03 Recursion

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Rahul Narain

COL100: Introduction to Computer Science

I Semester, 2021-22

I Labs will continue in same meeting links from last week

I Assignment 1 will (hopefully) be posted today
Review: Control flow in functions and conditionals
First condition jo sahi hoti hai bas wahi
print hogi if elif else ke case mei

a = False
b = True
c = True In this case output will
def mean(a, b): be -- b is true
print('before return') if a:
return (a + b)/2 print('a is true')
print('after return') elif b:
print('b is true')
four = mean(3, 5) elif c:
print('c is true')
print('none are true')
The moment we return the value, we go out of
the function.
Output mei bas before return show hoga after
return nahi
By the way, it’s a good idea to document your code using comments:

def mean(a, b):

# The mean of two numbers.
# Parameters:
# a: float -- the first number
# b: float -- the second number
# Returns: float -- the mean of a and b

print('before return')
return (a + b)/2 # This is the actual calculation
# Nothing after this point will run
print('after return')
Conditionals again IMPORTANT

The code in the branches can include anything, including other ifs:

if condition1:
if condition2:
print('case A')
print('case B')
if condition3:
print('case C')
print('case D')

Can visualize all these possibilities as a decision tree

include math

def solveQuadratic(a, b, c):

# The roots (x1, x2) of the quadratic ax^2 + bx + c = 0,
# or None if the roots are complex.
d = b**2 - 4*a*c
if d < 0:
# Roots are complex
return None
# Roots are real
rootd = math.sqrt(d)
x1 = (-b + rootd)/(2*a)
x2 = (-b - rootd)/(2*a)
return (x1, x2)
User input

You can prompt the user to enter some text using the input function.

name = input('What\'s your name? ')

print('Nice to meet you,' name)

The input is always a string. To interpret it as a number, use the int or

float functions.

in1 = input('Enter a number: ')

in2 = input('Enter another number: ')
a = int(in1)
b = int(in2)
print('Their sum is', a + b, 'and their product is', a*b)
Pop quiz
So far all our computations can only take a limited number of steps. . .

n = int(input('Enter a positive integer: '))

if n < 10:
print('Your number has 1 digit.')
elif n < 100:
print('Your number has 2 digits.')
elif n < 1000:
print('Your number has 3 digits.')
# Tired of typing :(
print('Your number has more than 3 digits.')

How to define a computation that can take as many steps as needed?

Suppose you are inventing mathematics from the ground up. Let’s assume
that so far you have defined the natural numbers N = {0; 1; 2; 3; : : : },
equality, addition, and subtraction.
How to define multiplication and division in terms of these operations?
In particular, given two natural numbers a and b, what is a × b?
Thinking recursively

“A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.”

—Tao Te Ching

To figure out how to do arbitrarily many steps, break the problem down
into (i) one step, and (ii) the rest of the steps.

a × b = a + a + a + ··· + a
| {z }
b times
= a + a + a + ··· + a
| {z }
b − 1 times

= a + a × (b − 1):

Think of this not as a property, but as a candidate definition of

multiplication. Can we calculate 4 × 3 using only this?
a × b = a + a × (b − 1):

= 4 + (4 + 4 × 1)
= 4 + (4 + (4 + 4 × 0))
= 4 + (4 + (4 + (4 + 4 × (0 − 1))))
| {z }
a × b = a + a × (b − 1):

We also need a base case: When b = 0, we can stop because we know

a × 0 = 0 always. (Anyway b − 1 is not even in N when b = 0.)

0 if b = 0,
a×b =
a + a × (b − 1) otherwise.

I have now defined multiplication in terms of more basic operations... and

multiplication itself! This is called recursion.
0 if b = 0,
a×b =
a + a × (b − 1) otherwise.

Can implement directly in Python:

def mult(a, b):

# The product of two natural numbers a and b,
# computed via repeated addition.
if b == 0:
# Base case
return 0
# Recursive case
return a + mult(a, b - 1)

What happens on the stack when calling mult(4,3)?

The factorial function

n! = 1 × 2 × · · · × (n − 1) × n

How to define this recursively?

One way:
` ´
n! = 1 × 2 × · · · × (n − 1) × n
= (n − 1)! × n

Is this enough?
1 if n = 0,
n! =
(n − 1)! × n otherwise.

def fact(n):
# The factorial of a natural number n.
if n == 0:
return 1
return fact(n - 1) * n
There isn’t always just one way to do it!
` ´
n! = 1 × 2 × 3 · · · × (n − 1) × n
“ ` ´”
= 1 × 2 × 3 × : : : · · · × (n − 1) × n

Let’s introduce a function p(a; b) = a × (a + 1) × · · · × (b − 1) × b. Then

n! = p(1; n);
p(a; b) = a × p(a + 1; b):

Exercises: Figure out a good base case for the definition of p.

Does your definition result in 0! = 1? If not, fix it.
The Fibonacci sequence

Consider the following sequence of numbers:

0; 1; 1; 2; 3; 5; 8; 13; : : :

After the first two numbers, every number is the sum of the previous two
This is also a recursive definition:
> if n = 0,
Fn = 1 if n = 1,
Fn−1 + Fn−2 otherwise.

Exercise: Write a program to compute the 10th, 20th, and 30th Fibonacci
def fib(n):
# The nth Fibonacci number.
# [Write this code yourself :)]




You should get 55, 6765, and 832040. 4000

These numbers are growing exponentially!


5 10 15 20
Let’s move away from Python for a bit, and consider a real-world example.
Dictionaries contain words in alphabetical order. How do you look up a
word in a dictionary? Can you describe it as an algorithm?

What’s the key idea?

I We know that the solution we are looking for is in a particular range.
I We can check a point inside that range to determine whether the
solution is to the left or right of it.
I So, we can make our range smaller, and repeat the process. . .
Practice exercises

I Give a recursive definition of x n in terms of multiplication, where x is

any real number and n is any natural number. Implement and test it
as a function power(x,n) in Python.

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