Memo Without
Memo Without
Memo Without
You should have already been made aware of how, against all of our efforts, Florida coral reefs
are still decreasing. Additionally, we need more funds to fight against this problem adequately. I
know we have been working hard to stop the reefs from decreasing with the funds we have,
and I know we have been working hard to stop the reefs from decreasing with the funds we
have, and I want to acknowledge the excellent work everyone has been doing to save and
rebuild the reefs. With the new data, we have on the decreasing reefs with the lack of funds we
have to restore them, we need to find a new direction to combat these issues.
Florida's coral reefs are at 2% of its past territory. We are at a critical point in our battle for the
reefs. With our lack of funds, we cannot combat this problem by simply growing more coral.
Our new plan prioritizes the conservation of current coral while finding ways to generate more
capital through non-detrimental tourism.
Through ocean scans and satellite imaging, our data scientist has noticed another drop in the
area of our Florida Keys coral reefs. This is a significant concern due to the amount of effort our
organization has put into conserving and restoring the Florida Keys coral reefs. If our
organization fails in our mission to protect these reefs, it will amount to drastic death and a
drop in diversity in our local waters. Additionally, the economic loss our communities will have
will be a drop in tourism from diving, deep sea fishing, and our fishing industry as a whole,
leaving coastal seafood restaurants with no food to serve. What we are doing needs to be more
effective to have an impact on the oceans. We need to find more ways to raise money and
cheaper ways to grow and restore coral.
To ensure the security of the 2% of the coral that is still alive, we will create conservation areas
that ban boating, fishing, and diving. We will get these conservation areas by lobbying the city
council for these areas. Our marketing teams will create a presentation to bring to light the
economic toll losing these last coral reefs will bring to the local areas. To additionally protect
these areas, we will analyze the local coast that may use damaging chemicals for lawn care or
unsafe disposal methods to ensure water acidity is not an issue.
We will use the conservation areas as a tourist attraction to increase funds for our projects.
100% of the profits will go directly to protect the reefs. We will have guided dives with groups
to see the beautiful reef that is recovering. With the new protection from no fishing, this will be
the most wanted place to dive due to the increased amount of life. Each tourist will need to
take a coral safety course to ensure they know how to care for coral properly. Additionally,
there will be a fee for any breach of the coral safety code. Another method of fundraising
would be the citations given out for trespassing in the conservation areas.
Through our collective efforts, along with executing this plan, the reefs could stand a fighting
chance against bleaching. Relying on our marketing team to secure the support of local and
federal councils, we can establish an area around the living reef and what once was the reef as
a national park/ protected area. To provide funding for larger nurseries, we will have dive tours
guided by our dive teams. Our education interns will teach the tour coral safety seminar to
ensure no damage is done to the coral on the tour. Once we have the security of the last 2% of
coral left, only then can we start to focus on restoring already dead portions of the reef.
To begin, half of the marketing team begin immediately creating a presentation to bring to local
councils to lobby for restricted areas for coral growth. The other half of the marketing team
should begin to run ads for guided tours to see the coral reefs. The education team needs to
start creating a coral safety presentation to show for the guided dives. Project managers need
to speak to the legal team to write out the rules for the guided dives, and what violations of the
code deserve what penalties for divers to sign so they are legally obligated.