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tests for organic

functional groups
Practical video

Supporting resources

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Teacher notes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
How to use this video . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
Notes on running the practical experiment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
Prior knowledge . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
Common misconceptions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
Intended outcomes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
How to use the additional resources . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4

Additional resources . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
Pause-and-think questions: teacher version . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
Pause-and-think questions: student version . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
Follow-up worksheet . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
Follow-up worksheet: answers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
Plan and record results table . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13

© 2021 Royal Society of Chemistry Qualitative tests for organic functional groups | Supporting resources
Teacher notes
This resource supports the practical video Qualitative tests for organic functional groups, available at:
The value of experiencing live practical work cannot be overstated. Numerous studies provide evidence of its
value in terms of learner engagement, understanding, results and the likelihood of continuing to study chemistry
or work in a related field. This video can be used to complement live practical work, as well as help learners to
understand the methods, equipment and skills when they cannot access the lab.

How to use this video

The video and additional resources are designed to be used flexibly, but some suggestions follow.

Flipped learning
Learners view the video ahead of the live practical lesson to help it run more smoothly and keep objectives in
focus. This may also help build confidence for some learners and improve their outcomes in the lesson. Use
questions from the pause-and-think set provided as part of the preparation task.

Consolidation and revision

Learners view the video after the practical – this may be directly after the lesson or learners can return to it as part
of their revision for examinations.

Revisiting a practical with a different focus

A practical experiment can support many learning outcomes. Focusing on just one or two of those in a lesson will
help ensure that the aims are achieved. The video could be used to revisit the experiment with a different focus.

Home learning
Whether it is remote teaching, homework, or individual learner absence, the video provides an opportunity to
engage with a practical experiment and the associated skills when learners are not in the lab.

Other tips
• Provide your own commentary
Mute the voice over and provide your own commentary. This will allow you to better engage with learners
and adapt to the needs and objectives of your lesson.
• Use questions
A set of pause-and-think questions are provided in two formats, one for teacher-led questions and
discussion and a student worksheet which can be used independently by learners. Select from these or
create your own questions to help engage learners and target specific aims.

© 2021 Royal Society of Chemistry 1 Qualitative tests for organic functional groups | Supporting resources
Notes on running the practical experiment
Technician notes including the equipment list and safety notes are available as a separate document here:
rsc.li/3hmgvVM. If you are planning to carry out the practical, you will need to carry out your own risk assessment.
Qualitative tests of organic functional groups appear in all 16–18 courses in the UK. Not all tests will be on all
specifications; this video aims to cover quite a comprehensive list. When running the experiment, a reduced or
adapted list of samples, relevant to your own course, may be more suitable. The six samples in this investigation
include the following organic functional groups:
• alkene
• aldehyde
• ketone
• alcohol
• carboxylic acid
• haloalkane
Crucially, the video demonstrates the importance of learners using the tests for identification of unknown
substances; it is not enough to just be able to recall how to carry out each test. Therefore, provide a context
in which learners can plan a sequence of tests – the less the better! – to match a set of unlabelled organic
compounds to a list. This experiment requires a solid understanding of the tests and a logical approach to deduce
the identities through positive/negative results and a process of elimination.

Instructions for learners

A student sheet with instructions for carrying out the experiment is available here: rsc.li/3hmgvVM

Results tables
A printable and editable table for learners to plan and record their own investigation is provided.

Further practical activities

There is overlap with chemical tests for inorganic compounds in this experiment, with the identification of
haloalkane and metal halide precipitates. Inorganic chemical tests provides suggestions for practical activities
and links.

Prior knowledge
In order for learners to correctly analyse and identify the components of an unknown molecule/mixture they need
to have a good working knowledge and understanding of the different functional groups that could be present.
They should be able to:
• Identify aldehydes, ketones, alcohols, carboxylic acids, alkenes and haloalkanes.
• Name and draw different organic compounds that include the complete range of functional groups and
1°, 2° and 3° alcohols.
Learners should be able to describe:
• The oxidation of alcohols and aldehydes using acidified potassium dichromate and understand that there is
no oxidation reaction with 3° alcohols and ketones.
• Nucleophilic substitution and the hydrolysis of haloalkanes.
• Electrophilic addition of alkenes.
• Halide tests in inorganic chemistry.
• Neutralisation reactions with metal carbonate.

