses are positive-sense single-stranded
RNA viruses with genomes that are 26 to 32 kilobytes the size they're tiny we can't
see them and it's different from sorrows and MERS which those are zoetic viruses
that you know I think SARS came from Hong Kong China and that was what 2002 and
then you had MERS which actually came from Egyptian bats and what makes corona
virus so susceptible to growth and a pandemic environment is that it mutates all
the time it it can travel on Airlines it's not so much for SARS or with and going
back to MERS it was believed to come from Egyptian bats and this is why I believe
that the black death was actually a zoonotic avian flu event because in the 1330s
the Chinese were taking their newly invented gunpowder and selling it into the Silk
Route and we now know that they were making that gunpowder with bat guano you see
that connection all right so coronaviruses become more and more effective travelers
they become more lethal it's much worse than SARS so SARS did a spillover that's a
epidemiological tournament it went from Babs to civis to humans and you know MERS
once again went from cave bats to camels to humans with corona virus they had taken
dirt from a certain area in northeastern Paris and they were searching for viruses
that were dormant that could be reactivated they've done the same sort of studies
in Russia they have taken Tundra dirt that had viruses that were 30,000 years old
and they have been reanimated so MERS and SARS are not particularly contagious by
viruses you have to be really close to someone to catch them it's very very
different from the corona virus corona virus as I keep on saying they can come
anywhere you have on an aircraft enclosed conditions you've got recycled air
conditioning and you can literally have in-flight transmission and this is pretty
bad you know the who has a list of what they call blueprint priority diseases that
include crimean-congo a hemorrhagic fever that is very close to what I was
discussing about the Mexican indigenous people they cost something like this in
1545 and fifteen seventy six and it destroyed ninety percent of their population
and that probably came from conquistador miners who had contact with infested bats
in those mines so going back to this blueprint priority disease list you've got the
crimean-congo you've got Ebola you got the nipa virus you got lhasa what's the
other one um rvf Rift Valley fever yeah oh and Zika all right and then what they've
always talked about is disease acts now washing coronavirus until recently and
right now it's gonna clean our clock so it can travel much more efficiently than
SARS or murders it lives much longer on surfaces it can continue to reinfect that
is the problem so we've got a monster to deal with and we need to open
so let's get a little bit into the robert david steele jason goodman uh lawsuit
that has dragged on since june of 2017. there have been some significant updates
for whatever reason manuel chavez turned over 1256 pages to jason who then
submitted them to the judge the judge found that they had enough merit that the
judges put in a two-month stay while he asked his law clerks go through everything
so there are going to be people subpoenaed there are going to be people asked
probably through law enforcement it appears on the service that there is a
conspiracy i'm not a fan of jason but i am a fan of justice and if you've got three
people who are ganging up to vilify him that's not fair i know the feeling so it
appears that a certain person will just use his first name manuel received money to
publicly defame the defendant and the money that he got came from either the lawyer
or his enterprising wife tanya cornell so i just got off of listening to tanya
cornell go through a rant that didn't make a lot of sense but she had a lot of
negative things to say about me i don't care the things that she said about my
friend mindy are completely false i've known mindy for a long time we don't share
lies we're good friends um there was a break in the relationship only when tanya
went ahead and attempted to accuse me of lies that were later proven to be lies and
mindy and i are good right now she's a good person she doesn't deserve this she was
literally left hanging with a number of dependent children based upon the whim and
fantasy of tanya cornell tanya cornell during the course of our relationship if you
can call it that repeatedly asked me to do illegal things which i would not do i
did procure a guy named carter page for them and i did not charge a commission for
it he was charged five thousand dollars to begin with as an initial fee and time
that came back at me and said god damn it we should charge some ten thousand
dollars so to me it shows that uh tonya as the paralegal is very much involved in
steve's affairs tanya also admitted to me that she used c's computer when he wasn't
aware she has referred to him as a liar rather than a lawyer so there seems to be
some tension in that marriage now what marriage wouldn't have tension tonya told me
she had 52 active cases this one though is very different you have a defendant
you've got a attorney for the plaintiff and then you have the not only by the
plaintiff but through paid beans that looks like it goes back to the business and
i'm going to make an educated guess that it was tanya biss behind the whole thing
i'm going to make an educated guess that the clerk's going to be able to figure it
out tanya biss is a pathological liar she's made all sorts of lies about me mindy
stole things from her mindy is not a thief mindy was given promises along with me
that we were to move to virginia we were going to be djs she was buying a radio
station another time she said she was going to convert a house into a bmb and we
could run it we were looking for employment we were trying to do bad things we
weren't involved in spookville we weren't asked to surveil to track to break law
none of that it's supposed to be nice clean living that tanya's very quick on her
feet she told me that at one point she lived in a warehouse in downtown new york
and she ran drugs and that the drug operation got bigger and bigger and bigger and
pretty soon she was running drugs um coast to coast so she said that that was
another life and now i'm happily married to steve um that's her story i wonder how
much she wants to change it um my work period for tonya started in late november of
2018 and ended by mid-may 2019 for some strange reason she wanted to be out in
virginia right around may 13th which is the exact day that isaac gabby died she
didn't want me to bring my id she said that she would arrange for me to have a
false id that seemed to be pretty sketchy and i turned her down so i have emails
that i'm forwarding to judge carter and his team i have texas too and in one of
them she urges me to um falsify defango's signature that right there is going to
get her into a little bit of trouble there's more it's a lot more she made threats
against me she threatened mindy's children so this is what we're looking at as far
as tonya i don't know any paralegal who operates that way with the exception of
theodore bundy who represented himself pro se and of course lost his case so tanya
everything's coming out and i'm very proud of mindy and of myself because we didn't
do anything wrong we tried to help you we stayed within the confines of the law we
did not break the law i know as a fact of things that you're saying about mindy are
false and there's going to be a lot more of this wait till uh the judge gets five
different letters from five different people i think that's gonna um certainly 100
percent make an impact i'm sorry but
I'm gonna have to put it will start is Thomas yes what an amazing nurse but what's
the animal reaction to what a mesmerizing voice he's our slappy you were sleepy
Jimmy's llama
2020-03-06 19:40:10 UTC
okay guys we're going to get into a little bit more we're going to talk about
jimmy's llama who's a blogger now this comes from a guy named ray johansen who
claims to be anonymous norway um sketchy character he goes ahead and he falsely
accuses me of having socks like wide herb i'm not 55 true nope st sprout no karen
omote no s marie no paradise beat no bouquet meanwhile no warrior for truth no
stephoe loving no it just keeps on going the groundhog no samson no pop activist no
waxing uh lyrical so god always wins that's uh actually robert the deplorable's
wife ghost c was an earlier one that i used um that's saint germain no follow the
17 no c votrum no burners dot me no jared t swift no tears uh alt is toots uh but
you know this guy just pretty bad news real idiot and so he's a proven liar right
and so let me get into this a little bit more okay so um who uh did ray go to ray
went to beth who went ahead and she did this whole anonymous thing a bunch of
bullshit and there's more here let's see if we can get this up okay so we know that
beth went directly to rey anonymously pretty sneaky not good gets more complicated
now so now we get into um llama jimmy's llama she says this goes back to the idea
that you could hire trolls to incite people online so that you can turn around and
sue them something like this okay so i was never hired by steve biss and the only
person who took money in 2017 was manuel chavez he took 1500 um but what does um
jet is a defango girl friday so it's getting really complicated and lestat of
course right here cheshire is retweeting it so we need to know what's going on here
and it's tied into a operation against uh steve biss and i think pretty unfairly
too to be honest um it's pretty crazy so um with steve you know i've talked to him
once in two years maybe three years you know he needs to get on the stick and he
needs to um he needs to sue defango it's the only way is as soon as he gets to
fango's uh emails he'll get the real discovery too that's the bottom line so um oh
by the way this is someone this is emily but i'm still not here i know you
desperately want me to be thomas but i'm still [Laughter] so there is some humor in
all of this at any rate i think that lestat and defenga were still working closely
together i think that um beth and jimmy's llama have tensions i think this is an
operation that was certainly against me but you know i'm simply um a pinata and
what they really want is uh this devon and they want steve and the bottom line is
to fango it all comes back to manuel chavez and you know his private communications
google needs to be subpoenaed uh proton mail needs to be subpoenaed uh his phones
need to be subpoenaed so we're gonna find everything seriously it's what i've been
saying for
I stick by my friends
2020-04-21 16:07:02 UTC
here's how insane our news is here's the new york post it says holocaust survivor
who escaped not the nazi death of march dies like 96 years old 96 why is his front
page news spent some time in one of the camps i was born in the same year my father
was 1923. and he made it to so he ended up immigrating to israel in 1956 and he
worked in the military industry building bombs and planning terror attacks and
we're getting near the end of the holocaust survivors i remember there were a lot
of them when i was growing up i even met um a couple of the people with the tattoos
um however in 96 you know we're we're gonna end up with no more holocaust survivors
in about five years that's probably um i'll probably handle it this guy was pretty
young when he was taken away but the headlines that you get off these papers
they're crazy here's another one testicles may make men more vulnerable to
Don't you put your faith in doctors Put your faith in God
2020-03-12 12:20:38 UTC
so it's the time of great chaos and confusion empty airports people were living
paycheck-to-paycheck very worried old people terrified and there's a whole world is
hurtling towards the global lockdown something we've never seen before and these
quarantine zones we haven't seen these in our lifetime well I'm gonna be a voice
that I hope can give you some reassurance this is the first wave and in six to
eight weeks I'm pretty sure it's gonna dissipate I know the medical health
professionals don't agree with me the health officials are going to be wrong again
when they're gonna declare you need to get a vaccine and that will heal you and
keep you safe and they're gonna say that crisis is over and that summer killed the
coronavirus they're wrong I would be very wary of putting anything government
mandates into your veins dr. Paul Cottrell and I had a very spirited conversation
about this very subject and we are both a complete agreement that our biological
civil rights are what separate us is debt slaves from physical slavery so it's very
important that we not take a wink-wink cure from let's say Israel and put it into
our veins because there's more than me to see I know that we're gonna see millions
of millions it's obvious by the selective infection zones that although I believe
the pathogens may have been released organically and by accident state actors have
harnessed these pathogens and are using them to subtle historical source but it's
also obviously it's gotten out of their hands and at this point nothing can stop
the second wave no anti malarial meds they offer some treatment but I believe that
we're gonna find the true panaceas within nature many plants are both antibacterial
and antiviral I'll be speaking more about this in I'm not gonna be selling anything
it's not ideal but I am gonna be looking at four homeopathic healers to conquer
this thing it's not gonna happen by some miracle in a lab it's gonna happen the old
way the healers who understand the plants in the herbs that's what's next
Everything Changes shortly
2020-03-11 20:19:42 UTC
I'm a very unpopular man according to the internet but that's okay I'll wear that
mantle so were many saints and prophets no truth tellers so let's get to it the
wuhan biology lab was built at the cost of around 300 million yuan completed in
2014's around 44 million dollars and the French were diligently involved in the
design of the lab and the training of the Chinese scientific community that worked
there there were connections to Israeli pathologists and American molecular
biologists and China is starting to make some noise saying that the virus did not
come from China they are correct you'll be hearing a lot more of this in the future
now a bsl-4 lab ostensibly is the most strident contamination containment
environmental from the planet they have all these safety checks it didn't work this
time did it these labs are playing footsie with some of the deadliest act these
labs are conducting school with pestilences that regularly wiped out large amounts
of people throughout the ancient world and in the Middle Ages and in the dawn of
enlightenment if you play with fire you're going to get burned and in a rush to
understand emerging infectious threats they dug into our past and they dug up these
killers that carried off our ancestors and now we're going to have to deal with the
repercussions of it if the coronavirus does not taper off by April 3rd Italy is
essentially destroyed if it's not eradicated at least by 90% in China by May you
can see massive starvation hundreds of millions of people starving and that will
collapse that government and they have lots of nuclear weapons within six weeks of
stark market is gonna be gone I believe we're about to see the true face of our
government I can't mocked a lot of mocked back in january/february what it tried to
warn everybody what was going down is trying to do the right thing it's okay I've
developed a thick skin and I do speak the truth this is what makes my detractors so
furious I've said this before there are those with God and are those with the devil
and you could hear it in people's voices and see it in people's eyes
it's nice to see um some of my subscribers come up with really intelligent comments
uh and yes what i was hinting at is the hebrews came from the canaanites that there
was no um genocide because there's no archaeological evidence of it you don't see
uh mass graves uh they've been digging all over the levant for centuries and
centuries and centuries you know a long time uh you know pre-templar uh constantine
and his mother uh helena you know um from the 300s they've been digging through
there and there's no evidence that um matches up with the book of joshua where you
know even the fall of jericho right nothing was left um standing where are the
bones you don't see it so it seems like it's uh revisionism to me um and so i'm
sure that's going to offend jackie weaver who was uh you know always quoting the
old testament but pretending that she's a christian pretty funny um you know i rely
upon uh what's in front of me i believe that um that you need to be an eyewitness
to truth you do you can't depend upon the media you can't depend upon museums
because they'll go ahead and they'll throw discord into these narratives so um you
know if you take a look at it everything matches up the canaanites had the
egyptians to the south they had the hittites to the north um you know stuck in the
middle with you so they had an absolutely bloodthirsty culture and it was about
annihilation and another factor with the canaanites is that they believed that they
were the special ones of god which fits in very much with um the old testament
saying they're the chosen people i don't believe that um god works that way that's
why i accept jesus because he talked about a loving merciful god that to me rings
true and for those who doubt the existence of jesus um yes there were a number of
jesus says you know it wasn't an uncommon name um but jesus the nazarene there's a
plethora of historical evidence that he lived he performed miracles and he was
crucified so you don't see with the archaeological evidence matching the old
testament whether it's hebrews chronicles you know kings deuteronomy whatever you
see all sorts of holes so why would the ancient writers of um the old testament uh
which would have been middle bronze age uh you know right around the birth of
babylon you know babylon was i think founded uh 1792 bc so why would the old
testament want to say that they annihilated the canaanites because they didn't want
to say hi we come from this culture like a uh family um let's say the dahmer family
today saying um hi it's uh d-a-h-m-e-r it's not related to jeffrey so they change
it they um you know they don't want to be associated with um a cannibal so um
that's what i see and once again the whole um culture of uh child sacrifice was not
so unusual in the ancient world as i said you said you saw it in crete shot with
the aztecs um you saw it with the moshi who were just uh absolutely bloodthirsty um
you saw it uh all over europe um in the middle and uh the early bronze age and that
was that i started to replace um humans with goats um you know a little bit later
you know later uh bronze age so you gotta look right around 2000 bc and take a look
at the world 300 years back from there and 300 years forward from there and um
everything points to the earliest hebrews being candidates they were known for uh
purple putting the idea of purple uh as royal they would take these sea snails and
they would dye wool and and other fabrics um you know if you go to a place called
tire t-y-r-e right now that's literally where they had a huge cottage industry of
that um even with the name phoenicians variation of that which and you look at the
old ancient egyptian khan which is what they called the canaanites and that means
humbled which meant that they had huge arrogance and in a much more powerful egypt
um came up from the south and at times subjugated them you know probably numerous
times in um in this era so uh when an archaeologist stumbles upon uh a mass grave
or two uh it show and and and demonstrates the slaughter of you know tens of
thousands of people we don't even know what the canaanite population was but when
that evidence comes up i'll change my mind i haven't seen it and this is um you
know archaeologically fertile ground so there have been him you know there have
been numerous excavations you can find no evidence that the book of joshua's uh
rendition of events has any historical anchor as any archaeological merit so that's
why i believe that um the earliest hebrews the earliest israelites were canaanites
so what where is cannon now well it's state of israel and it's part of syria uh it
goes to the southern lebanon um you know a little tip of egypt and all that so you
know start looking at the old testament and you've got this um god who will speak
uh to the hebrews and tell them you're special out of all humanity that matches uh
ancient canaanite beliefs um and then he will subject um his people to commands of
child sacrifice the binding of isaac right and um he will engage in um local
genocides which is what um the canaanites did they basically crushed places you
didn't see that with the romans you sought in carthage to make an example but for
the most part what would happen with the romans is that they go ahead and they
would completely annihilate one village one town and that would serve notice to 30
or 40 towns and then they would go ahead and they would become the dominant power
they would uh they would charge taxes but they would allow religious freedom so um
once again if you start to look at the methods of rule that the canaanites did it
mirrors um the the early years i think i make a valid point um and until there's
archaeological evidence that proves me wrong
so I don't know if any of you guys saw the RT article on Marco Rubio green-lighting
38 billion dollars to Israel over the next decade so he did it through the Senate
Intelligence Committee it was not carried by American media which is pretty
disgusting you know thirty eight billion dollars you know how many homeless women
and children American and women and children that would feed in shelter what are we
doing as a nation we're giving 38 billion dollars to a tiny foreign country in the
Middle East that is wealthy that is technically superior to its neighbors that has
a rumor 250 nuclear weapons what are we doing right I'm gonna ask each and every
one of you guys to tweet out to Marco Rubio Rubio what have you done what are you
doing we're going into a depression and you're going to add in green writing
billions and billions of billions 3.8 billion a year you know when we're gonna have
food scarcity you know you know double and triple homelessness this is insane and I
told you you know I I'll take on both sides I don't care if it's DNC or RNC I'll
call them all out the way I see fit Marco Rubio you're a scumbag you need to answer
not just to your consistence but to America why are you doing this and who else is
on that committee and who is green-lighting thirty eight billion dollars to a
foreign country when we were faced with tens and tens of millions of unemployed
Americans this is ridiculous
hello everybody so after my father died in 2010 I took my son and whisked him off
to Europe we took a whirlwind two and a half week vacation it was wonderful even
though it was a sad time but we really just bonded wonderfully and I took him into
Swabia Germany took him into uh oh god I forgot where we went I think we were in
Austria we were in Prague he lost his phone in Prague very upset because he had
taken these wonderful pictures of the old town square in the the amazing anatomical
clock there and so afterwards we came back and then I had to go to Russia so I went
to st. Petersburg and of course I met the director of the a mirage one of the great
museums of the world and took some private tours there and then hung out with some
Russian friends of mine Ivan and Ana and what I started to notice is that all the
cars that people drove I had cameras on the dash and I said you know Ivan why is
this and I haven't said don't much she thought which is think and then policy
applies naughty privacy which is the police are corrupt so the reason why they've
got these cameras on there - is that they do not trust the Constabulary and what's
happening here in America is that we're finally maturing we're starting to realize
that those people that that we used to think were pillars of Honor they're not and
what's happening with Comey and HRC and McCabe and Peter's work and all these
monsters is that we're getting to the point where if nothing happens if it's a
matter of lip service and nothing happens that's going to permanently shatter any
trust that we have in government so I think that um Trump needs to get off his ass
and start to prosecute these bastards and do it sooner rather than later because
it's gone on long enough you know to see Obama out there and he is most certainly
committed major crimes well what are we gonna do are we gonna do a Gerald Ford and
say well we can't do that because you know it's like what your old did with Nixon
which is to indict a president would be too harmful let's just tell them to go away
I think that's the wrong answer I think that we need to take these people down I
think that we need to prosecute the hell out of them I think that we need to do a
full-on audit of the FBI and of the CIA I mean literally who the hell are these
agencies anymore right they were never supposed to be politicized crazy you know
and and what are our arrangements with with UK spooks and with this ray Lee spooks
and French Intel it's crazy you know if I go ahead and I say I don't think the Jews
are chosen people people will label me anti-semitic but it's what I believe I don't
believe the Hindi's are the chosen people I don't believe that the Christians are
the chosen people I believe the Christians make a choice and therefore become
favors it's not that hard you know really isn't that that our I think there's a
lots of Apocrypha that was kicked out of the Bible as I told you before they were
twenty five hundred people invited to the Council of Nicaea and these would have
been bishops and leaders of the early church and 10% of them made it so there's a
lot that we don't know I think we need to be over minded you know I've got friends
who were Indian rational Buddhists and I've got friends who were bahá'í faith I've
got friends who were Jewish deaf friends who are Muslim and I'm pretty tolerant of
all the face as long as they're not ramming it down your throat or imposing their
will so that's how I feel and um as far as our nation with all this crap coming out
and if you can prove that Obama absolutely new and green-lighted the stuff that
they're saying that he did then I don't care if he's a former POTUS he needs to be
prosecuted to the full extent a lot just like any citizen would it's the same thing
with um with Comey he sitting there bragging about how he uh has tricked people I
think the media I'm all for free media but when you start to see the crap that the
media has pulled off they truly are the enemy of the people I'm not quite sure how
it certainly has never been the government the government once again is all about
oppressing and about keeping us divided and at polarities so they can govern we all
got along we'd be a major threat to them wouldn't we so that's what I have to say
now going back to social media there are people being signaled out single dog
excuse me and I appeared to be one of them and I really don't know why but I think
it has everything to do with Isaac a peon that I was picked was a good guy but I
also see other people you know the reason why I don't weigh in on Tim I see Tim
Timothy Holmes that is I don't know the guy I know other people have said the
things about him and they know him and maybe they have a right to if they if they
know him and they've had interactions with him then they can speak about their
experiences problem that I have is you've got people like Esteban Gutierrez never
met the guy he falsely claimed that he reached out to me in April of last year and
he didn't he tried to show proof and went to my webmaster she said it's false he
never reached out so it looks like he had an agenda that probably stretched out to
2018 and then you've got Jacqueline Weaver this patrician lady you you know you can
look at her and you could just imagine that she's wound up pretty tight you know
the type of person who will say frankfurter instead of hotdogs right he's I mean
full of pomposity yes you know I don't sit there and brag about my Biblia philic
nature but I've probably read twice the books that she has you know she's arrogant
proud and blind you know the more books that I've read the more I realized I don't
know the more I realized that imagination Trump's knowledge so it doesn't matter if
I speak a bunch languages doesn't matter if I've you know read 30,000 bucks what
matters is how much can I learn this evening and tomorrow and the next day and then
how much can I derive inspiration from these thinkers from these writers and how
much could I inspire that's what I try to do with my music is to put people into
wonderful moods incredible moves and that's that so there you go my morning rent if
you and by the way this coronavirus thing [Music] you know what a joke what a joke
that we would stop the gears of the entire world and the fallout that we have to
ensue right now you know I read some articles where they're saying that the stock
market is up because investors see a v-shaped recovery horse shit the stock market
is up because a Fed has been buying and infusing and desperately trying to save
what they won't be able to save so enjoy the rally now it's gonna slide 20-25
percent from here and that's not in a diamond in Trump I think he's gonna be
reelected I think Biden's a creep I think that Trump has his imperfections but he's
a much better choice and anybody else out there and the more that people try to
fear monger the more that the media tries to blame Trump for a pandemic that is hit
most of the countries on the planet the stupider they look and the deeper the
backlash is going to be I do think that we're headed towards some sort of tipping
point rather like the French Revolution and I do see in the future it wouldn't it
wouldn't surprise me to see someone like a Hillary Clinton grabbed from a vigilante
justice and if the government does not start to get proactive the DOJ showing that
they mean business showing that people are not above the law no matter what their
political station the government doesn't get their shit together the people are
gonna show them what to do I'm telling you now not me I'm too old I won't be part
of that you know I'll be an observer but it's coming and I think we all feel that
don't we huh do you remember the whole lock him up lock her up that was four years
ago and what's happened she's remained smug and arrogant and she's probably killed
more people and there's Comey with a smugness you know these people need to be
prosecuted end of story and as far as Bush junior and Cheney if they've done wrong
they need to be prosecuted it's not a matter of a political party's a matter of are
we really a nation of laws or are we a nation of bifurcated laws that reward the
rich and the corrupt people who create the laws you know come on guys
so i'm reading through some interesting things i'm actually reading ancient roman
graffiti this is um what's left after the susius bluewood stop august 24th 79 80.
so it's interesting a lot of it is uh bowdy um and a lot of it is um is greetings
as a matter of fact um let me put this down so yeah with the romans um they weren't
so dissimilar to us um however you know when there's a state of the union uh we say
mr president so you start to ask yourself um how would uh people address um an
emperor like caesar all right um they would have said gaius julius or gaius caesar
um if they were gonna you know kiss his ass they would probably say something like
a clemence caesar which is merciful caesar or um if he had given you a gift or land
it would be liberal to see me caesar most generous caesar so um they would
sometimes just say potassium which is uh the most powerful one um it's interesting
when the romans greeted each other uh a lot of times when they were greeting they
would start out with the letter o um which you would see in uh wordsworth and
coleridge and um uh some of the um 19th century uh victorian uh poets too um if it
was a friend or a lover they would say my am i and it's um it's been translated
down to my which is what we use now you know my dear right um you would also say um
[Music] maybe in public nostra which is a and romans um we're very much like we are
today you know we refer to bill clinton as slick willy um they would attack
emperors who were not very popular um like uh pompey you know pompey was called um
arab arches which is the king of the arabs and um epicradis um who was a rather
famous rather corrupt athenian politician kind of the um oh god bernie frank of his
day um if they really wanted to kind of cut you down daniel with uh faint praise
they would call you rex which you know simply means the king they used to call
caesar mochus kelvis which was the bald adulterer basically because he was super
sensitive about his balding and he had quite the repetition um as a ladies man so
this has been a quick uh crash course and a little bit of
Last March I told you the stock market was about to crash. It did. It's going to
happen again
2020-06-15 07:12:18 UTC
tomorrow begins Black Monday on Wall Street you'll start to see huge losses over a
thousand points on the Dow and a lots more to follow all those people who were
enticing the retail sheep to put their hard-earned shekels back into the stock
market well they were lying now of course they'll come out and they'll blame Trump
as usual even though today's his birthday there were idiots on social media trying
to wish Obama a happy birthday that's pretty low blow doesn't matter if he's a
president or if he's a farmer in the Midwest just just a low low blow but let's get
back to the stock market you're going to start to see that the age old adages they
use in the stock market are in fact false one of them means don't fight the Fed the
Fed always has extra bullets that's no longer true and the stock market about six
to nine months out well how come things have been so rosy why is there been a 40%
return from the bottom the bottom being I believe March 18th now we're gonna dive
and I hope you guys have your seasickness pills because you're gonna need it you're
gonna see seesaws over the next two weeks that are only going to increase in
magnitude and wait to see September brings its good surprise even
just wanted to remind everybody that it's been a number of days and there doesn't
appear to be any lawsuit against this whack job this video right here and make sure
somebody who knows mr. Hoffman gets it because mr. Hoffman doesn't listen to shake
size and shake size don't care what that filthy - thanks there you go folks so it's
interesting that she's not the subject of a lawsuit you know look at her look at
the rage involved which is not Jewish the tooth is quivering with anti-semitism you
know that Schoenberger was involved in the explosions at Port Neches okay you can
look at this you can basically say wow you know what a pissed-off grandma what
you're really seeing is quite the agenda she's got to do a little bit of facial
hair stuff over here too she looks like she's got thoughts called shadow but it
didn't involve his money and his career it didn't intend and also alright so if you
look at the mouth Pensacola anybody have to go but if you look at the mouth it's
not just tooth there's actually a second one here and so the way that human
dentition goes is sizer bicuspid I'm sorry incisor canines bicuspid molar so it
looks like she's got some dentition problems with the lower jaw as well too so you
know I feel bad for her she's got a Gummer food but she says six us in such a
unique way she sighs boss well it doesn't matter that I might be wrong about this
stuff Chandra was DHS didn't listen to him talking about blowing up Corpus Christi
with several of these people including Dave Swaggart so what do you do when you
have someone making outrageous claims and then going ahead and calling another
person a filthy Jew and that person doesn't take any action he seems to be very
selective in his uh his legal pursuits you know I just wanted to remind everybody
here and I'm also going to say it for the millionth time I am NOT a eight five
eight that man is actually a good guy I've had a lot of interactions with him his
name is Jack and he's been very upfront very honest he feels persecuted which he
should cuz he gets attacked all the time he's not a bad human being at all I shall
like him a lot a lot I think he's decent caring intelligent well-read educated he's
a military and the accusation seemed to be coordinated they literally want people
to think that completely different linguistic styles so you have to wonder how much
of an operation is going on here you know Denise Maddow of Corpus Christi she went
ahead and she made a clearly anti-semitic remark repeatedly on mr. Palm Beach he
hasn't done a thing that
Panic in Detroit
2020-02-13 23:37:27 UTC
I had to show you this which is a new ad for the CDC and the w-h-o it looks like
the Pennsylvania Health Department so they're trying to keep a lid on this thing
it's not gonna work okay let me explain why once again you've got the incubation
period you've got the asymptomatic cases you've got testing so it's a confluence of
bad information you've got spikes go in there right now how will it impact the
people the most well it's gonna be omnipotent it's the only way to describe it I
you've got a kid in college I know I do so think about the universities and the
college campuses you're gonna see quarantines there cruise ships are screwed travel
going to the zoo maybe your pet can catch it you know these are droplets so it
becomes something that is inhaled in the air you can catch it through the eyes and
through the ears and when you start to look at tourism that counts for one in 11
workers it's ten percent of our GDP it's um you know what is it over over eight and
a half billion dollars it's crazy so this is not going to end well right now you're
in stock market get the hell out of it get into crypto that they guess the way to
go and no I don't work or I'm not a consultant for any crypto companies I give you
my advice here for free I should probably put my paypal on their biggest that's
what else does but then again you see it's okay for Shabbos and others to do it if
I do it on the grifter so the bottom line is people are not looking at how to
extrapolate what comes next the hits to the hotel industries are going to be
horriffic unless of course they start to use those as corny to you centers so
that's that and you know one more thing if you're living in Singapore or in
yeah guys so interesting I had three emails I didn't see there's actually a bunch
of my didn't see but three of them over the course of uh looks like Wow a month and
a half some of them from earlier YouTube accounts but all of them were asking
questions about me and Trevor Fitzgibbons so or Fitzgibbon so they were asking and
here's what I can say I met Trevor through Beth Blackburn Bogaerts who I had a
short-lived relationship with with Trevor we had some very good conversations I met
him there was there was some friction that had to do with with my relationship with
Beth but you know if I look at it in its entirety Trevor didn't do me wrong Trevor
followed through on his Covina's when he said he was going to do something I've
heard a lot of really horrible stuff about Trevor that doesn't match my experiences
with him where you yeah I'll just tell you my gut feeling I think he's being
screwed over and I think he you know way overpaid for whatever alleged
transgressions happen you know so that's where I'm not with Trevor I know a lot of
people think that I might hate him or you know I hate Beth no I feel sorry for Beth
I'm I'm gonna have to counter silver and a lotta and her husband and a lot of
things are going to come out and she's not going to be a happy camper but his first
forever no I had I had one one of negative experiences with him we had a shouting
match and that was that so an answer to one of these emails who said you know the
rumor is that you complete the eight Trevor no quite the opposite I actually think
he's a you know he's a competent person who understood the media space and I never
got to know Trevor well I only met him once but you know I don't have a bunch of
negative things to say I just don't you know he was when I knew him professionally
he told me he was going to do three different things and he completed all three so
that was professionalism and just because there was this you know with with with
Beth you know that had to do with her infidelities to her husband that didn't have
to do with you know with anything Trevor did so that's that just kind of giving
some sunshine to the process because there is gonna come a point soon where a lot
of things are made public and there's gonna be a lot of surprise in the air so
prepare for fireworks as I
Remember the movie falling down Is it going to happen in real life within a month
2020-06-25 18:48:41 UTC
so we've got a bunch of earthquakes coming up over the next month some volcanic
activity and the rampage of a clinically vulnerable person so white guy is gonna go
on a shooting spree he's gonna be like falling down and that's gonna happen shortly
so I could be totally wrong but I've got these dreams he gets so weird they get
crazy a couple nights ago I had a dream about Trump and he was being asked if he
was chosen by God for the position and you can imagine that every president who
ever became president wondered about that probably a lot less than Kings did you
know Kings through the very chemical process of royalty you know blood stream they
believe they're chosen by God with presidents you've got elections so they have a
lot of these dreams that come true enough of them to the point where I'll take a
look at the 15 to 22 even 25 percent of the time that I'm wrong and I'll make that
very public I have no problem with that at that's still batting 500 keep that in
There were only 144 pediatric fatalities between 2018 and 2019
2020-03-10 12:50:08 UTC
okay this is the website sitrep which is Center for infectious disease research and
policy and what they're doing is they're assigning 125 pediatric deaths that's
children's deaths to influenza A and B how do we know that we don't know that we're
talking about possible allergic reactions but these kids all had flu symptoms that
are certainly mimicking what adults haven't grown a virus so you know this is an
area of concern you know and they're showing New York City as a main place in
Puerto Rico of course so I'm gonna be watching this very closely very closely this
is uh you know Brown University this for jesselyn Radack had uh I think was a
triple majors you know so I'm gonna do some deep digs on this and start doing one
in a minute and a half videos because I really want lots of ad D followers who's
got the attention span anymore set through our long live
take a look at this Denise Jesus you are not that intelligent are you okay so here
are posts where Bridget is having fun with the caves lady and in Seward hot glasses
a sycophant for little people I'm not gonna say anymore mr. Doody there Rodney's
okay though I like teenage FBI and there's Gabe often he's sucking about you see
her responses lol what this means is that he didn't intend to sue you he was
basically trolling you and you fell for it Denise you fell for it because according
to what some people think you're inferior you know you have inferior genes that's
what this guy at the bottom
good weekend everybody so yes as i said i've had pretty good news i'm going to keep
it brief because uh brevity is my style at any rate um the plaintiff attempted to
do an emergency injunction relief and failed to prove his point so uh that was that
i also made it clear to the judge the other side of the matter which is guerrilla
warfare against me and um was able to show all the reactions to the august 13th
hearing which opened his eyes so um it's pretty nice also if um opposing counsel
would read the case law that the judge was so generous in bestowing to us he would
see that the anti-slap plots apply uh they certainly do so at any rate um onward
and upward once again i'm gonna put the donation link you guys have really helped
me this has helped to pay for legal services for people's time keep me alive keep
me in good spirits just really appreciative i'm not going to stop being
appreciative the minute that you lose the element of gratitude is the minute that
you become
Denise Mattaeu calls Gabe Hoffman a 'filthy _&^%$##' Now THATS anti semitism!
2020-06-04 16:24:12 UTC
I'm really sorry to see you guys but um we gotta cover Denis well mask off someone
John F Kennedy jr. we all know about that filthy conspiracy crap Q another filthy
conspiracy beyond filthy Thomas sugar you know he's been mixed up in to kill
business in it actually I've been falsely accused of being Q he made a mistake
because although the fangirl likes to play games and you know can't really be
trusted because you could never trust anyone who plays games he's lost for just a
little bit I should say that drew blood I'm Shawn burgers little scheme voila name
what you mean then shot burgers other big mistake was carrying his Pino Protection
campaign too far when he attacked Gabe Hoffman slender because he didn't bother to
recognize that Gabe Hoffman regardless of what you think of the man he invested in
that movie and I'm not expressing any opinions about the movie I haven't even
actually seen the whole thing because I don't watch that kind of thing I applaud
him for having really cause some eyes to look at Hollywood in a serious way but
here's where shell burger really screwed up decided chum burger decided that
because he had a lot of idiots in YouTube completely bamboozled full and entangled
and the cute thing became so much bigger than any of these idiots thought it was
going to be including the ones who are government connected because you can't go to
a Def Con convention and not have some kind of government whatever's there
generally clientele Pro CIA idiots who are out to cause more trouble than the
enemies they're supposedly protecting us from they they you know they do what
Gandhi warns people not to do if you use the tactics of your enemy you become your
own enemy you don't use your enemy's so anyway Shawn Berger figures that because he
has support from idiots who have nothing but to give him so she's been carrying
water for Gabe Hoffman she said that she communicated with him she champions him
she supports him she's connected to him you know real power and when he decides to
talk to judges and lawyers they are real judges and lawyers so she'll never spent
some time hiding alongside that some of the idiots into the game play unfortunately
include Jesse Davis and Miss Devine sure here both of those are not bad people as
far as I know Jesse Davis had an extremely strong legal case against criminal case
against Shaun Berger untrue untrue Havana was a fan of my music and I never did
anything to her what ended up happening is that Pavano was sent to a mental
hospital after her son called police and Jesse called me Jesse lied and claimed
that I was impersonating a doctor that's not true the admin intake person obviously
misconstrued the fact that I said that my father was a psychiatrist I've never
claimed to be a doctor Jesse Davis started out just by calling the shots the way
any honest person should but then the same crowd that made up they made an approach
to me and I like maybe for half a second paid them some attention the Leppa Lizard
Lounge they managed to recruit Davis into the meme mockery troll game not just
calling a spade a spade the way I do but coming out and joining them in fact Davis
even applauded some of the attacks on other targets of Schoenberger just because
they were funny what are you talking about he engage in dialogue with Schumpeter
even though she'll burger is a man who attacked his wife a dialogue yeah look at
that paleo and tithi it wasn't dialogue Jessie's been stalking my YouTube channels
Jessie's been obsessed but in America today it is done if you're stupid you do it
but being stupid does not make you a part of a conspiracy collective idiocy
conspiracy she calls Jessie stupid and it does not detract from the actual crimes
committed evidence defense that he thought perhaps he was being smart just like the
Finkle did it's a common problem with men today that they do not stand up and
firmly declare war when they have to you have to declare war on an enemy and war is
not dialogue when there's dialogue that looks like there's a truce there's no truce
so she's advocating war on me this is good I'm glad I got I'm glad I saved this
video because that's not true I'm not a a clevy now while she's dusting off the
cockroaches and getting her ninja phone I need to say this I have never been a a
five-eighth I am aware of an email exchange a a five-eighth entereth convoy ad
together they've known each other before I've known either of them and I had
nothing to do with the promotion or the sending of that email it's crazy it doesn't
take much to fool John River I did not know that he was that one sending the ATF I
make those but that goes back say John Berger is up so deep in so deep because the
a85 a brings child refer back to the Stonehenge game which was gathering in people
like baked it was clickbait for nerds and it was probably out of that that he
picked for the people that he was working with the the I believe Jean Berger has
been working with rogue treasonous former CIA and FBI and actually with what's gone
on Washington we know that the FBI went right up in novels the present moment when
Trump finally fired come--and straw and the others at the top that was only in
recent months the shovers scam renegade treasonous friends the ones that are making
people around George Webb and Jason Goodman the ones they only have the protection
of the mob right now and the mob is really not as strong it's loud but okay so she
is now accused me of being Q I am not eight eight five eight I'm not him either and
now she's basically saying my friends are treasonous and I have protection of the
mob anyone who's seen the destruction and angry two-year-olds can do in a toy room
knows that they can be very destructive but when you're the good parts coming up
stay tuned that's what you do that's what these people are okay so this idiot these
letters got going out to some kind of collective he he blind carbon copies them so
that they go out to a collective group and I don't know how big that group is or
goes on in because it's blind carbon copy but he sends these cryptic messages
lately he's been sending his own videos that is supposed to impress sending to
expressions that military fantasy people like to use I mean it may be using the
real military but basically if you're playing a military fantasy you use a lot of
military terms and that's what this idiot John the one who's trying to play off
people off the fake he's part of the terrorist crowd that celebrates killings by
claiming they're fake JFK is dead JFK jr. is dead too no one can say that is blank
often in fact let's take a look that looks like it's clearly there's nothing that
says that there's a blind copy in here you wouldn't see it so you just lied and he
says Roger ball has been called good and green and cooking over to the link is
Thomas shoenberger masquerading as Lee Feldman it's but it's a Schomburg refraction
and Veltman of course is a major part of the RICO side of this he's one of the
guilty parties in this and he has been from the beginning I do think there's more
to leave open than meets yeah I do agree that he's a grinning weird little troll
and he tried to get the FK Atreyu Canadians to come after me which they were coming
after me a little bit anyway because they they're part of the pedo protection stuff
but there they were sitting up there Terry's finger attack women now all these guys
you notice these are all damaged males severely damaged I mean products of rehab
centers brain injuries and they all attack women in the most vicious manner
possible and they all form these weird little romances with each other so Shaun
burgers cue personality sends out this Roger Ball video Roger follows military
terms for okay you let's go like you're in charge following orders got that you
know that's what it means and then the orders in it are Shaun burger talking about
how Gabe Hoffman is now going to lose everything because somehow or other the fact
that Jesse Davis and Esteban that somehow that is going to prove something in game
conference against Dave Hoffman in jumper this favor somehow that makes them a
conspiracy because he because he Schoenberger can prove they've been attacking well
you know what look at this video right here and make sure somebody who knows mr.
Hoffman gets it because mr. hofferman doesn't listen to shake sighs come easy as
minor so just real anti-semitism looks like rather sad rather sad so all I can tell
you is that basically this lady goes on and she starts to tear into Jesse as an
idiot and Esteban as an idiot and Jesse using the Nunda room just me says Tiffany's
you have no clue what you're talking about keep my name in my wife's case out of
your conspiracy shit our case is working behind the scenes as for me being on any
team or in with anyone that is a lie so they're both denying that they're part of a
cabal he goes on to say I really don't know any of you people on YouTube or any
social media outlet very well just because I might like or retweet something does
not mean I am on any team and that looks like six excellent explanation marks he's
upset he says I do not think you have any reason or any right to call me an idiot
you don't know me so you can take a look at this here she does Colleen people she
called keep the dirty Jew and that is anti-semitic that's a far cry from someone
saying I've got a problem with the liquid leadership under net now or I have a
problem with false Intel coming from Israel or I have a problem with the cover-up
of the USS Liberty okay those are not anti-semitic things those are issues that one
might have with a nation that appears to have been connected to the Jeffrey Epstein
procuring of underage girls and the what is some of his partners over there in
Pensacola around that terrorist what DHS didn't listen to him talking about blowing
up Corpus Christi with several of these people including
Dave Swaggart so what you just did is actionable in a court of law you just accuse
myself and also misdirected of terroristic acts and you didn't say allegedly that's
something you could have learned from they've all been very silent now that the
robbers hit the road and these people are trying to have their
okay guys so I want to tell you a little story right after I saw Bill Ackman on
CNBC scream and basically say hell is coming three to four percent of China is
dying or dead so on and so forth this thing spreads everywhere right what you guys
didn't know is that he was going short on the market and the market dive heard and
that's how much he made 2.6 billion dollars so I want you to understand how the
casino is rigged and I think that everybody should demand that Bill Ackman gets
prosecuted he is a billionaire and his father was very wealthy made wealthy through
real estate transactions including Larry Silverstein the guy who made a ton of
money when the towers went down with 9/11 so you're dealing with a cabal that needs
to be exposed and broken up these are very very powerful New York folks and they've
gotten away with murder they have it's time to bring them to justice because we've
got help coming for us real hell which is small businesses and people of lower
middle class and poor and so it's always throughout history the poor who have the
boot on their neck there's a hope that Trump is going to address that and I know
that he just freed up two trillion Pelosi and Schumer were trying to fill up pull
up pork I don't I stalk with my friend Karen about that but I'm gonna tell you
right now New York is gonna go through something that uh Italy just went through
and there's gonna be a lot of panic and there's gonna be death there is going to be
death there comes a point where guys like Bill Ackman instead of saying wow you did
well you fooled us you tricked us again I think he needs to be held accountable I
think CNBC needs to be held accountable you want to see anybody connected with that
network who made any money off this because if they're doing something like that it
seems to me highly illegal it seems to me that it's very manipulative seems to me
that it's criminal you can't use a platform that you create to make experts
credible and then be part of that scheme so this is something that should be looked
at by the FBI at least them the non corrupt FBI and the SEC so if you guys agree
you know give a thumbs up I don't care so much about views I've got a tiny little
alt and that's fine but there's there are things that get me really upset and this
is one of them and if you want to look deeply at the Akron family they've got Tyson
Kushner's Kirchner's have ties
hello everybody so today we're witnessing the most famous victim of the coronavirus
Bernie Sanders if you remember way back in January I told you that there weren't
going to be any rallies because we were gonna have a nice big pandemic that was
gonna crush all that and I said that Bernie Sanders would be destroyed because his
one superpower is the ability to draw a crowd now Trump has that ability but he
also has enhanced super powers he has all sorts of camera experience from his days
as a television personality and the Democrats pushing Uncle Joe Biden aren't going
to get very far because come on guys Joe's a creep he reminds me of an earlier time
where another Democrat was pushing and Uncle Joe that Democrat was FDR and that
Uncle Joe was Joe Stalin we were told that Joe was lovable look at that mustache
he's like a big teddy bear we didn't talk about the 30 million murders our favorite
Uncle Joe had committed and I'll tell you what I think Stalin would have liked
Bernie Sanders probably would have had him you know sent to the gulag at some point
but he would have liked Bernie so some of the big scientific minds are saying that
the warm weather is not going to slow the corner virus and they're wrong I told you
guys 10 times before come May they're gonna start declaring that this is a rearview
mirror that's a huge mistake 2020 which is gonna be one for
okay so I'm just reading off some of the things here crypto beasts thinks I should
have another channel devoted pretty much to my intellectual pursuits which could be
a good idea actually and then here's another one saying do you believe our McAdams
around the people have lost their lives during Armageddon and there's been lots of
them sometimes huge is sometimes minut so people who suffered through 1347 to 1352
this so-called Black Death certainly suffered or we it's pretty bad what's
interesting is that the doctors who came to cure the dead well they were dressed up
like birds and if you start to think about things you think that the Vikings
brought water titan wrote in tight resins on their ships that became very popular
as a founded England and spread out across Europe so the idea that ships were
sending into the ports of Europe Genoa Florence Naples and so on and spreading this
plague doesn't make a lot of sense if it's rats it'd make a lot more sense if it
started out as an avian epidemic and that because of the weakness of the immune
system of course you'd have bubonic and that could be spread by rats that were
already on land and of course you've got pneumonic which is the quickest death
probably the easiest death because you don't have those painful swelling bursting
pus filled things but as far as Armageddon's that would be an arm again here's
another one talking about Italy thirteen thousand years ago there's an area called
the fleet lien feels the Italian word would be can be fatigued and that's burning
feels and that's a super lock you know a caldera and thirty-nine thousand years ago
this one blew up and it was bad real bad in fact it wiped out most of life in
Europe it killed both hominids well they killed Neanderthals and and us and this
thing caused a thousand foot wave that or 3000 foot waves actually they came in and
probably you know killed everything up to a hundred kilometers inland and then you
get all the crap that comes from that which is you have probably a three to four
day event you've got stuff coming out of the sky you've got people choking you know
for 12,000 square miles it's crazy so you've got to look it up I think they call it
the CIA eruption and it was the largest volcanic eruption in the past 150 200
thousand years you know they had another one it was seventy four thousand years ago
and that was I think in Java - and that was a huge one it was around 74 thousand
years ago and Indonesia and Toba I believe was called topo super eruption and that
would be right around Sumatra so if you want to look at Armageddon start looking in
the past and you're gonna find them you're gonna find some big ones so you can have
a pandemic Armageddon or supervolcano you know a cauldre and those guys are killers
so I everybody in in Yellowstone isn't
Pandemic or Panpsyop
2020-03-22 11:36:27 UTC
it's so strange to see the streets that were crowded a week ago they're just desert
so at any rate sometimes the most profound answers come from the most simplest of
questions and I've got one for everybody you look at Italy and you see this
military convoy this ostensibly carrying coffins and bodies but it's covered select
really don't know and they're approaching 5,000 dead they say so why wouldn't a
ghoulish media which has always been leaning towards viscera why wouldn't they show
ambulances and crying relatives and bodies on the street the same thing in other
areas to Spain the Spain has lots of dead they say so where's the media they seem
to be showing covering military vehicles and you're not I've seen any footage of
morgues receiving bodies you're not seeing dead on the street if the corona virus
causes strokes essentially this shortness of breath and then you know Wham you're
gone how come there's only that one video from China one of the dead person on the
street something seems off I can't put my finger on it now I could be completely
wrong but it would seem to me that the media would cover it less like they cover a
and more like they recover a riot or 911 where they filmed people crying they
filmed debris and bodies falling where is that it's missing its Lizzie and if this
is what I think it is then that's and now attempting that yet the UK Australia and
the United States into a hot war with China and of course the topple Trump because
that now who sells abandoned and he's achieved his immediate local goals which is
to postpone that trial and to solidify his power and he gets his Shin Bet apparatus
to literally monitor the cell phones of everybody in that country and it appears as
if the CDC is doing the same thing year they've reached out to with social media
giant Facebook and Google so was one world under surveillance
so the markets are crashing the Dow Jones is down a thousand points it's going much
much lower as I told you back in what the first week of January when nobody was
taking the coronavirus seriously people said it's a nothing burger well now we know
differently and you're gonna see some slides with cryptocurrency as well they're
gonna go down in unison but then cryptocurrencies can have a rally like no other so
let's talk about money this virus can be greenbacks ones five tens twenties see
notes doesn't matter that's how it can travel and there's been white papers written
about how transmittable diseases Italy is basically and shut down and it's gonna
hit areas outside of Italy it will travel to Germany in France it's gonna travel to
Greece it's gonna travel everywhere the Bible talks about a time towards the end
where money in gold and silver have no worth and there's a great gnashing of teeth
as people throw down what was once valuable earn entering those times I believe
certain cryptocurrencies are going to soar and I believe that this is a good thing
for the financial institutions to crash that's a good thing it takes the power out
of the people who have been raping the people for a long time there's been so much
misery caused by poverty if the wealthy got together and they wanted to feed the
poor they would not only feed the poor they could feed them four-star meals daily
that is how much money is in and I'm not a communist or a socialist but I am a
humanitarian and I don't like to see the poor go hungry not that we but what is
being changed is that the people who have ruled over us through oppressive banking
systems are now going to have their clock cleaned thank you
Meatball bitch and Florida shrimp laundering
2020-07-07 18:35:58 UTC
so do you guys know what a meatball bitches a meatball bitch is a short fat coward
who does anything for money it'll play Braveheart in front of the crowds but in
reality he's a coward and he's usually on the payroll of an alpha so a meatball
bitch started to talk about a five-year-old deposition without stating the obvious
it never went to court right depositions are a dime a dozen and when a deposition
basically creates the atmosphere for actionable information to be divulged and that
actionable information doesn't happen then lessons get dropped end of story so um
CIA Jacqueline Weaver that's what I'm gonna call her my nickname for her because I
believe that she's connected to the CIA that's Jacqueline ruler of tracking the
leopard Marana when she gets together with people like Gabe Othman what ends up
happening is more and more focus goes on occipital capital which is gap offense
hedge fund and there have already been people who have been contacted who were huge
Shorter's in the financial markets Carter black people like that and they're
mystified I and yes Carter black was contacted about cabe often oh oh and I can
name others too I can name some big lawyers who had conversations with me so I've
got a team we are looking into a separate or capital there are people who have come
to be now saying Gabe Hoffman had a huge file on a sipper to Kapil along with
everything the feeder accounts the people Gabe is secretly working for people gave
us secretly funneling money for pretty serious stuff so if anything happens to me
there's ten more behind me and so on and so forth so as far as Gabe we're gonna
find out through the lawsuit who he's paid who was paid to do YouTube videos and
how he's run his media complex and once again Issac Kathy with a mossad media
complex all right you guys really need to look into this check out the ties to just
lame Maxwell and Robert Maxwell her father it's much bigger than you would expect
the reason why Isaac was so blown away and excited because of this and I think you
guys gonna be shocked put on your investigative hats and as sad as far as the bitch
beat ball he's a distraction no one believes them anyway all he does is spout off
crap is uh you know he's not to be taken seriously as far as q well it appears to Q
maybe general Flynn who made a reappearance and looks like things are very much
going his way if I had Flynn's ear because he knows so many people in the military
and so many people in law enforcement who support him I would basically have him
concentrate on Arizona in Florida and let him know that there are conspirators who
are attempting to blame an American citizen for things he didn't do and are engaged
in a Rico level ax is he see flames got the juice he knows the right people so
wouldn't it be interesting if that happened hmm suddenly that there was a Rico and
the aggressive shrimp from you know Florida the shrimp are very aggressive there
seems to be less to do with diminutive status say anything with Bangkok and the
cockroach farmer these are all people under five foot three
do not worry if you're with God and many of you are noticing that those with God
are very calm in these times and those who chose to put their faith into Satan or
the government or to promoting human misery they were the ones that were nervous
now this fine government what they have always wanted is to control what we think
and what we feel and they have repeatedly lied he kept us diametrically opposed
they needed polarity in order to govern and they lied about everything our history
and the chemtrails they put in the sky they lied about DDT and asbestos at Mercury
and the doctors the pill pushers well they're part of that gang they lied about the
let'em ID in the fifties and tobacco in opioids and now they lie about vaccines
those with God do not
okay so excuse the shakiness I've hurt my arm so at any rate this is a region guy
Raymond Johansen who's had some ties to anonymous you know it was one of these
WikiLeaks guys and in my opinion is not the most honest Scandinavian so he goes and
he does this medium article and I'm gonna prove to you why it's Beth it's very very
clear that Beth Blackburn has once again become the anonymous source just like she
did with the will summer Daily Beast article where you know she falsely claims she
was an employee rather than the founder so they read it off this is a statement
from an insider from the shadow sphere that means shadow box it's an anonymous
source seen as they are afraid of backlash now that's pure fake Victor like death
so what she does she's done that to trevor she's done it to me she's done it to a
bunch of other people the only one who actually really threatened her was to fing
go and we know that because that video stood posted up a million times she makes a
statement it's just the first time in that Trevor he was on disposable sock
accounts sometimes qicang small was up he would forget the password a liability to
have him so many that's exactly what she used to tell me quietly slipping into
people's DM city kid to me coupling himself with WikiLeaks to gaining trust and
support while in reality smearing with it strongest and most needed supporters like
jesselyn Radack now the truth of the matter is that death was attacking jessalyn
for a full year because she was supporting financially trevor was given and she
doesn't to say it wasn't a personal issue this was his personal issue and his
personal issue alone well actually it was actually your personal issue to Beth so
you're not then she goes on to say the first thing he would do was offer up text
messages a type of revenge porn meant he'd agreed jessalyn further he would offer
them to anyone and everyone willing to look up with that he would always use the
same talking points I was targeted gloria allred text messages fed Assange all
things not true but trigger points to feed the unsuspecting listeners paranoia okay
so this is exactly what her talking point was after she fell out with Trevor she
also told me that Trevor was conducting a silent smear campaign now it's on
Trevor's personal message her personal issue works well with Tanya missus agenda
Tanya didn't like Trevor and was well aware of as many off accounts but she also
hated WikiLeaks just looking much more she saw WikiLeaks s controlled opposition
and she had plans for her own open source platform a complete bullshit you know I
did a little bit of work for Tanya and I'm not happy with her so that means that
you can probably take what I'm saying said pretty clearly as truth Tanya in no time
attacked WikiLeaks ever not to me and as far as an open source platform I think
that Beth is confused and she's thinking of Robert day to steal and so she goes on
to merge these two so Tanya not only allowed Trevor to continue making multiple
accounts or her husband publicly denied it but took pleasure in it going so far as
saying she wanted just one it eliminated from the public arena that's also not true
I didn't hear that from Tanya a time they could get nuts on me but I never heard
this once these protections gave Trevor an outlet to harass Jasmine an advantage to
the case if Justin was provoked enough to respond you know what I never heard Tanya
even talked about Chesley and she didn't hate Trevor she actually um you know she
said he drove me crazy he drives me crazy but you know she ain't it's been
documented that Thomas or Tonya has to pay certain individuals like to thank oh and
Thomas sure murder excuse me she paid to thing go in 2017 as hard as me payment
that was for music and for scientific things we were gonna develop had nothing to
do with jessalyn and that was you know well over a year later and both individuals
seem suspiciously focused on Jesslyn and Trevor's case either by attacking Jess
head-on as defago Haskins live Jews are trying to infiltrate people they deem
Justin's friends to scrape information to give back to the Biss seem like this he
destroys me inside out by creating paranoia as Thomas Tom Bergeron this is bullshit
show me one friend of Justice that I've tried to say anything about I'm not
interested in this case never have been but you know here's Beth it's a multi-
pronged approach Trevor continues to use disposable stock accounts when he comes
out to attack Cecily and quickly deletes he cannot once it's called out a couple
with accounts like ill skill who it seems focused on certainly talking voice they
go into groups and validate Trevor while smearing Jessa okay she's leaving
something out it also has been attacking me and I don't like it else kill I believe
it's a woman named Becky and she's tied to Defago but more importantly this harms
the wigglies community in a time of crisis making it about Trevor while isolating
Justin Lee using law fair and lies now Beth always used that term law fair and lies
it's meant to isolate jessalyn it's meant to harm her further it's meant to silence
and will eliminate her from the community she worked so hard to protect
whistleblowers okay so give me a break you were attacking this woman for a year
Beth all right and we can find that that's not hard to find you know so you play
games and what you're really doing is I told you to go away so you're mad at me
it's why you've been in mind inspires you to when we weren't even talking to you
that's why you're obsessed with the phen go because the phango did attack you and
that was December 2018 and he did so you should be upset and you're set with Trevor
because you supported him for a long time and you know you guys fell out so that's
sad but you know plain homonymous that's not gonna work all right you're mentioning
my name in writing and this guy Raymond lied through his fucking teeth told a bunch
of people that you know they have told a bunch of people that that my socks
included you know I think like 15 people including women right so I said and ready
Raymond chapter announcement is getting creamed right now just so you know he's
getting creamed it's alive you like here's the people that he accused me of being
Wyatt Earp who's not that's an Aussie 55 true no that's what defender said or not
the staff says that ST sprout is woman named Stephanie hey Karen is not me s Murray
is some other woman I don't even know Paradis pre Pete is not me Boone is not be
warrior for truth is my friend Richard from Chicago all right spontaneous calm I
don't even know who that is and I'm lucky for you don't know lost soils no follow
the 17 no Stevo tremors a evidence-based research he lives in Auckland New Zealand
right now it's not me burners got me no I mind aspired to hell I'm not that person
Jared t-swift no this is crazy and then I don't know about it either stuff Trevor
can speak for himself but this is bullshit all right this guy is a liar I don't
care if whose anonymous she doesn't scare me I don't scare from anybody all right
so Raymond Johansen living near a fjord in Norway I know exactly where fuck you
hey everybody so I went to the hosting company of these people and here you click
on the link it doesn't look like it works anymore so basically I was able to prove
the desktop bomb was behind the creation of the website and then I got the material
in front of law enforcement and actually got a really good response so I feel good
they also made a phone call today into the Veterans Administration Orlando I've had
four communications with them and they're painfully aware of what Esteban was
trying to do which is hustle the US government into giving him more money while he
stalks people so I've had conversations with three different people with the
Veterans Administration Orlando I have also proven to them that my father was
working for the Veterans Administration for a long time so it's a friends-and-
family type deal my father did work for the Vet Veterans Administration in Los
Angeles for a number of years and so do I get preferential treatment yes I do are
they looking at Stephan Trujillo Dee Gutierrez as someone who may need to have some
of his funding taken away I think so now they're not telling me that they're saying
they're investigating and if it looks like he's on full disability and he spends
his time attacking Americans that's not good especially if he's attacking an
American whose father worked for the Veterans Administration school really really
so let me show you how insane these people are you've got Esteban Trujillo D
Gutierrez his high on methadone most of the time he's got PTSD rages we've already
determined that he was working with Lestat and two thing go to take me down he
claims he's just a writer and areas with Diane nutbag North drama she's you know
creating all sorts of things calling me a deadbeat dad I'm not my son is close to
20 years old old and so here it is California grifter while she's supporting to VIN
ago you know it's crazy and then you got this Ray Joe uh that's rage you're
handsome guy he's having a fight with Esteban the next one says guess what you
don't get to define me I have a long history of defending Assange Snowden and
Manning published on my website which you are too stoned to read okay hip-hop beat
kettle you are on drugs Esteban all the time you take drugs to treat your psychotic
episodes isn't that right or PTSD rages which you had before you join the military
huh there he is I just blocked our trove tafoya again he came at me I responded
then I thought about it there's no need for me to respond to them I can ignore him
no you're responding to a metal you idiot you know you talking about a second-order
mind look in the mirror you're so full of arrogance you think knowledge Trump's
imagination you have a cursory knowledge of history you really don't you understand
a couple things militarily you might know a thing or two but as far as history I'm
sorry you're weak you're weak I'm just a little pianist but I've got a better mind
than you better mind than you could ever have Festiva and he says I got no beef
with you he's talking to Ray you got nothing about me I really do not care I just
blocked for you for trying to define me no you define yourself that your words you
define yourself through your posture through your lies to your arrogance through
your dishonesty through your misdirection you know and then here it is yeah okay
bye ray have fun with your lips I got work to do ray Johansen says I have faced
several dozen of these types within the last decade not one single one of them will
tell you today they are happy with the outcome but I can tell you this this one is
nothing but a pretended that cannot punish the Danish we're all inside of wet paper
bag okay I gotta give you points on that rate you
so good news and bad news the good news is I can stay up in the mountains and I
don't have to drive to LA tomorrow but bad news is I got a hold of LAPD I was gonna
make them very aware for the third time about Esteban 3od Gutierrez and his games
the good news is that the city has pretty much shut down and it's probably going to
be shut down through the summer the bad news is and I've talked to a very very nice
detective good guy and former Ranger by the way so I shot him off the emails with
the screenshots with Esteban and I said this guy's making threats to me trying to
put me into jail claiming that he's got contacts with the feds and this detective
laughed he said this guy was put out to pasture a long time ago he hasn't had
active duty for something like I don't know 14 years or something and he said these
are empty threats and they're not specific threats it's nothing that we would be
interested in pursuing anyway unless the guy did happen to bamboozle a Fed and
everything that you've shown me mr. Schoenberger proves he's a whack job that was
his words so the LAPD have declared Esteban a whack job so I do have a case number
and it's low priority I'm gonna make that clear I'm not trying to upgrade what I've
done I'm just trying to be very straightforward with everything and that cop
started to go into what's going on with LA he says look we're concerned right now
with what's going to happen with an economic collapse and we've got to deal with
millions and billions of people and so even now they're they are not actively
pursuing nonviolent fugitives they're just not doing anything they're there letting
people with drugs go free they're not pursuing probation violators there they're
literally going only going for high priority which is eminent danger to the people
violent criminals and so on and so forth so it's really crazy right now they've got
a police force that they've had some corona virus victims but they said nothing
like New York and it's a national mandate among all peace officers that they're
just going for high priority at this point so you're not seeing a bunch of people
pulled over for expired tags or for stupid stuff as he put it he said you know this
the stupid stuff is not going to be pursued he said the courts are closed and he
said they're only gonna take high-priority criminal cases he said the civil stuff
is backlogged too so it's pretty interesting you know how they're prioritizing and
I actually think it's it's smart of them to do so as much as I would like to you
know pursue criminal charges against Estevan which I think he deserves I think he's
a monster frankly but it doesn't look like the authorities are gonna do anything
however the good news is this is important is if he tries his games and attempts to
falsely put me in a bad light he can be in real trouble and that's where I was
assured today that the Los Angeles Police would be very much in touch with the feds
and with a 14 screenshots that I sent them indicate that Esteban is the aggressor
Esteban has been conspiratorial Esteban has engaged in threats in an attempt to
make me fear for my life and my freedom and my safety so he made that clear and he
said as it is right now if he tried to contact the feds they're gonna laugh at him
he doesn't have you know he's not active never one number two he's an expat number
three the first thing that any Fed would do is they would look at him hard they
would say what sort of things has even putting up there so this is a guy who
publicly has admitted to seeing a psychiatrist once a week for his anger management
issues so that's worth that it looks like the estaban thing is you know gonna be
relegated to two sub trauma I guess okay so that's that and since that's worth that
I can continue to say that Steven Trujillo D Gutierrez is a clown he's a clown he's
a man of empty words another one of his lies he's he claimed he was gonna sue Steve
Outram dad never happened one more empty threat from the pig who cried wolf you
know he said he claimed I was Wyatt Earp I'm not he's claimed a whole bunch of
stuff all this guy is is a bellowing Pig a bellowing pig seeking attention thinking
that he's some sort of elite human being
so this woman just listened to reversing its mineral violence in the truth third
it's bragging a little bit too easily in his 85 eight emails so what would you do
if you were in my position you've got a number of people who were stalking this one
here is using violent imagery I you know you wouldn't call her highly intelligent
denise is not a rocket scientist fire long shot she has trouble with words doesn't
easily grasp concepts however that doesn't stop any propensity manipulations trying
to attack me wall attacking a a five-eighth who is not me and then mixing that up
with attacks on Dave Acton and taking what were accidental chemical explosions and
listing them in her own mind as terrorism and fingering innocent people this leads
me to conclude that she is a danger to herself or others so I've been in touch with
law enforcement but more importantly I've been in touch with Health and Human
Services if there are other victims that she's fixating on I suggest the humane
gesture is that you have her checked out for mental health I believe that she's
behaving in the way that is a clearly borderline personality and possible
schizophrenia I believe that she does have the ability to be violent I don't know
if she's a gun owner she certainly has knives in her kitchen she's been
confrontational with police she's accused them of corruption among others so I've
had some good discussions and I've sent over assumable clips on Denise and I'm
taking the assaults seriously because some people do it simply because of sadistic
they do it to frighten or traumatize people others like Denise do it because she
may have huge mental defect and emotional turbulence and I'm just looking at the
violence in her speech and in her imagery and I'm seeing the there are other
victims and I would suggest that they would contact Corpus Christi Health and Human
Services you know and you know let's get her the help she needs I think it'd be
smart and we could be saving people's lives you know if you want the phone number
to go ahead and contact them you may want to try three six one eight five seven
zero eight seven eight and there are people there they're very nice they listen
they take evidence you
okay I'm looking on pacer and it looks like a deaf angora email dated June 18th
2019 and originally from July 2nd 2017 is being included in the NPR at Bukowski
last year so I'm gonna read it off to you guys let me cover this and this is from
July 2nd it's a Sunday 8:49 a.m. and Tanya is running into topango so I love Robert
but he moves way too fast I was just having lunch and I'm talking about how viewers
to certain things and why you are the best one basically parenthesis let's face
facts you are a good 50 IQ points above the rest and I'm slab busy with life as I'm
sure you're too with kids and a husband that's like three kids so if him deciding
tomorrow was a pain in your butt I do apologize him deciding what tomorrow and then
he says I'm sitting here or she says I'm sitting here writing defamation cases for
my husband for policemen for our policemen and thinking I can in three days get you
a case against Jason Wow that's her suggestion I'm guessing a half-million dollars
they will throw at you just to make it go away equal catch it Robert is the real
deal that's Robert David still he can go to court for you and will this is a cool
thing about him he drove three hours to come see me on the farm terrified honestly
quote unquote and hung out all day seemingly unaffected my friend is showing up and
doing bong hits I had written the most killer case against Jake crisis after more
phoniest I will have Norah Maccabee send you a copy and then she put somewhere in
Christie's I can't they called her dad a child trafficker while her whole family
was in hospital or mom is dying her brother's a lawyer who repped elephant is
against david brock in the divorce but apparently he blackmailed brock and is not a
pedo question mark question mark question mark just a fudgepacker no no not that
there's anything wrong with that it's pretty funny sign field line so that max her
brother was the one who eventually would not let her life against her phoniest
because his corporate overlords don't want the publicity the lawsuit if he is
waving around in his channel i wrote this so she's saying that she wrote the
lawsuit nor has started trying to help robert go to trump Wow because she lives a
few doors down from Pence's guards and then she says important she's a cop I call
them spear holders because he is a notorious fag so she's basically saying pensions
a fag gay when her family came wow this is crazy so so I was a little weary with
helping Robert because I think the attack against her family it was because they
were trying to help him I still want to go against Media Matters get them off
youtube and get the victims of the slander paid anyway do contemplate suing Jason
he's likely insured you will have a great case so that's wild it's Tonya suggesting
to topango that he go ahead with a lawsuit and of course he did let them do the
work but then didn't go forward you know why because he didn't want discovery he
didn't want the other side looking at his things so this is from Sunday July 2nd I
was never made aware of this email ever and it looks like this is going into the
case with NPR I have a strange feeling that there will be more than three people
demanding demanding petitioning Google and subpoena in patreon and all this other I
think that DeFranco has no choice I think his operations are at a standstill and I
think he's going to be completely exposed as he has tried to expose so many other
people so sorry Shabbos
2020-08-26 16:32:58 UTC
so one of the most interesting subjects to explore is the element of betrayal and
it happens a lot you see people like harvey weinstein and i just look at that face
and think this is a bully creep however there have been people like bill cosby grew
up with him you know he had that kind uh non-predatory face um you saw it
throughout history and others who ended up being monsters and they were given kind
of trusting faces by god you know and they betrayed it's amazing you see that with
accountants who have worked at firms for 25 years and suddenly the fbi bust them
you know they've uh absconded with you know five million in embezzled money that
kind of thing too so um how do you respond to betrayal um it's hard it depends uh
most breakups between men and women a dynamic that causes long-term hurt if you
take a look at jesus acting against a betrayal a betrayal of what he considered
hallowed ground now i personally believe that um he did this because that was an
area where there was at one point um canaanite israelite uh child human sacrifice
and he couldn't believe they were conducting commerce in a place where society so
when it comes to personal betrayals you know there's usually a way to avoid it and
that is through honest um actions and behaviors and discourse which sometimes you
need to scream at the other person that's not bad as i said before um some of the
greatest killers in the world were very courteous and charming i mentioned theodore
bundy uh he did he fooled woman after woman after woman um you know h.h holmes he
was a druggist uh around uh the chicago area in the 1890s and repeatedly killed
women too and i'm not just talking about male killers i'm talking about humanity
homicidal tendencies from some of the most beautiful women and it's something
within the human animal freud talked about it in a book called civilization and
it's discontents and it's been written about uh wildly um you know usually uh there
are plays and movies um that delve into it i forgot the actress's name but um there
was a movie with michael douglas and the divorce gets uh real bad um you know it it
does happen um you see these sweet old ladies and you find out they've killed 10
pensioners and you you wouldn't believe it there's a lady who looks like like your
typical um [Music] mainstream media grandma uh she's on youtube all the time and
she makes up the most precocious lies all the time but you look at her and you look
at her puppy dog eyes and her wrinkles and her gray hair and you know we're
imprinted from an early age to worship our grandparents now for me my grandfather
died in the 30s my other grandfather died [Music] on new year's eve 1941 so i
didn't have [Music] grandfathers i did have grandmothers though they were around
and one of them very nice very sweet lady um you know we're european so she was
from denmark and um there's always a lot of kindness i also had uh you know uncles
that were kind and the elderly in my family were generally very warm and they lived
for our embraces that's how most families are now as you get older things get
complex but you realize the importance of loyalty the importance of and the
importance of sticking by that person rather than sticking a knife in their back
too so that's what i had to say i also wanted to wish my buddy titus frost a happy
birthday i hope you and your family have a great time
Isaac Kappy, defamation, Gabe Hoffman and the path we are taking
2020-09-06 22:55:46 UTC
hi guys so i've had to deal with a roommate who got badly injured um he's back in
the hospital he's an icu deformation and i'll talk a little bit about the case um
deformation is uh when gabe hoffman who i did not know didn't know of um goes ahead
and says hey bob isaac cappy just died mysteriously i want you to look very very
closely at thomas schomburger and see if he had anything to do with forcing isaac
cappy to kill himself now um foundation it may not seem defamatory uh but it is he
put it as a false statement of fact which meant thomas schoenberger's relationship
with isaac cappy ended up with isaac happy being dead now we all know the truth we
all know there was no investigation into this thing none none whatsoever and what
is deformation well in broad terms deformation is a false and unprivileged
statement effect that it's harmful to someone's reputation and published with fault
all right that's a legal term meaning as a result of state laws differ um they
often define deformation different ways libel is written deformation slander is
spoken deformation i always remember s for slander um and so what are the elements
of a deformation case the elements uh that have to be proven are that a publication
to one other than the person defamed a false statement of fact and that it's
understood that it is being and of concerning the plaintiff intending to harm the
reputation of a plaintiff so um it now gets into damages um if the plaintiff is a
public figure which gabe often is he or she must prove actual malice that's how the
law reads and that's what uh dennis klein didn't seem to understand and so for me
here i am a nobody a pianist and two weeks later a guy with a very high net worth
who uh is a publisher it runs a hedge fund he's pointing fingers at me and this is
two weeks after i had eli priest um threaten me uh i don't know how he got my phone
number it's private and after meatball went ahead on the 14th of may and started to
make accusations against myself and against hoax wars okay and so um can my opinion
be defamatory no um by me saying hey it's my opinion it doesn't make it so course
look at whether a reasonable reader or listener can understand the statement as
asserting uh a statement a verb a verifiable fact uh i am and what is a verifiable
fact it's one of um it's a fact that is capable of being proven true or false false
um and so for me to be attacked and for this guy to say hey look very very closely
at isaac cappy this guy also wrote an anti-semitic tweet which was not mine he went
ahead and he picked a stranger and said this is thomas schomberger he then made a
third false statement saying hey thomas is isis handler now as a person who was a
professional entertainment agent for close to two decades and who dealt with
bilateral contracts all the time if i was to be isaac cappy's handler we would have
had paper between us we would have had an existing contract that would have set out
terms and addendums we didn't have that so um what it really gets into is opinions
and hyperbole and um what is a statement of verb a verifiable fact that goes into
defamation too now by law a statement of verifiable fact is a statement that
conveys a provably false factual accusation such as someone has committed murder or
cheated under the spouse go look at some of the case law vogel and versus felis um
and so um [Music] gabe hoffman has to prove um that it's you know the burden falls
on the plaintiff and so that's where we go into the discovery aspects of the trial
which means that i will have access to gabe's client list and to every check that
he ever wrote for probably a 90-day period prior to isaac's death and 90 days prior
after i'll have access to every communication he made with shark billy kelly and
with brett tremble uh so on and so forth so um that's that's not gonna be what he
expected um i am a private figure and i am going to be doing my own definition case
and you know a private figure claiming defamation that can be your roommate your
girlfriend your you know your your neighbor um you know a a guy who walks by uh
with a doberman pitcher uh as you're drinking coffee in your favorite coffee shop
uh only has to prove you acted negligently which is to say that a reasonable person
would not have published the defamatory statement so the cross complaint is going
to take uh gabe and metaphorically nail him to the cross now a public figure must
show actual malice um saying that you publish with either knowledge of falsity or
reckless that's usually a difficult standard for a plaintiff to meet now i said
public figure what does a public figure mean a public figure is someone who's in a
given matter of public interest to influence the resolution of the matter uh in
addition to the obvious public figures whether it's a government employee um kamila
harris lindsey graham whatever um someone must be a limited purpose public figure
and how do i describe that a limited purpose public figure is one who voluntarily
participates in the discussion about a public controversy which is exactly what
isaac gappy is and two has access to the media to get one can also be an
involuntarily limited purpose public figure and that could be an air traffic
controller on duty at the time of a fatal crash um [Music] and so there's lots of
examples of public figures um a former city attorney and an attorney for
corporation organized recall to recall members of city council a hedge fund manager
a producer of a film a land developer seeking public approval for housing near
let's say a toxic chemical plant all right so um the bottom line is that what's
happened now i've won the first victory the victory is that there was an attempt by
dennis to have an immediate against me now the judge said something about jewish
supremism and i believe that is true anybody who has gone ahead and taken a look at
how jeffrey epstein acted or if you want to go to an earlier period the jewish
defense league that was jewish supremism so it does exist just like there are
christian supremas and muslims of supremus so and do blogs and videos have the same
constitutional protections as mainstream media yes they do that was a ruling by the
supreme court uh they said in the context of defamation law the rules of the
institutional media are no greater or no less than those enjoyed by other
individuals and organizations engaged in the same activities there may be different
wording i'm trying to do this for memory so as people know my memory's been shot
all right um so um bottom line is the next step in this thing is going to be um
opening up um every email every private communication that gabe hoffman has had his
privileged communications are between him and his attorney um but you know that's
um [Music] the bottom line um [Music] you can call someone a bitch you can call
someone a thief or a liar or killer because libelous when false means calling an
attorney a crook without proving it describing a woman as a prostitute without
proving it accusing a minister or rabbi or moolah of unethical conduct without
proving it um accusing a father of violating the confidence of a son coming up and
i'll be talking to you about false flight next i am not going to display what my
case is but what i will tell you is um part of it is opening up gabe's books and
seeing exactly who he's been communicating with what he has been trying to do i'm
