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Recommendation ITU-R SM.


Determination of necessary bandwidths

including examples for their calculation
and associated examples for
the designation of emissions

SM Series
Spectrum management
ii Rec. ITU-R SM.1138-3

The role of the Radiocommunication Sector is to ensure the rational, equitable, efficient and economical use of the
radio-frequency spectrum by all radiocommunication services, including satellite services, and carry out studies without
limit of frequency range on the basis of which Recommendations are adopted.
The regulatory and policy functions of the Radiocommunication Sector are performed by World and Regional
Radiocommunication Conferences and Radiocommunication Assemblies supported by Study Groups.

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ITU-R policy on IPR is described in the Common Patent Policy for ITU-T/ITU-R/ISO/IEC referenced in Resolution
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Series of ITU-R Recommendations

(Also available online at http://www.itu.int/publ/R-REC/en)

Series Title

BO Satellite delivery
BR Recording for production, archival and play-out; film for television
BS Broadcasting service (sound)
BT Broadcasting service (television)
F Fixed service
M Mobile, radiodetermination, amateur and related satellite services
P Radiowave propagation
RA Radio astronomy
RS Remote sensing systems
S Fixed-satellite service
SA Space applications and meteorology
SF Frequency sharing and coordination between fixed-satellite and fixed service systems
SM Spectrum management
SNG Satellite news gathering
TF Time signals and frequency standards emissions
V Vocabulary and related subjects

Note: This ITU-R Recommendation was approved in English under the procedure detailed in Resolution ITU-R 1.

Electronic Publication
Geneva, 2019

 ITU 2019
All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, by any means whatsoever, without written permission of ITU.
Rec. ITU-R SM.1138-3 1


Determination of necessary bandwidths including examples for their calculation

and associated examples forthe designation of emissions

This Recommendation serves as a basis for the determination of necessary bandwidths of emissions under
amplitude, frequency and pulse modulation by various types of signals. Sample calculations and designation
of emissions are also provided.

Necessary bandwidth, automated spectrum management system, calculation

The ITU Radiocommunication Assembly,

a) that the assignment of frequencies requires the determination of the necessary bandwidth of
b) that necessary bandwidth is a key data element of all automated spectrum-management
that the formulae given in Annex 1 shall be used to calculate the necessary bandwidth when
required by the Radio Regulations (RR).

Annex 1

Determination of necessary bandwidths, including examples for their calculation

and associated examples for the designation of emissions

1 The necessary bandwidth is not the only characteristic of an emission to be considered in

evaluating the interference that may be caused by that emission.
2 In the formulation of the table, the following terms have been employed:
Bn: necessary bandwidth (Hz)
B: modulation rate (Bd)
N: maximum possible number of black plus white elements to be transmitted per second,
in facsimile
M: maximum modulation frequency (Hz)
C: sub-carrier frequency (Hz)
2 Rec. ITU-R SM.1138-3

D: peak deviation, i.e. half the difference between the maximum and minimum values of
the instantaneous frequency. The instantaneous frequency (Hz) is the time rate of
change in phase (rad) divided by 2
t: pulse duration (s) at half-amplitude
tr: pulse rise time (s) between 10% and 90% amplitude
K: an overall numerical factor which varies according to the emission and which depends
upon the allowable signal distortion. In the case of orthogonal frequency division
multiplexed multi-carrier signal, K is the number of active sub-carriers as defined by
equation (52) in Recommendation ITU-R SM.328
Nc: number of baseband channels in radio systems employing multichannel multiplexing
fp: continuity pilot sub-carrier frequency (Hz) (continuous signal utilized to verify
performance of frequency-division multiplex systems)
Ns: frequency separation between two sub-carriers (kHz).

