Periodic Table - 62760 - 2023 - 05 - 06 - 21 - 02

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Mendeleeff corrected the atomic weights of

CLASSIFICATION OF ELEMENTS Beryllium, Indium and Osmium by using

corrected valency of elements
Atomic Wt. = Equivalent Wt. x valency. .
Demerits: i) some elements with higher atomic
SYNOPSIS: weight were placed before low atomic weight
Fundamentals elements inorder to maintain similar chemical
nature of elements and are called inverted pairs
At present around 110 elements are known. or anamolous pairs. Anamalous pairs of
Among these 90 are natural, and the remaining Mendeleeff’s periodic table are
are man made elements. a) Ar-K b) Co-Ni c) Te-I and d) Th - Pa
Elements coming after 92 atomic number are ii) Position of hydrogen was not made clear.
known as “Trans Uranic Elements” or “Synthetic Atomic Number :
Elements” and they are “Radioactive”. i) Moseley discovered the atomic numbers from
Mendeleef’s Classification of elements: X-ray spectra of elements by bombarding the
Periodic Law: The physical and chemical elements with cathode rays and the elements
properties of the elements are periodic functions emitted respective X-rays of characteristic
of their atomic weights. frequency.
Mendeleeff’s periodic table is also known as short ii) Atomic number ‘Z’ can be related to frequency
form of periodic table. of the X-rays emitted by using
Mendeleef observed that elements with similar v  a ( Z  b) where a, b are constants for
properties have
an element
i) Almost have same atomic weight.
Eg : Fe(56), Co(59), Ni(59) iii) A plot of v against Z gives a straight line.
ii) Atomic weights increasing constantly iv) Atomic number has provided a better basis
Eg : K(39), Rb(85), Cs(133) for the periodic arrangement of the elements.
Elements are arranged in 10 horizontal rows Modern periodic law : Physical and chemical
known as series which are grouped into 7 periods. properties of the elements are periodic functions
The first three periods are short periods and of their atomic numbers and electronic
remaining are long periods. Each long period has configuration.
2 rows of elements or 2 series of elements Long Form of Periodic Table :
Vertical columns are called groups and there are 1. Neils Bohr constructed the long form of
nine groups ( 0 to 8th). periodic table.
Leaving 0 and VIII ,each group is subdivided into 2. Modern periodic table or the long form of
subgroups known as A and B group. periodic table is based on the electronic
Group VIII of the Mendeleef’s table consists of configurations of the elements.
three triads known as transition triads and they 3. There are 18 groups and 7 periods in the
are i) Iron, Cobalt and Nickel periodic table.
ii) Ruthenium, Rhodium and Palladium PERIODS : (Horizontal Rows)
iii) Osmium, Iridium and Platinium In periods elements are arranged in the increasing
Zero group elements were later introduced by order of their atomic numbers.
Ramsay and Rayleigh The electron by which an element differes from
Mendeleeff has a fore sight to leave some gaps its previous element is called “differentiating
in the periodic table for 3 - elements and these electron”.
elements are discovered latter and included in In each period the differentiating electron enters
the table. Those three elements are the “s” orbital in the first element and “p” orbital in
1) eka boron presently known as Scandium the last element.
2) eka silicon presently known as Germanium In periods elements are arranged according to
3) eka aluminium presently known as Gallium the “(n+l)” values order (Aufbau-Rule).
Long form of the periodic table is a Graphical s - BLOCK ELEMENTS :
Representation of the Aufbau-Rule. Differentiating electrons enter into s-subshell.
Generally every period starts with an Alkali Metal
S-sublevel can accomadate 2-electrons, hence
and ends with Noble gas.
S-block elements are arranged in two groups,
3rd orbit contains 3s, 3p and 3d . But according General electronic configuration is ns1-2.
to (n+l) values order (energy order ) 3d comes H, Li, Na, K, Rb, Cs, Fr elements (alkali metals)
after 4s, hence accordingly elements with 3d have 1 electron in their outer shell with “ns1” general
configuration are placed after 4s only. i.e., in outer shell configuration, they belongs to IA.
4th period. (3d series - 1st transition period - Be, Mg, Ca, Sr, Ba and Ra (Alkaline Earth
Sc(Z=21) to Zn (Z=30)). elements) have 2-electrons in their outer shell,
Elements with 4d configuration [from Y(Z=39) to with “ns2” general outer shell configuration, they
Cd(Z=48)] placed in 5th period (2nd Transition belongs to IIA.
series). Most of these are active metals.
Elements with 5d configuration from La(Z=57) and Most of these compounds are ionic.
Hf (Z=72) to Hg (Z=80) are placed in 6th period. These are powerful reducing agents.
(3rd transition series). p - BLOCK ELEMENTS :
Differentiating electrons enter into p-subshell.
Fourteen 4f series elements belongs to 6th period
The general outer shell configuration of P-block
III B group. Ce (Z=58) to Lu (Z=71).
Fourteen 5f series elements belongs to 7th period elements. ns1 2 np1 6
& III B group. Th (Z=90) to Lr (Z=103). p-block elements are arranged in 6-groups they
6d-series is incomplete series. are from IIIA to VII A and O-group.
If 7th period is also completed, then the final a) B, Al, Ga, In and Tl - Boron family - IIIA group,
element of this period would be with an atomic these elements have 3-electrons in outer shell,
number 118. with “ns2np1” general outer shell configuration.
b) C, Si, Ge, Sn and Pb - Carbon Family - IVA
group, these elements have 4-electrons in
Long form of the periodic table comprises of 18- outer shell, with “ns2np2” general outer shell
vertical columns which are divided into main configuration.
groups and subgroups as - IA to VIIA, O groups c) N, P, As, Sb and Bi - Nitrogen Family - VA
and IIIB, IVB, VB, VIB, VIIB, VIII, IB and IIB groups. group (Pnicogens). These elements have 5-
VIII groups includes three vertical columns of Fe, electrons in outer shell, with “ns2np3” general
Co, Ni. Total 9 elements are present in this group. outer shell configuration.
W e adopt the 1-18 numbering scheme d) O, S, Se, Te, and Po- VIA group(Chalcogens),
recomended by IUPAC in 1988. these elements have 6-electrons in outer
Main group division is based on the number of shell, with “ns2np 4”, general outer shell
electrons present in outer most orbit like - configuration.
H, Li, Na, K, Rb, Cs and Fr have 1 electron in e) F, Cl, Br, I and At- (Halogens) - VIIA group,
their outer most orbit, so they are placed in IA these elements have 7-electrons in outer shell,
group. with “ns2np5”, general outer shell configuration.
f) He, Ne, Ar, Kr, Xe and Rn - Inert gases (O–
Be, Mg, Ca, Sr, Ba and Ra have 2 electrons in
group), Except He (1s2), remaining inert gases
their outer most orbit, so they are placed in IIA
have 8-electrons in outer shell with “ns2np6”
general outer shell configuration.
CLASSIFICATION OF ELEMENTS ON THE g) p-block contains metals, non-metals and
CONFIGURATION e) Most of the p-block element compounds are
Elements are classified in to four blocks on the covalent.
basis of differentiating electron enters in to which f) Most of these are oxidising agents
subshell of the main shell. REMEMBER:
a) s-Block Elements b) p-Block Elements Infact Helim belongs to s-block, but keeping its
c) d-Block Elements d) f-Block Elements chemical intertness, Helium is placed along with
other inert gases in O-group.
Hence He is a p-block element with out p- These f-block elements are placed at the bottom
electrons. of the periodic table in two rows, they are 4f series
The first p-block element is Boron [(He) 2S2 2P1] and 5f series. The properties of 4f-series elements
The only group with all gaseous elements is “O- are similar to Lanthanum they are known as
group”. Lanthanides (or) Lanthanons or rare earths.
d-BLOCK ELEMENTS: 4f-series - Lanthanide series - configuration 4f1-14
5d0-1 6s2 from Ce(58) to Lu (71)
If differentiating electrons enter into the’d’ subshell
of (n-1) shell (i.e, d-orbitals of penultimate shell), 4f- series elements belongs to 6th period and IIIB
the elements of this class are called “d-block Group.
elements”. 5f - series elements - Actinide series -
The general electronic configuration of d-block configuration 5f1-14 6d0-1 7s2 from Th (90) to Lr
elements is (n-1)d1-10 ns1 or 2 (n = outer shell). (103).
d-Block elements are placed between s-block and 5f - series elements belongs to 7th period and III
p-block and they are also called transition B group.
elements. Most of these elements are radioactive.
d-Block elements are further classified into CLASSIFICATION BASED ON CHEMICAL
following transition series on the basis of which PROPERTIES.
(n-1)d is being filled. All the elements are divided into four types on
1) 1st Transition series - 3d series - electronic the basis of their chemical properties and
configuration. 3d1-10 4s1-2 [Sc (Z=21) to Zn electronic configuration.
2) 2nd Transition series - 4d - series - electronic He, Ne, Ar, Kr, Xe and Rn belongs to “0” group in
configuration. 4d1-10 5s1-2 [Y(Z=39) to Cd the periodic table are called Inert Gas Elements.
(Z=48)]. Except He (1s2), all the other elements have
3) 3rd Transition series - 5d - series - electronic ns2np6 outer electronic configuration.
configuration. 5d1-10 6s1-2. [La (Z=57), Hf (Z=72) All are chemically inert due to the presence of
to Hg (Z=80)] stable ns2np6 (octet) configuration in their outer
4) 4th Transition series - 6d - series - is an most shell.
incomplete series. He is inactive due to its completely filled ‘K’ shell.
5) Most of these are less active metals. (1s2)
6) Most of these compounds are ionic and co- It is known that heavier elements (Kr, Xe) forms
ordinate covalent. compounds under special controlled conditions
REMEMBER : with Oxygen, Fluorine, XeOF2, and XeOF4. So
they are now called Noble gases.
After completion of 6s, the differentiating electron
All are monoatomic gases.
suppose to enter into 4f, but in the case of
They are also known as Rare gases (or) Aerogens.
Lanthanum the differentiating electron is entering
into 5d, instead of 4f (La - 6s2 4f0 5d1). Therefore NORMAL ELEMENTS
“La” belongs to d-block. These are the elements whose outer shells are
Similarly in case of Actinium, the differentiating not completely filled.
electron is entering into 6d, instead of 5f Excluding “0” group, remaining s and p block
(Ac-7s25f06d1). Therefore Ac also belongs to d- elements (IA, IIA, IIIA, IVA, VA, VIA, VIIA) are
block. called representative elements.
f-BLOCK ELEMENTS: Most of these elements are abundent and active.
If differentiating electrons enter into f-subshell of
Their general outer electronic configurations
Anti penultimate i.e., (n-2) shell, the elements of
ns1-2 np1-5.
this class are called f-block elements.
Metals, nonmetals and metalloids are present in
The general electronic configuration (n-2)f1-14 (n-
representative elements.
1)d 0 or 1 ns2 (n = outer shell).
Atoms of these elements enter chemical General configuration (n-2)f1-14 (n-1)d0 or 1 ns2.
combination by losing, gaining or sharing of Since the last two shells have similar configuration
electrons to attain stable nearest inert gas these elements have similar physical and
configuration. chemical properties (eg - these elements shows
In case of representative elements electrons of common oxidation state of +3).
outer ns and np will take part in bonding.
There are two series of inner transition elements.
4f-series - Lanthanide series - 4f1-14 5d 0 or 1 6s2.
These are the elements whose outer most and 5f - series - Actinide series - 5f1-14 6d0 or 1 7s2.
penultimate shells are incompletely filled.
In periodic table, lanthanides are present between
Elements which have incompletely filled or partly La & 72Hf and
filled d-orbitals either in elementary state or in
any possible oxidation state are called as Actinides are present between 89Ac & 104Rf.
transition elements. Lanthanides are rare earths, and all most all
Their properties are intermediate to s - and p - Actinides are radioactive.
The general electronic configuration is (n-1)d1-10 When elements are arranged in incresing order
ns1-2 . of atomic number, elements with similar
II B group elements Zn (3d10 4s2), Cd (4d10 5s2) properties reoccur (due to similar outer electronic
Hg (5d10 6s2) are not transition elements (due to configuration) at regular intervals in the periodic
the absence of partly filled d-orbitals both in atomic table.
and in ionic states) (Zn, Cd, Hg - are referred as 2. Elements coming at intervals of 2, 8, 8, 18, 18,
Non-typical Transition Elements) or volatile 32 will have similar properties and thus grouped
metals . in one particular group.
In the case of Transition elements both (n-1)d and Ex : Elements with atomic number 1, 3, 11, 19,
ns electrons participate in bonding. 37, 55 & 87. Elements with atomic number 4,
The characteristic properties of transition elements 12, 20, 38, 56 & 88 will have similar properties.
are Note :Two successive elements in a group generally
1. They are hard and heavy metals differ by atomic number 2, 8, 8, 18, 18, 32.
2. Variable Oxidation states ATOMIC RADIUS:
3. Formation of coloured ions due to d-d- In atoms, the electron cloud around the nucleus
transition extends to infinity.
4. Formation of metal complexes The distance between the centre of the nucleus
and the electron cloud of outer most energy level
5. Paramagnetism
is called atomic radius.
6. Catalytic activity. Atomic radius cannot be determined directly, but
7. High M.P., B.P and densities. measured from the inter nuclear distance of
8. Good conductors of heat and electricity combined atoms, using X-ray diffraction techniques.
9. Alloy formation. Atomic radius depends on
These characteristic properties are due to a) Nature of bonding
a. Small size b. High nuclear charge b) Number of bonds (multiplicity of bonding)
c. Unparied electrons in d-orbitals. c) Oxidation states etc.
Note :Ni used as a catalyst in Hydrogenation of oils. Three types of atomic radii are considered based
Fe used as a catalyst in Haber’s process on the nature of bonding they are
Mo used as a promoter in Haber’s process. a) Crystal radius b) Vander waals radius
These elements have three outermost shells Atomic radii expressed in angstrom, nanometers,
incomplete i.e., n, (n-1) and (n-2) picometer units.
The f-block elements are called inner transition 1A 0  101 nm;1A 0  10 2 pm
Crystal Radius (Atomic Radius) - Half of the In groups from top to bottom, the atomic radius
internuclear distance between the adjacent atoms increases gradually due to the increase in the
of a solid metallic crystal is called crystal radius number of orbits and it over weighs the effect of
or metallic radius. increased nuclear charge.
Ex : Distance between two sodium atoms is Variation of atomic radius in transition
3.72A0, crystal radius of Na = 3.72 / 2 = 1.86 A0. elements:
Van der waals radius - Half of the internuclear a) In case of transition elements the decrease in
distance between two non bonded atoms of size in a period across a particular transition
different molecules which are very close to each series is less than in case of representative
other due to vander waals forces is called Van elements, this is due to screening effect of (n-
der waals radius. 1)d-electrons.
The distance between two adjacent chlorine b) Hence, the atomic radius decreases slightly
atoms of different Cl2 molecules is 3.6A0, Vander as we move from left to right in a transition series.
waals radius of Cl is 1.8A0. Variation of atomic radius and ionic radius
Vander waals radius is 40% greater than covalent in lanthanides:
radius. a) The elements in Lanthanide series are La, Ce,
It is used for molecular substances in the solid Pr, Nd, Pm, Sm, Eu, Gd, Tb, Dy, Ho, Er, Tm,
state only. Yb & Lu
Covalent Radius term is generally used in b) In Lanthanides (Ce-Lu) the atomic and ionic
reference to non-metals. radii decreases steadily. This steady decrease
Covalent radius - Half of the inter nuclear distance in atomic and ionic radii is known as
of the two atoms held together by a covalent bond “Lanthanide Contraction”
is called covalent radius. c) The contraction is due to the fact that f-orbitals
14. Note : Single bond covalent radii are additive in are not capable of providing effective shielding
nature. for the valence electrons from nuclear
Ex : a) in Cl2, Cl - Cl bond distance (Internuclear attraction.
distance) is 1.98A0. Consequences of Lanthanide contraction :
Covalent Radius of Cl = 0.99 A0. a) Atomic sizes of 4d and 5d transition elements
b) in diamond C-C bond distance is 1.54A0. become almost equal, due to which their
properties are very close.
Covalent radius of C = 0.77A0.
b) Zr and Hf : Nb and Ta : Mo and W resemble
In metals, the crystal radius (atomic radius) is
very closely.
slightly more than the covalent radius.
c) The crystal structure and other properties of
As the number of covalent bonds between two
lanthanides are very similar.
atoms increases the covalent radius decreases.
Ex: The covalent radius of carbon decreases with d) Separation of lanthanides is not easy from their
increase in the number of bonds between carbon mixture.
e) Super heavy metals of P- block exhibit inert
CC CC CC pair effect.
atoms. Eg : Tl, Pb, Bi
1.54 A  1.34 A  1.20 A 
0 0 0