going to use meatballs video where he basically says that um hoffman was trying to
create his own jdl jdl short for jewish defense league and for those of us who are
old like me we remember what happened with them so
so I finally had the time to go through the beginning of SIBO trums live stream
called tracking the leopard misled and also checked out Jackie Weaver's article so
a couple points I want to make once again you know really impressive live stream by
Steve I and honestly he did warn me about Jason I had no idea that Jason had doxed
Steve so I've had no communication since then but my point with Jason was that
defang go I mean that he handed over all the emails to to Jason was frog however
you know there's no communicating with Jason I'm not gonna do it that was a for a
and you know it's Steve and others were right I was uh I was told you know by three
different people you can go ahead and tell Jason this and you can show Jason this
but that's not going to change anything and look it it's not to influence any of
the cases it's not to influence the case between Dave Swaggart and Jason as I've
said before I'm not gonna get involved with that you know no swagger I know he's
making noise about soon shadowbox but you know shadowbox died in April of 2018 and
during this entire life span five months whatever it was I didn't know Dave laws
and I had no time to be that company ever attacked nor have I you know I responded
and defended myself that's that another good point that Steve made is that Jackie
is smart enough to know better but she's purposeful in her attacks and she's using
Esteban as a proxy which is really disingenuous it's not Christian behavior and you
know Jackie knows how I felt we've we've been at odds you know I I will say that
she was once again the one who mentioned reefer so these people who threatened
lawsuits she if they tried going to court they'll have their clock cleaned and I'll
make absolutely sure that all my court costs are taken care of and I'll make
absolutely sure to find a lawyer to countersue that's that you know Steve Lefler
went up against me and Eric Simonson that was five lawsuits I want every one
Random thoughts
2020-04-30 22:48:31 UTC
I got a phone call from my friend Jim he runs the channel victorious Libertas with
his wife Angie and Jim's a pretty smart guy he definitely a creative thinker but
also guy who observes things we've had a long friendship we've known each other
since maybe 2016 and he's always been a straight shooter now he made the
observation that there's 70% less air traffic right now so why are there chemtrails
everywhere why are people waking up with conjunctivitis and it's not just here it's
in British Columbia seeing Europe it's all over the place but in particular we know
there's a lot more military blames we get to have and by the way another thing to
those who are looking at the stock market and saying hey look we got a v-shape
recovery that's just not true the reason that the illnesses are up is strictly
because of the fact they are attempting to preserve themselves because if
everything starts to really collapse we're gonna look very hard at the Fed we're
gonna wonder why we're giving billions away to Israel and to Egypt and we're gonna
wonder how come the Epstein investigation seems to have stalled when are they
looking at where those videotapes went to right so once again it goes back to the
frenemies less the one that we're never supposed to talk about so right now we've
got a crazy situation we've released 600,000 prisoners and we didn't release them
with open welfare departments we've released them and said yeah go out and forage
for food which means that a lot of them are gonna go and commit crimes crimes of
survival it's really the way it is so and another thing too is the people are
trying to calm everybody by saying oh you know the meat industry is gonna be fine
that's not good either that's not true either things are decimated and you can come
back and say well the sky isn't falling Thomas stock markets up things seem okay
you don't understand how these things go we've got a economic tumult coming to us
2021 is going to be extremely rough but in particular the end of summer we're gonna
start to see real big signs a lot of people have lost at work they've lost their
jobs they can't get back we talked about 30 million out of work that's not even
counting the people who are outside the system Consultants people who will not be
filing unemployment claims because they've been self-employed so whatever you look
at those numbers you've got to look at the u6 and the u3 the bottom line is we are
in a depression right now and the idiots who were blaming Trump it is not Trump's
fault whatsoever pandemics happen throughout history and what he was talking about
in February was what the who in China and other nations were putting out there
there were doctors out there who were saying you know don't worry about this this
is nothing why because they had booked European vacations they were going to
logicoma you know they they wanted their little Italian and French and British
vacations so they weren't thinking now if you want to see some craziness tonight on
CNN they're gonna have bill gates it's just very very interesting to look at and a
lot of people say oh that's a conspiracy theory but if you look at Bill Gates at
the very beginning and just some when my uncle he was he was for all intents and
purposes a paranoid schizophrenic and he may have won some foot races but that
doesn't take away his pathology so there you have it guys I'm doing less of these
right now because I'm involved in composing a pretty big piece of music and it's
taking up a lot of my time too so that's ultimately what I do I know just run off
at the mouth I'm a composer that's why I'm here
that video because apparently that's going on in hospitals they're doing things
like condom dancing can you imagine you have been ripped away from your family
because an elderly person does ugly in the nursing homes that are dying of this how
many of them really even understand what's going on and they're put through
something where the only medical staff they're gonna see you're gonna be in hazmat
suits and they can't have their loved ones near them and things like the last rites
are very important in some cultures those cultures still exist outside of the
plastic universe of Protestant pseudo Christian America Satanic Christian used to
say judeo-christian but I think I'm
good morning unfortunately we've got some pretty bad news as over 2,000 new cases
reported Morocco Senegal Tunisia Jordan you're gonna see it in Algeria and it's
gonna hit France hard and I'm I'm not seeing much there I'm not seeing it much in
England or in Israel and that is an anomaly that basically they're talking about
ninety two thousand confirmed cases we know it's far higher it's probably over ten
times that M and the desks are probably far however - but you can take a look at
the map here and in Africa you're gonna have spotty reporting probably Nigeria
which is pretty well developed you're going to start to see a lot there but in
Europe take a look and notice coastal areas here notice the coastal areas here not
a lot of inland Asia you've got the concentrated area and obey but once again take
a look at the coastal areas are the ones getting it now here we have tributary or
River we're seeing it there so what I'm taking away from this map is that the
coastal areas are going to be very dangerous and that the coronavirus and I'm not
gonna call it Cove at 19 I don't like that name but this is gonna be delivered by
birds it's what I was saying back in early January watch the birds so that's that
it's gonna start to quicken and that's what we're starting to see it it's 3:3 2020
and this nightmare is just
everything you thought you knew this turned upside down isn't it right now the
world is in lockdown and people fear a government that will inject us quarantine us
and separate us and subjugate us and take us away into the night but what if the
Calvary we've been praying for it is coming isn't Jesus Christ the greatest white
knight of them all and what if I told you that the National Guard is gonna be out
and they're gonna shut down the Federal Reserve for a month an audited and arrest
and take down criminals on Wall Street and in higher office maybe a bunch of
indictments will be unsealed and criminals who have been oppressing us and
committing crimes raping our children and who have held the highest powers these
criminals will be tracked down and arrested like a thief in the
now what you're witnessing here is not some sort of traveling twittering it's what
the Italians would call it's got a five channel the good ship which is the
cockroach farm so you take a look at that scarf they come out of Milan Italy which
there's no one for their superior fabrics and it's beautiful Milan's fantastic the
food is wonderful and what you do is you take a circle around the city you go up
the block of Missouri and blog Como and then on to strace a great wine there and
then to Campione which is the Swiss border which is fantastic did he back to the
scarf what she's doing is that she's providing a hatchling farm for her cockroaches
it's warm its moist there's always undulating motion because this lady will not
give her vocal cords arrest so I want you to consider this as more than a fashion
statement I want you to consider this as a place where newly hatched cockroaches
can stretch their tentacles get used to the insomnia and pretty soon as they
acclimate to that moist environment well when they get big enough they all crawled
in on the back of Denis smackdown and they'll be enjoying the climb of Corpus
Christi a
well the moneychangers were cheering on the stock market yesterday it closed a
thousand points up unfortunately that's only a third of work closed the day before
and today is gonna be another bloodbath you're gonna see the stocks tick big hats
especially bank stocks maybe another six or seven percent down there's gonna be
bank runs or as they described a liquidity event as I said before fear is pandemic
and that's what we're starting to see people who are running into the hills scared
of a little virus something so small they can't even see it so that's the problem
folks there's gonna be shelter in place in New York City so the exodus has already
begun the traffic should be pretty crazy before that order is placed so it's a
tremendous overreaction and the danger in it is it it becomes systemic this is not
gonna be good for the moneychangers nor should it these are the people who have
been systematically raping us for all of my life and all of my parents life you
think the banks were nice during the Great Depression they were horrible they took
poor people's homes away now President Trump is attempting to bailout the people
you know $1,000 I think he needs to go ten times that and even if we have temporary
inflation the problem right now is that we've already gone too far the supply chain
is disrupted to the point where there could actually be pockets of starvation in
America and in Europe and certainly in the third world so the people who were the
wealthiest they're the ones that will be the poorest everything is changing what
you might want to do is take a look at CNBC and see how worried these people are
the hosts on those shows they look tense MSNBC same thing CNN or Fox all these
presenters of this glitched simulation look nervous because the Kabuki theater
well this one goes out to that knackered idiot oh gee Wan kenobe and this one is
going to give him the collywobbles all that toss that he's been putting out there
well he's gonna be miffed okay Oh g'wan you have a lot of enemies and I was able to
get your full docks today what a birthday present saying that you attacked me Ryan
living with your daddy I've had some run-ins with the law before have some enemies
so here's what I'm gonna do you expect me to do a full docs on you publicly I'm
just gonna go ahead and collect your enemies and let them know who you are I think
that will be more exciting because you're an asshole who hides behind ain't known
to plume and it tax people who are good people and so this time you've met your
match fun times ahead mate you understand that fun times ahead we're gonna have a
good time with this one so consider being your your your karma okay I told you I'll
get your
Lee Veltman Mark Levin and Denise's love for Brian Birmingham
2020-06-05 16:23:51 UTC
so lee veltman he's pretty well known as a a troll an incessant role with all sorts
of screen names um people are talking about lee and stating you know he would be
the exact person who could be uh connected to the inner circle of q which is why
he's going by the name uh cue founder he's probably incorrect it's probably he's
probably one of uh three or four q founders not singular and now we've got denise
if you remember she had unrequited love towards an aerospace engineer named brian
birmingham and she fantasized that everybody was brian after a while that's what
happens when you get a broken heart after falling in love with a phantom so we know
that denise has issues herself but we do know that she has a lot of familiarity
with lee development let's it's who it's a schaumburger bragging video and beltman
of course is a major part of the recoil side of this he's one of the guilty parties
she's saying that lee velman is guilty of rico violations the development has also
been accused of rape although those allegations were never proven to the guy i do
think there's more to development than michi and he he's not someone i've ever
spoken to or about because he's always been just this grinning little weird little
troll keeping up yeah yeah grinning weird little troll there it is let's see how
lee responds because i think that lee should respond don't you huh mr cutard
there's a little something else that crossed my mind after reviewing Ella hi Peter
priest video he says nothing about Gabe often now Gabe was on the attack I guess I
was a Cappy Peter priests proclaimed dearest friend for months and months and
months and even if you take a look at the May 14th tweet said gay made well I
basically called Isaac the scammer a drug addict and someone who was mentally ill
so it seems to be something that sticks out like a raven in the snow that Eli
priest would say nothing about this come on Eli how about it Oh should I call you
Ella hi or Peter or the remembrance party why
hi everybody I'm gonna continue to make my point it's the same point I've been
making since January which is we are gonna have second wave and second wave is
going to be really really bad I don't think teaches us the World Health
Organization has been helpful I think they've been idiots I think the CDC dropped
the ball I'm not putting out blamed with Trump I'll tell you why because he
actually is not doing a bad job he's being blamed by terrorists news organizations
like CNN which are a front for CIA you know he's getting the same flak that JFK did
and JFK in retrospect probably would have won an election as a conservative these
days you know he has false you know multiple STDs he was not faithful to his wife
but he was a hero pt-109 and the way he handled the Cuban Missile Crisis when our
own military commanders wanted World War three with Russia so the bottom line you
got to give Trump some slack we are going to have a second wave and I'm 90% sure
this is the return of the Spanish Influenza there are some mutations there are some
derivations there's some new markers but I've studied this stuff for a long time I
studied how epidemic speed and those who have listened to me no that was way ahead
of the curve probably farther ahead than anybody on social media I'll tell you that
was talking about this back in ur of the January and that first class it didn't
look serious but within a day after I put all the information that was coming out
of one literally a return of a Spanish Influenza so it's gonna get really really
ugly unless we are prepared and this is not so much about social distancing now you
have to recognize the waves and this wave is going to dissipate rapidly within the
next fortnight but then when the weather gets cold and that will be in our country
back east first that will be late October early November then you're gonna see it
come with a force it that's gonna frighten people so all on record are saying that
this is gonna get really bad really bad is there a good news and all this yeah we
probably won't see anything like this for another century the bad news is we've got
to go through a hell of a storm right now and I'm gonna continue my research and
start to collect all sorts of Apocrypha and stories and even diary entries to what
was happening in the winter of 1918 so this will be one for the record books it
already is the problem we have right now is that we had probably a lot more honest
media and 19:18 then and we do now we've got people who are politicizing the saying
that's the shame let's hope it doesn't mute each at the point where starts taking
people in their late 20s and early thirties is that's what happened it makes an
eighteen that's what was so deadly about it if it sticks within the older
generation that's the best possible scenario because we're old we've done our time
we've been on earth you know we got married we had kids we enjoyed that so the
degrade if nobody dies but that's not gonna happen we're already approaching the
amount of fatalities the Vietnam War claimed at least with American lives you are
of course a lot more Vietnamese fighters but then again fifty thousand people die
every year in car crashes so it's just math it's just math okay guys thanks for
listening I appreciate it I've kind of pulled back from my PayPal thing for now
because I'm not happy with them I'll figure out some donation vehicle but
good boy okay so a lot of people want me to address defang gos interpretation of
events shall we say I haven't been served number one and number two I don't think
that defend go fully understands mid-december 2018 Defago publicly on a monetize
platform with proxies engaged in willful extortion now the elements of extortion is
the obtaining of property from another with his/her consent induced by the wrongful
use of actual or threatened force violence fear or under color of an official the
use of a threat in order to obtain money or anything of value constitutes the crime
of extortion so that's where we get into death and goes threat which is he
threatened to hunt down Beth Blackburn his family her kids her husband and you have
to look at the words of phrases used it's attempting to take someone's property
through intimidation or false claim of a right it's a felony in all states and he
did it to me as well so this avez doesn't understand what's coming down the pike
it's serious it's very safe so he's on the line and it's damages no did I threaten
Beth and I threatened Irvin lawsuit I certainly did and when she wouldn't stop
laying it on me I told her I'm gonna contact your husband if you don't back off
that's not an extortion that's basically defense it doesn't meet the elements of
extortion so what's really going on here is Chavez is trying all of his little
trickeries to get out of something that is going to possibly if not probably end up
with criminal charges against them if that's what he did and it's time for that
stuff to stop he's a wily trickster he will sit there and he'll look at you with
his big brown eyes and he will lie and when that lie is found out they'll create a
new one so he doesn't understand what's going down you know the other people in the
lawsuit either either Trevor or I and look I'm just going by what he says I haven't
seen anything you know I haven't been served I know from many conversations with
death but she gave Trevor money and she gave me money and I felt so weird about it
I gave her very valuable objects very valuable artifacts she still has those and
they're worth more than anything she ever gave me and the reason why I get that is
that I felt it was unmanly to do it otherwise so bottom line is I think the person
on the hook right here the person in severe legal jeopardy as Manuel Chavez he
doesn't get away with his crap anymore and it goes back to May of 2018 where I've
said repeatedly that he illegally tried to financially extort me and he doxed both
myself and Beth and it put her into fear I can tell you that she triggered and I've
got emails talking about how she was emotionally traumatized by men will serve us
so he might think he can get in touch with the lawyer and somehow get himself out
of this thing I don't think so at all I think that he's going to be the principal
adversary here and I think he deserves to me he's done it to other people he's got
a history of it so that's all documented as well too so as far as Chavez what
they're gonna do is they're gonna put him through discovery and he's got a lot of
things if Beth was paying must have $50 a week then there should be a record of
that and that will be coming out and it could just be supporting an artist we don't
know now Lestat has been let's come back to big-time I make no bones about that
he's been really bad however it's Topanga who is in serious trouble and a lot of
times things start civilly and they move into a criminal phase I think that's where
it's going I think that you've seen the destruction of
you know there's a part in movies where the evil person being exposed as a you know
exposed to the light to the Sun you know Wizard of Oz right the witch melting you
know you see it with some of the vampire movies where you know the Crypt is open
and the sunlight shows the true nature of a blood sucking cadaver you know Picture
of Dorian Gray this type of thing well it feels really good right now because this
guy Manuel Chavez who is exported a lot of terror and trauma and betrayal on people
he's really been exposed and there's a certain amount of people who called him out
a long time ago who had the guts to call him out even though they were attacked
they were doxxed they were made to fill alienated right think way back okay here we
go once again Titus Titus Faust I just was calling to think about a long time ago
after defending go ahead you know recorded conversations it was a betrayal of what
defender which said he would never do and I just call him out on it and Titus was
attacked so yesterday I just saw observed that defend those numbers are way down
like he's not getting the views he's not getting his audience and meanwhile Titus
who's played it straight has larger numbers by the day he's actually the captain of
the the YouTube Pisces at this point it and Easter smartly branded himself among
the pirates which is what we need to be you know there's one thing about pirates
they ate like kings they were smart as can be they were navigators now it was only
one golden century pretty much 17th century and that was their era I'm not talking
about modern-day Somali pirates for me that I'm talking about you know of the
European seas and it would be French in English and Dutch Spanish these were
smartband Diaz they had to have a huge skill set to be able to board merchant
vessels and vessels carrying spices and precious metals and they had to outwit the
British Navy and the French Navy whatnot who were at the top of the game for
hundreds of years so that's sad get him back to defang go you saw Titus he got
attacked well he's stronger down in two fingers weaker same thing to us for Steve
ultram once again called him on things repeatedly literally caught him in hundreds
of lives and was repeatedly attacked by topango and held his chin up and didn't
didn't complain I mean these are great people they're warriors a lot of respect um
there's other cities there's some cheap camera another one who called Chavez out
for what he was repeatedly and jnani there's another and of course what happened
they tried to Doc's jib defang gonna screw and then with Jan on I did a doctor
video and threatened to threaten down if I heard from his job and left homeless so
define goes rain is over he's got his little handlers his little shadow you know
shadowy brokers fit but they realized now they back to a lame horse you know this
is this is glue factory that's what's happening right now which if Chavez had a
brain cell left and said he put down the coke and we know he's doing all of that no
we got money and he was eyes a kite in Vegas when he was with uh with Glenn Herman
formerly on there you go so um look at JB GV went and he said you know what I was
hanging out with scumbags shouldn't have done this I'm sorry you know I'm I'm going
to in my own direction and you could look at JB you know I think it's the real jve
on Twitter and he's showing contrition he apologized to everybody for it any
exposed and you know this is this is a bad late spring for Manuel Chavez this is
pretty much the straw of it is breaking the pot-bellied pigs back so not good and
those who have Co conspired with Chavez they're running for the hills right now
they want distance he's going to be left with granny sherry and maybe nut bag
Nordstrom that's going to be yet and maybe Grant whining out but you know his his
days of delivering vertically challenged terror to people while those
Cultural revolution_ 10
2020-06-07 04:11:26 UTC
it's interesting how uh things become viral in a small pond because this truth
community is a very small pond um but you know hoffman has me served people are
pretending like it's a victory it's not it's service uh hoffman lied by the way he
said i was bragging about avoiding service no it wasn't never bragged once so that
was a lie but then when i was served um he made sure to have it filmed which is one
thing but it's quite another to uh put it up on social media and so you know what i
found is uh denise matthau um and what does she do she went ahead and supported
gabe said she'd been in communication with gabe and then she called him a filthy
jew um so that's out there too everywhere um you know once again i have no opinion
i don't know what sort of hygiene rituals uh gabe goes through as far as i know he
hasn't showered in months you know maybe he smears feces over himself before he
goes to bed i don't know these things maybe he's mr clean maybe he is you know 20
showers a day and you know he makes a howard hughes ritual out of his life i don't
know these things all i know is that denise matthau called him a filthy jew and
rather than him suing he went ahead and just threatened her and i think she's gonna
cower i think she's all talk no action i don't think there will be any response she
probably won't even mention gabe hoffman again so she's not willing to stand by her
convictions or her lies so other than that esteban is still trying to nuzzle up to
uh to gabe and this is after he called uh esteban a dummy so there's something
about both esteban and denise where they'll engage in all sorts of um bravadero but
when it comes to uh to the real thing they both uh cower and assume fetal position
so that's that now let's get into the bigger thing i told you guys a week ago that
um this cultural revolution for lack of a better word it's going to hit europe and
i was right it hit london you have to understand that the economic blow back from
lockdowns and social distancing have completely harmed the macro economy and so it
could be that these protests and riots help to um to give a reason for uh
nationalizing things for getting fema dollars here for having the british crown go
ahead and rain pounds down on london this is a way to stave off cities uh
bankruptcies chapter 11's and 13s and of course the worst being sevens which i
don't think apply to municipalities i think it's pretty much a restructuring thing
11 or 13. but what's really happening is that we're seeing a fraud right in front
of our eyes take a look at the stock market it's a 27 it was at 18. why is it going
so high is it the promise of recovery well we got a second wave coming and as i
said before this is um a hoax the kovid 19 is a hoax it's influenza and influenza
has been rising steadily since 2016 they did the same shit back in 1916 and 17 you
know kept on growing by the spring of 1918 they were calling it three-week fever
and there was all sorts of misdiagnoses there too people had uh measles and they
were listed as having this uh spanish influenza and by the time that winter swung
around for 1918 that's where you saw a plethora of people dying it could have gone
as high as 100 million by 1920. that's a lot considering that it was 1.5 billion
population then so start to do the math that's a lot of people now if we lose 200
million which could certainly happen that will still be a drop in the bucket you
know we've got billions and billions of billions just check the mcdonald's sign so
the bottom line is no matter how virulent it seems and how many tens of millions
this thing kills if it have if we have a a very toxic second wave it's still going
to be a drop in the bucket compared to the rest of humanity so that's that however
they did certainly teach us to uh to accept house arrest without blinking an eye so
we're in for some crazy times on a final note as far as these lawsuits coming in um
that literally allows me a chance to show the courts what's really happening and
mark my words is going to give the isaac cappy mystery all sorts of liquid
petroleum too because i can get high profile with that as well so i think that's
what needs to be done and as far as mr hoffman well he lied i dare anybody to find
any video or any statement from me bragging about avoiding service i did not do
that so i'm taking note of all the lies and i'm going to probably stop doing videos
pretty soon because i want to really start to to gather the evidence as the storm
gathers and how do i feel about being served i actually think it's a good thing i
think it's a wonderful thing and i'll tell you why he doesn't know what i have he
has no idea hoffman doesn't have a clue as to what's
so I just got total validation this is old man Jesse Davis he said the only thing
you've got smoking is that sick in your hand you have zero evidence of anything you
have said and has been debunked t bucks at every turn this delicious II was just
one more of your crazy minions who also played a role in preventing us breakdown
proven fact and then he does a threat so this is amazing guys exactly what I told
you yesterday which is what he was denying and I I'm right here he stalked her
before I even knew she was you stopped another woman awake like Swan so this is
suggested a this really is and it looks like Simon's coming in there calling Jesse
Davis a troll a stalker so that's what the real deal is here's why this is so
important because he did a little walk in the forest yesterday and he came up with
usual narrative and what I did is I showed you guys evidence prior saying he
stalked two other women before so if you go to a way glitch Swan on YouTube you'll
see the woman that he was stalking prior as far as pistol severe yeah she was
stalked you know why because she was friends with Jesse's wife and because Jesse
didn't want his
so I'm good I respond to the recent garbage from Esteban who's claiming with his
court Dianne Nordstrom that I am Wyatt Earp I am NOT white herb this pretty funny
it is you know I'm guessing that Esteban the soldier is not what he was when he was
a soldier at 19 he's 59 right now and I'm guessing the the anger that he's carried
through his entire life has affected his judgment more than once he's eaten all the
bad food who knows what he's doing in Bangkok you know it's pretty interesting that
Bangkok is the pedophile capital of the world and he maintained a close
relationship with Arturo Tafoya aroma who we all know is the Peter than that
placard Peter vampire is famous so Esteban was once a young man he's Noah s
Tabernacle and for him to even assume that I'm Wyatt is wrong and now he changed
his course he says oh there's some sort of diabolical triangle give me a break you
know what White has been wonderful White has been an amazing and amazing friend and
if you think there's some sort of tension between us Esteban once you go check
Twitter it's pretty easy to see it's pretty funny maybe you've fallen under the
Nordstrom spell maybe she went ahead and did some sort of incantation that trumped
your Enochian magic I'm not quite sure but you look pretty silly all around and all
I can tell you is that you are soundly defeated as the wink-wink historian of
cicada or QED that's not going to fly and enough people if you try to launch a book
on this stuff enough people are gonna see your true colors there's enough out there
on the Internet this show you as an aggressive son of a bitch people might forgive
you because you've earned a Silver Star you know back in the 80s early 80s it's not
gonna fly it's not that a person is only as good as a uniform it's what a person
does in civilian life and you are clearly a terrorist you attacked me I didn't even
know who the hell you were found evidence that goes back to 2018 that you were in
cahoots with Lestat so it's pretty obvious what your game is and you failed you
failed miserably you try to attack Steve ultram that blew up in your face you were
chastised by Gabe and just as I predicted you didn't say anything
something I saw on Twitter this person Sousou is saying about Esteban Trujillo G
Gutierrez that he is probably the most pathetic and childish person or social
so if someone is putting out balled lies about you false information and you
attempt to straighten the record by direct communication but this person refuses
wants nothing to do with truth if you go ahead and you say okay I'm gonna look into
you is that criminal harassment it's not you are allowed to investigate people
you're allowed to put out false information unfortunately I'm talking about
Jacqueline Weaver and I'm dishonorable human being esteban Trujillo D Gutierrez
know Jackie's probably thin but Esteban he's a huge guy and this guy lies
repeatedly and yes I did talk to the Veterans Administration Orlando on a Sunday I
certainly did I've talked to them on a Saturday - so Esteban asked himself am i
obsessed he won't go deep into that yes he is obsessed it's clear he's not claiming
I'm gonna be subject to a psychiatric evaluation is that what you get every week
Esteban huh so the bottom line is this guy is I'm glad he's a Bangkok he just seems
unhinged Esteban seems like the type of guy who would go for a spree killing
because he couldn't get the demons out of his head
so it's crazy we're testing half a million people per day for the corona virus and
at that rate we'll test everybody in two years it'll be 2022 so as well my personal
belief is that even though they're talking about how these cases are exploding
everywhere what they're not talking about is the death rate spiking so to me that
indicates that we're gonna have a good outcome here not the dire one that CNN and
DMC idiots are cooking you know the bottom line is as many Americans they can get
this first wave that is a good thing and hopefully if we in fact at a really high
level by September it'll be eighty percent of Americans and that will be fantastic
because then when winter comes and the second way which I think is going to be more
virulent you know then we're gonna have antibodies bottom line is this this is
influenza guys that's what they're not telling you once again it's influenza
they've been hiding it I've been saying this since January that's why their testing
is only 30 to 50 percent accurate that's why these epidemiologists have been
fighting with each other and had such conflict information a horse is a camel put
Know Thy religion
2020-07-14 04:24:26 UTC
it's very interesting i'm back and i'm having a theological discussion with uh
someone who's getting angrier and angrier and he used the a.s on me anti-semite so
i said really why did you say that and he said oh you're quoting uh old testament i
said yeah um is there a problem and he said um that was a test of faith that god
gave to abraham and what we're talking about is god commanding you know regenesis
and god said take your son your only son whom you love isaac he goes the region of
moriah sacrifice him there is a burnt offering on a mountain i will show you so
that was evidently a command um and then you know you start jumping into once again
the five books of the old testament um chronicles uh two chronicles uh then uh
solomon uh they called him shlomo that's a nickname for solomon uh began to build
the temple of the lord in jerusalem and harbaugh as mount moriah where the lord had
appeared to his father david it was on the threshing floor of the jebusite the
place provided by david so there's speculation that that could be a standalone
mountain it could be the temple mount that they're talking about um you know in
abrahamic faith it's um you know isaac is worshipped uh some people think that it's
um uh at the kaaba which is uh in mecca you know saudi arabia uh some people think
that petra uh jordan you know where they have these wonderful um reliefs carved out
of stone um they have found ram's horns uh in a certain area in the kaaba i used to
talk to a archaeologist who knew about this but let me get to the point uh the
point being that if you look in genesis according to the old testament god is
commanding abraham to sacrifice his son isaac now what seems to be a cover-up and
the reason why i don't buy the old testament in a lot of areas is that why would
god do this as a test to face it's much more probable that the israelis after war
not the israelis the israelites the hebrews after conquering the land of canaan
which is the land that supposedly god said go ahead and destroy every living thing
and then grab it it's uh it's yours you know that was a place that was um seeped
with human sacrifice and why would abraham want to present his son as a sacrifice
because that is what was being done by the earliest tentacles of judaism you know
genesis 21 12 he doesn't argue he goes ahead and he says this is great and then at
the last minute while he's got his knife out god provides a ram to be sacrificed
and i don't know i don't know if i uh by that at all if you want to start looking
into some of the kings of judah ahaz you know ahaz and manessa of judah they were
um known to sacrifice children they were it was all part of it uh you know look at
the second book of kings and i don't think an exception to the rule let me get into
ahaz because that's part of the gospel of uh matthew 2. uh and that's where matthew
put him into okay here we go so that's what the king looked like right and he's
right in that crazy period from 1200 bc to you know 300 bc which would have been
alexander the grace time so this is you know this whole period includes the battle
of kadesh um where you have lots of child sacrifice what i argue is that um the
original um hebrew religion uh certainly included child sacrifice and that may be
what jeffrey epstein was um involved in you know you can't just go to flavius
josephus um and just say okay well this guy knows everything even though he booked
even though you know he he was living in rome and serving the emperor that's what
was really going on so um it you see it all through the old testament um look at
judges right um jephthah this is a warrior who says you know if you give the
ammonites you know that was his enemy into my hands whatever comes out of my door
of my house to beat me when i return in triumph uh from my victories will be the
lord's and i will sacrifice it as a burnt offering and so you know jephthah
actually wins the war and he returns home to um a place um called mitzpa it means
uh watchtower and it's in gilead uh these days but he returns home and there's his
daughter to greet him and the sacrifice doesn't happen so what you see with the old
testament is revisionism again and again and again um it's happened throughout
cultures everywhere and the israelites should not be excluded from the same things
that have happened in pre-columbian culture in the mayan culture and the moshe's
and um you know the pre-islamic arabia you know phoenicia you know carthage right
you had hannibal the great with the um with the elephants and he um wiped out fifty
thousand uh romans uh before he turned back uh he engaged in this kind of thing you
see it um even in modern times in south africa and uganda and all that so [Music]
you know to basically take um [Music] the actual history and pervert it to the
point where they're saying no no no god always intervened right it's just not real
you know it's just not real you see it everywhere we talked about um crete the
island the crete a while ago and linear a and linear b and the minoan civilization
and you know they found um during an exhibition led by an articular archeologist
named um god what was his name dr warren peter warren they found a mass grave and
they found the bones of children that [Music] you know were obviously healthy and
they were eaten so let me go ahead and put in peter warren and see if i can find
him okay here we go we found him um okay actually i'll have to do another video and
we'll get into the minoan stuff um it might be boring to some people but the point
that i'm trying to make is that yes the earliest judaism included sacrifice and
[Music] probably cannibalism as well so let me go ahead and prove that by some
white paper uh oh here we go sinclair hood gnosis and yeah he kept on he went to
crete four times and so i you know you find it all over the ancient world and uh
there aren't many that are um excused from it so sorry for the kind of the rambling
thing but i'm having a theological discussion with a person who is using primary
resources without knowing their content
you have to understand that we have mecha wealthy parasites and the main habitat of
the parasites is Hollywood mainstream media they feed on the weak and they
exploited they will glorify gang violence they will develop a worldwide porno
industry they're Pro rape but they care about his ratings well posed as a friend of
the poor but the truth is these parasitical rich have only one concern and that is
who they're gonna feed on next these are bloodsuckers and that's what's really
going on in a lot of ways Hollywood should be considered domestic terrorists
frankly they have poisoned us just like you Hefner has you know I'm all for freedom
but Hefner was not good for women he set things back with women you know it was
convincing 19-year olds to pose naked now I have a son not a daughter but I have a
lot of friends who have daughters and they'd be very uncomfortable about having a
stranger's leering at their daughters naked body so Hefner who was a championed by
the left for a long time we were told this is a guy who's a patriarch of the sexual
revolution he's ended up being a real creep and there's been lots of those you know
they put Bill Cosby in front of us and said you know this is America's dad and yet
enough people knew what he had done to women Harvey Weinstein another one everybody
knew his exploits this was a predator and a rapist Hollywood hit it they hid that
from you guys right and finally when there was an avalanche of evidence that came
out I guess Harvey they started a fake me to movement which was quickly exposed and
destroyed so you have to ask yourself who runs Hollywood and are they purposely
committing psychological terrorism on the American
I have a lot of predictions coming down the pike within two years and the
politicians have led us to this place our gonna be hung they're gonna be at the
hands of his Lansing mobs we've got a lot of unease coming down the pike as far as
Trump he's gonna be okay but this monition character he's part of the Cabal he's
not to be trusted whatsoever and the whole house of cards is going to collapse our
nation is going and if you've got a choice between being a Bolshevik or a
nationalist I think you're much better off being a nationalist and if the
politicians like Pelosi and Schiff and Schumer end up at the hands of mobs well
they deserve that fake time thing it's a lot more coming down the pike people think
that we're gonna have a v-shaped recovery we're not this pandemic has opened wide
the false economy we're livin under where you're judged by the amount of wealth you
have and the thieves get away with it the criminals create the laws so come see me
in 2022 when all this is come to pass we're also going to have a seven war an
unexpected one nothing that has been predicted by any models and an enemy that we
have considered a friend has been plotting against us they'll be more in the future
I'm not ready to divulge
happy but then they just ramped everything get cameras it's but I don't even have a
house anymore by the way I thought about something well I'm gonna save it I have an
idea for a very special special special episode a very special episode so lying
fake news liars like Gabe Hoffman open once like everything clicked but they say
I'm an opportunist I'm given like over four and a half thousand dollars to victims
of victims of the deep state so this is Isaac and I think we all got to know him a
lot better after he died this is a video I've got on my Sofia music channel and he
talks about how he was alienated he was painted in a certain way as a bad person a
con artist a drug addict now guys he names Gabe Hoffman as the hidden Mouseketeer
the one leading the charge and weaponizing people probably with payment and I can
tell you from my personal experiences I can relate no I Bing consistent with
everything I've said about Isaac I didn't know him well I never met him but I liked
him I liked him a lot we got along well he was a fellow musician and composer I
felt he was genuine with me I know some people said he was crazy but I never felt
you at any mental affliction whatsoever I know the person still keen that fire was
Gabe often and gave often has set his sights on me literally he's been after me and
Owen Benjamin and Steve ultram we are his three main targets and it's it's pretty
interesting so what is most interesting about all this is that Gabe wants to shut
down any research and to the death of Isaac happy why if he's an innocent guy
wouldn't he welcome that we know he was reliving yeah you know belittling Isaac on
the day that we found out that Isaac died this is not a normal reaction you know
I've had enemies before and they've died and I've kept quiet if I didn't have
something nice to say them that's how you handle the death of an adversary you
don't attack them when their body isn't cold yet so strange behavior you know on
challenging Gabe Hoffman to answer your questions from researchers and I'm seeing
no response other than attacks so I think as the one-year anniversary of Isaac's
passing comes and that's may 13th I think that we as a post truth community need to
start directing questions - Gabe Hoffman I don't think this goes away no matter
health officials in China say around 14% of patients who had the okay so that's
coming out but let me talk to you about what's going on okay so I didn't have proof
a couple weeks ago there was no evidence to suggest at least some the mass media
but I'm an old hand of studying these things and I had suspected that there would
be reinventions and not just one of multiple and now I guess I was right so 14% of
the recovered corner patients discharged from hospitals in China have now tested
positive again and what that means is that they were given a clean bill of health
and they were able to mingle with the families and friends with these face masks
that had tone offered protection and they were able to re in fact so this system
problem guys it's gonna reinfect like a boomerang and it's gonna you know talk
about boooring excuse the pun but the boomers are an endangered species that
includes me that includes others and when it's done with us it'll go down in the
chronology scale it looks like children are pretty much unaffected and that's
really good that's fabulous we want we want the children to be okay no matter what
we want the adults to be okay but that's not in the cards right now so this is
changing everything the World Health Organization has a big black eye as they went
ahead and told people hey everybody's recovered and China really has a handle on it
and now we know that's not true so getting the Trump here's what I know because
I've got some contacts who worked directly with the administration he is taking
extreme measures it's not gonna go ahead and hand that off to Schumer and Pelosi so
they can you know get into a rhetoric war with them but he understands it's pretty
serious and he's taking measures as far as the CDC people are blaming Trump for the
CDC without realizing that most of the hires there are from the Obama
administration so they're trying to politicize the saying it wouldn't matter who
was president this is a pandemic how did a start well infected dirt from France was
sent over it with a joint scientific effort with this laboratory woman and they
were extracting viruses very old viruses viruses from previous specialists previous
European pestilences so France has had many maybe 30 40 50 you know Venice alone at
22 in the last 500 years you've got Jenna while you've got this bomb you've got
port cities everywhere as far as this dirt where it came from plague victims for
hundreds of years and for 400 years before that they were hanging people and
putting the cadavers into common graves there was an area there where they were
killing horses so you have highly infectious potential with that soil and if
they're digging down and getting viruses that we all know can be reactivated then
what you could have here is something the world
Do what's right
2020-03-13 02:00:29 UTC
these are gonna be haunting times but are losing their faith and doctors and
regaining their faith in healers and losing their faith in governments and putting
their faith back in God there's a reason why those of us who are right with God are
not worried just like there's a reason why those who have committed evil and gone
to the other side are terrified this is not only a time for physical chastity it's
a time for charity and as goldman sachs and other robber barons filled up entire
banks with their wealth and allowed millions around the globe to starve the people
are watching yes that people are watching the banks and the politicians who were
mega wealthy yes Nancy Pelosi we're watching these people to see how we're washing
them closely because most of us live paycheck to paycheck and our families can
starve if you guys don't get your shit together so Mark what do you plan to do for
the people the people who use Facebook who made you a multi-billionaire and what
about you sergey brin of google do you plan to donate 80% of your wealth to help
put hundreds of millions out of misery and what about you Sheldon Adelson Las Vegas
Sam's friend of Ed Bukowski you've got more money than years and the same goes to
all your friends now talking about the other mafia the Italian mafia they got a
century long tradition of helping and they've actually been helping the Italian
people ask me speak so wouldn't be nice if the Vatican started to open up their
treasure chests and the Bank of England could follow suit this is not 1918 or 2008
or 1348 the rich are not going to be judged by what they do now they're gonna be
eaten alive by the masses who have been living paycheck to paycheck and suddenly
find they can't make a living so those who engage in a median philanthropy I think
they're gonna be lionized by the people and loved by the people and those who hoard
their wealth and build walls they are going to be in some trouble the French
Revolution was caused by one bad summer and that was a match that lit the flame now
wealth distribution is a horrible thing I don't like socialism and I don't like
communism but when the common people can't feed their families and you've got
billionaires running around well that's a different story Zuckerberg and Adelson
why'd she keep 300 million to each of your names and give away the rest and leave a
legacy and be lionized throughout history do
February 9, 2020
2020-02-09 15:10:15 UTC
well I'm honored felony squad gave me five Z's and I'm the Jacki Weaver CIA asset
video so what can I say Dave she's not a very good researcher she'll use all those
hype attrition words she will instead of having a hot dog she'll have a framed
photo so still it doesn't matter you're gonna know them by their fruits and with
her she likes to search it and get people bothered and she's got a certain amount
of education she has the ability to put together sentences into paragraphs and
paragraphs into narratives that doesn't mean it's true she's made some horrific
mistakes she went ahead and took Abel dangers word Arturo Romo Arturo Tafoya the
PETA vampire she took his word when he said that Thomas doesn't play you know that
was pretty stupid of her and then she basically bent over for Esteban I'm sorry to
be crude but that's the way it is pretty stupid without researching him and she
made a mistake too for the most part I'm very trustworthy but she shouldn't have
trusted me nor have I trusted her I did at the beginning that neither of us should
have trusted each other and that's the bottom line because she gave me some great
psychological insight into her passive-aggressive games when she emailed me and it
included cutdowns of Dave that I was at the thing go got tells of Denis Matt to
help tons of others I started to release someone else today and I might keep on
going I might just hold some back and see what she does and stop but you know
Jackie to go ahead and pick someone who is still in his 20s Zach that's pretty cool
Zach didn't attack Jackie um why she's so bothered what is she covering up but I
want to know seems to me that sometime in October of the year 2000 I think it was
she gladly engaged in some sort of I am assuming Ptolemaic magic which is black
magic doesn't matter how you put it she's probably read the greater unless he's a
Salomon maybe you know some of the demon may be a strong someone that's what I'm
sensing from her is that she's she's not a question I can tell you that and
everything about her belies the fact that she's probably the middle child probably
had a dominant older child that told her what to do and boss her around very much
like Denise Matt I see a lot of commonality maybe between the tooth to convoy in
the Beau Weaver that's my feeling so I can see Denise Mattel and Jacqueline Weaver
like siblings that's my sense that they're both very very
so it's very nice you know all of a sudden the trolls coming out of everywhere
attacking me I've stopped other than Jesse Davis is just a weirdo and Denise
Birmingham Matthau and what's the other one the guy who thought he was gonna be the
cicada historian god I forgot his name already Stephie Steven that's it all right
so a lot of things going on with guest Lane Maxwell there's a rumor that she ran
into the bathroom when the feds came marching we don't know if that's true and some
people are saying that's an indication that she hasn't made a deal well how is she
to know who's at the door and I was you know that it's FBI she could have thought
it was Mossad or photographers or whoever vigilantes so we don't know and what you
have to look at is the ramped up in the last three and four days prior to her being
arrested I hope I ramped up I mean the media is suddenly saying she's the most
dangerous woman in the world and that's kind of funny because they've been
relatively silent on her it reminds me of the games that that the founder of the
FBI used to play Jagger Hoover where he realized the importance of the press and he
would stage things they sell I don't trust it I really don't we don't know anything
we don't know whether she made a deal where she didn't make a deal all if the FBI
is going to prove to the world that they're back on track they're certainly going
to enhance charges it can't just be enticing and been watching Twitter and it's
funny that that Steve ultram caught alan dershowitz cold making comments on on the
indictment basically protective comments he's obviously a dear friend and co-
conspirator with maxwell and it's crazy this is a guy who's considered america's
lawyer you know always with the same bullshit esteemed harvard professor and you
know so on and so forth um maybe he's next along with Prince Andrew and less
Flexner would never be wonderful I'd love to see Bill Clinton taking down over this
I really would I don't think that the law should be different for anybody but the
question is what comes next and I don't know when I don't think anybody does I
think they're gonna play games like they always do I think that she knows too much
and too many big people can be taken down so the idea of her singing like a canary
I really don't see it he's 58 she represents a huge threat to governments at
Western governments and in particular the UK and she's going to be dealt with by
Israel and they're gonna try to jailbreak her like they probably did for Jeffrey
Epstein and that would make sense that's the biggest liability folks - slain
Maxwell as the greatest liability to Israel because this was a honeypot being run
by Israel so everybody talks about the victims and of course their stories have to
be told and it's horrible what happened but the much bigger story is how many
politicians were extraordinary due to their activities on the islands and on the
boats and in the mansions and so on and so forth those who were part of that circle
and we don't know we don't know it wasn't like Epstein was always there it was a
pedo circle that included the uber wealthy so I'm gonna watch as everybody else is
and we really need to get the flight manifests you know big fish is already
starting to - you cover this as is tighter some Steve the guys that I told you
about so I think it's great what I want to remind everybody is the most important
thing as the flight manifests the most important thing is what politicians went to
these places and engaged in pedophilia because that takes the victim count from you
know a hundred and fifty two hundred girls to millions of people because we all
suffer when we have a compromised government thanks to net now and it's not like
it's a brand new thing he had 30 hours of tapes of mono Monica Lewinsky and Bill
clip 30 hours and he was trying to make a deal to get one of his spies out of jail
for those tapes this is net now basically at the highest level he's dropping in on
the White House and then having to call to say we're gonna make a deal and so when
you look at um Jared Kushner next to President Trump well the news lately is that
what I reported to you two months ago is it Trump is sick of Kushner he is now
understanding that Kushner is a poisonous snake that has done horrible things that
was probably acting as a proxy by Netanyahu and even more than that we don't know
if the Kushner as wiretapped the White House and his father-in-law we don't no one
talks about that we should start talking about it and as I said before I think the
ultimate outcome is if the people actually do wake up we're going to realize that
Israel is a friend of me
so I've been making less videos as you guys can tell at any rate you know I'm
pretty confident that I called things so correctly as far as this pandemic
including its route where it would show up where you would have hot spots as they
call them now but intense areas where you know at a high degree of infection and a
high degree of mortality they call it the CFR case fatality rate but I keep on
concentrating on the economy and bottom line is Dow is down another 600 points
today everybody was giving me shit saying we've rally back from 18,000 ow we're at
24,000 now well guess what we're gonna go to 15,000 dough oh I haven't been wrong I
don't think I've been wrong once not that that's a brag sheet that I can do
anything with no one really cares but the bottom line is what the bankers are gonna
do right now is they're gonna go ahead and suspend interest on what they owe which
is close to a trillion so they're getting away with murder and things are not going
to be fixed until the American people demand that the Fed gets audited and then it
really happens not any you know powderpuff story it's always the bankers looking
out for themselves this time they need to be scared they need to be in danger of
losing everything because they deserve it they've had it too nice and too easy and
too rich for way too long
good morning it's the eyes of March and today we witness kasi cheetah chaos in the
city the first one to empty will be New York then we're gonna see a repeated
pattern Los Angeles Miami Cleveland Chicago Baltimore watch New York today you're
gonna see traffic jams like you've never seen before such things usually happen
when cities are invaded in 1499 da Vinci literally had to flee Milano after the
French invaded and just imagine one of the great minds of humanity grabbing
everything he can physically carry and running for his life today where we'll see
is a non orderly exodus from a city of nine there's a lot more ahead everybody
so I can't tell you how many times people have asked me about my brother Stephen
Philip some burger dr ste Phe M Phillip Sean burger and what's going on with my
family estate well well I'll just put it out there because they say truth is
cathartic my brother's a scumbag he has been a scumbag for a long time he ripped
off his wife when he got divorced with her he was banging prostitutes and in the
Netherlands behind her back its lucky he didn't bring diseases back to her and what
he is is he's an immunologist with the La Hoya's - forgive me knology and he's been
prominent you know he's made some money he's been mentioned in top science
periodicals science and nature and so on and so forth and he does T cell research
cancer research but mostly he raises money I've actually raised some money for him
in the past when I thought he was an honourable human being which I now know that
he is not what ended up happening with the trust in the world I said the same will
was in effect from the 70s the 80s it was updated in 1994 which meant that the
estate was to be split evenly between my brother and I and then my father was being
pushed to rent on by my brother for a loan he wanted to get a McMansion wanted to
get a huge house in Carlsbad and wanted to you know borrow 100 or 150 thousand got
the amount and my father got very distant with my brother for a number of years it
wasn't a good mix they didn't like each other in life so fast-forward to 19 2009 my
father is starting to lose it he's got sundowners he's got dementia and he's all
he's 86 so at one point he comes to my house and we had been close we have been
close for a number of years we both you know both my parents and myself and my wife
we lived in Napa so they would come over for our parties we would come over for
theirs there was a lot of socializing in the 90s and up until 2009 when my father
started to lose it so at any rate as he's getting senile my brother makes his move
he goes up to the house and starts to ask about what they plan to do and then he
says well it's much better off not to tell Thomas anything about this I I will help
to make sure that he's taking care of fairly and lest that he goes up to my parents
they show him the jewelry that's in the safe and all of a sudden it disappears so I
get a phone call from my mom saying all my jewelry is gone and it's not a whole
bunch maybe 50 grand worth of jewelry right and so I tell her call the police my
dad immediately calls you back and said I talked to your brother and he doesn't
think police involvement is a good idea and that centered pretty weird to me and I
told him get the police up there have them dust for fingerprints have them check
the pawn shops local criminals all that my mom calls and says your brother really
doesn't think that's a good idea and then a day later she starts to tell me that
Steve thinks maybe I had something to do with it and I'm thinking really so I call
him up and just said what the hell are you doing and he denies it he said what are
you talking about at any rate what we found out later is that he was whispering in
my dad's ears my dad was going crazy my dad changed the will my brother had also
fingered his own wife who he was divorcing for the jewelry long story short fast
forward the jeweler were was found behind the safe which is where I think my
brother had put it and what's very interesting is I got a phone call from my father
saying thank God we found it it's all safe I must have put it back there I don't
remember and by the way I have to tell you something I've got cancer and your
brother doesn't want you to know and I said pop what he said yeah I've got three
different types of cancer he had a kidney cancer and colon cancer and prostate
cancer my brother recommended that all three cancers be taken out at the same time
by a surgery and I told my dad that's ridiculous that will leave you in agony you
could have a risk of internal infections bad move you're not gonna survive it at
any rate I'm overruled my brother made the phone or made the call he's talking to
the surgeons trying to impress him with his ph.d he didn't have an MD my dad did
but at a rate the surgeons were more than happy to you know do a half-million
dollar operation and my dad lasted 90 days and yes he was in agony I was right so
we had a huge blowout right at his deathbed and I told him good move Sherlock's he
killed him at any rate that's the last time I spoke to my brother and lo and behold
he starts moving in on my mom afterwards and my mom finds a new man named Lou great
guy and she falls in love this is after a year of being alone and she falls in love
and they end up getting married my brother starts in and starts terrorizing Lou
calling him a grifter among other things to all of Lou's six children one of them
happens to be an incredible doctor who has done work with Doctors Without Borders
another one a really nice lady who's married to a really nice FBI agent so my
mother reports to Lou that my brother is intimidating her and scaring her and
demanding also for things so there will be more on this as I start to open up about
it but the bottom line is my brother used undue influence to steal the family
estate which is a three million dollar estate he ended up knowing when my mother
was going to die and not telling me but making absolutely sure that he had a video
camera on her as she's drowning in her lung fluids dying of cancer in a hospital
and he made her state certain things and she was terrified so I talked to Lou as he
was plan the funeral arrangements is very gracious he was boiling mad he couldn't
believe it so the funeral the memorial is on August 25th and I'm up there with my
ex-wife and my son and my brother's ex-wife was there where was my brother my
brother was at the family home stealing artwork off the walls and there is lu who
had put together a beautiful memorial and he had literally run up to the family
home with the FBI agent and stopped my brother from doing this he didn't show up to
his own mother's memorial so as far as Diane Kane Nordstrom has been putting out
lies for a while you now have the truth and it's part of the public filing that I
did and I'm going to be refiling against my brother there's Lou's testimony right
there talking about what my brother did so it's pretty sick it's pretty sick
Stephen some burgers not what he purports to be what sort of monster uses undue
influence on his elderly parents he's taking advantage of them both when there are
over 85 pretty sick stuff the good news is that my mom did end up with a really
good marriage with Lou in fact she was happier with Lilith and she was with my old
man to be honest and they had a glorious time and they were in love and it was a
beautiful guy still a beautiful guy he's someone I'm you know I I I think I have a
lot of admiration for him and he treated my mom real well so that's that you get
the real story
okay so take a look at this Dave Acton is suing Marcus Conte and Mammal Shabbos so
let me say a couple words about this excellent wonderful and so what I'm gonna do
is I'm gonna get this over to Aaron richest attorneys and let them know what's
going on and I want to see where that case is I think that Manuel Chavez should be
hostile II subpoenaed I'm gonna give them the Lestat drop too now what the Lestat
drop showed is it was that himself was receiving financial compensation for
attacking me for making videos now it wasn't just the resistance coin thing that
they were wrapped up in which is a Armenian Persian who lives in Sweden who
developed something called resistance io which is a cryptocurrency that dropped 40%
of price today possibly as a result of Stevo trims article bottom line is this
Manuel Shabbos was proven to be directing the traffic there's a good deal
suspicions that Maggie Co that's Maggie Coalition Glen Herman is the money guy
there and gave hoffman who had a long shadow spreading fear for a long time but
people are no longer scared of them he's a litigious asshole that Gabe Hoffman and
Maggie ko could be involved in financing what can only be described as a campaign
of terror against me so I've been screaming out about this for a long time I've
been voluntarily to post and told them things that are now being borne out - so mr.
Acton says my former business partner that's a true statement in this article at
all we know of proven that investigative reporter Denise Matthau was also in league
with many shabbos and they helped to concoct Jhon reported that so they literally
created Corsi gate so that could pose some trouble for Denise Matt out down the
line things are heating up as far as Marcus Conte he's a little criminal who's
pretending to be a reporter he's a piece of any guy who beats a woman is a piece of
in my book and your woman beater you're a liar you're a con artist Marcus and this
is a really nice Christmas present to see Marcus Conte being sued and Manuel Chavez
being sued this is beautiful so I stand ready to testify against both of these
assholes if called I'd be happy to these guys are monsters in my book the stupidest
mistake I made or made was not vetting Manuel Chavez while was feeling sorry for
him because he was 5 foot 2 or 5 foot 3 and you know that was my stupidity I own
that but Marcus Conte no he I was never his friend this scumbag has attacked
various people he's full alized he's using all seeing you right now and I did a
little video proving her lies today so these are toxic garbage people they will
make up stories they'll talk about how everybody's working together and we're all
in cahoots it's a bunch of it's a bunch of I think pretty much everybody's standing
it alone you know as far as steve-o trim you know what I stand I support him I
support what Dave's doing I support what which if can does I support what Titus
does you know I do support a lot of people there's one guy don't support random
rights of Ryan who I called him on it you know what he he reacted Steve's article
by kind of brown-nosing Steve saying oh my god this is huge I said yeah what about
Maggie Co and Gabe Hoffman and he brushed it aside so I suspect that random rants
of Ryan is a Gabe Cooke that's the only way to describe it these people who will
take money from Gabe the grappler and by the way grab ler is not an anti-semitic
term I think that the piano guy Owen used it to basically describe how you got big
grabbers people who grab it everything they're grabbing at you they're they're
imposing their will on you they're grabbing whatever money's laying around and then
the many ones grab ler I think that many Shabbos is a grappler so that's that you
know bottom line is I'm very happy with the news I think it's really good I've got
a ton of evidence on many Shabbos and this guy's a criminal this guy's very very
bad news and the drop that Lestat did today I don't think Lestat knew what he was
doing but it basically shows that there is a campaign of terror to falsely accuse
me that it was financed and that Manny Chavez was asking for trolls who could get
paid and Lestat was offering up Alfred Isaacson FK and Freddie who tells everybody
that he's a truther and he's just so sick of all the drama meanwhile what it showed
is that he was willing to make money with memo Chavez and put aside past
differences so what we're really looking at folks is a RICO case and if I'm correct
that's ultimately where it's going to go which is some of these guys are going to
okay everybody so we're gonna have a little analysis of thought of to fan goes
recent attack on Dave Acton so okay first off Dave's a solo act doesn't mark that
he was putting out yet apparently I docks the wrong identity or something that I
wasn't even the person that came up with the name in the first place it was Hamish
Owen burger but of course Dave Acton doesn't actually care about any of that stuff
because he googled something and he said oh I just thought would steam out trim and
all the rest of these people put out so fancy me not being able to just watch the
videos and get the information for myself and two-finger put them out I mean
unfortunately Dave acted is a very good at doing research in effect well
unfortunately you're not very good at doing research if you touch the wrong woman
and it went into a huge lawsuit Chavez documents and everything we will deal with
your lies and slander is a threat if you wanted to actually get the truth of the
matter you to the source of the truth in the matter Oh are you indicating to me you
are the source of the truth you just seem like you want to brutalize people's
reputations and things which kind of leads back into the whole thing with Marcus
Conte and how you can apparently help yourself when torturing people online because
isn't this a part of the torture campaign that the rest of you guys put together
because especially no it's pretty clear that you're behind dopey Dave Chavez you
and Marcus and others okay and what you need to do is you need to toughen up all
right you need to talk to not look Davis taking swipes at me you know I've done
I've been a man I said yep I can handle it right and he's come around to getting to
the truth when people investigate things sometimes they reach temporary wrong
conclusions I know I did right this is your problem sub as is it you're projecting
in your gaslighting and you make threats and you've been a government informant and
you will lie at the drop of a hat and live for money and even more than that you
will pay people to lie you've run monetize attack campaigns it's dragging me back
in piece of shit yeah you know what you're a fucking piece of shit Chavez you've
made accusations repeatedly that me and and Dave work this is crap what you do is
crap you project you lie you deceive you tell people that you're the source of the
truth you lie to your followers and then you ask them for money you know so you
know let's get down to other details all right how about your conversation with a
big fish over that in Texas that was listening and you went ahead and asked big
fish if he found any files with donors from the DNC so you were up to something and
I remember you going crazy on him when he has some information that scares you so
that's when you did the hit on him but when you first contacted big fish the first
thing you asked if if he had found files donor donor list for the DNC so we know
who you're in bed with and we know that you've been working for for a while Chavez
so you play a big game you're fooling people as far as Dave you know what the way
to handle things if you're a truthful person is if he's gonna you know hit you
backhand you you take it like a soldier and you keep telling the truth so that's
that you know what you did with dopey Dave is really disgusting you used my son's
image you said shit about my son he hasn't done a damn thing to you Chavez and let
me tell you where this is going okay we've linked here - Gabe Hoffman we've linked
you to shark velik led we've linked you to some horrible shit concerning the cabbie
and it's all coming out you are under investigation boy you better get that
straight and as far as Dave I've got trust he's gonna uncover everything as I said
repeatedly I think
so this skill Merrick he goes buddy they'll still as a froster number one I didn't
write I may have been in Arizona in the exact area where Kathy died what they've
done is they've spoofed I post so you can go scrape the internet and find the exact
thing this is a fake and let's go medic says by the way don't remember where I
found this but so it's clearly scams going on s Murray says you clearly have
compulsive Thomas derangement syndrome it's very sad to come back to this threat
after months away we see you and Celeste spend most of your waking anniversary I
imagine you're sleeping hours so obsessed with Thomas you need professional help
and your staff has really turned out to be well we won't talk about Miss Carol at
this point but you know [Music]
[Music] well well well hell has frozen over I'm about to say some nice things about
Arturo Tafoya and as you know him and I are not friends however he did some things
that I felt our our integrity based first and foremost he has corrected some things
I don't know nor Emeka be I talked to her once on the phone that was arranged by
Tania actually it might have been even an email exchange probably still have a copy
of it but I don't know her I do know that my friend Shawn stone knows her and I
know that she's a gifted artist but I don't know anything about the Maccabee past
I've heard rumors that I have not paying attention to and I'm not going to comment
on however here's what Arturo did that I thought was pretty cool he mentions what's
really going on with the hood party and with Israel and it goes back to well the
60s the USS Liberty you can go back even earlier and look at the LaVon affair
that's something very very serious that happen in the early 50s 52 I think where
Israel was planning to murder a bunch of US Marines and make it look like it was
Egyptian terrorism so that's our dear friend our staunchest ally Israel it's the
reason why I keep on saying why do we heat having these arrangements where we've
got partners that we tell the world are blameless now their partners are the owners
even more than that if you start looking at Cheshire I can't believe I'm gonna do
this but take a look at at Cheshire hire three three zero one and he makes some
good points he has called out a certain somebody that I'm not going to name
directly and he's also correctly stated that Esteban Trujillo D Gutierrez is a liar
and a con artist he's not a historian so I can't believe I'm saying this but good
on you good on you Arturo that's nice to see it gives me hope so I support what
you're seeing that's that and for those who know me they know that I'm not a very
soft character but pretty happy about that
Long ball
2020-07-09 19:54:23 UTC
so I'm not going to tell you guys when or where or how or why but I had a
conversation with Elon Musk's lawyer the new one and by the way Tesla is it an all-
time high it's 1,300 and change so anybody who has shorted Tesla or convinced
others to short Tesla well they're probably getting emergent calls right about now
a lot more coming
is she covering up a goiter here we are with denise matau and you should hear what
she's doing now she's um literally accusing dave acton of being behind uh the
quote-unquote murderer of her daughter which was a suicide so shall we take a look
at this or george webb also known as george swigert and his brother david swaggart
also known as david acton the swagger brothers of their real names aliases they're
carrying out their blackmail to its fullest extent i've never said the things i'm
accused of saying about i've spoken with a homicide detective who's looked at all
of this and said we have to let it play out let them do what they're gonna do yeah
the gang that murdered my daughter includes the swigert brothers because of swigert
himself david swigert dave acton has bragged about the beacon hill connections this
is the same gang that's murdered a number of people you see you start your crap and
nobody believes you you're basically uh accusing a guy of murder from 2010 and the
police report kindly you know very very clearly says there was no crime schomburger
has been one of the networkers involved yeah i'm one of the networkers okay here we
go again uh matau kako's farmer i didn't even know you you said something about
wastat and we were briefly in contact i gave you a fifty dollar paypal i've
supported other paypal channels and what did you do you tried to hijack me for more
money and when i refused you got furious at me and so everybody in the world knows
that your dnc denise your a woman who ran from boston because you were mixed up in
well a little bit of mossad business shall we say in fact maybe dave should explore
the real reason why you left boston that could be absolutely fascinating and maybe
dave can also explore your connection to your chilo minimal chavez and see what
monies have been exchanged in particular what monies were exchanged right around
the time isaac gappy died may june and july because everything's coming out right
now and the people who set isaac cappy up are scared
so you can see a desolate the streets are this is Beijing all right and the very
top it says beatings new crown pneumonia can live for a month okay so what they're
saying is that that it can live for a month on surfaces so that's longer than two
weeks now I'm just you know checking this thing out okay this is the you tube going
and take rest get the truth the it's much worse than being reported we get back to
this it's interesting because they're calling that crown and pneumonia that's
pretty interesting all
we're gonna go along with the BB virus theme so New York City Comptroller is coming
for a citywide shut down the schools and non-essential services this is going to
cost a Exodus in New York anomaly start avoiding the big cities so you're gonna see
Portugal nuts especially husband you're gonna see Switzerland which definitely had
pogroms and then you're gonna see certain areas in France the marche you don't have
an the Rhone region next to the Pyrenees Pyrenees sorry and the reason being is
that there was an explosion that happened in 1306 and that was Philip the fourth he
gave himself the name Philip the fair even though he was a monster so he basically
robbed the Jews of their wealth and they kicked him out and the next year he did it
to the Templars he literally pursued the Templars all the way to Vienna which was
the last Catholic hideout in Europe I've actually walked the streets of the boot
facet which is right near the dome gasai right near Mozart's house 20 meters away
it's called the boot class the biggest that's where the Templar hideout was and it
took five years but in 1312 on this very day March 15th they were massacred so
experiencing Dyess for us so should be pretty interesting and what do you thinks
gonna happen when you've got people who are infected spreading it it's literally
like stepping on a pregnant spider and having baby spiders go everywhere so it's
gonna be a matter of government overreach once again and we have more to fear from
vaccine than we
2020-07-03 19:54:39 UTC
okay we're gonna take a virtual tour of [Music] so what's next we're going to have
Amazon Prime organ harvesting right mobile organ ever seen ooh empty aisle and all
these cans have a mask on him see that it's called a label so their labeling us
think about it by the way the rumor is that the CIA we're gonna run miss lane
Maxwell is a third party candidate until they realized she wasn't [Music] okay bon
[Music] this is fun too mornings Gracie come see she's masking this has been
Walmart or back to you not a stone mask
so i'm not going to spend too much time on this little subject but um this is once
more another smoking gun of tonya cornwell calling the police on the person who i
can't mention his name will call him meatball um meatball with hair follicles so uh
that's that um i think it's very entertaining that uh that she's delighting the
crowds of uh 10 and 15 and 20 people watching that show i'm not watching it i i
hear about uh her appearances and all i can tell you is um i'm working through the
courts so um while she's publicly uh doing her thing i'm actually um delivering uh
text messages and email messages uh to the courts because they need to take a look
at her that's what happens you know she wanted to play ball and uh go ahead and
harm people um she's not doing her husband any favors and i've got evidence that
she's doing a lot of things behind his back
I'm really sorry to subject you to the mean old woman again but there are things
that are coming out that need to be exposed career was heavily affected by the
slander campaigns which Thomas Schoenberger is a central ringleader of the
extortion there's no extortion number one and number two the facts are very clear
Gabe Hoffman attacked me before I even knew who he was I didn't know what an open
secret loss and the attacks took place on May 27th to 28th and 29th that is
forensic ly irrefutable let's I asked to help this was back when Thomas shone
burgers partner in crime the Swigert brothers David Swaggart particularly but
George Swaggart who goes as George Webb and Davis wagon goes as they've acted David
Swigert is not my partner in crying I've never met him I've never talked to him on
the phone he is attacked by you and by the same people Marcus County and others
others I can't name right now yet but I will name within the confines of a okay and
the swipers were involved with did some stuff down there too and all the Huntsman
had to say to me when I asked to throw some of his considerable weight and
influence to this direction of what Humber has done to my family and also to Corpus
Christi the threats on people here in Corpus Christi we can't get the local police
to do anything about it because there is so much corruption and stupidity and I
said to Hoffmann I've got this bastard young burger and his bastard friends
convincing people down here that they're professionals and Schoenberger has a
history he persuaded some people in California that's just not true and you know
let me sprinkle little Rico mistletoe Denyce matau of Corpus Christi you dis
admitted on video that you were attempting to influence Gabe Hoffman to go after me
not a very good move and your third lie is falsely accusing me of convincing
someone in California I was a psychiatrist it never happened so that they could
attack anybody they want but the local authorities aren't going to feasor well
aware of what's going on Denise well aware as far as gave Acton he had nothing to
do with a report not just chemical explosion however I did see you and Marcus Conte
accuse him of terrorism when he committed no terrorism was very very obvious you
know he was basically teasing you guys with the I have a dream I I had a dream and
you guys were just triggered read the script he's impersonated a composer for years
person hit it composer by for I've been composing since I was four years of age
I've composed more music than you have Denise the only composing I see is the
Palmetto bug running across your lower are you saying that you're legitimate he's
worked very closely with a criminal entirely called denoxin uses Donna emerald but
her name is killer Cavanaugh so you talk stir and no I don't work with Don at all
never have so you admit that you're a failed artist because you didn't try and what
is making it mean anyway Denise look you've been spreading lies to the point where
80% of the people who have somehow gotten through a video tour of yours they
realize that you're batshit crazy they really are when you're not running around
feeding your cockroach farm you're doing Tarot or you know maybe you're out there
in the forest with a cauldron and you know a toad and curing warts or something or
you're making pathogen mess you're making mess that tend to attract viruses so who
are you and why did you admit interacted with so that's a lie and I'm gonna bring
up someone else a85 jack jack has actually been very cool he reached out to me
after Donna I'm sorry after Denise started to blast me and I didn't know him I
don't know how he got my email but he's been a really nice guy actually he's got a
great sense of humor he's been helpful he's been honest he's been apologetic to me
say I'm really sorry I got you into this mess and I like him you know I'm gonna say
straight up I like him other people have had a problem that I don't have a problem
with Monta Graf early done minecraft is a talented musician I think he's an
excellent researcher I like Monta graph so I have no problem putting out what I
like and what I don't like I like Titus frost like Steve oats from like a cheap
camera you know I like a lot of people you know there's people who say that I hate
Nathan Saltman I don't I've had some issues with him but I think you know generally
he's a really good reporter and he said a lot of attacks on him you know I think
there are some great people out there you know what what Dave Acton just did
legally is spellbinding I had no idea until I talked to Jim Cameron he said look
he's won cases he's he's done this kind of work he's you know he's a phenomenal
legal mind and you know what I agree so that's that so I put my cards on the table
I'm like you Denise you've received payments to do certain things and that may be
coming up you have to understand that what an anti slap civil conspiracy entails
which is if you can start to uncover a true conspiracy then hopefully you can get
the authorities interested and it becomes criminal and that's where I'm going I
have been very direct with that for a while I made videos and also put on social
media that I was going to get into a position where the feds could look at this as
RICO conspiracy and so when everybody all you ghouls are saying Thomas got served
do I sound stressed I don't sound stressed at all because I'm pretty sure I know
where this road map goes and I'm pretty sure I know the direction and the
swim and bring the sauce to November of the first 319 lewis fishing here i did the
crisis to a thousand two thousand for 1000 for church's including bridge stress i
sailed 7th bryson and she visited there a liliput liliput office manager always
needs ipro folios and prime minister okay she apparently just did the app is the
one for the force case of fire and games in a je sardjoe we it is ice cold from
Christ or even from the ham after russia and these so fresh a charm is more for two
a thumbs up and rate there so kisi reconnection here just to their curious squad
one is in the easyfill they're just about how those millions tons of cross the
murder economy get swatch and charlie we are mothers anti-odor billion you do it is
just a warm is a modern Israel and mix there spoil sling ring clean to let go lure
spin I mean six me in fire fire partners and delicious nearly every room in a store
for any and sometimes argue with my figure and retire arrow is a necessity that we
have muscle pain peninsula I see residents and you if you have a phone cubism
activates me cheek family from dessel little smeding interaction in the supply
chain at signage notice that we absolutely chair fabion mygarden terribly crisis
and everything is good and different have sex social he invent that massage agency
murray even ac season when you splash big jordan jumping to a molecule us the
relations between trap and grew to the resistance army with my brothers and against
him and ten days after the internet as for this how to break the games now they
become the window jori us by chance option exists market price and his wife csp
quickly sing on if nothing is never who your coach insists
If the death figures are accurate then we were in the first round of World War 3
2020-03-21 22:18:10 UTC
so the more that I look at the actual biology of the viruses the more it looks like
it was certainly by a weapon the markers are what give it away which you're looking
at a tribe mutation with P subtle markers that are just not indicative of an
organic nature you'd have more HIV markers if it was organic so I'm also looking at
the radiation the infection route and what I'm seeing in Iran and with a jump in
cases same thing in certain areas and Switzerland and as I mentioned earlier
Strasbourg and Italy everything is pointing towards a historic payback that
Netanyahu is unleashing on the world it doesn't make sense to me and there's no
absolute proof that it was China that was behind this wouldn't make sense because
they've shattered their own economy and you know they've had something like a forty
five percent drop in production which that only hurts their GDP but it's um it
poses great danger to the government because you can literally have starvation
there and a toppling of the government there's a lot of people there and the
government has to be very very careful of what they do it's not the h and era of
mousy tongue this does look very much like Israel's behind it and I'm gonna stick
to my guns on this I had four friends of mine say how do you know it's not China
and the reason being is that the government is very small in relation to the size
of their population it's not like France for fifty five percent of the people work
for the government and if you take a look at the virility rate if China was going
to unleash war on us we would be hit first with a very virulent strain like Italy
and like Spain and like certain areas of France and like Switzerland starting to
see it's pretty serious stuff so my fear is they're going to continue to try to
make it look like it's organic and that means that the second wave will come now as
everybody knows I had a disagreement with dr. Paul Cottrell only about the weather
having any sort of mitigating effect he felt at one point it yes we wrote into
spring and today's the first day of spring that we're seeing a dampening effect on
the infection we're seeing the opposite so I've been proven right there and I know
that hydroxy chloroquine is something that President Trump is right now promoting I
would afro-american heritage it has been very deleterious when it's been used in in
Africa and other areas so it looks like it looks like we have a biological war that
is started by Benjamin net now I think we all really need to wake up to
This time around, the bankers are going to feel like it's 1789
2020-02-28 17:24:06 UTC
once again the stock markets a crashing worldwide once the Dow breaches 25,000 its
gonna fall to around 20 340 and once it breaches 20,000 we're gonna see a hard
crash so they may prime the liquidity pump which means they'll infuse cash into it
but I'm gonna tell you a little bit about 3 - lesson I had a dream that bankers
were being burned and the fires were being stoked by currency so it could certainly
be symbolic but it has been the bankers who have put themselves before the people
when Lehman Brothers failed on September 15 2008 the government had a chance to
save the people it's 80% or save the banks 20% they chose to save the banks they
chose the banks before the people and these wealthy protected bankers have failed
humanity on all levels they felt the people who have been handling the money have
failed the people the people who have been handling the money had been controlling
the courts have been controlling the military have been controlling the Fed have
been these are enemies of the people I want to be very blunt and in my dream the
people turn on the bankers they turn on the people behind trading desks and they
turn on the people who run the CNBC and hedge fund managers as these are the people
who had no problem seen a large swath of humanity in poverty and in misery so I am
a capitalist I'm not a socialist or a communist but I think there's going to be
retribution coming down the pike I think it gets real serious and I think it's not
gonna be like Occupy Wall Street that was a bunch of people going into municipal
parks thinking they made a difference and then of course the CIA infiltrated those
very parks and because the movement didn't have any central hierarchy he failed so
and by the way Obama was very involved in making sure the CIA infiltrated them and
of course you see the same thing with Anonymous where anytime there's a movement by
the people the alphabets get to work to see all the leaders and discredit the rest
this time is different you've got a multi trillion-dollar derivative market about
to implode which is what will happen they can they can do all the stops that they
want but if the supply chain of the world just screwed up if there's a something
akin to a general strike on the whole world if the whole world stops then all the
funky liquor doesn't mean anything it doesn't mean anything all standards are
washed away and this is what we're looking at right now is this pandemic in a hurt
from it it won't and I'm telling you why he's you know he's loved by a lot of
people and you have to look at the other side the DNC which is done horrible things
he used to be that the Republicans and I'm not a Republican or a Democrat but he
used to be that the Republicans were represented by Newt Gingrich and the moral
majority and all that and it used to be that the Democratic Party was the working
voices party it's all skewered now both of those parties are creeks and then you
have Trump he may have been a silver spoon baby gold spoon actually but he
resonates for the people let's see where this all goes watch carefully and this
pandemic is growing and it's going to get worse take care of everybody and by the
way please consider paypal I don't make a whole bunch of money these days but
trying to continue my work without
7 people have reported Diane Nordstrom and she's now under investigation
2020-03-28 14:53:32 UTC
good afternoon I wanted to show you guys this Dianne Nordstrom has been reported in
his under investigation except anybody thinks this is fake they better think again
just want to let
hi everybody so i'm analyzing the news coming out regarding uh the coronavirus and
what they're trying to do is they're trying to push for a story that we're going to
enter a stagnation period that's what they call it epidemiology which is where
things slow down but it's wavy it's wavy gravy and this is the first wave so you're
going to see [Music] some slow down then some speed up we saw speed up last week
with both uh infection rate and death and so it's uh you know right at a 2.5 uh
percent death rate it'll go higher um and what they're going to do is they're
pushing um log logarithmic scales rather than linear scales and that's all part of
a plan to try to instill calm with people there's no calm anywhere in china and i
think that we need to be real about what's going on you've got faulty testing and
unlike regular viruses that will live only 24 hours on surfaces this one can live
for weeks you can also have it for weeks um spreading it before you show any
symptoms you can be asymptomatic completely you can also get it multiple times so
anything that can travel around and infect you and you're not showing symptoms that
means that you're gonna infect other people without knowing it and right now you've
got these cruise ship passengers and what are they doing they're boarding planes
and they're coming back to the u.s and to europe and whatnot this is disaster in
the making they're talking about roughly 71 000 get to the magic number 100 000
they declare it a pandemic who who so um you know you gotta get your crisis plans
together for your family um they're calling it covet 19 and um the cdc and who are
gonna tell you to treat it like a flu and wash your hands you know with plain soap
and water and there's a lot more to do than that that's just really you know simple
advice it's in 26 countries let me think if i can um recall them well canada and
the us and mexico then you've got um sweden and finland and russia and the uk and
ireland and france spain and um germany and belgium and italy and egypt and the
united arab emirates it's in japan and south korea
the Isaac Cappy story refuses to die and I had a very interesting phone
conversation with Zach Quaid now he's he's talked to people who have said that
