Research Paper210 - 8976

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Archives Neerlandaises, xxi. 1887, and xxv.

1892, and a

of lawyers in large practice also often contain the reports

author more or less directly. But the record of miracle as

win him sent their deputies to the provincial synod of Anjou.

whose function it is to advise the admiralty on all matters

empress, was the daughter of Rudolph II. of Burgundy and of

enabled to make by-laws, subject to the confirmation of the Home

Year. Acres. | Year. Acres.

the manufacture of potassium chlorate (on the large scale

extend. Pop. (1885) 95,725; (1905) including Burtscheid,

cruelty. Abd-ar-rahman grew embittered and ferocious. He was

by the executor or administrator as an agent of the law. In

to bear on the current scholasticism of the time. He has been

Gross Doldenhorn . . . . . . . 11,966 Sulegg . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7,914

Mont Chalanson(C). . . . . . . 11,582 Petit Mont Blanc de

beach. East of Philippeville the mountains recede from the

air. With the gas in excess a heavy lurid flame emitting

50 to 300 '' 147,870 28.43 150,050 29.33

In the early days of the Roman republic land in Italy was held

nominated the regius professors and readers in the College de

core of a boil or carbuncle. Sometimes, however, no such

ALLEMANDE (Fr. for danse allemande, or German dance),

even the bones being perfectly preserved in comparatively few

famous for their silks, although a large proportion of the

kinds, and (c) cartridges. The military classification

Yeo and Prevost on Sackett's Harbour, on the 29th of May,

in the history of divine attributes. Its true nature is

E. A. Pollard, A Southern History of the War (1866).

climbing plant finds its way upwards. It is for aesthetics to

in coming to terms with France as to the southern and eastern

volumes had appeared). Rowlandson and other distinguished

the Fanti word Nkran (an ant), by which designation the

owners, 33.3% by cash renters, 24.4(R by share tenants, and

was, does appear to have said (quite truly) that Tickell's

but as to many others they have since 1850 drawn apart.

The Times and The Morning Herald, contributed a series

only, but that pronunciation varied within a small area even

say, a portion of land not less than one acre or more than

known as the Hamasa (q.v..) Two other h collections of

and are apt to produce nephritis, there is not any evidence

by the change of dynasty, Africa had fallen into the hands

sorceress. For himself he reserved the task of suppressing

in a work which does not correspond to the normal type

of the Uzes and of the French and Normans, under Ursel of

disturbances which had occurred in the sphere of the Babylonian

believes that it does not exceed 300 ft. The canal connects

Bolivia; Carahan, S. Brazil; CARIBIAN, around Caribbean

resemblance to leaves. The Characeae among freshwater algae

and the most westerly of the seven summits. The two first

south. In point of time and energy military activity was

u, but also the consonant sound v (i.e. English w),

Linseed cake 655 230 11 103 266 45

John XII. in 963. His appeal to Otto the Great to intervene

Hefele, Conciliengesch. (2nd ed., Ereiburg, 1886).

presented to parliament without the signature of certain naval

running from N. to S., into an outer and inner ward,--the

uncertainty, social discontent and angry partisanship, were

Alghero on his way to Africa in 1541. The coral and fishing

tribes on the S.; leaving Gusinye and Plava to the S.E., it

acetylene at the rate of twenty-five times its own volume for

disappointment. In 1891 excessively heavy autumn rains washed

to the fisheries along the British-American coast should be

his father's death in 818 he married his widow, Judith.

in this respect with more and more generosity as he advanced in

the main army, was to proceed by sea to Fortress Monroe and

the league established at Delphi, obtained recognition from

archipelago between Greece on the west and Asia Minor on the east,

C.P. Carissimus or Clarissimus puer, Civis publicus, Curavit

astronomers, three mechanicians, three anatomists, and three

had followed the fortunes of the exiled queen. He assumed

ABA. (1) A form of altazimuth instrument, invented by, and Cabled

reigns. The sealings of the various officials, of which

microscope. Eminent chemists had previously found great

1104 m. from the Amazon. Its sources are near those of the

improved; learned foreigners were drawn to St Petersburg;

"Hornet" (18), under Commodore John Rodgers, who had also

impressed all Europe. The prompt manning of a special service

1048). The legend connected with its foundation is given

between the lugs. It is interesting to note that it

(1851). Two poets, just subsequent to Poe, George Henry

and of a Cheviot wether, whilst the lowest was 61%, afforded

from New Chaman to the eastern foot of the Khojak. Long

the curse (cp. iii. 19, ``dust thou art'').

reported in such terms as these---``the Allotments Act has

buildings, walls, &c., belonging to the government or local

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