18 Anjani Kumar

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Agricultural Economics Research Review
Vol. 24 January-June 2011 pp 169-181

XVIII AERA Annual Conference

Value Chains of Agricultural Commodities and their Role in Food

Security and Poverty Alleviation – A Synthesis

Anjani Kumar*a, Harbir Singha, Sant Kumara and Surabhi Mittalb

National Centre for Agricultural Economics and Policy Research, Pusa, New Delhi – 110 012
CIMMYT India, NASC Complex, Pusa, New Delhi – 110 012

Background distribution, to the final consumer. There has been an

increasing emphasis on the development of efficient
Agri-food systems are undergoing rapid agricultural value chains in India and several innovative
transformations and the emergence of integrated food and successful value chains have emerged.
supply chains is one of the most visible market
phenomena in India. Increasing concentration on These emerging trends though indicative of catering
processing, trading, marketing and retailing is being to the expanding consumer base with growing wealth,
observed in all the segments of supply chains. The have generated concerns on the supply as well as
traditional way of food production is being replaced by demand side. In the case of modern integrated value
chains, producers gain from increased knowledge,
practices more akin to manufacturing processes, with
better quality and food safety, reduced costs and losses,
greater co-ordination across farmers, processors,
higher sales and greater value-addition in production.
retailers and other stakeholders in the value chain.
However, there are apprehensions about the capability
Further, with increase in income, the pattern of food of smallholders to adjust to the emerging environment
consumption is changing. Demand for high-value because of several operational constraints they face in
commodities like fruits, vegetables, livestock products, production and marketing. Globally, one of the most
fisheries and edible oils is growing and farmers are controversial issues about the negative impact of the
trying to diversify their production systems accordingly. rise of modern value chains is on income equality.
On the other hand, consumers are becoming more Several studies have suggested that the poor will suffer
demanding in terms of quality and safety of food from this process (Elizabeth et al., 2000). However,
commodities. In addition, demographic and income recent researches have brought in another side of the
trends are inducing more enlightened consumers to argument by suggesting that the emergence of modern
demand convenience foods such as frozen, pre-cut, food value chains has improved linkages between
pre-cooked and ready-to-eat items, together with buyers and poor farmers in the developing countries,
assurances of product quality and safety. Consequently, which have turned out to be beneficial for the
production, processing and distribution systems are smallholders (Dries et al., 2004; Minten et al., 2007;
adapting to such changes. Maertens and Swinnen, 2006; Birthal et al., 2007).
Organization of agriculture along the value-chain It is with this background that the Agricultural
framework has been conceived as one of the strategies Economics Research Association (India) decided to
to bring more efficiency in the agricultural sector. The deliberate on some of the issues pertaining to the value
value-chain network may be defined as a range of chains of agricultural commodities and their role in food
security and poverty alleviation and accordingly selected
activities that are required to bring a product from its
the topic “Value Chains of Agricultural Commodities
conception, through its designing, sourcing of raw
and their Role in Food Security and Poverty Alleviation”
materials and intermediate inputs, marketing and
for its 18 th Annual Conference held at National
* Author for correspondence, Academy of Agricultural Research Management
Email: [email protected] (NAARM), Hyderabad.
170 Agricultural Economics Research Review Vol. 24 January-June 2011

The outlines provided to the contributors visualized chain IV (96%) in which the Cotton Corporation of
the value chains as a strategy for enhancing food India (CCI) purchased cotton directly from the producer
security as well as alleviation of poverty of the and lowest share was in supply chain I (88.2%), wherein
stakeholders in the chain. Not to be confused with the the role of village merchant was prominent. The majority
familiar analysis of costs and returns of stakeholders of farmers adopted supply chain IV because of higher
involved in a particular value chain, the latter, perhaps price and low marketing costs. Cotton has also attracted
erroneously, got more attention from the contributors. successful commercial application of biotechnology.
The value-chain framework begins with a different Bala Krishna et al. have brought out the positive
premise than used traditionally in most economic impact of Bt technology in enhancing cotton yields in
analyses. In this case, the focus is on the functions Andhra Pradesh. Based on secondary data, the analysis
performed, and not on the firm or the economic agent has shown that the Bt cotton area had increased to 85
that performs these functions. Judged on these criteria, per cent of the total area under cotton cultivation in the
many papers fell short of presenting a value chain state of Andhra Pradesh. The authors have concluded
analysis of a given crop/commodity. In spite of these that Bt cotton technology has indeed increased
limitations, the response from the paper writers was productivity and profits of farmers and eliminated the
overwhelming and seventy-six papers were accepted need for excessive use of chemical pesticides.
for discussion at the Conference. These papers
analyzed a wide range of issues pertaining to value Soybean is considered a highly nutritious crop and
chains of different agricultural commodities. A diverse is a good source of proteins, fibres, vitamins and
spectrum of issues emerged from the submitted papers. minerals. Kaur and Kaur have examined the scope
A synthesis of these papers has been organized under of value addition in soya products in Punjab. Due to
the following sections: (i) Value chains of foodgrains low demand, capacity utilization of the sampled
and other cash crops, (ii) Value chains in fruits & processing units was found very low. The authors have
vegetables, (iii) Value chains in livestock products, (iv) concluded that there is good scope for food processing
Value chains in fisheries, and (v) Role of technologies industries in Punjab, but presently the level of
in the value chains acceptance of soya products by the consumers is
comparatively low. Farkade et al. have assessed the
The salient issues discussed at the Conference as potential for soybean oil processing through co-
well as recommendations have been mentioned at the operatives in the Vidarbha region. Among the different
end of this synthesis paper.
size groups of processing units, the benefit-cost ratio
has been found more or less same for medium (1.13)
I. Value Chains of Foodgrains and other Cash
and large (1.15) processing units, and all types of
Crops processing units have good capacity utilization (>96%).
Development of agricultural sector has a strong It shows a good scope for establishing soybean oil
impact on reducing poverty and enhancing food security. processing units in the Vidarbha region. Another paper
Organization of agriculture along the value-chain by Farkade et al. has analyzed trends in market
framework is one of the ways to realize the full potential arrivals and prices of soybean in the Vidarbha region.
of this sector. In total, 20 papers were received for Most of the districts have reported higher growth rates
presentation under this sub-theme. The authors have in area, production and productivity of soybean. The
addressed different aspects of value chains in respect index number analysis has indicated a negative
of cereals, pulses, millets, spices, cash crops, and bio- relationship between the arrivals and prices of soybean
energy crops, among others. Their findings are in the selected markets.
summarized in the following paragraphs.
Wankhade et al. have found that value addition in
Krishna and Hanumanthaiah have analyzed tur dal over raw tur was 19 per cent in the Akola
price spread of cotton in different supply chains in the district of Maharashtra, and tur processing enterprise
Warrangal district of Andhra Pradesh. They surveyed has been found to be a profitable venture. Sinha and
90 small and medium farmers, and identified four Kumar have assessed how innovative technologies,
important marketing channels of cotton. The farmers institutions and policies could help in developing a value
received highest share of consumer’s rupee in supply chain for tur growers. They have analyzed NCDEX
Kumar et al. : Value Chains of Agricultural Commodities & their Role in Food Security & Poverty Alleviation 171

