Impulse Generation and Conduction

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Impulse Generation

• The heart is composed of three

types of muscles
• Atria & ventricles
• Form the working myocardium
• They do the mechanical work of
of His pumping


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Impulse Generation
• The specialized tissues
• Excitatory & conducting tissues
• Sino atrial node
• Atrio-ventricular node
AVNode • Bundle of his
• Purkinje fibers
of His


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Depolarization and Impulse Conduction

• Heart is autorhythmic
• Depolarization begins in sinoatrial (SA) node
• Spread through atrial myocardium
• Delay in atrioventricular (AV) node

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• Small ,flattened , ellipsoid strip of specialized cardiac muscle
• Located in the superior posterolateral wall of the right atrium
immediately below the opening of the vena cava
• Automatic electrical rhythmicity of sinus fibers is caused by self-

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Sinoatrial node(SA node)
• It is located in the right atrium, near the
entrance of the superior vena cava.
• It acts as the heart’s natural pacemaker, i.e.
initiates heart beat and the heart rate with
help from autonomic NS.
• The SA node is a muscle in itself consisting
of cells which are involved in contraction of
the heart muscle.
• For a muscle to contract, its cells have to
first depolarize, that is, move from being
negatively charged to being positively
charged. The same has to happen for the SA
• The SA node is able to depolarize on its
own without the help of other cells, which is
referred to as automaticity.
• The SA node is connected to the
neighboring heart muscle cells through gap
junctions, which allow for transmission of
signals from the SA node to the muscle
• When the SA node depolarizes, it spreads a
wave of depolarization throughout the atrial
muscle cells.

• Resting membrane potential of sinus nodal fiber is between -55 to -60

• The cause of this less negativity is due to the leakiness of cell
membranes of sinus fibres to sodium and calcium ions .This therefore
neutralizes some of the intracellular negativity

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The end of sinus fibers connects to atrial muscle fibers
Therefore, action potential originating in the sinus
node travels into atrial muscle fibers
Action potential therefore spreads through the entire
muscle and eventually to the atrial-ventricular node
There are four bands for conduction;
i. Anterior interatrial band; passes through the
anterior walls of the right atrium to the left atrium
ii. Anterior ,middle , posterior bands; passes
respectively through the atrial wall and terminates to
atrial-ventricular nodes

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The AV Node
• Its located in the interatrial septum near the atrioventricular valve.
• It serves as an electrical gateway to the ventricles.
• It receives signals from the SA node, and delays their transmission to
the bundle of His for about 0.1 seconds.
• This ensures that the atria have ample time to completely contract and
empty all their contents into the ventricles, before the ventricles start

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The delay is to allow time for the atria to empty their blood into the
ventricles before ventricular contraction begins
This delay is caused by Atrial-ventricular node and its adjacent conductive
The Atrial-ventricular node is located in the posterior wall of the right
atrium below the tricuspid valve
From the sinus through the inter-nodal pathways ,the impulse reaches the
Atrial-ventricular node after about 0.03 second
There is a delay of 0.09 second in the atrial-ventricular node itself before
the impulse enters the atrial-ventricular bundle where it passes into the

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The Bundle of His
• It is found spread out in the interventricular septum, down to the
apex of the heart.
• It is divided into the right and left branches which conduct impulses
from the AV node to the apex of the heart.
• These impulses are then transmitted to the Purkinje fibers.

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• Another delay of about 0.04 second occurs in this penetrating Atrial-
ventricular bundle
• Thus the total delay in the Atrial-ventricular nodal and Atrial-
ventricular bundle system is about 0.13 second
• This delay in addition to initial conduction of 0.03 second from the
sinus node makes 0.16 second before impulses reaches the ventricles

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• Cause of slow conduction; caused by diminished numbers of gap
junctions between successive cells in the conducting pathways
• So there is a great resistance to conduction of excitatory ions from
one conducting fiber to the next

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Rapid Transmission In The Ventricular Purkinje Fibers
• Purkinje fibers lead from A-V node to the A-V bundle into the ventricles
• They have functional characteristics opposite to those of A-V Nodal fibers;-they
are very large fibers
-they transmit A.P at a velocity of about 6 times that of ventricular
muscles and 150 times than in some of A-V Nodal fibers
• This velocity allows almost instantaneous transmission throughout the remainder
part of ventricular muscles
• The rapid transmission by Purkinje fibers is believed to be due to:
Very high level of permeability of the gap junctions at the intercalated discs
between successive cells that make up Purkinje fibers
Purkinje fibers have very few myofibrils which means that they contract little or
not at all during the course of impulse transmission