Variation of atomic radius and ionic radius

Van der waal radius > crystal radius > covalent in actinides :
radius. a) The elements in actinide series are Ac, Th,
In a period from left to right, atomic radius Pa, U, Np, Pu, Am, Cm, Bk, Cf, Es, Fm, Md,
decreases as the nuclear charge increases. No and Lr
On moving from left to right across a particular b) The size of the trivalent ions of these elements
period, the atomic radius decreases upto decreases as we move from left right this is
Halogens and increases to Inert gases. because of poor shielding effect of f-electrons
In a given period, alkali metal is the largest and IONIC RADIUS :
halogen is the smallest in size. When a neutral atom loses one (or) more
For atoms of Inert gases, only vander waal radius electrons a positive ion called cation is formed.
is applicable. Na  Na   e 
The ionic radius of cation is less than that of  2
neutral atom. It is because the cation has higher M  g   IE2  M  g  + e-
effective nuclear charge.
2 3
 M  g   IE3  M  g  + e-
Eg : Na  Na
Among the cation as the positive charge Ionization energy is determined by spectral
increases, the ionic radius decreases. studies or discharge tube experiments.
Ionization potential depends on :
Eg : Fe 2  Fe3
a) W ith increase in the atomic size “IP”
When a neutral atom gains one (or) more decreases due to decrease in attractive force
electrons a negative ion called anion is formed. of nucleus on outer most orbit electrons.
Eg : Cl  e   Cl  b) With increase in the effective nuclear charge
IP increases.
The radius of anion is more than that of its atom,
due to decrease in effective nuclear charge. c) If the number of electrons in the inner shells
are more, shielding capacity of the inner
Eg : Cl   Cl electrons on the nuclear charge will be more.
Among the anions as the negative charge Hence IP decreases.
increases the ionic radius increases. d) Order of screening power of orbitals s > p > d
Eg : O 2   O 
e) As the positive charge on cation increases,
The decreasing order of the radii is Anion > Atom IP increases.
> Cation
f) As the -ve charge on anion increases, IP
Eg : I   I  I  ; H H H decreases.
The species (atoms or ions) having the same g) If the valency electrons are more penetrated
number of electrons are known as iso - electronic into inner shells, IP increases.
species. h) Penetration power of different orbitals is in the
In iso electronic species, the size increases with order of s > p > d > f
increase of negative charge and decrease of i) IP order of electrons of different orbitals of
same orbit.
 1  IP of s-electrons > IP of p-electrons > IP of d-
positive charge.  size  
 z / e ratio  i.e. effective electrons > IP of f-electrons.
j) IP is more for atoms with exactly half filled
nuclear charge.
and completely filled orbitals.
Decreasing order of size. C4- > N3- >
Eg : IE1 of N > IE1 of O IE1 of Be >IE1 of ‘B’
O > F > Ne > Na > Mg > Al > Si4+
2- - + 2+ 3+
IE1 of P > IE1 of S IE1 of Mg >IE1 of ‘Al’
POTENTIAL) : k) Atoms of inert gases have highest IP values
due to the presence of completely filled
Ionization potential: The minimum amount of
energy required to remove the most loosely bound
electron (i.e, outer - most shell electron) from an l) In the graph showing relation between IP and
isolated neutral gaseous atom is called ionization atomic number, the inert gases appear at the
potential. peaks and alkali metals appear at the bottom.
IE is measured in eV/atom or kJ/mole or m) In any period an Alkali metal atom has lowest
mole. IP and Inert gas element has highest IP.
1 eV / atom = 23.06 K.Cal/mole = 96.45 KJ/mole n) In periods from left to right side IP increases,
due to decrease in atomic size and increase
Energy required to remove an electron from
in effective nuclear charge.
unipostive ion to convert it into dipositive ion is
IE2. o) In groups from top to bottom, IP decreases
due to the increase in the atomic size and
Energy required to remove an electron from
increase in the screening effect of inner
dipositive ion to convert it into tripositive ion is
p) IE order among 2nd period elements. For N, P - due to half filled orbitals, they have
IE1 Li < Be > B < C < N > O < F < Ne some extra stability hence their EA values are
IE2 Li > Be < B > C < N < O > F < Ne close to zero (v ery small v alues).
q) IE order among 3rd period elements Be  66 KJ mol 1  ,
IE1 - Na < Mg > Al < Si < P > S < Cl < Ar
IE2 - Na > Mg < Al > Si < P < S > Cl < Ar Mg  67 KJ mol 1  N   31KJ mol 1 
r) Element with Lowest IP - Cs
In groups, EA decreases from top to bottom as
s) IE1 of Be greater than B due to the atomic size increases.
a) Completely filled s -orbital in Be EA1 of third period element is greater than
b) More Penetration of s-orbitals. corresponding second period element of each
t) Knowledge of successive IE can be used to group.
find the number of valence electrons In VII A group EA of Cl > EA of F
u) For alkali metals the IE2 shows sudden jump. VIA group EA of S > EA of O
v) For alkaline earth metals, the IE 3 shows VA group EA of P > EA of N
sudden jump. IV A group EA of Si > EA of C
w) The number of IE possible for an atom of an EA of F (333 K.J mole-1) < EA of Cl (348K.J mole-
element is equal to its atomic number. 1
). This is due to
ELECTRON AFFINITY a) Smaller size of F-atom
It is an atomic property which gives us an idea of b) Strong inter electronic repulsions
the tendency of the element to accept the electron
In a period from left to right side EA increases
to form an anion.
due to decrease in size of atoms and increase in
The amount of energy released when an electron the nuclear charge.
is added to a neutral isolated gaseous atom of
Note : EA of a neutral atom = IE of its uninegative
an element is called EA.
  Note : IE of a neutral atom = EA of its unipositive
X  g   e   X  g   EA1 (or) X  g   e   X  g 
H   EA1 (Exothermic process)
When an electron is added to uni-negative ion, Among all the elements chlorine has the
energy is absorbed to overcome the repulsive maximum EA.
forces. This energy is called second electron The metal which has higher EA is gold.
It is property of an atom in a molecule.
EA 2 has positiv e sign. X g   e   X 2g
The tendency of an atom to attract the shared
H   EA2 (Endothermic process). electron pair towards itself in a molecule is called
EA is measured in eV/atom, Kcal/mole, KJ/mole
Pauling Scale : EN of elements are calculated
EA can be calculated indirectly from Born - Haber from the values of bond energies.
Pauling calculated the EN of other elements by
EA depends on size, effective nuclear charge and using the formula
electronic configuration of an element.
O group elements have completely filled orbitals X A  X B  0.208  . [  is in K.Cal./mole.]
and hence the addition of any extra electron from
out side to these atoms is not possible. Therefore In SI units, X A  X B  0.1017  , [  is in
they have practically zero EA. KJ/mole.]
Noble gases hav e most stable ns 2np 6 where XA and XB are the EN’s of A & B.
configuration. Hence their EA values are
practically zero.  is a measure of the polarity of A-B bond.
 = Experimental BE - Theoritical BE
 = Actual BE -1/2 [EA-A + EB-B] . BE = Bond OXIDATION STATE :
Energy The possible charge with which an atom appears
Hydrogen (whose EN is 2.1) is used to calculate in a compound is called its oxidation state.
EN of other elements. s-block elements, oxidation state is equal to
According to Mulliken scale, group number. For alkali metals “ +1 ”.
For alkaline earth metals “ +2 ”
IE  EA Oxidation state may be positive or negative or
EN is the average of IE and EA. EN 
2 zero or fraction.
p-block elements show multi valency, their
IE in eV  EA in eV oxidation state change by two numbers.
EN 
5.6 The stable oxidation state of Thallium is +1. It is
due to inert pair effect.
EN 
IE in kj / mole   EA in kj / mole  In IVA group +2 is more stable than +4 for Lead
544 due to inert pair effect.
In VA group, +3 is more stable than +5 for Bismuth
EN 
IE in kcals / mole   EA in kcals / mole  due to inert pair effect.
Group IV elements show +4 and +2 oxidation
Mulliken EN values are approximately 2.8 times states.
greater than Pauling EN values.
Group V elements show +5 and +3 oxidation
Mulliken scale is applicable only to univalent states.
The general oxidation state of group VI is -2.
EN concept is not applicable for Inert gas
The most electronegative element. Fluorine shows
-1 oxidation state only (in its compounds)
In groups from top to bottom EN decreases.
The common oxidation state of d-block elements
In periods from left to right EN increases. is +2. All transition elements show variable
In a period, Halogen has high EN value. valencies.
Alkali metal has low EN value. Ruthenium, Osmium and Xenon exhibit maximum
Highest EN element is F(4.0) oxidation state +8.
Next to F, oxygen has high EN (3.5) The common oxidation state of f-block elements
Least EN element is Cesium (0.7) is +3 due to their outer electron configuration
Noble gas elements have zero EN due to octet
configuration. Maximum oxidation state of an element never
exceeds its group number.
EN values are used to know the nature of chemical
If EN difference is less than 1.7 the bond is The tendency of an element to lose an electron
covalent in nature. is called electro positivity.
equals to 1.7 the bond is 50% ionic in nature. It is the converse of electro negativity.
more than 1.7 the bond is ionic in nature. As electropositivity increases, metallic character
The smaller the ionisation energy or ionisation
Valency of an element is the number of H-atoms
potential the greater is the electro positivity.
(or) double the number of oxygen atoms that can
combine with one atom of that element. As electropositive nature increases, capacity to
form ionic bond increases.
The valency of an element is not always constant.
Electropositive nature increases down the group,
Exhibition of more than one valency by one
as the size of the atom increases.
element is known as variable valency.
Electro positivity decreases across a period.
The maximum valency of a representative element
is equal to the number of electrons present in the In any period the strong electropositive element
outermost orbit of an atom. is alkali metal.
Most electro positive element is Cs in periodic
table. group.
The ions of strong Electro Positive metal do not The diagonal relationship is due to similar sizes
undergo hydrolysis. of atoms or ions and electronegativities of the
METALLIC AND NON-METALLIC NATURE: participating elements and same polarising power.
If an element has low electro negativity, and high ionic ch arg e
EP, then it will have high metallic nature. Polarising power =
The groups IA and IIA elements have strong ionic radius 2
metallic nature. The elements present under diagonal relationship
Group VIA and VIIA elements have strong non- have very close properties.
metallic nature. 1) BeO amphoteric, Al2O3 amphoteric
On moving from top to bottom 2) Be2C or Al4C3 produce methane on hydrolysis.
a) non metallic nature decreases
b) metallic nature increases LEVEL - I
On moving from left to right in a period MODEL QUESTIONS
a) metallic nature decreases 1. The basis for the classification of elements in the
b) non metallic nature increases modern periodic table is
Order of metallic nature 1) Electronic configuration
Alkali metals > Alkaline earth metals > d-block > 2) Atomic weight 3) Atomic volume
p-block. 4) Equivalent wieght
ACIDIC AND BASIC NATURE OF OXIDES: 2. Considering the chemical properties, atomic
Metal oxides are basic. Eg: Na2O, BaO, MgO, weight of Be was corrected based on
CaO 1) electronic configuration
IA, IIA group metal oxides are strong bases. 2) valency
Non metal oxides are acidic. Examples : SO2, 3) atomic number 4) both 2 and 3
P2O5, CO2, P2O3, NO2 3. Mendeleef corrected the atomic weight of
Oxides of halogens are highly acidic. 1) Be 2) N 3) O 4) Cl
Oxides of metalloids are amphoteric. 4. Anamalous pair in Mendeleef’s table is
Eg: As2O3, Sb2 O3. 1) Li, Na 2) Mg, Al 3) Co, Ni 4) Be, B
Acidic oxides dissolve in water to form acidic 5. Eka silicon is now called as
1) Gallium 2) Scandium
Basic oxides dissolve in water to form basic
3) Germanium 4) Indium
solutions, known as hydroxides.
6. The atomic weights of “Be” and “In” were corrected
In groups from top to bottom
by Mendeleef using the formula
a) acidic nature of oxides decreases
b) basic nature of oxides increases nh
In periods from left to right 1) v  a(Z  b) 2) mvr 
a) basic nature of oxides decreases 3) Atomic weight=Equivalent weight x valency
b) acidic nature of oxides increases 4) Equivalent weight = Atomic weight x valency
In the periodic table the first element of a group 7. The plot of v vs Z is
has similar properties with the second element 1) Straight line 2) exponential curve
of the next group. This is called diagonal 3) hyperbolic 4) curve with -ve slope
