Class-7 Integer (Worksheet)

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SESSION: 2023-24
MATHEMATICS (Revision Worksheet)
Choose the correct options-
1. Which of the following statements is correct?
a. All natural numbers are whole numbers and all whole numbers are integers.
b. All whole numbers are integers, all integers are natural numbers.
c. All integers are whole numbers, all natural numbers are integers.
d. All integers are whole numbers, all integers are natural numbers.
2. Which of the following cannot be positive?
a. The product of two negative numbers.
b. The sum of two negative numbers.
c. The difference of two negative numbers.
d. The sum of a positive number and negative number.
3. 313 subtracted from −303 gives.
a. 616
b. 10
c. −10
d. −616
4. If the sum of three integer is negative integer, we can say with certainty that.
a. All the three integers are equal.
b. Two of three integers are positive, and one is negative.
c. One of the three integer is positive and two are negative.
d. At least one of the three integer is negative.
5. 3 − 5 + 5 −3 −3 −1 is equal to
a. 2
b. 0
c. −4
d. −14
6. Four children Ratan, Ravi, Reshma and Rahul were asked to choose a number
between −10 and 10. The numbers chosen were −9, −5, −2 and 7. The number that
Ravi choses is equal to Ratans number and Reshma’s number. Reshma’s number was
greater than Ravi’s number. What was Ratans number?
a. −9
b. −5
c. −2
d. 7
7. In a computer game if we hit a balloon, we get 500 points and if we miss the balloon,
we lose 300 points. Raj hit 20 balloons and miss 40 balloons, find his net score.
8. Verify that a ÷ (b + c) ≠ (a ÷ b) + ( a ÷ c) if a = 15, b= − 3 and c = 1.
क ीय मा यिमक िश ा बोड

Curriculum Aligned Assessment Items
Class 7 – Chapter 1

A funfair has activities for both children and adults. Activities can have group or pair or individual
participation. The winner in an activity is decided on the basis of scores. For some activities there
are penalties. Penalty points are subtracted from the scores.
This table below shows the details about the games and their scoring.

Game Name Participation Activity Scoring/Penalty

Car Racing Individual Cars to race on Score points

a 4 metre wide, The participant who reaches the inish
1 kilometre line in the least amount of time gets 60
long circular points
track. Flags are 10 points are awarded for avoiding a
posted at an lag.
interval of 150
metres, on the Penalty points
track. 10 points are deducted for knocking a
Participants lag down.
have to avoid
the lags during
the race.

Trampoline Individual Jump 75 cm or Score points

Jumping more as many 5 points for each jump more than or
times as equal to 75 cm
possible in 1
minute Penalty points
2 points will be deducted for jumps
below 50 cm.

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Curriculum Aligned Assessment Items Mathematics
Class 7 − Chapter 1

Archery Individual Shoot an arrow Score points

on a target

Penalty points
10 points will be deducted if the arrow
does not hit the board.
Paint ball (for Group Find a crown Score points
adults only) and hit 20 points for each paint ball hit on an
opposite teams opponent.
with a paint 100 points for getting the hidden
ball. crown

Penalty points
10 points for each paint ball hit
Jumping Jack (for Pair Tie shoe laces Score points
adults only) with the 50 points for reaching the destination
partner and Additional 10 points for reaching the
reach the destination irst
destination Penalty points
without falling 10 points for each fall

1 Rohan and Samar compete in the car race.
Rohan’s car knocked down ive lags and Samar’s car knocked down one lag. Rohan reached the inish
line faster than Samar.
Who is the winner and how many points did he score?



Richa jumped 10 times in Trampoline jumping.

Her jump heights (in cm) are given below.
First Second Third Fourth Fifth Sixth Seventh Eighth Ninth Tenth
38 43 47 56 75 82 75 68 64 59

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Curriculum Aligned Assessment Items Mathematics
Class 7 − Chapter 1

2 Anshu says ‘Rohit uses Angle-Side-Angle criterion for construction of triangle ABC’.
Is Anshu correct? Justify your answer.



Jacob and Mariya participated in Archery.

Jacob’s scores for ive shots are given below.
First shot Second shot Third shot Fourth shot Fifth shot
0 4 8 10 6
Mariya’s scores for three shots are given below.
First shot Second shot Third shot
0 4 8
Mariya won the competition.

3 How much she did score in her fourth and ifth shots?


4 Team Alpha and Beta played the Paint Ball game. Each team had 6 members and each member shot the
paint ball three times.
Team Alpha hit the opponent team 12 times. Team Beta hit the opponent team 15 times.
Which team got more penalty points and how many penalty points did they get?



5 In another match, each member of team Alpha got hit 3 times.
4 members hit back 5 times each and the rest hit back 2 times each.
Which calculation shows the team’s score?

A. 6 × [3 + (-10)] + 4 × (5 + 20) + 2 × (2 + 20)

B. 6 × [3 × (-10)] + 4 × (5 × 20) + 2 × (2 × 20)
C. 6 + [3 + (-10)] + 4 + (5 + 20) + 2 + (2 + 20)
D. 6 + [3 + (-10)] + 4 + (5 + 20) + 2 + (2 + 20)
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Curriculum Aligned Assessment Items Mathematics
Class 7 − Chapter 1

6 Team A and Team B participated in Jumping Jack competition. Team B reached the destination irst.
Can both team score equal points? Justify your answer.



7 Joya played the following games.
Archery- Three shots with scores 10, 8 and 2.
Trampoline Jumping – Five jumps with scores 0, 5, 5, 5 and -2.
Jumping Jack - She lost the game and fell three times.
In which two games, are her scores equal?



Horizon Glacier is a cold place. The average temperature of the place is less than zero.
The maximum and minimum temperature (in °C) recorded for seven days in a week are given

Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat

-13 -23 -13 -24 -14 -24 -13 -22 -15 -23 -14 -23 -12 -21
o o o o o o o o o o o o o o

8 What was the lowest temperature recorded in the week?

A. –8°C
B. –12°C
C. –21°C
D. –24°C

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Curriculum Aligned Assessment Items Mathematics
Class 7 − Chapter 1

9 The average maximum temperature of Horizon Glacier for the week was –13.5°C.
On which days was the maximum temperature greater than the average maximum temperature?



10 What is the difference between the maximum and minimum temperature on Friday?



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