they've been attacked and there have been attempted kidnappings of one a guy named
I guess Roberts and another vegan Mikey who also said he was you know victimized
and there was an attempted kidnapping so my talk with Zach was very illuminating
which is a hypothesis that has yet to be proven but it really fits now let me tell
you what it is it's a couple minutes before sunrise on Monday May 13th 2019 Isaac
cavity gets a text from someone he knows and trusts who has a background in
military Intel and who had built a key base system for him in the prior July 2018
so he gets text saying sorry to wake you my buddies are going to meet you in the
bridge we'll take care of your car situation and you just need to get there within
15 minutes and we'll get you out of there so I was a Cappy who had been threatened
just days before quickly dresses and gets out to the bridge which is in front of
the hotel this is in Belmont Arizona is right near Camp Navajo a huge military base
it's now a National Guard base but back in the 40s he used to house ammunition that
used in the Pacific Theater and they've got large underground bunkers and there's
all sort of Li rumors about things that have gone on there at any rate Isak copies
on the bridge and he sees an SUV pull up I think he and there's my ride and he
looks at and sees that one of the guys in the front seat is the same guy who had
threatened to kill him if he did not come up with certain files that they wanted
and that they had said we're gonna kill you if you don't come up with these files
and I think they were probably financial files they had to do with Hollywood and
with the banking of millions of dollars through a hedge fund and Isaac Cappy
realized he had been duped and started to run across the bridge to get away from
these people and then suddenly he saw two figures at the other end of the bridge
who were reported to be teenagers at first but we're actually young adolescents
with criminal records at least one of them had and that they were there on purpose
to block him and that is the reason folks Isaac Cappy went over the bridge because
it was an attempted abduction and where Zach has gotten this from is from a person
who also says that there was an attempted abduction with him this guy I'm just
going to say RTD will call him and that RTD story seems to be pretty amazing which
is he was attacked I had to go to the hospital the attackers were three who are
going to cut him into ribbons with knives and that they had made the same threat to
Isaac a P so you could see why he would hurl himself over a bridge hoping he
wouldn't break bones and he would be able to escape when you factor that into a
third person vegan Mikey who also says he was attacked it all starts to make sense
which was this was a silencing campaign I say Cappy had been threatened and when he
made that last periscope you could see in his body language the apprehension
shoulders hunched you wanted to make it very clear to everybody that he was under
duress so he blinked twice he wanted to make it very clear to people that he was
not going to commit suicide because he had just been threatened with his life so
it's a pretty profound hypothesis it needs to be proven but I'm pretty impressed
with his AK he also told me that this character shark Billy Kelly his real name is
Kelly Giannini created some fake text communications that supposedly include me and
that they're false so I want to see those and I think it's important to get those
broadcasts and put out to the public because well it's kind of funny everybody um
Kelly may have Co plotted a kidnapping that her husband took the rap on and went to
prison for and it's another funny thing I've looked into this case it's at a
Florida of all places and I guess her husband was convicted but only served a tenth
of a sentence which to me indicates that he was an informant that he was given I
get out of jail pass for giving information to federal authorities or state
authorities and then was remanded after he did a violent armed robbery and got some
serious time there so I think he died in prison I think he was serving a 12-year
sentence at any rate how weird is it with the whole kidnapping angle this was a
quantity and I thought it was really very profound I think he's really out of
something here and it makes sense it's the only theory that actually really makes
sense so I'll be watching is that quiz Channel he's gonna be interviewing Korey and
gets some thoughts on how Corey got involved with the Isaac kappa case I know I was
contacted a couple days after Isaac died by Corey for an interview and that was
just days after a certain vertically challenged individual had attempted to point
fingers at me and at hoax wars and by the way I may be a hoax force tonight I'm not
quite sure what time but we spoken and I think what's really interesting with the
Isaac capi story is there are new videos showing up that are getting thousands of
views this story won't die until the killers are exposed and I don't think the
killers are people like Seth Green or people like Tom Hanks Tom Hanks never
mentioned Isaac happy during his lifetime Seth Green and networks showed any rage
as Isaac happy I think we really need to look at the people who were actively
attack King Isaac Cappy either in video form or on social media platforms people
who were doing their absolute best to discredit Isaac and Isaac mentioned who one
of the main guys was out of Florida I'm not gonna give his name I think everybody
knows his name and as Zach put it this is the guy who's out to silence the
researchers yeah you know I call him soo happy midget so that's that okay guys
thanks for listening it looks like the Isaac Kaffee story is very much alive and is
getting even bigger right now and so it's first shark belly in her fake Texas I
want to see them because I have seen evidence that Bret Trimble was also doing the
exact same thing which was purposely trying to mislead people and lie to people and
make them think a certain way and so this is starting to look like it was not only
a big infiltration operation but that the cover-up itself could include 15 20 25
people and that there's financing going on to misdirect it's pretty huge so I hope
everybody subscribes to Zach Quaid my fan of his I think he's great I think this is
a very original theory and he doesn't take credit for he says this is what his
research has led him to conclude so that's pretty impressive don't you think
hey everybody it's Denise Matthau wanted she says I worked in the White House of
special sinus under the Clintons and all their dirty little secrets I know what
happened to mrs. Clinton's lover Vince Foster no they want to get rid of me because
I can sell my story I guess we look for on freedom of sacred this is from 328 2011
I told you folks DNC Denise just like its DNC Chavez Luke Dave 17 everything hidden
shall be
A short history of comets and viruses
2020-03-22 23:10:11 UTC
so I love history this has to do with hernan cortes and it talks about how well all
this read it long before Cortez landed up your crews on Good Friday 1519 portents
of doom appeared a comic bright as to turn night into day lit the sky dismayed
soothsayers astrologers maintained they did not see it for this unhelpful approach
Montezuma cast some indicators where they start to death then an important temple
burned lastly hunters brought Montezuma a bird with a mirror strapped to his head
in it he saw large numbers of people advance as for war they appeared to be half a
enough deer and so we know that that was horses and here it is there he is let me
put this down so with the British or with the Spanish they were literally the most
ruthless fighting force on the planet they hadn't lost a battle in a appeared in
1519 right at Good Friday and that was same year that you know Cortez brought
smallpox and a bunch of other diseases to the Indians and literally you know there
were tens of millions who died there was other horrible things that happened later
in that century fifteen forty five and fifteen seventy six but to the Aztec priests
they believed that the comet and the contagion and Cortes were all heaven sent you
know they literally thought that Cortez was quasi cocoa they actually gave him when
he showed up they gave him a costume for quasi hotel and then they gave him twenty
solid gold the way that people look at comets even today in certain cultures
they're thought to bring bad luck in winter of 1680 I think it probably until late
February 1681 there was a comet that placed across the skies of New England and you
had Reverend increase Mather father of Cotton Mather Salem witch trials right he
delivered this cinder airy sermon called heavens alarm to the world and he preached
that the comet was a sign of God's rage and he warned of disease and pestilence and
then of course in 1682 another comet a second-- Comet appeared and you see a lot of
this in the sixteenth seventeenth century you see comets only separated by a year
or two and so what he said it's the voice of God in signal Providence Providence's
God in His Providence doth order as that sometimes blazing stars are seen in heaven
such Sarah's are called comets for they stream like long hair and strike a terror
in the hearts of men that are spectators of them fearful sights are called signs in
the scripture I think that it was a Chinese who called them vile stars very
interesting so they were always considered signs of God and so what we have right
now is we have a comet that is called Atlas that is right on us it's pretty amazing
so yeah I'm gonna see if I can find this for you all right so you know see this and
you see if it's gonna search okay yeah and here we are this from yesterday New
Found comet Atlas is getting really bright really fast it's like a second moon yeah
so that's it was only found December 28th I believe let's see yeah and so these
things appear and surprise as strong as that's what happens astronomy is something
I love and it's coming out of Ursa Major it's actually coming out of the western
part of Ursa Major so when a summers first spotted comet Atlas in December see
we're going through wild times guys absolutely wild times so enjoy the mystery even
as the viscera
You need to listen to me! This is the return of the Spanish influenza hundreds of
Millions May die
2020-04-05 15:29:34 UTC
I need you to listen to this very closely this is dr. Cameron college is always an
ICD doctor in New York City plane at 30,000 feet and the cabin pressure is slowly
being lent out these patients are slowly being starved of oxygen I've seen patients
dependent on oxygen take off their oxygen and quickly progress through a state of
anxiety and emotional distress and eventually get blue in the face and while they
look like patients absolutely on the brink of death they do not look like patients
dying of pneumonia okay so he's describing what he says is something brand-new
something they haven't seen anything that ventilators are actually deleterious
they're bad for the people so you know me in patterns this is the 1918 pandemic
right here systems died within hours of delivery systems their skin turned blue and
their lungs filled with fluid to cause them to suffocate so this is what's going on
right now the doctors have it wrong they are saying is pneumonia it is not this is
a return of the 1918 Spanish influenza and we need to get our sit together people
so my friends many of us are getting wonderful lessons in the true meaning of law
and order so when you see government actors actively participating in looting and
rioting then you know that the government isn't there to impose law and order they
can impose chaos any time they want and as far as law well laws for the most part
are not purposely intended to keep us in mind they're purposely intended to provide
money for the government and to provide continuation of government through the
hiring of lackeys who will adhere to whatever their superiors say so when I start
to mention the arrest of the EBA cyber stalkers the reason why I mention in it is
it for years I've been telling you that nothing is being done and until they find a
profit center until they're able to figure out how to actively prosecute and find
people nothing is going to be done so it appears we're at that tipping point right
now and that's a good thing because there's been a lot of cyber stalking going on
for a long time and the trick is you know with the people that I've spoken to
lately which include law enforcement certainly active law enforcement there's got
to be a money guy or two involved in it to make it worth a while if it's a bunch of
poor Pete cyberstalking each other all they do is laugh or they say we don't have
time for this we're investigating murders and rapists and white-collar crime but it
becomes white-collar crime when there are people who have net worth liquidity
tangible assets and then it because of that money becomes something that the law
becomes interested in say for instance that there's someone from a populous
sweltering state that's famous for its reptiles and humidity and say that this
person is using proxies to go ahead and brag how he's going to do an amended
complaint on me and then he uses his own proxies to continually mention my name and
let's say a website that was created purposely to defame me well that person with
all of his millions is now walking on alligator-infested well I'm sorry land that
is populated by four-legged creatures and sometimes two-legged creatures who have a
condition of endothermy now endothermy is it means you're cold blooded so and I do
believe that this person fits perfectly in with that population so I won't mention
his name but I will say they've gotten to be quite good and there are a number of
other people who have been kind enough to be my friend and to continue to give me
supporting evidence now the DOJ is changing the way things work too not only are
they active going after cyber stalkers right now and I got that from a friend of
mine who actually is pretty high up you know it's no secret to uh to some of you
that I've got my connections so it's gonna be a really interesting ride that I
promise it'll be an unusual ride the people who have cyber stalked me the most
arrogant ones they think that they have engaged in free speech when in actuality
they've engaged in a criminal conspiracy so that is going to be what comes to the
fore a-and I'm not gonna say sooner rather than later because the wheels of justice
grind very slowly there was a race between a chariot of justice molasses in a
glacier I'm not sure who would win
Jessie Davis mindless minion, doesn't seem to know how to play chess
2020-03-27 02:03:59 UTC
course tucker jazzy davis or myself am indiana yes yes beautiful yes find s & f
We fight demons
2020-01-27 16:11:19 UTC
punya lady being lost demos the demons will understand what I'm saying I just said
in Latin we fight demons sometimes we don't realize who those demons are we live
our lives unaware and maybe the only time that we find awareness is when we're
sleeping and then something happens some tragedy some travail and you get a glimpse
of what real forces are on this world and how they dictate the affairs of men so
the things that have been described as larks are far more toxic and that word that
word is used to minimalize the profound impact that this collusive evil has on
people's lives on their mental states in their physical states and their
reputations and their ability to provide for their families so people have been
dying right and left and there's a lot more of that that's going to go on in the
future we have an obligation those of us who are you know there's been a lot of
talk about this queue thing now I've never been the queue person but I've also
never vilified the people who want to believe in something like this and you know
it's a good thing that the movement is becoming one that doesn't wait for some
instruction from some phantom but the people are actively starting to say protests
and marches and voting with our feet does not work awareness is the beginning
awareness is the road not what is in your mind but what is in your heart there's a
lot more coming and these people and these social media platforms that's the same
type of propaganda that existed a hundred years ago in the print medium and prior
to that in the town crier the government's universally seek to divide us and that
so pay them their taxes they will build the roads but the road to the kingdom
so my questions regarding gabe hoffman have switched from anything that could be
considered to questions about his business the more i look into it the more it
looks like he has one client himself he may have a second client uh that i'm
looking deeper into but i'm not going around um [Music] saying anything that is
close to uh defamation um of course diane northstrom who loves to get into uh
everything she's made my life her life um very demented individual who has made um
some horrible remarks uh diane is going to be um i believe involved uh i think i'm
gonna subpoena her and uh we'll talk about how fake my music is or so she says so
she takes a song from a movie in the 60s and it has a extremely faintly familiar
melody and she goes ahead and says thomas stole it they didn't know there's nothing
about music but as far as gabe um you know we'll be looking into the financials the
very fact that you're in good standing there has been nobody who's turned you in
they haven't found any red flags to begin with but with the sec they're busy as can
be uh investigating in variety within the financial world like any other hedge fund
they should take a close look at his books that's not defamation folks not even
if you would have looked up last night you would have seen venus and mars and
saturn in jupiter and the moon and they would have been in a certain alignment
you'll see a correlation with certain pages in libre frames not that i know
anything about it what i do know is that our country is broken and the people know
it we can start with the criminal justice system there's no assurance of fair
trials or defense you don't have decent detention conditions i've never been to
prison but i've known people who have and they've told me horror stories all my
life actually and then we get to the civil a legal system that doesn't know how to
handle um cyber stalking games and people will look me straight in the face and say
oh the criminal justice system isn't broken and it's the best one out there in the
world that may be so but i'm not so sure anymore i think it doesn't work now as far
as gabe hoffman the more he fixates on me the more i'm going to draw him out into
the public eye so it would be one thing if isaac happy had complained about gabe
repeatedly which he did and gabe attacked him again and again and again uh defaming
him calling him a drug addict and mentally unstable and talking about him and vegan
mikey as uh scam artists so gabe didn't stop he didn't stop even on the day that we
found out that isa cappy died now as i said in the beginning of this long sentence
it'd be one thing if i came out of the blue and started to accuse gabe it's not how
it happened folks what happened is he accused me publicly on a very large platform
i'm sure a lot of the platform is uh bots because gabe doesn't seem like a very
popular guy at all he's only popular among low lives in my opinion but he does have
brett trimble and shark billy kelly and um you know a little uh tiny gnat that i
won't name and that with a pronounced receding hairline and the ethics of a pit
biter pit vipers you know john the baptist talked a lot about snakes and pit vipers
and um i always wondered about john's life he was born to a woman named elizabeth
we don't know much about her and we know that for whatever reason he went into the
wilds into the wilderness now did he have some sort of previous addiction maybe to
alcohol he was considered a wild man what was he like as a youth we've got snippets
of jesus being able to successfully confound the rabbis we you know there were
things that were added to the bible decades after jesus died none of the apostles
um in the bible none of the writers of the four uh gospels ever met him or ever
experienced him being born or dying this is uh things that were written afterwards
and we've talked about the council of nicaea and how 2500 were invited and only 250
showed up doesn't stop a belief in jesus you can believe in his divinity very
easily and you can see the hand of god has at times reached down and changed the
course of history including american history on august 24th 1814 washington was
burning they were burning down the federal buildings the british were and quite a
pivotal date august 24th that was a date in 7980 that vesuzius blew and took out
herculaneum but in 1814 what you had is um america's troops being routed are
capital being torched [Music] and within the hurricane a tornado and routed the
british and that's what happens when you have foreign invaders who attempt to take
down america so people like mr hoffman who uh may be american-born
Fight or flight
2020-06-25 19:28:00 UTC
so the number of new people that file for unemployment another 1.5 million today
proves that we're in a depression now the u.s. budget committee will go ahead and
say these are temporary losses we predict 10% unemployment by 2021 I think those
are fantasy numbers one of these guys been right whenever the economy's ever been
right there always rearview William Blake said the road of excess leads to the
palace of wisdom and I say horseshit I don't think that wisdom would build a palace
that seems ostentatious doesn't it wisdom would be humble and resourceful that's
what being wise is it's not being wrapped in splendor so our government which is
comprised of uber wealthy politicians they're tone-deaf to the cries of the 40% of
low-income Americans who have lost their jobs right now they're doing the corona
dance again on us and here's how dangerous that is with the Great Depression there
were jobs that were lost forever right now we don't get help from the government
and if they don't stop there history onic behaviors when it comes to the pandemic
then we're gonna we're gonna have a multi year maybe even multi decade dip and a
pretty bad dip it's gonna be very dangerous for our country that's what's going on
that's the real deal right now you know the Democrats are evil we already know that
they'll do anything and say anything they're famous for corrupting the young I know
that for myself I believe they were the party of the working class and they
represented the people and what they really were about was more regulations and
more intrusion of government it's your life however the Republicans are pretty damn
evil too right now and I don't think any anybody either side is representing the
people there are support mechanisms in place that are temporary they run out a
month after our fourth of July so by August what you're gonna see is panic and what
you're gonna see is crime rates spiked up again same shit that I was predicting
back in April that happened in May we're gonna see more of this but racially
centric I think we're gonna see protests from people who are saying there's no work
out there and we pay taxes our entire life and you politicians who fly around on
your Gulfstream's and hang out in Martha's Vineyard right you are not listening to
us it is going to be very much a feeling you're gonna see possibly you know martial
law that did happen we had soft martial law and still do in several areas right now
they're recognizing that they have to reopen business because it's one thing for
grandpa to die it's another thing for mom and dad to not be able to provide food
for their kids for months and months and months and that's where everything goes
south so we got a we got a man up as a nation if if there are 200 million that die
that's globally and that could definitely happen this winter over the next year
right I think it's a return of the Spanish influenza I think we may see numbers
like that nothing like now we're going crazy over half a million dead you know
we've had what a hundred and twenty two hundred under 23,000 dead in the States
that's nothing that's nothing I know it sounds horrible because they go ahead and
they prop up that number against the 58,000 the died in Vietnam but a lot of people
die every year folks car accidents cancers coronaries name it and the bottom line
is if we're gonna be paralyzed and crawl into our mud huts in a fetal position then
we're gonna lose straight up we're gonna lose you know someone says well if you
pull on the door and the door doesn't open it's not your door I say bullshit break
the door down right we are about challenges that's what we are as a nation it's
what made us great that we were able to go to new places with innovations with a
pioneering spirit and with a conviction I can tell you as a composer I know how
damn good I am I get these idiots on Twitter telling me that I use software to make
my music I don't I hear music all day and all day long and I know I'm good I know
I'm really good and it makes me proud that I'm an American who can compose every
bit as good as anybody in Europe I'll tell you that I'll match my skill set to
anybody in Europe and for that matter anybody within a 100-mile radius of Los
Angeles that's called confidence it's called knowing your Worth and that's what we
need to do we're allowing the pandemic to put us into a fear mode and when people
are in fear modes that's where all sorts of crazy shit happens that's where you see
criminals take advantage of the situation that's where you see excesses from
Authority that's where mistakes are made you have to keep your level keep your
water level keep your wits about you click breathing so hard right deep breath
focus let's get through this
May 8, 2020
2020-05-08 17:53:18 UTC
hello to my friends on this alt channel so it's very funny I'm deeply involved in
pursuing these projects and I'm working on but on occasion I turn on the TV it was
really funny today is to go over to CNN it's just obviously CIA you know they have
in for a long time and they're running a feed on the bottom of the screen showing
that Isis quote-unquote is taking advantage of the weakness with the coronavirus
and plotting things and you just start to think how ridiculous it is Isis was an
entity that was created by CIA for the most part and Israeli intelligence and it
was created at Camp Bucca in what 2006 it's a con it's a scam just like see and him
is operation Mockingbird on steroids so you have to laugh at this if they you know
what sort of idiots get their news from mainstream media it's a stupidest thing in
the world you know and these guys after attacking Trump 24/7 and telling everybody
stay home stay home he's gonna stay home now we've got really high unemployment and
instead of them saying well we were the ones using our news platform to urge people
stay home they're blaming Trump they were it's just crazy they're they're blaming
them cNN has been most unhelpful during this pandemic so as a CDC and the World
Health Organization and various pundits and doctors and Talking Heads it's
ridiculous bottom line is yeah we'll probably have about maybe 150,000 dead by
August that's not what we need to worry about there's small numbers it's when a
winter comes back and for the most part it won't be so much worry about America
it'll be worry about Europe I think it's gonna get pretty serious and we're saying
that for a while I've also been telling people that it sees secondary bacterial
infections that are killing people and if you've noticed no one's talking about
Cuomo and how badly he blew it with ventilators you know rely number of people who
got ventilation died now the idiots are saying well that's because they were old
and fragile and feeble and all the other crap no it's because you do not give a
ventilator when someone has severe cyanosis that's I'm not doing right by the lungs
there's different ways that you can go about it so this whole thing has been a
travesty in a comedy a tragic comedy I guess it's pretty serious and right now we
need to get back to work because we don't have 14.7% unemployment we've got 25
percent right now as we speak so we're in a depression and there's a delay timer
which is why you're not seeing it with a stock market stock market is not in part
but fully being elevated by the Fed alone otherwise it would be down to $15,000 I'm
telling you right now the Fed is not doing it because it loves the American people
the Fed is doing it as a survival mechanism so let's add there is some good news
the charges against General Michael Flynn have been dropped and I think that's the
good news but you know what people really want these days they want to get past
this pandemic they want leaders they can trust and they're wondering and scratching
their head saying why is it Comey in general why is it Hillary in jail why has an
you even prosecuted you know what's going on so it's definitely gonna get louder
when it comes to that subject more and more people are going to demand that this
corrupt government inspect itself that itself is it police departments have
internal affairs where's the internal affairs for these congressmen and Senators
and I mean both sides Pelosi Lindsey Graham Adam Schiff especially Adam Schiff
lately and what a creep you know he should be in prison for the crap he pulled on
the on the
okay we're gonna listen to the cockroach farmer one more time I discussed some I'm
facing this idiot in nos Angeles was not he not only has attacked everybody
Christie with demands trying to get hold of their financial records related to
hurricane Harvey but he's now attacking many savez by listing court cases and he
thinks people in YouTube and unfortunately he might be right there's certain so
once again she's carrying water for Shabbos she's white knighting him but even more
than that if you listen to the inflection in your voice and the way that she is
reading off a script what's really going on is that Denis Macau is scared that Dave
Acton is going to do discovery on Savas and find out who Savas has been paying and
let me tell you what's gonna go on there it's gonna find out that Chavez is paid
not tau and Conte to attack Dave Acton and to attack Thomas Schoenberger and let me
tell you I've never talked on the phone with Dave we don't work together I don't
think he likes me much which is fine but we don't work together and so there's been
a narrative that's been put out by Archer Oromo it was working for Stan or for
Defago we know that now and then coordinated efforts by Denis Matthau and Marcus
Conte to put out the narrative that Dave and I work together that Dave and I are
somehow killers and you know we have a satanic cult that drowns or whatever right
but it's all coming from Savas know who's underwriting Shabbos well that's what's
going to be discovered when there's discovery and I'm telling you right now he even
tweeted out mr. Chavez tweeted out hey when I was in Florida and I met with Gabe
often we didn't exchange any money in Florida so instead of saying I've never
received any money from Gabe often he simply said that in July Gabe Hoffman didn't
give him any money so I think he's also been given money from mag ago and I think
certain people are whispering in Gabe's ear and he's starting to realize that
they're full of shit bottom line is I even told Jason Goodman on Twitter today I
said I'm not going to get involved with the you know Dave act and Jason Goodman
lawsuit normally I'm not gonna get involved with the RDS lawsuit either but I I did
tell Jason I think it'd be a really good idea for you to quit fucking around and
Sue had to Franco straight up I think that would be a really good move maybe make a
public apology to Dave and start to move in where you need to move in now Chavez
claims he's got lots of Bitcoin and there are indications he's got some serious
money he's upgraded all of his stuff I seems to be wearing new clothes every time
that we see him so that could be a worthy target for Jason Goodman you know for a
lot of reasons you can get him for defamation of character you can get him for
torturous in a ferris you can get it for a bunch of things Jason and I'll tell you
if he did that people would be cheering you on
September 2, 2020
2020-09-03 04:20:24 UTC
so i'm not one to engage in gossip uh but there's a story that i heard and the
person that i was talking to is a military higher up and what he's telling me is
that uh austenstein bart who i don't know i've never listened to what not he's been
um held up in jail because they're uh putting them in with a gang uh statute which
means that they can increase incarceration and that the ultimate goal is to find
people who have profited in any way off of q so that gives me great relief because
i was never queued never made a penny off it but it is going to put fear into the
heart of those who did take advantage of it and that includes believe it or not
reporters if reporters were making money reporting on cue they may have to give
back their patreon who knows you know the laws work in wacky ways and what sounds
ridiculous one day turns into reality in the morning so we know how that goes
however they are looking into q and there's a certain person who has publicly
stated that he started it i think they're looking very strongly to him i know that
um the paperwork that i sent a week ago um got their attention at the new york a.g
and so uh they're now looking at things like that and once again i'm gonna say i
don't think that steve biss is guilty of anything i think he's got a wife who does
things behind his back and i think that uh the person common known as senor
meatball definitely took money to perform illegal acts and they are certainly
illegal acts so um we'll see this may be a rumor with uh breitbart but my source is
credible and told me that they held him back because they have certain gang laws
that are enacted that have been enacted for a while since uh since william
jefferson clinton but that it allows authorities to uh keep you detained so we'll
see how that goes all i can tell you about q is number one i am not q despite the
astounding discoveries of um whatever the tafoya because his grandmother was jewish
but it's tafoya and that's uh what he uses now so and um by the way being a
grandmother and being jewish in mexico that's like um you know being jewish in
ireland it's um less than one percent so that's an interesting fact and nothing
wrong you know there's nothing wrong with being born jewish the problem is when you
start using um stereotypists uh behaviors like extortion and bribes to um to try to
control our politicians and our our policies and that's where a lot of americans
have problems they don't mind uh you know dancing the horror with their jewish
friends they don't mind having close relationships with jewish people that's uh you
know i i have some very close relationships with friends who are jews the problem
is surveillance the intelligence community and how one nation will declare their
our staunchest ally and at the same time they're allowing a honey pot that includes
the raping of our children and the extruding of our politicians and
Charlie Convoy
2020-04-17 02:43:14 UTC
so many people will argue who the greatest actor is or the greatest persuader and i
believe it lies more in the voice than in the face but what do i know let's listen
and the things they say about me is her mother they have no idea they have no idea
of what we had to fight when we faced their filthy death cult the phone calls that
my daughter was getting that had her terrified and the work i was going through to
try to set up a safe space for her to get to she was killed because she and her
fiance were making the steps to remove themselves from that rebecca clovis harmon
is up to her tomorrow wolf is the one who goes on and on about some how everyone's
supposed to kill a child of a mother that some people claim as her that she and
what catches my attention about it is tomorrow wolf was making the same kinds of
claims that i never made about anybody
so there's some huge developments for Isaac Cathy researchers now we all know the
story of Phoenix enigma who told everybody that he just happened to be in the
immediate vicinity of where Isaac Cappy died and that is what prompted his
interests so he provided some evidence for that that I believed for a long time
that he was a researcher and he was doing tours and you know it was fascinating him
and then things started to creep up that were unsettling we all remember there was
a woman named Alicia who was a self-professed witch who claimed that she was the
last person to be with Isaac and that there was voices called technology that's a
military application where they can drill music into your head so that woman was
interviewed she's now Corey's girlfriend and then the guy who Isaac aided the most
on this planet Gabe Hoffman seems to be directing Corey even down to demanding that
Corey not engage with Zach Quaid after that Quaid asked for an interview with Corey
where one of the key questions was what were you doing right near Kathy when he
died and so imagine the irony going on where you've got Corey it was supposedly an
independent researcher and he's carrying water for Gabe othman Isaac's biggest
enemy and he's a couple with the woman who was claiming that she was the last
person to see Isaac life do you see what's happening here this is crazy so last
night I got a unsolicited phone call from vegan Mikey and he was basically saying I
told you so Cory has consistently stood up for wreck tremble and Kelly Jeannie who
have long have been suspected as being the infiltrators the Isaac a P referenced
and the days leading to his death so this is all starting to make sense right now
and the fact that Cory supposedly was yelled at by Gabe for his response to Zach
the initial response saying yeah I'll do the interview and suddenly Gabe is
dictating to Cory no you won't well there's another bomb that is uh going off now I
have received information from another Cappy researcher that Corey received money
from Gabe often so things are going down and I want to know why I was contacted by
Corey within three days of Isaac's death why did that happen I was prior to Gabe's
accusations it seems pretty odd that Corey wanted to do an interview and you know I
took him in I have all sorts of private communications with him I made some
recordings just because I was having my life threatened and I wanted it on record
that a good guy like Corey is looking out for me you know I've got things that he
said about game that are going to be made public and I don't think game's gonna
like it but it's the way that it goes this thing is breaking wide open folks this
is big time and there are questions that I hope the core I can answer and I will be
doing several shows hope towards being one of them to discuss the situation you
know a lot of people warned me about Corey they told me things aren't making sense
with him that he's very good with language which he is and that he will go ahead
and put out negative things about you if he doesn't like what you're saying and I
saw a lot of that I saw him attack begin Mikey told me personally thinking Mike he
is a grifter and drug addict and all that he get Mikey's been pretty cool with me
I've seen nothing but truth well then again Mikey every interaction that I've had
with him he's been a straight shooter we know that Kelly GE was sending money to
Vidia Mikey and then publicly rebuked him and took away the funds which to me
indicate that vegan Mikey didn't want to go along with Kelly's script then you've
got Bret Trimble who was in touch with me for a certain amount of time I've got
communications with him too so he was reaching out to me and it all seems scripted
seems like these guys were in on it right as Kathy died and this is really
fundamentally explosive what's coming out so Zach was threatened via Cory last
night with being imprisoned for a clangs and this was directly from Dave Hoffman
who apparently didn't understand that in Canada a hate crime is considered an
attack on a group so Colleen gamepad Jewish terrorist which is what I am Zach
called him that doesn't mean that Zach is anti-semitic nor does that constitute a
hate crime you can call Bill Cosby that black rapist you can call the theater Bundy
a white serial killer it's the way that it is you can call a Harvey Weinstein a
Jewish predator and Jeffrey Epstein a Jewish been a file these are descriptives so
what's going on is you've got a hedge fund manager who was supposedly wealthy
enough to ignore all these things but he's not he's all over Zach he's dictating
threats and using Corey what are the lead Cappy researchers to deliver these
messages but two and two together I know that bigot Mikey dead was wearing on top
of it in a diet you know I think he makes some brilliant points I'm not the only
one who received these communications that Corey put out and they're being
circulated right now and I'm going to UM challenge Corey directly when I'm about to
do an interview I tell him to talk to me but then again of course made me gave has
him on a short leash but I'm gonna make these accusations I'm gonna tell him who's
telling me and then I have questions right now because I felt that he duped me and
that he set me up
so here's something i did may 21st 2014. six years ago and i had a vision um of a
clown culture and bring is the clowns so you would say it in germany and clowns
that would engage in bad things murderers and schadenfreude shot in florida meaning
uh purposely bringing misery to others and laughing about it so i wrote a year from
now a man thought to be a clown shall enter the presidential race laugh now but it
comes to pass then more clowns emerge from every corner by 2020 you will see a
violent rise of armed clowns called jokers emerge and they will terrorize and kill
i did this video and of course it's pretty dated it's got john boyner in here and
among others so you sent in the clowns so it talks about a clown army and look at
what has emerged honk the planet [Applause] for presidency of this why because
everybody's talking about those clowns in washington so take it from me a real
clown those clowns are third-rate bombs someone left real clowns this thing here
where the arrow is that's isaac cappy and he played a clown storyteller that
basically gets his heart pierced um in something called uh clown camp it was a
horror film from 2010 right here shark billy kelly aka celeste she's got other
socks too right here is ac kane and there that's brett tremble brett tremble is
former cid so he was an investigative officer with the army this has become real
folks she's part of the cover-up of isaac happy's murder she's part of the setup of
isaac happy so is he and they've been doing some wicked wicked things so whatever
vision i had in 2014 seems to be coming true very quickly this guy here basically
said a couple days ago oh thomas is responsible and gabe hoffman is going to prove
it so that's what we're dealing with which is pretty horrible there's a clown and
if you start to look through everything that's going on here's another one of kelly
with a goat and it's satanic image that's from her myspace what happened with cappy
is that clown here's isaac cappy's key base and look who's following esteban
trujillo de gutierrez you can't make this up seriously you cannot make this up
they're all connected they're all and the more that i look at this you've got geo
harris here who was in charge of the key base along with brett tremble we've got ac
kane who's obsessed with me and lives in venice has made a ton of videos about me
here's shark billy kelly she's made tons of videos she attacks steve o'trem and she
attacks anybody who supports me um so it's happening you know and here's hoax wars
uh who's been attacked by chronic ops and bridget covey and um it's the same people
doing the same attacks again and again and again so what are we supposed to do with
that all right here's rj4ik that's another sock of uh shark belly kelly and she
says excuse me but i've seen you saying disgusting things to shark and others i
only would call a shark telling you to get screwed for your bullshit attacks that's
her pretending to be someone else so she's part of the cover-up she's part of the
setup so it keeps on happening and here's gabe hoffman the financer um and he's
attacking rocket dancer and then he's referencing to fango tv defango and here's to
fango on 5 30 this is a couple weeks after isaac's death and he's saying keep
dropping videos and stuff but try not to get into the new drama with an open secret
and mag megaco i think if we lay off uh and let them fight we can see where this is
going better we should talk on voice and the next thing he said is on second
thought fire all cameras so it's definitely going on and this guy is definitely
Simple truth
2020-08-21 03:21:23 UTC
so let's talk a little bit more about perception you open your eyes you recognize
your bed your lampshade the dining room area the kitchen you look outside you see
the cars and the birds the trees blowing in the wind these are images that are
visible to humanity the light within them the light of the father will reveal
herself but his image is hidden by his light do you understand that something
called ether it's everywhere and they can apply all the signs of the world they
won't reason why i move around a lot and i don't keep one resident is because i'm a
nomad and because i've been persecuted and i've had people chase me they say
evasion of service but there's a lot so it's that i'm not a rich person with many
possessions there was a man in napa who came into a lot of money and the first
thing he did was buy a vineyard and he filled it up with all sorts of possessions
he had plans for lots more and he filled his his warehouse with fruit going through
a process called malolactic fermentation and he told me i won't ever have to work
again i'm not going to lack for anything and that was his final thought be aware of
what we are it doesn't come easy if you start to look for the light in the world
all you're going to discover is corpse all you're actually doing is spending your
time people have talked about a resurrectionist to occur it's already happened you
just don't the elect through your struggles and it's within and it's where you come
from and we'll
let's get a little bit deeper into this why it's becoming clear to me that unlike
coronaviruses a form of Spanish Flu it's just a derivation on h1n1 so here on the
History Channel which is pretty lightweight history it says the first wave of the
1918 pandemic occurred in the spring and was generally mild actually that's wrong
and occurred in January not the spring it was the winter the sick who experienced
such typical flu symptoms as chills fever and fatigue and shortness of breath by
the way usually recovered after several days and the number of reported deaths was
low that's what we're seeing right now so I think between January and June of 1918
you had around a hundred and twenty two hundred and thirty deaths we're probably
gonna see right around the same thing and then however a second highly contagious
wave of influenza appeared with a vengeance in the fall of that same year victims
died within hours or days of developing systems their skin turned blue and their
lungs filled with fluid the skin turning blue is a sign that either you know
basically choking it's an oxygen deprivation and then lungs filling with fluid to
cause them to suffocate and so this is mnemonic that is the symptoms there and what
would a government do if they wanted to not panic the public what they would do is
they would say this celebrity died or this musician dieter this important person
died and that caught Kovac 19 and they died from complications complications as a
catch-all term so that's what we're dealing with right now I'm becoming more and
more convinced every day that what they're really not telling us is that Spanish
flu is back and this is a mother and so what we all need to prepare for the winter
of 2020 is going to be like nothing any of us have experienced in
[Applause] you know history always repeats do you remember when we were captivated
by the atrocities going on in Mosul Iraq that was during the Iraqi war served in
2003 I think March 20th so that area was seeped in blood I have to do is look at
the ancient Assyrians and they built a huge Empire their religious capital where
the DIF sacrifices was called a short and that has been around since 2500 BC they
reached their height during the neo-assyrian era which is from around 900 BC to the
fall of Nineveh in 612 BC so giant swath of land that equaled the Roman Empire
which was huge in itself I went from you know Africa to Spain to Egypt so the
Assyrian dominion was from Egypt to modern-day Iraq and the way that they ruled is
through extreme violence you can take a look at some of the steely and the stone
reliefs and the sculptures on the palace walls and it would always be about
military successes they would record these conquests in the minut details there was
a particularly bloody King astronauts Apollo in a second and he did campaigns and
the ninth century BC I think it was the first time that they actually mentioned
Jews so what he wrote in the would be an Assyrian policy do that I also know okay I
mean really get to so I'm gonna translate I flayed as many Royals Nobles as had
defied against me rebelled and draped their skins over the corpses some I had
spread out within the human pile some I erected on stakes upon the pile I killed 50
or their fighting men with the sword burned 200 slaves occipital which is captives
or slaves from them and defeated in battle 332 enemy with their blood i stained the
mountain red like red wool and the rest of them the rivers and points of the
mountain was swallowed I carried off their slaves and possessions I cut off the
heads of their fighters and built a tower before their city I burnt their
adolescent boys and girls teenagers I delivered chaos and conflict i besieged and
conquered the city I felt 3,000 of there soldiers with the sword I captured many
soldiers alive to cut off some of their arms and hands I cut off noses ears and
extremities I blinded many of the troops that's got to be gouging out of the eyes I
made one pile of the living and one of has I hung their heads on trees around the
city all they would devastate a one city and then go to the next one we say you
gonna go ahead and mess with us so it's just really weird used to be able to read a
lot more of these but when we get old it's just crazy you know you can see I will
show you this is the piles there there those are piles of heads and there is king I
sure nothing mess of all pretty brutal so as I said history repeats and that's what
we see it just really gets bloody you start to see this let me show you another
rule D if you guys want I'll start to teach you how to read some of these reliefs I
can teach you maybe three 400 words an ancient Assyrian but that's just pretty
brutal you can see that they're impaled this is kind of what dracool did to the
king of transylvania later it's horrible they're basically impaling these guys what
a way to go and this is roughly what Saddam Hussein did in the same area
so I'm looking very closely at occipital capital which is Gabe Hoffman's hedge fund
and the good thing is I have some friends of mine that I went to college with and
some of them got into forensic accounting so it's gonna be some interesting things
coming out as far as Gabe Hoffman he C aggressor I didn't know who he was when he
started to attack me and to literally try to say that I psychologically tortured I
said Cappy to death so that's a lie I believe that Gabe Hoffman is certainly a liar
absolutely but I also believe there may be criminal intent behind what he did I
think that his partnership with minimal Chavez is a is a given and I see what he's
trying to do which is to threaten and intimidate and bully people it's not gonna
work with me Gabe alright it's not going to work with me with you with Glen
Herrmann with the finger with any of these guys I don't give a fuck alright what I
do is I collect evidence
hello gary body long block level kings legs fc lyon graffiti sunbury barthélemy
getting tidy is the force cover by johnny cash and carry your and the i next you
the bunch get so tired islam Has long been on lower with clinically elevators a
Wahlberg Wikileaks and see this saveur many people s and t themselves along shit no
no i long handle lammers there separate room and family no original in die and
north america planes by the five for that way you go to the used primarily on
another desk have a joint modern agree choir sing people then step bella mare start
the fennel aka speakers so become rico dorothy and history jesus done where he
actually buy a steering wheel from islam and show spirali
so it doesn't look like people are thinking when it comes to this coronavirus uh on
a comedian which is um a comedy of mistakes which is turning tragic actually so um
you've got people traveling all over the world it's not like 1918 where they would
take slow ocean liners however you're seeing outbreaks in these cruise ships and
they have no place to dock certain uh comparisons were made to the world war ii
holocaust not the armenian one but the one during world war ii and i don't think
it's really comparable it's a um it's a matter of containment right now you know
non-um pharmaceutical measures but the problem that we have and people aren't
thinking and it's not even being mentioned is there's going to be an exodus folks
you know you've got what 1.1 billion people in china you've got um around four and
a half million uh millionaires and you gotta figure they're going to take their
families so you're looking at five million there if you've got asymptomatic
carriers then these are typhoid mary's who are going to be setting up their new
digs everywhere new york city la paris london the major metropolitan uh center so
take a look at what happened with uh huby with um you know wuan and extrapolate
that that didn't that didn't happen with a thousand people being infected in one
day it happened one by one and it radiated and you know you've got ghost towns
there you've got ghost cities there so you've got tests that are um geared towards
um accuracy but accuracy by being able to identify false positives not false
negatives and you've got a very very tricky set of viruses they're starting to call
it covid19 right now that's uh who uh gave it that name it's only going to grow
we've got over 1100 reported deaths it's probably you know 10 15 times higher
there's um a crackdown by the chinese government on um accurately reporting figures
um they've been brutal on the people and if you're in asia you've got to be scared
shitless whether you're in hanoi or bangkok or tokyo you've got to be thinking oh
my god what am i going to do let's go get a mask well that's not going to help you
unless you've got goggles and earplugs literally it's like those three monkeys you
know here no evil see you will speak no evil so you literally have to be helen
keller to uh to get through this and i'm not trying to make light of the situation
i've been trying to warn people for a while when everybody was saying it was
nothing i started to report on it and i told you guys hey this is serious so when
you see these doctors who say i've got a cure you know there's some guy in thailand
right now saying i cured two of my patients isn't that a little too early to do a
victory dance you don't know that they can be asymptomatic carriers what we have
here is a very very tricky tricky tricky set of viruses and what we have is a world
where you've got global travel made easy and you've got a virus that hides in the
shadows and they can piggyback on humans or pets or insects or the air itself so
how he's supposed to swat this with a fly swatter when that'll just move the virus
to wherever you're spawning that's what we've got going on serious stuff and i
suggest that you cannot trust any government figure anywhere what you can trust is
the reaction to whistleblowers and the reaction to patients and if the stories are
true coming out of china you've got crematoriums you've got governments killing
people government's shutting people up and they're in their homes it's just like
what they're doing with the cruise ships where the healthy will be sick because the
healthy are bundled with the sick and that is what happened in 1665 in london you
can go look at that plague that was a monster it's the same thing that happened
with authorities in italy and in france and in germany and other areas during the
black death of 1347-1352 i've studied these things folks it's what i've been doing
for 20 years so i think i'm ahead of the epidemiologist and the world health
organization i think i'm ahead of the curve because i've seriously studied plays in
history and the government responses to these things and this is going to get a lot
so over the last three months we've seen Denise take this plate dr. roll pretty
seriously and at first it was this video she started out with bandanas and then
crocheted things now she didn't understand much about the coronavirus and the fact
that it could literally live on cloth for weeks but it's not gone to things that
may be illegal she's personally going out there with her new and improved costume
and she's she's diagnosis and I I just wanted you guys to listen in to one of the
visits I mean she's there to spread good cheer she's got quite a bedside manner
won't you listen do you want to see one of the patients Sonya the ones who don't
spend all their time having livestreams training ways to attack somebody because
that person criticized their activity and politics on a public platform people are
doing and saying in public media YouTube is public media nice message I am people
because some of them might be starting to figure out that this is how they're
spending what truly may be their last days good bedside manner building attack meme
videos trading phone numbers a stranger's family members to call them County
officials for not giving them documents that are not their business they're not
public information and even documents that are public information no government
official is required to give such a document to somebody that they know are using
it for criminal purposes see they have the right to hold that it's just looking
something to it was that our or the documents on just
so what's eating Gabe why does it seem so panicked why does he seem so scared that
he has to try to do an emergency injunction on me maybe because he knows who I'm
working with and who I'm talking to that would certainly scare someone who's a
hedge fund manager who might have direct ties to the same people who were backing a
man named Jeffrey Epstein who may or may not be alive so the interesting thing that
happens is he might be in trouble with his superiors you know the people who
allegedly set him up as a young 22 and a half year old with a whole bunch of money
maybe there's things like laundering maybe there's some conspiratorial aspects the
whole thing you know Rico was used originally I think in 1970 or so to stop
organized criminal activity it can be used civilly as well so it's pretty
interesting to see Hoffman's reactions it's very different from the reaction she
set to other people if you've noticed he is at his core a bully that's who he is
he's a bully but to see him react in fear well all I can tell you is it I do have
an army of people I trust some people who know what really goes on with hedge fund
managers one of my best friends is a hedge fund manager actually and one of the
biggest Shorter's in the world I won't give you his name was able to give me some
very good information on mr. Hoffman so what he doesn't want is he doesn't want
everything exposed this entire financial history post bachelor degree so I'm sorry
but mr. Hoffman opened that door he arrogantly assumed he was smartest guy in the
room remember that used to be what Goldman Sachs said about themselves you know
rather rather arrogant just like someone who will go ahead and attempt to sue one
of the alleged pedophile victims of his own film an open secret 2015 so what is he
gonna do with all the enemies he's made and he's kind of a lot of them now what is
it judge gonna do when I'm able to demonstrate that there is a conspiracy oh and by
the way alleged CIA agent Jacki Weaver is part of that she's and us right now too
so much more later but I believe that they're having fitful sleeps nightmares
you've been programmed not to believe a word i say yet everything that i've told
you has you know that 600 000 people disappear off the planet every year make that
comparison to a 139 000 mortalities many of which have nothing to do with coveting
they're very sly aren't they he died with covet rather than he died of covet as
i've been saying all along this is a reoccurrence of what took 70 million souls
between 1916 there's some big games being played right now and the newest one i
hear is that someone important will be arrested next week we've been hearing that
for a while for a long while it's time for it to happen because if you keep on
promising a payload and one doesn't come then the slot player eventually gets the
titanium back and takes it to the machine because he goes crazy so that's what our
oppressors are doing and it's not like they haven't had they mind to wash people
that's what just like my adversaries would like to poke at me and continue to poke
at me and they don't realize all they're doing is hitting scar tissue you can kill
the singer you can't kill
DMC Denise maybe the oldest YouTuber out there. I'm guessing she's got to be
pushing 90
2020-07-06 05:55:20 UTC
I'm going to make a public plea that Denise Maddow stop covering they get slain
Maxwell drama if she wants to concentrate on Maxwell's grandmother or even great-
grandmother I think that might be more appropriate but literally this is this is a
worse reporting in the world it's pretty bad and what I think truth Connolly would
do best at is doing live tarot readings and then moving on to the voodoo doll
section which would be the r-rated section for senior citizens as I understand it
she's a black pilling nursing homes right there right now so that's more her metier
I would think but trying to be a reporter on the events of the day it's kind of a
mustache Pete esque so I really don't think it's appropriate I think if she wants
to talk about you know some of the things that happened a century ago in her
childhood that might be really more appropriate nobody wants to see someone of her
age covering a young 58 year old like Ghislaine it just you know it it doesn't work
she's a
so I want you to listen to a pleasant piece of music from 1967 [Music] [Applause]
[Music] all right so then when I go to Twitter and Thomas Schumpeter steals his
music listening to the opening credits of the 1967 drum berserk and that's what he
just heard now let me show you a little sorry for the delay but it'll be worth the
wait because we're gonna see something there Ness slow today so now here's the
problem I compose this in 1966 so how could I steal a piece of music from the year
after 1966 Diane bad
happy Memorial Day everybody I hope you're all enjoying the day off excuse sarcasm
many of us have had many days off it's funny when you start to add up the labor
hours were evaporated you know you figure what 50 60 million people times 40 hours
a week so do the math that's a hell of a lot of a labor hours so you wonder why I
keep telling people we have a depression coming down the pike but that's not what
we're going to talk about right now what we're gonna talk about is Jan on now Jan
on told myself and a group of people that he had the goods on defang go enough to
the point where when it was exposed the finger would be completely completely
ruined as far as street credibility and that his lives would be told so Jan came up
with the clips he really did you guys remember a long time ago Titus frost and I
did an interview where Titus was asking about the origins of cue and I Twitter chat
room in 2017 where there were ideas that were borrowed they were later used in cue
and that I thought there had to be at least two cues and he thought that - he was
right so was i it looks like there was um at least three cues you know some of them
grifters so to kind of go through it I had mentioned to titus Courtney Dobbs it was
with the goldwater and then Jan on Wow he drops you know I'm allowed he has
revealed that James Brower was a member of the Goldwater right there you know he
goes by another name it was real names Kevin Kevin loss but it's crazy he went by
major burdock alright so there are the goods it's crazy so yeah there were tropes
that were stolen from us you know just to put it all out there I was teasing um you
know Fox you know packs no matter that she was a mother of cute she actually
technically was even though she's not gonna like that you know but she was the one
who went and said my friend white rabbit you know wants to be included in little
puzzle piece which we did you know September 23rd 2017 so absolutely one of the Z's
you know Richard Richard it's three Z's by the way but Richard can also take claim
as being part of the founding of the Q platform the thing is it wasn't political
but the trope was there the Alice in Wonderland house going down a rabbit hole
among others and that definitely was at least partially part of the Q side up if
you can call it that what ended up happening is that microchip and Brower and I
think Courtney to a small knot they but we're creating one thing while there are
some mysterious person with high-level military access who is I guess for lack of a
better word the real queue and so you know actually the queue movement got a boost
because it was revealed through Jan on that microchip and Brower really didn't know
who was doing the fortune and stuff so that's a very interesting it appears that de
phango is completely destroyed that he hasn't been proven to be a rapacious flyer
which is what Jay and I'm was saying all along which is what Titus was saying which
is what I was saying and what Jib camera was saying Joe but you know it's amazing
big as you know props to Jane on he said he was going to deliver stuff that would
forever ruin defendless credibility and prove that defend go was conning us was
conning his followers was lying and misleading and claiming that he created
something he had nothing to do with absolutely nothing to do with now I think that
there is an Israeli first or aspect to one of the ques jack paso you know or post
so I guess I call him I McGoldrick that Jim Watkins was promoting and I think that
they were putting out part of the fake akyuu messages I mean I guess Q became this
multi tiered multi owned platform so they're yeah is there a real queue yeah looks
like there is yeah that real queue operates independently of these grifters now it
doesn't look like microchip was necessarily a drifter or even James Brower they
didn't make any money Defago did he was making money so is praying that I can you
know others that have been mentioned I think Maggie Coe and there's something going
on there because it appears that whoever is the real cute came out swinging against
Maggie go and so there's some sort of history there that needs to be explored all I
can tell you is that Defago was definitely part of the fake you not the real cue
and ironically Lestat was part of the original I mean he was pitching his artwork
to both the real and the fake cubes he had leave development right now who was
having some sort of major war word to phango but back in 2017 he was pushing you at
least defending those little version of it you know which is just a bunch of other
bullshit it's just really weird it's as if you go to Milan and you look at the Last
Supper by DaVinci and you know some dwarf comes up to me says hey I painted that
you know he's lying I bet he tries to charge you admission so that's two finger for
you I really think he should give the money back he put out a lie for a long time
and he took probably thousands of dollars from people based upon a lie I think he
owes the truth community and apology and he should return that money he's pretty
bad and I know that he ate stand on but Jenna see and I warned them GN on has
trounced defending go je dunn has put defend you in a Hurt box that none of us have
been able with you it's wild so as Titus says defend girls losing audience rapidly
and I'm seeing the same thing it's amazing but what's even more interesting is to
see that a real Q grifter Cuse which is not unheard of there are people who have
been inspired by fiction to do things that suddenly become non fiction and there
are people who have been influenced by movies they'll go ahead and well recreate
the character and in real life so that's what's a somewhere out there there is you
know hopefully yes thank you that appears to have some sort of superpowers you know
I would guess military guy mid-40s no older than 50 and he's got some deep deep
deep connections within the Trump administration so I'm pretty sure jayna know so
it is he's mentioned a certain name before man whose last name is Cohn so that's
sad I'm very pleased to see the shabbos exposed he was so busy lying to people and
being toxic and wanting to be the bride at every wedding in the corpses every
funeral and grifting people taking their money repeatedly wallet Agee it was a
person monetizing stalking evil little man so now he's he's destroyed you can't
reestablish credibility at least quickly it's gonna take years so maybe he should
start looking for a real
emily the strange posts the archives i proved are conclusive ts was targeted by
multiple persons attempting to blame him for suicide and now seemingly points to
murder hoax wars was also targeted both individuals used their genius to confound
the attackers the truth will always shine through very very honest about um
targeting i've been through but i wanted to show you um um it's really getting
crazy and steve's been wonderful he writes babe confessed his plans on one of his
frequent appearances on the duvangel show to use florida's new anti-semitic laws to
pursue his victims criminally is it just a coincidence that esteban defender and
others are suddenly trying to falsely label people as anti-semites wow goes into
the q anon thing to yeah this is really just and then simon templer says dave
atkins watching i bet your finances are agreeing with his research as well i'm
guessing chavez will be suited along with all seeing you conti others so uh and
then steve lotrum is just he basically linked um will will summer and then here we
go this is what magako was so upset about and it says q digging on mega go shows
obvious fraud although those associations are non-stop attacking and obviously
coordinated why would a pack attack us this in itself shows it's fake the pack also
engages no one shields frauds do we still dig many reported to the irs wow so it's
getting serious and we're starting to see
so it's pretty interesting in any given day in my life I expect a veritable ocean
of intrusion and instead of thinking to myself as a fox and a fox hunt I think more
like okay I'm Rambo and I will defend myself so part of what I need to defend
against is when you have gang stalkers who believe that they're journalists okay so
stock journalism I think and there are those who think that and it's interesting to
see so much non factual reporting coming from the lady in Corpus Christi I'm
investigative reporter Denise I'm out of town and then Manuel shabbos who runs a
news channel called elusive man he's got various tentacles which include you know
the pedo vampire distillery I think it that's the name and these stories become
viral and to me is signals some sort of evolutionary burst in the species will now
refer to as homo LARP us on the low stats you know he tells people I was raised
Jewish and I wish someone would have told my mom and dad because then I would have
had 12 days of presence as we celebrated Hanukkah I wasn't raised Jewish I'll stab
you stupid Pablo pedo damn Bovina count not a liar you just an idiot I don't know
how much clearer the truth should be to you as your subscribers flee for the
mountains you're losing traction Arturo because you've repeatedly bullshit of
people and when you put things up publicly they will screenshot that they will
stream it yeah and you get caught in your lies so people can ascribe all sorts of
things to me but it doesn't stick because I keep on proving them wrong no this
first man well you went ahead and said that I hate Jews so it's weird to have your
compadre right the pedo vampire pushing one thing and then you're pushing another
here's what I hate Supreme ISM and it doesn't matter if it's Muslim or Christian or
Jewish or Hindi Supreme ISM that is the toxin when any one religion believes that
they are superior to another so you need to quit looking at the tongue of others
and look inside and hear with your inner ears
okay so once again I'm proven right I hope you're listening Dave I think you know a
lot more about law than I ever will but when it comes to investigating stuff I'm
really good I'm really good so I made public video a while ago saying that truth
cowboy had received payment from defago and that they've been working at cahoots
and the defender to attack you and to attack me and so here it is now she's getting
paranoid because topango just got served you know 32 hours ago well he received it
he was actually they were trying to serve him three different attempts pissing off
sherry Vaughn but that's it goes so here's this this guy Jeff Ingo has no clue that
monograph has been paying support people has set up a social circle to claim that
he defending go employees me Defago hates me and certainly never employed me for
anything I don't hate to think of what I think he's a patsy okay he or she is
trying to back away and we all know that she's been very close with Topanga and he
was her children so this guy Defago really and here is the people want to get us
hired include Rebecca Clovis Harmon ever stares and several other criminal
associates actually your criminal associate of defender and you know that he's
going to be deposed and you know that there's going to be subpoenas issued on his
protonmail and as Google and every other social media platform he's worked on so if
two-finger would listen to me I would tell him never to be with autograph because
with his criminal setup so here's was really the only not I called it all right so
that's what we have to say mr. Dave you know what I don't like mr. Dave let's pick
up a name for you save your Dave right because you're saving the world from
gangsters introducing safer day if the life-sized six-foot-five towering action
figure he shoots he flies he could build a campfire with Flint knives he could bend
the cane suckers into a thousand different sources but wait there's more Savior
Dave understands how to navigate the serpentine legal system and one blinding
moment he can file torts and humors and motions Savior Dave cleanin up the unit for
Humanity let's give a new name bucko save your Dave okay I know you like Dave Acton
but you are now save your date and I give names that's what I do I've given a lot
of names a lot of names to a lot of people the pedo vampire that was me so you're
now a savior Dave actually has a ring to it gets your life-size towering action
figure saber Dave now save us from the coronavirus
Jackie contemplates becoming a Mormon
2020-06-06 21:47:24 UTC
so I noticed that Jackie we were exactly Weaver the proprietor of the blog trekking
the leopard Moreau's has made another mistake and I'm going to bring it out the
spear of destiny reputedly who resides in Vienna where it's in the consciousness or
some say in the Royal Opera a here's the problem Jackie it was tested maybe 15
years ago by a meteorologist archaeologist named dr. Robert feather and he came
back that it was probably from the 600 therefore it's a fake does the spear of
destiny even exist probably not that would have been kept and would have been named
early on it probably would have ended up in Antioch at the first church but it's
nowhere to be found and you see a lot of fakes crown of thorns crucifix nails what
what not and how did this spear of destiny get back to Vienna well originally it
came after it was infamous and during the revolution someone took it out impression
of soldier and it ended up five six seven years later in Vienna where you know it
it was held with great love this is a spear that supposedly was owned by various
rulers Charlemagne Frederick Barbarossa Alaric it was a gentleman who sacked Rome
and then died a week later so this fair will keep it a mystery and to Fang who
doesn't get to own it because it's not to figure those two finger get to held it he
had a you know interaction with it and who knows maybe that's why there's been such
a change with him it's all I have to say about that situation but it's a mystery
and it shall remain a mystery as far as me in Utah I wasn't in Utah the you know
the whole time and I thought you and others were claiming that I was at a motel 6
the whole time so I think it was esteban it was pushing that really hard and maybe
others what I'd like from you Jackie is for you to take a good long look at your
hero Estevan and take a look at how he conducts himself on social media and tell me
that those are the behaviors of an honorable soldier they're not Esteban has some
sickness today talking about sickness it's June 6 2020 and this was a day that
Esteban was bragging to everybody he was going to have me thrown in cuffs and then
prosecuted for who knows but the fact of the matter is this guy was aggressive on
me first didn't know who he was evidently he was obsessed with the pusle as far
back as 2018 where he was interacting with Arturo Tafoya remember that guy that's
the guy you put out a rumor that I didn't play piano and you published that
remember that but I understand you're a blogger you're not a reporter so truth is
not imperative okay Jackie
good morning I wanted to thank everybody who's interacting and listening and making
PayPal donations and spreading the word so I'll try to do these stream-of-
consciousness monologues and I'm sure we'll make lots of mistakes but at least I'm
not reading off a script so here's some food for thought the word bio-weapon is
tossed around a lot but why not call Cove 8:19 a designer virus a cleansing
mechanism designed by possibly a frenemy that is created to kill off older people
to save the deep state untold millions and pension payouts I didn't even like the
term of deep State anymore why not deep nation because new and draconian laws are
going to be enacted by over a hundred nations this is academic that's what they're
calling it now it's a pandemic in which the deep nation can force vaccines and
outlaw the gathering of people someone made a comment that Australia has now passed
a law yesterday where 50 or more people cannot collect therefore for the time being
crowds are illegal you see that with a sporting events the canceled globally it
also music can't be protests or marches we're all becoming cyber Hermes now in the
past when you had totalitarian regimes you see concentration camps you see forced
internment and the scary thing is that's what we may see in certain countries in
the future the only place a crowd will collect is under prison conditions otherwise
outside those camps or jails or whatever they're gonna be it has become a danger
for our tribes to gather and to discuss how we feel and to share information face
to face the only way we can share information is on a monitored cell phone or
through an internet constantly under surveillance and the first one to develop a
vaccine is a nation that takes violent umbrage if we discuss its history
now this cabin fever is not very good for us I can tell you that with certainty you
see the newspapers and the media if it bleeds it leads they're generally there to
scare and divide us but what we have is entertainment on the other side of it which
people go to sporting events they go to night clubs they go shopping for things
they don't need and that's part of the simple happinesses of life and what we're
seeing right now is uh you know bad news after bad news after bad news for me I'm a
musician so uh Toto promote the tempo par la vita and a music that's too much to a
string on the music so you know that's that's where I find to be a worthier pursuit
you can make music alright that's that's a good thing and you create humor so as I
show you something about humor this is pretty funny and get together alright guys
[Applause] okay you get the idea and by the way from an annotation or point of view
it's correct so whoever put this together a doodle Kaos knew what they were doing
definitely I reads
and this is shark belly kelly i mean okay first off her little icon shows a guy
that she met twice isaac happy and a guy that um may have named her as an
infiltrator so we all know that and there was something called a familam it was
isaac's group most of them have left because of shark billy kelly kelly giannini
and brett trimble brett turnbull is a former military intelligence he seems to get
triggered at times um but let's go through the people in here so you've got alex
jones and you know there are some suspicions about alex um i don't know these other
names david ike of course david seaman uh you know who knows you know david has
never been uh you know bad to me at all um george webb i don't know george george
has never been mean to me don't really know who isaac green is lee um stranahan i
don't know him laura loomer obviously and quite histrionic and what she does sarah
lee ashcraft i believe she claimed she was a victim of uh tom hanks and others i
don't know much about royston potter at all um like cernovich this is the second
one on the list that is 100 israeli firster ties to uh alan dershowitz um i think
he wrote some sort of gorilla book but he talked about how it's okay to be violent
with women if i'm correct thomas wiktor so there's a lot of talk about this guy he
said he was cia who knows i'm not going to name uh one person there but jack
petrovic another one absolutely linked to israeli firster and um you know making up
shit too this guy used to be with o-a-n-n and uh away in and had a very close
relationship with ed pitowski another israeli firster now montegraph i like
monograph i think he's um quite a mind and i think he's a really good musician so
nothing bad to say about monograph at all i don't know why he's on this list same
thing with titus frost titus has always been extremely cool guy um straight up guy
calls it like he sees it you know i have a lot of respect for him there's douglas
gabriel i have a lot of respect for him a very very smart guy um very insightful
guy and i actually learned a lot from him jerome corsi another israeli firster
president of the um israeli beneath birth clap this this guy's bad news 100 percent
nathan stoltman nothing to say about him and i have had some run-ins but i'm not at
war with him tracy beans don't know a lot about her don't know a lot about unirock
either um robert david steele you know he's made some really good points in regard
to israel i think he can be out there when it comes to some other things you know
the sex colony on mars didn't make sense jordan sather i don't know who this kid is
i hear a lot about him but i really don't have much to say fiona barnett i know
nothing about her either other than she's made some big claims about uh long-term
satanic-centric uh pedophilia cults that include the murder of babies cliff hi you
know i've noticed cliff he may have noticed me or not we have some similar thoughts
on uh things he's um he's got some good insights and uh we both were kind of
extrapolators historical extrapolators seeing what's going to come down the pike
next so that's that that's this group according to shark billy kelly but shark
billy kelly seems to be very much of a zionist um very much into covering her
tracks um she's definitely someone that we don't trust um and so shark is saying
your lists are always incorrect well that is true burn wave wave is not me never
has been in me and i do know who that is as a guy who actually was tracking me
right puzzle plays 45 not me scott welter saying teammates aaron ziegler is not a
teammate of mine all seeing you as someone i can't stand i believe that she created
dopey dave along with a couple others and so i'm not going to go out and do
anything about her because from what i understand through the grapevine she's
trying to make some peace signals cool that's great donna emerald i don't talk to
whatsoever um i haven't heard from vinnie in a while wyatt earp wired earp was
actually a woman named rebecca she's my friend she's great um very very cool and so
when you start to talk about uh people who have been stalked i can tell you right
now most of this list are people who have stalked me so who made this list
so i want to show you guys why i believe that kelly giannini is directly involved
in either the cover-up of the murder of isaac happy or she's complicit in the
actual murder shark ballet kelly met cappy twice once at a garage sale and the next
time she picked him up at the airport he had no idea that um she was gonna be the
one showing up she has since replaced any pictures of her husband and identified
publicly with isaac claiming to be his best friend we know that's bullshit all
right we already know that this what you're seeing is private communications where
she's directing a young man um to do an op on me and there's more she is directing
him to record me and just so you know it's um six months in jail for each offense
so um we've got them nailed to the wall shark belly kelly had a jailbird as a
husband and um you know he ended up going to jail for aggravated kidnapping he
ended up turning was busted again so um here you can see her directing a young man
who is considered a vulnerable person under canadian law and there were 20
recordings of myself and this person talking i believe phoenix enigma is involved
with this thing i've been in touch with los angeles authorities and i want to
explain to you it's part of a larger picture which is i was being set up as a
scapegoat for isaac happy's murderer prior to that they were trying to convince
people is this a group of people this is an operation that i was cue and the reason
for it they said is he's got high intelligence uh he understands polynomials
understands um cryptography he's poly linguistic um he's got a firm grasp on
history um he's got some military background and so on and so forth so they went
ahead and knowing that the fbi was pushing for q to be named as a domestic terror
organization that was going to be the setup and so i have things on shark right now
that are going to put her in jail maybe prison but probably jail and even though
she could face up to 10 years knowing la in their system she'll probably get a year
however she had a jailbird husband she's got associates uh who are uh in the
criminal underground and um i've got the actual recordings and the evidence i have
a lot on shirk that she doesn't know that i have after me looking to finger me for
a long time so um the bottom line is why why would it be so important she was
supposedly the dear friend of isaac cappy even though she met him twice and
probably spent less than four hours with him in totality um so you have to wonder
about this uh the person who uh this little misa was also in touch with corey
daniel corey daniel was um under heavy fbi watch and atf watch for things that
we'll mention at a later date i'm turning everything over to law enforcement right
now i was able to talk to a buddy who is going to run it all down but he said
you've got actionable evidence here and it's something that we can definitely
prosecute so i'm telling you guys publicly that i'm not putting up with it anymore
i've already got diane nordstrom under investigation right now for other
malcontents who have been involved are now under investigation by law enforcement
and as for as far as shark billy kelly she um instructed a person to uh record me
and california is not an all-party consent state um as i said each um instance is
punishable by six months in jail and a one thousand two hundred and fifty dollar
fine and so i've got uh 20 recordings i've got a lot more too i've got things on
shark would cause her cartilage to rip away from her teeth if we're going to go
ahead and use shark metaphors so um you know brett tremble thinks he's pretty good
at sustaining that information he doesn't know the half of what i have what i am
telling you is i've already been in touch with law enforcement um i've got
connections down in uh the california area with that and they will investigate not
only her they're going to investigate this as a conspiracy as far as the young man
in canada i'm not seeking any um criminal charges against him in fact i think with
the canadian law there's no um you know criminality to recording phone calls
however um at the direction and control of shark belly kelly that's where
criminality comes in so i spent part of my day uh with a attorney who deals in this
and part of my day talking to a sergeant with uh lapd rampant rampart division so
it's looking really good and the bottom line is i think i'm going to go forward
with this i think she needs to be taught a lesson i think she along with your
criminal past um is going to be looked at and investigated so um i'm turning
everything over to authorities as i should as far as shark billy kelly she made a
huge mistake why would she want be looked at knowing that i wasn't in arizona i
never had any acrimony with isaac cappy she's the one who as a newly widowed person
instead of putting her husband up as a remembrance she wants everybody to believe
that isaac happy and her were best friends we know it's not true there are other
players that are involved in this thing and ultimately it ends with me seeking a
rico statute investigation and to do that you've got to have hard evidence which i
do have so um just wanted to let everybody understand what's going on right now as
you know i've got a guy who um has been a hell of a bully and this guy is um sue
happy he sued all sorts of people he's litigious as hell um he's hurt a lot of
people and he's been involved in um saying some of the worst things in the world
about people um that are just horrible they're that are just wrong um you know he
made uh statements about uh elise renahan that are very offensive um there's a lot
more coming down the pike guys so i can say you know people thought i was a larp
until they started to see how i handled myself in court um people thought i was a
larp until they they saw what i could do and how i can do it it is going to be
pretty interesting what happens in the future and um there is going to be justice
there is and with your help which i appreciate um very much um we're gonna get
through this so i've got um as i said a huge file and um [Music] they have no idea
what that what i have i think shirk billy kelly was probably completely surprised
that i had uh this evidence you know um [Music] you know she went back into my
history a video that my son made in 2009 and he calls the woman in the picture my
mom uh it's actually a lady by the name of uh margaret beaver mondavi she was a
dear friend she's she was the godmother of uh of wolf king so um as i say there's
going to be a lot more that comes down the bike and um you know you want to talk
about social distancing champion well you know which you see what comes up next too
so um
Aviva and then to cattivo that means a wicked wind comes so this is an article from
February 3rd it's 19 days ago and it talks about out the corona virus can mutate
and at that point we had 213 dead and 9800 confirmed cases this 19 days ago the
death toll the reported death toll is 10 times death and we've got 80,000 reported
affected so for those who are trying to close their eyes and pretend this is not
going to get much bigger the fools they are now the argument is well it's only
killed Chinese and it's really only gotten to be big there okay bad argument number
one you don't know that you've got governments that are hiding things supposedly 20
have already died in one hospital in Iran and that is from a phone call between a
doctor and qualm and another doctor in Toronto so this thing can write on the backs
of money all right it's gonna hit public schools and prisons and municipal parks
and if you're in a high V and densely populated area like Manhattan or Bangkok or
London in Paris or Amsterdam watch out you can wear all the masks you want it's not
gonna stop anything you can go ahead and put your good money down for one of Corpus
Christi's fabric maths and all that's gonna do is attract the virus so once again
Denise doesn't know what the fuck she's talking about the death of stupidity has
some people surprising shadow let's talk some more let's talk about Seth rich and
Ed Bukowski and defend oh so you can scrape the internet and you're not gonna find
me going crazy on Seth bitch because I really never knew much about it I know it
was a DNC staffer and I never knew much about WikiLeaks I knew only a little bit
about Julian Assange and I always felt that I liked Julian you know I was a
supporter of him a woman I was going out with at the time was fixed eight of him
still is and who knows you know for all I know the whole Julian Assange thing could
be a sign up we just don't know you know it could be living in a mansion in the
Hampstead checked out of sight with you know mi6 you know put it on a theatre
production we just don't know we don't know what truth is I know what my truth is I
know what my experiences are so I want to talk to you a little bit about them as I
Savas and Buttowski were meeting privately now I don't have a history of fixating
on Seth rich but I'll tell you who does Bukowski in Defago now I made a mistake
earlier in my reporting and I stated that Stephen Bisson lost the case that had to
do with Twitter he actually he didn't it was the case they had to deal with that
Christopher Steele dossier and he probably shouldn't have lost that but I think yes
I think there was a lot of crookedness that went on with the dossier judges have
political agendas just like people with badges just like people without baskets you
know us humans will attempt to to to push our agendas it's the way it is you might
have the appearance of fairness but come on it's not the way it goes it really
isn't the guy who was the celli of Jeffrey Epstein was a homicide detective he
ended up killing four people so just because you've got a badge or a robe or a
gavel that doesn't mean that you have actual moral superiority it's how you live
your life there's how you tell the truth so going back to this thing I think what's
gonna happen is you're gonna see a federal investigation into Savas and in de PUE
house key oh well I wasn't there when these guys met and whatever they talked about
I believe that they were discussing a surveil settlers family I think they were
talking about how they could hack him to enrich I don't know this is a fact but
that's what I suspect and when people say well how come you're not coming down on
math couch cuz I didn't see anything with that couch how come you're not coming
down on Trevor because I didn't witness any weirdness with Trevor other than him
trying to pick up on the girl I was with at the time and she didn't appreciate
Trevor's behaviors so once again I'm just trying to tell my truth now here's the
thing about Dave active the reason why I don't come down on him isn't because we're
working together we're not the reason is because I know his motorcyle day what he
does is he'll throw everything against the wall and he'll watch the react of people
so he threw the whole Sam Thornton thing against the wall with me and he saw how I
reacted which is I was grateful and I contacted the Arizona State Police now I can
guarantee you Gabe Hoffman is not happy with Dave Acton not one bit because Dave
actually helped me does that mean that he's working with me no it doesn't it means
that Dave was being Dave which is there are investigators who will scattershot a
bush and see what birds fly out of it and it's it's a tactic that good
investigators use there's nothing wrong with it so I'm grateful to Dave doesn't
mean that I'm working with him and I can tell you where things are gonna go it's
exactly what I said before it's exactly what I predicted which is I have evidence
that Chavez was behind Debbie Dave I have evidence the Savas was directing Marcus
to try to tether myself and Dave together to infuriate both of us and to cause us
to go to battle with each other I have evidence that Chavez and truth convoy were
talking and communicating and plotting so this will all come out in due time I have
evidence that Lestat and Defago were in goods I have evidence that gave Hoffman and
memo Chavez worthy goods now I suspect the desta bomb was involved unfortunately
the file that I received didn't have that it's clearly not a file that the same one
that I that's Lori I was under lady got I don't know Lori so I got nothing bad to
say about her but I can tell you that there are white house that are disseminating
the information and what these white hats are looking for is to make absolutely
sure that Chavez and Hoffman and others face the
well well well I'm starting to really feel vindicated right now CDC came out
yesterday and they said a second wave is likely next winter they said 2021 but you
know to me if it breaks out in November that's pretty close to 2021 and you have to
understand the speed the dexterity the tenacity the Eclair 'ti of the transmission
took 94 days for the world to reach a million confirmed covet cases you remember
New Year's Eve 2020 bring in the New Year right that's when the first cases were
reported by April 3rd there were a million cases it's 94 days guess how long it
took for it to get to 2 million cases 12 days 12 days so what we could be looking
at if we have a delayed warmth and weather in certain areas we could be seen 1 and
2 million a day dying which will be pretty interesting very interesting just think
of a math now we were dealing with smaller populations but civil war in America
620,000 died Spanish flu of 1918 675 thousand Americans now globally it could be up
to a hundred million people the died of it but just look at how quickly things are
ramping up and we're between a rock and a hard place either we shatter the economy
to the point where it's systemic and there's no way to fix it in a 10-year period
for we take a chance you know we're at that inflection point we need half of the
population of the world to have caught this thing before they're and the inflection
point is we either have that scenario or we have this scenario where at least half
of the population's vaccine and that's not gonna happen for a couple years there's
no way so there's no cure right now the tests are faulty they say they're going to
get a secure there's so much suspicion and anger about what's going on it's pretty
hi everybody so do you hear my voice it's all better looks like i'm cured and i had
all the symptoms dry cough shortness of breath fever all the symptoms and do i
believe it was coronavirus yes i believe that um there was a very very mild
outbreak in the united states and on purpose if you look at the uh italian higher
institute of health um i think there's some crookedness in there and agent zianova
doctor nova came out with something on the 13th of march that said um in italy
there's only been two deaths so far ascertained due to covet 19. so we're hearing
thousands and thousands now there could certainly be some political people who have
a much more virulent strength like in iran like in spain like in france it looks
like there are deaths that are political deaths so what would a bad actor do they
would put out a milestone for the public so it would be picked up then they would