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One-Conduction through the A-V Bundle

• Special characteristic of A-V Bundle-inability of action potentials to

travel backwards from ventricles to the atria
• Presence of a continuous fibrous barriers acts as an insulator to
prevent passage of the cardiac impulse backwards
• Everywhere except the A-V Bundle , the atrial muscle is separated
from the ventricular muscle by this continuous fibrous barrier

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Distribution of the Purkinje Fibers In The Ventricles

• After penetrating the fibrous tissue between atrial and ventricular

muscle , the distal portion of the A-V bundle passes downwards in the
ventricular septum towards the apex of the heart
• The bundles divides into left and right bundle branches that lie
beneath the endocardium on the two respective sides of ventricular
• Each branch spreads downwards towards the apex of ventricles
dividing into smaller branches

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• These branches in turn course sideways around each ventricular
chamber and back towards the base of the heart
• The total elapsed time averages only 0.03 seconds from the time the
cardiac impulse enters the bundle branches in the ventricular septum
until it reaches the termination of Purkinje fibers

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Transmission of cardiac impulse in the ventricular
• Once the impulse reaches end of Purkinje fibers it is transmitted
through the ventricular muscle mass by the ventricular muscle fibers
• The velocity is about 0.3-0.5m/sec
• The cardiac muscle wraps around the heart in a double spiral with
fibrous septum between spiraling layers

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• Cardiac impulse therefore angulates towards the surface along the
direction of the spirals
• This transmission requires about 0.003secs almost equal to time
required for transmission through the entire ventricular portion of
Purkinje system

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Control of excitation and conduction in the heart

• SAN is the normal pacemaker of the heart because it has a high

impulse velocity
• Some parts of the heart can also exhibit intrinsic rhythmical excitation
in the same way as the sinus e.g A-V Nodal and Purkinje fibers
• When not stimulated from outside source the A-V Node discharge at
40-60 times per minute and the Purkinje fibers discharge at 15-40
times per minute
• Since the sinus discharge rate is higher than both the A-V Node and
Purkinje fibers , its impulses are discharged to both before the self
excitation of either A-V Node or Purkinje fibers
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Abnormal or Ectopic pacemakers
• This is a pacemaker elsewhere than the SAN
• A-V Node or Purkinje fibers may abnormally have a higher discharge
than sinus node hence become the pacemaker. This causes;
• Abnormal sequence of contraction of different part of the heart
• Debility of the heart pumping
• Blockage of transmission of the cardiac impulse from SAN to other parts of
the heart

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• When A-V Bundles blocks Purkinje fibers continues as pacemaker
• After sudden A-V bundle block the Purkinje system does not begin to
emit its intrinsic rhythmical impulses until 5-20 secs later because
before blockage Purkinje fibers had been overdriven by the rapid SAN
impulses and consequently are in a suppressed state.
• During these secs the ventricles fail to pump blood and the person
faints after the first 4-5 secs because of lack of blood flow to the brain
• This delayed pick up of heartbeat is called STOKES-ADAMS

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Role of the Purkinje system in causing synchronous
contractions of ventricular muscle
• The rapid conduction of Purkinje fibers permits the cardiac impulse
to all ventricles and arrives after 0.03sec and contracts for about
another 0.3sec
• Effective pumping by the ventricular chambers requires this
synchronous type of contraction

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Mechanism of sinus node rhythmicity

• Resting membrane potential of sinus nodal fiber is between -55 to -60

millivolts unlike that of ventricular and atrial muscle cells which is -
• The cause of this less negativity is due to the leakiness of cell
membranes of sinus fibers to sodium and calcium ions .
• This therefore neutralizes some of the intracellular negativity (-90 in
other excitable tissues).

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• The cells in SAN cell membrane are naturally leaky to Na+.
• Na+ tend to leak into the cell and this is responsible for the initial
phase of pace maker potential.
• Transient (T) Ca++ channels open and there is entry of Ca++ which
completes the pre-potential phase.
• The long lasting (L) Ca++ channels then open with resultant influx of
more Ca++ resulting in rapid depolarization.

