Ombudsman Assignment
Ombudsman Assignment
Ombudsman Assignment
“The existing devices for checks on elected and administrative officials
have not been effective as the growing instances of corruption cases suggest.
The Central Vigilance Commission (CVC) is designed to inquire into
allegations of corruption by administrative officials only but cannot punish the
guilty The CBI, the premier investigating agency of the country, functions
under the supervision of the Ministry of Personnel, public grievances and
pensions (under the Prime Minister) and is therefore not immune from political
pressure during investigation it can be said,―the CVC is independent but does
not have powers while CBI has power but is not independent‖. As a result the
first cannot punish while the latter cannot investigate fairly.
All these have necessitated the creation of an independent and high
powered Lokpal with its own investigation team. Unfortunately for last four
decades, no effective act or institution was developed. As a result, a nation-wide
movement could take place with the leadership of a Gandhian social activist.
Most importantly, this was the time when the nation witnessed many corruption
cases at various level and the intervention of media has helped in taking to its
heights and made it national movement. Hence, while analysing the historical
perspectives of Lokpal, this study would attempt to answer the most pertinent
question whether the mainstream media or social media helped in giving shape
for a huge movement. Secondly this study will also find out the nature of
media‘s contribution for establishing an effective Lokpal in India.”
Ombudsman means a delegate, agent, officer or commissioner. Gender
defines ombudsman as “an officer of parliament, having as his primary
function, the duty of acting as an agent for parliament, for the purpose of
safeguarding the citizen against abuse or misuse of administrative power by the
executive “. Administrative law provides for control over the administration by
an outside agency, strong enough to prevent injustice to the individual, at the
same time leaving the administration adequate freedom to enable it to carry on
effective government. In every progressive system of administration, there is a
need for a mechanism for handling grievances against administrative fault.
Thus, ombudsman is one of such machinery one can find in today’s time.
that more than 62% of Indians had first-hand experience of paying bribes or
influence peddling to get jobs done in public offices successfully. In its 2008
study, Transparency International reports about 40% of Indians had first-hand
experience of paying bribes or using a contact to get a job done in public office.
In 2012 India was ranked 94th out of 176 countries in Transparency
International’s Corruption Perceptions Index. The basic idea of the Lok Pal is
borrowed from the office of ombudsman, which has played an effective role in
checking corruption and wrong-doing in Scandinavian and other nations. A
Lokpal is a proposed ombudsman (Legal Representative) in India. The word is
derived from the Sanskrit word “lok” (people) and “pala” (protector/caretaker).
1, Key Highlights- What Is an Ombudsman?
Centre for Media Studies, India Corruption Study 2005: To Improve Governance: Volume I – Key Highlights, New Delhi:
Transparency International India, 30 June 2005.
With the spread of ombudsman concept and its utility, several surrogate
institutions have emerged in the private sector, which claim the title of
ombudsman. Some scholars drew distinction between, “classical” ombudsman
and other kinds of “quasi” or “executive ombudsman”. However, Gellhorn
made clear distinction between classical and other agencies performing the
ombudsman function. Professor Larry B Hill has enumerated the following
characteristics of the pure ombudsman:
In Chandra Bansi Singh vs. State of Bihar it was held that:
“It is not eccentric to conclude that if there is more administration, there will be
more maladministration”. The greater the power given to the executive, the
greater the need to safeguard the citizen against its arbitrary or unfair exercise.
Therefore, an urgent problem of the day is to evolve an adequate and effective
mechanism to contain these dangers by controlling the administration in
exercising its powers, safeguarding individual rights, and creating procedures
for redressal of individual grievances against the administration.
In Barium Chemicals Ltd vs. Company Law Boards it was held that:
The court’s reluctance or inability to look into departmental files remains a
major hindrance in the way of challenging an administrative action at the
present moment and this saps the efficacy and vitality of judicial review to a
considerable extent. Further, in writ petitions, which is the most common
technique of challenging administrative action, the courts mostly go by the
affidavits filed by the parties concerned. They do not usually call for oral
testimony or permit cross-examination or the persons filing affidavits.
