Effective Sales Promotion Strategies For Gaining Competitive Edge and Intensive Growth

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Effective Sales Promotion Strategies For Gaining

Competitive Edge And Intensive Growth
Dr. Pallavi Kumari
ABSTRACT: In the present time, sales management has gained importance due to increasing competition and there is always a need for improved
methods of distribution to reduce cost and to increase profits. In respect to commercial and business enterprise sales management, today is considered
to be the most important function. Retail marketing is the process by which retailers not only promote their products, create awareness and interest
among the consumers but is also an effort to generate sales. There are different approaches and strategies which retailers can use to market their
goods and service. This paper attempts to explain the sales and distribution activities in V-Mart. The study discusses the sales promotion activities
carried out by V- Mart and find out responses of customers towards sales promotional activities carried out for V-Mart. An Attempt has been made to
examine the widely accepted sales promotional activity by customers of V-Mart. It discusses how sales management is relevant and facilitates the
directions for proper functioning. This paper briefly presents the global scenario of the retail industry. Due to emerging challenges in the retail sector, the
role of sales and distribution in the retail industry has also become very complex. The paper revolves around the sales promotion activities of V-Mart .
This research paper also tries to analyze the customer's view towards sales promotional offers and other different sales promotional tools used by V-

Keywords : Sales Management, Competition, Retail Marketing, V-Mart, Sales Promotional Tools etc.
helps the company to survive and thrive. All the efforts put
1. INTRODUCTION together to improve the sales and distribution improves the
1.1 Relevance of sales promotional activities strengthens of a company and improves overall satisfaction
In any kind of business activity or organization, dealing with and happiness.
the customer has to be focused and service-oriented. The
sales department plays a pivotal role in the success of the REVIEW OF LITERATURE:
business. The role of sales is to bridge the gap between the (Grant & Anderson, 2002) investigated that CRM can be
potential customer’s needs and the products/services which helpful to identify new opportunities for organizational
are offered to cater to the needs of the customer. expansion and moreover it can also bring improvement of
Customer-oriented industries transform the way people student customers‟ value, satisfaction, and retention.
think about them. It can transform unhappy customer into (Schermerhorn, (2008) revealed the business approach of
happy customer. It is equally important that the customer CRMand explained its uses in the latest information
must remain with the company for a longer period and technologies to maintain intense communication with
extablish a long term value ladden relationship. In order to customers, as well as to gather and utilize data regarding
achieve this, it is important that customer experience with their needs and desires. Nickels ,2008 examined that CRM
the product, company and after- sales service experience is the process of learning as much as possible about
has to be good. The sales process involves a good customers and doing everything you can to satisfy them –
advertising because it mainly decides as to how the or even exceed their expectations – with goods and
products and services will be positioned in the market. services over time. Schermerhorn,( 2008) examined that
customer relationship management is an information
1.2 Problem that arises due to lack of proper sales technology system that gathers and utilizes customer
promotional activities information for the organization so that the organization
In fact problem in the proper implementation of the sales may anticipate customer wants, need, and desires and
promotion, will lower down the revenue, and ultimately thereby building lasting customer business relationships.
down trends can be seen in the sales figure. It is equally Dickie,(1998) studied that the CRM is a strategy that uses
important to fix the problem in sales. Any distribution information, including the wants and needs of the
channel followed in any business should try to have greater customers, to establish rapport with the customers and
coverage of a wide market to fetch maximum revenue. If engender a dedicated, stronger relationship with individual
wider coverage is considered than, it may reduce the customers and into long term business partnerships and
demands of products even if additional sales force were vendor/business relationships. Fathy (1999) commented
recruited. However, problems can arise when competitive CRM is all about understanding the customers‟ needs and
products are delivered more promptly or services provided leveraging this knowledge to increase sales and improve
to the customers are more organized.They can catch hold service. CRM blurs the boundaries between sales and
the market ina better way. It is important to ensure that service, and unifies a company‟s activities around the
retailers must carefully handle sales and provide the right customer. The overarching goal is to increase customer
level of marketing support. share and customer retention through customer
satisfaction. (Shao and Yu ,2004)described the significance
1.3 How proper sales and distribution system help any of In other words CRM is the strategic concept that can
organization . provide the strategic to help the enterprises, and the
Marketing products through proper distribution channels objective of CRM can be analyzed in three aspects that are
can provide the strength of the brand. Customers must improvement of efficiency, development of market and
receive communications and must be informed about customer retention.