SPOT market in the Gulbarga district of Karnataka, Kumar and Kapoor have attempted value chain
and have found that with the help of NCDEX SPOT, analysis of coconut in Orissa. Marketing channels have
tur grower-farmers were able to reduce the marketing been found to be well established in the state, particularly
cost by 50-70 per cent, incurred small charges for in the coastal areas. But no major value addition (by
warehousing and realized about 5-10 per cent higher changing the form of product) is being done by the
price for their produce as compared to the traditional players at any level. Dixit et al. have examined the
APMC market. Gauraha et al. have highlighted impact of technology of extraction of apricot kernel oil
positive role of regulated markets in the development from apricot stone. The economic efficiency indicators
of value chains of agricultural commodities. (NPV, IRR and B-C ratio) have been found quite
attractive. This technology has been found superior to
Vitonde et al. have explored the feasibility of paddy the conventional practices (traditional kohlu) on
processing for different products in the Gondia district account of higher recovery (11%) and lowers costs
of Maharashtra, and have found that benefit-cost ratio (22.4%). The mechanical decortications could save not
for small, medium and large rice mills was positive only time and money but also reduced women drudgery.
(>1.50). Rama Rao has assessed the scope for value
addition in various consumable products of sugarcane India is the largest producer, processor, exporter
in Andhra Pradesh. A mere change in the form of and the second largest consumer of cashew nut in the
world. But, the low productivity level is the major
jaggery, from lumps to cubes, has resulted in an
constraint in increasing cashew production in India.
additional income of ` 1500 per quintal.
Ramanathan et al. have estimated technical efficiency
Millets are nutritiously rich and at par with other in cashew production and cost of processing of cashew
fine cereals but lack technological backstopping for nut in Andhra Pradesh and Tamil Nadu. The results
realizing higher incomes. Dayakar Rao et al. have show that the sample farms could increase cashew
studied the impact of innovations in value chain on output by 18 per cent (HYVs) and 24 per cent
sorghum farmers. The technological backstopping of (traditional varieties) in Tamil Nadu, and 16 per cent
sorghum cultivation with end-product specific improved (varietal orchards) and 21 per cent (traditional varieties)
cultivars realized 51 per cent rise in incremental net in Andhra Pradesh through proper adoption of
income (` 16098/ha) for the participating farmers. The technology without the use of additional resources.
benefit-cost ratio worked out in favour of rabi sorghum Dhaka and Poonia have shown that farmers’
(1:7.5) vis-à-vis kharif sorghum (1: 4.2). capacity building activities resulted in enhancing the
Lokesha et al. have examined production and farm incomes and improving performance of coriander
marketing of groundnut in the Raichur district of value chain in the Bundi district of Rajasthan. Singh et
Karnataka. TMV-2 is the ruling variety occupying 85 al. have assessed value addition by a turmeric
per cent of the area in the district with average yield of processing unit run by Farms Produce Promotion
725 kg/ha. However, the existing seed supply system Society (FAPRO) in the Hoshiarpur district of Punjab,
which handled nearly 72 per cent of the turmeric
could meet only 7 per cent of the seed requirement,
powder. The major constraints confronted by the
and there was a need to strengthen the existing seed
growers were : severe infestation of weeds, seed
supply system for speedy seed multiplication and
unavailability, scarcity of FYM and labour, lack of
distribution of seeds.
market information and highly volatile prices.
Pal has studied lac marketing in the Kanker district
Sivaramane et al. have examined growth,
of Chhattisgarh. The study has revealed that there is a instability and competitiveness of tea exports from India.
tremendous scope for increasing the profitability of lac Tea export from India is gradually on the decline and is
growers in the study area by group marketing, co- losing competitiveness to the newly emerged
operative marketing, establishment of processing units competitors like Kenya and China. Measures such as
in the lac production catchments, provision of value-addition, developing brand image on geographical
infrastructural facilities for marketing, strengthening of indication, better packaging and improving productivity
market extension network and promotion of quality through technological improvement and extension
consciousness amongst farmers, traders and services have been suggested to augment tea export
manufacturers of lac. from India.
172 Agricultural Economics Research Review Vol. 24 January-June 2011