In G. Sadanandan vs. State of Kerala, the supreme court of India told that it
must be kept in mind :
“Continuous exercise of the very wide powers conferred by the rules on the
several authorities is likely to make the conscience of the said authorities
insensitive, if not blunt, to the paramount requirement of the Constitution that
even during the emergency, the freedom of Indian citizens cannot be taken
away without the existence of the justifying necessity specified by the (Defence
of India) Rules themselves. The tendency to treat these matters in a somewhat
casual and cavalier manner which may conceivably result from the continuous
use of such unfettered powers, may ultimately pose a serious threat to the basic
values on which the democratic way of life in this country is founded.”
3 AIR 1984 SC 1767 : (1984) 4 SCC 316.
AIR 1967 SC 295: 1966 Supp SCR 311.
AIR 1966 SC 1925
The Ombudsman is granted wide powers such as to enter and inspect premises,
to require anyone to produce documents or furnish information, to summon and
examine under oath anyone possessed of relevant information, to conduct
hearings and must give notice of the investigation when it is required to do so.
This section of the Ombudsman Act 1979 mainly focuses on the investigation
procedure of the Office of the Ombudsman. The Ombudsman is obligated to
report the details found against government authority. The Supreme Court of
Canada has adopted a “pragmatic and functional” approach to determining the
level of scrutiny a court should exercise when reviewing the decision of a
statutory decision-maker.
On the other hand, day by day, more and more cases have been referred to the
office of Ombudsman. The Ombudsman lacks the statutory powers and can only
make recommendations because Ombudsman does not have the power to
initiate legal proceedings or prosecution on the grounds of a complaint.
6 continued…
(10) Tell the relevant person to discipline a public servant who has
broken the law by failing to do something required of them or by doing
something wrong when they should have.
(11) The authority to probe allegations of corruption (of any kind) against
all high court judges as well as government officials at all levels.
Lokayuktas in State
Even after a lapse of so many years nothing has been done substantially at
the central level for implementing the institution of Lokpal. But at the state
level, many states have adopted this institution in the name of Lokayukta. There
are as many as 17 states where the institution of Lokayukta has been
constituted, beginning with Orissa in 1971. However, the power, functions of
jurisdiction of Lakayuktas are not uniform in the country. In some state, it has
been applicable to the entire elected representative including CM. on the
contrary, in some other state legislators have been deliberately kept out of his
C. Rowat Donald, The Ombudsman: Citizen's Defender, 1965. Pp. 348, University of Toronto Press, Toronto.
Among the organs of state, the judiciary has proved itself to have highest
credibility in protecting individual right. However, due to procedural
complexities involved in the court cases– right from the filing a case to the
delivery of final verdict – there are inevitable delays of justice, which often are
considered as denial of justice. The existing devices for checks on elected and
administrative officials have not been effective as the growing instances of
corruption cases suggest. The Central Vigilance Commission (CVC) is designed
to inquire into allegations of corruption by administrative officials only but
cannot punish the guilty The CBI ,the premier investigating agency of the
Historical Aspects
moved a resolution in the Lok Sabha on 3 April 1964, reiterating his demand for
setting up an officer of Parliament known as People’s Procurator. The resolution
was discussed in detail by all sections of the House but was withdrawn on the
assurance of the Government that it would look into the matter. In pursuance of
this assurance, the Government constituted a Special Consultative Group of
Members of Parliament on administrative reforms, in early 1965, which
favoured a high powered inquiry commission on administrative reforms.
Accordingly, an Administrative Reforms Commission (ARC) was appointed
in January 1966, for making recommendations on their organization of the
Triloknath Mishra, Lokpal in India-An Analysis, 2011
Second Administrative Reforms Commission: Twelfthreport, February, 2009, pg. no. 3
The ARC while preparing its report had three ends in view:
Triloknath Mishra, Lokpal in India-An Analysis, 2011
Administrative Reforms Commission Report submittedin 1966: Quoted from Para 6
2005, also recommended that the office of the Lok Pal be established without
delay. In January 2011, the government formed a Group of Ministers, chaired
Interim Report of the Administrative Reforms Commission on Problems of Citizen’s Grievances, 1966, p.8-15.
National Common Minimum Programme of the Government of India, May 2004
Retired IPS officer Kiran Bedi and others, like Anna Hazare, Swami
Agnivesh, Sri Sri Ravi Shankar, and Mallika Sarabhai are also members of the
movement, called “India Against Corruption”. Its website describes the
movement as “an expression of collective anger of people of India against
corruption.” It goes on to state: “We have all come together to
force/request/persuade/pressurize the Government to enact the Jan Lokpal Bill.
We feel that if this Bill were enacted it would create an effective deterrence
against corruption.”