8. Modern periodic table is based on the atomic
I II III IV number of the elements. The experiment which
2nd Period Li Be B C proved the significance of the atomic number was
3rd Period Na Mg Al Si 1) Mullikan’s oil drop experiment
The diagonal relationship disappears after IVA 2) Moseley’s work on X-ray spectra
3) Bragg’s work on X-ray diffraction
4) Discovery of X-rays by Rontgen 21. Elements which generally exhibit variable
9. The atomicity of a noble gas is oxidation states and form coloured ions are
1) 2 2) 1 3) 4 4) 6 1) Metalloids
10. The element with atomic number 19 is 2) Transition elements
1) halogen 2) chalcogen 3) Non-metals 4) Gases
3) noble gas 4) an alkali metal 22.. Ce-58 is a member of
11. A pair of atomic numbers which belong to s - 1) s-block 2) p-block
block are 3) d-block 4) f-block
1) 7, 15 2) 6, 12 3) 9, 17 4) 3, 12 23. The outer most orbit of an element “X” is partially
12. The element with electron configuration 1s2 2s2 filled with electrons in ‘s’ and ‘p’ subshells. Then
2p6 3s2 3p63d10 4s2 4p5 belongs to that element is
1) 4th period, VA group 1) an Inert gas
2) 5th period, IVA group 2) a Representative element
3) 4th period, VIIA group 3) a Transition element
4) 7th period, IVA group 4) an Inner transition element
13. The element with ns2 np4 as outer electron 24. Which of the following grouping represents a
configuration is a collection of iso-electronic species?
1) alkalimetal 2) chalcogen (at.Nos: Cs=55, Br=35)
3) noble gas 4) halogen 1) Ca2+, Cs2+, Br 2) Na+, Ca2+, Mg2+
14. Which of the following elements has the lowest 3) N3-, F-, Na+ 4) Be, Al3+, Cl+
ionization potential? 25. Which is the atomic number of another element
1) N 2) O 3) F 4) Ne present in the same group as the element with
15. If the dif f erenti ating electron ent ers Z=13 is present
(n-1)d-sublevel. The element is 1) Z=14 2) Z=32 3) Z=49 4) Z=20
1) a representative element 26. Which of the following pairs of ions have the same
2) a noble gas electronic configuration
3) an alkali metal 4) a transition element 1. Cr+3, Fe+3 2. Fe+3, Mn+2
+3 +3
16. Atoms with three of their outer most orbits 3. Fe , Co 4. Sc+3, Cr+3
incompletely filled with electrons are present in 27. Among the following outermost configuration of
1) Lanthanides metals, which shows the highest oxidation state
2) Representative elements
3) s - block elements 1. 3d3 4s2 2. 3d5 4s1 3. 3d5 4s2 4. 3d6 4s2
4) transitional elements PRACTICE QUESTIONS
17. The name of the element with atomic number 28. The physical and chemical properties of elements
100 was adopted in honour of are the periodic function of their atomic numbers,
this was stated by
1) Alfred Noble 2) Enric Fermi
1)Mendeleef 2) Lother Meyer
3) Dimitri Mendeleef 4) Albert Einstein
3) Moseley 4) Bohr
18.. Inner transition elements exhibit different coloured
compounds on account of unfilled………. Orbitals 29. Zero group was introduced by
1) Lother Meyer 2) Mendeleef
1) s 2) f 3) d 4) p 3) Ramsay 4) Lockyer
19. Atomic number of next inert gas to be discovered 30. According to Mendeleef’s periodic law, the
will be properties of elements are periodic function of
1) 87 2) 104 3) 118 4) 132 1) atomic number 2) atomic weight
20. The element with atomic number 12 belongs to 3) number of electrons 4) density
…. Group and …. Period 31. Total number of groups in Mendeleef’s table
1) IA, third 2) IIIA, third 1) 18 2) 9 3) 7 4) 10
3) IIA, third 4) IIA, second
32. In Mendeleef table, the triad of VIII group is 43. The inert gas present in the second long period
1) Ru, Rh, Pd 2) Cu, Ag, Au is
3) N, O, F 4) Tl, Pb, Bi 1) Kr 2) Xe 3) Ar 4) Rn
33. Number of short periods in Mendeleef table 44. Mono atomic element among the following is
1) 2 2) 3 3) 4 4) 1 1) Phosphorus 2) Oxygen
34. The properties of the following elements were 3) Krypton 4) Sulphur
predicted by Mendeleeff before their isolation are 45. Which one of the following pairs of atomic
1) Co and Ni 2) I and Te numbers, represents elements belonging to the
3) Sc, Ga and Ge 4)Cl, Ar and K same group?
35. The number of elements known when Mendeleef 1) 11, 20 2) 13, 30 3) 13, 31 4) 14, 33
presented periodic table is 46. In the long form of periodic table all non-metals
1) 50 2) 90 3) 63 4) 102 are placed in
36. Mendeleeff’s periodic law is based on the 1) s - block 2) p - block 3) d - block 4) f - block
________________ of the elements 47. All elements of the same group will have
1) Atomic volumes 2) Atomic weights 1) same electron configuration
3) Atomic radii 4) Atomic numbers 2) similar outer electron configuration
37. Which of the following is not an anamalous pair? 3) same ionization potential value
1) S, Cl 2) Te, I 3) Co, Ni 4) Ar, K 4) different chemical properties
38. The statement that is false for the long form of 48. The atomic number of an element is always equal
the periodic table is to
1) it reflects the sequence of filling the electrons 1. Number of neutrons in nucleus
in the order of sub-energy levels s, p, d and f 2. Half of the atomic weight
2) it helps to predict the stable valency states 3. Electrical charge of the nucleus
of the elements 4. Weight of the nucleus
3) it reflects trends in physical and chemical 49. Which of the following is not the electronic
properties of the elements configuration of a representative element
4) it helps to predict the relative ionicity of the 1) ns2 2) ns2np5 3) ns2np1 4) ns2np6
bond between any two elements. 50. Which of the following electronic configuration
39. The number of periods in the long form of periodic corresponds to an inert gas?
table is 1) 1s12s22p5 2) 1s22s22p6
1) 6 2) 7 3) 8 4) 18 2
3) 1s 2s 1
4) 1s22s22p63s1
40. As per the modern periodic law the physical and 51. Which of the following electronic configurations
chemical properties of the elements are periodic in the outermost shell is characteristic of alkali
function of their metals?
1) atomic number 1) (n-1)s2p6,ns2p1 2) (n-1)s2p6,d10,ns1
2) electronic configuration 3) (n-1)s2p6,ns1 4) ns2 p6d1
3) aromic weight 4) atomic size 52. Lanthanum belongs to ...... block
41. In a period, elements are arranged in strict 1) s-block 2) p-block 3) d-block 4) f-block
sequence of
53. Which pair of elements of atomic numbers given
1) Decreasing charges in the nucleus below will have similar chemical properties?
2) Increasing charges in the nucleus 1) 13, 22 2) 3, 11 3) 4, 24 4) 2, 4
3) Constant charges in the nucleus 54. Which pair of atomic numbers represent element
4) Equal charges in the nucleus which are both s-block elements
42. Which of the following is not a representative 1) 7, 15 2) 6, 12 3) 9, 17 4) 3, 12
element 55. Elements with atomic numbers 9, 17, 35, 53 are
1) Sodium 2) Boron collectively known as
3) Calcium 4) Chromium 1) chalcogens 2) halogens
3) lanthanides 4) rare gases
56. First transitional series is present in 69. W hi ch one of the f oll owing bel ongs to
1) Third period 2) Fifth period representative group of elements in the periodic
3) Fourth period 4) Sixth period table
57. In iron atom (z=26), the differentiating electron 1) Lanthanum 2) Argon
enters……..sublevel 3) Chromium 4) Aluminium
1) 4d 2) 3d 3) 4p 4) 5p 70. The element californium belongs to a family of
58. The elements with atomic numbers 39 to 48 1) actinide series 2) alkali metal family
belong to 3) alkaline earth family 4) lanthanide series
1) Forth period 2) Fifth period 71. Transition metals are often paramagnetic owing
3) Sixth period 4) Third period to
59. The atomic numbers of Lanthanides are from 1) their high m.p. and b.p.
1) 58 to 71 2) 90 to 103 2) the presence of vacant d-orbitals
3) 21 to 30 4) 39 to 48 3) the presence of one or more unpaired d-
60. The first lanthanide is electrons
1) La 2) Ce 3) Th 4) Lu 4) their being less electropositive than the
elements of groups IA and IIA
61. The 4f level is successively filled up in
72. A member of Lanthanide
1) Alkali metals 2) Rare gases
1) Cesium 2) Lanthanum
3) Lanthanides 4) Actinides
3) Neoybium 4) Luticium
62. Lanthanides are group of elements in which the
differentiating electron enters into 73. What is wrong about transition metals? (Punjab
1) s-sub level 2) d-sub level
1) They are diamagnetic
3) p-sub level 4) f-sub level
2)They are paramagnetic
63. Most of the radio active elements are in
3) They form complexes
1) Lanthanides 2) Actinides
4) They show variable oxidation states
3) Representative elements
74. The electron configuration of the starting and
4) Second transitional series
ending elements of fourth period are
64. The elements with atomic numbers 2, 10, 18,
1. 4s1 and 3d104s2 4p6 2. 4s1 and 4s2 3d10
36, 54, and 86 are collectively known as
3. 4s2 3d1 and 4s2 4p6 4. 4s2 3d1 and 4s2 3d10
1) Alkaline earth metals
75. In which of the following period a maximum
2) Inert gases
number of 32 elements are present
3) Halogens 4) Rare earths
1) 4th 2) 6th 3) 3rd 4) 7th
65. Which of the following represents the electronic
76. The atomic number of an element ‘X’ is 34. Then
configuration of d-block elements
it is present in ___________ period and
1) (n-1)s2nd1-10 2) (n-1)d1-10ns1-2
__________ in group.
3) (n-1)s2p6, ns1 4) ns2p2 d1
66. The general electronic configuration (n-1) d3ns2 1) 4th period and IVA group
indicates that particular element belongs 2) 4th period and VIA group
to 3) 4th period and VIIA group
1) VB 2) IVB 3) VIB 4) IIIB
4) 5th period and VIA group
67. If the valency shell electronic structure for an
element is ns2np5, this element will belong to the 77. The position of element with Z = 24 in the periodic
group of table is
1) Alkali metals 2) Inert metals 1) V A group & 4 period
3) Noble gases 4) Halogens 2) VI B group & 4 period
68. Variable valency is exhibited by 3) IV A group & 3 period
1) Normal elements 2) Metallic elements
4) III B group & 3 period
3) Transitional elements
4)Non-metallic elements
78. Transition metals exhibit variable oxidation states. 87. Separation of lanthanides from their mixture is
It is because of not easy because of
1) the smaller atomic radius 1) Shielding effect
2) the higher nuclearcharge 2) Pentetrating effect
3) high screening effect 3) Consequences of lanthanide contraction
4) the energy difference between (n-1)d & ns- 4) inert pair effect
subshell is very less 88. If atomic radius of F is X A0 then atomic radius
of Ne could be
79. When a neutral atom is converted to the anion 1)  X A0 2)  X A0
3)  X A0 4) Half of ‘F’
1) atomic number increases
2– 4+
2) atomic number decreases 89. O and Si are isoelectronic ions. If the ionic
3) size increases radius of O2– is 1A0 , the ionic radius of Si4+ will
4) mass number increases
1) 1.4A0 2) 0.41A0 3) 2.8A0 4) 1.5A0
80. The term periodicity in the properties of elements
are arranged in the increasing order of their atomic 90. In a period, atom with smaller radius is
numbers similar elements 1) Chalcogen 2) Halogen
1) reoccur after a fixed interval 3) Aerogen 4) Pnicogen
2) reoccur after certain regular interval 91. As number of protons in the nucleus increases,
3) form vertical groups atomic radius gradually a period
4) form horizontal rows 1) increases 2) decreases
81. The correct order of variation in the sizes of atoms 3) no change 4) stable
is 92. The Lanthanide contraction is responsible for the
1) Be>C>F>Ne 2) Be<C<F<Ne fact that
3) Be>C>F<Ne 4) F> Ne > Be >C 1) Zr and Hf have same radius
82. Which one of the following has the largest radius. 2) Zr and Zn have the same oxidation state
1) Na+ 2) Mg2+ 3) O2– 4) Al3+ 3) Zr and Y have same radius
83. Atomic radii of fluorine atom and neon atom in 4) Zr and Nb have similar oxidation state
angstrom units are respectively given by PRACTICE QUESTIONS
1) 0.762, 1.60 2) 1.60, 1.60 93. The following is the reason for the periodicity in
3) 0.72, 0.72 4) 1.60, 0.762 the properties of elements
84. Which one is the correct order of the size of the 1) similarity in atomic mass
iodine species? 2) similarity in atomic numbers
1) I > I+ > I– 2) I > I– > I+ 3) I+ > I– > I 4) I– > I > l+ 3) similarity in outer electronic configuration
4) similarity in atomic radius
85. Atomic radius is measured by
94. The largest atom among the following is
1) Rutherford’s  -ray scattering experiment
1) Sodium 2) Silicon
2) X-ray diffraction technique
3) Potassium 4) Calcium
3) Mulliken oil drop method
95. Atom loses electrons and becomes
4) Thomson’s water-melon model 1) only cation 2) only anion
86. Vander waal’s radius is used for 3) either cation or anion
1) Molecular substances in gaseous state only 4) neither cation nor anion
2) Molecular substances in liquid state only 96. Al3+ has low ionic radius than Mg2+ because
1) Al3+ has high nuclear charge than Mg2+
3) Molecular substances in solid state only
2) Mg atom has less no. of neutrons than Al atom
4) Molecular substances in any state
3) Mg and Al differ in electronegativity values
4) Al atom has low I1 value than Mg atom
97. Largest particle among the following is 110. When a neutral atom is converted into cation,