Increasing focus is being given to the development rose cultivation. The salient findings of these papers
of bio-energy as a potential future source of energy, are summarized below:
and jatropha has emerged as a prominent feedstock
Sidhu et al. have analyzed the supply chain of
for bio-diesel production. Shinoj et al. have carried
onion and cauliflower in the Patiala district of Punjab.
out economic assessment of the upcoming jatropha-
They have shown that cultivation of onion was more
based biodiesel value chain in the country. They have
profitable (` 74,597/ha) than of cauliflower (` 38,072/
found jatropha cultivation to be an economically viable
ha). These vegetables were being disposed-off mainly
proposition in the long-run provided initial government
through commission agents / wholesalers (more than
support is available till attaining the break-even point to
90%), followed by retailers and consumers. Study has
sustain famers’ interest. The existing biodiesel value
suggested that efficiency of the prevailing marketing
chain is characterized by under-developed seed
channels could be improved by integrating with the
markets, sub-optimal processing infrastructure and ill-
organized retail chains and modernizing vegetable
defined biodiesel distribution channels.
marketing system. The study has also analyzed market
integration and has found that markets of Pune,
II. Value Chains in Fruits & Vegetables
Ludhiana and Patiala for onion; and of Shimla, Ludhiana
Horticulture has emerged as the priority area for and Patiala for cauliflower were integrated. The highest
agricultural development in India. During the past one elasticity of price transmission was found between
and half decades, the sector has been consistently Ludhiana and Patiala markets with about 90 per cent
receiving increasing attention and it is being promoted price change in Ludhiana market getting transmitted to
as a means of agro-diversification strategy for the Patiala market. It was 100 per cent for the cauliflower
second Green Revolution in Indian agriculture. It is between Shimla and Patiala markets. Also, price
providing the much needed impetus to the growth of transmission was faster in cauliflower than in onion. In
agricultural sector through increase in trade, income another study, Saha et al. have examined the supply
and employment. The horticultural sector comprising chain system prevailing in vegetables marketing in the
fruits, vegetables, flowers, plantation crops, spices, and Ranchi district of Jharkhand. Analysis has shown that
medicinal & aromatic plants contributes over 30 per across farm-size, farmers preferred a short marketing
cent to the country’s agricultural GDP. India is the channel (producer––consumer/or producer––retailer–
world’s second largest producer of horticultural –consumer) for disposing perishable vegetables like
produce. However, only an insignificant proportion of okra, cauliflower and tomato; and a relatively long
horticultural produce (2-3%) is processed, and the post- marketing chain (producer––wholesaler/commission
harvest losses across horticultural commodities are agents––retailer––consumer) for semi-perishable
alarming (25-30%). The sector is constrained by low vegetables like potato and onion. The producer’s share
productivity, large post-harvest losses due to inadequate in consumer’s rupees was higher in the short marketing
storage, cool chain and transport infrastructure, and channels. The persistence of large yield gap II (50–
inefficient supply chain management (SCM). The 60%) in production of vegetables at farmers’ field
development and promotion of efficient value chain is suggested the need for higher adoption of quality hybrid
critical for the accelerated development of this sector seeds to bridge the yield gap and increase income of
and for ensuring distribution of substantial gains among vegetable growers.
the value chain participants.
Chandrashekar and Murthy have studied the
A total of 15 papers were selected under the sub- functioning of Horticultural Producers’ Cooperative
theme supply chain management in horticultural Marketing and Processing Societies (HOPCOMS) in
commodities for discussion at the Conference. The the Mysore City of Karnataka. The HOPCOMS deals
papers submitted have covered the major vegetables with fruits and vegetables, and accepts only quality
like potato, onion, tomato, cauliflower, okra; and a few produce from the member–producers on indent basis.
fruits like grapes, sweet orange, and pineapple for The Society sells collected produce through three
examining issues related to value chains in these crops. channels: retail outlets, processors, and society outlets.
Of the 14 papers, two have looked into the export Overall, the producers received 80 per cent of the price
competitiveness of fruits and vegetables, and one is on paid by consumers. Functioning of HOPCOMS has
Kumar et al. : Value Chains of Agricultural Commodities & their Role in Food Security & Poverty Alleviation 173

been rated ‘good’ by the majority of farmers (71%) (like concentrate, pani-puri mashala) in Maharashtra
and consumers (69%). and products of aonla and ber in Gujarata were
available, but in small quantity. The consumers have
Supply chain in marketing of sweet orange in the
shown willingness to accept these products provided
Nalgonda district of Andhra Pradesh has been analyzed
product details and related information are properly
by Prasad and Hanumanthaiah. Analysis has
labelled. The economics of producing products from
revealed that pre-harvest contractor was a key agent
under-utilized products has been found profitable in all
in production and marketing of sweet orange. The direct
these three states.
sale of produce between producer––consumer / or
producer––wholesaler––consumer was rather low. Reddy et al. have analyzed the emerging retail
Though the marketing efficiency was higher in the short chains in fruits and vegetables in Andhra Pradesh. The
market chain, but because of risks (both production study has revealed that apart from the traditional retail
and marketing) producers preferred to involve pre- chain, quite a few organized retail chains like Food
contractor right from the beginning of production to World, Spencer, Food Bazaar, ITC Choupal, Reliance
disposing-off the produce. Fresh, Heritage Fresh, Subhiksha, etc. have emerged
around the Hyderabad city. The organized retail chains
Ali and Nath have examined the adoption of post- were shorter than the traditional chains, and farmers
harvest techniques (PHT) like cleaning & washing, linked to organized retail chains could receive higher
sorting & grading, preserving & cooling, dehydrating/ prices for their produce. This may be attributed to
drying, packaging, labelling, and storage for value factors like technical guidance, availability of inputs,
addition in vegetables value chain in eastern Uttar reduction in transaction cost and risk in price and
Pradesh. The adoption of cleaning & washing, and production. Study has also revealed that opening of
sorting & grading was found quite high (50%), while modern retail chains has attracted consumers’ attention
the adoption of other practices varied from 3 per cent due to increased income and growing consumers’
to 25 per cent. Age, education, income, landholding– awareness about product quality.
size, credit availability, and market linkages have been
found the important factors to influence adoption of Singh et al. have examined the supply chain
modern technology, including post-harvest practices. management in cut flower of anthurium in Mizoram.
Financial analysis has indicated that anthurium
Hatai and Raju have analyzed the supply chain enterprise was profitable. Though the establishment
of pineapple in West Garo Hills of Meghalaya cost was higher in the hi-tech planting, the quality of
employing both production and marketing information. the anthurium harvested in hi-tech was superior than
The majority of pineapple growers were of small (50%) those planted in the shade house besides a regular
and medium (33%) farm–size categories. Small farmers supply throughout the year. About two-thirds of the
preferred selling their produce directly to retailers, while total cut flowers of anthurium produced in Mizoram
medium farmers sold directly to consumers. The net were marketed outside the state through a Bangalore–
price received by producers was higher in the long based exporter, ZOPAR Export Ltd. and the remaining
market chain with lower share in consumers’ price. were consumed in the state. The authors have argued
The study has suggested promotion of producers’ for further strengthening of public-private partnership
cooperative, access to credit facility, availability of for the development of model SCM of horticultural
market information and insurance mechanism as crops in the NEH region.
measures for boosting production of pineapple in the
Kale et al. have analyzed the value chain
management of Abhinav Drakash Utpadak Sahakari
Gajanana et al. have analyzed market potential Sanstha Maryadit, Agar in export of grapes from
and linkage development for underutilized fruits like western (Ahmednagar district) Maharashtra. About
aonla, tamarind, karonda, citron, jackfruit, etc. in two-third quantity of the grapes handled by Abhinav
Karnataka, Maharashtra and Gujarat. The under- was exported. Eighty-seven per cent of the total export
utilized fruit products like citron pickles, tamarind paste from Abhinav was to the gulf countries and the
and jackfruit chips in Karnataka, and Maharashtra, the remaining 13 per cent was to Netherlands and UK. A
products of aonla (pickles, squash, supari) and tamarind higher export to the gulf countries was attributed mainly
174 Agricultural Economics Research Review Vol. 24 January-June 2011