control the media and they would go ahead and scare the hell out of us and turn us
into um you know and i believe that's what's being played out they would get a
couple celebrities three four five some sports figures to go ahead and say hey i
have coronavirus and of course everybody would take it seriously and then none of
those celebrities would i think what we're seeing right now is an absolute play by
a dark figure who has had control over media who has a history of using bribery and
extortion on politicians including our politicians and who was currently under
indictment for influence peddling and for bribery i'm talking about benjamin that
now if you think i'm kidding go ahead and uh find bodies on the streets if it's
growing exponentially here well then everybody knows there's 335 000 hospital beds
available and when they fill up it stands to reason that we're going to see
ambulances in corners everywhere and i don't think that's going to happen i think
my theory is holding water i think what we're seeing is much scarier think about it
that my theory look around the link that i'm about to attach to and you go ahead
and you do your research why would they want us scared and in our homes and
watching their messages that's why my tv is off spit on for the financial stuff
because i love seeing those bastards scared i do but if there was a way to
dismantle american industry western europe industry and control it a tiny nation
controlling it while the leader of that nation avoids criminal charges because it's
a crisis think it through guys i don't think i'm wrong and i haven't been wrong yet
so I watch TV for the first time in a couple years today and me in a maritime
version of uh Hogan's Heroes let me see if I can remember the dialog Captain Steve
I got Kevin Z here so I hold my ship sinker it convicts women du bist du okay so
sprechen zie ein bisschen deutsch actually I would say it's like is the ein
bisschen Deutsch because I am Austrian all right mr. Davis I got slightly odd when
I just said in German is help my ship is sinking I can't swim SOS SOS do piece to
piece to beast you probably remember that from sone the old war movies right hey
God mix it in that's right before the ship goes down and the Sharks come in so as
far as d-day June 6 1944 that was not a good day for the soldier but a good day for
the war a lot of American guys well they didn't make it past the beach as you know
it's very interesting because that was Normandy is very very close to a Thomas
which is where the 1918 Spanish influenza actually came from so it's interesting
that we have these class comes having he study it is historic you would say he
studied in German but you don't speak German you're not very good at that right and
according to Laura out there one of your compadres I speak fake Italian she's
pretty funny I dare her to come and have a conversation with me in any language
because I speak a bunch of them all right the word language comes from laying a
duck which is an area in Lombardy that right now is being decimated by the
coronavirus just like your foray into assuming that I ever even mentioned you or
2017 especially an email is going to be decimated like a soldier on the beach of
Normandy on June 6 1944 now it's called frivolous litigation as far as that little
shrimp that you assumed was the captain of the SS shadowboxing we're having fun
aren't we well he's like a miniature anchor you know actually he's a pilot fish to
you you're 65 aren't you Dave think you're pretty tall so Dave here's how it goes
why don't you show those emails were I have anything to do with a certain port in
South Carolina because you know it's not our bullshit and here's what I'm gonna
tell you I think you've been a goose with bond well Shamas I think that you're a
fellow would be Berner you describe Trump as the temporary occupant of the White
House I actually support Trump and you got an old man there that you're backing
right he looks like the kind of guy who would return soup in a deli it's still cold
right and if he was actually to be part of this whole Hogan's Heroes fantasy who
would he be I think he would be sergeant Schultz on the Atkins diet at Starling 20
does that make sense right I'm gonna tell you why something we're gonna take by now
then you wait to like I'm up to trump and like off on him well I'll have the llama
would be it she'll spit on him you know I'm to finger and he'll be by Trump's
ankles like a flea so there I was watching this fantasy and I thought to myself
life is like a box
that's the pocalypse cat yeah give me give me you see when the apocalypse cat comes
around a stalker in big trouble and that's what's going on so good morning
apocalypse cat I love this cat everybody has a cat and cats are really really good
predictors of things as you know they almost seem alien in a good way this one is a
beautiful orange cat was very green eyes kind of okra eyes and apocalypse cat tells
me that she's gonna reveal lots of things soon so apocalypse actually is a Greek
word that means reveal people always think that it means something viscerally
destructive but it actually means reveal and if you think of Luke age 17 everything
hidden shall be revealed well you start to get a glimpse of what's gonna be coming
down the pike it's not gonna be good for mr. Shabbos her mr. Conte or ms Matthau
the cockroach farmer there are consequences to bad behavior and apocalypse cows
climbing over me full of love today so when you go ahead and you take an innocent
man or two or three and you try to demonize them and you try to paint orange on
them and you try to attach murders to them that they didn't commit well when the
string starts to unravel that's where you see what's behind the uncomfortable
things that happen after that which includes both criminal and civil prosecution so
it wasn't a very wise move what you guys did pretty stupid I don't think you're
sleeping well right now and as I said before there's letters being sent to
witnesses there's going to be lawsuits filed and that's just money and time the big
thing is when you start to get into the criminal justice aspect of this and that's
where being thrown not in jail but in state prison or federal prison that's going
to be most uncomfortable especially if you're vertically challenged so we say
especially if you're you know under five five you better be one dangerous person
otherwise you're gonna be owned and it doesn't matter if your drivers are success
five seven you can tell the DMV anything once you go into that kind of lockup you
will be owned and you can
okay so this is Corey Corey Daniel and I'm gonna straighten some things out right
now the bottom line is you should listen I can't show them talking because I don't
want to get a strike here so what he's talking about is that gave off Minh didn't
like the mind map that Corey created so he had gone back and said I don't like this
I don't like that I No you know what I'm gonna stop Cory right there Zach wasn't
accusing them of anything he wanted to know why you were in the same area at the
exact time that Isaac died he wanted to get to the bottom of the Isaac Cappy story
because he is a journalist he's an investigator so come on Cory that's you know
that's not why so what happened is Cory did not even want well actually Gabe didn't
want Cory speaking at all to Wow Wow that my friends is so significant why would
gabe hoffman be desperate so this is a map that Isaac made and it is literally all
over the internet Gabe doesn't like it is Isaac put game off he is it black
swirling vortex of a negative energy he's not a man of his work and you are not how
do you know how do you know it's not something more Cory you don't and as a
researcher you should so gape often is since you vicious emails taking away your
freedom of speech rights and you believe that Zach that's not true I never got an
email from Cory whatsoever so I put out how I felt and he might be confused because
what I did see is him backstabbing me which biggie was not a good idea you see I
keep everything very carefully logged
I'm gonna continue to put everything on the table here's Diane Nordstrom talking to
chronic obscene Gabe Hoffman asked if you'd block him in chronic ops wisely says I
want nothing to do with Gabe but okay I don't know why he said done and then he
asked me blocked I'm going to block him again tomorrow if that hasn't changed again
I really don't want to do or anything to do with him so well we have your focuses
we've got Kelly Jeanne knee going to chronic ops and to Vinny and actively trying
to get me tracked so why would get off me do that I why and is he involved with the
Arizona mob and Florida mob you know this is the reason why I'm making it very
public because these guys have done so many things publicly and Kelly Jeannie this
woman right here does she look like a nice person you know she's married to a guy
was given 12 years for a forcible kidnapping and he got out after two years
probably just he was a snitch and then a couple years after that BAM he gets busted
again I threw the book at him I think he got five plus years now he's dead but
during his lifetime he was involved with the Warlocks motorcycle gang you know bad
guy now this woman here she claims to be Isaac Happy's best friend we know that's a
lie we know that she was involved and setting him up and I am reasonably sure that
she had everything to do with his death so you take a look this is Kelly Giannini
Kelly Giannini of Long Beach California probably involved in the
so once more on the black death the traditional story is that rats with infected
fleas escaped on ships from uh kapha where the mongols had been fighting the
italians and those ships went into port and spread the disease if it was bubonic
plague why were there other symptoms with many of the play victims um they come
back and they say well it was not just bubonic plague it was pneumonic plague
that's not good enough um there were other symptoms and things that resemble um
victims of certain types of avian flu and for that matter um maybe in an ebola that
is not around anymore i think what it makes a lot more sense is to look at they're
a form of viruses they attach themselves to bacterial cells and they inject a viral
genome into the cell which replaces the bacterial genome and lo and behold they can
be spread by birds right and where would the birds get these phages well you find
tons of phages in seawater and that's where these uh seagulls and other birds were
picking up the fish where would they find that in ports because that's where
there's heavy bird activity and birds migrate so um people have told me well you
know the plague didn't do so well in scotland and that's true only a third of the
population died there and that probably had to do with freezing weather but then
again it hit whales really hard it's switzerland real hard hit um you know cold
areas of germany northern germany flensburg das cult this is very very cold there
so you really can't attribute that to the weather if you start to look at um the
idea that these were phages it explains the clarity of radiation the quickness of
the spread of the contagion and it makes a lot of sense where uh could that have
originally come from well the chinese were developing gunpowder that was made with
bat guano bactritus batshit and i believe that is where it came from i also believe
that the coronavirus is coming from these caves where you know when you have mines
you're going to find caves just the way it is there's 10 000 mines in um in china
and that makes a lot of sense and some of them are near uh the volcano there's
around 15 volcanoes and uh in china and the most active one blew up in 1951 you
don't need an active volcano all you need to do is dig deep into the ground and
you'll find viruses you'll find bacterias you know they they found a uh bacteria
that was 30 000 years old in russia and reactivated and became alive so that's what
we're dealing with look at birds as a delivery system and look at viruses and
well well well it looks like the Dow Jones is gonna open in a couple of minutes
down 700 it's got a lot further to go airline stocks and some of the crew stocks
princess and carnival and whatnot are down between 7 and 10 percent Hertz it looks
like they're gonna probably have to go into chapter 11 or 13 bankruptcy they're
down to two bucks a change so what you're gonna see and by the way Tesla is not
that badly hurt they are you know a company of the future so they're down maybe
twenty two dollars and they're and they're hanging it nine hundred and change so I
think they're gonna be fine at any rate what is the real reason for this well
they're telling us this it's Colvig nineteen bullshit oh that's a bunch of bullshit
let me tell you it's exactly what I told you guys before which is they were going
to entice the retails sheep the mom-and-pop investor they were gonna get him into
the market knowing damn well the things are gonna crash especially in August once
those $600 how can I describe them well they're addendum checks for lack of a
better word once that stops and so as I said you got idiots on both sides Mitch
McConnell being the bad guy the hour he's going to extend the Congress the moon
landing July 20th 1969 so he's extending that until July 20th 2020 which means no
one is going to be able to expect checks and things get dire so what you're gonna
see is the government will come up with another $1,200 deal the people who will be
most positively affected are the poorest of the poor but the ones a little bit
higher the food chain they're gonna be able to pay some late bills this is this is
not good this isn't good as I said you know this this virus I believe is a phage is
a delivery system that's hiding some pretty BEC you know deadly bacterial elements
uh and that's what's gonna take out millions in the winter there's some people who
didn't listen to me thought I was projecting millions dead the first part of 2020
I'm not expecting that it will climb into the millions this winter 20 20 into 20 20
21 so far we've had what four hundred thousand dead I think New York is gonna go
back into lockdown I do think that there's danger in Florida because as New York
locks down a lot of people have second homes there and so if they go ahead and they
infect places like Palm Beach and the poor areas West Palm Beach you know and look
at the crowds that Jupiter and all that you know if you've been to to Florida you
know what it's like at the beaches that's their game there and you know personally
I think even if this thing kills a hundred million not many will be missed there's
billions on the planet I think you got a look at sub Sahara and Africa Indonesia
that's where you're gonna see large amounts of people perish however it's our
reaction this pandemic that has been this soap is for you see the Democrats will do
anything not to demonize just one party but they're far worse than the Republicans
the Democrats will detonate a city block if it means more votes if it means they
could take Trump out about - he is definitely going to be reelected however there's
going to be an uptick in all sorts of pretty bad things right now we're seeing a
lot of protests that are ultimately hand to Patong which means there's protestors
who when they get into scuffles with police they're not pointing out weapons they
think what we're gonna see is explosives down the line soft terrorism on American
soil and they've already got the people that they want to blame so I'm losing my
Calling it like it is
2020-06-01 20:42:24 UTC
so now the experts are telling us that coronavirus is actually a vascular disease
it just doesn't stop they can't come out and just say this is a derivation of the
Spanish influenza of nineteen seventeen eighteen and nineteen they can't say it why
because once again this stuff is delivered by avians it comes from the sky and that
is exactly what they fear because there's no human army on earth that can stop
birds it's the way it is one thing we haven't been able to do we can stop them in
certain select areas but you can't stop the billions of birds of the world you
can't they are going to win as Alfred Hitchcock knew now getting back into Jared
Kushner the reason why I'm not happy with this guy is it I he's been in charge of
DOJ reform and you know what's going on around these cities is you see the American
people are saying you're too rough on the peaceful protesters and you're too easy
on the rioters that Elise s the way I see it that's the way I felt too you know
they'll go ahead and they'll beat down people are just walking around right but
then when it comes to the looters they maintain their distance you know what about
if you're a looter you shot on sight that would be a pretty good way to go and they
could be very forensic about doing this and look maybe it's not shot in the head
maybe a shot in the legs enough to immobilize and arrest them you know that's what
I see which is everything is very uneven you know it is fomented civil disturbances
and it's not being handled properly so you know Trump has a good reason to come out
and basically say look you guys have been owned and it's true they're in ball
during high looting and if the black Americans think that the looters are doing
them any kind of service they're wrong you know there's lots of real good for
Americans our country I'm not a prejudiced guy at all I've jammed with them I'm a
musician so it doesn't matter what color you are you know if you can make music you
can make music bottom line is this though is that by allowing this communistic
Bolshevist ik cultural Marxism in full display of everybody well here's what you're
doing you were creating steroidal polarization there's people who want everybody
shot they wouldn't mind if you know the cops took out fully automatic weapons and
mowed people down yeah you've kind of start to look at the history of things there
was a famous riot back in the early 20s I think 1921 and it was a Tulsa Oklahoma
there was an elevator or a black man white girl she screamed the rumors she was
raped but there's no evidence to that and they went ahead and they killed probably
three hundred blacks there it was on a street in an area called the black Wall
Street and that was horrific happened in 1871 with the Chinese in Los Angeles and
that was pretty heavy you know I think there were dozens who were hung you know
this kind of crap is not good however if you have looters they're emboldened you're
only gonna get more looting and it's signal for more people to come out and you
know hey police their hands off go ahead and crush a small business you know I
really don't care if a Target or an autozone is damaged because Soros can afford it
it's a multi-billionaire but if you've got a mom-and-pop out there and they've done
nothing and they could be sympathetic to what happened in Minneapolis they're
getting crushed and the media is complicit you take a look at CNN I think guilty as
hell you want to look at NBC guilty as hell these are people who were promoting it
and who are sympathetic to the looters it's crap this is wrong you know you need to
have a measured response that's important you know the police should be much
gentler with the regular protesters who were carrying signs and not advocating
violence you know there are people who were trying to do it by by the book but then
there's these thugs there's no other way to describe them there you know unsmooth
criminals and they go in there and they smash and they grab and that is crushing
small business in fact the government should be able to help these people out under
under FEMA laws you know they're gonna go bail out the cities that's what's going
on you know the purple revolution you know part 40s what's going on but at some
point we need to go ahead and find the Bolshevik people behind it the ones that
were promoting it I want us who are making money off it because I'm telling you it
is the bankers it's this the bankers this is a salvos from the bankers they're all
they're all tied in it's the money guys so that's where the anger needs to be what
start to look at that you know if Jesus would have overturned tables in a modern
era what he would do is he would have five restraining orders against them he would
have been you know arrested on certain charges even though he was doing the right
thing okay so there are instances where violence is appropriate someone breaks into
your home and is ready to you know rape your wife take him out shoot them in the
balls first so so he does it right I'm kind of hardcore when it comes to that I'm
not a anti-capital punishment person either you know I've thought through these
things deeply and when someone has done such horrific things on this planet yeah
take him out in fact James the first had a good idea which is if someone murders
someone else then that person is executed in the same place in the same manner and
if you start making examples of these looters who are destroying gunshots go into
their legs so be it that will be an example they'll hobble for the rest of their
lives teach them not to loot and it also [Music] it's also going to be a lesson to
anybody else thinking they could loot you know one hand it's only property but on
another hand it's far more serious this is the engine that drives someone to feed
their families I know I know because I've been attacked by thugs by criminals who
have attempted to stop my prospects and these people you know they're they're
soulless right they'll send me a birthday greeting saying let me send you an
explosive cake right this sort of you know low base animal I'm not going to name
names but you know that's kind of stuff that happens to be and that is because they
are filled with rage and hate and you know usually comes from the parents and
that's that as far as the looters I don't think anybody likes some other than other
looters and Bolsheviks as far as the people peacefully protesting they do have a
right this is America so we should allow that it's just when they start to destroy
small businesses that's where that's where I think most Americans are feeling like
I do which is you know take these thugs and teach them a lesson I don't think
headshots are appropriate but I do think that shooting them in the kneecap or the
calf or whatnot so they're immobilized so they can be taken in and arrested I think
that's fair I think that since a lesson I'm sure everyone's gonna hate me for this
one I don't care I really don't care what
this is pretty big-time J and on known as Jared underscore T and her score Swift
just completely exposed Defago and truth convoy as being involved in an OP called
core Seagate it's pretty big time so it looks like they had demonized a eight five
eight guy named Jack Quinlan and here's Esteban who comes in and and it looks like
it's getting real bad for these guys so anybody who believes that scum Mamo Chavez
is stupid in the head and here it is this is a a58 all right so what we have right
now is more proof that Arturo Tafoya that's our trail goes by AB Lestat and he runs
spear C distillery is in collusion with Manuel Chavez who's now going by elusive
man but went by defang go and recently privatized or deleted a whole bunch of
videos good thing I've got friends who downloaded everything they've teamed up with
Esteban Trujillo and it's pretty bad this guy JP 55 is retreating this and here's
some of the people involved gave off me Defago ghost out Esteban sass belly yes
shark Billy a spread Trimble geo Jets that's Jethro Diane mr. Nordstrom I haven't
seen any involvement with Jason Goodman quite honestly squat concea chery chery von
les Lesley out there or Laura out there and Lesley bridgid and Steve oak from says
some temple of set members some just former military intelligence colleagues of
Michael Aquino so it's pretty striking what's going on and this guy JP says that's
John Panetta says why did two fing go and Agnes said which is two finger backwards
I blocked the account and so at the same time as an open secret which is uh gave
offense things are breaking open like crazy in here so sad I want to help also bro
web development here was server Duty proxies just let me know more than happy to
help so this absolutely shows collusion with them it's pretty bad what's going on
he's really kind of frightening to tell you it was just no um they say a list of
enemies in their crimes this is from Esteban Gabe Hoffman and it's not a crime that
he's Jewish and I don't think he's a Satanist I do think he's a beautiful gate
keeper Jesse Davis I do think he's a criminal I think he's avoiding creditors so
Esteban got it wrong Paula Davis I don't think she's an enemy or thro dusky
absolutely self-admitted pedophile and a Satanist and yeah he's a criminal Chavez's
a criminal and thief with Denise she's ass cameras he's pretty funny that you did
cockroach we misspelled it by the way farmer Jacqueline Weaver I don't know a
problem really I think she's engaged in some strong research in some areas but she
didn't do a good job with me Dave Acton I have no problem with Marcus Conde Conte
yeah he is a three-time felon in a criminal but that's not my issue my issue is he
went after my teenager my issue is he put all sorts of lies out there Dianne
Nordstrom this is a good one stock car 88 her own dogs no she did engage in sexual
abuse with her lap dogs and I can prove that because she told two other people that
she thinks it's funny she thinks that doing something like that is funny but her
crime is gang stalking and relentless game gang stalking Jethro she's guilty of
getting talking to now kelly Giannini I don't think she's mafia connected at all I
think that she's covering up for a murder Brett Trimble I think he's covering up
and I think he's the conductor of the shed and as far as Bridgette coffee Bridgette
her problem is she's been involved in this cover-up from May and she's been
actively stalking and you know she's out of Georgia she claims to be a cancer
survivor I can't see any evidence of that but things are coming out so I'm actually
happy to see this now this guy is talking about black cube
I stand corrected Denise is allowed her first amendment rights regarding Gabe
2020-06-07 20:44:38 UTC
I stumble upon this truth convoy says in response to the legal letter okay I read
it I set my reply I will continue to make whatever kind of videos or comments which
is which is my legal and inalienable constitutional right as an American I will not
play games with you mr. Hoffman and often says defamation is not custom
constitutionally protected speech you're wrong often out of compassion I'll grant
you until Monday to rethink this matter I'm not playing games if not see you in
court actually denisa said a whole bunch of stuff about me and when I went to law
enforcement and to attorneys they said she's allowed to do it so that's freedom of
speech so she can actually call you whatever whatever she wants to so that's sad
and I just saw this so this is where it came from gave himself is daxing Denise's
email so she should definitely have an issue with that hmm very interesting let's
see what huh well let's see what that he says I think that she is a lot to express
herself I'm pretty sure because when I asked around and Gabe Hoffman had said
horrible lies about me what I was told is civil so you know Gabe you and your
lawyers don't scare anybody honestly you know mr. Klein or whatever it is and here
it is your doc seen her email again actually here's what I think I think that at
this point she can tear you a
A challenge to Dave
2020-03-24 17:33:45 UTC
okay I guess we need to do a challenge to Dave all right Dave here's ladies stuff
this is her alter count she says maybe we should make this very easy who do all the
dopey day promoters have in common ghost crab Nordstrom ST sprout bird SP so
paradise p st sprout ghost crab i could speak for them they're not promoting dopey
dave they couldn't stand it nor could i used my son's image pretty sick first a
nutbag door strim let me get a little bit more into this and here it is Leto I
don't know what's happened to him he's gone berserk he says idiot I guess I don't
know if he's talking to Susu were to me he says idiot your nicknames are garbage
lies how long did it take you to come up with your dopey Dave nickname so it
appears as if and I don't think that leper was behind of Dave I think it was all
seeing you and we know that they had secret communications depo and all seeing you
and I think it was Marcus Conte so here's a challenge Dave if you find out that I'm
behind the dopey Dave videos I'll donate $1000 to a charity of your choice however
if you find out that I wasn't and you will find out then you have to donate $1,000
to a charity of my choice now we can't receive the money personally it has to be a
bona fide
Nervous Bob
2020-03-18 13:55:10 UTC
here's Bob he's on TV to make us feel relaxed like we're not going to lose more
money but he's nervous you can tell by his neck Bob you're failing the cut tensor
hands are he's lying through his teeth everybody he's there to make us calm it's
not working too well he's got a
okay so once again I'm correct I've called the stock market exactly where it's
going I told you guys that Italy would be hit hard and Spain would be second in
line this is before Spain was even mentioned I told you there be genetic
transmissions which is transmission between human and animal or animal and human
and ultimately we are animals but now you're seeing it in Belgium so what does this
mean for us well things are spiking right now we have 40,000 new coronavirus cases
today it's at 640 thousand mark was warning people in New York get the hell out and
it's everywhere Eric's overwhelmed it's kill three cops the last couple days so
it's not good it's also mutating till you're seen in certain areas younger people
even as young as teens are dying of this so this is quite alarming if it hits pets
that's a human disaster because pets are our companions if it hits livestock well
you guys didn't hear much about mad cow disease when it was happening but I was in
England and that was a hell of a thing if it hits the livestock fast food places
can become either infection points or they're gonna shut her and if that's the case
we will have starvation that's what we're dealing with right now guys so it's
they're saying it's an isolated case I don't believe it's gonna stay that way and I
do believe it'll hit the livestock here I think we're in for some real bad stuff
also I also predicted that Benjamin that now who would retain power because of this
and he has so it's crazy Aaron who was going to be tried criminally prosecuted and
area scouting that Ezreal is going to be the first country to come out with a
vaccine and there's full evidence they've been testing on coronaviruses for 1213
so let me prove to you how much of a lying deceitful little rat gabe allen hoffman
is and dennis klein can be thrown in that category too these are some of the
supplemental accusations against me that gabe had as a lawyer put together and
they're ridiculous yes schoenberger has incited adam richard greene a notorious
anti-semitic broadcaster on youtube with over 130 subscribers uh which has been uh
documented by canary mission uh southern poverty law center which we all know has a
whole bunch of problems adl which has a whole bunch of problems and uh numerous
other organizations so he makes the accusation right there schoenberger hasn't
cited please keep in mind that this diminutive little asshole gabe allen hoffman a
bully of both men and women and children goes ahead and attacks me first now he's
telling me that i am somehow inciting a large youtube subscriber base is put on by
adam green adam green is a researcher it's a good one um he's come up with a lot of
stuff and you know what let me tell you another thing too adam green is not an
anti-semite he's actually had uh i believe rabbis on his program toxic zionist uh
uh uh movement which we've had on folks right i don't know if anybody remembers the
jdl but these guys were you know had no problem threatening or murdering americans
we had it with the lavon group in the early 50s where they had planned to blow up
americans servicemen who were watching movies um or going to the post office okay
it happened in what 68 with the uss liberty where it was bombed by israel and
americans died so what gabe wants is kind of a hands off don't criticize israel
don't criticize net now who who by the way is under indictment and who has a trial
starting in january his wife is already um under trial you can't do that because
they're jewish and we all know that anybody who's jewish is incapable of a crime
unless of course their name is harvey weinstein or jeffrey epstein oh but jeff
rapson was not involved with the moussade you know gabe here's what it is you're a
bully i know what you are you're you think you scare everybody right you scared a
lot of people till i came along and steve came along and titus came along and uh
you know others i'm not going to name names just because you probably throw them
into lawsuits but you know it doesn't take a man to put a 26 year old someone who
is indigent someone who's broke and do a million dollar lawsuit against them
someone who um you called mentally ill so you can go to hell you know you're going
to be destroyed that's all i can say you will be absolutely destroyed reputation
wise by the lawsuit that you have launched
and so my friends what we need to do is find out who the short sellers are in this
market and by the way the Dow is down another 925 another 4% save on the S&P
and Sheldon Adelson's company did very well today Las Vegas Samms so America is
under attack I think we all need to wake up and start asking the questions and
demand that our government start to investigate whether this is a Zionist war
against America you guys think I'm kidding or whacked I'm not and I'm telling you
I've been showing you how to thread the needle so we need to start asking the hard
questions and demanding some answers we want to know who the short sellers are on
our stock markets what companies are doing it what entities are selling short and
if they have connections to either Israel or
so this is why you've got a love Dave Acton he has class instead of this dopey Dave
thing he he makes it dramatic and hits it's great you know and I think he's gonna
appreciate this I think he already knows look who shows up Diana norstrom and look
who else shows up sugar shine oh and look at that quantum Lord but that's her alt
so the two people that I told you guys have happened yesterday along with the van
Gogh well it appears that I was 100% right so I think David Breashears prowess and
accuracy so sugar shine I don't think you've got Dave's ear anymore I think that he
knows that you're carrying water for other people whispering in his ear I think by
your overreaction your threats you know I think he's looking at you and he's kind
of saying all right calm down madam that's what I'm saying so that's that it's
pretty interesting though all I can tell you is this woman here not a good person
sugar shy not a good person so do funny things you'll see no one else guess within
10 feet of her just crazy woman okay so I once again the vindicated I gave the
heads up to Dave and my information was right so
okay folks so i'm gonna get uh back to my main argument which is um we're gonna be
dealing with a second wave uh of this covid and they're not telling us they don't
tell us that bacterial pneumonia was the reason for most of the deaths in the 1918
influenza pandemic and the majority of them it wasn't by the influenza virus acting
you can go look at some of the white papers at the national institute of allergy
and infectious diseases niaid um and they're part of the institute of health i read
them i don't know about you guys but i do and most of the victims in 1918 and 1919
succumbed to bacterial pneumonia it was um following influenza virus infection so
the first half of the year of 1918 was relatively light you can certainly keystone
it to what we're seeing now um the pneumonia was caused when the bacteria that
normally um center around the nose and throat uh invaded the lungs um along a route
that um the virus had destroyed cells and the bronchial tubes in the lungs so this
is um what i started to fill last night my lung capacity went way down way down and
i think you're gonna see that um that same thing as a result of um a lot of a lot
of death that's going on right now it's called hypoxamia which is um low levels of
oxygen in your body in your blood and it can cause um hypoxia which is when the
oxygen levels get low in your tissues and that's where um doctors use the word
hypoxia or apoxia all the time and so it can uh change the color of your skin it
can start to look like a blueberry or like a cherry you can you know you get it
look like you have a rash out of your body it causes confusion you've got to cough
uh it quickens your heart rate uh you have rapid breathing you've got shortness of
breath you've got a slower heart rate uh you're going to sweat you can wheeze and
what they're seeing with these people who are going into the hospital and they're
basically asymptomatic and they're suddenly dying they've got hypoxia so that to me
indicates that we may be looking at a return of the spanish influenza and even
though the doctors are saying no no no these strands are from different families
i'm not buying it i'm not buying it at all so how do you treat it you can get
steroidal drugs little shrinkly inflammation in your lungs or antibiotics to treat
the underlying infection um but you can also have symptoms as aspirated if you're
already an asthmatic because your your airwaves are narrow to begin with and it's
hard to get uh air into your lungs um and coughing to clear your uh lungs uh uses
even more oxygen and that can make your symptoms um worse if you've got any of
those um well they call them immune conditions respiratory that's uh pulmonary
edema emphysema pulmonary disease copd um you know that's going to make it even
harder heart problems are an issue too anemia so my mother suffered from uh would
make it hard for her to breathe she had an erythema in the heart and she had anemia
which is a low number of red blood cells and red blood cells as we all know carry
oxygen so there's a lot going on right now and i think that we should start to ask
the hard questions which is that's what i um that's what i think it's what i
believe and i've been saying that from the very beginning as you guys know so
that's that and i'm going to keep on with my research and try to bring you guys
some entertaining stories thank you for
very quickly just to show you guys what I go through this ties esteban trujillo to
the study of Aleister Crowley and we know they Esteban Trujillo was the partner of
Arturo Tafoya Romo the stat and after phango there you go take a look at this feel
free to go explore this to make
so someone tried to give me advice and told me that uh well engage in a spirit form
and they're not actually I don't think that most people are aware how bad things
are gonna get they're gonna lose their shit so you know if we have thirty two
percent unemployment what will that look like well you've got almost people at your
door daily begging for food my little manage to deal with that you know when he was
a kid there were hobos that would start to show up at the house I think he must
have been nine there's a regular regular understanding of the currents you have an
11-year depression the police are gonna be overwhelmed absolutely you're gonna see
a radical uptick he had suicides three killings and big robberies and anger and you
see bank runs and then banks are gonna go on a repossession binge life is gonna get
hard and gritty folks financial collapses can sometimes be a harbinger for war like
the Great Depression some Asian to me that we can go from three percent
unemployment to thirty two percent unemployment because of a virus no one can see
now if we do thirty two percent that's fifty million people out of work that's
crazy so you're gonna see lots of crying a lot of misery so like do you think it's
coming I don't think people are prepared so that's up we don't have to have World
War three to get out of it historically there have been all sorts of panics and the
best panic of 1837 was caused by Jackson earlier who had been the president from
1832 to 1836 and basically wouldn't allow the big fat banks in he wanted to give
more autonomy to smaller banks and so in 1837 Martin Van Buren the 8th president
took over and everybody blamed him it was probably Jackson who took down the too-
big-to-fail banks of the day the Rothschilds and the reason why he did it is that
he was pissed he had lost a fortune to banks in 1798 now there's also the long
depression it was 1873 [Music] maybe the White Sea it's about a killer named Holmes
HH Holmes and the World Fair was in Chicago of that year you know Mark Twain made
it there but he was sent for two weeks couldn't couldn't go mr. Ferris was there so
I mean his ferris wheel it's a really interesting book too I think it's called
White City so anyway 1893 was a horrible depression and a hit everywhere 1922 1921
they don't talk about this but because there were so many soldiers returning home
they had over soldiers competing for jobs that was a very short-lived one and we
got off to the roaring 20s but it's happened in other areas too 16:36 there was the
tulip bulb implosion in Amsterdam and that was where things they've gotten hyper-
inflated with tulip bulbs that was on the single glut and I remember studying that
one because it took three years to get to the you okay and by the time has infected
the UK this depression I'm talking about that's where the Puritans who were there
were were of like mind thinking it's time to get the hell out of here so they did
and they came here by 1640 so a quick little history lesson from a very tired
Thomas thank you for
Thank you for your PayPal donations I'm very touched paypal.me_tomschoenberger1
2020-07-30 20:00:27 UTC
so take a close look at this face this is brett tremble brett tremble used to be
cid which is a criminal investigation division of the us army they investigate
rapes murders uh scams that kind of thing there's also a civilian division he may
have been in that you have to be a g13 to get to that level but here's brett and
here's what he writes um this is on my youtube channel when i was asking for paypal
he says well it looks like it's working since you're begging for money moron
shaking my head it's funny he doesn't write anything like that on the hundreds of
other youtubes thousands actually that ask for support for their work and so my
response is so you admit targeting as a former cid you should have been smarter
than to put it into writing this is what i deal with every day folks whether it's a
multi-millionaire like gabe who attacks me first and then goes ahead and sues me
shark belly kelly there's a number of them who are out there to make my life
miserable what they would like to do is crush my spirit ruin my reputation destroy
my prospects for getting work one of these assholes uh went to sony where we had a
deal and um they screwed that up so that is why i'm asking for your help my paypal
me is right here and i'll provide a link and people have already made donations
they understand that it is david versus goliath i'm very grateful to them i wanted
to thank them just by first name thank you christina and karen and um we're going
to leave uh the gentleman out of it because i have a feeling he will be attacked
but i really appreciate um the support we've already had three donations i'm hoping
for more what i plan to do is a continuance i've got 40 stitches in my shoulder
right now took a slip and fall that was pretty serious but i just wanted to thank
um each and every one of you and to show my gratitude uh all donations will go
towards defending my honor and giving gabe a run for his money he's got a war chest
but with a good judge who will show him as a vicious litigant i think we have a
chance to stop him cold also um if you take a look at what brett did it proves that
there is a conspiracy um right there that there's a number of people and i'm not
the only victim here i'm not i'm not going to name the other victims because they
have families and i don't want their families further attacked i will take this on
solo and i will take this on with a glint in my eye people who know me know that i
don't back down so anything you can donate would be greatly appreciated that paypal
address right now is and then tom schoenberger won i'll put a link to it
um and once again very very grateful it comes at a well-needed time
Gay dolphins aren't very good with Investments. Choose wiser fish
2020-08-10 15:39:23 UTC
so guys i want to get a little bit more into some of the new updates that have been
happening that are just very strange uh this concerns this uh in my opinion very
weird creepy guy uh we'll call him gay dolphin for the time being i think that we
all know who we're talking about and gay dolphin um [Music] his motorcycle
apparently is to trick you to fool you uh he runs a hedge fund and if he behaves
this way in public using all manner of deceit you have to wonder how he's handling
money and that's something that uh i've got a line out to an old friend of mine who
currently works in enforcement with the sec and knows the right people to dial so i
think it's important to um put that out there to let you know uh what i'm doing i'm
not a big powerful wealthy guy i'm not i play piano that's what i do i write songs
i i don't amass wealth through uh mansions or through uh mining or through being a
captain of industry i write music that's what i do those are my riches the weird
thing that happened after isaac cappy died is you had this gay dolphin character
and he came out and he said it's suicide he was fastballing a narrative so he was
doing he was adamant about it and it was kind of weird that he would be so vocal
because he was an enemy of isaac cappies during isaac cappy's life probably the
number one enemy according to isaac um and he goes ahead and he says suicide a
couple weeks later he points at me and says friends and fans of isaac happy should
concentrate on thomas schumberger well um i'm fine with that i wasn't in in arizona
um i've made all my communications with isaac public would be happy for a real
investigation which i don't think happened in arizona i think they dropped the ball
um and so do others i think all of us felt like arizona authorities dropped the
ball and they should have looked into this here's the weird part okay so this guy
gay dolphin has become quite close with a guy who's right around the same size as a
guy we'll call meatball meatball is a psychopath all right there's no other way to
describe him he's a psychopath and i believe gay dolphin is a psychopath too i
think these are two bullies who found each other and i think there's a financial
arrangement but here's a weird thing this meatball guy starts to threaten another
person saying you're going to kill yourself you're going to be a suicide and
there's gay dolphin aligned with this guy and meanwhile saying that this hearing
that we have planned is probably going to be postponed [Music] that he's going to
film it that he literally wants it out there in public now that's called abusive
process something uh a term that dave acton taught me um and by the way not
personally just by watching his videos if anybody thinks that i've even ever had a
phone conversation with dave atkins they'd be wrong but he does know a lot more
about law than i do and he was right about that so there is an abusive process
going on gay dolphin just did it to a woman where literally he exposed her true
name uh her address her license plate this guy is a terrorist there's no other way
to put it and so when zach mcquade described gay dolphin as a jewish terrorist i
think that's correct he happens to be jewish i think harvey weinstein was a jewish
sexual terrorist i think jeffrey epstein was a jewish pedophile terrorist i don't
want to mince words here i want to make it very clear so the other game that this
gay dolphin character plays is he on one hand pretends that he has compassion for
his victims and on the other hand he accuses them of drug abuse insanity or running
scams so what i've done is i've made his game public so everybody knows so whatever
long shadow he used to cast is now as diminished as him i think he's five three or
five two and a half something like that you know a little bully with a lot of money
a lot of anger issues um obviously gets rejected a lot is tried to do a charm
offensive on meatballs youtube channel that failed it's not likeable there's very
few people who like him and the only people who seem to like him a lot are fellow
bullies he talks in a self-congratulatory tone about how respected he is as a hedge
fund manager when all i see is bath water i mean this guy this guy started doing a
short on tesla when tesla was trading at 252 dollars it's you know around 1500 per
share and it keeps going up you know so what has he done with uh all those losses
you know why were there certain people who were not allowed redemptions there's
funny business going on financially with his capital funds and i think that's where
the concentration is for me right now uh it started out because he falsely accused
me didn't know who the guy was uh he went ahead and he shamelessly lied shamelessly
and that's what he does he's a liar so if he lies about that and he has a fiduciary
trust with other people's money that's going to be looked at i can tell you that
right now right he can try to sue me for whatever he wants defamation whatever but
there are going to be uh people within our financial regulation system who are
going to be looking at him hard
I'm gonna talk a little bit more about Z so you know Z and I may disagree on things
but I don't think he's a bad guy at all and it was very nice to him to call out
Esteban and say what are you doing you know you're invading Thomas's privacy so
that was pretty cool move you know there have been times where the Z and I may
disagree on things but he's not a bad guy at all and I think we're pretty direct
with each other you know I told him I think he's wrong about an M and that Titus
had direct communications with him again and again and again however I think that
is he has a good heart I think he's a good guy I think he's incredibly talented
just you know phenomenal at encrypting things like something I've never seen and we
serve on a keen interest you know he's very into archaeology very much into history
he's a smart guy so that's that so you know if anything the disagreements I've had
with Z you can see how we conduct ourselves we don't cross lines we don't tear into
each other you know he we will have a spat but it'll be a gentleman spat so I just
wanted to put that out there you know there's a reason why I've worked with him
which is just that he's you know he's a solid guy that's all I have to say he stole
I saw him begging him to go see the Titus interview and the communications to Titus
acronym because I think once he looks at that he's gonna say oh okay I got it so
that's that alright so peace
um so i've been taking in some very strange entertainment lately and i'm just
thinking that denise is running some sort of you know she's obviously good with uh
i remember the big machines when i was young they were pretty funny and um i think
my mom had a singer so weird names to sewing you've got um the face plate and then
you feed it through what they call a presser foot and you have to line it up
there's a bed slide and then there's this um yeah let me see if i can find a video
so i think that's what we should look at so let me see if i can find a good video
that will um you know really kind of interest everybody all right oh i think yeah
this appears to be some sort of retail store a small one or a sewing academy which
is what that's beautiful uh tennesseans kathleen made that for you lord have mercy
kathleen all right you've been making me
August 5, 2020
2020-08-06 00:55:59 UTC
so once again i want to thank everybody there have been donations coming in through
the paypal and it is to um fight the fight that needs to be fought so an age-old
fight i'm just one man and in the history of man there's always been the specter of
inequity slavery debt slavery subjugation minutes hours days months and years of
injustice most of us have suffered injustice in one way or another french
revolution really wasn't about one bad summer and one bad we yield that's what they
say there wasn't enough bread to feed the masses and um everything exploded it was
really about how there was a deep and chronic bifurcation between those with wealth
and those without wealth so getting back to my personal battle with gabe hoffman is
pretty black and white i was attacked first i was attacked by a belligerent who i
did not know and who lied about me and is a person of great wealth it's a high net
worth individual as they say these days his defensive armor includes self
congratulatory accolades um look at how he talks about himself and his film about
pedophilia and open secret and then he talks about um his success as a hedge fund
manager or the respect that he carries as a hedge fund manager when in reality he's
lost a lot of money um when it comes to the film um an open secret he doesn't
mention the fact that he almost got into a lawsuit with the director and hoffman
attacked one of the victims 22 year old named evan going as far as reaching out to
the victim's father and making up lies now there was an out of court settlement and
a gag order but is this justice or just a rich man paying off a victim so he could
avoid real justice i'm pleased to report today that gabe hoffman has again lost in
court against ali alexander and hoffman's motosaperende suing the poor and the
indigent those unable to mount a defense by hiring lawyers well that modus operandi
is starting to crumble you know he's suing me for defamation even though ironically
he defamed me first and i have a right to self-defense i will exercise that right
there are never a victims who have come to me now with affidavits and other
material that i will need for court that i'm hoping the judge will find pertinent
i've also been abundantly transparent with everybody and i've stated that i will be
using this um litigational journey to expose the eyes of kappa saga i believe gabe
hoffman is complicit in the death of isaac cappy i also believe that brett tremble
is and i believe that kelly genie and he plays some sort of role now according to
cappy himself gabe osmond had underworld connections and i've been warned 100 times
200 times that my life may be at risk but i'm going to die with my boots on and i'm
not going to be intimidated by anybody i never run from a fight and this man gabe
hoffman drew first blood i also wanted to take the time to thank you for the paypal
donations that are coming in and for the support that you've shown the donations
are going to help pay for one major reason that often has a war chest is that he
believes he can simply exhaust me by filing motion after motion demure after dimir
normally such a battle strategy works the more money you have in this nation but
i'm trying to change all that i'm just one man the way that hoffman and his
detractors have portrayed me make me appear as if i'm john dillinger or nero or
artillery the hun that's part of the game which is to spoilate the reputation of
people to make them out to be evil and capable of great deceit well i keep it very
straight i know who i am and i know who i'm not i'm a musician i'm a very good one
i'm a composer i'm a great one i'm an american like you and like others and i
believe it's my right to state publicly that gabe hoffman is a zionist terrorist
who believes that he can use his money to intimidate the more money you have in
this nation the greater the amount of justice you can purchase i'll say it again
and again and again but i am trying to change that and i wanted to thank you guys
for believing in me and for your support it's growing i didn't expect it a one-man
show gabe has a long history of doing this to me he's got a pathos going on it's a
sickness and he chooses victims who he knows do not have money he chose the wrong
guy with me and i'm going to prove to all of you that money is secondary when it
comes to things like justice and honesty thanks for listening i'm not going to put
down the paypal link you can find it in some of my earlier videos from the last
couple weeks but once again thank you for your donations there greatly appreciated
appreciated okay
Virus reality
2020-04-17 14:12:50 UTC
more second DeBlasio encourages his city's population to go out on the town you go
see a couple movies it's pretty interesting so my - October thing New York is dead
New York is dead I don't know about that if anything is badly hurt I think in ten
what's gonna take them um it's gonna get gritty like it was in uh 78 I went there
to go see the stones saw talking heads CBGB's saying you know the club's right when
all that stuff was happening now I've talked about a dense population a lot of it I
don't like I don't like that many people however where the restaurants are good and
if you go to some places they didn't get very interesting so fascinating history I
like to go down to five points and take a look at what it was like cheering for
instance the dawn of the Civil War turbulent City so they've been through a lot of
a lot of things and you know I've also been looking into this doppelganger there is
some sort of baby that has been born in Arizona that has the exact facial Express a
certain to me and chef youtuber all this is defending goes baby sister after
so mrs cappy went public very interesting and one thing i noticed is that she's an
alpha female the hospital say in the background now they are mennonites the
mennonite church is similar to i guess the amish too you know they're anabaptists
which means that they belong to a broader umbrella of protestants um they're not so
unusual but at any rate here we go again isaac happy was supposed to see his mother
in two hours and never made it and it is quite unusual for someone to say i'm going
to see the person who gave me birth and i'm going to kill myself on the way over
there so then you get the actors um you know corey made a dig at me claiming that i
gave a softball interview to elohia priest real name peter priest i believe that
and i'm going to stand by that i think he had developed a relationship with ella
high priest he also had a gentleman's agreement with gabe offman shark billy kelly
whose real name is kelly jeanine these are all highly suspicious to me it sounds
like there was a plan to silence isaac um out of fear he had run across some
information probably financial probably had to do with the cayman islands and what
they call a veil in delaware so these were hundreds of millions of dollars that
were being secreted from hollywood to florida to delaware and to cayman and nothing
is going to shut me up you know my job is not to tell people what to think but to
allow them to think to say what about this what about this hypothesis you know that
works best if you try to ram truth down the gullet of a human being they're going
to reject that but if you go ahead and you say use your common sense usually you
can come to the right conclusion so everything about that um youtube video that
corey just put out even down to the comments being disabled that's pretty weird
which means that he's not allowing public discourse what's he hiding what are they
all it seems very very very weird now the mother seems to point to the fact that
she believes that her husband or her son was murdered now right off the bat i don't
have any evidence of that however i will say that she had less said cooperation
with the local authorities there and she made that very clear why she trusts ella
hi priest i've got no idea lie priest is the person who was yelling at me making
accusations that were untrue on the 15th and on the 14th which is the day that we
all learned that cappy was no more well meatball was out there accusing me in hoax
oaks wars by the way good guy well how can i put this micro penis was out there
attempting to get people to look at me very closely so it's the micropenis and
meatball show and that's where you have to look at seriously people know what i'm
talking about i'm speaking in parables but the people know so i hope that you will
look further into this i hope that you understand that corey's video is not the
end-all be-all i know that he imagines himself to be the quintessential isaac happy
researcher i don't believe that i believe he's
Why is sharkbelly Kelly so fixated on Isaac Kappy
2020-06-05 18:04:01 UTC
short little video so short belly and others have accused Dave Acton of working
with me he doesn't we don't email each other we don't call each other what Dave did
is exactly what he says scholarly research and my benefactor yes I am the law is
the law it applies to everyone well said so he says once again that if he was
working with me you would have emailed me this rather than make it public and let
me give you a little background on what I've learned about Dave he's actually
really adept he won a lawsuit against the CIA he has been in demand for his legal
strategies which are brilliant so that's that it came as a complete surprise he
didn't he didn't tell me any of this before I didn't expect it I was shocked and
delighted actually but you know really shows how good he is as a legal scholar you
know this is a person who is not your normal you know attorneys tend to be people
of Pete and repeat repetition and when you get people like gave who looks at things
creatively and within the framework of the law it's a pretty amazing so that's
where we're at right now and actually you know wish he was for hire this day's so
that's that so shark Billy Kelly is the person who I believe is complicit in Isaac
capys murder and I don't know how but I do want to find out a lot of other people
asked about shark really Kelly real name Kelly Giannini and I guess with these
lawsuits going forward we'll find out
our health care system is going to there'll be a million coronavirus cases by April
30th by June 1st maybe 2 million maybe more they could go into 3 million for me and
5 me you have to figure out that there's three hospital beds per 1000 people we've
got three hundred and thirty million people so that means there's a million beds
sixty-five percent of what you're already occupied so you've got three hundred and
thirty thousand beds and you could have two million three million for me and five
million infected and out of that we've got 47 million people who were elderly so
start to do the math there's going to be medical sources people are not going to
have mass doesn't matter how big the stockpile is right now there's around 18
million health care workers how many of them are going to be affected because of
shortages understand this is going to overwhelm every state in every county it's
gonna be very interesting now the media treats this they're going to be putting out
fires so all I can tell you it is by June first my birthday America is going to be
a very different world I hope you stay tuned to this channel because there's a lot
more we need to
well it seems like the media is finally starting to catch up in regards to the
coronavirus something i've been talking about for a while right now so when i first
took a look at this i didn't see how serious it was but i recognized after a couple
days that this coronavirus has a very unique cnn keeps on talking about well you
know it's flu season and we've had 10 000 deaths from the flu that's uh not a valid
argument because most seasonal flu viruses which may account for them being it
lowers chances of a patient developing pneumonia this flu this coronavirus is
binding to the lower respiratory tract which means it can also be easily spread and
it's far more deadly started in january 1918 they called it the three-day fever by
july people have said well the weather's warm and it's completely disappearing now
i like dr paul cottrell we um we look at the same things he's got the degrees i
don't but i think he's wrong when he says the warmer weather will make this easier
i think we need to look at 1918 what the future holds for us um after july 1918
things were relatively calm until late august early september they started and then
it became crazy the death toll um was wild you know close to 800 people die in a
single day in philadelphia and you had um death spreading so quickly that you had
mass graves and that's something that you hadn't seen since the cholera outbreaks
and smallpox outbreaks of the 19th century so um you look at china right now and
the streets are deserted but you have to understand that we had a second wave
between um let's say september to november in 1988 and then when winter kicked in
you had your third wave and that was in january um it wasn't as bad as a second
wave but the third wave was real bad so we're in the first weight right now the
second wave is going to be real bad you know you had 15 of fiji's population die in
two weeks i taking and we might be looking at things at that level so people need
to prepare these pandemics strike mankind sometimes every 50 years sometimes every
100 years and even though we know so much more about pathogens now the problem that
we have is that the tests that they're administering are giving false negatives so
that means you can go in and be tested and be told you don't have it you're good
and go out and infect a bunch of people that's what we're looking at and it's not
like uh face masks are gonna they're just not you can't wear them all the time so i
think that this is going to be spread through animals i think it's going to get a
lot worse and there's not a whole bunch we can do about it you know that cruise
ship that uh that they found one case on i think there's now 136 cases this is
growing this is crazy well that's it
here we go again some hopeful realtor by the name of Scott Moreau from Pennsylvania
working for SJM real estate says recession yes housing crash know if we're not in a
recession yet we're about to be in one this time however housing will be the sector
that leads the economic recovery you're an idiot you're an idiot here let me put
this down and try to explain to you why that's not going to happen first off both
commercial and residential are gonna get creamed I'm going to see 30% defaults in
both there's gonna be a huge wave of homelessness this guy is a realtor who is a
cold wall banker right it's things were crashing now is the best time to buy a
house they went down another 18% so this is this is different it's gonna be a lot
worse than 2008 especially in high property tax regions like New York California
and New Jersey I mean this is a depression guaranteed 100% all of us gonna get
crushed all of it small business is dying it's dying so what are you gonna do with
the thousands of retail spaces any companies just already fragile too you know back
in the 2000s I remember the crash very well was destroyed by deregulation and CDOs
and a bunch of others anybody with a pulse to get a mortgage and then the 2007
interest rate adjustments just killed everybody I remember Ben Bernanke and q4 2017
we're gonna have a soft landing and then in March Bear Stearns crashed and then
September 15th 2008 you had Lehman Brothers which cause a systemic aggression so
there is no way right now the banks are already tightening up their learn new tools
there are 13 loan qualification criteria you've got to have a perfect credit score
and rock-solid essential employment to get along so this is just hilarious and
let's get to the recession depression stuff all right recessions defined by two
negative back to back quarters depression is usually defined by a certain
percentage of unemployment or the length of time of unemployment we have instant
depression instance right now the unemployment rate is probably 30 percent all
you're seeing is jobless claims which means people going to that place and saying
okay here's what we're doing here's what we're doing that we're we're throwing our
towel in though he's buddy on it gets boring when people say recession it's a word
that puts me to sleep it's just bullshit so I think it's gonna get just so much
worse people who are gonna spin this thing and say oh there won't be housing crash
it's just like Coldwell Banker now it's the best time to buy a house I remember I
was married at the time and way to Washington Mutual lady come over and I told her
older going on and she just said no you're clueless I said you're gonna be jobless
and guess what Washington Mutual crashed and she became jobless so so it's going to
be not a recession and not a Great Recession it's going to be a depression and
those who are not using that word they're trying to trick you trying to get you to
keep your money in the market keep your home right so I remember all that stuff
Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac yeah and now they're gonna say Millennials are waiting
for the housing market to crash so they can buy their first out well good for them
so you think that's a good idea you know how I can tell you is if you're a mortgage
broker you're screwed if you're a realtor you're screwed so it is for a
so I really wanted to thank people for the paypal donations you know I don't put it
up on every video but it doesn't mean that I don't care and how important it is for
me to continue the work so I'm a little bit injured right now which makes it tough
but I'll get through it so as far as Corey Feldman I see a gap often pushing that
little stunt it's just that was embarrassing I didn't watch it I heard beforehand
what was happening it was going to be a money grab you can't remotely hack a media
file seriously it's like you know reaching into your DVD player and grabbing the
DVD is saying someone hacked this this doesn't happen so this was all about taking
your money making you expect to some big reveal what's going to happen and you know
Corey's part of you know part of the Schilling Drive all I can
so when I explained the situation through the judge today and the judge said okay
refil get a much stronger case and she was going to adopt a tentative ruling but
invited me to refile so pretty good news and there's trouble coming down the pike
for Chavez and
so it's interesting to watch ali alexander in his lawsuit um with gabe hoffman he's
the defendant and i believe that he um according to gabe um called gabe a pedophile
i did say that um there could be some truth that uh gabe hoffman is a bit of a
protector and there's reason to believe that and that's the first amendment right
thing you know the bottom line is this big things are going down um with gislane
maxwell there's evidence that she had an affair with bill clinton there's evidence
that netanyahu um was negotiating behind the scenes um to hand over um tapes on
monica lewinsky so everything is breaking open and we're getting a glimpse of
what's really and truly happened which is what people find out that net now is the
devil it's what i've been saying for a while this guy was trying to blackmail
clinton right and then you've got um clinton hanging out with epstein you've got um
his association with maxwell i mean even trump is in there trump knew robert
maxwell and knew epstein and this um person e um on the internet he is tweeting i
was aware of uh trump's checkered pass that's going to come out but he betrayed the
deep state that's why we voted him in and you know i also find that viable that
maybe he's going to turn everything against them that would be very very nice now
the way that i look at things it's my legal right to talk about the mossad media
matrix and the one that cappy had gabe hoffman in the middle uh i watch how gabe
behaves on the internet and yeah i i know baron coleman baron's uh ali alexander's
attorney and i've had chats with baron he's very professional you know he's an
officer at the court um he's not one of these loose-lipped um crazy california type
lawyers we get a lot of those that are just highly unprofessional with baron he's
very by the book very much he's not a guy who i could ever see getting sanctioned
because he keeps things so professional but he's a really good guy and uh and i get
along with him very well a man of few words yes he just goes for it and he's uh
done a uh an incredible job um representing ellie alexander so he's also not an
inexpensive lawyer but definitely worth every penny abraham lincoln said a lawyer's
time is is stuck in trade so with that being said maybe what is happening right now
is that america's waking up and realizing that for at least 20 years netanyahu has
been blackmailing the united states through our political systems through our
presidents and senators and congressmen that's pretty huge don't you think that we
as a nation should be petitioning trump and saying what the are you doing potus and
petitioning our politicians and asking them you need to come clean where you're on
the island were you ever on the island we need to find out any politician from
america that was on that island we need to take a look at this fbi and say why are
you softballing why isn't maxwell being indicted for sexually abusing underage
children that's the big charge that could put her away for a long long time and yet
you're not doing it even though the fbi acknowledges it happened so i don't realize
the worth in going for lower charges excitement you know enticement is a even with
everything they got there she's only going to get two years so don't we wonder
about that as a nation um you know some of the names the kevin spacey's and the
bill clinton's uh and the alan dershowitz's so why does both cnn and fox have alan
dershowitz son as the esteemed harvard professor who's running fox and cnn right
the big philosophical question is why isn't america questioning their relationship
with israel it's kind of funny my personal question is why is cape hoffman in the
middle of the mossad media matrix and you know it's conversations with people not
necessarily who believe um [Music] certain things about gabe it's the reason why i
can safely predict he's not going to suit truth convoy even though his lawyer said
that's going to happen and he's not going to sue corey daniel this is [Music]
tactics you know i'll tell you right now hoffman was called a filthy jew by denise
weeks ago denise hasn't been served and she's laughing about it right now but he
won't serve her and as far as cory he was threatened with legal action and he
blasted gabe out of the water and gabe's not going to sue corey there's an agenda
here and the agenda has everything to do with isaac gabby everything to do with
isaac everything to do with the fact that gabe hoffman wanted to frame me for
isaac's murder and yeah isaac was murdered so why is gabe trying to silence the
researchers and point fingers at me
well well well look at this who is finally getting onboard to the true scope of
this pandemic something I've been calling out on this channel for
it seems that this YouTube channels mascot Li Veltman founder of Conan is getting
into it with Lestat so Lee says really up or Lestat is upset go explaining field
McConnell neon revolt and destiny must now you got able danger with Murph oogle I'm
not the only one who knows well it does okay we all know the story which is Bobby
was in touch with that British guy who's Jason Goodman's partner davisc walkins I
mean Sir David and that's how most that got it he's hiding everything and he says
you don't know and then this is all in caps you're two-faced hypocrite bitch stop
you seen my graphics evidence I don't mind people using it but you talk about me
every time you can never give credit and you brag about how nobody knows more than
you and three I got the channel from Bobby idiot that's not really true now is it
chef Sarah okay the bottom line is that Bobby was in touch with this squawking sky
and what happened is that you got the channel but also jet got the channel and the
first six videos were hip pieces on me and then of course she took other swats too
but I think enough people know the real story which is you have direct ties to
Jason Goodman through Sir David
Viva la revolucion
2020-09-02 19:16:17 UTC
you know people try every single day to explain that we've got a coming of
armageddon or we're going to go into a revolution or a breakdown you have to
understand that those who are truly in power want us opposed to each other um the
definition of a revolution when not talking about astronomy is a forcible overthrow
of a government or social order in favor of a new system and a lot of times the
systems aren't new you trade in the old for the new you know we thought the roman
empire died until you realize it's a holy roman empire and where is the seat of
power the vatican how far is uh the vatican from uh palentine hill where the
emperors used to rule figure it out and what's happening right now is we think that
we're declaring our political beliefs and that were engaged in expressions of um
our own personal truths and where we stand we think this is freedom of speech it
actually gives those who wish us will the ability to inform us you know what i'm
saying is true it's been true for a long long time once you want to get to true
history is to destroy fake history is to flay the flesh of epidermis of lies that
have covered up a body of truth you know that's one thing when you have an art of
defeat when you uh burn the witch as they say the flesh melts you start to see
what's inside so i'm going to be uploading some new music today this will be my
augusto italian for august my august video and as i say i'll be doing 12 and then
i'm going to reveal what my purpose is but first you're going to suffer through 12
pieces of my music and there's over 300 videos on sofia music and they all relate
so um that's that
so it looks like the coronaviruses all over now Miss America in Europe it's in
Japan it's in India now and places like Bangkok you know heavily visited areas you
know a lot of tourism they're gonna get hit particularly hard and we're no
strangers to these pestilences so I've started to speak about certain periods of
history where you see pestilences and you wonder where did they come from well this
one with a corner of iris it's actually a family of viruses and yeah I can't hit
not just humans but a livestock cows chickens and it's big its it said h1n1 when we
had SARS back in what 2012 it did not read as fast but it was much more severe
because you had these respiratory tract infections it would hurt people and tell
people who had weakened immune systems rather like the what they called a Spanish
flu of 1918 1919 now the reason why they call it the Spanish flu is at the Spain
the Spaniards were the only ones reporting on it they even want to lower the morale
of soldiers who were still fighting World War two ended on the 11th day of November
in 1918 and that was right when the flu was really kicking in some people claim
that it started in Kansas press called Haskell County and that's the official
version of the American forces the Institute of Pathology I don't believe that I do
believe that is from etabs that's spelled like staples but with an e you know he
tables is how the Americans recognize it but it seeped out and what you had There
in 1918 was a training camp a huge one uh yet a hundred thousand soldiers running
around and they were using those cliffs to get the truck he had soldiers who were
coming back there who were sick they had 24 hospitals alone that's crazy they had a
bunch of pathologists what I believe happened is that it was spread by these armies
in the same way that in the 19th century you see it with cholera and with typhus I
think things were dug up in that cliff that were the same creature the same beast
that struck the table in 1596 where it's spread to Spain spread to England so on
and so forth so you had a particularly bloody battle called the battle of the somme
that was fought in the winter of 1916 to 1917 and right then you had a bunch of
soldiers who fell ill and they were complaining about pain and shortness of breath
and they were coughing and the mortality was as high this is coupled with the fact
that they seemed to have oxygen problems something called heliotrope cyanosis and
it creates lavender hue to the face a couple months after that similar outbreak was
reported near London and that was also in one of these huge barracks out of shock
so there are similarities between the 1918 flu and what we're seeing now the 1918
virus got to start from birds and this one appears to have gotten to start from
bats and that's where there could be some fear because my own studies into
Epidemiology into plagues indicate to me that bat guano was used by the Chinese in
the 1330s in gunpowder and that made its way along the Silk Route and into Europe
and as we all know in 1347 the Black Death began in Europe and that killed probably
thirty to thirty five percent of the population they couldn't even handle the
mortality rate so let's hope for the best and once again it's
so this is an example of one of these fat deep state actors this is a guy named
Esteban Trujillo who claims he's a blogger only but in reality this guy's a
sociopathic Pig probably a diabetic sociopath a big obviously in poor mental health
I can tell you that you know he just looks grind out probably real bad teeth he's
on his third wife who knows what she thinks of him obviously with all the time he's
online probably not much but anyway this is just a core example of the type of
infiltrator that you're gonna see at the protests where he's got government ties
he's been a government contractor he's got a dirty filthy history a good look at
him that's
When you troll or you respond to trolls you're not living your life
2020-03-02 17:33:12 UTC
so people may be wondering why everybody's walking away there's a reason for it
because these people are sick in the head it's an endless hateful echo chamber of
lies and misdirection take for example this realtalk person Clovis Hartmann Donna
emerald is basically saying that Clovis runs a PETA ring out of Missouri or
something I don't know who Clovis is and I actually don't believe it is you know
Donna Donna emerald told everybody that she was having a torrid affair with a eight
five eight and I have old emails that show that a eight five eight was never
interested in her that way that she's far older she's what 65 or something he's
he's a 40 year old guy or something around there why would he be interested in an
old lady you know it goes on and on and on endlessly we've got Diana Nordstrom who
is now telling Khurana cops hey Gabe wants you to unblock him and they don't
understand Rico you know Diana has repeatedly made some serious criminal breaches
so I could say so if I go ahead and spend my time engaging with these people all
they're gonna do is do what they love which is to hate and to lie and to attack and
to try to bring me down and try to bring any one of my friends down I've got this
guy ray Johansson uh and he's gotten serious flack because he accused 20 people of
being my socks and they all reacted so he's now starting to learn and this guy
tells people he's part of anonymous scandia I don't believe that for a second you
know he he doesn't have the pull no not that not that there are people who seem to
be very lately followed but have stealth influence there are those people he's not
one of them he's got way too much ego and you know it is way too prone to strategic
and tactical mistakes so what I'm gonna do going forward is I'm going to
concentrate on my music I'm going to concentrate on the coronavirus and we'll get
into some of the biosafety lab background and what these biologists are doing and
how they are seemingly looking to keep us out of harm's way but the result is we're
now in harm's way so I'm going to go for bigger things all my haters are welcome to
cannibalize thanks
so why don't you take a look at this all right it's me it's your favorite
poltergeist and I'm saying why would Gabe Hoffman claim he's terrified of Julio
Hawkes but have his girl Friday monkey Sivan push these eight rent videos against
me and Dave Acton so what it is is monkey savant is mirroring all of these it's
pretty interesting to see that and so if you go ahead and I go into this this is
monkey savant so I take a look at what she does - aside from all the coronavirus
things that she's getting two views and three views she's also pushing the dopey
Dave stuff why she's also been mirroring to phango here we go one two right and it
keeps on going there's more but she constantly mirrors Defago and you'll see more
of this oh here it is she's now in with the Oh Rico in with Esteban and there it is
Gabe off and look at that look at this didn't even know this was here so proof
positive right there pretty pretty sick stuff who was monkeys of on well my
attorney would like to know and I think that yeah Julio has a pretty good case just
checking up monkeys LaVon I think if he saves every defensive post but she's ever
made with defending Gabe Hoffman I think it's all over so I hope you do that Julio
because you know what I think Gabe Hoffman is in my opinion a stalker and malignant
and criminal level
so what if I told you that the Hoffman almost certainly had Isaac happy killed let
me show you the evidence on May 27th 2019 before anybody knew any results of any
investigation and Isaac a piece suicide which had happened exactly one fortnight
before here it is an open secret run by Gabe makes it declaratory a statement Isaac
capi suicide and then urges friends and concerned parties to focus research on
Thomas some burger now claiming that I had psychological manipulation you know a
recent update he cites dying in north trim and their he goes through things where
he's obviously um obsessed may 27th I didn't know who he was he suspends me on
Twitter so I didn't know who he was and then he talks about Dean from Jay and Steve
Oh Truman others first a fat shaming me steve-o from basically nailed him right
serve remember that date May 27th right here we go guys look what was released
today the most at defending or just court shot from May 27th right the middle one
that I can call you they had a 24 minute call May 28th and then he says dude got
your cash yesterday so he was paid on the 27th and then elusive men in a cage
defending yourselves I need you to lay off Thomas for a week I have things working
I mean at least on Twitter keep dropping videos and stuff but try not to get into
the new drama with open secret and magic oh so that's where I was being attacked by
opus secret and mega go I think freely off and let them fight we just see where
this is going better we should talk on voice so there it is the admission of cash
that was transferred and the conspiracy that it's just an open secret Amerigo and
then he says on second thought fire all cannons so here's my birthday and by the
way he's going but you know he's going I guess here Rob - and then he says um you
know Rob's birthday we're delivering a birthday present so all staff says we're
gonna bust his ass inside out we're gonna need to hype it up his birthday six six
nineteen so he's and they're joking around about it but so who else was blaming me
at that time da pasta and where do you think the money came from so I think that
we're looking at something that federal homicide detectives should be involved
there it is 6:12 this is from many Chevis I just woke up thanks for that I need
your help and any trolls that want to make some money so obviously this is a paid
campaign now we get into FK and Freddie do only have Afghan for the hang-ups dance
he wants to talk to you to make peace so we could focus on Thomas what a joint it's
pretty damning Alfred not a good thing so and he says bro awesome thanks a lot I
feel so proud this is what it's all about bro and thanks for the money will help a
lot so it looks like he got paid some more and they says don't get my dress away so
how do you see referring to a PayPal payment where dresses come in so they're
plotting your party but right you want and what Sundy and ballina here's a now they
have a fight okay you back to your old ways after taking 2k from me and not putting
up any work and of course I have information and then one was given five K you know
we gave us at 2k and I just were there fighting you're just going to be not talking
about me or to me again and then here it is not sure why you're turning on me
that's cool though we can expect the video file sustains you if they don't come
here was just going to be a bummer sell thanks for doing work I went out the stuff
you made it was good it could have been useful so lift something going on and then
was sad of course on the 22nd he's pretty crazy and then Thomas injected the energy
of me getting paid by defining the pink will push the same narrative alright so and
of course Anthony just it looks like if there was and then here it is this Anthony
guy the directors were clear you needed to not talk about the puzzle aunt or me
we've told you we would pay for exporting the videos which cell phone I gotten them
you've been in my name for two weeks now you're posting stuff top of that you're
making up so register shipping Wow this just collision is justice mercy sue
so here we are and all of a sudden the stock market is going down hard Dow's down
600 and everybody was bullish just recently until the people who were selling us
the the fake buffalo nickels decided that they got enough out of the market so they
now go bearish and of course they've already placed their shorts you know this is
the way it goes they're pushing coronavirus surge right now which is not really
genuine you know they're testing more they're catching milder cases there is going
to be a return there is going to be a second wave and upon the epoch of that second
wave they're gonna realize it was influenced all along and once again the actual
kovaydin a team was simply the delivery casing it's a casing like a bullet casing
and it was influenced it's actually if you want to look historically this is a
matching very closely what happened in nineteen sixteen seventeen and eighteen and
that's what we're looking at so this can be compared to the summer of 1918 where
that winter was particularly deadly so they're talking about cases in Florida they
were talking about optics in Arizona we don't hear a lot about Asia China never
reports truth so you can't buy any figures from China but it's you know it's a good
reason to bring down the market the real reason why the market is going down is
that we've got travel and leisure pummeled we've got bleeding waiters we've got
chefs with coronaries we've got a restaurant business is decimated you've got
retail in general reality how much urban flight is there gonna be for the big
cities it's tons and without those tax rents the government's are gonna be
operating on limited gasoline and you know limited cylinders so that's the way it
is now as far as other news well it's interesting it looks like from everything
that I've seen Esteban Jacki Weaver will summer all those guys are having trouble
they're getting more bitter you know it's kind of like um their croissants that are
Bates with saltpeter rather than butter now so it's um it's not fruit or the poison
tree is it's bread of the poison bakery at least in my mind and going back to the
stock market yeah they were there at Auburn yeah it's because you know you know the
they're not there to make you money they aren't they're there to make their
Commission's to sell their story to keep the fed as the primary instrument to shore
up things they work hand in hand with the IMF you know I remember a time when there
weren't printing Paris and Europe they weren't printing euros so this is what it is
we have a very very bad time ahead of us the IMF have made a declaration of roughly
a 5 percent a negative growth and that's huge it's something that hasn't happened
historically in any of our lifetimes unless of course you're a hundred year old and
you know you're one of the 25 people that listen to me and I doubt that screw
because you'd be too hard of hearing so the love of mine is we have harder time
said this is a depression they're going to use the word recession which they think
somes softer and once again you have to understand that the word depression was
first used by FDR because he was convinced it sounded like a depression in the road
rather than a depression as in a psychological downturn so FDR was trying to soften
the imagery and in the end he did it right as the field the field of psychic
analyzation started to take off so very interesting little thing we're gonna be in
for a series of earthquakes they're gonna be coming in fast and furious and it's
gonna surprise people at the same time we're gonna continue to go up and down up
and down until September or possibly October what are those two months where we're
gonna see literally what could be a 20% haircut in the stock market huge amount so
that would take us down another 5,000 points right now we've had a rally based upon
false propaganda false hope and the fact that the people who were pushing the covet
stuff didn't do a very good job if you're gonna sell a pandemic you have to have a
lot more gore and they did not supply that gore you're gonna see the gore come
naturally this winter I'm absolutely sure of it but you know people were told the
vet has an unlimited number of bullets and instruments and tricks and they don't
and someone's gonna be paying for this I hate to say it but it's our kids and our
grandkids and who do you get that at well anger in a lot of ways can be a useless
emotion so getting mad doesn't work what you can do is that you can start to look
at the corruption everywhere in every level of government every level and you can
turn off their propaganda machine what you can do the greatest thing to do turn off
your TVs literally turn off your TVs start living your lives don't you know cancel
that subscription to the paper New York Times LA Times Chicago Sun whatever it is
you know cut out their message and do your own thing hang out with your friends you
don't need the news you don't you're told to stay informed your soul you told to be
worldly to you know know the events of the day it's not that important if they are
by nature manufactured to get you to behave in a certain way it's time to cut these
guys off I'm telling you you'd be happier if you paint go paint if you play guitar
pick up that guitar get together with friends you know the kovat thing what are
they saying 7% of us have it now just kill 121,000 people will have heard immunity
at 40% whatever you know it's an influenza and they come and they go and people die
that's the way it is would you rather live your life cowering behind the curtains
glued to your news is that life that's not life it's not at all I'm actually having
a pretty good time when it cools down I can't handle the heat but we does cool down
I like to walk up in the mountains which has been a lot of fun during the day I
study history and I compose a lot of music and I'm working on projects that I don't
tell people about you see I can't talk about my victories because those victories
will be attacked you know I wrote music for a dance piece that just won a big award
in India I won't even name the piece right now because what will happen is these
bitter and venomous detractors will say something negative about it on social media
so there's a certain freedom in not feeling that I have to discuss my
accomplishments I know who I am I know very well who I am and I know what I've done
in my life I know I've composed a lot of music that will outlive me and out let me
very well it's unfortunate that we've reached a point where there are people and
not just me there's hundreds of thousands that are there like me that we keep quiet
about what we do and who we associate with and what we work on what we're working
on who our friends are you know the staff I'm certainly not a hermit but I keep my
projects and a state of amortize and that's me being prudent thank you for
listening as always by the way I'm gonna be doing a fundraising effort there's a
lot of music that I need to get orchestrated and that takes money so I'm scoring
everything on my own but to get it recorded is you know a little bit of work so at
some point and I'm not ready yet I may have a PayPal or a you know Bitcoin address
somewhere do something like that and I promise you guys that I will not hard sell
you some of these YouTube channels and other channels they remind you there are 38
platforms out there that they can receive money on that's not my nature
now there were a lot of people who were upset with trump for uh not enacting
emergency um procedures and bringing in the national guard you know it's probably
time for that right now but it's a real good thing that he waited because now what
we witness is in democratically uh predominant cities you see the police beating on
the protesters and allowing the rioters to do what they will so that is something
that people are going to start to notice again and again and again and so it really
um lifts the veil as to what's really going on now as a white guy i've only had one
deleterious experience with a cop he was crooked he's bad he was a liar he was a
bully violent um but you know i've had probably uh hundreds of interactions with uh
police i used to actually provide entertainment for their parties um you know got
to know a lot of these guys they were pretty cool they were they were nice they
would talk about what they face every day and you know i do respect the badge i
think the bad apples um well there's something that has to change there which is
you know blue line thinking they called it uh which is you know even if there's
someone bad others need to cover up for them and that is um a part of the police
culture that needs to change but there's also this cultural marxism uh under flow
that is not being noticed by everybody i mean the gang music culture that was
glorified by hollywood they thought that was great people talking about um you know
kill the cops and you know rape white women all that um that came out in song it
came out in early rap and it just grew and grew and grew and it was um thug culture
and that was embraced by hollywood um you know that's that's not a healthy thing it
really isn't it's led to a lot of um black people dying you know i've got black
friends i do and they're really cool they're really wonderful um you know i have a
friend of mine who married a black man uh others who have married black women so
you know there can certainly be peace and i don't believe there's superiority in
any race period but you know these are colors blacks browns whites and their colors
um and at the end of the day if you know there's this cultural marxism and they
want the people weak that's what they want they don't want us as white people
saying that we're proud and blacks can say that they're proud but whites can't
right we're not supposed to talk about our architectural achievements or the
symphonies that we compose or the operas so on and so forth so and that's something
i noticed especially during the obama administration which was there was a subtle
hint that we're supposed to be embarrassed to be white you shouldn't be embarrassed
to be whatever color you are you know there's there's been great black people and
great white people and you know when the aliens land great green people so that's
what i have to say you know i think that the military is going to be called in uh
and it'll happen shortly and you know when you see cops being um excessive it's a
good thing that we speak out because they need to be put on notice uh but they are
they're taking their directions ultimately from their chief who answers to a mayor
and a mayor will answer to a senator or governor what not so we can show
displeasure peacefully destroying small business looting you know it is uh
unfathomable for me to see the police stand by why while looters are destroying