© 2021 Royal Society of Chemistry 2 Qualitative tests for organic functional groups | Supporting resources
Common misconceptions
Be aware of misconceptions learners may have around this practical, for example:
Learners often think molecules only contain one functional group and don’t appreciate that in fact many

organic molecules contain more than one functional group. To overcome this belief, learners should be
exposed to compounds that have more than one functional group. This will help them to understand that
these tests characterise part of a molecule. In other words, they should be shown that a single compound
can be positive for two different tests, indicating the presence of two functional groups.
Many learners think that the best way to identify an unknown functional group is through trial and error.

If you do all the tests, then eventually there will be a positive result. However, a better way is to take an
investigative approach and start off by making a chemical test chart; in which the result of one test will help
inform the next test you do. This systematic approach should save a lot of time and reduce wastage.

Learners often think that they can get away with just learning the test and positive result for each different
functional group. Unless they can apply this knowledge and work their way through a problem they will
struggle to link this practical work to the theory they are leaning. This will not help them when it comes to
answering the exam questions. As shown by the list of prior knowledge, there are many links to theory from
various areas of chemistry.

Intended outcomes
It is important that the purpose of each practical is clear from the outset, defining the intended learning outcomes
helps to consolidate this. Outcomes can be categorised as hands on, what learners are going to do with objects,
and minds on, what learners are going to do with ideas to show their understanding. We have offered some
differentiated suggestions for this practical. You may wish to focus on just one or two, or make amendments
based on your learners’ own needs. (Read more at rsc.li/2JMvKa5).
Consider how you can share outcomes and evaluations with learners, empowering them to direct their own

   Hands on  Minds on 

Effective at a lower level  Learners correctly: Learners can:
• follow instructions to carry out • recall procedure including key
the experimental techniques or reagents and conditions needed
procedures for qualitative tests of organic
• safely use a range of practical functional groups
equipment and materials • predict the positive result of the
• make observations relevant to the qualitative test in order to identify
experiment the functional group present

Effective at a higher level  Learners correctly: Learners can:

• carry out techniques and procedures • devise an appropriate method
methodically, in sequence and in to identify the functional groups
combination, identifying practical present in an unknown organic
issues and making adjustments substance
when necessary • apply knowledge of these tests to
• use appropriate safety equipment identify an unknown solution(s).
and approaches to minimise risks • relate prior knowledge of synthetic
with minimal prompting routes to explain results observed
• make accurate observations relevant
to the experimental or investigative

© 2021 Royal Society of Chemistry 3 Qualitative tests for organic functional groups | Supporting resources
How to use the additional resources
Using the pause-and-think questions
Pause-and-think questions are supplied in two formats: a teacher version for ‘live’ questioning and a student
version which can be used during independent study. The time stamps allow you to pause the video when
presenting to a class, or learners to use for active revision.
Teacher version
The questions are presented in a table and you can choose to use as many as appropriate for your class and the
learning objectives.
Some questions have two timestamps to allow you to adapt the questions for different classes or scenarios. Pause
the videos at the earlier timestamp to ask a question before the answer is given, useful for revision or to challenge
learners. Pause at the later timestamp to ask a question reflectively and assess whether learners have understood
what they have just heard or seen. This would be useful when introducing a topic, in a flipped learning scenario or
when additional support and encouragement is needed.
Think about how you will ask for responses. Variation may help to increase engagement – learners could write
and hold up short answers; more complex questions could be discussed in groups.
Not all answers to questions are included in the video. Some of the questions will draw on prior learning or extend
learners’ thinking beyond the video content.
Student version
The same questions are offered as a printable worksheet for learners. Use in situations where there is not a
teacher present to guide discussion during the video, for example homework, revision or remote learning.

Using the follow-up worksheet

A follow-up worksheet has been included as part of the additional resources, available here: rsc.li/38LiKx6 . This
worksheet could be used to follow up the practical activity, for example as homework or a revision exercise.