to the absence of residue testing in those countries. opportunities through processing of vegetables whereby
The study has revealed that export of grapes to high- profit could be more than doubled as compared to the
value markets like UK and Netherlands could be fresh produce. The authors have argued that the
increased by cultivating the in-demand varieties along incentives provided by the Government of India in the
with improvement in quality and safety attributes. Also, form of subsidy for the establishment of infrastructure
grape growers should be updated regularly on the in terms of parks for processing and promotion of
changing government policies and market prices. contract farming should be utilized for effective post-
Another study on supply chain analysis in raisin making harvest management of vegetables. The availability of
in western Maharashtra, reported by Jadhav et al. institutional crop loan to the vegetable growers at lower
has shown that about 3-4 per cent of the total grape cost should be ensured. This would protect them from
production was used for making raisins, and 96 per being exploited by contractors and distress sales.
cent was sold as a fresh fruit in the market. Almost all Moreover, education facilities may be provided on
the raisin producers (94%) sold their produce in the priority basis in order to help tap better marketing
regulated market through the following market chain: opportunities by the vegetable farmers of this area.
producer––wholesaler/commission agent––retailer––
Kaviarasan and Singh have studied backward
consumer. The net profit per kg of raisin (` 15.92) was
and forward linkages in rose production in Tamil Nadu.
more than double than of grapes (` 7.19). The
Analysis has shown that the majority of rose farmers
producer’s share in consumer rupee was also higher in
were small and marginal (83%) and shared two-thirds
marketing raisin (64%) than grapes (50%). However,
of the cropped area (68.5%). These farmers allocated
because of limited marketing opportunities, farmers
about 7 per cent of the cropped area under rose
preferred selling grapes.
cultivation. The average total cost of rose cultivation
Siddayya and Atteri have examined export was ` 2.20 lakh/ha, and net return was ` 1.26 lakh/ha.
competiveness of fresh fruits (mango, grapes and The planting material cost was 50 per cent of total
banana) and vegetables (potato, onion and tomato) from cost, and the planting material was supplied by the
India to the traditional importing countries. Based on traders. The mean technical efficiency level was
the values of NPC, EPC, ESC and DRC, the authors reported to be 78 per cent and all the rose farmers
have concluded that India has the comparative were above 20 per cent of technical efficiency level.
advantage in production of these fruits and vegetables. This testified the remunerative nature of rose cultivation.
However, the interpretation of EPC seems to be Production of rose being labour–intensive, indicated high
erroneous and the conclusions are totally divergent from employment potential. The study has suggested some
the empirical findings of this study. value chain activities such as development of long stem,
Shah has assessed the trading pattern of grapes in high–yielding and pest and disease resistant rose
the domestic and export markets under the soft loan varieties, adoption of integrated pest and nutrient
scheme (SLS) of National Horticulture Board (NHB). management technologies, insurance and forward
Results have shown positive impact of the scheme in contracts, loan facilities at lower interest rates, women
terms of increase in export trade, yield, reduction in labour empowerment, establishment of processing units
post-harvest losses, and more remunerative prices to around the production centres and cool chain facilities
farmers in both export and domestic markets. To at affordable prices and strengthening of the marketing
further improve the efficiency of SLS, study has channels to develop competitive edge and add values
suggested timely availability of credit, financing of entire in rose production.
project cost, regular electricity supply to processing
plants, provision of foreign market intelligence, etc. to III. Value Chains in Livestock Products
the grape farmers. Livestock has been recognized to play a strategic
Wani et al. have analyzed integration of production, role in promoting rural growth and reducing rural
processing and marketing of vegetables in the Kashmir poverty in India. Promoting growth and increasing
valley. The majority of vegetable growers are efficiency in production and marketing of livestock
smallholders and have tiny marketable surplus. The products have been the overarching concerns of
analysis has highlighted the income augmentation Government of India. The establishment of an efficient
Kumar et al. : Value Chains of Agricultural Commodities & their Role in Food Security & Poverty Alleviation 175

value chain is more important for the livestock products, study of a successful dairy value chain developed by
which require immediate transportation from farm to the self-help group in the Seoni district of Madhya
consumption centres or storage or conversion into less– Pradesh has been presented by Shrivastava et al. The
perishable forms. Further, value chain approaches can process of farmers’ group formation and the economic
play a significant role in characterizing the complex impact of developing a dairy value chain have been
networks, relationships and incentives that exist in the highlighted by them. They have demonstrated that the
livestock system. On this sub-theme, 15 papers were farmers could get better returns on developing value
accepted for discussion in the Conference. Out of these chain through a self-help group. Rai and Rai have
15 papers, 8 were devoted to the analysis of issues conducted economic analysis of dairy marketing in
pertaining to the value chains of milk and milk products Kanpur, Uttar Pradesh. They have analyzed producer’s
and 5 papers have discussed value chains of the poultry share in consumer’s rupee under different channels in
sector. The remaining papers are focused on animal different seasons. The producer’s share in consumers
and fodder marketing chains. The salient findings of rupee has been reported to be 80–98 per cent in these
these papers have been presented in this section. milk marketing channels.

