Leading and Lagging KPIs
Leading and Lagging KPIs
Leading and Lagging KPIs
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assets can be defined. Manufacturing
performance requirements can be
associated with quality, availability,
customer service, operating costs, safety
Maintenance Key Performance and environmental integrity.
To achieve this performance there are three
Introduction inputs to be managed. The first requirement
is Design Practices. Design practices
“It is not possible to manage what you cannot provide capable equipment "by design"
control and you cannot control what you cannot (inherent capability), to meet the
measure!” (Peter Drucker) manufacturing performance requirements.
Figure 3: The Asset Reliability Process identifies what's required to manage the maintenance function.
The maintenance function can involve other A proactive Asset Reliability Process,
departments beyond the maintenance represented by the seven (7) elements in
organization. Similarly, the maintenance the model aims to deliver the performance
department has added responsibilities required by the enterprise to meet all of its
beyond the maintenance function and, as corporate objectives. Each element within
such, will have additional key performance the maintenance process is in itself a sub-
indicators to report. The key performance process. A brief description of each element
indicators for the maintenance organization follows:
may include key performance indicators for
other areas of accountability such as health Business Focus, represented by the green
and safety performance, employee box on the left, focuses the maintenance of
performance management, training and physical asset reliability on the business
development, etc. goals of the company. The potential
contribution of the asset base to these goals
The Asset Reliability Process is evaluated. The largest contributors are
recognized as critical assets and specific
The management of physical asset performance targets identified.
performance is integral to business success.
What we manage are the business
processes required to produce results. One Work Identification, as a process,
of these business processes is responsible produces technically based Asset Reliability
for the maintenance of physical asset Programs. Program activities identify and
reliability. The Asset Reliability Process is control failure modes impacting on the
shown in Figure 3. It is an integral part of a equipment's ability to perform the intended
much larger business process responsible for function at the required performance level.
managing the total enterprise.
Activities are evaluated to judge if they are proper W ork Identification, maintenance
worth doing based on the consequences of resources may be wasted. Unnecessary or
failure. incorrect work will be planned. Once
executed, this work may not achieve the
Planning develops procedures and work desired performance results, despite
orders for these work activities. The significant maintenance costs. W ithout
procedures identify resource requirements, Planning the correct and efficient execution
safety precautions and special work of the work is left to chance. The Planned
instructions required to execute the work. Maintenance Process is a cycle.
Maintenance work is targeted to achieve
Scheduling evaluates the availability of all
required asset performance. Its
resources required for work "due" in a
effectiveness is reviewed and improvement
specified time frame. Often this work
opportunities identified. This guarantees
requires the equipment to be shut down. A
continuous improvement in process
review of production schedules is required.
performance impacted by Maintenance.
Resources are attached to a specific work
schedule. The use of resources is balanced W ithin the Planned Maintenance Process
two internal loops exist. Planning,
In the Execution process, trained, Scheduling, Execution and Follow Up make
competent personnel carry out the required up the first loop. Once maintenance
work. activities are initially identified, an asset
maintenance program, based on current
The Follow-up process responds to knowledge and requirements, is initiated.
information collected in the execution The selected maintenance activities will be
process. W ork order completion comments enacted upon at the designed frequency and
outline what was done and what was found. maintenance tolerance limits. The process is
Actual time and manpower, to complete the self-sustaining.
job, is documented. Job status is updated as
complete or incomplete. Corrective work The second loop consists of the W ork
requests, resulting from the analysis of Identification and Performance Analysis
inspection data, are created. Requests are elements. This is the continuous
made for changes to drawings and improvement loop. Actual asset
procedures. performance is monitored relative to the
required performance (driven by business
The process of Performance Analysis needs). Performance gaps are identified.
evaluates maintenance program The ‘cause’ of these gaps is established and
effectiveness. Gaps between actual process corrective action recommended.
performance and the required performance
are identified. Historical maintenance data is Performance Metrics for the Maintenance
compared to the current process Function
performance. Maintenance activity costs are
reviewed. Significant performance gaps are The Asset Reliability Process represents the
addressed by revisiting the W ork collection of ‘all’ tasks required to support
Identification function. the maintenance function. The process is a
supply chain. If a step in the process is
Each element is important to provide an skipped, or performed at a substandard
effective maintenance strategy. Omitting any level, the process creates defects known as
element will result in poor equipment failures. The output of a healthy reliability
performance, increased maintenance costs process is optimal asset reliability at optimal
or both. cost.