1) Cl– 2) K+ 3) Ca++ 4) S2– there is
98. The smallest species among the following is 1) a decrease in atomic number
1) sodium ion 2) Argon atom 2) in an increase in atomic number
3) Chloride ion 4) Aluminium ion 3) a decrease in size
99. Which of the following is the smallest cation? 4) an increase in size
1) Na+ 2) Mg2+ 3) Ca2+ 4) Sc3+ 111. The I.P. of an element on going from left to right
100. Which of the following is the biggest ion? in a period
1) Al3+ 2) Ba2+ 3) Mg2+ 4) Na+ 1) increase 2) decreases
+ 2+ 3+ 4+
3) remain uncharged 4) gets double
101. Na , Mg , Al , and Si are isoelectronic ions.
Their ionic size will follow the order 112. The atomic radius decreases in a period due to
1) Na+< Mg2+< Al3+< Si4+
1) Increase in nuclear attraction
2) Na+> Mg2+< Al3+< Si4+
2) Decrease in nuclear attraction
3) Na+< Mg2+> Al3+> Si4+
3) Increase in number of electrons
4) Na+> Mg2+> Al3+> Si4+
4) Decrease in number of electrons
102. Atomic radius depends upon
113. The Lanthanide contraction relates to
1) anionic nature 2) nature of bonding
1) Oxidaion states
3) cation nature 4) metalic nature
2) Magnetic state
103. Among elements with the following electronic
configurations, the one with the largest radius is 3) Atomic radii
1) [Ne] 3s2 2) [Ne] 3s2 3p1 4) Valence electrons
3) [Ne] 3s2 3p3 4) [Ne] 3s2 3p5 114. When an atom of an electronegative element
becomes anion, which of the following occurs?
104. Lanthanide contraction is due to
1) low nuclear charge
1) It acts as a reducing agent
2) more effective shelding by 5f-orbitals
2) It loses electrons
3) less effective sheilding by 4f-orbitals
3) It ionic radius becomes larger
4) inertness of the electron pair in 6s
4) It act as oxidising agent
105. Identify the correct order in which the ionic radius
115. Ionic radii of
of the following ions increases
1) Ti4+ < Mn7+ 2) 35Cl < 37Cl
(I) F- (II) Na+ (III) N3-
3) K+ > Cl- 4) P3+ > P5+
1) III, I, II 2) I, II, III 3) II, III, I 4) II, I, III.
106. The radii of F, F-, O and O2- are in the order
116. The first, second, third, fourth and fifth ionization
potential values of an element are 6.11, 11.87,
1) O2->F–>O>F 2) O2–>F–F>O
51.21, 67.0, 84.39 eV respectively. The element
3) F–> O2–> F>O 4) O2–>O>F–>F is
107. Of the following, the one with largest size is 1) Calcium 2) Potassium
3) Aluminium 4) Carbon
117. The element with highest ionization potential is
1) Cl– 2) Ar 3) K+ 4) Ca2+
1) Nitrogen 2) oxygen 3) Helium 4) Neon
108. The order of decrease in atomic radii for Be, Na 118. In the long form of periodic table elements with
& Mg is low ionisation potential are present in
1) I A group 2) IV A group
1) Na>Mg>Be 2) Mg>Na>Be 3) VII A group 4) Zero group
3) Be>Na>Mg 4) Be>Mg>Na 119. As atomic number of elements increases, the
109. Which of the following is the largest ion I.P. value of the elements of the same period
1) decreases 2) increases
1. Na+ 2) Mg+2 3) O–2 4) F– 3) remains constant
4) first increases and then decreases 4) Y would have the highest ionization potential
120. The ionization potential values of an element are PRACTICE QUESTIONS
in the following order I1<I 2<<<<I3<I 4<I5. The 129. For any atom, the order of ionization potential
element is values is
1) alkali metal 2) chalcogen 1) I1< I2< I3 2) I1> I2> I3 3) I1< I2> I3 4) I 1> I2< I3
3) halogen 4) alkaline earth metals 130. The high ionistion potential of magnesium
121. The ionization energy of nitrogen is more than compared with aluminium, is due to
that of oxygen because 1) filled orbitals in magnesium
1) of the extra stability of half-filled p orbitals in 2) high nuclear charge in magnesium
nitrogen 3) low radius of magnesium atom
2) of the smaller size of nitrogen 4) low effective nuclear charge in magnesium
3) the former contains less number of electrons 131. The correct order of ionization potential values of
4) the former is less electronegative Be, B, Li, C atom is
122. The correct order of second I.P. values of carbon, 1) Be<B<Li<C 2) Li<Be<B<C
nitrogen, oxygen and fluorine is 3) Li<Be>B<C 4) Li>Be>B<C
1) C>N>O>F 2) O>N>F>C 132. The ionisation energy is lowest for
3) O>F>N>C 4) F>O>N>C 1) Nitrogen 2) Oxygen 3) Fluorine 4) Neon
123. The I1 values of Li, Be and C are 5.4 eV/atom, 133. The element with highest ionisation potential is
9.32 eV/atom and 11.26 eV/atom. The I1 value of
1) Na 2) Ar 3) Cl 4) P
Boron is
134. The ionisation potential is very low for
1) 13.6 eV/atom 2) 8.29 eV/atom
1) Be 2) Mg 3) B 4) Al
3) 14.5 eV/atom 4) 21.5 eV/atom
135. The I1 value of potassium is less than the I1 value
124. The ionisation potential of “X+” ion is equal to
of sodium. This is due to
1) the electron affinity of “X” atom
1) large size of potassium atom
2) the elcetronegativity of “X” atom
2) small size of potassium atom
3) the ionisation energy of “X” atom
3) low density of potassium
4) the electron affinity of “ X2+ ” ion
4) Univalent nature of potassium
125. The I1 of potassium is 4.339 eV/atom. The I1 of
136. The ionization potential of elements in any group
decreases from top to bottom. This is due to
1) 4.339 2) 2.21 3) 5.138 4) 1.002
1) Increase in size of atom
126. The first ionization potential of four consective
2) Increase in atomic number
elements, present in the second period of the
periodic table are 8.3, 11.3, 14.5 and 13.6 eV 3) Increase in screening effect
respectively. Which one of the following is the 4) both increase in size of atom and increase in
first ionization potential (in eV) of nitrogen? screening effect
(2004) 137. The energy required to remove an electron of a
1) 13.6 2) 11.3 3) 8.3 4) 14.5 gaseous atom from its ground state is called
127. Which of the following transitions involves 1) Potential energy 2) Ionization energy
maximum amount of energy? 3) Electrode potential 4) Activation energy
1) M– (g)  M(g) 2) M (g)  M+ (g) 138. The first ionization energy of lithium will be
3) M+(g)  M2+ (g) 4) M2+ (g)  M3+ (g) 1) Greater than Be 2) Less than Be
128. Elements X, Y and Z have atomic numbers 19, 3) Equal to that of Na 4) Equal to that of F
37 and 55 respectively. Which of the following 139. Which has maximum first ionization potential?
statements are true about them? 1) C 2) N 3) B 4) O
1) Their ionization potential would increase with 140. W hich has the highest second ionization
increasing atomic number potential?
2) ‘Y’ would have an ionization potential between 1) Nitrogen 2) Carbon 3) Oxygen 4) fluorine
those of X and Z 141. Which has least ionization potential?
3) Z would have the highest ionization potential
1) Li 2) Cs 3) Cl 4) I 1) Li+ 2) Mg+ 3) Al+ 4) Ne
142. The first ionization energy values of an element 153. Element with lowest and highest I.P. values in
are 191, 578,872, and 5692 kcals. The number each period respectively.
of valence electrons in the element are 1) Alkali metals, Noble gases
1) 5 2) 2 3) 3 4) 4 2) Alkali metals, Halogens
143. The peaks in ionisatoin potential curves are 3) Halogens, Alkalimetals
occuiped by 4) Noble gases, Alkalimetals
1) alkali metals 2) inert gases 154. Which one of the following relations is correct
3) transition metals 4) halogens with respect to first (I) and second (II) ionization
144. Ionisation potential of Boron is less than that of potentials of sodium and Magnesium?
Beryllium. This is because 1) INa>IMg 2) IMg>IINa 3) IIMg>IINa 4) IINa>IIMg
1) B has 1s2 2s2 2p1 configuration 155. Among the following elements that has lowest
2) B has small atomic size ionization potential value is
3) B has higher nuclear charge 1) Nitrogen 2) Oxygen 3) Fluorine 4) Neon
4) B has more number of shells 156. The first ionization potential of Li will be
145. The energy required for the removal of outermost
electron from an isolated unipositive gaseous ion 1) greater than Be 2) less than Be
is called 3) equal to Na 4) equal of F
1) first ionisation potential 157. The I.P. of sodium is 5.14 eV. The I.P. of
2) second ionisation potential potassium could be
3) third ionisation potential 1) same as that of sodium 2) 5.68eV
4) fourth ionisation potential 3) 4.34eV 4) 10.28eV
146. An alkaline earth element has the I1, I2 and I3 158. A sudden large jump between the values of
values 9.2 eV/atom, 18.5 eV/atom and x’ eV/ second and third ionization energies of an
atom. Then ‘x’ is element would be associated with the electronic
1) 3eV/atom 2) 154 eV/atom configuration
3) 20 eV/atom 4) 10 eV/atom 1) 1s2, 2s2p6, 3s1 2) 1s2, 2s2p6, 3s2p1
2 2 6 2 2
147. The screening effect of d-electrons is 3) 1s , 2s p , 3s p 4) 1s2, 2s2p6, 3s2
1) equal to the p-electrons 159. The first ionisation potential is maximum for
2) much more than the p-electrons
3) same as f-electrons 1) Lithium 2) Uranium 3) Iron 4) Hydrogen
4) less than the p-electrons 160. In the following four elements, the ionisation
148. The electron affinity of X is equal in magnitude potential of which one is the highest?
with the ionisation potential of 1) Oxygen 2) Argon 3) Barium 4) Cesium
1) X+ 2) X- 3) X 4) X2- 161. The incorrect statement among the following is
149. Which is less for an element
1) I1 2) I2 3) I3 4) I4 1) The first ionisation potential of Al is less than
150. The I1, I2, I3, I4 values of an element “M” are 120 the first ionisation potential of Mg
kJ/mole, 600 kJ/mole, 1000 kJ/mole and 8000 2) The second ionisation potential of Mg is
kJ/mole. Then the formula of its sulphate is greater than the second ionisation potential
1) MSO4 2) M2(SO4)3 3) M2SO4 4) M3(SO4)2 of Na
151. The electron configuration of elements A, B and
3) The first ionisation potential of Na is less than
C are [He] 2s1, [Ne]3s1 and [Ar] 4s1 respectively.
Which one of the following order is correct for the first ionisation potential of Mg
the first ionization potentials (in KJ.mol–1) of A, B 4) The third ionisation of potential of Mg is greater
and C? than the third ionisation potential of Al
1) A>B>C 2) C>B>A 3) B>C>A 4) C>A>C 162. The decreasing order of the second ionization
152. Which of the following species has the highest
in ionization potential
potential of K, Ca and Ba is 3) fluorine repels with the added electron due to
1) K > Ca > Ba 2) Ca > Ba > K its small size
3) Ba > K > Ca 4) K > Ba > Ca 4) small size of Chlorine atom
MODEL QUESTIONS 172. Which of the following will have almost positive
163. The low electron affinity value of nitrogen is due 1) Chlorine 2) Oxygen
to 3) Magnesium 4) Sulphur
1) small size 2) high nuclear charge 173. The element having highest electron affinity is
3) half-filled 2p sublevel 1) Fluorine 2) Nitrogen 3) Chlorine 4) Oxygen
4) high metallic character 174. The energy released when an electron is added
164. Which of the following has zero electron affinity? to a neutral gaseous atom would be highest if
theelement belongs to
1) Oxygen 2) Fluorine 3) Nitrogen 4) Neon
1) VII A group 2) V A group
165. The process requiring the absorption of energy
is 3) VI A group 4) II A group
175. The element with high electron affinity is
1) F  F  2) Cl  Cl 
1) nitrogen 2) oxygen
3) O   O 2 4) H  H  3) sulphur 4) phosphorous
166. Electron affinity values are obtained indirectly by 176. The electron affinity of an atom is numerically
equal to the
1) electric discharge method
1) ionization potential of its uni negative ion
2) Born-Haber cycle method
2) effective nuclear charge of its uni positive ion
3) electron microscopic method
3) ionization potential of its di negative ion
4) Mulliken oil drop method 4) ionization potential of it uni positive ion
167. Energy is absorbed when a second electron is
added to oxygen. This is because 177. X  g   e  X g   E , Here “E” is
1) O- has stable configuration 1) first electron affinity
2) O- has repulsion with electron to be added 2) first ionisation energy
3) O- has lower nuclear charge than O 3) second electron affinity
4) O2- has unstable configuration 4) second ionisation energy
168. The decreasing order of electron affinity of 178. The electron affinity of sulphur is -200 kJ/mole.
halogen’s is Then the electron affinity of oxygen is
1) F > Cl > Br > I 2) F < Cl < Br < I 1) -142 kJ/mole 2) -702 kJ/mole
3) F < Cl > Br < I 4) Cl > F > Br > I 3) -332 kJ/mole 4) -348 kJ/mole
169. The electron affinity values (KJmol-1) of three 179. Among the following electronic configurations
halogens X,Y and Z are respectively -349, -333 which one will have highest electron affinity value
and -325. Then X,Y and Z respectively are
1) 1s2 2) 1s2 2s2
1) F2, Cl2 and Br2 2) Cl2, F2 and Br2
3) 1s2 2s2 2p4 4) 1s2 2s2 2p5
3) Cl2, Br2 and F2 4) Br2, Cl2 and F2
180. Which has high Electron Affinity
170. The energy released when a neutral gaseous 181. The units of Electron Affinity are
atom, takes up an electron and f orms a
1) k cal/mole 2) erg. sec
uninegative ion is called its
3) A 4) no units
1) effective nuclear charge
2) polarising power 182. The magnitude of electron affinity depends upon