different offers. It also adds to the company culture and



This study can create a better understanding of advertising V-Mart is a popular family fashion store that provides its
and sales promotional activities. This paper included customers the value of the money spend by them.
discussion like how free samples, gifts, demonstrations etc, Maintaining high standards in quality and design, V-Mart
can induce the consumers to build on their preferences. offers fashion garments at low prices and offer a wide varity
The study discusses the fact sales promotions are choice of products. The stores cater to the needs of the
commonly used by retailers to launch new products. entire family altogether by offering apparels, general
merchandise .―Price Less Fashion‖ is the main motto
4. OBJECTIVES OF THE STUDY through which the company believes in providing the latest
• To analyze the sales promotion activities and tools trends to the upwardly mobile Indians at the best possible
used by V-Mart price.
• To analyze the customers view towards sales
promotional offers. 7. OVERVIEW OF SALES AND PROMOTION
Promotion is one of the key 4 P’s in marketing mix and as
5. METHODOLOGY: such has a key role to play in market success. Effective
This research was primarily descriptive research sales promotion ensures that customers are aware of the
emphasizes on explaining the phenomenon by providing products that an company happens to offer to the
factual and accurate information. Information regarding consumers. As a part of promotion mix, sales promotion
sales and distribution was collected from the website, online focuses in encouraging the potential customers to buy the
articles, ideas from abstract, journal and books. The other products or services of the comapny, by enhancing its
source of data was primary data which was originality value. The purpose of sale promotion is to stimulate,
collected from the respondents. Some other data collection motivate and influence the purchase and other desired
instruments were used like Interviews, questionnaire and behavioural responses of the firm customers. In todat retail
observation. The total sample of 50 respondents was scenario, the Sales promotions are fairly complicated and a
selected using a convenience sampling method and after rich tool of marketing with innumerable creative possibilities
the tabulation of data data analysis and interpretation were limited only by the imagination of promotion planners.
done. Based on the analysis, finding , suggestion and
conclusions were drawn. 8. OBJECTIVES OF SALES PROMOTION
OVERVIEW OF RETAIL INDUSTRY IN INDIA The objectives of sales promotion is to induce buyers to
The Indian retail industry has emerged as one of the most purchase a new product, free samples are distributed or
dynamic and fast-paced industries and many new players money and merchandise allowance may be offered to
entered into the market. Total consumption expenditure is business to stock and sell the product. Sales promotion
expected to reach nearly US$ 3,600 billion by 2020 from help the firm remain Competitive and meet competition from
US$ 1,824 billion in 2017. It accounts for over 10 per cent a firm. It help to educate the customers and simplifies the
of the country’s Gross Domestic Product (GDP) and around efforts of salesforce and motivate them for larger
8 per cent of the employment. India is the world’s fifth- purchases. Another objective of sales promotion is to
largest global destination in the retail space.. etail market in create awareness about product. It has been found that
India is projected to grow from an estimated US$ 672 billion most of the sales promotion techniques are highly effective
in 2017 to US$ 1,200 billion in 2021F. Online retail sales in exposing customers to products for the first time and can
are forecasted to grow at the rate of 31 per cent year-on- serve as key. Additionally, as part of the effort to build
year to reach US$ 32.70 billion in 2018.India is expected to product awareness, several sales promotion techniques
become the world’s fastest growing e-commerce market, possess the added advantage of capturing customer
driven by robust investment in the sector and rapid increase information at the time of exposure to the promotion. Sales
in the number of internet users. promotions are very successful in creating interest in a
product. In the retail industry, appealing sales promotions
5. GLOBAL SCENARIO OF RETAIL INDUSTRY can significantly increase customer traffic to retail outlets.
The Indian retail industry is one of the fastest growing in the Another important way to create interest is to move
world. Retail industry reached to Rs 66.39 lakh crore (US$ customers to experience a product. Usually sales
950 billion) in 2018 at CAGR of 13 per cent and expected to promotion techniques are planned to move customers to
reach Rs 76.87 lakh crore (US$ 1.1 trillion) by 2020.India is some action and are rarely simply informational in nature.