A comparative analysis of costs on milk The entrepreneurial behaviour of dairy farmer in

procurement, processing, manufacturing and marketing the Bareilly district of Uttar Pradesh has been examined
of dairy products in the co-operative and private dairy by Kumar et al. They have used principal component
plants in Tamil Nadu has been conducted by Babu factors analysis to find various dimensions influencing
and Verma. It has revealed that procurement cost of the entrepreneurial behaviour. The study has revealed
that most important factors such as management
the co-operative dairy societies was higher than of the
orientation, farm decision making, leadership ability,
private milk collection centres. However, the co-
achievement motivation and self-confidence had higher
operative dairy plant was more efficient in the
factor loading. The technical efficiency of dairy farming
manufacturing of toned milk, standardized milk, full
of members of a co-operative and non-members in
cream milk and ghee, whereas the private dairy plant
Haryana has been estimated by Surender Singh. The
had an edge in manufacturing of butter and skimmed
mean technical efficiency level of dairy co-operative
milk powder.
farmers has been found considerably higher (79%) than
In a study on milk marketing chains and their of non-member dairy farmers (66%).
implications for farmers and traders in Bihar have been Worldwide poultry meat is the fastest growing
investigated by Anjani Kumar. The study has shown component of global meat production, consumption and
that despite growing presence of modern milk supply trade, with developing and transition economies playing
chain, the traditional milk supply chain is still in a leading role in its expansion. The poultry development
dominance in Bihar. The traditional milk marketing in India has taken quantum leaps in the past three
seemed to offer good opportunities for the small and decades. Much of the success of the poultry sector is
resource-poor milk producers and traders. The author attributed to greater vertical integration among the
has argued that the traditional milk sector should be stakeholders of poultry value chain. Only a few papers
addressed in a constructive manner and appropriate have discussed the implications of institutional
policies should be evolved, which may allow the informal innovations in the poultry sector in India.
players to improve their performance including quality
control and integration with the emerging modern milk The broiler supply chain in the national capital region
of Delhi has been studied by Gangwar et al. They
supply chains.
have assessed the marketing cost and price spread of
The broader perspectives of value addition in the different channels of organized and un-organized poultry
Indian dairy sector have been discussed by Singh and value chains. It has been found that the producers
Dutta. They have highlighted the potential for value received a larger share of consumer rupee in the un-
addition in milk through manufacturing of different types organized sector as compared to that in the organized
of dairy products. In another study on broader sector. The study has also assessed the pros and cons
dimensions of dairy value chain, Chaudhary et al. have of manual dressing vis-a-vis mechanical processing of
highlighted different tenets of the organized sector broilers and has also estimated the cost of processing
approach for a successful dairy value chain. The case in the two systems.
176 Agricultural Economics Research Review Vol. 24 January-June 2011

The gains of value chain through poultry contract of slaughtering of superior buffaloes and calves resulting
farming have been highlighted by Navadkar et al. into loss of precious germplasm need to be addressed
After presenting a brief overview of the contract on high priority basis.
companies active in Maharashtra, they have compared
economics of contract and non-contract poultry IV. Value Chains in Fisheries
farmers. The per unit return has been reported to be
Fisheries have emerged as one of the sunrise
higher in the case of contract farmers than non-contract
sectors of Indian agriculture. The contribution of
fisheries to the agricultural economy has been rising
Institutional innovation in the form of contract consistently. However, the understanding about the
poultry farming in Andhra Pradesh has been studied fishery value chain is limited. Seven papers were
by Reddy et al. Specifically, the case study of Sugna accepted for discussion under this sub-theme.
food has been elaborated. They have argued that the
Most of the papers in this section have dealt value
gains to the contract growers in comparison to non-
chain analysis from the economic prospective. The
growers were much higher. The contract farmers were
lessons learnt from the innovative institutions involved
reported to shift their risks to the contractor and were
in the marketing of fish and fish products in India have
also able to have better access to latest technologies
been highlighted by Ganesh Kumar et al. These
and know-how.
innovative marketing institutions could bring economies
The import, export and price competitiveness for of scale and technological innovations, better market
eggs in India have been estimated by Singh et al. The and credit access and greater degree of vertical co-
authors have computed the domestic as well as ordination among the stakeholders. The wider
international competitiveness and have conducted that application of such marketing institutions, particularly
India has comparative advantage in exporting eggs to the self-help groups, producers associations, co-
many countries including Germany, Indonesia, Denmark, operatives and the private sector would be helpful to
Korea, South Arabian, Japan, etc. improve efficiency of fish marketing in India.
The role of poultry value chain in food security The issues pertaining to supply chain management
and poverty reduction in India has been discussed by in sea food export along with its domestic marketing in
Kalamkar. In this study apart from description on trends India have been discussed by S. Latha. In this
and changes in poultry production and consumption, descriptive study, the role of actors along the fish supply
the role of poultry in income and employment generation chain has been explained. Functioning of some of the
has been discussed. organized retail chains engaged in marketing of fish
and fish products has also been illustrated.
An interesting analysis of fodder value chain in
Bihar has been presented by Jha et al. The study based Tuna is known as the chicken of sea. The potential
on rapid appraisal has highlighted the market of fodder for value addition in this species has been illustrated by
and the actors involved in the fodder trade in the state. Prabakar and Sundaravaradarajan. The authors have
The producer’s share in end-users’ price has been argued that the tuna processing industries can create
estimated for different fodder marketing chains. The significant business opportunities for the unemployed
constraints of fodder marketing and suggestions for costal zones. The economic analysis carried out for
their management have also been indicated by the assessing economic feasibility of setting up a tuna
authors. processing firm, has suggested it to be a successful
business venture. The initial investment has been
The sustainability issue in inter-state movement of
estimated to be of one million rupees which would be
murrah buffaloes has been examined by Kumar et
paid back within a period of 3 years.
al. based on urban dairy farms in Hyderabad. They
have highlighted the important supply chains for inter- The challenges and lessons learnt from establishing
state movement of murrah buffaloes. The price fixation a viable fish value chain based on a success model
mechanism in the supply chain has also been discussed. have been described by Gopal et al. The study has
The constraints perceived by urban dairy farmers in analyzed the impact of intervention carried out under
Hyderabad have been briefly discussed. The incidence the NAIP sub-project on “Responsible Harvesting and
Kumar et al. : Value Chains of Agricultural Commodities & their Role in Food Security & Poverty Alleviation 177