“GoM on Corruption to Firm up Lok Pal Bill at the Earliest, Outlook, January 21, 2011.
Structure 18
Process of selection 19
Anil Dharker, The Topiwala Camera, The Outlook, New Delhi, 2011
Jurisdiction 20
Prime minister has been brought under the purview of the Lokpal with
specific exclusions. Lokpal cannot hold any inquiry against the prime minister if
allegations relate to international relations, external and internal security of the
country, public order, atomic energy and space. Any decision of Lokpal to
initiate preliminary inquiry or investigation against prime minister shall be
taken only by the full bench with a 3/4th majority. Such proceedings shall be
held in camera. Its jurisdiction to include all categories of public servants
including Group ‘A’, ‘B’, ‘C’ and ‘D’ officers and employees of government.
On complaints referred by Lokpal, the Central Vigilance Commission (CVC)
will send its report in respect of Group ‘A’ and ‘B’ officers back to Lokpal for
further decision. With respect to Group ‘C’ and ‘D’ employees, the CVC will
proceed further in exercise of its own powers under the CVC act subject to
reporting and review by Lokpal. All entities receiving donations from foreign
sources in the context of the Foreign Contribution Regulation Act (FCRA) in
excess of Rs.10 lakh per year are brought under the jurisdiction of the Lokpal.
Lokpal will not be able to initiate suo moto inquiries.
The most common criticism of the ombudsman system is that the function is
not generally well understood. There is relatively limited documentation and
information about their work, often confusion and uncertainty about their role,
and with the proliferation of ombudsman offices in different sectors, the
confusion can be exacerbated. In spite of the key characteristic of accessibility,
ombudsman offices are frequently noted for their inaccessibility. Few citizens
are aware of the different ombudsman schemes, how to reach them and how to
process a grievance. Inaccessibility is the chief reason why ombudsman offices
tend to be underutilised, especially by the most disadvantaged who are less
likely to know of the existence of ombudsman and have more difficulty in
registering complaints or grievances. It seems that many ombudsman schemes,
particularly in Britain, are hidden by bureaucracy and formality and lack a
human face. The question of visibility is linked to more general criticisms of the
operational mode of the ombudsman as too reactive, waiting for complaints
rather than taking the office to the public or initiating investigations.
The ombudsman office is also criticized for the fact that its effectiveness
tends to depend upon the character and personality of the ombudsman officer(s)
themselves rather than the system as a whole. Regardless of their organizational
framework they are a highly personalized institution and success demands an
individual or team who are perceived as independent and impartial, with
relevant qualifications and in depth knowledge of the sector, and can command
respect and trust from all parties. Of course, such individuals are hard to find.
Since the ombudsman’s powers lie essentially in recommendation there is a
genuine concern that the ombudsman lacks ‘teeth’. For instance, the annual
report (for many ombudsmen the only public document issued) is often
considered an inadequate instrument for influencing administration procedures
and practice, informing mass media and educating the public. Moreover, the
ombudsman is generally powerless to change or reverse decisions. In fact, some
believe that the ombudsman’s powers as critic and reformer must be
India is a country where honesty and integrities in public and private life
have been glorified and upheld in great epics such as Vedas, Upanishad and in
the books and practices of every religion practiced here. Yet, India today is one
of the most corrupt countries in the world. Bringing public servant and public
functionaries under a scanner which makes them strictly accountable, is the start
of a movement against corruption in India. And one significant step in attacking
the spectrum of corruption in India will be the implementation of the Lok Pal
Bill. Realizing the need of such institution with its immediate effect, a
movement started by Anna Hazare with the support of other volunteers and
social activists. The movement has also shown how media can effectively be
used. Though the propriety regarding active participation of news media in a
movement is debatable, it is true to an extent that Indian media has voluntarily
become a party, a sort of participant, in this drive for Jan Lokpal Bill. There are
charges that elitist media groups that are mostly anti-reservation and want to
establish hegemony over institutions, are behind this movement. No wonder that
the ruling party feels that this mass movement is a media creation.
Therefore, there is a need for a mechanism that would adopt very simple,
independent, speedy and cheaper means of delivering justice by redressing the
grievances of the people. But our Country is famous for its beautiful numerous
laws and its poor execution. Most of the laws have been proved fail to achieve
its goal. No law or institution would have been helped to remove deep roots of
corruption from our country without its proper execution.