Description Necessary bandwidth Designation

of emission Formula Sample calculation of emission
Continuous wave – – NONE
1. Signal with quantized or digital information
Continuous wave telegraphy, Bn = BK 25 words per minute
Morse code K = 5 for fading circuits B = 20, K = 5
K = 3 for non-fading circuits Bandwidth: 100 Hz 100HA1AAN
Telegraphy by on-off keying Bn = BK + 2M 25 words per minute
of a tone modulated carrier, K = 5 for fading circuits B = 20, M = 1 000, K = 5
Morse code K = 3 for non-fading circuits Bandwidth: 2 100 Hz = 2.1 kHz 2K10A2AAN
Selective calling signal using Bn = M Maximum code frequency is: 2 110 Hz
sequential single frequency M = 2 110
code, single-sideband full Bandwidth: 2 110 Hz = 2.11 kHz 2K11H2BFN
Direct-printing telegraphy Bn = 2M + 2DK B = 50
using a frequency shifted B D = 35 Hz (70 Hz shift)
modulating sub-carrier, with M  K = 1.2
error-correction, Bandwidth: 134 Hz 134HJ2BCN
suppressed carrier
(single channel)
Telegraphy, multichannel Bn = highest central 15 channels;
with voice frequency, frequency + M + DK highest central frequency is: 2 805 Hz
error-correction, some B B = 100
channels are time-division M  D = 42.5 Hz (85 Hz shift)
multiplexed, single- K = 0.7
sideband, reduced carrier Bandwidth: 2 885 Hz = 2.885 kHz 2K89R7BCW
2. Telephony (commercial quality)
Telephony, double-sideband Bn = 2M M = 3 000
(single channel) Bandwidth: 6 000 Hz = 6 kHz 6K00A3EJN
Telephony, single-sideband, Bn = M M = 3 000
full carrier (single channel) Bandwidth: 3 000 Hz = 3 kHz 3K00H3EJN
Telephony, single-sideband, Bn = M – lowest modulation M = 3 000
suppressed carrier (single frequency lowest modulation frequency = 300 Hz
channel) Bandwidth: 2 700 Hz = 2.7 kHz 2K70J3EJN
Rec. ITU-R SM.1138-3 3

Description Necessary bandwidth Designation

of emission Formula Sample calculation of emission
2. Telephony (commercial quality) (cont.)
Telephony with separate Bn = M Maximum control frequency = 2 990 Hz
frequency modulated signal M = 2 990
to control the level of Bandwidth: 2 990 Hz = 2.99 kHz 2K99R3ELN
demodulated speech signal,
single-sideband, reduced
carrier (Lincompex) (single
Telephony with privacy, Bn = Nc M – lowest Nc = 2
single-sideband, suppressed modulation frequency in the M = 3 000
carrier (two or more lowest channel lowest modulation frequency = 250 Hz
channels) Bandwidth: 5 750 Hz = 5.75 kHz 5K75J8EKF
Telephony, independent Bn = sum of M for each 2 channels
sideband (two or more sideband M = 3 000
channels) Bandwidth: 6 000 Hz = 6 kHz 6K00B8EJN
3. Sound broadcasting
Sound broadcasting, double- Bn = 2M Speech and music
sideband M may vary between 4 000 M = 4 000
and 10 000 depending on the Bandwidth: 8 000 Hz = 8 kHz 8K00A3EGN
quality desired
Sound broadcasting, Bn = M Speech and music
single-sideband, reduced M may vary between 4 000 M = 4 000
carrier (single channel) and 10 000 depending on the Bandwidth: 4 000 Hz = 4 kHz 4K00R3EGN
quality desired
Sound broadcasting, single- Bn = M – lowest modulation Speech and music
sideband, suppressed carrier frequency M = 4 500
lowest modulation frequency = 50 Hz
Bandwidth: 4 450 Hz = 4.45 kHz 4K45J3EGN
4. Television
Television, vision and sound Refer to relevant ITU-R Number of lines: 625
documents for the Nominal video bandwidth  5 MHz
bandwidths of the commonly Sound carrier relative to
used television systems video carrier: 5.5 MHz
Total vision Bandwidth: 6.25 MHz 6M25C3F --
FM sound bandwidth including
guardbands: 750 kHz
RF channel Bandwidth: 7 MHz 750KF3EGN
5. Facsimile
Analogue facsimile by sub- N N = 1 100 corresponding to an index of
carrier frequency modulation Bn = C + + DK cooperation of 352 and a cycler rotation
of a single-sideband K = 1.1 speed of 60 rpm. Index of cooperation is the
emission with reduced (typically) product of the drum diameter and number of
carrier, monochrome lines per unit length.
C = 1 900
D = 400 Hz
Bandwidth: 2 890 Hz = 2.89 kHz 2K89R3CMN
Analogue facsimile; Bn = 2M + 2DK N = 1 100
frequency modulation of an N D = 400 Hz
audio frequency sub-carrier M= Bandwidth: 1 980 Hz = 1.98 kHz 1K98J3C --
which modulates the main K = 1.1
carrier, single-sideband (typically)
suppressed carrier
4 Rec. ITU-R SM.1138-3

Description Necessary bandwidth Designation

of emission Formula Sample calculation of emission
6. Composite emissions
Double-sideband, television Bn  2C  2M  2D Video limited to 5 MHz, audio on 6.5 MHz,
relay frequency modulated sub-carrier, sub-carrier
deviation  50 kHz:
C  6.5  106
D  50  103 Hz
M  15 000
Bandwidth: 13.13  106 Hz
 13.13 MHz 13M1A8W --