Utilization of Selected Small Pelagics and Fresh Water In this session of the Conference, there were 19
Fishes”. This intervention formed the cluster of fisher papers. The section focused on the use of ICTs in
women for operation and management of a community- evolving value chains of agriculture. Case studies have
based processing facility. The intervention is still going been presented on the application of ICTs in the value
on and a review of the interventions has revealed chains. Also, a discussion has been presented on how
encouraging signals. Apart from economic gains, the different agencies or stakeholders impact value chains
interventions are expected to enhance social gains also. by reducing transaction cost and improving market
For instance, the increasing women’s participation in efficiency. Lessons learnt from the case studies of value
cluster formation would lead to empowerment of fisher chains in agriculture; issues, challenges, opportunities,
women in the area. and policy implications have also been presented in the
A comprehensive analysis of structure, conduct and papers selected under this session. The summary of
performance of value chain in seaweed farming in India the papers under session V is presented below.
by Krishnan and Narayanakumar has shown that Sahoo in his paper on global markets and local
committed and synergistic productions, marketing and players –– a value chain system of collaborative
institutional arrangements enabled by co-operative strategies––has made an attempt to integrate small
leadership could reduce the transactions cost. This study farmers and corporate sector and has tried to establish
has analyzed different types of seaweed value chains. a link between small farmers and global market through
The strengths and weaknesses of different value chains an effective value chain system. He has debated on
have been highlighted in the study. The pros and cons the role of various players in the value chain and how
of governance of different value chains have also been the government, keeping the interests of the farmers in
adequately mentioned. view, can facilitate greater participation of the corporate
The price spread and marketing efficiency of the sector through appropriate policy framework. The paper
selected marketing channels of marine fish marketing has highlighted that infrastructure, credit flow, marketing
in Ratnagiri, Maharashtra has been studied by Singh facilities, insurance cover, price structure and
et al. The price spread and marketing efficiency of information flow are the constraints to such integrations.
pomfret and ribbon fish have been estimated in this Mahalakshmi and Krishnan have evaluated the
study. A comparison of composite index of different e-marketing system in the aquaculture value chain. In
channels has helped in identification of the most this paper, developmental impact and measurement of
efficient marketing channels. information dissemination have been evaluated using
Gunakar et al. have studied the supply chain Sen’s capability and Brown’s information-based
system of input supply in a highly risky production approaches, respectively. The paper has observed that
environment and the role of a cooperative society in quality of service as a component of value chain is
the management of land and other resources. They very important for e-marketing yet very difficult to
have presented the success story of a fisherwomen assess due to its complexity and intangible nature. The
cooperative society in coastal Karnataka. evaluation results have shown that the aqua-choupal
has definitely been helpful in improving human resource
V. Role of Technologies in Value Chains development directly as well as indirectly through the
value chain channels of growth and productivity. It has
Small landholdings, inadequacies in availability of
increased the volume, coverage and diversity of
inputs, poor extension and infrastructural support and
information flows in the West and East Godavari
insufficient marketing avenues are the primary reasons
districts of Andhra Pradesh. A significant improvement
for low crop productivity in India. However, it is believed
in service quality has been reported by the authors in
that changes in institutional arrangements along with
aquaculture value chain as a result of e-marketing.
availability of new technologies and modern information
and communication modes play an important role in Jha in his paper on organic farming and
the economic growth of the country. They also play an sustainability of value chains has analyzed the benefits
important role in the development of agricultural sector of cost-effective bio-inputs and renewable source of
and improvement in the income levels and livelihood plant nutrients to supplement fertilizers for sustainable
situations of the farmers. agricultural development. The study has revealed that
178 Agricultural Economics Research Review Vol. 24 January-June 2011