3) electron affinity 4) ionization potential 1) electron affinity 2) Polarising power
171. Among fluorine and chlorine, the electron affinity 3) ionization potential 4) the nuclear charge
of the latter is high. This is due to 183. Among the following electronic configurations
1) high electronegativity of fluorine
2) low dissociation energy of fluorine
which one will have low electron affinity value 195. Which of the following is a highly polar bond?
1) 1s2 2) 1s2 2s2 1) O-H 2) N-H 3) H-Cl 4) H-F
3) 1s2 2s2 2p4 4) 1s2 2s2 2p5 196. Electronegativity is a measure of the capacity of
184. Diagonal relationship is shown by an atom to
1) Elements of first period 1) Attract electrons 2) Attract protons
2) Elements of second period 3) Repel electrons 4) Repel protons
3) Elements of third period 197. Of the following elements, which one has the
low electronegativity
4) Elements of fourth period
1) I 2) Br 3) Cl 4) F
185. The electron affinities of N, O, S and Cl are
198. Keeping in view the periodic law and the periodic
1) N < O < S < Cl 2) O < N < Cl < S
table, predict the element that has the maximum
3) O = Cl < N = S 4) O < S < Cl < N electronegative character.
MODEL QUESTIONS 1) P 2) As 3) Bi 4) Sb
ELECTRO NEGATIVITY 199. Which of the following set of atoms is arranged
186. For univalent elements, the average value of first in order of decreasing electronegativity
ionization potential and first electron affinity is 1) F > O > Cl > S 2) F < O < Cl < S
equal to its
3) O > F > Cl > S 4) Cl > F > O > S
1) Polarising power 2) Covalent radius
200. Pauling’s values of electronegativities are
3) electronegativity 4) dipole moment dependent upon
187. The reference element in Paulings scale of 1) Ionisation potentials 2) Bond energies
Electronegativity is
3) Electron affinities 4) Atomic radii
1) H 2) O 3) N 4) Cl
201. In a period from Alkali metal to Halogens, the
188. The electronegativity of Be is same as that of Electronegativity
1) Al 2) Mg 3) Na 4) Li 1) gradually increases 2) gradually decreases
189. Electronegativity is the property related to 3) gradually increases except inIIA and VI group
1) Isolated atom in gaseous state elements
2) Isolated atom in solid state 4) gradually decreases except in IIA and VI group
3) Inert gas elements.
4) bonded atoms in a molecule 202. Going from Fluroine, chlorine, bromine to iodine,
190. If the electronagativity difference between bonded the electronegativity
atoms is exactly 1.7 the nature of bond formed 1) increases
is 2) first decreases then increases
1) >50% Ionic 2) <50% Ionic 3) decreases
3) 50% Ionic & 50% covalent 4) changes randomly
4) 100% Ionic 203. Let electronegativity, ionisation energy and
PRACTICE QUESTIONS electron affinity be represented as EN, IP and
191. Which of the following elements have relatively EA respectively. Which one of the following
high electronegativities
equation is correct according to Mulliken?
1) alkali metals 2) Halogens
3) alkaline earth metals 4) all the above (2001E)
192. The element with high electronegativity is 1) EN=IP x EA 2) EN=IP/EA
1) Chlorine 2) Sulphur 3) Oxygen 4) Nitrogen 3) EN=(IP+EA) / 2 4) EN=IP–EA
193. Element with high electronegativity is 204. Which of the following would you expect to have
1) Nitrogen 2) Chlorine 3) Fluorine 4) Hydrogen highest electronegativity?
194. A correct variation in the electronegativity value 1) Mg(Z=12) 2) S(Z=16)
of atoms is 3) B(Z=5) 4) Te(Z=52)
1) F>N<O>C 2) F>O>N>C
3) F<N<O>C 4) F>N>O<C
205. W hi ch of the f ollowing has the highest 217. Boron is related diagonally related to
electronegativity? 1) Boron 2) Aluminium
3) Magnesium 4) Silicon
1) Na 2) Cl 3) K 4) B
218. Diagonal relationship is shown by
1) B - S 2) Li - Mg 3) Mg - Ca 4) S - Se
STATES, METALLIC & NON-METALLIC 219. In the first few groups of periodic table, the group
OXIDES & DIAGONAL RELATIONSHIP number represents the
206. Of the following, electronegativity of Lithium is 1) Valency 2) Atomic weight
approximately equal to that of 3) Atomic number 4) Oxidasing nature
1) Mg 2) B 3) Al 4) Na 220. Which has most stable +2 oxidation state?
207. Most metallic element has the following electron 1) Cs 2) Cl 3) Pb 4) Tl
arrangement in its atom is 221. Diagonal relationship is quite pronounced in the
1) 2, 8, 4 2) 2, 8, 8 elements of
3) 2, 8, 8, 1 4) 2, 8, 8, 7 1) 2nd and 3rd periods 2) 1st and 2nd periods
208. Boron and Silicon resemble chemically. This is 3) II and III groups 4) 3rd and 4th periods
due to the equal value of their 222. With increasing atomic number, the metallic
1) EA 2) Atomic Volume nature in a period from left to right
1) increase 2) decrease
3) ions polarizing power
3) does not alter 4) Stable
4) Nuclear charge
223. The elements x, y and z are present in one period
209. In which group all the elements do not have same of the periodic table. Chemically their oxides
number of valence electrons? areacidic, amphoteric and basic respectively.
1) Zero 2) First 3) Second 4) Seventh When these elements are arranged in ascending
210. Among (a) Na2O, (b) MgO, (c) Al2O3, (d) P2O5 (e) order of atomic number they are
Cl2O7 the most basic, most acidic and amphoteric 1) x, y, z 2) z, y, x 3) y, z, x 4) y, x, z
oxide can be 224. The most metallic among the following is?
1) a, b, c 2) b, e, c 3) a, e, c 4) e, c, a 1) P 2) As 3) Bi 4) Sb
211. Metal exhibiting higher oxidation state is in which 225. The pair of elements that have similar chemical
block? properties are
1) p 2) s 3) d 4) f 1) Lithium and Magnesium
212. Beryllium shows diagonal relationship with 2) Beryllium and Boron
aluminium. Which of the following similarity is 3) Aluminium and Magnesium
incorrect? 4) Carbon and Nitrogen
1) Be2C like Al4C3 yields methane on hydrolysis
2) Be, like Al is renderd passive by HNO3
3) Be (OH)2 like Al(OH)3 is basic
226. The second element in third transitional series
4) Be forms beryllates and Al forms aluminate is
1) Ac 2) Ce 3) Hf 4) La
PRACTICE QUESTIONS 227. Which of the following is a typical transition
213. The less electropositive element is element
1) Na 2) Be 3) Li 4) Mg 1) Cu 2) Ag 3) Au 4) All
214. Electropositivity is very high for 228. Which of the following pairs of atoms have same
number of electrons in the outermost orbit
1) Al 2) Ge 3) Li 4) Ba
1) N - O 2) Na - Cl 3) Ca - Cl 4) Cl - Br
215. The most electropositive element is
229. The electronic configuration of an element is
1) Cs 2) C 3) Cl 4) K 1s22s22p63s23p3. The atomic number of the
216. Which of the following electron configuration element which is just below the above element
corresponds to the most electropositiv e in the periodic table is
character? 1) 49 2) 31 3) 34 4) 33
1) [He]2s1 2) [He]2s2 3) [Xe]6s1 4) [Xe]6s2
230. The element present in the III A group and 3 1) they exhibit variable valencies
period in the periodic table is 2) they possess low M.P.’s
1) Carbon 2) Phosphorous 3) they are good catalysts
3) Cobalt 4) Aluminium 4) they form coloured complexes.
231. The long form of periodic table is nothing but just 244. The electron configuration of an element ‘M’ is
a graphical representation of _____ principle. [Ar] 3d10 4s2 4p3. Then ‘M’ belongs to
1) Aufbau 2) Hunds 3) Pauli’s Exclusion 1) VB group 2) VIII group
4) Wave mechanical 3) VA group 4) 0 group
232. In the sixth period, the orbitals being filled are MODEL QUESTIONS
1) 5s, 5p, 5d 2) 6s, 6p, 6d, 6f 245. Atom becomes ion by
3) 6s, 5f, 6d, 6p 4) 6s, 4f, 5d, 6p 1) oxidation 2) reduction
233. The number of valence electrons that can be 3) either oxidation or reduction
present in the second element of any period is 4) neither oxidation nor reduction
1) 1 2) 2 3) 5 4) 7 246. Which has the maximum atomic radius?
234. At room temperature liquid metal and liquid non- 1) Al3+ 2) Li+ 3) P 4) Mg
metals are 247. In which of the following pairs, the first atom or
1) Hg & I2 2) Cs & Cl2 3)Hg & Br2 4) Cd & S ion is not large than the second ?
235. Which of the following contains same number of 1) Fe2+, Fe3+ 2) O, S
3) N, O 4) Cl- Cl
1) 1st period&O group 2) 6th period & III B group
248. The covalent radius of hydrogen is 0.37A0. The
3) 5th period & III B group
bond length in H2 molecule is
4) 3rd period & VII A group
1) 0.185A0 2) 0.74A0 3) 1.48A0 4) 0.37 A0
236. Which of the following pair has both members
249. Which of the following is the smallest in size?
from the same period of the periodic table?
1) Br 2) I– 3) I 4) Br –
1) Na - Ca 2) Na - Cl 3) Ca - Cl 4) Cl - Br
250. Which of the following is large radius
237. The element having electronic configuration [Kr]
4d104f 145s25p65d26s2 belongs to 1) crystal 2) covalent
1) s - block 2) p - block 3) d-block 4) f - block 3) vanderwaal’s 4) All are same
238. An atom with atomic number 21 belongs to the 251. The size of Hafnium is almost similar to that of
category of zirconium this is due to
1) s - block elements 2) p - block elements 1) increase in size as expected
3) d - block elements 4) f - block elements 2) decrease in size as expected
239. Which of the following is general electron 3) lanthanide contraction
configuration of 4d series? 4) similar chemical properties
1) 4s1 to 2 3d1 to 10 2) 4s1 to 2 4d1 to 10 252. The element with the following atomic number
3) 5s 1 to 2
5d1 to 10
4) 5s1 to 2 4d1 to 10 may be bigger than aluminium atom is
240. In a given transition series the elements differ 1) 12 2) 14 3) 16 4) 17
generally in the number of electrons 253. Which of the following is an example of a positive
1) p 2) d ion and negative ion that is isoelectronic with
3) p, d & f 4) p and d Argon
241. The number of completed transitional series in 1) K+ and Cl– or Ca2+ and S2–
the periodic table is / are 2) Na+ and F– or Mg2+ and O2–
1) 2 2) 3 3) 4 4) 1 3) K+ and I– or Mg2+ and S2–
242. Transition elements are placed in the periodic 4) K+ and I– or Ca2+ and O2–
table between the group
1) IA and IIA 2) IIA and IIIA
254. The decreasing order of the size is
3) IIIA and IVA 4) VII and zero
243. Regarding transitional elements the wrong 1) hydrogen atom, proton, hydride ion
statement is
2) proton, hydrogen atom, hydride ion 262. The ionization potential (I1) of nitrogen (Z=7) is
3) hydride ion, hydrogen atom, proton more than oxygen (Z=8). This is explained with
4) hydrogen atom, hydride ion, proton 1) Hund’s rule 2) Excitation rule
255. Compared to the parent atom, the size of its anion 3) Pauli principle 4) Auf-bau principle
is larger. It is because 263. Second ionization potential value is very low for
1) the effective nuclear charge is less in anion 1) Sodium 2) Magnesium
2) the poor screening effect of electronic shells 3) Fluorine 4) Oxygen
3) the effective nuclear charge is more in anion 264. The first I.P. values in electron volts of nitrogen
4) the greater penetration power of electrons. and oxygen atoms are respectively given by
256. Very slight decreases in atomic radius occurs in 1) 14.6 13.6 2) 13.6, 14.6
a transition series when compared with that in a 3) 13.6, 13.6 4) 14.6, 14.6
representative series. This is due to
265. The first ionization potential values of Na, Mg, Al
1) shielding effect 2) penetrating effect and Si atoms will be in the order of
3) inert pair effect 4) bonding nature 1) Na<Mg>Al<Si 2) Na>Mg<Al>Si
257. In a period element with atom with larger radius 3) Na<Mg>Al>Si 4) Na>Mg>Al<Si
is a
266. Electrons which have the highest penetrating
1) alkali element power through lower orbits are
2) alkaline earth element 1) p-electrons 2) s-electrons
3) Noble gas element 3) d-electrons 4) f-electrons
4)chalcogen 267. The screening effect of ‘d’ electrons is
MODEL QUESTIONS 1) much less than s-electrons
IONIZATION POTENTIAL 2) Much more than s-electrons
258. The first, second, third and fourth, ionization 3) Equal to s-electrons
potential values of an element are 8.3, 25.15, 4) Equal to p-electrons
37.92 and 259.3 eV respectively. The element
268. If the ionization potential of calcium is five units
and that of magnesium may be
1) Magnesium 2) Silicon
1) 6 Units 2) 5 Units 3) 4 Units 4) 2 Units
3) Sodium 4) Aluminium
269. A sudden large jump between the values of second
259. Which of the following electronic configuration
and third I.E of an element would be associated
corresponds to an element having lowest
with which of the electronic configuration
ionization energy?
1) 1s2 2s2 2p6 3s1 2) 1s2 2s2 2p6 3s2 3p1
1) 1s22s22p6 2) 1s22s22p63s1 2 2 6 2
3) 1s 2s 2p 3s 4) 1s2 2s2 2p6 3s2 3p3
3) 1s22s22p5 4) 1s22s22p3
260. ‘Al’ has lower ionization potential than that of Mg
270. The electron affinity of bromine atom is equal to
the……. of bromide ion
1) ‘Al’ atom is bigger than ‘Mg atom
1) ionisation potential
2) ‘Mg’ atom is bigger than ‘Al’ atom
2) electron affinity
3) all electrons in Mg are paired, but those of
3) effective nuclear charge
‘Al’ are not
4) electro negative
4) ‘Al’ belongs to a higher group
261. The value of 1 eV/atom is 
271. The ionisation potential of X  g  is numerically
1) 23.06 Kcal/mole equal to
2) 96.45 KJ/mole