the fifth largest preferred retail destination globally. The However, some sales promotions do offer customers
country is among the highest in the world in terms of per access to product information. For instance, a promotion
capita retail store availability. India’s retail sector is may allow customers to try a fee- based online service for
experiencing exponential growth, with retail development free for several days. This free access may include
taking place not just in major cities and metros, but also in receiving product information via email. In order to stimulate
Tier-II and Tier-III cities. Healthy economic growth, Customers’ demand after informing the initial basic
changing demographic profile, increasing disposable knowledge, the most important use of sales promotion is to
incomes, urbanisation, changing consumer tastes and build demand by convincing customers to make a
preferences are the other factors driving growth in the purchase. Special promotions, especially those that lower
organised retail market in India.India ranked 77th in World the cost of ownership to the customer (e.g., offering heavy
Bank’s Doing Business 2019. discount), can be employed to stimulate sales for a small
period. Building brand value is one of the main objective of

sales promotion. A sales promotion may be done to attract How frequently do you visit V-Mart store?
attention towards a new product/brand or some services From the analysis it has been found that about 60 % of
that has been launched by the retailer and to induce trail respondents visit one in a month.
purchase. It has been practiced by some retail companies Reasons for your visit.
like Pantaloon reward good or ―privileged‖ customers with From the analysis it has been found that about60 % of
exclusive promotions schemes, such as email ―exceptional respondents visit V-Mart because of its discounts offer.
deals‖ and price cut while cash payment. Sales promotion Source of nformation to know about this V-Mart outlet.
can be easily used to facilitate coordination and proper link From the analysis it has been found that about45% of
between advertising and personal selling. Present respondents came to know about V-Mart through
customers may be induced to buy more by knowing more Newspaper.
about a product, its ingredients Attractiveness towards Sale promotion activites of V-
Mart .
9. TOOLS OF SALE PROMOTION From the analysis it has been found that about60% of
There are different sales promotion tools being prevelant respondents feels that due to Sale promotion they are
these day.They are as follows : attracted towards shopping at V-Mart .
• Price off offer: Under this Offer , products are sold Rating the presentation of products in V-Mart
at a price lower than the original price. This type of From the analysis it has been found that about40 % of
scheme is designed to boost up sales in off season respondents rated V-Mart good in terms with presentation
and sometime while introducing anew product in of products.
the market. Rate the offer in V-Mart.
• Discounts: Under this, the products are sold at a From the analysis it has been found that about60 % of
discounted Price with percentage discounts on the respondents rated the offers of V-mart as Average.
original price. This scheme is designed to boost up Perception towards proper displays it is easy to shop
sales in off-season. at V-Mart.
• End of season sale: End of season sale or stock From the analysis it has been found that about80 % of
Clearance sale is another sales promotion respondents feel that proper displays help them to easily
techniques adopted by many outlets. They are shop at V-Mart.
offering surprising discounts if you buy 2 any items Sale Promotion activities of V-Mart made to visit V-Mart
of garments and you will get 3 more with your again.
choice absolutely free. These offer are given as From the analysis it has been found that about66% of
celebration of New year. respondents think that sale Promotion activities of V-Mart
• Seasonal offers: Retail outlets provides the made help visit V-Mart again again.
customer with various discounts and price-off offer Views on display of offer is communicated in the store.
at the stotes and factory outlets on the seasons like From the analysis it has been found that about60 % of
winter and monsoon. This type of scheme is respondents agrees that display of offer is communicated in
designed to boost up sales in these seasons. the store
• Festive offer: Retailers have come up with festive Type of sale promotion activities which attract the
offer during Diwali and Chirstmas by givinga way customer the most to visit in V-Mart
gifts for purchases that are made at the store for From the analysis it has been found that about80% of
cheaper price. respondents agrees that coupan attracts to visit at V-Mart.
• New Year offer: Retailers offer gifts for purchases Sale promotion activities of V-Mart save your money.
that are make at the store during the New Year for From the analysis it has been found that about60 % of
cheaper price. respondents agree that sale promotion activities of V-Mart
• Discount coupons: Retailers also offers discount on would save their money.
its large of range of apparels.The coupon is valid V-Mart can be recommended to other.
for limited purchase. From the analysis it has been found that about60 % of
• Gift Vouchers: Retailers offer many vouchers . respondents recommend V- Mart to others.