© 2021 Royal Society of Chemistry 4 Qualitative tests for organic functional groups | Supporting resources
Additional resources
Pause-and-think questions
Teacher version
Timestamp(s) Question Answer/discussion points
01:09 What is the difference between qualitative Qualitative analysis is where we find out
analysis and quantitative analysis? something about the identity or nature of
an unknown, for example which functional
groups are present in an unknown sample.
Chemical tests are an example of qualitative
analysis. Quantitative analysis is where we
identify the amount of a substance present,
eg the actual concentration of a compound.
01:18 What will we be looking for during the Signs that a chemical change has taken
chemical tests? How will you know if a test place, eg colour change, formation of a gas,
has a positive result? temperature change, formation of a solid or
a precipitate.
A positive result occurs when the expected
change takes place and the result is
repeatable. However, not all positive tests
are conclusive, for example more than one
functional group could give the same result.
Further tests will then be needed to make
the final distinctions.
01:23/01:29 How will you ensure that you don’t mix up By making sure that everything is labelled
your results? and results are noted down as they occur.
02:31/03:13 Describe and explain what a positive result You will see effervescence as the carbonate
will look like when the metal carbonate is reacts with the carboxylic acid to produce a
added. salt, water and carbon dioxide gas.
03:40/03:42 In this experiment, what functional group The presence of a double bond or
are we testing for? unsaturated hydrocarbon.
This test also gives a positive result for
carbonyls (ie aldehydes and ketones) but as
this is not covered in most post-16 courses,
learners will not know this and will be
surprised by the result.
04:00/04:04 What does a positive result look like? How A colour change from orange/brown to
can we explain this result? colourless. One explanation is that an
electrophilic addition reaction has taken
place as the bromine molecule has added
across the double bond. However, due to
the unexpected result there must be other
explanations too!

© 2021 Royal Society of Chemistry 5 Qualitative tests for organic functional groups | Supporting resources
Timestamp(s) Question Answer/discussion points
05:33 What is the test to identify the haloalkane The most effective way is to do a
functional group? substitution reaction in which the halogen
atom is reduced to a halide ion, and then to
test for that ion with silver nitrate solution.
Warm the sample with sodium hydroxide
solution in a mixture of ethanol and water.
Everything will dissolve in this mixture for a
good reaction.
The mixture is acidified by adding dilute
nitric acid. (This prevents unreacted
hydroxide ions reacting with the silver ions
to give a confusing brown precipitate of
silver hydroxide).
Then silver nitrate solution is added and you
see a white, cream or yellow precipitate if
chloride, bromide or iodide ions are present
respectively, indicating a positive test for the
haloalkane functional group.
Note the test shown in the video does not use
sodium hydroxide and therefore the addition
of nitric acid is not required. It produced the
same expected results.
08:13 Draw and name the primary, secondary and Primary: butan-1-ol
tertiary alcohol with the formula C4H9OH. CH3CH2CH2CH2OH or
Secondary: butan-2-ol

Tertiary: 2-methylpropan-2-ol


© 2021 Royal Society of Chemistry 6 Qualitative tests for organic functional groups | Supporting resources
Timestamp(s) Question Answer/discussion points
09:45 When an alcohol is oxidised what is the It depends on the alcohol:
functional group of the product? • Primary alcohols are oxidised to
aldehydes RCHO and then carboxylic
acids RCOOH.
• Secondary alcohols are oxidised to
ketones RCOR.
• Tertiary alcohols are not oxidised.
10:05 Draw a 2,4-DNPH molecule. (O2N)2C6H3NHNH2


10:56 Can you draw a structural diagram for any of O2N

the reactions taking place?
C O + H2N NH NO2

C N NH NO2 + H2O

12:21 Write an ionic equation for the formation of Ag+(aq) + e- → Ag(s)

the silver mirror.
OR to show the full half equations
[Ag(NH3)2]+ + e- → Ag + 2NH3
RCHO + 3OH- → RCOO- + 2H2O + 2e-
13:35 Why are we not using a Bunsen burner to To control the temperature. The best mirrors
heat the test solutions? appear when the silver deposits are allowed
to build up slowly at temperatures below
70°C. Heating directly in the Bunsen flame
could lead to heating up the solution too
quickly and to a high temperature. Also, it
is best to avoid heating with naked flames
when working with flammable liquids.

© 2021 Royal Society of Chemistry 7 Qualitative tests for organic functional groups | Supporting resources
Pause-and-think questions
Student version
Pause the video at the time stated to test or revise your knowledge of these practical experiments.

Time Question
01:09 What is the difference between qualitative analysis and quantitative analysis?

01:18 What will we be looking for during the chemical tests? How will you know if a test has a positive result?