3) 1.602 x 10-19 Joules/atom 1) E.A. of X  g  2) EA of X  g 
4) all of these 2 2
3) E.A. of X  g  4) E.A of X  g 
PRACTICE QUESTIONS 272. EA1 values of the following element has positive
I) Be II) Br III) Mg IV) Cl 1) 100% pure ionic
The corect answer is 2) 100% pure covalent
1) I and III 2) II and IV 3)50% ionic & 50% covalent
3) I , II and III 4) I, II and IV 4) 70% covalent, 30% ionic
273. The lowest electron affinity value of nitrogen is 282. The electronegativity of the elements increases
explained with in the order
1) Pauli’s rule 2) Auf-bau rule 1) C, N, Si, P 2) N, Si, C, P
3) Hund’s rule 4)Markownikoff principle 3) Si, P, C, N 4) P, Si, N, C
274. Arrange S, O and Se in ascending order of 283. The ionisation potential and electron affinity of an
electron affinity element “X” are 275 and 86 kcal/mole. Then the
1) Se<S<O 2) O<Se<S electronegativity of “X” according to Mulliken scale
3) S<O<Se 4) S<Se<O is
275. Regarding electron affinity, the wrong statement 1) 4.0 2) 3.5 3) 2.8 4) zero
is 284. Which of the following does not be considered
1) The E.A. of “Cl” is more than that of “F” as a fixed quantity
2) The E.A. of “S” is more than that of “P” 1) electronegativity
3) The E.A. of “Si” is more than that of “C” 2) first ionisation potential
4) The E.A. of “Ne” is more than that of “F” 3) electron affinity
276. Electron affinity of chlorine is -348 kJ/mol. Then 4) second ionisation potential
the electron affinity of Fluorine is ...... in kJ/mol 285. The electronegativity of K = 0.8 and Cl = 3.0. The
1) -333 2) -348 3) -384 4) -428 type of bond formed between “K” and “Cl’ is
MODEL QUESTIONS 1) pure covalent bond 2) hydrogen bond
277. With respect of chlorine, hydrogen will be 3) metallic bond 4) electrovalent bond
1) Electropositive 2) Electronegative 286. An element “X” has IP = 1681 kJ/mole and EA =
3) Neutral 4) High reactive -333 kJ/mole then its electronegativity is
278. The experimental bond energy of HY differs from 1) 1681 + 333 / 544 2) 1681 - 333 / 544
its calculated value by 1.96 k. cals/mole. The 3) 1681 + 333 / 2
electronegativity of ‘y’ is equal to
1) 1.81 2) 1.78 3) 1.72 4) 1.90 0.208 1681  333
279. Electronegativity is not applicable for the element 544
with configuration 287. Which of the following has zeroelectronegativity
1) 1s2 2) 1s1 1) Ar 2) Si 3) N 4) F
3) 1s2 2s2 2p1 4) 1s2 2s2 2p5 288. Which of the following elements posses zero
280. When the polarity of bond A-B is “  ” expressed electron affinity and zero electronegativity values?
in SI units, the relationship between their 1) halogens 2) alkali metals
Electronegativity difference is 3) chalcogens 4) rare gases
1) X A  X B  0.1017  289. The electronegativities of two elements A and B
are 2.1 and 1.8. Then the type of bond formed
2) X A  X B  0.208  between them is
1) Ionic bond 2) Pure covalent bond
3) X A  X B  0.1017  3) Polar covalent bond 4) Hydrogen bond
4) X A  X B  0.1017 
290. An element with electronic arrangement as 2, 8,
281. The electronagetivity defference between two 18, 1 will exhibit the following stable oxidation
chlorine atoms of Cl2 molecule is zero. So the 1) +2 and +4 2) +1 and +2
bond formed is 3) +2 to +7 4) +1 only
291. The outer most shell of a representative element 300. O2– and Si4+ are isoelectronic ions. If the ionic
contains ‘a’ electrons and penultimate shell radius of O2– is 1.4 A0, the ionic radius of Si4+ will
contains ‘b’ electrons. The valency of the element be
will be 1) 1.4 A0 2) 0.41 A0 3) 2.8 A0 4) 1.5 A0
1) a+b 2) b – a 3) b 4) a or 8 – a
301. In a compound XY, the electronagetivity difference
PRACTICE QUESTIONS between X and Y is greater than 1.7, then
292. The correct order of electropositive nature of Li, compound XY is soluble in
Na and K is
1) Li > Na >K 2) Li > K >Na
1) Benzene2) CCl4 3) H 2O 4) CS2
3) Na > K > Li 4) K > Na > Li 302. The radius of La+3 (Z=57) is 1.06A0. Which of the
293. Beryllium resembles Aluminium in properties. following given values will be closest to the radius
This is mainly due to of Lu2+ (Z=71)
1) Equal electro negativity values of elements 1) 1.60 A0 2) 1.40A0 3) 1.06A0 4) 0.85 A0
2) Equal atomic volumes of the elements 303. The ionization potential of an element is 5.23eV.
3) Equal electron affinity This can also be expressed as ……. K.cals/mole
4) Equal nuclear charges in their atoms 1) 120.6 2) 60.3 3) 241.2 4) 180.9
294. The chemical similarity between boron and silicon 304. Which of the following will have high ionization
is mainly due to equal value of their potential
1) electronegativity 2) nuclear charge 1) Al3+ 2) F- 3) Na+ 4) O2–
3) charge to (ionic radius)2 ratio 305. The number of ionization energies carbon can
4) atomic volume have are
295. Which of the following statements are wrong 1) 1 2) 2 3) 4 4) 6
I) Bi3+ is more stable than Bi5+ 306. IE1 and IE2 of magnesium are 178 and 348 kcal/
II) Mn shows + 8 oxidation state. mole. The energy for the reaction
III) The oxidation state of an element is always Mg(g)  Mg2+(g)+2e is
less than or equal to its group number 1) +170 kcal 2) +526 kcal
IV) s-block elements show variable oxidation 3) - 170 kcal 4) - 526 kcal
states 307. The second I.P of calcium is 275.12 kcals mol-1.
The answer is Then the equation that represents this ionization
1) II and IV 2. II and III is written as
3. I, II and III 4. II, III and IV 1) Ca+(S)  Ca2+(S) + e-–275.12 kcals
LEVEL - III 2) Ca+(g)  Ca2+(g) +e-+275.12 kcals
MODEL QUESTIONS 3) Ca+(g)  Ca2+(g) + e-–275.12 kcals
296. From the elements of the following atomic 4) Ca(g)  Ca2+(g) +e-–275.12 kcals
numbers 9, 12, 16,20, 38, 47 and 56 select a set
308. The best oxidizing agent among the following is
representing a group of elements are
1) Oxygen 2) Fluorine 3) Sodium 4) Copper
1) 9, 16, 39 2) 12, 20, 47
309. The IP of hydrogen in its ground state is 2.18 x
3) 20, 38, 47 4) 12, 20, 56 10-18 J/atom. Then the electron affinity of Li3+ ion
297. If the quantum numbers of the highest energy is
electron in an atom are n = 4, l = 3, m = +3, 1) -2.18 x 10-18 J/atom 2) -6.54 x 10-18 J/atom
s = +1/2 , the element belongs to 3) -3.488 x 10-18 J/atom 4) -1.962 x 10-17 J/atom
1) p-block 2) d-block 3) f-block 4) s-block 310. How much energy is released when 1 gram Cl
298. The reported element Ekamercury with atomic
number 112 belongs to the group atom is converted to Cl  g  ion ? Electron affinity
1) IIB 2) IIIB 3) IVB 4) VIB of Cl  g  is 349 KJ/mole
299. The electronic configuratoin of ‘X’ is 1s22s22p3.
1) 8.95 KJ 2) 9.83 KJ 3) 7.80 KJ 4) 6.56 KJ
The formula of the molecule formed by the atoms
of ‘X’ only is
1) X 2) X2 3) X4 4) X8
311. Elements of the following group form anions most The correct match is
easily A B C D A B C D
1) Oxygen family 2) Nitrogen group 1. 5 4 1 2 2. 5 1 4 2
3) Halogens 4) Alkali metals 3. 4 3 2 1 4. 3 1 4 2
312. The bond energies of H - H, X-X and H-X are 104, 317. Regarding electronegativity
60 and 102 k cal/mole. The electronegativity of i) The element with maximum electronegativity
Hydrogen is 2.1. Then the electronegativity of “X”is : Fluorine
1) 2.5 2) 3.5 3) 3.0 4) 4.0 ii) In Pauling scale, the reference element is :
313. As the alkaline earth metals (except Be) tend to Silicon
lose their valence electrons readily they act as iii) Elements with stable configuration have high
1) weak oxidising agent
iv) the element with maximum electro positivity :
2) weak reducing agent Hydrogen
3) strong oxidising agent 1) only (i) correct 2) only (ii) correct
4) strong reducing agent 3) only (iii) correct 4) only (iv) is correct
314. The valence configuration of a transition element 318. (A) : Electron affinity of Flourine is less than that
of chlorine
is (n-1) d 110 ns12 . Here “n” may be
(R) : Chlorine can accommodate an electron by
I)1 II) 2 III) 3 IV) 4 utilising in vacant 3d-orbital
V) 5 VI) 6 VII) 7 1. Both (A) and (R) are true and (R) is the correct
The impossible values of “n” are explanation of (A)
1) IV, V and VI 2) VI and VII 2. Both (A) and (R) are true and (R) is not the
correct explanation of (A)
3) II, IV and VI 4) I, II, III
3. (A) is true but (R) is false
315. TYPE - 1 TYPE - II
4. (A) is false but (R) is true
PERIOD OF ELEMENT QUANTUM 319. (A) : The second ionisation energy of ‘O’ is greater
LEVEL OF than that of ‘N’
DIFFERENTIATING (R) : The half filled p-orbitals cause greater
The correct anser is
A) Second 1) n = 6
1. Both (A) and (R) are true and (R) is the correct
B) Third 2) n = 2 explanation of (A)
C) Fourth 3) n = 3 2. Both (A) and (R) are true and (R) is not the
D) Sixth 4) n = 4 correct explanation of (A)
3. (A) is true but (R) is false
5) n = 5
4. (A) is flase but (R) is true
The wrong match is
320. (A) : Ionisation potential of ‘N’ is greater than ‘O’.
1. A - 2 2. B - 3 3. C - 4 4. D - 5
(R) : Nitrogen has 5 unpaired electrons
316. Match the following two lists given below in view
The correct answer is
of highest oxidation state
1. Both (A) and (R) are true and (R) is the correct
LIST - 1 LIST - 2 explanation of (A)
A) Mn 1) +5 2. Both (A) and (R) are true and (R) is not the
B) Os 2) +6 correct explanation of (A)
3. (A) is true but (R) is false
C) P 3) +4
4. (A) is false but (R) is true
D) Cr 4) +8
5) +7 321. If the seventh period is completed, the atomic
number of the last element would be 3) Calcium ion 4) Magnesium ion
1)118 2)112 3)107 4)120 334. The removal of an electron is very difficult from
322. The element with Z = 106 belongs to 1) Argon atom 2) Chloride ion
1) 3rd period 2) 5th period 3) Calcium ion 4) Sodium ion
3) 7 period 4) 6th period 335. Which one of the following elements has the
323. The starting and ending elements of actinides are highest ionization energy?
respectively 1) [Ne]3s23p1 2) [Ne]3s23p2
1) Th and Lu 2) Th and Lr 3) [Ne]3s23p3 4) [Ar]3s104s24p3
3) Ac and Lu 4) Ac and Lr 336. The ionization potential for hydrogen atom is 13.6
324. Stable electronic configuration of a transition eV. The ionization for He+ ion should be
metal 1) 27.2 eV 2) 54.4 eV 3) 6.8 eV 4) 3.4eV
1) 1s2 2s2 2p6 3s2 3p6 3d9 4s2 337. The first IE of lithium is 5.4eV and first electron
2) 1s2 2s2 2p6 3s2 3p6 4s2 3d5 affinity of Cl is 3.6eV. The value of  H for the
3) 1s2 2s2 2p6 3s2 3p6 4s2 reaction Li(g) + Cl(g)  Li+ (g) + Cl- (g) is…. eV
4) 1s2 2s2 2p6 3s2 3p6 4s2 3d10 4p6 1) +1.8 2) + 2.8 3) - 2.8 4) + 9
325. The starting element in the incomplete period of 338. The IP1 of O, S, F & Cl are in the order of
long form of periodic table 1) F > O > Cl > S 2) S > Cl > O > F
1) Cs 2) Rn 3) Fr 4) Th 3) Cl > S > O > F 4) F > Cl > O > S
326. In which of the following element both ultimate 339. The I.P.1’s of N, P, O & S are in the order of
and penultimate shells are incompletely filled
1) S > P < O > N 2) N > O > P > S
1) Ni 2) Cd 3) Hg 4) Zn
3) N > O < P > S 4) N < O < P < S
327. An atom of element has 2K, 8L and 3M electrons. 340. Energy is released during the formation of
Then that element is placed in
1) hydride ion 2) oxide ion
1) IA group 2) II A group
3) ferrous ion 4) ferric ion
3) III A group 4) IV A group
341. Which of the following is not the reason for the
328. In the isoelectronic species the ionic radii of higher EA1 of halogens
N3–, O2–, F– are respectively given by
I) high nuclear charge II) larger atomic size
1) 1.36, 1.40, 1.71 2) 1.36, 1.71, 1.40
III) easy to get octet configuation, ns2 np6
3) 1.71, 1.40, 1.36 4) 1.71, 1.36, 1.40 IV) half filled p-orbitals
329. Chloride ion and chlorine atom have
The correct answer is
1) Same size 2) same stability
1) I and IV 2) I, II and III 3) II and IV 4) II and III
3) same nuclear charge
342. Which of the following are the correct statements
4)same electron configuration
I) EA of noble gases is zero
330. The covalent and Van der wall’s radii of chlorine
respectively are II) EA of Fluorine is less than chlorine
1) 1.80A0 & 0.99 A0 2) 0.99 A0 & 1.80 A0 III) EA of oxygen is less than sulphur
3) 1.80 A0 & 1.80 A0 4) 0.99A0 & 0.99 A0 IV) EA of N is more than phosphorous
331. The atomic radii of two elements “X” and “Y” are The correct answer is
0.72 A0 and 1.6A0. Then the elements “X” & “Y” 1) I, II, III and IV 2) I, II and III
are 3) II and IV 4) I and IV
1) F & Ne 2) Ne & F 343. The correct order of electronegativities of the
3) Li & Be 4) Fe & Fe2+ ion elements is
332. Among O, C, F, Cl and Br, the increasing order 1) P > Si > Al > Mg > Na
of atomic radii is 2) Na > Mg > Al > Si > P
1) F < O < C < Cl < Br 2) F < C < O < Cl < Br 3) Al > Si > P > Mg > Na
3) F < Cl < Br < O < C 4) C < O < F < Cl < Br 4) Mg > Al > Si > Na > P
333. Ionization energy is high for
1) Sulphide ion 2) Phosphide ion
344. Which of the following property does not relate to IV) The IP v alues increase in the order
the neutral gaseous atom C4+ < B3+ < Be2+ < Li+ < He
The correct answer is
1) Ionisation potential 2) Electron Affinity
1) I, II and III 2) I and III only
3) Electronegativity 4) Electropositivity
3) I and IV only 4) II and IV only
345. Pauling’s scale of electronegativity for elements
353. Match the following
are useful in predicting
1) polarity of molecules 2) coordination number TYPE - 1 TYPE - II
3) position in activity series 4) dipole moments SERIES ELEMENTS
346. The highly electropositive elements are good A) 3d 1) Sc [21] to Zn (30)
1) oxidizing agents 2) reducing agents B) 4d 2) La (57), Hf (72) to Hg
3) both oxidizing and reducing agents (80)
4) Neither reducing nor oxidizing agents C) 5d 3) Ce 58 to Lr (103)
347. An element has nine positive charges in its
D) 6d 4) Y (39) to Cd (48)
nucleus its common oxidation state is
1) +7 2) +5 3) –1 4) +1 5) Ac (89), Rf (104) to Mt (109)
348. Chloride of an element A gives neutral solution in The correct match is
water. In the periodic table, the element A A B C D A B C D
belongs to
1. 5 4 2 3 2. 1 4 2 5
1) First group 2) Third group
3. 1 4 3 5 4. 2 5 1 4
3) Fifth group 4) First transition series
349. In the given reaction, the oxide of sodium is ....
354. TYPE - 1 TYPE- II(Atomic
 4 Na  O2  2 Na2O  number)
 