Double-sideband radio-relay Bn  2M 10 voice channels occupying baseband

system, frequency division between 1 kHz and 164 kHz
multiplex M  164 000
Bandwidth: 328 000 Hz  328 kHz 328KA8E --
Double-sideband emission of Bn  2Cmax  2M  2DK The main carrier is modulated by:
VOR with voice K1 – a 30 Hz sub-carrier
(VOR: VHF omnidirectional (typically) – a carrier resulting from a 9 960 Hz tone frequency modulated by a 30 Hz ton
radio range) – a telephone channel
– a 1 020 Hz keyed tone for continual
Morse identification
Cmax  9 960
M  30
D  480 Hz
Bandwidth: 20 940 Hz  20.94 kHz 20K9A9WWF
Independent sidebands; Bn  sum of M for each Normally composite systems are operated in
several telegraph channels sideband accordance with standardized channel
with error-correction arrangements
together with several (e.g. Rec. ITU-R F.348).
telephone channels with 3 telephone channels and 15 telegraphy
privacy; frequency division channels require the bandwidth:
multiplex 12 000 Hz  12 kHz 12K0B9WWF
7. Standard frequency and time signals
7.1 High frequency (voice)
Voice announcements, Bn  2M Speech
double-sideband M = 4 000
Bandwidth: 8 000 Hz = 8 kHz 8K00A3XGN
7.2. High frequency (time code)
Time code as telegraphy Bn  BK  2M B = 1/s
Bandwidth: 7 Hz 7H00A2XAN
7.3. Low frequency (time code)
Time code as telegraphy Bn  BK  2M B = 1/s
Bandwidth: 5 Hz 5H00A2XAN
Rec. ITU-R SM.1138-3 5

Description Necessary bandwidth Designation

of emission Formula Sample calculation of emission
1. Signal with quantized or digital information
Telegraphy without error- Bn = 2M + 2DK B  100
correction (single channel) B D  85 Hz (170 Hz shift)
M  304HF1BBN
2 Bandwidth: 304 Hz
K  1.2
Telegraphy, narrow-band Bn = 2M + 2DK B  100
direct-printing with error- B D  85 Hz (170 Hz shift)
correction (single channel) M  304HF1BCN
2 Bandwidth: 304 Hz
K  1.2
Selective calling signal Bn = 2M + 2DK B  100
B D  85 Hz (170 Hz shift)
M  304HF1BCN
2 Bandwidth: 304 Hz
K  1.2
Four-frequency duplex Bn = 2M + 2DK Spacing between adjacent
telegraphy B: modulation rate (Bd) of frequencies  400 Hz
the faster channel. Synchronized channels
If the channels are B  100
synchronized: M  50
M 
(otherwise, M  2B) D  600 Hz
2 Bandwidth: 1 420 Hz  1.42 kHz 1K42F7BDX
K  1.1
2. Telephony (commercial quality)
Commercial telephony Bn = 2M + 2DK For an average case of commercial
K1 telephony,
(typically, but under certain D  5 000 Hz
conditions a higher value M  3 000
of K may be necessary) Bandwidth: 16 000 Hz  16 kHz 16K0F3EJN
3. Sound broadcasting
Sound broadcasting Bn = 2M + 2DK Monaural
K1 D  75 000 Hz
(typically) M  15 000
Bandwidth: 180 000 Hz  180 kHz 180KF3EGN
4. Facsimile
Facsimile by direct Bn = 2M + 2DK N  1 100 elements/s
frequency modulation of the N D  400 Hz
carrier; black and white 2 Bandwidth: 1 980 Hz  1.98 kHz 1K98F1C --
K  1.1
Analogue facsimile Bn = 2M + 2DK N  1 100 elements/s
N D  400 Hz
2 Bandwidth: 1 980 Hz  1.98 kHz 1K98F3C --
K  1.1
6 Rec. ITU-R SM.1138-3

Description Necessary bandwidth Designation

of emission Formula Sample calculation of emission
5. Composite emissions (see Table III-B)
Radio-relay system, Bn  2fp  2DK 60 telephone channels occupying baseband
frequency division multiplex K1 between 60 kHz and 300 kHz;
(typically) rms per-channel deviation: 200 kHz;
continuity pilot at 331 kHz produces
100 kHz rms deviation of main carrier.
D  200  103  3.76  2.02
 1.52  106 Hz
fp  0.331  106 Hz
Bandwidth: 3.702  106 Hz
 3.702 MHz 3M70F8EJF