small business and this to me shows that the police chiefs in those cities are
taking orders from higher-ups and it is almost exclusively democratically led
cities mayors who were democrats uh senators and congressmen who were democrats so
i think this thing is going to blow up on them i think that they thought that they
could force trump into a quick military situation you know he's doing curfew which
is soft martial law but for the most part uh whether he he meant it or not uh
waiting it might not have been a good thing for small businesses but it really does
show what's going on and the american people are watching and the american people
are watching um media outlets like vice try to spin the story uh anderson cooper
him with his you know moral outrage and his 200 million dollars um you know this
guy has been a traitor for a long time same thing with don lemon same thing with a
lot of these guys on um on the left you know is extreme leftist thinking that is
very dangerous we're looking at a 1930s type situation where um you know the the
people are forced either to be nationalists or bolsheviks and that's where we're at
so i would rather side with the nationalists which is um you know be proud of your
country and protect your country things into the country's bloodstream that weaken
it really you got to think in terms of biology um you know we are a melting pot but
we've got this strong culture and we've done amazingly vibrant things in our
history it's the greatest country on the planet by far but we can do better than
this and we just need to go to the the right questions to find the right answers
right now media is trying to get us to ask the wrong questions and to arrive at the
wrong answers so it's a little bit of both sides and at the end of the day um
extremism doesn't work if you're middle of the road that tends to be the best
germany was absolutely incorrect uh with its leadership to concede world war one
they gave it up and there were reparations and uh the treaty of versailles was
horribly unfair and what ended up happening is it destroyed the german economy it
allowed these bolsheviks from russia to come in and start stealing businesses and
take over things and it gave rise head or a hitler on the other hand was you know
on the other extreme which is instead of concentrating on the bankers um he
imprisoned uh and incarcerated shopkeepers you know jewish people who had never
done anything but try to raise their their families same thing with uh the gypsy
population and um and others i mean that was wrong too so there's rungs all over
the place but at the end of the day as far as my experience you know i'm going to
northern california today to go ahead and see if i can get people to answer to
their crimes so i've had some good discussions with people in northern california
and uh you know just dealing with them as human beings and saying here you go here
here's the evidence right they listen and even with all the crap going on they've
been really good to me um especially lately so you know the bottom line is if you
treat people as human beings ultimately you're probably going to be
well for the first time in history we're seeing a little bit of honesty from tooth
okay there we are and this is Hebrew so you've got to look from here to here to
read it and basically it says death to goyim so uh-huh and she's trying to psych it
psyhov everybody and now she's getting back to her mask culture now over here those
are voodoo dolls right there and so one of them is an angel and if you look closely
and you zoom up you can see the pins and her abdominal and in the Angels face and
then over here is the Satanic doll that has no puncture marks so this lady I mean
she's crazy just look at that she's a nut job she falsely accuses me of wanting to
blow up the ports of Texas she accuses Dave acumen the same and meanwhile what she
really is is just a parasite a human mosquito you know what a tapeworm she's the
tapeworm of tortious twisty
hey guys so I think it's really cool that Phoenix enigma responded to Zack and
wants to do a zoom interview I think that'll be great very cool it's keeping the
memory of Isaac alive and also the persistence of a number of us who want his
murder solved we don't have believed the official reports and I think it's great I
think that Zack is quite a investigative spirit look at what he's done with Kurt
Cobain over the years so I think this could be very cool very very good all
Cryptography 2
2020-08-24 04:02:37 UTC
so it looks like the hijackers of cicada 3301 are at each other's throats uh arturo
does not want to accept the truth so arturo i'm just gonna tell you you know all
you have to do is go back to uh fox and coordinate uh the things that you were
showing with her outgoing calls i can tell you i wasn't calling her she was calling
me and yeah uh i think somebody was listening pretty sure the guys here's what she
told me she told me she didn't trust you she said that she repeatedly asked you to
take down the interview that she did with you on conspiracy distillery she wasn't
happy that you didn't respond she said that you first doxed her on terrace renfo's
channel a while ago and you repeatedly did it and that you were white knighting her
while you were doxxing she said she didn't trust you one little bit um she was also
kind of mocking you saying that your live streams were boring i'm sure there's a
tape of it out there and esteban is going to drop it so you better prepare uh all
you have to do to find the truth is literally go to her and say show your outgoing
calls because you think that she didn't call me you're an idiot oh one more thing
too she swore up and down that uh marcus wanner never threatened her and that
esteban was lying about that and she basically said he was attempting to hijack um
cicada 3301 and using you and that you were um knowing to put out false information
she talked about uh uh what the hell was it unity for jay and how you put out
emails to a bunch of people that were complete bullshit and that she actually
called you on it so how would i know that unless i had talked to the fox so she was
mocking your research skills i'm telling you straight up i'm sure esteban knows
this because you know what he's former special ops he's got black hats all over the
place i'm sure that um that her phone was probably hacked um you know he's got ties
to the cia and nsa and all that so there's a million ways to get the phone calls
and i'm sure they're gonna drop and here's what is gonna happen to you um you're
gonna be crushed because um you know even while you had a girlfriend you were
trying to go for blackburn and she had no interest in you trust me none she
actually thinks that she said that in so many words you know and talked about how
boring your live streams were so um put that in your pipe and smoke it
Tesla up another 8% yesterday. It'll rise another 50% this year. Only idiots short
2020-06-02 15:35:28 UTC
so a lot of stocks are beaten down and they're going down the drain but if there's
one stock that you really want to look at it's um tesla so it's recovered almost
all of its losses just an amazing recovery anybody who went short tesla is stupid
now model y uh the new car they're coming out with is going to be exciting and i
think tesla stock will go a lot higher it's a growth stock i think that musk is
very smart and he was able to spike a bunch of interest because of his uh spacex so
he's got uh you know that that whole exciting uh apollo uh uh thing that americans
get fixated on space travel and then he's got a tesla which is you know very good
car so i think uh he's gonna just be great you know people who shorted tesla uh
they've lost their ass they really have they have you know there there have been
lots of uh screams and gnashing of teeth and wrenching of clothes over that one you
know everybody all these idiots on wall street said short tesla it's a good play
short it and those who did look like idiots you know they gave all these reasons
why to short tesla they underestimated elon musk elon's a lot
so I've spent the morning exploiting every contact I have in the financial world
and that includes talking to friends you know producers at CNBC and in financial
times and you know a lot of the money people the big money people in Wall Street
and you know enough to make a dent so you see when you file a lawsuit there's ways
that you can eviscerate someone you can basically destroy them overnight if the
lawsuit goes public and if you know exactly what you're doing and you put it into
the right hands so that's what I've prepared for and the person that I'm just about
to sue there's a financial guy I'm not going to give the name and he's very sure of
himself he's very sure it cannot be touched it's the way that you do things and you
know it's funny with these lawsuits these days people use public platforms to
defame people to create well what they call false light which is something you can
sue and be awarded huge damages for huge so if you're going to study the person
you're about to sue you better study it long and hard and figure out how you can
basically eviscerate them even before you get to court that's what I've done and
it's good because I've had a team and professionals and two lawyers not to help me
and that's great so a demand letter is being sent over and we'll see how they
behave I'm expecting them to reject it I'm expecting them to say ha ha ha no and
you're gonna see some fireworks what
so the psychopath esteban 3od utrs aka Steven aka the surgeon make a psycho Steve
he even built a website on me now this is a 59 year old guy who claims he's married
third wife right what would he be doing obsessing over a guy his age there's a
homoerotic aspect to this whole thing and I think that's why Steve chose a wife you
know to be surrounded by men right that's a little macho thing I think he's
deficient in that department he may suffer from the empty jockstrap syndrome and it
leaves a lot of men to turn to anger and bitterness into vitriol and bile in the
center of his esophagus so it's pretty interesting I'm recovering my health but
this is a guy who's mentioned my health he doesn't know me I've never met him never
talked to him he won't put his own voice or his face on anything so definitely
hiding stuff I believe personally that he may be connected to the pedophile
community because connections to Arturo Tafoya a case that there's an admitted
pedophile and had connections to Bobby Sarah Wald though we caught propositioning a
14 year old boy Bobby goes by the lone cicada he's tactic to feign go and we know
that the finger was admitted there's pedophiles in his family and Defago has an
interesting reputation of results ties to Daniel Dowd all all of them do actually
Daniel was arrested for aggravated sexual assault on a child so when you start
looking at these people then you realize that they're all tied into some really
sick things really sick things I look at Steve and I think all right are you part
of this PETA file protection ring you know that's what it seems like it feels like
I've talked to some people as fast I'm gonna be doing a little bit more digging now
I'm not doing digging to Trump touched him tried to protect myself you have to
understand this guy is built a website he's got a YouTube channel that is dedicated
to me him and Jesse Davis another guy who's probably in his 50s you know obsessed
every single day with me I'm not big game guys I mean you know supposedly you both
are married that's you're not paying much attention to your wives tell you that so
you know maybe you need an adult diagnosis treatment center that might be a good
idea and estaban your failure at the end of your life you're in the final that I
guarantee you're in the final five years you've got a bad heart and you're morbidly
obese so in the final five years of your life what do you do you decide to stalk a
stranger that's what you do it's crazy it doesn't make any sense you guys are just
consumed with a trade in meanwhile I'm ready new music I'm involved in new projects
I've got good stuff going on I am creating so creation is better than destruction
you guys don't seem to understand that you're so busy going to sleep with your
fists clenched
good morning everybody I've been taking a little time off at any rate I'm pretty
hypotheses and they started back in January before they new to that Channel and we
started here in February so I've predicted the clarity and the March of this
pandemic and I think I told you guys a couple of weeks ago you're gonna start to
see Germany hit hard and lo and behold it's a hundred thousand right now you've
seen Garland's and Louisiana Lee get whacked so probably by the end of April and
into May it's suddenly gonna vanish this will cause the media and the politicians
to declare victory and um they're gonna start to rebook events I think that might
be a huge mistake this is a profoundly transmittable virus it's got lots of tricks
up his sleeve this is the hundred year pandemic that mater science said would never
happen all the fire ologists and they assured us that's nothing you know this we
can't go into a black death scenario again well the Spanish Influenza killed more
people in a one year period than the Black Death did in four now granted there are
more people in the world of 1918 about 1.5 billion but what I'm comparing right now
is what we talked about last time the sign of esis the blue skin blue face that the
covert 19 victims are starting to show and what they're not telling you is those
symptoms showed up with the Spanish influenza victims as well no it's not that all
blue skin means you know it's sudden ease this is something bad you can get bruised
turns blue in purple there's um a rare genetic disease metha mo glob anemia which
is a blood disorder where there's a high amount of hemoglobin firm lack of a better
word being produced and so in methanol glob and amina the hemoglobin is unable to
release its oxygen effectively to the blood tissues or there's something called um
argue raya i believe and that is you get that with people to take um silver or if
they're using eye drops for nose sprays they contain sulfur or if they're working
with our silver mines or areas where there's sulfur particles in the air we use lot
of silver it corrodes in your stomach acid that's how it releases it turns into
silver salt and that can travel through the bloodstream is the intravenous and it
could end up in your skin and then if you go out into some money the silver salt
turns back to silver it colors your skin blue it's kind of similar to the process
sulfur goes through when use of black and white photography so in any rate they
aren't going to declare victory in May when the number of new cases diminished
rapidly and the CFR drops like it is in Italy and Spain CFR meaning case fatality
rate that's going to be the worst thing they can do we can't shut down as a nation
however we need to prepare for that second wind the second wave it's coming and
it's going to hit Europe in October and it's going to hit back east late october
and then this one's the bad one folks this thing right now is a cakewalk even with
the you know sixty seventy thousand deaths the first wave of the Spanish influenza
killed maybe a hundred to 150,000 people so the second way of kills 55 million
third wave killed another twenty to forty million so that's what we have to prepare
for guys and as I said this is a tricky and mercurial virus this thing is smart and
obviously has some longevity to its nature because you see how it survives on
surfaces for so long it's pretty upsetting when you see people politicize this
thing you know they're all blaming Trump well the who is based in Europe and they
were the ones saying oh everything's okay at the very beginning so you really can't
blame Trump when you have the World Health Organization mirroring and what he was
saying you know a lot of doctors at that point - I think they're making a huge
mistake because they're not recognizing this is a derivation of the Spanish
influenza and one of the tell-tale signs is that Simon esis the oxygen deprived
cells so I hope they get smart with it and maybe they already know we should
consider that - maybe they already know and they don't want to scare us I see all
sorts of shit on social media one person says that there's gonna be an asteroid
just gonna strike the earth so they wanted us home with our families so we wouldn't
go crazy on the streets that seems silly it's not how things would go however you
they're not telling us about the second wave and they already know what it is then
it all makes sense big enzyme they're training us like seals to distance ourselves
socially I can tell you one thing if this continues into me we're gonna have a
so here we go again Bobby Sara Wald the ex-con who was caught red-handed and trying
to pick up on a 14 year old boy he's being called out by someone named Cerberus
zero 444 Christina so there's a lot of these Bobby's been caught repeatedly like
he's now pretending to be a Christian but I sat there and told me okay I won't do
anything and of course he broke his word he can't trust this guy he's a snake it's
a weasel that's what he does and we're talking about sacred crimes who of course
blocked me so it's pretty easy to see who he is this is a little copy here and you
know what is it with these people who obsess you know what is it about this guy
he's got nothing to live for obviously he's retreating Esteban and here is Esteban
es will be subjected to a psychiatric evaluation followed by impartial judicial
scrutiny no you're a Fanta cyst if he's innocent I will accept it he will not be
what are you talking about you know there's there's nothing you or Dayan another
obsessed person I you know you people are idiots all you do is bloviate you went
ahead and told everybody I don't play music how can anybody believe anything that
you say all right no one does people believe what they can see and feel and touch
here you are with the squirrel again no Bobby you know what you attempted to seduce
a 14 year old boy giving your 30s you're a pedophile face
this is huge Gabe Hoffman has gone and reported Julio Jabez mentioning queuing on
may truth but went both to the sheriff's Palm Beach PBSO and then to the FBI on
Julio so let me tell you he wins at the local FBI field office in West Palm Beach
and met with a special agent and provided especially some avenues in persons as
well as an email concerning the potential for videos created by factors to incite
physical harm against him as well as other related matters so let me tell you what
this is going to do he's not going to the FBI field office which they're going to
launch an investigation now here's where I'm at Gabe Hoffman has purposely stalked
me lied about me and worked in tandem with Manuel Chavez that I've got full
evidence of mammal Chavez's stalking so I think I'm gonna contact that field office
in West Palm Beach and make myself known to the FBI there and I'm going to give
them evidence against mr. Hoffman and I'm gonna ask mr. o trem to do the same the
FBI should investigate this matter I think that's a really good idea I have nothing
to say about what's going on with mr. Jabez and mr. Hoffman but I do think that
this is an opportunity for the FBI to start looking into everything so um hopefully
I think we might be seeing some things really start to heat up I've been in contact
with law enforcement but not in West Palm Beach so I think that's what I'm gonna do
and I'm going to show that Huffman has accused me of being someone who had gone but
Hoffman attacked me before I even knew who it was Hoffman inferred that I
psychologically tortured Isaac cabbie leading to his death and then also inferred
that I was somehow involved in the death of Sam Thornton July 18th 2019 so that
this is a very troubling behavior from Gabe Hoffman and we know of this association
with Manuel Chavez who was actively stalked me and my
so this is where i need to uh school z hi z it's thomas i've enjoyed working with
you and i hope we can work uh more in the future but when you go ahead and talk
about anti-semitism in regard to gabe hoffman this is from may 29th all right this
is a series of attacks when i didn't even know who gabe often was he started on uh
may 27th and he accuses me of being rachel 564-17405 i'm not that person so what
this guy did is accuse me of anti-semitism while directing us to take a look at a
uh twitter account that is not mine never has been mine didn't know who they were
so this is pretty anti-christian behavior um and you know you should you should
call it out rather than just make a blanket statement that it's anti-semitism
coming from other people you know why don't you look at gabe you sent me a email
saying he's trying to defend his reputation in reality he went on the attack he's
got a history of bullying too and then here's this thomas schumer isaac cappy's
handler no i wasn't claims he sent a curse and his car broke down now what is
inferring right there this is a lie all right i directed something um basically a
wish to someone else not isaac happy and that person's car didn't break down all
right so this is the trickery that he does and um you don't want to call it out uh
maybe because you're jewish i don't know maybe it's a tribal thing but the bottom
line is you're not looking at facts the facts are uh cape hoffman a stranger to me
went ahead and tried to paint me as an anti-semite by using uh an accusation that a
twitter account that i have nothing to do with uh was me so he's in the
entertainment business and so am i and he does this on a huge platform much bigger
than um than i have so i mean seriously once you get fair i know you're capable of
fairness um it appears that um either gabe hoffman is calling out esteban who's
been ruthless um and you know look this willowbrook thing is there for a couple
days um but they have no problem you know putting it up on social media right um so
it looks like gabe is directing esteban or he's calling him out but you know i have
evidence that um that there is collusion with these guys and as i said this will be
uh handled in court so um that's that z there are people who are going to be
included in a civil conspiracy court or court action that everything's coming out
you know i'm not going to be getting stuck i'm done with it it's happened long
enough and the gaslighting that goes on is people who have been the aggressors try
to turn it around and say that i've been the aggressor because that's the problem
that's a problem for them because the internet doesn't lie one final thing too as
far as key basic can't be correct um i do believe and i've heard from not just you
but others that no it can't be correct but this is not how it happened return of
the king is absolutely real that is what isaac cappy referred to we have an insider
who got us that information an insider had various non-diplomats that's all it is
that's all it is so the bottom line is um go to soundcloud you can see return of
the king eli priest right there so
Isaac Kappy was murdered. End of story
2020-07-28 21:22:43 UTC
so i just saw the phoenix enigma interview with mrs mrs uh cappy along with elia
priest peter priest well kenny uncanny corey daniel who does not use his last name
so things leaped out at me number one i have nothing bad to say about the parents
they lost son it's got to be a very confusing and grievous time for them here's
what strikes me isaac was two hours away from seeing his mom why would he kill
himself that seems pretty strange and then ella high priest is the one who on the
15th of may two days after isaac's death he's yelling screaming and threatening at
me a day prior to that a certain meatball who's legendary for his bullshit and his
lies he goes ahead and he accuses me in oak's war two weeks after that at the end
of may gabe hoffman is pointing fingers at me okay so i wasn't in arizona i've
never had a fight with isaac happy it seems to me that the belligerents the ones
who may very well have planned and plotted and then covered up these things are the
ones interviewing the bereaved parents so once again i'm going to leave you with
this isaac cappy told his mother he'd see her in a couple hours
good evening so i had a very spirited conversation with a learned gentleman from
britain today and he talked about the nobleness of uh truth delayed that in truth
even if it's uh if it comes around a thousand years later it matters and i take the
opposite approach i think that in my life at least things need to be immediate and
that includes truth and beauty um savory experiences it's in the moment to i
remember um one of my finest memories was uh on the palantine hill which is right
in the center of rome see area that's surrounded by ruins is where the emperors and
the aristocrats used to live it's also where um the lupical was the famous cave
where um you know uh romulus and remus were birthed by a she-wolf so that's the
nucleus of rome it was uh of course populated by etruscans prior to that at any
rate i talked to this gentleman and i said there was my son i was holding he was
maybe a year and a half and there was sunset and what you saw was a combination of
swallows and bats in the air so nocturnal creatures with diurnal birds and i said
that was a moment of truth that's what matters so let me try to reach some of you
here who have two good years and i'm very grateful for the few that do listen to me
a family in california is murdered okay the case goes cold maybe six decades later
evidence finally comes forth that bears fruit and points to the bad guys what good
is truth if justice and this happens again and again and again truth must have an
immediacy to have a real effect we're given promises by our government that they're
finally going to come clean they go ahead and talk about sealed indictments they
talk about angry senators and fisa courts that are upset um and that the
government's gonna be and just look at that and i think you know i expect uh i
expect santa claus to go to his uh home invasion gig before that ever happens you
know you can't abort truth it will be eventually revealed but you have to learn
what's in front of you to be able to gaze upon what's inside you and that's the
point everything they're throwing at us everything it's propaganda they want you to
do some labor so you will take their version of currency and spend it the greeks
would have said um tovaseglio anemesa spanish and i'm sure lost will tease me for
this um el reyno esta el dentro the kingdom is within it's not it's not being
obsessed and fixated on crime and explosions and death and the carnage that
surrounds us every day it's about us taking the time to uh look at a flower blossom
for me to uh to write a piece of music for a poet to compose a stanza for a painter
to capture an image for a dream or to dream that's what it
so my friends what comes next well everything's down cryptocurrencies gold stocks
bonds tea bills bank runs are happening now when people run to cash is called D
grossing that's a hedge fund term and if these banks are so healthy and they've got
vibrant balance sheets why are they performing is so poorly so as I said before
we've had a fake economy and it's made a select few very very rich so President
Trump is talking about a half trillion dollar bailout that will be for airlines and
restaurants and whatnot I propose giving each American one hundred thousand dollars
I think that would soar up the entire country give him a hundred grand a shock to
country down for 45 days take it from there the high death rate 3,000 already dead
in Italy makes me feel that the death rate has been lied about in China and these
draconian shutdowns going down globally indicates to me that the government's know
things they're not telling us you take a look at the clinched jaws some of these
people on the financial shows and they're worried and they should be maybe it's
time for them to hit the unemployment line they've been raping us for a long time
so I think that this week is collapsed week until Trump makes a statement giving a
dollar figure of how much he proposes to give to the poor into small businesses I'm
not talking about the airlines to help with the airlines seriously to hell with
them to hell with these mortgage brokers and these big financial institutions
everybody who got it before it's a joke this time you take care of those who don't
have money this time you take care of the people who are their most
I want you to take a look at something guys this is an explanation for such a king
storm then essentially it's explaining white blood cells to take over inflame the
patients at certain strains of flu it says it's an overpopulation of immune cells
that's the white blood cells and they're activating compounds this cytokines which
in a flu infection are they're associated with a surge of activated immune cells in
the lungs now what you get a shortness of breath and fever rash the whole nine
yards and this exactly explains what's going on with so many people sick so I'm
gonna tell you what I think is really going on I think the cover 19 is a lie I
think that what we're looking as a reimbursement of the Spanish influenza of 1918 I
think they have known this for a bit and I think that they're playing with the
death tables so when they assign a death to Cove in nineteen and it seems like
they're doing that a lot what they're really trying to hide is that we've got the
Spanish influenza back so I'm gonna give you this history lesson again I hope
everybody will listen from January to June 1918 was the first wave it was
relatively mild roughly under 250,000 died the second wave which came later that
winter in 1918 probably killed 50 million in a year and by early 1919 the winter
season probably killed another twenty or thirty million so this is what's going on
I don't want to tell us it's gonna be bad yeah and forget this coronavirus bullshit
what we're dealing with right now is a rias of the Spanish Influenza after a
okay we're gonna start to get into the reason why coronavirus has the potential to
be highly deadly so 501 years ago in the year 1519 conquistadors started to arrive
in Mexico and of course the history books say this is what wiped out the indigenous
populations because the kind of Lisa doors brought smallpox and other infectious
diseases and I don't believe that's true I believe some of us true but you have to
look at two pandemics one in 1545 and another one of 1576 that basically wiped out
a population that might have been as high as 25 million to 2 million and that was
all within the space of 55 years it's pretty bad and so I've been researching this
for a while and there was a doctor named Francisco or none this who actually worked
for the Spanish king and he was an authoritative primary-source chronicler so he
witnessed the epidemic of 1576 even conducted autopsies and what he described was a
fever that caused heavy bleeding a hemorrhagic fever that's what they call it and
that would be similar to what we saw with the Ebola virus in Africa and in 1576
this thing killed 80 percent of the people infected and it was quick usually within
48 hours and you would have blood flowing from people's ears and nose enough and it
was a reoccurring disease like coronavirus where we've got Chinese authorities now
saying 14% reinfection so this is what I was trying to warn about before and
there's different theories as to why the pandemics of fifteen forty five and
fifteen seventy six happened now you have to remember that Europe was having a
calamity of pandemics in the sixteenth century and for me I take a look at these
comments to keep on showing up and I'm thinking you know I've studied bow shock and
Boston Physics and when bodies get moved you know things go into our atmosphere so
on and so forth it's not like the now success things don't just burn off what you
had is Spanish miners and they were going into these areas looking for gold looking
for silver and you had a virus carrying bats and virus carrying rodents and so if
their environment was disturbed that's you know a possibility as to why these
things happened now as far as um dr. Francisco or Dundas his chronicle was lost for
hundreds and hundreds of years and was only found in the last fifteen years so
there was a gentleman dr. Rudolfo hakuna sotto who was with Mexico's National
Autonomous University and he did some groundbreaking work running around 1999-2000
and he believes that it is from these rats he published in the emerging infectious
diseases and American Journal for tropical medicine hygiene and you know others so
when I read a lot of these peer-reviewed academic magazines nature science so on
and so forth or isn't a friendly so at any rate you had a population that was maybe
20 million around 1519 and within 81 years it's down to 2 million so what you saw
in the 1576 pandemic is it wasn't just the the parents have died but the children
that died two people who should have had antibiotics and so what we have with the
corona virus and this is where I'm gonna circle back is you have what they call you
know a novel coronavirus that's new in Latin and we have a population that has the
same immune owner abilities that the indigenous people in Mexico did so we don't
know how it's gonna work there was evidence that people were catching this
hemorrhagic fever in 1575 but it became more virulent by 1576 and then it was just
a mass killer so it could be what i theorize which is that with corona virus you
have the first wave which is the mild wave and the second wave is going to be the
Widowmaker so that's that I'm going to post a link to my PayPal and I wanted to
thank everybody you guys have been donating I really appreciate it you know I'm
primarily a composer but I do study history pretty closely and I do connect the
dots so and you know that I think I've been validated I've been on the coronavirus
says since prior to 100 deaths so I think I called it cold so thank you very much
for your support I really appreciate it and I'm not so interested in subscribing or
likes or any of that stuff I'm just trying to get
Was the Coronavirus bioengineered in France using ancient plague ridden soil
2020-02-27 18:05:19 UTC
so we're gonna do a pretty big drill down on the coronavirus this is going to be
very interesting so I believe that Brian Wilson is right he basically said
apparently the creation of bio weapons and so Simon Templar says yes the rumor is
the French scientist had a rich environment experimenting with soil from this Park
in Paris this history is more of a no wonder the soil is cursed so if you go to it
you see that excuse me that this is the park did boots shovel which is northeastern
Paris and it's in the nineteenth and it's got a fair fair body to it too so I've
been through this area and you know very history sir rumen and you know it's large
and there's an island in the middle of it so the park took its name from a bleak
hill which occupied the site which because of the chemical composition of the soil
was almost bare of vegetation it was called shovel or bare Hill and you know that's
Bald Hill the area just outside the limits of Paris until the nineteenth century
had a sinister reputation it was the site of the gibbet of month of the comb which
is a pretty horrible place they used to hang people there up until 1760 so that
would have been 29 years before the Revolution and then after the Revolution it
became a refuge dump and then a place for cutting up horse carcasses and a
depository for sewage so getting back to the Twitter I'm thinking wow okay I quoted
that and then it started flipping into it so that's where the temple of Estes is is
a temple of of civil and then so what I looked into was the soil and we know that
scientists can reactivate viruses as old as thirty so if scientists were seeking to
bioengineer something this soil would be it now it talks about the event of
Montfaucon which is a horrible place they have been executing people there from the
thirteenth century there was also a hospital there you know obidos son Louie and
they had a place for reformed prostitutes so this would be a very toxic soil
there's a massacre that happened on August 24th 1572 August 24th is actually the
same exact day that Mount Vesuvius grew up in 79 AD and then I talked about the
comment of the suddenly do which is the reform prostitutes so it's getting crazy
the more I look into it of course this would be where they want to hear oh here's
the scene from the st. Bartholomew's Day Massacre August 24th that st.
Bartholomew's day it actually happened the evening before as well as the day and it
was basic basically part of the whole Catholic wars going on at the time and they
killed maybe 20,000 people all across France but I'm going to get a close-up of
this because I'm you guys see it don't look at this they're letting blood
everywhere there's a woman and they're dragging this guy by his neck this guy is
chopping people you can see that this was basically the deep state of us time
taking out the Huguenots and here's a woman praying for her life and he's about to
run a sword through her see that so you also have right here a the type of soil
that would have viruses and germs it would be a rich place to collect and to
experiment with because the soil would yield results from you know 800 years ago
and we know that it was an area where there was a hospital that treated plague
victims and France had multiple plays so I think Brian might be onto something it's
very interesting we'll continue on and I'd love to hear brighter spots about this
that if France is funding and experimenting you know this is the land of Louie
Pasteur right leading scientists of France then would and Brian's opinion would you
believe that the soil would be a place that they would look to reactivate old
viruses I think it could be you know very much
once you see what's going on this is more [Applause] [Music] you have been lied to
our media is so what's going on as the equivalent of federal police coming into
Hebei province and literally arresting the local traffic police so you've got a
meltdown and I believe it has to do with what I predicted almost a month ago which
is it's much worse over there than what they're saying and they're trying to keep
quiet it is imperative for them to look safe in front of their trading partners in
front of their international trading burners that if they're considered a country
that is exporting disease because they didn't have it together enough to properly
quarantine and it's not their fault you know I'm not a lover of the Chinese
government I hate communism however it's it's a PSYOP it's a global slap going on
right now there's a push from the alphabets and from that tiny country in the
Middle East to say channel ID people died well technically that may be true but I
believe that China is not the aggressor I believe that China was attacked and I
believe that there are people who are trying to get our country into a war a hot
war with China and now what you're seeing is the people so angry and they've seen
so much death that they're willing to attack the federal officers and that to me is
indicative of a breakdown going on and it guess what folks we should be scared 1.2
billion people they've got nuclear weapons there is opportunistic bad guys who take
advantage of the situation so it makes me wonder how bad things are with our
pandemic here and it appears that it could be pretty interesting here imagine that
going on in New York City you've got close to 600,000 deaths or 600,000 cases and
close to 27,000 deaths got high mortality rates and Iran and Spain and Italy you
know Italy's almost 11% and that was what I was predicting where we would go if you
guys recall and be talking about the Spanish plague that's what the CFR is that's
the case fatality rate so you're starting to look at the Netherlands now they've
got over 6% and if you look at them they eradicated 75% of their Jews and here we
are with France you know you have to look at where the pogroms are or were and you
have low rates in Australia there were no programs in New Zealand is 0% Canada none
of them they're South Korean and up there now it's Japan of course there they're
probably gonna go way up am i probably under reporting but if you look at where the
pogroms were Italy Spain Netherlands France UK it's there so everything I was
talking about and if you look at Matt now who he has consolidated power everything
and let's see what else sleepy and Tifa has to say clearly him among others like I
say I've always said the a85 a thing was definitely a team okay well here we go on
this got another email and eight five eight is promoting an mp3 some kind of
Patriot patriotic song okay if I Bay is a filthy left-wing pile of crap who huh yes
letting you much first off I'm not a 5/8 second off he's not left-wing you are
third off filthy didn't you use that recently to call Gabe Hoffman a filthy Jew and
inexplicably you weren't soon we're onto the game masquerades and you know the
whole cute thing the age five eight masquerade I would I would say had nothing to
do with the actual Q phenomenon that people that caught up in except for the for
the way the cube phenomenon was Incan interconnected with Shikata and the old
reddit puzzle in 2016 you're an idiot alright you need to eat your words with a bar
or soap that's not what you've been telling people for three years liar and I'm
gonna show you how to get to the original material on that right now so what
happens is I get this email this morning from Schoenberger being an idiot no I did
not email you you left us liar and all it consists of is an mp3 file with a title a
eight five eight dot mp3 so I'm thinking all I'm not gonna download this instead
I'm gonna go search on it because maybe I'll be able to see who holds they you know
if they got one of these music things like why are these music things are you
trying to say audiophile do antifa leftist idiot those photo platforms where you
can just have a stash of photos and all that maybe he's got a music stash somewhere
and I can figure out who's running it so I go to Google and I put in a club a dot
mp3 whole bunch of stuff comes up first of all a a 5/8 is also the name of a Lenovo
computer gadget so I got all their ads and technical blogs and everything else
cloud you know had to sort through that finally got down to where the reddit puzzle
questions start kept coming up and then I came to a tweet which was all in Arabic
script so I have no idea what it said but I'm still in Google looking at the things
that show up in Google and this thing that came up had at a eight five eight as a
Twitter profile like wow so I go there and I'm thinking oh this is just maybe this
is somebody who works for Lenovo doing no I looked at it it's a Travel / this is a
less than us alarm well I'm not going to get into the actual Arabic prayer but it's
a travel prayer it's wishing you good luck before you fly or take a boat or you
know take a car and again you want to see this do what I did put in a eight five
eight dot mp3 just see what comes up and I only used Google if you do it in
different search engines other things that come up and it might even be more
interesting but anyway I'm thinking I don't know what this is so I go over to the
Twitter he's a Sudanese person most of the tweets are all in Arabic script have no
clue so I'm looking at him thinking how can I figure out what's going on here and I
see followers and who he follows and who his followers are so I go in cousin his
followers are and they all looks like just all kinds of just normal Sudanese people
again all Arabic script but nothing that would connect this profile in any way to
an American political thing at all so that I'm thinking that's a well I'll see who
he follows these are the people that are following him but who is he following so I
click over to that and the first part are all mainstream not mainstream but general
public accounts of news and you know it's at the point yours born is the step so I
scroll down scroll down I start getting down to where there are people that he's
following and again I'm seeing all this Sudanese Arabic script and all of a sudden
there's one of them that has his it's I don't think there was a picture of a man
with it so I don't know if it was male or not but anyway if this profile had a
English language status description on it oh dear it gives I think it's a guy he
gives his profile just self description that you put in your status in Twitter
Saros art fellowship no sorrows art fellow now if you're a fellow in the academic
sense if you're a fellow of a program it means you're funded you're an idiot you're
trying really really hard you are a woman who worked for Hillary Clinton there's
nothing to suggest that Jack who's a eight five eight has anything to do with Soros
and he didn't do with that garbage what you're doing is you're gasoline and the
ability to lie you definitely possess it but the ability to lie effectively you
don't have that you don't have that that's why after years on the web wants to take
a look at this get one point four nine subscribers you've got nobody listening to
you it's pretty funny all I have to do and I don't even do anything on this channel
barely all I have to do is taking Sofia music and I've got 23.1% subscribers right
so and it certainly isn't any sort of competition I'm not going to compete with
someone who was obviously a DNC operative someone who's got ties to to the Israeli
firsters it's what it is Denise people look at you when they say you're absolutely
a Israeli first ur DNC funded you know that shit-eating grin and what's really
weird as a people normally think you're 80 you're 66 so you're aged their age you
were prematurely old why because the weight of
hello everybody so gave up and reported producer of an open secret and the founder
manager of a sipper tour capital has once again become obsessed with me it's a
daily thing he's stalking me that's what he does he spent 45 minutes on a slimy
little channel that's a monetized Channel and he's there with his cohorts dan
Cromer lady named Stephanie ladies death she goes by even though I'm sure she
doesn't have any nobility in her background and let's go through it lady Steph goes
ahead and claims hoax wars tried to recruit her saying don't you want to be on Team
2 yes so lie hoax doesn't do that I she claims she had an email and I'd love to see
that because there is no team TS i never directed or controlled hoax I never have
he's my friend I like him and by the way when people say we're gonna find out who
hosts Wars is we're gonna reveal his name you know what OSHA's my friend I don't
even know his name I know that I get along with him and I know that we've had
previous interviews before Gabe Hoffman came along so looks like Gabe Hoffman needs
to understand how to research a little better and maybe he's not paying crawl and
associates enough or his attorneys enough the bottom line is host we shot to be
asked me to be on this program I think that really bothers Gabe and what I did is I
told the truth they Gabriel Alan Hoffman hit me first May 27th he goes in puts out
a tweet and I quote friends and fans of Isaac cappy's should focus their
investigation on Thomas Shamburger very odd statement because Gabe was an enemy of
Isaac Abbey so why would he go ahead and reach out to friends and fans of Isaac a P
another curious thing why would he go ahead and declare Isaac a suicide before the
investigation was over and then he points to official sources can we trust
government can we evidently he's throwing everything that I say over it's a law
enforcement and he must really think law enforcement stupid because all they have
to do is take anything I've said about Gabe and fact-checking that it as I said
before I did not know Gabe often was in May of 2019 when he attacked me he falsely
accused me of being at some Twitter account Rachel with a bunch of members
afterwards he claimed I was Isaac appease media handler or handler these are lies
keep off and went ahead and puppet lied and now he's upset because there's blowback
because I've spoken out and because I have friends of mine who have taken a look at
the injustice being hurled by this Floridian with a rumored net worth of over 100
million dollars one has to ask a hard question why is Gabe Hoffman on troll
channels obsessively attacking myself and others when he's supposed to be managing
his clients money you know a lot of interesting things have happened when Lehman
Brothers failed September 15 2008 it was a shock to buddy I remember seeing tim
geithner at the time i was in new york and seeing him literally walking fast down
the street sweating bullets so they were aware it was gonna happen and of course
they were concerned about systemic failure by the financial markets which is why a
bunch of money was given out to save the banks they didn't save the people you know
they saved the banks which is what they always do and hoffman being a hedge fund
manager who is engaged in sophisticated financial practices what is he doing it
spending most of his waking moments either attacking Isaac or now that Isaac is
dead attacking people who question him if Gabe is completely innocent of anything
to do with Isaac happy he should be willing to answer questions you know I had
people come to me and say look we've got some questions for you and this includes
Steve ultram and big fish and even Oaks and others and every single time I have
risen to the challenge I've said great do you want to debate they debated big fish
he was quite a gentleman by the way and I consider him a friend he said hell of an
investigator I've had debates with others I've gone on long interviews and no one
has been able to disprove anything that I've seen are sad so I'm telling you right
now Gabe Hoffman came out of the blue and accused me of things when I didn't know
who this man was had never heard of an open secret very odd so he lost a lawsuit
against me he's misinterpreted the long-arm laws of Florida I've responded and if
we do go to trial I've done my homework I've talked to Elon Musk Turney I've got
connections to certain gentleman named Jason who at one point ran company called
Eris and sued Gabe I know the details of that trial I know that within two weeks of
Lehman Brothers failing on September 15 2008 there was 61 to 62 percent of Gabe's
clients suddenly asking for redemptions I know that his short on Tesla has worked
out abysmally so he can go ahead and he can send a bunch of garbage to law
enforcement but it is him who has attacked me first and then repeatedly continued
to attack I can tell you the stuff see you know I liked her I know I'm going to
publicly accuse accuse her of misdirection I'd like to see any evidence that hoax
ever asked you to be on the TS team I don't believe it's Stephanie and it's
unfortunate at one point I thought really highly at you I don't know what to think
and the same goes for Dan Cromer depo I'd like let oh but I you know I've heard
from a number of sources that he was blackmailed and I he's you know he treated my
friend Karen like shetland Amala a bunch of money and instead of being grateful and
showing respect he attacked her and it's unfortunate because when Leppa first
started I was in heavy communications with him and we had a lot of back and forth
emails lepa you're not going to like this but I'm going to release them
unfortunately it's going to prove that your because she said things on Twitter that
weren't true so if you'd like to change my mind feel free you can reach out to me
and be a man about things or you know you can be a coward which is really the way
that I view you and its first FC you know it may very well be that you did have a
communication with hoax but I don't believe at any time the hoax would ever say do
you want to be on the TS team because there is no TS team in every interaction I've
had with hoax scores it's been an honest one you know I told people before choose
your enemies wisely all right as far as my friends I've made it very clear there's
never been a light that's come from Zach or from Titus or from Steve or from jib
camera or you know a number of my friends I've got a lot of friends right now and
we've got a bond to trust because we're not willing to lie for anybody as far as
Gabe Hoffman to go ahead and say wow I feel really bad for Zach I feel sorry for
him this poor mixed-up kid and then to tweet out Zach Quaid is mentally ill and
then to send an email to Corey Daniel saying I'm going to make an example of Zach
great this shows a vicious streak and all of your hypocritical cold words people
see through them it's unfortunate I think there's gonna be a lot of exposure of gas
lighting and that is not limited to you Gabe there are people who have taken
advantage of the court system and lied and used buzz words until scare judges into
being particularly careful because of discrimination laws and as far as you mr.
Hoffman there's deep research into your financial dealings in particular your life
sciences funds number two not number one not domestic the offshore one and I think
you know what I'm talking about so I what will happen with a lawsuit between us is
I will make absolutely sure to bring in FINRA and the SEC and there will be no
stone unturned in your financial life it's not a threat it's my legal right I
believe that there have been hamper priorities in your financial dealings I believe
that you are a liar I have free speech rights I can put that out there I think
you're a highly dishonest human being I have you making a statement saying then
I've made 10 videos a day on you that's not true you've got on a head and you've
said they're just a repeat of the same pattern in his defamation no game I'll tell
you what deformation is defamation is going to a stranger which is what you did to
me and lying and saying I was Isaac cabbies Handler and lying and in saying that
I'll add Twitter account called Rachael lying and calling people anti-semites when
they have a problem with you as I said if someone attacks a Caucasian man was
walking down the street and reasons that he should be attacked because he's
Caucasian as was Ted Bundy right what I see from you is you repeatedly attack
Christians accusing them of anti-semitism this in itself can be considered a Hey
what you did does that Quaid was a bonehead move because he had four officers there
after the firemen showed up and he's got an evidence trail he's got a document tree
and it shows you attacking him it shows you publicly trying to humiliate him it
shows you you called Zach quays mother it's exactly what you did to Evan gave in
2015 I think you had to settle out of court for that one and folks what I mean by
that is that there was a 22 year old man named Evan who was a victim that was
featured in Gabe Hoffman's 2015 documentary and open secret for whatever reason
Gabe got into it with this young man and Gabe ended up calling the young man his
father and saying Evan takes drugs among other things very much what he did dies is
a copy it didn't work because Evan wasn't on drugs and I think Gabe had to pay and
an out-of-court settlement it's sealed but we're gonna get to the bottom of it in
discovery I will certainly look through the entire history of a sip etre I will
subpoena the man you didn't inform right after Lehman Brothers failed you know you
took here 60% of your clientele and allowed them to get their redemptions but he's
good Jason very interesting ruling by the judge very interesting judge as well so
it's a lot more coming down the pike come take me to trial this discovery
is exactly what I think needs to happen and that will expose every inch of your
life mr. Hoffman if you're clean you have nothing to worry about so hit me with
your best
it gets a lot more interesting from here so Diana takes a swipe at depo he calls
her an idiot and liar and she says that's okay lipo you have every right to your
opinion although it would have been the possibility of achieving incoherence if
you've actually stated your opinion rather than degrade yourself by resorting to a
juvenile name-calling the sure sign of a lazy mind and an inability to communicate
and so then Lepus says diana north service an imposter and thus will not join us in
discourse and then dances on croissant and thank you for coming looking for him
into your fake now here's the thing let both has a point Diane has worked for a law
that called the CIA and you know say what you will about Aleppo he did discover
this and I don't know how he did but that's it she's had a front job for 29 years
with the nursing home but if you if you go there to complain about her they don't
complain by the state rules or comply by the state rules and I think that because
Lemmo at some point may have been government he seems to have some contacts he
discovered that she was CIA so that's actually a plus for Leto you know and he he
was on to her early to tell you the truth so yeah she she's 66 maybe 67 right now
the obsession with the dogs I have a feeling that Diane was trying to infiltrate
lipo and he was too
okay just a little quick one on the bb virus it's about the strausberg massacre it
happened on valentine's day 1349 it says several hundred uh jews were burned
publicly uh it was a lot more than that they were accused of poisoning the wells
and as i said it's pogroms so here we go strasbourg hospital one of the most
effective cities in france it's going down folks all right this is biological
warfare all right it's not just random why are um why are the the death rates 30
times uh the neighboring uh countries okay and why are the places of historic
pilgrims being annihilated i'm telling you this is the bb virus or the israeli
virus whatever you want to call it and i'm right and i've been telling you guys
before happens okay how does that happen
so this is pretty interesting which is uh from lady Steph you know Steph Carroll
yes and she says stolen and not voted by coronavirus updates and it's from Luke
Hanson who was the creator of the video so only to do as good a my comments here
tighter says AHA where is this you know and I said this comes from some guy named
Luke Hanson it's really clever I found it on Twitter and had to get it on YouTube
so it's not really stolen because there were a lot of people who were asking about
the video saying who made this and Titus was one of them so you know miss Carroll
not too fair just like what you and leper are doing right now which is trying to
make it seem that it's me Frank banking and all seen you working together I don't
talk to all seeing you she's an absolute scumbag in my book complete scumbag and
she was leppas partner and she was pretty tight with you guys you know as far as
Frank you know we've got nothing against Frank he's always been Pleasant with me so
that's what's that okay thought you want
[Music] this is footage from Valerie Alexander I mean this is I think it's gonna
continue for a long time I think it's this is crazy [Music] I want to show this
again and you can see how it extends all the way down the it's like a clockwork
orange' droogies you know but they're grabbing anything and you know what de Blasio
is doing so it's what I was telling you guys which here and put this down which is
the big cities we're gonna turn to hell and specifically the democratically run big
cities and once again this stuff will top down and the next you know week but come
August it's going to be economic riots so that's what you can prepare for we might
have some sort of terrorism event as well or more so part of the bottom line is to
so such chaos that they stop Trump from being reelected I don't think that's gonna
work I think it's gonna blow up in the face ultimately people are going to come to
the conclusion that they want a strong reaction to the looters who are now
expanding into residential areas so do the math you know the DNC really blew it in
the last election they underestimated the power of a meme they had a candidate
Hillary Clinton who talked it down to people it was definitely elite and look you
can go ahead and you can say Trump was born rich but Trump was also a fighter I
mean right now people hate him he's got the Clintons and the bushes speaking out
against him and one one word or two words David Dorn this is a cop who retired cop
II was 77 and he was killed by a looter so and he was black so black cops matter so
it's gonna come around to nobody wants to see cops use excessive force that's
that's something that needs to be addressed it no way no way because along with
lutein comes raping and assaulting and all the crap that we saw with Reginald Denny
in the LA riots I was there it's a little bit on top of a building on Sunset and
LaBrea he was a Circuit City or something it was electronics sure and there were a
bunch of us up there just watching everything and these looters were climbing up
the stairs trying to get to us they were going for everybody they were just wild
and you know that was ultimately a reaction to Daryl gates who was the police chief
but he was a thug that guy you know really a horrible guy actually however there
were some reference there's some reformation among the LA police and look there are
lots of good cops in the world you know it's rare to see these Psychopaths with a
mother badge but they do exist you absolutely do I'm dealing with one right now
with Esteban to read reveal he'll go ahead and will waive his military record in
front of everybody saying look at me the bushes gave me a Silver Star right and
I'll say I was a DEA adviser in Peru without stating that that was a cover job for
the CIA operation snow cap and you know bottom line is this guy is maniacal he has
been after me for a while every single day he's now being called out even Gabe
Hoffman called him out so just because you wear a badge doesn't mean that you're
not a sick freak like that cop in a minute in Minneapolis he was not a good guy but
we need to change the culture of blue line which is immediately if there's a bad
cop they have to be called out by their fraternal brothers by the other cops and
that is something that if there's enough pressure that would give to the
politicians we can make that happen however to sit there and allow looting in no
way no way this is just cultural marxism at its best and these democratic cities
are going to be hell holes I suggest that nobody I could in New York nobody good at
Baltimore nobody go to Chicago well actually Chicago has some really good steak but
seriously I mean you know it's it's bad it is this bad so between kovat and the
protests not a lot of people are vacationing so cabin
well it looks like Denise that's how the congenital liar the one who will lie about
everything and anything who accused people falsely of terrorism it looks like she
went into battle against gay Baughman and won because she went ahead and reiterated
that she thought he Hoffman's attorney wrote her a letter saying these are the
demands and she spit in off his eyes I'm sure she had to do the limbo to achieve
that but it's pretty funny so as I said off as a paper tiger and Denise proved that
she wouldn't add and said who are you to fuck with my First Amendment rights and if
you remember the case with Eli must heal on call someone a pedophile absolutely
Denise called game a pedophile protector and pedophile predator along with calling
him a filthy Jew so pretty interesting I thought at first Denise it bleeped but
it's clear that game showed cowardice in the heat of the battle so there's not
gonna be any lawsuit between game often and Denise mats out I'm gonna predict that
right now but I mean nothing there won't be no lawsuit with an open secret versus
truth convoy or Denise meant out and uh as I
so right on schedule as I was saying there was a doubling of cases in Spain you
know end of February when I made my prediction there were 45 cases there more
second 125 March 5th 280 to March 8th 674 March 11th 2200 now three days later 6000
it's gonna continue so how did I know that how did I know that and how did I know
that it was going to be Italy in Spain and Portugal is coming next by the way you
know if it was following a regular contamination route it would have been in France
it would have been in Poland so on and so forth it's not well once again it is
Benjamin Netanyahu settling historic scores and Spain had a long history you know
the the Jews of Spain go back to biblical times they really do and there were
problems for the Jews when the Moorish invaders came in and the Jews helped the
invaders so that would be it kind of like the Jews helping the British in 1814 in
1813 1812 when the British decided they were gonna pay us back for our revolution
so there were other things that angered net-net who you know he made a speech about
this a long time ago I believe where he talked about the pogroms of 1391 and 1366
and about the expulsion Act that was put into place by Ferdinand and Isabella who
were you know king and queen of Spain at that time so Portugal will be next and I
do believe that he was behind the outbreak and because he couldn't militarily take
us on their tiny nation but if he could help to cripple us financially by
disrupting the supply chain and suddenly were without Chinese products and that's
what we've grown accustomed to and growing dependent of or with so you know it's
all working out I'm gonna be on the Michael Deakin show to discuss this theory I
don't think I'm wrong I really don't and no I don't think it's the Jews I don't I
think it's Benjamin Netanyahu a corrupt politician who was maniacal and clinging to
power he's now clinging to power because of the coronavirus so you know he's got
genius I don't doubt that but it's a diabolical genius and no one can accuse me of
anti-semitism you know if if I love how can I put this okay if I love Beethoven and
Bach that might make me a germ of I know I love those particular composers you
can't accuse me of being a Hitler lover because I love them just as you can't
accuse me of being an anti-semite because I'm staring very hard at Benjamin
Netanyahu and saying this is highly suspicious it really is so it's not good for
for Israel it's not good for the Israeli people and it's very suspicious that uh
that suddenly these two for biological research which is overseen directly by net
now this is what he he's got his fingers in suddenly they come up with a vaccine
before anybody else and they're pushing it hard so I think I'm right on the money
and I think I have been for a while guys I think that my bonafide e's are clear I
was calling this crap out when there were less than 50 deaths associated with
hey everybody its Thomas okay Dave I've given you a public thank you and I'm hoping
you can send your article to the Arkansas State Police because that's what I just
did and some giving you a public thank you and I'm basically pointing out things
that I was immediately blamed for the death of Sam on July 18th 2019 by topango
Gabe Hoffman Esteban Trujillo D Gutierrez ex-con Bobby Sarah Wald Diane Nordstrom
and Arturo Tafoya so I'm going through this and the rumor that Sam aka Demetrius
Jordan was offered a payout for a movie deal came from none other than Gabe Hoffman
and his crew many shabbos and Arturo Romo with help from ex-convict Bobby Sara Walt
he was convicted in Michigan served two and a half years on a four-year first
degree home invasion rap and Diane Nordstrom so these guys were celebrating the
life of Sam let me prove it to you there's jet and sherry Vaughn there is Bobby
Sara wall otherwise known as the lone cicada and what does it say this is the lone
cicada the ex-con and he's the one who introduced me in this sound character and
recently a horrible thing happened that shook the cicada community on Facebook
fellow solver and all-around loved friend known as Demetrius Jordan ended up
passing away on a welfare check passing away they shootout ensued and two people
were killed one being an officer of the law and himself that's not what happened
someone called a welfare check on Fullerton and he also went by the name is Ella
door / coffee he had a lot of non de plumes and he was facing timing in prison for
jail so here's zealot or Petrov and he's on January 23rd 2019 he's talking to
toffee auskey that's what stat goes by Cheshire IRA three three zero one on Twitter
he says this is truly the path to utilizing chaos in accordance with one's will
thanks for the reminder brother this is life so that is talking about Enochian
magic and Chaos magic who taught him that not me and so I say why was I chosen as a
falsely blamed victim because that's what an open secret producer gave Allen
Hoffman wanted he falsely blamed Isaac Abdi as well and so here's where it gets
interesting Esteban Trujillo that's Steven you know former Ranger and he says
that's for law enforcement to investigate he was lying to fortune saying he was
working on cicada projects for Sony when he found out it was a lie he broke that's
not what happened he didn't break someone did a wellness check he's probably
beating his girlfriend or something and then here we are you've already got this an
open secret from the 13th of November 2019 so we see a coalition every story going
on and I said Sam was introduced to me through this Roberts our wall guy this
Roberts our guy reached out to me because myself in another Ranger and a couple
other people in the cicada community were calling Robert out he had been attempting
to show his phallus to a 14 year old boy and we have evidence that - and by the way
Sarah was the one who gave the able danger YouTube channel to Lestat ok you see how
this is all adding up I said so Dave being a genius just exposed Gabe Hoffman in
the most damning legal way Thank You Gabe and then here I put in the Arkansas State
Police please check my thread my name is Tony shoe burger I believe you guys dealt
with a cop killer named Stanford this is a conspiracy to falsely blame me and then
I even put down this is the channel run by ex-con Robert Allen Southwold who knew
him very well and note that it's our wall state's Fulton passed away on welfare
check know he murdered a deputy sheriff in cold blood so that's where we're going
with this and here's the deal if there was a wellness check called on Thornton and
it ended up with the death of an officer there's gonna be trouble big trouble so
once again a public thank you I don't think the gape often is gonna be very happy
with you at all Dave but I think it's wonderful and yeah we definitely want this
whole thing investigated you know we definitely want to I have not been to Arkansas
since 2002 tell your mom tell you PAS gonna send you back to our kids yeah great
Rachel song so thanks Dave I really appreciate it and by the way I would not be
purchasing any of those facial masks DMC Denise is putting out because that could
be trouble this virus can be alive on surfaces for two weeks okay take care
Dave you have permission to use this Denise was trying to recruit me
2020-03-11 08:54:43 UTC
thank God I caught you before you filed Dave so this is the truth convoy this is
from December 5th 2018 sexually the day that Mozart died in 1791 but truth clown
boy wrote to me in email and she says my niece Lourdes zeef is a primary protector
of her brother who helped murder the son of a GI Union steward in 1881 and she has
always been a close enabler of the pedo side her father my brother and I think she
met brother-in-law died 1984 was an act of pedo and she and her mother the enabler
protectors she was active with an important Mossad couple in Berkshire County the
1980's the Sherlock's her husband Robert Seif traveled to China a lot she arranged
a mob attacks on my younger brother in 2008 when he defended me as an artist it
happened at pompano sax mills where he was a foreman I'm going to make some unless
your videos about this Mossad pedo family connection will you be willing to
download save and quietly set them up in different places then we can unveil them
all at once I refused her offer and I am Telling You I have given truth convoy a
$50 donation in its entirety that is all so the reason why I'm making this video
and many couldn't clear is I wanted you to see this video I wanted to make the
public declaration that I have only given to the convoy a $50 donation and here she
is trying to recruit me there's your proof positive feel free to use this
you know in the recent court case filing i was accused by um we'll just call him
the gulf shrimp um the gulf shrimp's lawyer of inciting adam green and let me get
to the truth folks adam greene is a teacher on top of being an incredible intellect
he's a philosopher he's got his heart in the right place he's taught me a lot and
you know he's a younger guy probably by 10 15 years but what an intellect and what
an ability to be fair he has had rabbis on his channel he has made it very clear
what the distinctions are within israel's political stratosphere and how the likud
party is probably the sneakiest he's made it clear that most of the israeli
population does not want war with iran and yet how the government has continually
pushed the idea that america is here to serve their wars so adam has a site called
no more news and it appears that the gulf shrimp um wants to destroy him um also in
court there was a man named owen benjamin and i seem to recall him as a witty guy
with some pretty good piano chops pretty smart guy i've watched one or two things
of his and i found him entertaining um probably a lot more entertaining than
watching this black screen or having to suffer through you know 128 seconds of um
the stats live streams at least we try to keep it entertaining there's a lot more
that you should see
now this is interesting this lady is dying in Nordstrom she's been stalking me for
over a year and I need to make an apology because she claimed that she had
pedophiles in her family I didn't believe it but she claimed that she witnessed
something when she was two months old and best it's not possible she talks about
her father trying to pick up on her now I have heard from someone in Jamestown who
actually grew up with Diane and I guess a brother named Scott and it looks like a
Louis norstrom was rumored to be a pedophile that would be your mother and his
mother so when she talks about her parents being pedophiles actually there may be a
grain of truth to it so you know evidently the father and mother split the father
came back and according to Diane she didn't want to go to bars in case her father
would find her and pick up on her pretty weird stuff so you know do pedophiles ever
get together and get married yeah they do and their Co predators so it's very
possible that dunya's mother and father got together so they could prey on children
and I guess this pretty much hints at where she's at not that she's targeting
children but she's definitely an obsessive stalker she's in her 60s right now never
been married never had children has only had doggies and we all know the rumors
about her and her dogs what I didn't know is I didn't know her her mother was being
pointed out as a potential Peter file I guess her mother lived to be 98 and her
father lived to be 85 something like that it's pretty crazy you know and I guess
she had no relationship with her father but then with her mother there was a
relationship I don't know the nature of that relationship that's kind of disgusting
to me thinking those longings so I won't but it does look like both Diane's
well well well I certainly didn't intend to start World War three and I do believe
that dave has good intentions as far as this marin lady and i've got a couple of
friends in brand-new do detective work and I'm looking at Cincinnatus I actually
think she's pretty honest I like Cincinnatus now for everybody involved and I'm not
involved I'm going to say something you guys should all be very careful Bridget she
might seem like a Georgia girl who's been through some rough health issues but
there's a lot more to this bitter tongue southern go Prichard reports back to the
same people that defend go does so don't say I didn't warn you as far as you sugar
shine hey what can I say you know I'm not involved in this stuff I don't know you
want you getting mad at me mmm all I did was say okay well you know what it's a
two-way street information goes back and forth the people are gonna talk about me
well I'll talk about them and I'm quite a good detective in fact I'm scary when I
can suss it I could pretty much find out anything about anybody and I don't know
anybody named Clyde Tolson and I don't wear a
Dave's actions
2020-08-17 03:08:42 UTC
so somebody asked me about dave acton and um the reason why i hold his
investigations high regards is that he zigs when other people's act other people
will take something obvious and will extrapolate on it what dave does is unusual
you know i got a compliment from sir colin davis he was long-term conductor of the
london symphony and he had won many of wars in italy and germany and so on and so
forth for his interpretation of berlioz and brookfield mozart and stravinsky and
beethoven and so on and so forth and he listened to my compositions that he said
you go in such unusual places you'll make your mark in the world and i said after
i'm dead and he said most likely unless you've got huge marketing money behind you
but you will be remembered and you'll be remembered as a great composer to this day
that was a fine compliment from someone who knew his music well so um people ask
why i'm so confident about my compositional skills because i'm the best and there's
no false modesty i am the best at least of this generation so that's that and i
think the same prowess exists with dave acton he will take you down a very
serpentine road but he's doing it on purpose and when he comes up with conclusions
they're rock solid they really are he's a more modest man than i am i admit that at
least in certain areas when it comes to music i know i don't have any peers put a
humorous veneer over them but if you start to really listen to what he's saying you
get aware of the man's genius immediately so that's uh sorry if i'm tired i've had
you know I've been to the island of Patmos where genre revelation now this is a
long prophetic vision and the instructions upon completion of that vision were to
send it to the seven churches of Asia the first one of course being at Jack and
John addresses Church of Ephesus and tells them to rethink the way they were living
he then goes to other churches and he addresses them final church is the Church of
and he says preserve your strength so that no one can take your crown [Music] and
in his vision he starts out by experiencing what it's like to enter heaven and
seeing God's throne that's revelation 4:1 six and he describes God as having the
appearance of something like Jasper and carnelian and with a rainbow like halo as
bright as emerald and then he starts to talk about place so do we know if we're in
end-times now who knows back to a more topical subject keep on hearing the term
shelter-in-place as we watch everything collapse around us tomorrow the stock
market will again collapse and most of the world will be quarantined it's a global
lockdown in other words you're under house arrest and you're staring into the very
media that is there to trick you your very existence has become a simulation and
your theater is the glitch this is a global coup make no mistake people the money
reptiles on CNBC and behind trading desks and various stock exchanges well they're
on the same size of media trying to trick you they want to put desperation into the
heart of the global workforce best thing that you can do is to have faith in your
skepticism turn to the healers of the doctor turn to God not the government
mainstream media is there for one reason to keep the people polarized so the
oppressors can govern right now we have a global coup in place this pandemic is
weaponized it's got various levels of intensity if things don't go well with the
coup they're gonna do a second wave and that one is gonna be what we watch out for
because that's gonna kill a lot of people and if that doesn't work they're gonna
mobilize a force of 200 million to take the rest of us out or at least a third of
us that's what's coming down the pike so be aware and be skeptical of any authority
telling you that they know what's best for you think for yourself it's at interior
sense that is vital right now thanks for listening I'm gonna start leaving the
PayPal address there because I'm going to be concentrating on what they had and
trying to help people through this I hope I could be of help I hope I can be
well the Defago LARP is getting more serious there is nutbag norstrom is actually
exposing him and defender said he would assign people to take the posing size to
fast chaos on the Internet he told us that he wanted a bot army to infiltrate his
word all of social media and so Lestat has been reporting that to Diane and I gotta
tell you it's actually what the phango told me directly so defender gets very upset
and he says Diane boy the you're lying about me right now and he says not only did
I never say any of those things I've never paid a start to do any of those things
that's just not true all right the bottom line is we have records of payments we
have the receipts so you gotta quit lying didn't I go look I'm no friend of a nut
bag Nordstrom I think she's evil but truth is truth and your idea was to create a
whole bunch of chaos so you can get a whole bunch of attention and a whole bunch of
followers that's just fact you know you're the one who helped Diane norstrom get
popular among the goon squad your fault
so let me point directly to how much bullshit is going down in the media the
counter comes out with a thread which has a lot of interaction it talks about
yesterday's front-page news people are bad it was actually a message not an ad well
selling anything and John Tyson has run Tyson Foods all of his life just like his
dad and his grandfather he comes out with what they say is an ominous message the
food supply chain is breaking and the counter says it was a freaking dispatch from
a major Bay Packer welcome then they go ahead and they disavowed John Tyson they
say Oh social distancing is tough but we got to keep on doing it and look how we're
mapping these and then their argument is plant closures may lead to temporary meat
shortages and then they say the system was not likely to break down despite the
severity of current challenges and then they say there's no shortage of meat they
say we've got tens of millions of pounds of meat call sort of storage which is true
and they talk about pork loins for instance they've got 50 million pounds which is
the most since records started to be kept in 1960 okay really all right so all you
need to do is go here into this website and you realize that we're using 42 million
pounds for points a day so the argument that counter is making this it's going to
be fine who are they I think I would rather take John Tyson's word since he comes
from a meatpacking family and I think pigs foul and cows you know this is a this is
a one of the top five meat producers in the whole nation I think it might be number
one so when you see fear with the farmers and you see them telling the world the
supply chain is going to be chronically and toxically and temporarily fatally
disruptive you should listen to them this is not a matter of alright you got to
settle for pig snouts this is a matter of if we keep on going in this direction and
they keep on seen zone data transfer between human and animal they keep on finding
livestock infected with coronavirus and they keep on shutting down Smithfield and
Tyson and others you sure as hell better get used to the stores not having meat at
a time we're gonna have a crisis in the hamburger meat within a month and that will
affect even the fast-food places so once again by the end of May they think the
scare will be over but by the beginning of November it's gonna come back with a
vengeance so the good news is that we are also disgusted with the DMC I don't think
there's any way in hell that button will get any sort of vote and people can
castigate Trump all they want I think it's pretty sick to be doing that while our
nation is going through a huge crisis now there are those who think the corona
virus is fake there are those who think it's real but I think every side believes
that 40 percent of the economy has been destroyed we have huge huge hardships ahead
and I certainly don't want slick by and as my president I certainly don't
appreciate the DNC attacking Trump interview which way pretending the he's to blame
for this pandemic because he's not so there's something deep inside of me that says
you know what if you've got a general you don't stab them in the back that's not
the way you're supposed to behave during wartime and it is working right now
there's a economic war going on which is the war between health and collapse so
people better understand that and there'll be a lot more than that I'll be talking
about soon thanks
Arturo Ramos won't tell you he was with shadow box cuz he doesn't want you to know
2020-03-24 15:50:57 UTC
so these are pieces of artwork from Arturo for shadowbox which he had joined he
doesn't tell you that he never tells you that and then here is a discord this is
from June of 2019 and Defago going by illusive man now says Yoko yo yo I just woke
up thanks for that I need your help and any trolls that want to make money so the
sweet honest I mean Arturo Ramos says sup I got seven days dude I have FK and
Freddy on hangouts he wants to talk to you and make peace so we can focus on Tomas
want to join it's pretty interesting and there's FK and Freddy right there so it's
pretty sick if you look at everything for you damn sick now our TRO is not getting
any traction on this one he's got 78 views so pretty much of a failure but I have
just showed you the connection between topango illest Adams and the connection with
FK and Freddie who assumably took money from defago to
Hello darkness
2020-06-17 21:01:08 UTC
so my friends I've been up in the mountains staring at petroglyphs four and five
thousand years old you see I have another theory that these petroglyphs at least
some of the oldest ones are connected to solstices and equinoxes and right now
we're three days away from a summer solstice miss Italia that's what the Romans
used to call it and the pagan people would wear certain herbs certain flowers
certain seeds to ward off evil spirits it was the longest day of a sudden for these
ancient people but what I was looking for and what I may have found here in Utah is
something very interesting which shows her Malthus am Aphrodite figure and exactly
at sunrise is where a feminine figure has light directly on it so these are
metaphors for light and darkness and it's interesting because as I was observing
this there was a to old people came by one of them are retired archaeologists the
lady was and she started to make some statements I didn't think were correct so we
engaged in discourse and I started to ask her a concept of darkness she said she
was a Christian so that's good in my book but you know darkness existed before evil
they equate darkness with evil and God said let there be light so there was
darkness prior to evil there was darkness prior to certain angels falling so a lot
of people don't understand as well that light can be evil the light of an
interrogation lamp a light that blinds an enemy allowing them to be mowed down it's
not so simple and as far as darkness if you've noticed many of the people
considered Saints throughout history travelled earlier paths of darkness Saint Paul
he not only beat Christians I believe he murdered him he was a horrible man gifted
certainly gifted but so was Jeffrey Epstein gifted but horrible and so does
darkness always represent evil no darkness can represent peace the beauty of the
night where it's generally dark and those stars are gorgeous this think a lot of
people have if there was no darkness who would the
Manuel labours
2020-02-19 08:15:46 UTC
hi everybody so the backstory of will summer and the daily beast with the phango is
getting even more curiouser and I've got to tell you you know Dave Acton steve-o
trim the jib camera they were all on it and now Jan on is really revealing things
I'm actually getting three different sources and they're all pointing to a july
2019 date where Defago had an all-expenses-paid vacation we went to Florida where
Adam Nimoy hosted him having meet an astronaut Adam meet Gabe Hoffman and Adam Des
Moines who produced No Agenda with Adam curry former MTV DJ and his family is tied
to the deep state through alphabets well it's all looking like there was a absolute
second wave effort to defame frame and annihilating me so the shoutout to Dave is
that he was on it his spidey senses were all over this and he actually made videos
pointing to defend yo and forward up pointing to the fact that he was ostensibly
giving a whole bunch of emails to Jason and also publicly stating that he'll say
whatever Jason wants under oath so it's really crazy and then his first jab he was
doing a lot of background research into Adam Des Moines and you know Adams uncle
was Don Gregg GRE GG to go ahead and look him up he had he was sanctioned
essentially by Bruce Cooper Clarke along with Ted Shackley Ted Shackley was his
superior at the CIA and you know Shaq Lee has a pretty interesting career - he was
the mouthpiece for the pike committee so I don't know if any of you guys are old
enough to remember the kite the pike committee that was an investigation into the
CIA and all of their nefarious definitely working with some operatives I think if
you look at will summer and then you look at an old spot men you know Georgetown
University famous spook University and here's if they go going to will summer who
he knows who he's had interactions with who has a connection to doug stewart of
mega co and 30s saying helped me do a hit piece on show murder and by the way I
created Q so what happened with will is that he didn't buy defend his story and for
good reason it didn't make sense but well I think back channel of a Blackburn Beth
Blackburn co-founder of shadowbox and did this article and the article was was
cooperating with some major journalists so we'll had to get the scoop and that's
why you rushed it out made a critical error though he misled his readers and it's a
black mark on The Daily Beast because well summer went ahead and had Beth
Blackburn's name said that she was an anonymous employee and shadowbox didn't have
employees it was a short-lived company with very few clients but it's been blowing
up to be something in Lawson so there's will he ended up you know biting into fango
and that was probably because Blackburn honeypotted him that's what I think now of
course Blackburn's posture is oh god they're picking on me they want to break me
well in reality the only actual threat to Blackburn's family came from defending or
didn't come for me I did threaten to sue her and I do think the defender was right
that she does tend to destroy lives but what is the phango do even worse he took
this guy wrong the dog trainer who lost his wife you know hi oh it moved to Florida
and he basically said in a post I'm happy that you lost your wife now I don't care
for one Ron one little bit but that's a real slimy statement you don't take joy and
someone losing their spouse or their child let's just lower them though so I'm
looking at these people and I'm thinking they're sociopathic I'm thinking that Jan
on has been incredibly helpful in creating a road map I think what you're gonna see
from Dave Acton is he's piecing it all together right now and I think probably in a
matter of a month they literally have a movie script because you can't make this up
and he's focusing on Carrie wolf and Manny Shabbos and Marcus Conte I think other
players are going to be revealed and I think those players include maca coalition
and gave Hoffmann and we're gonna see some real fireworks so as far as me I am a
musician that's what I am I don't get involved in deep state stuff I don't no
active people in the CIA or NSA or any of that crap it's uh it's not where I want
my life to go I like creativity I wouldn't commute it but there was a reason why I
was picked to be the fall guy and I'm very grateful to the people who stood by me
and helped me get through this very there's so many situations where they tried to
destroy me and it blows up in their face so I do think it's Santa to Providence do
you think is saying it to God and I think the people that are attacking me they
tend to be atheist or satanic or something so Christ just looking out for me and
thank you big guy appreciate it
okay so here we go with Steph sees proof Oaks worse says so you already don't like
Lestat why not join team TS you make a perfect fit lol there's done in levity and
she responds but you already know I'm team Steph and hoax horses oh my lol okay I
found the ones that I noticed where you're mixing it up so I guess he's cutting
down lose early which that refers to leave Veltman and then laughing my ass off you
don't like him at all that's to TSA enemies you despise Steph says doesn't make me
as a supportive TS in fact the opposite how do you arrive with that conclusion
staff and you're not dumb how could you not notice the lol and the fact that hoax
Wars was being sardonic hey you do understand he was ribbing you don't you this
does not make team TS anything real in fact if anything hoax wars was a you know
they should be mocking Steph so you know Steph I'll tell you straight up I'm really
disappointed in you I'm not gonna go down and you know cut you down or play dirty
I'm not going to go expose what leppe owes earlier job was I'm not going to get
into his criminal record none of that stuff however if he keeps on talking about me
I will release every email that him and I ever shared and I will put it on a wick
site and he will not be happy so he's the one who took the initiative to talk about
me my life my reputation my possessions my family the whole nine yards so why don't
you go ahead and put a muzzle on your boy tell him to eighty-six any conversation
about me or not if he wants to continue then everybody will enjoy a website with
all of Dan chromers communications with me so that's not going to make him very
happy or you very happy so that's all I have to say if you guys want to move on and
go on to other subjects fine I won't even do the website but I have a right to self
defense and that as a right I'm
this is a fire that cosgrove all happened in 2016 friend of mine witnessed it and
of course it represents what is old being cosgrove interesting name so the only
conclusion that I can come up with is that the alphabets are in lockstep with
Benjamin and no and they've decided to subjugate the world look at the media intent
upon causing coronaries and panic attacks in the global population and their
bleeding out the 10000 have now died conveniently forgetting now insignificant that
memberís was point zero zero zero zero one eight of the global population I bet
more people die from dolphin bites god help us if we're this a weak my mother was
in Denmark and eleven year old little Lutheran girl with the Nazis invaded in the
spring of 1940 during the war she was shot she took a bullet graze in the head and
shrapnel in the arm my old man saw action as an officer on an LS i navigation ship
my uncle is also saw action and one of them survived polio and later became the
president and the American Heart Association I used to have the crap beaten out of
me daily I mean hard right so I look at these soft people and you know you're in
vertebrates if you're gonna let this conquer you here's what's really going on we
don't need to fear this virus we need to fear that America has been invaded
infested compromised in a lot of ways it's the leaders that we chose the one say
trotted out and said were heroes the congressman and the Senators with their
questionable ethics in their secret of lives I'm not talking about Trump Trump
reception he's actually been probably the most overt sure he's been a bragger and
an egomaniac and a narcissist know that he's also lived his life in the line money
and hasn't had these secret devious liaisons like the Kevin Spacey's or the Harvey
Weinstein's or the Jeffrey Epstein's and you have to look really really hard at
what has gone on not since 9/11 and not since the financial crash let's go more
recently a lot of us wanted Trump to win because we wanted a bull in the china shop
but most of us never expected that the guy Benjamin and now who told us he was
America's staunchest ally and greatest friend in the world the dis guy would be the
infiltrator the man behind epstein Amendment and the Awan brothers the man behind
the curtain do you understand what Epstein analy's celebrities and politicians were
videotaped engaged in illicit and immoral acts with minors same shit went on with a
Playboy Mansion and Hefner I'm pretty sure handed over that stuff to the CIA the
CIA a pin playmates with Israeli intelligence and with mi6 and before that mi5 you
notice how I don't just blindly say Mossad the reason being is that I'm marrying
that members of Mossad hate net now hate him wants him gone think that they're
being let's talk about our guys Chuck Schumer don't you think he should be
investigated yeah I see Pelosi as well and on the other side John McCain even
though he's dead Lindsey Graham I have a very deep sense but these are traitors on
our soil and that they sold out America to a tiny little nation in the melis no
nation is above reproach that's what we've been tricked we're told that if we
question the same people who list or eclis have spied on us that were anti-semites
and I've made this argument before that's like saying if someone doesn't like
Theodore Bundy because he killed all bunch of people that they're anti Caucasian
right it there's a lot of people who are now turning to government sources for
their information I suggest you also look at sources on the ground do you know
someone who works for a nursing home or Hospital how many people do you actually
know who have died from the coronavirus and why would there be such a tremendous
over reaction when previous Wars and pandemics and terrorist attacks have never
elicited such a strong global reaction something is seriously wrong folks if that
Nano in conjunction with the CIA and mi6 cronies have been able to install a shadow
foundation before a coup d'etat coup D etat coup d'etat sorry a global coup d'etat
by controlling the media and having in place civilian and political soldiers you
know politicians and spokespeople for health reporting agencies bank presidents
stock market folks and even the president's son-in-law Jericho sure well that means
we've got a fight on our hands we need to keep our eyes open do you think I'm
kidding do you think this is the rantings of a madman I'm really good at figuring
out puzzles and I suggest that you take me
so let's get into the corona malarkey when there was only fifty people who died in
China I didn't think much of it but as I saw the expansion of it didn't act like a
virus it acted like a phage like a viral encasing you know think of a cannoli and
the outside is viral the inside is bacterial and it reminded me very much of the
what they call the 1918 Spanish flu which was really in reality in 1916 to 1920 and
if you go ahead and you match our influenza rates they've been going up steadily
since this is 2016 and the difference I told you guys to be aware of was young
people catching it because in 1918 between 1918 1919 more young people died then
the black death of 1347 to 1352 and so now you're starting to see positive tests
with people under 41 so this could indicate a migration could also indicate that
there is a mutation that is actually making it weaker for the time being with the
first wave that would mimic what happened in right now it's politicized so you've
got the CDC in a circle jerk you've got people pissed off that are wearing mass in
hot weather you know gulp down that carbon dioxide folks and go get your heat
strokes you know it's very much what they did in the 20th century which was social
distancing and MMS and you see areas that just got wiped out mostly in Europe u.s.