Store advertising attract customer to purchase items.
10.DATA ANALYSIS AND INTERPRETATION From the analysis it has been found that about73%
respondents agree that store advertising attract them to
Age( age of customers) purchase items.
Role of ‘sale promotion’ in marketing
From the analysis it has been found that about45 % of
respondents visits V Mart is of age between 25-30 years. From the analysis it has been found that about56% of
22% of age between 30-35 years, 23 % of age between 35- respondents feel that sale promotion’ activity of V-Mart
40 years and 10 % of respondents are of age above 40 Increases information knowledge.
Best sales promotion technique is more effective.
Gender From the analysis it has been found that about54% of
From the analysis it has been found that about70 % of respondents feel that Coupons are more effective sales
respondent are male and 30 % are female. promotion tool. Sales promotion activities help in guiding
Occupation customer on purchase decision. From the analysis it has
From the analysis it has been found that about20% of been found that about60 % of respondents agree that sale
respondents are housewife , 30% are salaried person , 20% promotion activities help them in guiding customer on
are businessmen and 30% are students. purchase decision. Overall experience of shopping at V-


Mart due to discount and offers. From the analysis it has Sales promotion can be undertaken more extensively to
been found that about70 % of respondents feel good that build a consumers attitude towards the product. It creates a
their overall experience of shopping at V-Mart enhances better incentive in the consumers to make a purchase. A
due to discount and offers. Rate the Customer scheme at proper plans It is a demand creator.Sales Promotion can
V-Mart. From the analysis it has been found that about70 % directly induce the consumers to take immediate action.
of respondents rate good in critera towards Customer Sales promotion can be used at any stage of a new
scheme at V-Mart product .Effective sales promotion can leads to low unit-
cost, due to large-scale production and large-scale selling.
11. FINDINGS It largely supports sales. The promotional tools are the most
From the study it was founfd that 45 % of respondents who effective to be used in increasing the sales volume. The
visits V- Mart falls under the age between 25-30 years and products needs to arranged in a proper manner and goods
moreover the majority of respondents are male who visit V- must not be scattered everwhere.The products must be
Mart.Almost 60 % of respondents visit V-Mart because of its placed in a manner that they are accessible to the
discounts offer. Sales and advertising helps to make consumer.The products must be arranged section wise and
consumers aware of a product and aims to build preference in distinctive sections, Showcasing focused/new products
for that product over its competitors. If advertising needs to upfront has its own relevance. Window display should be
be successful building awareness and preference has to simple, relevant, and done in such a way which reflects the
be process. the budget for advertising over a period of time mix of product range available in the store.
to sustain high levels of awareness and us. 45% of
respondents came to know about V-Mart through 13. CONCLUSIONS
Newspaper. When consumers make choices between Sales promotions are indeed beneficial for driving revenue,
different products or brands, 60% of respondents feel that creating brand identity and allowing brands to acquire new
due to Sale promotion they are attracted towards shopping customers. A sales promotion is often considred to be the
at V-Mart. Proper presentation of goods help the most important function of any company. A customer
consumers to become aware of the existence and focused approach can change the way company work and
availability of your product. However, raising awareness is can bring change in the image of its brand and help to
only the first stage in persuading consumers to buy and use positioned in the minds of customer in different manner.
your product. In this aspect, it 40 % of respondents who Sales promotions in retails industry can take the form of
rated V-Mart good in terms good presentation of products. discounts, percentage-off deals and rebates. We may
Today consumers are becoming more selective in their conclude by saying that Sales are the lifeblood of a
approach in choosing the store to visit. Consumers tend to business—without sales there would be no successful
visit stores which gives them a positive impression and they business and hence if a businessmen want to survive, they
feel that their need would be fulfilled. Due to intense must follw different sales promotion strategy techniques. An
competition in every segment, retailers display their effective sales promotion not only increase the sales figure
products very properly. 80 % of respondents feel that but also improve a company’s sales by predicting and
proper displays help them to easily shop at V-Mart. It is modifying the target customer’s purchasing behaviour and
66% of respondents think that sale Promotion activities of patterns. Sales promotion is important to boost the sales
V-Mart made help visit V-Mart again again. 60 % of and also attract new customers .
respondents agreed that display of offer is communicated in
the store.Regarding coupon in V-Mart 80% of respondents REFERENCES
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