 Na2O  H 2O  2 NaOH  A) Noble gase 1) 20
1) acidic 2) basic B) Representative element 2) 26
3) amphoteric 4) neutral C) Transition element 3) 59
350. The increasing order of acidic nature of the D) Inner transition element 4) 36
following oxidies is
1. SiO2 < P2O5 < Cl2O7 < SO3
The correct match is
2. SiO2 < P2O5 < SO3 < Cl2O7
3. Cl2O7 < SO3 < P2O5 < SiO2 A B C D A B C D
4. SO3 < Cl2O7 < SiO2 < P2O5 1. 1 2 3 4 2. 4 3 2 1
351. Which of the following are the correct statements 3. 4 1 2 3 4. 1 3 4 2
I) First period is the shortest and sixth period 355. Which of the following factors can not influence
is the longest period the Ionisation potential
II) 4th and 5th periods are short periods
I) Oxidation nature II) anionic nature
III) The incomplete period is seventh period
III) cationic nature IV) screening effect
IV) The long periods are 4th and 5th periods
1) I 2) II 3) III 4) IV
1. I, III, and IV 2. II and IV
3. I and III 4. I, II, III and IV 356. Study the following statements
352. Identify the correct statements I) The van der Waal’s radius is nearly 40% less
I) IP2 of oxygen is more than that of Nitrogen. than that of covalent radius
II) IP2 values of 2nd period elements are in the II) In a period atoms of alkali metal is larger and
order of Li > Ne > O > F > N > B of a halogen is smaller
III) IP1 of Ca is more than that of K III) The atomic radius of Neon is more than
Fluorine D) inner transition 4) stable configuration
IV) The decrease in atomic radius is more when elements
second electron enters into S-subshell 5) ns1-2 (n-1)d1-10
The correct match is
The correct statements are
1) I, II and IV 2) I and III
1. 2 1 4 3 2. 4 1 5 3
3) III and IV 4) II, III and IV 3. 3 2 1 4 4. 5 2 1 3
357. Match the following in view of diagonal relation 361. Match the following
LIST - 1 LIST - 2 LIST - 1 LIST - 2
A) Li 1) Al (High value is observed for)
B) Si 2) C A) Ionisation potential 1) Chlorine
C) Be 3) B B) Electro positivity 2) Caesium
4) Mg C) Electron affinity 3) Helium
The correct match is D) Oxidation state 4) Fluorine
A B C A B C 5) Osmium
1. 1 3 4 2. 3 1 4 The correct match is
3. 4 1 3 4. 4 3 1 A B C D A B C D
358. TYPE - 1 TYPE - II 1. 4 3 2 1 2. 3 2 1 5
Property Element with the highest value
3. 1 2 3 4 4. 2 1 4 5
A) IP 1) Cl
362. The following are some statements about diagonal
B) EN 2) Cs
C) EA 3) He
i) It is due to nearly same size, electronegativity
D) atomic size 4) F
and same polarising power
5) H
ii) Li has similar properties with H2
iii) BeO, Al2O are amphoteric in nature
1. 1 2 3 4 2. 3 4 1 2
iv) All d-block elements are stable
3. 4 3 5 2 4. 5 1 2 3
1) only (i) correct 2) only (ii) correct
359. Which of the following are correct statements
3) only (iii) correct 4) only (iv) is correct
I) XA - XB = 0.208  , here  =kJ/mole. 363. The following are some statements about
II) XA - XB = 0.1017  , here  = kcal/mole. Mendeleeff’s periodic table
i) It is based on increasing order of atomic
( IP  EA)inKJ / mole numbers.
544 ii) Mendeleef corrected the atomic weight of
( IP  EA) some elements like Be, In etc
IV) EN = eV .
5.6 iii) (Ar ; H2 ), (Co; Cl2), (Te; F2) are three inverted
1) I and II 2) I, II and III pairs
3) III and IV 4) II and IV iv) It is based on increasing order of atomic
360. Match the following weights
LIST - 1 LIST - 2 1) only (i) correct 2) only (ii) correct
A) Aerogens electrons 1) form bonds by 3) only (iii) correct 4) only (iv) is correct
gaining or losing
364. Following are statements about modern periodic
or sharing of table
B) Representative 2) all are liquids
elements i) It consists of s,p,d and f blocks
C) Transition elements 3) Common oxidation
state of + 3
ii) The energy levels filling order in 6th period is effect.
6s, 4f, 5d and 6p The correct answer is
1. Both (A) and (R) are true and (R) is the correct
iii) IIIB group does not contain maximum number
explanation of (A)
of elements
2. Both (A) and (R) are true and (R) is not the
iv) It consists only metals correct explanation of (A)
1) only (i) correct 2) only (ii) correct 3. (A) is true but (R) is false
3) only (iii) correct 4) only (iv) is correct 4. (A) is false but (R) is true
365. The following are some statements about noble 369. (A) : The negative ion is always larger than its
gases atom
i) They are between halogens and IA group (R) : As the number of electrons increases, the
ii) Except Rn all the remaining are present in nuclear charge per electron is reduced the correct
the air answer is
iii) These elements belong to 17th group in IUPAC 1. Both (A) and (R) are true and (R) is the corret
system explanation of (A)
iv) Its highly reactive elements 2. Both (A) and (R) are true and (R) is not the
correct explanation of (A)
1) only (i) correct 2) only (ii) correct
3. (A) is true but (R) is false
3) only (iii) correct 4) only (iv) is correct
4. (A) is false but (R) is true
366. The following are some statements about periodic
properties 370. (A) : The second electron affinity of oxygen is
i) Atomic size decreases from left to right in a
period (R) : Oxygen is the second highest
electronegative element
ii) The EA of 2nd element in VA, VIA, VIIA are
greater than the first element The correct answer is
iii) Acidic nature of oxides decreases and basic 1. Both (A) and (R) are true and (R) is the correct
nature of oxides of elements increased down explanation of (A)
the group 2. Both (A) and (R) are true and (R) is not the
iv) Atomic size increasing from left to right in a correct explanation of (A)
period 3. (A) is true but (R) is false
1) only (i) correct 2) only (ii) correct 4. (A) is false but (R) is true
3) only (iii) correct 4) only (iv) is correct 371. (A) : Be and Al have similar properties.
367. (A) : The atomic radius of inert gases is high. (R) : Cations of Be and Al have same polarising
(R) : Vander waall’s radius is less than covalent power
radius The correct answer is
The correct answer is 1. Both (A) and (R) are true and (R) is the correct
1. Both (A) and (R) are true and (R) is the correct explanation of (A)
explanation of (A) 2. Both (A) and (R) are true and (R) is not the
2. Both (A) and (R) are true and (R) is not the correct explanation of (A)
correct explanation of (A) 3. (A) is true but (R) is false
3. (A) is true but (R) is false 4. (A) is false but (R) is true
4. (A) is false but (R) is true
368. (A) : Shielding effect increases as we go down KEY
the group 1)1 2)2 3)1 4)3
(R) : With an increase is the number of electrons 5)3 6)3 7)1 8)1
in the penultimate shell, more is the shielding 9)2 10)4 11)4 12)3
13)2 14)2 15)4 16)1
17)2 18)2 19)3 20)3
21)2 22)4 23)2 24)3
25)3 26)2 27)3 28)3 237)3 238)3 239)4 240)2
29)3 30)2 31) 2 32)1 241)2 242)2 243)2 244)3
33)2 34)3 35)3 36)2 245)3 246)4 247)2 248)2
37)1 38)2 39)2 40)2 249)1 250)3 251)3 252)1
41)2 42)4 43)2 44)3 253)1 254)3 255)1 256)1
45)3 46)2 47)2 48)3 257)1 258)4 259)2 260)3
49)4 50)2 51)3 52)3 261)4 262)1 263)2 264)1
53)2 54)4 55)2 56)3 265)1 266)2 267)1 268)1
57)2 58)2 59)1 60)2 269)1 270)1 271)1 272)1
61)3 62)4 63)2 64)2 273)3 274)2 275)4 276)1
65)2 66)1 67)4 68)3 277)1 278)1 279)1 280)4
69)4 70)1 71)3 72)4 281)2 282)3 283)3 284)1
73)1 74)1 75)2 76)2 285)4 286)1 287)1 288)4
77)2 78)4 79)3 80)2 289)3 290)2 291)4 292)4
81)3 82)3 83)1 84)4 293)1 294)3 295)1 296)4
85)2 86)3 87)3 88)2 297)3 298)1 299)2 300)2
89)2 90)2 91)2 92)1 301)3 302)4 303)1 304)1
93)3 94)3 95)1 96)1 305)4 306)2 307)3 308)2
97)4 98)4 99)2 100)2 309)4 310)2 311)3 312)3
101)4 102)2 103)1 104)3 313)4 314)4 315)4 316)1
105)4 106)1 107)1 108)1 317)1 318)3 319)1 320)3
109)1 110)3 111)1 112)1 321) 1 322)3 323) 2 324) 2
113)3 114)3 115)4 116)1 325) 3 326) 1 327) 3 328) 3
117)3 118)1 119)2 120)4 329) 3 330) 2 331) 1 332) 1
121)1 122)3 123)2 124)4 333) 4 334) 4 335) 3 336) 2
125)3 126)4 127)4 128)2 337) 1 338) 1 339) 2 340) 1
129)1 130)1 131)3 132)2 341) 3 342) 2 343) 1 344) 3
133)2 134)4 135)1 136)4 345) 1 346) 2 347) 3 348) 1
137)2 138)2 139)2 140)3 349) 2 350) 2 351) 1 352) 1
141)2 142)3 143)2 144)1 353) 2 354) 3 355) 4 356) 4
145)2 146)2 147)4 148)2 357) 4 358) 2 359) 3 360) 2
149)1 150)2 151)1 152)1 361) 2 362) 1 363) 2 364) 1
153)1 154)4 155)2 156)2 365) 1 366) 1 367) 3 368) 1
157)3 158)4 159)4 160)2 369) 1 370) 2 371) 1
161)2 162)1 163)3 164)4
165)3 166)2 167)2 168)4 HINTS
169)2 170)3 171)3 172)3
173)3 174)1 175)3 176)1 2. Atomic weight  Eq.wt  valency
177)1 178)1 179)4 180)1 4. Anamalous pair Ar - K, Co - Ni, Te - I , Th -
181)1 182)4 183)1 184)2 Pa
185)1 186)3 187)1 188)1
12. Valency electrons indicates group number and
189)4 190)3 191)2 192)3
valency shell indicates period number.
193)3 194)2 195)4 196)1
197)1 198)1 199)1 200)2 13. ns 2 np 4  VI A group Elements ( chalcogens)
201)1 202)3 203)3 204)2
205)2 206)1 207)3 208)3 14. Inertgases are having high I.P values due to
209)1 210)3 211)3 212)3 stable E C
213)2 214)4 215)1 216)3 15.  n  1 d 110 ns1 2
217)4 218)2 219)1 220)3
221)1 222)2 223)2 224)3 16. n,  n  1 ,  n  2  Incomplete in inner
225)1 226)3 227)4 228)4
229)4 230)4 231)1 232)4 transition elements
233)2 234)3 235)2 236)2 19. Rn ( z ) = 86 + 32 = 118
20. 1s 2 2 s 2 2 p 6 3s 2 , Valency electrons indicates 131. Inert gases high I.P
group number and valency shell indicates 141. Biggers atom will have low I.P ( Cs )
period number.
25. 13  18  18  49
148. X  e  x 
150. M having 3 valency electrons
3 2
26. Fe , Mn both E C = 3d 5
44. Noble gases mono atomic
48. Atomic number always equal to no of protons
49. General electronic configuration of 163. Stable half filled configuration
representative elements is ns 1 2
np 15 165. E.A. of negative ions is always  ve
169. Order of E.A of Halogens Cl  F  Br .
50. Inert gas EC  ns np
2 6
 He  ns  2
52. All non-metals are in P - Block 171. EA of Cl  F
53 Atomicnumbers = 3, 11 EC  ns 1
173. Halogens having high EA Cl  F  Br  I
55. 2
9, 7, 35, 53 - ns np Halogens 5 174. Halogens having high E A