01:23 How will you ensure that you don’t mix up your results?

02:31 Describe and explain what a positive result will look like when the metal carbonate is added.

03:40 In this experiment, what functional group are we testing for?

04:00 What does a positive result look like? How can we explain this result?

05:33 What is the test to identify the haloalkane functional group?

08:13 Draw and name the primary, secondary and tertiary alcohol with the formula C4H9OH.

09:45 When an alcohol is oxidised what is the functional group of the product?

10:05 Draw a 2,4-DNPH molecule.

10:56 Can you draw a structural diagram for any of the reactions taking place?

12:21 Write an ionic equation for the formation of the silver mirror.

13:35 Why are we not using a Bunsen burner to heat the test solutions?

© 2021 Royal Society of Chemistry 8 Qualitative tests for organic functional groups | Supporting resources
Follow-up worksheet
Part 1
The video Qualitative tests for organic functional groups, available at: rsc.li/3hmgvVM, shows an investigation to
identify six unknown samples, one from each of the following organic functional groups:




carboxylic acid


The results of the tests applied to each sample are given in the table below:

Test carboxylic unsaturated carbonyl

for... acids hydrocarbons haloalkanes alcohols groups aldehydes
Test metal bromine silver nitrate potassium Tollens’
used... carbonate water solution dichromate 2,4-DNPH reagent
colour change:
colour change:
A no change orange to no change no change
colour change:
B no change no change no change orange to no change
colour change: colour change:
C no change orange to no change orange to silver mirror
colourless green

D no change no change no change no change

E no change no change
F effervescence

1. Use these results to determine the functional group present in each sample.
2. For each unknown explain how you came to your conclusion. You may wish to include an equation in your

© 2021 Royal Society of Chemistry 9 Qualitative tests for organic functional groups | Supporting resources
Part 2: Functional group test match up
3. Match up the reagents with the functional groups they test for and the observation for a positive test.

Reagent Functional group Observation

Silver nitrate Carboxylic acid Effervescence

NaHCO3(aq) hydrocarbon Orange to green

Orange to
Tollens’ reagent Haloalkane colourless

Brady's reagent 1° or 2° alcohol Silver precipitate

K2Cr2O7/H+ Aldehyde/ketone Orange precipitate

Bromine water Aldehyde

Part 3 Simple chemical tests

4. On the shelf below is a selection of reagents that can be used in simple tests to identify particular functional
groups. Identify the reagent(s) that can be used to distinguish between the pairs of organic compounds shown
on the next page.

NaOH(aq) CuSO4(aq) NaHCO3(aq) conc. K2Cr2O7



Tollens’ Br2(aq) Blue litmus AgNO3/H+

Ag(NH3)2+ paper

© 2021 Royal Society of Chemistry 10 Qualitative tests for organic functional groups | Supporting resources





CH3 3
2 23CH
2 2 3 3
2 2 3 3
Parts 2 and 3 adapted from Starters for 10: Structure determination – 8.2 functional groups.

© 2021 Royal Society of Chemistry 11 Qualitative tests for organic functional groups | Supporting resources
Follow-up worksheet: answers
1. Use the results to determine the functional group present in each sample.

Sample Functional group present

A alkene
B alcohol
C aldehyde
D ketone
E haloalkane containing bromine
F carboxylic acid

3. Match up the reagents with the functional groups they test for and the observation for a positive test.

Reagent Functional group Observation

Silver nitrate Carboxylic acid Effervescence

NaHCO3(aq) hydrocarbon Orange to green

Orange to
Tollens’ reagent Haloalkane colourless

Brady's reagent 1° or 2° alcohol Silver precipitate

K2Cr2O7/H+ Aldehyde/ketone Orange precipitate

Bromine water Aldehyde precipitate

4. Simple chemical tests

A and B – NaHCO3(aq)
C and D – Water and blue litmus paper
E and F – K2Cr2O7 and H2SO4
G and H – AgNO3/H+
I and J – Br2(aq)
K and L – Tollens’ reagent and CuSO4/NaOH

© 2021 Royal Society of Chemistry 12 Qualitative tests for organic functional groups | Supporting resources
Functional group
Plan and record results table

Test used...
Test for...



© 2021 Royal Society of Chemistry 13 Qualitative tests for organic functional groups | Supporting resources

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