was spared and you're starting to see a broadening of cases here so they say and by
the way I thought that I had it I didn't I got tested cuz I had a little surgery
and so I tested negative for the antibodies they're trying to scare you right now
even though there may be more cases they're mild cases the death rates way down
it's that second wave guys that's what you got to prepare for I think that's where
the mask comes off the farce which is this is influenza and just like the 1918
Spanish flu it started out as an h1n1 an avian flu but it was a secondary bacterial
infections that caused so many so many mortalities you know it's what they call CF
our case fatality rate so at any rate I've studied epidemiology for a long time you
know decades many decades three decades you know I've got a brother he's a prick
but he studied a little bit of this stuff he's more into the t-cells human
monoclonal DNA with a specific towards proteins you know he's trying to Conquer
Cancer wink wink you know they don't want in cancer conquered cancer was conquered
that would devastate devastate hospitals devastate the medical community think
about that for a second will you that the more that we cure the more devastating it
is to the medical community just like if we cure the epidemic of crime there go the
judges in the there's no need for police and a big huge money tier or money pier
so i'll do some more videos uh later it's probably gonna be tomorrow but i'm trying
to thread a needle here folks which is uh we do have international pedophile rings
and they have been hidden from us um you cannot make this stuff up and when you
start to really stare hard you know give the eastwood glint or something you have
to ask why um epstein island isn't being excavated uh by a team of um forensic
investigators you know it's it's nuts all you got is these little uh golf cart guys
who chase people off the island you know with what we know and how powerful the
people were that were there why aren't we taking that temple and looking at it from
uh an archaeological point of view you know it could be very possible that there
are people who want to resurrect the hittite uh dynasty um there are people who are
looking back into the ancient world and saying hey this could be our new archaeo uh
type in our archetype but archaeo i'm playing with words here and so that's what
i'm looking at with epstein i'm thinking this guy wanted to um or was part of a
group that wanted to resurrect a middle bronze age bloodthirsty um cult of child
sacrifice and nobody nobody has looked at it like this i think i'm the first
doesn't mean i get but it does mean that we should be asking the hard questions
about epstein island and epstein we should not be satisfied with what the media
tells us they don't deliver truth you know i i think the whole uh maxwell thing is
um priority already sorted out they've decided uh how they're gonna drip feed us
the story which is she named names but the investigation is going to take three
four years and then we're on to the next ecological disaster or you know economic
crisis and talking about economic crisis you have to look at the fed as the enemy
of the people as much as the media where trump got all sorts of people backing him
is when he said the media is the enemy of the people it resonated with all of us we
knew we were being played we knew that uh they want us fighting among ourselves so
we don't look really i'm sorry for my coughing it's actually a good thing i've got
rid of my pneumonia and um you know doing regular walking every every morning lost
a ton of weight feel good um sad but the remnants of the pneumonia uh you know are
titus frost has done a really good job with epstein island i mean you know
phenomenal and i think if a whole bunch of the researchers start to demand why that
island is not being dirt shifted you know why they aren't looking for chambers
below the wink wink music room i made the analogy that it mirrors what happened in
uh ptolemaic egypt and alexandria when you had the seraphim why did they have
catacombs below because they had sacrifices and the catacombs created um biural
sounds they had a the infrasound an infrasound is a low hurt sound you'll see it as
an example with um a lion growling at a really low level near a gazelle and the
gazelle is transfixed because of the infrasound it's actually a tool of a predator
um i think these things existed during neolithic times where you would have um
caves in europe 35 000 years ago and you would have the infrasound from the growls
of let's say a dire wolf and then you would have the screams of the women or
children as they noticed the predator and this created different um biurnal sounds
some of them would create psychological shock uh other sounds if it wasn't a
predator they would create comfort and i think um this is where music derived from
right 35 45 55 000 years ago you know i think they were doing amazing things look
at la crow so we're 37 000 years old and you see uh bison and if you take a look at
that paint it hasn't been tested i think if you look at it you're going to see
blood in that paint and the blood is going to be bison blood so they were doing you
know proto-alchemy um at that time and it's not um unreasonable to think so
neanderthals buried they're dead with flowers that indicates to me that they had a
belief in afterlife regeneration so that's it for my videos today and thanks for
bearing with me and listening and i really appreciate you guys a lot i'm uh staying
away from the uh the drama um and you guys know what i'm talking about i'm just
gonna start to focus on uh historical oddities um that i've pondered for decades
and decades and um i have written some new music um i'm i think i'm gonna put up a
video sometime in the next couple days for uh sofia music with a brand new
composition you know 58 piece orchestra composition it's pretty interesting take
so sometimes I have these strange dreams I see these people and there's a man he's
got to count elaborate on his workstation table he's busy he's been writing a
script he goes out of meetings out with his friend Gary Gary old no old Gary like
your old man and then there was his friend Angie and her kids she's got a green
tell you that your cell with a bunch of bumper stickers on it and then he met her
when they were going German looking his name was Tom and there was my goal and
there was Scott there was Matthew so this man he was attempting to partner with
another man named Daniel Daniel Ryan Dowd I'm [Applause] what comes out of you will
be a confession because if you hold it inside it's gonna give you bad dreams and
what's gonna save your mind a fire this
what is admittedly a radical theory that i'm coming up with i'm known for taking
desperate pieces of information and piecing them together into what is sometimes an
identifiable pattern so let's get into the i do believe that this was a pathogen
that escaped the wuhan fibrology lab i don't believe it's pure zoonetic in nature
they were testing over 1500 strains of pathogens at that lab and somehow we're led
to believe that it's a a bat i think they were testing dirt from europe
reactivating viruses that existed when europe was repeatedly assaulted by plagues
and i think we need to look at one man who may have weaponized this and that man is
netanyahu i believe this monster is capable of everything adolf hitler and joseph
stalin were i think he's now under indictment and he's facing jail and a crushed
legacy what did hitler do when he knew he was going to lose the war scorched earth
that's what he did he sent soldiers to certain death knowing that they would lose
and then he said germany doesn't deserve victory i once had a long discussion with
a rabbi and i explained to him that yes it's true that the jews have been subject
to historical and repeated compulsatory dislocation the babylonians and the
assyrians they both bequeathed the judaites their uh diasporas and this is
centuries before the roman jewish war 66 to 73 a.d you remember masada right that
was 73 a.d but a couple years prior to that the second temple was destroyed and the
first temple before that was destroyed by well just look at where iraq is so iraq
is destroyed and a lot of that has to do with bad intel received by america from
israel the term jews refers to judahites in exile so with the first jewish roman
war this is where essentially um overran a roman military garrison in judah or
judea and [Music] it caused all sorts of political tensions this was a 66 a.d and
there was even war then between the syrians and the jews it uh was at the battle of
beth horon that's where they killed that's when general the spacian who later
became an emperor was given four legions by rome and he had a second in command
titus who was also a spaceship's son and between them they defeated the jews and
caused where they had lost all of their power in the southern mediterranean now
benjamin that now has a history of this he's repeatedly spoken of the persecution
of the jews at the hands of the romans and others he believes that he's the
reincarnation of king david bp wants to build the third temple bibi repeatedly
obsesses over the abuses spain ferdinand and isabella now spain suddenly is getting
all sorts of cases of coronavirus in ancient rome of course is italy look at what's
happening there 16 million quarantined people and you go back to the diasporas of
the assyrians and the babylonians and those lands are wrecked they're ruined and bb
has closely studied how the jews were kicked out of europe and the pogroms the jews
suffered under the inquisition particularly in spain and portugal and how poland
was the only refuge during the black death bibi also named iran as the number one
bibi has also spoken about america with great disrespect he believes that america
is a nation that should serve israel and it should be milked for all it's worth i'm
not making this up you can see videos on youtube and you can see how he talks about
this nation he was probably the brains behind epc island and imran awan and who is
why would the coronavirus strike china causing asia to be crippled and crashed in
the american stock market and why would these viruses be so virulent in iran and
italy and bad intelligence provided by israel caused iraq to be obliverated that
was under that now strain bad intelligence provided by israel helped cause the
death of muammar qaddafi this war was also a war with libya back in the day battle
of kadesh look it you have to look towards ancient history to see that bibi is
settling old historical scores and his ultimate goal is to dominate the world he
learned from hitler's mistakes it's just a theory of mine and don't accuse me of
being an anti-semite baby is under indictment for crimes by his own people so tell
me what you think
like maybe it's like a sexual takeaways about threatening to sue Dave Acton and all
the Dave Ekins exercising free speech this is a metal Glenn lynx-o it's like Hello
what world do you live in where you think you have the right to go invent a murder
video using a person of theory here yeah may 27th 2019 you Gabe Hoffman take your
50,000 person social media platform and tell people to look at me and hint that I
drove Isaac happy to suicide then in July when Sam forwards and killed a cop and
was gunned and the other thing is you're still like in the height of your career at
this point gave and the last thing you need is if somebody who's thinking of
investing money under your you know Guardians chip does any due diligence at all
that comes out like you know Gabe Hoffman the eater of babies are some crazy listen
so yeah okay kid got one client number one number two here sugar shine and she says
for the record Gabe I told him not to screw with you faster I said leave him alone
and he doesn't listen to me part of the reason why E and I don't speak anymore well
you know what sorry sugar sanity wrong I'm sorry you also said earlier in this
thing that I was predicting two million dead Americans yeah I am but I guess you
didn't listen to my second wave theory okay so let's keep on listening if they're
going after just half as bad as they were going after me I can imagine star
probably out there because these people are literally like hallucinating you don't
do anything about it now all the sudden you look up six months later and find out
it's 50 of them and you find those videos everywhere there's 50,000 and then the
yeah would that be like you keep Hoffman using your 50,000 person social media
platforms seriously hypocritical they're gonna accuse you being a Nazi that's not
this is once again an example Gabe Hoffman trying to silence the researchers gave
often got pissed off that I gave Acton put up some articles that were scholarly
research that's what they were he doesn't like that and so he's threatening to sue
Dave active and you know what are you gonna say yes they taught me to be a Nazi
yeah that makes perfect sense thank you and they are and they're tweeting about
this right now I'm looking I'm looking at tweets right now emanating emanating from
climbing Mount Shasta okay that's Aleppo he's saying that it's a good thing and I
hope that in the climbing Mount Shasta gets lots of this as to his uh his bog I
think that's a
so little gabe hoffman had his video struck yet another loss he can't seem to win
so worlds are colliding and there's this confluence going on this is actually quite
delightful it's good to see bankers terrified I don't want people dying but
sometimes you need a wake-up call because you've been too complacent now as far as
Dave someone just alerted me to a threat that he's receiving from some guy named
Rodney saying you know I'd love to see you in jail I think quite the opposite I
think Dave is about to literally create a legal precedence and I'm all for it acaba
on devolve height which is German for I believe in the truth and I think that
Dave's gonna get to a new place he's been called crazy he's not crazy he's been
attacked by the same gang stalkers as me and I tried to tell him that for a while
but he had to arrive at his own conclusions because he's his own man he's a lone
wolf like me you know we do our own things the same generation as me and there's
something about our generation where you do stand on your own two feet I'm sure he
had the same experience growing up as me we were you know we had our fights we had
our fistfights as kids and then as teenagers and then into our 20s and if you
didn't stand up if you didn't have a backbone well you were punked it's the way of
the world these days people don't understand that they are hunched behind a
computer most of the time and when they're in the midst of Wars usually wargames as
in gamers you know or they have true lights online they ever they haven't had to go
into a ring used to be a boxer and you know you used to do Taekwondo mixed martial
arts and had my street fights and all that have the scars to prove it been in the
theater of war have the scars to prove that as well so with Dave you know even
though he threw some punches at me if I'm a little man I go ahead and I have a chip
on my shoulder and eventually I'll be called a hobbit but if I think okay you know
what swagger it's the tough guy so am i I see where he's going and he's gonna come
up with a really good conclusion then hey I back him so Dave exhibit two I sent it
to a researcher to get to you you're welcome to it I am cognizant that any
communications that we have have to be a third party and has to be something that
will not impact your case so that's that if the third party wants to give it to you
so I'm not gonna broadcast my every move it's not good to be publicly Provident I
will say that I did respond to gable Hoffman's frivolous lawsuit and I'm
challenging him right now his a attorney Dennis I believe it was Stein or Klein
Klein climbing he's small cleaner as opposed to growth in german dennis klein
issued a list of demands for Denise Matawan she did a very nonlinear serpentine
soliloquy last night she started out by praising Gabe Hoffman's film without
watching it nice critique there that's a nice and then of course she called him a
little filthy Jew she also called Dennis Klein a little filthy Jew I think there's
three hundred lawyers and then law firm I could be wrong but here's what I'm gonna
predict I think that Gabe is usually all just mouth they think these are lol suits
I think that since he attacked me first he is going to lose doesn't matter how much
money he has a certain person gave me very good advice someone I don't know but
someone who has earned my respect now here's what Gabe does I have a computer that
has issues right now so it's in the shop I created a new Twitter account and what
happens Gabe Hoffman finds it thanks to his good buddy Diane Nordstrom and good
buddy Arturo Tafoya these are his team mates and so what does he do he quote tweets
it and then he blocks me being the coward that he is and that is exactly what Gabe
is you know he's a little coward now I don't know about height I I think it's out
there that he's five two and a half maybe five three I don't care about that some
of the greatest people on the planet have been five two or five three at least at
some point I think George Washington was that before puberty and did the same thing
with Jesus and you know the same thing with towering intellectual figures like
Nietzsche and Voltaire they all had their time at five two and five three Mozart
himself is five seven and guess who else was five seven Napoleon they always said
he was a little shrimp of a guy he said he was five three he wasn't he was taller
so once again what ended up happening was Denis challenged Gabe and Gabe blinked
you know where's the lawsuit it's not coming she went ahead and she did not meet
his attorneys demands which I don't think the attorney has a right to you know to
impinge upon free speech now in the same livestream or close to rigor mortis dream
as I call it because Denise is not looking so good she accused me of promoting
terrorism on poor niches and certain areas of the Texas coast that's not true
that's the blatant lie she could be sued very easily for that but I think what
would end up happening is that the judge would pull a 5150 and she'd be telling
their stories to her celli's that's the way it goes as far as Gabe you know what I
am going to fight you tooth-and-nail Gabe Hoffman I'm going to teach the world that
little bullies with money like you don't get to corrupt and manhandle
you know back in the day I used to gamble a bit and there were a lot of Chinese in
there and I remember I won some jackpots and that's one way you said you lucky
winner so right on schedule the last 20 minutes of the trading day hey the stock
market went through the roof except over 1800 and that is what I expected so it's
gonna be stimulus coming and I wanted to say one more thing there's no coronavirus
in Russia now a friend of mine tells me that's because they shut everything down
immediately but I want you to think things through we got troops going over to
Europe right now at least 30,000 I hear the numbers higher and if Netanyahu wanted
to bring everything down well wouldn't he want to cause a lot of tension between
America and Russia there's a million Russian expats in the state of Israel the
oligarchs are all Jewish and in Russia and it seems to me that this would be part
of a broader plan to take down on Trump because of his fury at Trump so all eyes on
2020-06-20 01:01:54 UTC
you know this eradication and revision of our history is actually a very healthy
thing I don't think that we're doing enough take a look at Jefferson in Washington
let's get rid of them for good Benjamin Franklin was involved in some pretty kinky
activities with the Hellfire Club in England I think he needs to go take a look at
John Sutter now he's the one who found gold that lost the 49er Grays we need to get
rid of gold okay literally the craze for gold in California it was caused by a
rapist okay we need to look at everything conquered by Jefferson were the Louisiana
Purchase we need to give all that stuff back we need to cease functioning as a
country as a nation as a world right if from these inventions were created by human
beings who were infallible well what right do they have being used by an infallible
population do you see how stupid the argument is you see how dumb how dumb
Americans have become is stupid it is tragic how dumbed down we have become we
don't speak history we speak protests we don't know what we're protesting about
that's like someone who will be yelling and screaming at me and saying are you
saved are you saved and I'll come to him and start to say what parts of the Bible
would you like to discuss young man and they don't know what they're talking about
they don't all they know is that there's Ella tree feels good right people are out
of control because they are being told it's okay be out of control to run amok that
they don't need law and order what's going to happen when you have defunded police
agencies and what's gonna happen to Commerce you think you're gonna have jewelry
stores there I don't think so you think that people are gonna be robbing armored
trucks I think so you think there's going to be massive crime and residential
neighbors neighborhoods especially ones that are wealthy hell yeah so of course we
go overboard and someone was to say to me you know what the police unions in many
big cities like New York City are mobbed up that's something I can get behind I
could say you know what you're right they willed way too much power they've got
huge problems that's something that we can definitely attack it was Obama who
militarized the police and it is a very old culture where if there's one bad apple
they protect the rest so there are issues but these are issues of hierarchy issues
of chain of command issues of misplaced loyalty that can be fixed what about the
inner-city kids who grow up and they're given a glorified version of thug life you
got to look at Hollywood for that they're the ones who are backing it putting the
money into it right you have to look at where the Bolshevik ISM Figg ISM is coming
from you have to look at it straight up and this is really what it is it's
Bolsheviks it's exactly what they wanted to do and got away with in Russia and the
teens they want to have it happen here you think that when Reagan said mr.
Gorbachev tear down this all do you think that's what really happened nope tell you
what happened the Russians sent their best criminals over here and they have done
very well so people for the most part are idiots I'm not talking about the audience
that I'm addressing right now but you know me yes I've gotten to know me I have
just no more patience for fools you know if this doesn't work for me if you cannot
think pass the propaganda then go ahead and have an argument with an Andrew Jackson
statue you know go ahead and talk about Brigham Young man and what a bad guy he was
right let's go way back in time and if we are to judge everybody on human sacrifice
or on beastie lakhs then we should eradicate ourselves because we come from our
ancestors and our ancestors were not clean not even
so there are things that that can cause wars 1580 in earthquake hit dover straits
now that's the area that separates the channel from the north sea 33.01 kilometers
in length and on that day there was quite an earthquake it killed more people than
they admit and probably killed close to 120. at christ hospital biggest stones fell
on their heads and the earthquake was right in the middle of the straits and i
believe it unleashed things there may have been a witness there a man named edward
talbott who changed his name to edward kelly who was a questionable guy so on
thursday march 8 1582 a couple years later he shows up at the door of john d and
tells him he would like to offer his services something that was very intriguing to
they do their first session and john dee's wine and fools them and says look this
is a spirit uriel and john d was somewhat impressed ever kelly comes back the next
week and this time is pi day 3 14 15 82 and as he's doing the incantations and he's
doping john d's wine again this time real demonic forces were unleashed and a demon
named michael comes out but they continue the sessions another one happens on the
spring solstice march 20th there's more instructions nine and a the spirits tell
johnny to give edward kelly money to go buy a book ever kelly goes into a bar he
proceeds to spend some of the money on booze but then the man with the book comes
and he purchases it even though he's short and of course that makes the man angry
but ever kelly threatens him this is stuff that's not in the history and what they
ended up doing was they were playing with fire and that's what is happening right
now it may seem unbelievable but certain people like esteban trujillo and other
people involved in the cover-up or the gang stalking they're invoking spirits
they're summoning demons and it's way way beyond what they can fathom or comprehend
so my question to anybody listening is will you confront evil will you stand up to
evil that's the question every one of you
okay everybody so seems to be a common theme going on people would rather reach out
to me privately and ask me questions so this one is a pretty interesting one which
is you seem to know a lot about history and a lot about mathematics and a lot about
World War two you spent time in Germany in Austria yes I did and how do you say how
do you speak German in both Austrian and German what would be the difference so
then they go on to ask me about and Tifa and a bunch of other things too so the way
that you would do it is splack is he unbeaten that would be eins disliked and that
would be Austrian and then sprechen zie ambition damage which would be more formal
you can do a little bit of a lilt if you're in Swabia like stupid art right
sprechen zie ein bisschen Deutsch so there's little nuances okay so and then asking
about ante feh and is this what our future is going to look like roaming crazed
mobs are there historical precedents of course there are the assassins of course
were bloodthirsty lots in the ancient world I mean look at the Vikings rape pillage
and plunder but you probably are looking for something a little bit more current
okay so okay so you know there was the SS Stroman Brigade dere Wanga which is I
think it's dir Lewa and ger and they were formed late in the war in 44 and Hitler
at that point he knew he was losing and what they did with the stroma big aid
dinner wananga is they basically emptied the prisons and they got the murderers and
the rapists together the worst guys and they gave them Waffen SS uniforms and a
bunch of weapons and then they threw them into that Eastern Front and they named it
the counterinsurgency and what they ended up doing is their targets were civilians
it was horrible they called it see bonden become fuel right are come from our
bender fighting and when they went to the villages in the Eastern Front they killed
hundreds of thousands this is the worst stuff that happened in the war they sent
them into Warsaw in 44 and literally didn't matter if you had white flags they go
in with fixed bayonets they would kill everybody you know they would hang nurses
they would rape female from 8 to 88 that's not bad it was so it was so bad that
Oscar Diller winger who was you know that's where the name comes from and that's
the butcher of Warsaw he even said that has sickened him and so real real bad the
SS group of your Hermann Faygo sign off a girl I'm sorry which was you know
Himmler's chief representative to Hitler even said they were horrible you know and
who was responsible for these guys Himmler so you see if I can gonna look around to
see if I could find a picture I mean it reminds you okay here I'm gonna get this
down and it reminds you of and Tifa and we're gonna see what I mean in a second
okay take a look that's what they look like they would go in there and they would
disguise themselves because they were committing atrocities and you want to talk
about scary look at this just imagine a criminal a rapist and a murderer coming
into your village with 50 other rapists and
so guys um several more updates for you too which uh i got some responses um my
twitter dms are blown up and this has to do with uh the robert maxwell uh media
musa media matrix thing saying that was uh you know pretty good insight and uh you
know i'm sure it's not that special i'm sure uh other researchers have come to that
conclusion putting together robert maxwell's media empire um with what cappy called
the moussade media matrix and scene ties into jeffrey epstein and then the people
that he listed you know cernovich and others um and in the center of it was gabe
hoffman so that's that um with that being said you can see clearly that with corey
daniel um go here let me just read uh one of the dms and this is from a friend of
mine robert well i'm not going to give you anything more than that but he says how
can corey hold his head up as a researcher when he makes a declarative statement
that gabe hoffman is not mossad and he's got a point corey you're dismissing things
when as a researcher you got to keep it open you've made a mistake man i mean you
can get as pissed off as you want but you know you made a gentleman's agreement
with gabe you allowed him to push you around uh and he kept on pushing and pushing
and pushing and you know you're supposed to be a chronicler of isaac happy's life
isaac cappy created something called the media matrix he had gabe hoffman's name
right in the middle of it what happened with you is that you took him seriously and
you thought oh i'm gonna get sued i better do this as soon as you made that move
you compromised yourself as a researcher you set up a dynamic where we've got to
question your work i don't say i'm a researcher you know what i am i write songs
right that's what i do but the problem that you're having as a researcher is that
you're coming to wrong conclusions once again the hostage video and um zach quaid
stating that he recognized the voice saying shut up i never put that into his head
that's something that he approached me on and approached steve otrum on at the same
time this was his idea and i um frankly you know i i really couldn't tell and think
that you would need voice recognition software to uh really analyze that and that
is possible that's what the police used to analyze voices and it can be somewhat
accurate it's not completely accurate at any rate as a researcher you have gone
ahead and you've gotten emotionally involved in a story rather than maintaining a
distance um and you really can't put out there the you know conclusively this is
the way it is the scientific model uh which is for all research including
investigative research into crimes should always be that there are never proof only
evidence uh because that can always change as the facts change and so you went
ahead and you said hoffman is not mussad we don't know that you don't know that i
don't know that and as far as isaac happy he says he did know it and perhaps he had
evidence of it you look at cernovich you see him out there and you've seen the
absolute ties to alan dershowitz right now there's a lot swirling around it's the
same names dershowitz dave hoffman jeffrey epstein celery maxwell um you know it's
um ludicrous to sit there and say uh we're anti-semitic for uh mentioning uh
criminals harvey weinstein you know or weinstein however whether you say it he is a
predator and yes he is jewish um gabe hoffman he's attacked me and been an asshole
to me and yes he is jewish could he be considered a terrorist damn straight to me
and i'm not the one who said it it was uh zak who actually described him as a
jewish terrorist and that's a matter of interpretation which is that's how zack
feels and i don't blame him the way that you described gabe hoffman corey and you
described him in terroristic terms the conclusion that you came to which i don't
think uh is absolute and you may want to rethink it you believe that all of his
behaviors are as a result of him trying to preserve his reputation if that's true
then what is he doing going after me before i know even who he is i didn't i've
never heard of an open secret before hoffman attacked me so um you have to consider
as a researcher perhaps gabe has other motives right just like i look at you and i
have to to basically say um i'm disappointed in you you want to talk about uh the
chaos with me um [Music] i can say the cast was brought to me corey and that uh
i've never lied to you you accused me of whispering in zach's ear you didn't tell
me directly you uh bad-mouth me to zach how am i supposed to trust you and then you
tell your crowd that uh you sent me an email parting ways show it because it never
happened i'm challenging you i'm telling you right now to your face that you're
lying you never sent me an email partying ways you didn't you can't show an email
or a text so unless you can prove that i'm lying right now i think that people were
going to know what the truth is and the bottom line is with that being said if
you're not telling the truth about that what else are you lying about it's how i
feel and i'm happy to challenge you directly to a debate i've got no problem with
that i really don't you may not like my ways but i'm not bullshitting and i've
never lied under oath and i certainly wouldn't be stupid enough to lie on youtube
with a cadre of enemies willing to dissect every word that i say so this is a
challenge you said it publicly that you sent me an email severing ties please show
that email because i sure
so there's a lady from Georgia who goes by the name evidence of revision her name
is Bridget like frigid Bridget and she's been tied up pretty closely with Defago
and Lestat and a lot of creepy ops you might want to look at the hashtag Hoffman
trilogy and you'll see her deep with defender was girl Friday Jethro say Worstell
staff and so what was dad says this is on August 21st 2019 well that's two fingers
issue with you and he's addressing hoax wars I never said such a thing and that's
why I'm not associated with anyone not even able danger he gave me his channel no
strings attached and that's it I just wanted to make that clear so we can now
positively connect Arturo Tafoya to able danger seems it the llama missed a
connection and I must act goes by chesh I three three zero one these days what is
he doing connected with defang go getting paid by Dafeng go tweeting out Gabe
Hoffman and here is to fango speaking third person he says looks like you turned on
defago since he stopped paying you by the way in case you haven't noticed women are
equal to men now so you don't have to be their Savior how dare you insinuate the
women need a man and are you offering yourself as a sacrifice I really like you too
so my question is why would a Mexican national name or Archer or Tafoya aks that be
all mixed up with field the colonel and then was shot as a cave in you know I was
the forward a mob fit in and they do there they are and how would evidence of
revision mm-hmm tied to gave off of an open secret field McConnell and define go
the murder of Isaac a P and once again Arturo Tafoya a kata for ski a Mexican
pedophile Satanist I know goes by chesh and here he is to take a look at this and
he's saying let's take a look at this closely shall we don't worry we got a channel
with 68 thousand subs he talks about making all sorts of videos and he talks about
the Hoffman trilogy right there so if you go ahead and do a search when often
trilogy you see that it ties directly to Gabe Hoffman it ties directly to Bridget
and it ties directly to Jethro so this is what lama didn't explore she didn't look
at it she was too busy and here he is to be clear and honest I've been given the
opportunity to manage and upload videos see this he says manage and upload videos
he doesn't say I own it he says he's been given the opportunity to manage it okay
do you understand how profound that is that ties him to able danger it ties him to
defang go it ties him to Gabe Hoffman it doesn't get any better than so the hoffman
trilogy is brick Trimble Bridget Carville and Topanga and this is exactly what our
trota foyer was doing so drama llama llama a friend of Obama
there was an absolutely phenomenal live stream that Steve ultram did this evening
and I thought it was very well done I thought Steve laid out his argumentation
perfectly and essentially what he did is he zeroed in on a number of important
updates I he theorized and I think correctly that Gabe Hoffman had given Jacki
Weaver copy the lawsuit that gave us filed against Zack McQuaid now Zack is a 26
year old artist he has been diagnosed with PTSD and some other things this is a
nice young man I like him and I think he's wonderful I really do has he had some
emotional difficulties well you know what he left home at 14 I he has proven to
have a backbone and he's proven to have dealt with his challenges in a way that I
really respect and the good news is he's been communicating with Steve directly for
awhile right now so there was a another falsehood that was put out there that
somehow Zack was a meat puppet of dictating to him exactly what he would do and say
in other words he was a TS parrot and that's just not true Zack has proven through
interactions on live streams and in chat rooms where there was a number of us
communicating that Zack is bright Zack gets things he's got hi intelligence he's
insightful and he's been an investigator in his own right for seven years eight
years since it was a teenager so that's one thing that came out which is these
false narratives that they throw into the ether and they expect more people to pick
up on it and without any evidence declared to be true well Steve shot that all to
hell it's wonderful he also made the point that a number of us are Christians and
that were under attack and the attackers for the most part are not Christian the
only one I believe who claims to be Christian is Jacki Weaver although there are
lapses in or Christianity my my view I don't hate Jackie at all but I think she can
be a bit patrician and you know it's it asabi she's not going to be happy at all
with Steve's live stream but hopefully you know she puts out spit balls she'll be
able to receive them with grace so that's that I did have to show a couple emails
to Steve I didn't have to but I did and one of them Jackie is he is not very kind
about Sarah Vaughn whatsoever and I actually agree with Jackie on that one I think
Sherry's a piece of work Jackie also had some judgments to make about truth convoy
Denise tonight I also agree with Jackie on that one however we disagree with a lot
of other things and you know we do communicate I'm not Jackie's enemy but I think
what Jackie put in our article which is that Zaki some sort of automaton of mine is
false and I think that's being borne out through Zack's public and private
interactions so that's a good thing and the other beautiful thing that's happening
is that Zak right now knows he's got a family of people who are supporting him care
about him who want to see him do well he is a guy who is worthy and has he been
suicidal in the past yes he has is Gabe Hoffman trying to tear horizon I believe so
defy veracity and his findings yes I believe that too I believe that Gabe in my
opinion is a very sneaky individual something else came up there was discussion
about Alessandro Alessandro known as louder than love is a documentary film
researcher right now he's developing things he's got projects and he was attacked
by Gabe repeatedly Steve platformed and I was Sandra's a good guy yes did he write
some emails that he shouldn't have yes he did he wrote one email where he said he
wanted to cut Gabe's face open and I need to remind people that Johann Sebastian
Bach perhaps the greatest composer where everybody lived at one point spent 30 days
in jail for threatening someone with a sword so artists can sometimes cross verbal
lines it's puffery as far as I'm concerned I don't think that Gabe was ever in any
danger just like I don't think he's in danger of some vigilante mob from cue and on
it's crazy what's really funny is it Zach was how can I put this the way they tried
to present Zack and the court filing filed by Hoffman's attorneys is that Zack is a
qa9 guy he's not and we're starting to look at this thing and thinking there seems
to be a deliberate attempt by a number of people to frame innocence as being part
of some deadly cute cult and then to target in an organized method people who have
nothing to do with you you know there was something called cue Slayers and you know
a group of us have downloaded a bunch of evidence that will be presented at a later
time I believe that these people called queue Slayers are domestic terrorists and
it's pretty clear as far as myself and Q I'm not a cute person but I'm not going to
hate followers of you they're American citizens they're citizens of the world and
if q which I believe is a PSYOP at the end of the day if it motivates people to
actively question corruption within government that's a salubrious thing thanks for
hi everybody so a couple things quick note there's a lot of people out there saying
that the warm weather is gonna kill the virus that's not necessarily the case it
could be possible in certain areas however it's 95 degrees right now in Bangkok and
you're seeing more cases so that's that however I do think that Trump is not wrong
with this the reason being is it's gonna get most of us anyway no matter how much
social distancing we do and the bottom line is let's get it over with it's a lot
better off than crushing our economy to the point where we can't get up again and
that's gonna bring all sorts of unintended consequences crime gangs SiC cops who
can't handle it and probably war so 10,000 years ago we stopped becoming hunter-
gatherers and we became wink-wink civilized we started to grow crops and when this
happened you started to see communities and villages and then towns and cities and
that's where all these epidemics became possible and that includes leprosy and
smallpox and if it was an tuberculosis and malaria and so on and so forth and so
the more civilized humans became the more we engaged in building trade routes and
waging Wars with other cities and it became more likely that pandemics would break
out take for instance the earliest recorded pandemic which was during the
Peloponnesian War 430 BC in Athens so you had a disease that had passed through
Libya which was a big Empire at the time Ethiopia and Egypt and then as the
Spartans and the Athenians were at war it got into Athens which was a walled city
at the time killed 65% of the people and so this pandemic had certain earmarks
radical thirst fever bloody tongue lesions we don't quite know what it was but it's
probably hemorrhagic like an Ebola and then you had the Antonine plague of 165 AD
and that was definitely smallpox it started out with the Huns and they in turn
affected the Germans they passed it on to the Romans and it was past threat to
Truman it at the Roman Empire when the troops returned to Rome and you had a sore
throat and fever and if the patient lived long enough you had these pus-filled
sores and so that was a 20-year plague it killed Marcus Aurelius was an emperor at
the time you had this Cyprian plague of 250 AD which was a big one because it
killed the Christian Bishop at Carthage now Carthage today is Tunis capital of
Tunisia and that square Hannibal came from so that Cyprian plague you know there's
no name for it but there was uh you know throat ulcers and fever and gangrene in
the hands and feet seems almost like a diabetic plague of some sort so the people
fled but of course they were carriers and that route looks like it started in
Ethiopia went through northern Africa into Rome and then to Egypt in northward and
there were reoccurring outbreaks of this over then there's 300 years in 444 ad had
hit Britain and basically it stopped their ability to defend against the picks in
the Scots and therefore the Brits had to run to the Saxons who pretty much
controlled the island you know where that ended up then of course we've discussed
the Justinian plague was probably killed oh maybe 50 million people that was over a
quarter of the world's population of the time and then in the 11th century you had
leprosy and that was thought to be God's curse it's a very slow-moving bacterial
disease it causes not only deformities but source and bad ones so it's always
thought to be God's punishment today we know it as Hansen's disease and it still
nails 30,000 people a year I think then you had you know the Black Death which
we've talked about a lot but then we have Columbus sailing the Seas and bringing
with him what's called the Columbian Exchange so that's where he carried smallpox
and measles and bubonic plague on his ships and these people were not exposed to
anything like this before so you know that's 90% death rate for the indigenous
people that was these diseases were beta they had never been experienced by the
people there therefore they had no immunity and then you look at Chris Columbus
again Hispaniola right was just Caribbean and he encountered the TMO people who are
about 60,000 his men raved the women and the children by the way and there used to
be 60,000 people by 1548 it was less than five and you can see a repeat at that
story all the time you see the Aztec empire 15:19 it starts out with smallpox and
measles devastating the population but what really got them was the plagues of 1545
in 1576 which were thought to be hemorrhagic Ebola in nature and that came from
rats who carried the viruses in the mines and the gold mines and silver mines so
you know you're talking about a huge amount of people the indigenous people has
never talked about you know the history books never talked about that in my time
then you see the Great Plague of London now that is where you get the traditional
Birdman the plague doctor mask a lot of people think that it's a mask from you know
1348 it's not so this was a combination of place it was bubonic plague pneumonic
plague and of course I think a bird flu of some sort ended up killing one in five
you know I mean so they even ended up killing hundreds of thousands of cats and
dogs and they ended up infecting all the ports along the Thames what killed that
plague was the Great Fire of 1666 which we all know Samuel Pepys were a book on
that and then you had to Colorado pandemics cholera first made its appearance in
1817 and it was an infection of the small intestine started out Russia where it
killed a million and then it spread through infected water and food and the
bacteria was passed along to which soldiers who product to India where millions
more died and you know the British at that point there was a saying the Sun never
sets on the English ground that's true nor did cholera it was spread to Africa and
Spain and China Indonesia and Japan and America Germany and Italy and so on and so
forth even an America kill about 150,000 there was a vaccine created in 1885 but
they were still pandemics and then you have the 1855 plague which was a bubonic
plague that killed 15 million people and that was from fleas so plagues have been
with us for a long time and there will be more so don't freak out it's what we go
buongiorno everybody upload a known mascara in Italian that means fear is not
masculine now in my world and admittedly it's an old-fashioned world if
historically every time there was something that growled men would run for the
hills well that would leave the women in the children unprotected from the direwolf
and the saber-tooth tiger or the Predators in the next drive so we've got an
obligation as men to protect women to protect children to provide for them in my
lifetime I've never hit a woman never been physical with a woman I never would I
find that wrong I find that being a bully and we need to confront bullies if we are
to survive as a species we need to protect those who are physically weaker now I
know a lot of women who were stronger than men and they really are they're fierce
they've got my deep respect and if you ever want to see bravery you watched how a
woman defends a child that speaks volumes about women so the reason why I'm making
this video is a that receives a communication from someone everyone for 20 years
dear old friend and she said Thomas are you nuts you're confronting a mobster who
has lots of monies and lots of underworld connections and she was referring to Gabe
and my response to her was that's true but I'm not flinching because Gabe has not
been confronted before myself and a couple others put the line in the sand this guy
attacked me in late May of last year and I was told don't confront him they'll
wreck your life I'll have you killed they'll sue you well I'm confronting him
because I'm not gonna let a bully push me around and that's what we need to teach
in our schools men need to learn this many of them do but many of them don't and in
this society you're told to go to your teacher and maybe the teacher doesn't do
anything because polities school doesn't want to get their reputation or maybe you
go to the police and they can't handle it because they're outnumbered by police and
maybe you go to your church and they don't want to say anything because they've got
bullies at the pulpit excuses the fun so it doesn't matter there are bullies who
have gavels bullies who have badges well get away with things because they're
wealthy no more we've got to speak out and what's being taught in school is if
you're bullied go run to an authority figure well what happens if the authority
figures themselves are bullies we need to stand up to this because many of these
bullies are pedophiles in Erfurt ought to go report this repulsive behavior well
who will be reporting it too we have to teach our kids to be fighters we need to
teach our kids to stand up to bullies maybe I'm old-fashioned but that's my world
in my
so Luke and Matthew and mark and Timothy all talk about end times and the betrayals
that go on within the family unit Timothy writes but understand this that in the
last days there will come times of difficulty for people will be lovers of self
lovers of money proud arrogant abusive disobedient to their parents ungrateful
unholy heartless etc have forgot the rest of the quote perhaps I'm getting old so
this virus may be what brings us to that point if we are not able to touch or to
hug or to kiss what happens to the human race that's what we have to consider and
it's more than that you're seeing the headlines right now where you see cases
appearing and exploding in Italy and Iran and South Korea there's no word that has
hit Pakistan and India in Africa for that matter so what's happening is they're
expanding their diagnostic capabilities they're broadening their testing and
they're finding it has been there for a while which means it's in America right now
we've got three million Chinese to visit the US every year and it really isn't
about a transmission count right now it feels overwhelming but this was foretold
and there are people out there who were saying well the Chinese are only reporting
a little bit under 3,000 deaths and look at what the common flu does well the
common flu is for a long time so that argument goes out the window that's a CNN
argument they should be testing for all cases of viral pneumonia does S&X so I
think it's gonna hit 10 to 11 percent which is what I've been talking about for
well over a month and what it affects goes beyond schools and prisons and places
where people gather even goes down to food packaging if these viruses can live on
surfaces for two weeks imagine what were sitting we're gonna face it can live on
crops to live on the face of money so this is unfortunate that it's finally didn't
allow American doctors to the outbreak zone in January because that would have
allowed us to prepare a lot better and the broader they expand their diagnostic
capabilities the more that we're gonna so I'm not here to scare anybody what I'm
trying to tell you is the experts can often be wrong and you can't trust the who I
can't trust the CDC I can't guess they're politicize so there are people who are
going to dumb it down or we're going to minimize it but you don't understand that
if it was around by late October and you had perhaps 10 million Chinese flying
around the world maybe 1 million within the region of infection and another 1 to 2
million who had interactions with those people it's everywhere now and we'll see it
in six there have some problems that they can test a symptomatic people with no
known risk factors and you'll end up with false positives there it's gonna take
three to four months to roll up the
so if anybody took a look at the last 30 minutes of the stock market today he saw
it slide ended up 457 points down and this goes to indicate everything I was trying
to tell you guys before which is the only reason why the stock market is up as big
as the Federal Reserve has been propping it up you know silent and covert the
quiddity plays they're pumping liquidity into the market now the con artists on
CNBC will tell you something different they'll have their actors tell you that the
public the investing public believes we're going to a v-shaped recovery it's a
bunch of garbage it is we're not going to fill the effects of this depression until
the post summer and I'd say more towards Halloween where the bottom is truly gonna
drop out the spout economy is gonna get a lot worse and they were frightened that
you would leave the stock market you would sell your stocks you take out your 401k
so the Federal Reserve went in there to pump it up guns a-blazing and there's the
financial community in on it it's a casino I'm trying to bring you some truth right
now and the facts are that we're going to face into something that no American has
faced unless you consider what the American Indians face the indigenous people or
perhaps what the Puritans went through in the first part of the 17th century this
gonna be food scarcity it's good to be desperation in grifting and robbery rape is
going to be draconian new laws and we're going to see a very ugly side of
artificial intelligence it's going to be protests political assassinations and
predators and by winter these will be times that will try men's souls Tennyson once
said that nature is red in tooth and claw and if my calculations are correct and
they have been so far we're going to have a lot of sickness but the greatest danger
that we face is worry worry and fear because worry and fear drive people to commit
desperate acts we're gonna be facing thin times some support nichelle kindness and
generosity to be honest to be direct but also to be fearless mothers guard your
children and Men toughen up and for those who have served our government this time
you need to serve the people and yes I'm addressing every military man whether
you're currently enlisted or you're a veteran and every military woman our nation
has a collective soft belly and it needs to harden we need to be doing sit-ups and
push-ups not only physically but mentally the military has to resist the marching
orders of a corrupt group of men and women that we call our lawmakers most of the
military people I know who have served and been combat veterans they truly love our
nation and it's important right now to put the people first that people have to
come before government and before banks before multinational Corps before
international bankers I'm telling you everybody 40% of the economy is destroyed and
not so much by a virus but by the reaction to a virus previous generations endured
pestilences and hardships I had an uncle with polio and around the turn of the 20th
century you had dip theory and smallpox in the 19th unfortunately we're here
because we stupidly thought that we're learning upon foreign goods would allow us
to pursue other things yeah it allowed us to pursue a wealthy and debauched
lifestyle where we lost touch with nature as I said before we used to own stuff and
now stuff onto us as a student of history I can look back and I can say the Roman
population had a 50% slave populace 50% these things we've got debt slavery which
is pretty much what we had during the Great Depression and smaller banks folded but
the banks were wicked the banks were cruel they took away homes I know they took
money from our family they took savings grabbed it we didn't get it back well I
wasn't born but we didn't get it back until the 40s was gone for a decade and you
saw land grabs you saw farmers lose their homes it got to the point where we were
glorifying bank robbers and if the banks are gonna go down the same path which is I
got mine and screw you then there's gonna be a lot of anger towards the banks will
see a wave of bank robberies and maybe bankers being kidnapped or killed that's
what's coming down the pike and of course they're gonna give us bread and circus
just like the Roman arena all right they're feeding prisoners and slaves to the
Lions they're gonna attempt to keep us calm with wrestling and sports and other
bullshit it's only one that people realized they have the power that the
government's become malleable and start doing what we want otherwise it's a power
struggle we elected officials based on hope but government behaviorally has never
been our friend government wants to keep us divided and polarized so they can
govern and once again what are we doing with so many millions of Americans
unemployed and yet we're giving money to Israel and to Egypt you guys need to make
your voice heard and say no more Washington these are countries that can support
their own their own we don't need to help them we need to help ourselves right now
there's gonna be more homeless vets the homeless population is gonna double maybe
triple and crime right now is soft but crime is gonna go through the roof I'm
telling you these are going to be tough tough times and we need to prepare so when
these snaky little financial idiots say oh we're gonna have a softly I mean
everything will be fine well that's what Ben Bernanke said in q4 of 2007 and then
2008 a bunch of people lost their homes and they never recovered and you know 30 30
to 40 percent people who have lost their jobs now they're gone for good they're
gone for good we have an opportunity right now here's a good thing to have a
manufacturing revolution right now to cut our reliance on Asia you know they're
just gonna move it from China to you know Pakistan or Bangladesh what the hot we
gotta get off tap on stylehaul yeah you know we have to get Spartan and that's a
good thing so I've been very sick a couple weeks ago three weeks ago but every
single day I'm working out I'm doing stretches under step son doing pull-ups and
feeling good about it you know is it difficult who cares life is not supposed to be
soft all the time that's the problem with the American Dream they wanted their soft
all the time and that is not aspirational once you achieve your goals you pretty
much die you need to have goals in front you need to strive and thrive and I think
that's where we can have a new American vision we are the most creative people on
the planet and I do believe we are the greatest nation however we can't have
foreign powers corrupting our leaders and we need to handle these monsters who have
broken the law it doesn't matter how high their station is and if that doesn't
happen then the people are gonna turn off the government you know you can have a
deaf revolution you don't have to have a confrontational revolution you can simply
reprogram what's between your ears you can turn off the propaganda machine you know
a general strike can be considered a bloodless revolution yeah government is losing
the hearts and the minds of the people now Trump seems to have captured a fair
amount of it which is a good thing so he can't be considered a hope and the more
that they collectively hate on the guy the more Americans gonna back up is we back
an underdog because we were an underdog in our revolution so that's about it I'm
thankful for the people who do listen to me and I appreciate all the all the
kindness you've shown me I'm just a talking head I'm not a professional newscaster
I'm just a composer who's gingerly stepping forward into the public with my
thoughts many of them which could be errant or incorrect so the way forward is
gonna be a combination of toughness honesty and
Rick Ross's girlfriend Denise Matteau speaks out again and again
2020-03-26 22:17:11 UTC
so once again it's the nut house of youtube and here we have denise matau spouting
crap so the chinese gamers who really have probably no reason to be looking at
american political scandals but now with the coronavirus hitting both countries
they notice this guy is talking about an american army sergeant and trying and this
guy george webb is trying to which does not hold up i'm not going to get into all
the theories of where the virus came from yeah all right nothing you say holds up
you've told people that i'm a spy while simultaneously telling people that your
crocheted face masks were safe without having the slimmest knowledge of how
pathogens travel and how they collect on surfaces so you are discredited denise
mcdowell another thing too i'm going to warn you to not mention me again otherwise
there's going to be legal consequences if you think i'm kidding go ahead and try it
right i'm lawyered up do you understand that so on a final note denise i'm sorry
that your little mask scam didn't work it didn't play right um you go ahead and you
call people left wing we know what you are we know your work with defango and how
it was originally spread but the george webb story is pure left-wing democrat
propaganda says a lady who worked for an outfit that was connected to hillary
clinton says a lady who worked for a socialist rag while in college says a lady who
has openly admitted that one of her brothers committed rape on another boy and then
she had a cousin who uh i guess killed a couple people or was involved in the
murder of uh several people the lennox seven what was that 1981 right reagan's
first year in office so the bottom line is um i'm going to tell you what's going on
right now you're being investigated denise and your ties to fangirl are being
investigated and if you think that i'm joking well let's see what a couple months
down the line
so on severe music there's a video about Yellowstone of course I kept some some
videos from in the movie of course but interesting times are coming and there are
upheavals everywhere by the way my friend Wyatt pointed out a very interesting
article about sunspots and solar eruptions I think they call them coronal eruptions
and riots and so this is something that I was talking to you guys about before
which is comets and pestilence and disharmony within human nature so there is
definitely a connection between the above the below
let's talk a little bit about truth people always attach a visual element to truth
can't you see what's before your eyes can't you see the truth well perhaps the real
truth is coming and it won't be something you it'll be something you'll be able to
delve into what sounds you were hearing and decide which ones represent deception
so that may be what's coming down the pike i talk a lot about um apocalypses
earthquakes and fires selling la would be burning along with the west coast is
happening right now we've got a big earthquake on the way big earthquake and i
think that's going to be in october [Music] i'm 33 into the cycle and i appreciate
the views uh the donations you guys have been wonderful but think of the element of
sound it would actually have to precede light if you want to refer to the old
testament and god said let there be light that must have been the first sound if
you're a believer in the old testament if you look through sufi traditions serastes
babylonians sumerians scythians they all talk about sound being the epochal
phenomena the first thing you sense and that's usually the way it is you know you
hear the car before it hits you right it's usually there's a micro second between
um what you hear and then what you see it's interesting with beethoven we talked
about him a little bit he lived to be 56 years of age beat beethoven um beat him to
the point where his music became his escape and kids who were put into child labor
situations um they could sometimes do very well in life um when beethoven was
roughly 30. he had a career as a concert pianist and that started to taper off
because his hearing started to have issues but he acclimated his brain to the point
when when he died at the age of 56 he had written music that to this day is still
pioneering the late stream quartets you listen to those and um these modern
composers they can't touch them felix middleton probably was melodiously more
precocious of mozart at an earlier age although he's probably classical music's uh
most famous burnout his later music didn't compare to his earlier very different
from mozart his earlier music was simple he didn't hate his stride till 25th
symphony they called the little g minor symphony and then of course by 21 he was
performing in subscription concerts in vienna and the music was breathtaking he
wasn't breaking new ground like he was in the last eight nine years of his life and
quite frankly as a composer he didn't break ground like a beethoven did or
stravinsky there are revolutionaries take sound and reassemble it and make you
think in new ways
sorry i ran out of room at any rate what we're facing not a crisis of faith but
it's a renaissance of unfaith and that's a good thing we're losing face around the
world as americans and so we're naturally losing faith in our government and we
should but it should go way beyond that take a look at the um the whack done on the
federal judge today in new jersey they almost killed her they injured her husband
they killed her 20 year old son horrible thing and of course there's ties to
florida with the case why aren't we looking really closely at broward county and at
palm beach and you start to think about the palm beach detective who now lives in
russia and you know basically outed a huge story saying that corruption is rife
there you know i don't have a problem with uh you know regular cops who do their
job you know we're trying to better society and maintain the peace peace officers
um but i do have a problem is with the politics of this land and how our corrupt
politicians are armed to the teeth with the backing of banks and corporations and
while a bunch of money is being printed out right now the banks are having a field
day right now and everything is about to crash so of course the dnc being its
wicked demonic self they um are trying to push the coveted uh crisis to drive votes
into the biden camp uh meanwhile the republicans are no cleaner they aren't i take
a look at um mcconnell and lindsey graham and you know these are the same crooks
it's just it's a revolving door and once they get caught at something then we wait
for the injunctions and after the injunctions happen they've got 700 an hour
lawyers to you know whittle away another nine months of time you know it reminds me
of these uh talking with a dear friend today is talking about the monarch
butterflies that they fly across the border of california into mexico and when they
take flight the sky is filled with orange and black and they're these angelic
delicate uh beans and they're on the earth for 35 days that's the extent of their
life and half of that life is flight it's literally long distance flight it's not
and when these butterflies return uh in june it's a whole different butterfly and
they too will go you know they live for a month and the common house fly lives for
a day tell the apollo themis i believe is the name so these scandals last forever
and that's the problem they keep going and going and going and the lawyers are the
batteries that they keep the thing going and pretty soon we get tired of it you
know when the hell is hrc going to be you know in cuffs what's going on with james
comey wouldn't it be nice if uh you know if suddenly flynn was the head of the fbi
wouldn't that be something um i'm sure it would drive a certain pedo vampire crazy
[Laughter] but uh getting back to what i was saying before is uh with hoffman with
his money and with his time he should be looking out for his uh shareholders
instead what he's doing is waging war he's waging war on me you know it's crazy at
the end of the day um people will remember my music long after they've
all right so I'm getting some more interesting emails so Thomas what do you mean by
distraction campaign it's when one person or one group is trying to cover up the
truth of a matter so they'll do multiple narratives and they'll throw it into the
wind you know in ancient Egypt servants were smeared with honey to attract flies
away from the Pharaoh so that's the type of thing that goes on by the way their
pillows were made of stone you know that so you talk about lots of interesting
historical facts what can you tell us about the potato famine of 1849 well it was
probably engineered by the British and it was the fact that they didn't have lots
of varietals that caused problems potatoes were introduced to Ireland around 15
maybe after being discovered in Peru by conquistadors from Spain so when the potato
famine hit hit not only in Ireland but other areas but it didn't affect Peru
because they had 18 different varietals so that definitely thought he seemed to
know a lot about Hollywood stuff are you a Hollywood guy no I'm not a Hollywood guy
and although I grew up in LA and I lived in Hollywood and was I enact or you know I
think I did you know some extra work when I was 19 nothing to speak of wasn't you
know looking to make it big or anything maybe in those days he went and became an
extra for the food so that's that wasn't you know that was a long time ago that was
the silent era just kidding although at the height of Chaplin's popularity 1917
1918 1919 he entered a Charlie Chaplin look-alike competition and Crissy Field in
San Francisco and he came in 20th place pretty firm yet so that's celluloid lady
for you it's pretty hilarious alright so here's another one do you know a lot about
the Civil War you talk about any interesting things that happened there well yeah
the North won because they were mechanized they had the rails they could move
soldiers quicker it's a lot of other reasons what's an interesting thing is there
was a farmer named Wilmer McLean and the civil war commenced on his farm and he was
so upset by all the fighting that he moved far away he moved 200 miles away to a
place called Appomattox and the war actually ended inside his new home literally so
William it clean you can look him up pretty interesting fact so alright and just
trying to see just more stuff about the drawing I don't want to
and if you ever bothered to actually listen to anything I spoke about without being
narcissistic victim addicts about it you'd understand what kind of a cult is we
don't want to know what kind of cult you're running Denise yeah I don't want to
know personally I don't want to know anything
oh look it's the tooth fairy looks like she's getting sued by swagger brothers she
seems upset in contact I mean I know for sure you look like you just lied all right
so what you have here is a bullshitter she's also someone who reacts all the time
very much like Shabbos you see that look on the left she's probably reading this
clarity but she's lying and I can tell this a mile off so now that's pneumonia as
opposed to deceit this woman is constantly looking away she's considering what
she's gonna do you've got an area of the brain right here called the prefrontal
cortex and that is essentially the electrical stimulation is what has caused higher
mammals and us to learn how to lie and it's uh I'm sure you've heard of d-don't X
right it's when you're about four or five and you're taught repercussions
consequential reality which is if you confess you may be punished if you lie you
get away with it you get away with it so this is the woman who I suspect has
serious response inhibition meaning that she's got to react to every swing in every
arrow much like sawdust much like Sheila Cavanaugh much like Diane North's trip so
I observed things now as far as me you know I got a stock that to me 2018 Busch
office and I kept quiet for a long long time so only when he started to involve
family members and he started to weaponize his proxies but I took action and I
think it's going very well as far as this lying senior citizen she really needs to
just take our lumps you know I'm not always happy with a with Dave acting but I'm
smart enough to know that stay out of his warpath
Good job, Jackie. Good job Gabe Messing with a 26 year old.
2020-02-16 03:36:15 UTC
this is a video steamed Elisa's proof right here that gave me release my adjusts he
did not scrub out my adjust before giving out this document why so good job Jackie
Weaver really good job good job game off and you guys are
so here's that 350 pound idiot Esteban Trujillo D Gutierrez 59 years of age just a
hopeless bully and a bore he's boorish he will write 30 sentences instead of being
succinct you know just a bloviator so now he says we should be collaborating to put
tspn bars do you know that that's a criminal act in itself and I see you bending
over for deeply to kiss defenders us it's pretty funny you know you lost you
already you already lost Esteban there's no getting that from this one you
attempted to be the cicadas historian at your fool you know here you are you ducks
Arturo's name in punishment so you're the judge jury and executioner no you are a
morbidly obese clown living in Bangkok then you can't do anything you're a clown to
hear me a clown you're
a short little video to apologize to Dave look I didn't mean to out your fiance I
didn't even use your name as you know so I understand that sugar shrine is upset
she didn't know the extent of all you know I don't know she's your fiancee that's
destroy her but as everybody now knows my information was right on the money when
it came to her and you might be wondering how did Thomas find this out well there's
a task force in Marin County I happen to know one of the guys he actually said that
uh well now that her name's out Julia was spunky quote-unquote spunky has a lot of
spunk whatever that means so at any rate I'm still gonna wish you guys well you
know I never stand in the way of love I think that maybe you guys could make a
great couple you know she could be the future mrs. Acton and that to me is a
phenomenal thing as far as um for sugar be gentle with her she's getting triggered
by sherry and by Diane not bad Nordstrom there whispering in her ear and they're
attacking you all over the place and if you ever need any information on Diane
nutbag or sherry 19:18 woman's right there let me know I'd be happy to oblige as
far as uh sugar I actually she's growing on me yeah hey she's got a great comedic
sense so that's that sorry to get you to trouble
so I definitely called it Spain after Italy and then Germany in certain areas where
there are pogroms France was telling you about Strasbourg anothers Switzerland
right so here you have a huge spike and it's much bigger than the other countries
in Europe these are areas were historically there was pogroms against the Jews this
is absolutely a bio weapon it may have started out organically but it's definitely
been weaponized been dead now and it's the rage that he's out against you know
history and what do you think that you know 35 percent of the Iranian parliament
would be affected this is so damn obvious at least to me and guess what guys he's
holding on to power he's able to delay his court trial after being criminally
indicted you know it's absolutely obvious he did a power play he was able to strike
back at enemies he was able to take out a lot in political leaders you know go
research this and tell me this is not B B's virus Strega it's the B B virus that's
what we'll
so my friends I kept on telling you something big was coming I told you that back
in December when I was getting my channels shut down because people were trying to
obstruct my message now governments only tell the truth when therefore still when
they fear the people rising up and you've got to ask why there's such a global
overreaction right now is it an overreaction or are they hiding the truth of what's
going on and Wuhan Province China that's the question I had a nice call from my
friend Sean stone today he's a he's a buddy and I was father as a Oliver Stone this
made quite an impact on the world with his movies and Sean is just a beautiful cat
he said look it's a reset it's good and we both agree that we've had a simulation
economy it wasn't real it was only benefiting the very wealthy and that looks like
he's going to corrode and I'm talking about institutional wealth I'm talking about
corporate wealth where corporates and alphabets grind governments and you're told
that if your uber wealthy you're a better person than the poor well there's a lot
more poor than wealthy there's always gonna be poor there always has been there
will in but a lot of poor or watching they've got front-row seats from their one
bedroom and studio apartments and they're watching the fear and the moneychangers
eyes if this goes on for another six months you're not gonna recognize America in a
lot of ways America has changed fundamentally that was my discussion with Sean that
we need to get back to the old ways as a child I used to play outside in the Sun it
was organic I wasn't hunched over a computer the kids today are gonna have
scoliosis in 2025 years they live half their life in so my feeling is this time
president trunk let the banks fail well there was a bailout after Lehman Brothers
September 15th a very nervous Nancy Pelosi got up and told the world there was
emergency funding well 80% of the people were suffering and 20% of the banks were
guess what they saved the banks not the people not this time we let the banks fail
he let Wall Street fail you choose the American people he choose to shore up our
poor this is not wealth distribution these are families trying to put food on the
table trying to keep their children their wives alive
i want to say one more thing people should be really proud of the israeli people
right now because they are protesting in front of netanyahu's house right now they
realize this guy is a criminal this guy's a bad man this guy has uh gone ahead and
used the coronis um foe pandemic um to delay his trial which is now going to be in
january this is a monster he is the hitler of israel and the israeli people are
protesting in front of his home 24 7. it's not being reported on the news not much
it's kept hidden and there's a reason for that because netanyahu has control files
on um 99 of our politicians and our lobbyists and uh our judges and so on and so
forth so does alan dershowitz which is why he's not being prosecuted these are
people who have extorted america and our eyes are open at this point the problem
isn't uh being woke the problem is what do you do once you're woke how does that
change anything you know if you're able to see the corruption but you're powerless
to do anything about it that's one thing that we all need to discuss but i want to
show my support to the israeli people who are now demanding that nahu stepped down
i think should be taken a step further i think he should be criminally prosecuted
before january um given a fair trial you know trials need to be fair but i think um
everything needs to come out and i think if the israeli people really want to show
the american people that they are our staunch ally that they will show us the
information collected on our politicians they will reveal the honey pots and the
extortion schemes that they have visited upon our nation so some might interpret
this message as anti-semitic it's actually not it's praising the israelis um i
reject the term anti-semite i think it's a meaningless term i really do i think
that we deal with uh jewish who believe that they're better than everybody and they
commit crimes believing that they're uh sanctified to do so i don't think it's
anti-semitic to say that i get accused of uh being anti-semitic because i find
support for adam green and for titus frost and for others steve odrum so on and so
forth i think that there's logical arguments being made um you know it'd be one
thing if uh if epstein island didn't exist or the evidence wasn't concrete with the
levon affair or the uss liberty never happened was paying security services and
propaganda machines to further defile his victims sounds a lot like a guy in palm
beach him in his little master plan which is uh not working out well for him his
reputation continues to deteriorate he's looking more and more frantic now in his
mind he's got a bully mindset which is uh he's going to go ahead and pick on uh the
poorest among us because those will be the easiest wins he doesn't understand what
we know and that has not been revealed yet but it will be revealed i don't think
he's going to have a restful night of sleep for the rest of
okay a little bit more on how Manuel service does not get what's going on and he
better lawyer up I think that's a good idea that you do this here's the thing do
you actually think that a Beverly Hills attorney and by the way is Persian do you
think that he would waste his time with five hundred dollars no it's five hundred
dollars plus damages mister cheves do you understand that that's was hanging it
over your head and they're gonna ascertain how badly your victim was traumatized
and the next thing is there can be referral over to the local DEA or local police
and they'll take a look at this and they'll say is it within the two-year statute
oh it sure is December 2018 so you need to understand what's going down I don't
think you do I think you you're just being a bragger as usual telling your little
clients who will donate $20 and $50 or in there just how smart you are no you can
outthink everybody well this time didn't work so well and guess what I'm gonna tell
you what I'm gonna do before I'm gonna do it that discovery is going to work for me
because a lot is gonna be uncovered and when you have a criminal network where
you're also grifting you're asking for money then it becomes a criminal conspiracy
so that's where it's at all your communications with Esteban and maybe some other
nefarious people maybe communications with the atom and by the way there is
something is called spoliation and i think that even if you try to get rid of
things that's not it's not gonna work because you know who's gonna be subpoenaed
well paid for mail on Twitter and any other platform you're working on including
discord and maybe a stack gets subpoenaed or maybe he's asked to provide some more
evidence you know the the the $50 a week you mentioned with Miss Blackburn or mrs.
Blackburn that's not gonna really do anything and also the reason why I'm so
easygoing about this thing is yeah I didn't engage in any extortion and as far as
her she threw money at me and I threw artifacts at her if it's a loan you have
what's called a bilateral contract and there was none of that so there we are mr.