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• At the peak of each impulse, K+ ion channels open, there is rapid
efflux of K+ ions which brings about repolarization.
• The K+ channels then close and Na+ ions leak into the cell causing the
initial phase of pre-potential, then the transient Ca++ channels with
the process repeating itself.

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Control of heart rhythmicity and impulse conduction by
cardiac nerves
Parasympathetic Simulation
• Stimulation of parasympathetic nerves to the heart causes
Acetylcholine release
• Hormone has two major effects;
• Decreases rate of rhythm of SAN
• Decreases excitability of A-V junctional fibers between atrial musculature and
A-V Node thereby slowing transmission of cardiac impulse into ventricles

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Ventricular Escape

• Strong stimulation of Vagi can stop completely excitation of sinus

node or block transmission of impulse from atria to ventricles through
A-V Node
• Ventricles may stop beating for 5-20 secs but the ventricular septal
portion of the A-V bundle develops a rhythm of its own and causes
ventricular contraction at a rate of 15-40 beats per minute

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Mechanism of vagal effect
• The acetylcholine release at the vagal nerve ending increases the
permeability of potassium out of the conductive fibers
• Causes hyperpolarization making tissue much less excitable
• At SAN it causes more negativity than the normal -65 to -75

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• Initial rise of sinus nodal membrane potential requires much longer
to reach threshold potential for excitation;
• Slows rate of rhythmicity of nodal fibers
NOTE : If Vagal stimulation is strong enough it can stop entirely
rhythmical excitation of this node

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• In A-V node hyperpolarization makes it difficult for small atrial fibers
to generate enough electricity to excite nodal fibers
• Hence decrease of safety factor for transmission of cardiac impulse
through the transitional fibers into A-V Nodal fibers
• Moderate decrease simply delays conduction of the impulse
• A large decrease blocks the conduction entirely

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Control of Excitation in Heart
• The pacemaker cells
• SANode, AVNode, Purkinje cell
• All exhibit rhythmicity
• Why does the SAN
• Become the dominant pacemaker
• Why not
• The AVNode or Purkinje fibers dominate

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Control of Excitation
• The normal rate of discharge from these cells
• SAN = 70 to 80 per minute
• AVN = 40 to 60 per minute
• Purkinje fibers = 15 to 40 per minute

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Control of Excitation
• The rate of diastolic depolarization
• SAN = 15 to 60 mv/sec
• Purkinje fibers = 5 to 40 mv/sec
• In all these cells
• To change from “resting” to threshold potential
• Require a change of 20 to 25 mv
• Thus threshold is reached much faster
• In SAN than in Purkinje fibers

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Cardiotonic Agents
• Chronotropic agents
• Alter the excitability of
• Pacemaker
• Conducting system- Dromotropic effect

• Positive chronotropic agents

• Lead to increase in heart rate
• Negative chronotropic agents
• Lead to decrease in the heart rate

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Effects of Autonomic Nervous System
• Sympathetic stimulation increases
• Rate of sinus node discharge
• Rate of conduction
• Level of excitability of myocardium
• Force of contraction of myocardium

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• Noradrenalin increases
• The rate of SAN cells depolarization
• The rate of spontaneous discharge
• Heart rate

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• Parasympathetic stimulation
• Causes release of acetylcholine
• This causes a decrease
• Heart rate
• Excitability of AVN
• Slows transmission of impulses to ventricles

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• Very strong stimulation
• Can stop SAN discharge
• Block AVN transmission
• Ventricle can stop contraction
• Vagal escape
• Ectopic pacemaker from Purkinje fibers take over

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• Acetylcholine
• Activate M2 (muscarinic) receptors
• Through G-protein
• Open special K+ channels
• Efflux of K+
• Hyperpolarization

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• Activation of M2 receptors also
• Decrease cAMP concentration in cell
• Slows opening of Ca++ channels
• Rate of diastolic depolarization is retarded
• It takes longer to reach threshold
• Heart rate is slowed

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Depolarization and Impulse Conduction

• Spread from
atrioventricular (AV)
• AV bundle
• Bundle branches
• Purkinje fibers

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Depolarization and Impulse Conduction

• Depolarization in SA
node precedes
depolarization in atria,
AV node, ventricles

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Cardiotonic Agents
• Inotropic agents
• Affect the contractility of the cardiac muscles
• Positive inotropic agents
• Lead to increase in contraction
• Negative inotropic agents
• Lead to decrease in contraction

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