there are a number of intermediaries between producers Prema and Steephen have presented a case study
and consumers, yet organic farming can be beneficial of home shops in Kerala. The paper has outlined the
for marginal and small farmers because it offers an establishment of “Kudumbashree” in 1999 in Kerala
alternative market where producer-sellers can as a unique case of supply chain management mooted
command a fair price for their produce. Also, organic for augmenting the income of rural women and thereby
products in the international market enjoy 25-30 per ensuring their livelihood security. A ‘Home Shop’ is an
cent premium over inorganic products. But, lack of innovative community marketing network aimed at
awareness, poor knowledge and skill of farmers coupled strengthening and sustaining the production-marketing
with financial crunch and lack of marketing facilities chain. The products from this initiative are procured
have been reported as some of the constraints before and marketed under common brand names and with
organic farmers. attractive packaging, so that they could compete with
other branded products in the market. A survey has
Singh and Priya have presented a brief review of revealed that these shops have better acceptance among
the rural ICT projects and the issues associated with the customers with regard to acquaintance with the
the use of ICTs for rural development. The findings agent, facility for credit purchase and trust.
have indicated that ICT-use must be adequate to utilize
their potential effectively in poverty reduction and rural Kaur et al. have analyzed the cost and return
development. This paper has also reflected on e- structure of high-value enterprises undertaken by a
powering of rural India and effects of ICT projects on progressive marginal farm woman in Punjab, and have
poverty reduction and finally empowerment of the poor. estimated the annual net income of the farm. Attempts
The paper has concluded that the main challenges are have been to address the production and marketing
not actually in the technology but they lie in the problems faced by a farmer. Farmers have been found
coordination of a disparate set of local and national to adopt beekeeping, mushroom cultivation, vermi
factors. compost production along with crop farming and
dairying. The benefit-costs ratio of these enterprises
Singh et al. have examined the problems of traders has been worked out to be more than one, indicating
and agribusiness corporates in the marketing of positive net returns. The study has concluded that
agricultural produce and have tried to find out adoption of high-value enterprises is an important
mechanisms to improve the market access and linkages weapon to cut down the level of non-viability of farming.
of small and marginal farmers. A comparison of
Sharma et al. in their analysis of value chain and
individual farmers and members of farmers’ interest
financial viability of agro-processing industries in
group has revealed that group or aggregation approach
Himachal Pradesh, have examined the structure,
has enhanced the bargaining power of the producers.
performance and economic aspects of various types/
Use of private mobile phones has improved the access
sizes of agro-processing industries in the state. A direct
to market information and extension. Availability of
relationship has been observed between the size of firm
better price information and understanding of markets
and the number of backward and forward linkages. It
have resulted in reduction of marketing costs and
has been found that geographical concentration of the
realization of better prices of their products.
processing industries in the state was influenced more
Kumara Swamy et al. have studied various by demand rather than by supply factors. Asokan and
policies of the government towards retail marketing Arya have presented a case study of broiler chickens
and the impact of retail sector on farming community. – the Saviors of hatcheries in Tamil Nadu. In the early–
The study conducted in the Ranga Reddy district of 1990s, layer farming in Palladam, Avinashi and Pollachi
Andhra Pradesh, has concluded that the corporate retail around Coimbatore faced a major outbreak of disease,
sector has a positive effect on the farming community where farmers incurred heavy losses and gave up the
but only when they go in for direct procurement. Indirect activity. Within a couple of years of introducing contract
procurement method has not shown any impact on the growing of broiler chickens it has become popular and
farming community. Kumara Swamy et al. have also many farmers have taken up the activity again.
analysed various constraints and apprehensions Bala Krishna et al. have examined the impact of
associated with corporate retail sector. Bt technology on pesticide consumption with reference
Kumar et al. : Value Chains of Agricultural Commodities & their Role in Food Security & Poverty Alleviation 179

to Bt cotton in Andhra Pradesh. The authors have Pant and Srivastava’s paper based on Kumaon
presented a bright future for Indian agriculture with Hills of Uttarakhand has examined the constraints in
the adoption of GM technology in general and Bt the marketing of traditional crops being faced by
technology in particular. It would essentially call for producer–sellers in the mid and high hills. Finger millet,
many reforms, developmental strategies and institutional barnyard millet, black soybean and horse gram crops
and policy interventions covering a wide spectrum of being the main traditional crops grown by the farmers
activities ranging from restructuring of the input markets in the study area, have been selected. Garrets ranking
to the output markets. technique has been used to rank the constraints faced
by the farmers. The findings have revealed that non-
Bathla and Singh have presented a comparative
availability of a nearby market place, low marketable
analysis of gains to farmers and consumers from the
surplus and high transaction costs are the important
organized fresh food marketing and retailing systems
constraints in the marketing of agricultural products in
vis-à-vis the traditional ones. The paper has explored
the hilly areas. Lack of market price information to
the likely risks to farmers, retailers and consumers in
producer–sellers has been observed as a constraint in
the newly emerging retailing system. Broad findings
realizing better price for their traditional crop produce.
have revealed that the organized fresh food retailing
Non-availability of co-operative societies has also been
has potential in enhancing farmers’ income provided
reported as a constraint in proper marketing of the crop
they are willing to make timely investments and
produce in the area.
undertake risks. However, price advantage has not
appeared to be conspicuous for consumers at large Sowmyashree in his paper on role of ICT in India’s
due to negligible difference between the prices charged agricultural development has provided an overview of
by the organized food retail chains and pushcart vendors the prospects and challenges from ICT in the Indian
along with high instability in prices. agriculture mainly on increasing mobile network
penetration using case studies like RML, IKSK, Fisher
Bhardwaj in his paper moving towards sustainable
Friend, e-choupal and e-sagu. Through these case
supply chain has highlighted that price volatility is a
studies the author has established that these initiatives
serious threat to a sustained supply chain of any
have helped in improving farm productivity and socio-
commodity and thus his paper has captured the
economic development of the farmers. The increasing
existence of price volatility in mustard seed over a
penetration of mobile phones will contribute substantially
period of time in future and spot markets. Through the
to farmer’s growth in the future. The paper has also
GARCH model the paper has revealed the existence
presented the lessons learnt from some of the failures
of persistent volatility in prices of futures as well as
for improvement in future.
spot markets. Prem Chand et al. have presented a
SWOT analysis of agribusiness. The SWOT analysis Pandey et al. have addressed the issue of financial
of this sector brings out the strengths, weaknesses, flows and have discussed how innovative payment
opportunities and threats for the benefit of investors in solutions along the agricultural value chain can act as a
the agribusiness sector as well as policy planners for means to greater financial inclusion. The mobile telecom
strategic planning and development of the sector. revolution in India has a particular relevance in making
mobile phones as a medium for transacting in a cashless
Sunit Singh has presented a case study of potato
environment. The paper has highlighted a business
value chains in Agra, Uttar Pradesh, where in the
model built on a mobile-based platform for delivery of
critical role of cold stores in improving the value chain
crop insurance to farmers by creating an enabling
efficiency has been elaborated. Nearly 80 per cent
transaction environment for a farmer to access such
potatoes are being passed through cold storage for
facilities through simplistic mobile phone handset;
marketing. About 75 per cent farmers have been found
leveraging technology to extend the convenience that
using it as an interface between them and the buyers.
will revolutionize the transaction environment for this
Cold storage has emerged as the key player in the
section of population.
potato pathway and thus the paper presents a case of
emerging value chains through cold storage with Indira Devi et al. have looked into the concept of
reduced transaction costs and lesser intermediations value chain system in a different perspective, viewing
with improved marketing efficiency. farm worker capacity building similar to human
180 Agricultural Economics Research Review Vol. 24 January-June 2011