The primary function of the W ork Planning The accuracy of estimating labor can be
element of the maintenance process is to measured by:
prepare the work to achieve maximum
efficiency in execution. ♦ The percentage of work orders with
man-hour estimates within 10% of
3. Amount of Planned Work actual over the specified time period.
Estimating accuracy of greater than
In general terms, planning defines how to do 90% would be the expected level of
the job and identifies all the required world class maintenance performance.
resources and any special requirements to
execute the work. A properly planned work A second metric of planning quality,
order would include all this information. addressing material estimates, would be:
Maximizing maintenance efficiency requires
a high percentage of planned work. ♦ The percentage of planned, scheduled
and assigned work orders, where
A measure of whether planning is taking execution is delayed due to the need for
place is: materials (spare parts) over the
specified time period. The world class
♦ The percentage of all work orders, over maintenance expectation is that less
a specified time period, with all the than 2% of all work assigned will have a
planning fields completed (ex. Labor material deficiency (due to
assignments, task durations, work planning).Note: this assumes the job
priority, required by date, etc). The world should not have been scheduled if the
class expectation is that >95% of all jobs materials were not available. Therefore,
should be planned. the problem is that the work order did
not account for all the required
Work Scheduling
6. Quality of Scheduling
7. Schedule Compliance
A key performance indicator for the
scheduling function is: W ith a high quality of work identification,
planning and scheduling, maintenance
♦ The percentage of work orders, over the resources should execute according to the
specified time period, that have a plan and schedule. Therefore, a key
scheduled date earlier or equal to the performance indicator of execution is
‘late finish or required by date’. A world schedule compliance. Schedule compliance
class maintenance target of >95% is defined as:
should be expected in order to ensure
the majority of the work orders are ♦ The percentage of work orders
completed before their 'late finish or completed during the schedule period
required-by date.' before the late finish or required by date.
W orld class maintenance should
A second measure of the quality of achieve >90% schedule compliance
scheduling is: during execution.
The maintenance function’s impact on asset ♦ Identification of the asset at the level in
availability is through minimizing downtime the asset hierarchy where the work was
attributed to maintenance. This includes performed.
both scheduled and unscheduled ♦ Date, time and duration of the
maintenance related downtime. A key maintenance event.
objective of proactive maintenance is to ♦ An indication if failure has occurred: yes
identify potential failures with sufficient lead- or no (no if proactive)
time to plan and schedule the corrective ♦ W hen failure has occurred, identification
work before actual failure occurs. If the of the failure consequence: {hidden,
maintenance function is successful safety, environment, operational
unscheduled maintenance related downtime (product quality, throughput, customer
will be reduced. service, operating costs) or non-
operational involving only the cost of
repair only}
♦ actual costs (labor, materials, services, failures translates into poor manufacturing
etc) performance.
♦ process downtime (loss of production)
♦ asset downtime (equipment out of Therefore, maintenance, reliability,
service but process still able to produce) engineering and operations need to work
Queries in your computerized maintenance together to define and measure the leading
management system can then be developed indicators for the Asset Reliability Process
to track and report key performance (the seven elements required to support the
indicators for asset failure, maintenance maintenance function). The result will be
costs and downtime. optimal asset reliability at optimal cost – the
output of a healthy Asset Reliability Process.
Reporting and Use of Key Performance
- % work orders
- % planned work - % work orders with - % work orders
- % proactive work completed during the
a scheduled date closed within x days
- % work orders with schedule period
- % improvement less than or equal to
labor estimates (schedule
work 'required by' date.
- % work requests in within 10% of actuals compliance)
request status < x - % work orders - % of scheduled - % rework
days requiring rework due available man-hours
to planning to total available - % of work orders
man-hours with alll work order
- % work orders in completion data
planning status < x - % work orders fields completed
days assigned 'delay'
status due to the
unavailability of
manpower, materials,
equipment, space or