56. First transition series is 3d 175. S  P O  N

59. Lanthanides Ce58  Lu 71 176. E.A of X=IP of X 
178. E.A. of sulphur is greater than Oxygen.
67. ns 2 np 5  Halogens 191. High E N v al ues f or Halogens
76. Valency electrons indicates group number and
valency shell indicates period number.  F  Cl  Br  I 
195. High polarity given by more electronegativity
77. Cr24 :  Ar  4s1 3d 5 , IVth - period and VIB - difference
Group. 196. E N means to attract shared pairs of electron
82. Iso electronic species anion with more charge
will have large radii IP  EA
203. E. N 
89. Iso electronic species O 2  and Si 4 2
206. Li diagonally related to Mg
O 2
 Si 4  
211. Highest oxidation state in L P T ( Os, Ru ) - d -
104. Due to poor screening effect of 4f orbital Block
113. Atomic radius
220. Due to inert pair effect
116. More difference between 2nd and 3rd value
indicates 3rd electron in Penultimate shell 226. Elements in third transition series (5d) are La

120. More difference between I 2 & I 3 and H f  H g .

229. 15  18  33
124. I.P of X   EA of x 2 
232. six period energy levels 6 s,4 f ,5d ,6 p
X   X 2  e
125. I.P of Na > I.P of K 236. Na  3s1 , Cl  3 p 5 both n = 3
126. BC  N O 241. Complete transitional series are 3

129. I 3  I 2  I1 ( 3d, 4d, 5d )

130. Stable configuration. 245. By loss ( or ) gain of electrons
247. Cl   Cl
248. Bond length = 2  cov alent radius 312. X A  X B  0.208    in k .Cal / mole 
249. I  I 321. sixth Period last element (z) = 86
250. Cation radius < Atomic radius seventh period last element (z) = 86 + 32 = 118
258. Large difference between third and fourth value
323. Actinides Th  90   Lr 103
indicates, the element belongs to III A -
325. Seventh period starts with ‘Fr’
266. Penetration power s  p  d  f
328. N 3  O 2   F 

267. Screening effect s  p  d  f 13.6 2

336. En   z e.v / atom
268. I.P of Mg > I.P of Ca
338. F  O  Cl  S
270. Br  e  Br 
346. E P Indicates metallic nature
271. X   X  e
272. Due to ns 2 ( Stable ) configuration  2 2
347. z = 9 1s , 2 s , 2 p
 oxidation state = -1
349. In L P T from left to right Acidic nature of oxides

278. X A  X B  0.208    is in K .Cal / mol  increases

** ** **
280. X A  X B  0.1017 
  is in KJ / mole 
283. EN   k .cal / mole 
285. Electrovalent bond is formed when the E.N.
difference between two atoms is greater than

I .E  E . A
286. E. N   KJ / mol 
289. Covalent is formed when the E.N. difference
between two atoms is less than 1.7.

290. a ( or ) 8 a
292. (Electro positivity  size of atom)
K  Na  Li
296. n = 4, l = 3 means ‘4f’ orbital
303. 1e.v  23.06 k .cal / mol

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