Radio-relay system, Bn  2M  2DK 960 telephone channels occupying baseband

frequency division multiplex K1 between 60 kHz and 4 028 kHz; rms per-
(typically) channel deviation: 200 kHz;
continuity pilot at 4 715 kHz produces
140 kHz rms deviation of main carrier.
D  200  103  3.76  5.5
 4.13  106 Hz
M  4.028  106
fp  4.715  106
(2M  2DK)  2 fp
Bandwidth: 16.32  106 Hz  16.32 MHz 16M3F8EJF

Radio-relay system, Bn  2fp 600 telephone channels occupying baseband

frequency division multiplex between 60 kHz and 2 540 kHz;
rms per-channel deviation: 200 kHz;
continuity pilot at 8 500 kHz produces
140 kHz rms deviation of main carrier.
D  200  103  3.76  4.36
 3.28  106 Hz
M  2.54  106
fp  8.5  106
(2M  2DK)  2 fp
Bandwidth: 17  106 Hz  17 MHz
Stereophonic sound Bn  2M  2DK Pilot tone system;
broadcasting with K1 M  75 000
multiplexed subsidiary (typically) D  75 000 Hz
telephony sub-carrier Bandwidth: 300 000 Hz  300 kHz 300KF8EHF
Rec. ITU-R SM.1138-3 7


For FM-FDM systems the necessary bandwidth is:
Bn  2M  2DK
The value of D, or peak frequency deviation, in these formulae for Bn is calculated by multiplying the rms value of per-channel
deviation by the appropriate “multiplying factor” shown below.
In the case where a continuity pilot of frequency fp exists above the maximum modulation frequency M, the general formula
Bn  2fp  2DK
In the case where the modulation index of the main carrier produced by the pilot is less than 0.25, and the rms frequency deviation
of the main carrier produced by the pilot is less than or equal to 70% of the rms value of per-channel deviation, the general
formula becomes either:
Bn = 2fp or Bn = 2M  2DK
whichever if greater.
Multiplying factor
Number of  value in dB above modulation reference level 
telephone channels (Peak factor)  antilog  
Nc  20 

 a value in dB specified by the equip ment manufacturer or station licensee, 

 subject to administration app roval 
3  Nc  12 4.47  antilog  
 20 
 

 2.6  2 log Nc 
12  Nc  60 3.76  antilog  
 20 
Multiplying factor(2)
Number of  value in dB above modulation reference level 
telephone channels (Peak factor)  antilog  
Nc  20 

 –1  4 log N c 
60  Nc  240 3.76  antilog  
 20 

 –15  10 log N c 
Nc  240 3.76  antilog  
 20 
(1) In the above chart, the multipliers 3.76 and 4.47 correspond to peak factors of 11.5 and 13.0 dB, respectively.
(2) In the above chart, the multipliers 3.76 correspond to peak factors of 11.5 dB.
8 Rec. ITU-R SM.1138-3

Description Necessary bandwidth Designation

of emission Formula Sample calculation of emission
1. Radar
Unmodulated pulse 2K Primary radar
emission Bn  range resolution  150 m
K depends upon the ratio of K  1.5 (triangular pulse where t ~ tr,
pulse duration to pulse rise only components down to 27 dB from the
time. Its value usually falls strongest are considered)
between 1 and 10 and in Then:
many cases it does not need
 2  (range resolution) 
to exceed 6 t 
 velocity of light 
   2  150
3  108
 1  10–6 s
Bandwidth: 3  106 Hz  3 MHz 3M00P0NAN
2. Composite emissions
Radio-relay system 2K Pulse position modulated by 36 voice
Bn  channel baseband; pulse width at half
K  1.6 amplitude  0.4 s
Bandwidth: 8  106 Hz  8 MHz
(Bandwidth independent of the number of 8M00M7EJT
voice channels)
3. Standard frequency and time signals
3.1 High frequency (tone bursts)
Ticks used for epoch Bn = 2/tr tr = 1 ms
measurement Bandwidth: 2 000 Hz = 2 kHz 2K00K2XAN
3.2 Low frequency (time code)
Time code leading edge Bn = 2/tr tr = 1 ms
used for epoch Bandwidth = 2 000 Hz = 2 kHz 2K00K2XAN
Orthogonal frequency Bn = Ns∙K 53 active sub-carriers are used, each spaced 16M6W7D
division multiplexing 312.5 kHz apart (K = 53 and
(OFDM) or coded Ns = 312.5 kHz). Data sub-carriers can be
Bn = 312.5 kHz × 53 = 16.6 MHz

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