Homoeopathic Management of Ovarian Cyst - A Case R
Homoeopathic Management of Ovarian Cyst - A Case R
Homoeopathic Management of Ovarian Cyst - A Case R
Case Study
The ovaries are anatomically paired syndrome, endometrial cysts (chocolate cysts).
primary sex organs of human female. Anatomically Except the last one, all are functional cysts of the
they are located in the posterior leaf of the broad ovary and loosely called cystic ovary.[3] Dermoid
ligament in close proximity to the fallopian tubes on cysts are classified under germ cell tumours and
either sides of the uterus.[1,2] The ovary is complex comprise of 5-10% of all cystic tumours of ovary.[4]
in its embryology, histology, steroidogenesis, and Hemorrhagic ovarian cyst (HOC) is an adnexal mass
has the potential to develop malignancy. Ovarian formed because of occurrence of bleeding into a
enlargement is classified under non neoplastic and follicular or corpus luteum cyst.[5] Paraovarian cysts
neoplastic growths. Ovarian neoplasms exhibit a represent 5-20% of all adnexal masses in
wide variation in structure and biological pathologically verified series. Histopathologically,
behaviour. Unlike the cervix and uterus, the ovaries they are classified into one of three categories:
are not clinically accessible, and therefore, easy paramesonephric, mesonephric, or mesothelial.
screening methods for detecting ovarian neoplasms These are often misdiagnosed as ovarian cyst and
are not available. The ovary, after the uterus, is the need accuracy for correct diagnosis.[6] The
second most common site for development of development of functional cyst depends on
gynaecological malignancy, and the prognosis ahormonally stimulated ovary, the incidence should
remains poor.[3,4] The non neoplastic enlargement of be higher in menstruating patients, when the
the ovary is usually due to accumulation of fluid pituitary-gonadal axis is cyclically functioning, and
inside the functional unit of the ovary. The causes lower in postmenopausal women. Regardless of the
include follicular cysts, corpus luteum cysts, theca patient’s age and the ultrasonographic features of
lutein and granulose lutein cysts, polycystic ovarian the cystic contents, the size of the cyst and the rate
Remedy selection and administration/ Prescription: Lycopodium clavatum 30c, one dose in saccharum
lactis (sac. lac.) for one day, followed by Rubrum once daily for one month.
Advice: To maintain local hygiene; avoidance of meat, dairy products; increase intake of fibre rich food;
blood for serum CA 125.
Follow up:
Table 2: Follow up sheet
Date Change in symptomatology Prescriptions
Pain abdomen reduced by nearly 50%, during menses stool
remained constipated. Last menstrual period (LMP) on
Rubrum once daily for one
31.08.2016 month.
O/E: tenderness over right lower abdomen on deep
Advice: serum CA 125
palpation but not on superficial palpation, though lump can
be felt. Generals nothing striking.
Lycopodium clavatum 200c,
Pain abdomen same as earlier cycle, stool constipated. Last
one dose in sac. lac. once daily
menstrual period (LMP) on 22.09.2016.
28.09.2016 for one day, followed by
O/E: tenderness over right lower abdomen remains. Lump
Rubrum once daily for one
over right lower abdomen palpable.
Pain abdomen reduced by nearly 80%. Bowel movement Rubrum once daily for one
02.11.2016 regular during last menstrual cycle. Last menstrual period month.
(LMP) on 26.10.2016.
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