Chavez I told you before that we were gonna make sure that your criminal network
was exposed and then broken up you thought you were ahead of the pack you are
now this is amazing this is Jethro see that there's Jethro that's the girl Friday
for topango and she's a huge leader right so you guys remember the article that
came out from will summer well what if we can link will summer to a conspiracy
theory hmm there's one from culturalism it says Isaac happy died after jumping off
in the Arizona Bridge interesting timing on this article Hugh Slayer will summer is
not stupid just kidding yes so here's will summer directly tied to defending go
isn't that interesting so here's what I surmise happened I think that the fango
ordered The Daily Beast article and will summer got pissed off at two phango saying
he didn't create you you liar and so he took him to task now Steph Ango ordered the
article because he wanted me to be the focus of it and what did you think of belly
ate about the most being portrayed as a right-wing activist he went on a show and
he complained I've always voted I'm still a registered Democrat so that is your
tell right there and here we are Hugh Slayer will summer keep on repeating that
forever so we can definitely tie conspiracy theorists will summer of The Daily
Beast's with conspiracy idiot Manny Shabbos of course
September 1, 2020
2020-09-01 20:16:37 UTC
so dave acton actually provided us with some exciting news um for those following
the goodman rds suit goodman supplied what is in legal terms called a supplemental
uh but pointed out um attacks on him that were preceded by money that went from
tanya cornwell to a certain person we affectionately call meatball who's been known
to take money to attack people so it looks like meatball might be in some legal hot
water because you can't um accept money under these circumstances uh especially
knowing that you're getting paid when there is a situation that results in rewards
penalties um etc so this is going to be interesting i don't think steve biss knew
anything about it um but his wife certainly did she has a history of donating to
youtube but you can't use that excuse saying well i donated to other people uh it
looks to me like this is a lot more forensic and specific so um right now the new
york attorney general is a lady named tish james she has a staff that probably
numbers 50 and of that she's probably got 20 law clerks who do what's called llr
for her law library research so if it is proven that meatball received 1500 on
august 1st 2017 and that sometime within a fortnight um mr goodman was attacked um
that's not gonna look good i don't think anything can happen to steve because um
you know from every interaction i've had with him he doesn't want to get involved
he he just wants to do his paperwork but from what i've seen with uh miss cornwell
she's perfectly perfectly capable of this very dishonest very cunning very
deceitful uh kind of like meatball so this would be something that they would
definitely get away with doing it and i have a feeling the judge is going to zero
in on this because it has to do with money it has to do with the legal justice
system so
hi everybody so it's like the specter that won't go away and I was told that Dave
swagger it made a video regarding well his righteous anger at being falsely accused
which is what I've had happen to me Dave and by the way you are Germanic at least
your ancestry is so please pronounce schadenfreude ax like a true German thanks
Dave okay so let's get to it you're wrong again it's you know you pointed at Jacki
Weaver and say what a great investigator that's cockamamie take a look at what
Steve o trem did he basically calls for tracking the leopard misled and llama is no
different llama goes ahead and publicly says that you know that I'm included in an
email where I know someone named Lilith Starchild and that's not true that's an
email that apparently came from defago who was represented by this I wasn't and
Defago who went into business with RDS I didn't and two-finger who took $1,500 on
August 1st 2017 I didn't you know that was 2017 and shadowbox was an entity at that
point and none of us knew only to fango did so it seems to me that you were also
giving money to Chavez in 2018 this is a guy who has admitted being a government
informant and so if you're gonna go ahead and try to propose that I even knew who
you were in 2017 I didn't try to propose that I ever pointed a finger at you
accusing you of doing anything I didn't so it'd be pretty much thrown out of court
if you're gonna go name me I'm just telling you I'm not angry I find you humorous I
know that you don't like me but the good news is I went from being a musician to
being just like you a vlogger so I have my constituency and you might get 45 out of
Corona infested China and I'll get 70 out of corona virus infected America and
people are watching so there's no evidence you can scrape the web I didn't talk
shit about you at all well I called you crazy at one point because he kept on
mentioning me after I didn't know who you were and I do find you to be a humorous
and smart guy and I think that your LARPing I think that you're actually good
enough investigator to know exactly what the truth is and so I'm gonna give you
some truth Chavez has been playing you he went ahead and he sent his proxies to
falsely accuse you of a lot of things including being in business with me and those
proxies including Marcus and toothfairy and others and you need some toothpicks to
open up your eyes you don't scare me not at all and I think that you know damn well
because you're not an idiot that if you go ahead and file something with my name on
it that I can prove to be frivolous and you've got exposure and you don't want that
so once again I'm going to give you the straight scoop okay as we are discussing
things back and forth I didn't know you in 2017 not in 2017 or 2018 did myself or
shadowbox ever attack you or try to falsely blame you shadowbox was not an agency
that ever attacked Jason Goodman shadowbox wasn't anything important it was a small
short-lived company with I think four or five clients Chavez tried to take it over
try to infiltrate it there's proof of that Chavez then left the company and tried
to financially extraordin so that's what's coming out as far as llama you know
she's got something going on with uh with defago and she has her own vo syncretic
behavior she is hated by well-traveled fox well travel fox has repeatedly accused
Jimmy's llama of being dishonest Jimmy's llama refuses to call out ray Johansson
who claims to run an anonymous Norway so you're not doing a very good job
investigating Dave I'm telling you you you're usually much better at this you
really are and look there's been all sorts of rumors about you and Chavez and I
think you might want to explain what your relationship has been with Chavez I know
that you know you said you were gonna sue him and then you ended up showing up on a
show and he seemed to dominate it was kind of weird I watched that show it was it
was pretty weird does he dominate you does he have something on you Dave that's
what I want to know because you seemed to make a lot of noise about him but when it
comes to pulling the trigger you won't actually sue him that doesn't seem to happen
and he seems to keep on you know talking smack about you publicly you know he's
causal culture horrible names he's accused to have all sorts of horrible shit I
haven't I maintain a degree of social etiquette because I know that these videos
and everything that comes out of my mouth could be before a court of law and I
certainly want to demonstrate that not one of your attackers and I think that if oh
and by the way I download everything the topango has ever said about you and he's
deleted some things but I've got some some things that would not make him happy
he's attacked you Dave and you seem to be going easy on him and a lot of people are
scratching their heads I'm
okay another black screen video just have to answer a couple questions people have
been throwing at me um evidently dave acton referred to me as uh a friend of ed
butaski's or a sidekick or something uh no dave i can't stand that guy that guy um
i thought was a artist uh is he connected yeah he is uh more towards financial guys
he knows sheldon adelson who i think is uh one of the most wicked men in the world
you know who he is of course right las vegas sam's and mob activity uh then there's
another thing too dave go check out uh marcus conte's newest video his um
viewership has gone way down but supposedly at 13 minutes he starts ranting about
you and me and others so you know it's kind of uh kind of like um truth convoy but
with 11 or 12 more teeth so uh once again here's where i think that we're getting
plagued by america we have allowed these people like les wexner who has been
running extortion options 60s and people like hugh hefner and people like jeffrey
epstein to run rogue and it's not just the american people it's the world saying
why aren't you excavating every inch of epstein island you know why aren't people
being arrested and that goes to trump too you know trump what happened to you're
going to prosecute hillary and why isn't comey mccabe peter schwerk you know why
aren't they being prosecuted it makes the american public feel that these are
people that will never be prosecuted that the criminal justice system uh does not
refer to them they will make laws and they will break laws and there will be
absolutely no repercussions none so you think biden's gonna change that people no
biden's just another one on a long list but with trump you know i gotta say i'm
really disappointed i am he snuggled up to netanyahu we now know that israel's
leader is a criminal it's a criminal and as far as uh the brits you know i love the
brits i have a lot of british friends and a lot of jewish friends too but the brits
you want to talk about an obscenely corrupt government real bad they allowed
pedophilia to go on just like uh israel has been very very instrumental in organ
harvesting especially with syrian kids um and they did epstein island gabe hoffman
will deny it he made a video saying and we saw it had nothing to do with jeffrey
epstein gabe you know you're trying to attack christians that's what you're really
doing you're wrapping it up in uh an anti-semitic rant but in reality you hate
christians it's what you do you hate jesus
well well well denise matthau has decided to take on gabe hoffman so let me tell
you a little bit about an open secret evan hensley who was one of the people
featured in the film he's got a gag order against gabe and from what i understand
gabe settled with him out of court you see what gabe did as gabe falsely accused
evan of being a drug user and not just to evan but to evan's dad i think evan was
barely 21 at the time i've heard other rumors that um well according to isaac cappy
the now deceased isaac cappy anybody who was outed uh during that documentary was
already well known and according to isaac cappy gabe hoffman is a gatekeeper now
isaac mentioned that he was gatekeeping specifically for people like steven
spielberg disney seth green others so uh i guess denise is going to do a very uh
powerful deep dive within the next 24 hours here's my prediction it will probably
be one of the most popular youtubes that denise has ever done because [Music]
there's a lot to look into and in particular here's where you want to go denise
isaac cappy died on may 13th 2019. there's a lot of mysteries surrounding his death
gabe was pounding the table on may 14th the day that the public learned of his
death saying it was a suicide it was a suicide two weeks later on may 27th gabe was
pointing at me saying all researchers and fans of isaac should point their
attention their attention towards thomas schoenberger now i never had a fight with
isaac got along with him well probably had less than 15 interactions with him when
he first came to my attention it was because duality man pointed out and said hey
thomas take a look at this guy he's uh he's basically accusing seth green and
claire grant seth's wife he accused them of having a child torture chamber in their
dungeon quote unquote so why was i accused why were other people jumping in on the
bandwagon well the common story is that um gabe had something to do with the death
and the cover-up now as far as me i've been trying to answer that question for a
long time so as far as gabe's background grew up in new jersey supposedly at 23
years of age he was given a whole bunch of money from the nefarious people to run a
hedge fund and from the performance of the hedge fund i think people have lost two-
thirds of their money he went heavily uh in as a short seller against tesla against
elon musk and that has not served him well so other than that i suggest you knock
yourself out you know it's interesting you're from boston he's from new jersey i'm
sure denise you can find all sorts of things there and listen i've been pretty hard
on you i applaud you for resisting this attorney's attempt to silence you i've
taken the same route and served others owen benjamin uh and many others and the
more that we uh reject this guy's terrorism and that's what it is you know it
really what it is um he is a zealot gabe hoffman is a zealot and he has no problem
outing christian but the only time that he pays attention to jewish pedophiles is
when they're already out as in harvey weinstein and jeffrey epstein um you know
let's see it take on some rabbis who have been diddling little kids let's talk
about that because all religions have pedophiles every single one you know it's not
it's not right just to pick on the christian ones or the catholic ones or or um the
muslim ones how about the jewish pedophiles gabe can you handle that huh don't you
think all pedophilia is wrong doesn't matter what religion you are okay so on this
one let's see how denise does
right spanish k iota means what an idiot that's what you are esteban you traffic in
trauma and fear because you are an angry out of control buffoon at one point you
wrapped yourself up in claimed to the world what an honorable guy you were but
that's not true is it you were engaged in some pretty shady hops which was a cover
for the cia sending coke to america to poison the bloodstreams of our young
children right our teenagers so pretty shady and you know you were doing that stuff
back in the mid 80s he did some further dirty ops over in the middle east didn't
you right you were um i think green zone period baghdad and you were embedded with
a company that later became a part of uh what was formerly eric prince's black
water right was it a double canopy was that it hmm so esteban no one's buying your
story man no one's buying it your little tick tock bullshit and all your crazy
little um attacks on me you know maybe weaver um buys it but that's because she's
blinded by brass and by metal and by ribbons and all that the bottom line is i know
lots of honorable military people and there have been some that have been shady
that's the way it goes you know i like agent 19 and um montegraph you know um and
let's go to montegraph montegraph has very much said that um you know military
people are humans and therefore they have foibles and therefore they're not perfect
um you can go ahead and you can honor the service uh that a military person has
done but also you need to respect their civilian behavior if it's worthy of respect
and as far as esteban know that guy's a loose cannon and i wonder what his real
agenda is i think i know what his real agenda is all i can tell you is that this is
a guy who is obsessed with me yet claims that he's married and by the way esteban
i'm not gay
Infectious soil from France was where the Coronavirus came from
2020-03-10 12:31:44 UTC
very quick video so the Beijing foreign minister is objecting to the term Wuhan
coronavirus and he's saying it may not have originated in China it's actually true
it was taken from soil from the park Beauty some won't which is right here followed
up and basically this is an area where the east of a plague hospital a long time
ago and they even said the park took his name from a bleak Hill which occupies a
site which because of his chemical composition of a soil was almost bare our
vegetation it's basically called Bald Hill and they say burial but it's a soft
month was a Bald Hill the area just outside the island was a persist in the
nineteenth and this is where they had the Zipit of mom's folk home which is a place
with a home and they clearly know so I've been here before and it's a very
interesting they talk about cutting up horse carcasses it's also a place where the
site spread infectious emanations not only to the neighboring areas but following
the direction of the wind over the entire city you see that now was also a place
where there was a plague hospital so this is why scientists who were trained in
Lyon Chinese scientists trained in Lyon and worked at the woman five ology table
that's is where they were taking soil samples so it's what I've been telling you
guys for a while read up on
so I think the American people have definitely lost faith in the Fed now for a long
time people have been saying that's odd at the Fed today they came out they threw
up the white flag and essentially they just said we'll do anything and the market
sold off again another 600 points so it's just with a crazy you know you start to
look at this and it really comes down to we don't trust our financial institutions
and we want to get to the bottom of it so that's what I got to say it's just crap
you know come on president Trump we want to audit
your fraud so this person celeste who works with the other stalkers um her real
name is kelly harris giannini at long beach california feloniously impersonated a
federal officer and when steve otram and myself and others busted her in the act
she went ahead and said oh no i'm a private eye um so really a scumbag she's
stalking me on my channel she has repeatedly stalked uh zach quaid um just really
you know kelly's a creepy creepy girl um i shouldn't say girl because she's pushing
60. but wyatt earp on twitter basically um busted her by gathering her instagram
comments and she was predicting isaac cappy's death 24 hours before it happened
highly suspicious she's also good friends with brett tremble we know that brett has
put out false intel with a guy named ac cain um to try to try to distract um it's
just going on with everybody you know i had some good conversations with hoax force
today and because he was a fellow target uh he's calling everybody out so it's good
and he sees exactly what's going on good man i like oak forest i really do i think
he's hilarious he's my favorite comedian on social media he really is so um i
really like him as a human being and he's really coming out swinging so let's get
on to the big stuff right now uh it appears that the coronavirus is a lot worse
than there was um something on tucker carlson last night i didn't see it but
there's a gentleman who um to now the major music and gordon chang that uh you know
chinese authorities are overwhelmed and they don't know what to do and they're um
they're hiding how many are dead this is a guy who was the author of the book the
coming collapse of china and he basically talks about when about five million
people before the quarantine was supposed that's frightening and they're saying
look it's going to go to shanghai and if it hits beijing oh boy so if 5 million
people left where would they go well if you have a little bit of money you want to
get out of china so you go to bangkok right maybe you go somewhere else europe and
that basically there's a hospital worker named jose lu who says um there are far
more cases than official figures suggest because a waiting list for diagnosis is so
long so it's pretty huge and if i'm right i think it's going to get a lot bigger
but i want to caution people this is the first wave first wave is usually the
weakest viruses are smart they will mutate so you know it's going to be an economic
impact as well uh china's the second biggest economy um that may be good for us in
the short term but um we know that china um covers up things um if you accurately
report death you can be executed for fear-mongering um if you falsify the death
count you could be executed for false fighting the death count if you fail to stop
the spread you're executed for failing to stop the spread that i just mentioned um
the a b and c category you're actually excited for blaming those people um you know
the lies gonna keep coming until a lies refute lies so it's going to get worse and
it's going to hit here and new york better watch out los angeles probably a lot
better a lot better because people can cocoon they're pretty safely but not new
york that's gonna be ground zero
hi everybody it's me i'm still alive you know it's funny i've been looking at the
stock market and thinking that if anybody wanted a short lipstick stock big good
day to do it uh at any rate who knows how long the mass culture will continue it
used to be reserved for salons and galas and of course um leper colonies so maybe
that's what we are a combination of all of it seems like they're trying to change
our diet to one of uh bacon you know bacon and orange juice not necessarily very
good for you um i do want to say that your contributions have been wonderful i've
been very grateful it's helped me in the battle that i need to wage which is an
unfair battle uh from a monetary standpoint and from a moral standpoint so um you
have to look a little bit for my uh for my uh paypal but you'll find it youtube
videos so at any rate um it's no secret now since it got out in court that i got
injured and it's true um i do have some injuries and it came from a slip and fall
and i've had dozens and dozens of stitches and um it's impacted me but i will
recover like i always do and nothing stops me that's um shit i guess the grim
reaper will one day stop me but that day has not arrived and i believe that when
you die you die with your boot son you die being a man you die fighting if you have
to you die protecting and defending and that's that that's what i'll continue to do
okay so it looks like Diane Nordstrom has been called out by both lipoma hand gave
Acton to So La Poste says Diane nor from his Anna posture and an idiot and it's
being liked by people so especially Dave so I think he sees right through her and
you know she is gonna have some issues pretty soon she has really crossed the line
she has reported to the state by multiple people now she's also gonna have some
issues with coronavirus you see it's hitting New York real hard it's doubled in
three days there's 25,000 cases and that's only gonna grow if that happens thrice
75,000 people actually more you know it's 200,000 people if it doubles and doubles
and doubles so and then it's gonna head towards her town Jamestown which is um
southern shadow quad I believe the county it's about an hour and a half away from
Buffalo I think a couple hours of two and a half hours from Cleveland I've been
there before maybe 15 years ago at any rate it is going to hit that area because
it's traveling across the state of New York so it'll hit in the other direction too
Nayak and you know upstate New York so it has hit New York hard it makes me wonder
if this is a bio weapon would that be a slap across the face to trump would it be
simply because it's such a busy international hub but it is wiping people out New
York is a very expensive place to live and you know California - it used to be
Tokyo was a crazy place you know crazy expenses or Switzerland for that matter and
talking about California you know it's starting to head up from San Francisco into
Marin and now Napa has a couple cave cases and you know talking about Napa you know
that's one of the wedding capitals of the world so weddings are being postponed
they have all the wineries there and they're being whacked they've got world-class
restaurants there they're being killed it's too bad you know I talked to friends
because I lived there for a long time and they're just telling me first the
earthquake then the fire and now this and there's people who are literally quitting
there basically he's saying I'm getting out and you've got this inversion layer
okay you guys could have to take a look at this it's important here's Raymond
Johnson lying about Trevor and this Kitty on the lady says just an FYI Trevor first
Gibbon was participating in a March 2018 event to reconnect Julianne you need to be
4j was founded in June 2018 and I became an admin then eternity for Jay has never
worked with TF Trevor first Gibbons nor is he a member of the Unity forge a
discourse over to my knowledge I hope this clears up and then thanks that's what
Raymond says the people that worked with Fitzgibbon use a different name got it but
you still advocate with me that people under court order or investigation should
inform the ones they work with okay so we're going through the stuff and then
stretch our comes in you needed for J was founded in June 2018 I became an admin
then this is from September 2018 and the admin or the one calling the shots Uzi I
was there I also remembered to fango offering to make money out of thin air with a
crypto scam I actually do remember that and kitty says of course Suzie was there of
course she was calling the shots she founded unity for J with the Elizabeth Voss of
course she had to have 1520 admins to help her you're stating the obvious as a
premise and implying baseless knowledge nonsense use he killed play Association as
a conclusion all right and then she says in fact she's addressing the staff
Cheshire iron he goes by now scrolling down and viewing all your tweets to Ray
alone use exactly and so he replies the WikiLeaks shop and then why does it bother
you kitty says why is it even your business what crime is with the leaf shocked
committed that was justified unity for he calls out the weekly shop and then she
says you defend go join unity for J in June and was removed from unity for J after
a few weeks survey says my ass for several rural and then Suzy Dawson said that she
considered him suspicious he was concerned that he might be an agent CIA I believe
I don't know any more details than that for more information you'd have to have
Susie so yeah you know once again it dis looks like Topanga was working for some
well i just listened to spooky steven's video and as he discusses how precise he is
in his um review of facts and his admission that he's a former special ops well we
know he makes mistakes and we know he suffers from arrogance he describes michael
aquino in 1986 as a satanist and that's incorrect he was a setian by that time i
think he should do a little bit more research there spooky steve uh and the second
thing is as far as uh steve otrum and this uh ex-girlfriend who had bile in her
throat you go ahead and you take her detritus that she threw out there as she was
trying to money grab steve and she failed miserably so you're a person who hits
below the belt esteban and for a special operator like you claim to be you're
pretty incompetent you have publicly stated that you have lined yourself with mambo
chavez and arturo romo and that i was a shared target you made both public and
private admissions of this that doesn't show a high degree providence um i don't
think that you were thinking ahead i think that you're controlled by your ptsd
rages and i think that you have a beginner's knowledge of enochian magic i really
do as far as your nickname the magician is that because you got out of lies deftly
because of your silver tongue i don't trust you esteban one bit as far as steve
he's not my partner he's a evidence-based researcher who does a damn good job and
what john d and edward kelly did they summoned demons so get your facts
hey Dave you know what you dinner look delicious so you know spoiler alert I'm not
on probation in Napa County and by the way I'm your fan alright I'm not like the
others it's certainly not like Chavez or you know DMC Denise in fact I don't cut
you down I don't excoriate you I'm your fan however you came up with a really
shitty idea tonight and I gotta call you on it you're talking about the popularity
you have in Red China and you're talking about embroidery don't you understand that
the coronaviruses can live on surfaces for two weeks and that means embroidery so
if you're talking about receiving quilting from any of the three stooges that's a
risky proposition so Dave let me make it really clear to you okay I like you I'm
your fan I think you're ready I think that uh Sudarshana was carrying water for
Diane nutbag Nordstrom and that was my concern that was right but otherwise I think
you're a genius I think you're really very smart very humorous a great comedic
talent if I ever run into you know a movie or TV project that needs a sharp wit
I'll recommend you okay how's that so you can assume efore complement to you good
well I guess I lied I'm doing another one I want you to take a look very closely at
the nice in George she's the next part of the Epstein SIOP she's the Attorney
General of the Virgin Islands she was appointed in 2019 what cenotes is you go
through her res as if she was born and raised in the Virgin Islands Catholic school
and then went into radio television of film so she was a local reporter okay get
that and then she goes and she gets her probably mb JD and you know a JD MBA from
Howard University and then what she ends up doing is clerking for a couple judges
and then she goes into civil that and then for 18 years she is the assistant
attorney general okay get that from 2000 to 2018 and this is when Epstein island
was super active and this woman is looking at white collar in public corruption and
then child abuse and somehow she never investigated Epstein Island until now and
it's now gone public this is bullshit all right this is um this woman should have
been on it as assistant AG when they when these things were happening in fact was
there any investigation even as Epstein was charged and convicted in a Florida
Court no there was none so this is a game guys I'm sure I'm sure Titus and and big
fish and Steve are already aware of this woman but seven hours ago came out and
said we're investigating Epstein it's a joke you've had 18 years to do it and
didn't so you know this is
More clues the coronavirus is actually the return of the dreaded Spanish influenza
2020-04-03 16:00:55 UTC
this is looking more and more like Spanish Influenza so area of this is video
Giorgio gory there's a major program oh and he's saying servant oh fuck oh they
totally of this area possibility is simply beautiful font oh okay so the divide
between the official and the plausible infection rate grows wider and then the
official rate was up at 115,000 and the case totality possible right 1.2 million
minimum is seven hundred eighty thousand maximum two point seven million so that is
shocking and I'm actually not surprised at all and so we get into an article here
because I do it then what he's basically saying this he calculates it with further
testing it's gonna be about 2.2 percent that were they were affected and died a
little over 2,000 where they said to die but it's a lot higher there so he saved
between 4500 and 5000 that's 26 percent a program most province population so this
is a man who knows his area very well who has administered over it for a while and
here's where it gets really interesting so you've got a 30 percent which fits in
exactly with what Spanish Influenza did it affected around a third of the world it
killed around 11.5 percent of those people and then he says from the official
figures who Pierce at the fatality rate in Italy is around 12 percent this is
mirroring Spanish influenza it is an absolute mirror you can't get away from it and
so once again what you've the world knew that there was something that was going to
infect 1/3 of the globe and then go ahead and tell 11 to 12 percent of those
affected they would want to mitigate panic they would know something huge is going
down they would promote an agenda of self-isolation to try to stop it and then they
would effects the figures now this is the first wave if they know a second wave was
coming so with the first wave once again they would purposely choose to throw
comorbidity patients into the coded death pile and the reason being is that they
want to mitigate the shock that's coming so you've got a guy who that stays for
leukemia and of course he got sick and died well that's got to be coded right so
they're gonna keep on pushing this so they can t synthesize us to the point where
we're saying okay the worst of us over I'm still alive I'm gonna go back to work
because if they spook the firemen are most two months we
so I got a message from someone who said that I'm a fear mongerer that the corona
virus is not that bad and that you know there's four seasons and things work on
clockwork let's see what else did he say he says even though things look bad in the
winter we know that spring will come around the spring equinox March 20th or 21st
the birds will come out and everything will be right in this world Thomas you're
talking about 1918 as if we haven't made giant strides in medicine okay so where do
I start with that okay dr. K I'm not gonna give you last name what happened between
October okay so let's get into some history spring doesn't always occur on the
equinox at least not historically the Julian calendar was established in 45 BC and
by the mid 15 70s was 10 days behind the real seasons of the year the spring
equinox was occurring on March 12th roughly and Easter because they had an
arbitrary March 22nd equinox Tate was falling way too late into the real springtime
so all this happens because the earth year according to Julius Caesar is 11 minutes
shorter than the 365 and 1/4 days that Emperor Caesar declared it's actually 365
days 5 hours 48 minutes and 46 seconds so there was a drift and drift by 1570 was
pronounced if you kept it up well Easter would eventually be observed in the middle
of Summoner and Christmas would have been sometime around a pole so enter Pope
Gregory in the 13th he has to fix this thing so he hires this rather creative
mathematician he was a Jesuit astronomer named Christopher Claudius and many hired
of doctor called Elijah's lilius and they headed up a commission that had both
Claire gay and scientist so the clergy wanted to please the Pope and the scientist
wanted to please their their sense of reason so they went back and forth for five
six years and finally they came up with the solution which was they wanted to
eliminate three leap years for every 400 years and that's years ending in zero zero
unless they're divisible by 400 so that would stop the creep right there might be
some over Corrections and under Corrections but you know it'd be roughly perfect so
they needed to come up with a drastic solution so they decided we need to eradicate
ten days and of course it was October 4th to October 15th 1582 so they send the
report to the pope and in the middle of september 1580 and he issues a papal bull
in the early spring 1582 and he says this is a new calendar we're going into force
and he wanted to do it knocked over because there were fewer holy days the day
after october 4th was no longer October 5th but October 15th so it was pretty short
notice of course Italy got on board pretty quickly and Spain and Portugal because
they're Catholics right but there was a lot of concern because people were praying
to Pope's all the time and there was you know all sorts of fealty given to churches
for popes people celebrated Saints days so if you were praying to a saint the
thought was it came in 10 days too late he also had to deal with the economic side
the wages and the interests in the rents right so the Catholic countries got on
board but yet some blowback in Frankfurt Germany there was a mob that rioted
against the Pope and burned the mathematicians in effigy and then if you jump over
to France well you've got Henry the fourth didn't get around to it until December
because he would have had blowback and riots you had Antwerp and Amsterdam and Den
Haag and others in the Low Countries who literally didn't get to until the third
week of December so they missed Christmas they jumped from December 21st to New
Year's Day 1583 so that was how the Gregorian calendar came into force and for
someone to tell me that spring will always occur on these dates well you're
absolutely wrong
we interrupt this youtube to bring you an important commercial from jane and on the
stat is the worst researcher i've
2020-06-26 04:56:13 UTC
so so much to catch up on you know the question of the day right now is qualified
immunity and tucker carlson is promoting it I actually am fully against that I have
dealt with a corrupt District Attorney and a corrupt cop and I think and no
officers above the law no citizen should be either that includes presidents ex-
presidents congressmen senators Auto Detailers Chimney Sweeps and so on the next
thing that we're learning right now is with the cove ed scare once again I you had
overnight 90% of the people who were treated with them laters died we're now
learning that the CDC had told us that 2.4 million Americans had the virus right
and now they're saying it's 20 million I'm assuming that's based on serology tests
which are you know more tests designed for find antibodies so once again I'm gonna
repeat what I've been saying since January you guys fucked up this is not the
corona virus right that's a sheathing mechanism you have to deal with the bacterial
reality we were dealing with the derivation of the pandemic of 1918 1919 and that's
what's gonna happen this winter which is uh you know it's going to be messed up
people are gonna die right now they're talking about how it's affecting people in
their 20s and 30s and that is exactly what happened with than the pandemic of 1918
and 1919 didn't start out that way but you started to see that midway through 1918
so I you've got these Health Organization's and these epidemiologists and
pathologists who are giving the most confusing data on this it just shows it it
doesn't matter if you have a gavel or a white jacket and a stethoscope fuck the
experts all right they all seem to be in one big massive confusion it really does
you know the third thing is someone said well you know you never have anything bad
to say about Trump oh yeah you know what why the fuck isn't alan dershowitz being
prosecuted and hillary and Comey and mccabe and all those people you know Trump is
like the judge who you know speaks sternly but sentences leading that's how I feel
so what I'd like to see from Trump is start taking down the mastodons start start
showing the American people that you're serious about the rule of law and order
right we know how the Hillary thing was set up do something about it don't sit
there on Twitter and complain go ahead and use your Department of Justice and start
to put brackets on these motherfuckers that's how I feel so and that I would say to
any politician running for the presidency of the United States you know this it's
crazy for you know we've gotten to a point where the feeling of turning someone's
reputation into public spectacle is punishment enough for crimes against the
American people and I say bullshit I say bullshit I think these these people should
be prosecuted I think Hillary should be fully investigated and prosecuted I think
Bill Clinton too I think Obama I think look into bush definitely definitely Dick
Cheney you know there's a bunch of bad guys out there and that's the problem which
is we've got a media that is complicit with the lawbreakers who are in charge of
the system right we've got corruption throughout the body right now and the problem
is if we bring into this dramatic environment the specter of more lockdowns then
it's really bad it's no small business is the engine of the Train we call America
and without small business it's like we don't have any vitamins in our body we're
gonna get scurvy we're gonna go ahead and get bone cancer and coronaries in all of
this so there's a lot to be pissed off about but you've gotta be smart even with
your anger which is you go out in protest it doesn't work do go out and vote no
voter fraud what do you do you can't overthrow the government you'll go to prison
for a long time so what do you do and at the end of the day once again you create
your own internal Renaissance as' so ah in local news the news of the post truth
community looks like Esteban to the heel deagle tienes is in a battle right now
with Gabe Hoffman and that's getting very interesting you can find that on Twitter
so apparently Jackie Weaver's dance card is filled and it's prom night Jackie what
side do you choose all right you weighed in and supported both of them and they're
right now at war so you have gotten yourself involved in these matters you know no
one's put a gun to your head and said blog go blog lady so Jackie Weaver I'd like
to know where you stand with what's going on with gaben with Esteban Esteban Phil's
used I very interested in finding out what the reason for that was and I also want
to know why Tania corn well I think it's corn well is out on a certain program
trying to promote Gabe suing Steve ultram you know I consider Steve a real trusted
human being I consider him a good friend I've never met him but you will find no
conspiracies in our communications I've never asked him to lie or vice-versa we
have never done anything unethical together ever I and if there was a lawsuit and
that all came out and discovery the cross complaint would be pretty hefty you know
I'm a poor guy my wealth isn't music steve has resources and he's smarter self is
smarter than me I'll tell you that definitely legally smarter than me knows his way
around a courtroom and it's a better organizer you know I'm chaotic and my thinking
I admit it I'm a creative sort but he's both a tech guy and quite the analyst so I
don't think there's going to be a lawsuit against him because Gabe would understand
that it would end in failure and I think that Tonya pushing such things on public
channels is foolish I think that her husband will probably rebuke her on this one I
would hope so my experiences with Steve this have always led me to conclude that
he's rational not out of control you know the a married of very smart lady who's
very passionate about things but she's also all over the map and he knows it you
know just like my ex-girlfriend was like that yeah though it happens all right
we've all dated people who are all over the map they can be very exciting
I wanted you to take a look at this so swimmer I realized it's from yesterday
December 16th 2019 and swimmer young man Zach Quaid who has been harassed and
stalked by Gabe Hoffman gave Hoffman has not only publicly stated that Zach is
mentally ill Gabe contacted his ex mother his ex 26 he's not 16 why is he stalking
this man's family so he's talked about that so as you can see Zach said I'm under
threat and do not feel safe I've since learned that he is in a safe house in fear
for his life so if Gabe often is making a declarative statement saying mentally ill
then why would he want to intimidate him you know he he claimed publicly that he
was taking a gentle and compassionate approach so let's talk about the nature of
how bullies operate a lot of times they make false accusations now I'm learning
this because I've been the recipient of bullying like like nobody else so that's
the hallmark of bullies they'll make false allegations so sometimes throw a little
bit of truth in there you know what they said about me for instance Diane Nordstrom
she claimed at one point I spent 88 days in jail no no and I didn't spend 78 or 68
or 58 or 48 or 38 or 28 so another hallmark is they will not that's called target
minimization that's my term for it which is they want to minimize what you've done
in the world and they want to embarrass you so part of what they've done with me is
they don't talk about my music they don't talk about what I do they'll talk about
everything else and then if they do talk about me my music it's um well he stole it
he's a con man he doesn't compose Diane norstrom said oh it's obviously way
superior to anything they could come out of you know that horrible human being so
that's a bullying tactic the most important thing is the isolation tactics which is
ostracism and what they want is they want to isolate you from everybody they will
attack anybody who shows you support the idea is to intimidate you into suicide or
intimidate you into feeling suicidal or intimidate you into isolation and then kill
you so another thing they do is if you're the target let's call it they want to
hold you to a different standard they will judge you harshly and criticize you if
you defend yourself so that's another hallmark that I've seen another thing is what
they do online which is they will spread the most vile and destructive rumors they
tend to be adept gossips and they're also cheerleaders they are in the business of
intimidation mercenary they want to encourage people especially online to turn
against the target that's how bullies operate they feel they have greater muscle
when they gain allies and what you will see is flock psychopathy that's what I'll
call it which is Psychopaths tend to flock together so it's all these elements that
you're gonna see that define crowd stalking that's what we're gonna call it now
crowd stop it's all about singling out a target and purposely making sure he feels
or she feels small insignificant and it should be an object of isolation and
another thing that they do is they will cross the line but a lot of times they
don't they'll be in the midst of displaying very undignified behavior it's not
illegal but it's undignified and the final thing I'm gonna say is the dock scene
which is using confidential information or information that appears to be
confidential to humiliate the target so these are the hallmarks that you look for I
think you guys all recognize it
in just the case you think I'm kidding here's Brett Trimble as a new member hey and
he says and just to be fair Kelly Harris Giannini and Jeffery Farnsworth who goes
by Gio Harris by the way and Ella high priest and myself knew no Isaac Fiona out
trim that me Steve silver that means me Nathan at all better than anyone here so
why would this guy be lying through his teeth this X Intel guy who was complicit
with trying to throw fake data disinformation out there and why would Corey Daniel
stick very very closely to these people Kelly Giannini he's friends with Brett
Trimble he's friends with he gave a softball interview to Ella high priests he said
nothing but give an interview for Jeffery Farnsworth saying he was the last guy to
ever talk to Isaac alive I think what we're doing is we're uncovering the anatomy
of a murder
You're only truly woke when they don't have the ability to put you back to sleep
2020-04-25 16:58:25 UTC
so a lot of people have misconceptions about fame to be honest the things that are
viral or usually allowed to be viral because the powers that be are uh very careful
about what is allowed to slip into public consciousness so when you see something
take off and it may have the appearance of something revolutionary or anti-
government or anti-corporate um it's usually a psyop it is and that includes all
sorts of actors in the uh truth movement the michael cernovitzes and um i can name
others i'm not going to um but you guys know what i'm talking about even down to
the people who are uh gatekeepers for a very large global uh pedophile community
and i don't have to say much more about that but it's the people who were
pretending to be the the uh greatest haters of going back to what um my thesis on
this talk is is that with fame um things are allowed to become famous because
they're deemed safe to the deep nation i don't use deep state i use deep nation
because i think it's global and i think it's a better description and it goes
throughout time i'm a musician i can take a look at mozart and i can say okay his
father did come up with a novel idea which is to take his children on tour and to
attempt to um get audiences of high net worth the royalty so mozart did go on tour
when he was seven along with his sister who's a couple years older and they toured
88 cities they played for the elector of mannheim and they played for uh the
empress maria they would go to these uh centers in europe and they would petition
to give a concert ostensibly for free and then they would receive gifts whether
they were stuff boxes or the coin of the realm louis diors or ducketts there's um a
story that at one point mozart was in uh the hall of mirrors at schonbrunn which is
where maria theresa lived and uh he had done a concert i think he was seven years
old and he slipped and he fell and of course the floors were highly polished and um
the men of the time and the boys of course wore these uh boots and that you would
have to have pretty good balance not to not to slip and a seven-year-old boy you
can understand volume well the girl who picked him up was none other than marie
antoinette and of course he was a brilliant and hugged her and kissed her and said
i shall marry you which would have been very interesting probably would have been a
much better choice than louis xvi but at any rate mozart had fame as a child star
because the powers that be thought it was okay and he was one of these miracle
children that was good for good for the elites of the time it was very good for
regeneration to say look at what our land has produced a young child who has a
precociousness beyond belief and so um and much to my admiration he started doing
subscription concerts which meant that he wasn't dependent upon royalty and they
were somewhat successful but he never really achieved the prominence that for
instance haydn did during his lifetime it was only after mozart died and his wife
constanza petitioned the state for a stipend uh that the powers that be decided to
make him famous and why because he was the perfect romantic figure he lived during
the classical period but the birth of romanticism started right around the you know
1800 1801 1802 and that was right when costanza was pushing her husband's legacy
and ovra and his work started to be truly recognized as genius um but only after
death now take a look at someone like um let me pick someone modern the beatles all
right the beatles became famous because there were certain people within the record
industry that knew a good thing when they added they knew they could push a lot of
records by taking these young you know 20 21 22 year olds and saying hey we've got
the next best thing now of course they did pick very talented people and the
beatles were very talented but it was only after uh years of lenin speaking his
mind and being um hunted by the fbi we know the file was huge on him that he
suddenly was assassinated uh in december 1980. now who was behind that we don't
know but i wouldn't be surprised if the cia decided enough is enough you know
you're 40 you're going to go into your uh 40s and 50s speaking out against the
government we're going to shut you up and we know that this is true we know that
they uh that they infiltrated um the counterculture absolutely i had a friend of
mine david mcgowan he died of cancer he's really a great guy but he wrote um weird
students inside the canyon and he talked about the military intel connections
between certain rock stars and you know and our military uh jim morrison his father
was an admiral who was responsible for the gulf of konkin which we know now had uh
all the elements of he wrote about frank zappa's father being uh military intel and
there's a lot of them that were so it's almost as if there was programming being
done there and my interest in all of this has to do with things that have been
uncovered over the last five six seven years which includes most certainly being
infiltrated and directed by the cia we know he was infiltrated as early as 1967
this is a guy who had been in prison or jail since he was 14. they let him free and
they assign a federal parole officer who operated in haight ashbury at the free
clinic so here's charlie going in and then suddenly he's got a bevy of these
runaway girls one two three four five it just seemed like he was being trained and
just like we're all being trained just like it's constant training you know that
this is an alphabet boot camp and it's not six weeks it's your lifetime that's how
it really works so my interest was in the zodiac killer because i didn't think it
was the zodiac killer i had information across my path that said it was zodiac
killers and they went ahead and they created a prototype and these were alphabet
attempts to swing the counterculture back into control because the counterculture
revolution started to get away from their grip and therefore they couldn't push the
narrative they wanted to push i even had a short interview with michael aquino who
admitted he admitted that the government was involved with the mansion family and
aquino would know because he served the us government for 40 years this is a guy
who was a practicing satanist and later founded temple of set so once again it goes
into my themes that the government has a long history of being involved in alchemy
just like other governments throughout history it's no different today the
government has been involved in black magic and dark magic satanic links to
government all i have to do is point to jack parsons who founded jpl or so they say
and take a look at him he was going to uh take over golden dawn for alistar crowley
this is a guy who regularly um indulged in the dark side and you see a lot of uh
polyamorous activity with these people you see them basically advocating um the
idea of do what you want you know do what is within your nature and if you take a
look at the mansion killings that was the message which is these guys can go ahead
and kill at abandon and they want to have a revolution sounds to me like that was
clearly the message the cia wanted to put out there and vincent boliosi we know
that he was um running a very very corrupt prosecution i have no doubt that manson
was definitely responsible for the long bianca murders um rosemary and leon
labianca but i'm also as confident that he did not have anything to do with the
sharon tate murders and that might have uh had more to do with the folger fortune
abigail fortuner full vulture was one of the victims and you know the cia they run
a lot of their ops for money so it's a for-profit alphabet and that's been proven
again and again and again so the things that you think you know you don't the
things that you think are viral or not it's all part of a continuing reality boot
camp they want the people diametrically opposed they want us polarized they do not
want to take the blindfold off of us we're basically workers who are hypnotized by
the machine they want us um to listen to hollywood and hollywood itself is not some
innocent entertainment capital it's ground zero for the psyop okay guys we'll talk
more about that later but um i want to start to concentrate on california in the
60s serial killer groups
2020-03-23 17:42:34 UTC
so I don't know anything about this supposes lawsuit I haven't seen paperwork but
what I can tell you is if tiphaine go thinks it's a about $500 then he's not
reading the operative word damages which are going to be huge on him I know I'm
gonna be exited out they'll remove me from the lawsuit because they're gonna see
that the claims are me requests but for topango he's got some serious trouble
so I don't know if people are fully aware of what's happened today and how
significant it is let me try to explain it the Fed went out and they said we're
gonna give essentially unlimited asset purchases and no-one's asking how they're
gonna pay for it the Federal Reserve that makes no income paying for trillions of
dollars in spending money is not an asset they're gonna dilute the value of the US
dollar and the Federal Reserve is no longer even pretending to try to distinguish
between assets and liabilities they're printing money and buying junk as if it was
treasure this is not good news it's you know quantitative easing for lack of a
better word they're going to use the recession word no it's a depression and
there's going to be far more turmoil in the global financial markets the Fed
balance sheet has hit an all-time high higher than what they call it the Great
Recession which was actually a subsidized depression and by that I meant they had
food stamps and a bunch of other things we're in uncharted is not good that's
that's all I know it they're pushing the fake economy now they can go ahead and try
to blame Trump I don't think that's right I don't like his choice of Steve mention
he was a foreclosure King very involved with you know all the little special
instruments the SUVs and all that crap back in 2008 that got us into another mess
what we're really doing is kicking the can down the road but I don't think there's
any more road so we might see a multi trillion-dollar derivative bust you know and
you know what could be better than you know a trillion of unpacked fiat currency
two trillion of um back fiat currency and what we need to ask is why are the people
not coming first why I heard the corporations coming first and I think that's gonna
change the bottom line is we need to audit the central bank we need to audit the
Federal Reserve these are the money guys that have been in power for a long time
you know it used to be Alan Greenspan and he would raise an eyebrow a little bit
and everybody would interpret it one way and the market would move it was like a
god of money and then Bernanke blew it in 2007 by predicting a soft landing and
only cutting the quarter interest rate and of course he didn't see what was coming
all of that was probably engineered to you know we got to take a look very closely
at the Federal Reserve it cannot be an instrument of the government and we mean
unaudited you know they're hiding a whole bunch of crap so Trump could actually be
quite a hero if he said I'm gonna audit the Fed it would wreak havoc in the markets
but what are we experiencing now you know this was a thirty thousand point stock
market it's been shaved you know forty percent and I think that these clowns on the
financial shows better start using the depression word because come Thursday we're
going to have millions out of work that's what's going to happen when we see the
the jobless claims it's going to be millions and let me remind everybody it was
around two hundred and eighty thousand last Thursday so you're gonna see something
like you've never seen before over and out and thanks guys for the paypal donations
I've had a couple and I
Acts of Mercy
2020-04-04 00:52:16 UTC
all right dave that was uh a pretty good answer i must say um i get it i really do
um you were conducting an act of mercy and i can understand that i actually think
you're an okay guy i think you can be a bully at times but i think that's because
you've been through enough shit and i hope you see me in the same lens because i'm
not some uh notorious internet troll if you take a look at sofia music and that's
uh youtube that's been around since 2013. it was a good thing there was no trolling
and there was a lot of peaceful interaction with people all the way through to may
2018 and that's where manny chavez decided he wanted something that wrong to me and
that's where all the crap started so um there's a reason why i didn't mention the
woman's name um because i do have a sense of decorum because i was raised in a
middle class environment just like you i don't think manny was i think manny was
raised wrong side of the tracks um but that's that and by the way you and i have
some other things in common we had very very strict fathers fathers who probably
engaged in a fair amount of corporal punishment we're also you know the same age
roughly so um i think you gave me a good answer and i appreciated it i'm gonna tell
you a couple things right now number one part of it was to show you that i have
some uh investigative uh skills myself and you know number two i guess is uh i'm
gonna tell you that yeah you're right about paul catrell i did think he was a
medical doctor um so that's that but i still think you guys should debate it
doesn't matter if he gets his uh his degrees online i think that's going to be the
new norm with this pandemic for a while so i think it'd be very interesting uh and
even if you don't want to go on with him check out michael deacon he does a good
show um you know i think that people love you man people think you're a comedic
genius i know i do i think that uh you're hilarious and i don't think you're a bad
guy okay
[Music] [Laughter] the five senses Epstein look when I started getting caught by
the courage of the POTUS mqt that state would be lost to be a big baby [Laughter]
[Music] stars [Music]
hello everybody it's thomas happy august to everybody you know when i do these
videos hopefully it's to teach people um any small minute amount of sagaciousness
that i may possess so i've been around for a long time when i was uh three i
remember watching a man sneeze continually on the tv set and that was actually the
picture of jfk being assassinated he wasn't sneezing he was losing his brain matter
now two of jfk's finest moments were the heroic actions he took after the pt-109
was hit and he swam through shark-infested water to save his comrades one of his
favorite moments to me was his comments on the cia being riddled with a toxic
covertness that was bad for america i still believe that now these days with the
internet and with hacking and with our smartphones the human animal has to deal
with an even more delicate balance of privacy and public exposure women wear
lipstick to simulate estrus that's the condition of being in heat and sexually
available for sexual congress to procreate men wear ties because they are symbols
that are phallic in nature it's my belief that people deserve their privacies and
governments have you notice that the greater the intrusion upon our own personal
privacies the more secretive the government happens to be when i was a kid i drank
water from a hose i played under a sun with no fear of melanoma or child molesters
we walked to school if we had differences there'd be a fistfight on the flip side
you could catch measles and mumps and rheumatic fever but in some ways i feel that
we've these risks to become cyber hermits hot house flowers hunched over our
technologies and now we have a pandemic that has all the earmarks of fuzzy math and
politics and finger-pointing and it's clearly airborne they tell us it's not but
it's airborne they want it to appear as a virus and they want it to appear as a
virus it is particularly lethal to minorities this sounds once more like
politicizing the cdc is a mess the who is a mess these are political entities
they're government mouthpieces and what the government doesn't talk about is the
food pandemic the hormones and all the ungodly ingredients that are going into the
things that we scientists have certainly learned to lengthen our lives but have
they lengthened the beneficial qualities of our lives or has that gone the way of
the dodo bird i hear a lot of people repeating the phrase that we're a nation of
laws but when you become a nation of only law and those that create and enact law
appear to be immune to its penalties you would have to be lacking in brain cells to
not believe that our government agitators are embedded with the protesters i don't
care if it's portland or los angeles or florida there seems to be a uniform effort
to put collective fear in the hearts of police is this really about justice i've
met some bad cops had a cop lie about me i'm a first person to say corruption
should be rooted out from the beginning and unfortunately bad apples are tolerated
until they have long careers and they pull the pin as they say after two decades
most cops are decade professionals overall my interactions with the police have
been professional and i've actually have friends who have become good you know
close friends who are police the agitation that we're seeing right now appears to
be racially centric and i'm telling you right now within a month this is going to
change within two months we're going to see the stock market crash and it's going
to be horrific it's what i've been predicting way back in spring the reason why the
stock market has gone up is it it's been backstopped by the fed they've been buying
corporate bonds they've been taking out everything in their arsenal to keep the
stock market up because people equate the stock market with the economy the equate
wall street with main street we are going to see a doubling of the homeless and yet
the media won't use the word depression they'll use recession and if it's a real
bad depression they'll call it the mother of all recessions like they did in lehman
brothers time 2008-2010 you see the media's job is to it's also there to make us
obey and most importantly it exists as a belief system something to put your faith
into it's a political jungle it's a political jungle that keeps us in a system of
opposition that allows them to govern us they want to keep us diametrically at odds
with each other that's their description so we're given a choice either to be told
that nationalism is a way or socialism is a way you have to keep in mind that both
systems demand feel teaching the state if you truly want to find yourself don't
look without but look within and as much as they poison our food resources and our
skies keep in mind that what you put in your mouth nearly as much as what comes out
of your mouth
now sometimes i get stalkers that are inquisitive they ask questions usually to
draw out answers that they think i have or answers that they think they want so
just me who's really uh jesse davis uh of south bend indiana a man who ignores his
wife as they both go searching for love on the internet he said to ever dawn on you
that back in history medicine was uncommon that's not true it's not true now we've
got antibiotics and granted their wonder however we also have people who are kept
alive artificially the quality of life is bad people are given psychotropic drugs
when we don't truly understand the brain people are given medicines that are worse
than the disease it's a lot of and with medicines a lot of times we believe that
they replace depression is best cured but i don't trust vaccine programs i don't
believe that our government or any government can be trusted i believe that they
will use the air that we breathe to poison the skies i believe that they will use
pharmaceuticals to weaken us i believe that they will use big pharma to oppress us
so jesse davis you're wrong i think there was a certain quality of life that we had
when we were closer to the ground when we weren't hunched over in fact i believe
that the people who are teenagers today will have big problems with scoliosis and
with um their neck and shoulders because we're hunched over in chairs staring at
things a little black box how healthy is that when i was a kid i went out and i i
played hard and i enjoyed laying down in grass and wandering through ponds and
streams and fishing and well outdoors boy but you know what i'm saying so jesse
luck i'm gonna give you some advice now you're mixed up with this esteban character
he's a nut job he's crazy and i know that you think you have a new pal why not pay
attention to your wife you know chasing other men around using a gay bar as a
address to give your creditors that you're avoiding you know either you need to
come out and make that declaration or you need to get serious with your marriage
you really do
No apologies
2020-02-01 16:09:19 UTC
this is going to my friend python hi python i can see how it would look like that
but um bottom line is they've included my my kid my teenager in this tease or mock
an adult but when you start to get into their family members and in particular
their children that's where the gloves go off and you know what i'm talking about
don't you i know you do python because you fought to defend your kid too and i get
it we're both fathers and um arturo is not nor is manuel nor is donna nor are a lot
of these people marcus they don't know what it's like to be a parent you have this
innate and natural drive to protect when people mess with my family the gloves come
off so it is that's my programming and i
have you ever moved away from a place in you find that misfortune has struck where
you used to live some of you know I used to live in the wine country in Northern
California both in Napa city and in Calistoga and I had some incredibly wonderful
times and built up a lot of friendships speaking of those people these days I was
fortunate enough to create a music agency back in 1981 right as the valley started
to take off and that agency became the largest and most popular music agency north
of the Golden Gate Bridge so I would procure all sorts of bands and orchestras and
arrange for meaningless magicians stilt-walkers meet and greet characters and they
pretty much met everybody and I mean everybody celebrities captains of industry the
who's who with the glamour Ani I remember I did one party for a lady named Barbara
Olson and we had three Supreme Court judges on the dance floor and then the next
stage to come fight that allegedly crashed into the Pentagon flight 11 and later
that day and a man named Kenneth Starr called me up because he was investigating
Barbara's death and I guess I was the last person she called so I provided the
entertainment for Patrick Swayze's 25th wedding anniversary was friends with Robin
Williams and Jack Nicholson and others but when I started to investigate some of
the dark underbelly of Napa and I understand it in retrospect maybe bit anomalies
well that's where things didn't go so well for me now but these days is nothing
more than an uneasy the ghosts that don't in turn easily it's a place where my
father or mother and sister died 60% of my family tree it's also a place that since
I've left is going through curse after curse after curse the earthquake was
horrible then the ravages of fire couple years later and now they're suffering
collapse figures that the Fela success is built upon social and corporate
entertainment wine tasting you know hotels restaurants that's what it's all about
guys and it's horrible right now Gavin Newsom has basically said you need to carry
the cells lawyer to say no and you need to carry the renter or for chrimbus and
they're basically saying yeah two months pay so it's hard for the guy who owns two
apartment buildings and that's his retirement either that's not fair to him either
I don't know what's gonna happen but I think that Napa is pretty much toast with
the foreseeable future this will take years for them to get back and it's gonna be
those who are wealthy enough to weather this storm that are gonna survive it
would've just come down to it if you're a restaurant you're you know living
paycheck to paycheck or client you know customer to customer you're not in good
shape right now and I feel really really badly for the waiters and waitresses
service the Busboys those are the people that really are hurting and they're the
ones who should be shored up even before the illness because if you allow people to
go hungry in America that's not gonna work out too well for the government if you
take care of the bank so once again shaft the poor guy it's gonna be a
September 5, 2020
2020-09-06 02:37:10 UTC
you know a lot of people talk about deviance and power and uh how so many people
who have reached the pinnacle of power or have royal blood have had deviance
they've talked about pederasty pedophilia necrophilia now there is some truth to
this um take for instance atom was the creator of the egyptian universe and the
universe was only created after atom climax while in the sexual congress and
literally used to have pharaohs who would replicate this by climaxing into uh the
nile river you had 12th and 13th century apothecaries who would use something
called mummy dust which came from what you think um even had up to modern times
charles ii uh used to have something uh that was a skull drink that was made from
um crushed up bone from uh human heads so it's uh not so unusual and of course
there was a lot of experimental um medical procedure there was a lot of quackery as
well uh seems to me uh the best doctors um up until the 17th century let's say were
the indigenous doctors uh the natives they knew the land they needed the plants
many of the herbs they knew what healed meanwhile we were surrounded by our
machines and our ideas and had a lot of trial and error that the indians had had
you know 4 000 years of experimentation mid-1700s and i was let's say in america i
was definitely trust uh the medicine of an indigenous indian um urine was
considered to be a cure-all for a long time and that has proven both true and false
in its properties uric acid does have beneficial properties for certain conditions
and diseases um however the plague doctor um that was the hazmat suit of its day it
was cloth it carried pathogens uh was not effective the mortality rate for plague
doctors was but what's weird about them is that no one wanted to get near them and
so i think a lot of thievery went on i could imagine someone being picked as a play
doctor and going into a home where he knows he's staring in front of a future
corpse he's saying okay my son to be right with god tell us where your gold is and
that will help you get to heaven i can see that happening all right nice
hi everybody so I hate to say I told you so but I told you so once again I nailed
it so the Dow is down another 500 points was down what 457 yesterday got a lot
further to go why is it falling well some people are gonna point to David Tepper
they stated the market is overvalued which it is and David Tepper is actually
someone is pretty accurate as far as a financial guru he has been someone that I've
had some respect for but the other part of it is you've got the fumbling and
bumbling mr. Powell it was part of the Fed and he showed us and today he basically
said look Congress needs to act and come up with further stimulus three trillion
plus or we're not out of the woods so on the street the general feeling is that if
we don't see some serious recovery but let's say August 1st then things are really
gonna get dire you know if you're a long-term investor you're gonna do great the
reason being is if you can last a couple years of this market and just keep on
doing dollar-cost averaging you'll make out like a bandit but that is not most of
America most of America's paycheck-to-paycheck and right now the Fed has put in
everything they can they want to give you a marketing scheme they want to say don't
fight the Fed and that becomes an axiom and people say oh great well I've heard
don't like the Fed don't fight the Fed they always win so how is a case it's almost
like thinking is real for instance they claim who thought is the best Intelligence
Agency ever that's not true different spook outfits have different strings but if
you repeat something over and over again and it's not to see Israelis been hit or
understood this gurbles to be exact you repeat a lie over and over it becomes a
public truth and you know I think gurbles also said that the typewriter is the
teeth of the government which you know the media is the mouthpiece to government so
they lie to us all the time doesn't matter which side both sides bottom line is
this market has a lot further down to go if you are not in it for the long haul get
the hell out those people that you see on TV saying well we're gonna see a v-shape
recovery or we should start to really recover quickly their bullshit ours their
lives you where we're gonna go with this market nobody knows where we're gonna go
with Main Street as opposed to law Street a long and painful depression it's
another lie they're gonna call it a recession recession being defined by two back-
to-back and negative quarters no it's a depression we have tons and tons of people
who are in freefall right now and because they have a little bit of money put aside
or they've made a one or two or three month deal with their landlord or they got a
$1,200 stimulus check and they're expecting another one which won't happen till
summer by the way probably tells you a lot they think they can hang on and wait for
that v-shape recovery you're being conned you're being fooled do not buy into it
turn off the propaganda and start to see what's happening on Main Street you cannot
take an economy our size and economy the size of the UK in in France you know so on
and so forth and stop it for two three four five six weeks and expect that there is
not going to be people flying off the machine as a gear stuff so it's a lot more
coming down the pike guys I'm really bad at a lot of things you know I lose my car
keys I make mistakes in judgment with people but I'm really really good at putting
together these micro pieces and figuring out what's gonna happen next week or next
month I I have a supreme talent when it comes to that stuff and I think I've proven
it with this little all channel I think I've called things repeatedly right on the
money before anybody on YouTube before anybody on media so that's that guy's okay I
am gonna go do my exercise talk to you
Malignant Discord
2020-03-12 23:04:24 UTC
so I want to show you the reaction to the circular Kelly trying to get Zack equated
into aleppo's discord now crypto rights don't do as act of trying to get to IP
address which is what I've been saying but it's even worse and Brian is you know
he's a he's a techie just like crypto and he knows his stuff real well and he says
exactly worse there's spyware that can be set up in a discord server also the link
put in YouTube to send discord can also be deceptive and compromised data and
systems major bad vibes from those highly manipulative incitements worse as there's
nothing to be gained by him to go in and communicate with them only harmful to him
that Zach and manipulated Evans to be used against them by many maligning persons
and entities so here's traditionally discord would be a way to get right being
attract your IP but it's it's been enhanced all these systems have been enhance
that's why they can get into your Twitter and they can manipulate that they can
spoof anything right and so with the discord servers it used to be dissing IP
tracker but right now there's all these things they can do well what would they do
to Zak they could spoof his emails they can go ahead and they can send threatening
emails to police stations he can threaten suicide or harm to himself that's the
crap that I was trying to warn him about and I'm still trying to warn them about
because I went to Lake sac I think Zacks a great creative guy and so Zak my advice
to you brother is go do some creative stuff cuz you're a creative genius and forget
about this shark belly Kelly forget about all these idiots they don't they don't
mean you well alright I've
I had a great birthday today and what twenty-one thousand nine hundred and fifteen
days old had a really good birthday and I'm really good mood to people have been
great and special thank you to to Dave Acton pretty amazing researcher I mean
seriously he blew me away that's that and thanks to my friends to you guys have
been just wonderful - so I've had shitty burst birthdays for probably the best five
of them said to have a nice one here it's great so um in a good mood just wanted to
tell everybody how grateful I was really appreciate it
it's okay this summer to leave babies and dogs in cars where the windows are not um
rolled down it's okay to go grab that barbecue coal briquette um right i'm giving
you good advices your government right uh you definitely want to wear that mask in
hot weather especially if you've been sick if you have respiratory problems if you
overheat right definitely want that the reason being is that heat strokes usually
cause hospitalizations that's good for keeping the medical people busy and keeping
the insurance people going and you know it's good for those paramedics right and
will it kill a lot of people yeah but that doesn't matter i mean the four scariest
words on the planet people are upset because they're being forced to wear a mess
and i get it i understand it right now there has been so much damn confusion
stupidity the cdc last week was telling us 2.4 million americans have the
coronavirus this week they say oh wrong by a magnitude of 10. it's 10 times that
right and even with that um they're not telling us that it's pneumonia that is
influenza that the virus is only the shading the veneer the outer material this is
once again a re-delivery of the spanish influenza i've been calling it gold from
the very beginning and people are now starting to agree with me some um rather
prominent epidemiologists and one thing that's convincing them is they're seeing
people in their 20s and 30s get this thing now which is exactly what happened in
the world war one um era pandemic so uh it is mutated it's not going to look
exactly like uh the 1916 to 1920 pandemic uh but we are seeing similar death rates
per uh per capita um and that will grow the second coming in winter will be severe
we could lose 200 million people um we've already lost half a million uh is that
gonna really cause a big dent no it's not world is a real big place people 74.5
billion it's survivable easily survivable and um we'll get through it so what's not
survivable is what they're doing to the economy into small business that's not
survivable because that impoverishes men and women who are trying hard to feed
their kids that takes away their abilities to feed their children so future
generations are weaker have been scarred by the environment that poverty brings the
bad diet the malnutrition we do a disservice um because we're listening to the
confliction of science it's really what it is they're giving us different stories
so once again facts and figures the world war one era pandemic called a spanish flu
infected a third of the population of the world 500 000 people of that 500 000
maybe 60 70 million died we've got um better methods of keeping people alive right
now but there are going to be death tallies and even if they're high even if you
see that they mirror um a extrapolated number like uh the world war one pandemic
spinach flu that'll be about 200 billion it's still survivable it's very survivable
we lost around 675 000 uh during that pandemic which you know certainly seems like
a lot of people it's about 50 000 people more than we lost in the civil war but
we've already lost 125 000 now the world is much bigger it's over 7 billion people
we'll get through it we will and if you think that a mask is going to keep you from
catching this influenza then you're an idiot then you're listening to the
government and you know go ahead and leave your your pets and your babies and your
car with um the windows rolled up during the summer heat go ahead and you know grab
those flaming hot barbecue briquettes all right go ahead and stare into the sun
during an eclipse do everything else that the government tells you to do because
they know best don't they you know this has not taught you to be paranoid of the
experts and to start thinking for yourself
Gabe Hoffman the Coronavirus, the Holocaust, and the price of tea in China
2020-04-21 20:37:48 UTC
an open secret producer gabe hoffman is once again trying to pick a fight with me
he writes today is yom hashoah holocaust remembrance day the new york post we have
a story today about holocaust survivor who just died from govid thomas schumbacher
gets angered by the story saying this is how i'm saying our newest guest no gabe
what struck me with this story is that the new york post made it the lead story the
person who died 96 years of age we don't know how frail his health has been for the
last 10 years or 15 years you don't see that what you do see is a guy who uh ended
up in israel working for the military and that's what he did for a long time and he
probably had some pretty good genes now as far as uh my family my mom fought the
nazis she was a little danish girl in 1940 she was 11 years old when they invaded
and for five years her country was under occupation she got shot she saw her
boyfriend get killed she wrote a book about it and my old man he fought the
japanese and the pacific theater and all it took was 28 seconds for kamikazes to go
ahead and try to take out his ammunitions boat he was on an lsi now what do you
battle dust mites in your multi-million dollar mansion you probably yell at your
maids you know having a bad day did they make the pina colada what issues do you
have and why the fuck would you reach out to a small-time composer like me what is
it gabe [Music] what is it i think it has everything to do with isaac cappy you do
not want researchers talking about isaac gabby
2020-03-13 04:35:04 UTC
people are watching the news and reading the newspapers and they're petrified I've
gotten phone calls and emails from friends and associates who were in shock one of
them was in a Walmart shopping for her kids today and she couldn't believe the
panic buying these days are a time of great fear for the people I got an email from
an old friend who told me that Humanity is lost it's 4550 years is being removed
and in the coming days the alphabets and in particular the two nations who have
been promoting a malevolent simulation on us since the 60s will now be seeking
access to your bloodstream these are the same demons that sought access to your
brain and got permission let me explain to you in my own stream of consciousness
way you guys you've been programmed for a long time this is what the advertising
industry is this is what commercials are and after the failed Bay of Pigs operation
John F Kennedy developed a very deep distrust of the CIA which in turn caused a
deep hatred of JFK by the CIA and the CIA used Lyndon Baines Johnson it was vice
president at the time to usher in the era that we now live in where we are told
that the pursuit of wealth is the pursuit of happiness where our children have been
MKULTRA and exposed to a culture of covert pedophilia when I was a kid I walked to
school I could ride my bike anywhere without worrying about pedophiles LBJ sold to
our nation now and it hasn't been the same since these unseen Devils are now being
exposed as far as the coronavirus the ones who weaponized this plague are the ones
who will miraculously come up with an antidote in a vaccine and that vaccine is
even more dangerous than the approaching pandemic we got news today that a hundred
thousand are infected in Ohio you're gonna see figures far higher than that so so
I've been mocked a lot when I predicted what was gonna happen in no kadam that was
organic and that was real it came from visions to go back to the Summer of Love
1967 I've had these most of my life so I'm used to 80% of you laughing at me and
the other 20% of knowing not correct I've been and how I've seen things before they
happen it's been happening since I was four I didn't understand it at first and
then I rebelled against it and I can I'd it and finally I made peace with my
visions because I took ego out of the equation I didn't hang a shingle up saying
hey I'm psychic because at the end of the day myself and anybody else who how's
this it has to give the glory to God I'm just a vessel and I'm grateful that God
gives you visions and he puts into my heart music that brings tears to the people
the Sofya music channel is complete you can find lots of answers there it's a
church where you don't need a tithe and the preacher is a fellow pilgrim there's no
hierarchy there's no judgment it's just a message you don't need to be a solver who
can understand and codes you just you don't need the Bible to be a Christian you
don't you don't need a church to pray to God it's very simple it's in how you
conduct yourself don't lie and don't do what you hate use your two good eyes and
your two good ears to take in what's in front of you and you
so let's talk about this miracle vaccine coming out of Israel the scientists are
quoted as saying let's call it pure luck we decided to choose coronavirus as a
model for our system this is a proof of concept for our technology so here they are
working on this 11 months ago this is crazy there's not enough money in the world
to make me uh take this vaccine pretty I'm not touching it it's crazy so the story
at first is that there's a wild virus first discovered in December of 2019 and now
suddenly Israel has the vaccine and Bill Gates did event to a one in October 2019
and now they're talking about four billion test kits four billion vaccines huge
profit for big pharma who knows who knows what's in that vaccine it's just sad and
now they're given free test kits to the Palestinians so mr. gentleman named
professor Francis Boyle and I think I should leave a link here I think we all know
what's going on at this point so corona virus has been weaponized he's the one who
wrote the u.s. bio fair act so that's pretty crazy you have to look at remember I
was showing you guys the different proteins you know the the the envelope and the
spike right well the spike glycoprotein with this novel coronavirus it's like
nothing I've ever seen before and it's gonna be more coming down the pike we'll get
into it
so when my son was very young we took him to europe frequently he had a passport at
the age of two months funniest thing in the world it showed my huge hand uh holding
him and he had been to europe 50 times by the time he was 11. and had a fascination
with castles with the underground with history um it's interesting because we get
you know in these days he's 20 he's very much into uh pioneer technology pioneer
science um you know one of the things i remember was showing him what they call a
obliet uh dungeon um and they weren't really dungeons they were uh in dungeons and
this is a place uh where the actual word means to forget it's um from middle french
oblier to forget and if you go to the old french you'll see the same word only
shorter doesn't have the u it's uh and if you go to vulgar latin um it would be
obliter which is um you know time to forget um and so um basically i would show him
these places and he was um fascinated with them at one point we went to what were
the catacombias along um the via appia which is uh the road leading into rome and
we went into the catacombs where you saw early christians buried um a fascinating
tour this is a place where at one point in the 200s a pope uh was murdered the
romans caught him in the middle of a sermon and they jumped down and stabbed him to
death but the funny thing with um the catacombs with my son he was maybe four years
old and he's walking among a path of human bones and he had a backpack where we had
his uh you know sippy juice and um you know food for him and and all of that and um
you know i carried a backpack too with uh water and some other things so as we're
exiting of course they're checking the backpacks and i'm thinking everything's okay
so they check my backpack they say you're clear sir stop my son they opened up his
bag he had taken a human skull [Laughter] which was macabre and funny as hell and
um you know the guy looked at me and in italian said you did not put him up to this
and i said i have no reason for an italian skull how the hell would i get it
through customs and he laughed he let us through but i've seen these dungeons and
they are worse than anything you can imagine they're worse than um you know some of
the prisons that we hear uh around gitmo or uh marion illinois and what would
happen is that they'd be at the bottom of the building and the air would always be
damp and cold and fetid and people would be lowered into it and left to die and
there'd be no light um there'd be vermin um and the vermin will be you know every
time they moved they were stepping in muck and debris and um they try to um keep
from being uh from dying from a lack of water so they would be licking the moisture
from there was no room to set or to lie or to squat and sometimes if they were so
tight there was no room to even turn around um and not every prisoner was sentenced
to the oblige the decision was usually in the hands of the lord of the castle and
it was usually whatever he said he didn't see a legal process there was no lawyer
there was no appeal there were no prisoner rights um and and obliet might be empty
for two or three years and then suddenly there'd be a new victim stuffed on top of
the rotting remains of the previous occupant um so that's what you see in a lot of
castles i've seen this in france in germany been to leap castle in ireland uh which
they pretty much excavated and um it's um gruesome you know back in the 20s they
found the bones from they found a pocket watch from the 1800s in there and so it
shows that this type of torture went on almost into the 20th century so that's that
um we need prison reform here obviously um i've never been to prison but from what
i understand is if you don't have money to buy commissary which is food um and
you're left to eat only what they give you you will indeed starve you will indeed
have malnutrition you can develop rickets you can develop all sorts of uh you know
secondary infections that's why you see the death rate so high in the american
prisons and i don't think that's right i think that um prisoners should definitely
uh pay their debt to society but you don't put them through cruel and unusual
punishment and you look at the stories coming out of rikers and you think wow
you've got billions in manhattan you've got people that talk a good game about
justice but they haven't done any um removal of abusive corruptions officials it's
all labor run women get raped there regularly um you know it's it's a dark place so
it's not quite as bad as a obliette um but it's pretty bad
hey everybody yes dopey Dave dopey Dave the video channel attacked me and an attack
Dave acting and did some pretty reprehensible thing as well I've got some good news
and I think good news for Dave - I just successfully struck them twice they've got
one more and I'm gonna make sure that happens - and they're out so they're working
with a YouTube team and a friend of mine and the sacred geometry has contacts at
YouTube and on top of emailing them you have to get certain teams you know they say
YouTube team but it's a group of people usually pretty young and they analyze
things and it's Terms of Service and all that but when you have a direct contact -
and you're able to put that together well I think it's really good so the bottom
line is there is a direct contact between dopey Dave and the defender Channel but
specifically with Merlin defender that account so the thing has been lying to
everybody in saying he had nothing to do with it he certainly has something to it
and so does Marcus Conte so there's going to be more going on and so I'm gonna get
rid of the dopey Dave Channel and then defang go I'm going for
this is gonna be just a very brief video less than a minute actually well we need
to look for in the second and third week of April it's the start of rioting and
looting and there will be calls for a much larger presence of National Guard so far
Trump was called up around 17,000 I think that's going to increase by 10 times
you're going to start to see Baltimore LA Cleveland other areas experiencing
sporadic looting let's see
one more thing let me give you an update on zach clay he's fine luckily he had uh
vegan mikey in touch with him last night and vegan mikey made him aware of what was
really going on so zach's doing just fine he's going to be talking about this and
continuing the investigation and it's now going to include uh corey so that's the
way it goes i think that um you're going to see other cappy investigators starting
to look at the family and to take a look at the actors here which cory daniel his
girlfriend brett tremble shark belly kelly hoffman this is huge guys it looks like
they had set up isaac to go down and they had set up all the actors to take their
places shark billy kelly would be the griever she would create cyber shrines and
talk about how close she was to isaac they met twice and why was she the one
appointed to pick him up at the airport and isaac had no knowledge before that was
december 13th 2018. so there's a lot of questions that are coming up and it's not
just me asking it's not just steve asking it's not just zach asking um there's a
lot of people asking there's a lot of cappy researchers right now who are going to
find out about this and say can we figure out if this was um staged that was
murdered after being set up i think he's dead you know maybe there's a possibility
he's alive but another thing too gabe hoffman told the world that he shut down
julio hawks that's not true julio is all over youtube and vimeo he's got um the
theorists theorist that's his um channel and he's um out there making videos so the
whole idea of intimidating intimidation games by uh gabe um supposed to scare
everybody into not looking into his role and the demise of isaac happy well that's
not working it's blowing up in his face a bottom line is it is a fixture of history
and the isaac happy investigation that isaac had a mortal enemy named gabe hoffman
there's no way to refute that that doesn't go away that's like a poltergeist that
keeps on coming back now gabe might try to sue people into submission but there is
free speech he's now threatened uh zach with a hate crime because zach called gabe
a jewish terrorist well once again that's not a hate crime gabe is proudly jewish
there have been associates of gabe that have made videos saying wow i see what gabe
is doing he's trying to silence any critique of jewish people anywhere which means
that none of us could say anything about netanyahu or about the lavon affair or the
uss liberty or um you know some of the frenemy shit that's gone on like jeffrey
epstein and if you remember guys it was gabe hoffman who was actively making um
audio recordings saying that jeffrey epstein had nothing to do with the mossad
which is preposterous so we're going to go deeper into this and i don't think any
other researchers are going to be intimidated anymore it was scary at first first
uh isaac cappy gets murdered and then tracy twyman but there's no fear there can't
be so that's that and you guys know me right i was the one who stepped up to gabe
myself and a couple others steve otram and uh titus by the way and to a degree uh
nathan so it's harder guys when um he's attacking families with young kids because
um litigation can be expensive but you know the bottom line is there are so many
questions coming up right now guys why hasn't gabe hoffman sued truth convoy after
she called him a filthy jew i never did that to gabe i would never use those words
i wouldn't i find them pretty offensive you can't blame people for being jewish and
that is their right as a religion and there's lots of um incredible jews who have
done wonderful things for humanity so um i don't think zach is an anti-semite at
all either i think that gabe is woefully inept when it comes to legal matters and
for him to first off call isaac mentally ill and then call up isaacs or i'm sorry
zack's mother and to threaten zach with a lawsuit and then to sue him for a million
dollars well back in 2015 gabe hoffman called up the father of a 22 year old man
named evan who was one of the victims from an open secret which is gabe's film and
i don't know if there was a settlement at a court but i do know that uh the victim
was accused of being a drug addict and that ended up not being true and some sort
of uh agreement was reached i think gabe had to pay so there's a pattern there with
gabe continually pushing to silence researchers to silence truth coming out to
silence jeffrey epstein's connections to mossad so i think this one blew up in his
face and nothing that i'm saying right now he can sue me for i am allowed to ask
questions especially since gabe hoffman wrote at the end of may 2019 a couple weeks
after i died researchers and fans should focus their attention on thomas
schoenberger isaac happy's handler i was never his handler but you know what i may
be um isaac happy's ghost handler if he asks because gabe this is not going away
it's just getting worse for you man seriously um you should come clean confession
is good for the soul what are you hiding why would you attack isaac happy even on
the day after he died why would you falsely accuse me when i didn't know who you
were so there's a lot of questions and i'm putting them out there i don't fear for
my life i don't they're going to kill me they kill me i've got no fear none they're
not going to intimidate me they won't and hopefully i'll be an example for other
researchers and people interested in the isaac happy saga so they won't be
intimidated by gabe and i think that's why he hates me good
well hello everybody so I'm sorry I have had such brevity in my videos lately
perhaps actually is uh I could think for some people at any rate had a very
interesting day today number one there are a number of former eBay executives are
now charged with organized cyber stalking DOJ put out a 56 page indictment and
there's a separate 16 pager as well pretty big-time stuff they've got them on
emails they got them dead two sites these people are gonna go she some prison time
for what they've done and it shows a change in what the DOJ is doing which is
they're taking such things seriously I was then contacted by a government employee
a government investigator to who was asking more questions regarding the cyber
stalking that I have suffered and that is getting more and more serious as things
move forward so you know people thought I was joking they thought I was all Bluff
and they will find out that they've made some serious mistakes and it's not just me
when you go ahead and you stock mothers with small children when you go ahead and
you put heinous allegations and you're a wealthy person who's making these
allegations you know a certain very wealthy Palm Beach resident tried to tie me
falsely to to death the first one being Isaac Abby who I believe and I have a right
to believe was murdered and the second one being men named Sam Fullerton who died
on July 18th 2019 where he and he alone pulled out a cop or pull out a gun on a cop
and shot him dead and the cops shot him down which they had a right to use lethal
force you know before I get any of these auntie phidias saying no no well you know
it's a war and we can do a lot the guy was responding to a welfare check done on
this sound guy's girlfriend and there's speculation that the person who organized a
welfare check was none other than Arturo or Arturo's friend Esteban and that very
well could be true I don't trust either but if it's a scale of good and bad I would
say that Arturo being younger and you know being more prone to influence is not
half as bad as Esteban Trujillo D Gutierrez who we know is a sick human being a
demented and deviant human being and he thinks because he received a Silver Star
from the highly corrupt former head of CIA and former President George Herbert
Walker Bush that somehow that makes him a hero well Esteban has something to
consider which is he's a piece of detritus you can look that word up mostly you
know what it is at any rate what's happening with eBay is the first strike that the
DOJ is cyberstalking for instance if esteban was to write on a public forum let's
concentrate on our shared target and Lestat was one of the recipients of that and
another person well I'm not going to name was the other recipient and it was made
public so lots of people thought that right there shows absolute conspiracy and if
Estefan thinks that because he was a DEA advisor and therefore he played the role
of law enforcement in Peru if he thinks that's gonna save him from the long arm of
the law it's not they took a police captain he was a Santa Maria police captain and
they busted him on cyber stalking with us eveything so you can look at the actual
footage on believe it or not truth convoy channel she covered it much to her credit
she understands the gravity of it she understands this is the beginning of what is
going to be something that we will be seen weekly and monthly when you see the part
where justice start to put down these gangs and there won't be arrests when it
comes to what they've done with being you know these people purposely purposely
wanted me to suicide they wanted the destruction of my reputation they wanted the
destruction of my family they wanted to be thrown in jail Esteban was doing the
tic-tock tic-tock claiming that I would be in jail on June 6 we went ahead and he
stated as a fact that Wyatt Earp is me among other people I Dianne Nordstrom was
involved in all this nonsense as well and they're connected to other people who
were all part of it you know certainly the name Bridgette should be very concerned
at this point certain people like Sheree should be very concerned at this point
because they were part of this mob and it's okay to say yeah you know what I hope
the emperor puts his thumbs down and they execute the gladiator right that's
different from saying I'm gonna go ahead and I am going to be actively involved in
a conspiracy of destruction or as um Dave Acton says digital or assassination in
fact I'll bet you out of everybody it's gonna be people like Dave Acton and Titus
and Steve oak trim and Nathan Feldman who are going to be covering this because
it's serious stuff and it's just going down as far as my case I wouldn't be
surprised for take six six months maybe even a year but when it goes down the walls
are gonna
okay so there seems to be more drama coming up right now which is i guess um
teenage fbi is looking into the development's criminal record um and you know it
let me get into development a little bit okay so the drama that has been lee
valtman he was a defending away um big time big time follower very involved in the
fake hugh griften from 2017. and then just like to fangio they both turned against
q when they became q slayers together so development was part of that crew defango
and lestat and jet and um sherry and all that so uh veldman right now if you look
at this stuff all he's doing is cutting down q when before he was you know part of
the whole cue thing so several months back out of the blue defango accused lee
development of raping him so um that was pretty serious and lee has denied the
allegations um and i'm you know i i don't know when these two met or what
transpired but um and i don't care that you know we know that the van gogh is
bisexual right and who knows what lee is um i just can't see um lee as uh before
seeing sex on um javango i think if anything happened there that was probably a
mutual thing you know i don't want to get into that um but defender made some
public accusations and you know quite frankly lee said he would sue to fango um and
lee could because you can't make false allegations of rape like that but lee also
blew his rape whistle a number of times um and not many people are listening to him
so it's a matter of both boys crying wolf in my opinion um as far as what's going
on with um dan cromer and lee well i put my money on dan as far as intellect um dan
is clearly a lot a lot smarter than me a lot better educated um and a lot keener
sense of humor believe it or not it's not like i'm saying this to get on dan's good
side i know he doesn't like me um but it's pretty funny and what's going down with
lee is i think he was definitely involved in this um whole operation um although i
do not think that he profited from it i think that um defango definitely did and i
think that esteban is definitely looking to profit from it um i think that lestat
certainly had money uh made money um so that's that bottom line is um as far as the
allegations that lee beltman sexually assaulted manuel chavez you know it needs to
be looked at we just you know i don't find it to be true because i don't find
defender to be credible i think he lies about everything i think if anything
transpired it was something mutual and um you know whatever bromance was going on
with these two boys um didn't go right so i think it's kind of sour grapes from
tofango and um you know he had the same type of thing with a sat you know i don't
get into these gay ops my entire life i've um you know i've been with women and
women only um with duvengo it's a different generation and you know he likes his uh
February 1, 2020
2020-02-02 00:24:08 UTC
so this is the kind of stuff that I go through this emerald Shirley Cavanaugh lady
you know just emailed police about person is mentally ill who's screaming for
attention so you get a lot of that and basically they are you know in their own