resource development, by empowering the educated • What role does information sharing play in
unemployed work force in the state. The intervention establishing or hindering the PPP for value chain
to organize, train and assure the supply of labour in the development?
agricultural sector has resulted in better living conditions • How can the constraints of infrastructure, literacy
to the members. Apart from the better socio-economic and appropriate policy be removed to strengthen
upliftment, the intervention could facilitate an increase the supply chain?
in the coverage of paddy cultivation in Kerala.
• How can technology and information be
Issues Discussed disseminated across farmers so that that they may
utilize its maximum benefits?
At the global level, agricultural sector has seen
increasing vertical coordination and emergence of agri- • What are the challenges that technology transfer
food supply chains to meet consumers’ demand for and modern ICTs face in the present supply chain?
quality and food safety. There are empirical evidences • How can a smooth supply chain lead to reduced
establishing that successful coordination in the value transaction cost and improved income levels of
chain has a significant impact on cost reduction and farmers?
farm-income enhacement as well as resulting in positive
• How can price volatility be captured so that the
externalities. But, the overarching question is whether
supply chains can work efficiently and the small
the agricultural sector has the necessary and sufficient
farmers are not affected by high price
conditions for the development of successful value
chains. Under this context, the following issues were
discussed at the Conference : • How can the organized retail chain, mobile banking
and transmission of agriculture-related information
• What are the opportunities as well challenges for through mobile phones be linked with efficient
strengthening value chains in the agricultural supply chain mechanisms?
• What lessons do we learn from the various success
• Can value chain development in the agricultural stories and failures in the area of agriculture to
sector address the issue of food security and help draw implications for the future?
reduce poverty for those dependants on agriculture
for their livelihood? Recommendations
• Are special institutional and policy reforms needed The above issues were debated at length during
to ensure inclusiveness of the resource-poor the Conference. Since the concepts of value chains
farmers in agricultural value chains? and value chain analysis have been evolving in India,
• What is the contribution of technology, policy and the need of clarity on these issues was felt unanimously.
infrastructural facilities in the development of a Therefore, it was suggested that both professional
value chain in agriculture ? societies like AERA and the national institutions like
NAARM, NCAP, etc. should take lead in developing
• What are the enabling factors for establishing conceptual framework for value chain analysis and
linkages between farmers and other stakeholders addressing the issues and concerns related to value
in the value chain? chains for different agricultural commodities. Besides,
• Whether organization of farmers on co-operative several specific recommendations emerged after in-
principles would enhance their bargaining power depth discussion during the Conference. Important
to deal with other stakeholders in the value chain. among them are given below :
• What are the externalities (social, economical and 1. The institutional requirements to ensure
environmental) generated in the commodity- inclusiveness of resource-poor farmers in
specific value chains ? agricultural value chains should be examined.
• What are the conditions that would encourage a 2. The pathways for scaling up of successful value
successful public-private partnership in this sector? chains should be identified.
Kumar et al. : Value Chains of Agricultural Commodities & their Role in Food Security & Poverty Alleviation 181

3. The contribution of technology, policy, institutional 10. Strengthening of farmers’ linkage with markets
and infrastructural facilities to the development of should be accorded high priority.
value chains in agriculture should be assessed.
11. The role of Bt-foods in enhancing the food security
4. The role of information in value chain development must be examined scientifically and objectively.
should be studied and modes to enhance farmers’
access to information should be evolved. References
5. There is a need to assess the roles of various Birthal, Pratap S., Joshi, P.K. and Gulati, Ashok (2007) Vertical
coordination in high-value food commodities:
externalities (social, economic and environmental)
Implications for smallholders. In : Agricultural
in commodity-specific value chains. Diversification and Smallholders in South Asia, Eds :
6. There is a strong need to undertake different P.K. Joshi, Ashok Gulati and Ralph Cummings (Jr).
Academic Foundation, New Delhi.
capacity building programmes like organization of
trainings, demonstrations, awareness generation, Dries, L., Reardon, T. and Swinnen, J. (2004) The rapid rise of
exposure visits and farmer-scientist interactions supermarkets in central and eastern Europe : Implications
on different aspects of agricultural value chains. for the agrifood sector and rural development.
Development Policy Review, 22 (5) : 525-556.
7. Appropriate policy and support system should be Elizabeth, M., Farina, M. and Reardon, T. (2000) Agrifood
evolved to promote the alternative sources of grades and standards in the extended mercosur : Their
energy. The bio-fuel plants like jatropha should be role in the changing agrifood system. American Journal
encouraged in wastelands and unculturable lands. of Agricultural Economics, 82 (5) : 1170-1176.
8. Capacity building in the participatory risk Maertens, M. and Swinnen, J. (2006) Trade, standards and
assessment for improving quality and safety along poverty : Evidence from Senegal, LICOS Discussion
Paper No. 177, LICOS, Leuven.
the value chain should be encouraged.
Minten, B., Randrianarison, L. and Swinnen, J. (2007) Global
9. Farmer-friendly communication networks should retail chains and poor farmers : Evidence form
be established to transform Indian farmers from Madagascar. LICOS Discussion Paper No. 164, LICOS,
being information-poor to information-rich. Leuven.

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