Light Index Note

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Entry test – Light

1. What is the relationship between focal length and radius of curvature of a

spherical mirror?
2. Write two difference between virtual image and real image
3. Cinema screens are made rough and white. Why

Scientific terminologies
 Centre of curvature
 Aperture
 Dispersion of light

 Diopter
 Critical angle

Assignment 1

1) Redraw the diagram given below and show the direction of the light ray after
reflection from the mirror

2) List two possible ways in which a concave mirror can produce a magnified
image of an object placed in front of it. State the difference, if any, between these
two images.
3) Draw the following diagram in your answer book and show the formation of
image of the object AB with the help of suitable rays.

4) An optical device has been given to a student and he determines its focal length
by focusing the image of a sun on a screen placed 24 cm from the device on the
same side of the sun.
(a) Name the optical device (b) Find its focal length.

5) The radius of curvature of a rear- view mirror in a car is 4m. If a truck is behind
the car, located 5m from the rear-view mirror of the car. Calculate the size of the
image relative to the size of the truck and also find the position and nature of the
image formed

Reflection of Does not Recognizes Able to explain Able to explain Able to draw a
light understand that light can reflection and reflection and ray diagram for
that light reflect, but laws of reflection laws of all positions of
can bounce doesn’t but not able to reflection. But object and apply
or that it understand that apply in ray not able to their
travels in a laws of diagram. draw ray understanding to
straight reflection. diagram for all everyday
line. positions of situations.
Mirror Unable to Able to Able to apply Able to apply Explores content
equation and recognize recognize mirror equation to mirror beyond the level
sign object object distance find position of equation and presented in the
convention distance and image image and object, identify nature lessons
and image distance. but not able to of image
distance analyze nature of
Peer-appraisal: Teacher’s remark

Assignment 2
1) A lens produces a magnification of -0.5. Is this a converging or diverging lens? If
the focal length of the lens is 6 cm, draw a ray diagram showing the image
formation in this case.
2) A glass slab made of a material of refractive index n1 is kept in a medium of
refractive index n2. A light ray is incident on the slab. Draw the path of the rays
of light emerging from the glass slab, if a) n1 > n2 b) n1 = n2 c) n1 < n2
3) A 10 cm tall object is placed perpendicular to the principal axis of a convex lens
of focal length 12cm. The distance of the object from the lens is 18 cm. Find the
nature, position and size of the image formed.
4) A girl was playing with a thin beam of light from a laser torch by directing it
from different directions on a convex lens held vertically. She was surprised to
see that in a particular direction the beam of light continues to move along the
same direction after passing through the lens. Draw a ray diagram to support
your answer.

Refraction of Not able to Recognizes Able to explain Able to explain Able to draw a
light explain that light can refraction and refraction and ray diagram for
refraction refract, but laws of refraction laws of all positions of
doesn’t but not able to refraction. But object and apply
understand that apply in ray not able to their
laws of diagram. draw ray understanding to
refraction. diagram for all everyday
positions of situations.
Lens equation Unable to Able to Able to apply lens Able to apply Explores content
and sign recognize recognize equation to find lens equation beyond the level
convention object object distance position of image and identify presented in the
distance and image and object, but nature of lessons
and image distance. not able to image
distance analyze nature of
Peer-appraisal: Teacher’s remark

Assignment 3
1) A combination of a concave and convex lens has power 5D . If the power of
convex lens is 4D , then what will be the focal length of the concave lens
2) Find the focal length of a mirror, if an object is placed at a distance f in the
front of a convex mirror. If focal length of the mirror is f.
3) Assertion: A ray incident along normal to the mirror retraces its path.
Reason: In reflection, angle of incidence is not equal to angle of reflection.
(a) Both Assertion and Reason are true and Reason is the correct explanation
of Assertion.
(b) Both Assertion and Reason are true but Reason is not the correct
explanation of Assertion.
(c) Assertion is true but Reason is false.
(d) Both Assertion and Reason are false.
4) Assertion: The mirror used in search lights are concave spherical.
Reason: In concave spherical mirror the image formed is always virtual.
(a) Both Assertion and Reason are true and Reason is the correct explanation
of Assertion.
(b) Both Assertion and Reason are true but Reason is not the correct
explanation of Assertion.
(c) Assertion is true but Reason is false.
(d) Assertion is false but reason is true.

Power of a Not able to Able to Able to define Able to Able to calculate

lens define recognize power of a lens calculate power of a lens
power of a concave lens and unit dioptre power of a and apply their
lens and convex lens. explain understanding to
lens applications of everyday
mirror and lens situations.
Peer-appraisal: Teacher’s remark

Exit test
1. A student obtains a blurred image of an object on a screen by using a
concave mirror. In order to obtain a sharp image on screen, in which
direction he has to shift the mirror?
2. Where should we place the object to obtain a virtual erect and
magnified image of an object is formed by a convex lens?
3. In an experiment the image of a distant object formed by a concave
mirror is obtained on a screen. To determine the focal length of the
mirror what distance should we measure.

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