delusional wind tone their own delusion or echo chamber and what it's about is me
me me me me it's the same thing with this Jessie Davis so they don't like being
called out they want to antagonize you to the point where you become emotionally
traumatized and the trick is to not let them the trick also is to constantly put
out the truth they don't like that you know there's a group of them right now
Shabbos is being exposed pretty seriously right now the best situation in Virginia
has gotten big and it looks like a confluence of players of which I'm one if you
consider this a gridiron okay bottom line is that Bukowski is being talked about
the best law firm Devon unas defang go shadowbox Beth Trevor Seth rich so it's
pretty interesting as far as me I'm feeling pretty good I know that we shadowbox I
voluntarily deposed where they were enriched I think I've been very forthright with
everything Defago started to show some communications from Stealth that was me as
my accountant and he shows it right around the time the cue was born maybe a little
bit after he was things from November 17th today and he wonders why that was
happening well you know at that point Beth and I were a shadow box it was Trevor so
istafan ago and he was being busted being snaky so we put together an OP which
included a spoofed email from a guy named Monty and then d-ends with him we were
drawing them out what we were hoping what happened was that he would go ahead and
take ownership of cue because he was trying to destroy shadow box from a sabotage
effort and he was trying to as he claimed publicly infiltrate Sakaya so he's not a
very smart guy he's controlled by his narcissism by his need to consume at all
times and he doesn't mind lying so we busted him and now he comes out and he shows
everything oh thank you you made my day it's exactly what I was saying in November
of 2017 we knew he was infiltrating or that well the puzzle we know he was
sabotaging the business that we were in from the inside we knew he was a snake by
that time so in any rate what happened within four weeks of that was we asked
Trevor to leave the company and I wanted to thing go to leave the company but
unfortunately Bukowski was ready to pull any of his potential clients with us
unless we kept minimal Shalvis so that's at once again this is a growing story and
here's what I'm gonna tell you guys yeah there was a payment of $1500 apparently to
defend go for Tonya on August 1st 2017 a shadowbox was a company by that time we
didn't see a penny of it we didn't even know about it looked like defined
so my third and final short video today and this is about my last conversation with
isaac happy i think i spoke to him a dozen times um in between the end of july 2018
till the end of april 2019 a couple weeks before his death in the conversation that
we had our final conversation and i can't say that i knew kathy well i liked him i
thought he was bright i didn't think he was drug crazed or insane i didn't think he
was a scam artist all the things that a uh certain uh short and uh possibly corrupt
hedge fund manager has alleged um isaac apollo apologized um to me uh i said what
four he said oh i've let down everybody and um you know it was a blanket apology
kind of like uh you know something from a 12-step program um and i said okay so
what are you talking about how are you feeling and he said i just feel like i
failed in my mission at least for now but uh ultimately there'll be a greater
reward and by july 4th and that's july 4th 2019 all this corruption would come out
which uh in actuality it has you take a look at um what's going on right now with
um the way the fisa courts are treating the fbi with great suspicion for good
reason you know we have corrupt alphabets we've got a corrupt government we have
people more interested in prosecuting corrupt government officials than the
presidency then the elections right now sleepy at this point no one really cares
what they care about is that if people who are elected to the highest offices in
the land i'm talking about congressmen senators and directors of fbi and assistant
directors you know directors of cia and dia and dod that if they're not held
accountable for their crimes against the american people then it's a joke to say
that we're a nation of law we're not you know big ones keep getting away and what
happens you know you you go ahead and you see lindsey graham up there and he's
pointing his finger and scowling and talking to maria bartiroma and saying i'm
gonna send a letter to christopher ray rey really okay guess what the american
people are way beyond that lindsay perpetual bachelor we're way beyond that we're
sick of this shit we're sick of knowing that there is corruption that runs rampant
and uh if you've got money and influence you escape justice nobody is above the law
nobody is and maybe that has to do with my personal battle right now that was
brought to me um with this little man at a palm beach this little man who can't
seem to control his urges to um bully people with his wealth to me he's a scam
artist to me he's a criminal he is an absolute criminal that's how i feel um going
ahead and suing zach mcquade for a million dollars after stating that uh zach has
mental health issues um and giving us a syrupy speech saying oh i've got great
compassion for zach by the way i'll call his mom and i'll send an email to corey
daniel saying when kobit 19 is over i'm going to make an example out of zach
mcquade okay the true nature of certain people it's being revealed luke 8 17 is
coming true we're starting to see the demons for who they are so you know i talk a
lot about the bible i can quote it pretty well i've studied it for a long time they
proclaim a faith and they don't need to read the bible to be a christian you know
we call jesus jesus it's actually uh yahshua if you want to get specific and the
reason for that is that um you know the the four gospels were written in ancient
greek it's different from the hebrew and aramaic that they used in the old
testament so there's transliteration issues but we'll get into that at another time
i'm going back to my main theme which is um we need that david and goliath moment
and i'm not talking about david's entire life you know and what they don't talk
about is after uh after he slew goliath with a slingshot he decapitated him with
goliath's uh sword and then he went around and uh you know captured 200 philistines
and castrated them um then of course she saw a woman bathing on the top of the roof
and fell in love with her um probably raped her her name was bathsheba and uh went
ahead and um took the man's wife and put him in a situation where he got killed on
the field of battle on purpose so um david being a good human being no david was a
monster david was a monstrous human being you know it's the amount of murder uh
that he did uh is just mind-boggling you know the same can be said for others i'm
not going to just sit on out um david because he was a hebrew you look at uh caesar
we talked about caesar's assassination he killed over a million galleons gaul being
the nation that is primarily france right now if caesar had the military armament
that we now possess today he could have 10 million people um that he is responsible
for snuffing out so history is replete with monsters uh david is certainly one of
them and uh this little shrimp that we're dealing with um in florida that's a
personal monster as far as i'm concerned but not just to me what he did to my
friend um recently really low real low blow and it's going to be dealt with too um
gabe uh thinks he can go ahead and have his lawyer represent him and uh look good
but we are documenting a pattern of behavior that it feels like ted bundy you know
bundy represented himself um and he was a psychopath um you go ahead and you take a
look at gay dolphin and he talks about how much compassion he has for the very
people he's trying to ruin so very bundy-esque um you know very much like jeffrey
epstein too you know lots of threats epstein was mobbed up you know people say
mussad that could possibly be true i'm sure there are people who were both in
organized crime and the mossad or ex-mossad members i think there's definitely a
crossover just like i think there are people who are former cia who have mixed it
up with mobs and do business with mobs i think it's a clusterfuck
so i definitely have to give out an accolade shout out to the palm beach court
system which i have found to be very professional from the clerks to the judges to
the admin they've been wonderful to work with they've been fair they've been honest
it's been a very good experience and there are people out there who are proclaiming
that i've already won that's not necessarily true uh it does look positive for this
part of it but this is only the beginning of the journey um it gets much bigger and
this only has to do with uh the plaintiff's uh request for injunctive relief which
appears to uh be rejected um we'll know that probably by tomorrow so um did i beat
the plaintiff's attorney in court yes um what does that show you you don't need a
degree in lie you don't need to understand torts and chattels and you know rhetoric
and all that i took pre-law um i've studied law since i was a kid um it's always
bored of me quite frankly unless it's um apropos to what's going on i had a
situation when i ran a company called north bay entertainment i had five lawsuits
uh one from my managing director eric and uh a second one from him and there were
three from a guy named steve who's now dead who attempted to hijack the business i
won all five they were not prepared they didn't have their evidence the evidence
wasn't real the evidence wasn't vettable you know you can go ahead and throw
evidence in there like the opposing attorney can go ahead and say cueing on you
know a right ring theory but can he tie it to me no he can say my client has
received death threats now this is all public you guys have played these uh videos
again and again started with obi-wan and kenobi and the problem for the judge in my
belief is he hears these things and he's saying where's the connectivity to my um
to to the responding there's none so um it really doesn't work favorite uh lawyer
of mine uh seneca and he said uh the fact that my opponent is a bumbling idiot is
not going to cause me to stoop to his level and you know rhetoric like that is
playful it's fun gets to the point um and is profound in um the way it makes sense
twain was a favorite of mine um if you know i'm a bibliophile so i'm pretty well
studied um i as i said i did a couple years of pre-law and then um pretty heavily
for seven years and for the most part it was not this type of law it was criminal
law believe it or not i wanted to see how um our nation punished its prisoners and
in particular how its prisoners were treated afterwards not that i've ever been to
prison i went to jail and not for a long time you know pretty short time but i was
amazed even then that was a learning experience seeing how things work and of
course i went to jail unfairly based upon the lies of a police officer but it was
nothing big a lot of it had to do with me giving look back to the d.a so you know
you have to understand da's are lawyers you know certain protections um which are
unfair i think that um anybody and everybody should go to jail who um breaks the
law so um i don't believe uh that there can be uh one set of law for a prosecutor
and another for a defendant so the prosecutor that i dealt with she had protections
she did she had the state cover in her ass and that's the problem when you see
prosecutors who put millions of people into cages every year there is unfairness
there will be information that will be set up to make you look bad when in fact you
are innocent so uh the whole idea of immunity bothers me um there's one thing i
respect israel about they took ahood barack and me threw him into a cage he was a
president and they put him into jail and i think the same things need to apply here
which is if you see something like an ex-president william jefferson clinton for
instance you find out that he's been with underage girls it's you know handcuffs
and jackets i really do feel that way nobody is
2020-08-10 14:54:42 UTC
i'm not going to weigh in on sexual abuse that were levied against a that was born
in 1972 that um had a channel for a while and he's now a subservient to a guy named
meatball um we've got his criminal record uh just so you know i could go ahead and
uh get into the reasons why he was fired from his last job but you know that could
be real dicey and that could actually um really screw up his reputation you know i
can tell you one thing uh he should have a lot more respect for women uh you know
he's um in my opinion kind of a rapey guy
good morning everybody and uh happy fourth so i don't even know where to begin with
everything going on but uh a while ago i pointed out that jackie weaver was a uh a
two-faced fraud to put it nicely a villainous senior citizen you know pretty pretty
sad woman for what she does if she's doing it on her own independently this is a
woman who is blogging uh legally centric articles uh she puts out uh the uh the
motions that uh that gabe and his adversary ali alexander uh have filed uh and
doesn't say that gabe lost that ally's lawyer beat gabe's lawyer that um gabe's
lawyer was sloppy quite frankly so um what's even more interesting is there's
denise matthau calling gabe a filthy jew quote unquote and he had publicly
threatened to sue her and she didn't stop she kept going and denise matthau won
biggest gay bastard suitor um that brings up all these suspicions with me uh same
thing with corey cory slapped gabe to the ground and didn't get sued so these are
the reasons why nobody's scared of gabe anymore nobody's scared of him i no one
should be this guy is a joke and it doesn't matter what his presumed net worth is
he's a joke i think isaac was onto something when he said gabe was at the center of
the moussa media matrix that's his phrase not me not mine i don't think gabe is
necessarily mossad i think uh you know there are different types of mobs and one of
them is the uh they call it kosher nostra which is uh the jewish mob out of florida
and they've been around for a long time a long time uh so you know it must be very
interesting for gabe right now because he's got that tie to les wexner um who was a
financier for jeffrey epstein uh gabe is a zealot in my opinion and he is allegedly
a pedo protector according to um a number of sources and i think that he's had a
problem with ali alexander because i think ali knew him and i heard that he stayed
at um gabe's house and he accused gabe hoffman of pedophilia now that's not an
accusation that i made but it's not the first time it's been said so what's going
on with gabe is that he is publicly put out there that he does not believe that
epstein was mossad and that's ludicrous it's so damn obvious that epstein was
mossad and that maxwell dislane um maxwell has um huge israeli intelligence
contacts now it's coming out that um there's been 20 million dollars in
transactions between gislane and jeffrey epstein at one point when gislane came to
america she was only getting a hundred thousand dollars a year um that was because
her father's empire had been crushed basically he had defrauded people of hundreds
of millions of dollars through rating uh pension funds and so on so i think that
gasoline was introduced to jeffrey epstein by israeli operators and that what
strikes me so odd is that you have article after article about gislane and nobody
is mentioning israel why is that because they want us to concentrate on the
underage victims what about the politicians seriously what about the people that
went to the island and that could include judges it would include uh high level
homeland security a high level military we know there was prince andrew and clinton
and spacey and you know i've heard other names tossed around like chuck schumer you
know dershowitz of course is in there so are they throwing us sacrificial limbs
that's what i wonder and as far as game i want to know what his tie-in is because
it's pretty strange that he's um in that political pack to elect jeb bush in 2015
with the man behind jeffrey epstein gabe hoffman is sending out mossad t-shirts to
people now that doesn't mean that he's mossad however there's connections as i see
them and very wealthy hedge fund managers who happen to be jewish who are accused
of pedophilia or paleophilic activities and they threaten their uh accusers so it's
almost like jeffrey epstein could be a blood brother with uh dave hoffman in a lot
of ways now i don't see any direct evidence that gabe is a pedophile i do however
see his ties to shady characters on the internet and it's if this guy is uh you
know running a hedge fund what is he doing with all of his hours attacking me or
attacking um a poor canadian mentally ill young man and that um came from zach we
had another couple of conversations uh recently and i haven't heard from him lately
but um he's really analyzed uh gabe hoffman and what he does it's amazing uh you
know zach is floored he he said you know if this guy is really supposedly running a
hedge fund managing our company we can see why it's lost so much money because
hoffman is not taking care of his clients he's running around the internet chasing
me and that's pretty strange so as far as isaac happy once again he dies on may
13th 2019 we hear about it the next day and there's gabe attacking isaac what a
creepy thing to do gabe hoffman is creepy that's what it is he's a he's a creepy
creepy guy and i think a number of us know that to attack a guy who supposedly had
just committed suicide that's pretty weird i know if an enemy of mine had just
killed themselves i'd keep my mouth shut don't speak ill of the dead but not gay
he's a psychopath in my opinion and i am allowed to have that opinion the good news
now is since i've confronted him nobody's scared of him anymore and maybe
okay I guess I have to show Jack and Weaver just how inept she is as a researcher
this is um something from Esteban Sergio D Gutierrez no she only sees the Silver
Star she doesn't see the corruption and the sickness and this man's soul so Esteban
goes on to claim publicly Thomas Shawn murder sock Wyatt Earp Twitter account
terminated via the real Samoset okay so there's two claims in here number one the
claim is a tie my verb and never to that Esteban shut it down then of course the
stupid knocking off threats hey so Wyatt Earp is not me and Wyatt Earp did not have
her account terminated she went dark for a couple days pretty crazy so we'll start
to tear down a lie after lie with Stephen through yo D Gutierrez and I'm sure that
Jackie's gonna back and no matter why in look they could be a nice couple you know
she can go ahead and take her her little vacations to Bangkok I don't think it
matters much she's married you know it's it could be a patrician affair right
girlfriend on the side there we go and I'm gonna keep on going guys yeah and it's
not like Esteban hasn't stalked other people here he is where he's been stalking
other people Zak yeah and he's made threats to other women by the way - lots of
them but we're not going to get into that yet I will prove it to you I'm gonna
prove a lot to you but what I'm gonna prove to you is that this is a soiled scummy
little man and I'm glad yes your attention Jackie because I just proved he's a liar
and I didn't I'll keep on going no problem with that I'll keep on going Estevan to
the Gutierrez expat on full disability seeing a psychiatrist once a week for his
PTSD rages that were occurring well before he ever signed up
so there are a lot of people who are wondering where do we go from here whereas the
stock market going it broke 20,000 well 15,000 she's got another 30% to go to go
even lower but it will definitely be in the 15,000 if there isn't an immediate
panacea so let these companies fail you know these big corporations forget
government support
good morning everybody so I hope you're doing well stock markets crashing again I'm
gonna miracle the leader of Germany is now saying that 70% of Germans will be
contracting the coronavirus this has put fear everywhere and I think we're gonna
see a lot more death in Italy because as I stated before 23% out of the population
is 65 or over but my quick asked a question and he's saying are there catacombs at
the Parc des buttes-chaumont there isn't but let me explain to you why it's been of
such interest biologists so this was an area where you had it's in northeastern
Paris are gonna walk the park it's over 88 acres it's so beautiful actually they
have a artificial pond there they've got you know what they call the temple
disability which is the temple of the Vestas which is where people propose it's a
very romantic place you can rent parts of it for weddings and rehearsals and
occasionally important state events I think it's probably pretty empty at this
point but the park took its name from this barren hill called a sub mo and that
means Bald Hill and it's got a really scary history this was an area where they
used to execute hundreds of people from 1242 1760s an area where mozart went in the
late 1770s when he was in Paris with his mother and his mother died they were
staying in an unheated apartment and Mozart was embarrassed to tell his father what
had happened because the mother had died on his watch now he wrote letters to they
opposed his father stating she's very sick and of course he wasn't being honest but
and the father was a bit of an overbearing monster so of course she did blame
Wolfie for that so what you had is a place where they would execute criminals and
political prisoners and they would take the Hanged criminals and let the crows eat
him they you know hang him up on there and uh you know let them rot rather like
what they did at the Tower of London and London Bridge for others and hundreds of
years in London it's funny because James the first had a rule that if someone was
murdered and they caught the murderer the murderer would be murdered in the same
spot and in the same manner very interesting you know eye for an eye so at any rate
going back to the park in 1760 that's where they stopped all this and what happened
it became the garbage dump which was horrible and then it was a place for the you
know where they had our retorts which are people who kind of horse carcasses and
they had a bunch of sewage so it was a horrible place it was where parish dump
their trash and that is where all sorts of well that they say plagues came from
that area so really ugly history and of course that would be of tremendous interest
to vie religious there was also a plague hospital there there was also a place for
reformed prostitutes there so everything points to a disease which environment so
soil samples were taken from there to the ruin biology lab where the outbreak
happened in China and to resuscitate ancient infectious material from previous
centuries is playing with fire I have heard that because one was a bsl-4 you know
the most dangerous they were experimenting with over 1500 strains of viruses and
bacterias so there is your answer my quick as scary isn't it to think that we can
go ahead and we can go into a park that people are enjoying and dig two and a half
feet down in the ground and pull up something that will
so I'm gonna do another video about an actin but this time not Dave this is dr. Amy
Acton who has just come out and said 100,000 Ohioans have the coronavirus 100,000
is about 1% of the state my father came from Ohio and I used to tease him to say
what can you say about a state that begins and ends at zero at any rate they're
doing the health supervision they're gonna quarantine the state and I think their
number is low there is good news with this that probably means we've got about 3
million in the state's it was everything I was saying back in January where we have
3 million Chinese going back and forth every year to and fro the states and they
are going to be doing a ban on mass gatherings they're going to be closing all the
k-12 schools so here's the good news about it this wave hopefully will cause
antibodies with the corner virus in the young it's not good news for old guys and
old women it's pretty bad news however if our kids are safe that's really important
for young people are safe that's the most important thing so there's gonna be a lot
more coming up but I'm telling you guys that end of April early May this first wave
will be over the healthcare system is gonna be defunct gonna be talking to a number
of homeopathy and getting you into the right people to see you know for many years
I studied médecins of the sixteenth century France and what people did for curative
and panaceas and poultices in the Middle Ages that seemed to have some effect and
there are people who have said to me well this is the modern era and we have
vaccinations we have a biology well you know what that's what started the pandemic
guys so please don't you know throw a modern science at me there were people he
lived close to the earth and
this is a radiation map basically showing a timeline of the Kona virus and it's
spread as you can see in the dark area this is cuvee which is showing an infection
rate of between 100 and 499 so this is just for one month and this is China goes as
far as Tibet and Taiwan so you're starting to see the spread and you're also going
to see the spread into Japan and Thailand and the US and Macau and South Korea Hong
Kong Singapore Vietnam everywhere and look at this the darker the color and the
more cases when you see black that means over 10,000 cases so here we are it's
growing and growing it's now in Australia and Malaysia in Canada and it keeps on
growing and mainland China right now they're looking at 6,000 cases daily just
daily growing and growing and growing it's not good folks if you extrapolate this
and consider that this is what's going to happen to the world I don't see how
anybody can say this is it's basically infected maybe 30% of the population in the
original point and if that gets to where we're I think historically it's gonna get
this could be just like the 1918 pandemic called the Spanish influenza which
infected 500,000 people which was a third of the population at the time and it
killed 50 to 70 million so we're in for some pretty hard times folks right here
this is just China it doesn't show that there are cases in the Philippines and in
Russia and in France and Canada and Dubai and everywhere it's
in this really you're a liar Carrie here's the evidence all right here it is
there's 24 cent or there's another 20 and look at the nurse here's another 20 for
you so you can get through Friday I'm so sorry you're going through tough times
know that I believe in you Carrie things will get better I promise and there's more
there there's more so I sent her money repeatedly so um you know there's more money
tight walls have impacted my living is what I'm ready to her so here's another 20
so that's the problem and now I'm gonna tell you guys something really interesting
here a little note that I got hello you may not know the extent of markers contains
criminality but he stomped on a woman and they convicted him of assault with it oh
wow with a weapon and I guess the boot was the weapon I'm just reading through this
he had a girlfriend who came back and said that she was pregnant and he beat the
crap out of her and then he kicked her and then he repeatedly kicked her in the
belly saying this is my type of abortion Wow so Marcus Conte your girlfriend comes
back and says that she missed a period and your reaction was to brutalize her and
to repeat able to kick her in the belly with your boot you fucking scumbag you
piece of shit you know what I'll tell you what fly out to the left coast we'll go
man oh I'm a no because I'd like to beat you within an inch of your life fucking
piece of shit woman beater fucking criminal goddamn felon posing as a reporter and
Carrie wolf shame on you shame on you you know it doesn't matter what sort of
comedic talent you have you were just busted in lies and who can trust you who can
trust you right and by the way I'll send direct copies of these PayPal receipts to
anybody who asks truth stands up you know you hide behind your little community
talents carry your bullshit R Us let's get to the truth the staff needs to be
commended for starting to drop discord chats and whatnot so we're getting to the
truth and it's the same truth that myself and and Mindy and Steve and didn't ghost
crab and others have been screaming about Titus two and you know we've been
attacked relentlessly because we told the truth now the truth is coming out so
Carrie I'm sorry but you were just completely exposed as a liar and Marcus you are
not a reporter you're a criminal Posey as a reporter you are a fraudster and for
you to stomp on your girlfriend's belly after she tells you that she is pregnant
that is the lowest of the low anybody who was donating DeMarcus Khan today or
champion him you're complicit in helping to promote a
you know I like to watch all Italian films in Italian of course and occasionally to
begin into the legal Kesava to recommend the fedora which is preserved for future
reference and that's what these videos are basically it's a video diary and I like
to address certain things I want to make absolutely sure that everything that I put
in there is brutally honest to tell you the truth because I'm not a very good liar
and I don't do that well I'm not defend Oh or trial they seem to excel at pushing
false narrative after false narrative so the newest one is that Manuel Chavez is
going on to his lar for and putting together some sort of very discordant montage
of screenshots with the title that somehow myself and Steven Bitzer and leaked
together and that's something that an account called ignorance is piss as pushing
on Twitter as well so let me make it real clear to everybody I'm not in business
with Steve this I've never received a payment for anything with him there was a
brief period in the fall of 2017 where shadowbox started to do a little bit of work
gratis and defend go sue took that over and basically became a client of stevis
while he was doing business with Robert David Steele and while he was receiving
$1500 from Tanya Cornwell his wife without the knowledge of myself or Beth as far
as I can tell now as far as Steve miss the reason why you don't see me Terry to him
is said any interaction that I had with him was actually pretty professional so I
can say that with all honesty I could actually say the same thing with Robert David
Steele we haven't had an exchange since 2017 with Steve this I've talked to them
for five minutes on February 19th 2019 and there was nothing unprofessional about
that so the only unprofessionalism this coming out of this whole thing is
essentially their most Shabbos there hasn't been professional ISM with either
jesselyn Radack or Trevor Fitzgibbon so that's right now I'm concentrating on what
I need to concentrate which is the whole scale attempted destruction of my
reputation in my life by Chavez and so he's Connie's proxies working hard there's a
guy named Jesse Davis from South Bend Indiana I've mentioned him a number of times
he has now gone to stalking Zach Quaid Zach Quaid was a touch with Canadian
authorities today to file a formal complaint against Jesse Davis and I'm gonna have
a copy of that and I guess I'm gonna have to black out the names but we're gonna
make a video on that he's about to get another one Jesse is there's another person
who was complaining and you know when Jesse's got two three four of those then he's
ripe for a lawsuit and we know he's got five houses you know he avoids creditors by
giving fake addresses like one at a gay bar that his friend apparently owns these
are scammers these are grifters it's funny that Chavez while he was with shadowbox
was receiving money in making financial deals without telling us that's pretty
shady in the meantime he was trying to form another company with Trevor according
to death without telling us and he was gonna poach clients so he also received
money from me to build websites that he never built so this guy Zach onerous
there's no other way to say it and I'm gonna be very blunt about it he is a con
artist he's a pathological liar just like Arturo if somehow Arturo thinks that he
can take the high road even after he was a business with defend go from at least
May of 2018 was being paid to stock offered the services of Freddie Isaacson aka FJ
and Freddie probably something that happened that's white defago I'm telling you
guys right now he's been named in the NPR suit right now they were going to
December Fairbanks and asking for all of our communications Steve this has asked
for the Twitter teams of many people in fact it's funny cuz Beth Blackburn is named
in both of those suits and the year in rich suit so it's getting pretty serious why
is everybody laying off me because I got ahead of this thing way before anybody I
was ahead of it back in June when I voluntarily to pose with air which is attorneys
I have been a victim I've been vilified and demonized and it hasn't been fair it
hasn't been right so it took me a while granted and I had to look at my own
weaknesses which is I leave with my heart and I've trusted where I shouldn't have
but I got ahead of this thing I haven't lied about anything there is nothing to lie
about with this you know it's funny they say that the true fishermen have humility
because they have to face rough seas and dangerous animals and the elements and the
potential to capsize and to drown so that's what I've had to deal with it's been
pretty rough but it has certainly taught me humility and I don't fear anything
because I faced everything including long long long bout of pneumonia and once
again we've gone through the defender pestilence let's get to this other pestilence
the coronavirus be prepared for a second and a third wave that I don't think is
gonna be very good as I said before the first wave not too bad however is moving
real quick if there was a eight nine month period of time when the SARS outbreak
came and during that period that was 2003 it was less than 19,000 cases less than a
thousand cases of verse two and that was over many many months in the last three
weeks has been seventeen thousand cases of this new virus and remember folks the
corona virus will mutate viruses are intelligent and this one all of these to do is
mutate as the weather gets warm and we've got trouble we've got serious trouble and
I'm getting that feeling that we're just and timing for a big epidemic every
hundred years or so it's the great coloring factor the last one is finished will
wiped out at least 50 million is probably more probably 80 million maybe 90 so this
one here because the world population is so much bigger it's gonna take out a lot
more I think back in 1918 we had a about 1.5 billion people on the planet right now
we're approaching 7 billion so this could be catastrophic and if you live in
I just wanted to make a record of the interactions going on between Gabe Hoffman
Diane nutbag Nordstrom and Jessi Davis all three who have engaged in a smear
campaign against me so Gabe Hoffman who reported that one of my attorneys did go to
them and say look you want to avoid a lawsuit this is the price tag it's not
extortion so Dianne Nordstrom says I bet dollars to doughnuts the lawyer
threatening Gabe with a slap suit is Thomas posing as an attorney I bet it reads
like his brown recluse spider excuse in contesting his mother's will now why would
a brown recluse spider excuse that's not an excuse and contesting my mother's will
are still going on now here's Kelly Giannini who I suspect with Gabe have something
to do with the death and cover-up of how Isaac happy died and I've been very clear
about that and so Kelly Giannini once again in getting into my business then how
come he was not authorized to receive service on his behalf that's weird no it's
not weird it's pretty normal Kelly and by the way everybody you know I have
postulated that Isaac Abby could have been trying to run away from potential
kidnappers it's a good thing to know that Kelly G Nene's husband was given a 12
year sentence in prison for kidnapping he was a career criminal he was related he
was released after that and promptly got arrested I believe for armed robbery after
that so with Kelly Giannini who pretends that she's miss innocent she actually was
married to a career criminal criminal named Charles J Nene and here's Diane that
bag nor some again then it certainly seems like you could have him disbarred could
both be charged criminally with attempted extortion no Diane you're you're crazy
but it is good to see that I can make a definitive connection with you and Gabe
Hoffman as part of our case and then here's Diane again did your attorney report
him to the California Bar Association I hope that's extortion would a real lawyer
risk order Tomas de stijl and attorneys identity so you see here's what goes on
when these people interact with Gabe they are associates of Gabe they are
interacting in the act of libel and so that's something that is actionable court
wise so that's that just wanted to make it clear public record of
how lovely Dave and how incorrect your brother George Webb had lunch with RDS and
RDS went ahead and said he talked to an FBI guy in New York who said that the Jason
Goodman was about to be arrested so no one's talking about that just wanted to
correct you I'm doing my own mood court all right and I'm telling you a couple more
things that you need to know Defago has been calling Matt couch at larper and
cutting him down and saying negative things about him you have to wonder why now
I'll tell you a little something that happened at that meeting I think it was
September 18 2017 Matt couch was sitting right next to the fango and he made a
comment to everybody and he said Wow defending were just hacked me I don't think
the fingers much of a hacker but he you know probably saw Matt doing some sort of
password so now he calls him a larper but my experience with Matt is that he was
always polite to gentlemen to me we talked on the phone maybe 10 times he has what
you don't men will shove us you're just a predator Matt was gentleman and I don't
think he's larper at all I think he's a nice guy
silly me you know I should always show evidence whenever I make an accusation so
here's lady Steph using one of her alts to attack my friend Karen who gave leppe o
$2,500 and there was never a thank you what he did is publicly right wrong again
granny idiot money and her response is pretty good she says someone mentioned leppe
oh I'm blocked I guess after me being true granny idiot who actually gave this
larper money I deserved this block so I've gotten to know Karen I think she's a
straight shooter if she's a really good person I don't think she lies at all she's
very straight and for her to reach out and give a lot of money to Dan Cromer when
we were all worried it was going to be on the street and for him to respond this
way he said all I can say is that in life you don't want to be anybody's whore and
leppe o who had some talent decided to become somebody's whore he subjugated all I
can do is this play second fiddle he's Ed McMahon he wanted to be Johnny Carson
really disappointed in you Dan you know you have really rocked a hollow I may be
controversial I may have a lot of enemies but I am nobody's trained you sacrificed
the most important thing your freedom pathetic go have fun with ladies stuff just
okay guys so this is from dr. Dina Grayson she's an epidemiologist and she's saying
breaking the who says the case fatality rate for corner virus is three point four
percent the 1918 Spanish flu that killed 50 million worldwide population 1.9
billion actually was one point six at a CFR of two point five percent so CFR's case
fatality rate ah Wow appropriate coffee whereas usual seasonal spittle is 0.1
percent not good and here it is with the World Health Organization saying that so a
couple things that she's missing here not to correct you dear doctor but the first
wave killed maybe maybe 75 thousand I said first wave was January to June second
wave that came in late September 1918 was the Widowmaker as I call it and that's
where roughly 40 million to 45 million died and that was all within a year the
third wave was in the winter of 1919 killed another 20 million so she's low on our
figures 50 million worldwide the problem was that you had things like measles and
scarlet fever and other things that were you know not assigned to the Spanish
influenza so it could have literally been as high as 80 or 90 million we don't know
you know from the studies that I've done you know it seems to have her around 70 to
75 million so with the population that we have now if you get that rate then you're
looking at one third of the population being affected and of that 10% die off of
the infected hundreds of millions of people so we're dealing with and we're just
about to go into a frenzy of hoarding right now because people are gonna realize
medicines are gonna run out you can't get it cheap in China anymore so just prepare
and I wanted to once again thank people they've been making some nice donations on
my paypal and they I really appreciate that because this is kind of what I've
decided to do now is you know I think this is a real important thing to do what I'm
doing now so thank you
Coon raccoon
2020-03-18 14:58:51 UTC
nothing can like now racons marched clichés word wish washington shape with crown
you have to stephen on the air
2020-01-29 16:39:58 UTC
so here's a second one for Dave just to kind of put it out there todo esta connect
taco speaking Spanish now that means everything is connected it is so Dave Marcus
Conte has been attacking you at the bequest of Manuel Chavez dopey dave is directly
connected am almost certain that leppe o was blackmailed by Manuel Chavez's team
and if you recall he was on the target list of dopey Dave but as soon as he was
cannibalized by Shabbos the attacks were centered on you and me and suddenly Aleppo
was off the target list once again as far a shadowbox if we were doing nefarious
things with RDS if I was how come the payments with RDS go directly to Chavez why
is there clear evidence said vamos avez and RDS were planning a business that
included social media platforms and payments through you know stream rift and
patreon and PayPal and whatnot yes that evidence has been dropped and it's a matter
of court record that Tania paid Manuel Savas $1500 on August 1st there's no payment
we never got a payment to shadowbox from Tania or from her yes so you know it's
pretty clear what was going on let me give you some more chronologies all right
June 17th the interview Marcus Canty and Dafeng go and the attack started on me
well that was because it was directed and controlled by Chavez all right hot Billy
there was a thousand dollar reward for attacking me who issued the reward well look
at the LARP Wars timeline on Twitter Defago admits it August 1st 2019 he puts out a
Bitcoin bounty for my capture that's felonious so I got law enforcement involved
and they're all over it so by you warning Leppa to stay away well when I gave you
my word that I wouldn't be in the chat anymore I lived up to it so as far as
leopard murrow's you know it'd be nice if she was writing articles that were
balanced it'd be great if she came to me and said you know answer these questions I
would but she doesn't consult me so she gets into the thicket of erroneous
information as you do too you know you you've got things in your head that are
probably being put there by other people but if you want to do evidence-based
researched research take a look at my Twitter I sent you the evidence right there
and you know janin and Stevo Truman others have had it for a long time so that's
that I'm telling leppe Oh to keep away from me I haven't had a conversation with a
guy in many months I haven't been in his chat um I don't wish him any harm I hope
he's okay but yeah that shows dead he was blackmailed I believe by Topanga and
that's that and if you notice when they did supposedly team forces that's leper and
Chavez shabbos didn't promote leper show at all promote lipo he basically suppress
him and oppressed him and blackmailed him I believe so there you go Dave those are
very odd that jackie weaver tracking the leopard moroes had a copy of this even
though it wasn't on palm beach electronic website so you wonder why i asked about
um jackie and could she be cia or one of the alphabets obviously she's clearly in
touch with uh gabe hoffman and you know it'll be an interesting thing if this thing
really blows up you know i can imagine uh milo being subpoenaed and maybe cassandra
fairbanks and uh ali and others so yeah we can certainly uh we can certainly
provide um a fair amount of witnesses um to gabe's behavior i think that um ali's
magazine at one point [Music] vetted him and i'll just slowly cruise we'll do it
like hebrew instead of right to left we'll go nina polis wrote don't get me started
on hmm very interesting he says the guy's profile pic is him in my studio smiling
as he stands next to me on my golden throne nothing is as it seems folks always dig
for the story beneath the story very interesting
Helping Zack
2020-02-25 22:52:46 UTC
guys if there's any way any generous Souls could donate a little paypal to Zach
McQuaid that would be great he's a really good young man he's 26 years old he's an
artist and he has suffered from a hard road but he's there every day making his art
and doing his best and right now we have a multi-millionaire and Gabe Hoffman who's
harassing this guy who's harassing a 26 year old man this is a guy who right now
doesn't have a penny to his name and he's traumatized and it's wrong zach is a
really good human being so really fine human being he's a fellow Christian and if
anybody can help make his road a little bit easier that would be nice he literally
doesn't have enough to eat Zach works when he can he's not a drug addict he said
mental trauma PTSD and he's been on his own since he was 14 so I admire him and I
see a lot of good in him and if anybody doesn't want to help I know he would be
deeply grateful and he probably even make a video for you and that kind of thing
too it's very creative I love Zach I think he's just a wonderful guy and a group of
us have taken him under our wing and we're provide as we can for him sometimes when
things are tight for us well we ask other Christians to help and that's where we're
at today so if anybody is able to make a small donation that would
good afternoon everybody buona sera so let's get into the coronavirus thing right
now a wopo article came out and it says in Italy nine point five percent of the
people who have tested positive for the corona virus have succumbed to it in
Germany it's zero point four percent why is that and then they conclude early
intervention but is that really the case first off we still don't know for sure
whether this is real or a hoax there's been a lot of death in Italy but it doesn't
jibe with the death rate normally half a million people died per year and so what
this concludes in the article is that Germany just has better health care and you
know a younger age of the population and that there they were proactive in their
testing but in reality it's much too early to come to conclusions even the German
Health Ministry said you know there at the beginning of this so there are other
reasons that I'm coming up with which I'm going to share with you but first
foremost you have to take a look at Spain and Italy and then you want to look at
the chronological ages of the victims in Germany and 82% of them are under 60 years
old and 52% in Spain so they're not coming up with the right conclusions the right
conclusions are very simple you've have a variant aspect when it comes to the
strings that are being as far as Germany you know when I called that one - they've
increased by a third in the last five days and you have to look at resolved cases
it's a better denominator we you know recovery takes much longer than death so
Germany's case increased rate has been about 50% every three days and I think it's
gonna grow I think once again this is calculated by a warfare and here's what we're
gonna see and I think there's no way to stop it I think that New York is going to
collapse I think that this is a city that lives on hospitality lives on a eating
culture just like there's cafe culture in Austria and in France and in Italy this
is an eating culture a dining culture in New York and they're not going to weather
this they're not I think that Trump probably has the right idea which is just by
Easter you know come what well because we each have our own choices I'm a
libertarian and if I want to self quarantine I don't want the government telling me
what to do if I'm sick or testing positive I've got a moral responsibility to
others not to not to mingle and that the bottom line is even if we have a death
rate focus of 20 million or 30 million which would be catastrophic still what's
worse is starvation and mob rule and that means your wife goes to the supermarket
and she's getting your your daughter gets kidnapped that's what we're looking at if
all systems fail so that's you know that's that's my taking on things which is for
most people it'll be a bad flu and even if it takes out 10% of of those that are
sick well that can be a lot of people but we'll get through it you know we have a
big population so a lot of ways it's how I'm reminded of my doctor strangelove
scene and I don't know if you remember
good almost afternoon ok so my friend and fellow researcher Brian Wilson is talking
about how China has a lack of any regulation on animal or human testing so he's
talking about the CCP PLA pogroms you know the concentration camps they're sending
people to prison right now who were talking about this and facts about as IO China
Oregon trafficking Network which is truly he goes on to say well essentially that
there's uneven transmission dispersal essentially and so I'm guessing that Brian
has a background in epidemiology as well he knows his stuff so he's looking at the
South Korean and Italian breakouts and yeah he's extrapolating and he's right
there's been 600 new cases in last 24 hours so we'll be seeing you know probably in
54 hours maybe 1200 it'll double never you know two days and change so once again
he also points out the really low of 30 percent accuracy rate in and detecting the
viruses and even more than that those that are deemed cured develop it again so I'm
thinking right now from what Brian has written that they probably have taken soil
from Italy as well which has seen numerous plagues over the years what it is is a
revisitation of old pestilences that plagued mankind that's what we're dealing with
so they can do this in the name of science but if they don't have their biosafety
measures in place this is we're seen so could it be could it be something that was
done purposefully yeah certainly again I find it very strange that it's in Iran and
it's in places that seem to be enemies of certain people so he talks about how the
UN who were partners with a woman lab which is true and guess who designed it the
French and guess where they were trained they're trained in Lyon and they were
trained in Paris so I've seem to have maybe broken my arm or saw some I'm a little
off today but I kept on saying faculty because I was researching the research
centers on faculties what I meant to say facilities so forgive my last video faux
pas so what I'm gonna tell you now is that we're going to see this in the poor
cities we're going to see these virus is carried by the locusts can they get
biblical guys that's what you're going to see and the impact on the supply chain is
going to be gigantic waiting to see waiting to see so what will happen I think with
Trump is that he's going to come down on the CDC like a ton of bricks as I stated
before people are blaming him they're please' sizing things when they don't realize
that most of the hires at the CDC were Obama and Bush jr. so you know you can sit
there twenty fingers all you want the bottom line is we have to look at this when
we have to understand this probably organic in nature but then was weaponized and I
that could have been done without the intent of harming without any military
application it could have been done simply because they wanted to see where things
go you know how many disasters have been caused in the name of science people don't
talk about that much thanks
I publicly accuse Manuel Chavez of helping to plot the murder of Isaac Kappy
2020-03-05 20:18:22 UTC
you guys got to see this so this is something from defenders first show on YouTube
by anyone talking about cabbies death this is from Steve ultram I can't show you
him talking because he'll strike me but what I can do so click down here I just
want you to hear the rage in his voice fucking death letter I know what happened
here I know I was a cop he probably just found out that that dude that was fucking
lying him about everything the guy that was lying to him about the Sony deal and
the movie deal and stringing him along that guy yeah so so let me tell you
something I never discussed a Sony deal with Isaac Abbey not at all it sounds like
you're actually talking about yourself because that's what you did you and the
staff and China the three and others you died when Sony didn't you Defago so your
anger and your rage is coming out you talking about for copy and then you go ahead
and you point fingers at me this is beyond damning you were involved in the
planning and the murder of Isaac caffee weren't you Chavez that's what's coming up
soon you think you can run you can hide you can get your little troll army to point
fingers at me I wasn't in your design and that's where you come from that's what
you grew up that's what we did political campaigns Obama for America tied to ci8
it's all coming out of
this is short bill Achille she's around 300 pounds she's a desperate but nautical
woman and now she's trying to sweet-talk Zach and you're thinking so we're gonna
get into this um here she is talking to Celeste chick who GM's right there trying
to push Zach to go into the discord with that PO not a good idea why am i trying to
here we go with the ex my s'mores my Astrid stop fucking with you so I come in to
discord Zach so they're playing games come on discord Zach pleople will give you
the floor no attacks we are here to listen to you exclamation point this is a five
so in many ways sharks is more fun than lurking with our pers you know there's some
truth there with his Kelly was the one who ruined a lot for show she Stephanie away
so was pretty bad what she's doing yeah I need to get more true Zack went in there
but no one was there that doesn't matter they got a psyche thanks for coming into
discord Zack it's a big Stepan don't think we don't understand or appreciate that
she's talking like a corrections officer tells a prisoner for good behavior you
know you have an open invitation please keep that in mind what was advised as it
was your best interest know nothing about this is in his best interest this is a
liar this is a woman who wastes three hundred pounds on the internet all day long
and I'm gonna taste some more here she is with crazy nut back yeah disconnect from
TSN's cohorts mediate with GH mediate with a cape off in his attorney and agreed to
never speak his name again that's crazy so Kelly right now I was just coming out
okay so my take was really gonna Corey Feldman came out with a fraud it was a
complete fraud I'm pretty sure gh was behind that fraud because the wink-wink
hacker showing up on defago show and nowhere else that's suspicious and guess why
shark belly Kelly's pushing the thing too so Zack it may not be in your best
interest to have anything to do with these people Kelly was just busted showing her
hand she's in Gabe's camp very very dangerous
so do you guys remember this mrs. Epstein temple on the island all these designs
are on purpose and what they don't talk about is you've got probably 3/4 of
dungeness underneath so what is the simplest example dedicated to L yell well
remember this is Elohim I don't know how many our biblical scholars at least of the
Old Testament you remember the binding of issac probably oh you don't um that's
where God told Abraham to sacrifice his his son and need to dig deeper because you
can reference all sorts of liturgical texts the Oxford Companion to world mythology
and it basically shows that the Canaanites had their God l and that was the God of
Abraham and therefore one must construe that this God demanded human sacrifice you
see it all over the place but of course The Binding of Isaac is important and
Elohim is a prototype of yahwah you need to look very very close you need to look
at a shara it was his wife start to study the Canaanites and you're going to it's
about God's allene and they pretty much wiped out most of it out of the Old
Testament you'll see it occurs four times in the Tanika if you look at Psalm 29
which they call a psalm of David it's ascribed to yahwah sons of gods that's the
death aleem which is pearl and then ascribed to yama glory and strength you look at
Psalm 80 96 and that's that B verse seven in Hebrew and four who in the skies
compares to yahwah they're basically saying multiple gods who can be like liking to
yahwah among the sons of gods once again and athlean so if you start to look at
what Jeffrey Epstein was doing you couldn't only conclude that this is some sort of
sacrifice the sacrifices were down here below so you're gonna look at captivity
going on this island I think that's why they have probably you know the men and
golf carts have gone ahead and probably detonated a lot of with stone below but
that's really where your investigation needs to go and you need to look
archaeologically ye Epstein has done this sorry for the shakiness I'll put it down
you need to look at a certain period in the Old Testament where they worshipped a
golden gaff now most people would i incorrectly assume that this was some sort of
deviation to the cult of Mithra which was the cult of the golden bull I don't think
it is I can take a look at a lot of the really really early very early Hebrew
history and even the pre Hebrew history you know for the candidates to to the gods
to people to land a deed Yamamoto and later you know the ones that we know is it
was Poseidon Hades so on and so forth so the the inscriptions that you see when you
go to these areas if you look at the Amorite descriptions l Abeka which is god of
your father li beanie got a our father so and you have to look at the text of you
know 7th century BC what they call the are siient ash and these are prayers where
they talk about an eternal bond that has been established which to me seems like a
blood oath you know back earlier these gypsy God tah-tah who they called Lord of
Gath an agent Egyptian is deity and that goes way back us that goes to amenhotep ii
so that's what 1400 BCE right what Jeffrey Epstein was doing was that he was
building a temple to other gods rather than the god of the Old Testament and who
knows what it was I mean I take a look at the structure and it looks Andean it
looks like there was no God called a pataga SP tal a PT 8 h IL god I'm getting old
I used to know all this stuff any rate you have to look through the ancient world
to the Hebrew the Aramaic the Acadie and the Phoenician you have to look at the way
that words were used in particularly in the northwest and how they used the word
God and the special titles of a particular God they ain't believed in multiple guts
go look at the Canaanites sources you look at the you gar check sources let me type
in you garlic so you guys know it we're talking about ok so here's you garlic and
take a look at that that entrance matches the temple right and it's Yuka heat which
was a city facing the sea it was a seafaring city and what is now Syria so so who
would have visited this and conquered it the Hittites the Romans the Greeks
Cypriots Marcin again you know you would have seen the sea peoples who had been all
over this place they were excellent navigators they actually almost conquered Egypt
at one point and the Egyptians were smart enough to understand and mimic their
naval skills so the sea peoples were not one people but many people so you know let
me get back to Epstein temple and here we go so you see on the other side here
facing this one the keyhole and Google Earth will probably find 3/4 structures I
think that the one thing I got from cue maps a cue pub whatever it was and here we
go this wouldn't wanted to show you right there is manicure these trees are planted
if you pull up these palm trees you're gonna find shafts the shafts go directly
down probably I would say probably three floors and down below you're gonna find
evidence of horrific
you guys have got to check out steve-o Troma's new article it's amazing if you go
to burners dummy burners like burning bu our ners taught me he literally gets into
everything that we've all been asking which is where the the queue started and
where the key LARP started and I'm still getting my my head around this one Steve
is he's obviously put a lot more study into this than me but he's really showing
any Shabbos as being something terribly wicked and involved in some really shady
ops it's getting crazy so I think all a lot more will be coming out especially with
lawsuits coming down the pike and counter lawsuits coming down the pike all I can
tell you is you'll see after you read Steve stuff why I hold him in such high
regard you know he the research that he was mocked for as now turned out to be
completely accurate and he is he's been on it since the beginning this is a really
really you know I love Steve as a person too but his work it's just scary good he's
made a lot of things clear for me I'm sure for a lot of other people that's why
he's uh he's very popular so you guys have got to check out this new article it
really gets into October 2017 and all the things that were going on Vegas anon
queuing on what was going on with JP and micro and the whole nine yards to Agra
coalition Joe keeps on going back a real insight view into what looks like a
spiderweb of disinformation artists and a lot of these guys may have been hired we
know to think I made a lot of money in us something that came out very clear to
defend girls looking worse and worse and I think what what the real JB has to say
is phenomenal it's just absolutely amazing the reason why it matters to me is it
for months and months and months I was the target of topango and his little group
and these guys and you guys remember this these guys were putting out there that I
created cue they were then calling themselves cue Slayers and sending people to
harass me and to chase me down and track me down and and you know the whole liners
try to destroy me so that's why it's important to me to see this and you know I'm
starting to get my head around it I still have a lot of questions but you guys have
gotta check out Steve's article but yes it
Please watch the video from know more news. Adam Greene is amazing
2020-07-22 00:05:24 UTC
last night I told you that things would start to happen today which is the
anniversary of Neil Armstrong walking on the moon so you need to pay attention to
four channels for people on the Internet and that would be Adam green Titus frost
Steve ultram and big fish it's now been reported by one of Ghislaine Maxwell's
friends that Jacob wall and his partner Merc Berkman I believe his name is were
paid $25,000 to run smear campaigns against someone Adam and green just covered it
beautifully I was a witness to what Adam Green went through when they tried to swat
him there was a guy who came into combat ping-pong and was brandishing a weapon and
certain people won I can't mention was very involved in putting that information
out there leaving Adam to fear for his life I was in touch with Adam watched his
livestream as it happened and Adam was now tied in Gabe Hoffman to all of this
along with Mindy Robertson along with others Mike Stern of itch the dwarf that I
can't name and the whole thing is being uncovered guys luke 817 what was hidden
shall be revealed so everything is starting to come out and we're going to see
suicides that aren't suicides we're gonna see fires that are mysterious we're gonna
see people disappear so I'm gonna everybody to watch Adam green see what he just
came up with and I want to tell you that what they're going to do now this is one
of gifts lanes friends who came out with this information I believe it's true
people like will summer who worked for a man named Noah and they run a rag called
The Daily Beast and I've caught will in lies he did a big article on me as you guys
know full of falsities these are the enemies of the American people I hate to
borrow a phrase but it's true and what we are looking at right now is we're being
governed by Tel Aviv I'm just gonna say it too I've had a lot of respect for Adam
there are some people who claim that he's a honeypot and I believe the people
accusing them of that are tied into Israeli intelligence we have operations on our
soil whether it's a MN which is Israeli military intelligence or it's Mossad or
it's Jewish mob activity a lot of it coming at a Broward County and Palm Beach a
lot of it coming out of New York some of it coming out of California in Chicago and
other areas a lot of it coming out of New Jersey Adam knows what I'm talking about
he's been around the block I've got a couple years on him I'm an older guy but I
have tremendous respect for his research in his accuracy and the fact that he's an
honest guy yes so he's a friend of Titus's as I am and what he reports is shocking
to some people the truth can be shocking the truth can be an electric eel and that
is because they haven't doctrine aided and propagandized us since childhood so when
the veneer cracks when the surface skin is stripped back and we start to look to
subcutaneous and then the tendons and the ligaments in the bone we start to see the
architecture and so what we have right now is people who were true patriots people
like Adam and Titus and Steve they're coming up with things they're coming out with
things and by the way big fish does incredible research so the planets aligned last
night and it was a sign from the heavens that truth is going to be coming out like
dollops of rain water and our heads are going to get wet and our clothing is going
to get drenched and it's a beautiful thing it's going to be too much to handle for
some others will be bored because they're not interested in the truth they're
interested in entertainment but Adam Green has a show his channel is no more news
as in KN o W mor e NE WS Adam calls it like he sees it we are in complete agreement
with most things with the exception of the pronunciation of Ghislaine I think he
calls her Gill Ain at any rate that's nothing with Adam I salute you I think you've
done a beautiful job I was a witness when they were purposely trying to get Adam
killed the shooter who came into common ping-pong I'm not sure he even fired a shot
looked vaguely very vaguely like Adam they took advantage of that and they went
into action that includes Mindy Robertson I believe she's a former porn actress
that includes others that I won't name and Adam did a whole thing on Gabe Hoffman
today very interesting thing let's see what out of what Gabe does to because it's
beautiful for me I'll be able to use it in court these people that are coming out
of the woodwork I can use all of it and so you know I'll make a nice little
novelette for the judge and I just want to let you guys know that on August 13 I
faced down Gabe Hoffman so I hope you will show your support I'm not looking for it
monetarily at least at this point you know I don't even have a working paypal the
same thing that happened to Isaac caffee is happening to me which is they will
start a campaign of discrediting auntie faming and then they finish you off they
they kill you and make it look like it look like a suicide that's the game and if
it happens to me know that I'm not suicidal never have been in my life have never
been diagnosed with any psychological difficulties delusions commands loose Asian
schizophrenia bipolar borderline you name it nothing got a clear mind I believe in
reason but I also believe in faith so I've got faith in Jesus I have faith in my
supporters who have been wonderful generous kind very uncomfortable putting that
PayPal links or you know links for donations is not my deal this isn't I've I've
been a wealthy twice before there has been someone in particular that I won't
mention who has been particularly kind and the reason why I won't mention this
person is that this person will be attacked you know I am getting accolades and
awards for music that I've written for projects and I can't announce those because
the people connected to these projects will be attacked that's what happens so I'm
I'm an island I am I'm solitaire I'm that figure on the hill that used to live in a
village but because of corrupt ostracization I guess you would call it I'm up there
on the hill alone looking at all of you with love and looking at my enemies and
knowing that their dreams are starting the time has come things are going to be
revealed now things that will shock you and bewilder you you go out into the world
seeking truth some of you bring a metal detector some of you bring night-vision
goggles a lot of you bring a sense of earnestness and you will find truth and we
you do find it you'll be troubled you might get angry you might rage and rent and
it won't sit well with you but then you'll be and you will understand the kingdom
I remember a song by the doors or Jim Morrison saying when the music's over and
some of the lyrics if I can recall them what have they done to the earth what have
they done to our fair sister ravaged and plundered and ripped her and bit her
that's exactly what we've done with these minds now there's regulations in the
United States is far less regulated in China and China has a much firmer grip on
their media although we're catching up so imagine that these minds are dug deep
into the earth and imagine that things are brought forth from the earth that we
haven't dealt with in a long time now I only went into the second or the first half
of the sixteenth century with all the weird comets and pestilences and because we
didn't have antibiotics it was a bad time for all you had to be pretty Hardy to
survive look at Mozart Mozart I went to 88 cities between 1763 and 1779 he was
everywhere and he started off in Mannheim which had the best orchestra in Europe he
spent time in Chelsea in London in 1764 he was with his mother in Paris in 1771
when she died she died of some mysterious ailment not bad just she was older and
she was obese and she went probably from having an unheated apartment which is what
they had there so Mozart as a child smallpox and he recuperated and you know it's
not a prog-rock ah they say and by the way I'll teach you some Czech words Poirot
seem is pleased and DA Cooley is thank you there's your check lesson for today so
at any rate this pestilence we don't know what the second wave is going to be like
it could be much worse and you need to start looking at the mines because bats bat
guano I believe is the culprit for the black death of 1347 to 1352 there's another
quick history lesson
so this is what's really happening and this is the reported cases for corona virus
ten days ago we had eight hundred and forty four cases when I looked at in over
twenty thousand which means if you extrapolate those members it could be over two
hundred thousand cases and another ten days and you just keep on going so it's
growing exponentially and you've got a nation that is famous for not telling people
what the truth is and I'm talking about China and I think you'll get better clarity
in other areas but you still have governments that don't want this out there why
because well I can get politicians voted out of office there's no faith in CDC or
other health reporting organizations so this thing's catching fire yeah it's gonna
get a lot worse yeah I'm gonna keep that sneeze in there it's funny it uh accepteth
August 3, 2020
2020-08-03 07:59:24 UTC
so the beautiful thing right now is that there's renewed interest in isaac cappy
and uh everything going on i want to give some props out to um julio from
theorizing theorists he's coming up with some pretty good stuff julio you're doing
a good job man um when i first met you i couldn't stand you i'll be honest i got
pissed off at you as you know we had a showdown but i've got respect for you i
think you shoot straight and uh you give god the glory and i appreciate that so
this is not gonna quit guys and i think the more that people look into isaac happy
the more they're going to go ahead and they're going to look very closely into uh a
separator capital cipder is a word that means bird of prey and this is uh basically
a hedge fund that's run by gabe hoffman as i said before if you want to see the
most public display of acrimony uh between isaac cappy and anybody it is certainly
between isaac and gabe you would see isaac vent about sean you never heard anything
um set back from sean green um you have them talk about tom hanks and steven
spielberg you never heard a word from them but for whatever reason we gave he was
certainly there playing some sort of role in my opinion a protective role there are
a lot of people who have accused him of being of gabe of being a pedophile
protector many people and it's uh it's not just isaac um i know that i repeated it
because i saw it i looked into it i had to ask myself the question of why this
strange man out of palm beach with all sorts of money and all sorts of had to pat
himself on the back talk about why he was such a successful hedge fund manager
which he's not and then go ahead and point fingers at me telling me um we're
telling the world that i must be looked at as some sort of suspect who does that
right who does that now where did he get that idea he got it from um a little tiny
rotund piece of meat an italian it's called a meatball um i'm sure that's where it
happened and i'm sure that um hoffman uh may be smart in certain areas uh but he's
a dumb in my opinion and a lot of others he doesn't understand history he doesn't
understand philosophy he's got a uh a minute grasp on psychology if you ask him
anything about isaac gabby his response is to label you an anti-semite or to block
you uh he had numerous fights repeated fights with isaac publicly and even down to
the day that i've died here's gabe attacking them so what level of hatred would
bring a man to curse a corpse it's really what happened and you've got to look at
this stuff you've got to say you know he's got to be looked at he's offended that
people are questioning um he goes the legal route to silence researchers he's now
threatening a woman out of florida he's made legal threats uh against a researcher
uh in new zealand he's um sued at a absolutely bereft young man bereft by uh by
that i mean broke sued him for a million dollars and won on a default but that's
about to change so what sort of guy manages hundreds of millions of dollars loses
hundreds of millions of dollars goes ahead and bankrolls a documentary on
pedophilia but then attacks pedophilia victims and after his adversary dies in a
very mysterious manner goes ahead and attacks some pianist because that's what i am
i'm some pianist all right i'm the best or pretty close to it maybe not as a
pianist but as a composer i put myself among the best in the world i know my worth
um however at the end of the day i'm just a musician right that's it and he's got
all sorts of resources and all sorts of time why isn't he going ahead and taking
care of his clients and focusing on the financial aspects of things why is he
running around trying to silence anybody right there in poker they call that
okay so natural news is coming out with some a little bit unbalanced reporting and
it says corona virus infections explode in South Korea a spread accelerates across
Iran Lebanon in Israel now it is true with Iran that is also true with Lebanon and
Mary cases but it's bullshit to say Israel they've got one case from someone who
was one of the passengers on one of the cruises so that's where what are you doing
Mike Adams really trying to put out there that you know Israel house you know the
infections like everybody else no they don't so talks about this evil doubling
coronavirus affections doubled in South Korea to 204 it's exactly how it started in
the Ruan crisis and then with its you just seen doubling everywhere and it's this
article discusses 40 new mobile incineration ovens just supposed of animal corpses
quote-unquote and they are talking about people must be real so North Korea is not
reporting and it's talking about it spreading across Lebanon Egypt Belgium which
has a lot of a lot of people who travel back and forth from the Middle East
especially in Brussels Finland Cambodia Spain's for like so it really is growing
76,000 reported cases you can probably assume as 10 times that it's here we go with
the second surge so that's what I'm talking about and this is not the big waves
that I'm talking about this is basically metastasizing of the initial plague it's
gonna get a lot worse and as I said they've declared patients cured and they're not
and there's a second search of the virus after an additional ten day incubation
period so things got a legs it's what's going on so for the people like Denise
Machado who don't know a thing about epidemiology she talks about the winds
bullying and how you know her her cotton scarf is going to you know save her says
know what she's talking about this thing can latch onto your little bendito mask
and I you'll be inhaling it so you're just gonna get sick Denise you know the best
thing you can do is get off the internet have your have your helpers you little
cockroaches help to build you a quarantine area I think that will be that'll be
good so it talks about one person here person who did all the right things were
wearing masks and gloves and then she was cured but then she wasn't here she had a
second outbreak of the corona virus in her body so what you're seeing is quite a
fighter it'll get you sick you'll start to recover go go to the doctor and the
doctor will declare you cured and bam and you know you get as they're calling it a
second wave so
good morning everybody so back in the later 80s i was married in a catholic church
full mass and before we got married my wife and i had to go to a retreat we also
had to meet with the priest who asked us lots of questions and i started to talk to
him about the actual location of the church which was on sunset boulevard and told
him do you realize that 35 000 years ago this is where the american lion roamed and
the dire wolf and the saber-tooth tiger and so on and so forth and so we had a very
engaging conversation about history and um pointed out that right down the street
there was the la brea tar pits where you would have these animals fall into a pit
of tar and then would be attacked as they were helpless and the predators would
also be killed so people often talk about demonic possession in the singular sense
and only occasionally is a viral phenomenon they point to salem massachusetts as
the poster child for village demonic possession and justice of coronavirus is a
metastasizing pathogen that has become a pandemic affecting the world and punching
financial markets in the face i'm a firm believer that fear and hate can also be
pandemic and you only need to look at the history of war and intolerance and
violence that the human animal is susceptible to there's periodic outbursts of the
most extreme and visceral bloodletting imaginable people think of the inquisition
as a one or two year event they don't understand that technically it lasted for
centuries torquay mata if you remember him was a childhood friend of queen isabella
as in queen isabella and king ferdinand and torquay mata was the rock star of the
inquisition one of my favorite books is the brothers karamazov and there is a
chapter in it called the grand inquisitor it's about the return of jesus and how
going back to our human history look at the pogroms and the ethnic cleansings and
the genocides and the wars and speed killings and serial killings and suicides and
terrorism and you can get a glimpse of what people in previous generations called
demonic possession it's happening now how many of you have friends or family whose
behavior has been inexplicable once again the bible predicted these times god's
with you as long as you don't abandon god it's really where it's at you know i i
study this and when the bible says brother against brother all you have to do is
look at matt 24 7. for nation will rise against nation kingdom against kingdom and
there will be famines and earthquakes in various places or mark 13 12. and brother
will deliver brother over to death and the father is child and children will rise
against parents and have them put to death there's also matthew 10 21 brother will
deliver brother over to death and the father his child and children will raise
against parents and have them put to death these are events that are happening
right now so turn to god god's got the answer he really does i go ahead and quote
bible quotes all day long if you want you know and it's it's there it's everywhere
it's all over matthew's oliver mark matthew 24 10 2 peter 318 matthew 24 14 you
know it's um it's everywhere because not only is that the person you're going to
see at the end of time but it's the person who will look out for you now
so I have been running in prompters and some sonatas and just etiquette shared or
that I think I'm going to name Jacki Weaver alleged CIA spook fake Christian I
think that's a fancy title at any rate let's talk about insanity guys all right
what's going on with the corona virus and what our leaders are telling us and I'm
not talking about Trump I'm talking about the Senators and the congressmen in the
media what they're saying makes absolutely no sense none all of a sudden they're
talking about these exploding cases and forward and California you know in Arizona
they're they're pushing the story that they're finding kovat in the sewage system
and so if that's true well it's got to be in the water reservoirs too so it's
within the drinking systems and of course they're gonna have to address filtration
and all that and so it goes back to the contamination of wells and the Middle Ages
this is the story that they're pushing right now which is everything's poisonous
the air the water you drink scare scare scare and at the end of the day once again
what we need to worry about is when the weather gets cold and America has to fear a
lot less than Europe once again you know a century ago you had the Spanish flu that
killed 50 to 70 million Europeans and under a million Americans if you start to
look at how their fear pointing us I they're not talking about a rapidly declining
death rate which is what I've been telling all of you would happen as the weather
got warm you know the viruses get wobbly right harder to transmit and this virus
you know the only danger in it is if you're really old and and you get this stuff
they you know doctors can't tell the difference between flus or pneumonias and a
lot of this stuff that's going all out of the death is carryovers from pneumonia so
you know they're not talking about the secondary bacterial infections which is
exactly what happened in 1918 yeah avian flu virus and it was phage and what was
really killing people was the bacteria so that's sad there's other things that are
going on all over the place - I wanted to once again address Cromer and just say
you know I found out a little bit more you're telling people that I am buddies with
Tim Holmes death I don't even know the guy you made the same allegation with feel
calm and know what you're confusing is me with Arturo Tafoya Paciorek a FOIA took
over Phil McConnell's old YouTube channel so you know there's a lot of misstatement
misdirection sleight Jacki Weaver Jacki Weaver she's first they're blogging about
Jason Goodman a long time ago and then RDS that's kind of weird and then she starts
to broaden her thing she goes after me and just a really really strange she's
trying to dig into my past she has reported that she's gone through the FBI because
I have alleged that she may be a CIA asset her behaviors indicate that to me
everything about this woman is this in my opinion very creepy she's a creepy senior
citizen who if for reasons unknown to everybody seems to be the fixity at all stuff
you know she wants to pretend to everybody that she's the Boadicea of the truth
movements and it's a joke what Jacki Weaver is is the old adage which is others
there's no fool like an old fool now and that's what's going on so I certainly
wouldn't be spending my retirement years digging into people's legal issues you
know her recent post is uh you know a deposition from old friend of mine named
Brian and in the deposition you could read it for yourself Brian said well I only
saw Thomas play piano once but he was a virtuoso so that flies in the face of her
earlier blogs were she was publicly saying no one's ever seen him play you know she
was carrying Lestat's water and not back north from fire so it becomes insane and
that's what we're getting from the media and it's not new they point at Trump and
they say he's completely insane he's insane tyrant their happiness same tyrants
Nero Caligula you know Alexander the sixth the Pope you know from the Borgia family
is absolutely monstrous there are pedophile rings around the world Bill Clinton
really did go deficit island so did Kevin Spacey's sort of use a lot of other
powerful people there is some weird temple there Alan Dershowitz only got a massage
right wink wink so as I drink my expression of the wrong way and cough all I can
say is these are crazy times and I'm gonna promise you guys you know my huge
subscribers all 300 and whatever that the Jacki Weaver alleged CIA spook fake
Christian cachero is going to be magnificent you've got my
August 4, 2020
2020-08-04 07:27:59 UTC
2020-07-13 17:43:13 UTC
so it goes it's just with my diet gotta be getting machine so there's a lot going
on you know I can tell you the cities are changing New York is literally
everybody's wearing a mask oh that's crazy you know and the police are pissed off
that's a Blasio big-time big-time it's going down okay guys so I'm not gonna make a
another video for about a day I got to do a little airline up and I'll talk to you
[Music] so my answer to being falsely accused by Gabe Allen Hoffman formerly of New
Jersey and now of Palm Beach Florida my answer to him after being falsely accused
defamed attacked my privacy invaded is to urge everybody to look into him closely
you want to ask how this guy gets a bachelors in finance Bachelor stakes for years
that's what it did with him he wasn't an exceptional student but after four years
he lands on Wall Street and within a year he's got tens of millions of dollars with
his own hedge fund how does that happen now to me I've heard allegedly that he was
set up by kosher Nostra for a lack of a better word now of course he may think that
anti-semitic but you know there's a long history of Jewish mob activities with the
finances you want to take a look at Vegas for instance and our government is deeply
involved with Vegas and it has been from its early years I really graceful did a
pretty good report on that and you want to look at the bankers you got to ask
yourself a fundamental question is the printing and distribution of our very money
and monetary system in the hands of the wrong people and I say yes and I'll tell if
you're a guy you've got a girlfriend who was really sweet she's really good in bed
she's really good to you great massages great conversations ah and then
occasionally she'll put on stiletto heels and kick you in the head when you're
sleeping is that a good girlfriend does uh all the passion replace all the
surgeries you've had in your cranial area no so what we do is we've got a financial
system right now that will go haywire on purpose these are pre-designed recessions
and depressions and crashes it's been going on for a long time and you see the
people who are short on the market and they're in cahoots with the people who are
running in the money systems why isn't the Fed ever vetted why hasn't it gone
through an investigation is open to the American public because they're hiding shit
how come only the small guys went down during the financial crash of 2008 Lehman
Brothers and Bear Stearns and all that the big guys get away with things that's the
way our system works and that's what's pissing off the American people can tell you
that at least this American you know if you've got money you can purchase justice
and it shouldn't be that way and we should be pissed when Isaac appiy was in my
mind ranking at times it really was about this person being a pedophile on that
person being pedophile I knew some of it was true I knew that Hollywood at a
history going back over a century of pedophilia but when I asked for proof he said
look they're not gonna sue me now there's other reasons for that may not want to be
associated with someone attached their name to it you know there's all sorts of
vagaries of court they call it and celebrities like to settle matters out of court
but when Gabe Hoffman comes out of the blue and starts to attack him and then Isaac
dies in a very mysterious way that smacks of the kosher Nostra which has a habit of
defaming and discrediting people before they arranged their wink-wink suicides so
this is what Gabe Othman is there's a slickness to his campaigns which you know
anybody who has a brain cell can see through Gabe will express compassion for his
victim oh the poor guy you know suffering mental illness losing it and then of
course there's the attack he went ahead and he took a friend of mine someone I'm
proud to call a friend Zach McQuaid Toronto and he's basically torturing him he's
basically a spider zach is a fly and he's sending people like Corey Daniel to
threaten Zach and to say Gabe's gonna make an example of you he he told me this so
you know Corey's gonna be deposed with everything going down Corey's gonna be
deposed gonna reach out to Cassandra Fairbanks and below and others and everything
that Gabe is doing is gonna blow up in his face no more that he seeks victories by
insipid torture tactics the more it's gonna blow up in his face the more attention
is going to be drawn to him now worded gave off and make his original money do you
think that the financial firms that hire him as a you know the fresh-faced kid with
peach fuzz you think they suddenly made him very wealthy because he was smart no
games not that smart listen to him syrupy conman strategy you know he did the same
shit that he did to Isaac - Zack which is he calls Zacks mother gets involved with
his personal life says I really feel for Zack on one hand and then of course is
telling people he's gonna make Zack an example this guy gave Hoffman is in my
opinion a psychopath I've come to the same conclusions that Isaac capi has and I'm
being targeted in the same exact manner he can't claim I'm a drug addict I don't
take drugs he can claim mental issues but I don't comport myself that way I'm
pretty well educated and pretty psychologically sound you don't hear me raise my
voice I don't have a history of losing it on the internet like some people so he's
aligned himself with people who take all sorts of drugs and who have been volcanic
in their eruptions and who have certainly had mental defect so you take a look at
this and you look at the people that he surrounds himself with then you look at
people like Kelly Giannini Kelly's husband was a career criminal kidnapped someone
was throwing him before got out because Kelly's husband was a snitch you know he
got a 12 year sentence got out in something like 18 months and then proceeded to do
an armed robbery on innocent people and they threw him in there for a stretch I
think he got 12 years and ended up dying in prison now with Kelly Giannini a close
game often associated does she have a picture of her husband on her social media
platforms now he's got a picture I've of Isaac cabbie who she met twice now she's
part of this thing I'm sure that's what I believe I believe that Brett Trimble is
part of it Brett and threatens to show everybody who Thomas Umberger is you know
what Brett go for it you don't know who I am I'm a ghost for I am my ghost to all
three of you you can try to sue me there was nothing to live for you could try to
silence me that's not gonna work First Amendment guess you never thought about that
all I'm going to do is draw more and more people to investigate the three of you
and Isaac happy and there's one way you can silence me you can kill me you know I'm
sure there's a plans in the works for that you're not gonna see any none I won't
give you the satisfaction I've seen everything alright I've been shot I've been
stabbed I've been in places that would turn your
it's very interesting that people are now attempting to attack my friend Paul it
was sounding a warning about from the coronavirus know him and I differ a little
bit on the origins and this virus I still feel that it's organic he believes has
got components that point towards bio weapon engineering which you know however
he's he's a skilled guy and you know people are now saying he's some sort of shell
he's not he's he's a brilliant guy personally and I think he's uh he's in the right
place - so you know Paul is Paul's got some very good ideas about AI and how
dangerous that is and you know he's he's got a keen understanding of cash theory
any rate what you know Paul was sent some information and it has to do with the
radiation of this coronaviruses pearl - and we're taking a look at some of the
cities New York London Paris Bangkok Beijing for that matter and if you can
extrapolate what's going on and go on right now I think that you're gonna see some
some lockdowns I think des was coming and if anybody wanted to simply do the
research or listen to my videos I have a very small audience but I'm talking about
this for a while and if you want to go to my website I've been talking about
plagues since 2013 and I've been interested in this and you know epidemiology and
alternative history history that they're they're hiding regarding these plagues
you'll see that I was on it a while ago so first Paul he's entertained ideas that
the Black Death is viral rather than the germ negative bacteria and as you guys all
know my brother as an immunologist to be exact he neutralizes high affinity human
monoclonal DNA specific to certain proteins my discipline is epidemiology and music
so this thing's gonna grow I think Paul's getting in there's a couple other a
couple other folks have been in touch with it and it's gonna get bigger and bigger
and bigger I'll provide a link to
2020-02-01 03:03:35 UTC
[Music] [Laughter] that bearable the car when the Secada as the father makes his
way towards the farmhouse sunset falls on his pasture his car choose his cut while
the song of the cigar de fills the air come out so I can see him shouts the cow
your song is so beautiful you deserve recognition thank you sister Sagada but I
prefer to remain in the shadow why that's the car you should take pride in your
song quick come out there's not much light left I do not seek a stage says the
secada but talent deserves recognition says the cow are exclaims the Sagada define
recognition Fame says the cow don't you want Fame ask the cow somewhat curiously my
favorite time is when they get to go to the State Fair and show off my fine hide
and healthy girth but just ask yourself why you seek attention said the Sagada but
just come out for a moment and show me what you look like so we can get to know
each other set the car I cannot set this secada there are predators around who want
to kill me then why do you say that's the code I am calling to the others to create
a course said this a garden and we can all throw our voices say the hunters can
never find us ah that's too bad replied the count I have a good life I am praised
for my milk and the cheese I provide the farmer gives me an easy life full of
sunshine and grass what more could I ask my friend said the sugandha one day your
father will introduce you a took the knife butter nonsense you tried to count the
words i go through is an occasional injection and they are to make me strong i
think the farmer protects me and provides me with all my needs i choose not to rely
on what a farmer can provide my prefer freedom applies to see garden I possess
nothing except my son and even that is to be shared I choose not to depend on the
farmer and I do not trust his workers his injections his sprays who his hand he
promises then you miss the chance of bliss replied the count perhaps you're right
said the Sagada but tonight I go to the river and many of us will sing together why
don't you join us I can't replied the cow I am obligated we must choose our
obligations said the cicada in a soft voice with that they cerca de vanished as the
last second of [Music] [Applause]
it's incredible how blatant the lies are these days Fox went ahead and just deny
that she ever had news core with a patrician Negron we know that's a lie I guess
these days if people feel that they can deliver the lie with assurance they're
gonna get away with it it's part of a part of the modern era this age of petulance
where if you tell a lie boldly people will believe now you know some girls would
have understood that concept very well on to a new subject vegan Mikey vegan Mikey
emerged and came out with a video basically naming Kelly Giannini gave Offerman and
Brett tremble as the people behind Isaac's death in Cairo so it's getting serious
he also mentioned that they've been trying to locate him these three which I
believe and I'm pretty confident the vegan like he is working directly with the
feds and he's got some protection there's a lot to be said for that he also calls
out Corey Daniel for making money which you know that's the capitalist thing so I'm
not gonna point any fingers he doesn't accuse Corey of any criminality simply of
you know clicks my balls and so which is course right honestly when it comes down
to Isaac a pee Mikey has made it pretty clear he knows it's a murder and he's made
it pretty clear the three well he suspects is behind the operation now I can't wait
to mammal Chavez and say he was absolutely 100% on board the day that we learned
the eyes have died that's May 14th as a kid died the day before and you know he
Chavez types with his teeth if you know what I mean chatterbox his news is that
Magna Coalition is no longer a political pack but they've turned into an
investigative team they're investigating things well don't you need a private eye
license for that that's pretty interesting and with Glenn Herman you know something
about that guy you should take a second look at pretty interesting guy he knows
Gabe often by the way it's pretty interesting that you know he was attacking me
along with Gabe right after Isaac died and even more curious sir is Jacki Weaver
playing a lot of head games right now so I think Jacki Weaver may be tied to these
people as well it's looking like it so I'm word enough word everybody thanks for
i guess i need to address uh dave swigert so dave i'm sorry you had a forced
landing in uh nicaragua um thank you for your service um but seriously i mean this
whole thing with aleppo how do i put it in spanish esta siego are you blind
seriously um number one the day that i publicly announced that i was uh not going
to be showing up in the aleppo chat because you said i was bad luck um i kept to my
word so i didn't show up there anymore and that's that and as far as the aleppo
channel being terminated it was uh cannibalized by manuel chavez a guy that you
later did an interview with without fully realizing he's been playing you he's been
tricking you as far as um the man that you call robert david delio well manuel
chavez did business with a guy and i just put up a tweet um and tagged you uh you
probably see it and there's the evidence the evidence is as follows rds and chavez
were making plans to have a steemit business together um at the same time roughly
the same time that tonya was um sending big money 1500 bucks august 1st to have um
defango spearhead some sort of truther community um notice that on august 1st no
payment was made from tonya to shadowbox the money went directly to manuel chavez
the guy that um i don't know i don't know dave i don't know what your relationship
without chavez is but um you know the facts are right there in front of you so es
de siego are you blind hope not um i do a period as far as chavez well he's going
to be prosecuted i'm just telling you um law enforcement's looking at him hard
they're not looking at lepo and he is he's got a right to uh to do what he thinks
uh and he's got a right to his belief systems as far as uh sandy hook i mean we
don't need to bow down to some government that is gonna tell us what to think don't
you think that's kind of a dangerous thing
Oath takers
2020-03-10 04:09:46 UTC
so I've decided that I'm gonna step away from Twitter and stop engaging with these
idiots just heard from my friend Sumpter he lives pretty close to the Duomo and
Florence thought energy and he's telling me that there is a lot of local anger
towards Ukrainian mob which has been controlling the Chinese prostitutes and that
the rumor going around is that several of the girls have stated that they were
recently injected by their pimps which could mean that they were given the corner
virus as a as a weapon so you know I I'd like some authentication on this I'd like
to see actual evidence but I don't think I'm gonna get it in this case so it's
apocryphal but if it's true then it's diabolical so what they do is you've got the
crane Ian's who run the trade they use French to communicate because of friendship
better languages for the most part and that makes sense you know you don't see too
many Russians who were trying to wool and all that the French are excellent
speaking a number of languages but I want to get to the point which is you know I'm
disappointed with Esteban you want people for others to live up to what they're
supposed to be doing with have a nation in crisis and these people of taking a
pledge to defend our country and protect the people you frankly I'm ashamed there's
a pathogen that is rearing its ugly head on the world the entire nation of Italy on
lockdown and now Americans are dying and Esteban the only thing you seem to care
about is your own glory you really should be ashamed yourself you're an expat
you're collecting money from the Veterans Administration on full disability that
doesn't excuse you you'd rather talk about a puzzle as our nation faces the
collapse of financial markets in our elderly citizens forty-seven million of them
could be carried away with an influenza that seems to have defied every medical
attempt to defeat it and Dave no offense but what about you I keep trying to appeal
to you because you have all this EMT training and you could be focusing on
preparation and teaching people how to prep what you really good at rather than
going into the hairbrained aspects of these civil lawsuits you know our court
system is gonna implode anyway you know don't you think that our nation needs you
right now I mean if you're a no thicker if you've taken an oath to help America in
crisis don't you think you guys should be doing that just might you sense I know
what I'm gonna do I'm gonna stop concentrating on useless and immature little
battles I'm gonna try to do what I can do to keep the people aware and give them
real solutions not fake ones the only part of this thing that I'll be cheering on
is to see the people who have harmed Americans being punished other than that and
about the people
October 2020 will bring the largest stock market crash in history
2020-05-22 15:58:30 UTC
good morning everybody excuse my absence I've been on the road I want to talk a
little bit about the stock market right now there's three-quarters of a million new
investors and probably a lot of those spent part of their stimulus check by
investing in the stock market so it's up mm-hmm is it gonna stay up they sit up for
fundamental reasons no we're gonna have a crash lucky no one has ever seen and
everybody on Wall Street disagrees with me it's only a couple to do but I'm gonna
tell you why we're not done with the after-effects of lockdown you can't stick a
shaft into the gears of a global economy and eviscerate millions and millions of
labor hours without a blow back now right now the real reason why the market is up
is because the Fed has been back stopping it and if using all sorts of money in it
so it's fake fake do this there are people who say well we have an opportunity to
have a manufacturing revolution right now and that is true but that takes a long
time and we're not there yet we're not there at all where we are is at a place that
will plunge the stock market down 15 20 25 30 % maybe even more what we're really
facing is unemployment that might be 25 30 even 32 percent and that we haven't felt
at the very height of the depression 1933 we had twenty four point nine percent
unemployment and it's a different economy right now we have all sorts of people
that are not included in the count they're consultants there are people who simply
do side business and don't want to be on the grid as I say and where we got hit was
the same place that China got it small mid-sized businesses services so if you take
a look at China that's where we have a difference they have a lot of manufacturing
and so that's coming back but not like it used to not at all and if you look at
their service businesses they're dead just like ours are we've got restaurants that
have to operate on at least 50% less clientele there's all these distancing rules
going on we do not know if there's gonna be a much more virulent second wave to
come flu season I think we're gonna see it I think they've been lying to us about
everything I think that the amount of conflicting disinformation Pablos of mind it
could very well be that coronavirus comes back in the fall and it's mild but the
influenza is intense once again you remember that you know three four hundred
thousand died in the first six months of 1918 but then from that October until the
October of 1919 one calendar year that's where you saw a minimum of 50 million died
and by some estimates a hundred million problem then was there was measles and
other diseases that were counted or not counted it's the same problem we had a
century ago which is there's so much disinformation and it's how we collect that
information and how they would love it to be handled by one single organization but
that's been a failure to take a look at the World Health Organization take a look
at the CDC these are cautionary tales so we don't know and what people are
investing in as far as the stock market is somehow we're gonna have a vaccine and
everything's okay you know how long it takes for a vaccine to distribute through a
global population years 30 years you know how many people don't trust what the
government offers when it comes in the form of a needle most of us I'm not a innit
ivax guy but I am an anti vaccine which means if it comes from a governmental
source I don't trust is it something that a friend of mine who might be an
epidemiologist I asked and has tested it on people he trusts yeah then I'm open to
it but I'm not open to distribution of government medicine I'm not I don't believe
the government is our friend and I think we're gonna have a 25 to 30 percent crash
in the stock market and the retail sheep are going to be sheared there's four
trillion dollars of money parts to the side of Wall Street that means the mega-
wealthy are not in or they're pulling out and that should be a guidepost right
there you have to look at deal flow they call it so I think it's gonna be visceral
I think it's gonna be completely unexpected for most of these experts and a second
honest so always get it wrong there rear of you guys they didn't see 1929 1929
started as a bond dislocation they didn't see 1871 the long depression they didn't
see 1893 I can go on and on I studied these things he's kind of weird but my
interesting in some subjects tend to carry on we with it I study pestilences and
depressions and music and war and I think that we're going into uncharted waters
anybody who tells you exactly I was going to be